Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 20, 1877, Image 2

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vTEdstesday, JJuae Id, lSTt.
B. 1 SO' II WE IE It,
farto ax raoritirroK.
I'.rssu is again in the money mar
ket of Europe, asking for a loan of
tevenfj five millions of dollars, and
to get tlie money she stands a shave
of thirty jer cent discount
I)ispatches from Europe indicate
that tlie French people are heartily
sick of Democratic or Republican
role, and if they be allowed to Tote
for a cluinge of government they will
vote largely in favor of a monachy
or an aiistocr&tic form of govern
ment Seckftabt of the Navy Thompson
was at Philadelphia last week, and
looked at League Island, and ex
pressed himself pleased with the lo
catiofl for a Navy Yard, it being com
modious, and in fresh water, a more
desirable water than salt water, as
the latter rusts and eat iron-clad
vessels very fast He pronounced in
its favor as a Navy Yard, and will so
report to the nest Congress.
Vam sriLT's fst train to the west,
in its effort to ber.t Scotts fast train,
ran 150 railcs in 184 mifiutesr We
take none of that kind of riding' in
our traveling. 'We'd pull the bell
without orders, get of and 6ay good
by, and wait for the next slow train,
liut if the West and the East wish to
fake it at that rate of speed, bo maj
it be.
The Democratic County Commit
tee met in the Court House on Sat
urday. It is not reported that llr.
Til Jen "s late speech, which he deliv
ered on the occasion of the departure
of Mr. Hendricks for Europe, was
read, to re-inspire the erring brethren.
However, as they have a majority in
this county, it was not necessary to
read such a manifesto to keep them
rip to the work. The majority which
they have is inspiration enough with
out Jlr. Tilden's speech, which was
not much more than a complaint that
he was nvt declared eleced, because
a majority vote had elected him.
The Constitution, which the Fa
thers made many long years ago,
said that the majority vote in Presi
dcntial elections should not be the
governing vote, but that a majority
of the efctoral votes nfmll be the Con
stitutional vote, and until that is
changed it must be so. If Mr. Til
den had just advised Lis party to
advocate an amendment to the Con
tention changing the electoral vote
to a pojtular eoV, he would have got
nomething said that the majority of
Democrats and Republicans could
endorse, and he would not be open
to the criticism of being a grumbler
because he did ni gt-f the office.
Letter from an Old Jaeksonian Democrat
f Urrenw&od Tu unship.
Near Seven tar Tavf.rx, )
June 16, 1877, )
.Vy Dear .Vr. Editor : A pleasanter
EigLt than this Saturday night the
merry month of June never turns
ont It's not warm ; it's not cool ; a
sick man could almost enjoy it, and
I'll bet high on it, that it has bred
sickness in many a fellow who is out
sparking his eirl- I'll bet that many
a fellow Lis a thumping under his
waist-coat in bis heart If the boys
don't want to fall in love with the
foils they should not spark them on
ench mellow nights.
The grandeur of night-time in the
Son ill wh-it wnkes such fiery lovers
down there, an 1 the immoral social
and pa'.i'ica! institutions of that sec
tion is Lt makes such desperadoes
down there. Andy Jackson was not
a desperado ; Le was bred outside of
the circle of that class, but he could
not get outside the circle of the in
fluence of the beautiful mellowing
Southern nights, and that's why he
was such an ardent lover and wooer,
all of course within the letter of lcg
iblative enactment He underwent
the thumping of his heart under his
vest Most every man lias had that
txpei it-nce some time in his life ; even
the bachelor class have felt it, though
the most of them affect to know
notliir.g about the throb that a woman
imparts to a man when she has found
her way to Lis heart ; they declare
tiiitt tlifeir heart has not leen reached.
Who knows T Perhaps 'tis so with
some of them ; perhaps disappoint
ment causes others to so declare
themselves. But I guess love for
other objects than women gives a man
Leart-acLc, particularly when he don't
reach the object
Mr. Tilden, who ran against Mr.
naves, is bachelor, and perhaps he
has had the woman heart -ache ; but
as he is not on public record on that
point it will not do to say that he has
had the vroiuan thump under his vest
Ii.it what he saiJ last Tuesday evening
in alliile speech, in York, put him
plainly on the public record as hav
ing an ache in his heart for another
object which had no woman in it
They were a talking about his little
speech at the Stars this evening. It
was a kind of an unexpected thing to
hear a complaint from their defeated
Presidential candidate ; they thought
that he was satisfied with the result,
with the work of the Commission
that declared him not elected. They
had not been told that the leaders of
the pirty was to hold a sort of s
National Caucus at New York last
Tuesday evening to decide what kind
of a campuign they would have to set
tip to rim their pnrty on, for the pol
icy of President Hayes is giving such
satisfaction to the mass of both par
ties that his Work is likely to take a
great many of the strong' Democrats
among the mass over to him. To
hold a sort of a National caucus and
raise the bat lie-cry for the party, was
the thing that most puzzled them.
