SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLLNTOWN. WetaMday, Ha? 9, MTT. B. P. SOHWEIElt, EITOB ARB PBOPBIITe,. Thb extra session of Congress will not be called until about the middle of October. Wendell Phillip aav the coun try ia on the verge of disunion. Not correct this time, Mr. Phillips. It is denied that Ex Senator Logan, of Illinois, is going into the Russian mili tar j aerviea against the Turks. FRANKUX B. Goweh, President of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, vailed fur Europe on Saturday, on busi ness for the railroad. The appointment of Hon. Edward McPberson to the office of Engraving at Washington gives general satisfac tion to Republicans in central Pennsyl vania. Tls E iijiertr of Russia and all bis sons are about to go into the fight per sonally. That's the way to maintain a throne. Its main atay is tee army, and a king and bia princes should all be masters at arms. StXATOR Mobtox is preparing a lec ture in advocacy of a change in the manner of electiog a President. The popular opinion in these puts ia that the President should be elected by a majority vote, just as township or coun ty officers are elected. Last week eight millions of six per cent. State securities were taken by citizens of the Commonwealth at five per cent. The transaction was a fair exhibit of the confidence that is re- posed in tha State management by those who have money to loan. How people will talk. Tbey aay that Mrs. Hayes dispenses with wine at dinner. If she does, what of it ! lias she not the same rights of other people t Bat then they say that when the Grand Duke of Russia dined at the White Hiuse, she bad wine in abundance at dinner. If she bid, what of it ? Hat aba not the same rights that other peo ple have, to entertain to suit herself, acd to suit the people she entertains 1 A HAS who baa three living wives, was married the fourth time in New York the other day to a rich young lady. He passed himself as a rich man from California. He's not worth dime has nothing bat three duped women. Ho wants one hundred thou sand dollars from his laat iather-in-Iaw to agree to a divorce. Hi father-in-law threatens to spend ooe hundred thousand dollars to bar the fellow sent It ia proposed, in army circles, to re cruit 1000 Sioux Indians for the reg ular army, drill and discipline them a regular soldiers are drilled and discip lined, and then use them in the Indian country. It ia an experiment. The Indian takes naturally to arms, and who knows that he will not make a first class civilized soldiers. Who knows that be will not be taken with the pomp, parade, and circumstance of civilixed army life. Sending Ships by Bail. " Two tide-wheel steamers, with their machinery, weighing 800 tons, have been carried by rail in twenty days across all this continent from New York to San Francisco, and are to ran in San Francisco Bay as aoon a they are put together." Presbyterians of New Jersey Lave jast deposed of an interesting case before their ecclesiastical bodies, in the charges of heresy against the Rev. John Miller, in that be has written a book, which is calculated to throw doubt on the doctrines of the immortality of the soul, and on the existence of the Trinity. Tbe conclusion of the trial was reached on Friday last, and the verdict is found in the following expression of Presby tery : U e charge Mr. Miller with publicly denying and assailiDg important doc trines of the Confession of Faith, and the Catechism of our church. Resolved, That Mr. Miller be and is hereby suspended from the ministry of tbe Presbyterian Church until such time as be shall make manifest to tbe satisfaction of the Presbytery his re nunciation of the errors be holds and his solemn purpose no longer to pro mulgate them. ila teaches : First. That the soul is tint immortal ; that at tbe death of the body it dies and becomes extinct until the resurrection Second. That Christ, as a child of Adam, was personally accounted guilty of Adam's sin ; that, like other chil dreu of Adam, be inherited a corrupt