SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN WJFFLINTOWN. W cdacgday. Auguit 84, 18TT. B. F. SCII WE I Ell, EDITOB ASD riOPIItTOK. ftepnblican State Convention. H-AHQCAtTriU KzPtSUCAS StaTI EPUCA Stati ) vis, J, i. July 12, 1877. J Cimnrrxi Ba-aajsca-, 7 direction of the Republican State Coniirfitee, the Repcb! ican State Conven tion, heretofore called te meet at EaJTis feg on the 29th day of August next, is hereby postponed, to meet In Harrtsoorg, at boon, 00 Wednesday, September 5, 1877. lb i postponement ia tuade at the request f a Large number ot delegates elect, who have engagements to be present at a trien nial conclave of KuigbU Templar, wbich aas'-mblis at Cletelaod, Ohio, 00 the 23th day of August next. 7 order of tbe Committee. HEN BY M. HOYT, Chairman. A. iVilso N'okeu, Secretary. A cotniissios is about to try to 1 1 Iiig about a treaty with Sitting Bull Srrts to eiht thousand coal miners quit work in the Lehigh valley last rhitxsdav. Pox't envy city or town life ; there's nothing in it, excepting a little more polish or finish, than in country life. Thz centennial of the battle of Bi-'uiiisjjton ia Vermont was celebra ted on the 15th inbt President Hayes was present. Governor IIabtbaxft has issued a tall far two regiments of militia to enlist for a period of three months, or during the present emergency. The managempnt of the Permanent Exhibition at Philadelphia have con clude to open the Exhibition on Sunday. - 11 i All Legislative or Congressional action that has for its object the es tablishment of a department to fix the price of kibor, &c, is antagonistic to free government principles. A cheat famine prevails in South ern India. It is said that a journey in many districts "remind one of scenes on a great battle-field in the number of the dead and the dying." The war of the North with rebel lion was all in the iaterest of labor, but if the thing is to be run into communism, it was a monstrous blun der It wo'ild have been better a thousand times to have left the South go. Tub Spartan6 were communists ' and free lovers. Every semblance of private life was abolished. Even the babies were subjects for investiga ting committees, any that were so uiifortuuate as to come into the world as delicate beings were 6tran-1 ftled, so as not to be allowed to grow up .nd in turn give issue to still more delicate creat'ires. Slavfkt became aggressive. The Republican organization grappled with ;t, overcame it, and thus the greatest work that was ever accom plished for labor was achieved by the Republican organization or party. Does labor now propose to do as did t:ie mac of fable, with a moral, with the gocRe that laid the golden egg! A woBEXsosiEs's convention was held it Cumberland, Mil, last Friday. A platform was adopted that opposes tbe N-tkn.J Esi: system and advo- j catcs the isBue of all money by the Genera! Government, opposes class legislation on d cnc-quol taxation, fa vors legislation making paper money equal in value with 6pecie, favors a tariff to protect home industry, ad vocates a railroad law making pro lata ritea, and favors Sunday laws. In all large towns and cities are vaet multitudes who live entirely out si Jc of church influence. Some day an event will arise that will cause thia vast roultitnde to organize into a church. Such an event will be history repeating itself only that and nothing more, with the slight addition, that another name or two will be added to the list of teachers wid reformers. How are we moving, backward or forward ! Who can tell ? It is as true as Holy Writ, that nine hundred and ninety nine per cent, of the olEcials and managers, that fctnkors. their friends, and the commune generally condemn fur mis-inan.igenu-nt, are people of their own kind, that have sprung from nothing, stud have reached positions of trust lu cor-pratiens through the sgtncies of fie government, the tttability of j v! inl, f W .m.-mr ler . . - J . ft ' egulnst the acts of men pf tbt'ir owr kind. An English Judge not long since, in bearing tbe rasa of a "younger sou" who bed run bjpelessly into debt, and wi.j Lad applied for tbe benefit of the insolvent laws, decided that where a ur had incurred debt in living extrav agantly beyond bis niesus, he was bot entitled to any benefit nndersucb laws. His dctl3 were of the nsture of procur ing credit under fake pretence. Hav ing oidy so much irnney on which to depend for a living, and no more, when lie rsn bis expenses beyond that sum. and incurred a debt it was a criminal wiofi.mlforrislvrg Td(Tapit. Tbe Greenbaekers of Crawford coun ty Live nominated George V. flecker forjudge. Tt wa resolved that tbe two grf at parties are wrortjr, and flat "t!e cacntry can never get back to rros . polity and sgsin until tbe Green bspk r-ar'V becomes triumphant. It w. also resolved. that the Greenback j party eould and would "make the green- tack worth as much as tbe gold dollar." "bnnda a leral Uftder and money plen- 1 lj The - Wetk M rtall adclphla. . "An invitation has been ettende J bv the Exhibition at tire PoruiaSeut later national Eibibitioo to the Governors of all tbe states and Territories of the Uuion, to visit tbe exhibition daring tbe last week of August, for purpose of general confereuce. Nowhere bis such an opportunity ever before been offered to compare industrial results, aa accomplished uoder tbe varying con ditions existing within oar broad, oat loual doiuain. It promises to be a notable event, aid arrangements are beiuz perfected to make ttie visit highly enjoyable to the participants. Tbe programme tu sludes a preliminary meeting at lcde pendence Hall, od Tuesday, August 2Sth ; a fotuial reception at the Exhi bition by the Exhibitors and Manage ment, on Wednesday ; a grand indus trial parade from the manufactories of the city, reviewed by the Governors, 00 Thursday . visiting- leading manu factories, on Friday : a visit to Cape May over Sunday. Tbe trip will be further extended to New York, with a stop at tbe Trenton potteries where three or fotrr days will he devoted to an examination of New York industries, ! and then on to Boston and the m ana - J factoring cities of Lowell, Lawrence, and W altbam, closing with a trip to the White Mountains." Jay Gould. From tbe N. T. .Evening Mill. Jay Gould is a native of Roxbury, JMaware County, where bis father aud