Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 19, 1877, Image 3

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We4medj, Oec'r 19, igtT.
Scbscription, per untm, If paid
ntl IK month $2.00 ir But paid within
It months.
Transient advertisements Inserted t 60
swots pr Inch for each insertion.
Transient business notices in local col",
am, 10 cents per line tor each insertion.
Deductions will be made to those desiring
to sdrertise ty the year, hall or quarter
ON and after ttondav, June 25th, 1877,
passenger trains will leave Milliiu Su
tton, P. R. K., as follow :
Phila Ex., daily ex. Sunday Bight 12 54 a m
Mifflin Acc daily except Snndy, 6 2i a m
Pacific Express, daily ex. Monday 10 19 a m
Johnstown Ex., daily ex. Sunday 11 82 a ui
Mail, daily except Sunday. 6 (ft p m
Atlantic Expresa, daily 10 p m
rittib'x Ex . dally except Sunday 12 38 a m
Taciflc Express, daily 4 i a m
Way Pass., daily rri,r" 10 00 a m
J leaves .10 10 am
Mail, daily except Sunday, ...... 8 SS p u
Mifflin Acc., dailj except Sunday, 8 W p m
The Pennsylvania Central Railroad Cum
yany will sell Excursion Ticket on Decem
ber 24th, 25th and 81st, 177, and on Jauu
ary 1st, 1S78, good to January 3d, 1878.
Christmas Holiday Excursions.
Tb Philidolphia &, Readitig Railroad
trill ...... Firi... Ti t
rvmts in its territory, good Iroiu December j y s" ,hroun court. PT "ne,
J-Jd, 1877, to January 3d, 1878, witli no sales I cost and lawyera reea, they will And it
atler January 1st, 178, at a reduction of I very dear meat. Kizht. Haaiarioa Joar
liirty -throe per cent from recular tare. : ual.
Uertuasiown ol ornuwn ttrauch local
points excepted. For time vf running
trains, see labia in another columns.
Boatmen are comit.g borce.
T La water is out of tbe canal.
A great wind last Thursday night.
Be sure your sin will find you out.
Buckwheat flour, 4 cunts per pound.
Delightful winter weather last week.
Paradise A state of spiritual Inisa.
Hei' A state of spiritual tuisury.
Overcoats ware put aside on Sabbalb.
Kabbu and partridge hunting are over.
A greec ChnVtma and a lat grave-yard.
Pituburg is preparing for the holding of
a baby show.
Christmas-tree Homing ton u Union Sab-(uth-school,
on the ereuing before Cbist
tnit, at 6 o'clock.
Cbitstnas-tree Preab) lerian Sabb ith
cchool. Mirtiintowo, on Cbristmaa evening,
at 6'clock.
Dooks ahead, as usual, on Holiday Goods,
just received from Philadelphia aud ew
Keader: we wish you a mkiry Christinas,
a.-d a happy ew car
Fishermen are purzled to know why pike
rot use to bite when fibbed for.
The - Scouts " have tostponed the com
pletion of their org mix tlton.
Mure liveried dres. Tbe mail agenta are
t.i be uniformed, so it ia amid.
The largest stock of Confectioneries and
Tors st Bfcoks's ever brought to Juniata
A general assortment of goods at Parker's
tore, in the Palace building.
Huntingdon has a brass band, tbe roera
trs of which are colored men.
Tbe cre-ks have mora water In them than
it usual at this season of the year.
Amos Kitizor, of Delaware township, has
Uol eight wi!d turkeys this season.
The weather prophets predict a wave of
tM weather about the first of January,
Fine BbMeHn sod Jepenees Goods at
Hooks" for the Holiday.
Game on the mountains is getting plen
tler, under the enforcement of the game
An adjourned Institute is advertised to
MC-,.hlist Ttiomponton, Doiemter 21,
Tew i bo sbitement in the interest in
'.he meeting in the Evangelic church in Pat
tenon. Toe History of th Cuitd States for
aciiools, is th one prepared by John Claik
1bS-Mnfijie Jnwrir a says whisky is a
rei-.'ly tor diphtheria. MThat ay the Mur
hy men I
Fine- Mixturee at Books's at 2o cents per
A tronpe of minstrels, Tennesseans, will
perioral in the Methodist church next Mon
day evening.
The Huntingdon GluU makes known the
comi'Iaint of a lady against rude and gawky
loafors in that town.
Adam Rupert, of Oliver town.hip, Mif
flin couuty, claims to have raised 900 bush
els of corn on eight acres.
An effort is being made to establish a tel
.graph line of five miles between Jfewport
aud BloouifiVld, Perry county.
A Murphy Temperance Lecture waa de
livered in tbe Lutheran Church on Monday
evening and on Tuesday evening.
Clear Toye at Books's at SO cents per
William Wagner, Watchmaker and Jew
eler, ia no in the city, buying a stock of
Watcbo and Jaweier lor the holidays.
There is talk of tie traces of a prehistoric
wall, tbat tbe railroad passes through, on
the lieikes farm, below Mi'-lord station.
Joseph Martin shot a large wild turkey
last Thursday at the loot of Shade mouti
tin. The turkey waa shot while on the
Captain McCIellan's goose, intended for a
Christmas roast, took wing the other morn
ing, and has not been seen or beard ol in its
old haunts' since.
2.i00 Dolls, and all kinds of Toys st
Tbe occultation of Venus was the tco"
passing between the planet and the earth,
thereby hiding Venns from the sight Of
people of this sphere, for a short time.
