Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 09, 1878, Image 3

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Wednesday. October ISTfe
Subscription, $1.50 per annntn, if paid
within 1- mouths ( $2.00 if not paid within
IS months.
Transient advertisercents Inserted at 50
cent per inch for each insertion.
Transient business notices in local col
umn, 10 cents per line for each insertion.
Deductions will be made to those desiring
o advertise by the year, half or quarter
ON and after Monday, July loth, lg78,
passenger trains will leave Mifflin Sta
tion, J. B. R., as follows t
Mifflin Ace, daily except Sunday, 6 21 a m
Pacinc Eipress, daily ex. Monday 10 19 a m
Johnstown Ex., daily ex. Sunday 11 82 a m
Mail, daily 6 05pm
Atlantic Express, daily 0 10 p ni
Phila Ex., daily ex. Sunday Bight 11 12 pm
Sunday train 10 19 a in
" " 6 05pm
" " 10pm
Pscifle Exwress. dalle 5 5 a ic
Way Passenger ....; lllWtni
daily except Sunday 3 36pm
Mifflin Acc., daily except Sunday, 8 0 p ra
Sunday train a 53 am
- .....10(0am
" 611pm
Rooms of Republican SUte Committee.
Northeast Corner Tenth and Chestnut Sta.,
(second floor) 1 Diutaelpbia.
Hunters are herehv cautioned animf
trespansinr, on the lands of the nndersijrDed,
in Fermanagh township, to shoot birds or
squirrels, wuuoul loe consent or the owner.
Public meetings will bo held at the
following places ;
PEKU MILLS, October 24, 1873
Speaker L. . Alkiusou, Esq., II. 11.
North, Eq.
ORIENTAL, October. 22, 1878.
Speakers- T. M. Moore, Esq , John
Smith, Esq.
1873. Speakerp-L. E. Atkinson, Esq.,
II. II. North, Eq.
VAN VERT, October 24, 1873.
Speakers Prof. David Wilson, J ere
miah Lyons, E.q., John Smith, Esq.
MIFFLINTOWN, Friday Eveninp,
October 25, 1878, at 7 o'clock. Speak
rs Hon. James Pollock, Hon. liora
tio G. Fither.
Ciairmtn Republican County Committee.
Meeting of the Hepublican County
A meeting of the Republican County
Committee was held in the Court House
October 3, 1678. The tueetiug was
well represented by the members of the
Cnutuiiltee from the different townships,
and their report slows an active work
and thorough organization.
li. F. BurcbSeld, Esq., was reeom
tuecded aa candidate for District At
torney, to the support of the Republi
can voters.
Governor Ilartranft and Senator
Ftsber wera presented to the Commit
tee while in session.
Tbe subject as to the best means for
tbe most effective work fas discussed,
and some good suggestions were given
to the Committee for consideration.
Meetings in tbe different townships
were asked for and appointments made
by the chairman, which will be pub
lished in due time.
The mass meeting will be beld in
Mifflintowo, October 25th, and will be
addressed by ex Governor Pollock and
acd Senator Fiaher.
I. G. Marks, Secretary.
Governor Hartranft and Judge
JunMn at Riverside Park.
The coming of Governor Hart
ranft, last Thursday, to attend tbe
Fair, was &n event that caused quite
a stir in the community. He arrived
from Harrisbnrg on the 10 o'clock
A. M. train. The committee appoint
ed to escort His Excellency to the
Fair ground were A. G. Bonsall, E. S.
Parker, and Dr. L. Banks. The com
mittee were at tho station when the
train came in, and there met the Got
ernor, and Judge Junkin, President
Judge of the courts of Juniata and
Perry counties, and immediately es
corted them to a carriage, which, pre
ceded by a brass band, started for
the Fair Ground. A large delega
tion of citizens in carriages acted as
escort to the Governor, Judge, and
Committee. Arriving on tbe ground,
the Committee with the distinguished
guests, made the round of the cattle
stalls, and the exhibition houses be
fore dinner, after which tour, the
Governor and the Judge dined at the
Jacobs House.
At half-past I o'clock Judge Jun
kia began the delivery of an agricul
tural address, from the Grand Stand,
to a large audience that was assem
bled on the stand and in front of it
on the track. It is not often that
such a large audience attends to hear
an addresB in this county.
Alter a few introductory remarks,
the Judge spoke of the advantages
that are now enjoyed by the people
of this community, and other com
mrnities in this Commonwealth when i
. . .
compared with the ways of living oi
the people of a generation or two
ago ; and yet still, with all of the ad
vantages the productions of the farms
may be iuci eased, may be mado to
produce another tiuis as much as they
do now. Deep plowing and the use
of barnyard manure and a moderate
amount of lime, with other atten
tions which make themselves appa
rent, will bring about this desirable
result A deeper interest should ba
taken in the development of the soil,
to bring it to a higher state of pro
ductiveness, and a deeper interest
should be taken to keep the boys on
the farm. The busmen of the coun- j
try, the professions of the country i
had become as it were the goal of j
the young men of tne country, ana
it is a great mistake that it is so.
There is nothing so solid, so substan
tial as tho firming community. The
whole country rests on it ; the wel
fare of every other country rests on
it Spain, some centuries ago, was
unfortunate to find gold and silver
in large quantities in her hills, and
immediately all the conntry began to
hunt gold and silver. They neglect
ed their beautiful valleys" and plains,
and from that time down to the hros
ent Spain has declined. She, to-day
is not much better than Turk-y , her
people are corrupted and debauched,
and the jingling coin enn buy np her
people as sheep in the shambles. Her
fields are waste places, and her busi
ness men, and her public men, and
her priesthood are but a mass of cor
ruption. Keep the boys on the farm ; there
they will become men in mind and
heart, and become the defense of the
Republic Thebusinessofthecounrry
has in many instances lured the farm
boy, and won him over from his di-
niaea and manly occupation to mer
cantile pursuits, and other pursuits,
to such a degree or depth that the
father Las endorsed for him, one time
after another, till it becomes neces
sary for the father to mortgage the
farm to save the 6on ; and in the ma
jority of such cases the fultire still
beeomes deeper, and at last, in the
days of old age, when the sire should
have rest and repose from the cares
of everyday life, the mortgage is fore
close! and scarcity and want comes
in and Kits cheerlessly by at the
hearth where plenty and" comfort
should re:m supreme. The best men
and women of the Republic are those
raised on the farms.
