SEXTIXEL& REPUBLICAN . MIFFLINTOWN : lredaesday, Scptemb'r 19, 1S7T- TERMS. Subscription, J 1.50 per annum, if paid within 12 mouths ; $2.00 if not paid within 12 months. Transient advertisements inserted at 50 cents )r inch fr each insertion. Transient business notices in local col umn, 10 cents per line lor each insertion. Deductions will be made to those desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter vear. 'TENS' A B. ILTIME TABLE. ON and after Monday, Jane 25th. 1677, -scnr'r trains will leave Mittlin Sta tiuii, 1'. E. K., as follow : EASTWARD. Thila Ex., daily ex. Sunday night 12 51am Mifflin Arc, daily excepf Sunday, 6 2 a m Pacihc Express, daily ex. Monday 1(1 1'.ts m Johnstown Ex., daily ex. Sunday II 32 a m Atlantic Express, daily..... . ... 9 p m iiail, daily except SuudaVk....... 6 05 p m WESTWARD. Fittrb'g Ex , daily except Sunday 12 38 a m Pacific Express, dailv.i i 5 ni Wiy Pass., dailv J f ' ' m i f leaves ..i 10 lit a ni i, daily except Sunday, .. .t.t .'t 35 p in Mi.tlm Acc., daily except buu.lay, 8 i0 p iu j LOCAL 1STELLIGESCE. Plenty of rain. Butter CO cents. Sunday was a warm sinnm'r like day. Tee Fair begins to-day, with a good look- Philadelphia Markets Wheat. $1.43to M5. Corn StftotiOc. Anions the five tickets in the field in Iowa an An'.i-Mason ticket. An elopement in Sunbury has put that own in a whirl of excitement. Vine millions dollars is what the common "chools run fu this Slate last Vear. t ast WV'neidiv the Prohibitionists t . arrirtmrg and Dominate J a ticket. met aneS-is county workmen wi'l nominal i ticket ui the 2tlh inst., at Eujnsuurg. The nl.i of tire Hosteller property in 1 1''npsuton will take place Octob;r 20, Who says that 1C0 pounds of bass will consume as many pounds of lood in a year :s a man f Eels arc BaM to be scarce in the river. Fifhe-men conjecture that the boss eat the little eels. The Republicans of Lawrence county i.uuinated a Colored barber tor Asso- iaie J ii1 go. Th Aiioona DemocMey are out of har mony, trouble, double trouble, discord r'.ics the hour. There i a grand open air ball to be hrld m f iilpliu-- r-p-ins Lear Waterlord, on Fri-J-v, I ue 21st inst. An i now me astrenomicai cnscovrry ts , the prince ol Wales, piling his finger on ..nnonnced that the planet Mara has two ; American newspiper containing an ac tnoons attending it, count ot the Wallingtord matter, yes. I AMcVevtown man named D.I Bruncr t,li,,k u " Good day, sir," said Mr. his received a Mtont on a machine for mat. Tiiden wuh intense dignity.' -Go.t dy, H' liorsc-siioc nails. A bedy, or rlvs of apostles bercafW will n:'.e the Mormon Church, with John Taj lor ns head. So it is said. Ou Motiiiay a week the rgion about Kaslon, Pa., was visibly affected by the i-hock of au eartli'iiuiku. E'ig'a!"' is shout to shake the world. Her : ,4,11 ft iVee-t-a le. Her agents are in ' -s Coiiniry to gather henebmeu. A I!untiii?d ju lail named Harry Stewart, accl 1' years, received several shots ia one his hands lrotu a revolver which be was I.. wiling. The Pennsylvania railroail management -.jve de.termitie.i to &holish freight discriui- nation iroiu l'itt.burg Freights will be'-u. Xu we have them all fully organized for file campaign : Republicans, Democrats, (Treenbaikejs, l'rouuitiut:ists, and Labor Ketormers. A standing wit v Iti retirj; anthracite coal reg.ons. ivania, in the But why not T j Coal is king, and all L.ngs have standing nriuies. A pi; will be shaved and greased, and orru-d out icto the nr.g at Sunbury fair tiext wci4s, and the man who catches it will receive a purse. One of the regiments for three months' Stjte service as called for by Governor llartrsntt has been fully organized, with liartiey Howard as Colonel. It is not a Democratic or Republican rijrlit to enter a man's house and take out its inmates. Do Ihe advocates of coinpul-so!- ed - ?atioa long for Imperial govern .0. fit f Several days since David SuIoiifT.of Pat ter'on. caught three-pound btss, and v.i. co prelim ; the fish lor the table he i-.ui. l a t irtle as Uige as the palm of bis l.aiid in its taa. There was a row in the Democratic State Central Conin:ittee, when it met at Harris-'.-irg last neck, which resulted in the tject nieat of a ia.-?e s-iiad of gentlenen who claimed stats aa substitutes. The issues of Ihe day are met by the ; ia'form of the Republican party as adopt ed at llarrisbuig in State Convention. Read i hem carefully, as presented iu another pirt this paper, with a h-.-ad to each resolu tion. T!.e Union Park and Agricultural Associ ation of Xonhumberland County will bold ;u ir AnncM Fair at Sunbury, September 2't. -Jt! and 27. Acknowledgment is due lVid. ,it Eiu'l Wilvert, aial Secretary M. Purse!. I'T favors received. AU persous who lost freight by the Pitts liurg riot are requested, as per agreement between Coloucl Scott aud the 1'ittsourg Maritime Exchange, to present their claim lor loss, to the Company, who will make an . rlort to collect tbe claims from Allegheny connty. Xrs. Samuel Kepner, residing about one T.iMe from Port iioyal, was engaged In till- j ing a two-galloa jug w ith hot tomatoes. I last week. Ihe hist fruit poured into the d;d not fi.l it. The jug was corked un til n.oie tomatoes rould be prepared. In time tbe boiling truit was ready to be poured in omo wlut bad already been jugged. 