Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 18, 1878, Image 2

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?TecTocs,laj, DecT 1ft. IMS.
13. T. SO 11 WE I EE,
Fob uiaEV Tf ars tbo " SUto Board
cf Keveniw" Lus tern ignoring as
6espuiests, or valuations nude in a
cumber of Ihe eo;:DtiHj of this Crn-tuonn-caltlL
Juniatj. county T,as
uiiou; tbe ebk! of counties ia
which tlie Tuluaii.m was raistd. The
present Loai'J cf OiiniiKfaoners car
ried tLe question, of the rvht of the
"State Board of ReTtiine" to reriMS
the valuation of tLe cimnty, into the
D.u:L::i county court, with a result,
v.hi ii is het for'tb by Comaiistiuner
Croi:iuger as follows :
Th verdict cf the Court, render
ed by Judje Fears.in in the co of
Juuiata county vs. tise Commouwea"h
of reiiiipylvatiiv nraonuta to the
clear sum of 913.7i ffr each year,
namely, for the years 1S7S, 1S79 and
ISHd, when the Coir J wUl agu:n pit
und adjust tlie va'a.ition. From
property returned, mrneiy, $30,421
mbjKt to 3 mills tax and S15.S23
subject to 1 cent tax. th iiiar J ai bi
traiily raised it to 327,750 Hibject
to 3 Liills tax and 18,000 subject to
1 cent tar. Now, as the Board sits
once every tliree rears, tins will be a
gain to the county of $2711 4. There
is no iloabt th.it tlio coanty has been
iaipoeed on ever since the State tax
was UiLcn off real tt.tte. The State
h"s dominded a round 8;tni from the
county without p.-iyhyr any respect to
the amount of !tat; t:x co'lected."
Since Senator ii.ame has uuved in
the United States Sm.tte that an in
ijniry be made as t'. what amount of
violence and intimidation has been
practice 1 fluir.i the colored people
in the South, the Democracy Lave
Lecoiue excitod, and propose they
fsay to prove that freat intimidation
j9 practice! in the North, not by fljg
gi1 people, but by threatening tJ
lis:hurge them from employment if
they do not vote an diet ited to.
The. j.jRT currenuv stuck a par lev
el with pold cn Tuesday iu i!ie money
centers of the country, which is a aoiue
tliiog that Las nut occurred 6tuce tie
days previous to Rebellion.
Eighty five crcL-btikclt organs bve
'prne up" withm the last tuuntb.
The j were strcug for fiat utoaey, but
they were not etroDg tnjobh to resist
the fiat of fate "
Ono negro ia Massachusetts de
clares hs vras bulldozed far voting for
Butler, and the Democratic heart is
ia raptures.
At Plymouth, Mass., the women
roted on the license of beer saloons,
and lager was defeated by a two
thirds majority.
The Connecticut Legislature will
meet oa the 8th of Janu ry, and the
election of a United States Senator
wi J take place on the ilst cf Jan
tury. Ail seasons are not al te to the Tot
ter Committee. They found Atlantic
City the best p'ar-e in Augut-t, tud
ow thoy desire an a Ml tit rial appro
priati ;n that they may spend Cunsl
xaas and New Ye it's ia New Orleans.
"Will they never linish ?
Lit Tu- sliy a week the South
Gorjllni Legislature electc-d Wade
Hampton tjthe Utitl Suites Sen
ate, to till the pla-jc which S-nator
Jahn J. l'atlersoa will retire from by
virtue . the expiration cf Wm i.-rm,
whi'-h will be next March. Oa'y two
votes were cast in oppositi m Ij him.
WhJe tlie election was going on, the
doct rs were umputat:ug Hampton'
wounded leg. The leg was taken off
about tix inches below the knee.
TLe Democracy are in trouble ; they
cannut decide as to which would suit
Grant best, a crown in Bulgaria, or a
crown ia this country. UrLappy
Gilbert O. Shove, late candidate cf
the Greenback party f jr Congre.-e, in
Ohio, who 6omo day 8 ago ecrvei a
cotice of contest cn Ilun. Amos
Tawnsend, has withdrawn and given
notice to Mr. Townsend that he has
30 claim ttpua the tffice. He prom
ises to give li;6 reasons for this attr
move ia a few days.
Governor Curtia's friends mj that
many vjted against him, oa Luu lu
lent tax receipts. There are men in
Juniata county who allege that quite
s number of men in this coaaty voted
cn fraudulent tax receipts.
The rep. rt having been widely cir
culated that Hon. YiT. S. Siengtr, cf
the E ghteentii Pennsylvania d.slrict,
Lad dcuraiined to cciitcbt the right
cf his Ri'pub.ican oppon'Lt, Mr.
Fisher, to represent that dihtiict ia
the Forty-sixth Congress, Mr. Steng
er, in rvp;y to inquiries, said frankly
that the statement had r.o founda
tion in fact, as he had no idea what
ever of making any contest, that Mr.
Fjher was honestly elected.
believer a ieuiocrstic Ccogress
mau Las nothing elite to do, be intro
duces a biii to worry the trade dollar.
Cievelaad wuU cha next utiotial
Republican conveution.
I be next House of Refiretcntative
in Masacbueett will contniu aiuong Its
aembers 37 mechanics, 30 uiercbaut,
33 nonufacturen, -0 lawyer aud 27
1 brtf K I report from afbingtoo
taat tlie LVtuocrats are (Teptriut; lo
HBSat Senator Kellogg next March.
It ia related that wben General Cary,
tb preat Greciiback luader, reached
aLifgtor4, be got al-oard an avenue
ebariot. luiiuediately iu trout of liiui
aa the pouderou llliiioi Senator, I
via. " S-OatOf Iie, 1 beiieve," said
Cry, extcuditig hi baud. l am Geu
rafi'ary, .f Obio." You kt-, are
jou." replied Davis; w'lenupiio be
jerkd tba bell rope, stopped jbeobariot,
acd got nut.
Th IVtini-j lvsiita Dirjr-os Asm.
iatioo ueeu in Mcadvilje oo January
22 aod 23.
0er $50,000'Wonbof oc boildinen
l ave beeti erected ia tbe Eiecburg
burst d district.
All tlie tanneries of the S:t are
crowded wi;h orders. American leaiu-,
cr ia in demand.
Tbe different tax eolleetara of Pitts
hnrjf are iu arrears to tbe city nearly
$&',000. Tb City Attorney will io-
tit j9Aitigi rofar.
Iaauguratira day, Tuesday January
If all ilia military which propose to
attend tiovernot llovt's inanifuration
conic tu llarrisburg ou tbat occasion, it
will be the most imposing display ever
witnessed io bucb a pageant.
Oa Sunday lust a sou of Mr. Adam
Long of Union township, Lebaunn
coumy, while out bunting, was acci
dentally discbared, tiring the contents
iut bis right kiae.
letr buhtiiii; in ttis Slate ends for
ibis seaviin on DtfO-uiber ltiih, Sq-iir.
rel, rabbits, woodcovk and rutl-d
grme, cnaitu-nly ealied pht-a-ant cr
partridge, aiay be abut until Jaunary
It is stated that Mr. A. J. V.nsanl
a Doted trapper of Ojkiord, Huck
coaaty, b caught and killed aiuca Nov.
ember 1.100 lua-krats.