He spoke of the geological differ
ence of soils, of their chemical differ
ence, and of the place of the difi'tjr
eut soils in the geological scale, and
uicuuuubu iu.it, me snaie lands in
Perry county are the better grain
producing districts in that county,
while here in Juniata the limestone
lands seemed to be the better grain
producing lands. Perhaps the shales
were too much neglected in this
He h:td known lands to come into
litigation, and then the question of
their fertility would be raised, and,
singular enough, it has been his ex
perience that at certain periods of
time, on the testimony of witnesses
in court, the fertility of certain dia
tricts have changed. These thiajrs
are the things that ought to engage
tne attention of tbe farmer, lie
scientific, not in the sense of a pro
fessor, but scientific enough to know
these things, and why they are so.
After the Judge conclude 1 his
speech, Governor Hartrucft was in- j
troduced by the President of the
Park and Agricultural Association.
The Governor expressed himself
as highly pleased with the Judge's
speech. He could not help express
ing himself in the warmest terms in
fuvor of the Judge's counsel to keep
tbe bovs on the farms. Professional
life, and business life seemed to
charm the young men, and had a
glitter for older men who had no
experience in the professions and in
business ; but he was glad to note
that there is more intelligence abroad
among the people now on those
points; they are finding out that
there is a glitter about professional
life and business hie which is glit
ter and finish only, which has not
t wherewith the mind ucd the heart
becomes satisfied. There is some
thing about professional and busi
ness life that is wanting. The so
lidity and virtue of the country rests
with the farmer. He it is who ever
iaterposes his shield in tbe hour of
danger. As the Executive of this
State, ho has had experience to prove
that in that particular, history does
repeat itself, for time after time it is
recorded on tbe pnges of histoiy
that when other interests of great and
powerful States became corrupted,
and were ready for disrneniberaieut,
the country at the critical hour re
sponded and saved that which seemed
to be in the greatest danger. A year
and more atro, when thousands of
men engaged in other interests seem
ed about to overthrow tbe authority
of States, when no barrier seemed
to intervene, the country, when heard
from, which was not for some days.
was so powerful in it3 expression
that the corrupt wave subsided, and
so it has ever been, and so it will con
tinue to be. He had never before
stopped in Jnniata county, but he
had passed through the Juniata Val
ley, and knew it had given much of the
substantial support that was neces
sary in the hour of supreme need,
which is another illustration of how
history repeats itself, and how stead
fast the agriculturist i9 to the higher
interests of commonwealtl 8. The
farmer gives birth to tLe highest type
of men and women. It is so in the
Republic, it is so in Europe.
The industrial pursuits of the Com
monwealth have claimed his atten
tion since he lias 1een tbe Executive
cf the State, ami while the Common
wealth has been profuse in her liber
ality toward the Common Schools,
the indast.i.il department has not
been looked after as it should have
He expressed himself a9 in favor
of the Judge's advocacy of deep
plowing. Experience had taught
him when on his father's farm, and
observation had since abundantly
testified, with the experience of
others, that his earliest knowledge
was correct, that deep plowing is of
the highest benefit New soil, vir
gin soil, is brought up and exposed
to the sun of summer and the frosts
of winter, and the chemical agencies
that are brought to bear by nature
herself produces the most (satisfac
tory results. The laboratory of the
scientific men are doing great things
to enlighten men's minds, but the
agency of the elements of nature in
soils are not to be compared to the
agencies of human laboratory. Ob
serve natrre in Ler operations, and
make use of the knowledge of men,
in experiments to reach results in the
cultivation of the soiL
Both speeches took well with the
solid men of the county, hundreds of
whom 6at and stood around listening
to the Judge and the Governor.
The Democrat and Register has found
out tLat large town and cities sprinkle
their streets to keep down lie dust. It
found out that the stteet in front of the
Governor's boo.-e at Harrisbnrg is
sprinkled wben dusty, and forthwith it
says tb itnvernmJnt pays for tbe sprink
ling. What an innocent set tbe Demo
crat and Register folks are, not to kuow
that the city of Uarrtsburg paid for the
sprinkling of the streets, jas,t as the
Park Association paid for tbe sprink
ling of tbe track daring fair time. The
Democrat and Register seems innocent
enough for tbe next world, for ths good
V a goods at Barley'a.
Attend tbe Republican toast meeting on
tbe 2jth inst.
Pig iron now is lower thaa at any time in
thirty years past.
The late fair" at the Park, was the best
of all, is what is said.
Stark yoa well, the Republican party
never broke its pledge.
A new stock to this connty was on exhi
bition at the Park during the Fair last week,
by James Adams. It la Ilolenstine stork.
filee fall sacks. But there is a kind that
are not so nice, whether got in summer,
wmter, spring or at any other time of the
year. .
The Soldier re-nnion at M ii'ers town Us t
Wednesday was a splendid aflair. About
2600 people were there, and everything
passed off to the satisfaction of all.
There will be a Republican mass meeting
in this place on the 25tb d it of October.
Hon. James Pollock, and Hon. II. G. Fisher
will be presanl to deliver addresses.
Governor Uartrsnft and Senator Fiaher
visited the Republican County Committee
while it was in session in the Recorder's
Oflice iu the Court Mouse, last Thursday.
The prospects for the election of McMeen
and Wilson are so bright that it is not known
w hat can defeat them. Almost everybody
txpresses a determination to vote for them.
The Greenback management in this coun
ty, when their candid ites fur Commissioners
withdrew, recommended that the Green-
backers in Juniata county vote for the lie-
publican commissioners.
