Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 24, 1878, Image 2

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Wedaesdai'. Aprlla31, MTSj
Republican State Convention.
HiiQCATE Bsrcsucas 3Tir Con
itt, HaaaisBcse, March 27, 1878. In
pursuance or a resolution of the Repu WicaiK
SUM Committee, adapted at a meeting
held id IlarrisbuTg Oiia day, a Republican
Stete Convention (to be complied of dele- I
gites from each Senatorial and Represents- j
tive district to the number to Wdicosucn
district is entitled in the Legislature, is
hereby called to meet in the city of Harris
burg, at twelve o'clock noon, on Wednes
day, May IS; 187?, for tJ purpose of nom
inatmff one person for Governor, One person
fof Lieutenant Governor, one person foi
Secretary of Internal Affair! and' one per-ar-n
for jfurtge of the supreme Court. By
order Of the committee.
TVilliam P. Wilsos, Chairman
Johk A. Shell, Sec'y.
A nice old gentlemAn named Wright,
now in Congress, from the Luzerne
district, proposes to issue several
hundred of millions of greenbacks,
in addition to the debt of the nation.
His proposition is wild, and if put in
practice will bankrupt She nation so
easily flint people wi3 wonder that :
all did not Eee it Rsfore it was done.
It will be done by aa over issue of
paper motfey. The over icene of a
nation is like the over issuer of an in
dividual. Once people know tfiat a
man has more promises to pay, is
sued, than he can redeem or pay, he
may be broken in a day. Once peo
ple believe that the nation cannot re
deem its paper, it may be broken in
a day.
Certain' newspapers, last week,
were greatly exercised over what was
reported as an article relative to an
interview between Senator Conkling
and a Xew York newspaper man.
The reported interview was relative
to President Hayes,- an.l Conkling is
reported as having' expressed himself
as qnita opposed to the President's
policy, but the efiect of the 6tory is
spoiled by the Senator denying the
article; and declaring that no such
interview ever took place.
The way to resume, is to re
rewtnaef and so certain banks in the
V,est concluded, and began resump
tion last week. 'What will Congress
lo now that the thnnder of the gold
resuteptwra question has been remov
ed by the c untry going into resump-
tion without the aid of Congress.)
This, hcrrever, may be said of Con
gress, relative to the question. That j
if Congress had foileJ to pass the
6ilver bill, gold resumption would be
impossible, it was the passage of the
silver bill that has brought about a
resumption of the payment of gold.
Through mails for cities, but give coon
try people in the Jsniata V alley mails on
way trains.
Twee l had a number of religions
mottos hung on the walla of his pris
on celL Tho6e over his bed were in
the centre, "Watch and pray," to his
right, "To the one I dearly love," road
to the left, "Let not your heart be
troubled." In other parts of the
room were such lines as "Nearer my
God, to the," and "I hope in the
Lord," all worked in blue worsted
over perforated cardboard
The Democracy bitterly opposed
the income tax when rt was a nece
stiy, during the war to raise funds
to keep the army in the field, now
that party in the lower house of Con
gress talks favorably of restoring the
income tax. Their late candidate for
the Presi-Ten -y is still in the courts,
on a charge of not having paid in
come tax when the income tax law
was in force as a war measure.
Fritz John Porter, is working to
have his case re-examined, it will be
remembered that he failed to support
General Pope when be was ordered
to do so. The punishment inflicted
on Porter for not obeying orders was
of great service to the Union army,
it taught officers that, envy and jeal
ousy would not be tolerated, when
carried into practice.
Men are being trained in England
to burn the bodies of men who have
been killed in battle. Once the plan
has been put in operation, it will be
said "the dead have all been burned,"
instead of "the dead have all been
The passage of lha income tax bill
will break the Democratic party,
when its chief lights, 6uch cs ilr.
TilJen skipped its payment during
such dark days as that of the war,
what will they do with it and the men
who reenacted it in tto piping days of
Thoughts awakened by Easter,
bring the mind to realize that now,
iter the lapse of eighteen centuries
since tbe days of the Redeemer on
earth, the Jews have a better stand
ing arcing the nations of the earth
thin ever before- in the history of
The private chums before Congress
aggregate $300,000,000. If the coun
try elects another Democratic Con
gress, the South will present Bach a
large number of claims that tbe sum
will exceed tbe sum of the National
Democratic economy. The poet
office department a half million dol
lars fchort of funds.
Lttltr to the Chicago Time.
There is juat now no reigning belle
ilr Washington, either married" or sin
gle. Dona JfanfTlla has its hand
somest dresses; Mrs Deft Willis is the
prettiest woman yt neither are hi any
full new of tbs term, trelie. Tilers'
are swarms of girls ia Washington.
Tbey coma from ef cry pari of the
world. I have seen luscious beauties,
with the peachy bloom of girlhood on
tbeir rounded cheeks, standing by tie
door-jambs alone, ncd going in b troch
es of six or eipbt into tbe supper room
at parties. Things were not formerly
at saob ci ebb. Sot long ago ever;
pretty woman in society bad a dozen
strings to ber bow; now there is "nary
a thread." Tbe White House bas run
over with voiro? conn try eoasios, fair
and flirty, but not a marrying man we
known to be banging around tbe Pres
idential Mansion. Yet we are told
that the foreign legations resident in
W ashington numbered forty single men
that IVvens needed a housekeeper;
that Sefcnrs bad room for one more:
t hat Ferry was only waiting till the
Ind an girl of bis early love was called
above, where no breach of promise suits
are known, and that fifteen members
of the noose were eotnpaoioniess and
only two bad more than tbeir share.
