SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLlNTOWN : vreBeaday. Ansratit 92, aSTT. TERMS. Subscription, i 1.50 "t annum. If paid tain 12 month, i $2.00 if Dot paid within 12 month. Transient advertisements Inserted at 60 cent per inch for each insertion. Transient business' notice! in local col umn, 10 cents per line lor each insertion. Deduction will be made to Ulo desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter PENN'A. B. ETIME TABLE. OX ard after Monday, June 25th. 18T7, passenger trains W'U leave Mittiin sta tion, P. K. K., as follows : KasrwacD. Phila Ex., daily ex. Sunday night 12 54 a m Mifilin Ace, daily except Sunday, 6 2 a in Pacific Exp'css, daily ex. Monday 10 19 am Jdhustown Ex., daily ex. Sunday 11 32 a m Atlantic Express, daily..... 9 10 pni Hail, daily except Sunday iibopm WESTWaaD. rill: Vs Ex . dally except Sunday !2 38 a m I'&citic Express, dailv a 5 a hi V.y Pass, daily J"" J ' ' i leaves 10 10 a iu Miil, daily except Sundiv. S 33 p in fclirTiin Acc .daily except sutiday. 8 J p -a - L0CJ IXTELLIGESCE. Tnx feepullicM Sensorial Conference for the counties of Perry, Mifflin and Jum - BU, win meet, for the putrose of electing a delegate to rr-vat .he district in ,ue State Convention, at Will's hotel in this borough, on iloT, hxprmea 8, lb77. .-, Hood. urn. Attend the Fair. Corn-field thieves. Potato-patch thieve. Get reaJy for the Fair. Register far the election. ftrir.g something to the Fair. Folly falls upon Its own sword. High collars are going out of style. The last of the dog days, August 2Cth. An e:?ipse of the moon Thursday night, Offer a tramp work, and he'll be off In a huTTY. Ci'v ousineu tueii report the circulation 'f j-"M . From all p-.rts of the country matrimony is rcpart'.i d uli. Thi is a "rauipuV in the Democratic camp in old Berlu. Destiny 1 Dcatii.y ! You cannot shake it oS'i you must fulfil it. The number of tents at the Jcniata Val ley Camp Meeting grounds cumber 46. "Shcl mC dissolved in alcohol wiii bo found To be a good cement for broken f urniture." ; PhflH.I,Ai. MarkHt. ... : 4-.-o 1.50; Corn 60c; Oats OTtoiOc i Bye - . OJtO ! ;7C. If jour family cannot aU attend, let some ! meiiib-j ol it represent ihe family at the ; Th- leader Of the strikers in New Y0,K j ... .j. . j iw... ttA : - AH.a. . ' Uilal UaiU-a aVUaasUIU-C. iiC 19 ILUibflUUG . . Jrocer. The h-vt a Ilappy Hollow" iu Hunt irgdon county, and there is where they go tj dance and tic-ii'c. I The moon '.! on a horn last week, and it did, as it is said it must do, hen it thus ; ' i.iii rai l- sUtidi", creu out rat i. A horse-thief ex.'tij'-cd froru the Bellefoute jail last witt;, bi;t was retaptureo before be : pot ont ol Centre county. 1 ... ... . tbe roost of Zoot, in reraauJkh owl, iat Friday night. The Republicans of Perrv couuty will hold their convention Sopteuiber IsL There are eight casiiiid'Ues for Sheriff. Lewiatown is to have a steam tire engine. Saturia U the day appointed to try a num ber ot engines. A big time is eipected. Thousands of men cut of employment, ilillions of dollars daiudlir.g away ly de lireria'.ion of values and the decline of iiasi'iess. Six iiioii6snd three hundred hankers have keen invited to a convention to be held iu New Yoik, to j.en on thj 12th day of Sep teniix r. Vhet ia sowed in driil rows, far enough ii; -art to admit of cultivation, in a number nf places. Tbe ezpe-imeut this season bai tieen moat sa:islcr?ry. "JsLcie tans are more popular then ever. Thsfr teanty consists in their houe iiuciis. Tae nore i.'y tue figures, the more stylish the faa." "One of tie roost beanuful women of New Ya? is now in the Bloonungdale In eane Aiylum, wo!le insanity watcansed by Ue use of enamel on her fare." The Constitutions! Convention if Geor now in session, r-s declined to give the Lvgislf'e'C jniwcr to r.gulate freights and farea on railroads. Saturday evening was the quietest one in town that Las been experienced iu lusiiy weeks. Camp meeting, bush meeting, and a festival in Pattornon ail contributed tiiuir hare io the rein cf q-iieiuess. A PatCTson, Xew J?r!-y, OndeHaker, alter putting the c.rve on ice, demanded ymert iu adstice. As the ready money -.oiAd r.ol he !ri;:rd a mortgage was of feicd him, but !s ihe undertaker refused to accept, an . U . ie corpse out of the casket and removed e-erythiug, ev ;n Ihe fce Tue DanLnry Airs reports ah interesting Suterview. Pretty and self-possessed dam- eel. Affectionate and red-faced youth at tempts to pop the question to her. Siaiu tiiers, and pretty damsel smiles sweetly and says eucoutt-ingly, 'Thonias, wait for your second wind." (Conclusion, everybody happy.) The number of so-called railroad enter ririses that have been engaged in, by which people have been duped into the loss of thousands of dollare, cannot be mentioned. The liUiuber is largo. One of the favoi itu Vnethois of swindle has been to ttart a corporation, get people to aubsenbe to the toucc-n, au- thus wort the business np to a flirt irora wbich bonds may be issued. The bonds are tben taken to some city, and tlere, by the aid of men who engage in such crooked ways, the bonds are sold for wbat ev they will biing. Whatever they sell for is clear gain, for the parties working the concern have nerer bad a dollar in tbe en