mother still live on a email bill farm. Ia 1855 Gould, then shout twenty-one years old, was sf.ll a c'.erk ia JJurhan's store in ltoxbury. la 1856 be rolled a wbeelssrrow over Delaware county as a surveyor, making a map copied from Uurr's old map with cor rections as to tbe boundaries and the names ol owners of property. During that time be took subscriptions and sold a- h.rg number of maps st five dollars each ; but when they were delivered they wers so wretchedly got up that Gould was literally cursed out of Del aware. He theo went to Pennsylvania, where ha took charge of a taun.'ry for General Zidnck Pratt. He remained in that situatiou for three years, until affairs got in such a o mditiin that bis associates paid hi 111 $50,000 to leave. With tbis in hand he came to New York, married the daughter of the president of one of the minor New England rail road; and entered on bis career in Wall street. Turhiab Massacre of Chris (tan.. Tbe Lmdeo Daily News, Bucharest correspondent telegraphs : bave written tbe following as I received, it, and from tin terrible accounts which fugitives continually bring ovsr the Bal kans, I ar it must be ouly too true : Uu July 31, the day of tbe Russian evacuation of E-ki-Saglira the Turks ordered tsst a:! ij'inslwiis, men women and children, should ba shot as tuey le't their bouses. Those who remained witbio were burnt alive. The order was given to burn down and destroy every particle of Christian property in the place. Many leading Turkish iner chauts took part in tbe affair. One dispatched a large number c Hashi 15 ar digs all over the Tcbirpio district. Tbis district is one of tbe richest in that part of Turkey. It con tains a very large propo-tiou of Chris tisn inhabitants, over SO churches and 500 scbo ils and colleges, all of which have been burnt. The destruction ex tended to the villages of Bodlid io, Ma-halet-i, Ksni and mmy others in ali about sixty, containing from 150 to 200 families each. Scarcaly 50 persons es ciped alive. Th Bu'garian fugitives at Gabrnva and Pelvi estimate that from 12,000 tn 15.000 Ohr stian have been massacred ia Eiki Sabra and the Tchirpan dis trist alone. Soldiers were posted along tbe road from E-ki Ragta to Kaxanlik ',h orders to rnS" shoot every body pas- A Texas Horror. J Cuttr Half Full of Dead Mca, IVomn and Ck.Urtit. Last evening one of tbe most horri ble reports that has yet been circula ted ou our streets, became current, but it was ot such a terrible nature that people talked about, it in low voices and with a feeling of dread. A deep well or cisteru had been fouud about fifteen miles Irom tbe city, to which at tention bad been called by a sickening stench arising from it. and an investi gation disclosed tbe fct that tbe cis tern was hall full ot tbe bodies of men, worsen sdJ ch'Urca, the mangled bod ies having been thrown in all positions aud conditions. Sum" bad their throats cut ; others were stabbed through tbe hearts ; others again bad their brains blown out. la a bouse near by was found secreted about $15,000 in money and a large lot of jewelry and other valuables, and an old Lag, wbo wbeo arrested jeered at her captors, aod de clared tbe money found was only a lit tle pocket change belonging to "her boys." San jfntoma Texm) Express. A sharp dodge was successfully play ed upon a ciliteu ot York at luuiauap olis the other day. U bile chatigiug cars be was addressed by a busiuess like gentleman as toliowa : "Where are you goiug !" "To Kausas City, Mo.," replied. "Have you a ticket? if a0 iel me 8ee " "er Ie"OW Tbe passeuger promptly banded the ticket over to the busiuess like man, Lo examined it carefully, aud then turned aud hurried off. It was but a few mioutes atterward when the travel ler discoveied that a common piece of paper had been returned to bim. Daring a thunder storm at l'atersou N. J., on tbe 14 lost., lleury Fried, a German, and a boy anJ girl, took ref uge under a cbesinut tree The tree was struck by lightning and Fried was instautly killed. The others were reo dered uncouscions and subequeutly re covered. Friede's bead wis turned blue, bat other wire bore no turrits. Tbe boy's leg was burned and turned blue. Tbe lower par of tbe girls body is covered witb bine spots. Fru-de wss thirty-nine years of age( and leaves a wife and six children. Tbe "Road Agents" in the Black Hills are humorists in tbeir way. A ears of tbem, wbo recently robbed a 'ge, niade tbe messenger mrrender the treasure box, wbicb cou tamed 5500, and then told bim that be ought to qait working for a company that did ,f'1 earry more money than that. Comedy of Errors). Mere is au amuiug comedy of errors itti Pariaiau edjre : Alms, de V. Was very jealous, and determined to watch her basbaud. Que day be told her be was goiag to Versailles, aud wbeo be went out sbe put ou ber bonnet and followed him. . She kept biui ia sight uutii he turned into a passage which shortened tbe way to tbe railway sta tion, where she missed bim. Sbe stood for a few minutes ia tbe passage look iog, aud iuddeuly saw a man coming out of a glove shop with a father over dressed lady. From the distance she made sure tbe man was ber bnsbaud, and without a word of warning sbe gave bim three or four sounding boxes on the esr. When the gentleman turn ed around to confront Ins assailant, she perceived that rhe bad made a mistake and at ibe the satte moment she caught sigLt of her hu.sbaod, wbo bad replen ished bit. segar case at a tobacconist's and was crossing tbe street. What could she do! It goes without saying that she tainted iu the arms of tbe stranger whose ears she had boxed, while the other lady ran off as fast aa sbe could to avoid scandal. The stran ger, wbo ass a commediao, was a-.-tuuisbed to fin I an uuknown lady in io his arms, and while his ears were still tingling from ber blows, be was again startled. A geutleman collared him, and shaking bim roughly asked bim what be meant by embracing a lady in the street. "Why, she boxed my ears and fainted!" screamed the actor. "Sbe is my wife," shouted the irate husband, '-and would never bave struck you without cause!" The in funated gentleman shook their fists un til the lady, who bad been carried into a shop, recovered sufficiently to ex plain bow it bad happened. News Items. A general famine is feared tbe East ladies. Hogs are being fattened on pcacbes about Columbia, S. C- A western paper says nearly all tbe tramps bail from New York. 1 wo Galling guns bave been sent to Wilkesbarre Irom West Point. A company at Alleotowo bave begun tbe manufacture of paper bags. There is a vigilance committee in every township iu Lancaster county. j: ... I 1 . a ui-ease aweuueu w..u grea mor- fahrv has hrokAn rttit tininor tr !mrcia .