ijaiL- mmii & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOVN : Wededr. Tcbruary d, TERMS. Subscription, $1.5" rr annum, if paid within 12 months; $2.00 if not pud within IS months. . . , Transient advertisements inserted at 60 ets per inch for each insertion. -Transient business notices lu local col- nmn, 10 cents per line for each insertion. Deductions mill be made to those desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter rear. PENN'A. E. BjriME TABLE. ON and after Mondav, June 2-lh. 187, passenger trains will leave Mifflin Sta tion, P. B. K-, as follow : EASTW1BD. Phila Ex., dailv ex. Sunday night 12 54 a m Mifflin Ace, dailv except Sunday. 6 2Ura PaciHc Express, daily ex. Monday 10 19 a m Johnstown Ex., daily ex. Sund.iv 11 32 a m i .Mnf VnnHsr . 6 05 D TO nan, un K .,.. I ... .: r a.i f 9 1U urn I Auauiw . 1 .......... WESTWARD. Pittib'g Ex . daily except Sunday 12 3S m e.;h.. rttirmui. dailv.k 5 .i a m . .. arrives 10 (Hi aw V, ay Pass., daii j ,.ave 10 1" a m Mail, dailv except Sunday 30 p m Mifflin Acc , daily except Sunday. 8 tsJ p iu SrtscaiBXas who are not in irrrcara one year, are not expected to notice thee lines, but all subscribers who are in arrears one year after the 25th day of February, 17S. will be charged the sum of $2.00 per an num for subscripiion, as per published rates. LOCJL IS TEL LICENCE. They say a dog in Huntingdon had small pox. trout fishermen are getting their tackle teady for trout fishing. The Banks in this place will be closed on Friday, 22nd Inst., that being a legal holi day. The public sale of John Eh, Jr., has been changed from March 12 to March 11, 1878. The Benevolent Tronpe will give an en teotainment in GrajbiU'a Uall, on the 22ud instant. Jacob Hostettler, of Mt. pleasant, Walk er township, makes a first-rate corn broom. Buy from bim. Eight hundred b-isbels of Valentines passed through the New Tork City post office last week. Our acknowledgments are due, and arc hereby presented to Senator Crawford for valuable public documents sent us. A recent writer on the wheat fly, says that alt sown on wheat in the fall will kid the fly midge, and cause the grain to ripen about six days earlier than usual. The full text cf tb Silver Bill, aa it pad the Senate, will be published in next Issne. It does not differ greatly from the Bland Mil, which ii published in to-day's pper. Twenty new members joined the Luther an church in this place on MtLbath fifteen by confirmation, and five by baptism; also ten old members were restored to member ship, swelling the number to thirty. Huntingdon Prcsb lery will meet in the Second Presbyterian Church, Altoona, on the 2Cth test, to consider the dissolution of the pastoral relationship of Rev. W. J. Chichester, with that congregation." Charles Napier, an English scientist, prescribe a vegetable diet as a core tor in- temperance. Tbe relinquishment of meat . lor six or sevaa montba, he aaaeris, a in uc stroy a desire tor alcohol in the most ag gravated cases." The Huntingdon Monitor says : Tha val uables found in the possession of WiilUm C. Hanson, who met with such a horrible death in Altoona, recently, amounted to $1?2,733.27. They were sent to his home, in Mt. Gilead, Ohio. In a recent scandal case in Smith county, Ean;as, a lady witness declined to answer a question, and the attorney demanded her resson. " Because it is not tit to tell decent i people" "Oh, well," said tbe lawyer, "just walk up here and whisp-r it to the judge." Omaha Journal. A Palmer Irishman is credited with send- .iu. i..ii.a.;.. tHl..m,il.i. ti...Mife td his : bromerinKew York: "Your w.te d,ed! yesterday. We will wake her t.,-iht.- Come home. P. S- Don't ojn lns for two hours, so as to prepare- yourself for the melancholy news." Palmer Juurual. By referring to the vote on the siher question, cast last Friday in the C. S Sen- ai.e, u - iu .a, ui OB and Wallace voted for the late amend- ment, which is for tbo Bland dollar, with i - . f : .1. ... . .1 u. if i mer prov,s.ons o, co....D ..... y " acceptaoie. r uii icn uujli issue, , changed before then. fin a Friday evening, not long since, three tramps, by a back window, entered the school house in which Miss Lizzie Lon don teaches school, near Van-Dyke station, and remained in tbe building till Monday morning. They left a brisk fire in the stove to remind the teacher that they had quar tered there over Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday morning, the United States Senate, after a whole night spent in dis posing of the va-ioua amendments to the Silver Bill, by a Tote of 48 yeas to 21 nays. voted to authorize the coinage of the standard silver dollar, and to restore its j evidence you (the jury) should And a ver legal tender character." See amendments ' diet for the plaintiff, against John Lnkens, and proceedings of result, in another col- ! f or $10, ad in favor of Jane Lukens, the utnn. other defendant," aud the Prothonotary is The Huntingdon Globe says: Don't for- directed to make up the record as of Feb. get the rilU tournament on the Fair Grounds on Washington's birth-day, February 22d. Sportsmen from Blair, Bedford, Cambria, Mifflin, Juniata, Fulton, and other counties, have been extended an invitatiou. A prize will be given the best marksman. A good time and some good shooting may be ex pec ltd. Railroad tiea in large numbers, compara tively sjeikiiig, have been taken in from Lost Creek vailry, to the P. C. R. with in the past few days, and among the num ber were loads of ties that had been intend ed for the Selinsgrove and North Branch Railroad. If the stockholders of tbe la-d-named concern do not soon receive a state ment ot tbe affairs of tbe concern, they will