:.rU-CJ SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN A11FFLLNT0VVN. T Sdneaday. September 3, l-,TT. B. . S C H V E I E II , CKITO AND riOPKIKTuK. Which Will Tnsy Take To ? "The people of this country, during -Le past twelve ye-rs. have been living nt a rate of extravagance tint cannot be kejt tii), through the ordiniry channels of peaceful every day life Wc must make up our minds to adopt the ways our fatners pursued from the time of the crank, that followed the War of 1812, to the time that in flation aud extravagance sprang out of tue wr with Slavery for the bene fit of Labor, or sink into miserable bau.ruibcy as a nation. The extrav agant ways, and the extravagant tattt.a of the people have caused tnem to plunge deep into debt Fifty per cent, of the men of every communi tv are pasU.ed over with mortgages. Ail tae corporations are covered over vit'i mortgages. The most of the ritif! 1 laiye towns are in the same t:n ui . .1 -dough, and so with the ma jority of "mmies. The country is rcikir:g down with its own load, or the lo;id that it piled on itself. The ways of the fathers, of patient toil, will in time relieve us. There is one way of return to the -xtrav.ig'int ways of living and ex travagant business whirl that char acterized the days of the war with the South. That war is through the medium of Foreign War. By foreign war of five years' duration, all the surplus material now on hand, of k-vds, and wares, would be so drawn upon that every industry would be revived into life and profitable em ployment When entered upon such a course of extravagance and robbery, it will -jo to turn back, for to turn back will bring about a state of panic, sli-ir.iago and hard times, 6uch as the country is experiencing now. The only way will be to keep making war. As soon as one war is ended, make another, and in every case compel the conquered pecple to pay all the costs, and set governors over the buds conquered, who may be ap pointed as governors of territories are ppoit. Mexico would do to begin with. After Mexico, Canada ; after Canadx, Spain, and after pain, 6nch other powers as it may be pru d.2it and expedient to conquer, to keep up our ways of living. If, however, we fehould be conquered instead of con quering, of course that would end the txistf nee of the Republic and her extravagant ways ; but such a result i not to be thought of. Then, aftf-r ail toe world had been conquered, after all her treasures had been ap propriated to our ambition and ex travagant desires, there would be no mo't funds to keep up the extrava gant ways, and the -nd will come of itself p.nd work our ruin. At Hi st thought all this may seem visionary, but there is nothing vision ary about it. It will be, if pursued, but history repeating itself. It is not noceSM'-ry to point out the cases of Kiig ru!o thai, took such policy for tLeir cour.-e ; but the eximple of Home, a semi Republic, is better in )ouit. Seven hundred years Rjnie waged a war against all people, and conquered all people, and compelled them to pay her debts and keep up her extravagant ways, and after there were "-O more rich governments to rob, she fell a victim to her own ex travagance, end went into a decline that was beyi.nd the reach of cure. The American people are not beyond the reach of cure, for the generation among which extravagance took root y-i lives, ""id it can yet be rooted out. ill 2V will they take to, the ways of la fibers, or the ways of the Ro man.- 1 'las. i-vt fifteen yeis have been projective of m.ny swindling cor pii?rii!S. und enterprises, that have letn so f.ii;i ed that authority of law is S3 closely adhered to, that when mea who are caught by the swindle, attempt to assert their rights, to j resent the outrage by refusing to fur- J ther stand and deliver, they are hur- j tied into court, and there have the I outrage continued npon them. How t ni.iny each outrages have been gotten off on communities are too numer ous to mention. It is not much of a wonder then that the Georgia Con vention repudiates certain bonds and (securities. There are acts of corpo rations and decrees of court, not so far away as Georgia, that if passed on by a convention of the people aud submitted tj a Tote, would be .repudiated by an overwhelming ma jority. If a party enter a community and in a private way play a confidence game, the confidence nun, if taken int. court, is served as he should be, but if a corporation, so called, enter a community and play a confidence pirue, and swindle people out of thon ida of dollars, there seems to be little or no redress against the swindler in the courts. A private, potty swindler never gots the benefit of the doubt, but a corporate swin dlar gets the benefit of every iota of i juht, and thus in too many instances t'aa instruments of law are made to over-ride what law is instituted for among men. There is not much vjnJer thut there is so little regard f law. What are the Catholics going to do with tlie insult that the Democratic Slate Convention that lately met at Harrisbavj tossed into their face. The Catholics have always stuck to t'i9 D-rnracy, through thick and thin. No ally can be more faithful thr.u tbey Lave been, and yet Mr. II ui, of Pittsburg, who should have lien zturaintteJ by the convention for tbo oS .-e that hia friends asked for him wis rejected because, said they, he is a Catholic. Before the c.t'iipaign is half over, the same men wilt be coaxing the Catholics to vote f or the party that trampled over B in bemuse he is a Ciihonc. CiU that kind of work by its tnie iiame, In gratitude. Ox the the 28ch day of August ' twenty-five American carpenters Hailed for Enzland on the steamship WiscuRsin. They are under contract for ihwe years each with building films in Manchester, and are to re ceive wages equivalent to $3.50 per cLtv here, with eight hoars work and kiii bsMtys w Satardayt " Senatorial Conference. the Bepdblican Senatorial Confer ence for I he tonuliei of MifBiu, Perry aud Juniata, met at Will', hotel, ia bis borough; io pursuance of previous ootice, on .Monday afternoon, lor the purpose of electing a detejraie to rep resent the district ia tbo State Con vention. Mifflin county was represented by A." J Culbenson.C. D. Yerby and J. M. Hoods. Junia'a county was repre sented by J. W. Muthersbtugh, J. V. Wagner and C. B Horning. Perry eonnty was not represented. On -ntion J W. Muihershanph was chosen President, and j. M. Wood Secretary. 