" S till further out on tbe beam." Th it's
what Solomon Sieber said when be weighed
vie of his Poland Chin bi gs, Ikst week ;
it toughed 50 pounds, clean meat.
It is .aid that at dinner parties in Spain
the oldest Wy is seated first, tfhen that
plan waa tried, in New York many years
go it resulted a, the collations given at
evening parties where everybody stands up.
Tli i -. . ..
ueuvnr rno follow.
ingrctlecUon: The minister who tell, the
truth in the pulpit will be sure to make
owe people glad and other people mad.
P.. ; 1 ..
reporiing me case of tlx,
Insurance Company re. John Lukeoa and
wife, the name f JeBo 3. Lukens w., iD.
advertently used, instead or John Lnkens.
A Festival will be held In McAlistervitle
on Christmas day and evening, the p-ocerds
of which are to be appropriate to the ben
efit of the Sbbth-School connected with
the Presbyterian Church of that place.
Do ou desire a Watch, a Chain, a King,
a Bracelet, or any other piece of Jewelry,
lor a present, or for yourself, for a Christ
was g in t W illiani Warner can supply you
with the desired article. Ue is now buying
In a larger stock than ever.
Th Huntingdon Journal y; A family
oi emigrants, consisting of seen persons.
j tarried at Vt. Union, a few nights ago. They
traveled in wagons, in which manner they
came from Kansas, and were en route for
Twenty-fif e hundred pennies were found
in the ruins of John Kinsler's house, near
Troxelvjlle, Snyder county. Kinaler and
hia wile are supposed to hate been robbed
and murdered and the dwelling fired to con
ceal the crime."
An Elko Chinaman went home drank, and
was met at the door by hia wife, who club
bed him unmercifully. A passer-by re
marked: -Joln, your wife heap fight."
Yes," he replied, she too ninchee sabee.
Sue live Nongaide Melican woman tree
mouth." Elko (Ae.) PotL
A trio of hunters, from the vicinity of
Sproce Oeek, have got themselves Into a
pock of trouble by ruuning deer with does
in the neighborhood of "Rouud Top." They
I ....... t -.1 1 l : 1 1 : . i . .
iu aimng iour aeer, out oy the
A hater of tobacco asked an old negro
woman, the fumes of whose pipe were an
noying hiiu, if she thought she waa a Chris
tian I Tcs, brudder, 1 'spects I is." "Do
you believe in the Bible t" "Yes, bra.lder."
"Do yon know that there is a passage In the
Script urea which says that nothing uucleaa
shall enUr the kingdom ol heaven I" Ye,
I've heard it." - Well, Chloe, you smoke ;
arid you cannot enter the kingdom of bea-
veu, because there is nothing so unelean
there as tlie breath of a smoker. What do
you say to that V Why, 1 'spects to leave
my bri-ff behind when I go dar." Bottom
The way boys whirl around, and perform
I acrobatic leata, on the horicontal bars, at
the curb in front ol stores, to tie horses to,
is enough to cause skilled and professional
showmen to seriously consider ahelher the
rising youth is not about to excel the past
generation in acrobatic performances. There
is no nse tnese das to go to a t-how to see
men perfurm on a horizontal bar. About
every third boy you meet, in a town, can
perform better than the most ot ski!l d
showu.eu. li'w the perforuiauce could be
improved if a tail could be added. How
much more lively they could awing around,
alter tbe fashion ol the luotkey. For lur-
' tber suggestions on tbe tail question, the
luitMUg link, seud lor or wiite to Darwin.
Lawyer S tone h js 'pe.ied an office in what
used to be b baron's office.
Bei.j.iuin Buyers caught a 15-inch pike,
while he was iUhiug for suckers, with a red
worm bait, last week, at the mouth of Hom
ing's run.
benator Edmunds is only 49 years of age.
England gives Minister Welsh a hearty
A 'ew Orleans man, named Burgess,
declares that he pulled down the flag Iroiu
the New t Means Mint during the war, and
that Mumroru, the man v.hoiu General But
ler hanged t-r doing it, waa innocent."
What a wretch Burgess must be, if he teila
tbe truth, to have allowed an innocent man
to suffer for the deed that be, Burgesa, com
mitted. Second I.ientenant J- W. Roaenquest,
Fourth cavalry, has been dropped lrom the
army rolls for desertion.
It is st.uej tbat Senator Falter son will go
to South Caralina next month to give bail
for his appearance at tbe February term of
court, where tiie proceedings against bim
ar peudiug
The Cxar, after tbe surrender of Plevna, J
pliced bis oan carriage at the disposal ol
Usman Pasha. Such a court, sy, if extend
ed to a vauqiiiahed foe in tbis Coiiuiry,
would be coiistried by mai.e ou, jeal
ous gossips, aa au evidence that Os.nan
Pasha had bad an understanding with the
Czar a to fbe surrender, aud he ped to
bring it about.
Tnis is lrom McClnrt's Timet t - Things
look better lor Senator Patterson in South
Carolina aince Butler baa been admitted.
He now talk of going bck aud facing tlie
cvarte and juries which be has uutil lately
declared aa tueanii.g to convict biiu, guilty
or iuuocent. Small has also quietly drop
ped into bis seat ia Congress, having a re
spite fruu tbe penitentiary on bail A little
silver lining to the clouds ab ut the trem
bling earpet-rigxi!r seems to be gratefully
apirecittd bv tfteiu.