J ulia Sook was arrested at Md
ville theo'ber cy n tbe charge of
baring bot a neighbor la Ilew York
fi. e years ago.
There is an employes of ibj Read
tag railroad eoiapauv in Pottsvilis wbo
reiwivea good wages, but wbo thvaria
bly maltreats bis wifs) w'uener she
aks biiM for laoney, be4us ba waata
it for liquor. The Poltiil papers rj
aitsntiou to tha fact, and ask tb (ail
road aurhoiinea t investigate.
K luh 0'uona, tba taped Kon,
is creating a great avasa'ioa ia Wll
bawspprt by lectures ia whwa she pr
frsses to reveal tbe eorroptiua and larv
civ ioasneaa of aoavsoi life.
Tba entire pjlice, forje of tbe State
is arwad with revolvers and e!ui.
Ail tha tanneries of tba Stat ar
crewdad with vrdars. Attitrisaa laatt-
er is in d' uiatid.
Mias Ctirisiiar.a Herman, a ynnn
wotuaa of lleidelburg township. York
conoty was foand in tba rad last Su
day wiraief a week aiarjered. 11 ?r
brans had bea beaten cat with a elan
and her jiw bone kn ken. There is
no clue as t tba avarderer, althenxh
siispici-ia is said to pint to a man wbo
nad beea paying ber atteation, A
tramp has been arrested oa snsieion.
U lulc Treasurer Tboaaas H'atson, ef
tha Thouipsonviilfl (Coan.) Savings
liink, was at diunsr last WedaeaJay,
a tluel eced the rear window rf the
t ank iu :e wiib a wieacb aud took $1,
CK'O which had beeu left C4rele.s!y in
tbe money drawrr- No clue ta tbt
thief Las t-t been dicovered.
Meiuphis bad a balanea of $7,200
lsff of tbe fuul contributed by the
lite North for the teuiGt nf th suffer
er by yellow fever. This balance was
ui.tritju'ei among tbe orpbau asyluiLS
o' the city.
Uu;ifM affairs ia England at pres
ent are g!Hiuiy beyond all precedent.
Seventy ennvorU were aiada iu a re
vival of fi"U at liloobarj last
we-k by t!.e Meih.tdia?a.
A dangnrons counterfeit cf the stand
ard dollar ie circulatitg ia the oil re
gion. All part of tbe State are soore or
le in dangr fri.u tie Counterfeit sil
ver coin.
A f ret' ber'a son in Crawford eonntj
s'oU bia father's borate aud drove iheat
io Ohio, abt-te tbe ad child of em de
eel ted titeui, acd tLe sadder father
found tbu.
A man named Jacob Burrol wt
burivd two l.xir sad a half in a land
slide lies r T-p"u JSrrks ei an'y, mi
alurdy, and ecird ithoat ii j iry.
Tbe councils of Erie have passtd a
resoluM-xi lorbiddiog bojs lo akate vu
the si'ie waits.
Snoe clergymen in tbe eastern part
of tLe State arc waging a crusade suisai
church lairs.
The dtaitilft in We-tero Peunsjl
vauia ay they are losing uioiey, I be
ptice ot abi.-ky b-ing too low to pay
the oat aud revtctte tases lor iu bis
Pennsylvania builds mors lenmi.
tivra tt.an any miter State iu tbe Utin.
B-iys froau tvelva tj aixteea year
old e ibe auot aecoinpiisbtd cattle
thieve mi ClfkriidJ ccuufy.
"1 be J 1 1 bibrris eowtiuups t9 spread
is lle norther part of tbe State.
Tbe wet k of prayer tbroucbout tbe
Sta'e will betn on tbe 5lb of Jauuarv,
A Soranton prdjler earned Gottlieb
was drowned ou Tuesday a week b:l
at templing to croas Legett'a creek
with a horse and wagon, some nitty
feet from tit eoiiSueuee of that stream
wiib Ibe 1-ackswantia. Ilia horse was
saved, bat the tody of toe peddler bas
not been fouud.
Lead Gie cent pieces are numerous
in Biair county. It ia suepected tbat
there is a mint in tbat region where
l bey are made.
A tree was cut recently en Cook's
run, Cliutou county, which turned out
mx log racii sixteen feet long, scaling
4700 feet.
Intelligence has reached Pittsburg
that Mr. S. M. List, for years a promi
nent grocer in tbat city, and recently
removed to Kansas, was, with bis fam
ily, consisting f atveu persous burned
up in a prairie Cre.
From tbe Virginia (Nev.) Enterprue.
A stuouing Chines) luotral tok
place in ibis city a lew days ago, tba
deceased having been a member vf tbe
Masonic Order, as it exists among the
Mongol iaus. Au American brass band
beaded tbe procession, which was com
posed of Cmnamen wrarir.g badges aod
oihr decorations deuouug their rank,
while iu a large covered vehicle tbat
followed the bear.. a were seated a num
ber 1 1 fctuale musicians a regular Cbi-
I nese band, iu fact. Tbe luatruuiebts
were fiddles, guitars, drun.8, cymbals
and gougs. 1 u noise made by tbe
Celestial musicians was such tbat after
they came up and passed tot another
note from the American band was
i beard. They gave their late brother a
good send off. Bi-biiid the native tand-
I mafr.in fan. a arairon loailft arifh rnail
"t - --.- - - -
pit; and all manner of good things eat
able aud drinkable to be left at the
grave. Strips of paper pu reed in three
places with cresceut-cbsped holes iu
rows of five were strewn bv thousands
a'oLg tbe aLole routo of the proces
sion. Issue Like went lo sleep on the rail
road track near FarmingU-n, W. V.,
last Wednesday, wbile under the in
fluence of lupior. A passing train lit
erally tore Lira to pieces.
John fWrel, Richard Bailey and
WilitaQ Woods quarreled in whispers
dfrinar service iu the M K. cbnreb at
Mas-'a Kent, Eastern Shore, Md., on
Thursday nipht, tDd ouce at of doors
fought with their knives and pistols.
Dorral was seriouslj woondad.
Watsrprooof paper boots are worn in
A 'ieorgia minister rode 140 miles,
married fire couples and received $1 50
Three sisters living in Dyer county,
Teon , bare given birth to sixty chil
dren. Delaware and Virginia are tbe only
two States that have tf&uially adopted
the whipping-post.
Dried leaves of the lemon-verbena
are used ia Spaia for Making a lea
which ia Ukau foi avervouaussa aad indi
gent i.n.
Thonaands ef tramps have arrived in
the Souib for lbs winter, aad around
Atlanta, Ga., no tousebolder responds
tu a nag t4 Us dwr bell at nihl with
out carrying wi.b Liia a shot gna.
William Hfcssett, of Newtta, Mass.,
ba bej sues! for tbe coot of ai oo
Itraveatoae, which be erdered a year
ago ia aaticipaiisa vf an early death.