'I he ,rk was drawn out, aud was followed by 'fie confined tomatoes, which escaped with .a a rush that tbey were spurted into 5!rs. Kt-jmer'a face, and onto her breast, scalding ber wherever tbey touched to such a degree that the skin of the flesh was re doved. The Lewistowe Gaztflt tells bow, some times, a groom pfi'd his marriage fee in tbe davs of Kv. James S. Woods : "Rev. Jas. S." Woods preached as stated supply from till lK'l, and was regularly installed as Pastor in 18li4, he preaching at McVey town hf his time, Lcwistowit charge pay ing him as its thare of the salary. In those earlier das merchandise entered largely into the ivment of the preacher's salury, as well as 'his weddltiR lees Mi. "Voods Laving Liken many a bushel of po tatoes, gram, inc., and sometimes allow ing the grocro to chop at tlie wood-pile to the amouut of his lee, which was always left optional with the couple. The following incident, and sympathetic mistake is related by tbe Pittsburg Gaxtlte : A whnop-bsng sort of a boy, with fret as broad and flat aa a pie-tin, trotted through the market yesterday till he reached a stall kept bv an nmuarriod woman about thirty years old. Halting there, he yelled out : "Say! say! Von,- little boy bas been run over and killed, up by the tity Hall!" "Oh, oh! Heavens oh 1 oh !" she screamed aa she made a di.e under the counter, came p on th- outside, and i-'.artcd to follow tbe boy. Alter poiii,j ten teet she hailed, looked very foolish all of a suldcn. and remarked i " U'liai a goose I am ! Why, I aiu': evea married !" Personal. Samuel Haffly, of Mifflin county, was to town cn Friday. Mrs. General Sherman is soverley opposed to round dancing. Edgar M. King, of the Altoona Radical, is a candidate for Legislative honors. W. P. Wilson, of B.-lIefonte, is Chair man of the Republican State Central Com mittee. Patrick lingua is night watchman at River side Park'. D. K. Suloutf is Chief of Police at River side l'aik. President Hayes called to see Scnatir Morton, woo i lying quite iil, at his Duma Iu Indiana. Wsde Hatr.ptrm claims to hare received letters threatening bud with assassination if he n North. Jesse Sarvis, originally from Waterf.rd, this county, but since the collapse of the Soulliern Confederacy a resident ol Wash ington City, was in town last week. The bemocracy of Northumberland co"n ty In convention recoiumend Senator Dill, of t'nion connt. as just the man for a Can didate tor Governor. James Creswell his invented a traee--.prinp, that is highly spoken of by all who have iistd it for drawing heavy loads. Ky their tine l here is a (Treat saving on tha wear and tear of horse tL-sh. Kev. O. L. Asheiilelter, of Carlisle, lias ; publicly leiioiinced his adherence to the I doctrines oi Ch-lstisnilv as by I the Kefornied church) and asked foralinis- I sioc into the Lnirersalist church. James F. MillikCn, District Atfnrwy of Blair county, rt held in $1,500 bill lor his appearance at court to answer the charge of inciting the rioters in Allouua dn Die 21st of last J uly. Miss Mary Noney, an actress, won the heart of Senator Spencer, or Alabama, and Id be nearer to each other they were mar riea last tetiueay, in Aew loik, pri vately. Samuel Randall, tt U slid, will be a can didate tor the speakership of the Lower House ot Congress, and will lie for the Texas Pacific railroad. But how about the resolution on railroad as pissed by the late State conWntion of the Democracy. Alas! and there again is Barquo's ghost. The Rev. Mr. Leipsner. of the R'd Bmk Baptist Church, chose this method of an nouncing from the pulpit, last Sunday, an addition to his tamilv: "My friends my sermon this morning will be very "hurl. I want to go home and help en'.eftaic a young geiitleiuati who came to the iiarsuuage late last nig tit." The rifle contest at Creedmoor on the 1.1th was won by the Americans The Eng lish team ilirl Hnn ahiMitiiiir T hf hmt uhol The best shot aiiiiihir t Vi 1 ilul.iKiiia via M.aM k. f !' ' Bltdeiibiiruh. and the vietorv just spoken oi at treediuoor puts him forward as the best rifle shot in the world. Mr. Bliden bnrgh was a college, class, and room-mate of George Jacobs, Jr., of mis place. Mr. T.lden met the Pr'nce of Wales. The proceedings were wilhout formality. "Well, old fellow," he said, 1 see yon Iiave been mi-behaving again Fretrc h actress this time, hey f Are vof! nid aware, my fhtt reform Is necessary f " -Yes. sir." said the Prirce ol" Wales, bowing stiffly. The cable docsu't seem to hate mentioned this. Tell it everywhere bnt in Hath, that two of the dekgates to the Berks county R pub lican Convention were colored men. The whole number of delegates present were 175. The Haves resolution reads ss follows: "That President Hayes, in his ad ministration of tbe government, bas evinced an elevation ot purpose, a pu it V of patriot ism ami an enlightened statesmanship which commend him to the country, and tnat hav ing been faithful to the p incu les an nounced at ihe Cincinnati Convention, and having honestly and earnestly endeavored to carry them out in practic, he is entil ed to be reg irded as the fitting representative of the Republican party." Mrs. Sawin, of Kansas, is a p'uckv woman w ho has a larm of 300 acres of prairie land. This sp-ing she h irvested ten acres ot w heat of her own plowing and sowing, and put down twenty acres more, besides some sorg h'lm and broom corn. She is list a strong- bodiel woman; on tho eontrarv, when she began her plowing she was so feeb'e that she had an easy chair at tbe end of ber fur row, and was ob'iged at every second row to stop atid rest. ?be chose this life te cause she bad more fitness for it tb in any thing else that gave promise of a future for two little sons shorn she desired to educate to usef ulness. Her health imp-vves, and a sheep raiser in the neighborlioixl has en gaged her to plow ten acres of laud tor him and take ber pay in sheep. The Mifflin County Fair Association will hold their Fair at Lewistown, beginning on the 25th inst., and ending on the 2th inst. I Trials of speed. Weduesdav. Sept. 20. 