The latest styles of Overcoats at Ilarlcy's.
om of the attractions of the track at the
Park, during Fair time, last week, was
Charlie Dolen's steer harnessed to, and
traveling with a wsgon over the course.
Tbe time made was good steer tiljie
The Democratic party now has no fix-d
policy to advocate on the currency ques
tion. The only safe course on the currency
question to puisue, is to take that of the
Republican party ; it baa never varied an
iota from its first record on that question.
The Democrats ask, why don't Senator
Fisher resign f Why didn't Mr. Pershing
resign the Judgeship when the Democracy
had Lira on the track for Governor a few
years ago f People who live in gloss
houses, you kuow."
Mr. Fisher, the Republican candidate for
Cones, spent several days among the
people of Juniata last week. lie is an
"every diy" kind of a man, and takes well
with the people. It is not a question of
election, but tbe question ia how Urge his
majority will be.
iile Charlie Murray was sponging the
uioutn ol a trotting horse, last Thursday
af ternoon, at the fair, a horse standing by
kicked him wi:h such force that be was
picked up uudtr the impression that the
life bad been kicked out of him. lie was
restored to consciousness in a short time.)
Dr. Sterrett will be elected, unless all
signs fails, for it is generally understood
now that if the next Congress ba tilled with
Democratic United State Senators, and the
Lower House be Democratic, an upnetiiig
policy will be adopted, the ebd of which
no oce can foretell.
One dpaitinent of the Fair premium list
we failed to secure, consequently we do not
publish the list. The premium list of the
department under the Superintendent W.
D. Cramer, was gotten up in a manner that
called forth tbe highest praise of the com
positors who have seen it.
Clothing for men and boys, of all kinds,
at Ilarley's.
JJeM'ople of this connty hare conclud
ed to have a change of oflicera in this coun
ty, and consequently will elect in Novem
ber, McMeen and Wilson, Wagner, Lemon,
Degan and Ox.ier, and tbe whale Republi
can ticket. This is the year of a tidal wave.
(Jet into the Republican ark and be safe
from the aelugeT
The Democratic Congressional 9-to-0 con
ference came to a conclusion last Fridsy,
at Newport, by renominating Mr. Stenger.
A Snydor county man brought the business
to a focus by voting for Stenger. Mr.
Stenger made the election in the campaign
previous to this one by less than one hun
dred majority. This time he will be de
feated. Mr. Fisher will be bis successor.
jAt high noon on Monday, two Democrats
from the east end of the county, made an
exhibit or themselves, on tbe pavement be
tween Will's hotel and Will's stable. As to
what they did, and as to what will becouc
of all who so ofl'. nd, open the Bible, at the
First Book of Kii gs, loth chapter and read
the 1 lib verse. Head vour Bible; thtre is
- -1 .... .1 .l!
r iJJ brmg us down to grind the faces of
The Perry county JJcocale says : A few j evjrv, on?? pnl,i j,.jv or privately em
days ago Mrs. Join Eby, of Duncannon, I ; ' i RO tila we"mav build a poor
I laced a pint can of oysters on top of her
cook stove (r tbe purpose ot cooUing the
oysters, but soon alter the can exploded
with terrific report. Mrs. Eby was knocked
down by ttu concussion, a frying pan was
doubled up, and some smoothing Irons were
thrown off the stove. The oyster can was
hurled through a window and across the
street. Not a remnant of the oysters In tbe
can could be found.
Vbere seems to be an immense amount
of business going on in tbe Democratic
headquarters in this town, on all the
secular days of tbe week ; indeed there
seems to be something fjoing on there
on Sundays too, and on Sunday nights,
judging from tbe light in that vicinity.
But what can tbey be doing on Sunday
and Sunday night. 14 Is it poker, oi
A party of citizen of Tnscarora
valley went into tbe region of tbe bead
waters of Licking Creek valley to bant,
last week, which resulted most unfor
tunately in one of tbe party named
Height shooting another of tbe party
named Wilson in the back of the bead,
ID-staking it for tbe bind quarters of a
deer. The wounded man was carried
first to the camp of tbe hunters, aud
afterwards to his borne in Tuscarora
valley, where he has ever since lain in
a critical condition. Tbe gun was load
ed with 'buck shot," one of which only
entered tbe bead of Wilson J another
shot passed through an arm, a short
distance below tbe shoulder. It is tbe
hot in the bead that has produced tbe
prostration of tbe wounded maoJ
rsa aaxT tbe weather proving favorable.
At nine o'clock Sabbath morning in the
Lutheran Church of nil tbe Sabbath Schools
in Jlifliin and Patterson. A kketixo at
Hoexixgtow Sabbath School Sabhatb af
ternoon at two and-a-half o'clock. And a
Sabbath evening at seven o'clock of all the
churches in Mifflin and Patterson, probably
is tbe Conrt Hons. -
Poor H:rase Communications.
Editor Sentinel and Republican i Dear Sir,
Little Juniata county, aged about 48 years,
baa already had three trials by election hy
the people on the Poor Uouse question, and
rery time voted down hy Viry Urge major
ities, and will be so again at this coming
election. Some half-doacn years or so ago,
tbe stroiig test came up, as 4 la three town
ships not even one vote was Cast in its fa
vor. In Fayette 250 votea were cast
against it and only 6 vutas ior it. It can
not carry at tbe coming election because it
ought not, for tbe people are crying out
thus : Tbe times are hard, and they don't
want to be taxed $25,0(0 or $30,000 to pur
chase a farm aud erect buildings, to gratify
a lew office-set Iters and speculators, who
are wanting a con ti act to fatten on. Let
the county first gut out of debt b.-fore it
mortgages our real estate. Let there be
pittance, and we will hare less taxes to
pay. I am going to rote the popular ticket
endorsed "uo poor house."
