Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 16, 1878, Image 2

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Wedhtmdmj, January 16, 1878.
rrfrn asn piopiito.
tVithin the past week rumors from
Washington have been kept afloat,
that certain Republican Senators
t,A T?nrsntativ; are intnrfOinpr i
tmt President Haves out, and put
Mr. Tilden into the Presidential
chair, at Washington. With 6Uch a
revolutionary result in view, the old
story, that in several of the Southern
States a majority of the popular vote
was cast fir the Tilden electors, is
revived, and it is alleged that if that
can clearly be shown, President
Hayes will have to vacate the Presi
dency of the Republic, and that Mr.
Tilden will become the President of
the United States.
Republican Senators and Repre
sentatives should be the last men to
talk of repudiating laws in the South
ern States, that had their foundation
idea in the reconstruction laws or
measures that followed the collapse
of the Rebellion. The laws com- subsidies and monopolies are opposed
plained of in Louisiana and other ! and a free ballot demanded, and the
Southern States, are the outgrowth attempt to re-open the Presidential
f Republican management, and un- J count denounced. The resolutions
der them many officers were elected, ! in opposition to the repeal of the ro
und recognized by all National ad ' sumption and against the remoneti
ministrations since the days of Re- j zation of .silver are very strong,
bellion, up to the present time. The At a meeting of the State Corn
Hayes electors were elected under jmittee previous to the convention,
the well recognized provisions of the j the discussion on the President was
same laws, and now at this Lite day, : Terv extended and showed that he
when a Senator or Representative in j had" many friends among the mem
Congress on the Republican side pro- j bers. The criticism on W. E. Chan
poses to help to put President Hayes dler's recent letter was very severe
out of the Presidential chair because ! and at times became personal. Chan
of the operation of such laws in Lou-1 Jler defended his course in publish
isiana and elsewhere, what can the J ing the letter, but the sentiment of
country think of such men ! What , the committee wa3 against him and
can be thought of men who repudi-1 he was unable to rally a majority to
ate laws that they heretofore main- i his support.
tained were right," and under the pro-j B()th IIonses of the Mifwissippi
visions of which they helped to seat j completeJ their organi
Senators and Representatives, and zatkm on the 8tb insL w percy
under the provisions of which State was e!ecteJ Speakt,r of the TTouse.
governments were maintained by The GoTernor and State officers were
lormer ipu.uicun aunuoistrauous :
a? T 1 1 ' A - i ' I
T?awiili i riicm wi T gi ai-ist iiKncac !
but RepuMicaoism will not repudiate
petty spite of a few kuavwhly din !eiuce 187i XLe jjj dtU is gix
posed meiubers. Such a proposition j Llmdrea and eight thousand five him
is an outrage on the Republican party. ! fcei dollars
Mostoojizet IJlaie, an everlasting Tbe leading Democratic candidates
office-seeker, now a member of the ! f,,r Senator from Ohio were Ewing and
yr , i t i i i I Pendleton. TLe severest opposition
Maryland Legislature, offered a reso- . . , ' ,
...... . . , ... I against hmr.c was baed on the fact
latum in the legislative body of which tbgt he WM a L;uion soIJier duTW the
he is a member, that proposes to open war ; I"endleton was attacked because,
thequeation in Congre&sasto whether j "by tbe aid ot" . fat anl pretty worn-
a bargain was made letween Presi-! ni he obtained a c;aij of $80,000
dent H:yes and certain Southerners,
on the Presidential question, one
year ago. The ' goodie " that Mr.
Jilair is after, is an office a United
Jitates Senatorship and his reason
for trying to open the question is to
so popularize himself that the Leg
islature of Maryland will be fooled
into electing him to the coveted office.
He is a chronic office-seeker.
The Balkans have been crossed, and
Russian troops are on the Constantino
ple side of the mountains, out of the
snow, in a country where they can j
subsist themselves. The English are
eager to patch up a peace, so that
Russia mny not get Constantinople.
Turkey has asked Russia direct on
what terms peace can be secured.
A despatch from from Charleston,
S. C, last Friday, says : Returns from
the special election for county officers,
held in Georgetown county on the
8th inst., indicate the election of the
whole Republican ticket, composed
exclusively of colored men. The ne
gro vote was as solid as at any elec
tion held since reconstruction.
what it cost Pennsylvania to quell
the riots of last July. In that bill,
the loss of property is not included.
Kixo Victor Ehaxvel died on the
l)th inst He was aged 58 years. His
son. Prince Humbert, succeeds him
to the throne of Italy.
The csuntry wants peace, for the
good of the whole people, and that's
why it sat down so hard on Chan dler.
The relic of a bygone day, the Hon.
Montgomery Blair, is bidding high
for the United States Senatorship
from Maryland. His political history
has so many blank pages upon it that
he ha6 determined to till one up with
a record that shall live He has pre
sented a memorial to the Legislature
to which he was elected, asking Con
gress to provide for a judicial deci
sion as to the title of President
Hayes. It is perhaps to be regret
ted that Mr. Blair's long seclusion
from the world has made him com
paratively ignorant of events that
have occur red during the last decade,
but it is a little singular that he did
not find out that the title of Presi
dent Hayes has been passed upon ;
that Cangress erected a tribunal to
decide it, and that it can no more
erect another appellate court to sit
upon the Electoral Commission than
it can turn back the course of the
Mississippi by h?gislative ennctment.
Mr. Blair seems to think that he can
stop the march of time by simply
turning back the hands on the face
of the clock .orih American.
The State nominating convention
of the Niw Hampshire Prohibition
inU will be held in Manchester on the
21.1 inst.
