Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 03, 1877, Image 3

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tredneiday, October 8, 1STT.
Subscription. $1.50 per annum, if paid
within 12 mouths ; $2.00 if not paid witbiu
12 months. - ,
Transient advertisements inserted at 5U
tents per inch for each insertion.
Transient business notices in local col
umn, 10 cents per line for eac-n insertion.
Ded actions will 1 made to those desiring
to advertise Dy the year, hall or o.u-ter
rear. .
ON and after Monday, June 2-j;h, 18TT,
passenger trains will leave Mitttin Sta
tion, P. K. K., as follows :
atr!i Ex., daily ex. Sunday night 12 54 a m
.'wirtiin Ace, daily except Sunday, 6 2 a ui
Pacific Express, daily ex. Monday- 10 la m
Johnstown Ex., dailv ex. Sunday ll 32 a iu
Mail, daily except Sundav 6 05 p rii I ,oot ot altera V " The man shook his
Atlantic Express, dailv. 1 9 10 o m ! b,mi- "Well, I'd Hke Ked Headed Ralph
m-nr" . the Hanger 01 the Roaring Kialto." "VVe
. W,5TWR- don't keep any of that kind of trash, my
Pitub gLx, daily except Sunday 12. Mam 'boy." " n ot sort of libery is this, anv-
Pacitic Express, daily.-. a o a m I way V retorted the gjiniti. " Wy, it's just
Way Pass., daily $ !T,V"S ....lOfOa ui ; like everythin' elre in this country ruu lor
t leaves .10 Ida m the ri:h, an' the poor wokingman gits no
Mail, daily except Sunday 3; j. in show ai nil." Button Trartler.
Miitiin Acc., daily except feundav, 8 00 p iu ,
' Last Thursday morning Jacob Ernest,
1 of Patterson, aired about (iO years, an eui
LOCJIL IXTELLICESCE. I phryee ot the P. C. H. R. Co.. was eu-
Tux citisi-ns of this county who, one
.J 4. -.1 ... I ....... .
vonuty, -ll be gratitird to learn that Wall,
Mauu fc Hall have coiupl ;ted the work, and
general railroad map of the United States,
aiuapol the Commonwealth, a niapot'the
countv, table of distances, and a number of
.aim scenes. Doubtless It will prove the
most satisfactorv work of the kind ever
fiubscribed for, bv Ihn citirens of this
Vild ducks.
fc-tove pijpe troubles.
Commitces oa hogs.
Diphtheria in Carlisle.
House cleaning. L'gh!
Ilarrbburg lias a night market.
Seven (iranges in Mifllin county.
Men's Boots at Todd's for $2.2i.
eer and pheasant shooting now.
The man iu the moon The honey moon.
Fih bakets iu the Juniata below Millers
towu dam.
Sultan red is the shade of color ladles
talk about.
'If there were no women there WjiM be
no ambitious men."
Diphtheria scourges jeopl'
of certain
parts of Cambria county.
Diphtheria prevails in the neighh'trnood
i'f lirow n's Mills, this county.
In AnnsirC'Kg ccuaty there will not be a
single county officer votdl for this tall.
An -xtMirsinn to the Centennial grounds
lilt 1 ii. .fi.i. .1
'l I' A . U 111(3 lll-H I- iu (lie 1 11 ua OI VH.- 1
j,, T ' I
Yon eau buy your Clothing th che i-st ;
.i loii s.
A r vival meeting at Kiel's Gap has re-
.tilt.-l i tt, ...nv.-rion ail nnnilM-r of :
conversion ol a
The (Jreenbackers of Perry county nil!
holil a county convention at lloo:uheld on
(Jerniany has been giving Turkey a diplo
matic hint or two, relative to old treaty
The dreises of lailies !n P.iris are fashion
tsl alter the fashions of the dresses of Jo
sephine's day.
Brodie Cranfonl and II. II. Kennedy shot
'-1 s'itiiTcis iu the nooU of Tuscarora
Valley last week.
Plowen and plants decorate windows
once again, and as winter aproaches these
nttractiona will increase.
B-tween a dozen and twenty tickets were
sol-t at this place, last week, for the Perma
nent Exhibition excursion.
The Lewistown Sentinel reports a ' grnb
r grain worm" at work ruttirg off the
growing wheat above the ground.
tine dolUr and twenty-five cents will buy
good Ladies' hoes at Todd's.
Willim Adams, of Walker township, died
last atnrdav. On Mondav his remains j
were buried iu tbe " Cclar Spring" grave-1
Mm. John lluzzirtl, of tlu borough, died
n S'.trdav morning, and was buried on Mon
day afternoon iu the Prcubyte.iau grave
yard. Philadelphia Markets Wheat. $! .4'lto
I.4S, Corn 0OlK-c, Oats Sntojitb. Catlle
range f rom 4totic, Siheep 3to c per lb., hogs
Jor.as Reno, of Fermanagh tinship,
his coi:nr-, sold In-tween ;;KI and 4'H
poiiinls of grapes at the Millliu couuty fair
last week.
Last Saturday Robert McMeen, Assignee
of John W. Ear'.ain, sold tbe firm ot the
lalicr tor the sum of $2,G1, to tJcorge Horr
of Mexico.
Morton and two or three confederate in
She over-issue of the Philadelphia Market
street Kailway Company's stock, have been
put under heavy oojl.
Davri Rhodes caught a fiVe pouud eel In
V B Lukens' niill-race, in M:ttliu county,
last week. The length ol the eel was three
ieet nine inches.
The law permits partridge shooting after
the 15th day of October, but farmers may
not allow hunters to tramp over their farms,
any more than hunters allow farmers to j
tramp ever their sapiens.