nature, aud that he needed to b and wax redeemed by Ilia own death. Third. That there is bat one person in tbo Godhead. Mr. Miller said it was simply a moral, intellectual impossibility for him to re nounce his views, and gave notice of an r.ppeal to the synod. Learned Trade The Crown Prince of Germany is a compositor by trade, and Emperor Wil beltu is a glacier, though he baa not practiced bis profession for a number of years. All the Prussian princes have to learn some baodieratt, not in order to provide agaiuat hard times, but that they lears (be feelings ef tbe common people Unser Frit bas never worked at tbe ease more than sight hours a day, aud never can be persuaded by bia ata ri oj en to do so. Heavy Iroets have done great dam age to tha fruit tree is Central and Southern Illinois. A Reoljtl)n. A joint resolution reoommending tbe passage of the Texaa Pacifio Railroad bill pending in Congress, and instruct ing Senator and requesting Represen tatives of Missouri to vote for it, passed both bouses of tbe Missouri Legislature. Stoned. Four men attempted to take t bath in the Lackawanna at Dojgetown re cently. Tha women of tbe visiuity as sailed tbe bather with stone and drove tbem off. Casbler Gone. Henry Marshall, cashier of the First National Bank of Olney, 111., disap peared on Thursday night a week, and tbe baok ia reported abort probably $30,000 to $10,000. Caught Opening- a Letter. George W. Bigelow, a clerk in tbe post office at New York, was arres'ed on Thursday, charged with robbing the mails. Bigelow, when arrested, was found opening a letter containing five dollars. Token of Her Gratitude. A young servant girl in t incinnati, who waa dismissed in tbe Police Court on some trivial and falae charge, re turned soon after with a genuine flower which ahe bad purchased, and abe begged the juJge to accept it in token of her gratitude. Restored. It ia aaid that a man in Boston wbo was converted under the preaching of Mr. Moody bas made restitution of $13,' 000. which be stole several years ago. Tbe Wrong; Men. George V. Ksouedy, of IS aterbnry, V't., atatea that there are thirty-nine recorded cases whera persona have been executed for murders, who were after ward found to bo innocent. Saved from a Trial la Court. At l edar City, Mo., on the 3d inst., while Jack Graves, a negro, charged with raping Mrs. Henry McAuli&s, was being taken to jail, be was abot dead by the husband of Mrs. MisAuliaa. A Weak Brother. Peon, tbe founder of Pennsylvania, abhorred smoking. His Quaker coun cil one day, observing bim approach, laid down their pipes. " 1 am glad to see," said Penn, you are ashamed of that vile" Not at all," re turntd a principal Friend, " we only laid them down lest we should offend a weak brother." After Clipping did not Recog nize Each Otber. A gentleman ol Bourbon, ssys the Kentuckian, bad a fine buck imported from England at a cost of $100. It aimed to butt another sheep, but the other aheep dodged, and tha costly sheep's bead struck a gate post and killed him. They bad just bean sheared and didn't recognize each other, hence tha butting. Easy Coartiblp. Courtship is a very aimple matter in the Andaman Islands. Tbe bride groom eats a certain kind of raylisb, which gives bim tbe appellation of "bachelor desirous of marrying." When be is ready to take a wife, be sits beside a marriageable maiden and stares at her. Tben the bride's father or guardian joins tbe bands ot tbe pair, and they disappear from tbe village, plunging into tbe deptba of the forest, and remaining away several day. False'llalr. The disadvantage of wearing false hair were painfully illustrated at Miners ville, Pa , the otber day. A boat in which two young ladies and two young men were passengers, capsized sudden ly, and one of the ladies sank out of sight. As ahe reappeared one of the men grasped ber bat, which came off. Tbe lady aank, and on ber second ap pearance fared no better, fcr this time the frightened youth caught her by ber hair, which, being false, came off in bia bauds, and" down