Leonard Piatt, fcf Sheldon, low,
eloped wiib two gt'U, was pursued and
evcrtbben by tkeir pkreots aod asar
ried iheia, ibe other, wbo bad
lost the Uimi, baiag taken bwtua ty br
Peter Coolick, ef -Monroe, Miebigan,
sged SO, aaarried a yoang woman, and
ouaeyad ka4f f bis property l ber.
H has aiwee kaoouis eoavieeed that sba
iaveigled kisa iate lbs ntatsb, aad is
suing fk-r a diverse.
Two residents of Cillsville, Va , di-pnt-d
ab-ai a voafig lady's age one
h.ld:rg that bt was 0, tbe ether tbat
she was 18 and fought aboat it, ear
betsg kill.d. If tl.sy bad only asked
ber to woald hate discovered tbat
sba will be 17 next March.
A man was shot at ia Colt's Station,
Obi, by a highwynaa, but Ibe bullet
listed la a biHa, ard be vti unti-jur-e-d.
Tba bnk wae not a Kibls lb-t bis
Mroth-f bad civea bit, but a CoBiij
son-book ; aud ii was not next Lis
heart, bat in bis eoat tail pocket.
A r'.innsrpnlrs dispatch pays that
Prlsr Guer.y, yd IS, eon ot a prom
inent drossier, and Florence WieVoff,
sg-d 16. lb UuSrr of a Presbyt
rian e'irr.'y (Man. at Lake City, while
i-kskipf t"t;ethtr oa Fridty evening
ver drowaad. Tbe bodies ware re
covered. A 3aa IB Lxingtne, Ta., msiled a
letter to a fictitious name ia Japan,
with a r-qn.t ibat it be returned not
eailed for, and atsrte l it by way of the
Atlantio. Hia cbjeet was te nee how
long it would be in oing round the
world. It came bark by way of S3
Fraceiseo ia just 100 day.
Tbe Uev. Mr. Peateeont, of Bovton.
in a seruoa against round due.'flg, atd
ibat a very respectable and iute.'ligeut
young woman bad assured bins tbat Ihe
bugging was, to ber, tbe pleainteM
patt of a ball.
Bill Pearoe kept a bar roots in Bodi.,
.r., aud was greatly annoyed by bjso
no cratK wittout ttstinr. Ha ra
solved ta do only a cash busioess, sad er wealthy man, was married tbisaf
pitted so annouueemeot tbemof. Sam lernoO ' Ella Case, the eere
lialrey read the placard, drat.k a full I mony bejng ia fine sty Is at ibe Kpseo
tumbler of whisky, aud coolly said :'
l'ut it ou the slate." Pearee drew a !
revolver and killed ilalsey on tbe spot.
Tbe Legislature of Missouri Las bta
petitioned by Ibe Gracd Juries of sec
erai cofcCtiee to revive ibe whipping
l.oat iu that Stale. TLe Hj.tim n.oi.l i
juryarijues tbat more ruuishmeut u
luipoavd on the bnuest laapayer thvn is
ii deted on tbe criminal by small pecu
niary fiaet or abort terms of iuipriaoo
meiit. A Portland deputy sheriff was. nam
ininz a barrel ef liqmr, intending to
maae a aetxiire, v. brv Ibe bung flew ot,
hit biui iu ibe eye, aud put Lie eye out.
It has rot a youth in Charleston, Il
linois, $3,('C0 li slander a ii-utig lady,
aud Le Lis teeo served rigbt.
Two a.en, accused stelirc at-oclc,
and abo killed a larder r.o tried lo
airet ilxm, were taken from iberberiS
ot Castro County, Neb., on Tuesday a
week, lied to a tieeabd burned to death.
C. W. Lane, wife aud two children,
livii'g tour miles below Sabula, loaa,
ou the Mississippi river, were Crowned
oa ibe liih inaianl, while out on Ibe
ice iu a band sltigh I be ic broke so
suddenly ibat nous could save tLeuj
aclvta f-r be ICaCUed.
Dr. liraJlord.eotivieted in New York
of causing ibe death of Victoria Cun
nois by a.alprartice, was sentenced ou
Friday iu iiupr sontutot for fovrteeu
yeais vud six moutbs. Previous lo the
as-uleoee, a woman known as Madame
Cbcfadi, clairvoyant, arose in tbe court
roota and declared ibat she bad Com
mitted ibe offence, and ibe Doetor was
inuoceat. ller statement, however,
had no weight with tha Court, aud sLe
wss permitted to depart.
A thirteen year-old Denton (Eastern
Shore, id.,( boy named lioyea knocked
bis sister down with a club Ibe other
day, aud thinking tbat be had killed
her, be gasbed lus own throat with a
jjck-kuile. Deib wi I irobably recover.
Peter Muehuieiser, a resident of the
Taeoly tilth ward, Cincinnati, beat bis
wife on ;be bead with a flat iron tbe
other suoruing until be suposed her
dead, lie then went out and banged
himself. Muubmeiser wae a dtunken
wretch, who drew bis only support from
bis wife, a washer woman. Lately she
received a email legacy, of which be
attempted, uusueceaatully, lo deprive
her, aud hence bis crime and suicide.
Tbe wouiau may possibly live, but will
be maimed for life.
Joshua Walker, of Newport, U. I ,
on Thursday night purchased a quantity
of pork and taking It borne proceeded
to salt it down. Hia wife soon after
discovered that be be bad teen trying
to make brine with white sngar. She
was seized with a fit of laughter which
continued for aeveral minutes, when sbe
suddenly expired. Mrs. Walker was
culy twenty years olJ and Lad been but
recently married.
General Custer is to bave a monu
ment at West Point made from cap
tnreJ canuoo.
A Deputy Sheriff of Knox county,
Ohio, has arretted ia Maubeiai, Lan
caster county. Ibis State, a man named
Clinton W. May, who is wanted io the
former county for complicity in a rob
ber and murder committed in 1875.
William 11. Logan, a clerk in the
post-office at West Montery, Clarion
county, was arrested on Friday and
brought to Pittsburg, charged with de
stroying tellers to prevent the appoint
ment of tcan named Uogao a port
master. A tnoh broke into the jail at Bain
bridge, Ga.. oa Monday, and riddled
with bullets a nrro named Wm. Coop
er, who was confined for the atrocious
murder of J boo McGaojhey, a promin-
Tbe two sous of Jim Maoo, tba priz
fighter, are preachers.
V bolesale smuggling ii said Id be
carries' on constantly Iron tbe I'nited
Sutea to Mexico. The government
proposes to look into tbe matter, with
a view of putting a stop to it.
Mr. Spnrgeon wid not marry a per
son of his own congregation to one who
is not a professor ot religion.
Eighty thousand bead of eat da was
the praavat a 'lexae cattle king face
to bis daughter ber aie.iiage.
A dasparate attempt is being raadd
to get up a "eoroer ia wheat iu Cbieav
One hand red berses bave been stolen
ia Lawrsaae eouuty ia ibe last ibrae
Marphy, the temperance leetnrcr;
has ealiated an army ef 8,Ut"J sigwers as
tbe resali f lis Ibme weeka ia atcw
Uoa. A. II. Stephen's now polls
down ibe aeales at 0J pounds.