It is stated bv a Pitlsbiirg physician that !
diphtheria is not a contagious disease, and
' .n. .
have begun the delivery thereof to sub- l!JU " ,ue cxp.-ctea train. I Ha tram came, who attend her fair must pass through
scribers. It is a tine work, and besides Ernest heard it, st.ai-l.tened I town iIere f jj pVoif of Jua
township and borough maps contains the "'''" J "Wilt to spring off the I , ' , , ) , -V one nr 01
Constitution of the Common wealth, and a track, the hvomotive struck mm, hurling j nuin.ucr 01 P60!''8 WU( attend fairs
that it never attacks a cnua wnose sysiem j i- -
is not depressed by bad heaith or by exj-o- j the peddler are tbe same individuals. At
sure to cold or dampness. any rate, the ta!k warrants an iuvestigttion
Daniel and David S ieber, lather and son, or the mailer, aid the threats of certain
each had a cow to die Ironi the effects ofjjvrs,,na to tt.ll who killed the peddler "
geuiiig into a coru-ucK. uv .
much ot the corn. A coiiole ol cow in
Tuscarora valley died from the same cause
last week.
Last Thursday General Pearson, who
commanded the State troops during the lale
Hot at Pittsburg, was arrested on the charge
tof murder, wuich it is '-barged was brought
about by bis order to tire on the mob. He
is out of jail on bail of flO.WU.
A graceless chap put a tub of water at
burbonoa's door in Huntingdon, into
which tbe editor stepped. What a tub of
wrath is held in store lor the trickster can
tiever be known till it has been poured out
tbrotigh the columns of the Journal.
Russia is experiencing the inriation of
War. "The prices of provisions have risen
30 to 40 per cent., while the paper money
that is passed out in incessant volumes, has
depreciated over fifty percent. The army
has stopped the fields of their best labor."
A son of EdwSrd Warner, of this bor
ough, bad a guu to explode last Friday,
while in the act of shooting at a fish-hawk.
The explosion blew the end off tne second
( finger of the left band, and otherwise in
jured the haud. The boy is aged about 15
"When he was a young man, he rushed
into a burning building and gallantly drag
ged her out by the hair of her head. They
were married" next winter, and now ahe
rushes in and drags him out by the hair Of
his head whenever she feels like it. S uch
Is true love." x
On Monday morning, just as Mrs. Solo
mon Books stepped into her garden, a phea
sant flew into the garden. . Mr. Books was
failed, and without any trouble tbe bird
was captured alive, it -being entirely oret
come by its long Wight. Thb pheasant may
be seen alive by calling ou Postmaster
Michael S tuner' dog, Pike, treed three
coons the other day, but when the tree was
cut to fret the aniniala, the dog managed to
pet under it, and was crushed. An auhappy
hunt, truly unhappy lor thecoons. for they
were at) caught; unhappy for the dog, for
he niet bis death, and unhappy tor tke owner
of the dog, for in his death the owner mot
with a loss tliat cannot be replaced at will.
An exchange says : Passmore and Hart
are, personally, as uucrceptiouab'.e candi
dates as were ever presented to the people.
They never wcru in The remotest manner
connected with any lobby. Schell and
Noyes have both had their da.- in
, , t.Mn ,h w jA M . . "
bies that entered the Legislature for cor
riiit purposes. Perhaps no two in en in Uie
Stale stood nearer to the laicnus Jim Kuril
and Jim Puller than these, and yet the Dem
ocratic press is blatant ii gab about a Trea
sury ring.
'Say, mister," said a small boy tooneof
the assistants at the PublicLibrarv, "I ent
find the books I want to get in these rerc
ratulors. I wish yer'd find 'im for me."
"What work do you wish to draw?" jiatcr-
uauj unjuircu me oincial. ell, liev ver
! ?ot 'SIu'lil51"' ho Masher, or the Gory tia-
gaged shoveling cinfier off the railroad Hear
' tl... ...l -I.... .
. r.-rr"?- mmn n,mr r
it was an hour past t lie
i r msl I 1M' f iiii.s tWam this t -l.;t V-
; ' a" pn!ali!ity did not know, as he
i orke-l with his back turned in the direc-
1 Ju ,ue "I
' u;8 body distance of 30 feet. He was
"" mis remains were taken to Church
j "'" graveyard and there buried. trn the
V the gravevard a wheel of the hearse
, " completely that it became neces -
, sar-v to BL't another couvejance to convey
lue corpse,
his uVain.
He leaves a family to uiouru
John Cinniagliaiu is having a house built
in Paltersnn.
James Buyers, of this place, shot a wild
turkey on Tuscaiora mouutain, on Moudav.
Oeorge Heynolds was q'lite indispised
last ecs. uecause oi me sprain oi an aiiKie
L. J . McConnick, brother of the inventor
me isirous aiei,orinicK resume machine.
was iu town tat week.
. . i.. . i.
Bei.j.imin Webster, tto London theatre
manager, las, at seveutv-seven, married a
wyiuau of t.enly-seveu."
tc- tr- i ri
v. W-Miis, a cilizen of Lewistown,
I fUl into a ditch back of the Col.-mm ilouso
in tint town, a tew days ago, and was killed,
He was 60 years of age.
Caleb Parker as thrown out or his wagon :
a lew days ago, while driving on his farm, !
norluoi Patterson, and hurt to such a degree ,
; that he has not been
able to attend to his
1 usual business.
John Baeshore of Fayette township and
III: iiriHicns, aJUtlll TCIXT jrsiiurv.
caught pike in Licking Cr-k. on Tu-1
Uay a weeK. I lie shortest pike measure l
II niches auu the largest Is inches.
. . . . , ....
It is once in a while re-callel thit M;.
William Culieii Krvant practiceil law for a
sU,jr, ,ilm. utli wis so disgusted bv a defeat
iu oue ujt ihronh a technicality, in words,
he abanjorted the ijfeasiou iuieedi-
al" aill lorever.
Mr. Elwin F. Orwig onjys the dis
tinction of being the smallest uian in
Iowa, lie is nearly ill years o!d is
40 inches tall, and weighs 45 pouJV
Ten years ago the late Senator 15 gy
renounced Masonry to jiin the Itoiuan
Catholic Caurch, and he died in that
j Mr. Mo dy is sail to ba showing tb.6
i results cf overwork. He has been
obliged to forego solid study during the
' past su-niner, and has suffjrel frua
) - .1 - 11
some irouuie in ine ueaii.
Th foll.iwini notices have t :en filed in
the Kogi-tter's 4 lllie :
1. First and final account of James B.
llkeon, slniinistntor of Samuel B. Oke
, son. lale of Be tie townshiii, deceased.
