Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 17, 1878, Image 2

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    ULifJ- 1 1 - -JSS
HedneifH, July IT. laTS.
mrroa a rsorairroa.
Cneral Henry H. Iloyt,
Hon. Cbarles W. Stone,
Hon. Aaron K. Dunkel,
Jt&dg-e Jamen I'. Sterrett,
The Lo familj Las been whipped
bj General Howard's troops.
Th OraBgeuien did not parade in
the cities hist Friday, the anniversary
day of the battle of the Boyna
A us in New i'ork failed in busi
ness, last week, owing two million of
dollars, with nothing to pay that btuu
The natives of New Caledonia, an
island, owned by France, in the re
gion of the sea off Australia, arose
and killed nearly all the convict cron
nmnists and other crhuinal prisoners
that France sent there.
Jeffersos Davis, late of the South
ern Confederacy, redelivered one of
his old speeches, down South, a few
days ago. "The die is cast," Jeff,
talk about sometliing else, say some
thing to eat and something to wear.
Tsrs rotter Committee have re
fused to hear evidence as to the course
of intimidation practised on the
people of the South. Such a com
mittee is only fit for the contempt of
fair-minded people, and fit for the
work of unfair politicians.
A great real estate fraud has been
unearthed in California, by which a
certain ring got rich, by claiming
and taking bonds under fraudulent
titles. They had a coTintarfeit seal
of the State, which carried them
through in almost every case until
their fraud became known.
A harmed man named Bishop and a
married woman named Cobb, both of
Norwich, Conn., were arrested a few
days ago on the charge of murdering
Mrs. Bishop and Mr. Cobb, by poi
soning. An analysis of the contents
of the stomachs of the dead man
and woman revealed traces of arsenic
and copper. Love, if properly di
rected, will take a man to Heaven,
but if improperly directed, will take
a man to Satan.
The Irish element passed through
a state of subdued excitement on the
12th, in the cities, over the question
of the battle of the Borne. Most of
us lelicve that the feeling is stirred
because one Prince lost a throne, and
another Fiinee won a throne. If the
question turned only on kingly rule,
it would not matter a great deal to
the mass of the people, which king,
but the question that stings is not
that of kingly rule, but one of reli
gion. It was the question of Prot
estantism and Catholicism. That's all.
The Republican party promised,
when the dire necessities of the
country required it to issue the green
back, that it should be redeemed in
coin. The day of redemption is near
at hand, when either gold or silver
can be obtained for the greenback
dollar. It is almost a marvel that it
should come to resumption so soon,
after so dreadful a war. Resumption
did not come so soon after the Rev
olutionary war, and after the war of
1812. The Greenbackers and the
Democrats should pin these facts
iu their hats.
The Socialist, or Communist teaches
that individual wealth is a corse. Tbe
otjct of their teaching, if their ac
tum is a thing to judge by, is to create
a notoriety for themselves, and creatt
a bal feeling between people who bare
mean aod those who bars no means.
There might be something in their po
sition, that a great wrong exists, be
cause one wan bas means and tbe other
has none, if one set of men were kept
in means and the other set were kept
out of mean tut such is not tbe case.
This is a tree country, and there are no
laws to make one set of men poor and
luake another set of men rich. Under
the laws of this country tbe rich may
et poor, and tbe poor may get rich.
England and Turkey have a treaty
of their own, that is not to be exam
ined into by a Congress of the pow
ers. Queer, isn't it t that when Rus
sia and Turkey make a treaty all the
powers of Europe must meet in a
Congress or convention and talk the
matter over, and fix the treaty over
to suit themselves, but when Eng
land and Turkey fix up a treaty, the
powers have nothing to say. This is
a long distance away, but far and
Bafe away as it is, it seems as if the
course for Russia to pursue, would
be to bow herself out of the Con
gress and put her armies in motion.
The treaty between England and
Turkey is to prevent Russia from
getting a stronghold in Asiatic Tur
key, and if Russia attempts military
occupation of certain districts in
Asia, England is to help Turkey to
drive Russia out ; in consideration of
iroch support, England will be allowed
to occupy the Island of Cyprus.
Evintie National Party.
The Philadelphia Record of the
11th int. says: The row in the Na-tioniil-GreeLbock-Labor
party came
to a partial b.6ad last night. The
City Executive Committee met at
315 South Second street, and turned
its attention to the charges that cer
tain leaders in the Greenback wing
were collecting funds from persons
outside of the party, promising in
return to support them for office in
the coming campain. The result of
this conference was the dismissal of
John W. Frazier from the party on
the ground that he was one of the
number who was selling out the party.
Then a resolution was passed warn
ing the public to beware of persons
collecting money who were not prop
erly authenticated. A committee of
this body subsequently met a sub
committee of the State Central Com
mittee and decided to commence at
once and organize for the coming
. m a
Kearney's Characteristics.
A correspondent of tbe Graphic, who
interviewed Dennis Kearney tbe t all
foruia communist, says : During tbe in
terview Kearney osed all the oaths in
tbe nautical vocabulary, and was par
ticularly abusive of tbe machine poli
tician and th capitalist. 1 beard him
tipcak an boor ago to a large assem
blage of workingmeB and delegates
elcet Tbe audience seemed electrified,
bat 1 eoald see no cause for it. Kear
ney ia not eloquent, for he is unread
be is not intelligent, beyond a peculiar
aptness in local politics and a slight
smattering -of national affairs ; and
though he baa said a great deal about
'bajoneta an J "blood," I do not
think be would attempt to lead a body
of men to any point where bis own
neck would be endangered, or tbat be
would get out of a warm bed on a eold
night to serve bis country, or leave a
pood dinner to ameliorate tbe condi
tion of bis own race.
Property is Common.
From the National Socialist.