A National convention of inflation
ists has been called to meet in Tole
do, Ohio, on February 221
There are two hundred and twelve
diplomatic positions in the gift of the
President, including Mininters, Con
suls General, Charge d' Affaires, Sec
retary of Legation, Consul, Commer
cial Agent and Vice Consul. New
York has thirty-six of her sons in the
business, Massachusetts and Penn-
j sylvania have eighteen each,
has twelve, Ohio sixteen and Illinois
The New Hampshire Republican
State Convention met at noon on the
9th inst., and re nominated, by accla
mation, Benjamin F. Prescott for
Governor, and for Railroad Coinmis
sioner David E. Willnrd was nomina
ted on the second ballot. The con
vention then took a recess, after
which Governor Prescott apieared
and thanked the convention. The
resolutions adopted reaffirmed the
Cincinnati platform of 1870, and
while they admit an honest difference
of opinion in regard to the policy of
President Hayes, they approve his
; efforts to keep faith with the people ;
; inallfful.atoj on the 9th. The Gov
ernor's message shows a healthy con
dition of the State's finances and a
from tbe Government which hau been
twice rejected," asserting it was tbe;
the property of Lis wards, and then
kept tbe eutire sum himself, with tbe
explantatioc flat tbe cost of collecting
was rqueal to tbe amount collected.
t enmetnn was elected and Jawing re-
ected. Hence we may readily can
elude that tbe Ohio Democracy prefer
to be represented by a scamp rather
than by an ex Union soldier.
It cost tbe Senate $11,000 to acquit
Uelknap, and $lb.U00 not to admit
Tbe Democrats in the Ohio Legisla
ture are already taking steps to secure
the repeal of tbe registry law
in that
Mc'Ciellan was inaugurated Gover
nor of yew Jeisey yesterday
Dover, N , 11. Jan. 10. Mrs,
Mariaui Berry, of New Durham, a high
ly respectable wiauw ol 0l rears, was
sbot and iustantlj killed yesterday af
ternoon lu ber own bouse and in tbe
presence of ber family by John L.
i lukbam, who had been employed by
her 'a do chopping, for tbe payment of
wuiob tbere bad been some dispute.
nuKnam eutered tbe House wan a
djuble-barreltd sbot gun in hand, and
after a few words suddenly sbot Mrs.
Berry tbrongh the bead and fled. He
was soon after found balf a mile down
tne roaa witn nis toroat eat, bat it is
thought not fatally. It is supposed
that Pinkhara was ucder tbe influence
of liquor.
Cixcixxati, Ohio, Jan. 10. At
Concord, Ky., on Tuesday night, Dep
uty Sheriff Kuggles, with a posse, over
took tbe notorious Underwoed brothers,
who bad been stealing horses from
farmers, and demanded their surrender.
Tbe Underwoods immediately fired at
tbe party, instantly killing liuggles.
The fire was returned, and both the oat
laws were wouuded. It was thought
that the Underwoods would be lynched
by tbe excited f-irmcrs.
Hazleto.v, Pa., Jan. 10. Dominick
McGiynn of tbis place has been arrest
ed for passing counterfeit money ($5
bills on the Bank of Hanover, Pa.)
In default of bail tbe prisoner was hold
for a further bearing. A' gang of coun
terfciters bas been operating in this
section for several weeks, and bas sue
eeeded in passing a considerable amount
of spurious money, principally on the
First National Bank of Tamaqua, tbe
the Third National Bank of Buffalo,
and th! Hanover Bank. Tbe counter
feits are well executed, and have de
ceived even some of tbe bank officials.
Washington, Jan. 7. With five
thousand United States troops on one
side of tbe Rio Grande and as many
Mexican regulars on the other, the
State Department feels confident that
peace on the Texan border is assured.
Tbe trouble heretofore bas been that
the Mexican government relied on tbe
forces under command of tbe local au
thorities, who refused to obey instruc
tions from tbe central government. A
bigh official said to day tbat tbere is
absolutely no danger of a conflict be
tween tbe two countries ; tbat Dial is
earnest in bis efforts to preserve peaee,
and tbat this administration knows it
could not do a more unpopular thine
than to provoke a war.
Three thousand dollars have been
subscribed toward the Morton monu
Baltixork, Jan. 9. Montgomery
Blair's performance in tbe Maryland
Legislature rails fo make any very deep
impression bere, and tbe vote by wbiob
bis memorial was thrnst aside is tot re
garded as arguing well for his election
to the United States Senate. Most peo
ple think be has gone ott of his way to
mace Lionel! ridiculous. The Dsido-
cratio newspaper at Washington, wbteK
apires to t an organ, pokes fan at
New Orleans, Jan. 11. On Tne-
dJ ntg bt a negro named Rice was taken
out of jail in St. Fraticirville; West
reiiciana, and banged by a party of
white men. Rice was charged with tbe
killing of Tom West, tbe Democratic
candidate for Sheriff, a few davs before
the election in November, 1876. He
fled so Pointe Coupee, but recently gave
himself up and aa lodged io jul at
St. Francisville.
Louisville, Jan. 11. Information
has been received here of a serious rail
road accident on the Northwestern road,
in Tennessee, near Wavrrly Station,
yesterday. An entire train, composed
or one sleeper, two ciaehes and a smok
ing ear, was thrown off tbe track, and
every passenger considerably bruised
and otherwise injured.
