5LVf 1NEL & REPUBLICAN . 311FKL1NT0WN. fTt-tincstiav, Jane 27, 187. B. F. JSUII W J2IB1L, cm rot a P'op7tTc. Ta Ciiinese have) nearly q'lit com- ia;j to this country. London, England, is full of mos qui'ues, t-.ken there, the Londoner s.iya, in cu-goes of American grain. I the beginning of last week there vras a panic in Baltimore and Ohio railroad eloci, bat by Friday it sub Ridod, and was quoted at 93 cents on tie dollar. Govsbnob. Wams Hamftox, of South I - v tui i . , . , . . . . - . According to his statement, affairs m South Carolina are in a more peace ful state than they hare been in many rears. TE Indian are again on the war path. Thoy will be hostile all sum- mor, and when winter comes they vida'-kfjr peace and provisions, anltfambtancc6 mbined to thars the way the Indian question t..anJ 2ni as a raurdtrer as welL he drags itself ulong. j escaped the penalty of his crime be- ThTjIVA .litcncan, speaking of J w" ktlieve, and say it with the magnitude of the scale on which , bIiubc-Jus fckin was white, and his Philn.lelT.hi h is been improved, says, ' jur raot the right sort of men. We "We have all cur plr,s and all our j hoIc, or tle Ete of justice and the improvements made for e future city welfare of both races, that if the evi twice as great as the present one." j deuce in his present trial points un- i erring'y to Kelly as the murderer of Last Friday the femald prohibi- j w21 not ieaitate to lionets of Boston waited on the i MV KeTBtone state may Mayor of that city and requested ep(J oam ;Hch attacie8 to hi.a not to place wme on the tuble j t f sutes f gouth on me occasion oi me visit oi irreM- dout IT ives ; but ths Mayor did not promise, but said vine will be put on the table. Wats Flipper, the colored cadet, received his diploma at West Pcint, from General Siiennan, he bowed w 3 a 1- r 1 A low, waica ca isea w oeaerai 10 . - I'll moved all the spectators to do like wise ; and since then the noses of jew persecutors ana snoouom gcn - erally have turned up another degree. Theki are Eerious Indian outbreaks in Oregon. The troops have been defeated in an engagement or two. The Government at Washington has ordered by dispatch, that five bun- V 1 dred jnins be given to volunteer citi- zens, tho guns to be distributed from the arsenal on Vancouver's Island. The Indians in Northern Idaho are on the war path. Bi act of Congress in 1S73, in the! tLe Penosjlwui railroad and interest of gold speculators, silver j ,Lroueh th ci,J ofRe,dm? Mn,,,n coin was so legislated on, or rather j 7 dlinaS8 property. Atlopton the eoinacre of silver money was 80!,P1f urflD. Wl,h tLe h-islaled on that the present silver! taoney was ruled out as a legal ten der the legal tender coin being con fined to gld. President Hayes is represented as being in favor of 6uch Congressional legislation as will place silver where it was in the prist, as a le-ral tender coin. The Canadians have got to hear that United States troops are to fol low all Mexicans who come into Texas to rob and steal, back to Mexican territory and then catch or shoot t'lem, if thy cannot be caught or shot on American soil ; and that has induced their newspapers to declare that the Gmadiin government shall t ike AiiKiicau action on the Mexican i borders a Tine to govern Canada Irg) was 0jown doWD. jie 8pjre 0f the nest the the Ferians invado Can-' te Congregational church was wreuch- !U3' a , , jei cut of the perpendicular, aud its The English government is about j loun datiuD cracked so tbat it ajuet be to rr.r.ke inqtury as to the correctness : replaced. cf th aoeormt that a citizen of Crest j Cu the same day great rain storms Britain, named IlcClellan, was killed j devastated portions of the counties of by a party of White Liners in Mis-1 Clark aud Champagne, Ohio. Tbe sisnippi. That is right 1 every gov. jfld was ternfic. At ITrbana two ernmetit f.honl 1 protect its citizens, j bouses were wahej away. Smith's Cut what will that pait of the Deui- j tannsry was entirely submerged, and ooratic pal ty who have been sidiiig j the railroad tracks were covered with with the White Liners do when the two feet of water. The first floors of Ilr?gli.-:b governmr-nt asks the Amer- many bouses had to be vacated. Con icp.n pfoveimnoTit lor jiatir.'action for sidarable damsge was done by the rapid wr-0's doiio lnr ci'iions, iu the ! rising of streams and the wasting away fijadiT It will not do to manufac ture feeling on account of the Revo ' lution of 1 770, or the war of 1S12. They ere put issues, are dead by- Tjie Ma nc'vs fi D:n Europe is of a conflicting character. It is fur a ppeedy peace, aud a continued war by tuiTS. The chances for peace, viewed f.oia this distant point, seem j;oor enough, for dispatches say that England is about to send an army of 20,000 to protect the Suez Canal The vrord protection will eonnd like ! a bitter sarcasm to Russia, and neiTe Ler only tho more for the dreadful s-nigg'e. If England once gets her troops in as protectors of herself nd Turkey, and the canal, she will l-ecome a permanent power, unless t-.'-.e iw u ivtn out oy lorce. ai is a sad condiion ih:.t Tuikey is in. The ber, tea, West India goods are utterly J'iitit h Lion, profes-iing to be her j wiped out. Forty edd blocks, or near frLiid, Li fastening Limelf on herl1"0 hundred teres south of King ... rri t street have not six buildings remaining, territory to remain. The Russian ...... .... ... t , ?, Bir, who is avowedly her enemy, is j g liberie g tip her territory in other piit ts, uid so the case becomes more u-.innliTA(l 1.T bv tbiv. 4 V . , ! 