she went again. At last, however, she was caught fey ber real bair and dragged aboard the boat, after having bad what may properly be called a batrbreadth escape. Hanged Himself. On the d of March, ssjs the Lan- caeter Examiner, a tramp about aixty years of age, called at the residence of Abraham Huber, in Warwick township," and asked for a night's lodging, which waa refused, as Mr. Ilubcr had already several tramps in the bouse, told him he might sleep in the barn. He went away and shoitly afterward it was found that be had attempted to commit sui cide by hanging aud he was cut down, bia bauds and feet tied and kept over night. In the moruing be was com mitted to prison by 'Squire Tshudy for thirty days. After bis term of impris onment bad expired he called on John Pfautz, near Litiz, for aupper aud after aupper be applied to several different places for lodging, bat was refused. He then went tbe farm of Jonas (1. Hess and with a strap hung himself to tbe limb of a tree. Deputy Coroner H. II. Holman was sent for, wbo sum moned a jury an J proceeded to bold an inquest. In bis valise were found two German bibles bearing tbe name of Jacob Bcmbcrger. Yilliam Machamer, a former resi dent of the upper part of Berks county, was murdered in St Joseph county, Michigan, April 7 th. He was on his way home from a neigh boring town, when he was attacked by a gang of murderers, who beat him terribly, robbed him and left him lying with his throat cut in his bug gy. Mr. Alacnamer was married to Miss Caroline MerkeL. of Berts coun ty, and soon after removed west The family have an entensive relationship m Berks county. Elopenaent with aa Artillery Qflcer A Bit or Scandal la Wasnlaa;toB Society. Mother rumor is (till rolling voder ber tongue aa a sweet morsel, a bit of scandal, wbicb was one of the society events of tbe winter, bat which was not chronicled in any of the society jour nals. Before tbe troops were ordered away from the arsenal there was a dash icg young officer stationed there with bia regiment. There was also a band some young lady, a wife aud mother up town. Her husband placid the ut most confidence in ber constancy. The wife apparently waa wholy devo ted to ber buabaod. They lived to gather with ber mother on Gtb street. She bad a pbaetob, in which aha fre quently drove on the Avenue. Some times she took some of ber admirers to drive with her, ber husband being too wise to be jealous, aa he thought. Finally tbe young officer appeared at ber side, bat nothing waa thought of it more than that aa a gallant be was paying harmless devotion at the ahrine of loveliness. Then a dark day came. W ben the husband came home tbe wife was not there, bnt ba dismissed all feir, with the reflection that she bad frequently stayed away from home all day with some of ber friends. Night came on and tbe wife and ber child still remained away, loquirv was made, and the last that could be beard of ber was that she bad been seen leaving tbe butt e, with tbe little boy, by the back gate' that morning. It is also a carinas fact, perhaps hav ing some significance, that the young officer was seen waiting about io the neighborhood for some time. Sinoe that day inquiry baa been fruit lea. Neither the officer, the wife, or the child, bavo been heard from. The) eloped. Wasnington Republican. TEEEIELE LANDSLIDE. Ten Persons Buried .Hive by a Slide on the Veillett River, Canada-Course of the River Changed Montreal, May 3. A terrible land slide is reported on .the bauk of tbe river Veillett, a tributary of tbe Batis can, in tbe parish of St. Genevieve, one hundred mile east of this rity. At the point where the slide occurred tbe baok is eighty feet high. Over an acre of land moved, burying the saw and grist mill and a house at the foot of tbe bill. and turning tbe coarse of tbe river. It is positively assorted that ten persons were buried alive. The bodiea of Mrs. Massicotie, wife of tbe owner of the mill, ber three children, aged three, seven and twelve, Mr. Cloutier, tbe father of R. W. Cloutier, of Three