Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 27, 1878, Image 2

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W4iMMT. Marc VI. ItT:
ltrrrn an rsrtrrros.
tv- i f i.nt aeabosrd cities are
A.H taking steps to Ber-nre trade from
Central and South America,
"Bills to meet Southern demands
to the amount of $150,000,000 are
ow pending before Congress.
Members of the New York and
Kew Jersey Legislature visited the
Permanent Exhibition last week.
It is said that the common nettle
tock has fiber M line as silk, and in
certain parts of Europe the nettle is
now cultivated to weave goods from.
a r, Ttnthrhilda. a Jewess, and
an English aristocrat, the Earl of
Rosebury, were married in London,
i, which was no common
I4MV "
event by any means.
.tv;i.w.V,ritn." a book fast out in
England, purports to be an account
of the life of the Saviour, by one of
i,;. limW who traveled with Him
during the period of His ministry.
Philadelphia Fret.
Uot. Hampton, of Sooth Carolina
proposes to pardon all the so called
Republican offenders, in thai state, ex-
....t;.,. Pfir Patterson, it I
loudly hinted that tbs Governor's
hostility to Patterson arises from the
fact that tbs Senator voted to eest
The American mechanics who went
to New Brunswick last year under
promise of high wages have fared
much worse than their brothers who
have patiently waited for better times
at home. The American consul at
St John report that there is much
distress among them, many being
out of employment, and the others
receiving less than half pay. Prtt.
The Weyne County Independent
charges Judge 'Waller, of Wayne
county, "as being tyrannical, partial
and oppressive in the exercise- of his
functions ; as having threatened and
prevented his two associate judges
from taking part in a certain cause :
an having been dictatorial to counsel;
as having acted as an attorney in
rases which were liable to come be
fore him as Judge, etc" The im
peachment and removal of the Judge
is asked for. The Judge asks for
an investigation on the part of the
There is a bill before the Kentucky
Legislature for punishing wife beak
era. It provides that a man convict
ed of having beaten his wife 6Lall be
sentenced to work upon the streets
or highways not less than five nor
more than sixty days, and that the
usual wares paid for such work shall
be oaid to his wife. This strikes us
as a whesesome measure, and one
that oucrht to be applied in all the
States. Under such a law here our
streets would stand a chance of soon
becoming much cleaner than usual.
rhiluL'tJiia Record.
A number of men were hanged
lattt week, by sentence of court for
murder, and at a number or the exe
cutions the disfrustinp: clerical cere
mony of assuring the condemned
men that all they need to reach he v-
en is to feel certain that they are
forgiven of the crime that they have
committed. In almost every case
where such doctrine was preached to
the outlaws they were emboldened to
declare that they felt that a pardon
had been extended to them by their
maker, and then of course followed
the usual speech of pardon to all
who took port in bringing them to
justice, just as if society in protect
ing itself against their murderous
work baa comnunea a sin.
The latest rumor circulated con
cerning General Grant was certainly
ingenious if not truthful. It was
iA thnl Joseph Seliirman, the
wealthy Jew banker of New York,
who. it will be remembered, was re
fused admission at A. T. Stewart's
Saratoga hotel last summer, was at
present paying the expense? of the
foreign tour of the ex-President and
his family- The reason assigned for
this act of generosity on Mr. Selig-
man s part was a desire to bring uen
eral Grant into puch prominence
abroad that his countrymen would
feel it inenmbent upon them to ten
der him the nomination for the Pres
idency upon his return home. No
doubt such a result would meet with
the approval of many citizens, but
unfortunately for them the story is
foundationlesa. Mr. Seligman is the
ex-Presidents banker, and the fact
that General Grant drew upon his
banking institution for funds gave
rise to the report There are many
better ways of securing the end de
sired than this one ascribed to the
astute banker, for popular favor
neither at home nor abroad has much
to do in the mating of Presidents.
West Chester Republican.
"Our L'ernooratie coteuiporaies are
kept busy now a-da a "fixing up Re
publican candidates for the fall cam
paign. W hen they are not engaged in
patting the Nationals oo the back and
encouraging all Republicans to join
that party ai a means of contributing
to the progress of the country, tbey ait
down to frame a Republican Stale tick
t. Tbey know exactly the man
whom the masses of the party want,
but be doesn't suit the leaders; tbey
know to a verity how many delegate
each aspirant for Governor will have
but then tbey also know that they can
not hold tbem. It is wounderful to
read some of these article. Tbey are
so wise! If these wiseacres will have
patience they will aee the names of nor
candidates emblazoned on our banners,
meu who will lead the Republican par
ty to victory. Never have we known
the temper of the people of Pennsylva
nia to be in finer Republican condition
than tbey arc now. In all part of the
Slate labor is aroused to alarmed ac
tion at the dangerlb J which it is threat
ened from the Democratic party in
Congress That fact his once more
orysUlixed the Republican party. It
would be wiser for the Democracy to
look for pisses in which to escape the
bursting of the brewing storm, than to
trouble themselves aboqt the character
of tbs mea whom the Republicans will
put on their Stats ticket," Ihms
bin; Ttlegrph,
WblMathCta;htCsta. :
Seventy or eighty persons have cone
to band this week, inquiring is a path
etic voloe who it ia that losses the eight
cents when a laboring assa takes a
nienty-two cent silver prise for a dollar
and passes it on his bateher for a dollar
aod the butcher passes h on tbs shoe
maker fjr a dollar, and the shoemaker
passes It on the landlord for a dollar,
and the landlord passes tt for s dollar
on the State taxes, and Ike State passet
it for a dollar on a mason for work on
the new state noose, and tbe Boston
passes it for a dollar to a merchant
for a silk dress for his wife, and the
merchant passer it for a dollar to tbe
custom bouse officer for import duties,
and tbe United States Treasurer passes
it as a dollar to a soldier, and the soldier
paases it as a dollar to tbe same car
penter hereinbefore previously men
tioned, we are unable to see who has
lost tbe eight cents. Happy thought
pernsp toe lots .'ell on some man
who dfd not get It f Seriously tbe swsie
man lost the eight cents who loses six
teen cents every time be takes four sil
ver quarters tbat have only eighty-four
cents' worth of silver in tbem. But,
even then, the five cent nickels puttie
us. In a dollar's worth of these there
is only nineteen eeeta' worth of metal
Now, will some of the editors who lie
awake at sight to figure such things out
plear to inform n who it is that loses
tbe eirhtv o7e cents even time a doL
lar'e worth of nick?l ie passed ! Who
Icses four cents every ffme a five-cent
piece is paid for a glass of lager or a
car ride! Tbs little copper oentf are
evei greater robbery. We bats not
the heart to go into a calculation as to
bow many million dollars are wrung
from the horny.-baided bondholder
every- day in tbe passage of this debas
ed cent, bat it ia inconceivable how an
opponent of the Bland bill can pass
one dT these fraudulent tokens even
at a distance without blushing for
the perfidy of his race. Graphic.