deem it necessary to call a meeting to or ganize a movement of inquiry. Mrs nsan Cargill, tbe lady whose hus band lately died of small-pox, in the bor ough of Patterson, desires to return ber thanks to the Benevolent Troupe," for their kindness in presenting ber with a share of the proceeds of what they earned by their entertainment given in GraybiU's Hall, January 15th. It is justice to mention that the boys labored hard to get np the eater tamraent, and all the proceeds were distrib uted to the poor of the two boroughs. They will give another entertainment for tbe same purpose, on February 2 2d. They ask a liberal patronage. Tbe old canal boat that obstructed the wharf opposite the Eider tannery i beicg torn to pieces, bjr Done Switaer. Tbe Railroad company filled its tee booses in Patterson from the ice that formed, on the damn in Licking Creek, during tbe late cold weather. Tbe United Christian Church at GrahaiuTille, 3 niilea from Miffiiutown, in Fermanagh township will be dedi cated on Sabbath March 10 1878 at 10 o'clock. Buyers look to your interest if you cant to buy anything cheap, in tbe Grocery line, call at the Central Gro cery, they have the largest and best selected stock in the comity. They make a specialty of groceries, and boy iu large quantities for cash, and conse quently can defy competition in their line. Satisfy yourselves by calling id and piiciug their goods, you will be welcomely received, and kindly shown around, even if you do not desire to buy. The following is the list of tx col lectors a) pointed for the year 1878. Lick Joseph Gray. Tnscarora Jnfrpli Howling. Spruce Hill Jauios I'ulbertsi'O. Ueali L. P. Mc'Hilliaois. MilfoH-O. P.' II atria. lVrt K')al Joseph Sttuiuiell. Patterson S. C. Frank. Turbett Stewart Heueh. Susquehanna P. G. Garman. Monroe J- SbcJletiterger. Delaware David Speicher. Thoinpsontown Joseph Feebrer. Fayette Eira MeLmn. Fermanagh Simon Muuab. Miffl-ntown Henry Goshen. Walker William Kurti. Greenwood Harrison Minniiuum. James S. Cox, Esq., of Greenwood township, was appointed Mercantile Appraiser. The following Registers' notices are published so as to be presentable for confirmation at next court. The account of J eroiiab Lyons and Hush W. Davie Executors of Mtry Warwick, late of Spruce Uill township, dee'd, The supplement and futber account of Juliu Hecktuan, Administrator of the estate of Michael Hoffman. Tbe first and tioal account of Daniel Pannebaker, Executor of Benjamin v hi inter. The Erst and final account of John Rboads, AdmiuistrMor.&c, of Leon ard Rhoad. Tie Grst and final account of Solo mon KaufTman, late Guardian of Sam uel Mary and Enos minor children of Eltas iia'deuian. The account of Jerome Ilctrick, dre'd Guardian of Clara Jane Htrr minor child ol Emma Herr, dee'd aud daughter of Geo. L. Herr, as stated by David Uetrick, Administrator of Jer Qetsiek, dee'd The account of Dr. Luetan Banks, Guardian of lliruian D. Smith, child of Archibald Smith, child of Archibald Smith, dee'd- Philadelphia Markets, as per report of Willinm Bell, wholesale commission nw . . . , , , :...! chant, and dealer in general produce, Pier 11. North Wharves, above Race Street Saturday, Feti. 16, IMS. Beans $1.76to2. 41. BuUit 12tol(,'c, Eggs 13tol5c, Live Ponltry Chk-kcns ltc. Turkeys 11c, Ducks 12c, Geese 8 ; Dressed Poultry Turkeys 12 tol3c, Chickens ValUc, Ducks 10c, Geese 7c, .v 404 Ktharw Chuica I.ive Gf , 41c, Prime do. 3Sc, Mixed, good 20c, Wheat Penna.and Del. red $1.31, West ern red $1.31, AiLber $1.35, White $1.4-1, Rye, Western and Teuna. 68c, Corn, yel low and mixed 47c, Oats, Penna., Western and Southern -31c, Dried Fruits Apples, X. Y. fc Mich, sliced, choice 6c, Peaches, pared, choice 12c, Cherries, pitted 14c, ua pitted 3c; Kurs Mink, prime 60c, Fox, 5c, Raccoon 80, Mutrat Cc, Skuuk, black. I5c. Skunk, st iped loc, Oi-ossum 4c, Wild Cat loc, liibbil 2c; Provisions Dressed Hogs, heavy, near by 5c, do., light weight, near-by 5c, Piekli-d Hams 7c, Smoked do. PJ" 1r.T Sa" Sides 6 Jc, do. Shoulders 4 Jc, Lard, Western, in tierces 7 Jo, do. country lots, prima 7:, do. do., ordinary 7c ; Pota toesPeerless 5'Jc, Sweet Potatoes, per b-ir- - l5 )..ions, yellow ,,-r bbl $-"., do. -a lb.! Crt 1 1 - C I ..enua.J nnm ti . I r t - I choice 1 lair to gixd 1 unoiny jx'ea !$1 .To, Flsxsetsi $1.6-3; Wool Combing Wool, wardied Jr lb 3Hc, do. unwashed 81c, Tub washed, choice 4-V, do. fair and ordi- narv 33c. Uiiwaslied, medium 21c, do coarse : .c . ciintry c. .v nde, Vines-ar 12c. Green Hides Bull 4c, Cow 5c, Steer 6c, Calf 10c ; Sheep Pelts, larg.'7-jc, ordinary 15c ; Ra WW- e so an), cKMn 4,, milcd o. No. 1, while 5J-; Honey, per lb 15c, Terrapins, red legs, per dozen 6c, Juniata, per dozen $3, Snappers, per lb 8c, Tallow, country 7c, Barks Spanish Oak S 10.50, kock Oak$!, Hemlock t"; Walnuts, per bus 85c, Shel barks $1. Adjourned Conrt Proceedings. FrnarABT 15, 1878. Reported by B. F. BurchnVld, for the Sen tinel and Republican. In the case of the Insurance Company vs. John Lnkens and wife, the charge of the : Court was tiled ' Cnder the weight of the 15. 