The Pittston, Pa., 1st National
Sank is paying out gold at par. Gold
resumption has begun in earnest by
banks in many other places in tbe
A Count rj man Trap
While waiting fur a train at tbe
Baltimore depot yesterday, which
would take biui to bis borne in Cbadd's
Pordr Abihu Walker forned the ao
qaaiataoce of sn individual who amaz
ed taw with bio conversational powers.
The new acquaintance invited Abihu
to imbibe, wbiob proposition be accepted
wi bout an amendment While walking
up Broad street in search of a desirable
place to wet their coppers a man stop
ped Abibu'a companion and asked him
to pay a r Tbe new acquaintance
said be would pay tbe debt at once, and
in gold, but demanded that be be all
owed a premium on the coin. This the
creditor refused to do, and in tbe good
ness of bis verdant heart, Mr. Walker
advanced $3b to his newly formed
friend, and received bis gold pieces in
ezohsnge. It only remained for the
two confidence men to get sway, and
in time tbe citizen of Chtdd's Ford dis
covered tbat be bad been egregfoasly
swindled, bis gold coin being stint ly
bogus pieces known as spiel marks.
This fraud bas been practised frequont
ly during the last few weeks, and in
sacb instance tbe sharpers bave escaped
Phila , Record April 17.
Through mails for cities, but give people
m the Juniata Valley mails on way trains.
Anxious to be Huns;
The full text of the letter Blasius
Pistorivw, the condemned murderer,
sent to President Hayes, is as follows:
Philadelphia. MoyarLensing Pris
on, April 18, 1878. Your Excellency:
On March 21, 1 was verdicted of mur
der in the first degree, and on April
13 sentenced to be hung, but all my
efforts since then to have the sentence
executed were frustrated, although I
declared that 1 would not appeal to
the Supreme Court and rejected the
assistance of counsel. I do not think
that anybody has a right to force me
to an appeal to the Supreme Court
or to the acceptance of counsel.
Since the sentence has been passed
upon me, it is my right to have it ex
ecuted may the sentence now be
just or not As I am just now lock
ed up thirty-three months without
any comfort of hie, 1 regard it douo
Iy as my right for such a life is three
times worse than death itself. I re
quest therefore, your Excellency to
order that 1 may be executed wiinoui
dnlav. Pardon ! do not accep since
it is I and nobody else than I who
has to pardon in my case.
I am, your Excellency, with all due
wsnwt vour servant
BiASirs PisTORrcs, Catholic Priest
To tho President of the United
States, Jlr. Haves, Tour Excellency,
Congress should quit talking about
the question of "gold resumption,"
for the banks in Western cities have
begun to pay the coin over their
counters. Resumption has come of
its own accord.
What Cleopatra's) needle la.
Tbe obelisk known as Cleopatra's
needle, presented by the Kbedire to
Ens-land, is a treat stone that was cut
out in one piece from the quarries of
c t - . : . : J : l. .
oyene, Jjgyp, ( to supposes iu
time of Tbothmes HI. (about 1,600
years B. C.) when, also, it was set up
in tbe temple of Karnak, at Thebes.
It is a tall, rectangular pillar, tapering
from the base to near tbe top, where it
is pointed like a flattened pyramid t its
sides are inscribed with hieroglypbies.
Tbe obelisk was taken to Alexandria
by Queen Cleopatra, and was named
after ber. Some think tbat Cleopatra's
Needle was another stone, quarried by
erder of Ramesia II., and set up in
Heliopolis, the City of the Sun ; but
several obelisks bave borne tbe name,
and this may have eaussd uncertainty
about tbea. Tbe former account is
believed to be correct.
The silver bill knocked the pre
mium price on trold into nothing,
and as a result resumption of gold
payment has come before people be
lieved it coftid come.
liiinne the three da vs. ending Sat
rU weak, nnite a lively raid on
j r i -
distilleries on Heading ereek in Ran
dolph county, w . vi, nas oeen going
on. Special ipuiy VOtiootors
Chambers and Connors, assisted by a
squad of three men under Deputy
Marshal Tetter, were sent out by Coll
ector Brown, of tbe Seeond district
After destroying two distilleries and
400 gallons of mash and some fixtures,
tkw aiMMMflml in aaDtnrins! Silvester
Wilmoth, one of the distillers at
Pbillipi. W. Va., on bit -ay to
CUrksburg, Wilmoth gave $l,0CO bail
and was to go home. The party stop
ped for tapper at the roadside and was
suJJenly attacked by a gang of four
men armed with rifles. As tbe depu
ties reogaiteJ SyWester Wilmoth as
an of the assailants the? charred
pes them as they erosied from tbeir
Springfield carbines.
Tmtnsa mils for cities, bat site tteoale
ia tbe Juniata Valley mails ow way traiirs.
Indiana ooav? is troubled' With
horse theives.
fork citisens buy their spring water
from peddlers
Brook trout are selling at Williams
port at fifty cents a pound.
There is a geoeral rs rival among the
ifott woiksof Tamaqua.
A suntir child in Beaver county a few
dsys ago drank concentrated' lye and
died from tbe effects.
Stofeervtha paper manufacturer of
Lancaster county, pays his employees
iu gold.
Tbe switches of the Pennsylvania
Railroad at East Liberty station will
be worked by electricity hereafter.
It is a notable fact tbat 4er are faet
disappearing from tbeir old "licks"
in tbe Allegheny mountains.
A Mercer county horso caught its
bead between tbe end of its stall ami
tbe wall of tbe barn and tore its lower
jaw off.
President Hayes is eipeotid to be
present at tbe Centennial commemora
tion of the Wyoming massacre on the
fourth of July.
There are said to be in this State
about 650 pensioners of the war of 1812,
most of whom live in Delaware, Ches
ter Montgomery and Buck counties.
A monumental fountain, in memory
of the sold.ers who fell in defence of
the Union is to be ereoted in Cbsm
bersburg by tbe ladies of Franklin
Tbe jury in the Pickering Vallev
railroad disaster, Which occurred in
October last, bave sued tbe county for
their tees.