Keipectlully, Alc,
Editor Serttintl an l Republican : Sir,
I noticed in vuiir n.iiM-r. tiie rauesL
tliat couuiiuuicatious expressive ot"
tlia eeiibe of tae people, for, or a-iinst,
a poor bmsa be sent in for p.iblica-
tion previous to tho tltv of election.
I t ike von nt vour wor'l. end scn.l
vju tiiia article, which I know is but
the echo of the voice of a largo nam -
bvr of the people in Jiini.-.ta county
on the question of a poor Iioukc, at
thm time.
The poor are always in the land,
always have been, and always will be.
The groat diHtinguiBhing peculiarity
of our svstem of government is that
the opportunities in life, before the
law, are open alike to all, and the rich
of one generation may be the poor of
the next generation, and the laws
have been particularly framed, so tliat
tnn.se who become real poor do not
suff-r. Everv ve.ir in each township
and borough men are elected to attend
to the requirements of tuote in un
fortunate circunibtances. In many
counties lare farms and costlv houses
are kept up for thoso who cannot pro
vide a living for themselves.
It is now proposed to buy a farm
in tins county cud establmn a poor
house ou it, which would centralize
the mmagement of the. jnjor, take
them out of thj respective townships
to the poor house, where they would
be conlroloi by the poor house man
agement If Juniata county had no debt,
such an establishment might be act
up ; but with the C.mrt House debt
to be paid, the large annual school
taxes, road taxes, and the current ex
penses of the county, such as do
rightfully belong to civilized people,
the additional debt of $ 20.0JI) to 5 0,
000 is not to be thought of.
The finances of the county liave
been managed as well as in the best
places in tlie Comraou wealth so far,
an 1 the obligations of the county can
lie kept in high favor, and all the cur
rent expenses can be easiiy met at the
present raUs of Management, but to
increase tho debt another time as
large as it is now, will be ti pUce a
burden on the prjpertv owners of the
county th it they cannot well bear.
It iu:tv be a great thing to be a
freeman, in the enjoyment of the right
to acquire and hold proper! v. with
costly court houses, in wuich to 'set-
tie disputes and keep records ; but
when the acquirement and the keep
ing up of eiich property coniels a
man to pr.ictice rigid seif-deiii.d the
freei!o:iiiii'iv have iittle freedom in it.
Add 20,000 to 30,00J debt to this
countv now, in theso times, with the
current expenses, which must be met.
and the property holders will Dot feel
iutich like freemen should feel. Our
county indebtedness should be nearly,
if not quite ail, paid before auy more
costly public buddings are put up.
Again, this is no time to increase
the bonded indebtedness of the coun
ty, when the country is full of man
who are advocating the repudiation
of the National bonded indebtedness.
If they succeed in dishonoring the
N.ition-d inJebteibless, what is to
prevent the dishonoring of State and
county indebtedness. There never
Las been so unfi.vur.ibie a time for
the creation of such an est iblishmtnt
as the present tune, whan all things
are considered.
I am in favor of paying good wages,
and in f tvor of paying tor all of the
machinery of civilized' government at
good prices, but I am !-.gaiust a bur
densoaie indebtedness which will
' 1 . . . -
Louse, ana pay ior it
Now is the time to consider this
proposal to shoulder another heavy
instalment of a bonded indebtedness,
and at the next election will be the
time to vote it down. Every man
should go to the electiou and vote
against a poor house. From $20,000
to o0,000 are the stakes, li you feel
like avoiding such a load on your
phoulders, attend the election and
vote '"against a poor house." and that
vote will help to keep it off. Attend
the election, and le a free man.
Yours, respectfullv,
Oct 7, 1S78.
WANTED 100 good Locust Posts, for
board fence. Inquire of
Jous S. Gbatbill,
2t Mifflintown, Pa.
VHal woaknwss or depression i a
Weak eibaa-tcd teeline, no euerjry or cour-a"-;
the result of mental over-work,
Indatac rations or xceeeae, or some
drain upon tbe ycm. is always cured by
It tones up and invinorates the system,
dipels the gloom ami despondency .imparts
strength and cner. stojis the dram and
rejuvenates the entire man. Been JiseU
twenty vcars with perfect niccess by thou
sands. 'ld l.v dealers. Price, fl.00 per
aincle vial, cr $5.00 per packace of live vials
and $2.00 vial of powder. Sent by mail on
receipt of price. Address HI "Pnw.El"
BoMEOPATHtr ficjve rr"
For sale by 11AML1X it CO., Patterson, IV
July 10 Cm
of tirime nnalitv. boncht in any nnantity for
cash on delivery, free of brokerage, com
mission, storage, e.. oy
Importers Exporters, eo William St.,N.T.
June 6, lK8-otn
Subscribe for the Sentinel and Republican,
a paper that gives you a grt ater variety, and
better aelectioo of reading matter than any
other paper la the Juniata Valley.
Adjourned Court Proceedings.
Reported by B. F. Burehtljld, fcr tbe Sea
tfnel and Republican.
MuruxTOwx, Oct. 1, 1378.
Conrt was celled at 10:1 & o'clock
A. M., with all tb judges present. Oar
old friend, Mr. Alexander SpeJdy, bar
iog been laid in the silent tomb to await
tbe saiuuiuns of Ibe Great Da; to ap
pear before tbe Conrt above, uo longer
to call to this bar earthly litigants, tbe
conrt was opened by the Prothonotary
Ignatius Fuchs, of MilforJ towuship,
was admitted to beuotne a ciiiziu of the
United States and of this rltate.
A citation was awarded Nancy Eileo
Wagner to J S Mct'abau, administra
tor c. I. a. vf Benjiiuiu Giilord, dee'd,
to file an acoouot.
A rule wis granted upon Daniel Pan
nebaker, executor of lienjtuiin Whit
mer, dec d, to pay certain money to
Lydia Woitiner, widow of decedent.
Children of testator to be noticed of
rule, to answer in fifteen days, and rule
returnable December term, 1878.