-...j ... b in Jersey City. Sixty millions of dollars is the sum set down as having been lost by the 'ate railcay strikes. A colony is being formed at Allen town Texas is their destination. Dr. A. )i. Crawford, of Eulenton, first introduced refined petroleum iuto Europe. It occured while be was Con sul 10 a Belgium city Among the citizens composing the Sheriff's potsee. of llarrisburg, is John A. aged 76- lie has been on duty since the format:on of the company. Peter Stiles, of lie. i ford county, was waylaid by four footpads last week aod relieved of over $100. He resUted their attempts and was shot ia tbe arm and hand. Ia 18-0 times were go slow in the best portions of Pennsylvania that real estate was valueless. Grain sold at from eight to twelve cents per bushel, vegetables brought next to nothing, aud a Fbcep could be bought for fitly ceuts. Tbe Pittsburg Telegraph estimates that the gun dealers of I bat city lost $18,000 in goods stolen by the mob. Styles Brookens was bitten by a mad dog on Tuesday, ou Puucao's Is lacd. . A hunter, named James Wilson, near Suirleysburg, one day last wrk, killed a rattelxnske six feet long 91 in ches in dia meter and having 15 lattice. The Sheriff of Berks county baa made a claim against the county of $1,5 lor each member of the posse be summoned during tbe disturbances in 'Beading. A J oor.g lady of fifteen summers, who was insulted at a ball in Kempton, Le high county, by two men, gave one of tbem a sudd-u knock wiib ber fist in iho face, sending bim sprawling on the floor, and tbea attacked tbe other chok ing him severely. Four members of tbe coal iron police, well armed, enier tbe Berks county jail each evening aod remain there no ill tbe following moruiog. lucre are still some thirty five ot these police in Reading guarding the property of tbe railroad company A poor woman io Berks county had provided for 18 dogs until recently, when a storm blew down ber cabin and kil ed six. Tffolvs thousand sewing machine needles are made daily at tbe Domes tic Needle Works, Middleboro, Mass. Fifteen thousand per month are sent to Australia. Tbe Latta Guards, of Altoooi, have disbanded. Just two of the members of that organization reported for duty when called npn to turn out to assist in puttiug dowu the rioters. Oue of the leading hotels of New York has the Lord's Prayer ptinted en tire on its daily bill of fare. Tba Local Optiouists are accused of using whisky to carry one Kentucky district at tbn late election. Tlrcy jus tify their rondurt on tbe ground that is proper to fight tbe devil with fire water- The 600 coltsges aod 500 teuts at Ocean Grove accomodate 16,0u0 per sons. A child of Nicholas Wain, Jr., re siding near Uornerstown, Ocean county, died recently from eating fi t stone and molasses, wbicb bad bcu placed in tbe dining room for the purpose of destroy ing flies. Tbe little child was but fourteen months olJ, and strayed into the diulng room through carelessness on tbe part of some ae ;aving the door open, and before it was discovered it had eaten a sufficient quantity to cause death. A son of Edward Wooly, of Centre vil.'e, Monmouth county N. J., aged four years, was drowned io a singular manner 00 Friday. Tbe child was missed from the house, aud tbe mother, on going to look for bim, fouud huti bead foremost in a large iron kettle filled with raio witer aod when sbe ex tricatrd bim be was quite dead. A daughter of Joseph, of Berks county, was alone io tbe bouse one day last week when a mao, whose face Was covered witb a hardkerchief, entered and offered to shake bands. Thinking it was a neighbor disposed to ,play a joke. Miss Foose, took the ex tended hand when she was seized and bound after which the thieves ransack ed tbe bouse. . , News Items, tt is reported in Texas ' thit 4,000 immigrants f?oui aiound SoraDton, Pa., are coming to that State tbis fall to or ganize a oolooy ia the vicinity of Fort Cone bo. Seven strong able-bodied tramps, near Gulf Mills, were put to flight one day last weak by offenog tbem a chance to earn a few dollars by digging a foundation trench. Laneaster has a strikes ia limbo one M. M. Frain, wbo is charged witb inciting to riot, interfering with the running of trains, and attempting to destiny the property of tbe Pennsyl vania Railroad t'ouipany. Ou Saturday, tbe 4:b, while Isaac W Mortou was gathering blackberries near Springfield, Chester county, be discovered the dead body of aa aa known man leaning against tree. The body bad been there for some time. Jacob Linsebig1e, a wealthy farmer, of Westmoreland coun'y, aged 74 as saulted bta wife on the lOtb so severe ly as to leave ber for dead. lie then went to tbe barn and bung bimself. Tne old lady will recover, although 72 years of age. Margaret Welsh of Allegheny City, bas filed a claim against tbe county for boue and household goods destroyed during tbe riots. The bouse is valued at 600, and tbe goods at $393 40. Pa'riek Logae files a claim for $50, for stable on Spring alley, burnt by tbe rioters. A M'Keesport gentleman bad one of his little children hurried last wnek in accor Jance witb tbe rites of tbe Cath olic Church. After tbe funeral ho be came impressed witb tbe idea tbat the Catholio ceremony Wss insufficient, lie therefore had bis child disentered and theo reinterred the next day, the fuueral service being tbat of the Ger man Lutheran Church. '1 he mao who fired tbe Lebaooo Valley bridge, across tbe Schuylkill at Reading, has been captured at Sun bury. We thiuk be is tbe prise vao dal of thc:n all. Tbere was no c ob to assist bim ; be was not driven to tbe deed by any frenzy such as siezes upon men in the heat of conflict, lie de liberately set about tbe business he had in band io the uigbt time, aod wreaked vengeance upon a whole com unity with out hope of plunder or reward. -Pint j a f , . Rmrd I During a thunder storm which re cently passed over Meadville, George L Miller sixteen years of age, of lead township, was