Lehigh Presbytery embraces forty-
six churches in tbe eounties of Bark,
Carbon, Lehigh, Noitbampton, Monroe
and a portion of Luzerne.
There are large quantities of cnt logs
in Clearfield eountv, which were not
sent to the lumber mills because tbe
price is too low to warrant tbs expense.
A bead of rye, grown in Berks coun
ty this season, was sent to tbe Reading
limes othce ibe other day. Ibis is the
earliest ryo in the Middle States.
It is a notable fact that drinking is
extensively indulged in by the women
in tbe mining regions, tbe wives of min
ers, as a rule, being given to intoxica
A member of tbe Mollie Maguires
was arrested on Saturday a week while
quietly engaged in a sawmill at Osceola
charged with participating in several
A body stolen from the Almshouse
burying ground of Erie bas been trac
ed by tbe police to tbe medical college
at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and returned
thence to rjrie to tbe college named.
Four boys under ten years of see
were arraigned m Pittsburg oa Satur
day a week for picking pockets, and
bad a number of silk handkerchiefs
which were identified as stolen prop
Witbio the past year Pittsburg tas
bad 900 eases of diptberia, of wLiob
400 were fatal. Tbe disease is at
tributed to the defective sewerage
system of tbe place.
Tbe Executive Committee of the
Pennsylvania Editorial Association met
at Harrisburg on tbe 19th and decided
to take tbeir summer excursion to
Cresson Springs 17th of Jane.
There is a hog trough one hundred
and eleven feet in length on tbe farm
of John M. Rupp, in Hsmdsn township
Cumberland county. It was bswn
out of one pine log, and bas been in
use about sixty years.
Job j Acton, a Mollie Maguire, was
arrested at Osceola Mills on Saturday
a week charged with being implicated
with MeManus and O'Neill, arrested
at Sbamokin for complicity iu the mur
der of Frederick Besser at tbat place
in 1874.
At an Allentown funeral recently a
joist in tbs bouse of mourning gave
way with a loud craolc, ersatiog quite
a panic When tbe coffin was placed
in the hearse the horses refused to pull
and the body had to be carried to tbe
A cow died last week for Mr. Hoke,
at New Paradise York eounty. A
pound, or more of nails were found in
ber stomsob. Crates bad been burned
and the ashes and small uails therefrom
were thrown on!, and licked by tbe
Tbe Election Committee of the
House, at Harrisburg, adopted a report
giving the seat now beld by Mr. Fsl
thoff, Democrat, of Schuylkill to bis
competitor Mr. Fowler, Republican, on
tbe ground tbat sufhoient illegal votes
were osst for tbe sitting member to
render bis eleotioo void.
John Kelly, an employee of tbe
Pennsylvania railroad, tried to commit
suicide a few nights ago at Pittsburg.
Tbs muxzle of a pistol was placed
against bis bead, and tbe contents of
tbe weapon exploded, but the ball
glansed downward instsad of passing
through his brains.
A tramp on crossing Tussey's moan
on last Saturday cams in contact with
a she bear and three cubs. He drove
tbe old bear off and captured two of
tbe cubs a male and a female, climbing
a tree to capture one of tbem. He
says be could have captured the three,
but he eould not carry tbem all. He
took bis spoils to Cove Station and
sold them to John T. Shirley, of tbat
place, for the small sum of six dollars
Tbe young ones are doing well in tbeir
new home and under new ears and pro
tection. Tbey live on milk. AUooma
At Pittsburg, on Monday night a
week Mrs Holmes wife ef a polioeman,
and Mrs. Dougherty, a sister, started
from their homes, to go to the house
of tbeir mother, some blocks distant,
Mrs. Holmes having left her two chil
dren there. On tbeir way down tbe
bill they were attaoked by two men.
Mrs. Dougherty suoeeeded in escaping
and, reaching the foot of the bill en
countered Officer Holmes, who had just
been relieved from duty. She inform
ed him of the attack made on hit wife,
and be harried to ber assistance.
When be reached the spot be discover
ed bu wife lying on tbe ground ; one
man was holding her down while the
other bad ber by the throat, thus pre
venting any outery. On the approach
of the husband the vUlians fled, but
well diree ed shot brought one of them
to the ground. The name of tbe in
jured man is George Wileex, mar
ried man, with three or four children.
He was carried into the West Peon
Hospital, and it it thought be esnuot
Fronr the London European 113.
(Jrain merchants autr millers will do
well to direct their' attention' to' new
form of adulteration which has become
prevalent during the past eighteen
months; and which, if it is not at once
stamped out may ruin scores of honest
tiaders, end will in tuanv more eases
give esjuse for eompfamts and dissatis
faction on the part of thenr customers.
We refer to the practice of manipula
ting wheat with oil fer tbe two fold
purpose of enbanoirrg its appearance
and increasing its specific gravity. We
learn from aoouimauicatioo to tbe Bor
tta HiUle, a Hamburg paper, from
Messrs. Lange & Co, of Altonna, that
the process of oiling wheat is a very easy
one, and tbe gain wbiob accrues from
its adoption to the dishonest dealer is
simply enormous. Tbe sale value of
wheat depends on k specific gravity,
and the oiled wheat, which, in its nat
ural conditions, would weigh 123
Dutch pounds, or about 75 kiios per
hectolitre, gains by the process about
six Dutch pounds, or nearly three kilos,
per hectolitre, and is thus made to ap
pear from ten to twelve per cent, more
than it really is. The money gai to
the dishonest seller is 20s to 25s per
ton, with an outlay for rape oil ef
about fourpence. The apparent iu
crease in tbe ppeeifie gravity is caused
by tbe smoothness imparted to tbs
wheat by tbe oil, which makes consid
erable number of '-corns" go to the
same bulk. Tbe evil results addit
ion to tbe direct money ioss inflicted on
tbe buyer ere that thorough mlling is
impossible, and tbat tbe flour produced
from tbe oiled wheat will never bake
properly. Tbe abominable praetioe is
not eoufiued to wheat alone, but bas
become common With almost all for
eign seeds which are sold by specifio
gravitv value, but in no other mtancs
are tbe consequent evils so serious as
tbat of wheat.