1 Purse $ Vt ; lor colts under 4 years spring of j 1877, owned and bred in county ; S , $ 5, $10, S . Purse Wi; open to all horses ow ned in county GO days ; $2-3, $20, $12, $. Thursday, Sept. 27. 3:00 class; Purse $lt0; $)0, $10, $10. 2:33 class; Purse f -XIO ; $l2i, $V, $2-5. Friday, Sej.t.28. 2:15 class; Purse $150; $85, $, $25. Free to all; Purse $500; $ JO0, $125, $75. Ma. Cbbistias K. Ross, in speaking of the numerous recoveries of his child, says: Why, I have had five hundred, yes, nearly six hundred cases broupht to my notice from all over this country, Canada and Eng land, and in nine rasas out of ten, when I traced them out they were either illegiti mate children or women running away with the child from their husbands. Take that York child, for instance, the peoj.le up there wei certain that it was my boy. 1 went up, and it didn't take me hut a few hours lo find out that it was an illegitimate child and was in the possession of its mother, iu mother, its father being a Pbila d el phi an. I have just finished np a case Irom England, where the child was called Ros bv its reputed father, and there isn't a wei k passes but what I am called on to pass judgment about some child. I don't have much confidence in many of them, but I am afraid to let any slip by for fear they might be the right cue." The only business that bas not become crazed over the swift methods or the pres ent day. is court business. Business iu ihe courts is done as measuredly as in days of yore. An exception is narrats:l by a Phila delphia paper, by which a fellow was put through on lailroad time. The item reads : On Wednesday m Philade'phia a coloied man picked the pocket of a lady at Broad and Arch streets at ten in the morning. Before eleven he bad been anested, bound over by a Magistrate, indicted by the Grand Jurv, tried in the Quarter Sessions, convicted and sentenced to -nine months imprisonment. Wber. the Stale House clock struck eleven, the culprit was calmly awaiting the ar-ival ol the prison van to take him to bis new quarters at Moyainen sing prison. The Philadelphia pajrs claim that ibis is Ihe best time ever made by jus tice in any city in tbe Union. A Cleveland. Ohio, despatch last week savs: The cattle plague, which has broken oiil in the sur.-ounding country, is supposed to b.- a species of Texas fever. Tbe Texas cattle tm vear are covered with ticks ot two varieties, the bite of which is poison ous to the blond Many cattle are dying daily. Several rases of children's having been poisoned by drinking infected milk has already come to the notice ot the city physicians. Beef is affected by the disease, but can easily be detected by spots. Tbe disease is said to be very infeciious. A vet erinary surgeon who has treated about forty cases aavs that tne symptoms with milch cows are, first a falling off of about one half the yield ol milk, their bloody passages and in a "lew hours death. He recommends as treatment to wash the animal n a lotion which acts as a disinfectant for the tick and as an antidote for tbe poison. A TfROSK de'patch oo Satnrdaj, saJ8: V. W. liuickiusno, alia. Ware, ot Altooua, aud W. F. Fuuk, belong ing, also, in that vioioitv, baring been suspected for some time of "shoving the queer" and dealing in connterfeit mon ey were spotted by several Pittsburg de tectives, and followed to tbe City bolei at Tyrone. Due of tbe detectives gain ed tbe confidence of tbe shovers and proposed to take some of tbeir moneys aa i bey bad about $1,000 in greenbacks) halves ai.d trade dollars in tbeir posses sion. An agreement was made to have the transfer made in one of the roof), a of tbe hotel, where tbe detective and the two dealers in tbe queer met accord ing to appointment. Tbe men produced a roll of greenbacks, which tbe detec tive said be could not receive unless tbry were wrapped Hp in muslin, as it was too dangerous to carry that kind of money around loose. Hutchinson, who bad a sort of sus picion ot the detective, lelt tbe room with his hand on tbe butt of his pistol While absent tbe detective aeiced Fuuk aud a ftmgifle eusued. Funk got on the top aud tried to use bis own pis tol, but was prevented. Tbe noise of the struggle brought chief detective linger U'Mara. of Pittsburg upon tbe Sv-ene, and Funk was csp'nred. Meat. while Ilutvbiusou made his ap pearance, and was met ou the stairway by Mr. I W. Perkins, another detec tive from Pittsburg. The counterfeiter wag comma. .ded to surrender, but in- stead of complying with tbe order, he drew his revolver aud fired two shots iu succession, both of wbiuh missed the detective Perkins then returned I lie fire, hitting Hutchinson in a Vital part. The latter ran about a square and a half, then fell and sent to prison, Per kins, the detective, ni also arrested, but subsequently released, by older of the coroner's jury. Hutchinson is represented to have been a fins looking man, and was em ployed with a gang of counterf-ifera and pliovers who handled over $-00,-000 :n hpurious money. s ben the full force of tbe water was turned on tn the fountain at the Expo sition last evening, a country chp, who stood close by, dronped his carpet sack ran over forty people, upset Tom Brad ley at the door, and was down at the j ferry dock in five minutes, waiting tn get actoss the river and go home, lie to'd a man he guessed the show about washed out. as the rlern thing busted in four or five places before be left." Courier Journal. An Indian missionary has told a enrres isindent of the Somerset llrrali how to pre- ! serve green corn on the Cobs, as follows i friend, , " I"B your corn Is in good eating condi " aaid' tion. pluck the ears and remove all the busKs nut the last layer next tin.