torpriee, and never intend to have. The whole foundalion npon which it has rested fcis been the aubscrrptions of the people along the proposed routes, and the pay rccsts made on ssid subscnptioDS. People have often thus been beguiled Into loaning fheir Credit, and to the gfv ing or their booert tneans to he echemesol unscrupulous men. Does beguilement destroy contract t The question now is, have the people between this place and Seliasgrove ben beguiled into helping the schemes oT a few men who wish to ael! the bonds of the so-called S elins grove and North Branch Bailroad 1 jThe connnone is Ihe enemy of every tnta who by economy has saved a dollar fir a "rainy day." It is the enemy of si) people who fare money to boy property. An item afloat reads thus: A movement is now oa foot to aboIUh all fast freight lines, and to have all The through freight business carried on by 'the railroads direct. ' Shsrpera of iCorthumberland county hire wagons and beg provisions of the farmers fnr the suffering miners. They sell the provisions and put the cash Into their pockets." The attendance on the Permanent Exhi- hition at Philadelphia U increasing. On the 30lh of this tnonih the Governors of the different S tates will assemble there. It will be one of the great days. A few nights ago thieves visited the premises of Emanuel Moyer in Fermanagh township, with a spring-wagon, broke ojien Mr. Moyer'scorn-crib and took as much cum tberefroni as they wanted and drove away with it. We don't understand why it is that a con stable with a aearch-warraut looking tor wtii.-l.-y in a temperance town can search lor live days, and never git a smell, while adiy and thirsty nun in the same town steps out ' his office, walks briskly away, and in three minutes is seen emerging from an ad- j.icent allev, wiping his perspiring mouth I wiih his cuflsBariago. Woir-.,.. I I Wero Tkw' if of ,1,e tock- , " " - I E :V . 1 - - - . i j "" - .,..!..., .i in., ena o. me pro. P0- road that knew of the movement for ,be HP-intment of a receiver. The) knew ! " um" ""r ucn """- I nient had been made in newspapers. Who ! set the j.-b op t Why not give the stock j holders a statement of what money has I been collected, and to whom paid f Why j not give a statement of the number of bonds disposed of, and to whom disposed t Why not tell ihj stockholders what need there is for the appointment of a receiver 1 It en lightens no on to tell a stockholder when he makes such inquiiies, Oh! Tes, be is opposed to pub'ic improvement." IV hen a j I man answers questions in that way set him i down as not the riht kind of a man. There j is as much in such answer as the answer of : ,or bi crimes, that the world is lull of sin. Tux Juniata County Agricultural Society will hold their Annual Exhibition on their grounds at Port Koyal, ou Wednesday, Thursday and F.iday, October 3d, 4th aud 6th. By order of the President. SAMUEL BUCK, Trtaturtr. aiig22-3t PtRsoxAt. On the evening of the 9th int., llev. A. kelson lloiiineld, rresuyte- rfn preacher at Huntingdon, was married 6 ' e e ivate . (.oenran, oi nuuimgaon. l lie con f the Keerei,d gentleman were i. . a i uu pi i i i.t i , iuu iieii iuc : ' I .. . ,1 . t 1 . i .. ,i . i .v. cnurco uoors were openea to a:i comers. Such a numerous crod was never before assembled at any one church in Hunting " The following Juniats county peopl hav. ti'tir ill lh Jt:nilA VaHt-C fit mTt-PHettit(- - - X" O . a.. r..t ... H.i...;- tr i - v-..., I W. H. Egulf, Jon S. f;rsybiU, Hn. S. A. , , , .,- . ... ... . lUwn, Isjsc Ci Tian, Kev. J. V Olewiue, ' ' . ! Kev. L. F. Snath, -Mrs. J. Wilson, O. C. liiaenuerler, iJebecca J. L'tveu, james I ,. , , , j iNortli, Iia r. C,iUird. I . , r, ., ... . ., . . A Jacob ti. hi'l'i, editor ana rrorr" or of ike Suuliurv Jma . tteu.lI boi.rl ist i - - I week, as a wilurss. ilia preseuce carried Ue ,nil!4 04Ck , ,cbool dayij when Hiram i "u'" ":c II...-. .....1. - ;..t 1 ..I k .1.. IT - - 1. l. 1. .1 ( . , .appruachLH - ut. T.J. Prow, and h ar Urn in , , his c!er shrill voice e.v-Uim, Li--bit-l ! , f .!.: -i l. j t . , .. ... j I.ow- . land, uliall meet thee in latlle array and , j Tom's indignant, final r. joinder, Avaunt, I foul Hilar!, I trust not thy talc," also fills ; a niche in niv-uiory's ever filling but never f f u'l store-house. In the reiiiiiiicencrs that the editorial workers of that class of boys i w-ll not be forcottrn. It will be preserved fresh and green. j Jerry tronse, of the Middlebnrg Pol, was iu town a few d .ys lat eek, attend-! mg court as a witness. . Judge Lunibard, of Snyder county, edi- tor and, proprietor of thtt Sntfer County j iriAaar. attended court asl weeK as a nit- nesa. Heis.judgeinoRiceuow,.dfnm; lite signs 01 iue limes ue in ue eiecieu tor ihs nexi tei in, at the coming election, to tbe same poakinu. tu:bjrr", of the Iliintingdon Journal, has opened a neos-aper agency in Philadel phia. Hope it will pay bin. Senator Morton's left arm has been stricken with paralysis. Rev . T. J. S herrard preached a sermon last Sabbath, from lion 3 : 1'J. Judge Juukiu is the inventor of a four horse plow, that is tighly appreciated by Ih-rte nho have used it. The Judge made it fcr noe un Ilia oo ground. The rumor that prevailed relative to the luaii oi Rev. Mr. Black elder n