1878. Overseers of Bca'e vs. Overseers of Walk er. Rule to show cause why a supplemen tal decree should not be made. Returna ble 19th March, 1878. John Cleck vs. Joseph Adams and Mary Adama. Ex. Fi. Fa. K0.8, Feb. term, 1878 Rule for distribution ot proceeds of Sher-( iff's sale of real estate. Returnable March 19, lfc7S. Tbe proceed of the sale of the real es tate of James Cox considered in court, and an issue directed lo be Irani id between the claimants, and put at the head of the list for trial at April term, 1878. The report ol D. D. Stone, Esq., Auditor distributing the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of the personal property of Jaseph Adams, was filed, and he was appointed to distribute tbe assigned estates ot Christian Benner and Abraham Swartzlander. Emanuel Long petitioned to be subroga ted to the rights of Dauiel Lesberand Amos Folk, as against A. A. Murray, for contri bution. The Court granted a rule with no tice to be given the Auditors of Folk. L. E. Atkinson, Esq., was appointed to state an account between Isaac Hoffman, the surviving partner, and Michael Hoff man's estate, ot the partnership transac tions in the business of tanning. In the matter of the real estate of Wil liam M. Allison, sold by the Sheriff to Wil- Kara M. Allison, Jr. Sheriff Knouse having by Some means neglected t sign or seal the deed, which tact was not discovered nntil the property had again been sold and tbe deeds recorded and Knouse gone Tint of oflice, an order was procured from the Conrt of Common Pleas, No. 1, of Philadelphia (that being the court which issued the Tes tatum Execution upon which the property Was sold) to the (resent Sheriff to make and acknowledge a new deed, which was doue The life estate of P. B. Shirk in a prop erty in Beale township having been taken in execution, the Court awarded a writ to se quester the rents, issues and profits, and appointed A. J. Patterson, Esq., Seques trator to carry the same iutoefljet. Kebecra C Casner. by her next friend Robert Leach, vs. William II. Casner. In divorce. Order of publication granted. The petition of ciliaeiia ot Delaware township tor a re-re-revkw of a road in said township, known aa the Hoops road, was presented, and Jerome Thompson, John Moirer .ud J. P. Wharton were appointed veiwers. Bun is fc S mucker vs. J. B M.Todd. Ex ceptions to defendant's bill ot costs. "And now, 15th Feb., 1878, the mileage of A J. Ileri!cr stricken off." I'pou his petition for discharge, Join O'Donnel was directed to give due legal no tice of liis intention to apply March 19, 1S7H, for bis disclargo under the insolveut Uw. In the Stroup distribution the decree of the Court was amended so aa to take the costs of the Sheriff's sale of the fund be fore distribution, which has the effect to re duce the amount awarded to Susanna Cox $.50, and apply that amount to the judgment of Joseph Long. Loan Association vs. SCuthersbaugh. Rule for dissolution of attacknient. De fendant's antwer filed. Decision reserved until 19th March, and execution stayed in the meantime. Estate of ThiHp Ranck, dee'd. Petition for inquest ol partition. Inquest awarded. Public Sales. Mosdat, Mabch 11. John Esh, Jr., will offer at pul.lic sale, at his piace of residence in Mi'tord towaahip. 8 horses, 1 mare with loal, 2 one year colta, 8 cows, 1 bull, 8 head of yonng cattle, 1 sow, threshing machine, reaper, wagons, aud other farming uuple monts. Sale at 10 o'clock a. a. Mokdat, FrsarABT 18. Mrs. Mary Wea ver will sell at public sale, at the residence of Tobias Weaver in Walker township, at 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, February 18, lri7S, Four horses, one mare with foal, 3 cows, 6 shotes, farming ntensils and house- bold goods. Tbtbsd.it, Fkbbcabt 21. Nathan Yo- der will sell at public sale, at his place ol residence in Fermanagh township, about one-fourth mile south of book's saw-mill, 1 mare, 3 cows, 2 bead young cattle, 1 smite, farming implements and household fund ture. Sale at 12 o'clock N. Tbi bshai. rcauiaii 21. O. S. Gron ir.ger will mil at public sale at his residence in Mi'.tord township, 4 horses, 4 cow, lot f your.g cat'le, lot of hops and farming implements. Sale at 10 o'clock A. M. Mom'at, FiaarABr 25. Christopher Ty I ...:o . .ii 1.1- i !...... ,... ,!!.. ) - "- , T " -exico, ..---u- dir. February 25. 1H78, fix horses, two mares wilh toal, eight m:lch cows, 1 bliHal eo bull, 2 head .ol lat cattV, 6 htad of young cattle. 10 sliulos, and a large lot of farming- implenieiits Fbuat, Mabch 1. Jacob Voder will sell at public sale, at bis 1 Lice of residence, in Fayatta tornUtis w wmU warihwrst of Oakland Mills, One sorrel mare wilh foai, 2 milch cows, 3 head of young cattl-, one sow, and farming uU-nsila. bale at 10 o clock A. M. Sattkdat, Mabch 2. David Smiib, Jr., will offer at public sale, at her place of resi dence oue-half mile east ot Ttiompsontown, Tv.i l...r.e& 1 tuM.vpjr f.l.l roll. lA'd COWS. . 4 bead young cattle', i brood sows, 8 shotes, and farming implement,. Sale at 10 o'clock. Fbipat. Mabch 8. TIiolias Arbuckle will ofler at pub.ic Su.e, at his re,.l,nce in , nQr(,ieaat of M,fliint.wn. Tl.e im Tuscarora township. Three head ol horses, ; .. , 4 cows, 3 h.ad loung cattle, 14 head ol young catue, o oro,i sows, an wun w,. 4D shotox, 3 Poland China and Berkshire boar pies, 27 head of heavy altered sLotcs, also a lot of farming implements. Sale at j 10 o'clock a. M . Friday, Mabch 15. Stephen Reno will oflor at public sale, at his place of resi dence, in Fermanagh township, near Cuba Mill, Two mares, 1 two-year old colt, two one year old colts, one cow, fresh ; 2 heif ers, six shotes, 4 wagons, and other farm ing uteusils. Sale at 10 o 'click A. M. LIVE STOCK ATFUBLIC SALE ! The undersigned will offer at public sale, on the farm of Michael Sieber, in Walker township, at 10 o'clock A. a., on Tiesdat, Mabch 12th, 1878, Five head of Horses, 20 heal of Cattle, Cows, Bulls and.St.s k Cattle, a number 01 which are of Durham stock; 25 bead ol g-jod stock Sheop. Terms Ten months' note with approved security. MrCHAEL SlKBKB. A. S. Adams. PrBLic Sale. The subscriber will offer at public sale, at bis residence in Academia, Juniata county, Pa., at 1 o'clock P. M., on Friday, February 22, 1878, Thirty head of Cows and Toung Cattle, Four head