What is the matter with the man
who is advocating the repeal of the
resumption act, when the country of
its own accord is resuming gold pay
There is a great strike in England.
There is talk of an alliance between
Russia aud Roumania.
Queen Victoria has thanked Parlia
ment for its loyalty.
Tbe Russians have invited all the
towns of Bulgaria to send delegates to
rhilippopolie tor We election of a prinoe.
Spurgeon is solid, and bas eloss-eut
dark bair and fall beard. He wears a
soft bat drawn over bis face. His
grsat voice is as mellow as ever.
Switzerland bss acoepted tbe propos
al of the United States to participate
in tbe international eongress to fix the
relative values of gold and stiver.
Preparations are said to be making
in Russia for tbe organization of a gen
eral Isvy Pasxporta will only be is
sued to persons over 46 years of age.
A dispatch from Volo says the Cir
cassians and other irregulars under As
saf Pasha have massacred between eight
and nine hundred persons at Polatiza.
Hundreds of empty carts are pass
ing through Bucharest from Russia,
going to the Danube to transport
supplies from depots along the river to
tbe troops in tbe fiold.
Tbe introduction of diseased cattle
into England bas become a source of
such dsnger that Parliament is consid
ering tbe propriety of making the
slaughter of all imported cattle com
pulsory at the port of debarkation.
When Lady Rosebery entered ber
husband's bouse in Scotland, the other
day, tho bouse keeper met her at the
door and in aooorJance with an old
Scratch custom, broke au oatmeal eake
over the bride's bead, for good look.
In Germany fish are asldom broiled,
tbey are boiled. Tbe size of . a fish
tbat need not be returned to the water
when caught is fixed by law. Thus a
salmon must be sixteen inches long, a
perch five and an eel fourteen, tier
mans do not fish for sport.
Hugo points out an old coincidence
in his last book. St. Arnaud employ
ed 16,400 French soldiers in the
bloody and wanton massacre of tbe
court o? dot. Tbe French killed and
wounded at the battle of Sedan, where
the empire thus established fell, num
bered precisely 16,400.
John Gough, the eloquent temper
ance man, is going to Europe.
Tbe quarrel between Rev. T. Dswitt
Talmsge and tbe trustees of bis ehureh
bss resulted in a victory for the clergy
man and tbe seleotion of a new board
of trustees very plainly intimated tbat
be bad lost confidence in tbe veracity
of Mr Talmage. Tbe organist, about
whom tbe quarrel occurred, was in tbs
babit of drinking to intoxication, and
for this reason the trustees were desir
ous of getting rid of bim. Bnt Mr.
Talmsge believed he eould reform the
organist (who professed oon version),
and objected to bis dismissal. And
out of this trifling differenoe has grown
a quarrel wbiob has involved a whole
congregation and led to a change in tbs
board of trustees.
Tbe Presbyterian Journal tells how
Kev. Dr Musgrave of this eity, became
aa extemporaneous preacher. On ons
occasion many years ago, while his con
gregation was singing tbe soeond hymn,
tbe young preacher procesdjd to get
bis discourse in readiness for delivery.
What was his surprise and trepidation,
wben, feeling for the manuscript, he
found that it bad been left behind, with
no time to tend for it. As there was
no alternative, he rose and preached
without betraying any anxiety and
without any explantation. He sue-'
eeeded so well that he at onee aban
doned the use of notes, aod thus . be
came one of the best extemporaneous
preachers in the country.
sxayaj gsfc ammm e
The peace party in England is
about crushed odt
Senator Wade wrote in 1868, in a
letter not published until lately:
do not believe I was ever intoxicated
in the course of a long life, nor do I
believe that in all thai time I bave ev
er drank one gallon of spiritous liquor
never had a taste for it, and do not
touch it onee a yew, and never except
for medicine
Tbe Tettperanee Alliance of Alle
gheny eounty has sleeted fiAy.fivs del.
gates to the State Prohibition Coe-veotioB.
Southern Illinois' is ssfd o be one
immense tower garden at preieht
Jennie June says a fashionable bon
net can' be hid for a dollar and a half.
Tweed's death-bed was of rich ma
hogany, furnished with spring mstties
Ksnsas will nlace a statue Of John
Brown in the national gallery at V ash
ington. Mrs. A. H. Bassett, found a $75,-
000 diamond on tbe bank of the Coosa
river; near Wetunipka, Alabama, a few
days ago.
Selika, a colored singer who bas ap
peared in CinciOati, is spoken of aa
having attained remarkably one execu
tion, and bavmg m voice of almost phe
nomenal brilliancy
Captain J. W. Oafces of Charleston,
W. Va., committed suicide on the 15th
by throwing himself under a freight
train. He was a prominent steamboat
John Ba'.lenger, alias Jack Durino,
an athlete of considerable reputaMon,
died at tbe New York Hospital from
injuries received several days ago while
Wrstliftg with a bear at Albany.
Raleigh, N. C-, colored men bave a
Young Men s Christian Association,
white folks admitted. Tbe asoci
ation is helping four young brethern
to maintain an existence as theological
Two hundred horses per week are be.
ing purchased in Clinton, Essex aod
St. Lawrence counrieo, New York, and
in tbe western portion of Vermont, by
agents of tbe English Government. The
animals are selected for cavalry pur.