2. The account of Franklin Lauver. ad-
I minitrator of Divid Lauver, lute of Lack
i township, dx:eaed.
i 3. The ti-ial account of Jacob S.'hrefB-sr
snd J'lhn Hepuer. administrators of G ;orge
; llepner, late of r avette township, dec d.
A TVi.l ..-. .lint ni' 1 I Ul.in.. uV.oiirn
f((. iti,ivim AlueJf u,eJ, Favctte' township,
Wash asd Bit Cleas. Support Home
' Industry. Soap as a cleansing agent should
I be clean, thereto use Ciean ap. such ae
is manufactured by J. B. BOY Kit Ai CO.,
I not the dirty stuff obtained from diseased
; hogs and cattle, or other putrescent matter
' of which the Soaps now in the mirk el are
t mainly composed. The cleanly housewife
, need not fear it. as it free fkoh filth. By
those ho have Used it, it is pronounced
i tub bkt Soap im tut a irbet.
An ngciit is named lor ilitlltntoivn and
Juniata cou-itv. For further particulars
I addre-s " J. . B YKit & CO.,
Huntingdon, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
Perry County Items.
From tht BloomfieU Timet.
Who Kiiled the Ptimiraf This is a
qnestion that is agitating the minds of peo
ple in the vicinity of Montgomery's Ferry.
It Appears that some time in July, 17G, a
peddler stopped at a house in that vicinity,
and rather mysteriously disapiared, learing
his horse and wagon, and ha never return
ed. The body of an unknown man was
oiiie lime afterwards discovered at or below
hiinfuii'i iHlnn.t. and now it is thought bv
n.n..v tu.riiiu ihul thA unknown msn and
fc , fe tilough there was a pretty
fc . 1
fair chance to put a crime where it belongs,
and clear up a mystery. As we have said
before, we say again, that a good detective
is sadly needed in the vicinity of Montgom
ery's Perry. He. might not only break up
tbe stealing, but find out who killed the
pertdler t
A fw nights since, Mr. Adaru Clouserj of
this place, set some steel traps to catch an
owl that was visiting his chicken coop. The
next morning one of the traps was missing.
A young man wh'.lc hunting a day or two
afterward shot an owl, and was greatly as
tonished as tbe bird fell from the tree, to
bear the clanking of chains, as he supposed.
It is-oved to be the owl which had flown
away with the missing steel trap, fast to its
On Thursday a young man named iohn
Mo6fe, residing in Uarriaburg, fell while
trying to get on a moving freight train near
Losh's Itun, and was run over by the entire
train. He was not only cut in two, but had
both arms cut ofl. The remaius were gath
ered up and taken to his home, after an in
quest bad been held.
On Saturday last, Mr. William Askins,
whilst Bshing for bass in Sherman's creek,
below Dugan's dam, caught a strange-looking
creature, of a brownish color, shaped
something 'like the common water liiard.
It was 22 inches in length, had a iroad,
flat head, was as tenacious as a snapping
turtle and as active as an eel.'
To Mifflin County Fair, Last
The State is the ''mother, and the
counties of Mifflin and Juniata are
Bisters. Juniata, being the younger,
was driven to use a good deal of per
suasive argument, and a good djd
of argument not persuasive, bo
fore the elder sister gave consent
that Mifilintown should become the
county seat for the valleys that lay
between Shade and Tuscarora uonn
tains. The consent was ratiiiecl ly
an act of Legislature establishing
Juniata countv in 1831.
What ever degree of estrangement
or coolness that was caused by the
movement of separation, has been
forgotten, and the children have fully
determined that the relationship of
kinfolks shall be recognized and kept
np; which was Abundantly evidenced
last Thursday by one hundred Juni
ata cousins going to Lewistown to
attend the Mifflin county fair. The
manner of going was by the speedy
way of travel by rail. Many v ere
the regrets that no smooth wagon
and carriage roada unite the two
When the Juniata people debouch
ed from the cars onto the streets of
Lewistown, it was plainly evident to
the slowest observer that something
unusual was going on, for the streets
! v 'x-ia
f it ls au important advantage that
j Lewistown has over Mifflin, that all
! Heed not enter town to get to
lair ground.
I Que hlindif 1 nomiV from Tnnlifi
BnriMH H ,
1 "P"uled the crowd on tho Streets
,I,ule puKuy, and even out ainon,
the crowd of 3.01V) people at the fair
Juniata was plainly visible.
To get to our fair, one angles off
iw Hlftll1AitllA onrtorYr liv liu rrku.l
aJonrf the river toward the southwest;
ta get to their fair, the road angles
off circuitonsly by Kishicoquillas
j erect, and an Episcopal graveyard to-
warJ the southeast.
So appreciative of the want and
j requirements of our Mifflin county
! i i i o
. iwiintiis iae utu Jiri;c liycuilie, llll
the methods of ronvr-vunen fii nn.l
i luiisius i.me our iieoi:e ueco
from their f:l;r wag not neIectc-l
I T i t. i t t
i JJcob luoilff failed the programme
just tiiere by having a couple of car
..J ,. 1 .,
: "Z8 on the ground to see that they
did rot do too much walking. In
one of his carriages going to the
ground we met ex Sheriff Loudon
and daughter, Miss Jane Loudon,
an J U:ul inst eschansr:l COlKoliment-
ary expressions with the Sheriff over
the cor"fort:i!le drive in nrnsriwf-
wlj(.n tM carriilJje Wils KiUalHl bv
wiit-n the carriage
au "K" iatiy oi aiKmt, zvrj pcuiuus
: - I i. i i a nun i .
! "i-iguu, uu i-Mupemu iu a vuuiir
lady of about the game size and
weight The carriage stopped, and a
flash of the mind told us that the
compliments as to comfortable seats
had been "wasted on the desert air."