0 0 . i tue imtihU ooraer. it luoks as u the circle cf the fight must soon get raaoh larger. The Russians have crossed the Ixtbe in fice, but no great battle lissytt lccn fought by which the f. tiniest opinion may be formed as lo who is to be victorious. Doubtless many battles will be fought before a jlna of light will be shed as to who will b victor. Fku-k Keixy, a Philadelphia ward politician, "striker" and repcator, who was to tie surprise of nearly every body cognizant of the tircuia'stances recently acquitted of the murder of Irof. Octavius V. Catto, a colored gentleman of Philadelphia, is now on trial for the murder of asotber color ed man, Isaac Chase, on October 10, 1871. The evidence is strong against him, but there is little hope of his conviction, as the evidence in the Catto case pointed to hint as the murderer, and yet he escaped, to use his pistol with similar effectiveness when private malice or the exigen cies of the campaign demand a sacri fice. We fear the mat's of the Amer ican people hare not sufficiently re- covered from the '-only feeling to do exact justice to their 6 , . . I cutu: ueuxiuu vtiiuu tue imuu lit between representatives of the Afri can and Caucasian races. Catto was a gentleman in every sense of the word, but his skin was black. Kelly is a blackguard and a ruffian of infa- f moaa t ttnd although cir i, r i;:,.i ,., Harritbxrg Teltgrnph. Eleven Mollie .Maguire ware banged last Tnursdar. bow much terror tiers 1 is in u may b, .earB(id frflM ,be j fac th foUf or fiva people have j6jnce be(.Q murdetcd in the regiou a Khf.f tfae h ; wu d),ne CO There seiuis to be foiLe powerful stimulant that keeps the Mollies np to the mur- I dercus work. The question is, what 1 is it that a0 keeps them cp , If n ; tbeir LoJgeg , it tbeir ra!igiont ! lf ,l be tljeir lodges, secret societies, j ,neJ shnui"1 De l,0"?1 uut- lf b the'' religion, it should be rooted out. or its defects should be corrected, j Society generally cannot stand to bave su-n wrongs perpetrated on u. STORMS. A great storm prevailed in a part of Berks oounty m tie 21st io.t. It took a southwesterly course, passing over " bll)n dowu- "d bouie nJ brn were unroofed uear ture. At Lyons, further westward, a church and several houses wero unroofed. The greatest damage was done in and about the vil lage of Fleetwood, about eleven miles from Reading. Three large barn were completely destroyed, houses were un roofed, shedding demolished, trees up rooted and fences blown down. The roads are very much obstructed by the debris of fences, troes, Ac. Ou the same day, in Iowa City, Iowa, a storm raged, and in ten inirutes did much dainago, overturning chimneys, Llowir.g down treeB and fences, and in juring tLe crops io the surrounding country. The steeple of the Presby- teriin cLcrch, witb part cf the build cf bridges. The crops are thought to be seruusly affected. A terti&e Cre bioke out in a build iug owned by Mr. Fairweather, next to McLaughlin's boiler shop, in the city of St. John, New Brunswick, on the 20th icst. After a careful estimate it bas been decided that fully otie balf of the city is destrored Women and children are in the streets. Tne sceue beggars de scription. No clear estimate of the value of tbe property destroyed or of insurance can e Piven Certainly $10,000,000 or $12,000,000 are goue, and insurance mea tbiuk tbeir risks may run up to $5, 000.000. Tbe eutire business port.on of the city is destroyed. Not a lead ing establishment bas escaped. All the priucipal dry goods stores, lead ing grocers tbe ship brokers, coinuiis- i sion merchants, all wholesale liquor .lat, ,., nMru:..nm im and Bank of Nova Scotia were remov ed to the vaults and safes of the Bank of the Bank of New Brunswick. It is not known how tbe Utter stood the test. Every street, square and alley i tiled with furniture, and thousands of people are without either focd or shel ter. Thousands bad to get away from tbe lower part of the city by boats About fifteen thousand people are home less. No brusc-hold effects of any ac count were laved. About five hundred acres were burned over. Thirty bodies bsve been recovered, and as many more are missing. A public sale of government lands it mn not need at Harrison, Arkansas Ootober I, Brief Statement of the CrimeB of the Mollie Mguires, who were Hang at Pottsriile. Mauch Chttok and Wilkesbarre, last Thursday, and their Executions as per Dispatches. For fourteen years, ending with 1876, the populous mioing districts of Cist ern Pennsylvania were terrorized over by a lojsterious secret society. During tbat time at least twelve brutal ansa s:rat'uu of rrotyinent citit.us were coiuniitteJ by it; but the ten nieo who were executed t l'uttville and Mauch Cbuuk ani the ouo at Wilkesbarre last I bursdsy were the Erst ot its meinbri to suffer for tbeir Crimea. Io tho excitement, confusion, and laxity of civil discipline into which every community was thrown by the outbreak ot the rebellion, the Mollie Maguires came to the surface. It was called by varieua names, but tbat of "Mollie Maeuires" was the most com mon one, and the participants in one of the early outrages openly boested of being ' Mollie Maguires." This wat in December, ISG'2, when an attack was made by an armed force of abjut two hundred lutn on the collieries of Wm. jGoyne, in Cass town.b'p, Sl.uikill ' couuty. They stoj'ptj tLe engines and pumps, 1 cloaed the colliery store, beat a number j of miners who bad persisted in work j ing for the new tenant, and severely in . jared three other men who c&me iu their j way. I The first murder committed