South or Blue Mountain, needs to be confirmed. The probability is, there is no truth in the rumor. DavM Murphy is about to start a new in dependent pjper, Twict a IVttk. David Hamilton, so tlttrckt of this office, is developing il.t one of the most skilllul bars fishers in this county. Rev. Mr. Stewart and Wis Thompson were married in the Presbyterian church iu Port Royal, on Tuesday evening. A horse belonging' to Gideon Sieber frightened at a passing wheelbarrow, cn Tuesday morning, while tied in front of Thomas' store, and thereby broke the shaft ol a buggy to which be was bitched. Amos i. Bonsall, of the Democrat and Regiiltr, is off as Representative delegate to thi Democratic State Convention, which meets at Xlarriaburg to-day. U'HAT is tbe whole troth of the mat ter anyhow? Sot long ago we were reliably informed that Meeker had ne gotiated $60,000 worth of the S. & X 13. railroad bouds. Since ttieu we bear over $100,000. One of these figures w feel certain ii near correct. lij" are not the stockholde rs and the pub lie cfiuially n.foiuied of this cotidittoo of affairs. Let the truth be known. We have beard f ibis to mouths ag, and probably few people Are aware of it, tiie matter being kept quiet. Wuat sort of management is tbat wbich will place uncontrolled, tnto the hands of a oao like Meeker all the Bond of a railroad cornosny ready tignedfor the market It is astounding. Selinsgrove Times. Pcbuc Slis The Eecutora of the es tate of Alexander Andrews, deceased, will sell by public outcry, at the late residence of said decedent, in Fayette township, al 10 o'clock a. A., on Tresday, SepteuitK-r 4, if?77, one horse, 2 cows, 2 heifers. S h gs, wagons, carriage, plow, harrow anfl other farming utensils also household and kithen furniture. Court Proceedings. Reported by B, P. BarchfleM, for the Sea inel and Republican. August 4, 1877 Owing to the collUioa oa the railroad, between freights aear ilex ico. Judge Jnnkin did not arrive until after aoon, and court was railed at 1:80 P. M. Upon petiiion of the minor, E. S. Doty, Jr.-, Esq., was appointed Guardian of Benj. F. Trego, minor child of Benj. Trego, dee'd. George Jacobs, Jr., Esq., was appointed Auditor to distribute the elate of Edward P. Hutchinson, deceased. The appointment of an Audi. or upon the account of J P rjeffleanger, Uuardian of Myrtle Eppley (now llagau), was held under sdviarment. Upon his own petition, Hugh S tlart. Guardian of his own minor children, grand - children of lluph lljrl l.ia ,.r Tn.-.... e ' v township, in this comity, deceased, the said Guardian was allowed to remove a portion of the estate of his Wards from this connty the State of XeKraska. A pluries order of sale was awarded in estite of Daniel Byer, deceased. Cuon the return ol the writ of partitiou of the estate of Leonard Khoads, the inqui sition confirmed and further proceedings held under advisement. In the matter of the partition and valua tion of the estate of Juhn Shirk, late of Monroe township, deceased, the heirs hav. ir,3 !ved the rifiht to tie, and agreed j that i mpart ?io should be awariled to " lk..l ci.:. I. I . . n . . m: , . i uns. iuo - on 1 1 unjerra luai lllt'V cn- ao ; awarded, and that the said Abel and Michael , fchirk should file their with surety to p.iy the share of ihe other heirs. III the estate of James McN'irht, late of A. . . . the borough of Patterson, deceased, upon petition of Margaret Elvira Beatiy, a rule ' was granted on the heir of decedent to show cause hy an icquust should cot be awarded. j S B Crawford, Adin'r of Jos S Laird, de . ceased, makes return to otder of sale that j the real estate remains ousold, for the want : of buyers. Keturn accepted and further proceedings held under advisement. Upon petition of Ida J Mc.Mecn, a rule was granted uj on John X Moore, her Guar dian, to show cause why an allowance of $75 should not be made her, out of her estate, to defray school expenses. Ac. The return of thecemmissioners to divide and value the estate of John Shirk, dcc'4, hied and confirmed. Jeremiah Lyons, Esq., filed his report as Auditor to distribute balance in the bands of James J Patterson, Adai'r of Thomas S Barnard, lato of Beale township, deceased. R F. I:nr.-1.H.-M. f',i Hlmt h!s n iwirl , , . , A- . . . . , , Auditor to distribute the hjlanre fn thrt , , , , .. . , , t ! ..... : r-: . , . . . , , j of Lucian Kmgs.ey, late cf the borough of Talterson, dee'd. Also, his report distrib- uiitg the estate of George Su'.ouff, lute of Fayette township, deceased. 1). D. btone, Esq., tiled his report as Au- ditor to ascertain liens agaiust the estate oft .... , 1 . . , . . t.her petition she was mad'; a party delend- Pajp: Cox. deceased. Juceb A. Chrislv, Esq., Bled report as . . . . Aiw .1 i... i : 1...1 .. i t ..r Juki umi: luuiinii V4IUA.C iu sia.ius e JosTMj Ro'brock, Executor of R. bert C. 1 1 I J Gallaler, deceased. j ";-., -v., mcu rvjn.r. as asanur tr C ri .a. all-J a ..j!.. ; ji"ii!uiiiii', t.' i lit vi tfacuu I. II.IV'IUIIAII, , , ' ueeeased An order to stll the real estate of bvlves- . .. j , , .rji. ter I r. y, dee'd, for payment of debts, was . , , t t , g"'Jtrd Jos.h Long, A..ui r. ... ... .. u . . L pon petition of U t Croxier and others, . r a rule granted ttpon Jacob A. L liri.