At Giroaka, r.-si, a man suspect
ed of ioceaxliarisui, thereby evusiajt the
death -f aeveaty horses, w tSrewu by
Ibe farioos ptpalac in the times.
Tbe Saw PisNeiscofu.VsVasstethat
abewt las knndrrd ard eighty tana vf
grapes vera hippd leora California t
PUlidelybia alwrtuj tbe past season.
A drunkard in Sacramento, warned
by a lowob f dtlinuiu tremens tht he
had eirried bis drinking tu far, reswlv
ed ta fcforui or die. lie Ueelsred bis
urpse to several friend, rocked biui
aelf ia hi room, sealed btiaei" ia ao
easy chair aad pat a loaded revolver
on a labia wilhiu reach. Tbe craving
for ale.U. grew stronger asd stronger
and at last, titib!e to resist bis tifsf,
be ht biuiself through tbe tori.
A npeciwl from Os'Ha vys t'sat
two men ia Nebraska City win were
eonvietsd of u-ordrr ia ti eoid de
gree, aad nentrncsd in Ihe pehitsuliary
tor li'e, wra lkea trout ibe jil en lbs
10il iast and Landed. Their trims
e-.isiotd of killiag a man and ewt'ra
eously a-sanlllng hia wile, and tbe rvi
iiri.ee warratited c.Hisieihoi of asurd-r
is IK first decree, wbih wasetattd by
tt.e Ja'J's when f asintt neiiteuee.
The irea-ury IVpartment is ia te
eeipt of iaVrixaliob that unless cattle
shipped from Ibe U"i'd Siatrs
Gret Diita'w bate govrroiuent beslris
cernScates when embarked, nUuSuf
will be aowpeilrd ou landing.
Joe Devmney shot and killed John
ilrrell, fn M.'BtJjy nights wek seven
utile bortb of Meiaphle, Trhn. Har
rel whe belonged to a gan of despera
does, went lo Devibaey'a rsdiice,
called bim oaf, and. presetting a pistol
lo bis bead, said ba hal a death war
rant for bile and ha btmber. Devia
aey vest it. to his hus, and, procuring
a shotgun, killed Harrel as ha eat on
his borse with bis pistol still ia Lis
The following is from Usttle Creek
;ich . Dec. C : Mr. Walter liars, a
pal church.
train a gentl
W ben aSoat to take thst
man named Morris give a
warrant for Cla"k"i arrret in n Ci
eer's hand, bnt thv ' UCial rpfnsed tn
arrest tiio. The ehi?fif breach of.
promise o msrry Morris danghter.
The excitement over te iSr W VS'y
great, and the end is not ye.
Fred Herbst is a i l!v Cinflnr.lMan
who doesn't min.l cuurch f.iir : -Gia.
So Le raffled at ti e Firtt Prt-sbyte-ris;n
Church the other night an I wai,1
a !); !e of IViedeier'a best Home-
war l wvni Fredtriik and eagerly 1 iff Lancaster a fst. days sis.ee have been
scnght the coik-avrtw. Upw.ird ! seaf yo j ait ft r eig veen months, for riot
p.ts"vd tha Ixitt'e to liis lipa. Dutan l srjlravA'ed assnlr and hatfery.
slas.! in.toad of thut amllo which; V. t."ie the sesnt f the Cunberlsnd
fchou'.d settlod upon the man's face J Valley KaiIoJ at Neweille. Dauphin
there rate a grimace, Frederick man-! coanty, wss at dinner on Saturday, bis
aging to say: "Sweet cider." olee w.i broken open and rot bed.
"Ta wlso! ntwaory waa this obe-1 Wbisky can ba tonght for two cents
lik erected!' Slid tla Hon. ilr. ! a drink at some of ti low grogenes ia
Potbor. II. P.. who, while iu Daiti-
more, i n Tues.lay a wets, was j es
ing ihe ia numcnt to Well1 and II -
Com is. His chaperon, ilr. King,
Scrict-iry t the ILiyoralty, hesita
ted. Hr. Potter lockod np ia sur
prise. Th-tt ktoue, sir," blushed
forth llr. King, wm erected to the
memory of two young men wbo shot
the Eritii J General 11 ss in the war
of 1S12." -Truly," said ilr. Potter,
"it was certainly b brave tlee-.l."
PlTERSECRO, Va., Dee. 11. A sin
gular accident occurred on Monday, iu
Cbcsitei Held eouuty, near the coal pits,
by wbieb a jonng colored girl lost ber
life. She retiied rather precipitately
from dinirr, at which a rabbit pie Lad
been served, aod when fouod shortly
after in an adjoining room was extend
ed at fall length iu a chair aod was en
tirely lifeless. A doetor was neverthe
less summoned; who prnuouneed ber
death due to disease of ibe bearl ; bat
as ibe body was bring made rea.ly for
burial it aaa disaovcred mat ber throat
had dern cut by a sharp rabbit bone,
wl.icb protruded elear through the akin.
FlNDLAT, Ohio, Dee II. II. P.
Gag-, President of She Hancock oun
ly Saiugs Bank, and one cf the beat
kuown politicians in northern Onio,
committed suicide at bis liul in Find
lay, early yesterday uioruioit, by snoot
ing himself through Ihe bead. His
suicide produced Ihe greatest excite
ment F.uillay ever wituessed. Gage
had of late been s; eeulatiug in various
ecuriiieH, all of which proved worth
leas, aud be lost heavily everywhere.
A few dayssgn Le left for parts uo
kuown, but returned last Saturday.
Tbe public not being aware of bis trou
bles the depositors of the Lank made
no effort to withdraw thoir deposits.
This morning Mr. Gage did not leave
his bouse, but soon alter breakfast he
went upstairs in bia private room, re
maining there awhile. Ten minutes
afterward he was found lying in his
wood house shot. lie died daring the
night. Mr. Gage at one time repre
sented the Fiudlav district in the Ohio
Senate, and held other public officea of
great trust. He was at oue time con
sidered the wealthiest man in northern
Ohio, lie was nearly DO yeara of age.
and leaves a wife and four grown np
Pnu.LiPSBCRa, N. J-, December
11. Tbe Citizens' Committee who have
been at work unearthing frauds in the
management ot tbe Phiilipsburg town
affairs yesterday discovered evidenee
of systematic stealing by ex town offi
cials. Tbe a'tnniint so far ascertained
reaches over $5,000. Gas bills amount
ing to hundreds of dollais bsd been
paid and repaid, with interest added :
police, street snd incidental crders bave
been found tbat were doubly paid.
Over $2,000 worth of eenpone were
stolen from the town safe aod twice paid
by tbe Treasurer. Tb ex-officials, wbo
bave been arrested, will be tried at tbe
next tTiu of the1 Wrrten county court.
IIauebstqwn, Md. December 11.