Let ns bear that perpetually in mind,
while we bag the everlastiug truth that
individual wealth is the foremost curse
of tbe world. There is no real wealth
but that which can be successfully used
by tbe wisdom of society for tbe gen
eral welfare. All kingcraft, in what
ever guise it comes, must be stamped
upon and ground by the heel of bate on
tbe bichway of public scorn. Down
with all such names as Evarts, Scott,
Gould, and others of tbat ilk.
The following dispatches give the In
dian situation as accurately as any in
teiligence that can be obtained :
Sax Francisco, Cal., July 11- A
di.patch received at the aruiy bead
quarters here from Gen. Howard, dat
ed at "tbe Head of Birch Creek, July
8th," ei j s be found tbe Indians in force
on the 8th, near the bead of Butler creek.
He advanced two columns, one under
Throckmorton, consisting of two com
panies of artillery, one of infantry and
a few volunteers, and the other under
Bernard, consisting of seven companies
of cavalry and twenty of Bobbin's
scouts, Gen. Howard accompanying tbe
latter column. Bernard's scouts noti
fied him of the vicinity of tbe bostiles,
when tbe cavalry moved forward at a
trot ovea three foot bills, each over a
a mile ia assent. Tbe Indiana were
strongly posted on a rocky crest. One
company was left with tbe pack train.
Tbe others deployed and advanced
handsomely under a heavy fire. Tbe
ascent is described as steeper than that
of Missionary Ilidge, but no roan broke
ranks, though several saddles were emp
tied and many horses killed. The
coercy was driven from its position to
another height in tbe rear of the great
er elevation and crowned with natural
defenses of lava rocks. In twenty min
utes tbiii position was also stormed from
different sides at once, and a rapid pur
suit commenced of the flying Indians,
wbo abandoned tbeir horses, provisions
ammunition and camp mterial. Tbe
bostiles made for a tbick timber, crown
ing Blue Ridge and made another stand
but were again dislodged and pushed
four or five mile further into tbe
mountaics. The rough country and
the great exhaustion of the men and
horses caused a cessation of tbe pursuit
for tue day.
In this engsgement fire enlisted men
were wounded and about twenty borses
killed. It is impossible to elate tbe
loss of tbe enemy. Tbeir women and
children end beat borses were moved
before tbe fight began, apparently in
the direction, of Grande Konde, and tbe
bostiles fled in tbat direction.
Officers and men behaved in tbe best
possible manaer throughout the affair.
Wasuinotos, July 11. General
Sherman says tbat no fears of another
outbreak of Sitting Bull's warriors need
be feared in connection with tbe Indian
uprising in Oregon. Tbe army is so
disposed at present as to prevent Sit
ting Bull's re-entry into the United
Slates for the purpose of combining
with tbe Bannocks and other warlike
tribes for another general war. Be
sides, General Sherman says tbat tbe
Yellowstone Valley does not now afford
facilities for a warlike lodian move
ment, as with tbe past year the valley
bas been rapidly populated by settlers,
wbo in case of trouble will render ef
fective service to tbe army.
Helana, Moo., July 11. Tbe In
dependent bas received a letter stating
tbat A. L. Guttle and John arebauo
were found murdered at Cuttle's Rancbe
at the bead of Dearborn river, on the
4 th instant. Tbe bouses bad been
broken op6n and tbeir contents earried
off. A party of Indians and white
borse thieves are supposed to have per
petrated the outrage. Dearborn river
is about fifty miles north of this plane
Guaniof for a Burglar.
Mr. and Mrs. Flynn,of Sidney, Ohio,
bad been married only a few days when,
in the middle of tbe night, the husband
thought he beard a burglar biding under
tbe bed. Lie arose quietly and armed
himself with a sboi-gun. Tbe bride
was asleep, with one of her feet bang
ing over tbe edge of tbe bed. Flynn
saw the foot, and thought it was tbe
burglar's face. Tbe light was dim, aod
tbe foot may have been uncommonly
large. He fired, shooting away three of
Mrs. Flynn'i toes.
All the glass works at Pittabuif are
There ia a parrot ia- Sbarron which
sings hymns.
The episodic cas been revived ia
Chester county.
There are 6889 Sunday-schools in
this State.
Tbe apple crop in the northeastern
part of tbe State will be a failure.
Baby shows art to be added to the
oonuty agricultural fairs this fall.
A former oif prince, whose business
capital was $200,000, is begging for
bread in Erie.
Tbe season is one of the most propi
tious known in many years for bees.
.Tbe Pittsburg Post says the pros
pects in the iron business there just
now are rather encourageing.
There are one hundred more prison
ers in the Western penitentiary now
than one year ago.
Between 400 and 500 tons of hay
were made on the Berks county poor
farm this year.
A boy in Chester eounty bas learned
a coon to follow him like a dog.
A fast tran ou the Pennsylvania
railroad, between Philadelphia and
New York, ia now run in one hour and
fifty minutes.
Base ball clubs languish in all parts
of tbe State.
Tbe Miller State Association met in
Reading last week. Tbe nest conven
tion will be held in Lancaster on Janu
ary 1st.
In the SusqUbbanna river at William
sport on Saturday three salmon were
speared whose aggregate weight was
22 i pounds. Tbe heaviest weighed 91
Rev. George Dilinger, of York coun
ty, plowed around a field several times
a few days ago, after which be took a
drink of water from a spring. Soon
after be returned to the plow when be
dropped down dead.
Tbe lhiladelphia and Reading Coal
and Iron Police made a raid un illegal
car riders at Bridgeport, on Tuesday a
week, eaptorine nine, all of them being
committed to Nonistown jail for twenty
Squirrels are se numerous in the
northern part cf tbe State as to do
much damage to the growiug crops.
William Kline, Supervisor of the
Centre Turnpike Company, was indict
ed in Pottsrille on tbe lOtb lost., in tbe
criminal court, for not keeping the
roads in repair.
Tbe Eclectio Medical Association of
tbe State will hold its sixth annual
meeting in Altoona, commencing Tues
day October 1, at 10 o'clock x.