Tbe award of purpart IS'u. 3 of tb"
real estate of U iliiatn Adams, deo'd,
to Mary Adams S5 set aside and Anna
' Xilm " late 1 purpart
i valuation.
j liJuiuod S. Doty, Jr , ts(, , was ap
POID,e1 Guardiau of David li. Doty.
! There being an appeal from tbe de
i cree ot attributions of the proceedings
1 f lu eu,, uf Jefb AJams.
aoid by the sheriff, the court ordered
that tbe money be paid to tbe d 1st rib
Utees npim their giving security to the
sheriff to refund in case tbe decree of
ibis oiurt is changed.
In the matter of the apportionment
of tle cos's in Loan Association vs
Mutbersbangh, the conrt related to
disturb tbe present apportionment.
In same vs. same, No. 93 September
term, 1677, ia relation to the bills ol
costs filed by the experts in the oae,
it was decided by the court that the
parties wbo employed tbe experts were
liable for their fees, and that ia '.his
case it was not a subjnet of costs. All
other exceptions overruled.
In tbe estate of Jesse Sajlor, dee'd,
an order was granted the administrator
to bell tbe teal estate for payment ol
In tbe matter of tbe real estate of
I'hihp Ilanck, dee'd, Jevised to bi
three sods, tbey refusing to take aud
other real estate being insufficient to
pay tbe debts, an order was granted to
sell said real estate, and. Jeremiah
Lynns, Esq., appointed to sell, he being
administrator C t a. of decedent.
A rnle was granted upon Thaddeu
T. I'arker, lo slior cause why judgment
No. 134 Sept. term, 1878, Timdde'us T
Parker vs Jacob S. Thomas, should
uot be opened and defendaut let iu to a
1) S Coyle was appointed Guardian
of tranche, Joho aud Harry Thomp
son, uiin;r children of Jas M Tboiup
son, deu'd
Upon petition of J P HeflleGngt-r to
stay attachment, attacbiueut stayed up
on J P Ueuleanger paying to Mrs. 11a-
gau the balance cue.
In tbe matter of tbe appropriation of
tbe money arising from the shenfTr
sale of the real estate of Samuel King
and IJonjauiin Mumper, decision re
served. Amanda Crawford was appointed
Gsardian of Samuel li , Miuuie, May
and Margaret Gertrude, tumor cluld.eu
of Dr. S. li. Crawlord, deceased
The petitions ef S. li. Loudon aud
John McCoy were preseuted for ap
pointment as Court Crier. S. li. Lou
don, E-q., was appointed crier iu room
of Alexander SpedJy, deceased.
In tbe matter of tbe partition of the
real estate of Stewart i'urbett, dee'd,
return ot CViouiissioner's file, loqui
sitioo cotiBrtued aud furtber proceed
ings beld uuder adviseuieut.
Iu Couunonwealiu vs. John U Uoa
aid, District Attorney Patterson ap
plied to have Ibe recognizance forieit
cd. Refused on the ground the ground
that defendant bad beeu seuieueeu for
Ibe costs.
Samuel Myers, Solomon Hooks
and '. K. Horning asked to be subro
gated to the rights of S. li. Loudon et
al vs. Jodti H. .MutberrbaU';ii iu .o.
98 September term, 1878, tiiey having
paii the money on tbe judgment, l.ule
j granted to shw can-, with niticj to
subsequeut lien creditors. j
Commouwerlth vs. Joseph Butt, cer
tiorari to Justice Krei.ier. llec.irJ
shows the prosecution to be for work
ing on Sunday, the work being tbe
coaling of eiigins ou tbe railroad. De
cision reserved.
I oiuiuouttcalth 7S. James Allison.
Same caie same iipoal
In the matter of tbe distribution of
the money arising from tbe sheriff's
sale of the real estate of Epbriaiu
Young, the parlies having agreed to
withdraw their application fur the ap
pointment of an Auditor oc tbe agree
ment of Young's vendees to pay the
judgment due tbe estate of Joseph
Pouieroy, deceased, tbe judgment cred
itors of Young's vendees applied for
distribution. On account of the absence
of Mr. Parker, appropriation deferred.
In tbe matter of tbe rule upon Jacob
Cbristy, E-q and E. S. Parker to show
cause wby a judgement transferred to
Jacob A. Chrifiy ag Guardian of Wil
liam M. Jr. and Charles A- Allison,
and by bun transferred to E S. Parker
wbo was subsequently appointed Uuar
dian, William M- Allison, Sr., who
mado tbe Gist transfer alleging that tbe
said transfer was only inadi to faciliate
the collection of the judgement, said
judgement deing against George V .
McLlwee. Kule made absolute and
tbe court direct that the judgement be
retraasferreed to William M. Allison,
Leister and wife vs. Walls and Ding
er, No. 104 February term 1878. Mo
tion made for a new trial tale dis
charged. Reports of viewers of a road in Del
aware towsbip, near tlie residence of
Jacob Hoops, and the road in Walker
township near residence of Jacob Sw an
ger confirmed absolutely.
In the matur of the assigned estate
of Miller Woodward, William Given
Esq., the original Aseiener, died and
in application of L. E Atkinson as a
creditor of assignor, George Jacobs,
Jr., Esq., was appointed Assignee.
f'nnrt adj. iurned at 4 o'clock p. ft.
generally. Regular term Monday,
December 2d, 1878
MA Ml I EI):
DYSIMiER AUKEU On the 1st icst.,
by Rev. Solomon feieber, Mr. C B. Dyainger
of Walker township, Juniata county, and
Miss Catherine Auker, ot Greenwood twp.,
Perry county.
Snbseribefor tbeSssiwMf and RfuMn.
't2 rrtrri:1": 1 ... 'n
EJitor Sentinel and Rtp-iMictn i Sir,
Allow me, through ibe col otitis of th4 j
Sentinel and Republican, to say a few
words in regard to Riverside Park Fair.