St. Locis, Jan. 13. A dispatch
from Houston, Texas, says Governor
Hubbard has written a three-column
letter to President Hayes on border
affairs. He goes into tbe details of the
caases of tbe Mexican raids, and gives
a history or tbe same for tbe last twen
ty yarn, including Cortina's capture of
Brownsville in 1359. Tbe Governor's
specific charges are: First, it has been
a dpredatory war; second, tbat cus
torn boosts taken aud robbed, post offi
ces robbed and burned, hundreds of cit
izens killed and some tortured (William
McMahou, for instance, bad bis legs
cut off and was forced to walk on tbe
stumps); Murdock was chained, a bar
row placed on him and be was burned
while in his own bouse within five miles
of Corpus Cbristi : women have been
made prisoners and subjected to treat
ment too horrible to mention ; third,
millions of dollars' worth of property
have been taken from Texas owners,
carried into Mexico, and sold in publio
markets ; fourth, Mexico bas furnished
an asylum for tbe robbers and a place
of deposit for their stolen goods ; fifth,
the Mexican government bas been noti
fied uiauy times by ours of tbe exist
ence of these evils, but she has not re
strained her citizens, and she refuses
to permit the United States to break
up tbe hostile bands which commit the
atrocities, and bas declared an attempt
to do so a cause for war ; sixth, she has
refused to execute the extradition treaty
not surrendering raiders, who were
themselves enemies of mankind by
breaking jail of Starr county, releasing
prisoners therefrom and mortally wound
ing our peace ofncerj, aud by turning
loose fugitives under indictment for
murder in Texas and regularly demand-1
ed by our Commissioner of Extradition; I
eevenib, be bas afforded an asylum to i
Indians aud permitted them to use her :
territory to set on foot expeditions to :
uivaue ioe lerruory or tne I nit 3d
ciaiea aim 10 wage savage warfare upon i
the people of Texas, including within ',
its scope every age and sex- children . , . . . . .
, i, , i r ,1 A great fire devastated a rort .in of Lon-
bave been captnred in Ttxas, carried ',," v ,,
. . , i , , i don on babbatb.
into Mexico and bei-i as slaves. Gov
ernor Hubbard asserts that Texas does' An "'Cendiary fire at Lawrenccburg,
n t want war. but si nit, v protect on
from Mexican violence. He charges
that tbe San Elizario mobs, who shot
Howard, M'Bride and Atkinson to death,
were composed largely of Mexican citi
zens. He says Mexico should make
amends for the crimes committed by
ber citizens.
The cold bere on tbe morning of
8th inst. was 8 degrees below zero.
The thermometer registered 14
grees below zero, on Tuesday morning,
the 8th inst., at Huntingdon.
Mercury 18 degrees below zero on
the morning of the 8tb inst., at Shir
leysburg. The mercury ranged from 3 to 10
degrees below z to along tbe Hudson
river valley on the 7th. Tbe river was
firmly closed at Pongbkeepsie.
Intense cold prevailed in New Eng
land on tbe 7th At Nashua the ther
mometer stood 24 degrees below zero;
Manchester, N- H., 27 below ; Milford,
N. H., 28 below; St. Johusburv. Vt..
3G below; while at Fort Fairfield, Me.,
it was iS below.
Tbe Danube is already frozen
near Galatz.
The great Barrington Savings Bank
Mass., bas suspended payment pending
an investigation by tba State Bank
Commissioners. Tbe officers aro con
fident that the bank can meet all its
liabilities. The deposits are $407,000
and tba total liabilities $414,000.
Hick ix & Spear, suspended baokers
of Sao Francisco on the 7th, made an
assignment to tbeir creditors. Assets,
$358,180; liabilities, $355,400.
Tbe statement of Peddicord & Bur
rows' bank, Deeatur, III , shows tbe
liabilities to be $00,000; asseU, nearly
$300,000. It is believed tbe institu
tion will shortly resume.
Tbe following notice was posted on
tbe doors of the Pottsville Bank on the
morning of 9th ; By the unanimous
decision of the Board of Directors tbis
bank will not be open for receipts or
payment of depositors unless otherwise
directed by the stockholders." But
little is known of tbe bank's actual con
dition, bat information from reliable
sources places tbe amount of deposits
at less than $15,000. It is believrd
tbe bank bas suspended for tbe purpose
of going into liquidation.
The tuanagerj of the Pittsburg sav
ings banks have decided that five per
cent, will bo tbe maximum paid on do
posits for tbe ensuing year.
A dividend of eight per cent, en the
capial stock (out or last year's earnings)
nas oeen declared by tbe t armors aud
Mechanics' Bank of Saltsbarg.
Tbe baokers of Buffalo, N. V., have
unanimously resolved to co-operate
with tbe banks of New York city iu any
action tbey may take to oppose tbe
Bland Silver bill.
Tbe Thoinpsonville, Conn , Savings
5aok is found to be unsound, and the
Bank Commissioner has forbidden it to
make further paymeuts of prineipal or
interest to depositors, until the amount
doe shall be scaled down according to
tne shrinking of assets.
Two slight shocks of eartbaaake oo-
eured at Cairo, 111., on Tuesday night
wee a.
According to the Cumberland Prtt
btterian, one-fifth of that church is to
be found north of the Ohio river and
east of the Mississippi; two fifths
south of the Ohio and east of the
Mississippi, and two-fifths we6t of
the Mississippi Tennessee contains
25,112 church members, or one-fourth
of the whole.
Rev. Leroy B. Gaston, a well-known
Presbyterian minister of Memphis,
Tenn., dropped dead in the street at
Helana, Ark., the other day, from
heart disease.
A large number of people assem
bled in St Alphonsus' Catholic
Church, Wheeling, W. Va., after
morning service on Sunday a week
to witness a miirria'a The priest
i . 1
naa commenced tne ceremony when
smoke was discovered issuing from
the ceiling. The couple glanced up
and calmly told the clergyman to pro
ceed, which he did, and the two were
soon united. A piece of the ceiling
cracked and felL causing a general
stampede, in which several persons
were slightly injured. The flames
were soon subdued, but not until
damage to the amount of $1200 had
been occasioned.