David M. Zook and son, citizens of Mil-
fliu county, were out hunting game in the
woods, last week. Tee lather saw bis son
Samuel in tbe bushes, mistook bim lor a
piece of game, and delivered a rifle shot at
him Fortunately the bullet did no more
damage than to pass through tba son's
Tbe Vanderbilt will contest by his chil
dren, is giving tbe lawyers a flue opportu
nity to deliver their opinions of tbe late
Commodore. For example, Judge Black
said last e-A, iu Sew York, in Court, tbe
late Comm. d.. re Vanderbill's mind was
morally and religiously a howling wil
derness." A nice kind of talk 'or chil
dreu to fee a lawyer lo declare about tbeir
This ia from the ilsrriabuig Telegraph:
Gath" thu.ks Judge Davis is 'a bold man
paralyzed by ambition," and says that '-tbe
Judge browse b 'tween camps like a lame
army mule, sbot at b) Uih sets of skirmish
ers." 'ow, suppre tbe Judge gives us
his u inioii of ' ;atb." It would be inter
esting anJ amusing, even though not com
Ji'Ueritary lo the subject.
Bo. ks, Ibe Post Master, was ib Philadel
phia last week, and went to a baby show,
somewhere on Brosd street. The set tbat
took bis eye were threes ear old Irip'eta.
But, it you wih to know all about the show,
interview Book. He is the fi at man lrom
Juniata who baa witnessed an exhibition or
babies. Hell tell you ail about the little
folks that he saw, and at the same tiuie sell
you a lull supply of Holiday T6ys for your
babies, or if you have none of your o n,
he'll sell you toy for the babies of your
friend .
I n
ocTr Murder and Jrson rcm
1 b"led Tbe 1 ilif about the last
'ew data relative to a probable murder
tar Troielville, 8nvier county we
bare ben able, after careful inquiry, to
retluce to the following facte: On Sat
urday morning, tbe 8th inst., betweeu
one and two o'clock, two rhote were
heard by Mr. Erb, who resides neareat
the scene of the tragedy. She and ber
butbanj immediately arose, and discov
ered that the house of John Kinoler
was on fire. Persona residing in tbe
neigbborliood were anon on tbe ground,
among them Jacob Scbradei and Tjbias
Mitchell, wbo were the first to discover
tbe bodies of tbe victims. Sir. Kiua-
ler was found in a room used as kitchen
and sleeping department, bis arms,
bead and leg being burned to a crisp.
Mrs. Kinsler's body was discovered in
be entry, aluioat entirely consumed.
Blood was found scattered about, which
leads to tbe suspicion tbat one, at least,
was killed outside aud thrawn into tbe
lioue. Five pistols and a sbot-gnn
were also fouod on tbe grounds, and
about twenty-five dollars in nickels,
five and ten cent pieces, wbicb rendered
it but too evident tbat a horrible crime . v i. 1. .u- t t j .u
. . . , A Newark sneak thief purloined the
had been committed. At tbia writing I erape and white ribbon from a door
no arrests have been mxie.MUhrt knob recently.
burg Telegraph.
The following additional particulars
are taken from the Freeburg Courier :
Tbe parties above named were worth
about ten thousand dollars, ani always
kept a large amount of tuuuey in tbeir
bouse. Twenty three hundred pennies
were found in the ashes after tbe de
struction of tbe building. Two dog
that bad been in tbe bouse also perished
in the flames, wbile another tbat lay
outside was bsdly singed. Blood bad
been discovered about tbe ruins, which
at once gave suspicion tbat the parties
in question were murdered before the
bouse was destroyed. 'Squire MiJdles-
wartb summoned a jury, wbo rendered
a verdict that tbe parties were murder
ed and robbed, and the house set on
fire. Tbe vetdict of tbe jury was an
nounced in open Court on Monday fol
lowing tbe tragedy, when Judge Bucher
ordered tbe District Attorney to look
np tbe case by exhuming tbe bodies
and see whether any marks of vio eooe
can be seen upon them.
a m
The State Normal School of the
Sixth District will begin ita winter
session on January 2J, 1878. This
district is composed of the counties:
of Dauphin, Perry, Juninta, Mifflin, j
Snyder, Union, Northumberland,
Montour, and Columbia. This School .
is located at Bloorafihnrg, a beauti-
ful and healthy location. The t?s-'
ion which is about to close has been
one of the most successful in the his
tory of the institution. The school
certainly commends itself to the pat
ronage of the District under its pres
ent able management. Rev. D. J.
Waller jr., the Principal, is a ripe
scholar and an accomplished gentle
man and he L aided by a corps of
teachers who enjoy a state reputatiou
We earnestly commend the Blooms
burg State Normal School of the Sixth
District to our readers as a first-class
Literary institution and worthy of
the patronage of our citizens.
THE Lewiatown Senlind say ; J. II.
Snitiu, sou of Keuoeu 6u,ltb of this bur
ougb, ba for some time beeu workiug in
Puiladelpbia. Beueutly, wbile walkiug
through tbe street ol tbat city, bis pocky
el was relieved of $300, tbe amount of
bis savings lor tbe year. A day oi two
latter be received his pockeibook thro
tbe post .'ffi'e, uiiuus ibe uiuuey, so
couipauied by a letter signed a "Handy
Hand." Toe chap returned bi stu
cere thauk tor ibe money, saying he
would out act tbe whole hog, and so
hti sent back the pockeibook. lie
went on to say tbat it waa tbe best baa.
be bad made for years, and upon il
could suuaist during the winter, wilb
wnat other pickings he c-uid make.