0 i tii' linn Ihe Foll ine resolu'.iou it era unanimously adopted : Retolsei. Th it ihis Senator a) Conference in in hearty accord with the principle ot tbe Kepublicin ptrty, as vin licitei at the b-llot-b-.x in many h ird-loUfht contests. Retolcei, That we recognise the tnteiirity and ilistinjfui-hcd patriotism l President Haves, ami accord lo hut administration our Cur till and q i:ilifi i sit; port. Knotted. That Iti,.- Delegate to the State Cotivcn iuii cuoaen by Ihis Cotderence be and is hereby iusucled lo support Hon. James 1". Slerrett lor Supreme Judjie, and II. in. J. A. M. lssiuoru lor Auditor Gen eral. On motion the Conference proceeded to nominate candidate lor Senatorial Delegate. A. M. Ingram, ot Mifflin county, acd Lueian tt ilsi.n. of Juniata county, were uninitiated. After several ballots were bad, M Culbertsn with drew the name of Mr. Ingram, and Mr. Wilson was unanimously elected. 0 mot on, the proceedings of this 1 ouference to be published in the Re publican papers of this Senatorial Dis trict. J. W. MCTHERSBAUGH, 1'resiJeni. J M. Woods, Secretary. The United States Consul at Liver pool, England, writes to the State Department at Washington, to dis courage American skilled workmen from going to England or to Europe with the expectation of getting bet ter wages than at home. He aays the market is over-crowded. None should venture abroad to get work, unless they have made a contract pre vious to leaving home. The consumption of whisky has largely decreased ia Pennsylvania within the past few years. What caused the decrease ? hard times, or the realization of the fact that no good comes of using whisky to excess ? Sebvia strikes for Eussia, and thus the situation in Europe grows more complicated. News Items. American batter w exported to Dea marie in large quantities The premium on in Havana, Cuba is uy to 2-9 per cent. Farming lands iu Iowa Minnesota and I Ilium art) iocreai-iug in value. lliig cholera is prevailing to an alarming extent iu some portions oi F rankltu county, t'unie of the farmer 4 have loat their entire 6 tuck by the dis eae. The beautiful Methodist ( 'hatch ia Saratoga, N. Y., wh:ch oust over l,UOli,U00, is almost held in the grasp of the Suenff f..r a debt of $50, ooo, and will be actually in bin grip ere long unless this sum or part of it is paid. Mayor Gwin. of Etfi ig'iaui, III., bas bem fined $.0 for an aasault on the Ity Atioruev, and the latter has been fined lor tinting back. Aud Mar glial was i-pe-itiaiiy Instructed to send both to the rocK pile iu delauit ol pay went. A Broadway dealer in China shows a Set ol 'Individual" butter plates wbieh are paiu'el wub at tr.ipnaie designs. Ou one ia a otiurn, on another is a cow, i hiie ot a third a maid with a milking pail is painted. Tuis set cost $o00. In the Mount Auburn Ceiueteiy, Bos tou, ia a lot coutaiuing five sum--, one at each corner aud one iu the centre. The latter is inscribed 'Our llunbatid'' and the others respectfully bear 1 Wile," "Mv II Wife," "My III Wife," aud "My IV Wile." Tim belle of a ball in Washington, Ky , was fought over by rival admirers, each of whom wanted to dance with her to the exclusion ot all the others. Two were wound id with pistol shots aud three with kones. A mao Darned YnM, m ployed in the lime quarries at lestowu. alter firing a fuse, ihuugntleilv dropped the match iuto a keg ol p.iwder, winch lustantly exploded, and the un'ortunate mau was learluil burned about ihe bead aud body. It was ;h. uirht be would recov er, but lost! his eiitut. Tue railroads leadm Kit from Chi cago have decided to sell second class limited tickets at the tailoring reduced rates: B 'S'.in, $17; B iston via Grand Trunk Road, $15; New York, S 16 ; Philadelphia, $ i4 50 Baltimore, $U. Rev. Charles 11. L-?inbach, pastor of Kiopp's church, Lebanon couuty, from June 1864, to the present time, has preached 145 sermons, baptiad 1010 infants and 50 adults, confirmed 720, admitted bo certiorate 100, preached 510 funeral sermons, married 350 couple aud administered coniuuion to 12.000. The District Attorney of Blair coun ty, James F. Milliken, bas been arret ed at i lie instigation of the Pennsylvan ia Railroad Company, cnarged with having on Saturday, July 21, at Al toona, made a speech t. the strikers for the purpose of getting them to riot. Mrs. Sarah M Kirby, living near Bridgeport. X. J., while eating a piece of bread aud butter on wnich a honey bee had settled unnoticed bv her, was stung oo her tongue, which immediately began to swell' and, ontil medical aid a-" procured, she was in danger of suf location. About 8 o'clock, Saturday morninjr, the wifeo! Stephen Fonda' Sheriff n' Montgomery county, New York, coiu mittted ui ide at her home in the vill age of Fonda, by firing a pistol ball in to her forehead during a fit of insanif . and expired instantly- The was llurty ntne ears of age, and had been of un sound mind eighteen years. LiM Wednesday, about seven miles from Des Mottie. Iowa, a terrible acci dent happered on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacifio railroad, whereb fifty people were ki led and wounded. The accident wa occasioned by the washing ont of a bridge. The water in the s'restn is about twenfr feet deep. Tbo locomotive went oat of sight ia the iu4 aitl water News Items. Iowa has 427 base ball eiobs. Lancaster county bas 117 bridges. No fair will be held io Biair county this Tall. Only three collieries are idle io the Sbamokin region. TheUaivestou(Texas)lnsurance Com pany bas gone iuiu liquidation We import annually $100,000,000 worth of sugar and iu6laM.es. Large beds of coal have been discov ered aidng the Yellowstone rivir. Two session of the United States Court at Wiiiiamport iu October. Dr. Holland is arit'ng an essay on W by N-gro Babies Have B v L- gi Tnere aie nearly tnree thousand t hinamen employed IU shoeuiakllig in San Fraueisco. Bath, Ale., has adopted the plan of making tramps pay their board by sweeping the streets. A monument costing $1800 is to be plaoed over the grave ot JoUu C, lleefi an at Alb iby N. Y. Whi. Hubert ol Frankliti county, has gathered twelve hundred bushels of po tatoes from th red acres o' grnund. Smith Bold of West Nottintham township, t'hesler county, dropped dead while collecting eatables for a "harvest home." The Susquehanna river is at present a foot low-r