They wanted the caucus liot to" appear
as a caucus, an! so when Mr. Hen
dricks, who wits on the ticket with
Mr. Tilden, for Vice President, con
cluded to go to Europe, they saw the
chance to get a caucus without hav
ing it appear as a caucus. Last Tues
day was the time for Mr. Hendricks
to l in New York to get tickets, &.C.,
for his trip over the ocean, and that
was the time for the caucus. It was
held last Tuesday night Several
thousand invitations had been sent
out and letters from all parts of the
country were received, and men from
all parts were present, and the plan
for the next Democratic campaign
was mapped out Mr. Tilden him
self sounded the key-note, and that !
key-note is, that he was counted out of
tht Presidency, that he was elected by
the popular vote, and that the Dem
ocracy cannot under such circum
stances, support Mr. Hayes. Ill tell
you if you fellows had turned your
back on Hayes, the world would never
have heard of that caucus ; but turn
ing and going so strong for Hayes'
Southern policy scared the Northern
leaders of my old party, and they
thought it best to make some stand,
and thr.t is their stand
There is nothing in it but the cry
of a whipped man a man who was
whipped with the whip that he
thought he could whip Hayes with.
Old Hickory never liked whipping
people, and I would like to know how
that caucus is going to get over the
fact that the Andy Jackson Associa
tion of Washington City endorsed
the policy of President Hayes. How
can Hayes and his policy be both
angel and devil? Will the caucus
make the association take back its
endorsement ? or have the associa
tion the pluck of Old Andy, to san J
by the endorsement f Hayes ?
I never expected to hear Mr. Til
den make such a whining speech. I
had always understood that he is a
real blooded man, descended from an
old noble Norman family, having a
private record that recounts the her
editary political power and govern
ment of his ancestors, which should
all teach him that such political ac
tion as tltat which puts a man into
office and takes him out of office
within four years, is the merest po
litical bauble. His noble descent
shotild have put him above 6uch a
whine as he uttered last Tuesday
night I don't 6ee why he should!
hanker after the place unless it would
be to say that one of the line of peo
ple from which he sprang, had also
become the temporary head of a peo
ple who change their rulers every
four years.
It does not sound well for Tilden
to complain. He belittles himself.
It is belittling to complain over a
thing that a man and his friends
agreed to. The whole reading world
knows that after the last Novemler
election was held, that the election
was so close on the electoral vote
that loth parties claimed some three
of the Southern States. The world
knows that Mr. Tilden's friends
would not be satisfied if the electoral
vote of these States were declared
against Tilden, and unless Congress
would give them a chance to show
that their electors were elected they
would make a fuss about it.
The reading world further knows
that Congress gave them just what
they wanted, and that they got a Com
mission to examine as to which of the
two sets of electors from the disputed
States had the legid right to be
counted ; but every time a vote was
taken the Tilden men voted against
the Hayes electors, and if they had
had the power they would have de
clared Tilden elected ; but they did
not have the majority under the laws
for the case, which they helped
to make, and now that they were
lieaten through the forms of the law
that they woiked day and night to
make, they send up a bi'ter lamenta
tion. I'll tell you, boy, Andy Jack
son never acted that way ; he would
have scorned to cry over a battle that
had been lost, which had been a bat
tie of his own choosing. On a cer
tain occasion Old Hickory and a
plucky friend went down to where
Tom Benton lived. They went there
expressly to brow beat Benton and
his friends into certain measures that
Jackson wanted to have adopted ; but
Benton could not be browbeaten, and
before the case had progressed far, a
regular street fight grew out of the
dispute, which ended by Benton and
his brother giving Jackson and his
friend a complete whipping. Jack
son and his friend left the town a
good deal crest-fallen, and proceeded,
in silence, on their journey, on horse
back, a dozen mile3 without speaking
a word, when Old Hickory broke the
6uence by declaring that "the sun
nowhere shines on a braver and
better man than Tom Benton."
He didn't cry out like the Demo
cratic caucus in New York, through
Mr. Tilden, that they had got whipped
by weapons of their own choosing,
and now they are determined not to
stand it
Mr. Tilden laid it on heavy that he
had been elected by the popular vote,
and that the popular vote had been
outraged because Mr. Hayes, who is
the minority man, occupies the Presi
dency. It would be beneath Old
Andy, if he were living, to go before
the people with such stuff as that,
for it is well known to even people
who dor not read,- or cannot read, that
Presidents are not elected by tbs pop
ular or majority vote ;' they are fleeted
by wlif rn called (be electoral vote.
I bate never beard that if. Tilden
advocated b ststem of voting fur the
President of the United State by nia
jorrfy ballot. Siuce the rebellion tbey
bate not bad an honest majority eiee
tioo in the Southern States. By book
or by crook tLe old rebel element have
slways organized the Ka Klux or White
Liners, about election time to ride over
large district and so iutiifcidate the
new poling population (the colored peo
ple) that tbey voted fur men tbey did
not wuh tc vote for, to save their lives,
and to save themselves Iroiu being
abused, and to save what property they
accumulated from being destroyed.
Majority rule down South means negro
rule, and the only way for the old rebel
element to keep the colored people from
voting with the men who put down the
Hi' be 1 1 ion is to intimidate them ; aud
that is tbt) way that the potu ar vote of
Mr. Tilden came to be so largo in Mis
sissippi, Georgia and other Southern
S ates; and ben Mr. Tilden goes ofi
in ucb speech as the one delivered
last Tuesday, about the "rt'gAs of elec
tive franchise" be gets off a most bit
ter criticism on the work of bis own
party friends in the S uth. If his
party friends bad not ridden over la ge
districts in the South, and with the
torch and shot gun carried intimidation
and submission to the commands of the
master race, be would nut be able to
even get off such a criticism as the one
let off in the caucus mentioned.