of Horses, a lot of Shotes, a quantity of Sugar cured Bacon. Terms : Note at ten months, with approved security. J. KEVIN POMKROY. Jan. 30-4 1 ATTENTION ! JACOB BATMAN, as Agent for E. F. Batman, will oiler at public sale, at the MIFFLIMTOVTrV FOCSDRT, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1878, The following described property : FIELD ROLLERS, CORN TLANTERS, PLOWS, GRAI.V DRILLS, A D ALL KINDS OF PLOW POINTS, STOVE GRATES of different kind's, KET TLES. POTS, SKILLETS, Ac. Also, a lot of HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE. Also, 1 BUUOY, 1 SPRING WAUON BF.D, and a set of Wheels, and numerous other articles not enumerated. Terms made known on day of sale. JACOB BATMAN, Agent for B. F. Batman. Jan. 23, 1878. Subscribe for the Sentinel and Republican. It contains raorfc, and greater variety of good and nsefnl readirg matter than any other connty paper. 31 A It HI ED: DERR ROHRER On the 12th Inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. C. Myers, Mr. William M. Derr, of Schuylkill county. Pa., and Misa Emma M. Rohrer, of Eoney Orove, this county. MACLAV POMEROT At the resi dence of John T. Nourse, Esq., by Rev. J. C. Oliver, assisted by Rev. J. Y. Shannon, Dr. David Maclay, of Franklin county, and Miss Mary, daughter of the late lion. Jos. Poineroy, of Academia, Pa. 1H ED: VAX-oUMEK Jan. 30, 1878, In Dark county, Ohio, Mr. Edum Van-Ormer, aged about 51 years. A large family mourn his death. lie was born near McAlisterville, this eountr. CLOSING PRICES or DE HAVEN &TCWNSEND, D'HKEUS, No. 40 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Stocks Bought and Sold either for Cash or on a Margin. Feb. 18, 187S. Bin. Ask nil. L. S. 6's 18X1 1W 18tl., J & J 1121 18C7 10.1$ u lf,8 10 10-tuV l'i Currency, 6's ll' " .Vs. l!?i.new H4J 4l's, new, lOf 4's " l"'i Pennsylvania R.R 2" J Philadelphia &. Reading R. R.. 1o Lehifth Vallev K. R 40 Lehich Coal & Xavig ition Co. . 1?J rnited Compatiivs of N.J... . 119 Pittstiurg, Titnsville &. Buffalo , R. K H Philadelphia Jt Erie R. It IJ Northern Central 11. K. Co.... Ifi Hestonville Pass. R. R. Co f (iold 102 iro '"J 12' "4Ji 10Pt . lt2i I ! W lt( I 41)1 ' , J i 120 i I 10 J 102$ 0O3I5IKC41j. MIFFLINT0TN MARKETS. Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thomas MirrtisrowB, Feb. 20, 187. Butter 2 F.frrs ' Lard T Ham 11 Bacon................ & Potatoes S3 Onions.... 40 Hags 2 MIFFLINTO'.VN GRAIN MARKET Corrected weekly by Buyers i. Keunedy. QCOTiTIOkS fob To-oat. Wednesday, Feb. 3', le78. Wheat 1 20 Corn, 4d Oats 2:to2H Rve W Timotliv see.1 1 fXKol 10 Clovers'eed Wtol 25 . PRIVATE SALES. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. 175 Bi res, more or lea. one hundred and twenty-live or thirty acres of which are cleared and under ciil:iat:on, situated ia Tuscar-.ra Vallev. Jm.iata county, r.. ssveu luius from Mifiiiitown, the county seat of said coimtj , and llmr miles from the Pennsyl yania R iilroad at Port Iioyal, oiinled ty lands of Mrs. G. W". Tbempson and others, having thereon a Oood Home and Bira, and all necessary outbuilding, rood never failing ruuning water at both house and barn, an abcr.djnca of fruit of different klmls. Will be sold for $ ('', and if de sired, $ ''0 may remain In the jirojierty. j Ftr j,,;,.,,! iqmre ol the ur.drrsign.-d ; jji.ii,,, tUe premises, or by letter at Pott Koal, Juniata Co., Pa. J. F. G. LONG. A VAIXARLK FKM OF 12' ACHES, m re or less; 1"0 acr.-s cleared and in a J '-? '' f "-'""'ion. b.-longit-g to the "f J 'hn Y"'-r' '' I offorM at Private Sale. The Farm is situ 1 . , . . . ... . ,,. , ,hrM j gaBj. j5 ,rn an(j olhcr outbuildinrs. There f urver-failine ster at the - r - - o " door. A stresm of water traverses the farm. An Orchard of fruit in variety, in cluding grapes in b -aring condition, is con venient to the huil liiigs. For lurther in formaiion address D A. YOPER, Port Royal, J uniaU Co., Pa. A FIP.5T-RAT&FAKW, CONTAINING One Hundred and Sixty Acres, in Ihe best wheat-growing district in the State of Ohio, situated one-half mile fnm Amanda rail road station, iu Fairfield county, and one mile from a good pike. The improvements area larjre two-story BRICK HOUSB (13 rooms, hall and cel'ar). Double Log Barn and Stable, and other buildings, and a well of good water. A stream of spring water traverses the centre of the farm. There is a large orchard on the premise. Will take $70 per acre, part cash, rest in payments. A f ir-u adjoining sold for $100 per acre. Tbe reason for selling, ia tbe desire to invest in city property, in Circleville. For all in formation address J. SWETER, Pickaway Co., Ohio. A FARM OF 75 ACRES, 65 ACRES clear and in a good state of cutivation, the balance in timber, in Spruce Hi township Juniata county, Pa., one-haf mie from the proposed rairoad from the Juniata to the Potomac river, six mies from Port Royal The improvements are a Large Stone Dwe- ing House, 28x10 feet, with a we of good water at the door. Bnk 3arn, Corn Cribs, and other outbniMings, a arge A ppe f r chard, aud a great variety of fruiu Aso the right to quarry iuie stone on a farm about a haf distant. The farm has been limed recenty. Terxs One-haf cash, baince in two annua payments. For fuitbcr tarticutrs address S. A. HOFFMAN, Spruco Hi, Juniata Co., Pa. A FARM OF SIXTY ACRES IN PELA ware to-vnship. Laud of good quality, having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE, weathet-boaided, BANK BARN, nearly new. and other outbuildings. Convenient to churches, schools and mills Fiiuated 3 miles north of Thompsoutown,4 miles north of Thompsontown railroad station. For more definite particulars call on or address SAMUfcL J. KURTZ, East Sal.'m, Juniuta Co., Pa. TWENTY