The next best thing to do va to re
cognize the conrtesies due to the bet
ter side of the human family, which
we did by vacating a seat inside, and
taking oue outside with John Heek,
who was running the carriage. It
seemed but a step or tro out to the
j to tiis fair-ground, where Senator
Waveain was enjoying himself selling
j tickets to his constituents, and agri
I cultural fiicnd.s. You pass the
I and are not so favorably impressed
! an wh-!' you enter the grounds of
Riverside t'mk here. Instead of a
grove of trees to pass through and a
well of water to refresh by, a patch
of stunted corn stalks on the right,
and a hillock or track embankment
on the left, greet the eye and im
press one unfavorably, which can
not bb got rid of till a stop is made
and a look taken from a point near
the Judges' stand. From that point
on the ground, the enclosure presents
its admirable qualities, which are
many. Riverside Park shows well,
viewed from any point Tho poor
est impression received of it is from
a point near where the stock are
watered. leing near the southwest
corner of the enclosure. The Lewis
town Association must have taken
the plan of Riverside Park to fashion
their grounds after, for the plans are
w is as good as the late one at Rivcr
ti le Park; and of conrse Juniata
was glad to congratulate her sister
on so creditable a display. They
eclipsed us in a display of carriages,
which Showers fc Scholl might easily
have prevented. They had a few
more chickens, a couple of larger
pumpkins, and that IP aliout all the
material difference in the two exhibi
tions as far as articles on exhibition
go. The
who were present outnumbered those
in attendance at Riverside Park fair,
and the percentage of Aymish peo
ple was 1 irger, owing prolwibly to
the fact that a larger population of
that people live in Mifllin county.
A round of tbe ground caused us
to look for a seat in the shade, a seat
on tho grand stand could have been
hail, but that was too exclusive when
the people were to be seen. An elli
gible place was found on a cook stove
at the extreme South end of Fine
Arts LTall, where we sat and saw at
least two thousand people file right
and left through that end of the
house. Farmers, preachers, doctors,
lawyers and every other class of
citizens filed by. Cliihlren of all
sizes, and mothers with babes passed
along, which suggested the thought
that the fairs of Pennsylvania might
have a baby department added, which
wotdd be as attractive, as among tbe
people of the west. There that is
in the west almost every County
fair has a baby department, into
which all babies present on a stat
ed day, are brought and examined by
the committe on babies, and the
rricftbT whose baby fills the require
ments t'f the premium list receives a
valuable reward or premium. The
babies of Mifflin county that were
present last Thursday were hand
some, and many of the children that
passed by our stove were real attrac
tive in appearance, and that there are
nsefnll as well as pretty little girls
in Lewistown, is abundantly testified
to, when the facts is stated that four
or five of the quilts that decorated
the south end of the building; of
which we write were made by a
class of six to eight year old girls,
of St Marks Sabbath school. Con
sidering their age, the work amounts
to almost ft marvel
In this h6o.se, Mrs. Jermiah Lyon,
and Miss Emca Eepner of Mifflin
town, displayed their Ekill at sketch
ing a peculiarly made, Scratch My
Back, match safe. They promised a
sketch for the special engraver of
the Sentinel and ' Republican but for
some uuknown cause did not send it
in, and thus it happens that no pic
tures of the articles, mentioned ap
pear in tliis issue of the pa'por.
A tine organ was on exhibition, and
wait kept ia use almost constantly by
Mifflin county cousins, but the
singing, and the playing on the or
gan that was pronounced best, while
we occupied the stove, was that ren
dered by Mrs. Jennie Kelly, wife of
Lieutenant Jatnes Kelley of Tusca
rora Valley, this county. Col. Wil
liams of this place looked in a few
times. Walters of the Lewistown
Sentinel held an eligible post rn the
inside ofliee cf the Secretary. While
sitting and resting on tho stove, the
impression bceauio strong that the
great majority of the passers-by
were not I"istown people, but peo
plo from the valleys of Mifflin county.
At one o'clock
of Bradford county, begao an adirdsa
The attractions ol rine Art I a II pre.
vanioil mn at.nua rinnu nn attt l.art a
1 1- -'
ine lime wueu tue ppecen was uei;uu ;
bat as his speech was intended and
indeed proved to be rne of tbe great
attractions of the day, a portion at least
of it must needs be beaid
The making of the track caused a
cttt in the ground between the judges'
stand and gland stand. Piolett stood
close to the judges' stand, on the side
facing the grand staud. Never having
seen his face in repose, we cannot say
how it would impress us, but wheu
speaking it is pleasing, lie is a man
of aire. From his appearance one
would not pronounce hiiu of French
extraction as his name indicates. At
j fiMt p'-"o "e wonld be pronounced by
a reaurr oi men to ue oi lue quality oi
men that Sbakspeare in hts Caesar
' 'peats of, thus
"Let mt nave men about ine that are fat,
sleek-hcadiil men, such as sleep o'nights."
Hut not so with Piolett. To say that
of him, is tbe mistake of first impres
sion, aud a closer look at him reveals
the fact, and a short lime at listening
to bis speech, impresses one with the
belief, that be belongs to the class that
"Look finite through the deeds of men."
He was then talking about
Tbe enw of his chaise is uot tbe Gur
uey, or tbe Alderney. He does not
j.ot)ject t0 thcx for their inilkiu,
ties, for they are good enough, but when
they are woreo out as milkers they are
not fit for beef ; there is to little of
them. Ivy their smallnrss thousands cf
dollars are annaaly lost, for by a larger
breed the quantity if beef wueld be
largely increased. They sboold be
crossed with some larger stock so as to
get beef and milk United.
He was glad to See a Pcrcberon
borse ou the ground. Such horses are
a hat ia'rmtrs need ; they need horses
that cau draw a load oa a wagen and
draw a plou;li through limestone soil.