Tbe Governor, on tbe 10th inst., is
sued a warrant for tbe execution, on
the 17th of August, of Hezekiah Sbaef
fer, of Franklin county, wbo was con
victed of murdering his wife.
General Sherman declares that Ban
ning bas not brains enough to be a dry
goods clerk. But be can be a Demo
cratic Congressman, cau't be?
Hugh Brown, of Erie county, whila
intoxicated, proceeded to whip bis
) housekeeper. A. Thornton, a neighbor,
J endeavored to prevent his purpose from
being carried out, when mown shot
him in the face with a double barreled
Mrs. Datiiel DUsinger, of Akron,
Lancaster county, undertook to start
a fire with coal oil on Saturday morn,
ing a week, Tbe c,n exploded, and
Mrs. Dissinger died at 5 o'clock in the
afternoon from tbe effects of tbe burns.
For some time past there has been
a great deal of freight car robbing
going on at Lock Haven aod vicinity.
One of tbe alleged principals iu this
gang of robbers for it seems tbat there
are several in the party is a Pole by
the name of Michael Milouskey, wbo
has just been captured and lodged in
Berks county has an apple parrr at
the Paris Exposition aod Dauphin
county bas a cider press. If any of tbe
other counties have a copper kettle
there to do the boiling, tbe butter will
ue loria coming ii r ranee nas tbe ap
ples. James Sil vis, a member of a good
family in Reading, was shot on Satur
day a week while attempting to break
into a grocery store. He was in the
act of letting himself down from a low
roof when he was fired upon. The
load entered his bead, faea and should
ers. Silvis confessed tbat be bad been
rooDing oayier s grocery for the past
nine niontns or money and roods, and
half a ton of groceries, etc., was found
in bis bouse by tbe police. His wounds
are not ratal.
Catharine Hickmao, of Berks eoun
. . i i . -1
y, loua. arsenic on r riaay morning a
week because ber father reproved ber
t i - .i -
iur seeping me compaoy or a young
man. one was round on tbe mountain
in the evening in a dvinc condition.
Tbe young woman was aged only sev
enteen years.
A brute named Traverse was arrest
ed at West Chester recently for hav
ing broken tbe back of a dog and cut
ting bis bead terribly and then throw
ing it into a lot where it suffered all
night, and was oniy relieved by being
Un last Sunday a week, a crowd of
four hundred men surrounded a Cath
olio cburch, at bbenandoah, Pa., and
would not allow the priest to enter.
special ponce were called out, a riot
ensued, and a number of arrests were
made. Dissatisfaction, owing; to the
removal of a former priest is said to
bave been the ase.
Andrew Wentling of Franklin coun
ty, some tims ago became erasy and
attempted to kill himself by jumping
into his welL He was removed to tbe
almshouse, but on Friday a week he es
caped and burned bis bouse, after
which be attempted to destroy other
property. When captured be said that
be wanted to see his wife come out of
tbe burning building and then kill ber
aad tbe children. Fortunately they
bad gone to a neighbor's bouse, having
learned that be was in tbe vicinity.
Tbe safe of Michel Riohard, of Roth-
rock ville, Backs eounty, stolen recent
ly with its contents, was found on Toes
day a week in a pit covered with
brush. Tbe robbers bad been unable
to open it, and tbe contents, (27,000
in mortage s, bonds and promisory notes
and $200 in money, were found intact.
On tbe Sd inst, at Baldwin, near
Harrisburg, while Thomas Wbeelan
was asleep in tbe mill, John Bogner
playfully threw water on him. Wheel
an retaliated with some other practical
joke, when Bogner picked np a piece of
seel aod threw it at Wbeelan. It struck
him on the forehead and fractured his
skull He was removed to tbe hosnital.
wbrrs b lies in a dangerous condition. '
Recent experiments with an eteotrio
light iur New York show that ordinary
newspaper print can be read1 try its aid
half a mile away.
Tbe 2nd of August bas been appoint
ed by the Bishops of the Southern
Methodist Church as a' day of fasting
and prayer.
Professor Lewis Swift, of Rochester,
N. Y., discovered a eomet in the con
stellation of Hercules, at two o'clock,
on tbe morning of tbe 7th inst. It ia
large but faint, aur) ir moving very
slowly in tbe southwest.
Tbe tramps in Erie eonnty resort to
every species of rascality, and are a
terror to people in the rural districts,
wbo are compelled to put guards on
tbeir premises stnigbt to prevent tres
pass, robbery and incendiarism.
John King, a Lancaster cigar maker
in a fit of jealously, on Sunday evening,
shot and dangerously wounded bis wife,
and tben attempted suicide. He was ar
rested. A vein of iron ore 41 feet thick has
been dixcovered by parties tunnelling
coal in Middleport, Schuylkill eounty.
Tbe COO Monnonites wbo arrived at
New York from Russia on the 2nd, are
the advance guard of a large number
of their bretbreo wbo will eome to this
country before 1880.
A woman named Ryan, 80 years of
age, escaped from tbe poor house of
Chautauqua eounty, N. Y., at midnight
of Thursday a week aod sought shelter
at a farm house. Wbile she was try
ing the doors and windows tbe farmer,
thinking ber a burglar, shot and fatal
ly wounded ber in the bead.
A sjreeeh owl took possession of a
box at Lancaster, Pa., the other day
in which a pair of martins were build
ing their nest, and when they returned
would not let th?m enter. Tbe birds
soon flew away and returned with a
whole army of companions, each bring
ing in his beak a piece of mud, with
wbiob they hermetically sealed the en
trance of the box. Wben the box was
opened a few days later tbe owl was
found to be dead. Scientific Amcri-
Omaha, Neb., July 12. An organ
ized company of tramps, 50 in number,
boarded a Rock Island freight train at
Neola, Iowa, yesterday morning, and
declared that tbey would ride into
Council Bluffs. The train men were
powerless to put such a large number
off. Tbe conductor telegraphed to
Council Bluffs, and when the train ar
rived it was met by tbe mayor, marshal,
pulice, and 200 citizens sworn in as
special policemen. On the train they
captured 40 tramps, 10 of them escap
ing. The worst ones were punished
and the rest were ordered out of the
town. Several shots were fired by the
otfioers, but no one was hurt. Tbe
tramps say tbat 150 more were to fol
low tbem from Des Moines to Omaha.