The Londen Times f a recent date
says: At Canterbury, tbey showed me
some ancient records of tbe ancient city
Oneoftbem ran thus: "1535. Pay
14 shillings 8 penee for bringing a her
etic from London. For a lotd of wood
to bum him, 2 shillings ; for gunpow
der, 1 penny ; for a stake and staple 3
Rev. Dr. Belvi'.le, of the First Pres
byterian Church of Pottsville bad a
narrow escape from death in tbe early
part of last week. While eating a
bowl of vegetable soap be inadvertent
ly swallowed a large piece of bone,
which caught and lodged so far down
his throat as to be beyond the reach of
instruments. It was only after several
hours of great suffering that his physi
cian succeeded in relieving him His
tbroat was considerably bruised and torn
and bib voice slightly affected.
Mr. Beecher bas taken another de
parture. As a preliminary to the Com
munion service in Plymouth church on
last Sunday he said ; "I invite all who
are in need of forgiveness; all who love
tbe Lord Jesus Cbrisf, to partake with us,
for this belonps to you whether you are
a church member or not. If the church
es will not let you have it wi:ii them,
you have a right to spread it at home.
Tbe Church does not own it. as some
would leach us. Tbe Bible was once
hired ont by the Church in the same
way. But tbey both belong to you,
who are tryine to follow after Christ
i ins is not a uurcti ordinance: it is
only spread by the Church for purposes .
of convenience."
The Lumbermen's Camp Jason Leighton
on West river, above iberryfield. Me., was
burned on Friday nijjht ; lour of Leiehton's ;
children perished in the tUuies.
A cattle hed io the stock yards of Fair- i
bank's distillery, Terre Haute, Ind., WM I
burned on the Uih. Three
hundred ani-
nials, tallied at $1l',0k),
perished in the
'C1UI""' couuty, .norm Carolina, on
the 8th inst, caused a loss of between
$20,000 aud $30,000.
Browu's Block, at Ligrange, was
destroyed by Are on the 7th lust Loss
$30,000 ; insured.
At Appleton, Wis , on Sunday a
week Kellogg's block, with the dry
goods stocks of Clark Bros and others.
j Loss, $30,000 ; iosurauce $25,000.
A fire in the dryiog-room of Hough
ton & t'o.'s publishing house, t arn
bridge, Mas., on the evening of the 7th
inst did damage to tbe extent of $2'),
On the afternoon of the 11th inst,
a tramp entered tbe basement or Fur
nival's bagging ractory, Nos. 25G and
258 Water street, Brooklyn, and was
ordered out. When going out be struck
a match against a bag or jute and in a
moment it was io flames. The fire rap
idly extended io tbe lower part of the
factory. Tbere were 130 girls employ
ed in the upper part ot the establish
ment, who had a oariow escape from
being suffocated or burned. Tbe pas
sage wats being in flames tbey all es
caped without accident by windows
wbicb opened on the roof of a neigh
boring shed. The flames were confined
to tbe lower part of tbe building. Loss,
King Humbert is 34.
Turkey bas asked Russia for terms.
Italy's new King will take tbe oath
to day.
No armistice has been agreed
as yet.
King Victor Emanuel was buried
A St. Petersburg dispatch says tbe
Czar is ill io tbat city.
Horace Ben bam, an Italian, attending
Dickinson College, is wearing crape in mem
ory of Victor Emanuel.
The population of Constantinople are ir
ritated againnt England, who, it is declared
is morally responsible for Turkey's misfor
tunes. At Sbipka Pass the Russians captur
ed 23,000 men, 1,000 boises, 12 mor
tars, 12 siege guns aud 80 field guns.
The Pope, on receiving the news of
the death of tbe King, ead : "I expect
ed it, 1 bad pardoned him. Let us
now pray for tbe repose of bis soul."
A Russion official dispatch says the
Turks left 300 dead in the fortifications
of the Trojan Pass. Besides these a
Turkish battalion was almost annihilat
ed in tbe encounter with the Russian
turning column
Italian clerical journals declare tbat
the dying King of Italy, before receiv
ing tho viatacuiu asked the Pope's for
giveness for bis sios. A lattei telegram
gays tbis statement is authoritatively
eontradicted, and declares that "Viotor
Emanuel made no declaration which
eould give the lie to his glorioua life as
an Italian King."
When old Jubal Early heard of Lee's
surrender he was lying in an ambu
lance, wrecked witb rheomatism, he
swore like a pirate for a moment, and
then turned in bis uneasy bed witb a
groan and exclaimed, "Blow your born.
Tub swfcLL mob.
How Taa OftrmU Upon Uuptctig Pt
dlxtrin. In London the term" " swell mob "
is in common use to designate a mass
of well chftt fffen whose ways of life
are' &rk and mysterious, and who, if
they are not in all cases actively crim
inal, are o Fear it as to be always
open to suspicion. The operations
of these classes are carried on where-
ever the street throngs are densest,
and the showy dress is worn to avoid
being readily regarded as criminals.