There are indications, at C noinnati,
ef another railroad "wnr" in Eastern
Dasseneer rates. On Tburtdav, tbe
Pan Handle route reduced rates to
New York to $13. and tbe Atlantic
aod Great Western to $11.
In a row whioh originated in tbe Af
rican Methodist churce at Jacksonville
fin., on Saodav night a week Tobias
Hannas shot Clarence Hubbard dead,
and so badlv wounded William Baker
tbat ho died yesterday.
Frank Maxwell, of Steubenville, O ,
went out duck shooting on the 15th
He dragged his gun carelessly out of
bis boat on landing, and two loads of
shot tore a hole nearly six inohes in di
etneter in bis ebest, killing bim in
stantly. A weasel attacked a sleeping child,
aged two years, iu Washington, D. C ,
recently. A deep gash was made in
the little one's tbroat, aod it would
probably bave been killed had net its
screams aroused the parents.
Aa immense bass, weighing ninety
one and one-half pounds, was exhibited
in frort of a Naau street (New York)
restaurant. The fish measured nearly
five feet around It was caught in a
net in tbe sound, opposite Port Ches
ter. A petrified crocodile, forty .six feet
in length has been exhumed near Como
Station, on tbe Union Paeifio railroad,
and shtppsd to Ysle College. The dis-S
coverers Mr. Carlin, tbe station agent I
and Reed, a section boss get f 2,200
for their find, and a monthly salary of
f 139 to bunt for tbe mate of the mon
ster. John Freebury of Welland, Out.,
was sentenced to seven years in the
penitentiary for setting fire to Cr Je's
Houl, iu Bertie, csusing a lose of $10,
000. Aaron Anger for birsing Free
bury to set fire to tbe hotel, received a
similar sentence. Aoger, a u.an of
considerable means was tbe rival of
An eight year old girl in St. Louis
has a penchant for swallowing metallic
substaocee. Ressntly she was taken
sick and $1.15 in dimes there was one
nickel was ejected from her stomach.
Tbo coins were of somewhat brownish
eolor, and tbe nickle was partially de
stroyed. It is supposed tbat tbe dimes
wereawa'lowed four month ago,
Congressman Ellsworth, wbo is vis
iting bis home at Greenville, Mich,
was assaulted on Tuesday a week by
J.J. Shearer, a neighbor, and terribly
beaten. The external plate of the
frontal bone over bis left eye is frac
tured and bis condition is critical. It
was reported on tbe streets for months
tbat Sheerer intended to horsewhip
Ellsworth and two or three other gen.
tlemsn for alleged interference in his
domestic troubles.
A grand reunion of veterans will be
held at Leavenworth, Kansas, May 17
and 18, under tbs auspices of the
Grand Army of the Republic and eiti
sens of Leavenworth. All soldiers are
cordially invited to atteod, and all those
who decide to do so are requested to
forward their name and address, with
that company and regiment, to Custer
Post, No. 6, Leavenworth.
A dispatob to the Galveston Jfact
reports an Indian attack on a mail car
rier near Fort Concha. One man was
killed and the mail taken. Another
party of Indians eaptured thirteen
mules at Fort Davis. Cavalry are in
pursuit of the Indians, who are suppos
ed to be from Fort Stanton reservation.
Jeremiah a. Ulsck nas instituted a
suit in the Circuit Court at Washing
ton against ex Secretary Baikaap,
claiming $5,000, "for work and labor
done by tbe plaintiff at bis request, ets.
The declaration is in the usoil form,
and the bill of particulars is as fallows:
"W. W. Belknap to Jsremiah S Black
debtor, for professional servioes as
oounsellort-lsw, $5,000." Tbe fee
claimed is for servioes rendered in tbe
Belknap impeachment case.
Pigeon slaughtering in Warren, M'
Keau and Forest eounties bas been ter
rific thus far this season, notwithstand
ing the birds fly high. It is notieed
that tbey have been unusually well
fed . As an avidenee of tbe slaughter,
there were shipped from one station in
Warren eounty, up to April 4, 163,000
pigeons, by actual count. Tbe ship
ment! from dozen other points have
been very large, and the estimate is
that in the eounties named, over
.million pigeons have thus far been shot.
Tbe birds bring $1 per dozen this sea
son. Mrs. Tilton has gone crazy.
Another windfall has struck Barks
ouoty This time Charles Shaw, s
botelkeeper at Monocracy, bas had X9,
800 left him by the will of a rich trade
who resided near Middleton, ljanoas
hire, England. Mr Shaw received this
cheering news a bw dsys ago, and is
preparing to go to England to look af
ter bis fartuM. which is principally to
real estate.
rr u "i- ' r-
PonstTLLK, April 17. Tbe sear-
eity of work since fast February iu
western portions oi tne oonu.iui min
ing reton is causing muon aistress
among the working people there. Dis
pa tehel from lonaldon ana 1 remont
this erenfnff rftnte that a large meeting
of uitoer aud laborers was beld in tbe
woods this afternoon, at which tbey de
manded bread or work. Another
meeting is to be beld on Friday next.
Re.toVo, April 17. T-.ro tramps,
aged stout twenty aud forty years res-
pectivly, were instantly killed here last
night by tbs lumber on tbe freight
rain upon which tbey were rioiog being
suddenly shifted upon them. The eld
est was a bricklayer from Philadelphia.
A memorandum book found on tbe
young man had the names cl Fred
lounger and u. lounger, .Lowell n.
Y. , written in several places.
Harrisbcrg, April 17 Oo7emr
Hartranft signod the new county bill
to-day, and an application for the crea
tion of Lackawanna eounty bill to day
and an application for tbe creation of
Lackawanna eounty, signed by fifteen
hundred tax -payers and sworn to by J.