Rivers, have been taken from the rains hardly reoognisable. News Items. Plenty Peacbea in Delaware this year. Mr. lushing baa resigned as Minister to opsin. All the coal worka in Treverton have resumed operations. Allentowa is sending ber corner loafers to station bonse. Some fiend entered the stable of Mr. Legraud, in Wiikesbarrre, and cat the tongue out of a valnble borse. A delegation of Jews on the 3d call ed upon President Hayea and aaked bim to take means to protect their co religionists in Ronmania. Mrs. Sarah Reed, of Cambria county recently made an application for a pen sion aa a widow of a soldier of tbe war of 1812. Tbe other day she received over $1,600 from tbe government. George Price,confioed in tbe Schuyl kill county jail, attempted auicide the other day, using some pieoea of an old tin cup with which to stab himself. Small pox is disappeariag from the vicinity of Lebanon. William A. Noble and Jacques W. Noble, of Carlisle, have been arrested oo the charge of eetting fire to John B. Noble'a dwelling on October 22, 1876. A gas well wbicb emits a sound equal to a fog whistle baa been struck oo an oil farm io Clarion eonnty. Pittsburg Council') propose to ligis'ate tbe immoral shows of that city oat of existence. Seamless steel wheel barrows are now being made at Harrisburg. Adam Baker, of West Newton, Westmoreland county baa committed suicide. He leaves a wife and four children. Dubson'a carpet mills, at tbe Schuyl kill falls bave been closed, throwing over thirteen hundred persons out of emloytnent. Tbe Cincinati Gazette rejoices to bear that General Logan is going over to help tbe Russians, and adds that all true Americana will continue to pray for tbe Russians and aend gun and cartridges to the Turks. There are a number of Russian ships io American ports. People will nat ship goods in tbem because of the fear that Turkey may catch the ship, goods and alL Thirty tramps broke out of the Lan caster jail, the otber day. Tbe Saucoo Savings Bank, of Hell- crtown, Pa., bas suspended. The de posit are stated to be $5.00U, while tbe asset exceed $100,000. Tbe stockholders are individually responsi ble for double tbe amount of the stock held by them. A man lectured to Brooklyn the otber evening in vindication of Judas. Tbe audience consisted of three men. one woman and a bov, indicating that Judaa kaa fewer friends io Brooklyn than would naturally be expected. Freddie fTaefele, aged ten, of Lao- caster, is missing. He is supposed to have been frightened from bom by threats from bia mother. J obo Snook, just convicted of abor tion io Blair county, bas beeo granted a new trial. A mao named Counell, living on Shanty Hill, near Scraotoo, baa become possessed with tbe idea that hi boose ia lofested witb wttcbes. It ta nece sary to keep bim under lock and key to prevent bim from burning tbe bouse to get rid of the fancied intruders. It ta said that about bUU sheep are slaughtered daily on aota Roaa Island Cat., their hides being taken off and the bodies thrown int the aea. The New Tork Graphic says that Crazy Horse continues to come in. When last heard from he was mak ing about a quarter of a mile a week. A man in Florida has to work the public roads five months for stealing P'-a7- m ... ----- rT-Tr- -T1i;r,- , 'iTi I r.. Kwire, I V Adwertuemteku. .THE POPE'S SOLILOQUY. By my Crook and Staff If a man Iooka aa ba feels, I must bave an honest look, for I am io ao booest feeling, of, I don't know bow to talk to my people on tbe keys of the doors to both Heaven aod Vicegerent of God on earth, aod not koow what to do. Why I claim to know all things, and yet just bere, I don t know what to say, whether for tbe Infidel Turk, or for the Heretical Cross of the Greek Church of the Russians. It is an honest confession of tbe Pope to himself. I feel honest jast now, and I know I look booest. Bat what if my people should know bow tbia question of perplexity explodes my infallibility. News Items. Cottages at Newport are renting slowly, and lower prices are antici pated. New York is to have