ACRES GOOD TIMBER LAND 2 miles from Patterson and Port Royal, one-half mile from Saw Mill. Other tiniberlaad adjoining this can be bought. Apply to B. V. BURCIIF1ELD, Office, Bridge St., MiHlintown, Pa. arge stock of resdy made clothing of the -Li latest and choicest styles, tor men and boys, hats, caps, boots and shoes, notions, furnishing goods in endless variety for sale at Samuel Strayer'a, ia Patterson. ' Leal vVolCr. JECEI PT6&EX PEN D ITU R KS or TBS COUNTY OF JUNIATA, FBOM Jaxuabv 1, 1STT, TO DEX'BX BER St.isrf. To IHe ffimomhtr lh Jwlyf of th Oxat uf Otmmon lieta nf Juniata ttmnty: TheanilerKlened.Anilltors or the County of Juniata. eleetMl and sworn nrrorilinirtolaw, to audit, settle anil artjnxt tlienerounu of the Treasnrer.Hherlir and Comnilssltinentof the said County of Junluta, resprrtfully report, thntwe met In the Amlluira' offle. In Mif flintown. on the first Monday of Jsnnarr. H7S, beuin Ibe7th day of the inootli. and af ter a rnreul examination of svld accounts, we find them to he es follows from the first day of Jnhtlary.ltt7i.to the Jlst :y of Dereni hor, l77. the Treasurer for the years 1ST7, lt'iiwrt E. Porker. tq.. being present Bt the a-tl!eim-ntt ItOnEIlT H PARKER. Trmsmr. De. To lwIsn from lnt yeflr fi3 7 To otuiud!nz tit au4 t'liunty Taxes WTtli To amount of T..xv irvltii Pir is;?... 'l-t e7 To aiomiat of moio'y rwelve! from Sale or 4'ounty Bonds In ITr. hy J .ill". Iiean .. iWU U To ViT.Hct and Wllo.-asea inm rc- rvlved liooi Protlionotary M S!l To rash trool Overseers ol NUlltml t.mnsliip. li aveouui of kerptUK Mary l;r.k.ill 171 SO To ab frolll saloe n a-eounl of JudKineia .o. , Keru ry li-rm, 1ST,.:.. 254 47 To rash from Treasurer ot Miltlm tn.r.niKti. 'Ol a..:iTit r JildiitoT, 27j TS Toenli fn.in K. W. II. Kreld.-r, n for violation of Kish ltwa 2J Ou Tocanii lioin SiiyuVr -muiy, hy Jas. lx .in, dialled of v-na 9VJ So H77. CONTRA. r. puid Issued prior to Is77 I 105 17 Jiv aioounl ol I'.Mimy unler;, P'd. is-unl III I-T7 IIPO 81 Itv ninmitit tif road vl.-w r- tiU.-utrs paid - !y amoui.t ol .Mate Tax paid ll'Jiia ar celltnve on s;lne li SI By cash t.J i'in M. Uiirnian, tula 177 A Bvetoiior..Hiiiisto!eciors 8-0 so 1 13' am.aiiit X utHt.iiiding SISU-IIM l olinl)! IHIrt Hr IV Bv Treasurer's s'auirv 77-i isi Knlunrv due County 117.il Ti -f7".l-2 21 Jan. 1, 1K78, To balance due County, f !5.7iI 70 IHT7. W.P. WALIJ.SA-, Ir. To verdict fees doling tbe venr- W) On .'r. By tash from J. bekller '.H 1 7. M. 11. K NOCS E. StfTir, Jau. I, To balaucw, verdict fees . ... nr. ..tNOu 8TA TKME.VT OF OVTSTA A PfXG TAX TV ia th A.mJ nf the serrraf tWrrtort, Jaa warjy Im. IS7K.- CW!f.!ora. j Diliriet. I .1 . Yr. A mo'at I ! "i . t " 174 s7.V is",' IS5 s7H l7'i I-.7H s7h. i7i lS-! UTS iS7i I- 77i IS77 IsTT' ,ls,-7i lT7 IS"? T7- II- 77 J.m Nipple J.ihut.'oiiu ' A fuver ':( reenwood Xprui-e li'.;l iMonroo Tuacarora 5 M 4W U7 st 7 11 J71 71 IH, 4.) m x: IM Z, :N VI KiK HI , n m be.de Win 1 lai k Ia-i.Im Jitr.b Klsber lirt-nwirfvl W KeiiHwelt Walker JHMiirl.y latterson W li tlutherfo'd Port Hoal I'liihp Kinitii lJi-k (livici. shi very Kaye'te 1. lirnnisoolia H-iile II II liruii .k.-r Kayette J'l:n llarrv Tiiir.ra VI r, lj f4.t jr tui 1h M 74 ll S. -"T Vi fi. K 7i4 HI J ' It lloriiliut 'Minim Henrv llouu'.e Delaware U J k-.I;. I or I Hnyal l-Mllu Kilmer forta-it Joun Kellv aiteron Jot.u MeMreu Walker FutlruoertfcT Keriuanaitli T T It.-vnobU riionipsoutown (sr. MitMnmp il.vk W Nnl.rret MilM.rd l2 Irim.1 swarlz M .nriH l. . S Wharton xpruee HI'.l 't"C7 lis .11 Jsi -t lot W j ''UI1H Vuianiehanuis s7i Total amount nUm-iti out... tU7!7 10 All of which Is respect fully iil.niiu-d. I.KIVIS I'K'iAS, JNU. K. Ai.LtX. U. HVKFMW. ftotf.jr Awiitwe. Atditor-V OrricE, MlT.nituau, January It', I. J ' -:o: ST A TEMKV'it OF OltrtKKfl TR4WX XV t.1e t vi?aer tltr tmntw Jwunt. v th J-rr.rrrth-rt-t,j. fi vi the U' 'toy of Jv.wu h. l-v?, up t' th'r ixt tiny ut y.rauar.v, 1S7H ttikrn rm Vie rernrtts mi the t'omttU il.m-ellaart.u3. Cot:ntv ninlllors and Clerk $ sl Muo'.ii'ia. error lu statement as Trea-u 1 er Buyer;. A Kennedy. e,al for j;il buyers KenmMy, miI for court 'house - James Minson. aioiiey paid 011 tf'ray reloaded Kolari CummlUiCs oveip.od l..x lor I;., J 1. le-riou. stove and pi;eforjall ... Airl Kin, tej.'-us lo j..ll Tiioiui.s 1 oj.itoue rent for hold. tig eleel loll It K ! r inov.-r. houae rent lor hoid- liitf eleelloli - Oeor-4.- M.ams. s'dowlnx Port Itoynl Si 61 ? 41 4V u 117 ) r. 3 s n a S f st j S isj 7 00 4 00 A lull!' C'ouory i'oinuiiMo!ier, l'll ol irnv eliio: expends, ete., while hold ing appeals M H llasnoar, house rent for holding elections.. D M MvJull-h. house rent for hold ing eleclloll Janiea .Meluiul.llii. house rent for holding elections - O I Moiie, iron leOte:. for jail Jneoh A ChrNtv, attorney fees Altteil L sVeUVt.furuiMiiim material and la.vii.ic pavement II Wlllia: ter.leiMiriinfe.il pre-ses... La-wih i-u.:.ii. house rent tor IrdttMig election - J W .Miitiiersl..M.rfli. h.iruware K I.U'twig. t .u.u rent lor l.oMiui; el-l-llol f. lian!:s. medtea! atlendaiHss a' Jail Alex Kpeddy, crying couri nd ex- rt:s.iire.. - -- B V i!uln:e.n, wTk 11 1 oitirl Ikmi-m- 1) 1 i 'rawford, me JIr.il iilten o.U'-e it jail H K Kryinoyer. house rent lor hold- 1114 ei.vlioUM Thomas l ox, liouse nut :.r lioldiiiK ele.tions - Jurv I'o.iiTiils.l.aieraand el.-rU J lliariler. aliati.'lnellt oil taxes.. .. 1 1 W swarls. " " TT Uevnol.ls. " " - H H Hnioak-r, " " John P Kelly. " " Samu.d Wharton. I'h'lip Kilinor. " " Ckii. 4 on i uo ; is v ii t 50 3 i is. SA ll J7 :i II S7 h 47 I'd I' ll H :rj 11 57 ai 30 a. . :ii 37 hS 4 lianiel Knouse. John M.