He recommended the raising of large
and active horses. They are of more
use than 2.40 horsc-s. He wonld rec
ommend a carriage hcrse or two but
stout horses are the kind. A couple
of such will do more and eat less than
a largor number of the other kisd end
thus help lessen the cost of
To the farmers, the cost of produc
tion is a great thing, and it is greatly
overlooked by the farmer. How many
can tell of the cost of a dozen eggs, oi
a pound of butter. The limestone val
leys are the most productive. Tbe
Germans who are tbe best farmers in
the world, know of their productiveness,
bonce, the German farmer is seldom
fouud outside of limestone valleys, but
iu tho best producing districts ftio es
pouses are entirely to great. Farmers
are Lhe poorest paid people in the coun
try. They are the heaviest taxed peo
ple in the coutry, with the least repre
sentation in conventions and' in Legis
lative assemblies that make la3 fot
there government. In townships tbey
keep up roads, schools, and the poor, aud
also pay County and State taxes while
other interests arc lightly taied. by
is it so ? Why is it that the great over
shadowing industry of the country must
bear tbe burden of expenses of tho
country ? The farmers number cue
balf tbe people, and yet tbey seem to
bo controled by men of other business
They allow Lawyers and Bankers to
make the laws aud take the benefits.
The Constitution of Pennsylvania,
that was receutly alopted, is almost
entirely in the interest of other pceple
than farmers. The contention that
frauiad it contained anly thrte farmers
so small a number that they were
voiceless as far as result could go. The
farmers need
Urgaaize. Do not be scared at the cry
of secret organization ; there is nothing
in it. When bauk directors and offi
cials meet in some back room there is
a secret meeting, and it never is for
tbe promotion of the farmers' interest.
When lawyers oongregate there is a
Btcret meeting ; you cannot End out
what they are at. Are farmers to be
scared by the talk of secret meetings.
Tbe farmers never meet to consult
about their business: with one another,
and yet they are tbe fathers of the
good morals, braint and money of tbe
country. It is because of bis isolated
condition, or living apart from neigh
bors, that he is so powerless. He the
greatest power in tbe land is tbe least
powerful. Lock at the organizations
of every interest in tbo country, and
their published roles aud regulations
for the government of business. If
the secret organization is a thorn in the
flesh, organize and bold a meeting once
nlonth in every townihip once a
week tfoulu be better without any
aecresy about it ; let there be fiohie
kind of organization. Coming together
once a week, or once a month, will
make your children more contented, and
by and by they will feel their power.
It is the association of othef interests
that causes tbe Sous of so many farmers
to leave tbe farms. It is too bad that
the lands of tbe pioneers have almost
entirely passed into tbe bands of other
men, and that tbe sons of tbe original
owners bave become tbe tenants, but
such is tbe fact in a majority of cases.
Where ate tbe grand children of tbe
tneo who first peopled this State? To
whom do the farms that their grand
father! carved out belong ?
We beard Mr.. I'iolett no farther,
fak'viog been catted away.
attracted neatly all who were on the
grouud to the track to witoeii them.
The first race was engaged in by ,"'(yp,"
entered by W. 11. (Jarnian : Silas,"
entered by , and Black Stallion,"
entered by T. J. Middagh. Sifaa"
wou the race best time, 2.52. The
parse was $100 00.
The second race was engagrd in by
"T. J.," entered by T. J. Mijlsgh;
''Prince," entered by John llajs, and
"Modoc," entered by James Broch-
way. lhe race was won By niddaph
horse best time, 2 53. Purse, .-J'Ji.
00. Samuel Strayer, the clothing Mer
chant of Patter-ion, drove the Hays
horse. Middagh drove bis own horse.
Pi blic Salk. George V. McUor.aid will
w:ll at public sale, at his residence iu Mil
lord township, 'J miles West of Patterson,
at 10 o'clock a. ., on Thursday, Octohvr
II, 1S77, one 5-year old mire, 1 good cow.
2 wagons, and oilier farming utensils, and
household goods.
" KckEKA " iit the st'iitinieut of counties
snfiereni ho (im! the ot rcliel, &A1
te foimtdiii of their UcAlIh ami Mrcugth,
In Ater's .Sarsaiorill-i. ll is the most m
tt-nt of all the altenttiws to purify the bvs
U'iu and cleanse the bloott. It posse
I " I j
the laded vitalities and purges out the cor
rupnons a Inch mingle Willi the blood, pro
moting derangement aud di-cay. We are
assured by many intelligent physicians that
this medicine cures hcvond all others of its
kind, ami we can fortify this st-ileuient bv
on.- own experience. .illtol (.Vi.) While
Tne Harrisdurg Palriol has been ill
formed that the celebrated niekle mines
at (jap, Lancaster county, worked for
several years past exclusively by tho
United States government, will soon bo
abandoned, and that operations will not
be resumed for some time. The cause
of this is reported to be the discovery,
iu New Caledonia, of very rich deposits
of nbkle ore, where it is said to crop
out above the surface of the ground, so
that it can be mined with very lillle
trouble or expense
Attention ! A gland re-union of
tbe honorably disc-barged members of
the Juuiata Scouts will be held at tbe
Jacobs House, Mirllintowu, on Thurs
day, October 11, 1877, at 10 o'clock
A. M. Prospect of reorganization.
MA Jilt I ED:
RIGHTEU NOKTH Sept. 2t!th, 1877,
in Selinserove, Ha., by Rev. T.J. Sherrard,
Washington Right, .M.I., of Columbia, Pa.,
and Miss Jennie . Jiorth, of Scliesgrove,
SHELLEY W I If E Y On lhe TMh nit.,
by Kev. Solonlon Sn-ber, Mr. Jacob Y.Shel
ley and .Miss Ida E. Wine', both ol Juniata
n .4 Jl K C R s ,
No. 40 South Third Street,
Stocks Bought and Sold either for Cash or
on a Margin.
6a. i, 137
Bin. AsKin.
U.S. (i's
11H 1KI
" is.;., j it j
lt; 1
Currency, fi's
" .V, ISM, new
4 i's, new,
" 4"s
Pennsylvania R. R.
Philadelphia t Reading K. R-.
Lehirh Valley K. R
Lehigh Coal i. Navigation Co..
I'nifed Companies of N. J....
Pittsburg, Titusville &. Buffalo
K. K ;
Philadelphia Jt Erie Ii. R
Northern Central K. K. Co....
He3Ciille Pass. K. K. Co
Gold ... ;
107 f
KI !
M7 !
CO MM Ii ItC la.
Corrected wrchly ly Jawb S. Thomas
JllfVLlNTOWS, tct.-3, 1S77.