by the ' organization was that of F. W. S. Lang 'don, June 14, 1S62. Laugdon was j ''breaker boss'' at a colliery near Au deuried, Carbon oounty. He was faith i ful to bis employers, insisted that the men under bis charge should do good work, and obey the rules, aud bis good sou'iuct cost bitn bis life. The lawless spirits employed about the colliery re sented bis " cfficioasDess," and only j raited for a favorable opportunity to nop 11 eueciuauj They found it amid the noise and ! bustle at a public meeting to arrange a Fourth of July celebration. Tbe Amer ican flag was displayed, and somebody spat on it ; Laugdon reuiouatrated. wheB a crowd of ruffians gathered about . him with angry words aud threat. Tbat night Langdon started to walk I . , , ... , , . hoine a. one ; he was followed by a moo ' 3 and stoned to death. There weie no I arrests at the time The oiarJer was ( cbaiged to 'Mollie Maguires," and that j was the end of it for lourtecn years HOW TUE WORK WAS DONS. The murder of Geoige K. Smith, at Audeureid, in November, 1&C3, was followed by a Mollie funeral, bat no body deeu-ed it advisable to ask indis creet questions. On the night of Feb ruary 11, 1867, the house ol John C. Nortball, a coal operator, at Tuscaror, Schuylkill couuty, was attacked by a body of men, who fired into tha win dow of bis bed room. Mr. Norlhall was away from home, but tbe neighbors gathered and the assaiUuts fled leaving beuiog them the body ot uua of their number. In 1875 tbe Philadelphia aud Read iug l oat aud Iron Company, two or ganizations which owned most of tbe cutleries in the region io which the Mollie .iiaguires were most active, established tbe Coal anJ Iron Police, a j body of men who oomb.ned tbe duties of scours, constables, and detectives. 1 he establishment of this force was followed by more murders. On the night of the 5th of July, 75, Benja min K. lost, a policeman, of 1 amaqiia, Schuylkill couuty, was shot on his beat as be was mounting his I-jdder to ex tinguish t street lamp. Oa the morn ing of the 1st of September, 1375, as the miners employed in the colliery of j S. M. lleaton o;0o , at Raven llun. Schuylkill county, were going to wort five strangers were observed loitering about tbe works; but this was too ccui uion a matter to attract t'tentioo. Seen o'eloek was the hour for be gintog work, ar.d about balf past six the workman began to gather tbout the mine, tod there were one hundred or more in the vicinity when Thomas San er, the ' Inside boss," caruo out of bis bouse aud walked toward the entrance of the mine, accompanied by t young man named William Uren. The five strangers advanced, shot Sanger and I'ren fatally, emptid their revolvers at the miners who were looking on in stupid sarprise, aud then escaped to tbe surrrounding woods, where all trace of tbein was lost. Two dijs later, on the morning of the 3d of September, John P. Jones, a mining boss st Lansford a colliery town in Carbon county, between Miucli Chunk and Tamarjua, was met, ts be was on bis wty to work, by two strange men, wLo, without saying t word fired number of shots into biin, killing him instantly, then turned and escaped be fore purtuit could conld be organized, The telegraph was instantly set tn work, the wbole oaniry, already highly excited by tbe murder of Uren tnd Sanger, was thoroughly trousen, busi ness was suspended, and crowds of men begau a systematio searob for tbe mur derers. About noon of the same day three men were found sitting by a spring on the ootekirts of Tamaqua, tnd a chain of circumstances poiuted conclusively lo them at tne assassins. Oue of them was recognized ts James Kerrigan, of Tamaqua, a young rough welt kuown to tbe police ; theoihers were strangers. Tbe three were given t basty bearing and dispatched by spec:al train to Mauch Chunk, narrowly escaping lynch ing on the way. The s'rsngers were identified as Mi chael J. Doyle and Edward Kelly, of Mount Laflee, Schuylkill county. The three were indicted in due form, and elected to be tried separately, ts by the law of the State they were permitted to do. Doyle was the Grst to be tried. A powerful chain of circums'antial evi dence Was wound about bini, tod the 1st February, 1876, he was convicted of niurder in the first degree. Every source of the Itw wts tried to gain bis release, but withont trail. THE END Or THE TRAGEDY JUSTICE tfjt "DICATED AT MAUCH CHUNK. Mauch Cursx, June 21. At 10:52 this morning the four Mollie Ma- guires confined here were executed. All the arrangements for the execu tion were completed at ten o'clotk Shortly after the deputy sheriffs and reporters and other assistants,' the sheriff adjusted the drop1 and called Lis assistants to him. In a few min utes the prisoners appeared and Walk ed up the steps of the scaffold, show ing very little nervousness. The priests prayed for several minutes. The ropes were then adjusted. When asked if they had anything to sayj Campliell replied that he forgave everybody, and continued: "I nue not an enemy m the world at tins moment. Doyle spoke for some time, but his words were inaudible to any but the sheriff and the priests. Donohue had nothing to say, and Kelly recited after the priest a plea for forgiveness. The drop fell at 10:45. Dnobne struggled for two minutes, but the others died easily. Doyle's heart ceased to beat iu twelve minutes, Campbell's in fourteen, Donohue's in six, and Kelly's in seven and a half. The bodies were allowed to hang twenty-five minutes. No mishap whatever occurred. THE DAT AT POTTSVrlXE. l'OTTSVILLE, Pa., Jui.e 21. The weather this morning