A MthCarllaiaOsjtlaw.
Redmond, the leader of the South
Carolina "moonshiners" who are defy
ing the United States revenue officers,
is a native of Transylvania county,
North Carolina, and is said to have a
slight infusion of Indian blood in bis
veins. Be is six feet tall, stoutly built,
very strssg sod active as a eat. About
two years ago be was arrested by De
puty United States Marshal. While on
his way to jail Redmond drew a pistol,
which be bad concealed in bis boot, and
shot the officer dead. About a year
ago be was arrested by deputy Marshals
Barton, Gary and Hendricks, but es
caped from them took a position in am
bush by tbe roadside and fired into the
party, wounding Gary and Hendricks,
the latter desperate!. Afterward be
went to Barton's bouse for the avowed
purpose of killing him. .Barton was
away from home, and the outlaw, in
searching tbe house, found a check for
$100. He placed Mrs. Barton on a
bare-backed borse and forced her to go
to Easley Station with him, cash tbe
eheck and give him the money. He
tbeu coolly selected Mr. Barton's best
borse and rode away to tbe mountains,
Annapolis, March 23. Mr. Mont
gomery Blair reported favorably this
morning in the Maryland Legislature
from tbe Committee on the Judiciary
of which he is chairman, bis resolutions
authorizing and directing tbe Attorney
General of this State to sue out a bill
to test in the Supreme Court of the
United States Mr. Hayes title to the
office of President. The resolutions
were read a first time in the House.
New York, March 24. Henry Sted
well, who resided with bis father on an
old hulk of a esnal boat at the foot of
Henderson street, Jersey City, return
ed borne last night in a state of intox
ication. His father remonstrated with
aim, and he thereupon turned upon
mm and kicked and beat bitn into a
state of insensibility. The inhuman
son waa arreted at midnight and lock,
ed np. The physicians are of tbe opin
ion tbat tbe injured man will die.
Ottawa, March 20. To the House
of commons yesterday M. Bunsted
moved that tbe Government insert
clause in all contracts for the construc
tion of the Canada Pacific railway thkt
no man wearing his hair longer than
than five and one half inches shall be
demmed eligible for employment on
said work, ic. He said that as the
( binese residents of British Col.
umbia were Chinese subjects this was
tbe only shape in which he eould bring
up what was in reality a great national
question. Tbe motion was intended to
prevent their being employed on tbe
Canada Pacific railway. The motion
was voted down.
Bloomsbcbo, Pa., March 21. Mo
Hugh, Tulley and Hester, Molly Ma
guires, sentenced to be bung, have been
informed of tbe adverse decision of the
Board of Pardons. Mrs. Haster, a
woman of ptepoeessiog appearanoe,
when the decision was given publicity
fled to the prison wringing her bands,
pulling her hair and shrieking in tbe
most frantic manner. Tbe abenff ad
mitted ber and she flung herself upon
tbe neck of her husband and fainted.
Tully and McHugb, when in formed of
tbe nature of the decision, sank back
into tbe darkness of tbeir cells. After
a moment's pause Tulley remarked.
"What is, ssust be." McHugh arous
ed himself, and said, "Well they have
fixed it up at last, have tbey? I wish
to God tbey bad fixed it up a year ago."
He paced bis cell like a caged tiger ia
anger, and would not listen to the com
forting woris of friends.
Lewis Kepp was arrested at Nock
amixnn, Bucks county, on Sunday
evening a week charged with being ac
cessory to the murder of Charles Fry, a
member of O'Brien circus company,
near Ottawa, Canada, in August last.
He left for Canada, on Mondsy, in
charge of J. W. Murray, Cisf of tbe
Provincial Detective Deisrtaisat of
SersBten has military socials.
Jersey Shore is out of debt.
Cowsterfeits infect Bethel towseWoi
Berk coast
Carlisle clergyman refuse to attend
Sundsy funerals.
Allegheny ts overrun with sharpers
and sneak thieves.
Pittstoa reports tbe arrival of a steer
weighing 10,00ft pounds.
Pennsylvania College Gettysburg.
ass received a bequest ol '10, UW.
The Deiwoeratio State Convention
will be held at Pittsburg May 22.
A she faotory in Orwigsburg.
Schuylkill eouoty is receiving ordeis
Iron Ubio, Indiana Illinois and other
western States.
Benjamin Beers, of Tbite township,
Pambria county, killed an otter two or
three days ago which measured four
feet four inches in length
Tbe body of Charles J. Rakistraw,
of Lancaster county, who disappeared
on February 28, was found ia Pequea
creel oo Wednesday, tie bad com
mrrted raicide.
Staey Brown, Esq , has been Post
master or Brownsburg, Bucks county.
for nearly Dfty years. lie was un
pointed by Postmaster General Barry ,
in President Jackson's adaunistratv.n.
in 1829.
Tbe Harrisbnrg and Potrinae Rail
road Company have secured a supple
ment to their bridge charter, allowing
thein to bni'id a wagon bridge in con
nection with tbe railroad bridge over
Pour hondreei salts have reaobed
Lock Have rhi spring. Buyers are
present ist swferient numbers to give
spirit to the- ssmssss. Prices range
from 10 to 15 cents, ensiling to kind
and quality.
An undertaker's establishment at
ScLrvlkil! Haven was broken into a
few night ag and all tbe coffins car
ried awav and deposited on the door
steps of the doctor's offices J.d drug
stores of the town.