-corn, being careful not to any of ihe grains, Then tie a string tightly around this husk at tie end where the silk then take one half gallon ol clean hickory ashes, put it ahd thive or four g illons of watr in a deep vessel and. while it is boiling, dip the corn into il s'owly eight or ten times, holding bv the string you have tied around it. Hang aav in a dsrk, dry plica. Vt'heriexcr you want roasting ears V ou will have them as fresh ss hen they came from the stalk. The Indians preserve hundreds of bushels iti this way without a single failure " Mr. Simmer and Miss Lagle, of Hnnting don county, were married iu the i at hoi ic church in Huntingdon town, last week. Father Murphy United them ill the bonus. Tm Bloomtield Tirmssays: On Wednes day last a sad accident, resulting in ihe death ot lr in Chisholm, a lad aged about lrj t ears, aud son ol Irvin Chisholm, Sr., I ot DniH-aiin-n, hupened near "the loop" f on S herlnan a C reck. It aiiears that the lad w ho was killed was humiiig in company with two other boys from that liorouirh. and at ubuut noon sat iIjwu to eat a lunch, and lake a rest. While sitting there the gun ot young f'hisliolm slipped from a stone ou which it was resting, causing it tudischa'ge the load, which entered his Ion-head, blow ing bis brains out, A citizen of this j lace, wbo was on the opposite side of the creek fishing, heard the report ol the gun, and in answer to I lie calls of the boys cross d over to their assistance, but was only in time to see the unlortiitiale 1m. y breathe his last. One ot his companions at once started to Iuncaiinon to inform bis friends ot tbe ter rible occurrence. On Wednesii.iy evening, September -rth, Mr. Samuel Rice, in Company wuh several Iricrsls and ucighhors. cut a large bee.-tree, I on me. larm oi rs. cuen nice, in 1 usca- n.ra to usbip. The swarm was a verv larire OI1f yielded 60 pounds of excellent honey. Mr. liice was paid wel tor his trouble, and all jiresent will long remember j the pleasure whicb tbe occasion afforded. The house of Wm. Saucerman. on the ridge in Juniata township, was broken into during the absence of ttie family on Sunday atteruoou, aud robbed of a watch, clothing, etc. Tug Juniata County Agricultural Society will hold their Annual Exhibition on their grounds at Port Royal, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 3d, 4th and 5th. By order of the President. SAMUEL BUCK, Trtaturer. aug22-3t M A 11 III El): MOTER ETKA On Thursday evening, Sept. 13, 1877, at the Lutheran parsonage in Port Royal, by Rev. II. C. Shindle. Mr. Silas C. Mover and Miss Laura M. Etka, both of Fermanagh township. COM3IERC its. MIFFLLNTOWN MARKETS. Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thomas MirrLixTowx, Sept. 19, 1877. Butter Eggs iird Ham....... Bacon Potatoes. .. Onions..... Rags 20 15 8 12 8 40 40 2 MIFFLINTOWN GRAIN MARKET. Corrected weealy by Buyers 11 Kennedy. Qiotatioss roa To-oat. Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1877. Wheat 1 40 Corn 50 Oais 2010.12 Rve 55 Timothy seed... ... Cloverseed. ......... .. 1 OOlol 25 7 00 M EAT MEAT!! Tbe undersigned have commenced the Butchering business in the borough of Mil Hmtown. BEEF, VEAL. MUTTON, and PORK can be had every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ornings at tbeir meat store at the residence .f Mr. Howe, on Cherry street. Their wagon will also visit the resi dence of citizens the same mornings. Kill none but the best of stock, aud sell at lair prices, utve ns a trial HOWE fc ETKA. June 28, 1876-tf CLOSING PRICES or DE HAVEN &T0MSEND, BARKERS, No. 40 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, Stocks Bonght and Sold either for Cash or on a Margin. Sfpl 17, 1877. Bid. Asian. P. S. 6'a 18H1 lint mi M is5, J ft. J. 1H7 IH08 10.40's " Currency, 6's. ...... 105 ia lora 107 1119 !! 12l 107 a 10--, 102 2!J 1.J Sfi 19 i hi Hic 122 I07J Hfc, , 16 li lao l l iei - .Vs. 1881, new 4i's, new, 6'a Pennsylvania R. R Philadelphia ft. Reading R. R.. Lehigh Valley R. R I.ehigh Coal ft Navigation Co.. I'nited Companies of N. J.... Pittsburg, Titusville ft. Buffalo R. R Philadelphia ft. Erie R. R. Northern Central R. R. Co.... Hestonville Pass. R. R. Co.... a 12 103 12J 10BI tiold, Sew Advertiaementa- Magnificent $6-' Rosewood Pi anos $170, tii.e Rosewood l'p right Pianos (little used) cost flPRSN 'onlv $125. ninst be sold. UilUJUlO Parloriirgans, 2 slops, :- 'stoia $51 12 stops only $75 i Nearly new 4 set reed 12 stop, suh bass ft. wtave conpler Organs, cost over :5, only too. Lowest Prices ever offered sent ou 15 days test trial. You ask why 1 offer so cheap t I teply Hard Times. Result sales over l.lNXl.COO annually. War commenced by monopolists. Beware of auonynious Cir cular. Write for explanation, battle ra ging. Ellll particulars free. Address DAN IEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. PUU$5 outfit fiee. Portland, Maine. II. UALLETT ft. CO. Mothers who dose their darlings Willi ; drsstic purgatives in ur a fearful respo-si- bi!ity. The gentle, moderate (vet efT-ctive) laxative, alterative, and anti-bilious opera tion of Tarrant's nterresMnt Self wr Aperient, peculiarily adaps it to the disorders of chil dren. $12 A DAT at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terms free. TRUE k. CO., Augusta, Maine. ; 3 lr,'.T af home. Terms free. $3 H $LtU Address Ceo. Stissos Jl Co., : " ' j Portland, M STAMMERING 1XSTITCTE DR. WHITE, 417 Fourth Avenue, N. T No pay until cured. Send for circular. TIJE CHEAPEST & BEST ADVERTISING, TO REACH READERS UTSIDE OF TEE LAKdE CITIES. Ovrr 10O0 Xepaptr. Divid ed Into ls. Uillerent Mats. Advertisements received for one or more lists. For catalogues containing names of pijiers, and other information and tor esti mates, address IslMLiS & rosTfcit, 41 Park Row (Times Building). New Vork. BUYERS & KENNEDY, (Successors to D. P. Sulouff,) DEALERS IN 2 It A IX, CO A I Ia tall BUR, CEMKaSTT. Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster, SEEDS, SALT, $.C. We buy Grain, to be delivered at Mifflin town or Mexico. We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. BUYERS 4. KEN'NEDr. April 21, 1877-tf SEE! SEE! GO TO THE Port Royal Agricultural Agency FOR YOUR THRESHING MACI1INES, HORSE POWERS, STEAM ENGINES SEPjI RJTORS, CLOVER I1UL.L.KRS, Flows, Harrows, Grain Drills, &c, &c. IT" Fifteen Per Cent. Les than Can be had Elsewhere. jji J. F. JACOBS fc CO., Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. Jnly 25, 1877. g0105IO SEIBER, Will visit Mifflin and Patterson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings and will furnish the itixens of these bor oughs witt the best of BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, PORK, fcc st the very lowest prices. He respecUull) solicits tbe patronage of tbe pnblic. Legal A'olices. NOTICE. A XJL against trespassing upon the lands of the undersigned, either in Walker or Uela ware township, by fishing, bunting, or in any other way. John N. Van-Ormer. J. W. Leyder. Henry M. Miller. Solomon Maobeck. George S. Smith. J. S. Lukens. William Maobeck. Lnke Davis. H. D. Long. John F. Smith. 8ept 1, 1877-m PIMCS Legal .Vol ice t. EEAL ESTATE AT 0RPHANS'C0IJRT SAtK rfl'IB nndersigned. Administrator of. the X estate of Elizabeth Burr is, dsceaaed, by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Juniata connty, will sell, on the premises in Payette township, aaid county, at 2 o'clock p. m., on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1877, The following described real estate, to wit: A tract of land, bounded on the north by lands of C. I. hvlleub-rger, on the east by lands of Isaac Banner, on ih. south by land of William RauiivN aud Joseph Long, and on the west by lands ol Jouab Dunn, con taining FORTl'-FOVR ACRES more or less, of lim. alone land, all cleared and in a good stain ol cultivation, Laving thereou erected a GOOD STONE HOUSE, BARN, Stone Spring House and other out buildings. There are two Fountain I'uniiiS for use of bouse and barn, aud an Orchard of very tine fruit. The above described property Is r!ia 16 a school house and church, and sliout one and abali milea from VcAlisttrville. TERMS OF SALE. Five per cent, of tbe purchase mntli y to be paid on day of sale ; ten per cent, when the sale is con firmed by the Court ; and (he balance in two equal annual inauts, April 1, 1878, and April 1, 187'., with interest; subject to a dower iu favor of the widow of James Dunn, deceased. W. II. McALLSTER. ang29 Adiu'r of Elitabcth Burris, dee'd. ASSIGNEES SALE OF -wr- O Til A rilTl I I j A A lJ ! 1)UKSUANT to an alias order of sale is sued by the Court of Common Pleas of tne county of Juniata, the undersigned. Assignee of John W. Saitain, will expose to sale by public vendue, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2f, 1877, at three o'clock P. M. of aaid day, on tbe premises, the lollowing real estate, vis: A TRACT OF LAND OR FARM, situate in Walker township, connty of Ju niata, Pa , bounded by lands of Jeromo X . Thompson aud others on the north, by lands of the heirs ot Peter Regan on the east, by lands of Emanuel IVettler on the south, by lands of David Ailruau ou the west, Con taining lOO ACHES more or less. This is a valuable Farm, in tine state of cultivation, situated conveni ently to store, church and school, and BJ miles from Thoiupsontown station, P. K. R., is well watered by a never-tailing Spring, baa tine THRIFTY ORCHARDS, which yield choice fruits in abundance, and has thereon erected two couilortable aud substantial DWELLING HOUSES, A liOOD FRAME BANK BARN, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Spring House, and othiT outbuildings. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per centum or the price tor which the farm is sold to le paid cash when the same is strl'-ken down ; fllteen jier centum additional when the sale is continued by the Court t one-half of the whole on tha 1st 01 Ard, 1H7S; and Ihe balance, b 'ing one-fourth of the w hole, on lilt 1st ot April, lr79. These two last pay ments to tie secured by judgment bonds, and to bear Interest from Oate or continua tion. ROBERT McMEEN, Assignee ol John W. SarUin. Sept. I, 1877. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE ! BV virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Juniata county, the under signed, Assignee ot Solomon Coflinin for the benefit of his creditors, will otf.;r at jiublic sale, on Ihe premise, in Fayette township, Juuiata county, at 2 o'clock P. M., on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1877, The following described real estate, to wit : No. 1. A trai t of land, being the Man siou Farm ot said Assignor, containing One Hundred and Forty Acre, more or less, having thereon erected a Large Stone Dwelling House, BANK BARN", Wagon Shed wiih Stabling, Corn Crib, and other oiitnuildinzs. About 12 acres of this laud is cleared, well fenced, and in a high State of cultivation. Tile balance is well set With Chestnut, Oak, and other valuable timber. Tnere is a fine Quarry of excellent LIME STONE on the premises, with KILX elect ed thereon. The land has recently been thoroughly limed. There is a tine Spring of water on the js-emises, with a Fountain Pump, which supplies both the house and barnyard with an excellent quality of water. Ibis farm is well supplied with Fruit, there bcirg a good Apjle Orchard, a Peach Or chaid, and a gd supply of Grapes and other small fruits on Ihe premises. fio. 2. A tract of land adjoining the above described tract ou the east, contain- "8 riCHTV-riVE ACRES, more or less having thereon erected a good FRAME hOLLSE, BANK BAU.V, and outbuildings. About Seventy Acres of this land is cleared, well fenced, and also in a good state of cultivation ; Ihe remainder is well set with limber. There is a fine Young Orchard on the premises, a Spring ot good water near Ihe house, aud a Foun tain Pump in the barnyard. Xo. 3. Three lots of Woodland, con taining about S IX ACRE each, adjoining the land above describ.-d on the north This land is also well set with Chestnut, Oak, and other timber. The land above described is situated about 2 miles southeast ot McAlisterville, about 1 mile northeast of East Salem, and about 1 mile Irom Brown's Mihs. It is in close proximity to schools, churches and stores. TERSIS. Ten percent, of the purchase money fu be paid w hen the land is struck down to the purchaser; fifteen jr cent. when the sale is continued by the C urt ; and the balance in three payments, the joining tl.e ab .ve-dcscritJcri farm, contaiti nn n.v.1,1.- in six months from daleol eon- ine about EIGHT At'KtS, all cleared, in a Urination, and the other payments in twelve and eighteen months Iroiu said date respec tively, w ith interest from Ap-tl 1, 1878, in case of the cleared land, and from date ot continuation in case of the woodland ; the payments to be well secured by judgment notes. EZRA si Ml I'll, Assignee of Solomon CutTinan. Sept 5, 1877. "X DM IX ISTRATOjT'SS A LE 0 F REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned. Administrator of the estate of Sylvester C. Frey, d.eased. will offer at public sale, on the premia-'a. in Fayette tuwnshi, Juniata county, l'a , at I o'clock r. a., on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1877, The following described real estate, to wit t The undivided one-half of a tract of WOOD1 AISD, situate in said townshiji, about a halt mile east of Brown's Mill, bounded by lands of Oeorge Ilepner, Henry Hart, Samuel M. Kuril and Michael Eicnuian, containing ELEVEN ACRES, MORE OR LESS. TERMS. One-hall of Ihe purchase money to be pud on confirmation of sale by the Court ; the balance on the first day of April, 1878, when deed will be delivered and pos session given. JOSEPH LOVG. Adtn'r of Sylvester C. Frey, dee'd. septLJ Subscribe for IheSraisrosd Republican. It contains more, and a greater variety of good and useful readug matter than any other connty paper; .r?i JWicea. PU1JLI0 SALE OF fALITABI.E REAL ESTATE! 1 PURSUANT to an order of anle bv the Court of Common I'leaa ineii of J- niata county, the undersigned. Assignee of John Benner and Ann Elizt, his wife; will expose to a ile by puMi; vendue, on the premises, at 3 o'clock P. M., on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1877, The following descrils-d real estate, to wit : A tract of land situated in Fayette town ship, Juniata connty, bounded on the east bv lands of Lewis Landis, tin the south by lands of John (lingrich, on the west by lands of John Gingrich a id others, ami on the north bv lands of Ezra i-niitli, containing TWELVE ACRES, mom or less, hi'lug thereon erectea a log-frame DWELLING HOUSE, Log Stable, and other outbuildings and three Lime Kilns. This property is very pleasantly situated, being ab oit one mile distant from church, store, and school, and is located about one n.i'e north of Eist Salem, and al ont 4 miles north of Thomp son toon station of P. R R.. and about 14, mil a south of McAlisterville. The kind is of the best quality of lime stone liitit There is a large limestone quarry, and an abuudauce of limestone to keep the three kilns now erected on it, run ning for many xeara. Conditions of sale Ten pore nt. of the purchase money to be paid when the prorty is stricken down ; til teen percent, when the sale is confirmed by the Court ; fifty per cent of Ihe w hole on the first day ot April, 1M78, and the balance, being one- tuurtli of the whole, on the lirit day of I April, IOIJ. 1 llt-M) l" JiJlII'ClllS V ' wurei tv judgment tnd, n to ber a :i Itf-fi Tl a I.. - 4.. in ir real inni yiv uny fi iir. i o5 xckuted l the jjUnltAer ami pu&a.uQ g?vt;D CD the first of April, 178. Also, at the same time and place will be sold the tallowing personal proertv: One secretary. I clock, 1 bedstead, I cook stove, 1 brass kettle, crocks. 