Ai.ba.it, N. Y., July 12 Tom Bal
lard, tho notorious counterfeiter, under
a thirty years' sentence in the Albany
Penitentiary, bas made a desperate ef
fort to commit suicide. He gashed
himself horribly, and will die.
James . Anderson.
Democratic Picture of tkt Lift and Jntt
ctdentt of Mr. Palter" Partner iu the
Mexican Revolution Busmen.
From the Lancaster Intelligencer.
lie was a waif and resided down in
Paradise among tbe farmers until be
became an apprentice in the Union
office, this city, John J. Cochran, pro
prietor. Ho was one of Ju Ige Patter
son's Sunday-school scholars in the
Presbyterian Sunday-school, and is well
remembered as a fellow scholar by P. D.
Baker, Esq , Scott Lytle, D. W. Stauf
fer and others. He was kicked out of
the Union office by Mr. Cochran for
offering to tbe Democrats to mix their
tickets with those of the Republican
party printed at tbe Union office, and
from this city he drifted down to New
Orleans, where bin subsequent career is
a matter of publio notoriety. Last
spring he visited this city and renewed
some of bis old acquaintances. Ander
son is said to bave been a native of
Coleraio township, this couuty, where
he received a eommon school education.
On leaving home he came to Lancaster
and became an apprentice to tbe print
ing business in tbe office of Thoiphilus
Feon, editor and publisher of the Union,
and bearded with Mr. Fenn on East
Orange street. Wben Mr. Cochran
took charge of the paper Anderson
continued to work upon it, boarding at
Michael's hotel. Wben Cochran eject
ed him from tbe office of tbe Union for
reasons above stated, he went to Har
risburg, and tben drifted West. As a
boy be was regarded as shrewd and
tricky, but by no means brilliant. Ue
left Lancaster about 18G2. During tbe
war be spent two or three years, at
least, in Washington in the government
printing office, and although be was
regarded by praotical printers as some
thing of a "botch," be bad great influ
ence among government officials, espe
cially with Hon. Thaddeus Stevens.
The Thomas boys and Jimmy Suydam,
of this city, give him tbe credit for
securing for tbem the places tbey bave
so long filled in Washington. Ha
seemed to think wben a boy that his
red hair was a drawback to gentility,
and some amusing stories are tolJ of
bis efforts to change the eolor to fash
ionable auburn or brown. In those
days hair dyes were not to be bad at
every barber shop, and Anderson was
obliged to depend on quack recipes to
subdue the sanguine hue of bis hair.
The result wss tbat be failed oftener
than he sueoeeded, snd sometimes ap
peared on the streets with bis hair pre
senting almost as many different colors
as a first-class modern cbromo.
Captured Counterfeit Money.
From the Washington Star.
Tbe Secret Service Division has on
band about $300,000 in counterfeit
money. Of this amount about $9,000
are in coin, ranging from the one-cent
piece to tbe twenty-dollar gold piece.
Tbe remainder is in paper currency.
Tbis is tbe accumulation since Decem
ber, 1876. Some of these eounterfeits
are very good ones, but tbe larger num
ber are miserable. Tbe latter is espee
tally tbe ease with tbe counterfeit silver.
Most of tbis coin is so poor that eveo
after being melted it eannot be ntilized
in any manner, becoming as brittle as
glass. It is generally a compound of
antimony, glass and line. Many of
tbe pieces wben struck with a hammer,
used for indenting the word " bad " on
captured eounterfeit eoio, break in
pieces. Tbe paper counterfeits ean be
reduced to a pulp axd vsed for manu
facturing paper of an inferior quality. 1
Kemo Adverttmrmetot--
yffr.Tt rQ'WEl
Been ta veneral use for twenty years.
Everywhere Brave She taer AArft,
nf4knr kwwa. Tbey are Jast what
the peapte want, aavla tlase, atatr,
siekaesa aad anffrrtn;. Kvrry ulawle
prrine the well trlea wencrlatlaa af
an eminent aayalcian,
Koc Cnren Cent
L Fever, Ootgrartion, Inflammation, . .
a Warns, Wnrm Ferrr, Wcina Coiic, . .
a rrylas-Callr, or Tccthta of Infanta,.
4. Diarrhara, or Children or Adolf, . .
9. Vysentrry. Griping. Riliofw Colic, . .
a Cwalera-ftaraiiA. Vomiticg, . . . .
T. raxh. Colds, Bronchltl, . . . . .
& Krurnlda, Toothache Facnrbe. . .
a IMlche, Well Ht-adacho, Vertigo, .
10. Dyp?pMta, Biiioiu Stomach, . . . .
11. pree!l, or Painfnl Periods, . .
1i Wallet), too rrofnw Period. . . . .
1.1 iToaB. Cncgh, Difficult Brrathinr, . .