James Rom Snowden died on Satur
day afternoon at Hulmville, Backs
county. Pa., aged 68. He was prom
inently connected with the affairs of
this 8tate, having repeatedly been
elected to the Legislature.
Tbe flouring mill of Mai D. D. Mel-
lot t, of Licking ereek, JFnltoo. eouoty,
was burned on tbe 5th inst., as was
the barn of Robert Everts in Belfast
township. Children playing with
matches got np the last fire.
The smallest post office ia tbe coun
try ts located at Texas, Lycoming coun
ty. Tbe satire salaries, fees and em
oluments derived by the postmaster last
year amounted to forty-five cents. Tbe
office has been discontinued.
Tbe Board of Pardons at Harrisbnrg
decided not to interfere with tbe decis
ion of the Court in the cases of the
Columbia eouoty Mollie Maguircs, Hes
ter, Tully and McHugh. Their execu-
tion took place oo Monday March 25.
1 oe graasnoppers nave made tneir ap.
pearance in ausquebanna county al-,
ready, and the local papers say the!
is good for an abundant harvest. Tbe
meadows aud highways wherever the
snow has vanished are completely
Fifty families of colored people will
leave Pennsylvania for Liberia about
the first ol May. They will settle at
Brewerville, named in honor of the late
Charles Brewer, of Pittsburg, by
wbofie generosity many eiuigrauts have
been enabled to reach Liberia.
"The extreme dulloeis of business is
reflected by the bank totals, tbe clear
ings for tbe last week in Pbiledelphia
being twenty millions below the aggre
gate for a season of full activity and
enterprise. Nothing could so striking
ly illustrate tbe complete failure of the
spring trade.
It appears that Joseph Walker,
whose suicide in Allegheny county was
attributed to the loss of money deposit
ed with an absconding lawyer of Pitts
burg, took bis life to avoid suit for a
breach of promise of marriage, which
had just been instituted against bim
by a niece of bis former wife.
Tbe residence of Thomas Logan,
near Campbellstown, Pa., was entered
by four persona, supposed to hsve been
tramps who gaged Mr. Logan and car
ried away between four hundred and
five hundred dollars in specie. Tbey
also burned papers representing a moo
ey value of about four thousand dollars
due by other parties to Logan.
Tbe Hon. J. Glancey Jones died at
Reading on Saturday night, aged 66
years. He served in congress, with
only a brief interruption, from 1850 to
1858, and was for two years chairman
of the Ways and Means Committee.
He was also Minister to Austria during
President Buchanan's administration.
On Friday evening two weeks ago,
nr. George Stuckey, in Napier
townsbip, Uedlord county, with seven
borsut, thirteen head of cattle, two
....... ..
calves, twenty-Eve tons of bay, 300
bushels of oats, and a large lot of
farming utensils, were destroyed by
fire. A colored boy in Mr. Stuckey s's
employ confessed that be set tbe barn
on fire for fan. He now reposes in
Jos. Lacey. of Birdsboro, Berks
county, aged twenty-nine years, while
laboring under temporary derangement
caused by lever, jumped from tbe win
dow of bia bed-room upon a abed roof,
thence ten feet to the ground, and
tbenee into a sink hols in tbe garden,
eight feet deep, where bis dead body
was found on Saturday morning, a week.
Squire Brassier, of Birdsboro, held an
inquest, aod a verdict was rendered in
accordance with the above facts.
Tbe Pottatowa Letger aays tbat Mrs.
William Neely, a lady residing in Phil
adelphia, met with a sudden and mel
ancholy death on Wednesday last.
She intended tbat day to accompany her
bnsband to the residence of hia father
in South Coventry township, this coun
ty, but being troubled with aching tooth
concluded to nave it extracted before
leaving tbe city. For this purpose she
visited a dentist, wbere, being some
what apprehensive of the pain tbat
would attend tbe drawing of tbe tooth,
desired tbat an anesthetic be adminis
tered. J bis was done, but sbe never
recovered from its effects, death result
ing as sbe sat in the chair.
On Friday a man named John M.
vj oeeame enraged at bis wife near
West Alexandria, about 16 miles from
Wheeling, and kicked her in the stoa
ach several times, which caused almost
instant death. Mrs. Day's brother had
the murderer arrested.
Sharpers bow veneer brisks with ate-
pie anger.
President Hayes is going to visit
Ohio next ssontk
Chicago is repotted to have packed
1,102,000 bogs this season.
The Bank of Germany has 207
branches, the Bank of Pratree 76.
A gng of ten-cent eoooterfeiters
has been captured in Chicago.
A Lebanon firm has manufactured
9000 pounds of bologna sausages this
A compulsory ed scat ion bill wan
passed by the Wisconsin Assembly last
Lard is so cheap tbat it is n"
boogbt by soap manufacturers wad
of soap fat.
Tbe Baltimore and Obu h just
discharged 250 men fcoea its Tialtimore
Hug parties exist tjrtf west. Three
bugs for ten ntattMedi t,, eg,
tbe society.
The Present has approved the act
in aid of p0,r expedition designed
by JaTiM Gordon Beonett.
The tring style of coat for gentle
i Tiies will be single breasted, frock, but
toned fioa breast to waist.
Hon John AlKsoet, Register of the
Treasury, died suddenly at Washing
ton on Saturday of appoplexly.
R. H. Babcock, blind man, has
been made a doctor of medicine at
Chicago. He graduated with high bon
ers. Tbe order of secretary Thompson
tbat ten hours shall constitute a day's la
bor in the Navy yards went into effect
General Beauregard Governor Nicb
ells and Mayor Pillfbory, of New Or
leans, have received appointments as
judges of a baby show ia that sity.
The ice crop of New York and other
eastern localities m srocoaiieed fully
up to the average of other jeara this
year, and no famine is anticipated.
Ohio legislators have been discussing
s biii directed at the extermination of
rats, mioe abi chicken hawks by offer
iog a reward for the tails of the former
and the heads of the last.
Four tramps hid id a ear loa"M with
cotton, on the Iron Mountain Railroad
Company, near Piedmont, Mo , stt fire
from their pipes, and being unable to
escape burned to death.
The domestic of Judge Gi I eon D .