It does seem a little queer that a
man of Mr. Tilden's blood should come
be tore the couuiry with the plea put
forward in caucus. Future genera
nous will write u dowu as a great mis
take, aud the acts of lutiiuidattou tuat
will tor a loug time be practiced on the
colored lolks ot the So'jtU will be tbe
evideuue that will prove beyond all
clamorous aud captious compiaiut that
the pupuisr tote of the toutti was man
ulaciUred tor Mr. Tildeu through the
agency of the ehot-guu, the torch, the
whipping post, aud learful threats. So
it bus beeu since rebellum, excepting
wheu armed proeutiou ex 'ended usell
over the mwly tuide citizeus, but as it
is uot the thing that Americans tike, lo
have the military stand over them, and
as the ujuiur) rule iu the South has
tailed to bring the old slave race aud
the master raca to better tviius, the
policy has beeu changed, so that the
political control wilt be vested in the
master race, which is the miuorit race.
I he representatives ot the master race
have given tbi-ir solemn promise that
they will abide by the results that came
through the Rebellion, aud that they
will recognize every right of the color
e i people, except that of being put di
rectly under thrir c ntrol. President
Haves has taken them at their word,
and bis party have followed htm in bis
policy. The mass of the Democracy
have followed him in tbe policy, be
cause it is to bring quiet and peace to
the country a healing balm to tbe
wound ot rebellion aud war. It is just
tbe policy that Old Andy would bave
pursued. He would say : " Yes, gen
tlemen, I accept your promises, as
made in good fith, and from hence
forth the couuiry will start on a new
and iaiproted mission."
Hut you see all that ails Tilden is
the thump under bis waist coat, just
bke tbe thump under the waist-coats
f the lads who asked their sweet
hearts to have tneni, and got for an
auswer, "io !" Tilden get for bis ask
ing for the Presidency, from the people
who had it to give, he answer, "No,"
and that's what makes dim cotupain,
and as a disappointed and complaining
lover never gets much stmpalhy, so
with Mr. Tilden. 'I hey bad better
talk about the Turks and the Russians.
Good tight I'll be up to the fair.
Yours trulv.
A dispatch from Springfield, Mass.,
List Friday, says : The covered bridge
over the Connecticut river, between
Northampton and Hadley, was blown
over by a hurricane, accompanied by
a severe thunder shower, at 1.30 this
afternoon. There were six teams on
the bridge when it went over, and Mrs.
Sullivan, of Old Hadley, was instant
ly killed. Sheriff Enos Cook, of
Hadley, was cut badly on the head,
and William Smith, of Amherst, had
a shoulder dislocated. Two horses
have been Liken from the ruins alive.
The bridge was 1,124 feet long, and
the newest portion of it has been
built about fifteen years. An un
completed bridge of the Massachu
setts Central Railroad was also demol
ished. Numerous tobacco sheds have
also been blown down by the gale.
At Hartford, Mass., a severe thun
der and rain storm did considerable
damage to fritit and shade trees. Two
barns were blown dowu in West Hart
ford. Lightning struck several
places. No loss of life reported.
A furious storm of rain and hail,
accompanied by a terrible wind-storm,
passed over Poughkeepsie, N. Y., on
Thursday afternoon. The damage to
fruit and growing crops will be very
heavy. A number of buildings were
struck by lightning, but no person
was killed. Trees were blown down
and immense quantities of glass
During a thunder storm in the out
skirts of Middletown, N. Y.,onThurs
dey, lightning struck in three places.
A woman was severely hurt. Three
men were shocked and a duelling bouse
was wrecked alums beyond repair, bu
the ocenpans, a woman and wo chu
dien, escaped uninjured.
Tbe Turkish press scoots the idea of
A Danger: SabstltsUe fer
There are sours kinds of so-called
Vinegar in the market than brands of
family fiuttr. Tbe New York- Tribune
of tbe llhb alt thus alludes to one of
Tbe Board of Health of the District
of Columbia bave condemed five car
toads ot Vinegar scut there from Chi
cago, on the grouud that it is not
genuine article, and it very injurious to
health. An analysis of tbe so-called
Vim gat has been mile. It appears,
according to the r- port ol tbe lizard ot
Health, that the Viueear contains 51
54-100 grains per gallon of anhydrous
sulphuric acid combined with lime to
foiui b sulpLate ot lime equivalent to
117 iJ6 100 grains of gypsum per gal
lon, and besides that five grains of free
sulphuric acid per gallon. Tbe B ard
also report that this sample was taken
from bu luvoice of more than 1,000
barrels brought there Washington
CltJ to be sold as vinegar, and, that
it is likely to find a ready sale on as
count of its low price
The repirt concludes as follows:
"When we think that oil of vitriol
(ulpliuric) aeid can be bought at fire
cents a pound, and that a pound of the
aeid wonld render a barrel of fluid as
acid as the strongest Vinegar, it is a
fraud npnn coin 'tierce, and a dangerous
sub-tttute for Vinegar."
Desiring; the Shuw to be Open
ai MalaUajr.
The Independent German Sunday
school Association, comprising SS50
members, aud having G00 scuolais, has
addressed a letter to Mr. Torrey ol iho
Permanent Exhibition, respeottully de
clining tbe invitation to tbe proposed
Sunday school festival. Tbey say that
were the celebration on Sun ay they
would permit their children to go, and
would themselves accompany tbetu
They call Mr Torrey 's attention to the
stringency ot the limes, saying that the
tmuibersof tbe organization are not in
that plethoric couditioo financially that
tbey can spare an hour, much less a
day, during the week, from tbe labor
which gets them their bread. Tbey
set forth, also, that all are admitted to
their schools irrespective of race, color
or religion. There are five schools,
with a superintendent to each, and
twenty-two teachers. The letter is
signed by Peter llass, president; Julius
tjrauim, secretary; Andreas Geiger,
treasurer, and the five superintendents
.Mct'lure't Times.