He said be bad nis hand on HuJ'a dta
mend pin, but failed to get it. He
learned Uud'a name aud reaideuoe from
a letter us the wallet, aud waa thus eu
abled to re'uru it. As a sequel, it may
be ad del that a fellow boarder made
considerable fun of Hud's loss, aud the
very next day the joker was himself re
lieved of some thirty odd dollars he
bsd in bi pocket. So, now, don't
make sport of Hud' misfortune, or you
may tueit a like fate provided you are
fortunate enough to have anytbiug on
ynnr person worth relieving you of.
Tbi Juniata County Literary Association
will meet in Ibe Court Uonsein Mifttintown,
on Thursday, January 17, 1878, at 7 o'clock
P. M., and continue Friday and Friday even
ing. For necessary information tbe Secre
taries of the varioua Literal y Societies
throughout the county will communicate at
onct with tbe President, Mr. John T. Kourse,
Dr. I. N. ORCBB, Chairman.
V. I. Hiass, Secretary.
Tnaax will be an ailj nrocd Institute at
Tbompsontown, on Fridsy evening, Decern-b--r
21, and Satnrd.y, December 21, 1877.
The I'oMiity Superintendent expct the
feathers to take q nte an interest iu these
meetings, as the work is to be prsc'ical and
thorough. J. M. GAUM AN, C. Supt.
On Thankjiviiig day Berg. Uiu.es
and Robert Rodders, two voys from
this place, went rabbit bunting. W ben
about a mile eatof towu, the discnv
ered a rabbit i uniting iu a tie pile.
They fixed tkemselTesohescb side of the
pile ot ties'; U ib was looking in a crack
from ibe one ide and Ben" from the
other. "B b" sees the rabbit, shoots
at it, succeeds in killing it. But part
of the shot wis tbe rabb't and find a
lodgmeut in "Beo'a" face. Dr. J. 0
Ga Uglier succeeded in getting two of
the shot out of bis face, but tbe one
which went in the eve still remains
there. The boy i suffering much pain,
and it i feared h will go blind Ml.
Union Timei.
Subscribe for the Stulinel tnd Republican.
It contain morfo, and a greater variety of
good and useful readies matter than any
orb""- eonnty paper.
News Items.
Toikeys are a drug'' in Dcrkeouu-
Venison six cents a pound in Johns
Londoo contains nearly 2000 medical
More pennies are clamored for by tbe
western press.
A Hniitingdna man has killed twen
ty-three wild turkeys this season.
Diphtheria killed thirty bogs in a
Pnburg distillery.
Ctub p oclaiuiing the birth of a an
or daughter are fashionable.
CMiuian Pa-ba's wnanirs are danger
ous, and may prove fatal.
.o.u ..p -preao o.smay ir.n
alley, Northumberland county.
ilerealter York will nrovid work
for all tramps caught in tbat vioiuity
The wife ol N. 1'. Reed, of the Pitta
burg (kimuiercial Usiette is dead.
Chicago determined not to be behind
-ew xurx ana rniiaae:phia, wauta a
baby show.
The cost of marriage liceose was re
duced in Memphis from four dollars to
fifty cents each.
Tbe coffee producing industry in
Mexico Das largely developed within
tbe last six years.
In four years tbe number of taxable
! il,nbi.t" of Williatusport baa increas
Mary Ann Collins fell through tbe
trap door vf an Allegheny paper mill
into a vat of scaldiur water and vitriol.
She was takeu out dead.
George Bpp killed John Eiser with
a stone at Cliauiberburg, and ia under
at real therefore. Both bad been driuk
Between 150 and 200 hogs have died
of cholera at Ty lersviile and vicinity.
Centre county, recently, lobias f rants
lost twenty-seven.
The watch factories at Waltbsm,
Mass., and E'gin, lil., are still running
on lull time.
John A. Moore of Pittsbuog was
killed in Texas recently during a raid
of Mexican cattle thieves.
Tbe litest thing in tba monopoly
line is an effort to concentrate in oue
company the whole petroleum trade.
Tbe Administration fear serious
Chinese troubles in JL'aiitornia.
Servia has at last declared war
against Turkey
A number of the Shauiokin region
cutleries bare abut down until after tbe
Thirty eight prisoners occupied tbe
Blair county jail last week.
A lourearold daughter belonging to
a family named O'Neill, of Aslilaud,
Schuylkill count, wbile playing in tbe
room recently fell with her taoe upon a
hot eovkiog stove, -roui which she wa
u"b,,s :" ,Ue "J " 8!o"' ru,!,,,d
" Fr,uci,e df,atch wt tbe
S0Oibern Paoifiu Railroad is building
200 luiies into Arixna. Trade ia
A Beilin, Out., iufant died in tbe
' '"VP1 ,w JTV rece,m-
One hundred and twenty four tramps
, were admitted at the York county alins
i house during the week ending Saturday
December 8tb.
It is uta.ed that an Englishman Las
betn arrested at Berlin by request i f
the Germ in military authorili--., on a
charge of tr aeon against tbe Empire
He had the plaus of Men and other
fortresses in bis possession.