Campbell, at Clarksburg, W. V., at
tempted to poison tbe whole family on
Tuesday by a liberal supply of arsenic
in tea. She was arrested.
A passenger train on tbe New Jer
sey Central Road on the evening of the
18th struck a woman and two children
near Roselle and killed all instantly.
They we e walking on tbe track.
Four school boys of Glover, Vt.,
thrashed their school teaeher the other
day and put him out of thescbool bouse
He bad tbem arrested, and it coat tbem
I $tU a piece
before tbey got through
with it.
The hue of a farmer namd Hurley
ijvig , few few miles south of Adrian,
, Mich., wss burned on tbe morning of
March 19. His wife and two children
were so terribly burned that tbey died
soon after.
Isaac Adams died at Sandwich, N.
H., on Wednesday leaving a fortune
estimated at from $1,000,000 to
$6,000,000. He bought what is known
as the Adams printing press from the
inventor for an old gun, afterward re
eeiving $40,000 in gold for tbe use of
it in England.
A family named Murray, in New
port R. I., have four children lying
dead from diphtheria, with three others
not expected to live through tbe day.
The father is almost insane, and has
threatened to shoot tbe undertaker. A
police officer is compelled to be in at
tendance. Daniel Dwyer and Wm. Haywood,
inmates of the State prison at Boston,
broke from the guards and fled to the
third story of tbe workshop. They tben
ran a plank out the window forming a
apringboard, from which Haywood
made a jump cleared the wall and es
caped, but was recaptured, Dwyer
fell to the ground, breaking a leg.
Charles M. Cooke, the ringleader in
tbe recent bating at Dartmouth, who
was held in Default of $1,000 bail, has
escaped from custody. President Bar-
tett issues a circular offering $100 for
Cooke and 100 for Isaac G. Barrett,
who fled on Monday night toe scape ar
rest. Cooke belong in Norwich, Conn.,
and Barrett is from ban Francisco.
A train on the Houston and Texas
Central Railway was robbed by four
masked men a few nights ago. The
express ear was taken possession of
and tbe mail plundered, and Express
Messenger Thomas wounded. The
leader sf the gang was about twenty
six or twenty seven years of age. All
appeared to be young men.
A Popular doctor of Utica while es
corting a lady borne the other evening,
attempted to relieve ber cough and
sore throat by giving ber a trooha
He told ber to allow it to dissolve
gradually in ber mouth. No relief waa
experienced and tbe doctor felt quite
ebagrinned tbe next day when the la
dy sent him a pantaloon button with
note saying he must have given her tbe
wrong troche.
Texas claims the champion wrestler
of tbs world in the person of one Hen
ry Thurston, who stands seven feet six
inches ia his stockings, weighs three
hundred aod ten sounds, is thirty-six
years of age, and lifts fifteen hundred
pounds, dead weight. Thurston chal
lenges any man in tbe world to wrestle,
back bold, side-hold, or catcb-as-eateh-ean,
best three in fire fair back falls,
for from one thousand to fifteen dollars
a side. He is willing to allow Mc
Laughlin, of Detroit : McMahon, ol
San Fraocisoo ; Owen, of Vermont, or
any of the champions, expenses to meet
bun in a contest on bis native heath
Neither of tbe giants manifest a fran
tic desire to try a boat with this giant.
and their backwardness in coming for
ward is not to be wondered at.
The famine in China is extending
over tbe northern provinces.
Advices from Hong Kong February
16, aad obangbae February 17, show
tbat tbe famine is unparallUed distress.
The Government resources are ex
bausted, and toe utter depletion or an
enormous portion ol the empire is
Tbs American Contoaitte soawged ia
the work of revising tbe Scriptures sal
calats tbat their labors will be eonelod
ed daring 1880. Tbs revisers receive
no compensation for their labors.
"1 tbank Uod tbat marriages with
out supreme affection are cage of isrl
hot iron," says : Be v. Joseph ly8"
The contributions of the V fotMlmJlt
Episcopal CLnrch in tho ltoi Sute,
Isst yesr reach tbe tvA 0, $6,831,265.
Of the white V, lul ebOTobe, ia
Kentucky, ooj fotty h,T, preaching
every SturJT tntJ fire 0,hers
he Pichuig twice a saootb, and 1,
" iav preaching only once a stoat b.
A iiew church has been dedicated at
Ilancock, Vermont. It is tbe gift of a
young convert, D. H. Whitney, who
built tbe house, furnished it complete
and presented it to the Methodist Epis
copal church.
Tbe banging of Uus Johnson
murderer, at Rome last Friday a week
was tbe greatest town show tbat has
been held in Georgia in many a year,
it was a disgusting exhibition. Fifteen
thousand persona were present when
tbe trap fell and the wretch's neck was
twisted He left the jail smoking a ci
gar, and conversed freely with the
Sheriff all the way to the gibbet. Af
ter reaching tbe gallows be asked for
something to drink, aad the priest who
was officiating gave bim a bottle of holy
water. Johnson, after tasting it threw
it under the gallows with a enrae, say
ing that be thought it was gin. After
some persuasion tbe Sheriff gave him
a drink of wiakey. About this time
Mr. Lawrence, a street evangelist, spoke
to the .prisoner about the importance of
thinking senonsly oo religious matter
This rawed the temper of tbe Catholic
priest, who told bim to go about bis
business, as Jobcson had made bis se
lection, and bad asked him to officiate
as minister, and that be would not have
any interference. The evangelist.
pointing to the following words : "Tbe
blood of Jesus Christ, God's Kin,
oleasseth from all sins," printed in
large letters, and posted conspicuously
above tbs heads of tbe crowd, said
"Mr. Johnson, that is the text," and
retired. After taking four or five
driuks and several quids of tobacco, he
asked the sheriff to let him tie the
noose, and finally consented to throw
aaids the remains of his second cigar
ajtw to let Uem bang bim.
The wife of George Wallace, alias
George B-ker, aoJ their child were
found in the wood near Littletown,
West Virginia, by John Wg'lace
brother of the husband, murdered ai
horribly mutilated. Tbe wife was ly
ing oo her back near a fence corner,
with tbe child acrosa her lap. John
Wallace immediately gave the alarm,
and went for bis brother. Tbe hus
band went to his house and there found
a young lady fourteen years old, a
niece of his wife Mary Church, lying on
the floor dead with three gashes in ber
forehead. Tbe young lady was suppos
ed to have been outraged and tben
murdered. Squire Morris impanelled
a jury, and the father of tbe murdered
woman bad tbe husband arrasted on
suspicion of committing tbe murder.