O. Kiersted. D. M. Jones, E. Merri
field, A. 1. Aokerly, E. Himrod and
J. E. Barret, of tbe new district, was
filed in tbe office of the Secretary of In
ternal Affairs this afternoon, in accor
dance with tbe provisions of tbe act
Naphville, Tenn., April 18 A
special to the .fmencao says : "Ben
Evans and Epb Hall, colored, wbo as
sassinated George Shoenberger, a butoh-
er. at Huntsville. Ala., last Friday, at
the instigation, of Mike White, a white
mao, acd White himself were publicly
lysehsd at tbat plaoe yesterdav, in the
presence of an immense assemblage,
the jail having been forceu. Both ne
groes confessed tbe crime, and told
White before the exeoution to see what
he had brought tbem to. White pro.
claimed his innocence."
Cincinnati, O., April 17. Henriet
ta Wood, an old colored woman wbo
was kidnapped in this city twenty-five
years ago, carried into Kentucky and
sold into slavery, was to day awarded
a verdict of $2,500 damages sgaiust
Zeb Ward, wbo was at that time of ber
abduction tbe Sheriff of Cs npbell
eouoty Ky. The woman was in Texas
when slavery was abolished, aod com
ing to Ui is city iu 1871 instituted pro
ceedings against Ward in tbe United
States Court, with tbe above result. It
was shown in testimony tbat Ward and
others induced ber iu April, 1853, to
cross over the river, where she was
seized and, afterward beld seven months
was sold to a Frankfort slave trader,
wbo, in turn sold ber to a Mississippi
plantar for $1,50. For fifteen years
she remaiued in slavery under cruel
task-master., until emancipated by
President Lincoln's proclamation. This
is tbe first slave case that bas been
tried here fur many years and excited
muoh interest. Ward is now a wealthy
man, and tbe old eolcred woman will
secure the money.
A despatch frsm Kansas says; A
.tornado struck Cottonwood Station, on
the Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fs
Railroad at about four o clock on tbe
Tbe Cottonwood Hotel and several
buildings were blown dovn. Mrs.
Mil'er was killed her husband and four
ohiidren dangerously wounded.
Mrs. Walter and two children, Fred
Smith, bis wife and three children, John
Mertitt Lizzie Merritt aod Mrs
Mathews were badly burt at Jacobs'
Tbe storm rescbed Emporia about
half past four o'clock. Soden's milis
weie badly damsged and tbe roof of
the normal school building was injured,
but little damage was done in tbe cen
tre of the city.
In tbe country (here was consider
arable property destroyed; houses and
barns were torn to fragments and trees
uprooted. Ten loaded cars were blown
from the track. At Cottonwood Sta
At Pbenis Creek Mrs. Bagie bad
ber leg broken ; Edward Davis' youog
et child was dangerously wounded ;
Mrs. O-'born, who lived on praire, bad
twe child.cn killed ; Mr. Kate Ross
wbo iir9t on Dry ereek, was seriously
aod perhaps fatally injured.
Traffic in gold coin has reaoed.
On Thursday afternoon an unknown
man threw a torpedo into tbe eaboose
of a eoal train on the Lebigb Valley
railroad. Tbe brakeman picked it np
and while be examined the Strang ob
ject it exploded, badly shattering both
bis bands. Tbe doctors found it nec
essary to amputate four fingers, and
were also of the opinion tbat both
thumbs would have to be taken off.
Through mails for cities, bnt give people
'a the Juniata Villey mail oa waytraina.
A meeting of about five hundred
miners and laborers was held near
Pottsville on Friday afternoon for tbe
purpose of asking state legislation in
aid of themselves and their suffering
families Petitions were'sigoed asking
tbe Legislature to appropriate several
million dollars to purchase iron "aod
withhold it from tbe market for several
years, so as to enable tbe iron interests
to rssnme, and thereby'make a demand
for coal; or take any other prompt
measures to create work in tbs region."
Resolutions were also adopted request
ing the miners, laborers and workmen
generally of other sections of the state
to petition the Legislature on the same
subject. More working men's meet
ings are to be held throughout the Ma
haooy Valley.
Through mails for cities, bnt gtve coun
try people in the Juniata Valley mails on
Way trains.
Legal Aoftcrt.
Cotcmissionert' Notice,
"ejy E offer to sell and renew Bonds for
short time, st 6 per cent., to meet
the demands of Bonds falling dne daring
April, laid Bonds to ran two years.
Cemm istttxtrt .
starch 20, 1878.
WHEREAS my wife, Elisabeth M filer ,
has left my house without Just cause,
I hereby caatioa all persona against giving
her credit on my account, as I will not be
responsible fer any elebts she may rentraet.
area 37, 187S. GEORGE MILLER.
Legal .-Vort'ce.
Sale of IlarcJvVsrre Store'.
MnrruxTowi, April 22, 1878.
We nave this dar aolil onT fnrJre stoct,
good-will and fixtures to sir. J. H. Coolay.
The books or the Arm Ficctcus iim-
tra Co., will be left in to bands of J.
W. Enrh?, at fte old stano?. Afl persons
knowing- themselves indebted, either by
not or book eeSmt will please come and
settle at once.
raancrrtt-s fUsDWAKB Co.
Referral to fTre above announcement aa
having purchased the stock, good. will, tie.,
of this Frsncwcua Hardware Co., I will con.
tinne to carry out at the vkt stand, the bu
siness in all the ditt'erent branches as here
tofore, and will endeavor, or strict atten
tion to business, and bj studying tbs Wants
of the public to merit the nine fivers as
have heretofore been shown to thi estab
lishment, J. H. Coiur.
Executor's Hotrco.
Estate of A'ancy Musser, Deceased.