Another California.
Captain burton, the traveler, bas
been sent dowu into the land of Midiau
where Muses got one ot bis wives, by
tbe Khedive. It borders tbe gulf of
Akabah, an estuary of tbe Red Sea.
He fouud many ruined towns of solid
masonry with roads, artificial lakes aud
massive fortresses built by some race
wmuh wrought the mines of turquoise,
gold, tiu, autiiuony aud silver there,
burton, contradicts Ilerr Mauch aud
bring phir back to Midiao. lie cou
siders tbe country another California
and bas Inflamed the Viceroy, to wnom
Midtau belongs, with a l-l which uiv
lead to fuller investigation and Valuable
results. At present the couu'ry is not
so well known as any of tbe eutiances
to the North Pole-
A Bright "M. D "
They have a brilliant doctor in New
York mho is eu ltltd certainly to a
medal a leather oue. Called to see a
patieut he pronouueed bis disease fuialt
poz ai d ordered bim rt-uiu ed to bis
loriuer boarding bouse, a hence be was
taken to the nest bospnal on Riackwell's
Island, where the physiciaus pronounc
ed the case oue of ordinaiy measles.
Now tbe young man wants to sue tbe
Board of Health ffioer for perilling his
life by thrusting him au.oug smallpoz
patieuts, aud the doctor is threatened
with a suit by the bead of the family
into whose honse be was taken by order
of the JEscuUpiao disciple. .orlh
Woman's Love.
A Frencu wuuiau will love her bus
baud if bo is either witty or chivalrous;
a German wouiau, if be is coosiaul aud
laiihlul ; a 1'uich woman if he does uoi
disturb her ease aud cumtorl too much ;
a Sauisb woman, it be wreaks vengeiice
ou those who lucur her displeasure ; au
Italian woman, it be thiuks uer native
cuuutry is tlie brightest and happiest on
earth ; a Russian woman, if ha despises
all westerners as miserable barbarians;
au Ameticau, if be has plen;y of mon
ey . Burl mgton Hawkeye.
Con Tensed.
F. A. Beauiisb, ot Scranton, was
convicted last December for iorging a
tax duplicate for the Fourth School
District while Tax Receiver. Or. Fri
day ez I oustable Farrell, whom Beam
ish employed to serve tbt tax warrants,
coufessed that be and a oonh-derate got
possession of tbe tax duplicate, tore
out the leaves, and kept $1500.
Beamish is in prison awaiting sentence.
The confession is in writing, sworn to,
aud will be delivered to the court.
The Case vveul to the Jury.
'Had you any muisier motive iu mak
ing this assault ?" tbe Judge asked a
railway eugiueer arrested lor scalping
a yard man with a copper hammer.
"Any siuister mitive, any maltoious
motive, "explained tbe Judge. ".No;
hadn't nothing but a locomotive," was
the reply. "Old 'J'JU." Then tbe case
went to the jury without argument.
Burlington tlawkeye.
A Preacher Pronounced
At Dixon, 111., reoeutly the jury in
tbe ease of Rev. S. II McGbee, etiarg
ed with poisoning his wile, rendered a
verdict ol guilty, but fixed tbe penalty
at tbe iowes' period of imprisonment
allowed by the law-fourteen years Mc
Ghee was pastor ot the Christian Cburch
at Ashton. II is motive for the crime
was supposed to be a desire to uiarry a
young lady parishoner.
A. Mall Robber Shoots Himself.
Murdock, a mail ageut between
Richmond Vs., and Danville, who was
arrested a few days since for robbing
the mail, partially examined and ad
mitted to bail, committed suicide on
he 11th by taking poison.
Catasaqna had a sensation on Thurs
day. Eibt of its citizens were on
that day arrested on the charges of
adultery and fornication.
Cattle to Enrope
Five car loads of cattle were bought
in Lancaster county last week for ship,
ment to Enrope. The price paid was
seven cents.
r -' News Items.
A fire was recently put oat witb lem
on in Providence while tbe parties
were Waiting for the rade" of tbe fire-
A mau died1 in Indiana county re
cently, and an examination of bis ef
fects showed that be bad laid up tbe
snug sum of tweuty-four hundred dol
lars in Spanish quarters.
An engineer iu Lewisbnrg was show
ing a couple ot lady frieuds a pistol
cartridge last week. One of tbetu
punched it with a hair piu aud it ex
phrtled, daujugl'ig the hand ot tbe man,
an 1 burning the tact ot the punebee.
A moulder named M'ehait has been
sentenced at Troy, N 1' , to ten years,
iiupitsoniui-nt for assaults upon other
moulders wh idnl not beloug to tbe un
j ini-ts of that trade.
Tne safe aud vault of the Walter A.
Wood Mowing aud Reaping Machine
Company, at Hoosiek Falls, New York
was blown open on Tuesday night a
week by masked burglars and $300
stolen. The vault and safe are total
wreck. The watohman was gagged and
A little girl named M.nnie Killingcr,
aged 7 year, aud one ot tue soldiers'
orphaus at bite Hall soldiers' orpbaus
school, was fatally scalded on last Sat
urday morning about 7 o'clock, by fall
ing backwards iuto a tub of hot water.