Circumstantial evidence points to John
Wa'.laee as being the murderer.
Threats of Lynching are talked of. A
heavy guard has been stationed over
tbe prisoners. A crowd surrounded the
jail bowling and crying. "Lynch them."
About 9 o'clock on Monday night
a fire broke oat in Philadelphia on 4tb
street, between Arch anJ Race street,
and before it wnj extinguished it bad
bnrned 35 buildings, and destroyed a
million dollars of property.
Pictorial History of the World,
Full and Anthentie Account or Erery Na
tion of Ancient and Mndem Time. Show
ing the Causes of their Prosperity and
Decline, and Including a Fall and Com
prehensive History of the Rise and Fall
ni the Greek anil Bommn Empires, tbe
Growth of the Nations of Modern Eu
rope, the Middle Are, the Crnsades, the
Feudal Sy srrra, the Reformation, the Dis
covery and Settlement of the New World,
Etc., Etc., with Sketches of the Leading
Characters in the World's U'utory.
Juthor of The Hillary of the United StaUt,"
"History of the Wmr Behcet Germany
aad France." "Paarwyt of tie
Holy Land," etc., etc.
cal saaaAvuios aid rosTBArrs.
There has long been a demacd for a work
of convenient size and moderate price, writ
ten in popular and entertaining style, aad
presenting in a clear, succinct and accurate
form, the history of the various nations
tbat have played their part in the world's
history ; a work, in short, which shall be
easy of reference and thoroughly reliable.
The publishers appreciating this demand,
now offer to the public the Pictorial His
tory of the World. It ia from the pen of
an author distinguished for bia historical
writings, and embodies the results of years
of patient and laborious study and research
on the part of Sr. McCabe, who has availed
himself of every authority, from the vast
collections of the Government libraries of
Europe and this couutry, to the libraries of
the Historical Societies of tbe whole world,
which have been treely opened to bim. He
has carefully investigated the great field of
Historical discovery opened by the French,
German and English writers, and in this
volume present the latest conclusions' o
the most eminent authorities.
Agists Wast id. Send lor circulars con
taining a full description of tbe work, and
oar extra terms to Agents. Address
410 Market Street, St. Louis, Ko-i X. S.
Barnett, General Manager.
121 E. Filth St., Dayton, Ohio; J. W.
Stone, Genenl Manager.
Sold by nbecripttan only ky ear authorized
Cantatnntz Jgenle.
Legal Jiolict.
Commissioners' Notice,
"YE offer to sell and renew Bonds For a
abort time, at 5 percent., to meet
the demands of Bonds falling due during
April. Said Bonds to run two years.
james McLaughlin,
david b. cox,
wm. h. gsoninger,
March 20, 1878.
VV mj wUe Kiaabetb Miller,
v nas let i mj nonae without just causa,
I hereby caution all persona against giving
her credit on my account, aa I will not ba
responsible for any debts she may contract.
aaruh 27, 1 8 1 8. G EOKG t M ILLKB.
Legs XV
ist or vu
-n- 01 somw- . n..i. M.k.niliM
n ? urn
ta tyf o Jnlt, for the year 178,
rro .ed and classified by the Mercao.
.pprsiser l
Buyers . Kennedy, grain.
and lumber . 12 912 HO
FraiKV Hardware 0 13 12 60
D W HerleT.c1e4bFr 14 7 00
Root E Parker, aarrcfetnt 14
I, A Sesrlbeum S. Co. clothiers.. 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 CO
7 W
7 OO
12 50
bo oo
50 OU
20 UV
20 00
7 00
12 30
7 VU
7 W
50 00
50 00
12 50
JobsElfca, grocery............ 14
Central Orocery. ...... ........ 14
Banks k. Hamlin, drug gluts..... IS
YeakW-T . Son, mCTchat...... 14
B Kepner, druggist H
E E Muthersbanghv birdwmre... 14
N Frank It Co, boot and shoe store 14
Jacob TSomaa, grocery. ........ 14
W FSnvder, farnitare. ........ 14
I W Kirk, merchant 14
Sotomon Books, confectionery.. 14
VT H KolliuaB, Jewelry 14
Eniil Sebott, lancv store.. 12
Joseph 31 nue r, Hour and grain
dealer II
J W Wagner, watches sod jewelry 14
Jacob Will, hotel 6
James A Marry, bote!.... ... 6
D P SolunfT, hotel 6
J C Mosrr,liqii'r dealer........ 4
E MollubaiiKh, restaarant....
A U Will, resuarant
Jacob I.odwlck, merchant 14
Kine k. Graybill, merchants..... 12
W B Winer at Co, merchants... 14
Johu S Sholley, tinware and stove
dealer 14
J 8 GrayMlt, merchant.... ... 14
Daniel Shroll, hotel keeper.... 6
E C Graybill, hotel keeper t 6
L at J B Wilson, merchants.... 12
S 8 Bearer, merchant....... 14
7 OO
lu oo
1 T McAlister, merchant........ la
Jacob 6 W iney, tinner and stove
dealer '
OideonCoS'man. emilecltooery.. 14
7 0O
W H McAlister . Co, merchant 14
7 Oil
Brown A. 3 or., merchant
7 00
Frank Shields, hotel
W far.
Jacob Richabaugh, merchant ....
7 00
AW Long, merchant. .........
C A Thompnon, eosj dealer
N D Valk, merchant
Keely Sl Wichershara, merchants
J P Haldenian, merchant. ......
Elihu Benner, grain dealer......
Eliza Jamea, confectionery....
Mrs Mary A Snyder, bold
J T Dimm . Bro, merchants....
W II Korta, merchant
Thomas Cox, hotel
Samuel Schlegel, merchant....
Winey A Custer, mercbauta....
Jacob Wiser, merchant........
A Dinger, merchant.. .........
Eli Crawford, merchant........
Jacob Weiser, hold keeper.....