a lanaem Club. Tandem is Latin for "at length." The Jyorth American states that tbe earnings of the Pennsylvania road for the quarter ending April 1st were $400,000 in excess of last year. The school directors of Slouks- burg, Berks county, propose to erect a new school house, but several of the taxpayers oppose this, and in their wrath have applied to court lor an injunction. A post mortem examination ot tne body of the child supposed to have been murdered at HaiTUsburg by Barney O'Brien its father, discloses the fact that death resulted from starvation. A young man named Miller, em ployed at the grist mill in EshcoL l'a., this county, was seriously injur ed on last Friday. His coat sleeve was caught by a shaft making 140 revolution, and before he was rescu ed all his toe nails were knocked off. Two men saw his peril and ran and stopped the machinery. On Tuesday, aa Harry Hempf, son of Joseph Hempf, of Middlesex, Cuir berland county was hauling a load of brick through that village, his horse became frightened and ran away, throwing him out and breaking his neck. His death was instantaneous. Much sympathy is expressed for the afflicted family. the question of tbe Easiero War. How Hell and be infallible and atill not know News Items, At Albany, Ga., a negro who had been sentenced for hog stealing drop ped dead on his way to jaiL It won't do to pinch a man at Charles town, W. Ya. A man tried it last week, and got the top of his head shot off. A blacksmith in Crawford county ia eently met with a singular accident. He was engaged in shoeing a colt which bad never before been ahoed, and in drivii.g a nail, while holding the foot against bia right knee, drove the nail through tbe boof fully three fourths of an mob, tbe point entering bis knee pan, and soma distance into the bone. Richard Ten Broeck, tb noted Kentucky turfman, bas just beeo mar ried, altbongb be ia over 60, to a wealthy widow aged 24. Tbe marriage took place at tha residence of Mrs Newoomb'a father, wbo stayed away because be did not want to aee the cermony the bride'a mother waa al ao absent, Mary Newcomb waa tbe wife of H. D. Newcomb, who died if) 1874,, and whose estate waa worth over a million. In order to marry her at bia old age, be procured an act of the Legislature divorcing bim from bia w'fe, wbicb ia fresh io tbe mi. ids of tha people aa one of tbe most celebrated oo record, resulted io tbe declaration that this seoond marriage waa illegal, aod that hi insane wife, having never been judicially declared insane, waa entitled to dower. Twice tbua ha tbia eeeood wife married wealthy old men. 'mf I I ' : i queer that I sbould claim .o bave what to do or aay. What! I tha Legal Notices. Execntra' notice. Ettatt of Sarah Stroup, dictated. T ETTERS Testamentary on the estate a or Sarah Stroup, late or tlie boroujin of Hiflliotown, dee'd, having been granted to tbe undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and tnoae caving claims or demands ant 1 quested to make kaowa the eame without delay to JOSEPH HOTHROCK, May 2, 1877. Extnlor. NOTICE. "VTTE, the undersigned, Commissioners of V v the county ot Juniata, hereby give notice that we will not sell or renew any County Bonds, after this date, at a higher rate that four per cent., and the Tax Cellec tors for thC year 1877 shall allow Ave per cent, abatement on all taxes paid on their respective Duplicates natil the lltb day of September next; and that tbe said Collec tors will be required to aettle their respec tire Duplicate promptly in on year trom the date thereof. james Mclaughlin, w. h. groji1&gek, D. B. COX, If ay l,1777-tf Commutiontr. Aealgned Estate afJaho Ben er. WHEREAS John Benner, of Delaware township, Juniata county. Pa., and Amanda fcliaa, bia wire, by deed of votun tary assignment, have conveyed all tlie estate and eneeta or the aaid John Benner to tbe undersigned, in trust for the benefit of creditors, notice ia hereby given to all persons indebted to said Assignor to come forward and make payment ton fhwitb, and those having claims wi'J present them, duly auinenucatea tor settlement, to ROBERT McMEEN, March 29, 1877. Assignee. Svbeavibefer theSea! ami RapmMiean. ASSIGNED ESTATE f JAMES L. MOORE. . . pVTOTICE U hereby riven that James i Iw u i ;r. nr township. 