LCTTERK Testamentary on the estate of
Nancy tlnsser, late of Monroe town
ship, Juniata Co. la, dee'd, having been
grautt-d to tbe undersigned, all persons in
debted to said estate are reaesitxl to uuke
payment, and tho-w having claims or de
mands .re reqltesfed to make known' the
same without Heltrv to
JOtlJf K tSTZ-, Execntor,
sprJ-f,"?. RtcariELP, Juniata Co., Pa.
Aafto'sf rfeilecr.
Tn the Orj-'i.in'j Court of Juniata Connty, I
hands of Loan E. Attinsorr, E..,and John '
Motzer. dminislratort uf tim estate of H.
W. Jamiion, late of the- IcwnsW f of Fay. i
ette, deceased, found dne nnn their Irnal 1
account which bas been coitrirmrd, hwrrhr j
give notice that be will attend lo f A dritte I
of his appointment at his nWe in tne &r- '
onghot JIifflintown,on TtTKtf AT, APKIL ,
30, I"7j, between the hours of 10 o'clock ,
a. m., and 4 o'clock p. m., when snd aere .
all creditors and parties interested will pre- '
sent their claims or be debarred frann ouf-.
ing in on said fnnd.
mar-9,18;8. Auditor.
Aadltor'a Sollce.
Auditor by the Orphan's Court of Jn
niata county, to make distribution of the
balance in the hands of Joseh Long, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Sylvester Fry,
decesjsed, to and amongst thoae entitled to
receive tbe same, hereby gives notice that
he will attend tn the duties of his appoint
ment at his offire in the Borongh nt Miftlin
town, oa XONDAT, APKIL 29, 1X78, be
tween the boon of 10 o'c'ock a. ra., and
4 o'clock p. m., of saM day, when and wh-r
all parties Interested will present their
c! lima or be debarred from corning in upon
said fnnd. ALFRED J. PATTER? OX,
aprlO,187!. Auditor.
Protheaetary'a irotlco.
NOTICE is hereby given that DanM
Rnouse. Assignee of Daniet S. Smith
and wife for tbe beneHtofrrHitrrrc,lui filer
hi first ami final account, as said Assignee,
in tbe Prolhoootary's onVe of instate
county, and that the same will be presrnted
for conHrmitton and allowance at the Court
House in MiffiinloirB, on WEDNESDAY,
APKIL t4, 1N78.
JACOB BKIDLER. Protkonofart.
Prothonotarv's Office. MuRin- (
town, Mar. 27, 1878.
Adnilalstrator'e totlce.
Estate of Barbara deck, Dtc'd.
"irilEREAS Letters of Administration
on the estate of Barbara Clark, late
of Walker township, deceased, having been
granted to tho undersigned, all persons in
debted to said estate are reueted to mske
immediate payment, and those having
claims win piease present. mem wiluoul de
apr3,IJ78. Administrator.
Admlalstrator'a notice.
Est.itt of Ezra McLinn, Dec'J.
"l"f THERE AS Letter of AdmraisWion
1 on th estate of Kxra McLinn. late of
Tayette township, Jnniata eounty. Pa., de
ceased, having been granted to the under
signed, all persons indebted to said estate,
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims will please present
them without delav to
aprl 7,78. McAlisterville, Juniata Co., Pa.
To the School Directors or Ju
niata County.
.ENTLEMEX : In pnrsnsnce of the for-
V ty-third section of the act of fth of
May, 18.-4, you are hereby notified to meet
in convention, at tbe Court House in Mir
flintown, on the first Tuesday in Mav, A.
D., 187S, being the seventh day of the month,
at me o'clock in the afternoon, and select
rive rore. by a majority of the whole num.
ber l directors present, one person of lit
erary and scientific acquirements, and of
sain ana experience in the art or teachiug,
as Connty Superintendent, for threw auc-
ceeding years; determine tbe amount or
compensation tor the same, and eertrfv the
testilt to the State Superintendent at Har-
nsDnrg, aa reqnired by the thirty. ninth and
tortieto sections of said act.
Ceaary Sup't oJmuata County.
alitnintown, April 11, 178.
A LL persons are hereby cautioner
X. against trespassing upon the lands of
in. unaersigneu, eitner in Walker or Dela
ware township, by fishing, hunting, or in
rr I'liiiT way.
John N. Van-firmer. J. W. Levder.
Henry M. Miller. Solomon Manbeck.
George S. Smith. J. S. Lukena.
Wiiliam Manbeck. Lnke Davis.
H. D. Long. John F. Smith.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
trespassing on the lands of the under.
ciwict- in iseiaware or Warner town
ship, for the purpose of fishing or hunting,
r lur auj oiner purpose.
L. E. ATE!sn.
N. A. LracKs.
ect31-tf G.S.Lcatss.
A T f . hpiami m hmi .In Mnt .
XX. trespassing, for hunting, or other pur-
i " mo Minis oi iiiv unaersignea, tn
Milford township, Juniata eonntr
Dee 10, l8?7-tf
or MirvxiSTowii, ea.
StockholiJera IpdiyidnaUj Liable.
T. VAN IRWIN, Cojs.ct.
Ptaccroas :
J. Netm Pomwroy, Joseph Rotbrack.
George Jacobs, Philip M. Kepner,
A moe G. Sonsall, Louis E. Atkiasew.
W C. Pomeroy,
t. Nevin Pomeroy,
Philip M. Kepoer,
Joseph Roth rock,
George Jacobs,
L. E. Atkinson,
W. C. Pomeroy,
Amos G. BonaaQ,
Noah Hertilor,
Daniel StcnrfTef,
Charlotte Snyder,
8 ami Berr's Heirs,
James B. Okaana.
Wn. Vaw Swerincen,
H. H. Bechtel,
Jane H. Irwin,
John Heclrmaa,
Mary Xnrts,
Samel X. Karto,
J. Holmes Irwin,
T. V. Irwin,
F. B. Frow.
John Hertzler.