is dull and heavy, and at eight o'clock drizzling rain be gan to fall. 1 he sunpension of busi general. List night was passed with I. out lucidenr, out soou alter dawn a isriri) crowd beeao to assemble. Re ligious services were beld before eight o'clock by attendant clergymen. Early this morning friends of the condemned were admited to bid fare well. The men are reported to have passed the night well, but their break fast was scarcely touched. The ar rangements of tbe sheriff contemplate two executions atone moment, and exe cution of the other tour within half an hour afterwards. About 150 persons have been admitted to the prison yard, county officials and about fifty journal- ists, representing every newspaper in; the county and all leadug city papers. The private secretary of Governor ITartranft was on the ground with a reprieve in his pocket for Duffy, on condition that a confession be made, and he was hanged last, with the ex pectation that it would be made, but it was not At 10:50 McGeghan and Boyle, ac companied bv the sheriff and ollieers, appeared and walked quickly up the steps of the scaffold. Upon taking their places the Catholic ritual ser vice, which had been begun when the men left tbeir cell wa8 conclude:! Both men were entirely self-posses- i . , , . in i sed, and remained so until the end. f,.r.,r!1!in m-id Knwvli. in which he asked forgiveness of all. Boyle's I remarks also contained a plea for for giveness. me nooses were men aa-: justed, and at 11:11 the drop fell. Bovle died almost instantlv, but Mc Goghan displayed symptoms of life for some sixteen minutes. The bodies were then cut down. ? Roarity and Girroll then appeared, ; accompanied by their spiritual ad- j visers. liDirity and Girroll both do- j clared thev were innocent. The drop fell at 12:30. ! Munley and Duffey were executed ' at 1:23. THE EXEfTTIOX AT WILSKSBABttE. Wn.KEsjur.rtE, Fa., June 21. Au- dfpir T.:LTii!inTi- xrhn murf-rprl P-iru taia John Rilev in SepttnulxT, 171. was executed here to dny. Lan.ihati ! wis attended in his last niomi-ct.s by, three Catholic priests. After siring j that he forgave every oiie, and dis- playing a great deal of firmness, tho L( mm After Langing peventen miauUsa tbe bo.lv was cut ,lo-n. General Grant on Shipboard. Ti fifiKA ti-n e nil met .il r.nil tp.A rlrnil T..TI A correspondent of the H'vrfJ who made the trip on the Indiana withUen eral Grant contributes the following : On Monday morning the General re galed us with an acennut of bis eiprri ence while dressing, which, although common to all of ns, was made very ludicrous hv one incident "The ship was laboring fiom side to s'de very heavily, taid General urant, "and I tried to pull tu my pauts. Just as 1 succeeded iu inserting one le about Lalfway, and was gracefully balancing niyjelf fowl-like on tbe other, tbe deck of the Irdiana stood up on end. and I found myself chased about the fl ior of tbe state room by six or seven valises, hair brushes, and parcels. In vain I tried to regaio my feet or to catch bold of tbe side of the sleeping berth. Again and again the rbip plunged about, until 1 found myself clinging to the waahstand in t corner of he room. 1 beld on to this for dear life, aud then the first thing I did was to look up tnd see if Jesse was awake for be is t caricaturist, and would bave bad me down on paper tnd up in the suioking room before 1 bad even time to dress myself. But as it happened, Jesse was still fast asleep, and 1 then surveyed the sceuo calmly until I found t good way to raise myself np. Jesse is very quick with bis pencil, and does not hesitate to expose bis father's pecu liarities." Fay for Ihe Visits. Last month t physician was sent for in Koine to visit t patient. On going to the address indicated, be was told by a lady at tbe door that the sick man was not there, but at auother bouse in t different street; whereupon, proceed ing to this second locality, bis suprise became great oo learning that the pa tient awaiting for biin on t bill (San Pietro in Moatorio), in quite another section of the city. Finally, be found out tbat a practical joke bad been play ed tt bis expeose, and carried the mat ter into court, where tbe judge sentenced the frolicsome lady to pay for three medical visits and tbe costs of tbe suit. Conscience ltloney An anonymous lettei containing a $1000 bill was received at the treasury Department, Washington, yesterday morning, with tbe request tbat it be placed to tbe credit of tbe conscience fund. Tbe largest amount ever re ceived for this purpose wts a lit tie over $12.000. Tore Dotrn the Cottage. A widower, aged 35 years, and re siding tt Rock, Washington towuship, Schuylkill county, recently married Emma Scbeaffer, aged 14. During tbe lunch and dince attending the wed ding, the guests got into a quarrel, and tore down tbe cottage in which they were assembled. Tbe Red and Blue Ribbon. Tbe temperance people in the West are getting into very unseemly aud nonsecsica't wrangles. Tbe red ribbon people and tbe biua ribbon peopla eau't agree. Murphy is the origmaUtr of Ue blue ribbon movement, tod the other night in Indianapolis whan the blue ribbon people were holding a m-et ing, the red ribbon people, umi -r lea 1 ot a Mr. RaymoLd, di-cUred that it u au invasiou of ibeir fL-ld. This is probably the begiuning of a contention calculated to work injury to a noble cause. Cars Fail 25 Feet Xo Person Hilled. The eastward Sound mail train on the Atchison branch of tba Chicago, KocB I.sland and PaciSi! Railroad ran into a creek ten miles west of VV tahington, Iowa, at half-past