A gang of these well-dressed rascals
will reauily so crowd around a victim
that his pockets may be picked with
impunity. Spies hired for vile pur
poses, pimps, gamblers, confidence
I ta&i, swindlers of all grades, and all
! i . . i - r i t
classes of thieves, find refuge among
the swell mob. Hence the protection
of pedestrians in the open streets is
the most arduous duty of the London
police, and hence, too, the invariable
order to "move on" that is heard at
all points to prevent obstructions,
since it is by a swell mob gang stand
ing still on the sidewalk that a crowd
is gathered and chances prepared for
In New York the swell mob, though
not so notorious as in London, is an
established nuisance, so that for
years the police there has been en
deavoring to enforce the London or
der "move on." The "statnes," as
the street loungers were called, were
first attacked, and for a time many
respectable persons were seriously
annoyed by the regulation. But the
perils of the sidewalk gradually be
came more known, and now the flash
clmracters are more easily distin
guished, although an American mob
is totally different from any in Eu
rope, because an American takes on a
style and polish that are very apt to
deceive the unwary. It is among the
best known things in our police an
nals, that the swell mob in New York
and Philadelphia has embraced very
gentlemanly-looking rascals, extreme
ly careful in dress, manners and con
versation, who were the worst coun
terfeiters, forgers, burglars, robbers,
etc. j
As the depredators upon society
are said to number sixty thousand in
London, and a large proportion of
them spend most of their time in the
streets, the extent to which they in- j
crease the throngs on the sidewalks
may be understood. The "swell mob"
had been growing steadily in l'kila- J
delphia for many years, but the Cen- j
teiiuial brought mattei s to a head,
and now the police have their time !
fully occupied in watching them. The j
commonest operation of a swell mob '
rrfilur iu lit rr..t .n ilia l fvn tf a
btreet car, or, if the car be very
crowded, to tush inside and uluck
j the passengers of all their money and
valuables. Another favorite doire is
for a gang to go into some popular
saloou or resort and clean out ail the
pocket-books. But in the uiiJst of
such throngs as have been seen on
Chestnut, Eighth and other streets,
there is evidently a harvest for the
The more wealthy and respectable
the gathuriug of people, the more cer
tain are the gangs to be found among
lueiu, wucmer u ue in promeuaue, at a ,
theaire, opera, ball, coucert, church or,
uieetiLg ol a corporation. Among the (
flash characters who u.scd formerly to!
hO h.Mla Is tlin t Hi u kin. lit I liAfiatil at raut !
. a t
- .
ww very resectable loukuiir man. 1
whose budiue.ts was burglary and bank
robbery on a large scale, who lived io
robbery on a large scale, who lived io ,
a browu btoue house in au elegant oeigh- Ungi, gcral hundred dollars p
borhood, passed for a merchant of a!n0ni. This action has destroy
speciative kiud, and bad a family, who
lived in entire igtioratico of bis true
j character. The "swell mob,, comprise
many men who keep up their reputation
by working at limes at some respecta
ble calling as a cloak to their real bus
iness. But one peculiarity of tbe
American "uioobies" is an iuteose de
sire to avoid low associations. Tbey
are sharps cf every class, but they gen
erally have tbe appearance of geutlo
tueo. Tince tbe New York police be
gan to press upon them loo closely
many of them Lave lound refuse in
Philadelphia, and the floating popula
ticn bas thus been dangerously increas
ed. They ciowd all our publio prom
enades, flourish at all the places of
amusement: are numerous at hotels,
bar rooms aud variety shows; ready at
billiards and cards, aod are apt at
working off stolen securities with
out asking questions. Tbe numer
ous criminal offences, so rapidly re
peated day after day in our city, are
not, therefore, the natural production
of bird times, as some persons suppose,
nor are Ihey generated by tbe growing
depravity or our own population. Tbey
are caused by tbe influx or the swell
mob from London, Paris and New York
and as the evil is destined to, swell to
much greater proportions oui police
cannot too soon bestow tbeir attention
upon it, aod make the " uiobbies,' feel
the force of justice. But as the Lon
don police numbers eleven thousand
men and the Philadelphia police has
I r . . i . .
ooiy a ioree oi twelve nundred men.
the task is not an easy one. .Yortk
A Rejected Lover's Expedient.
The GroesWk (Texas) New Era
records tbe singular courtship of a
Prairie Grove gallant as an illustra
tion that "faint heart never won fair
laly." He proposed, but was gently
refused. He went a second and third
time with the same result ; but at
length he rode over one evening and
told her he would neither eat, bleep,
not speak until she consented to be
come his bride. She invited him in
to dinner ; he 6hook his head. She
talked on ; he merelv looked dejected.
Then she requested him to take sup
per; a negative shake of the head
was tha only reply. She played, sang
and chatted on till bedtime when a
servant showed him a room ; a nega
tive shake. She tripped away to her
chamber; he sat determinedly stilL
About twelve o'clock she came back
and said, "I don't wish to cause the
death of a good officer, so I will mar
ry you." The released rose, and with
much eagerness said, uilv dear, have
you any cold victuals on hand 1"
The daughter of B. S. Wilson fthon
of Towanda, but now of Lock liaven)
strayed or was kidnapped from her
home on tbe 1 lib or December. Her
name is Ma' tie, she is thirteen vears
old, small for ae dark eyes, hair and
complexion, spare face and was dressed
thinly in everyday clothes when the
News Items. .
Quebec will soon have beet sugi'r
Turkey ha ordered tons o cart
ridge paper from an Ohio eoncern.
Tbe border claims bill bas been re
vived at Harrisburg. It bas been in
troduced regularly for several years
Ex-Governor A. II. Shepherd broke
bis leg by a ral! on the ice on Monday
evening a week.
Mrs. Astor saves con.iidererable tine
oy ber new idea of having a day ap
pointed fur appointed for receiving party
calls, and making the occasion a recep
tion. Fifty Oneida Indians will partcipate
io tbe celebration of tbe massacre of
Wyoming. A sham battle will be one
of the features.
Aaron Tatcbin iosulted two ladies in
the streets of Syracuse and went to the
penitentiary for 130 days.
Senator Patterson says he would be
a fool to resign while he can lie in bed
and draw $13 day as a Senator.
General B. F- Butler bas ben en
gaged as counsel by ex-Senator Simon
t ameroo to defend him in the widow
Oliver breach of promise suit.
Berks county agriculturists ara t-'rn
ing tbeir attention to tbe cultivation of'
Archibald Gordon, of Granville, N.
C, is father of twenty soven sons by
one wife. I dogs in ten years.