Tbe Harriburg Telegrsph ays : On
Tuesday while William Hoffernf Car
lisle was feeding his bngs he chanced
to lay bis pocket book containing thir
ty dollar in greenback and a check lor
thirty five dollar hear ibe trough, and
when be looked for it tbe animals bad
eaten it.
B. D. Koons, an ex member of tbe
State Legislature, was tried at U ilke-
barre.Iast week for the embezxlement
of 1,200 from au Odd Fellows' lodge.
Tbe jury returned a verdict of guilty.
Koous Las applied for a titw trial.
Isaiab B. Mutchler, who, with his
brother, left Phillipsburg N. J., early
in the year 1857 and joined the regular
army, and wbo bad not been heard
from in twenty years, has returned to
his former borne. k
The Berks County Poultry Assoeia
tion wilt hold an ekhibitioc at Reading
during Christmas week. Applications
for space have been received lrom tbis
city, Allentnwn and elsewhere.
On the Western Di istun if the Penn
sylvania railroad, which extends from
Attoona to Pittsburg, and embraces She
heavy grades over the Alleghenie and
I lie Holidvt-hurg, E'teusburg and
CresSon aud Southwest branch lines,
two hncdred and sixty four locomo
tives are required to haul tba traffic
It Wasn't tbe Toothache.
Fiotu tbe Detroit Free Frets.
Iu tuo ladies' waitiug room at the
Oeuital depot the other day were a
uewly-ioarried couple Irjiu Grass Lake.
They bad beeu visiting ui ibe city two
or tore day, aud were then ready to
go borne, i bey sat sids by sue, of
course, bis arm around her waste and
she leauiLg ou bis shoulder. A long
waisted strauger lrom tbe east, baviug
sure eye a.d a Dig heart, walked in,
saw them thus seated, and in about a
minute be asked of tbe husbaud;
"Ha tbat woman there got the
toothache ?"
Toe hutbatid looked up in surprise
tut made Ut auswer. Alter tw.i r
three mlnuies tbi loig waisted mu
span, remarked:
It mat w Muan la the tn-.tlia.:b
I've got a bottle oi p pp;ruiiot iu my
saubl here."
Tbe btide rolled her big white eye
around, and ttie husband looked some
what euiharkied. Iba man from
down et unlocks I bis satouel, fuui
bled among shuts aud collar, and
brought up iour ounces of peperuiint
tssence. lie uncorked it, touched the
contents of the bottle against hi big
red tongue, and. handily it forward to
ward tiie liusbind, leelngly said :
M J ut have hr son some on a tag
and rub ber gnome with it We've
used it in the family for- ."
The bride's eyes tbrtw out p-park as
she lifted her h.ad frnsj its loving po
itioti, and, striking at the bottle, she
snarled out :
Tuthachei you ful ! If you don't
know the difference 'tween true love
and tbe tuthsche ynt'd better pick
grs with th geese !
"My Lord gasped tie mar,, and he
Lurried out with bis satchel in one hand
and the bottle iu tbe (tber
While shepherd watched their ttnckK bv
All seated on the gonnd ; 'uighf,
The a'irel of the Lord came down.
And glory shone around.
Fear not," said he, for mighty dread
lis I seised thi-ir troohl-d niin.l,
(;lad tilling of xret joy I bring,
To you aud all mankiud.
"To yo, in David's town this day,
Is born, ol Da il' line,
Tbe Ssvior. wbo is C'hrtst, the Lord,
And this shall lie your sign :
'The heavenly bibo you there th ill find
To human view displayed,
All meanly wrapped in saathing baod.i.
And in a manger laid."
Xbn, the ,er,phn(, forthwUh
App-aied a shining throng
Of angels, praiing ti.xl, who thus
Addressed their joyful Song:
"All glory be to God on high,
And to the earth be peace;
Good-will henceforth from heaven to men
Begin, and never cease !"
Dare to be a Daniel.
Standing by a purpose true.
Heeding God'a command,
Honor them, the faithful tew !
All baU to Daniel'a Band !
Cno. Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone !
Dare to have a purpose Hrm !
Dare to make it known !
Many mighty men are lost.
Daring not to stand,
Who tor God had b-en a host,
By joining Daniel' Band. Can.
Msny giants, great ind tall.
Stalking through the land.
Headlong to the earth would fall,
If met by Dauiel'a Band. Cbo.
Hold the gopel b inner high!
Oo to vict'ry grand !
Satan and his host defy,
Aod shout lor Daniel's B-iuJ.-Cho.
A Westirs paper writes Chinese
love story thus :
The festive Ah Goo
And Too Hsy, the fair
They met, and the two
Concluded to pair.
They "spooned" in ths way
That must lovers do,
And Ah Uoo kissed Too Usv,
And Too liay kissed Ab Goo.
Said the festive Ab Goo,
As bis heart swelled with pride,
Me beap likee you
You beap be my blide."
Aud she, looking down
All so modest and pretty,
Twixt smile and s frown,
Oeotly murmured, "You he tee."
Tom "Harry, what makes you look so
doan in the month? Has your savings
bank busted ?" Harry Oh.no; it isn't
that b it I'm so comfoundedly afraid that
my girl will nuke up with me bjloe Christ
mas that ! don't kn.iW hat to do." AVw
erJt Duily Courier.
R0B1S0N VAKN'ES-On the 12th inst.,
at the residence of Charles A. "reatn,
Esq., in Milford township, by Kev. E. E.