Butter 20
Eggs 15
Lard t
Ham 1
Bsuon .:
Potatoes t'l
Onions 4'
Kags .. '2
Corrected weekly by Buyers &. Kennedy.
Wednesday, Oct 3, IS77.
Wheat 1
Corn 50
OaU 20to.Vi
Kye .'
Tiinothy seed... 1 OOtol 10
Clovcrseed 4 6-'to5 00
Philadelphia & Reading Eailroad.
Arrangement of Passenger Trains.
AtoiT 13th, 1X77.
Tr'ini leatt Hirruburg at followt:
For New V ork at 5 -0, b lit a. m., and 3 57
and 7 55 p. in.
For Philadelphia at 5 20, S 10, 9 45 a. in.,
2 00 and 3 57 p. m.
For Heading a' 5 20, 8 10, 'J 45 a. nl., 00
3 Oi and i o p. ni.
For futtuvillc at 5 20, 8 10 a. m., and 3 57
p. ni. and via Schuylkill & Susquehanna
Branch at 2 40 p. ni.
For Auburn via S. &. S. Branch at 5 10 in.
For Allentown at 6 20, 8 10 a. m., 2 00,
3 57 and 7 55 p. ni.
Tbe a 20, 8 10 a. in. and 3 57 and 7 55 p in.
trains have through cars fcr New 1 ork.
The 5 20, 8 10 a. ni. and 2 110 p. in. traius
have through cars for Philadelphia.
For New Vork at 5 20 a. ui.
For A 1. in town and way stations at 5 20 a. m.
For Reading, Philadelphia and wiy Stations
at 1 45 p. in.
Trains for Barrubnrg leave as follow! s
Leave New Tork at 8 45 a. ui., aud 1 00,
530 and '7 45 p. ni.
Leave Philadelphia at 9 15 a. nf., and 3 40,
and 7 20 p. m.
Leave Reading at t 40, 7 40, II 20 a. ni.,
1 30, 6 15 and 10 35 p. m.
Leave PotUville at 6 10, 9 15 a. ni. and 4 35
p. m.,and via Schuylkill aud Susquehan
na Branch at 8 15 a. m.
Leave Auburn via S. h. S. Branch at 12 00
Ltave Allentown at f2 30, 5 50, 8 55 a. m.,
12 13, 4 30 and 9 OS p. ni:
t Doei not ra oa MonAan
Leave New York at 3 30 p. nf.
Leave Philadelphia at 7 20 p. m.
Leave Heading at 4 40 and 7 40 a. ni. and 10
35 p m.
Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. and 905 p.m.
I'm Worrit and Ettex Railroad.
General Manager.
General Ticket Agent.
Sentinel aud Kefubln.au $1.50 a ycaj
Lrsnl .Voice.
BY virtHe of an Older of the Orphan's
Court of Juniata county, the under
signed, Assignee of Solonion Cothnan for
the benefit of lis creditors, will offer at
public sale, on the lirciuisca, in Fayette
township, Juniata county, at 2 o'clock I.
M , on
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5t!i, 1877,
The following described real estate, to wit:
No. I. A tract of kind, being the Man
sion Farm ol said Assignor, containing
On Itsjudredand Forty Acres,
rcre or less, having thereon erected a
Largo Stone Dwelling HeSse,
RAN K BARN', Wagon Shed with Stabling,
Com Crib, and other outbuildings. About
I'i't acres of this land is cleared, well
fenced, and in a hih state of cultivation.
The balance is well set a ilh t'iicilnut, Oak,
and other valuable tmilier.
There is a line Quarry of excellent Ll ME
.SToNK on lhe premises, wiih KII.X diet
ed thereon. The land ha recently bo-en
thoroughly limed. There is a tine Spring
of water on the premises, with A Fountain
I'liuip, w hich stiipli-s both the house and
bimyard with an excellent tinlity of water.
Ibis larui is well supplied it!i Fruit, there
b iiig a good Ap; le Orchard, a Peach Or
clrud, and a giMid si.pply of tira and
other small f ruits on the premises.
Ko. 2. A tract of land adjoining the
above described tract on the east, contain
ing tiGiiTi-rivf: a ki;s,
more or less, having thi-rcou erected a g')od
and outbuildings. About Seventy Acres of
this land isrleared. well feii'r-d. aud also iu
a good state of cultivation the remainder
is well set with lii ili r. 1 here is a tine
Young Orchard on lhe premises, a Ting
ot good water near the house, and a Foun
tain Pump iu the barnyard.
No. 3. Three lots of Woodland, con
taining aliout h IX ACRES each, adjoining
the land atKivedcscrit-d on the north. This
land is also well set mitli Chestnut', Oak,
and oilier timber.
The land above dcscrilied is situated
about 2 miles southeast of McAlistcrville,
jix.nl lj mile northeast of East ialcni, and
about 1 mile from Brown's Mi' s. It is in
close proximity to schools, chinch.. and
TE P.MS. Ten percent, of the purchase
-eioncy lo lie iaid when the land is struck
down to lhe purchaser; fifteen per cent,
alien lhe sale is continued by the Court ;
and tbe balance in t'..rve i-.vpw,Mh, the
oik- payable in six months from dale nf 'con
firmation, and the other payments m twelve
and eighteen months Irotu said date r-s-c-tivelv,
aiih interest from April 1, 17M, in
case of the cleared land, and from dale of
continuation iu case of the woodland ; the
pavim-ola to be well secuied bv judgment
notes. EZRA ft Ml I'll,
Assigtii of Solomon tollman.
Sept ", lb77.
V AM' A ii i.i:
IJl'KSUANT to an order of f ile issued
by the Court cf Common Ilea of Ju
niata county, the undersigned. Assignee of
John Benner and Ann Eliza, bis wife, will
expose to sale by puMi; vendue, on the
premises, at 3 o'clock P. M., on
The following descriiied real estate, to wit :
A tract nf land situated in Fayette town
ship, Juniata county, bounded on lhe east
by lands of Lewis Laudis, on liie south by
landsof John Gingrich, on the west by lands
of John tvingrich anil others, and on the
north by lands of Eira Smith, containing
TWELVE ACRES, more or less, having
thereon erecteJ a log-frame
Log Stable, and other ouibnil lins and
three I.iinu Kilns. This prosn-ty is very
pleasaiitlv situated, being ab nit oue mile
distant from church, store and school, and
is located nbout one n.ile north of r:ast
Salem, and alioiit 4 miles north of Thomp
sotitoai n station of P. R K.. and about
mill s south of McAlistcrvil'c.