instantly killed by light niug. He bad taken refuge Under a tree. On examination of bis body it was fouud that the electric fluid bad imprinted an exact representation ot the leaves and branches of the top of tba tree upon bis back, while exact'y over bis heart was a small round bole berned io bis flesh, and through bis clothing. At Cumberland Md , on tbe night cf tbe 14tb inst., a party of men, from fifty to one hundred, witb blackened faues, went tn the house of 1 harles Fisher, in Frost burg, and nearly de molished tbe boose with rocks, io. Fisher aud his family were driven away, escaping win. out injury. Fislor fired into the crowd with what effect is unknown. Fisher bad beeo mining at fifty ceuts while his tnitie was on a strike. State Attorney Boyd ts trying to apprehend the miscreants. On Thursday afternoon a fatal inci dent happened tn Rudolph Bergdoll, a youth of about seventeen, at the resi dence ol bis parents iu Utper Cbiches ter, Delaware county. He took hold ot the murzle of a loaded gun aod at templed to draw the weaoou out of a wsgon in which it was lying, but the hammer caught in au obstruction, and being suddenly released, exploded the charge and buried the whole load io tbe boy's heart, killing bim instantly. Mr. Peter Stiles, of Dry Kidge, Bed ford county, took a load of produce to Cumberland, Md., and after disposing of it be started for home $104 iu his pocket. Wbeo near home be was con fronted by a masked ruffian, wbo told bim to give bim bis money, meanwhile "making it pleasant" for Peter by shooting bim in tbe band. Peter was sooo surrouuded by four more villians, and be gave up the money, but not no li! be was shot in tbe arm. Tbe rob bers tbeo made tbeir escape. A terrific thunder storm visited Ot tawa, Canada, Tuesday night. A large brick building was struck by lightning a chimney demolished portions of tbe wall torn away and several windows knocked oat. Minor damages were sustained by several other buildings Tbe storm visited Aylwin at noon, where a school house was struck by lightning, knocking out all the windows and shattering beams. Tbe blackboard was torn from the wall and set on fire. The wildest confusion prevailed among the children one of whom was knocked senseless, and several rendered uncon scious with fear. Tbe storm was very violent at several other places, and there were many narrow escapes from death. Sew Advertisements. REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned Will offer at public Sale on the premises, at 1 o'clock r. St., on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1877, The following real estate, to wit : A VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY, in Spruce Hill township, Juniata countv, witb a good pair of French burrs, and a pair ol country Choppers. Uoi.fl ran of custom. flood neighborhood. Will sell Mill witb Water privilege and about One Acre and a Hall ol Land. ALSO, at the same time and place, SU ACHES of Land, with GOOD FRAME HOUSE, sue Z'JiV) feet, BAMv BARN, size 40x56 leet, and other m-cesajry ouibuiMiiigs. good Orchard, two excellent springs ol limestone water near tbe house, as a pari of the Mill Property, or, if desirable, the buildings just d scribed will be sold at tbe same time aud place, witb the HOICK FARM, a tract of land adjoining the Mill Property, ami containing about 811 ACRES, about tire acres tiinberland, and the balance Cleared. This tract is mostly Hint gravel land, and has been recently limed, having thereon a tawod-sizvd Log House, and two Srings of limestone water, one of wbicb could be piped to the kitchen door. Will be sold as above stated, or in tracts to suit pmcbssefs. Also a tract or 600 ACRES or Mountain (.and, which mill be sold io tracts to suit purchasers. Terms or sale made known On day of sale. J. KELLY PATTERSO.V. Pleasant View, Juniata Co., Pa. Aug. 15, 1877. Drugs Jt medicines at Banks It Hamlin. 's Leifal ffoticet. Estate of Jnaeph Pomeroy, Iieceased. ALL arconnts ami notes due said estate remaining unpaid November 1P77, will be placed in tbe hands of aa attorney lor collection. J. NEVIJJ POMEROY, Exocntor. angSMt CACTIOH JOTltfc. NOTICE is hereby given thai the follow ing property of Benjamin Lauver was seised and Solri August 18, 1877, br John H. Patterson, constable ol Greenwood township: 1 horse, 1 niare, 1 ntlile, I coll, 1 two horse msgun. 1 tanning mill, I plow, shovel plow, barrow, burse rake, wagon bed, harness, 2 bridles, 2 collars, check lines, horse bridle, 1 two-hnrs sled, one-balf of fifteen acres ot com, one-hall of tour acres of buckwheat, 1 cook stove, 1 teo plate store, I table. 6 chairs, 1 sink. The above prop-rtv was bought by Josiah Messiiuur, ot Greenwood township, Juniata coun'y, Pa. All persons are hereby cau tioned against any Interference with the said property. JOSIAII MESSIVEB. Angnst 20, 1R77. 11 UAL. JEST AT Jj AT ASSIGNEE'S SALE! rflHE nnriersigned, Assignee of EliaS JL Smith, tor the benefit of bis credi tors, will, by virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Juniata county, expose to sale on the p-enuses in Fayette township, at 2 o'clock P. M., cu SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1877, The following real estate, to wtt A tract of land, bounded by lands of Peter Brown, Christian Lauver, Aon Koonsi Abraham Ilaldern.m ami others, containing SEVE.1TY-TWO ACRES. more or less, and having thereon erected a GOOD LOG HOUSE, .YE IV B.1JSK B.iRJS, Wagon Shed, Spring House, and other ont builiiings. Tbere is a Well of good water on the premises, also a very due assortment ot r run Trees. About thirty acres of tbis land is under cultivation, aud ike balance ia in timber. Tbe property is quite near Brown's Stills, in Fayette township, and is in close prox imity Io schools, churches and stores. TERMS Ten per cent, to be paid on tbe day of sale; Hi teen per cent, when tbe aale is confirmed by Ibe Court ; and the bal ance in five and eight months from the date of confirmation, with interest from April 1, 1878. JOSEPH T. SMITH, JlttigM. Aug. 8, 1877. PROC'LA9I.4T10!V. W HEKEAS, the Hon. tttJ. F. Jcski-i, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the 4lst Judicial District, composed of the counties of Juniata and Perry, and the llnnorables Noah A. Elder and Francis Bartley, Associates Judges of tbe said Court of Common Pleas of