1 was in a'teudanoe there tbo twi last
days. 1 have attended cotrety fairs in
Western States, and aiso hi Eastern
eounliea iu this Couiiuouweiith, but I
never saw anything move off so quietly
and so orderly in so large a crowd as
was tbe casi at Riverside Park. Every
body seemed to enj iy themselves, from
the youngest np to the oldest. The
managers of tbe Aawooiation deserve a
great deal i f credit for the skill with
which it was conducted. 1 think it
would be well for some of tbe man
agers of c.uiity fairs to take pattern
fmui tlie worn of tbo management of
Riverside Park, and success certainly
will follow their effort.
By niakmg sow inquiry I learned
that th; was the tilth Annual tair.
Their success is owing to their prompt
payment of what they prom ss lo pay.
As regards tbe thing on exhibition, I
never saw suoli flue bred cattle, b gs,
sheep and horses, xt a county fair. The
ladies' deparitueut could not be sur
passed. 1 think ibe ladies of Juniata
county deserve a ereat deal of credit
lor their display, aud 1 thiuk it would j
be a difficult matter for the judges to
render sa'.i.-fautmn in that department.
The trotting came off q-iieily and or
derly, in time, better than vu gtnet
a!ly bee at county fairs. One notice
able fact was the absence of all side
shows, gambling arrangements, that 1
always saw at c-unty fairs 'hat 1 at
tended, abich absence imparted to this
one lucre of a moral tone than is een
or felt at sueh places generally. Cpnn
the whole it was a perfect success, in
my estimation.
Satcrhat, Oct. 5, 1378.
CO 31 31 E R CI A t..
MiirusTows, Oct. 8, 1878.
Butter ....
I .aril
II am
Bacon ....
Corrected weeKlr hy Buyer & Kennedy.
Qcotatioxs roa To-dat.
Wednesday, tct- 9, 1873.
New Wheat 90
Corn,. 45
Oats S2
Kye n5
Timothy seed 1 OOtol 1')
Cloverseed 4 od
KETS. PmtAPtLrnn, tlct. 5. Cattle Ch'ie
at jto."J ; fair lo g'4 at 4 J"o5 J common
at ::j!o4 J:. Keceiptu J,r"io lieaj.
Sneejj Sales of prime at .':; lair to good
at Ji'o4i and common at Sl'oio. I.ambi
ranted Ironi ojiooj for prime and Z' :
tor coni'i.on aud good, ueceits 11,000
II. jr sold to a fair extent at full prices.
iSaleaol 4.mil head at KJ'oOJ-; fur ex.ra
Cbicigo; 6:orj: tor niwliuin, and aJC Ior
common. Ki-ceijits 4,oixi head.
I'mLiroLriiiA, Oct. 5. The Wheat mar
ket i dull but but tinner, ai.d figure are
teadtl mam! tided. S.lMiO t:i w ere sold
ia lulliinx: lied al 9S:.t$I.Ul ; amber at
$I,'M.il.0"; N. '- aiub-.-r, in elevator, at
$l.llo. and small iola of white at $l.(Kj.tl.
10. Kye ia Selling at .0ti.'Sc. Corn ia in
lair demand ; kale ol 5.IHH1 biisheU at 4to
j'k.-. ( tats Tbo demand is ligtil and prices
have declined. Sties ut 10,01 "0 bus. inciii
di mixed at 20c, new white at lor fair
and good, and -.'!..Jle fcr choice and fancy.
Been lr!rTs! nsefcirrwenry yenr.
r.vc-vbrre prr)Ta the nin-r fctl'F
H4q,I.K. L'bO.HaCAI.aaa' KVFICII. r
meuicin Wnorrn. Ttiey are )uxt w hat
;':e jM-ople want, nu-rlnf time, ciohct,
lrl4nr ;n! Miircjor. Kvery uisie
rr.c tlie wli trie pcnarlpttoa of
ia eminent ybyalciau.
Nv Cniv. Cent
1. I ?Tr, rcnrtioi, Insirmnt'ons, .
4. Voins, 'orfn vcr. Worm Coii", .
, rrylii:.--l"olic. or Ti-HMngcf Infanta,
4. Umrrbita, of ( biklrrn or Aunlii, .
5. I"venlir, frl;'!!it;, Eiiio'js Cube, .
. rm!r."a..ebii, Vcn-.itii;, ...
7. t"nt-l7, Cold, Broachius, ....
H. uralK- a, loolbuche. Facearbe,
91 Weai t:res. Sick H.lche, Vertigo,
fX lsspe-iii. Ui.Wm' Pti'irach, ...
it. Miiit.c,!e'l. or F'airfn! Period, . .
11 x lilies, too l'rofafe Peri.n!., . . .
IX cll. iMTlmlt CrcalhinT, .
aftt nhetiiil, HT-iP'la.. Enptioca.
t ltiieiiiatlswi, Ithcuira'ic Paioa.
,1. Vrrrraid Aw. hili Kever, A;mi,
17. N.I'd or btjiHin, .....
f'pttl.Hlily. flC't SoicncTS'.-!ikET,',
19. alarm, ncnle or chrot.c. In.lue..7.a,
St tioo nT- "', TioUnteoiigtia,
4!. A!k!ia, orTirtsd Breathitp, . .
22. Far enar:e. bnpsfreti hearin?,
St. wrolnla, enisrged pVrds. Swi-llinea,
21. ;piirrnl Debility, I'ii.icsl Vt takneaa,
r ro;v and cantT Secretions, . . . ,
iti. sra-sirhnrss. sicknei-a irom rilling,
T. Kidljey-Iie, Ur.L, . . . .
n .nn'i, lkeblllrr. Vital Weaknoa.
is 1
Si. More .lliiiil h. Canker M
SO. rlnwry VetliBe,wettii:theltd, SO
Si. l.-lnlul t'rrioos. ormin fimr. . . w
. r raeof Heart, piIpittion..te. . I 11
XI. Vllrjwev, SjwsniB. St. Vitus' Oaace, . 1 00
St Dluhtnrrla. nlcerated aor thmat, . . 60
ii. turonic Comet ions aud ErupUona, W
Cae. Morocco, with above 35 larse tlste ant
ifaanalof direetiooa, lie.0
Case Mormo, of JO largerlals and Book, ( Oil
Tkrst re met! Ie are ent by t hera
alncie box or wlaJ. t any part ef the
eon airy, free wf cbarse, aa receipt af
rlce. Adires
ntnphress Homnttil Jledlelne Co.