-tv, .. . ... Vt..m ... ' ; last will, Ac , of Kveraid !(, - el Beale township, deceased, to show caiiie hv an eleelioii to lake toe jR-ron u elite under e . or staIue ,,.ouid nol be de bv ,,w hein f j,. , t 8JliJ jrver. mi olt.4 deceased, ho d-ed about thirty- I Hve dMf her hll,0jn(; , hllvil,g jg ged bv .jiioners-maie an election Bor bT TvtM1. ot ullMOI,n(1 ol m.u,i mr ,,..K"t ,.r a. x. oil wa ev uuiui An order was cranted W U McAhster. ,A, ..,. i-i:...k.k p..;. a j ...n , . . . 1 11 i v. i I.I...UV1II vuilia,umlll, I J Ol I real estate of decedeut torpavment of debts. lnsalebl tho rea e.lte f Taut Cox, j,llrjMU.u Xo and 8 to D B Dimm, and No. 2 , J((Co0 Fis.her .nd ,Ue vaTch rccoglliMuce to ,he hcin tl)eir rt.p;ct!vu shlre41. Thf sherifl.a tlIra ,0 (he writ uf rli. (jon of estate of Samuel E. Sellers, de i Lease I . " ia u eu in." inie 1 11 .1 1 1 11 tr ri-i r, aic . .. , . . . heirs. I it.:. : 1 . 1 fv..l. . f . I iiiLB,uiuiinnj iuo vip-aiis vtfurfc uusi- j nes done on Tuesday, and in the Common Picas and Quarter Sessions, the first buM ness preeuted was tbe petition of the citi- tens of Port Ro al borough to be lucorpo- ratid nnJer tbe General Boiongh Act. Re ferred to the Grand Jury at December term. Iu tbe Aigument List, the Selinsgrove A North Branch Railroad vs. E. D. Parker; Williaid Xanklvell vs. J. E. McCrutu and Armstrong Powell, and same vs. J. S. Rob- ison, were continued. The return of Johb S Stroup, assignee of Daniel U Garman, to order to sell real es Lite, was accepted and alias order held under advisement. A rule was granted Sarah A Diveu npon Benjimin S Mumper to show cause why execution should not be stayed on judgment So. 21, Feb. term, Ib'j, and Fi. Fa. staved in tbe meautime. A decree of divorce a mrma t( thoro was entered jo the case of Elizabeth Leonard vs. Samuel Leonard, and tbe respondent order ed to pay Elizabeth Leonaid Zi0 annually, as alimony. Tbe rct-irn of Eire Smith, assignee of Solomon to order to s II the real estate of said assignor, was accepted and a pluries order of sale granted. Also tbe answer of. Etra Smith Hied to a rule, to show cause wey the sale of tract No. 7 to XV V Watts should not be set aside. A rtile upon Joseph Roihrock, Executor or Robert C Uallaher, dee'd, and Joseph II Gallaber to plead, demnr or answer to the Bill in Equity Eled by Jane Gallaber, w as ordered to be served opon the attorney of record, for Joseph II Gallahcr. In the Argument List, tho case of Walker township vs. Delaware township appeal liom removal of George W Kepler and fam ily. Argument upon depositions. Papers taken by Judge Junkin for consideration. On Wednesday morning the court met at 8:30 a. st. Upon the petition of E. McMecn, E'q.. Adin'r of John McMinn, J. auks Wiison was appointed trustee to take charge of a fund being the dower Interest of Joseph G or lev 's widow. D. D. Stone, Esq., was appointed auditor to pass upon the exceptions to the account of J. P. Ueftlcflnger, Guardian of Myrtle Eppley: K. McMeen, Esq., filed his report as audi tor to distribute ihe estate of Thomas Boal, deceased ; also his return to Older to sell the real estate of John W Sartain, and an alias order of sale was granted, lie also made return that he had sold the real estate of Isaac Snook, assigned, to Isaac Bowman for $1,410 and sale confirmed by the Court. Brale township vs. Walker township appeaj from removal of pauper. Continued. People Fire Insurance Company vs. John McLaughlin rale to ope judgment and stay execution. Rule made sbsotate. Same vs. John Lukens and wife, asms role. It was ordered by the Court that if the plaintiffs Will reduce their claim to $10 the role discharged ; if not, rule absolate. Same r. L. E. Atkinson, Adin'r of Da vid A Doughinan same rule. If plaintiffs will ted uce their claim to $90 rule dis charged ; if not, rule made absolute. Ram j vs. William Wright and Agnes H Wright same rtile. Taken for considera tion. Dolman appropriation. Money arising frotn s-de of personal property of J P Hoi ni in, oa writ issued on judgment of Jacob II Fisher. Surplus claimed by Doty, Par ker A Co.; upo assignment of llolruan, , f anil hr Jolin Minim9 Iimim Hmn ft. C. . . . ' . aUftl hr th ..m Ileld for consi.ieratioa. At 10:15 a. si the Snyder county case, D. Bohner vs. A. S. Cunimings W ith notice to Samuel Tn.utmsn, Henry Troutmsh and George E. Homberger, Garnishees, was takeu up. Charles Hower, Esq., of Sellns grove, and S. B. Boyer. Esq., of Sunbitry, were admitted to practice in the courts of this county tor llie trial of this ci: Three of the furors having failed td re port, talesmen, to w't. George Reynolds, Joseph Middagh, Esq., and David Watts, were chosen to 611 their places. Plaintiff having a judgment in the Common fleas of j SnJ .dm county Um1(k1 atU(.ume,lt e. ; culion and summoned the other defendants pleas of nulla Coma. Louisa, wife of A. S. Cummiugs, asked to be made a party to the recot. I, which was done, she claiming the mnnt. attkrhml I , . ... . The hutory of this case, as nearly as we ,, . ., . m lows: Dr. A S. Cummings with nia brother having contracted with the patentee of a post-hole boring machine for the right of certain territory, then raised a company of tit teen, each of whom was to furnish $1000, which Bohner and others did. The Cum miugs, as was alleged, actually only piid $ 5000 lor the maehiue, although they had represented that they were to pay $15,000. Upon discovering this, Bohner brought suit iu the Common Pleas of Snyder countv to recover the money be had p li t, as being obtained from him by false and fraudulent representations, and be did obtain a judg ment against A. S. Cummings for $1,300. Subsequently judgments were entered in Ihe oflice of the Prolhonotary of Snyder county, A. S. Cuuiiuiiigs, agent, vs. II. II. Trout man, Samuel Troutiuan and George Horn berger. Bcbner theteilpon issued an attach ment execution upon his judgmcut, ami summoned the Troiitmans and Hornberger ! 