Juniata county, hare issued their precept to me directed, bearing date the 27th day of April, 1877, lor holding a Court or Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at M1F FUNTOWN, on the FIRST MONDAY of SEPTEMBER, 1877, being the 3rd day or the month, iVotlca is IIesibv Gives', to the Cor oner, Justices ol the Peace and Constables of tbe. County of Juniata, that Ihev be then and therein their proper persons, at one o'clock on the afternoon of said day, Witt their records, inquisitions, examinations and oyer remembrances, to do those things 1 ,,jr li"'1'lua- that to their oiKccs respectively appertain, I and those that are bound by recognizance tc 1 DEPARTUEXT IT prosecute against the prisoners that are or ! Horticulture, Poultry, f c ?. then may be in the Jail of said county,; y g MeCrum, MifUlntown, Superintend be then and tbere to prosecute against em of Department, the as shall be just. , ((fJ r;jw an By an Act of Assembly, passed the the ' por gallon vinegar . S 50 day of May, A. D., l8-)4, It la made tht j beat uiopiay of domestic wluea.... 1 50 duty of the Justices n the Peace, of tht ' futt seremi counties of thin f 'immoiiv,:ltl. tr t return to ihel l.-rb of thi ',, ... r Sessions of the respective counties. all the recognisances entered into before them by any person or persons charged with tht coiiiuifsion ol any crime, except such cases 2s may be ended before a Justice of thj Peace, under existing laws, at least ten d.iye before tbe commencement ot the session ot the Court to which they are made re turnable respectively, and in all cares where any recognizances aie entered into leis than ten dsts before the commencement of the session tti which tbej are made re turnable, the said Justices are to return tbe same in the same manner as it said act bad not been pais rd. Dated at Mittlintown, te 27th day of April, in the year of oar Lord one thou sand eight hundred and seventv-seren. HM. D. WALLS, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Mitiitntowu, i August !, 177. nitl-IC EYAMIXtTIOXS. t MUE examinations of teachers for the ie- JL spectire School Di-tricts ot Juniata county will bo held as follows : For Greenwood, in Bethlehem school bouse, Wednesday, August 22. For Spruce Hill, in Spruce Hill school bouse, Monday, August 27. For Tusrarora, in McCoysville School bouse, Tuesday, Angnst s. For Lack, in Lick school bouse, Wednes day, August 9. Ho certificates will be ndnrstd, and no private examinations will be neld. The ex aminations will be chiefly written, and will begin promptly at t o'clock A. M. Appli cants will please bring an abundance of good foolscap paper. It is imperative that teachers be el am ined in the district wherein they are appli cants, and strangers must bring written tes timonials aa to moral character. Teachers are expected to take an educa tional Journal and attend Teachers Insti tutes. . Directors are respectfully urged to be present to examine tbe papers of the ap plicants, and to observe the address and conduct of thetr teachers. JOHN M. GAKMAX, Co. Supt Ang 1, Ib77. NOTICE. "I'lTE, the undersigned, Commissioners of v v the countt ol Juniata, hereby give notice that we will not sell or renew anr County Bonds, after this d it, at a higher rate that four per cent., and tbe Tax Collec tors for the year 1877 shall allow five per cent, abatement on all taxes paid on their respective Duplicates until the ll'h day of September next; and tbat the said Collec tors will be required to settle their res pec tire Duplicates promptly in one year Irom tne date there!. james McLaughlin, vt. ii. gkon1ngek, V. B. COX. My 1, 1777-tf Ctmmissioners. EXECUTORS' MOT1CE.- Estate of Alexander Jndrtws, deceased. T ETTEK3 Testamentary on tbe estate S J or Alexander Andrews, deceased hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those caving claims will please present them duly autheuticated lor settlement. WESLEJ ASDREvTW, HOWAHD A DREWS, July 25, 1877. Extcstor. rUNIATA VALLEY BANK. jMIFFUNTOWN, JUNUTA COUNTY PENN'A. S. ICEVIX POMEROT, President. T. VAN IRV1.V, Cashier. DIEICTOSS i. Kevin Pomeroy. I Jerome tletrick. Wm. C. Pomeroy. I Philip M. Kenner. George Jacob. Louis E. Atkinson. Amos G. Bonsa.ll. I Tbe Bank wilt pay interest on deposits. sngS, 1877. jVa Advertttrmtnf. pREMIUM LIST OF THE RIVERSIDE PAKK AND AG RICULTURAL ASSO CATION. or JI .VUT4 SJOUMTT. To be held Sept. 19tb, 20th and 21st, 1&77; at Siffliutowu,' Pa. bEPARTxeyr 1. AgiirvHure, ilacMnerf, Implements, de. J. R M. Tort.I. Viee Prfibleut, Patterson, ttupexiulendeul ot Department. (a) Agriculture For best bushel white whes.t.. secoll'l bent to oU.- best busbel rel wheal 7S &u 74 60 7f 60 75 7S 50 60 1 00 7S ft) 60 60 1 OO 60 50 60 1 00 50 and secouu lK-nt tlit do- tMt bubel fruits n-l. - &e-onl tiext do io . l-t tmshel euro 'tn earn bent bull IxiH. w-loorii ers bet specimen corn 011 stalks iov dozen suuka Iu bunch) bent bUMhel mti . . . Ih-wI liuxbel cloverxeed... . best hu-il.el timothy seetl. beet halt bushel aaxseext beKthakS ldliel bui kwbeat betit half lnhel barley .. brut ! r-s wbetif lour best lun Hs rye &our.. best ! ft Ouekh-M flour . best lot) lbs corn meal...... bmt head wbt-a:, .' or 'A dozen sheaves second bea ilo do. . . bmt I dns stalks corn, wlio ears., second best do do (6) Conveyance, Farming I-nytcmente Machinery. For best ton r- horse waimn beat two or three-borae wagon.. bei spring atfon la-, I family carriage . beat top buggy, siugle or double sealed ... r-elopen buii-rv.llK.ul trotting .. best trottiiiic i-ulky beat lltch. sing is or double abated 1 50 1 60 2 uo 1 1 50 1 50 1 W 2 uu 1 w 1 so 1 00 1 0 neat plouxn. beat cultivator..... bt-sl tlrac harrow beat coru plow.. . rel hay ladders. b -at wagin b-d 1 00 1 00 Tbe folbiwlnc list, in this rlaas. Is free to enininrp from abr-md.and will rvcelve spec ial car and olace.and Will be fuilffed SCCtri- lint to Quality, aud erimteil an award of tteilt or diploma, which will be read and pullish--d with tne listuf premiums: Beal reaper ; coniblncd reaper and mower; threshing machine; clover buller and apa iator; com shelter ; fanning mill; borse and buy rake; straw cutter; corn planter) plough; grain-drill; cultivator ; cord plough ; harrow ; hay fork : pump for wells; cherry seeder ; apple pearer ; elder press, baud or horse power ; patent bee hive. (e) Article cf Manufacture, Hade in County, the For beat lot of cabinet work beat chamlier Set ... beat Dnrlor set . 