A German Lutheran church has been
organized iu 'lurry, corner of 'Joucoid
and South streets. Prof. R th, oi
Thiel College, Greenville, it is expect
cd ill preach as often as one-) a mouth.
Mrs. Jaul, a widow with three chil
dren eoiuHittied suicide at York on
Sunday by banging. Tlie act was caus
ed by depressions ol spirits.
Tbe boy lest own Presbyterian Clinch
bas given its pastor, the R-;v. Dr.
Adams, a six months' vacatious, with
out abatematit of salary.
O'er 1500 shad were caught at tbe
Spryd wbrf fishery, Middletown, the
past season.
A project is on foot in Erie to repro
duce in duplicate the old biockbouse
on Garriaou liili and mtke of it a
memorial to mark ibe grave of Authooy
Murdock, a mail agent between
Richmond and Danville, wbo was ar
rested s few days since for robbing the
mail partialy examined and admitted
to bail eommitted suicide at Richmond
There are 2.C70 members of tbe
Methodist d"nouiiuatiou in Biaireunty
Mary Lock Wood, a New York B -w-pry
eouo. rt saloon waiter gill, died on
Monday night from kicks inflicted by
an nnkuowu uia
All tbe small blacksmith shops own
ed by and along tbe Lehigh Valley
railroad have been closed as a measure
of economy.
A well dressed stranger went Into a
St. Louis pawn simp, bought a revolver
had it loaded, aud tben shot himself
through the bead.
Tho uew postmaster at Pitlston pro
poses to niove the post office, and
there is a fine q'larrel in progress about it.
Frank M't'omie of Myertowu, Leb
anon county, was thrown iroui a colt
recently and faiaily itjured.
The caterpill irs are doing much mis
chief to orchards in IVrry county.
Tiio wheat crop iu the same couuty will
be an average one.
The Laudisville Camp Meeting will
opu this year on Wednesday, July
25t!i and continue over two Sundays.
Tne St. G'-thaid tunnel, in the Alps,
is unfinished, and :t is estimated eight
million dollars are ueeesry to its com
pletion. Sheriff Pew, of Mercer cunty, hav
ing tailed financially, he corouer of the
couuty bas been nonti-d to take charge
o! iheofEre. lbs liabilities are stated
to be nearly $20,000.
The weather iu California 's unusual
ly warm this Season. In some places
in tbe interior the thermometer ba
ranged as high as one hundred aud fil
let o in the sliade.
A small meteorite fell in Norristown
nn Sunday, striking on the street. It
broke in pieces, which were picked np
b passers by aud preserved as curious
On Thursday evening W . II. Miller
and John Washington, both colored,
engiged in a fight at attstown, eaeb
havii'g a razor, which resulted in Wash
ington cutting Miller's throat from ear
tj chin. Miller was taken to Laser's
drug store, where tbe wound was
dressed by Dr. J. J Leiser. The
wound is not thought to be fatal.
Washington has been arrested and
lodged in jail.
A little child of Wm. Etters, of
Burnsidrt township.Centre county, ageo
fifteen months, crawled away while the
mother was milking. and although search
was mad in all directions it ws not
found until nzt morning setting by ths
side of b log about three quarters of a
mile from the house, which distance i
must have crawled on its hands and
knees. The woods bad been bnrnt,
and excepting some scratches if was not
injured. This orcutred on one of tbe
cold nights some weeks ago.
Lasi week tbe divorced wife of J. F.
Kirby visited Sunbury and secured ber
boy, wno lived with ber former hus
band's second wife. Tbey left Sun
bury on Friday, and tbe next day the
mother was fatally injured on tbe Le
high Valley railroad aud tbe child sen
ously hurt.
A traveler reached into the ticket
office at Northumberland aud asked lor
a ticket to Chicago, lay lug down a
tweuty dollar note, but before tbe agent
could pick up tbe money, the sharper
bad suatched bill Bud ticket and
boarded a train tben leaviug. Tbe
tact was telegr bed to Witiiampott,
and tbe man arrested wbeu the ttam
reached that point. It bn the traiu
reached tbe depot at the llsrdic House
the traveler was at once taken into the
presence ot the superintendent, wb) iu
formed him of tbe charge that was pre
ferred against bim by tbe agent at
Northumberland. His excuse was
that he laid down a twenty dollar bill,
wbicb the agent pronounced counter
feit and shoved it back to bim, w'ten
be presented a ten dollar Did, and be
fore be could make the balance of tbe
change the train started and he picked
up the ticket and ran. He paid lor the
ticket and was allowed to go on bis
It is said of Mrs. Hayes that she ab
solutely will not talk "gossip." Even
in tbe intimate confidence of daily
intercourse she is as guarded as in the
presence of tbe multitude. Except in
very rare instances, when some act nf
oppression to the poor or the defi use
less outrages ber sence of justice, she
is always thoroughly kind ia expression'
New3 IteniB. 1
Pittsburg uionte men victimize greedy
Sixty five clergymen attended tbe
Episcopal convention at Scrauton.