than it has been any t'.ihe since 1S03. The value of the stolen good recov ered in Pittsburg is o. er $50,000 The goods were carried away during the no.. The attorneys of Noithumberland couuty have signed a petition asking the legislature to create an additiouel judge in that couuiy. John Uotwals,ot OAs Station, Mont gomery county, aged 89, committed suicide nil Sunday night a week. The Patrons of Indusiiy io Indiana lot about five thousand from their mem bership during the past year. Pan-.ia county, Miss., has $38,000 clear cash io her treasury, and dose not owe a cent. A force of 25,000 Texans is report ed organizing for a campaign agaiust Mexico A California girl was Dominated for bcbnal superiutendaoi because she was pretty. A New Orleans lawyer charged $500 tor making the will of a mau ill with small pux. Ilia claim was allow ed by the Court. Enraged bees at Salisbury, Md., Stung a $150 steed to death. Tne Jrfjerxoii cavelry have returned to Pittsburg Imiu Wiskesbarre. They propose to recruit the regiment up to tne standard and return lor the three months' service. Three more companies of regular troops have arrived at Wilkesbarre from Pittsburg. Europe prndncs on an average 500, 0OU,U0O,U00 bushels of grain, one third of which comes from Russia. Toe Toited Sta'eg propuces about 1,000, 000,000 bubbles. 0 Thursday a young man named ! ti . t . ti i i. . ' t m. Deter, ui .juouaej, ieras couu ty, was killed by lighiuing while hum log. He bad sought refuge under a willow tree Au At lima (G ) girl whose father IS worth $200,U00, inak-sall her dress es with her own hands, aud is withal one of the ni'ist stylish members of At lauta Society. Among the ininitea of the Virginnia prniteutiarv re a man and a Woman who stele $100 fio-n i ha I titer's moth er npou which io get married aud set up housekeeping. Oiiver 5). Adam, son of Jacob W. Adam, plead guilty io forgery at L"b aiiou, and was senteuced to three months itnprioiim'iit in the County Prison. H had forged Lis father's name for $10. Matthew Cassidy, of Washington county, and a teacher widely known, was fatally injured a day or two ago by being thrown out of a wagon. The team ran against a tree oo the roadside throwing him out. James Allison, ot Searights, Fayette couuty, is said lo be tne oldest post uiasicr iu mis Btate ilo oas Ucld tue office over Imenljeiglit years. A Wajue county larger put tweutv drops ol Ipecac ou some li.ie looking pears aud placed tuem under some laiorite trees. The bos uo lunger raid tuat ore lard. Lewis Lirkius, of Crawford county burut a hornet's best the other day, aud in deiiig so he burut bis barn. Tuere is a guu barrel manufactory in Lebauou couuty. Tney are all band made, aud commaud a ready sale. A six year old daughter of lleujauiin E.ueubeise, cear Margaretta Furuace, York couuty, bile plaiog in a field iu which a boy was driving a reaper, was caught by the machine aud one of ber feet was cut i ff by it. The child was in a precarious condition ou Friday last. The Bradiord .irgut says thai the grasshoppers iu Eisieru Bradford occa py a space of abuut tour uides long aud two miles wide. These combiued with the terrible hail storm which visited that section recently, make things look decidedly plague-like. The total trade between anada and the United States during tie fiscal year ending with the 30th of June. 1870, amounted in value to alittte mora thau $0,0OO,000. The Philadelphia Record, a Demo cratic organ, sat lhat "the Democrats have reason to fear that the wretched compound of froth, twaddle and quota tions constituting the platform construe ted fof them by the Cod Vent ion may prove a millstone about tha Hecks of their candidates." The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Day too Railroad Company bave issued a circuUr to their employes declariug that after September 1, 187, a ninety miles run shall ciiistitote a day's work. Heretofote sixtv miles was counted as a full day. This ruling covers the lines from Cincinnati tit Toledo, and from Hamilton to Indianapolis Much dissatisfaction is expressed by the em ploy PS, as no increase of pay acconi panies the increased labor. Troy Tini.'s : A young man in Roch ester went not long ago to call npon some ladies. He sent in his card, wa kindly received and passed a pleasant eveninz. The next da? one of the young ladies happened to pick op the card aeain, and on (he back she found the following : Onn game of billiards, 1 5 cents ; drinks. 20 cents ; three gam French with Joe 45 cents, drinks. 60 cents.' The card was returned with a note telliog the young man that be bad loat bis atmoraDdum book." News Items. Gladstone (ikes to fell tree. Pennsylvania bas nine distilleries. The rebeillou iu Japan is about over. Squirrels are reported dnusutby plenty iu the woods uear (Jalluiiu and Beiiuiugtoo. Neatly the en'tir bnsiness portion of the town of Ashland, iu 1 liuois, was des'ifnye'd by fire on Wednesday night After the battie of Pievua the body of a famous t.'ircasstan chinftaiu. Prince Rubanin ki, was found on. the fi-!d. with a sabre of Solid gold, Lilt and blade ''has. Johnson was shot dead by Kphra-m Williams at S--uthwii-k. Mass , in a qu ttrel over a turkey killed by the latter-' s dog. The President has been appealed to hy leading member of bjih branches of Congress to revoke the proclamation calling an extra session in O 'tuber. The Howard family, of Paris, Ky , are tall. The father is G feet 4 tuches; the mother, 6 feet i inch ; their six sons range Iroui C feel 3 to 6 feet 1 1 1; and thsir daughters from 6 feet 2 to 0 feet 3. A Massachusetts man can'ght the woodchuck who had been foraging from bis cabbage gaiden and toa-ted him alive. Tne sport cost h'ui $50 when the local aeut of the S. P. C. to A beard of if. A few day. ago a train on the Balti more Central railroad was brought to a suddeu stop near Oxford, Delaware county, the wheels of the locomotive slipping around as though the rails had been greased. Upon examination it was found that the tracks were covered with myriads of potato bugs, which were ground by the wheel into a greasy mixture. Sand was applied and then the train sped on. The Pennsylvania Democratic Con vent ion denounced the Pennsylvania Railroad iu its resolutions, aud then, with its eyes wide open to the laet, nominated two of the adherents of that I foad to the two prini-ipil places on its ; ticket. I'lttaburg Commercial, Rep ) j Five of the fifteen Republican coon- j ty conventions in Maiue have passed I resolutions approving the course of j President Hayes. In two county con veniiung resolutions to this effect have been voted down. Canaan extended from latitude 31 deg. 15 sec. to 3d deg. 5 sec , or 130 miles long, and irom loiignude 35 to 3o east, or 45 uiiUs wide. The land inhabited by the two tribes of Judau and B-nj imin was aboat 40 unlrS long and 30 wide. Samaria was 46 Qiili s north of Jerusalem, the whole cover ing 6.000 square miles. The entire Kingdom of the Jews lasted 120 years of Israel, separately. 