92 Of) 3 ' 4 on 3 a) a uo 5 j0 75 60 50 1 i 1 00 75 C5 beat lot of tinware beat lot of c arved t9t marble wirk.. roik beat hushe! banket I est band bafket M lieat market Itaaket beM ceilar tub or meat veasel heat refrigerator best corn, wire ar split brooms, f In bundle . . beat exhibition ol foreign cat- lery or hardware of any sort (oT) Leather and Miscellaneous Articles. For best pair flue boots f 5. beat pair course raai a... 60 beat pair taov 's sha?a 50 leat pair lady's gaiters 60 a?sl snleot sole leather 1 U beat side of cm p or upper leather.. 7i beat Qnlahed hnrnei leather 75 beat fc-l harness, ibmble . 1 (si beat set barney, single 1 Mi I saddle anil hrlille 1 00 beat heavy wagon gear 2 00 beat hand made horse shoes and nails 60 besl sea p bees.... Sou Mtilfalil nl,Ai. will !. ,,----.! fill lha ! ground and in tn exhibition rooms for all I patent rignt ariielc tuat may be presented . For best mflectlon of fall and winter apoies hall bushel ech SI no 75 75 be-i -ll-ctiin ol eara Deal collection ot penches . be?t collection ol ptums.... le.,t collection of quinces - best coiiectlou of grape . . l Harticultvre. For best collection of potatoes... second 0,-st, do ......, third b-at do. , best half bus sweet potatoes.. best half bus la-ets .. beat half bus carrots .... . beat half bus parsnips .. beat display ol rsdmiiea . beat had bus onions . !at ten varieties of garden Vege tables Vegetables. For best collection of soup beans best bus tomatoes. . . .. best cabbage v bet 4 sweet pom pi; ma, heaviest best 4 Meld pumpkins..; .. beat qua.iitca . la-t collection of peppers Ieal IScucutoliers . beat S watermelons.. tl 00 ill l 6i.i AO SU T5 beat S roots celery.... best half peck seed onions best bait bus turnips ry) Poultry For best pa'r turkeys .. SI 00 beat pen turkes. six or wore i 50 best pair geese. 75 best pairducks 75 best pair pea lowls 1 'Si besi s chickens, cra-k artl rhena- 75 liesteap cbicheus. 6 or more .. I 50 best coop dopk. 6 or more 1 .10 beat coop of pfgeoua . 1 1 0 best cageof squirrels 75 heat half doxa n Guinea fowla fO best pair Uuiuea pigs .. tt) DEPA S TMEX T III. Pine Arts, Household Industrie, and Miscel taneous. Mathew Rmlgera, Mexico, Superintendent of ia-parlment. (A) itoin'friTs, iVnrVt.ti(p oarf Photographs, for best quality of , II paintinas.. . 1 on best piece of portrait iu I'll 69 lawt landscape paiuting In Oil 60 50 51 1 ti 01) 60 5tt 1 UO 75 60 1 00 1 IIU 50 Xfl t 25 25 besl trull painting in on beat animal palming In oil . beat diplay of waier paintings best landwape iu water colors.. best fruit in water colors ..... beat flowers In water colors... . beat display of colored crayons beat single' specimen . best ilisplay of plain crayons .. beat display of pencil sketchea best display of pen drawings best ornamental penmanship beat plain penmanship...;... beat specimen of wood carving... best specimen of wood graining.. beat dmplay of plain and colored photifrrapbs besl specimen iu oil. India Ink. beat display of cards or faucy printing ) Musical Instruments. For best piano besl cabinet organ.... best mvlodeon (J) Xcedlruvrk. For best bed nuilt second beat do.. . ...... beat delaine bed nuilt . second best do do . best calico spread . be-t double cover.. Award of merit. SI on 75 7i 60 an an 60 60 Au best wiaiien rug . best woolen mittens . beat woolen 1; lo, ea .. seci,od beat do- best wrailen at,K-k Inga tieat cottn atockinas . best homespun wiaiien yarn, not less than one pound... . second best do do... ta-st knit spread . . best knit burean cover best silk sola cushion best shirts, made Ly band beat shiria, made by machine best display of all articles or nee dlework In fhisclaas best display otall articles df knit ting in thia class () Embroidery. .in Su T5 60 fto Hi 1 li T5 1 60 1 50 For best yoke and sleeves SI 00 60 75 75 1 On 76 f 60 60 VS. nesi collar and eurrs beat linen and cambric handker chief best skirt .. beat child's dresa second best do do beat tufted chair cover on cloth orcan-aas . ... beai cross-stitched do best inf'ed Ottoman cover.... .. beat table cover on cloth.......... beat piano cover on cloth (I) Knitting and Crochet Work. For beat crochet shawl.... tl no 25 611 61) K 24 60 60 26 nesl an t shawl best cotton tidy.. .... beat aephyr ... best kuit aontag.... ., beat knit hood beat algh&n . best crochet slippers. , best crochet basket.... (m) Leather. Hair, Wax, Shell Work, c For beat skeleton leaves en rarat display of burr work I ft) beat display of seed work. Js new aispiay of leather work TS yne Advertisement- beat display of hair work. ... boat display ot shell work beat design in beat collecUoo of dried leaves.... beat display of w work 1 so 60 60 a teo (n) CM. Uncu. BlanteU. tMritngt. d a. Krf a-ra varda 11 ntMl ........ arn-ond bet do - - beat BveyardacJoth ......... boat Ore yards e-sl mere beat Are yards flan Dei . ... - best Or yards satinet tnmt pair woolen blankets.. ...... beat Dearth ruj? - ..-- beat rag oarpot o) B-ead, Cake and PBJtrm. For beat home-made wheat bread one bmt "omeniae'rye bread, 1 loaf beat bran bread DCSI runs .-- - - - " " V i beat fruitcake, at least i p"- Wi ladv cakL OO au.. beat sponge cake do best gold eak do best Mirer cake do best Jelly cake do beat cup cake do heat seed cake do 1 a, 1 n.i.rhrMH dO do - do - do - do - do........ do do.. beet lbre varieties small cake. hair dozen aaco best douicbouts beat display of paatry best pastry, single specimen best display of cak--s (p) Preserve and JeUie. Spiced and Canned For beat preserved peaches-, one Jar 85 tw-Mi n-Awrval oulncea. one Jar... A best preserved strawberries. 