fave oe'lock on Wed nesday moruiug. The engine, a bag Cage sua two passenge cars fed twenty five feet through the bridge. The sleeping car stopped with a third ol its length proj-io'ing over tbe chasm. About fifty passengers were on tbe uaiu. No one was killed, and none cf the passengers ere dangerously hurt. Tramps Hilled. Ou the uight ot ihe HOih, near Nor ristowu, a terrible accideut occurred in tbe old disused 'iiu j Lilu near Bri Igs port. Five tramps were sleeping npon iti 8 top of the kiln, whisk auddeuly gar way, burrying the men. Four of theiu were crushed to death, and the fifth, who gives his name as Charles Blake, of Worcester, Ms., was badly injured and will probably die. Blaks do lot know the naun-s of those who were killed, but thinks they wcrj from New York or Massachu setts. Tbe Tlcllm or Crime Found The body of Mary Ella Harrington, who was abducted from East Boston nearlv a year ago, was discoered on the 21st inst., iu the Merrimae river, about six miles from Lowell city, Mass The body was bound with ropes to the htuallest possible compass, and was sewed in a sack and weighted down. A late dispatch says it was an abortion case. Parties have been arrested. Horse Thieves Hun?. A telegram Iroiu Dead wood, D. T., says that on Tuesday three horse thieve, Louis Carey, J ames Hall and C J. Allen were caught near that place. They were lodged in jtil at Rapid City On Wednesday night tbe jii was brok en open and the thieves taken out and banged by an unknown party. Mj am Fight. At tie Naral Academy, Annapolis Md , on Thursday there were howitzer drills, a sham fight, and fenceiog prac tice, and operations in steam navigation, which closed the exercises of tbe annu al examination. A Town Council In Jail. The Cuuucil ot Mulerstown, Butler county, was arrested last week aud lodged in jail for ignoring a mandamu of tbe court directing the payuieut of suite of tbe town's lndebiedno;. I'eache. Peaches are coming forward freely horn Georgia. Three car liads from the southwest w. re shipped to northern md western cities, last rt edoeday. News Iteai3, Lizzie Ileillv, gd 9 years, died at South B;thlcteui Friday a week from eating poison weed touud cu a pool of staguaut Water. At Warren the low price of oil has put a damper upon new development, and bas shut down a number of wells under tl.re btrrels daily. B. K. Slauffer, of East Lampeter township Luzerne county, found a wal nut rail iu bis fence that bears the date 1802. It is in a good condition and looks as if it might last many years more. Sadie Lewis, a Welsh girl aged about twenty, has been missing Iroiu Sharpsburg for about a year. Tbe family of I barles Eisenhard, of Allentown, was poisoned by eating soup which had been standiug in a glazed eartlo u dish. Xone of them died. Frogs are iu douiaud at Suobury for tabie use. There is a remarkable scarcity of fish in all the streams of Lt-hich county. About $1 14,000 wero disbursed to the shop men at Altoooa on the last pay day. Georgians bave beun the shipment of peaches to tbe Northern markets. An rel in an acquarium in Schuey's shaving saloon Kittanning slipped out of his quarters to go on an exploring expedition, tbe other night, but met an inglorious death by becoming entangled in a pile of bair under one ot tbo chairs. It bad been taken but a fewdcys before in tbe Allegheny river, aud is a rare fish in tbat clear stream. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company employs 1,610 engineers and 1,800 fire man. Four hundred an fifty-ono engineers of tbe Reading Railroad are drawing pay from tbe Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers. A colored tramp named King, tslep on top or a box car, rolled off near Ty rone on Thursday morning last, and was terribly cut and gashed about tbe bead and face. A tramp, of Ocrtaao nationality, was killed io the narrows between MifHin tnd Lewistowo, tbout half-past eight o'clock, Thursday morning, by being run over and and nearly cut io balf by one of of the national line of freight trains eastwaid bottnd. Tbe Grand Union Hotel, at Sarato ga, bas decided to exclude Jews from the bouse, and Seligman, the banker, was the first to come under the rule. It is tbe sensation of tbe day. There is a general strike of boatman on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. One of the 800 pound weights in tbe steeple of St. Peter's church, at Fifth and Girard avi-nue Philadelphia fell on Monday while tbe clook was striking. In its descent it demolished two floors. Tbe Savings Bank at Nyack. N. Y., bas failed. A difpafeb say the Rockland Savings Bank, S. W. Canfield president, sus pended payment on Friday morning. It is said (o be a bad failure. Tbe trtgrest lawsuit at the Clarion conrt at present is tbat of Strong & Frtgo vs. J. B. Wat'nn, involving thir tv acres of Ihe Western belt, valued at $75,000. It is expected to be decided ibis week. The Ilollidaysbnrg School Board has re-eleoted its entire teaching corps to advance of examination day. - Newsltacs. A Minoesota bride is 21. Tbe tg tree was introduced into Italy i'a 1513. TLere tre upwards of 3,000 known species of 5b. A yctrng mn playicg base ball in 11 tel. mono, V , the otuer day, maift t home lU'i, but fell dead as Le reached the hoo j!ve. Turnips were Er?t grown iu England during the reign of Ueorn 1. Gold and silver S.b.' tre.re Erst brougli to this country trout' Gliha in' 17-3 Tbe Gist college io tbe L'uiled States was founded io 17o9. Ra sins are perfectly ripe grapes dried in the tun or in ovens. Father Fitzharris, a priest, wan stab bed io bis arm at the