2IG years longer, and of Judah, 370 years Both were iheo merged iuto the Babylonian Em pire. Walter Sanders, late Sheriff of Lin coln couuiv, Ky., and bis brother in law Jack Btdard, were killed on Mon day night a wek at Rienm iid, 4 tdison county by Ujs K Iwards, Town Mtr hat, and a party of Ins friends. A oimger brother ol Sand-r was at the Rtrhiu md lair the week hefore wncM he was bad ly beaivn by Kdwaids. the latter say ing that Sanders interfered while he was discharging his duly as officer. On 'he 28 ult Walter Sanders and his friend went to Richmond to attend the trial of young Snd-rs for his alleged off-nce. After th trial a co .veritin occurred bt Iwen Elwirds ami Wa'rer Sanders at the Garnett llos. dii-i'.e which Sanders denounced Elvard's conduct as brutal and cowardly, at the same lime drawing his pistol. About this Mme Sanders was shot by amn e other p-rson, buf, levelling his pistol, made things lively while his strength laste. When the firing ended Sanders and hi hrnhr in law Ballsrd were dad, and Marshal Edwards slightly and his rothr dangironrly wounded Numerous shots were fired, but only those cen tinned were struck. A special to the New York Times, from .Nil I lord Pa., says that a barn be longing io Pmlip Stark, tour miles from Miitord, was entirely consumed, with coutents, last Saturday morning, involv ing a heavy loss, ou which there was n a in-uranee. Later in the day two tramps came to Milford and gave them selves ap as the incendiaries. At a preliminary bearing they said they had been tramping for several months, had been unable t secure work, and being almost starved, ocucluded to fire the barn and ge.t into prison, where they would get something to eat. Tney were locked op in the county jtil, aud will de tried at the September term of t 'ourt. One gave his name as Freder ick Myers, and says he was born io Odense, Denmark, and is by occupation a painter. He is aged thirty three years. The other gave the name of Joseph Wilson, alias Brown alias Kel ley. He was born in Lmd.ui, England. He is forty years old, and by occupa tion a plasterer. Kel ley elains to bave been a leader in the Pittsburg ( Pa) rail road riot. He bas also confessed tit having committed many crimes, and that a few years before he cam to the Uuited States he as.-iste I in taking the life of a fellow wotkman while intoxi cated. He is small in stature, well ed ucated and has tut one eve. Myers says this is bis first off. oce. A Devil Skinned Alive. From the Mayf!eld (Ky.) Democrat. Several weeks ago au eleveu year-old daughter ot a Bulard couuty larmer mysteriously dissapeared, aud all efforts to find her whereabouts were fruitless uctil ten days after her disappearance when a neighboring larmer. while out searching tor bis cow' heard tbe cries as of some one iu distress, and follow ing the direction of ihe sound found the lost child in a dense thicket with both bauds tied IOmeter with a roj.e. one end of which was lied to a tree. Near the free were some old clothes up..n which the child slept Tbe farmer it quired if the chil i how she happened to be there and in that condition, h-n she lold liim that a negro man bad brought her there and that he came there every night and brought ber soiu-thing- to eat and drink, and thai be violated her person. The farmer t.-id tbe Child to remain rj-net until night, and he would procure assistance, and when the negro came hark that night thev would secure him. Which they did. When the g rl ws asked what must be Hone with him she Raid "skin hiin alive," which they preceded to do immediately They commenced at the crown r.f his bead and stripped the skin to bis feet. Me only survived about five minutes after tbe operation. Ligal Notice. A&SllJNEE'S SALE OF UEAIi ESTATE ! BV virtue of an oider of the Orphan's Court of Jnniaia rounty, the under signed, Asaignee ol Solomon Cottui in lor the bclictit of hi creditors, wi.l ft" T at public sale, on the premises, in r'ayelte township, Juniata couuty, at 2 o'clock 1'. M-, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1877, The folio ing described real estate, to wit : V.i. 1. A trai l of land, b-ing the Man siou Farm oi said Assignor, containing One lladi eat and Fartjr Acre. ' more or leas, having ihcreou rrcteU a Largo Stone Dwelling House, BANK BR.V, Wagon Shed v. ilh Stabling, Com Crib, and other onlonild'inj.'s. Aboi't 12 1 acres of this lnd is cleared, well fenced, and in a high state ol cultivation. The tulanre is veil set witb t'hesluut, Dak, and other valuable tiuibvr. Tnerv is a A.ie Quarry of excellent LIME STONE on Ihe prertnses. witb Kll.X erect ed lh-reon. The land has recently been thoroughly limed. There is a Hue Spring ol uaier on the peemWt-s, with a Fountain Pump, which supplies both the house and bony an! with an excellent quality ol water, this farm ia well sUpplird telth Fruit, there hi'ii'K a gooil Apple Orchard, a Feacb Or thai. I, and a good supply ol Grapes and oiber small Iruils on the premises. No. 2. A tract of land adjoining the above described tract ou the east, contain ing ElCIITV-riVE ACRES more or less having thereon erected a good FRAME li0l'SEk BANK BAll and outbuildings. Ab ul Seventy Acres of this land is cleared. II fenced, and also in a good state ol cultivation ; the remainder ia well set with liiiib-r. There is a fine Young Orchard on the premises, a Spring ol good water near the house, and a foun tain I'litnp iu the baruyardi No. 8. Three lots of IVondlaild, con taining about SIX ACRES each, adjoining the land abovedescrib.sf on Ihe north Thia land ia also well set with Chestnut, Oak, and other timber. The land above described is situated about 2 miles southeast of McAlisterville, about 1 1 mile ifortheaat of East Salem, and about I mile troin Brown's Xil.a. It is in close proximity to schools, churches and stores. TERMS. Ten per tent, of the purchase money to be paid when the land is struck down to the purchaser; fifteen per cent, when the sale IS confirmed by the Court ; aud thu balance in three payments, the one payable in six months from date of con tinuation, and the other payments IU twelve and eighteen months from said date respec tively, with interest from Apil 1, 1878. in case of the chared laud, and from date of continuation incase ol the wood land ; the pavmeula to be well secured by judgment uotes. EZRA &.HII H, Assignee of Solomon Cotfnian. Sept 5, lb77. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned, Executors of Ihe last will and testament of ihe Hot.. rerard Hies, deceased, will sell at pull-c sale, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER i", 1S77, at 2 o' l.xk P. M., ihe following described valuuh'e real estate, Iu wit : No 1. The Mansion- Farm of ibe said deceased. situ.ite in lle:e towuship, Juniata coui.lv. I'a., and adj itiing ihe vd I ige ol Johniou n. i-ont iiiii .g OSC II UXOR CD ACRES of land id a up -ri.r soil, and uoo in a good slate of cultivation, having t-reclcd Ihereou a large comlortable DWELLING HOUSE, (.OOD BANK BARN, Carriage Uh -d, ai d other convenient and nc-esa.-y outbuilding. Well and running water near ihe nouse. As a b.one ihia property is the most d-irabe in the county. No. '1 A Lot or 1'iece ol Land ad joining the ab 'e-di r.bvd farm, contaiu- ing about Eiulir ACKES, all cleared, iu a i hue slate of cultivation, ana having a good j Liuiestoue Quarry ou it. j No. 3. A Tract or I'iece of Meadow ' Lin.l, near Ihe above-described property, j containing about 1U1K1EEN ACKh.-, all ; cleared. No. 4 A Tract or Piece of Timber Land iu Beale township, containing 36 ACKEs and 130 FEkXUE.S. This tract is well set with young and tliriity timber, and is convenient to tbe tract dial above dc scrib.d. No 5 Also, a Piece nf Timber Land, convenient lo the last tract named, containing 8 AChLs and 117 PERCHES. The sale of the alove-d..-scribed properiv j will take (lace on the Mansion Kaiui, de scribed aa No. 1 io this advertisement. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent. t b-i paid on the day of sale; filly per cent, ot the balance lo be paid on Ihe 1st day ol April, 178, h'H possession will he given and deeds made. The residue ol the purrhise money to be paid on Ihe 1st day of October, 1373. with interest Irom April 1st, 17, to be secured to the satisiaction ol the Executors. Jacob a. ciiKisTV, JAMES NORTH, sep3-ta Executors of E. Oles, dee'd. - ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE ! 1)UKSUA NT to an order of sale Issued by the Court of Common I'leas of the county of Juuialj, the undersigned, As sinnce of John IV. Ssrtain, will expose to sale by public vendue, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1877, at three o'clock P. M. of said day, on tbe premises, the tollowitig real estate. it i A TRACT OF LAND OR FARM, situate in Walker township, county of Ju niata, Pa , bounded by landa of Jerotun N. Thompson and others ou the north, by lands ol tbe heirs ol Peter R-gan on thu east, by lands ol Emanuel Wetser on the south, uy lands of David Ail man on the west, .on Uining lOO ACRES, more or leas. This is a valutble Farm, ib hue state of cultivation, situated conveni ently to store, church and school, and X miles from Thntiipsoillown station, P. R. K., is well watered by a Kerer-lailiug Spring, bas tine THRIFTY ORCHARDS, which yield choice Iruils in abundance, and hss t hereon erected two comlortable and substantial DWELLING HOUSES, A GOOD r KAA1E BANK BARN, "t.on t'hed, Corn Crib, Spring Ilonse, and other Oii.huil.linits. TERMS OF SALE Ted per centum ot the price lor which ihe lariu is sold to be paid cash when Ihe a line is airi'-keu down ; hi teen per centum addition d w hen the sale iaconti'iusi bv Ihe Court; one-half of the whole on Ihj 1st ol Apr. I, 167; and tbe balance, b-ing oue-t .urth ol the whole, on hi 1st ol April, 1879. These two last pay ments to be secured by judgment bouds, snd to bear interest from date of conOrma tiuu. ROBERT McMEE.V. Assignee ot John IV. Sartain. Sept. 1, 1877. Cat ate ot Jaaepn Poturr, (eceased. ALL accounts and notes due said estate remaining onpad November I, 1877, will be placed in the bands of an attorney tor collection. J. NEVIN POMEROY, Executor. an(22-4t Leg,nl Jfoticts. KOTICE. i t.I. neraona am hrebr eantioned against trespassing upon the landa of ib" nnilersHriic-i, etiner in namcror iseia w.ire townil.il', by Billing, huutmg, or in any oiher way. Juhn N. Van-firmer. J. TV. Lerder. Henry M. Miller. Solomon Manbeck. Oeorge S. Sinilh. J. S. Li kens. Wj.liani Mai.bt.-vfc. I. uke Davis, a 1). Long. John F. Smith. Sept I, le77-6m REAL ESTATE AT 0RPHANS'C0UliT SALE. T'lRnnde siirned, Adnii-dstrslor nf the is ale ol E izabeth Bmria, dei-esscd, bv virtue of an order ol the Orphans' Court ol Juniata county, will aeM, on Ihe premises in Fayette township, said county, at 2 o'clock p. a., on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1S77, The following described real estate, to wit i A tract ol land, bounded on the north by landa of C. P. ''beilenbrger, on the east by lands of Isaac Ben tier, on iheaouth by landa of William Kannels and Jose) b Long, aud on lh west by lauds ol Jonah Dunn, con taining FOHTTFOCn ACRES more or less, ad litu. alone land, all cleared and in a good stale ot cultivation, Laving thereon erected a GOOD STONE HOUSE, BA RX , Stone Spring House and other out buildings. There are two Fountain Pumps for use ot bouae and barn, aud an Orchard of very line fruit. The above described prop-rtv is near to a school house and church, and about one and a hal miles Irom Mc AlisK rville. TERMS OF SALE. Five per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on day of sale ; ten pt-r cent, when the sale is con firmed by the Court ; and Ihe balance in two equal annual pavmvtits, April 1, 1878, and April 1, 189, with interest; subject to A dower in favor or the widow of James Dunn, deceased W. H. McAMSTER. aug'J9 Adm'r of Elizabeth Burris, dee'd. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable real estate, THE undersigned, Executor of the estate ot Sarah Stroup, deceased, late ot the borough ot ilittlintown. Will sell at public i sale, on the premises, in the borough of Mittlintown, al 1 o'clock P. M., on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1877, tbe following real estate, to wit : to lots I of ground, situate on Lemon or School ! street, having a front of sixty and one-half feet on said sheet, and extending back 11(1 feet to an allev, having lh -reon erected a GOOD FEAME HOUSE, one and a half stories high, adjoining lot of James F. Parker on lh south aud lot of Mrs. Munohan vn the north. TERMS OK SALBi Ten percent, when ihe property Is strick en down; lorty per Cent. April 1, lt?7S, when deed Will b delivered and possession given i ihe balance April 1, 1479, with in terest Irom April 1, 1878, to be secured by judgment bowl. JOSEPH ROTH ROCK. Executor of Sarah Slronp, dee'd. Aug. 28, 1877. C4UTIOX -fOTICI". TkJOTiCE is hereby given thai ihe follow J.V ing pmpt-rty ol Benj iiuiil l.auver was seix st and aold August 18, 1877, by John II. Patterson, coi.strihle ot O'eenwood township: 1 horse, 1 nia'C, 1 mnle, I clt, 1 two horse wagon. 1 lanni-ig mill, I plow, shovel plow, harrow, hre rake, wagon bed, harness, '2 bridles, ' collars, check I'neJ, horse b idle, 1 two horse sli d, one-ha'f of Ulteen acres of corn. oni--hali of lour acres of buckwheat, 1 cook stove, 1 U-n plate store, I table. 6 rha.rs, 1 sink. The above prop-rtv was bought by Josiah Messiiner, ot Greenwood township. Juniata county, Pa. All persons are hereby cau tinned vgainst any interference with the I said propertv. JOylAII MESSfMER. WE. the nod -rsigned, Commissinners of Ihe eoiintv ot Juniiti, hereby give notice that we will not sell nr reuew any County B inds, alter ibis d ite; at a higher rale lhat four per eenl , and Ihe Tax Co. lec tors for the year 1S77 shall all-w live per cent, abatement on all taxes paid on their respective Duplicates until the ll'h day of September next ; and (h it the siid Collec tors will be required to Settle their res pec live Duplicates promptly iu one year from tbe date thereof. JA.ME5 McLaughlin, W. II. GRONlNUER, D. B. COX. Mty 1, 1777-if Cttamissioners. Xew Ailvertincmetit. piiEMIUM LIST OF THE RIVERSIDE PARK AND AG liltUIIUKAL ASS0 C'ATION. Or Jl'XIATA tOlXTT, To be beld Sept. 19th, 20th and 21sf, 1S77, at Miffliulowu, Pa. DEPA R TSlEyT J. Agriculture, Machinery, ImpUmtatt. c J. B. M. Todd, Vice President, Patterson. Superintendent of Department. (a) Agriculture. For beat bnshel white wheat... t 73 second nest do Oo. . bo beat bushel red wbet. .. 7 secnind best do Ho , 50 b,t boshel Kults wheut,. 75 second best do do.. , SO best bushel corn (In earsi 73 best halt bus. sweetcorn (In ears) 75 best specimen corn ou stalks (Oe dozen stalks iu buncb).. 50 best bushel uata fio best bushel cioverseed 1 is) best bushel timothy seed.. 75 best hall busliel flaxseed. 60 best half bushel l.ui kwbeat.. 50 best hair nushel twriey Si) best Ion tba wheal ft.utr , 1 uo best Hie lbs rye flour SO bent ujm lbs burk wheat flour.... Su beat luO lt8 corn meal 50 best head Wheat. '4 or Jsj dozen sheaves .. 100 second bes do do....WM &n beat I do stalks corn, with ears.. 75 second beat do do , 5U (6) Conveyance, Farming Implements md M acAl tnerv. For best fonr-horse waenn best two or three-horee wagoo beat spring wst(. n . best tamily earrhtite best top buggy, single or double sealed besL open bugv. liKht trotting . best trot ti lot sulky . best sleiKti.sinKie or double seated beat phKiich best tnllnot.,r best dr:nc h s rr. .w , . best eiirn plow 2 00 1 60 1 SO i w I so 1 50 1 40 2 Ou I UO I I on 1 On 1 OO 1 uu Iiet hay ladders.. best wu.in bed The following list, in this elitss. Is rre to emmnce fnm abrtmd.iind will r. -reive apee im1 eare ami plwv, ami Will ie Ju.igcl aertrd tmc to quality, and e-ranted hii sward nf uieilt or olpionta. which will le read and published with tne list of preo. turns: Best r -a pt-r ; einibttied res per and tnovrr, tnn-shliig maehltn-; ilovrhullerand sepa j.tor ; crn shelter ; fanutng mill; horse aud liny rake; strsw cutter; corn planter; ploua-li : xrain-ilrlll ; rultlvahtr; rorn pl'-umi; hannw; hay fork : pump lor wells; cherry sesler; appie pea re r ; euler press, baml or horse power ; patent bee hive. (e) Articles of Mmufnrturr, Mads In th lounlg. For best lot of cabinet work beat chamber t 2 00 I 00 4 OO Sun a iu loo 7S Sft . 4,1 I m 1 uo best parlor aet.... best lot of ttnwarw WM beat lot of carved woi k . best marble Work best bushel btsket neat hand latsket.. ts-8' market Intake! b. al ee-lar labor meat vessel , hast rtrlgrKiir u Wi corn, w ire ar split brooms. In rwii'lle 75 best eablbttlon 01 foreign cut lery or hard ware of any urn 25 (f 1 iVeotner and SliseeUansuus Article. For best pair line boots $ yt best pal r course booi a ! beat pair htoy'a boaw. a wm pair lany a gaiters 60 tssst aid of sola 1 ttber 1 00 New Adverlimsmt' best aide of rap or upper leal tier bewl finished barnesa leather beat a-1 harness, disable - best set lisrusw, aluale beat aasldle and hridla . 75 75 1 UU 1 ou 1 00 s 00 50 1 IP) beat heavy vwtiin teenr.. beat baud made borae aboea and nails - beslacap bees.. A suitable nlace will be reserved on the ground ami In lux xhlblllon rooma (or all patent right articles Uiat may be presented (or exhibition. DKPARTXEXT II horticulture; Poultry, dc, dir. F, B. McsTnrn. M fljlutowo. Superintend ent of l)epar:iujt. (e) Wines md CbrdW. For best gallon vinegar beat uisplay of uotnevttc wluew For best eolleetlon nf rail and winter apples half bushel each best collect inn ol peara best eolleetlon of peaches best coll -lion of plums , beat collection ot quinces . beat collection of grapes ) Borticultur. For beat collection of potatoes) . ,. second best, do f SO 1 50 $1 00 75 1 00 75 So se 60 60 60 so 50 75 third Oeal . no- best half boa aweet potauoea- beet halt buaneeta.. best half I? ua carrots beat half bus parsnips best display 01 radlsnea best half bus onions .. .-. best ten varieties ol garden vege tables Tcgctu&tc. rnlleetlnn of soup beans . bus tomatoes For best beat SO bu 60 5 best best CHOUMKn - - I - 4 sweet pumpKios. neaviea-. t Ucld puuipkliia , sqUM-she ...