Beijauiiu Long, a well known citixn
of this c-iunty, at one time quite weal
thy, but wbo bas been reduced lo pov
erty by continued litigation for tbe
past twrnty years, and was confined in
jiil nu-ier inilictment for bnrniog the
baru of Sstnuel Claggett, two years
ago, banged himself yesterday morning
aonut tww o'clock, in bis ceil, os'tig
to white pocket handkerchiefs faa'en
ed in the cross ba.- of the door fie
bad been melancholy since bis arrest,
and bad declared bis intention to enaa
ntil suioidtj. lie bad two fell-.iw pris
oners in the eell with bins, but be ae
eomplistied bis (urpetc wi.boot at
irae'iae, attention.
PirrsEt sa, Dee. 13. A WriMe ec
eident cecurrsd at Ibe Auiertesr: lrn
Works Ibis attuning, ry whiea Patrick
Sh-Mtnoa, in assistant mill right was
instantly killed and Lis body tern
shreds. Shannon bad gone wp si the
platform ht exandna a line of shafiinr,
when bis clothing was eiiht bv a pnl
lv and Sis bodt drawn on t the shaft,
wti-.-a was niakinj; two handred and
forty revolutions a ntinnte. 1 -for tbe
nsehiiry could be nloppi Lie bdy
was lorn t- pieces and scattered over
the mill. Portions ef the reuaius were
thrown ihiee bundreJ f i.
tT. Locii, Dee. 12 Dispatches
from central aud western Miaoari,lowa,
and Eatisas ey tbe besviert s.w sterLs
known for ye. is ks prevailed (Sirring
the past twenty-foir boar. The depth
of ihe know Varies from ten te tbwty
tinilkee, and io tome localities is Very
bodly drifted The rsilroads are gen
erally obsrraoted. and soios of ihem
ttave been vblyed t stop running
trains aliogelher. At Leiiiitm-; Mis
onri, and othrr plae-, .i.hnls are
el r-d and t-a-ine-j n-; endrd. Al
Fulton and 11 K-k Ilr.d ii. Mississipnt
river is ff i-h over sad people waik
heroes n lli ien. A nleet etoria pre
vailsd bere last nithl and covered ihe
Crmin I with tl.iek sheet iee. To day
tb'j weather mjiier'sj aud ria is (all
Kansas Cirr. M.v, Dee. 14. The
efio runs whi'h beg;t Thuretlay
rojji.t las prose- ibe heaviest ever
known iu ihi section. Ti e enow lie
on the frooud t the depth of twenty
two inehes. The Hism was aeeoia
psnied by a high w:nd, causing dn'te,
which bave coavptrlely blocked tbe rail
road .
St. Loos, Dee. 14. A Leaven
worth di-palch nays a heavy snw s'oria
teeh-d that city about nine o'clock on
Thursday aiyht, aceonipanied b a
sliM wind. Snow fell rapidly all night
and darinx the Jiy.emeririK ihe ground
to a depth of mire than C teeu inches
en a level, and drifting in many plaeet
high enoogh I hide (rnes frtoa sight.
It is considered the heaviest snow
storm in Kansis fer tea years. The
Mi bm river is fsrll of fl.iating iee,
aal is expeeted la elore so s.
The Cbjiaker-ttier ( Franklin enontt )
Bnk bas gone n.f i iid:ivo btsaas
bankirg is wnproStabU.
John ( .hiB'inait hs 'ni'le hu advent
into Is-'Bdiiig. and proposes te establish
a wa-hee-Waehee ehop
In arts of Ikrks eels are Bait
ed down like pork l-r winter food.
Fat westara h s are being sold in
Berk cosintv t fonr eents a ponnd.
Tbe eev-n tn?iips who created a rint
It Is reported ibat Cot. A
K. Mo-
Clure of the Pbiltdelphia is to
be warred tu a Miss Grata of tbat
Stealing t'n cup from the public
rump is au accomplishment peculiar to
Sjuih Ksstr.o.
There are four ladies ia Brooklyn.
Susquehanna county, esi.ii sed 'Jo
Edwin Booth's wife is said to be
jealous and Ed tin is henpecked.
Mrs. Lock wood, the lady Wwynr of
VTatkiogton, bas a practice of $5000
Col. John S. Jlosby leaves for China
next mouth to enter on Lis duties -i
Tbe Emperor William is fond of
theatrical aud attends tbe theatre Ire
TZC imp 1312
Iter n I h wenera I trse for rwenty years,
r.ifrtskfre nt-orea ttte nt- SAFK,
.ITlKl.t- .rO.sMtCAI.BBS KFFIlll'. T
vneeusines knastn. They are Jus want
te people want, satis; time, money,
aielieaa nnd aufferina;. Kvery slnarle
alseeiee Ihe well irlcal pcracriyUon of
un caulncatt pbalclan.
Noa. Cnrra. Cents.
1. refers.. Cotcestlnn. Ioflsmmations.
Warms, Worm Fetsr, Wwn to.ic, . .
5. frvlnx-fnlfe, orTrthmf of lnfaata,.
4. laiarrhtrn, ort'hildrra or Aiiolta, . .
6. itysenlerv, Orlpioe. Biliou Cuhc, . .
5. lsnlrraXsrbns, Vomititc, . . . .
1. roN7b, Colds, Broncbitia, . . . . .
B. rurwl7la, Tootbarhe. Farrarhe, . .
a Meatlarle, Slrk llradarbr, Vcrujo, .
10. Uyawewslw, liilioaa ftr.sch, . . . .
11. s.imprrajie'1, or Painful Periods, . . .
1. t kailen, too rroftiso Prriods. . . . .
IX trans. Couirh, P fiieolt Brrsihme. . .
1L faalt llhemu, Lrr.ip.las. Kmpiiuna. .
IV llhninuthni, fthraina'ic Paiaa, . .
la. (-'ever and Aaroe. Cbih rcter, Asves, .
17. rllea, blind or bleed inc.
K OpHthalnay, aad Sote or Wrsk Erea, .
is. t alarrb, aente or cbrooiclDSaeiiza, .
m. vt k)SWB'.Ba:-4 awarli, violent eoogba, .
SI. Asthma, oppressed Breatbine, . . .
CX. Ksr Diseamrce. lmialrrd beartn?. .
it. fserolula, enlarecd rlands. Mrrllioes, .
tU (General tiebililr. I'h. steal Weakaeaa, .
IX. ItrosMV and scant Secretions, . . . .
frs sewMeknes, skknes from ruilas;, .
17. Kltlnev.lslaewar. Gravel. . . . . .
. M
. M
. so
, so
, so
. 60
. to
. so
1 00
. so
IS. sservnna Ueblllty, Vital VVcakness.
K. Tre Slnultl, canker.
So. I rlnnry Weakness, wsttir.r the bad, &0
31. Painful Perloes, oramn bpanas.
&! Kaewse af Heart, palpitations, etc. .
I on
XL I'nllrirsev. Sjuasnia. St. Viti-' Once, . 1 01
St. niDtilWerw. oleaTBted aora throat. . .