1 .mwtv mum ' - j - Juniata county, Pa., have made an aaeign meat for the benefit: of creditor, to the un dersigned. AU persooe indebted to said estate are request ea u mun pj those Bavina; claims to present them without delay to . . ., . LOUIS E. ATKINSON, April 14, 1877. ADJimSTiCATOlVS HOTICK. Etlatt of Dmid A. itoagaiaaa, WHEREAS Letters of Adminiatrmtioa oa the esUteof David A. Douabman, Ute 'oT the borough Of Patterson, dee'd, bare been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the aaid eatate are requested to mka immadiate MTDifnC and those having claims wiU please present theaa properly authenticated for sutuemeni, io LOUIS E. ATKINSON, April 18, lo77. JimvnttraU. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Ettatt ef Aaara" OUt, itetatd. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that w ... rua.utaw mm the aLslta Of aV lCtirn citnarcaj " k- LiA-m Prarrl Ol. a. of Bdle tWD- ship, Juniata conntr, deceased, have been duly granted by the Register of Juniata countv to Ihe nndersigned, residing in the boroughs of Mifflintowa and Patterson, to whom, or io enner 01 wnvw. w ktw.winr themaeiTea to be in any way in debted to the aaid estate, are required to make payment, ana uose oaing againkt aaia estate, win peaae prau. m- without delay for settlement. JACOB A. CHRtSTT, JAMES NORTH. Exttnlort. April 18, !!". Alnilnltratr's He t Ice. !df tf iti VtnrOrmtr, factored. LETTERS ot Adnilniatration on tbe es tate of Levi Van-Ormer, Ute of Fay ette township, deceased, having been grant ed to tbe undersigned, all persons in debted to tbe aaid estate are requested to tuake immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them Without da isy to LEWIS DEO AN, Adm'r. April , 1877. Administrator's ftoilce. Ettatt of David U. Cbil, ite'd. lit HERE AS Letters of Administration V V on the estate of David H. Ubil, Ute Spruce Hill township, deceased, baring been granted to the undersigned, all per sons iudobted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them without de ay to JACOB K5H, JSirn r., Pleasant View P. O., Juniata Co., Pa. April 11, 1877. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE U hereby given that tbe part nership between P. B. Spanogle and Henry J. Rile, under the firm name of D. B. Spanogle A Co., in tbe business of tan ning, near East W aterlonl, Juniata county, Pa., expired on tbe 1st day or January, 1877, by limitation. DAY III a. SfAiUULK. Match 28, 1877. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. PURSUANT to adjournment, the under signed. Assignee of Isaac Snook, of the township of Delaware, county of Juni ata, Pa., will, on SATURDAY, MAY 12th, 1877, at 2 o'clock P. M. of aaid day, by virtue of an order of sale for the payment of debts of said Assignor, expose to sale by public vendue, on tbe premises in township afore said, a Valuable Farm, containing FIFTY ACRES. more or leas, having thereoa erected a Loj Frame DWELLING BOUSE, FRAME BANK BARN, Spring House and otber outbuildings; the said tract of land or farm being bounded by Unds ot N'lson on the south, Unds of Jha Detra on the west, Unds ot John McMeea on tbe north, and on the eaat by Unds of Taston Banner. Tbe buildings are new and in very good re pair. Tbe Und ia all under cultivation but about four acrea, which are Set in growing timber. Tha cleared Und U in a due state of cultivation, having been heavily limed once, and much of it twice. There. U also a FINE ORCHARD on the premiaea, just arrived at full bearing condition. It con tains the tlneat selection of apple trees, pear trees, peach trees, plum treea and other fruits. I his farm U well watered, there being a never-failing spring of water and a Sowing pump thereon, U situated oa the public toad leading trom Mifllintowa to Thompsontown, by way of Van Wart, is two miles