Berry, Mr. A. F. Robison and Miss Salina
G. Yarnes, both of Milioid township.
No. 40 South Third Street,
Stocks Bought and Sold either for Cash or
on a Margin.
Dee 17. 1877.
Bio. Askkd.
U.S. 6's 1881 1M U'!
I860, J A. J UJ lin j
1W7 I09J 10 j
" 18i 1HJ llbf
10-4s 10f 10f !
Cnrrem-v. b's 10! 10'
" 5's, 1881. new 107
4's, new 104 IM
4's lo;; 10S4
Pennsvlvania R. R 31 j 82
Philadelphia . Reading K. K.. 10 16
Lehigh Vallev K. R 4 41 J
Lebigh Coal k. Navigation Co.. b U
I'nited Cotnpauiea ol N. J.... 12'J 12VJ
Pittsburg, Titusvilie fc. Buffalo
R H f J
PhiiadeVburi'ErieR.R""!! 10 H J
Northern Central R. K. Co.... 16 1 .
Uestonville Pass. R. R. Co.... 10 1( I
Gold IC2J ltrjji
l'03IMi:ilC VI..
Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Tlioma
Mirrusrows, Dec. 19, 1877.
Onions. .
Corrected weecly by Buyers a. Kennedy.
Qi-oT.iTtoxs roa To-oav.
Wednesday, Dec 19, 1677.
Wheat..... 135
Corn ; 60
Oala 28
Rye A5
Timothy seed 1 OOtol 10
Cloverseed. 'l
(Successor to D. P. Sulouff,)
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster,
We buy Grain, to b delivered at Mitflin
towa or Mexico.
We are prepared to I Ornish Salt to dealer
t reasonable rate
April 21, 1877-tf
Large stock ol ready made clothing of the
latest aud choicest styles, fur men and
boy, hau, cap, boot and shoes, notions,
fuiniabins; good in endless variety for sale
at Satan! Strsyer's, tn PattTsno
acres, more or less, one hnndr-rf and twenty-five
or thirty acres of which arc cleared
and under cultirat:on, situated in Tuscarora
Valley, Juniata county, Pa., sjven miles
from MiSiiatowa, the county seat of said
count., and four miles from the Pennsyl
vania Railroad at Port RoyJ, bounded by
lands of Mr. G. V. Thompson aiM others,
having thereon a Good House and Barn,
and all necessary outbuildings, good never-
railing running water at both bouse and
barn, an abnndance of fruit of different
kinds. Will be sold lor $CU0, and if de
sired, $2-ji0 may remain in tbe property,
For particular inquire of tbe undtnigied,
residing on the premises, or bv tr!Ter at
Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa.
J. F. G. UTSG.
more r less ; 100 acres cleared and in a
high state of cultivation, b.-longicg to the
Heir of Jobs Yoder, deceased, ia hereby
offered at Private Sale. The Farm is situ
ated in Fermanagh township, about three
mile northeast of MiSlintown. Tbe im
provements are a New Frame House and
Bank Barn, and other outbuildings. There
is a spring of never-failing water at tbe
door. A if ream of water traverse the
farm. An Orchard of fruit in variety, in
cluding grapes in bearing condition, is con
venient to tbe building. For further ia
formation address
Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa.
cear and in a good stsle of cultivation, tbe
baance in timber, in Spruce Will township
Juniata county, Pa., one-hsit ui.te from the
proposed raiiroad from the Junuita to the
Potomac river, six ruies from Port Uoyaf
The improvements arc a Lo-ga Stone Dwel
ling House, 28x50 feet, with a uM of good
water at tbe door. Bank Sam, Corn Cribs,
and other outbuildings, a targe Apple Or
chard, aud a great variety of Iruil. Also
tbe right to quarry lime stone on a farm
about half distant. Til farm ha been
limed recently.
Ts4 One naif ca,h, t-u'tnea in two
annnat ptyiuenU.
For further tarticiilir ddre
Spruce Hilt, Juuiata Co., Pa.
Oue Hundred and Sity Acres, in the beat
wheat-growing district in the State of Ohio,
situated one-half mile from Am tnda rail
road station, in Fairfield county, and one
mile from a good pike. Tbe improvements
are a large two-story BRICK HOUSE ( 13
rooms, ball and cel'ar). Double Log Barn
and S table, and other buildings, and a well
of good water. A stream of spring water
traverses the centre of th farm. There s
a large orchard on the premises. Will take
$70 pur acre, part cash, rest in payment.
A far-a aJjoining sold for $100 per acre,
fbe reason for selling, is tbe desire to invest
in city property, in Circleville. For all in
formation address J. SWEYEK,
FicSraway Co., Ohio.
MINGLE offer at private sale, the real es
tate or said decedents, situated in Ferman
agh township, Juniata county, Pa., one mile
wet of riilllmtown, containing about 20
Acres of Land, nearly all of which is cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, having
thereon erected a commodious DWELLING
HOCSE, Bunk Barn, and all necessary out
buildings There is a large variety of ex
eel ent Fruit on ibe premises, and a well of
good water at the door. For further par
ticulars apply at the Sruliutl office, Lewis
town, Jacob Biidleb, Millliutown, or to
Uk.tar Mi.nule, oa the premises.
may be purchased of the undersigned at a
reasonable price. Tbe property is situated
in Jobustown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with
the Smith stand include a lot of about
TWO ACRES, having thereon erected a
comfurtable To-tory Frameliouse, a com
modious SuHe and other outbuildings.