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
50 oo
7 00
60 00
7 00
7 W
7 00
60 00
BroWl A Wilson, merchants....
Wm U ?'5llf. coulectionerv....
10 (Ml
7 00
12 50
Joseph Penu"H, mere-haul
Samuel Strayer, 'othier
Hamlin A Co, dmgut
J B M Todd, clothier
7 00
7 00
7 00
60 00
60 00
20 00
7 00
7 no
7 0
7 00
50 00
7 00
7 Oi)
7 Oil
7 00
7 00
50 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
Stevrna A G uxs. hardware. . . . . .
Mr F llanueuian, dry goods aud
I M Goshen, coal, feed and lumber
David Hollinan, grocery
John Hayes, hotel
Jobs Foreman, hotel...
John Hayes, restaurant.
. 5
. 5
.. 14
T S Keese, restaurant. . ,
Alexander Woodward, merchant It
Levi Dundor, stoves and hardware 14
John P Kelley, merchant...... 14
J Nevin Pomeroy, merchant.... 14
Uideon HaMeman, hotel....... &
Manger A Ileminger, merchants 14
S Merger at Son, merchants.... 14
Wm Van Sweringen, merchant.. 14
A J Ferguson, merchant.....
J C Crawford, merchant.......
J A Newcomer, hotel.........
Ca.-npb.-ll A Kobisoo, mrr hant
K H Patterson, merchant. ...
Sprnce Hill.
J L Barton, merchant
D Co"n A Son, merchants.....
Noah Uertsler A Son, merchants 12 12 60
Port Royal.
Rannels Son, merchants....
II K Cross A Co, merchant. .
J P Sterrett, druggist
Robert Logan, confectionery ..
M C Parker, merchant ........
7 oo
7 00
7 00
7 OO
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
60 00
60 00
Noah Uertzler. coal, lumber and
J 3 M Gibson, merchant. .
J F Jaeoba A Co, agricultural
agents. ......... . ...
Milloo Deweea, grocery..
J Shindle, notion....,
C M Funk, conlectionery
Kepner A Groninger, grain, coal
and lumber. . ........
John McManigal, hotel
Thomas Hark, hotel....
The license mentioned in the above list
will be dae and payabhi to the County
Treasurer on and alter the 1st day of May
An appeal will be held "in tbe Commission,
er's office, in the borough of Mifflintowa, oo
Tuesday, April 23rd, If 78, when all persons
feeling themselves aggrieved ean attend if
tbey think proper. JAMES COX.
Mar27 ,78-41. Mercantile Appraiser,
TV OTICE ia hereby given to all persons
il interested that tbe following ap Ika
tiona for License have been tiled in the Pro
tho notary 'a office, iu Mifflintowa, and will
be presented to tbe Court at April Sessions,
1. Petition of Mary A. Snyder for license
to keep a tavern in the borough of Tbomp
aontown. 2. Petition of John Foreman, for license
to keep a tavern io the borough ol Patterson.
8. Petition ot Daniel Shroll. tor license
to keep a tavern in Monroe township.
4. Petition of John Haves, for license to
keep a tavern in tbe borough of Patterson.
6. Petition of Jamea Murray, for license
to keep a tavern in the borough of Mitttin
town. 6. Petition of John Hollohaugh, lor li
cense to keep a restaurant in the borough
of Mini io town.
7. Petition of John Haves, for license to
keep reatauraat io tbe borough of Patterson.
8. Petition of John C. Moser, for license
aa dealer in liqnor in the borough of Mif
dintown. 9. Petition of E. C. Graybill, for license
to keep a tavern in Monroe township.
10. Petition of Jacob Weiser, for license
to keep a tavern in Susquehanna township.
11. Petition of John A. Newcomer, for
license to keep a tavern in East Watertord.
Prothonotary's OtbVe, )
Mifliintown, Mar. 27, 1878.
Prothonotary's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Knouse, Assignee of Daniel S.
and wile for tbe beaetltofcreditors. baa Hied
bis first aod final account, a said Assignee,
in tbe Protho notary' office of Juniata
county, and that the same will be presented
for confirmation and allowance at the Conrt
House in Mifflintowa, oa WEDNESDAY,
APRIL 24, 1878.
JACOB BK1DLKR, Prothonotary.
Prothonotary'a Office, Mifflin- J
towo, Mar. 27, 1878.
persona are hereby
. against trespassing npon the lands of
the undersigned, either in Walker or Dela
ware township, by fishing, hunting, or in
any otner way,
John N. Van-Ortner.
J. W. Leyder.
Solomon Maobeck.
J. S. Lukena.
Lnke Davia.
John f. Smith,
Henry M. Miller.
George S. Smith.
Wiiliam Maubeck.
H. D. Long.
Legal fctioM.
k una. Riu. r. Jeaars. Freelaeat
Jodre of the Court of Common Pf to
the 4 at Judicial District, composed of ths
consttes of Juniata aod Perry, and the
Honorabtea Noah A. waer ana rra'
Wffev. Associate J ad res of the sard
Coisvl of Ciwjw FTewa of Jwn-We cowaty,
have hsswett fherr precep to me aireieu,
beaswtf date the 9th day of February. 18 7,
for boMing a Court of Oyer ami Tevmvoer
and General J as) DrKvevy, seat Osssavai
Quarter Sessions of fhw Prseev sf MIF
of APRIL, 1878, being the 22d day of
tbe month.
TTraaar filTBS. to the CW-
oner, Justices of the Peace and ConsfaAeet
of the County or Juniata, toai inev oaiuvt.
and there in their proper persons, at one
vVinck oo the afternoon of said day, with
thesr records, inquisitions, examinations
and oyer remembrance, to do those things
that to IBeir etSces respectively appertain,
and these that are bound by recogniaance tc
promote against the prrsrwers that are oi
tben may aw ia the Joil ft said county.
W tlorn aod there Is tiroeecste against
thwiii aa shall be jost.