1 Jar best preserved pine apple, 1 jar best preserved plums, oue Jar beat preaervwi citrous, one Jar best preserved cherries, on jar heal preserved pears, one Jmr - best apple Jelly, one Jar. beat ouince Jeiiv, one Jar beat currant letlr. one . beat plum jelly, one Jar Tost elderberry Jelly, one Jar.. b98t arple-botter - b.t ,-bach butler. beat car hotter beat quince m arm al atl e . heat paarb marmalade . . beat orange maimalaJB heal pine apple ruarmaisxle (q) Fruits and Vegetables in Air-Tight Cans. For best display of fruits - I no 75 second brat do do - best display of vegetables second beat do do beat single specimen of fruit or veseiitbiee beat catsup, any kind : - (r) Spiced fruit and tickler. For beat display of spired fruit . second leftt do do... best single specimen of any kind of fruit : best display ol pickles is) Butter, Cheese and Honey, For best S pounds print butter I best 5 pounds lump butter beat tT pound ebeeae heal can of lard .. beet 5 pounds honey . (f) Flotcers, c. For beat collection of Sowers.... t I 00 second best do do ... best col lor tion of variegated 1 eared planta best col. aloes and cactus beat col. fnchlaa best col. geranloma best col. verbena best col. petunias rirt eol. roaea beat specimen castor oil plants bent lemon tree... best orange tree . (a) cut Flotvers, drc For beat collection dahlias beat eol; nates . beat cad. verbeliaa , . bent col. phlox best rot, coxcombs . best eol. asters... 25 best col. g!a!to!a best dlspiuy of balsams (lady Slippers) best parlor botiouet. pair best hand hoquet, pair best cross of fl iwers beat heart of n"wer.... beat wreath ol flowers . hr,t harfefne htket beat stand of flowers DEPARTMSST IT. Horses. Cattle, Sheep, tjocts. Deer, ae. George W. Wilson. Vice fv-sMenl, Tatter sou, buperiulendeut of lepaxtieiit. Horses, Jleary-DrauQht Mires, and Colts T o ; I'fors tad lnciuaed. For besl colt lass than ( months old.. 4 00 ; Second heat uo do .... ... intrd hear ilo ri ... best yearling colt .. second best dodo ... I 'CM iwo.yenr old CO it second best do do ,., be-t liiree-yeur old colt second bet do do.. beat It'xv mare. second be"t do do best span horses or mares bet still iion... second best dodo J.lghl Draught. For beat span driving hones, car riage or buggy best single borse or mare to bar neaa . Cattle Durham. For beat bull .. t best bull between 1 and syrs old, second beat dodo est heifer calf less tban moa beat cow f eennd best do tlilni best do lit tto-rer old belfer second beat do do beat suckl'ng less than. moa. old second beet do do . Alderncy. For best belt akcond best do , ,, best cow...... . second best Jo beat heifer 1 rear old or Under... beat call under o moa old ttheep. For best buck (Cotswaldj 1 second beat do do . 3 mi 5 (si t ISI ? on z uo 6 no 4 D 3 ("i . CO 1 (V 2 tj 1 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 3 Or) 2 HI 1 60 1 CO a "o i 00 beat ewe.. second best do bent buck (1-elcester. Merino, or isoutiidown. beat ewe do do... 1 best pen ewes 1,1 or more).. I IS) second Deal do do best pen lambs . Second best dti .. Swine. For boar 1 year old or more f best sow and litter plgf4or more) less than two months old second beat ilo 1 U s on .00 ! 0C t On 1 U0 beat boar pig. leas than S months 01a. 1 00 , All srtfelaa entered for which no provision boa been made in the foregoing Hat, will re ceive a proportionable premium, 11 deserv ing. DEPA RTM EXT V. Fast Horses, Speed, die. P. Thompson, Vice president, Mexico, W. Superintendent of La-partmeot, First DAt Wxdsesdav. General tr'al of speed of acrnb and track horses, Irom 1 to 4 o clock P. 31. Second Dat Thcisit. First Race Open to all. Premium JI25 f7j to first; 4JU Lo second ; fJU to third. Second Race. Open to !1 horses that hare never beaten three minutes. Premium (50 it to first : (15 to second ; H0 to third. At I'M o'clock In the forenoon, a running race with horses, for a purse. Third Dav Friday. First Rare -dpeu toailcouuty bred horses for a purse of St). .Second Race. Open to all four-year old horses tor a purse. In ibis race no entrance lee charged. At 101$ o'clock In tbe forenoon a mole race for a purse. immediately after tbe above a challenge race lor lion. Conclude with a boye1 race, for bovs nnder 14 rear f aire aocenu lo first; f 'etiisre ond ; Soe to 11 Inrl ; ae to fourtn ; luc to filth, aud to the hindmost boy a glias 01 red lem onade. RULES AND REGCLATICT5S. 1st. Tbe field or competition free lo all ex cept trials of speed. -d. All entries for exhibi tion mnst be made prior to U o'clock of the first dnv of tbe lair, h.ntrlca ran lie made prevtoa f ithe fair by addreaainr the Secretary at -Miffllotown, Pa LivesMck Jn !ea are requested la report at the Freaidei.t's offlee. at y o'clock a. ru on TnursUay. when they will be lurniahed wim uuaiiH entry, ah judges of all arti cles to report at the same olliie, on Krniay. at a. m., and make a return of their award on the same day to the Secretary. J udges, if not satisfied aa to the regularity of an entrv. or aiaiut itacj,n,ii. i s . ,1,. regulations, will apply lo Uie secretary for information. When the majority of the Judges on any section are present they shall constitute a quorum, aud are authorized to award pre miums. 1. JudgAs will award no premiums on anl mala or article having uo competition un less they are specially worthy. 2. No single article Shalt be entitled to a premium which has drawn a premium In an assortment, pair. pen. hard. Iluer or Bock. H. Nn exbihllor will be permitted to inta r lere witb Judges while examining animals or article shown by am-h exhibitor, t or each offence no Premium will be aiven - sncbanimafs or articles, i 4. All stock competing for premiums to be owneu at least one mourn ny tne exhibitor. Age of horses reckoned from January 1st of the year when fowled. Entries lot peed must be made oa or be fore September 17th. at S o'clock p. m. Tba A asocial Ion will furnish bay free to ail persons exhibiting stock. &ii wagering on tne result or any trial of rpeed is strict ly prohibited, and if the owner Jfrtv AdcertUrmeniti. of any now ahsJl beeotirrne-t D ara l . a horaa ahall ba a-jf-tr. ana bor-ds aball In, l- . , t . All nuoruonareapactlng tbe trial c - aball bwdeVmiine-1 by iteccVe,w,v.., an appeal ( tbe Board of Director. oaxliejoa or animals sball ha " from tbe grounds Lwiur Uif rkaw j vi.a . . hibitlon, eauept by peruilvtoo irt-u l'rfaddeot. Tbe AaancJatlon will csu-rfnlly prr-shnr.4.; articles) while oo esblWtior. but will r.J reapoiialble lor muj soaaos or out'tcats t tnSy oot-ar. ... Blal'.s for horaaa and catt.e. flt p.ce ... sheep and nogs, will be fnra'ahM fr-K'-cbargo. Experieonad will be in s. . landance. U care lor stuck during tas ecce of tlie exhibitor. Uamhllng strictly prohibited. AU articlaa enu-rl for premrnnj mnn s. reportad io tit Superintendent of the r suauttve Department before o'clock P. ;.