14 MaM tthrnm, Emiprlaa, Eruptions. .
Rbniiialloai. Khnmatte Paina. . . 15
16. FrTrr and Aa-ue. Chill Fever, Agnea, . a)
17. Pllen, blind or bfcrdias;,
IR. Ophthaluiy, and Sore or Weak Erea, . SO
Vk Catarrh, acnta or chronic. Influenza, . 50
20. WhaiB-ich, violent cougha, . SO
11. Aathnia, oppressed Breathing, . . . 8
li Kar Dincaarxe. impaired aearlnr, . 60
T Mrrofula, enlarged elands, SwWItnirJ, . 60
IL Cienrral Debility, Pfurrieal Weakness, . 60
ii Draaxy and scanty Seen-lions, .... 64
SS. Mra-aieknea. sicknnw trotn riding, . 60
17. Kldnry-Dlarave, Gravel, . . . . a 60
IS. rvmi neoiltty. Vital Weakness, 1 00
. Bare Month, Canker, .60
SO. 1 riaary Weakne,wtHnf tbe bed, 60
81. Paiaful Period", orwith Spasma, . . 60
St Hlaeaf Heart, palpltaUoD.,etc . 1 00
XI Kallrswey, Spasms, feu Vitus' Duos, . 1 00
84. Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, . . 60
35. laraaicConarestlenaaiidltruptiona, to
Case, Morocco, with above SS larwe vials anil
Manual of directions, tl0.M
Cae Morocco, of 20 large rials and Book, S.M
Throe reiaeaiee are seat by the ease
tna-le has ar vial. a an pars af 'the
country, free ar charge, on receiptee
Srlee. Ae!nrv ,
iumphivya'Homeajmtale Medicine Ca.
Office and Depot, 10 Fulton at. New York,
Far hale By all Draarwlftta.
1T Humphrey' Spocifio Manual on tha
oars and treatment of rliawajm and its cum,
aant FRF. IS on application.
For tale br H AM LIN t CO., Patterson, Fa.
July 10, 1878-Gin
We will insert a one-inch advertisement,
thirteen times, in one thousand American
weekly newsjnpera, and from good parties
will accept a six months' note in settlement.
Advertisements may appear three months
every week, or every other week six months.
For casf; payment entirely in advance,
Ave percent discount. No extra charge
for making and se'Ming cnts. Files may be
examined at our omje. For catalogue of
papers and other information address GEO.
V. ROWELL a. CO., 10 Suce street, New
P. S. For an order amounting to $l,WO
we will give a reading notice gratis.
DTI V(1 Beautiful Concert Grand fTDflHU
1 LflJIU fianos, cost $1H500, only UJlU&JJ
$425. Superb Urand Square
Pianos, cost $1,100, only $255. Elegant
I'p'ight Pianos, cost $SU0, only $155. New
Stvlti Upright Pianos, SI 12. GO. Organs
$iO. Organs 12 stop, $72.50. Church
Organs, 16 stopi, cost $:i'M, only $! 15. Ele
rant $475 Mirror Top Organs only $105.
Tremendous sacrifice to close out present
stock. New Steam Factory soon to be erect
ed. Newspaper with much information
about cost of Pianos and Organs, SEXT
FREE. Pl'-ase ad.lress
Washington, N. J.
tfJ.ahA DAY to Agents canvassing for the
outfit Free. Address P. O. VICKERY,
Augusta, Maine.
At n ln Ainnri invested in WallSt-eet
$1U LU $1UJU Stocks makes fortunes ev
ery mouth. Book sent fre explaining
everything. Address BAXTER k. CO.,
B inkers, 17 Wall street, New York.
For fiUHiness Purposes, ours
ti.1 all nlli.r, in pl.urni... attft
?and volume of tone. Illustrated
circular and testimonials for 4 cts. Address
J. K. 1IOLCOUB, Mallet Creek, Ohio.
Awarded ktaJkett rt at CcrrtrvtafJ ExwwttsMs for
JlVa cAinaVaJ tfaWWaa arxf CCavJesMCa' awS i
avat ffpaav-iiatar --f Jk-f. Th be4 iobsvrr
tit Biade. A oar bin mrft trade mark la el.y
ImitatH on loferfor jrwwla. pe that J-.- Jbaf ia
on ererr plor- Sold Yj all deal. KmH fa marula,
frae, f C. A. Jacksox A (K. Mfrt feteratMrtr, Va.
G. F. WAKDLE, PhiU., P., GT1 Agent.
INS TITUT --. W.4tl.t.
CnsxHssaati. KnaaibakMl sc tiw tw f Cawseer,
Taaasjea. 1 levra. tV essa la. aael Skka Diana.
ear nr4 iua, tit) suae erf is ksuJ eektcca.
tf isaaary af iraaisasaiL. taw ism taws) frvta aatJaaai
rmr4. aatf IrtmsH rite re-farwaeea. eta. Aaatrna
is. Ha iilispty, M. Jl, aUaiaa, Cfilaaiil.O.
Stockholders Individually Liable.
J. NEVIN POMEBOY, President.
Dnt serosa:
J. Nevin Pomeroy, Joseph Kothrock.
George Jacobs, Philip M. Kepner,
Amos G. Bonsall, Louis E. Atkinson.
W. C. Pomeroy,
J. Nevin Pomeroy,
Philip SC. Kepner,
Joseph Kothrock,
George Jacobs,
L. E. Atkinson,
W. C. Pomeroy,
Amos G. Bonsall,
Noah Hertsler,
Daniel StouSer,
Charlotte Snyder,
Sam'l Herr's Heirs,
James B. Okcson,
Wm. Van Sweringeo,
a. H. Bechtel,
Jane H. Irwin,
John Heckman,
Mary Kurti,
Samuel M. KurU,
J. Holmes Irwin,
T. V. Irwin,
F. B. Frow.
John Uertiler.
Interest allowed on twelve months' rrr
tiHcates of deposit, Ave per cent. ; on six
nomas' cernocales, lour per cent.
jan23, 1878-tf
I hare returned from the city with a full
stock of
Overcaata, Hat aad Caps,
At November Prices, Bed need.
SHOES $1.25. NoShoddj.
I have added a line of
To stock. Prints, fast colors, st 6 ta 6 cts,
Also, Arbockle's Coffee 28 ctr., cash.
Also, the genuine Syrups.
Horse Blankets, Bobes, Cheap.
Call and see, snd be convinced.