The land is l the best quality of lime
stoue Hint. There is a large limestone
quarry, and an abundance of limestone to
keep the three kilns now erected on it, run
ning for many years.
of I he-pure base money to lie paid when !he
properly is stricken down ; til teen percent,
when the sale is continued by the Court;
titty per cent of the whole on the first day
ot April, lr7)S, and the balance, beitlx one
fourth of the whole, ou the first day ol
April, 1(7'J. These two last payments to
be secured by judgment bond, atid to bi-ar
interest Ironi the day of sale. Deed to be
executed to the purchaser ami ogesiou
given ou the lirst ot April, l7i.
Also, at the same time ami place will be
sold lhe following personal property: One
secretary, 1 chic k, 1 bedstead, 1 cook stove,
1 brass kettle, cricks, 1 cart, 1 hokey low,
I barrel.
Assignee of John lknner and wife.
Sept 12, IH77.
TIIIIE undersigned, Administrator of tbv
A eslate of Sylvester C. Frey, di-censed,
will offer at public sale, ou the reuliscs, in
Fayette township, Juuiata county, Pa , al I
o'clock r. a., on
The following dcscribi-d real estate, to il :
The undivided onc-h uT of a tract of
situate in said township, aliout a ball mile
east of Brown's Mill, bounded by lands cf
(ieorge llepner, Henry Hart, Samuel M.
Kurtz and Michael Eichman, containing
TERMS. One-bair of te r-crchase rooney
to be paid on coiilinn.'.t'oii ol sale by the
Court ; the balance en the first day of April,
17S, when deed will oe delivered and pos
session g'ven.
A'!iu'r of Sylvester C. Frey, dee'd.
sept 12
rilllK undersigned, Executor cf John
J. Hslctlcr, deceased, will olfer a house
and lot at public sale, on the premis-s, in
the borongb of Thoinpsoiitown, Juuiata
county, Pa., at 1 o'clock ?. V., on
SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 20th, 137?,'
Described as follows :
A Lot cT Ground situated in the borongh
of Tr-'onipsontown, in County and State
afon-said, bounded on the north by Main
street, on the west by an alley, on the south
and ca.it by lands of T. Thompson, having
thereon erected a frame
Frame Stable, and other outbuildings.
TERMS. Twenty per cent, when the
property ir t trie ki n down ; thiity per cent.
April I, 1H7H, and the balance Aprt 1,1879.
Payment to be secured by judgment bond,
and to bear interest from April 1, 1879, at
which date Deed will be executed and pos
session given.
Sep! ll, 1877. Extntor.
At the same time and place above men
tinned, the following property will be otter
ed for sale by the undei signed : .
Three pair of bedsteads, 1 table, 1 desk,
I cook stove, 1 ten plate stove, I chest. I
settee, chairs, and numerous other house
hold articles and utensils not necessary to
nieul on.
Subscribe for the Sentinel ii. Republican.
V . . .
Is tbe place where jou can bnj
Tllli UlaST AXD TIIU CHKAli:vp
juts, Cf ps, Boors, srioKf, jxd fursisiiI.xu attous.
UZ 13 prepared, to exhibit one of the most choice nd sebt-t sTocks ever offered is
tLis market, aud al JSTOSIsm.XGLY LOW PRICES t
Also, measures taken for suits and part of suits, b:ch will be made to ordtr
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the place, in llntTiuan's New Builoiuj, corner of Ilridge and
Water sTects, MIFFLISTOtt'N, !'A. fS pu 1 i, l7d-tl
Has just returned from tho Kastern cities with a full variety of
CENTS' FCUNlSilIXt GOODS. Goods of all kinds are low Tome and
and be astonished Pants at 1 cent.
Patterson, Fa., May 2S, I76.
Legal .Yuiices.
THE undersigned, Executors of the last
will and testament ot lhe Hon. I'vemrd
files, deceased, will sell at public IMc, on
at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described
vsl-oaMe r:al c"?ta!.", to itl t
No. 1. The lAXi'iO Fa it'll of lhe
said deci-asisl. s'tiinte in Hi-ile fnuriTiin
Juniata county. Pa., and adjoining the vil
lage ol Johnstown, containing
of LathI til xiiTwrittr arwl i..ur in a swimmI
Utah o! L-u!tiv.aiMi, having trcctcU thvtvon I J'lSKUT McMKKN,
a lsirgc coiiilrlj,llc j
DWELLING II O U is E, Attara? .-nfl Counselor -at-Law.
GOOD BANK BARN, Prompt att. -ntio u cjnu to th- .-curing
! and collecting of claims, an I all ! ,;! hcsi
Corriagu Sb.-d, and other convenient and ! ness.
necessa.-y outbuilding. Well and running j Orricc on bridge street, first ooor ;.
water near the house. As a home Ibis ! of thu Belford buildin.
proierty is the most desirable i:i the county.
No. 2 A Li t or I'icco of Land ad
joining the ah ive-descri?kd farm, ronfuin
ng al EIGHT ACHES, all cleared, in a
fine state of cultivation, and having a good
Limestone fjuarry on it.
No. 3. A Tract or I'iccc of Meadow
Land, near the above-described tiropertv,
containing about THIRTEEN ACRES, all1
c,u""u,l: .
No. 4. A Tract or I'iece of Timber I
Land in Beale township, containing &H :
ACRES and 150 PERCHES. This tract is
well set with young and thr'tty. timber, itnd
is convenient to the tract first abovc-de-scribi-d.
No. 5. Also, a Piece of Timber
I .and, rr.rcnleiit to the last tract named,
containing 8 ACRES and 117 PERCHES.