Oilice and Depot. 10K Pnttcn .st. Nir York.
For Hale by all nruciclsts.
W HnmpIireyB Specifio Kanr.al on tha
cars and treatment of disease and ita cora,
cant FR2L oa application.
For aale br HAMLIN &.CO., Tatteraon l a.,
July in, 178-0 in
(SnccesaoM to D. P. SulnurT.)
Calcined Plaster. Land Plaster,
We bny Grain, to ba delivered at Miffitn
town or Mexico.
We are prejiared to furnish Sail to dealers
at reasonable rales.
April 21, 1877-tf
Sale Billa printed on abort notice at tbe
office of toe ttnttnoi and RapnUicam.
Has Opened Ilia Large Stock Of
Pry Goods, Groceries,
flats, Caps, flout, Shoes, Queensware, Glassware, Tinware,
Spices, Notions, Soaps, Salt, &o.
And will be sold t astonish inglj low prices.
C7""ow is the time to sare money by buying at the Corner Palace Store. Call id
and examine our goods and ter wur prices. o trouble to abow goods.
Rournr r t as act-as
,f :m:. . .
, 1S77 -tf
I tbe place where 70a can bnj
HE Is prepared to exhibit one of tbe most choice and aelect stocks erer oflurad 1st
this market, and at jISTOMSHIXGLT LOW f RICES I
Also, mea-mres Ukaa fof suits aud parts of suits, which will le made to order
at short actice, rery reasonable.
Remember tho place, in Hoffman's
Water s'reets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA.
Has jjt returueJ from tba Eastern cities with a full vr:cfj of
GEXTS' PCRN-ISniXt! i.'OODS.-Goodaof ail kind, are low.-Co.ns and m,
andbeaHtiinished.-ratiMat-JSccnts. E7" SUITS MADE TO ORDER. a
". ' May 28, li7.i. SAMUEL STlZfiEK.
Lenl .Votices.
Notice lo Tax-Payer.
THE underpinned, Co'lecl
tax for Prruan:i)th scitool
or ol school
I district, will
be in Mittlintown. at ti.-iire Kreider'a olhoe, j
on the 2 Jd day of MlVKMUEK. to receive
school fix. All -ron ayiii iheir tax j
hetween the lth uf Oi-tobjr aud the 7th ol i
D.--c-i!iler, will be allowed an ab itniekt of j
' 1' M't Tilirly duva toll-iwina:, tbey
.:n l... : 1 ... . r.-n 1
.hi ur rrijiumi IU p:iv lull aUlOUMI, ami j
after that dale fiere will be an additiou ol
5 per Cent, on all fix uopuid.
Act. 9, 18.S.
ALL persons are hereby c.mti.ine.l not to
fih, hunt, break or ojien fences, or cut
wood or vonvg limber, or in any iiauecea
arv way trespass on the land., of the uuder
Miried. .K M Thomrson T S Thompson
J B Thmpn E P ll idi.,n
I 'iVio o Thmnpnoa Abrain lUcily
j Davis Smith, Jr. foctO. li
.4 8s is
aed IMafe of John
"VOTICE is hen-by tl John YT. Hiis-1
a., iiuiiii anil nix, .Mliior'l lOWUMlip, j;
Juniata county, IN , h ive nude an aign- j
went fur the bcnetli of creditor, to the tin- j
derurned. All persons indebted to said '
estate are retiesteI lo make p iviuent, aililj
tli.i.e having claim to )rea-nt them wiitiuut t
delay to KObtkT JlCwKa.N,
Sept 1. IS7H.
"WV.V TM,.b.- V'r,!nr "ir " ,Otj0r f I
the trphans Loart uf Jum ita coun-1
tv directed to tbe und 'rslsi-d Ex-cntr ot
Philip Z'lidt, late or V4'ier fiwusbip. Ju- j
niala county, decead, on the preuiivs. '
aiMiiil four miles kouiheast of Miiliinlown.
and -i miles eaftof Mexico, at oce o'c'.oct
I". U., on
the t.i!ln.iii described re d estate, to wit :
, ir.ict of land situate in Walker lowi.sliip,
Jtiiuata cnuuty, l a., bounded by lands of
Jacub Ada:ii, Andrew bVshore, John A.
5 i S 11.il h. Michael Sicbrr, and others, coiitain
j j inz O.N S IIL'.MKKI ACKEd, more orlrsn,
5-, ! abii:t 70 a.:ri 5 of wliicU are cleared and the
sr ! b;ilaiice good timbcriand. Thu iiuprove-
lucnt, are a
limb U .r. 1 ,.-.., CK.u4 I K . ,1
80 "H'buildinj.'s. 1 ticre is a rood OK-
' (.j't llAKDof clinice fruit, in hearing condi
', SO tin", on the pr;-in . . Exeeileut Spring of
. W j wati-r nc r the hue.
; gj 'I LK MS OF S A I.E. One-thirl ot the
I tij purchase money lo be paid on conflruuliou
61 of ..lie bv tile t'oiirt ; one-third April 1,
' ) ' 1 T i, uiien Peed will be delivered a-id poa
1 (si I session piv i; ii:e-third on the 1st of
April, lkl, with interest from April lit,
lS'J, lo oe secured bv jud-.'iiient tnd.