fn nl door of his residence io New York, by James Brecnin, supposed to be insane. A Hitrrisburg telegraio eiy Frank Wilson, the murderer of John B. Rudy, confessed that he bad robbed tbe de ceased at the Place where bis body was f und on theday of Rudy's death, miintains tbat lie aim not sill Liin. jihaid, aod a good ai:ppi or j rapes ana The two Story bricS building, occu- other sin ll fruits on the prnmiaea. pied by Harrison A Bedford, grocers.! T."o. 2. A tract or land adjoining the at Warrensbur. Mo., fell on Ihe 'iOth ' de:ribcd tract on the couU.u- ' in carrying to tbe cellar, with t'te debris, I rj2ITVFITE ACRES, A. H. Harrison, and of the Cr:n, v ho; . ,u ..,.i . ,i was killt d, ana eorge Kane, who was , mortally wouuded. Several othr persons were more or less injured, Cut ; none seriouslv. M. D. Weil?, ef Barbour's mills, j Lycoming county, recently caught '""J-i 'inn i'. uiea-uieu "cc"ei j thirty-six feet and four inches. The! j largest fi-jh measured thirteen and three quarter inches in length- In Scrau'on. one man bit another "one's ear off, and the alderman assessed the damage at $10. Sniue of the train hands on the West ern Division of ihe Pennsylvania rail road average only three tad fenr days' t week. A red fox destroyed thirty-bine young turkeys for Daniel Uoger, in one day, ue.r Beruville. About forty convicts in the. Eastern Peniteutiary will be released by expira tion oF sentence between tbe present time and the 12th of July. Three young nien.F M. Johnson, John S. Washbnrn tnd Henry Cschocn were convicud of rape, on Tuesday, at Wilkesbarre- Part of tbe Hirleigh coal mine Pa., caved iu on tbe 20tb imprisoning two of the nituers and fifteec mules. A nuaiber of the other miners wre in the mine at the lime, but fortunately es caped. Black oreek, a stream flowing close by, is pouring its waters into tbe mine tnd tbe imprisoned men, if tbey tre still alive, tre in great danger of suffocation or of being drowned. Some species of pestiferrns insect Las attacked cucumber plants in Johns town, and in many instances tbe rints have been entirely destroyed. The colored people of Wiiliamsport : are erecting t new church. Twelve convicts from Lycoming eoun tv bave recently bsen lodged in tbe Eastern Penitentiary. Hon. George Tracy, of Bradford couuty, who has been an inralid for many years, died on cuudav, OJ lust, at the lnsaue Asylum at 'll.rrisburg ! . . i, . There was a duel fought a few days am, tir SnniPraot hptwpen a resident ago near Somerset, oetween a resiuiui, of that place and a Pitli-burgher, the I weapons used being shot tons Nobody ! w.,Pser,ouS.y injufed with the tiou of t cow io in aii lining field. A 1 vomau wai at tbe bottom of it. Some person or person, io Me.dville bave been poisoning dog., ,nd the re j suit is tbat many valunble dofs have i.t i- ft. 1 e r la.eiy oiea. 1 oe owners ,t lour va.u- able settlers hare bave offered a re-1 ward of 61 1 dollars each for informs . tion leading to the detection of tbe ! 6 1 poisoners. j A U'illiamsport married mao, named , William Kartell a liakpr went to Al- '. t..m,a,..d emirl-d v.mn-r woman. Sba was preparing for the wedding wbeu bis cuaracter was discovered. Shad have been caught tuis season near tbe piers of the West Branch railroad bridge, at .vortbumoerlsnu, j bave been seen in small schools io th i clear water along tbe "Blue Hill,"! opposite Sunhury. Tbis is above tbe j , , , , third daui, in the feunjuehanna. ! When near Chicago, ou bis way borne 1 by rail rail, Mr Gavin, wbo was a del- j egate to the Reformed I'reabvteriau jSytod, which recently met in Alleghenv, j was swindled bv a sharoer out of St'J ; In Heading all the tramps cacght are made to work on tho streets for a day. Oil makes everybody and everything get cut ot its way tt .lor'b ntrrcn A few days ago t small butldiug was moved to make room for an oil rig, and last week the new school house was being removed further twty from the maiu road into the Geld- The seventeen year !Hidsts swarm iu the Delaware valley. Tbe fish epidem ic prevails just as it did when locusts appeared in 1860. Tbe body of a man sewed in an army blanket was taken from the M rrimac river tt Tyngsboro, Mass , on Wednes day. Tbere are indications that be was murdered. William kieff, a resident of Newark. New Jersy, during an aogrj discussion on Wednesday, threw a pair of icissms at bis wife, tbe blades entering ber eyes and destroying their sight. Tbe quarrel grew oat of tbe woman's re quest for new fur liture in tbebonse. A powder mill in Northumberland county was blown np on Wednesday. The mill wss completely wrecked and one young mao fatally burned. Lizzie Iteilly, aged nine years, died at South Betlilebem Friday from eat ing poison weed found on a pool of stagntnt wtter. In a bidding for school desia at Wilksbare, tbo highest and not the lowst bidder got tbe twtrd. What are yoti going to do about it ? Two pugilists bad a fight in tbe of fice of a justice of the peace at Sum mit City, Pa, recently. When tbe men began exchanging "compliments" tbe justice became frightened, rushed out of tbe office, mounted bis borse and sought safety in flight. As conductor John Craig was pass ing through one of the sleeping cars on tbe Pacific west Sunday morning, be picked np two $100 bills tnd a fifty. No one cn first inquiry claimed the money, but subsequently a passenger said be had lost the money, described it. and it wa turned over to him. Jlltoona Tribune. On Thursday last an order went into effect dismissing one brakeman cn each of the freight trains running be tween Dsrry and Altoona. Ltanl Notice. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE ! THB undersigned, Aaaigoee of Solomon CoAman for the bcnolit of nta credi tors, will ofi'r at public sile, on the prvm m. fn K:iyelte township, Juniata county, at 1 o'clock f . M., cn SATURDAY, JCLY U. 1, The following described real estate, to wit : .). 1. A tract of la:ul, being the Mju siou Farm ol sid Assignor, couuiuiag One Iluridi ed and Forty Acre. more or L-ss, hiving thereon envted a T . Stone TJwplline' House, BANK BABV, Waon Shed with Stabling. Com Crib, and other oniouildinj. About J2"i acres of thu land ta clea-e'f, well fenced, and in a high arite cf cultfvitl-.n. Tnere is a flue Quarry of exce.lent LI.MK ST05E ou tbe premise, with K.iLX erect ed thereon. The land bs recently been tboroiiKhly limed. There is a fine ?rrin8 of water on tho premises, with a Fountain Pump, which supplies both the house and birr.jird with an excellent qnaJiry ot water. 1k.. a w..!l .tM,n'iMl tifh Vrllif. thrC j being a good Applu On-hard, S feach Or- FRAjIE liOLSE, BA-NK BARN", j and outbuildings. About Sereutr Acres of j this land is cleared, well fenced, and also iu j a good stats of cultivation ; the remainder j is well set with limber. There is a line Young Orchard on ihe premises, a Spring ( ot good water near thi house, and a Foun-, . . - Pli- . ,t ..r,. ' tfoadlanrl. con- taining about S I A AtT.ES each, aiiloiriiuf rieUufl abovedecnb -d on the north. Ibis ! thetnut, tat, and oiher tnuOor. The land above described is Hunted I ' oisoroer. nen tn about 21 miles southeast of .McAlisterviile. ftoatch fails to pertona its functions, the .bout 1 J mile northat of East Salem, and ver, bowels, nerve-., tccscles. v, arter about 1 mile from Browu's MU,s. It is in fcc- treallmoreorlesafiVc:ed. These cloa proximitv to schools, charchet and j delinquents require a medicine, combining stores " ' properties ot a atomcchic, au alterattvp. .' - . . p'irztive, t tonic, and sedative to brirc TEft.M5.-ten pet cent, of the pnrchase to their ut lnd 8,; ,b?se money ioD9paianeu ana ! (t.in I., the niirrhiiaer : tffteen Ter cent. I I. . . . T.. ,.Rnllw hi- ihM fVlt-t. ' and the balance in three payments, the , one payable in six months from date of con- : Urination, and the other payments iu twelve ! and eighteen months trout a:d date res pec- I tivelv, with interest from Ap-it 1, 1S7S, in! case "of the cleared land, aud from date of cnnHrmation in case of tbe woodland t the I,, payments to b well secured by judgment notes. r.iKA3Mllll, Assignee of Solomon CotJman May SO, lbJ7. REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. PURSUANT to an order of sale issued by the Court of Common I'leaa of the county of Juuiata, the undersigned, As aignte of John YV. Sartalu, will expose to sale by public vendue, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1877, at three o'clock P. M. of said day, on the premise, A V A LIT ABLE FARM. situate iu Walker township, county of Ju niata, fa , bounded by Uuds of Jenmo.N. Thompson, Ijnds ol the heirs ot i'eter be gan, lands of Joseph Hosteller, and others, c intaintng lOO ACRES, more or less The land is in a line aiaU of cultivation, there having been BOO bushel? of lima applied within seven years. - 'fiacre a.-2 on it 2 Comfortable Dwelling Houses, one ol which is new ; and a trOUl) r KAliE BAN hi BAh.V. ft hv.Kiin Ihnn. hvin hw.ll Ml M I l,fl.lkl -", -, "f e. '",,"!d .n seven year,. - lUere - n . . n 11; rr ' VUUUoTld JC J.VdHin H'JU JUS, t U.;:a I every ' Mrv ri-i-., .rit i , cli'cate. Is located nrenmnt hood convenn-nt U, W. .hnrvj ., in good neuDiwr- . ... stores, ana !s i niio., aidant iro-a tuonip ontown statiou ol P. R. R. TtKMS C'i' SALE One-fourth of the p,lrcha!,e mon,v to p,jd ca.u whon the , roperty is stricken down; one-fourth onlu-y the first day of Jioven-ber, 1S77 ; and the 1 1 ?u:e be.na one-hif of ihe whoie.on the brt diy ot M-ircb. 18. These two lust paymeuts to bear iuU-rest trom Ihe day ot ale, and to be secured by judgment bond, Deed executed and possession Kiveu on the lnt U-V ot AVr-l ls' 8 KOBEliT McMEEX. Assignee ot John V. Sartain. June 1j, 1-177-td ICJLIAIj KSTATIa AT t vUlIf'Vl'l"? illl't O O 1 U i a ta O O A L Ij ; 0 r,;'FV"7,Pp, t , of Eli.as X nnth, tor the benefit ot his crini- ,org) lU by Tirle ol , orUar of tnu Court of Coumou Pleas of Jjtiiata county, expose to sale on the premiaea iu Fayette tuWDhiP- 2 ':' -. " oAHKUAl JLLt I, ISn, I be following real estate, to wit: A tract of land, bounded bv lands of Peter P -o-n, r"h-istian I.auver, Aun Kooim, Abraham HaiuViu in aud others, coutainini; sEVEJTV-THO ACRES more or less, and havirg thereon erected a GOOD LOG HOUSE, -VJK E.1.K BJR.V, Wsgon Shed, Spring llouse, and other out buildings. Tt'ere is a Weil of good water on the prenimes, also a very due assortment of Fruit Trees. ASont thirty seres of this land is under cultivation, and lite balance is in timber. Tbe property is quite near BroWD'a Mills, in Fayette township, and is in close prox imity to schools, churches and stores. TERMS Tea per cent, to be pnid oo the day of sale ; flltcen pt r cent, when tbe sale ia confirmed by the Court ; and ihe bal ance in Ave anil eiKht months from the date of confirmation, with interest from April 1, 178. JOSEPH T. SMITH, Jstigntt. June 13, 1S77. K0TICE. "VrE. the undersigned, Commissioners o II the county ot Juniata, hereby give notice that we wiil not sell or renew any County Bonds, alter this date, at a higher rate that four per eent., and the Tax Codec tors for the year 1877 shall allow five per cent, abatement on