The sale of the above-described property
win uofcu i i.i' "j 00 iii' ,'i .! 1 1 ' n ' 1 1, uu
;ll ..!-.. .1. . i L-.. .i.i.
scribed as No. I iti til's alvertisemen
Ten per cent, to paid on the day of
sale; titty per cent, ot tho balance to be
paid ou the 1st day ot April, Ip7S, wln-n
possession will be given and deeds made.
The residue of the purchase money to be
iiaid on the 1st day of October, l7H, with
interest from April 1st, 1M78, to bo secured
to the satisfaction ot the Executor..
sep5-ts Eiectitors of E. Oles, dee'd.
i-iiiti 1,1 it lr I w nnrp i iril
o .
rtlllE undersigned, Executor of toe estate
of Sarah Stmt'p, deceased, late c the
ImroiiL-h of Mitllintown, will set! at p'iblic
i ... .i. . . .
sale, on the premises, in lhe borongh ol
, . , , , , ., ,,
MiltluiloH n, at 1 o clock P.M., on. ..
T--ir t- ni'Tiint'ti im n
tbe following ivi.'. rr'at-, M w'.t : Two lots
of ground, situate on Lemon or School
street, having a trout of sixty and one-half
fret on said street, and extending hick 110
feet to an allev, having thereon erected a
one and a h til' stories high, adjoining lot of
Jaine V. Parker on Ihu south and lot of
Mrs. Moiiohan ou the north.
"K-n per i tn!. Thru e prnerty is strick
en down; forty sr cent. A;'ril 1, I t7S,
when di-ed will le delivered and possrssem
given ; lhe balance April 1, 7t, wiih in
terest from April 1, lf7(t, to be secured by
juilgmeiit bond.
j'Eri! !tnTHRocr.
K::ecn!or of Saruh St'oup, dee'd.
Arg. es, l!77.
against trespissiug iipin the lands of
tho undersign'-1, either in Walker or D la
ware township, by fishing, hunting, er in
any other uny. , .
John N. Van-I )rnier. J. V. Levtier.
Henry M. Miller. Soiom u Mauheck.
George S. Smith. J. S. Lukens.
William ManKek. Luke Davis.
II. D. Lon-. John F. Smith.
Sept I, I77-r,ni
t:ttte of Jwaepli I'oiiiruy,
LL accounts end notes due saiil estate
J.9- reiua'tling unpaid Novemlier 1, 177,
will tie placed in the hands of au attorney
lor colli-ctioti.
(Successors to D. P. Suloulf.)
;it ai..
i.i 3i hi: K.
Calcined Plists'r, Land Plt'ttar,
We buy Grain, to bu delivered at Millliu
town or Mexico. t
We are prepared to lurnish Salt to dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 21, !S77-tf
Large atoek vf Kuadv-male Clothing lor
sale by UAItLLY X. CO.
onie and see Die
Professional Card's.
G-Cotlecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly alU-mf-d to.
Illiii t On Bridge street, opposite tha
Court House Sipurc.
C7" AH business promptly atleuded to.
I Oi-nrjir-it n l:iile s'n-ei, ,pposi?e tho
. Court IIoiie sijiia. c.
April 1 1, ls7-i-ti
J)AV1D L. SliiNE,
Ll Collei tions and all professional husi-
1 nrss pron-ptlr attended to.
jtme 20, 177.
f". I5L kchfikli,
ATTonrrEr - at - law,
M!FFLl.TOll., r.i.
.All business intrusted to bis care will be
carefully and promptly attended to. Col
lections made. Real estate b night, sold or
txchanged. Leases negotiated. Lands in
the South, West, and in tbe count-1;., sat-.
Iltlii-M on Hride S-ti-t. iimui.Ii. iiiU
; Court Horse i n.rll '77
rORT ROY At., JUSllTA CO., r.l.
CyOnly reliable Coinpaiii.-s n-priseuted.
8. is7i-ly
Physician and Surgeon,
'''" ui: . ... . r.
iH,;einhit:,'n!r''' iidence, at lhe south
I end of Water street. octL'S-.l!
j .... . ... ... ... .. ,
K r UK!, M. !.,
; ,, , , ., . .
I II.is resuiiied activi lv the practice of
, . - , ., ,, ,
Medicine and Surgery and lln ir co iter i
. , ..... , .. 1
branches. Olhce at t.- old corner of Third
I . .... .
and Orange streets, llitlliiil. :'. PS.
March 2t, K7li
J iM. BRAZKE, M. T) ,
.IcndemLi, Juniila Co , Pu.
Orrn-s formerly occupit d by Dr. ? terreti .
Professional business promptly attended to
at all hours.
OiTice o.posite Lutheran Chiirtii,
WKcre he will spend the first ten da ,f
cn-L month, ci!iiuuincing Decinibcr 1st.
The bala.ice id' the time his oluVc u ill
occupied by J. S Kilmer, a young ma't
worthy of confidence, and alio has beer,
associates! with lhe Doctor as student ami
assistant two years and uj wriis. Thoso
who call during Dr. liurl.iii's absence n f
pmfession.i! service, may, ami will pleas,,
arrange the time with Mr. Kiliaerwheu they
iaay be served, on the return of the Doctor.
(Ileltoid Biiii.Iin.l
.Main Sti et, .MiCIiutoivii,
ClIEMIt'.!.::, DI E Si i I F, PAINTS
c:alo;l, lamps, bcrners,
I! Urt;KTf!F..?,T501 H
bhTSIIKS, pi. j;.
iL, Tobac
co, ug,i:s.
. X O T I ( X S .
ijetert'.'l wit!i great car, and warranted
p-om high a tl.oritv.
for medical purp(ses.
E"TEr.S "Iwll'TlONS cmponnded wiih
great cure. (June 2U-II.
ill EAT!!
The undersigned have cn.iMenced the
Butchering business iu t-.e l-oToiigh of Mi?
ami PORK
can be hart tvery Tueslay, Thursday and1
Satnrdav. mornings at their ieat store at
the reirieluice of Sir. Hoc, on Cherry
street. Their wigon wUI also visit tbe r-i-dence
of citin tis tne saiu rVtorttings. Kill
one but tho best of sbx-k, and sell at f ur
prices. Give Qs a t-ial.
June 28, lS76-tf
done al tins oltxe.'