A woman named Mosher, wnoee bus
band had doseried ber some years ago,
leaving rive children for ber te take
care ol, attempted to oonl'uit suicide at
South Bjihleueia. Sbe was saved by
ao officer
Tbe Cincinnati Chamber of Com
iBTce voted a casb donation of $1,000
tor tbe relief of tbe sufferers by the
tornado at M t. Carniel Illinois
A boy aged twelve years,- son of
John W. Grove of Hnuitiielstuwn,
while discharging a gun at a skunk re
ceived a severe wou id. Tbe breech
ol tbe gun was driveu back aud it pene
trated bis skull. He died on Saturuay
Tbe curt ant promises to be laege
this season, but it isn't likely that tbe
amount of domestio win squeezed
from them will be so g eat that woman
will not be able to tote it off to some
new place as soon as a fellow finds out
where it's bid. Go6e Democrat
Three tramps ou Monday undertook
to swim across tbe Delaware from Bns
tol to Burlington. When about the
middle of the river one of tbetu was
taken with cramp ane waa drowned.
Tue other two reacbtd the island op
bristol aud were taken off in a small
The news agents on the Pennsylvania
railroad have dunned tbeir new uui
lorius. Tne suits sre made of blue
Cheviot, and look much better tban
hose worn by employes on
trains. IVieli uniform embraces a sacs
coat, on which are twelve buttons; high
vest, on which are five buttons; tight
finiii pants, and caps similar to tbe
kind worn by Fuiiumn car conductors.
A call bas been issued in Favetie
county by fifty of its prominent citizens
for a Greenback conventiou.
TheSelingrove Times says : Wm. II.
G'bbony, who bas been doing tbe tan
ning business for John M- Khine at
McKeo's Half Falls, Snyder county,
disappeared several days ago, leaving
Mr. Uliine minus about $2,500. On
Tuesday morning Mrs. Gibbooy follow
ed her defaulting husband, but no oce
knows whither.
Stage robbers in Tezas are plenty,
snd the worst feature of tbe business
is, tbe public look upon them as brave
fellows, and because of that, grand
juries find no bills against tbero. liut
they put a cattle thief through. A nice
state of society for a sarags to live in.
Ou the morning of the 1'2'h inst., a
railroad collision took place at or near
Point of Rocks in Maryland. Oue of
tbe trains was an excursion train, the
wreck of which killed siz persons and
seriuOsly injured thirty others. The
excursion train was run off regular
tolled ule time, which is assigned as tbe
canse of the accident.
A 14 year old son of Oliver Twiili
ger, while assisting bis father at a saw
mill in i'learS'.-ld, a few diy ago, had
his shirt sleeve caught by a circular
saw which drew '.he boy upon the saw,
cutting him to death.
Loves Darhnesi.
Mrs. H'czs, or New Y-rk, who is
now residing at laride's Hotel, ic
London, has introduced into London,
society what Truth calls the "Amen
can custom" of giving rreeptmus by
day shut np from the sunlight and illu
initiated with candles.
Would not Have Taken tbe
' The Pottstowu Ledger laughs at a
Berks county man wbo walked 18 miles
tbe other day to renew a note for $ I5
in one of the Pottstown banks. A !
Montgomery county man wouldu'thave
taken this trouble.
An Alderman Goes l'p
aumel .McMaSters, uutll receutlj sn ,
Alderman of rittshurg lias been sen
fenced lo tbe Western penientiar? for
six years. He was convicted of being
sn accessory ti the death of Mary
Kavatuugh, the victim of a criminal
Washington Cemetery, t Hagers
town, where tbe Confederate dead,
killed in the Kettles of Antietsm and
Sou'b Mountain, are interred. Was for
ually dedicated on the lltb. Tbe
oration was delivered by General FiU
hugh Lee, of Virginia.
m mi
Twenty Doctors.
It is said of the oil town of Petrolia
that it lias twen'y physicians in a popu
lation of 2000.
Legal .Yotices.
PURSUANT to an order of sale issued
by the Court ol Common Pleas ot the
county ot Juniata, the undersigned, As
signee or John W. Sartain, will expose to
sale by public vendue, on
at three o'clock P. M. of said day, on the
situate in Walker towuship, county of Ju
niata, Pa , bounded by lands ol Jerome N.
Thompson, lands ol the heirs ol Peter Re
gan, lands of Joseph Hosteller, and sabers,
more or less. The land is in a tine state of
cultivation, there having been 00 bu-heli
of lime applied within seven years. There
are on it
2 Comfortable Dwelling Houses,
one ol wbicb is new ; and a
The farm is also well supplied with spring
snd fresh running water, and fruit trees of
every variety that will produce fruit In our
climate. Is located in a good neighbor
hood, convenient to school, church and
stores, and ia 3 miles distant f rom Thonip
sontowu station ol P. R. R.
ThKMd OF SALE One-fourth of the
purchase money to be paid cab wbea the
property is stricken down; one-fourth oo
the first day of Noveruber, 1877 and the
balance, being one-hall ol Ibe whoie, on the
first day of March. 178. These two last
payments tu bear interest from the day of
sale, and to be secured by judgment bond.
Deed executed and possession given on the
first day ot April, 1878.
Assignee ot John W. Sartain.
June 13. 1877-td
Job work ob short notice at this Othcs.
Leal Notice.
THB nnderaijtn, Assignee of Solomon
CoSmao for the benefit of bis credi
tors, will offer at public sale, on the prem
ises, in r'avette township, Juniata county,
at I o'clock P. M., on
Saturday, jclt U, 1377,
The following described real estate, to wit:
No. I. A tract of land, being the Man
sion Karra ot said Assignor, containing:
One Hundred and Forty Acres,
more or leas, baring thereon erected a
Large Stone Dwelling House,
BANK BARV, Wagon Sbt with Stabling,
Corn Crib, and other outbuildings. About
12 acres 6r this land is cleared, well
fenced. and in a blh state or cultivation.