J. B. V. TODD.
Patterson, Nor. 20, 1877.
The BcsTtaat. A in Rrrirr. k..
superior as an advertisine nedlnn in this
county, and as a journal of varied news
ana reaaing it is not surpassed by any
weekly paper ia central Pennsylvania.
Legal Notice;
AS directed by the Will of John Wright,
deceased, I wiH sell at public sale, at
the Ccurt House iur Milnintown, at 2 o'clock
P. M ., on
Thursday, August 15, 1878,
The following described valuable Real Estate
of said decedent, to wit r
No. 1 The LOT and MANSION, on Main
street, MitSintown.
No. 2 The LOT and FRAME HOUSE, on
Main street, adjoining tbe basin, in Mif
flin town.
Third street, adjoining tha Lutheran
Cburch and Parsonage.
three pieces, adjoining the Presbyterian
graveyard, land of B. F. Schweier and
public street m MifSintown.
block, situate oa Mowry street,- fronting
the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Patterson.
Tsbks or Sals. One-third of the par-
chase money to be paid on the day of side ;
one-balf of balance on the tirM nay 01
April. 1879, and the remainder October 1st;
1879, with interest on all from day of sale.
The unpaid purchase money to be secured
by judgment bond. Possession to be given
immediately to Nos. 1 snd 4, on compli
ance with terms. Possession to Nos. 2, 8
and & to be given subject to lease.
Exeestor of John Wright, decM.
July 17, 1878-ta
"ITILL be sold by virtue of an order of
V V tbe Orphans' Court of Juniata eoun
tv. directed to the ondersifrned. Adminis
trator enm ttstameuto nutxo of Philip
Ranck, late of Walker township, Juniata
county, deceased, on the premises, about
fire miles northeast of MifSintown, at two
o'clock P. on
The following real estate, to wits
situate in Fermanagh township, Juniata
county, bounded by lands of David Diven,
David Moist and others, containing
F1FTEE.Y ACRES, More or Les$.
Tbe above land ia well set with Chestnnt
timber, and ia Valuable for any farmer wish
ing to procure woodland for posts, rails, Ac .
TERMS. One-half of the purchase mon
ey to be paid on condonation of sale bv the
couit, and the remainder on tbe 1st day of
March, 18.9, whec deed win be delivered
and possession given.
Adm'r C. T. J. or Philip Ranck, dee'd.
July 17, 1678.
IN pursuance of an order issued ont of the
Orphans' Court tt Juniata county, the
undersigned. Ad minisi.-atrix and Adminis
trator of John M. Kepner, late of Milford
township, Juniata county, deceased, will
offer at public sale, in the borough of Port
Royal, at 10 o'clock A. M., on
All the following described valuable real
estate, late the property of said decedent,
to wit :
No. 1. Four lots of ground in Port Roy
al borongb, bounded on the east by Sixth
street, on the north by North street, on the
west by J B Okeaon and on the south by
F. Brennisholtz and Zc-ll.
No. 2. Three lots of ground in Port
Royal borongh, bounded on the west by
Wilson's lane, south by Market street, north
by J B Okeson's lots and east by Zcll.
No. 3. One lot of ground in Port Royal
borough, bounded on the north by Market
street, east by lot ot Robert Logan, south
by Middle alley, Mrs. Koons, and west by
Sixth street.
No. 4. One lot of ground in Port Roval
borough, bounded on the west by Mrs.
Koons, north by an alley, east by an alley
and south by Main street.
No. 5 One lot of ground in Port Royal
borough, adjoining Jacob Zeigler on the
west, Main street on the north, Wm. Oood
nuui on the east, and unopened alley on the
No. 6-Fonr lots of ground in Port
Royal borough, bounded on the south by
Fair Ground, on the west by lands of David
Wilson, on the north by an unopened alley,
and on the east by lots of J U Ruokle.
No. 7. A lot of ground in Port Roval
borough, adjoining Main street on the north,
Sixth street on the west, lot of Q W Jacobs
on the east and alley on the south,
No. 8. A lot of ground in Port Royal
borough, adjoining Main street on the north,
J B Oneson on the east, G W Jacobs on
the west, and alley on the south.
No. 9. The undivided fonrt levenths of
a piece of ground in Port Royal borough,
bounded on the north by lots Nos. 5(1 and
52, east by Second alley, south by Tusca
rora creek, and west by Third street.
No. 10. The undivided four-elevenths of
lot No. 51, in Port Royal borough, bounded
on tbe south by Tuscarora street, on tbe
west by Stephenson's lot, on the north by
Cow alley, and on the east by Second alley.
No. 1 1. Tbe undivided four-elevenths of
lots N os. 53 and 5-5, in Port Royal borough,
oounaea on me sonta br Tuscarora street.
on the west by an alley, on the east by Sec
ond street, and the north by Cow alley.
No. 12. The undivided four-elevenths of
a piece of ground in Port Royal borough,
bounded on the aouth, from lot No. 66 to
month of Tuscarora creek, by the creek,
east by Juniata river to Cow alley, west by
lots Nos. 21 and 23 to Tuscarora street,
inence to creek.
No. 13. An interest (the four-elevenths)
m a strip oi ground in fort Koyal borongb,
bounded east by Juniata river from Co
alley to Market street, west by lots Nos. 9,
11, 13 and 15, and on the south by Cow
No. 14. Tbe undivided one-third of a
lot of ground in Port Koyal borough, sub
ject to widow's dower, adjoining lot of
Elizabeth Rice, Front street and Market
street, and Pennsylvania Railroad, having
thereon erected a
No. 15. The undivided one-third of a
lot of ground in Port Royal borough, sub
ject to widow's dower, bounded by Market
street on tbe north, lot of A. S. Okeaon on
the west, Pennsylvania railroad oa the east,
and alley on the south, having thereon
No. 22. A tract of land on Tuscarora
mouutain, adjoining lands of George Boyer,
Robert McMeen, John Hostler and others,
containing 39 Acr3A, more or less.