Cbrouic (JoaTcstitins acd Eruptions, M
Cs, Homnn. ariih abort S2 larze vtals s?id
atauaolotdircctiona, ..... tIS.OO
Case Morocco, of SO lirg! rials snd Book, (.00
These renredlea are sent by the case
s'narle box or vial, to e-.y part of tbe
country, free of cbaraw ,n receipt nf
rlre. Adores
nmphreya' Htnesmtkle XewletneCow
Oflke and Depot, 109 Fnltoa .-t. New otk.
For s-ale by svil I'mxalata. . .
tVEuinphrsTB Speci5o Mannal on the
ears and treatment of -"-" and ita oaie,
swat FKKri on applinatioB.
For sale by T1 AVMN ttO., ratterson , Pa
July 10, Ibio-oia
Subscribe for the&iaeaa4JtfB6Jra,
ate bast paper ia tha aruatx?
Vital wtakrint Or werwscri i a
Vfcasrexhau-teUleelin:. noeoervy creour
the result of mental over-work,
I nd esc rations er axeeasara, or snmo
drain upon tlie -T-trm. is always cured by
BiiriRi) v BoxtoriTnic 3rscino He. as
It tones np and invijforatos tlie sy,tem.
dispels tbe gloom ami dr.poinhwy.imiKrts
strenirth an I euervy.-stops tb- drain and
rejuvenatis tlie entire man. Been usetl
twenty .-srs wih oerfrt-t success by thou
rands. oll lv rh-aler. I'riie. ti.Oo per
sinitle vial, or Aj.W per packaire of ave viais
Sil 8i) v'utl of powder. Sent rv mall on
fsvei,.lofpriee. A'M"-sj WTV tlwjinETW
aiaa THtr vi.sirjvs sn-ASX
DtJ i ULTOM elKttl. . i.
ForsalrU. H.V.HL1.V Jt CO., Patterson, Pa.
July til 6m
Asv p r.ofl sihi fl st-Hisa ltr",
w:il stse 5 iO I'ti CS.VT. by buying
Ihe r.W(J;;:T OKA, direct Irons Ihe
Biaoafactore, as I kasa Ji.p.nseJ w.ih thst
a-rvwa -f i srH, and i!l kr,,ifr mt'.X
diia- t to Ike Mrehera, ft$ t'i lit
iearV f .'. Ja"s(.
Pla sen.! l r (aritcbLare bvfure par
vltaaiaj a-se here.
ALEX. !eKir.LIP3,
lliirmfiictttrev ai.d Proyrietor,
Dec. 4, 167f-'iiit Laneasrer, Pa.
closing rraiciis
No. 40 South Third Streot,
Stocks Baajht and 9M rithjr for Cash or
on a U .train.
Dee. 16, 1S73.
Tin. Ascrw.
C. S. 'a IHl 1H, im j
1."SS, J A. J l' I-4 .
ai at 1S;7 10 M
- - 1J H
m lO-lir's 1 1
rnreeswv. tt's........... 1I'-J 11
- f.s. l-sai. ao m us ?
- sVs, aew Kit Vi
fa - 1" V t
rnn.alvit.ij R. R tl S'.'l
rf.il i.i.'lfii i. KetltHg 11. K.. I-
lond Va'let K. E Si 8IJ
f.rSi-h t'J i. Navisj'ttion 14 1
Cail-sl r,'.iptiifsol N.J.... ISI Zi
North-rn Cetrjl K. K. Tt ... 13 14
H-a"MIllU IW K. K. C-.... I' J 1' Z
UoM ! M J
Silver, "s an l ,". 9 ' 9 J
(iiiiwsael i Hi .)... 9 J SrVj
'O 31 M I 2. C A ?.
atirrusrows. Dee. 1?, 1973.
Butter IS
F.ro i-t
l.ar.t 8
lUm 10
Pel.stoe W
Corrected weealy by Buyers a. Kesoedy.
QcoTArioss roa To-nsr.
We.lnss.Ur, Dec. 13, 1873.
New tTbeaf
Cora s
INrs Si
Eve oi
Thimim sca 1 OOtel IU
Cherserd. 3 50
riiiLADKLri;: v ix makket?.
I'hilsm lshi t, D--C. II VThi-af Pasia
stlvai.i t a-i b r. mm trv'k-Sl.tItol Ofi. I'orn
PrSlkt , OU irav's, I 'tots Uate jCltfUc.
I sntPM r-His, Dec. II. ITatile
e:p . I; g.Mi c.nhs 7j J e- ; iuaIihio
4Jt e-or n StoV. ii.e.-p k-ctpls
7,'Mij jf'"-U 4f.V ; metliiioi 4:oJ -; cio
m i ittos -. R-e-s K. ee pts 'i.tjuo; gvod
il'i mcsiium 4,'i cu.iu r-.
I.tvcrrooL. fMr. 13 A h-silinz fr,in
rircular saja : Th- wheat tmte dii.l and
inactive in all lri.irtm-tits. soimr ..t the
leailimr m:irk'ts shoaii.g lev'!i'ie of rid to
Is per qiiarter. " Other markets roosjinally
maintain prevh.ns rites Ca ces off rtssst
are a'most in n.ilemtnd. wh.le tboso on
psae and for shipownl are tpnle nriclet-t-el.
On tho spot aiol in the .iis'rct ni:ukts
business is inanimate, the lew outers oflj
ing rediicwl prices, whn-h th se lers act-ept
t a small riteiit in onlrr to promote a ties
ex iiay. Mais - ia in somewhat ta-tter re
I'l.-isr. Tbe svvere wintry weather contin
uing, vatne are steadier. Al this rnirket
lo-dav Ihe deir il lot whral was cnim-
provrvl. ami ihe price was rvdocnl 1I prr
c-rn'oi irotn I urviay. loui sens siowiv.
anu has declined fl per so. k ai:d btrrrl.
TherV is no grrat b.l-inewt in Corn, but it
closes lirui at lully Tnesilay'a ra'es."
Stociioldars Individually Uablc.
J. KEVIN roMEROr. Prtnitnt.
T. VAN IKWIS, Cmthitr.
J. Kevin Pomeroy, J.aepa Knthrock.
George Jscoba. 1'biiip M. Kj-ner,
Amos (. Bonaall, Lt-aia E. A.kiason.
V. C. Ponieruy,
J. Kevin Pornerov J troes B. Okeson,
Philip V. Kepner,
V m. an aweriDgea.
II. II. Berhtel, .
Jane II. Irwin,
Mary Knrlx.
Samuel M. Kurtz,
J. Holmes Irwin,
T. V. Irwin,
F B. Kmw.
Jobu Ucrtzler.
Joseph K'.tlirock,
(ieorge Jacobs,
I.. E. Aiknison,
W. C. Pomeroy,
Anna G. Bousall,
Noah llerlzler,
Daniel Sloiirter,
Charlotte Snyder,
Saiu'l llerr'a lleirs,
Interest allowed on twelve months' cer
tificates of deposit, five pr e.-nt. ; on six
months' certiticates, tour prr cent.
jnJ3, 1878-tf
I hare retoraed fraaa the efty with a full
stock of
Overcoats, Uats aad Caps,
At November Prices, Reduced.
SHOES $1.25. No Suoddj.
I have adde-t aline of
7o stock. Prints, f ist colors, st h to 6 cts,
Also, A r buckle 'a CuQ'-te 2H cts., eosii.