"jAtnB ZEN DT,
Executor of l'hilip Z.udt, dee'd.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans i
Court of Juniata canty, will be sold 1
by Ihe nniiersig:n-d. Administrator of thu
estate of Ern Mcl.iun, law l Faye'.te t
township, said county, off the preruircs, at
1 o'chick r. a., on aI
the following viiil.ible roal t.iti-. tr wit :
A firm containing alxiil NINtTY-FIVE
At-'KtS, more or It ss, .tuaty in layette
tiiwnship, havir.j tUrreoa erected a Log
B.'i.k Barn, with Wagon Sln-d a:d Cora
CriU attached, Stone Sprinz-honse and other
ont-bmtiiiigs. Tin-re is a uever-failin;
Fountain Fnmp near the honse, and jrod
Orchani of choice fruit ou the premises, in
poisl bearing eonditi.in. About t5 acre of
tbe l iud are cleared and in a good tate of
TERMS One-fourth of th purchase
money to be p.td on confirm itwn of sale by
ihetou t; oiie-iouith April 1, lb79, when
Ileed ill be deiivrret and posKesaiou given ;
one-fonrth April 1, 1 itli interest from
April 1, 79; one-fourth Aj-ril I. Wil.
wiili it-terest Iroiu Aptil 1. Is79 tho tf
last pavuients to secured hv judg'oent
Sept. 25, 187S. jljtnmutrator.
4 LL persons are berehr rantioncd not to
. ."'T ,.hcirrl,rt rU3,l V""'"""'
to ll.sh. hunt, irather b-rnes. break or ODen i
fences, or cut wood or vounc limber, or in
any unnecessary w iy treapisa on the lands
of the nndersirned.
M K. Beshore.
David lietrk k.
Thomas Benner.
Christian hboaSstall.
John JMr.ttur.
Ilenrv Klosa.
M. It J. n. Wilson.
l!enr Hartrnan.
I'orter Thompson.
William Il trb.
David Sieber.
iug7. 78
Tne Sentinel and RepnbliroM office ia the
place Vagal job work doo. Try it. It will
pay y"u IS yoa oesl aaytbinj in that Use.
New Building,
eoroer of Bride and
Sept. 15, 1.-U
Legal .YolUes.
T XT' AT "7'CT,A'T,"L'1T
-afc AJ IJO I il I Hi
rflHE nndersizne I. Executor of Jane
X lieale, deceased, will sII al pnb't? aalo,
on ibe premises. In B-ale to nahiD junlita
- . n t . ..
COUIIIV, ai O CIOCK 1. ., oil
The undivided one-thinl part of a aluabii
tract of land lately owned by Hon. J..hn
Beale, deceased, near Jnhnt'wn, bonndml
by lands of Samn-I S. Pannibtker, Todd'a
h.irs, Jeremiah Frankhnu.-.-, t:j heirs of
George Snyder and others, eumaiuiug
One Hundred and Fifty eight 1crtsf
more or leas, having thereon erected a good
Frame House, Framo Bank Barn,
and other outbuildings. There ia a good
Orchard on the preini-, and the farm is
weil ii.plicd with waier, U wi ll fenced and
in an excellent stale of cultivation. a,a
opportunity will b- (tiv-u pnreh.isers to bil
nn the whole properly. The term, which
wld be easyi will be wade knon on day of
cl2 Executor.
- rj, ., i i , . -. .,
AUllaaelplUa Q xieadlDS I.ailrOad.
lrrangmcnt of Pastn(rer Trains
Mat 12ib, 1FT?.
Trams leare Hirriabur at 11..
For Sew Yotk 11 5 b M a. u,., and 200
and 7 o.'i p. m. ,
ior Philadelphia at 5 20, S 10, 9 J." a. ra.,
2 D'l and i 57 p. m.
For Kea.lii: a 5 20, 8 !0, 9 45 a. m., 2 00
3 -j7 and 7 o- p in.
For Pottaville al 5 20, 10 . m., a,i $ &7
p. m. and via Schuylkill Jt Susijuehanna
Branch .it 2 40 p. ni.
For Auburn via S. ic H Branch at i 10 s m.
For Allentuvvn at 5 20, 8 10 a. t., 2 W,
3 57 and 7 -jo p. m.
The 5 2lt, 8 H a. tu. and 7 55 p m.
trains have through cars for N'ew York.
The 5 2', a. m. and to p rn. train
have through cars for Phii.ide'phia.
For New York at 5 20 a. ra.
For AlU-nt-iwn and way stations at S 20 a. na,
For Heading, Philadolt.hia ajd way station
at 1 ii p. iu.
Traintjr Hurrubwf leart as folUw t
Leave cw York at 8 45 a. m., aud 1 00,
530 and "7 t't p. m.
Leave MiiUdelphia at 9 15 a. m., and 1 0.
and 7 i p. m.
Leave kea.iing at f f0, 7 40, 1 1 20 a. ra...
1 3U, 6 !' and 1(1 3i p. ni.
Leave Pottsville at 6 III, 9 15 a. in. and 4 36"
p. m.,aivl viaSchuyikiil and Sii5.ahaa-
na Brrii h at 8 15 a. m.
Leave Auburn Tia S. k. S. E.anch at 12 0
Leave Allentown at -12 30, 5 50, 05 a. n...
12 15, 4 31) and 9 or, p. m.
f Dot not run on .uWr.
LeaTi Nw Tork at 5 Si p. .
l.eyve I'hiiadelphia al 7 2 p.
I Lra. e Reading at 4 40 asl 7. 4i a. m. and 14
. '.f , ' . , .
Wa A"t" - - M P
Ha Vjmj and K.iitroi.i.
Gentrat Manuftr.
Caaeref Txktl Aent.
Pert Eoyal Agricultural Agency
ClaOVKK Ilt'IiLlalt!',
Plows, Harrow", Grain Drills,
&c, &c.
ZJ Fifteen Ter Cent.
Less than Cam
be had ELeirhere.r
1. r. JACOBS at CO..
Port Royal, Juniata Co., 1'a.
July 25, 1877.
La'pe stock of ready made clothing of tba
latest and choicest styles, for men and
boys, hats, caps, boots and shoes, notion.,
fmoishirr poods ia end en variety foe sa'tsj
at soi4 trasis, ia PsrtrTa.