No. 24. The undivided one-half of a
tract of land in Turbett township, bounded
by lands of Robert E. McMeen, Koons' lot,
Oeorge Boyer, Moses Yocnm and others,
containing FOHr Acres, more or less,
with the appurtenances, having thereon
erected a
TERMS. One-third of the purchase
money to be paid cub ; one-third to be paid
in one year, and ono-third at the death of
Kibecca L. Kepner, widow, and the interest
thereon payable to her annually. The last
two payments to be secured by bond aud
mortgage and personal security.
ALSO, at tbe same time and place, the
following personal property will be sold :
One Rocking Chair, One Post Borer, One
fifth interest in a Vineyard of about Four
Acres, on land of William Clark, in Beale
township. July 10, 1878.
CAtrriox NOTICE.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
trespassing on the lands of the under
signed cither in Delaware or Walker town
ship, for the purpose oi fishing or huntlor.
or for any other purpose.
L. E. Armsoa.
N. A. Lrsiss.
ecM-tf 6. S.Lcaiss.
Le$l Xoiices
Ecuer' llsjtlce.
itaUof Jama McCrum, dectutd.
KTTERS Testamentary oa tha estate of
JU James McCrum, lata of Mil'ord town
ship, Juniata eounty. Pal, deased, hav
ing been granted to the undersigned. All
person, indebted to said estate arc ree.U
ed to make rajmeuU and those having
claims or demands are requested to make
known the same without delay lo
July 17, 1878. Executor.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Juniata ceonty, will be sold
by the undersigned, Administrator of the
estate of Ezra McLinn, late of Fayette
township, said eounty, on the premises, at
1 o'clock r. sr., oa
the following valuable real etatf, to wi t :
A farm containing about NINETY-FIVE
ACRES, more or less, having thereon erec
ted a Log-frame
Bank Barn, with Wagon Shed and Corn
Crib attached, Stone Spring-bouse and! other
ont-bnildings. There is a never-fatling
Fountain Pump near the house, and a good
Orchard of choice froit on tho premises, in
good bearing condition. About 8-5 acre of
the land are cleared and in a good state of
TEHMS One-fourth of tha purchase
money U be paid on confirmation of sale by
the Court ' one-tonrth April 1, 1879, when
Deed will be delivered and possession given ;
one-Tonrtb April 1, 1H80, with interest from
April 1, 1879; one-fonrth April 1. 1881,
with interest from April 1. 1879 the two
last payments to be secured by judgment
June 19, 1878. Jdministrater.
fTlHE undersigned, appointed Auditor by
the Court oi uommon riess oi juu
eountv to make distribution of tbe balance
in the bands of Robert McMeen, Esq , As
signee of John Benner, to and among trie
creditors and parties entitled thereto, here
by gives notice tbat ha will attend to the
duties of bis appointment, at bis office in
Mifflintown, on THURSDAY, JULY 1",
1878. from tbe hour of 10 o'clock A. M
until 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, wben and
where all persons interested mast present
their claims, or be debarred from participa
ting ia said distributions
June 21, 1878 Auditor.
Kotlcc of Dissolution.
NOTICE ia hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
William Batman and the undersigned in the
Foundry business in Mifflintown, bas been
dissolved. Tbe books are in tbe Bands ol
the undersigned, to whom all payments will
be made. Tbe business will be eonnociea
without any interruption at tho same old
stand. JOHN F. JACOBS.
June 17, 1878.
ALL persons are hereby eantioned not
to fish, hunt, gather berries, break or
open fences, or cut wood or young timber,
or in any unnecessary way trespass on the
lands of tbe undersigned.
Simos MvaaAH. Lrawica Saaania.
Geo. Dirrsarsa. William Pson.ES.
Fkedesick 11 ais as. Fbascis Howes.
Fermanagh Twp., June 22, 1878.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
treKpassing, for bnnting, or other pur
poses, on the lands of the undersigned, in
Mulord township, Jnniats ronntv.
Dec 10, 1877-tf
I would respectfully inform the Citizens
of Mifflintown, and surrounding country,
that I have commenced the
Merchant Tailoring Business
on the East side of Main Street, five doors
North of the corner of Main and Cherry
Streets, in the house formerly known as the
Kinkead house, and latterly as the Weller
honse, where I will be ready to give all cus
touiors FITS
To new customers. I would say, give me
a trial. To my old friends and customers
throughout the county, 1 have but to aay,
I am here.
mayl,78-6m. 6. S. 91 ILLS.
I will sell the following named Sewing
Machines at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
$25 TO $30 WILL BUY A
New American,
New machines
wholesale prices.
Hrover at Baker,
The New Domestic.
sold in lots of four at
All attachments fn.rnit.hed cheap. Also
a full assortment of needles, and oil of the
best quality.
By sending 50 cents yon can have for
warded by return mail 12 assorted needles
by J. B- M. TODD,
Sept 24, 1877 Patterson, Pa.
(Sneeeaeora to D. P. SnlonfT,)
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster,
We buy Grain, to be delivered at Mifflin
town or Mexico.
We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 21, 1877-tf
of prime quality, bought in any quantity for
cash oa delivery, free of brokerage, com
mission, storage, etc., try
Importers a Exporters, 88 William St.,N.Y.
June 5, 187B-om
EoSioT Seutvttl mud KepublirtnD, gj, .
The time ia approaching when the n
publicans of this Congressional district
must selert a candidate for Congress. WiUi
ont disparagement to any gentlemen of the
district, we believe that Juniata eonnty can
present a candidate the per"or any gtj,
man likely to be named, in point of abuitr
and petsoual integrity, and possessin. ji
tbe elements of political popularity that
may be claimed for the mot popular. p.
tj.t ns. thed, Mr. Editor, to dame Lotis g
Atkissoh, Em., of Miffliutown, aaaeandu
date ffr nomination for Congress, snbj
to the rules and regulations of the Repaid
lican party-
Rsrcaucass or MtrrLrsrowi.