Bv an Act of Assiwsty, passed law im
day of May, A. D., 18o4, tt M made tbe
duty of the Justices of tbe Pease, or the
several eonntie of this Commonwealth, tc
return to the Clerk of tbia Court of yrartel
Seseivus uf the respective cvnnties. all Ibe
reeogmaaiae-ve enured re to before them by
any persna persona charged wits IIM
cotumtsioa of any crime, except snch iates
as may be ended bet ore a Jnatsco f tbf
Peace, under existing laws, at Ieaet ten days
before the coiuiuenceiuent of tbe session
of the Court to which they are made re
turnable respectively, assi in allcasre where
any recognisance are entered into lea
than ten days before tbe counuencenieni
of tbe session to which they are niadn re
turnable, the sssid Justices are to return
the same in the same mauner as it sata act
had not been passed.
Dated at Mitnintown, tbe Zi fh day or
U.irch in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and sevrnty-tsjao.
WM. D. WALLS, Sherif.
sWrarsOftic, MiffllDtown, i
March 27, 1878. $
ABhsltrator's Notice.
Estate of Joseph Gieen, deceased
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of
administration oo the estate of Jeev
Given, lateof McCoysville, Tuscarora town
ship, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned. All persona kswrns them
svlrts to bo indebted to said estate will
nuike immediate payment, ami those having
claims will present them properly authenti
cated for aettlement to
Feb. 27. 187". Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
Kitate of Mary Hepner, det'd.
WHEREAS Letlvn of Administration
on the eetate -f Mary llepoer, late
ol Favefte towsohip. dec esse d, having
been granted tr tbe undersigned, all per
sons indebted le said estate are recmeated
to make immediate payment, and those
having claim will nlease vreaerH tbein
without delay to
Feb. 27, 1878. Administrator.
Notice IT. X. Internal-Reveono
Special Taxes.
TTNDER the Revised Statutes of tbe
KJ L'uited States. Sections 822, 327,
338, and 32C9, every person engaged in any
business, avocation, or employment, which
renders him liable to a special tax, ia re
quired to recast and place and keep fn-
spituonsly is Aw mlablishment or place of
business STAr denoting th payment ot
said special fa p the special-tax year be
ginning May 1, 187". -ction 3244, Revis
ed Statutes, designates who are liable to
siweial tax. A return, as prescribed on
Form II, is also required by lute of every
person liable to special tax as above. Severe
penalties are prescribed for non-compliance
with the lorejroing requirement j, or for con
tinuing in business alter April 30, 1878,
witho.it payment of tax.
Application should be mnd to
Collector of Internal Revenue,
Sunburv. Northumberland Co., I'o.
March 13, i78-4t
1. Mrs C Cox vs T P Cochran. No.
April term, 1878.
2. John Kinder vs Michael UmhotU No.
22. Dec. terra, 1870.
3. John Bikbach vs J English West. No.
141 September temi, 1871.
4. The People's Fire Insurance Companv
for ne, vs Thaddeua F Parker. No. 170
September term, 1X74.
5. Thomas W Kirk, administrator of Wil
liam W Kirk, dee'd, for use of Ueore Ja
cobs, Mary F Ickthort (formerly Mary F
Jacobs) and Robert Jacobs, vs James M
Beale and Samuel M Beale, executors ot
Joshua Beale, deceased. No. 19, February
term, 1875.
6. James S Marsh vs Paul Cox. No. 88
April term 1875.
7. Wheeler West vs Stewart McCul
loch et al. No. 147, Aj-ril term, 1S76.
8. Wm T Mount vs John Balsbacb et al.
No. 57, Dec. term, 187 6.
9. Samuel HoS'man v George W Oorton.
No. 68, December ttrm, 1876.
10. John Vaughin, for nse, vs W II
Dougherty. No. 107, December terra, 1876.
11. Saker A Paul vs Adam Wilt et al.
No. 181, December term, 1876.
12. Abraham Leiter vs Jacob L Swartz.
No. I, April term, 1877.
13. Martin Griibb va L W Sieber. No.
76, April term, 1877.
14. John McLanghlin vs John Koons.
No. 1U3, April term, 1877.
15. John Hannaman and wile va David
Phalor abd wile. No. 1 IM, April term, 177.
10. John a Aibte ts aiiiuuad S Jamison.
No. 163, April ti-rm, 1877
17. J M liunneU va Wm II Patterson ami
R M Patterson hia wile. No. 116, Sept 7,
is i.
18. Adam Spoohower va Amos II Martin.
No. 185, S I'tcnilier term, 177.
19. EJward M Hibbs vs Vi!lii.r. G Thomp
son. No. 193, Sept. term, 1M77.
20. Wm C Powell, Jamea F Pefininstoa.
Samuel Beaver and M iry W Beaver, vs
ftoah Hertzler. o. 2u, it term. 1877
21. Saiuuel Slemmons vs John Chisholin
and Clinton Bowers. No. 2trj, September
term, 1877.
22. Win Whitmer A Co., vs E Tilten
No. 20 1 , September term, 18i (.
Zi. C A La nver, for nse of P J Rum
baugh, vs O P Kothorman. No. 2, Decern
ber term, 1877.
24. Daniel CotTuun ami Adam Fisher vs
Andrew Patterson and Mary Patterson hia
wife. N o. 53. December terra, 18i a .
25. Dennis Kennedy vs George McCnl
loch and Samuel Walker, partners, doing
business in the name of McCnllocb A Walk
er. No. 113, December term, 1877.
26. E D Dwiuny vs Joseph Musaur. So,
135, December term, 1877.
JACOB BEIDLER, Prothonotary.
Pro tin. notary's Office. )
Milllintown, March 9, 1878. $
Conrt meets April 22, 1878.
The undersigned administrator of tbe es
tate of George Wise, late of the bor
ough of Mifflintowa, Juniata county, Penn
sylvania, will offer at public sale on tbe
premises, in the borough of Mifilmtown, at
1 o'clock p. m., on
Tbe following described property, to-wit :
A lot of ground situated iu the Patterson
addition to the borough ot Milllintown, Jo.
niata eonnty, Pennsylvania, bounded on the
north by Church street, on the west by PaU
terse street, oa the sooth by lot of R. R.
Parker, on the eaat by an alley, being lot
No. 9 in said addition, with the appurte
nances. The improvements are a
Two-Story Frame IIocse,
8 table and so forth.
Tie us i One-third oa confirmation of
sale, tbe balance with interest on tbe 22od
day of April, 1879, to be secured bv judg
ment bond. EZRA D. PARKER,
mar27,78. .! Im'rofGeorfe Wise.det'd.