Interest allowed on twelve months' cer
tificates of deposit, five per cent. en sis
months' certificate, four per cent.
(jaaM, ir-tf
Job work ea laext settee at this enVc.
Aeatr ddcertutcmemta.
liimiii I a iffhK. (xl tm Out sw. aZTb
rrr bM W 4 1 - imiT
fr . T. A. Jnin a Co, Mfr. f
G. F. WARDLE, Phila., Fa., Genl agent.
SMXirAcrcasaa or raa
Solid Head, fleloadlaar, Milita
ry and Sportlas;, Ceatral rii
Also Rim Fire Amiannition for Pistols and
Mltlea. Cartridge Canea, Swaged and Patch
ed Ballets, Psinvrs, Re-loading; Tools, ..,
Ax. .Send for Illustrated Catalogue. 200
Broadway, Jew rork City.
The Co Operative
It has been aaaerteu that one-half of all
money paid by York advertisers for
advertising outside of that city gr-es to the
Co-4)ria.TivE tswsparaa.
full particulars about tbe Co-operative
Jfewsp-ipers, tog-tber with catalogues and
adve-tiaing rates mail-d free on application
to BK.ALS it FOSTER, Gent Agra An
ic. awsrarra Ush,41 Park Ko,X. T.
, ! lie ni to send lr our LATEST CATA-
, J UHilK and t ISC L LARS with Sew Stvl.s
. Reduct-d Pnrss and m.wb information
, Stmtut. MASOX as. RAMI.1X Or.GA
. i CO-, Boston, New York or Chicago.
;UOWUWAN-t retail price Si 10 only
' aaaussBBaWansssS'- Great bargains. BEAT.
I TV, Washington, Jf. J.
Embracing Till and anftontic arconnts of
etcry n.itinn of ancient anif nKirtrfn times,
including a hvrtnry nf tire rh and fall
of tho Greek and Romas Empires, thai
growth of the nations of norfera Europe,
the middle agr. tbe crnsades. the feudal
system, the reformation; tne dhwovcry and
settlement of the Ne Worlu, etc., etc.
It contains 67 J fine historical engrav
ings and 11GO large di.nWe column pages,
and is the mt complete History of th
World ever published. It sells at sight.
Send for sperlmen yC" and extra terms tr
Agents, ami see why sella laatar than any
olliej book. Address,
Nanus si Prati hib Co..
Philadelphia, Pa.
Philadelphia & Reading Kailroad,
irraagemeat ef Paeagrr Tfafai.
Novmsrc oth, UTT.
Trrras tart Hirrisburg at follows r
For New York at 5 20, b 10 a. m., and J0?
and 7 5- p. m.
For Phila.lelph.ia at 6 20, S 10, 9 4 a.
- 00 a i o' p. ro.
FV-r Krirg i i3), , 9 45 a. s., 1 0O
? H"i atnd i o& rav
For Pettsville al 5 20, f FU a. m., and J 7
p. m. and via Schuylkill a Susqnebanna
Branch at 2 40 p. tn.
For Aubrrni vie, S. at S. Branch at 10 1 m
For Allent w at i 3), 8 10 . m., J 0O,
S hi and 7 'vt p. (B.
The 5 21, 8 11) a. m. and 1 57 and 7 55 p m.
trains have through cars for New York.
Tbe o J", 8 10 a. m. and 2 (H) y. ni. train
have thron-h cars tor rM!ads!phiaf.
For New Tork at 6 20 a. tn.
r.r AUanrown and way stations at ft 20a. m.
For Reading, Philadelphia and ay stations
si i ij p. u.
Trai, fr Harrubmrr tears MIoks .-
Uave Sew Vork at 9 4b a. a., an 1 00
530 and 7 ! p. ra.
Leave Philadelphia at 9 15 a. m., and 1 40,
and 7 20 p. m.
Leave Reading at t 40, 7 40, 1 1 20 a.
, --Ml 1 1 . . n -
w i- una iu p. m.
Leave Pottsville at 6 H,9 I5a.tn. and 4 V
p. ra.,and viaScliuylkill aud Susqncbsa-
na Branch at t) li a. ru.
Leave Auburn v:a . fc S. Branch at 11 OO
Leave Allentown at ii 80, 5 50, 9 06 a.
i a if, a 4U and V Oo p. ra.
t Dots wU r on XonJay.
Leave New Tork at i 8 p. m.
Leave Philadeluhia at 7 oi
Leave Reading at 4 40 and 7 40 a. as. and U
O J p IU.
Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. and 90S p t.
Fia Hams ami Ewex Railroad.
Ceortml Xasagrr.
Gemerat Ticket Jgent.
Subscribe for the $rt,tl an4 Republican.
It contains more, and a greater variety of
go)d ami usetnl readirg matter than any
other connty piper.
I will sell the following named Sewing
Machines at
Greatly Reduoed Prices.
$25 TO $80 WILL BUY A
White, Singer,
kemicgtoo, Whitney,
Howe, ravi, "
New American, lirover k. Baker.
Weed, The New Domestic.
New machines sold in tola of four at
w holesale prices.
All attachments furnished cheap. A'
a full assortment of needles, aod oil of the
best quality.
By sending 50 cents yon can have re
warded by return mail 12 assorted needles
by J. B- M. TODD,
Sept 24, 1877 Patterson, Pa.
I have returned from the city with a fill
stock of
Overcoat, Elat and Caps,
At November Prices, Xw-raeedv
SHOES 11.25. No Shoddy.
I have added a line of
To stock. Prints, fast colors, at t te I ctf,
Also, Arbockle's Coffee 28 et ., cash.
Also, tbe genwiare Syrups.
Horse Blanket, Robea, Cheap,
CaQ and see, anal be convinced.
Patterson, Tor. 10, 1S77.
done at this eftUe.