distant Irora Thempaontown sta tion of tha P. R. R., and U located within one mile of public schools, churches, stores Ac. TERMS OF SALE. Twenty per cent of the purchascmoney to ba paid when the property is stricken down ; thirty per cent, additional on tbe 11 day ol July, 1877, and tbe balance of the purchase money (being one-half of the whole) on the 1st day of January, 1878, with interest thereon from day of sale. The two last payments to be secured by judgment bonds. At tbe same time and place will be sold 11 Acres of OATS In the ground. At tendance will be given at the tio and place above mentioned by ROBERT McMEEN, Assignee of Isaac Snook. . April 18, 1877. 821 ACRES OF LAND PUBLIC SALE! WLL be sold at public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Hit Hintown, Junuta county, Pa., at 1 o'clock r. ., on SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1877, The following property, to wit : Two tracts of land situate in Fermanagh township, Ja niata countv, containing 821 ACRES, more or less, adjoining Unds of Jacob Su louff, Kain and the Monohan tract. These tracts are known as the Macedonia saw-mill tract and the Roaring Run tract. Also, the undivided one-half of a tract of land situate in the same township and coun ty, bounded by tbe above Unda of E. L. Benedict and others, containing atiout ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES, known aa the Monohan tract. The above is valuable woodland. TERMS One-third of purchase money to be paid cash, or a note with approved security, to pay the same within thirty days ; one-third one year after date of sale. and the remaining one-third two years after date of sale. The last two paymenU to be secured by judgments. HORACE J. CULBKRTSON, Acting Executor of E. L. Benedict, aee'd May 2, 1877-3t jJ EAT! MEAT!! The undersigned bav commenced the ouicnenng ousmese in the boronch of Mil Bin town. BEEF, ' VEAL, MUTTON, and PORK eau be bad every Tuesdav. Thnndav and 3aturday n.oraings at their meat atoie at the residence of Mr. Howe, on Cherry street. Their wagon will also visit the real- dence of citiaena tha same mornings. Kill none but th best of stock, and aell at fair prices. Civ aa a trial. HOWE ft ETKA. Jane 28, 1878-tf SILVERWARE AS PREMIUMS. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A M SET OF EXTRA PLATED SILVER SPOONS Given away aa a Special Premium to tha subscribers of this paper. Silver Goods ruraiahed under thU Premium Proposition are from the wall known and reliable Union Silver PUting Co., Philad'a, Pa. Under a very rarorabie proposition irotn the above weU knows bousa, all regular nitrons of this paper caa secure a aaaful and beautiful, as well aa very valuable Pre mium, ia the ahape or a baoaaome sac or Extra Plated Silver Spoons, warranted eouallto the oeet article of tha kind sold in this country for $4 per set. And in addition, eacn Bpooa Will DO nandaooaelT eng-rawea wlta year ntai(raa Initial. All who are rutitled to rccaive this ele gant and useful Premium can do so on coru plUnca with tbe following conditions: Send your name and post-office address, to gether witb your expresa office, to tha Union Silver PUting Company, 704 Chest nut street, Philadelphia, Pa together with the following Premium Coupon, and in close with vour order 75 eta , to pay costot .engraving your Initials, ettpress charges. boxing, and pacamg, ana juw wm mats by return express (or mail, If you have no express office) a full aet of extra plated Silver Spoons, free of any charge. AU ex presa and packing ehargea era covered by the 73 eta., and the .Spoon will ba delivef -ed to vou free, if yon do not desire to have the spoons engraved, you are only re quired to send 60 t., to pay elpressage and boxing. The coupon moat in all eases be sent, to indicate that yon are entitled to this premium, aa this very liberal offer is not extended to any on who is not a patron of thia paper. The retail price of this set of spoons U $.XS as the following letter will show : Orrica or thb Uaioa Silvbb Plato CoraT, PniiaDairaia, Pa. J