Legal AVics.
ALL peTsMrtv irt hereby eaatfoDwl ttrrtii
trarng wrtr hrMW f Ibe g.'
slg'lfsii SrtfSer to IeTSWsve es Walker town
ship, for the svs-posw at ff.vhtfrg or hswtinr
or for any other ymtfum. "
9. A. LeKxasv
ectarf-tf G. S.Lteti,.
ALL persons are hereby cautked again!
troswsewnr, for hnnting, or other
poses, on tasr bsnda of the undersigned im
Milfurd fewnaslp, Juniata cowntv '
Pes W, 1877-tf
or jtiFrLMTows, PA. '
Stockholders Individually Liable,
T. VAN IBWIN, Cass..
J. Nevin Fosieroy, Josnph Roihrork,
Georgn Jacobs. Philip M. Kpnr.
Amos . Bonsall, Louis E. Atkinsoa.
W. C. Ps-saeroy,
Jaiues B.Okeson,
Wm. Van Sweriorsv.
M. H. Kechtet,
JfK II. Irwin,
J-hn Heckman,
Mary Runt,
Samuel M. Kurt.
J. Holmes Irwiu,
T. V. Irwin,
F. B. Prow.
J. Nevh Pomeroy,
Philip . Kepner,
Jusi-pfe Xtithrock,
George Jxrr.sn,
L. K. A'fcmaow,
W. C. Pomeroy,
Amos G. tJooMll,
Noah Hertzler,
Daniel Stontter,
Charlotte Snydi-r,
Saml Ilerr's Heirs,
Interest allowed oo twelve months' cer
tificates of d. posit, five per cent. ; on six
mouths' certificates, four ptt cent.
jau&t, lK7S-tf
acres, more or krw. one bnmlred and twaa-ty-five
or tbrrty anus of which are cleared
ami sndercultivat:o?r, situated in Tuscarora
Valley, Jnniata county, Pa., seven mile
fnMw Miffliitown, the roanty seat of said
eonnti , and four miles from tbe Pennsyl
vania Railroad al Perl Byal, bounded bv
lands of Mrs. fi. W. Thompson aad othr
having thereon- s flixxl lloase and Bars,
and all accessary oolboildinza, good never
failing running water at both house aad
barn, an abundance of fruit of difirenl
kinds. Will be sold for 9 800, and tf do-R-eil,
$-' M) may remain in the pro part..
For partieulais inquire ot tbe andersignsd.
resiling on the premises, or by letter at
Port Rojl, Janata Co., Pa.
J. F. G. LOXG.
more or less; 100 acrra cleared and In a
high state of cultivation, belonging to th.t
Heirs of John Yoder, deceased, is hereby
offered at Private Sale. The Farm i situ
ated in Ferma&agu township, about three
milea northeast of MiiHmtown. The im
provements are s New Frame House ami
Bank Barn, and v&ur oatbuilding. Thar
is a spring of never-failing water at tho
door. A stream of water braveries tlx
farm. An Orchard of fruit is variety, ia
ctadlng grapes in bearing condition, ia con
venient to the buildings. For fnrther in
formal ius address
Port Royal, Juniata Co., Ta.
One Hundred and Sixty Acres, in tba best
wheat-growing district In the 8 tate of Ohio,
situated one-half mile from Amanda rail
road station, in FairnVId county, and one
mile from a good pike. The improvements
area Ltrgo two-story BRICK HOUSE (13
roSms, hall and cel'ar). Double Log Barn
and Stable, and other buildings, and a well
of good water. A stream of spring water
traverses the centre of the ftrra. There s
a large orchard on the promises. Will take
$70 per acre, part eth, rest in payments.
A far-m adjoining aol-t for $1'H) per acre.
The reason for selling, is the desire to invest
in city property, in Circleville. Far all in
formation address J. SWEYEK,
Pickaway Co., Ohio.
MINGLE otter at private sale, the real es
tate of said drcedents, situated in Fsrnun
agh township, Juniata county. Pa., one nil)
west of UitDintow:), containing about
Acres of Land, nearly all of which iscls-irr 4
and in a good state of cultivation, having
tberuon erected a commodious DWELLING
HOUSE, Bank Barn, and all necessary out
buildings. There ia a large variety of ex
cellent Krnit on the premises, and a well of
good water at the door. For further par
ticulars srply at the Sen!inel ollice, Iwls
town, J sens Bliplis. MiBlintowo, or to
Uessv ati.mLS, oa tbe premises.
may be purchased of the undersigned at a
reasonable price. The property is situ.t-.
in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and aith
the Smith stand includes a !t of about
TWO ACRES, having thereon ererted a
comfortable Two-story Frame House, acoin
niodioiis Stable and other outbuilding.
There is a Well of good water at the d.x r
of the house. For particulars call on er
address WM. IK MIPS.
Walnnt P. ., Juniata Co., Pa.
clear and in a good state of eutivatioa, tho
balance in timber, in Spruce HiU township
Jnniata county. Pa., one-half mile from tho
proposed rairoad from tbe Juniata to the
' Potomac river, aix niies from Port Royal
The improvements are a Large Stone Dwa
Zing House, 28x30 feet, with a we1 of good
water at the door. Bank Sam. Cora Cribs,
and other outbuildings, a targe Apple
chard, aod a great variety of fruit. Also
the right to quarry ime atone oo a farm
about a half distant. The farm baa beea
limed recenty.
Ttaai Uue haf ca-ib, Laance in t"
annual payments.
For I iiit ber larticulars addrese
Spruce Hill, Juniata Co., Pa.
wars to-vnship. Land of good quality,
having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE,
weather-boarded, BANK BARN, nearly
new, and other outbuildings. Convenient
to cbnrgaee, schools and nulla. Situated S
miles north of Thompsontowq, 1 miles north
of Thompson town railroad station. For
more definite particulars call on or address
East Salem, JnniaU Co., Pa.
LAND 2 milea from Patterson and Port
Royal, one-half mile from Saw MilL Other
timber land adjoining thia can be bought.
Apply to B. F- BURCHFIELD,
Ofbce, Bridge it., Miflhntftwn, Fa.