Tnere is a fine Quarry of excellent LIME
STONE on the premises, with KILN erect
ed th-reon. The land has recently been
thoronjthly limed. There is a Ane Spring
of water On the premises, with a Fountain
Pump, which supplies both the house and
btroTunl witb an excellent quality of water.
1 This lariu is well supplied ith Fruit, there
heina- a sood ADl'le Un-bard, a feacn ur-
chant, and a g--d supply or Grapes and j freight paid both ways if unsatisfactory,
other ain.ill Irmts on tbe preniise. I Established li6. Aoksts Wste. Dis
. . ....j .:..:: ' r to Teachers, Ministers, he. Address
ahot o described tract en the east, contain
more or less having thereon erected a good
and outbuildings. About Seventy Acres of
this land is cleared, well fenced, and also in
a good state ol cultivation ; tho remainder
is well set with liiub-r. There is a fine
Tonng Orchard on the premises, a Spring
ol good water near the house, and a foun
tain Pump iu the barnyard.
No. 8. Three lots of Woodland, con-
taining about SIX ACRES each, adjoining
the land above descrhVd on the north.
Chestnut, lak, and other timber.
The land ahove described is situated
about " miles southeast of Mc Alisterville,
about 1 mile northeast of East Salem, and
about 1 mile from Brown's Milis. It is in
close proximity to schools, churches and
TERMS. Ten percent, of the purchase
money lo be uaid hen the land is struck
down to the purchaser fifteen per cent,
when the sale ia confirmed by the C.urt;
and the balance in three payments, the
oue payable ia six mouths from date of con-
Urination, and the other payments In twelve
and eigh.een month. Irom aa.d date reapee-
tivelv. uh interest from Ap-il I, 1S78, ia
case ot the cleared land, ana iromuateoi
confirmation in Case of Ibe woodland ; the
pav menu to be well secured bv judgment
notes. tZKAsMllli,
Assignee of Solomon Cotl'man.
May 30, 1877.
Valuable Real Estate !
BT virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Juniata county, the under
signed. Administrator of Joseph S. Laird,
deceased, will rTi-r at public sale, on the
premises, in McCoys villa Tuscarora town
ship, on
FK1MAY, JUNE 22nd, 1877,
at 'I o'clock P. M., the following described
real estate, late the property of said dece
dent, to wit :-
No. I. A tract of about T A O ACKES of
Ground, in VcCorsviile, bounded bv lands
of John Dohbs on the west, bv a public
road on the south and east, and on the north
by lands ol J. C. Stewart, having thereon
elected a
and all necessary outbuildings. There is a
good Orchard ml Choice Fruit on the prem
ises, also running water.
N.i. 2. A lot ot about 2 Acres of Ground
in McCoyaville. bounded on the west by
school lot, on the north and ea-t bv public
road, and on the south by lands of James
Steenson, having thereon erected a new
Two-Story Frame Sta House,
Sf;!2 reel, with WAREHOUSE, STABLE, I
and n agon .Vied. There is a good young
A 'ple I i chard on the premises, also run-
i nmg water.
The above tract will be divided in'o two
j lots and sold either separately or together,
, to suit the convenience ot purchaser.
No. 3. A tract of about m ACRES or
,allrt ne'u' McCoyaville, bounded on the west
liy lauds ol John t. Uobbs. on the south bv
I. mils of Abraham Noss and heirs of Thos.
Barnard, on the east by land of Jacob Noss
and pub ic road, and on the north by lands
ol James Steenson. About 3- aceg or
this land is cleared and in a gixtd state of
cultivation, the bilauce is in g'tod timber.
Four or rive building lots will be taken on"
this tract and uttered lor sale separately at
the same time and place.
TERMS Ten per rent, of the purchase
mone) to be paid on the day ot sale ; lit teen
per eent h?n the sale is confirmed bv the
c inrt ; and the balance in two equal instal
ments, payable in six and twelve months
Irom Ihedalo ol continuation, iota rest to
be paid from April 1st, 1ST 8, when posses
sion will be given
Adin'r of Jiseph S Laird, deceased.
May 16, 1877.
fflHE undersigned, Assignee of Elias
JL Smith, tor the benefit of his credi
tors, will, by virtue or an onler of the
Court or Common Pleas of Juniata county,
expose to sale on the premises iu Fayette
township, at i o'clock P. M., on
The following real estate, to wit t A tract
ot land, bounded by lands of Peter Brown,
Chriatian Lauver, Aun Koons, Abraham
Ilaideiu in and others, containing
more or less, and having thereon erected a
VIF B.1AK B.1R.,
Wagon Shed, Spring Ilonse. and other out
buildings. Tr-ere is a Well or good water
on the premises, also a very tine assortment
ol Fruil Trees.
About thirty acres of this land is onder
rnltiv-uioo, and Ike balance is in timber.
The property is quite near Brown's Mills,
in Fayette township, and is in close prox
imity to schools, churches and stores.
TERMS Ten per cent, to be paid on the
day of sale ; fliteen per cent, when tbe sale
is confirmed by tbe Court ; and the bal
ance in five and eight months from the date
ol confirmation, witb interest from April
1, 17.
June 18, 1877.
j(a of Elizabeth Rambler, itreastd.
LETTERS ot Administration on the es
tate ot Elix'beib Raruhler, kiteol Lack
township, deceased, having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to tbe said estate are requested to
make immediate pa ment, and those having
claims will please present them without de
lay to
Jane 13, 1877. Jdmimttrmtor.