Also, the genuine Syrups.
Horsa Blankets, Eob33, Cheap.
Call and see, and be convinced.
J. B. M. TODD.
Patterson, Kov. 20, 1877.
Large stock of Readr-marle Clothing for
Ltspil JVvtice.
TTE sloekbohiers nf the Jui.Uta County
ArricuKurd AssojUliun art. hereby
BoliSrd tht an elerliotf for cfh. era lue the
AvfciHiion will be beM al Mc.i viijjIui
Motel ii fort Kovsl, on ihe 10ih day of
January, fl9 at lOo'. loet .
Mlt HAEL alEBLII, President.
Dec. IS, 1578.
TME nndersiTird. Adminisfratoe of the
estate l Elilbelh Kry. d.-cesswl. Uik
of DeUwtee lowashif. will, in pursuweo of
an orter or tne O phis Court f Jiiniata
Coimtv, off. at priMic snl-.on the premises,
one ai t northeast of ast Salem, at two
o'clock e. a., on
FKIDAT, JASCART 10th, lf79,
The ftiliosiinc des-rihefl real estate, lo wit:
A !l of ajrnntia si'aafrit in DeUw are town
ship, Ji.aUla e an It, containing abont
Tttclve Acr f Laad,
hnnadtd us tha asirih and east bv lands of
!t .Slmrts. hi the west bv lan.lsof M h
nl.ts Arnold, a' d on ihe south bv Isnda ol
Job Kos fS, basii'g tberasia rrecUd a
I.fX; BAK". and other impr Sineols, be
trj th mansion Iroet. There are a vafiety
m Fruit Trees a the fr"i-s, aad roa
littf water near Ihe a.ase.
TERMS OF 9AI.E. Tee percent, of the
parch van anvney lo ba sid ia hiDsl ; BtterB
fwr evnl. tB CM.Irnaisoa vf sale ; one-lult
mm tb Ittot April. 1.179, and tbe bstK-a
on tbe 1st of SeptrailjKr, 1373, with iulcr
t fioia cotifli matiuu.
fzsa ssrrn,
Adw'r ol EhsaU.-lb Fry, woe'd.
' Dec. IS, lois.
Orphans' Court Sale of
BT v'letae of the authority contained in
the last wi'l an.1 lest tiuent ot itases
MtfCruiM. late f MUlont ton-hi;s Jit'iiats
coat ly. dt-crsMt. Ihe aaderwiMr2. ttrva
lor l said eiii. will expose lo public a lie.
at Ihe Court llMtso in iliClinlosr u, at oue
u'cmm-Ii r. , frt
lh f..l!o in s: d enbssl re-il rStite : A trarl
vt liwl s.tuoe in XiTml .wibi. Jmoalv
rouiitr, lav Boles arst from Virttmlosa.
roi.ui.oiix FOHTT-FlVE ACUtS, ujoreur
less, havtiig therroa eroetett a
iaG-n:A3ii: koisi:,
K ink liorn. Coop r Soup aud other bailst
ius. Also, aant ier tract of land sifea'e in si one
lowu.hiv, to utiL-a tsest Iroea :OiOlowu,
ci.toiuib IIUUTY-riVK AtKKS, more
or less, ih ble an'er cnitivjtieo, but
i'h no b'iihht)s npon it.
TEK.M8 Ten p-?r cent, of the prices
bi l l -a lo b pai.1 whon the properties are
atis-'avn down ; oliv-hVf of tb bilanee on
Akril 1, 1479. aad ihe b-ilaore oa Aprri 1,
lssil, with intrre.1 on the la-t p..vtum from
April 1, 1(179, ih! sai l la.t p in -nt to he
sc u re. 1 by jodrurnt bood. Dtsrdlobtd
livervd and posse.si.n friren April 1, 1379.
Executor at Jouies McCraut, dve'd.
Nav lb, 197(1.
I,fj persons ars hareiiy cautioned
afaii.at itilei ferine in any war with lh
luilowitiji property, no-Jriy : Three hoes, 3
.boats, 1 call, and a lot of rarpeoler loi.
zil of which belooic tu me, but w:in h are
now in the possession ot Abrafatia KiMU ol
h.i.etto tuwa-hip.
Fayettee Town.hip, Nov. if, lo7il.
JVOTICa i- hereby givtu :o the A-sri.s
a. i ors of Juiiioih county, th.it Iha Trtaa
cri.t are now reulr, arid lh - wi!l plea-w
coil ami c t the antue ou or b- fura Di-c. to-
. Ier ti, Inid. by order ot board ( Cvu
I ojiasioQera.
Nov. i'i-H
Lict'ulsr's Xwtlcs.
Zitatt of M.ctl DrbiSur, aVc'J.
1KTIEK5 Trsnmerrlr on the er.te ol
i .Vichael Frnhaker. late el Faeltr
tap.. Juiii.i.M county, dee'd, bivinf rs-et.
frranirl to the luolersignrd. all persons iii
li. b'nl l, s.ii'1 estate are reij::es' I to in ia.
fi nsnf, aii.1 th.r.e h itirjr cltiins or fie.
iiiatits :trv rnii-stel to make ktiown the
same without .II.iv to
hAMl'EL AL'KEiC, Fxeentor.
Nov in,
Cit'TIO.l .tOTICE.
4 I.I. prns are herebr c tnti ned rot to
al ow their docs, caltle or ho(s to run,
or ! h.'insrlt es to fish, hnnr. g ittter berries,
or rut wood or yoonjt liniber, or insnv way
resp:s-s on Ihe lauds of Ihe undersigned in
Greenwood or bitUehann-i township.
IVt-r Miller Henrv Rush
Owikd Shxlle Get ore Dresner
K l.onc tt S Dirara Frrrlrrick Koats
Jod Dress'er
Juiu!haa Millar
Kov IV, le78
LI. persons are hereby e iati-nd aaiaat
Irespassinir npon the lands vf trie no-
d-rstgnrd, in Fayette, Dt--I iware or falker
towasiaip, by Sahuig, huntiu, er ia aay
other war.
Jonathan Kiser C G Shelly
W m BranthoTer A 11 Knrts
Henry Sptece Iii I Smitlj
Catharine Knrts S len Evsaa
John McMeeu Teflon Benner
D B Diuiin N-H Spicber
ft W Smilb Joh L Anker
SJKnrti JH;,U-r
Henry Auker S M K iurTiuaa
Noah Cm-ron J F iA-ttra
J Vf Hosteller John Lvrom
Christian Kurtz David Jlnnberf-r
Jesse Pines Arnold Varnes
Oct J t, 1S73
A T.I. persons are hereby cautioned not In
2 fish, hunt, break or open fences, or eul
wmhI or vounjt timber, or in any unneces
sary way trespass on the lauds of Ihe uader-
hV M Thompson
T 3 Thompson
K P H "d -or,
Abram Shelly
C A bhenner
J B Thompson
H m I Thompson
Davis Smith. Jr.
Oct 9, lt-73.