There is a Well of good water at the doer
of the house. For particulars call on or
address WM. HOOPS,
Waiuut P. O., Juniata Co., Pa.
SuKqucltanna township:
No. 1. A lot of ground containing Z
acres, with large Dwelling House, and ex
cellent water at tbe door. Good Barn,
Smoke IIoiim) and other outbuildings
Young and thriving Orchard of about 70
well selected apple-trcca, Ac. Church ad
joining the premi-ses.
No. 2. About 4 acres of laud, with 30
acres cleared and nnder good cultivation.
Balance woodland.
No. 8 A . tract ol Tiabcrland contain
ing S acres.
All three properties withiu one-fourth of
S mile ot each other.
Apply to S. G DRE3SLER,
Oriental P. O., Jnniata Co., Pa.
ware to.vnship. Land of good quality,
bat ing thereou erected a LOG HOUSE,
weathei -boarded, BANK BARN, nearly
new, and other outbuildings. Convenient
to churches, schools and mills. Situated 3
miles north of Thompsontown, 4 miles north
of Thompsontoan railioad station. For
more definite particulars call on or address
East Sal.'ui, Juniata Co., Pa.
LAND - miles from Patterson and fort
Royal, one-balf mile lrom Saw Mill. Other
tnuberland adjoining this can be bought.
Apply 10 B. F. BL'RCHFIELD,
Office, Bridge St., Mifttintown, Pa.
A T my residence at East Point, Milfiin
1. town, I am prepared to promptly till
orders l-ir
at pnees to correspond with the limes. AU
kinds of
aim iromptly attended lo. Hopin to re-'
eeive a share or tbe patronage o the peo-
pie, i suoxnoe myseu tneir onedient sboe-j
Feb. 3, 1870-tf
THF. undersiened, at hia shop, on Water
street, MitHintown, has now on hand
and lor sale cheap, a general assortment cf
Be also ha a large lot of
on hand, and, having purchased a new
Hearse, i now prepared to attend funerals
at the shortest notice and on the most 'ib
ertl terms. He has made a great reduction
in the price of Collins.
VJ Repairing promptly attended to.
july29tf U. P. KOBISOX.
61 Bill printed on short notice at the
office cf the Srnrnirf tni lifubtiea.
Dry Goods, Groceries
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoea, Quesnsware, Glassware, Tinware',
Spices, Notions; Soaps, Salt, &c,
And will be sold at astonishingly low prices.
Now is the time to save money by baying at the Crystal Palace S tore. Call h?
and examine our goods and rear our arices. No troubie to show good.
ROBERT E. P.4fetttt.
MifSintown, December 11, 1677-tf
Is tbe place where job eaa bnj
HS ia prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select stocks ever offered fa
this market, and at JSTOXISHlXnLT LOW PRICES f
Also, measures taken for snits and parts of suits, which will be made to order
at abort notice, very reasonable.
Ketnember the place, in Hoffman' New Building, corner of Bridge and
Water sreets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Sept. 13, l7-t!
A TVPT . errm a T7T5VP
Ha j'it returned from fhu tCatcra eitit with a full varitfj ot
GENTS Ft'RNISHINiJ GOODS. Goods of all kinds are low Come and e jr.e
and be astonished. Pant at 15 Cents.
.Slhcravn, m., air ao, tz.o.
Professional Card.
Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orrnx On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House Square.
C7 AU business promptly attended to.
Orrics On Bridge street, opposite the '
Court I'ouse square.
Attorney and Counselor -at-Law.
Prompt attention given to the securing
and collecting of ciaiuia, and all legal busi
Orrici on oridge street, first door west
ot the Belford building.
April 14, 1870-tf
CT Collections and all professional busi
ness promptlv attended to.
june 20, 1877.
All business intrusted to bis cars will be
caret oily and promptly attended to. Col
lections made. Real estate bought, sold or
exchanged. Leases negotiated. Lands in
tbe South, West, and in Ibe county for sale.
Office ou Bridge Street, opposite the
Court House. aprll '77
john Mclaughlin,
OyOnly reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 1S75-1J-
Fhjeician and Surgeon,
f ;
urace nenrs from a. X. to S r. a
fice in his lather'a rebidcnce, at the south
endol ' Water rfreet. farlii-if
1 t I
Has resumed actively th. practice of j o'ood to the u-ad, aciJity ot tha atomtch.
Medicine ami Surgcrv aird their collateral 1 oausta, heartburn, dij-iit for food. Tullnesa
branches, titlice at th.- oid corner or Tuird j or "'g1'1 in ,a Momach. sonr eructations,
aud f)range tre. ts, ililHintoan, l a. -ia'ai"? fltterirp at the fit of the slom
March i:, lt?7rj I ''. swimming of be hea.I, hurriol or d't-
; (jou;t brealhM'g. ttuttt-riiiK at the heart.
JM. 151l.ZliK. ?1. 1., j choking -r j iilocukiit s.-btttioa bn in a
1 iiog wlure, d: un.-a of vision, dot tv
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON f j detk-Kmy.f ' 'peplration!' Tewnel"..:'
.IcwUmii, JuniiiU t o , Pt. ' fki? S;"J i"in ia t;,e b- '
I bal, client, li:i.bs. UC, suadea llu-he-.
frr:e fortnerlv occupied by Dr.5terrcU. ' hoa', Onrning in t.e C.li. eonatant inii .;
Protesioia! limincn pruiu;t'y atteuiied to i in?" "t cii an I (rival depression of y :h.
at all buiiri. I Price $ I per Icillle. beware f es'.M- f-
DI iiiL-v lIi " umr (IrnteW jl.i 1.:!