Sadie Sharp and Etta Hazeltine, aged j George W. Creagh, aged nineteen
respectively eleven and fifteen, broke years, was frighteued to death by a fire
through tbe ice on a ponj near Hyan j iu Allegheny recently,
nis. Mass., on Sunday a wuek, and were j John L. Veinb.rger, a Johnstown
drowned. ! gun smith, recently fired his dwelling
Bortha'Von Hillem commenced a J and then sbot himself dead,
walk of one hundred miles in twenty- New York's failures for 1877 aggre
eight consecutive hours, without sleep, 'eate. approximated, $52,000,000 in
at Baltimore on Monday evening, and
accomplished tbe undertaking on the
A lady of Oxford, Chester county,
had a small piece of glass removed from
ber arm a few days ago which bad been
imbeded therein for over fifteen years.
A gentleman in Ebensburg, named
Humphrey, killed one buudred and one
pheasants during the season just closed.
Dickson Mortimer blew into bis guo
at a shooting match in Clarion county.
llig foot slipped from the hammer and
a ball wen' crashing through nis uioutu
removing two front teeth, fracturing
the jaw, splitting tbe end of his tongue
and struck the palate of bis- mouth,
changing its course so that it lodged in
tbe back of bis neck at tbe skull. Tbey
feed tbe man on milk now, and bis re
covery is doubtful.
The Lebanon Conference of tbe Lu
theran denomination will hereafter con
sist of thirteen Biiniters and churches,
uiaiDly in Lebanon Stbuyikill and Berks
Tbe Postmaster of Beading baa re
ceived an anoymoas letter enclosing $1
conscience money from a person who
j writes: " I made use of letter stamm
the second time, so bad no rest until I
paid for them
A Boston ;girl fell "wbile dancing
New Year's night and broke her arm.
Tbe Allegheny county jil had 4,311
prisoners daring last year. Tbe num
ber who ate their New Year's diouer
there was 101.
Thirty suits, aggregating $3,650.
have been instituted at Pittsburg by
shippers whose goods were destroved
darjng ,he July riots,
Th P.inarill. (
..w . . - . ...... VHHW.R, 1111 V. I I LL
ri . a . .
flD x narsaay nipou pa&ca ao ordinance
Amrn tK , r M.n v,
tive. or Ci.ief Hnnrpss- an hnnnrarr
on. ithou oav. thus s.vino tLe W-
er an
rnvpfi that
aspirations of candidates for that office'
at the coming spring
election, to tbe
number of twenty.
The Dover, N. H., Republicans bave
elected Hayes delegates to the State
Convention, and adopted resolutions
strongly approving the President's pol
icy. A new Catholic Church will soon be
an additional attraction at Frauklio
A licensed hotel is unknown in ash
ington county.
A batch of six "MjIIie Maguire"
convicts have reached the Eisteru Pen
itentiary from Schuylkill county.
W. H. Bowker. ao ml well driller,
was ribbed in a Pittsburg waiter girl
saloon, ou Thursday flight of a pocket
book containing 2;"0 in cash aud a check
for $1,500.
Hon. J. D.Abbott, who iu intrust
ed with a large amount of tbe funds of
widows, farmers aud estates iu Caled
onia county, Veruiout, is a defaulter to
the extent of i everal thousand dollars.
Upon his exposure on the 9th be at
tempted suicide by taking poison. Ilia
recovery is doubtful.
An old maid's show is talked of at
Erancis .Murphy has arranged with
a Boston firm to lecture for $150 per
Tbe Allentown poultry show opened
on the 8th The premiums amount to
Over 17,000 new farms are said to
have been commenced in Texas last
year under tbe Homestead law alone.
Another Turkish army was captured
at Sbipka Pas on tbe 8tb inst.
Louisiana's bonded debt is about
Professor James .Vartin, of Sbelby
ville, Ind., died recently, leaving a col
lection of 100,000 beetles, the largest
in tbe country.
Tbe lumber business in Clarion ceun
th:s season has been prosperous. 3,
000,000 feet was shipped by one firm
without tbe loss of a single board.
It cost Dauphin county $13,700 to
support her poor last year.
A Chinaman appeared at a station
house io Saciatnento on December 2G,
and alleged tbat bis cousin had been
tried by a Chinese Court for debt, bad
been sentenced to death, and was to be
hung. He accompanied officers to point
out tbe place, but on the road was met
by several Chinamen, and then refused
to go on. An boor afterwards he again
went to tbe police and repeated the
story. Tbe officers locked bim up, aod
forced bim to tell where tbe place was.
They went thither, aod, sure eoough.
found a Chinaman banging by the neck
to a raft in bis own room.
A swindler reaped a litt'e harvest in
Wilmington a day or two ago. He en
gaged a room and tben advertised io
the papers for a number or servants.
When applicants called upon him he
represented that be wag conducting an
intelligence office, and guaranteed each
a petition, for which be mulcted tha
tbe person applying a dollar. In tbis
way be made about tbirtr dollars, and
then skipped. I
' '" --- -I'lT" - V-
Nevfs Itemfli
Pittsburg Lad bat balf-a-mile of pav
ed tide-walks thirty yeara ago.
Tbe steel works at Doonesville are to
be converted into a tube works before
tbe 1st of April.
Tbe Pennsylvania Editorial Associa
tion will meet at Harrisburg on Thurs
day,' January 25, at 3 p X.
The iron works of tbe old Pennsyl
vania Company at Danville have chang
ed bands, Mr. Isaac S. Waterman be
coming sole proprietor. Tbey are
shortly to be started op.
Five thousand four hundred and fifty-eight
tramps were sheltered in tbe
Cnester lockup last year.