all taxes paid on their respective Duplicates until the ll'h day of September next ; and that the said Collec tors will bo required to settle their res pec ! live Duplicates promptly in one year trom tne date Iberebt. JAVES McLAUGIinrS, W. II. GROMNGEK, V. B. COX. Hty t, 1777-lf Cmmutionrr. Af.II.wlvrit.4TOR'S NOTICE. Etlait of LUzabtlk Rambler, dtetastd. LETTERS ol Administration on tbe es tate of Elizibeih R:mbr, late ot Lack township, deceased, having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons in debted to the said estate are requested to make immediate pa) nient, and those having ; claims win piease present tnem without d lay to L0CI3 . ATKINSON. June 13, 1877. .idmimtfrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Ettatt of Sarah Strunp, dtceastd. T ETTEK3 Trsumenury on the estate -Li of Sarah Stmup, late of the bvruzur the residence nf Mr. Howe, on Cbrr 6f Mitfliutown, dee'd, having been granted street. Their waeon will also visit the rest to the undersigned, all persons indebted to I dence of citiirns the same niornirif. K:I! said estate are requested to make ravment. and those having claims or demasds am re quested to make kaown the same without dtilav to JOSEPH SOTOROCK, May 2, 1877. ExttiUor. tr Advertisement. BOSS HE J n ESCEl X A volume of thrilling inloreit by tho' emi nent hiatai lan L 1', Brockc'.ti describing ihi UuNMana and Turks social, political, and rel, pious hiitorr and condition i thxir home-hie, rari-i c!-tms and peocliir.tie, the d'tses of the K ir, Xbi is.iea t alike C.'iruti in a;nnst iloh laimodm the mighty iaieresta of oilier nstioas luvuivct ; Biog. nphfes ff the Bi'.ex". Sta'eiuett znA Gen erals f Ail Kichiv tilua'ra'ed. The bock millions need now. Wan'ed inst'.nilv 3, 1XM) asrents on Terr libera! K-rins. A t IrtM liCBB KI BKO.S.. PuOIishers, TiZ Sai.- aoin St., Philadelphia- pTlvno T cctve, fine roaeifveod XiiiilUlJ (not nsed over ix monihs, onlr tsaaafMana $1S0; cont fvsn. Nut riacs at holea!e. Great bugau a. PT5 G S car'7' " to'"' S s LiiuASu 5 stops. ".v: stops. J; 7 m mi i in st..ps, f'Jt'i ') stnps. ?:!: 12 stop. $ w lc$75. hare opportnniiiea. New organ t wnolesuie. Hewre imlta:irs. Best offer ever m.ide, read. Sent ou 5 to 1 i d-iya' test trial. Mooev refunded freight psi I both wyt if nn:ititact-ry. E'Mb'oshed 1'j6. Asints WjiTi-B. Count tn Teachers, Ministers, 4.C. Addr UAMKL F. r.EATTY, Wmhiog'ua, tw Jersey. Q a Ic la your own v.wn. leuus&nui $ uu.hi free. 11. UAuLEf I . t j., I foitlaud, Mi.ue. To Rational Itivallds. Inside t r.eaa erery p-jruon ot ins tody sy noattaeS . , h . .fr-, farms, are unite'! in Tsrrant's IffeTVCSCent Seitlpr ipfrient, the great Salina Kerned tor Iiidige:i--, and its cancomitatt censoq leaces. Sold by all drugguta. : tf-CC ln " -" o Api'i. S"l Cn.'- if'Ku iiuyti fJt'it. r. U. MC&Etti. , f"" bu H" f.t - Augusta, Mime, 010 A DAY at borne. Agents granted. tpiu OutHt and terms free. TKCE St CO., Auzuta, Maine. DRIXKARII STOn C. C SEEKS, il. D. (forruerlr of Boston bas a fcartnie's cure for IN I'KMr'EH.VXCi.. which can be given without the knwled I of tue patient. Also one for the OPIUM 11 ABIT. Permanent cures guaranteed In both. Send stamp for evidence. A..k dr'.j!:sl for it. Addrea BEEKS . CO , Birmingham, Conn. (MT tffl '"r dav.at name. Terms free. ijj r 4bO Adire.HS Geo. Stisso k. Portland, Mc. Co., MSHMl THKR. 0?. tr Ml OIULFJta tAOAx wr UTIV T-31'1 M c:'1f?ll N t. . T-,VFKY Sr-wn!lt, Arotitect, Wily. 1 - .......... , t . w . . . .... .. .. Ik. - ....... ,1.. ,...i .,tK. n. - 1 aw-ia-rnawn duiitti tio . . . .. , . , . a --- - - - i,k-htnin - ii i t-r properly prutecimg; buildmirs. i f t tnt.Lai. Jata-xatu rtiit)tr ' " f ZZTZZ ruin pips, or uibtr S'lilunbl u'-tA.ic coti ductors about buii'iin;s, will ei-ct abo- iute protection. S -nt by mail, poita-: P"- veceipt ol $1X0. UMT . Keaiuij:, 1'i.i.na. ini T V "I U'.rinK Jllljla 1 Jli'V U 1 ll All m P:-:.;ro-i'-) rret book. The Ully j Maguire. ai.J tl.e i'el--ct:vc-, U no-. ri t ! : J lor attents aud sub-ri'iers. I, is oneof the most wtiuiiertul and absorbicr books ever written. A large, ele-aiilly bound vuln-cr. nearlv C'JO pag-s, and -H hitenatiiv u:terst int engravius. Price SJ.-W. Tbe a.iiet aud 4U -'kjsl 000k t -el. ever seen. For ttru;!", cirr. ulirs a-.d ;."-r.: 'y ad-lress Li. V. tJARl-rlTtlN i'lU, Jjueli-lm Pi.b i .h'-rs. V. SEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! A? J. 13. M. TODD'S, PATTERSON, PA. I biTe just rein-net from FbUad-i'j-Kw uilb a lull line ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLCTEIKG. Men' Suits. $3.50, $5.00 to J2O.00. BoyV Suits, Sl.YK f t 5J to SlO.OG. A fuil line of th? .MOST rASIIIO.IAIiXr. HATS. at low rices. A complete assortment of Ladies' Be.it Shoes, at $1.2. and np-vardi. A fail line of Children's Shoes. 1 hv also a full line of Ladies' iloge, Uandker chiefs, fcc. Also, a h i stock cf GROOEBlEb. Arhnckles' Coffee 30c. ITacs-al, No. 1, $2 5(1 per bbl. I am now s-jllirg SETINO MACHINES at WHOLESALE PRICES. I wdl sell you any kind ot a machine at TWEHlf fER ET. EES than they stre usually sold. Leave your orders a.-.d you can have any kind you want. J. B. It. TODt. Patterson, M iy 17; 176. M B A T ill 11 A T ! ! The undertigned have CjUimeccei the B itcheriiig htunness ia llie borouU Cf Mi:- Minlown. BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, and Pork Can be had every Lueidny, Thnrsdav and Saturday a.ornirrs at ttir meat store at none but lh best of stock, and sell at fair prices. Give ns a trial. BOTE ETKA. June 2, ISTS-tf ryrngs medicines at Sajtka Haui ' -j FtNTST rtajT-OBAtT."