--. eolleetlon of peppers I. cucumbers 5 watermelous.. -. . S roots celery half peck weed onions half boa turnips best best best best heal best best best 60 W 60 60 m .se () Poultry Fcr best pair tnrkeys best peii turkeys, six or more best pair geese beat pairouek beat pair pew low Is beat a chickens, cocks and 2 hens, best coop chickens, tor more best coop ducks. S or more best eohp of pigeons , best cage of squirrels best half doXen Guinea, fowls best pair Guinea pigs . - tl on 15U 75 75 1 bu TS 1 50 1 60 1 00 75 ) 6U DEPARTMEN T III. Fins Arts, Household Industries, and iflscel Imevus. Msthew Ro.!t era. Mexico, Superintendent of liepartment. (A) Paintings, Penmanship and rhntograpns Kor best duality of II paintincs. SI OU best piece of portrait In oil best landscape paiuttng In oil besl trull pulullug In oil besl animal psalniing In oil . besl display of water paintings beat lni)S-Hpe In water colors tei truil In vrater colors - best flower In water colors...-. best display ol colored crayons.- best single speciuien . ..... besl display of pis in crayons best display of pencil sketches best display nf pen drawings . best ornamental penmanship- best plain penmanship best specimen of wood carvlns-.-best specimen of wood graining , best display of plain and colored phol'sjcraphs . ... besl specimen in oil, India Ink. besl display of cards or fancy printing.-. .- 6U 60 SO 50 I uu: 61) I 61)! l 1 on 75 6U (i) Musicd Instrument. For best piano . ) Award J merit. Is -si cabinet organ- best melodeon (J) Needlework. For best bed quilt seem. I besl ilo.. .... best delsine lied qulll second ts-sl do do best calico spread.-. Is- l double rover . II ft) besl women rug . best wsieu milteiia best woolen -loves...- , sei-olld is-st ilo .-., besl woolen stot.alngs , best cotton stockings , best bfitnespun -tsien yarn, nt less man one pound 75 second last do uu &o l-st knir spread 60 U..: knit bureau rover 6" best silk sola cushion Mi Is-st shirts, made by hand 1 liest shirts, made by machine 75 besl dtspiiiy of all articles of nee dlework in this class -. best display olall articles of knit ting iu this class. . () Embroidery. For best yokeatol sleeves... ..... Is-si t-illsr and uffs ... .. b-st linen and cambric handker- ehbf b-stskirl bet c-bllil's dress... seismd ls-sl ! lo.... best tutted hair cover on cloth orran-ass .. lies. cros-stttchd do........... Ie-i tnfled Ottoman rover la-st table cover on cloth.. bcSi piano cover on cleth. .... (!) kniltvrig and Crochet Wort. For test rmchct shawl... Iest kn t shawl ............. .. best cot ion tidy . ................ lies! zephyr ... ................... het knit sontiig bs-t knit hood be stsighan best ens het sapper 1 5t 1 50 f 1 m So J o. f 1 Oil 2ri h So 8". SO besl crochet nssket. ........... .... ( Leather. Hair, Wnx, Shell Wort, de. For besl skeleton leaves la-st display of burr work best dip'av ot seed work....... best djliy of lesloer worit... best dtpl;iy of huir work best display or shell work best design In moss best rollertion of dried leaves., best dlephiy of wax work 1 0i 1 Si 50 6n 21 1 HQ (n) Ctoths, Linens, Blankets, Hharlirtjt. dc. For bast Ave rsrds linen second best do best five yards cloth .............. best Ave yarda eassimers.... .. .. best Ave yarda fl:nnel. .- best Ave yards satinet, beat pa.tr woolen blangets. ....... bS" hearth rug bes: rag rarpet (o) B. sad. Cakes and Pastries. For best home-made wheat bread one loaf best home -im-Je rye breed, I loaf best bran bread best rusk - best fruit cake, at least 1 pound., best ladv cake. do di.. - Jl 5" 1 09 25 25 25 25 6U 1 00 best gold cake near sponge cage 00 do ... do.... do do do best sliver cake ke do... best Jelly Cuke best cup cake best seed cake dd ... do.... do.... do do best gingerbread do do. besl three varieties small cakes. nan uosen eacn....; best doughnuts ....... best display of pastry best pastry, si ngle specimen., oeL uispiay 01 caats... (p) Preserves md Jellies, fipicsd md Canned Product. For best preserved peaches, one Jar. best preserved quinces, one Jsr. best preserved strawberries. 1 Jar best preserved pine apples. 1 Jut best preserved plums, one Jar best preserved citrons, one Jar best preserved cherries, one Jar best preserved pears, one Jar besl apple Jelly, one Jar best quince Jelly, one Jar best currant Jelly, nnm best plnm Jell , one Jar best elderberry Jelly, one Jar oe-i sppic-uuiier bast peach butter- nest pear hotter best quince marmalade - best orange marmalade. neat peach marmalade.. beat pine apple marmalade (7) Fruits md Vegetables in Air-Tight Cans. For best display of fruits f ion seeonii nest do do best display of vegetables 1 00 75 second nes 1 ao do.. best single specimen or trull or vegetable bw-t catsup, any kind (r) AJiiccd FruU and Pickles. For beat display of spiced ftnlt second liest do ilo best single specimen of any kind of Iron beat display ol pickles ft) Butter, Cheese md Honey, For best 5 pounds print botter- beat 5 pounds tump butter 1 m 75 loo 60 1 00 nest t pound Cheese beat can ol lard .. beat a pounds honey (f) Flowers, a. Tor best collection of Wry., second best do do. . best eollsetton of anegated leaved plants best col. sloes and cactus. .. beat col. furhlas.. best col. geraniums liest col. verbenss best col. petunias .. bs-t col. r.ss . beat specimen castor oil plants lie-t lemon tree . . beat orange i-- 100 75 95 60 50 Sn 5 5. VI Sn So 60 (u) rut Flutes, s, de. Tor best eolleetlon dahlias beat col. ruses to so 60 60 beat col. verbenas besl eol. nhlox.. beat eol, eoxeombs . best cot. asters... aa-a-asS Jferw sidverHaement. Best eol. gladlolaa best display of baiaauui (lady aiiDnersl best parlor bouquet, pair best hand boo lie I. uair 50 fs SO M tt r, 6. best cnsM of flowers beat heart of flowers best wreath of fl wer bent hanwins; basket . best alauad of flow er- PKPARTMtST IV. Unrses, dottle, Hheep, Coats, Deer, te. Oeonre W. Wilson. Vic President, Pstter son. Superintendent of liepartment. Horses, Uravu-Drmgtt Wares, mi CoUs Turn imirs OiU IiiCtulrU. For besl colt less than 6 months o'd 3 keevind b, St do do. third besl flo do best yearling- r.l! second best iloilo heat I wo yesrnld colt . second best ilo ilo. ... , best ihree-year old colt ... seisinil lat ilo do ... besl lirood m-tre second best do do best span horses or mares . best Mai lion second besl do do light brought. For best span driving horses, csr- rlsweor bUKay f best single horse or aaarw to har 4 f.J .: 2 !) 5 !." t 2 ft X u 2 3 r0 l 2 IO &r0 2 M 2 X : m Cuttle Iturhams. For best boll t beat bull between 1 snd i yrs old. arcund beat do do best heller calf less tbuu 4 moa. best cow ffecond beat do.. . third heat do best two-year old heifer . Second best do do best suckllm less lua2mna.o!d second best uo do ... Aldrmeys. 