-of-Septembrsltb. On Friday afieruoon n pablie ml win b held on the grounds, whereat exhibitors win ba permitted to offer for aula artr:M : stock wlilcia mr,y. have been rahibitai 4 an. I articles ftr sale Will b so l-'-Lm, ' l 6t I al if exhibitors desire it. Excnrsion tiekia t,n tor rvr-r7:-Raiirr-s-l wlil b iiiul bstween ilairiattur and A 1 toons. No f.nUta for pel axcept soeh as an sanctlon-d bv the Board of Dlrector-i. All communications to he addr-ird j-i . B. UA bOV, SecratAry RlvsrMe Park and Agrlriltc. .. . Association of Jnnlst county. iliffi.2,. SHERIFF'S SALES. BT virtue of sundry writs of Ferf. ; and JTt. Fa., issued out of the Court ; Si Common Pleaa of Juniata county and t. ii i me directed, will be exposed to tx' r- ! public outcry, at the Court Huic, ia borough of lllffilntown, at 1 o'clock r. a ,03 .5 FKIDaT, AUGUST 31, 1877, the foU-w. - 1 (ng described reaVstate, to wit : I A tract of land in Monroe twp, adjoiab 5 i lands ol Jacob Swart and others, Cv.l' 26 ; jng SO acres, 30 acrea cleared, log di-;.;ir bouse thereon tree tea. 10 De svU g9 it property or Peter Biystone. A tract of land In Lack township, tij.,n Ing lands of McNeal Arnold and oUiars'con. taiuing, with log dwelling house thereon erected. To be soid aa the property of George Rhine. A tract of land in Susquehanna town:. 75 ' adjoining lands of Absalom Earner -i i others, containing 100 acres, witb a SO ; bouse and log barn thereon erected. T I.' 00 , sold as the property of Wm C. Brown. A trsct ol land in Greenwood lowmhip, T5j adjoining lauds of Henry Mci'onoell a.a 23 j others, containing USrt seres, about'.') zcrs; K cleared, balance limber. Also, a tract of 75 i land in Susquehanna township, adjotun. I lands of JaeoO Uunord and ot'ierj, cnu,. 1 ing 4S acres, log dwelling haus, h o 1 log stable and saw-miil thereon erected. Tj 1 iu i be sold as tbe proprietor of Philip D'a . i terick. I 00 i . . e j :o. . . A 101 01 grvuuu in sue uiag 01 r.. 1 field, Monroe township, bounded or north by an alley, rait by Water str--.. Sooth by Main Street, and west by lotot 17 O. Slieilenberger, is 84 feet bv" Itj fe,- 5, i hn ing thereon erected a frame!ic-m j house. To be soid as the property w T jb:i, 5" ; Basoru. s2 j A tract of land in Milfont towt-,hip. 50 j joining Lands or Lewis Savior atvl olhert, 50 ! cunLaimn? 44 acres, with frame d Tt'.l 60 i SO house, log barn and other ou:buiIliri thereou erected. Also, a tract or land r Same township, adjoining lands cf Ja-ne 69 McCrnm and olbers. conunmnz 111 acres. f I Also, a tract of land in same tuwnh r.. ai lands of David L'unn:Lft.--i ar:l 5 I others, containing 411 acres, nn,ei!ed :"1 50 1 To be sold aa the property ot" Joseph Hctr; and David Hersh. A tract of lard1 fif llili'3'd township. K 5ii j joining laad of Stephen Winters and othrr. JjJ j -o!iti;iing 80 acies; CO acres cleire-i, 5u : !"5 dwelling honae, log t afc'e tbern e. ;. So 1 ed. To be sold sa tho proper! of .. ?' I Olven A Uact of le.n.! iii Walker - i eitiitig lands ot i)av;J Iiiven a:i I 1 ; j containtnj l!l sc -es, jbju' .':) -j-re -.: ,- i and hating tiierion e.-e leti a io-- ! house, bat.t barn aud otoer o.:oii. . j I'o be soil a Ibe prtjerty ct M. !tj "f. ver. A tract of IaivI in Snsr.rih.iici to- ' -. ! ar..tnlf!F lands r.f Tf..r..v I'.-ie..!.- 1 otuers. contaiuiti. iwt acres. .: 1 - 2 l" 1 weather-boarded liwellii'i; house, irain- c -J ' barn ami otLer ou!h.ii;ings. To be.:o!J 310. the property of Isaac Carl. r tj A tract of land situate in Greenwood J J j township, adj iiar.ig lnd of Dimm'a b.v,- 3 (i) 1 and containing I'M acres, 90 s;res ci t wl I With log dwoi;i:.g house, lz barn aud 0.1 ? JJJ ' on!bu:liiings lliereoa erected. To bi:. 5 w ' ait tho property i.f Peter ".V.-tzel. A tract ol lanl in W:s.t toan-,bip. si I joinit g lands ol I'ahitr V?at;s and otL-r;. gn J conUiuii g I0O seres, 70 acres cleared. F. . frame dwelling1 bouse, log tenant bo :. I (W trsme bank barn and other oa'buiHing; ! Also, a traCt of land in June township, t . ' joining lands ot Abrani O'eJ aud otrer'. containing 60 acres, 40 acres cleared. log dwelling house and log stable tb-.-erected. To be sold aa the propert- . t Solomon W. EmfTinan. A tract of land situate in Mllford tO'ti ship, adjjiuing lands ot Michael Wclltr others, containing 13 sent and 6n percl.Fi To be sold as the property of P. H. Hi" A lot of land in Fayette townblp. -.:-joining lands of John Mnssr. to be S' Li the projerty of tieorge e McFarland. A certain tract of in Fayette to t ship, with Acai'.euiy building!), to be sold a the proiarty of George F Mcrariand. W. D. WALLS, Sktnf. UiSU THE BEST RENEWER Nina years before tbe pnbE, and no preparation for the Lair ho ever been p-oilnced equal to IlalPs Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer," jn-i every honest dealer will say it gives the best satisfaction. It re stores GRAY HALVs to its er.gxJ color, eradicatinf and preventing dandraS; curing BALDNESS ana promotintr tho pjowth of tbe hair. The gr.y and brashy bair by a few applications b changed to black and siiky locks, and vrayward buir will assume any shape the wearer oirei It U tbe cheapest HAIR DIJIiSS ING in the world, and its effects last longer, aa it excites the glands t-3 furnish the nutritive principle so nee-sary to the life of the hir. It gives the bair that rplenciid appesr arce so much admired by a J. By its toaio and Btimolaticg prrnertics :', prevents the bair front f ing out, and none fleed be without Nature's ornament, a good head cf hair. It 13 tbe first real perfected remedy ev discowered for curing diseases rf tia bair, and it has never been ecuaili, and we assure thai thousands bare nsed it, tt is kept up Xz i" orirtinal high standard. OurTre-'.".- Cn the Il-ar raailed tree; send U.Z t m-ii by all Drmn?t and Dtalert n Me&cr Price Oa.9 DoEar P BotUe. fi. P. HALL & CO., Fipriev, L3C2i.T.T, JUETOA, 1. & O E. BUHLAN DEST1ST. Office opposite Lntheran ChurcS, PORT B0TAL, JTJXIATA CO.y FA.. Where fie will speed the first ten dajs c." i'h month, commencing December 1st. Tie balatce of the time bis office will :n occupied by J. S Kilmer, a y.aa r;.: worthy of confidence, and wbo has t e -. associated with the Doctor as stndent :zi assistant two years and npwarda. Tbn-e who rail during Dr. Burlan's sbaenc r. r professional aerrico, may. aod will plciar arrange tbe ts'me with Mr. Kilmer when tie rasy be earned, o tie reror el ih tz'.rr