9 nirnihiit. Thi, f? irnwh il .irit they owed A. S. Cu uiuings no mouev, but did owe A. S. Cummings, agent, the amount of the judgments, which money, they avered, belonged to Louisa C. Cum mings, wile of Dr. A. S. Cummings, ke h.-ii. v har I'min Ili4 tmsiir anil l"ftjVluJliis action, and upon her representa- , .. . ... . , . ., t:Wi that a prejudice existed aatnst tin I -i i i .- . . . . , I i linn itli! !.ti.t.n:ititM tli1..nii ft,, rli mffml I v . , ' . . .. . proof ol the I ict whoae ni'.ney was loanel w hich tiiese judgments were taken to secure. The plainlid attempted io prove that the Doctor, by sie-:ula'im and by various fraud- I uient practices m.ida large sums of money, I and asserted that the deposit in the North j uiiiber'aiid Bank, from hich the money loaned had been obtained, was really his j money, covered from his creditors by de I pv!t in the na:us of his wife; The defence I In wed that Mis. Cummings had a large estate from her lather, deceased, that by in esti'.iiTt it accumulated, that the ni'n ey received as the purchase price of land bail b.en deposited in the said bl:ik by ! her orders, that her husband was her duly authorized agent, having corl llanrf.t as to the investment of her money, and that nn der this arrangement tho loans to theTrout nans, or which judgment notcswere taken and entered cf record, came to be mtde. The case begsn on VednslaT morning Th jury retired at 10:15 a. a. on Friday, and returning at 12:15, Sliding a verdict for delendiinfs During intervals in the trial of the above case and while waiting far the verdict, some business was done in tbe several courts, as follows The rule up-m Ii.iUier '.stiver to show cause whv a judgment cn a Sci Fa. should not be opened and the terrc tenants, John . , i t u .Ho er, kvuu.'d Lauvcr ma tienry LXUVIT, let into a defence. Issued cn the Htu and returnable immediately. Was argued; and rule made absolute. Judgment against terre tenants opened and all proceedings on Fi. Ft. stayed in tbe meautiuie. In Crouse vs. McManigie, the order stay Hg execution, made the 8th May, 1877 before reported was revoked. Moor head vs. Selinsgrove A N orth Branch Railroad. Rule to show cause why judg ment should not be marked satisfied. Con tinued. Bos wick vs. Knouse A Cox. Motion for a ue trial, lie Id toi consideration. Ilaldeuian appropriation. Continued. Catharine Miller vs. Commissioners of Snyder county. Motion for a new trial. Refused. Seliusgrove and North Branch Railroad Vs. F F Rohm. Rule for relaxation of costs. Allison's bill reduced from $12.30 to $1.26. In John Uerkman, Lvdia Huffman et al vs. Isaac Huffman a rule was granted on Isaac Hoffman to show cause why he should not comply with the decree of the Court, before reported. Rule returnable Septem ber 3, 1877. An order was granted Joseph Meiser, assignee of J F Barlet and wife, to sell the real estate of his assignors. John McLaughiin vs. John Koons. Judg ment taken because defendant neglected to sign the affidavit of defence which he tiled. Judgment ojiened by the Court. A. J. Patterson, Esq., Hied his report making distribution of funds iff the bands of Sheriff Walls, being tbe proceeds of the sale of the real estate of Satnm-1 ?troup. Frank Shields asked tbat his hotel licence be transferred to D P Sulouff, which was" done, and Sulouff filed his certificate and bond. A rule was granted on John Wright and jane Gsllaher to show cause why Ihe record in the case of the Executor of R C Gaila her against them should not be reformed and snrplusuge stricken oat. At the instance of B. F. Burchfleld, at torney for the supervisors of Milforl town ship. Judge Junkin put his interpretation upon a special act passed llth April, 1F59, deciding tbat the portion of the road in dis pute between the above township and Beale township, had been thrown itiio Bualu. An order was granted Henry Titsell, Ad ministrator, to svll the real estate of Martha Eaton, deceased, for tho payment oi debts. The petition of Elizabeth Harris, by her attorney, represented that personal proper ty, late the estate of Hon. Ererard Oles, deceased, was wasting and being destroyed for want of care, both the Executors of de cedent and tbe Administrator of Mary Oles, bis wMow, deceased , refadag te lakscbarg or It, and O r Harris was ar-pointeS Traay tee to take charge of and auk saTe of the same. Several attorney called the attenl3 i the Uoort to the fact that the Commissioners of the eonnty had passed a resolution re quiring parties holding audits 61 arbitra tions in the 'Orphans Court room to pay Mc.N'uIty, Court House j ini'tor, 75 cent to $1.00 for the attention that is re quired in the opening and closing of the room on such special occasions. The Court was aiked to rule that the Commissioners had over-reached their jurisdiction in the question. Mr. Christy responded in behalf of tlie Commissioners, and the Court M not rule, holding that the Commissioners bad not exceeded their jurisdiction. Court adjourned tw dit Friday, at 12:15 o'clock p. . Jons Spbecb, a leader in the no tous demonstration in this city last month, whose arrest we chronicled heretofore,' had a hearing before Al derman MeCormick who committed hiui ia default of $G00 bail. While in the lock up, a writ of habtns corpus was sued oat, and Speece bad a hearing be fore Judge Mann. The evidence was of sued a nature that the Judge con cluded to hold hiiii iS ? 1 000 bail lor bis appearance at the October Sessions, in default of which lie was juled in Hollidaysburg on Fiiday. Alloona Tribune. "What is a IIdlum ? The Phila .lelpliia Lc&t!r answers the question. The word "hoodlum" is used on the Pacific coast as a descriptive term for idle young rowdies of the kind that make up the gangs of " corner loungers" of our Atlantic cities. They 6tand about in groups in the disor derly parts of all towns, and are very fre with their foul tongues in making offensive remarks npon all persons passing by. If spoken to about their conduct, they reply by repeating their insults, and indulging in other ruf fianism, including profanity, obscen ity, and, not unfreqnently, actual ai sault with fists, cluls and stones. This tribe of rascally boys and young men the Califxruians call 44 hood lums." There is no peculiarity about the matter but the name. There are plenty of jast such fellows about tbe outskirts of our large towns, and small one too. The "hoodlum" is the boy whose parents or guardian per mit to rpow up and pass the years from fifteen to twenty without work at any useful occupation, idling away his time by lounging about bar rooms street corners and ''on the lots" with other young rowdies and blackguards." They are al wavs trou blesome and sometimes dangerous, for they always make up a large pro portion ot every mob of rioters. Theirs are are the idle and vicious ban. In that are always ready for "the devil's work." Tbe authorities ot a number of coco I.- ..'..r..... , , . .rl k, .,..,1 Legislature, Aia S, 1T6, wbich pro vides thai any wun.its.bie or police oS ccr uiav, on uolica by an inliaHlapf, or ou bis owu view, arrest any vagrant, and take bitu before any couiiuittiog magistrate. Tbe magistrate may colu mn hiui for a term not lexa than thirty dajs aud Dot exceeding six mouths, "to labor up ni any country farm or ujiou tbe road and highways of any ui'y, lowiisbip or buroui'h, or io any bouse of correction, poor house, work bouse or common jail, or to the supervisors or street commissioners and overseers of the poor of the respeotive county, city, borough or township frberoio sticb persons shall be foudd." Here are powers which, if exercised, are ample to clear every township in tho county of tramps. "Ail persons going about i . . i . i . . i . i i iruui uuor io uour, oi piaciwg tueineives i in streets, highway or other roads to ' beg or gather alm, and all other persons wauderiug about and bagging, !io have no fixed place of residence in the township, ward or borough," are de clared to be vagrants for all purpose of the act. There is no necessity to ait till some robbery or other outrage is committed by these peripatetic pests ; Ibey may be arrested on sight, where- ever fout.d Neither is it necessary to I a. ... . i ..... ! hy may be put to work on the public highways where they are taken, and . tbus made to be nf service to the com munity off wbich they seek to live. It will be found that wherever these ar rests are mads the occasion for tusking them grow less and less. Ex, 31A1UIIED: BRAXTIIOFFElt KIXZER On the 12th inst., by Rev. J. Landis, Mr. George A. Brantboffer and Mit-s Amelia Kinzer, both of Dn!awa.r township. H RXER Near East Salem, on the 1st inst., Josei h K., son of Rev. Abraham and Ann Eliza Harner, aged 14 years, 9 months and 23 days. WIXEY On the jjth nit., in Indiana PA, Icephene Winey, aged 23 years, 10 months and 13 dsvs. BUYERS & KENNEDY (S iiccesaors to L. P. Sulouff,) DEALERS IN COAL., iatailllCIt, Calcified Plaster, Land Plaster, SEEIIS, SALT. kC. We buy Grain, to bo delivered at Miftlin town or Mexico. We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. BUYERS as. KEXXEDV. April 21, 1877-tf The Sistiskl aid RKprBLtcas has no superior as an advertising medium in tbia county, and as a journal of varied new and reading it is not snrpaeaed by any weekly paper In central fennairtvanu. CLOSINO PRICES DE HAVEN & T0.TNSEND, biREcns, No. 40 South Third Street. PHILADELPHIA. Stock Bought and Sold either for Cash or ou a Margiu. , Bib. Astin. U. S. 6'a .81 1I2J 112) lh6o, J A J 107 107 ' 1C7 109 109 , Iftoo 111$ 112 10-40'....-. 111'! lit " Currency. 6's 124, 12" 5, 1881. new li-'J 110 44 s, new,.. lo, 109J Pennsylvania R. It 27 T, Philadelphia A Reading K. R.. 14 H LebigU Valltry )t. R 3."j 34 l.i'hij(li Coal i. Navig itn.n Co.. Vi 19 United Companies of N.J.... l-'7 18 Fi'lsborg, Tilusviiie 4. Buff da H.M. 6 fj Philadelphia S Erie R. R 7 7 Northern Central !t. R. Co.... IK Hestonville Pars K. K. Co H K'J Jiorih Penua. K. R 3 89 Go'd..;.. 