1 DO 4 ') 2 2 ' 6 is) 4 Oo H 2 1 , 2 II For best bull I second best do best cow second best lo - . best heifer 1 veer old or under... besl cadi uuder ti ouos old Sheep. For best nuek rtTotawald; t second heal do do .. besl ewe. second best do best bask 'Leicester. Morlno. or iSoulhdown) besl m do do ... besl pen ewes (3 or mors) sec.it.. I best do do. best pen lambs . secuc d best do -.... ffu-in. 4 Ou 2 U 5 J 2 1; 2 is a 1 SO 1 1 Ml 1 1 ... 2 ou For boar 1 venr old or mors t 1 ; best sow and litter pigs '4 or more) leas than two months old i m second best do 1 W) best boar pig, less Uiaa 6 nioalba old 1 00 All articles entered for which noprov'p; -.r. has been maile in the foregoing list, will r eelvea proportionable premium, it dese Ing. PSPARTXEXr V. Fait Horse; ffrrt', die. W. P. Thompson, Vice Freshlent. Mcxlcr. oup.ruienler.i of Is-p;irtn:.,-n, Fl sr 1.T '.lsr.i Y. 1-. rl t.i.l ..I . 4 nfe ih - -..I Jjj j horse,'from 1 to 4 o'clock K M . Secosd Day-TBrnsDAT. First Race Open to nil. Prei"inm "" $75 lo Oral; fSOto second: 3) torlilrd. Second Rnce. Open to nil howOini bnv.. never hsrvfen three minutes. Iremlutu sv-j Jii 10 first ; $15 to second ; ill) lo :U.ru. At loU n'clm-k In the forruoon, riinn! .f race with horses, for a purse. THlltD DAT KBlbAT. First ftaee. T'pen to all county J.'od bars.-." for a purse of til. Second Usee. Open to all four-yesr n'-t horses tor a puns. Io this race uo .nuance ice charged. , At 10-4 o'clock in the forenoon a mule race for a purse. Immediately after the above a i!" alienee race lor iiuu. Conclude with n boys' rare, for boys anil. 14 Tears of See .eenla to Itrat; ct'.;,.r.' ond; 9110 third; nc to fourth: lu-1.. .m. and to the hindmost boy a glass ot red lem onade. BCLE.H AND KKfiCLAlIOXa. 1st. The flel.1 of competition free to all 8t ecxit trials ol speed. ii. Aileniriesforeshihithvn itioM he Trr-i prior li l2o'clak of the flrt d:o 01 lc,r. Lntrles ran be ninde prev.ous lotl.e 1. r bv aditresslng the iseeretai st Mltllinlo-'n. Live stia-k Judges are revjested t " re.r at Ihe President's ottlrc, at V o'clock u.m , on TUurMlay. w hen they w:! -r nr:,K.-d wilh ljoks of efttry. Al. .'.n'lg.-s 01 a:i arti cles to report at tiie same odlce , on Kri-liy si v a. m.. and lunke a tcturn o thvlr k;.! 011 Ihe sime da lo the Secretary. Judges, it not satisfied aa lo ilie r--j' "iy ol un eniry, or a'oui lis ruitnit wi'l:!n ' " regulations, will epply to loir .--ccr-.ur-iniormallou. When the majority of the Judges on sr.v seetbiu are present they slo,.i w.s'.tru-a quorum, aud are a-tborlxe. lo asriu p. -uiiuni.. 1. Judges will award no premiums on ar.i mala ir articles imving no tsuupelUion u -less they ere -pe-la ly woribr. 2. No single article shall be entitled to premium which hea drawn a oietnlurr. ta u u aasuri merit, pair, pen, herd, litter or fltvi. 3. o exhibitor will be permitted to lfi'( r terewlth juoges while rx:a)in;nir nuiir-os or artirie-. shown by such cshibib.-r. Fcr eai-b offence no pretiiiutu will be given lu. such sninnila or articles. 4. All stock competing for premiums to be owned at least one moulh by the exhibitor. Ageol horses reekoned from January ! of the yesr when f-aled. Knlr'i-s .. speed roust be m-de on or be fore sw-uteniber 17th. at sn'i-sek in. 5-1 I Tne AsstM-iHtion win furnish. h-.v fretn-!l persons exhtbitiP7 s'.s-k. 2o I All wag, nog on itn- result of nnr trial of i of any horse shall be eoneerneij in srv t j or waiter, his horse shall be exciud'.d'fn.ir. I the course. j All questions respecting the trlnl of spe j ahall be delenn;u I by lhejud.es, sub.e.-, f speed la strfrtl v iirohihltetl.sii.l if tne an Hppeal lo the Bard of ltl rectors. No articles or animals shaii is r-- ; -froiw ihe grounds before the4-lis if in-exhibition, except by permission from In a President. Tie Association will esrefnlly preserve ell articles whtleon exhibition. but will not 's responsible for any losses or accident ton. diht occur. Sinlls for horses catt" and" sens for sheep and h-srs. will be furnisher! free t chatgk. K.vperlehced hands will be In at tendance, to care tor slock daring te ab sence of the exhibitor. Oambllngstrlstly prohibited. All articles entered for premium z?ns W reported to the Superintendent of thi r : speetlve Demrtment before a o'clock P. M. of September -Ulh. On rrtdsy afternoon a public ante w7t - held on thegroumM. whereat exhloiiors v ! be permitted to offer for sale articles r stork which may have been exhibited hy them, and articles f. r sale w ill be so placard ed If exhibitors. iesire it. Eveurslon tickets on the Pennsylvsr;' Rsllroad will bs issued between Harris'- - -and Altnona. No contests for speed except sonh aa arS ssnctlonrd by the Board of Lnreclors. All communications to be addressed to . B. LOULOV Becretary Riverside Park and Agrlr-il'-eM Association of Juniata, county, Mifflin.; REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. THE nndersizned will offer at public " 1 on tbe premises, at 1 o'clock p. r SATL'KD AY, SKPTEit BER 8, 18.V, The following real estate, to wit : A VALUABLE 31JLL PROTEST!". in Sprace Hill township, Juniata eu with a good pair of Frencn burrs, and s j..ir ot country choppers. G"od rnn of cusiom. flood neighborhood. Will sell Mil! wafer privilege and about One Acre and Hall of Land. ALSO, at the 4 and place, 80 ACRES of Land, with GOOD FRAME HOUSi.. sixe 23x10 feet, BA'K SARX, sixe 4Cx C feet, and other necessary outbuilding. v tlchard, two excellent spriuitaof lnesroi. water near the house, as a part of Iks Mitt Property, or, if desirable, the b-ildi'iir just d scribed will be sold at the same lijae and p'sce, witb the HOKE FARM. a tract of land adjoining the Mill Prop-r-, J and containing about ACRCS, about -' acres 11 rcoeriann, ana the balance ciea.-.-. This tract is mostly flint gravel land, acd baa been recently liiued, having thereon a Good-Slzvd -.or IIoiii, and two Springs of llnieatone ws'.o- ne which could be piped to the kitchen d " Will be sold as above sute-l, or ia U- ' to suit purchaser. Also a tract or 500 ACTII3 of M.cnt sit Land, which will bd sold iu Inters to suit purchasers. 'leruis of sale made known on day c ' sale. J. KELLY PTTTr.0N". Plessant View, Juniata Co., Ti Ai g. lo, 1877. Snhsrribs for the Sniuu! nd Republican. It roi.tai s mora, and a greater variety c gixal and uscf nl read it g matter than say SO ' other coaaty paper.