-M.ea. " " Wm piirr-nla-nrer, W s Slerrelt. " " J J Krelintsholtz, " " rah n Knricer, L iehrHler, percental on co'iectlon, lis .; J N Howe. a". (CI J11.1 Wtneirar.lner, " 111 47 4 7-J II 71 Kl 1. l'l 1 A l-auver. W H Nelson. J lie.de. M 1 Hontiherty, - J L Burner. " Ss aa I win M.ajoune.l. 41 71 nam 7 III SS 14 ii: t KS ml XS 31 111 W 211 -X 2r.s a JBMelov, fGsneliey, " S im'l M I.iughlln, " Jaa K Marley, " " I'aleli l'arker, Jns M Mnrlev. " Joseph Mpple. Wm Kennwell, " " Olhersinall Idll of sundry p-rsons aniouiitiii In tlie utiiffeyaie 10 Totut Constable and JuMlee Fee' in Oornnwnwtalth ttuea. E W H Kreider. 8 9 Wilson A others, SSi 52 Commonwealth Wilnene: Wra D Campbell and othera f Orojiers" and JuMicei InqmeitionM. Jos MiddAKh. Win Donn mid olh.-r-, I a. l'l Jurore" paytirimdanil Petit. T.m U'.llin. fi V MrAlistet and others "" Omntjf r.omU Redeemed. Wm II Knouse. John C Hetnelc and others f-J'- 00 Attestor. Aaron Ildy, Thos Arhnckle. 1-wls Ijurehflfld and others 8"3 40 Constable Returnt and Tipttant. Jonntiinn McCoy, John M Stutts and others J S 2 Fox. Mink.aml WM Cat Sra'pt. Dnnlel Amey. William Whistler and others 1 Rstrw Penitentiary. Paid to E 8 Wright, warden S 38 2t State Lunatic Ilorpital. P.I-1 f Tnhn A TVi.T Trenstirer. for . .-1 1 . mainLalning Margarel Brack bill. I 217 40 County Priton. Wm H Know, keepln tramp 1 132 90 Win IC Knouse. Shertll fees Ho : Wm 1 Walls, keepinu tramp 071 1 Win D Walls, boarding prisoners, Ac. 701 IS Total.... . tl dS 73 Lrrnl jVoVe. Robert Stlnson, road tlania jeat I- J K Kelly. " - 3' ) W S fUrret, " Hi m J J Hatb-raon. " " 1 IS Ueorwe Tavlor. " " uo Wilson saii.lTer. " " . St i Henrv Sh-.nvr, " " DO Wilson jird. " " IO Joseph Kl -heson, " a 1 Joia-iliArd. " " VtSS Total . IHItnl OS) lMnly Boixh Joseph Rotliro.'k, Jolih Zcs.k and others u SSIM 35 Bonsull A Jarkman, ntiUHc prlDtlne, tl. 11..11 Idahks. e. i Mt 86 B F rtchweler, ptildln printing. a!ee- tlon prociamalloD. Sec Vto 71 TotaU i S14 l intlticntry. Wm Mnnn.d"-kMs f ir Prorhonolary and lleni-.er'a l:U-es t 73 JO V"ni S'.niii. d.a-kets Lit Fmthott.Hary and liriKter's ofll., and lerii.n hlnks. . . M LI Wm Ma dix-keiaior .H.ier'lT soffl-e - 76 Win Mann, d.a kets r r l'r..h.iila- rv's nlti.N-, kii:! atiiiloni'ty . 61 W K I. ili.lt.-r, i.l.uik noisier J 11 Total.. .1 V Auran.l, repairs to liile f 31 OR Wm li. i:i li, ailfUtion tu foil rfy..l l.rl.lise 12 00 )!4 IrfoiiuiKer. repairs louppcr Lick- liix t'rerk ln.lte , 24 00 W A Tiainiy. repairs to bridge at i'n K'wels - 7 OH Henry suli.nH. rrpuiia to IIoriiiiiK'a l.n.liie 4 SO Joseph Alla-rt. r piilra lo brl-.'ge at Vi'elers ... HO 00 ilanrr Md'.ihan. repairs lo bridge uX fonieroy's - - S 00 Sllmrmiet i.l. repairs lo bridge at liirni s mill li J B Meloy, repairs t. bridge at Ie- I'uiha'o'a . 2 26 OfiHrontnaer, ri pairs to bridge at npp.-r l.l. klne iT-k 21 75 O M rhn. plank for U1.U- at I'on.e.v's .. W Jarne ; if. . ile, r. p:.lr to Ilrj ner s hrl.l-e 21 Samuel V-.a.-uhlin. ph.Lk for hry- ner's iiralue 5 M Jam.-s ti lu-ale. repairs U t.rldKe at BrviKr"s..... Vi Total. ..I 24 CommiM-ivmm' 'ITt-'r. James MelJiuahlln, O.ninussio'ier s I...s.. , . Oavld H I'o.T, Coliim'SsoMler's let s. . f IW W II lir. Hinder. " " lilloS JaiTien lieaii, 'lerk to O'linty Cora- missloiiers .. 41) O laii.h A I'brlstv. v.iii;v. .i" ro Jni.ii M. N"uli . Janitor 11" J W leen. :erK to Boardol lfa.vl.lou M 'O WuiUeotU. " " " Ml Tola! . 11X70 26 Ptibtic Oyl". Wm ?,t Allln-.n. sndttitiK rr..thr.nf- larv ati.l lte's;er ottieeafor l f li A J ll.'llerson. r:strl.-t Aitoiney f.-a, ! W John T Metlln. Indexing iloekeis 5" ' I I Wall IS. tliJeXlllK daaktrU " Jacob lU idler, bill of f -ea SIB 'J Total- .... 16H IS 6'enrr.f of Spring Werfian. J II M. AlNterand others. J-.i laea. In (MfCloeH. l,Tks '.. f leetioua. hprkUtf ami S is2 ' RrrapUnlali'tn. Miscellaneous. .'. J 21 62 Conofahies' nnd Just le a' fees in Cora- inoiiweall ease ... --" 'l Coiliioooweallh wltiies-s l4 onnens' ln.nlslf ions .r7 10 Jurors' criy Krand and petit ... Jl.rj is Ouoiy lv uiuili re.lt emeu .. . wt- no AnMHMirK ft; a :l -.' t t'tintHh!' return en ! f ; i:ve. j wihl l t. Hnx.arut mink . 1 j h i Wt-rii Kiiitnt inry.. ; tte l-tinitlir HviopiiHl - ' (njrity , 1h4.h j K.Hi.i i.uu.u:t( ini. ret -..v..- ITiMtiu ! stiirion-ry ..... ; HrMietx - - I I 'Otll IU ift"iIMr Offivf. sr -L;ir l-tlltH- ; ' 0ru-rl huJ iiprlnelectloD if iV 24 !7 l ir ;.t IU 8' oil ,i sit 44 -i4 .Via I Ssi SO , Grand total -'4i S - U't thelVii.imisslonera of tlie nainty of ; Juniata, for the year 177. in compliance ! fcli nMten.ertt of tne recetpf nnd eTpeji.H- wnil nm law. uo ,moiio ..." ...- -Fi... - 1 lores ol cainiy aTnream ar ine yeer i.. Uiven under our imn ia at ihe 1...1111111- sion.-rn' iiiiIit In MilUiulown, this I'.'i'i day of January, 1STS. JMEs Mct.At GJILIX. l.A VIi H. 1AX. Wit. H. (ilti'MNOKR. Attest! tm.mjonert. Jami.s lusrsi, Vb rk. fxad iltlrm to the rVrmtrs; tafrment of h K,-sj Ipis mid Kieiidiiur. s ol tl.e ei.ini tv til Junt-ita. for the year s... I herevrirh piirdish the loiiow'nsr. as ahowins Ihe In ts.i....itifu. ol tae canity or Jnnluia . ti'e first ilny ol January, !... as ai-eruiiieil l.y Ihe I'oiintV A'l-i.lors exaliilllitl i 'II of the summon t!i !-!h i .y f January. W-i. to wit: Affrv-ie amonnt f ontstandlrn eotii.lv Itnndx with Int. rrst on Iba salne up to the IkI of Jan.. Ifi7a S-V1107 Outst:.':. lips eoumy orders on J.. un ary 1st, sjs !; Liabilities of the county.-. Ic-.lTl SO Kromwhieh ileiluet Anil, ol oufsion.liiiK fi.xesin ihe hands t.l is.Iie'-tors. on Jan. i7s anw w Ual. In h-n I of Treasurer Jan. I. I vs r7ul 70 Itahmee of tudament ncainot MUford towusbip.. . ) M Sllsa SO Indebtedness of rouotj- Jan. I, TS, SIL3 OS liesraelfiillv, r JAMES DKEX. Clerk. f itmni.vilonrrs' ot!i.s.. 1 Mint iiiiown. Jan. Hh. IS7R.) j x. B ! I'ikv lv well toKtate lierethnt the 4 a 1 reason of ihe diser" piiiiey in Hie an. mint of 1 an ouis'nii-i'n r..univ twin.!