Editor Sentinel mud Republican Dear Sir
Believing that the interests of the Republi
can party eaa be advanced by tbe aomin.
th.n and election of a stanch Republican to
the Lower House of the Legislature, we
have the honor of presenting the name of
Da. J. P. STSaaETT, of Port Royal, as a
suitable candidate for the Legislature, sob.
ject to tbe rules and regulations of the Re
publican party.
Mast RErrsLicAxs.
"legislature "
Editor Sentinel and RepublicanSir, As
the time is drawing near when ths Kopnbli.
cans of Juniata eounty will have to select a
candidate for Legislature, and as it is im
portant that we should select a candid Ue
who combines fitness for the position with
personal strength, and knowing no one who
posstsses these qualifications in a more em
inent degree than Jobs S. Geatsiu, 0f
Mifflintown, we ask that bis nance be an
nouncd as a candidate for the nomination
for Legislature, at the approaching Pnmarv
Election. In d ing this we are aware that
Mr G ray bill baa not songht political prefer
ment, but nas aevoitri nis time to the cars
and management of bis private business,
tmt hope tbat be will accept. We feel con
fident that be can, ii nominated, be elected.
Mast RzrcsucAxs.
Editor Sentinel mud Republican Dear Sir,
There seems to be an uncommon stir amon g
the Democratic brethren in regard to the
nomination of a candidate for District At
torney, and while efforts and counter efforts
bave been going on in tbe esmp of the Dem
ocracy, oar camp has been as silent on the
question of Attorneyship as if no such an
important olSi-e is to be filled. I do be
lieve that we should not be so indifferent
as to tbe Attorneyship, and therefore I
nominate J- S. AasoLS. Esq., of Richfield,
as a candidate lor the office of District At
torney, snnject to the rules for the govern
ment of the Republican partv. Mr. Arnold
is a young nun ot energy, and speaks flit
rhflv in both the German and Enlih lan
guages. MONROE.
Editor Sentinel mud Republican Sir, If
M in the multitude of counsellors there is
safety," it must follew thjt in a Drultitnde
of candidates a good nomination mmt take
place, therefore I nominate II. L. McMus,
of Tuscarora township, for the office of
County Couni"iNsvnrr, ml ject to tue nilf
and regulations that govern the Republican
party. The nomination of Mr. XcMiri
would give lo the ticket a prestige that will
be felt in the Novemtwr election.
Respectfully jours,
Elitor Sentinel and Reyublim Dear Sir,
As the time is approaching wbe She Re
piibliran voters of tbe eownfy will hr oH
upon to select some one of their nnmVr to
represent them in the Board of County
Commissioners, and as it is very desirabW
to have in this position i-ne in whom the
citizens of the county, irrespective ol par
ty, can place the tullest confidence, we take
pleasure in bringing forward the name of
Carr. Lewis Dkoas, of Payette township.
Tbe Captain needs no recommendation t
put biiu in favor with the party. His loyalty
to his country in the time of her peril, his
H.lelity to the p.wty, his tirness lor Ihe posi
tion, are recommendations sufficient to
secure his election. Fayette, therefore,
present, him as her choice, believing that
his selection will be a merited compliment
to a worthy citizen.
Editor Sentinel and Republican Dear Sir,
It may seem a little early in the campaign
to make announcement ot eandM.ttes for
ottice, but taking the nominations for State
officers as a standard to be governed by,
the seeming earliness d:sappears, and the
fact reveals itscll that now is as good a time
as any to announce candidates for oilier.
Therefore it is in order to nominate a can
didate for County roramissioinT, and I nom
inate J. Bask Wilsos, of Fayette towa
uip, for the office of County Comiuissione ,
subjoct to the rules and rcguiatiou but
govern the Republican p.irtv.
May 80, 1S78.
Editor Sentinel and Republican Dear Sir.
Permit me through the columns of the
Sca.iaW and Republican to annonnce M. R.
Beshoas, of Walker township, as a candi
date for tbe ottice of County Commis
sioner, subject to the rules and regulations
of the Republican party.
Junn 1, 1878.
Editor Sentinel and Republican Dear Sir,
Among civilized people, money is a medium
of exchange, hence in all organised society,
or associations there must needs be a Trea
surer, or custodian of the money used for
pnblic purposes. In recognition of the
financial manageruent recognized by organ
ized society, I nominate Jacob S. Tbowa.
of the borough of Mitnintown, for theotSco
of County Treasurer, anbject to the rules
and regulations of tbe Republican party.
Editor Sentinel mud Republican Dear Sir,
Merit and fitness should be considerations
in the selection of candidates for public
offices. Your published list presents an
unusual array of strength ; and while iris
not our wish to utter a aingle word that
would tend to weaken the chances of any,
yet we believe we have one to present who
possesses in the highest degree those qual
ifications so essential to success. We,
therefore, (we say we, because our name is
many) inscribe upon our banner tbe name of
Jesse Oecbs, of Fayette township, for the
othce of Prolhorjotary, subject to tha favor
able consideration of the Republican voters
ot tbe county.
Mast RsrrsLKAss.
Editor Sentinel and Republican Dear Sir.
Tbe office of Protbonotary is an important
office, and as yet no Republican bas beea
publicly announced for that office, tbe re
fore I announce J. W. Waoicsa, of Fer
managh township, as a candidate for tha
office of Protbonotary, subject to tbe rule
and regulations that govern the Republican
Large stock of ready made clothing of ths
latest and choicest styles, tor men and
bora. hats. caps, boots and shoes, notions,
famishing goods in endless variety for sale
at Samuel Strayer's, ra Patterson.
The Sentinel and Republican office ia the
place toget job work done. Try it. It will
pay you if yoa need anything ia that line.