4 LL persons are hereny csnlioned not
1. t ti'.h. Iiu'it. rather berries, break or
opeu fences, or cut woml or youne; timber,
tr " any unnecessary way trespass on tbe
U-.ii of the undersigned.
Sio!i VmMAU. I.rnwicc Sbbabsb.
Geo. DirrrsKABria. Willi u Peoplzs.
FscDraicK Hsises. Fbsscis llowaa.
Feriuaiiiigh Ta p., June 21, lt)7rf.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned not to
allow their dojrs to run. or themselvea
to tt-.li, hunt, gather b-rries, break or open
fences, or cut wood or young limber, or in
any unnecessary w ty trespass on the lands
of the undersigned.
M. K. B.-shor.
David lli-trick.
Thomas Benner.
Christian SboaflstaJI.
Jobu Motzer.
ilcnry Kluss.
M. it J. II. Wilson.
Henry Hortni.in.
Porter Thompson.
William Hetrick.
David Sieher.
A LL persons are hereby c rationed against
.A. Ire?pising on tbe ts ol the under
sijcneil either in tk.'iare ir Walker town
ship, for Ihe purpose ol flsMc; or hauling',
or lor any other purpose.
I.. E. Atkusox.
K. A. l.tar.vs.
ectSl-tf G.S.Lizkss.
ALL personsare hereby c ml :.ned against
trespassing, tor hunting, r other pnr-l-ses,
on Ihe finds ol ibe nnd. w!aned, in
Miilord toausbip. JunUts roimtv
Dee 10, 1S77-4S
yew jtflvrtu4mmtt-
Get an Accident Tk-ket or Tear!y f alkf
in the
At Local Agency or Sailway station.
Slim mzsSiim
-as -".Kvyj
w !s I a us ss rwrniM Ksanieaa f
aWtar V .srfM anH araa . j
m.-i' r .' ' . a.a a,, i i Yv . -
atr r-s-ia. ,s aar a?a so- fla4a-w.a a r'mu Z
Ii: S-.I l-.arlrr r-a's. s-e that J ai-7?
s rr t tt-nr. So! 1 s'l Sua', f-n tnr ,Z
t ry. : C. A. J mvs A rA, Mr. ras77Vj
G. T. VTAKDLK, Phila., Pa.. Genl Agest.
TOST PRICES. Great Reduction to clwo
onr pesent stock of 2s) Nw and Second,
hand Instrnments of Orst-cLis makers. ia.
It warranfwl. arid at prices that DEFT
COMPrXTITION. for cash or in.ta!la)et.ts
RItK B7.I.I. ORGANS and FlMfS. lnu
rrstd latilocues mailed. HORACE V'A.
TFR3 a. SON-i. Manufarturersand D.n'-r,
4ll Rst Hth str-et. K. Y. Also tie, -.j
A eents for SU'JUINUERS' Celebrated Ci.
GANS. $'iO. $5I. $10O. S-00.
Invested judicioosty In Sticks (Opti.ms or
Privileges), often retnrns tea times ths
amount in S'l days. Full details ai.t
si il St.ark Exchan-e Reports f. -e. Ad :rr,s
T. Porrsa Wiobt & Co., BanWtra, i5 YtLl
street, Mew York.
VaU b-J (JlUull 5t.k makes fortunes sr.
ry month. Book sent free ejp!ainiT
eserythinit. Address BAXTER 4. (JO.
B uikers, 1 7 Wall street, New York.
t.T A DAT to Agents ca1.voo.in7 for ibt
'i 4 F I KEs ID R VISITOR. Terms m
mint Free. Address P. O. VICKE2T,
Angusta, Maine.
50 A3MTISB2 15211 -
tsrt inwrl m sdrertisment in our list of
iweniy-siadTAN DARU WEEKLIES : our
prire wirhont losing money. Those sdver
tisois who want to oMain the best sad
I .rr-st cireulvioB possible without expsnd
tnj( n thin trotn $!' to $isi ahorli ad
dress (iRO. P. ROW ELL t CO., lOSptica
afreet. New York.
Professional Cards.
CyCo'lecting and CoBveyaaciug afsatpt
ly attewled to.
OrsKB Oti T'.ridge sirs;, oppoaiie Ue
Court Houso Siaare.
Attorney and Conns ?Ior-&t-La7r.
Prompt araealion given to lis eosariag
and collecting of claims, sod all legal koal-
Orrics oa brills- street, fi.-t doer watt
of the Be! lord building.
April 1 1, M7-tr
All business proaiptlr altasa.4 Sa.
Ori;L Oa Srido aUsst, vppasiM Saa
Court Hoitad square.
AVID p. sro's,
MirTLIS ri).-, ."-A.
Cr7Col!setioas and ail proleaiej!
.! proniptlv attaudea lo.
june'JO, 1?77.
T s. "arm old.
All business p-onptle attsnd-l . Con
sultations in two htucages, Eajnsh and
IllUMAS A. LLDLK, il. D.
Phjsiciaa and Sorgsoa,
XlftLlXTOTTX, rj.
OSes hours from 9i. i.tsir. .. Of.
ties in his father s residsoce, at lae aanta
end of Water street. i .CJ-lf
Wis resnmed ac'ivsly tbe prasUs of
Medicine and S'l'gery aud their cIU- r!
branches. 0"Jc at th- e!d ccraer at Ta--and
Orongs) s' reels, MiSintown, Pa.
Horca i'J, in: 6.
port aorjr jvxi.ir.i vo.. rj.
C7Oniy relhtbl Companies rcpra-aitavA.
Dec. 8, l75-ly
J 31. ERAZEE, M. D.,
uieademim, JitmitU Ce , Pm.
Orrics formerly occupied by Dr.Stsvrstl.
Professiopil bnsinvss promptly otleoJsd to
at all bonrs.
L. ALLEN, M. D ,
Has commencetl the practice ef Mediemo
and Surgery and ajrhrircoilateraI braaehss.
Office al Aravlemia, at the re.ds-:s of
Capt. J. J. Paiterson.
f.jniy 15. 1S7
K.NRY 11 AKdURERGER, M. 1)..
Continues te practice of Medicine aod
Sllreery and all their collateral branches.
O.'hYe at his residence ia olcAfisterville.
feb9, I87l.
I will sail the f-.Uowiog cirasd S swing
liswhiBes at
Greatly Reduced Trices.
$25 TO $30 WILL B'JY A
New American,
lirovar A laker.
The New Dwatsetic
Nea- msehinos sold in lets ef four at
wholesale prices.
AH attachments furnished cheap. ANo
a fnl! assortment of needles, and oil ef tha
best qaanty.
Ey e-iiding.V) cents you can have for
waid.d by return mail 2 astirtd needles
by J. l;. M. TODD.
Sept 21. 1ST' Patterson, Pa.
wi.NTEKnRF.r.v, PKPprit.vrxT, pe.nst-
of prime q-iaJirv, boueM inanv quantity for
cash on delivery, tree of brokerage, cora
misaion, storage, tu-. bv
Importers 1 Exporters, OS William St.,N.T.
June 5, lS78-6in
. Jnalata aoidiera tavoajoa oa too Usaf.