We aashr all subscribers that the goods contracted for are first-class in every re spect, and that the usual retail price for them u $4.00 per act Our lowest price to jobbers U $30.00 per dosen sets, and we will in no case retail them at any price, or send them ir single sets toany one who dues not send the required "Coupon,' showing that the sender u a patron of this paper. Ustoa SiLvaa Platiso Co. Premium Silver Spoon Coupon. S1LVBK FLATS. TV Ot Vmeo Stir Ftatml Os. PaOsfoi Pe. Thia Is Genii J that lam a subscriber of tha psper fNxn which 1 h. eat ibis Cou pon, and am .otitled, Qndffr your prvmium, to a full sm of extra plaiad Sil ver Spoons, with any uitialsavgravMl lhroa. I Melos.her.with i eta, to pay .xpresa. paeaing. bormn ana engraving cnargea. St On reoeipt or tbia Coupon, w. n.rbv agree to man to th. sender, txprtm er i.n mgdurom priywit w fiul, a full set of six of our extra plated Silver Spoons, with the Ini tials of ui. sender, or any other Initials desired, engraved trwrena. Aw-Thia Coupoa Will be honored by ne for ninety days from th. del. oT thia paper, altar which U will be I and vokL (Signed.) L sioe bxLTxa ruma USl, PnaULB'a, p. As aoou as the necessary stock can ba manufactured, all who secure the above ase- ful and valuable premiums, will b permit ted to secure a full aet of silver pUt.d knives and forks, on the same liberal basis. April IS, 1877-3m CHEW-SMOKE IvVtA wm. warms, rlATCHLESS FTOST rtaar TOBACCO fAC 0 FOB ait I FT ALL OkaXBSS re rua the pwirTB Tn.accn en tanniiTI. I.T. &iDQ a we-k ia your own town. Terms ana 5QQ $6 outttt free. H. HALL2TT ft CO., Portland, Maine. CC ta 77 a Week to Agents. $10 0 $33 10 $1 1 fit Fru. P. O. YICEERT, Augusta, yij iue. cMO A DAY at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terms free. TRUE ft CO., Augusta, Maine. r 0 p0n Pr day at borne. Terms free. IDU H fUU . I Address Geo. Stissos ft Co., Portland, Ma. GEORGE PACE A CO xa.iv. KBicxssa it, tauatsu, ia Patewt PwrtnMedr SutstoaMsry Emartnew iS CIVesUaur Jfllls. rteatfaur Ssw Mil ut, Matey a HanSi Hilta. aw ioer nuts, waer WSMWlav, Hkiimcle. Barrel at Tulle r.tmm kMh mJ fflRS'S; Saiera, Si II I ftappllra, r.. . THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., of tbe U. S. ot A., with ila paid- up Capital of 91,000,000, and Assets of over S4, 009,000, otters Insurance at Caah rates, and gives in ita policies definite contracts, pUin features and liberal condi tions. It bas no complications with other companies, and doea not propoa to bare, out oners insnrance on plain business prin ciples, and secures the policy bolder by economy of management and caref ul invest ment of Ka funds. Addresa B. S. RUS SELL, Oeoeral Agent, No. 411 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Agenta wanted in every countv. to whom' liberal terms will be given. TO ADVERTISERS Send for our Local List of Newspapers. Sent free- on application. GEO. P. HOWELL ft CO., No. 41 Park Row, New York. JN EW DRCQ STORE. BANKS & I1AMLIN, (Belford Building,) Mala Street, 91 imint was. Paw DEALERS IN nnT'faQ avn w rnrnvre CHEMICALS, DYE STUFF, PAINT3 U11.S, 1IU iarits,ULASs, PUTTY, COAL OIL, LAMPS, BUHNERS, CHIMNEYS, BRUSHES, mm HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, PER FCMERY, COMBS, SOAPS, HAIR OIL,T0BAC CO, CIGARS, NOTIONS, STATIONARY LARGE VARIKTY Ot PATENT MEmrrxFs. Selected with great care, and werrautea p-nm nign autnonty. OyPurest of WINES AND LIQUORS for mediaal purposes. (XT-PRESCRIPTIONS cmpounded w great care. rjune 22-U. BOOTS AND SHOES. AT my residence at East Point, Mifflia town, I am prepared to promptly 011 orders for BOOTS AXD SHOES. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, at sricea .u lurresBond wtth tha time, air kinds of REPAIRING also raromntlv attTwtii tn nontn In m r r . 1 b ceive a share of the patronage of the peo ple, i aubwertb myseir taeu-cbedient shoe maker. A. B. PASICX. Pea. t, ier6-tf The gentntt and Kepublua oSca t ti- place toget job work done. Try ft. It wOi ay you if yoa nee) anything is tfaas ttav