1 cart, 1 hok-y low, I barrel. ROBERT McVEEV. Assignee of John Btnnrr and wife. Sept 12, 1877. HOUSE AND LOT AT PUBLIC SALE. rjpill! undersigned, Ensriitor cf John JL H'lsletler, deceased, will otfer a house aud ht at puUic sale, on the preuiis s. in the borough id Thoiupsontown, Juniata county. Pa., at 1 o'clock p. on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1877, Described as follows : A Lot of Ground situated in the borough ot Thomiwontowu, in county and Mate aforesai 1, bounded on the north by Main street, ou the west b. an alley, on the south and east by lam Is ol T. Thompson, bating thereon erected a Irame DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Stable, and other outbuildings. - TERMS. Twenty per cent, when the projierty is stricken down ; thiity per ceut. April I, It7r. and the bilance April l,l-7'.. Pa UH-nl to be secured bv judgment bond ami to bear interest from April 1, lts8, at which date Ieed wiil be executed and pos session given. JOHN C. HOfJTETLER, Sept II, 1877. Extntor. rt BLIC SALE. At the same time ami jiiace above men tioned, the lollowing j.ropcrty will be offer ed for sale by the uu-ici signed : Three pair ol bedsteads, 1 table, 1 desk, 1 cook stoe, 1 ten plate stove, 1 chest, 1 settee, chairs, and numerous other house hold articles and utensils not necessary to nictit on. MISS MARY HOSTETLER. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLEJEAL ESTATE. THE undersigned. Executor of the estate of Sarah Mronp, deceased, late ot the borough),! Milliintnwn, will sell at public sale, on the premises, in the borough of Millliiitowu, at 1 o'clock P. M., on SATURDAY, OCTOBKR 2, 1877, the following real estate, to wit t Two hits of ground, situate on Lemon or School street, having a front of sixty and one-half fett on sai'l street, and extending bark 111) feet to an lllevi baing th-reon erected a GOOD FRAME HOUSE, one and a half stones high, adjoining lot of James F. Paiker on lha south aud lot of Mrs. Moiiohan on the north. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, when the property is strick en down i forty per cent. Ajiril I, 178, when deed will be delivrred and possession given; the bilanco April 1, 187'J, with in terest from Afril 1, 1878, to be secured by judgment bond. JOSEPH ROTHROCK. Execntor of Sarah Stroupi dee'd. Aug. 28, 1877. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PUBLIC SALE. THE nndersigned. Executors of the last will and testament ot the Hoc. Everard Olcs, deceased, will sell at public sale, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1877, at 2 o'clock P. M, Ihe following described valuable real estate, to wit : No. l.-TLe Mansion Farm of tbe said deceased, situate in Rente township, Juniata county. Pa., and adjoining the vil Isge of Johnstow n, containing OXE IIUDRED ACRES of land of a superior soil, ami now in a good state of cultivation, having erected thereon a large couilortable DWELLING HOUSE, GOOD BANK BARN, Carriage Uhd, and other convenient and necessary outbuilding. Well and running water near the bouse. As a home 'this property is the most desirable in the county. No. 2 A Lot or Piece of Land ad Hue state of cultivation, and having a good Limestone Quarry on it. Xo. 3. A Tract or Piee of Meadow Land, near Ihe above-described property, containing about THIRTEEN ACRES, all cleared. No. 4. A Tract or Piece of Timber Land in Beale tt -vnship. containing K6' ACRES snd l.W PERCHES. This tract is well set with young and I In It ty timber, and is convenient to the tract brst above-de-scribv-d. No 5 Also, ft Piece of Timber Llhd, convenient to the last tract named, containing 8 ACRES and 117 PERCHES. The Sale of the above-describ.-d property will take j lace on the Mansion Farm, de scribed as No. 1 in this advertisement. TERM3 OF SALE. Ten per cent, to be paid on Ihe day of sale) fitly per cent, ot the balance to be paid on the 1st day ot April, 1878, when possession will be given and deeds made. The residue of the purchase money to be paid on tbe 1st day of October, 1878, with interest Irom April 1st, 1878, to be secured to the satisfaction of the Exorntors. JACOB A. CHRISTY, JAMES NORTH, sep5-ts Executors of E. Oles, dee'd. Estate of Jmiiepn Pomeroy, Deceased. ALL accounts and notes due said estate remaining nnpaid November 1, 1877, will be placed in the bands of an attorney tor collection. J. NEYIN POMEROY, Executor. aiig22-lt Sentinel and Republican $1.50 a yeai A1ISCELL1A E0 US 50 Scwiiisr jttacliiiies will he Su.d Every person should go to the Fair next week, at Riverside Park, near Mifflin, and see the Largest lot of Sewing Machines ever exhibited in the county, as fbliows : ELIAS tlOWE, SINGER. GROVER & BAKER, All Warranted New Machines, which will he sold at reduced prices for Cash. Also: will sell at Auction at VI o'clock on tho 20th and 2 1st on the ground. 2w .J. It. M. TOID. WAR! WAR! WAR I 6sr HIGH PRICES The undersigned, for the next CO (fays' wiTl fell at COST for cash, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, STOVES, WALL TAPER IRON, and everything be keeps on fiand in bis Hardware Store. NOW IS THE TIME for all wbo desire to pnichas anything in my lTne, to call and bny. I invite everybody to give me a call, to examine fny goods, and 10 see lor lueiusclvcs Sat I am in earuest, and a iu selling mv goods at COST. J. W. MUTHEESBAUGH, PEOPLE'S HARDWARE STORE, July 2-3m D. W. HARLEY'S la tbe jlaia iue!e toil Ciu Du THE IlKST A.M Til 13 CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS CLOTHING H.1TS. C.I PS, BOOTS, SHOES, .ISO i'URXISUIXG GOODS. HE 5 preparer! to exhibit ofie of the most this market, aud st JSTOSISHISGLY LOW PRICES ! Also, rrjeasurpa taken for soifi and parts of Suits, which will be made id order at short notice, very reison:tblo. Kemeuiber the place, in "ffi.ffuian'j 3cw BuilJing, corner of Hri'fn atij Water s'reets, MIFFLINTOWN, ?. Sept. li, Wi-tt SAM'L STRAYER lias just returned from tbe Eastern cities with a full variety of MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CATS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, GENTS' FCRXISHIXIS GOODS. Goods of all knds are low. r.m and see nn and be astonished Pants at T. cents. C7 SVl fS MADE TO OHM.K.ja Patterson, Pa., May 2S, 1876. SAMUEL STIi.i VER. INEW GOODS! IN'EW GOODS!! AT J. 13. At. TODD'S, PATTERSON, PA. I have pist returned from Philadelphia with a full line of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Men's Suits, S-L-V), $-5.00 to 2O.0O. Boys' Suits, $J."jt), ft rM to $10.00. A full line of the .MOST a4SIIIOJ4blLr HATS. at low prices. A complete assortment of Ladies' Best Shoes, at $1.2- and upwards. A full line of Children's Shoes. I have also a full line of Ladies' llosc, Handker chiefs, &.c. Also, a large stock of GROCEEIES. Arbnckles' Coffee 3Cc. Macktral, No. 1, $ 30 per bbl. I am now selling SEWING MACHINES at WHOLESALE PRICES. I will sell you any kind ol a machine at TiTBJTW PEI CEST. LESS than they are usually sold. Leave your orders, and you can have any kind yon waut. J. B. M. TODD. Patterson, May 17, 1876. Philadelphia & Beading Bailroad. Arrangement of Passenger Traius. Arr.rsT loth, 1877. 77ia i,re HtrritbMTg as follows : For New Tork at 5 20, 8 10 a.m., and 3 j7 and 7 o-" p. m. ror Philadelphia at 5 20, 8 10, 9 1 j a. m.( 2 00 and 3 -37 p. m. For Reading a' 5 20, 8 10, 9 45 a. m., S 00 3 -jt ami I 5 p m. For Pottsville al 5 2o, 8 111 a; tr, and 3 57 p. m. and via Schuylkill i S uwpiehanna Branch at 2 40 p. ni. For Auburn via S. Jt S Br inch at 5 10 l m. For Allentown at 5 20. S 10 a. m . 2 U, 3 57 and 7 6o p. m. The 5 21, 8 10 a. in and 3 57 and 7 " p ni. trains have through cars for New York. Tbe 5 2il, V 10 a. m. and 2 p m. trains bare through cars tor Philadelphia. SVSD.1YS. For New Tork at 5 20 a. m. For Allentown and way station I921. m For Reading, Philadelphia and way stations at 1 4 j p. m. 7ri for Harrubmrg Uavt as foliates s Leare Ne Tork at 8 45 a. m., and 1 00, 80 and i to p. ra. Leave Philadelphia al 9 15 a. ni., and 3 40, and 7 20 p. m. Leave Reading at ft 40, 7 40, 1 1 20 a. ni., 1 30, 6 li and 10 3 p. m. Leave Pottsville at 6 10,9 15 a.m. and 4 35 p. m., and via Schuylkill and Susquehan na branch at If 15 a. m. Leave Auburn via S. 4. S. Branch at 12 00 noon. Leave Allentown at f2 30, 5 50, 8 55 a. m.. 12 15, 4 30 and 9 05 p. in. t Dots not raa o ilonduyl. SUSb.lYS. Leave New York at 5 30 p. ni. Leave Philadelphia at 7 '!' p m. Leave Reading at 4 40 and 7 40 a. m. and 10 35 p m. Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. and 305 p.m. Fio Harris ani Esttx Raatroai. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager. C. G. HANCOCK, Gtmeral Ticket Jgent. jjExor h a its n b erger,m7d Continues the practice oT Medicine and Surgery and all their collateral branches. Office at bis residence in McAlisterville. Feb , 1H75. .1D I'ER ilSEMEM IS. NEW AMERICAN, DAVIS, NEVV DOMESTIC. Main Street, opposite Court House, Mifilintown, Pa. choice and select stock ever offered in Professional Curds. jJOUlS E. ATKINSON", ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MlFrLIXTOWN, PA. CCollectfrrg ind Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. OrritK On Bridge street, opposite thd Court llouso Square. LFUED J. PATTERSON, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. C7" All business promptly attended to. Orrici On Bridge stree', opposite the Court House square. JOBERT McMEEi Attorney and Counselor -at-Law Prompt attention given to the securing and collecting of claims, aud all legal busi ness. Orrica on bridge street, first door west ot the belt. ml building. April 11, 1875-tf J)AV1D D. STONE, ATTORNEY- AT- LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Collections and all professional busi ness promptly attended to. jnne 20, lr77. B. F. BURCIIFIELD. ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MIFFLlXTOnW, PJ. All business intrusted lo his care will be carefully and promptly attended to. Col lections made. Real estate b.mght, soi l or tichanged. Leases negotiated. Lands in the' South. West, and in the comity for sale. Office on Brb'ir 5?rcot, opposite the Court House: ajirll'77 JOli'S Mf L.VL'GHLl.v iNStiKANCE AGENT, PORT ROVJf., JL'MiT.I CO., P.l. tlOnly reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, ISCi-ly THOMAS A ELDER, M D Physician and Surgeon, mtFLisTnws, r.1. Ofhce hours from 3 . a. to 3 r. Of. lice in his fathers residence, at the south end of Water street. nct22-tf D. M CRAW FOR I, M. 1. His resumed acively the practice of Medicine and Surgery and iheir collateral branches Otlice at th.- old corner of Third and fh-ange Streets, Mifilintown, Pa. March 2'J, 187 J M. BRAZEE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON, JlcaJemia, Juniata Co , Pa. Orrtca formerly occupied by Dr. Sterrett; Pro'essionil business promptly attended to al all hours. J) L. A LL E N mTI). , Has Coroinenced the practice of Medicine and Siirgery and all tht-irtoliateral branches. Office at Academla, at the residence of Capt. J. J. Pattersdh. july 15. 1874 R. E. BUB LAN, DEXTIST. OiTice opposite Lutheran Chun b, PtiKT ROYAL, JUNIATA CO., PA., Where he will spend the first ten davs of each month, commencing Dcct mber 1st. The baiatce of the tie his ofhce will bo occupied by J. S Kilmer, a young nun worliiy of confidence, and who baa been associated with the Doctor as student and assistant two years and upwards. Those who call during Dr. Burlan's sbseneo f r professional service, may. and will please arrange the time with Mr. Kilmer when they my be served, on the retnia of tbe Doctor