Estate of Sarah Struup, dictated.
LETTERS Testamentary on the estate
of Sarah Strou p, late of the borough
of Mitttintown, dee'd, bavina been granted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make payment,
and those having claims or demands are re
quested to make kaown the same without
delay to
May 2, 1877. Sztflor.
Legal yoticc.
fTji, the undersigned. Commissioners of
W the count) ol Joniata, hereby giro
notice that we will not sell or renew any
County Bonds, alter this date, at a higher
rate that ronr per cent., and the Tax Collec
tors for the year 187 shall allow five per
cent, abatement on all taxes paid on thei t
respective Duplicates until the 11th day uf
September neat; and that the said Collec
tors will be required to settle their respec
tive Duplicates promptly in one year from
the date thereof.
D. B. COX.
Miy 1. 1777-tf Commissioners.
yew Atlvertlaementa.
TjTivpn 7ocitf, fine rosewood
1 JflULU (not I
natd over six months), only
$130; cost oVo. New Pianos
at wholesale. Great bargain.
Jiearly new, $10 ; 2 stops, W5 ;
5 slops. $ 0; 6 slops, 7
stops, $Wi 9 stops, $o5; 12
stops. $'u tt$i--. Kare opportuntiies. New
organs at wholesale. Bewnre imitations.
Rest offer ever made, read. Sect ou 5 to
1 Havs' test trwl. Money refunded and
DANIEL F. BlATti, ttasbwgton, .w
MJl! week in your owu town, lernisand
JpDD outfit fiee. II. HALLETT CO.,
Portland, Maine.
To Rational Inrallds. In sick
ness every portion ot the Body sympathizes
with the seat of the disorder. When the
stomach fails to perform its functions, the
liver, bowels, nerves, muscles. eins, arter
ies, Ac, sre all more or lessaffrcied. These
delinquents require a medicine, combining
the properties of a stomachic, an alterative,
a purgative, a tonic, and sedative to bring
i them back to tbeir dutv : and all these ele-
, ments, in their purest and most effective
forms, are uni'ed in
i Ta... rr.., wl : .
I TamaTa rfferTesWBt Mtwr Aperient,
"e treat Saline Remedy tor Indigestion,
and its concomitant consequences.
Sold bv
all druggists.
0,fC f 77 a Week to Agents. $!U Out
dJJ LU U)l I Jit f,tt. F. O. VICKERY,
Augusta, Maine.
A DAT at home. Agents wanted.
Outfit aad terms free. TRUE k CO.,
Augusta, Maine.
C. C BEEKS, M. D. (forrnerlv of Btony
has a harmlew cure tor IX TEMPERANCE,
which can be given without the knowledge
of the patient. Also one for Ibe
Permanent en res guaranteed in both.
Send stamp tor evidouce. Ask druggist f or
it. Address BEEKS 4. CO.,
Birmingham, Conn.
AC 0 tfOfl VT bonie.
Terms free.
ipj t-i ipuu Address Uso
brisaos h. Co.
Porlland, Me,
&T- MATr.TTT.TT.ee
IX Pl.l G.
BBflfflTII. H. T.
EVERT Scientist, Architect, Builder,
Tinsmith and Property Owner should
have a copy ol the practical treatise on
just issued by the undersigned. I exposes
tho serious defects ot the lightning rods
now erected, and gives explicit directions
lor properly protecting buildings, sh'ps, oil
tanks, steam boilers, wooden bridges, tele
graph aparatu, etc. It shoos and describes
' a sunule method bv which metal roots and
rain pipes, or other stiitusble nielalic con
ductors about buildings, will ellect abso
lute protection. Sent bv mail, postage pre
paid, on receipt of 91.50. UF.NUT W.
SPONti, Reading, Pinna.
All in Pinkerton's great book, The Molly
Maguires and the Detectives, is now ready
lor stents and subscribers, it is oneof the
most wondert ul and absorbing books ever
written. A large, elegantly bound volume,
ncark OW pages, and 4 intensely interest
ing engravings. Price Sli.-ili. The ea.net
and (itiickest book to sell ever seen.
For terms, circulars and territory address
ti. V. CAKLETON at CO.,
jtineia-lui Pub i-bers, N. V.
J. B. M. TODD'S,
I bave fust returned from PhiladelpMa
with a full line of
Men's Suits, $4.-50, $.00 to $20.00. Boys'
Suits, $-'.50, $1 50 to $10.00.
A full line of the
at low prices. A complete assortment of
Ladies' Best Shoes, at $1.2 and upwards.
A full line of Children's Shoes. 1 bave
also a full line of Ladies' Hose, Handker
chiefs, A.C. Also, a large stock of
ArbnckW Coffee 30c. Mackeral, No. 1,
$2.50 per J bbl.
I am now selling SEWING MACHINES
at WHOLESALE PRICES. I will aeU -on
any kind ot a machine at
(hsn tbey are Usually sold. Leave your
ordwra, and you can bave any kind y ou w ant.
J. B.
, 1876.
Patterson, May 17
The undersigned have eomiueaced the
Butchering business in the borough of alit
Uiotown. BEEF,
and PORK
can be bad every Tuesday, Thursday and
Salurdav ornings at their meat store at
the residence of Mr. Howe, o Cherry
street. Their wagon will also visit the resi
dence of citizens the aanie niorninjr. Kill
none but the best of stock, and sell at fair
prices. Give as a trial.
e 3
r'a 4 a