-. ... the 1st 01 Jan Li", isi I n.irv. s;. and the oiits.ndinit roiinty laoels on the Is! ..; January. l7s. :s owinj to Ihe SI3 I amo'ini of tl-..iirteren.e in th- l.i.l in.-e in 7 (a, the I.hii is 1.1 tl.e l'n iuun r.il li:eis.in!uii.-e-I lllrU. 0 1 kill I years, respei-livejy, as lollows : 4 "O a-.. .1 . I......I. ,.(T-.,-r Lie I Ul H Tolv.l! In han.tsof Tren'r Jan. I.TS.. 1 l 70 T!i Indel.l.sinem of (lie county on the l of J .nu.i'j . JsTs, la-inn ur M,'" ass lliau on Ihe 1st of January, isr. lUtsuss-tfuliy. ite.. JA.MKs PFFN-. ilerkof Oii-inoer. Ualiince in hands or the Treasurer per An.iitoV port SlTTC-l 70 Amomii of per cent, hood f.ill.nir di;e 011 or laflore 1st 01 April. 1S7S fll3 30 Amount ol o per ent. lamda taliitiir -lu. on or la-tore 1st of April. 1S7S 75fct 00 itainli.-e l la- provldetl forhy reneMral or s .le of iH.nds, .r collection of taxes 32 SO !wr- S-i-prrJI "i0 Thealave statement will explain Ihe larije .s j lialnursf lu the Tre-tsiiry .i.m n hv tl.e Au.il- Iots. Mam onialiee was provuievi .riiie..ti..v bv 'he sale of per nut. Im.ii.1s lor the pur pl of paytnir off 7 and S ja-r cent. Is.n.la laliing uuedurihK Hie tirai nioiiih of isth, H II. a l'o!tiiuis.ioner. M n. ineethe A u'litors' eti leno'ni la.nds filling doe an. iHiumiK lo i.o0 have been lifted. PRIVATE SALES. THE HEIRS OF PETER AND SUSAN MINGLE oft".T at private sale, the real es tate of said decedents, sitiiatei! in Fenu in agh township, Juniata county, Pa., one mile west of nifllintown, containing about 2d Acres of Land, nearly all of which iacleared and in a good state of cultivation, having thereon erected a commodious DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn, and all necessary out buildings There is a large variety of ex cel. ent Kroit on ihe jTemises, and a well of good water at the door. For further par ticulars apply at the Sentinel oflice, Lewis- town, Jacob Beuaea, .miinniown, or 10 He.vst Mholi, oa the premises. ONE OF THE MOST PROFITABLE BLACKSMITH STANDS in ihi county may be purchased of t'le undersigned at a reasonable price. The property is situated in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with the Smith stand includes a lot of about TWO ACUE3, havirg thereon erected a comfortable Two-story Framellous?, a com modious SlalJe and other outbuildings. There is a Well of good water at the dorr of the bouse. For particulars call on or address WM. HOOPS. Walnut P. O., Juniata Co., Pa. No paper in the Juniata Valley publishes as large a quantity of reading matter as the Scntintl and Republta. It ia above all others the paper for the general reader. Job work on short wetrae at this ofllee. M1SCELL.WEOVS GRAND OPENING ! IN THE CRYSTAL PAL AC E BUILDING. BLUDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWN, PA., OF Dry Goods, Groccricsj READY-5IADK VLOTlIIxt-j , Cups, Boot?, Shoes Q.iwnswAr?, Glassware, Tin-.vare, Spices, Notions, Soaps, Sitlt, &c. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, And will be sold at astonishingly low priries. nT" Now is the time t.vssve money by buying at the Crystal Palace Store. Call ia nd examine our good and bear our prices. No trouMa to so oo.U. RORERT V. PARKER. MilRiatown, December 11, 1877-tf D. W. HARLEY'S I the place whera you can bu THE BEST A.M THE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING tUTS, CiPS. BOOTS, SHOES, JSD rURMSHlXd GOODS. HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select sWVi ever offered la this market, and at JSTOXISIUSaL 7 LO IV PRICES ! Also, measure taken for Wits aud part of suits, which will be made to order at short notice, vert r?asonable. -1 . - r the place, in Hr.tTmafl 1, MIFFLlNTO'nJf, ri. Remember Water streets, SAM'L STBAYER Has just rlared from the Eastern oitis with a full rarietj of mm & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, GENTi' FL'RNlSniN'fJ GOODS. Goods of a'l kinds are lo-v Come and me and be astonished. Pant at 75 cent). ZI S'.'ITS MADS TO (KDF.!t.3 Patterson, Pa., llav 2, 187i. SAMUEL STUaTER. Proftuumal Cttrd. JOUIS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, V1FFLINT0WN, PA. CT-Collectfiig and Converancing prompt ly attended to. Ornct On Bridge street, opposite the Court House S-pujre. LFHED J. l'ATTER50Nt ATTOEHET-AT-LAW, . xrtrri 1 VTntr V jrvHTiffi PI. ! All business prompt'v attended to. Orric On Bridge street, opposite the Court House square. JOBERT Mf7MlENl Attornev and Counselor -at-Law. Prompt attention given to the securing and collecting of claims, and all legal busi- OrricK on bridge street, first door west ot the Belford building. April It, 1875-tf J WID D. STONE, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Collections and all proleasional busi ness Ton.ptlr attended to. june'Jtt, lr77. f. IjFrciTfield, ATT0R.NET- AT - LAXC, MlFFLlXTOlvy, P.I. All b is-ness infrusle'l to his care will be carelnlly atid promptly altendeil to Col lections made. Real estate l night, s! I or exchanged. Leases negoti it.-d. Lands in the South. West, and in the county tor sale. Office on Bridge Street, otpoite Ihe Court House. aprll '77 john Mclaughlin, INSURANCE AGENT, PORT ROY JL. JCSUT.l CO., rj. UyOnly r.di ihle Companies represented. Dec. 8. 1875-ly THOMAS A. ELDER, 31. D. Physician and Surgeon, M1FFLIST0 W'iV, rj. Omce hours from 9 a. M. t i 3 p. .. Ot. flee in his father's residence, at the south end of Watet street. oct22-tf y m . Til a VfoiTd7T. v., 1I:ls resiinii-d actively the Drac'ice of Meiiicine and Sifgery and their collateral I brunches. t)llii-e at th." old corner of Third J and Or.ing" streets, M.illintown, Pa. March Z'J, 187H J M. BRAZKE, 51. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON, .Icademin, Juxicfa Co , Ta. frrrica formerly occupied by Dr.Stern-tt. Professional bnsrness protu'illy attendml to at ail hours. D. L. ALLKX, M. D-, lias commenced the practice or VTedirine : Th n..r,; ,, e,,mlnencfd and Mirgerj- and all then-collateral ..ranches.) 1Ih.heril,g blM1I1.M ia t., boruusb of H.t Otiice at Academia, at tbe residence of tliuiown. Capt. J. J. Patterson. Jjnly 1 ". lS7t II EXRY I1ARSE1BKRGEK, M. Continue the practice of Medicine and Surgery and all their collateral branches. Olfice at his residence in McAIislervrle. Feb 9. l7rt GREAT BARGAINS ! I will sell the foltowfng nn?ed Sewing Xai:bines at Greatly Reduced Prices. $25 TO $30 WILL BUY A White. Remington, Howe, New .American, Weed, Singer, Whitney, Davis, C rover k. Baker. The New Domestic. Kew machines sold in lots of four holesale prices. All attachments furnished cheap Also a full assortment of needles, and oil of fhu best quality. By sending 60 cents yon can hare for warded by return mail 12 assorted needles by J. It M. TODD. Sept 21, 1?77 Patterson. Pa. JDVERtlSEMLW TS. New Building, corner of Bridge Sept. 15, Wi and a-tt Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia is the most perplexing of all human ailments. Its sxmptouis aie almost infinite in their variety, and the forlorn and despondent vietinis of the disease often ' fancy themselves- the prev, in to n of every j known luaUdy. SMs ia due, in port, to the j close sympathy which e.i.-.ts oetaeen the st'tn ai-h and the brain, an 1 in ( art also to ! the fact tht any di-.turhan.-e of the dies- tire function neetssarily disorders the liver. the bowel a" l th.j nervous system, and af fects to seme extent, tbe quality of the blood. E F K tinkers Bitter wii'e of Irn is a u-o 'cnr-. Th:s is not a new p'ejantion. to bo ! tried and found wvitimr. If has been rre- sciibed daily tor niany yea- in the pr lice of eminent phrsici.uis wilh lin; araielied success. It is not x pec ted or intended to cure a'l the diseases to wh'rh the 'hnrru family is suhj srt, but l warr.mred to enre Dyspepsia i;i its most rl atinafe !.rm. Kiie kel's Bitter Wine of Iron revrr tails to cure. 1 Symptoms of Dispep.-U are loss of a j tife, wind and rising of li.e fia-,.J, dryr.e the mouth, he-irtbtiT, rtia'en ion of I pe s' of the month, he-irtbu'T, rfia'en ion of the ! stom ich and la.wel. constipation, h -ad ache, dizziness, leeplesness aud low spirits. Try Ihe great remedy and be convinced of its n:eri'. Oct the genuine. Take only Kunkel's, which is put only in one dollar bottles. Depot, 2V.I Nor'S Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. It never fails. For sale by alldrui:iss v.id dealers everywhere. "Ak lor t F KunkcPa Bitter W ineol Iron and Like no other. Six b'-dtlesfor Hedol lar. or one dollar fer b ttle. Worms! TTornis! Ifornas! E. F. Eunkel's Worm Syrup n-.-ver tail to d est my Pin, Seat and fiom-tch Worms. Dr. Kunk.-I, the only snecessmi physieiaa ho removes Tspe Worm in two hours alive with head, snd no fee m.til rnovod. Com nii.n senaV tea.-hes that it Tap? Woem be removed, ail other worms can ijj readily de stroyed. Send tor circular to E F Kunkel, 2 "i9 North Ninth street, Philadelphia. Pa, or call on your druggist tor a bottle of Kuu kel's Worm Syrup, price f I. Itnever tails. Manhood: HowLost-HowEestored Just published, a new edition of Ir. Culverwell's Celebrated Ksay on the radical curt (without medi cine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal weak ness. Involuntary yieiiiiral L".-.-":?, fnii, tenry. Mental and Physical Incapacity, im pediments to Marriage, etc ; also, (,'on sumplion, Epilepsy aud Fits, induced bv self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, tc. C7"Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated aiuhor. in tMs plmlrsble Essay, clearly denionstmtes. fntin a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarm ing consequences of sell-shuse may be rad ically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application ol the knife; pointing out a mode of enreatonce simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sntlercr, no matter what liia condition may be, may cure himself cheap ly, privately, and radical!). ilThis Lecture should be in the hands of every yonth and every man in the land. Sen! under seal, iu a plain envelope, to sny address, post-paid, on the receipt of six routs or to post stamps. Address the Punlishers. THE 1 1 LTERHEI.L 5IEPir.lL CO., 41 Aim St.. New York : aprll-ly Poit-Utt'ce B"x -toS. K A T ' I?I EAT!! BEEF. VEAti, MUTTON, and rORK ru lie bad every Tuesday, Tbnrday and 3aturdav orcinas at their meat store st the residenre ot Jlr. Howe, on Cherrv street. Their wazon will also visit tbe resi dence of citizens the sime mornings. Kill none fcnt the b;st of stork, and sell at fair prices. dvi us a trial. HOWE Jr. ETKA. June 2S, lST6-tf r E. RURLAX, Deinsf. Orfica opposite Lntheran Chnrcb, Port kotal, juniata co., pa.. Where he will spend the first ten days of each month, commencing Deeenibcr 1st. The balance of ihe time hs ottiee will bo occupied by J. S Kilmer, a young man worthy o' conSdence, and who has been asoe?ated with the I).a"tor as ati-.dent and at ! assistant two yea's and upwards. Thoso who rail during Dr. Bnrlan's tbence for prn saiona! service, may. sn.f ul plea" arrange the time with Mr. Kilmer when they may be served, on the return of the Doctor. The Sentinel nJ Republican office i the place toeetJ"b work done. Trv it. Ilwil pay yoii if y!a need anything in that line. Seno1 and RepnktiiMn $1 30 a y .U'2 m 9M