A Lebanon butuber bas manufactur
ed 4,000 tons of bologna sausage (bis
At A?bland Mrs. Margaret Burke
was found in bed lusensible, with her
son, 12 years ol age, dead by ber side.
It i supposed '.bey were overooine by
sulpber gas from a new beater in the
cellar. I be mother is expected te re
cover. William Gordon, a Green county
farmer comuiii ted suicide because be
was uuable to pay a debt of sixty dol
lars. John Helfrick, of Cambria county,
70 years of age, was killed recently by
tree which he
bad been chopping
falling opou bun.
A Cambria county farmer
I one bandied fifty-nine sheep
bas had
killed by
liabilities and $21,000,000 in assets.
Tbe Chin3se in California will not
work on Sundays, tbey play poker all
W bite traveliog skin caps, resembling
those used by gentleman, are worn by
ladies. The caps are turban style aud
trimmed with a sable tail.
The State Grand Lodge of the United
Workmen adjourned at Pittsburg oa
day afternoon to meet in semi-annual ses
sion at Ureeuville, Mercer eounty en Tues
day, July 9th
There is a district in flair county known
as Tyrone township, that is noted for good :
! tnnnli. For fhff nt tittnrTlifti rear titi ,
! iustice of the laco or CODsUbIc been
j i..,..,i f. -rr .her
i. ,ijit t ii .-t , 1 uc "l,roen'.nrs are a mrge s lone uwe.
John Haddock, who fatally staobed r . .. ,
, . . . . ' ... Zing Honse, 2ix30 feet, with a well of good
Lizzie Davis, and then fent a bullet IT... . .
. ut-i. .i . e a water at the door, Bank 3am, Corn (,nb.
through his heart recently at Ferndale an(1 oth(.r out0ili;.iings, a Urge Apo lh
was organist in the Presbyterian Church ! chard, and a great variety of iruit. Aiv
at that place, and his victim the leader ) th ' quarry fime stone on a farm
of the choir
A little chiU three years ef age
named Michael Dodds, or Saltsbarg
Station on tbe t'onnelsville niboad,
was accidentally shot in the head oo
Sunday by a cousin named Peter Dodds, j
who was examining a revolver. The
ball entered tbe cbilds bead just behind
the ear. Tbe child was alive at last ac
counts. A snow woman, dresstd io a sbawl
and hood, was placed on the Lehigh
Valley raiiroaJ, near Allentowo fur
nace. Tbe engineer of a passenger
train blew bis whist'e loudly and suc
ceeded in stopping within few fet of j
tne ngure, tcinuing it to oe a living re
Tbe church in New York of which
I Rex. Dr. Eggleston is paster bas a;
charch parlor' for games, a regular
club organization, wi'b a shooting gall
ery attached to the parlor. The Rev.
Doctors's idea h tbat young people.
and especially young men surrounded
bv strong inducements to evil, such as
New York citf posesscs, should find in
the church organization what will satis
fy their social desires and preserve
j their paritv of character. It is a new
I and sotnewhit novel experiment.
i Advis from China state that O. B.
Bradford, formerly United Stares vice-
consul general, was arraigned guilty on
enty five criminal accusation, Includ-
ing embezzlement, extortion, fraudulent the fra.!e. FIA.VOS, 7-ocuve, $:40; TJ
retnrns of vouchers and general mal-: octave. $1.V; OlifJANS, 2 stop. $s; 4
feannre. He ridded "technically ! ""t ;1s 7 "'" '"; stopv $;o; .
puilfv," but verrfict r,f gnilty ... ! ; u ; " orl"'
11 -t uttd a yrar. baeet uti-ic at li ill pri-e.
rendered. The affair Wis referred f" AOIiACE VVATEU-S 4. Hl.VS, Maimfae
the htn gorernment. Meantime Brad- rer9 and Dealers, 4'1 E.st Fourteenth Si..,
ford remains in jail in default or bail. '.cWi,,rk-
It is expected that a grenfer number
01 r.ogs win oe pacxea in the west this
season than in that or ISTfi 77- Re
turn from 311 points. including the six
leading cities, show a decrease of 615.
000 up to January 3, compared witb
the corresponding period last season,
bat as hogs are plenty it is estimated
that the entire packing en to march 1
will reach fully 5..100.C00, whil that
for the season or 1876 77 was 5,101.
303. It is also believed that there will
be an increase in weight aa well as in
number, though to what extent it is as
yet impossible to say.
A Wild
Hog- One
Eyed and
From the Pittsburg Dispatch.
A few days since Mr W. Miller, of
Unionrown, who, like Nimrod of old.
is a mighty hun'er, aud keeps a paek
of fifteen hounds, captured an earless
wild hog in tbe mountains no auricular
appendages, but no orifice in the head
lor tne aatnisstoo 01 sound, and is in
consequence totally deaf. It has also
but one eye, which however, is large
enough for tvo, being nearly two inch
es in diameter. The aoimal will
weigh about one hundred and sixty
pounds, and is as ferocious as a bear.
Mr. Miller will send it to tbe Zoolog
ical Garden in Philadelphia. Mr. Mill
er is a noted deer banter, who follows
his game on an Induu pony. He late
ly killed four deer on one excursion.
I will sell the
Machines at
following named Sewing
Greatly Eeduced Prices.
$25 TO $30 WILL BUT A
New American,
New machines
wholesale prices.
Brover k. Baker,
The New Domestic.
sold in lots of four at
AM attachments furnished cheap. Also
a full assortment of needles, aad oil of the
best quality.