Li. .-l.l.r..v, t- ; some other prepar.-.tiuo irf' irun he mt- f
; is as 7l, Iwit al lor Kui.kdl's Bitter W" .nr
Has commenced the pr-;t:oeot iledi:ie ' f lr,.n. lake n oiitrt K...kvl'a Bifer
and Surgery aud all thir collateral oraiKlic".! Win.) 01' Iron i not o'd "in bulk on h.
(llfice at Aca-lenu i. at
Capt. J. J. Pattcrion.
the resi :c;e ot !
.inly IS74 J
Lontinueotoe practice oi Mediciue and j
Surgery and all their collateral branches.
Oilice at bi, rcaUecce in McAliterv
Feb 9, 1S75.
jCU Dltt'b sTflRC.
(Belford buiiding,)
Jaia Street, 51 IflliSltOvsBI, Pa
Ol LS, V A kN 1 S li ES , a L A SS, PUTT T i
Selected with great ear, and warranted
from hich snthontv.
nyPurest of WINF.3 AND LIQUOR
for medical purposes.
IT7-PRESCRIPT10W.S cmpotmded wtb
groat csre. Jre
Is wii!e!y knot
a one ot tLetno-t
effectual reu.
dies ever tlix-i
1 ered for cleans
ling tlie sij't-
f and purif ing ti-
fffjit oioou. it i'
y sioca uie lesi 01
K years, wi.h a f on
stint. v growing
re potation, ba5ed on its intrinsic virtues,
and sustained by its remarkable cures.
So mild as to be safe and beneficial to
children, and yet to searching as to
effectually purge cut the great corrup
tions of the blood, such as the serof
nlons and syphilitic contaminatiott
Impurities or di.-tase: :Lat have lurlieJ
in the system for years toon yield to
this powerful antidote, and tlilappcsx'
Hence its wonderful cuic.s many of
which are publicly known, of Scrofula,
and all scrofulous diseases, I'leerw.
Eruptions, and enip'.tve disorders of
the skin. Tumors Uloti lies lioil
Pi mi den. Pustule. Sores. St
AnthonyN Fire, or Ery
sipelan. Tetter. Suit Itlienm.
Svald Ifeiul. ltinqrwonrl. and in
ternal rice rations of tlie Uterus,
Btomaclu antl Lit cr. It airo cure
other complaints, to which it would not
seem especially artunfed, mrY. a Drof
nr. Dyspepsia, Flte, Nenralsrin,
Heart Uixii.se. Female Weak
ness, Debility, ami Lcneorrho',
when they are ttiaaifcilatioo of th
scrofulous poison.
It is an excellent resforer of health
and strength in the Sprin. Br renew
In; the appetite r.nd vior of ii dire
tive organs, it dissipates tha deprion
and listless lar. nior of the season.
Even where to disorder apnar. people
feel better, and live IoRpr. forc!eanln
the blood. The system mnvts on -ith
renewed vigor end a new lease of life.
' Dr. J. C. AVER k CO.. Lowell. Mass..
Practical ml AnaVjIicoi Chmmtsta.
aou T tu ccooir.TS murwwira
E. F. Knnkel's Bitter Wine of Iron
K. F. Knnkel'a Bitter Win of Iron will
effectual:- cir- Lver complaint, j tundica.
T- T v V , I IT
c , ,'1 j,,"rhre1' cf
atid all aiis;-z inn a disordered
I liver. Ntorascn or intest!tie. uch aa cn:i
! palion, flxiulence. inward u'os. ful'nesa of
' htlj. K. F. Knnkel. -r Jeo. No.
iVi North Ninth Street. Pbil.flelphi i. la.
Sol I Ly ail dr'.ggtits and dealer .-.,-
Tpe Wrm e.n.ed Alt, e
llel and wll coini.Ul- in two Loo--.
u;; nrai pase. .t. l i.,and ; n- . ,.
Worn' removed bv Dr. Kunkel, 2 .9 N r .
Ninth street, I'hil .Kt -lv-l i.,, P. .Se- i
j cireuUr. For removing SksI. Pin or t i
j a-.h Worms c il! on vour drmrgist ami l;
lor a bottle ol Knnkci'a Woriu fc. ui.
pri.e $1 If never fails. Common .m'
I te iihc' if Tn? Wbrut be removed, all u-h r
w'rms ean re reaii!v desfroied
OfEce op-site Lntheran Ch"n:h,
Where he will spend the first ten d is ot
each month, enininencitig iKt mth r i
Tbe bals'jce of the tie h s office will
occupied by J. S Riiiucr, a yonng m.
worthy of confidence, and wlio bis U
associated with th Doctor a student ant
assistant two yea'a and upwania. Tho.
who call dnrin Dr. Burlao'a bBce f. r
protessionai service, may. and wilt plea,
amnio t.o time with Jtr. Kilmevwhen the?
may bv served, en ibe return of the Doct. r
Subscribe fwtbe Stmimei aud RtpuUw
a paper thr.l give yon agrtatarvaneie. at .
! better aelection ot realii.g nialter than an;'
other papr in tbe Juniata Valley.
Sale Bills of nil kinds printed on sUurt
P"t"ce al tlu rSc,