10.1A 105 iliFlUfOWN MARKETS. Corrected weekly hy Jacob S. Tuomas MirruKTow, Aup. -2, 1677. Butter .. Eggs.... Lard.... Usui.... bacon .. Potatoes Onion. . Kags.... ; 15 12 8 12 8 40 40 2 J1IFFLIT0WX GRAIN MARKET. C once led weeKly by Buyers A Kennedy. Qcotatiohs roa To-bat. Wednesday, Aug 22, 1877. Wbeat Corn ;.. flats Rye Timothy sued...... Cloverseed. I 30 60 2 So 1 25 7 00 yew Atlvrrfiittmeitts. To Rational Invalid. in i k- ness every portion ol tbe ImJv syipsthizes with the seat oi the disorder. When the stomach fails to perform ils functions, tho liver, bowels, nerves, muscles, veins, arter ies, Ac, are all more or less alftcted. These delinquents require a medicine, combining the properties of a stomachic, au alterative, a purgative, touic, and sedative to bring them back to their duty ; and all these ele ments, in their purest and most effective forms, are uniled in Tarrant's 1 fferrescf nt Self zer Aperient, the rreat Saline Remedr Inr Indi7itinn. ! and its rencomitant consequences. Sold by all druggists. CCC f rt tt'77 xx t0 Agents tin rt4 ipuv bU ipl I fit p. o fit Augusta, M line. $125 A PA fat horn. Aeon's hittit and terms free. TKT'E A CO., Aus utt, Maine. rCC we k in your own t. t erms ;tnd UUU$-. unttit free. PortlanJ, M tine. II. hallett a cu., - I (flOf! per day at t)3 h CfjU Address G per day at home. Terms fre. so. Stimson A Co., Portland, Me. GRACE'S CELEBRATED !AlTe Is m VieitabU Preparation, invented in the 17ih century by Dr. William Grace, Surgeon in King James' army Through its agency he cared thousand' of Ihe most serious sores and woiiuds that bahled ihe skill of tho most e uinent pliv su-uns ol ma aiy. and ""as regard.? ! by 'e umi ai a pumu oem iactor .. 1... . il- i KoWLE A Si XS, 80 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Mass. Philadelphia & Beading Pilroad. Arrangement of Pa-sr tiger Trains. AiGisr I3ih, 1877. Tram Uart ti trruburr at fullotct : For Xew York at 5 20, 8 10 a. m., and 3 57 and T 6o p. m. For Philadelphia at 5 20, 8 10, 9 4i a. m., O IMI anH a ST n ... uu ana 6 oi p. m For Reading a 5 20, 8 10, 9 45 a. m:, 2 Oti 3 57 and 7 p iu. For Pottsville al 5 2d, 8 10 a. m., and 3 57 p. m. and via .Schuylkill A Susduehunut Branch at 2 40 p. ui. For Auburn via S. A S. Branch at 5 10 m. For Allentown jit f2 3 0, 5 20, 8 10 a. m., 2 IK), 3 57 and 7 5o p. in. Tbe 5 20, 8 10 a. m and 3 57 and 7 55 p m. trains have through cars for Xew York. The 5 20, 8 10 a. ui. and 2 (0 p. m. trains have through cars tor Philadelphia. ' svxv.irs. For Xew York at 5 20 a. m. For Allentown and way stations st5 2'1a. m For Reading; Philadelphia and way sistions at 1 45 p. in. Traini for Harruhurg .art as follovt i Leave Set Tork at 8 45 a. m., and 1 00, o JO and i 4o p. in. BSMBBflaVBBaSBBMBBSSBBSBSnfaSBBHBBSBSSnMSBBSl " Leave Philadelphia at 9 U a. nf., and 3 40; , ivp nJ Kit.. MnUtl ani, Phi-al Inca and 7 20 p.m. pacity, resulting Irora Self Abuse, etc Bv Leave Reading at t4 40, 7 40, 1 1 20 1 311, 6 Io and V) H i p. iu. Leave Pottsville st 8 10, 9 13 i: ni. atir! 4 35 p.m., and via Schuylkill and Susquehan na Brancb at 8 15 a. ni. Leave Auburn via 3. A S. Branch at 12 00 noon. Leave Allentown at 30, 5 50, 8 53 a. m., 12 15, 4 30 aud Si 05 p. m. f Via Vorri ond Emx Railroad. scxo.irs. Leave New York at 5 30 p. to. Leave Philadelphia at 7 2'J p. m. Leave Beading at 4 10 and 7 40 a. m. and 10 35 p tu. Leave Allentown at 2 30 a m. and 905 p m. Don not run on ilondayi. J. E. WUOTTFX, General Manager. C. G. HAXCOCK, General Ticket Jgent. J.JENRT HAKSHBEKULK.M. D., Continues the practice of Medicine and Surgery and ali their collateral branches. Office, at his residence in McAIisterville. Feb 2, 1876. gOLO.llOX SEIBER, Will visit Mifflin and Patterson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings and will furnish tbe citizens of these bor oughs wit l the best of BEEF, VEAL, MUTTOX, PORK, Ac at the very lowest prices. He respectfully solicits the patronage of the poblic. MISCSLLJSMBQtS WAR! WAR! WAR! oisr HIGH PRICES! The nnJersigntd, for the next 60 dlys, will s U at COST for es!. HARDWARE, CUTLERY j ; STOVE?; WALL PAPER, IRON, and everything he kecp.i on harxl in his Hardware Store. NOW IS TIIK TIME fcr all who desire to puiehss anything in my line, ii call and bey. I invite everyVdy to give me a call, to eaaaiine ray good, and to sec IT liieuiseivvs hat 1 am ia earnest,' and ara sol'ing mv goods at COii . J. W. MUTHEESBA.UGH. PEOPLE' IIAItDWAKE STORK, Jaly 25-3ui D. W. HARLEY'S Is tEe p!tce where joii can buy Tllii llEST A' THE CHEAPEST MEKS' YOUTHS; & BOYS' CLOTHING HATS, CJPS, BOOTS, SHOES, JD FCRSISHIXG GOODS. EE Is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select stocks ever odored In thla market, and at JSTOSlSHlXdLY 1.6' PRICES ! Also, measures taken for suit and parts f auits, whlih will be csJe to order at short Dotice, very reasonable. Iicmeicber tbe place, in iloftmia's LIXTOVVN, PA. Water s'reets, JIIFFLIX SAM'L STEAYER has just refurned frorh ho Ka. ten "V.iea s full ?ir'sfj of MEM & BOYS CLOTHING HATS CAPS, 1500TS GF.N'TS" FC'RXISIII.VO GOODS. Goods of a'l ktnd are !rW.fine an t s ite and be astonished. Pants at 13 CttU. C7"Sl. il d SADf. TO i Kilf. K.r-i Patterson, Pa.; Say r?, !S7s. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!' AT J. 13. M. TODD'S, PATTERSON, FA. I have just returned from PhiladelpWa who a iuii line oi MEN'S AND SOTS' CLOTHING. Men's Suits, L50, $5.00 to J U0. Boys , Suits, $2.50, $1 50 to S10.W!. A full Hue of the FAMIIO RLE H ITS. at low prices. A complete assortment of r t. .... n..a c nn.i I A full line of Children's Slue. 1 htre also a full line of Ladies' llose, Haudker chiefs, Ac. Also, a large stock of ortocEriiEs. Coffee 3!c. Markeral, No. $2 it' yer J bbl. I am now soiling SE'.VIXO MACHINES at WHOLESALE PRICES. I will sell you kiud ot a machine al TlTOri IEU CCST. LESS j ' than Ihev are usuallv sold. I.eve vour ! orders, and you can have any kind you fant. J. E. M. TODD. Patterson, May 17, Jl7r-. " se'eT"see1T GO TO THE BiFcrt Eoyal Igriwuiiniil Ageiicy 0lt FOUR Till! ESHIXG .MACHINES, iiorisr. roii tns, STEAM ENGINES SEPARATORS, GlaOVUIt IILIalalaRS, rioirs, Harrows, (irain Drill, &c. If Fifteen Per Cent. Lrss than Can be had Elscw'ie'e.f J. F. JACOBS A CO., Port Royal. Juniata Co., Pa. 25, 1877. Julv j. TalCCTURK TO TOIAG 31 E?, Jntt Pnb'.itktd, tn a Sralid Enrttopt. Prut fix crati. A Lecture on tho Xature. Treatment and Radical Cure of Spenuatorrhu-a, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emission, Sexual t)t rlilty, and Imptdtinent to .Carriage gen- KOBtKT J. CL LVKitWELL, M. D.. Au thor oi the "Green Book," Ac. The world-renowned author, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from h:s own experience tbat the awful consequen ces of Self-Abuse may be effectually remov ed Ichout medicines, and without danger oils surgical operations, bougies, instru ments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual by wbich every matter what his condition nny be.msy cure himself cheaply, privaleiv aim radically. Z7 ThU Ltctnrt vill rrori iuon to tkou inrull and thousands. Sent, uniler sal, i.i a fTiin cnrelnpe. to any address, on rece p of six cenis, or two postage sumps A idress the Publishers, TnEltLTLRWLLL MEDK1L 10 41 Ann 3t ew York: ajrll-Iy Post-Office Box 4586. J.M BRAZEE, M. 1). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Jicademia, Juniata Co , Pa. Orrica foTnierly occupied by Dr.3?rretl. Professional busi'tess promptly attended U at all hoars. L. ALLEN, M. D , Has commenced the practice of Melicine and S urge-y and all theircollateral branches. OfBce at Acad em ia, at the residence of Capt. J. J. Patterson. (julv 15, 1874 JUHrEfitlSEMEJilS. Main Street, opposite Court lloase, Jlifiintown, Pa. Tei feuildinr, corner of BriJg asd tSept. 15, 1-U & SHOES, ALL SIZES; SAMCliL STIiAitR. . Profession! Ccr.L, JOUIS E. ATKIN o.v; I ATTORNEY -AT -LAW: MiFFLIXTOVr. PA. Uncollecting and Convex aucing prompt ly attended to. I Urrici i)n Bridge streer, opposite the , Court House Square. 1 4 LFUED J. 1'ATTKRSON": ! ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, j MIFFLIXTOWX, JCXIATA CO., PA: i CT" All business promptly attended tv. ! Orrici On Krid; streer. oim.wiu j Court House square. .vrr JL1. ! Attorney and CoutssIor-at-Livv; ( Tr impt alti-n:ion given l" t!.- o-c'-ruij i and collecting of cUiai, aud a.!: i' g-1 !::: j ness. .. .... Cf rice on bridge street, ?.r;: door I of the Beiford building. April II, 17'f ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, mifflixtdwx. pa. Collection? and all proftssio-.l bysi nesi pra-pt!y aticuied to. june JO, lb. Jg F. hi K(. iini:Li, INEY - AT - LAW, MIFFLIXTOHW. P.i. All business intruded, to bis care w.TI In careliilly and prowvtiv aitend...! to. f.'ol lections made. Kesl estate b:ci;ht, soil or -Xchariged. Leaser iiegol:ire-i. Lanits lri the South, VlVit, and in the county lor sale. OtSce on bridge Street, orposire t'je Court House. iprll ' J01IX McLACCHLlX, INSURANCE AGENT, PORT ROYJt., JLXFiT.i CO.; P.i. ITOiily reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 1875-ly JMTcRWrOlTiri)" His resumed actively the pr ictioo of woiicine and Surgery a:id t!?eir eoil'e-al branches. Otlice at th c'i corner ir ItH and Orapfi sireets, Miiii'mowUj I . March 21', 19715 THOMAS A. EliDEH, M. ST Physician and Sareon; XIFFLISTOirX, rj. Offie hours from 3 . . w . 3 p." (.if. flee in his father's residence, at tho south end of Water s'reet. ocl22-tf jETT Diitt: sICRG: banks & Hamlin, (Bellord Bniidin;,) Main Street, .MlCIInlovrn. DEALER- !X PRPaS AND ICINES. CHEMICALS, DVK St IFF. PAIXTS OILo.yAk.VlMjf-.iiL.-.S.S.I'lTTY. COAL OIL. LAMPS, BI KNEhS, CUIMXEYS. BHUS11K S. HAffl PhTSHES.TOlM H ritCS HES, PEK f L'MEKY. Cn.UrUi. SOAPS. HA IK OIL.ToBAC. CO, CIGARS. X O T I O x . STATIOXKkY LARGE VARIETY ur : PATENT MEDICINES, Selected with great cirj, and warranted jrom high autboritv. tr7-Pnrest of WIXES AXE" LlQVORS for mcdicsl purposes. C7-PRESaRIPT10X expounded wir great rare. June 22-tt. 31 K A T M E A T Tue iidKrsicicd have cmm', Ira J Butchering business ia the l-.T"uh of 51 ! BEEF, VEAL. MUTTON, ana PORK em b? ha-1 every Thursday aui jaturdav :irrning at lliir iwat stoie at the residence id Sir. Hows, on Cber" street. 1 heir wJiron nt aNo v:tl the r-i. depce cf citi-ns tf.e f snie twrni. Kill coce but the but of stock, ami sell at fair prices. Give us a trial. HOWE A JTXA June 28, laTis-f