By sending 50 cents you can have for
warded by return mail 12 assorted needles
by J. B. Jf. TODD,
Sept 21, 1ST7 Patterson, Pa-
acres, more or less, one hundred and ta-ty-flve
or thirty acres of which aro cleared
and under cultivat'on, situated io Tiucaror
Valley, Juniata county, Pa., aevra miles
from Miffiintowa, the county seat of said
eo'intj, and four miles from the Pennsyl
vania Railroad at Port Boyal, bounded by
lands of Mrs. O. W. Thompson and others,
having thereon a Good Hoaie and Barn,
and all necessary oilbuilJingi, (rood nevor
failing running water at both house and
barn, an abundance of fruit of different
kinds. Will be sold for $"t00, and if de
sired, $2j00 may remain in the property!
For particulars inquire of the undersigned,
residing on the premises, or by letter at
Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa.
J. F. G. LONG.
more or less ; 1'JO acres cleared and in
blgtt state of cultivation, belonging to the
Heirs of John Yoder, deceased, is hereby
ottered at Private Sale. The Farm is situ
ated in Fermanagh township, about three
miles northeast of MifRiutown. Tbe in,
provements are a New Frnie House and
B.mk Barn, and other outbuildings. There
' it a spring of never-failing water at the
i door. A stream of water traverses the
farm. An Orchard of fruit in variety, in
cluding grapes iu bearing condition, is coa
venient to the buildings. For further in
formal ion address
Port Rural, Juniata Co., Pa.
One Hundred and Sixty Acre, in tbe bet
wheat-growing district in the State of Ohio,
tdtuated one-half mile from Amanda rail
road station, in Fairfield county, and one
mile from a good pike. The improvements
area Urge two-story BRICK HOUSE (13
rooniH, hull and cel'ar). Double Log Barn,
and Stable, and other buildings, and a well
; of good water. A stream of spring water
j traverser the centre of the farm. There '
; a Urge orchard on the premises. Will take
j $70 per acre, part cash, rest in payments,
A tarn aJjuioing sold for per acre,
j The reason for selling, is the desire to invest
; in city property, in Circleville. For all iu-
formation address
Pickawav Co., Ohio.
A FARM OF 75 ACRF.S, 55 fRE3'
I ce.ir and in a good state of cutivation, iho
I balance in timber, in SprucoIi township
Juniata county, Pa., one-haf mifo from the
' W' f" Juniata to
to the
I ro,""ac nvvT 1X u,fcs froru Fort Ru:
about a hafl distant. The
limed recentv.
Tebm IJnVhtUf ca,h,
farm bas beeu
baiauce iu two
annual payment,.
For lu.tbi.-r yarticiiars aMre-4
Spruce M il, Juniata Co., Pa.
ware toTnship. Laud of good quality,
baling tliert'oQ erected a lAKJ HOUSE,
weathei-boadeU, BASK BAR.V, nearly
new, and other outbuilding.. Convenient
to churches, schools and mills. Situated c
mile north-of Thompson town, 4 miles north
of Thompsoftown railioul station. For
more d fin:te partkulus e.Il oo or address
East Sal.-ui, JuniaLa Co., Fa.
LAND 2J miles from Patterson and Fort
Royal, one-htilf mile trom Saw Mill. Other
timberland alj iniiia; tblt can be bought.
Apply to B. F. BCRCI1 FIELD,
OtEce, Bridge St., Mifllintonn, Pa.
Sew Advertisements.
We wi'l during these HARD TIMES and
the HOLIDAYS iti-p-.se of 1 EV
; FIANCS and ORGANS, ot -"Vst-tlas
I makers at lower prn-es for cash, or Insttil
j nu-nn. than ever before off. rod. W ATEItS '
I PIANOS and OKGA!5 are tbe RKST
I Ulttl' . ... . - !:(.. .... .
.i,,-.,. ..wiii. ', ....i,,,...,,,,,,., .
8-3 Broadway, New Tork City ;
Chicago, 111. ; N ew Orleans, La. :
Or, Sin Francisco, Cal.
When I say "cure," I do not mean merely
to stup them for a time, and tflen hare then
return airain I mean a radical cure. I ant
a regular physician, and have made the dis
ease of
Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sichess
a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to
cure the wrt case. Because others have
failed is no reason for not now receiving a
cure from me. Send to roe at once for a
Treatise nd a Free Bottle of my
ii'tallibie n-medy. Give express and post
othce. It costs you nothing for a trial, and
I will cuse you. " Address Dr. U. G. ROOT,
ISA Pearl St.. Xew York.
In their own localities, canvassing for the
FiBEaiPE Visrroa. (enlarged) Weekly and
Monthly. Larval paptr ia the World, with
mammoth Chruiuos tree. Big commission
to agents. Terms and outfit tree. Address
P. O. VICKEKY, Augusta, Maine.
OT 4 "IVfiC; Retail price $'J0O,onl
I ln.ll ViJ Panor Orau.
price i4i onlv $'.5. Paper free. DAN
UX F. BEATTY, Washington, S.J.
West Virginia Cheap. Send
txmp for circular to J. II. Bris.
tor, Martinsburg, W. Va.
is a certain remedv tor
Ask your druggist for it. Circulars free
Address O. i. MOSES, 18 CorUandt St..
?iew York.
AH about its Soil, Climate, Besonrcea.
Products, Laws, and its People are given it
the KANSAS FARMER, a 10-pag weekly,
in its 15th year. Post paid, 3 mo., 50c.
Address J. a. HUDSON,
Topeka, Kansas.
Has ouirklv taken a bigh place
agricultural journals." .V. T. Tribunt....
"We have contidered it among the beat of
our exchanges, and a worthy representative.
of the West." Praetieal Parmer, Philada.
.... "Owr Kansas friends ahould feel mrtchr
pride ia the bigh chancier and sterling
worth of their e tare agricultural paper."
yIral Liit-SUck Journal "We cheer
fully credit it with being one of the beat
edited of our Western atrrieutttrral
ebang-e." fpirit vf tht l.mti, 4V. X.