,.Z ,, SLVTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : Wednesday. March 14, I ST TERMS. &serrptlon, S1.50 per onom, if paid wiitln t month ; $2.00 if Dot paid within 12 month. Transient advertisements inierted at 50 cent per inch for each insertion. Transient business notices in loeI eol tun, 10 cents per line tor each insertion. Dud actions will be niade to those desiring to advertise toy the year, half or quarter tear. PENN'A. B. ETIME TABLE OV and after Sunday, Not. 26rh, 1876, passenger trains will leave Mifflin Sta tion, P. R. K., as follows ': ASTWaaD. frbiladetphia Express 12 54 a m j Miff. in Accommodation 6 25 a ni iPacibe Express ...1019am JJohi.stcmn kxiTews ........ .1.. 1 1 82 a lu V!il 6 0 p m Atlantic Express 9 16 p m wirrwitD. t?tttsburg Exprnss .....12 R8 a m ."aciHc Lxpress 6 t2 a ni I .Vsy Passenger 10 0U a m tMail SD p iu iKast Line 4 fs p m JMirHin Accommodation 8t)pw Daily, t Daily tzctpl Sunday, t Taiy tzctpt Sunday aigo. Dvi-'y tzctpt Mou day. LOCAL 1XTELLIGESCE. Hon. Simon Cameron has resigned his place as United States Senator. Ifis son, Don Cameron, Ex-Secretary of War, will be elected or the Legislature, on next Tues day, to All the nnexpired term) as he receiv ed the Republican caucus nomination yes terday. E. S. Doty, Esq., was elected President of the Selinsgrov and N orth Branch Rail road Company, by the stockholders, at EicLfield, yesterday. The following are the Directors elected : E. S. Doty, J. B. Vt il son, Jacob Smith, D. G. Winer, Peter Brown, Augustus Springman, Wm. Mover, Win. F. Eckbert, 3. W. Gaugler. Wm. F. Eckbert was elected Treasurer, and Miles Wetzel, S ecretary. Monday morning was snowy. Ten months of political agitation. The wild goose U northward fling. The season of the year to take pneumonia-Red petticoats are announced as fashion able. So report of potato bugs, thus far this spring. How the wind blew on Friday morning at one o'clock. Diwn in front. Bats off. Uiv Presi dent Hare a chance. A fair count Count one dollar and a half and send to the printer. Dyspepsia breeds the gloomiest of thoughts. Est less, and feel lively. . Philadelphia Market Spring Wheat Sl.23tol.23. Corn 36to43c, Oats 33to36c The Patterson Literary Society expect to debate a question next Friday evening. The long reat season of the .artnerU about closing, sad outdoor busiuess about to be gin. The barn of Josrph Harternn, in Perry county, was destroyed by fir a few nights ago. 'Switch off," shouted a brakeman at the depot, and voting lady nervously clutched at her back hair. Sociables are all the rage. Lewistown is one ahead. That towa indulges in mas querade sociables. They bold Local Option meetings in Perry county, and appoint committees ol ladies to go around tor signers- The chief characteristic of a Mum Soci able, is the one that required a hoe to be imposed on every one that talks. The sociable of the Lutheran congrega tion was largely attended at the parsonage of their pastor, last Wednesday evening. The Legislatie project to abandon the canal is disapproved by etery one trow this place to the junction of the Susquehanna. A new cotton plant has been discovered in Equatorial Africa, and experimented ith to a satisfactory result, in Egypt with in the past lew years. New Voik State has had three Presiden tial candidates in a row, Seymour, Greeley, and Tildea. She has been well served and till remain unserved. Thieves stole 100 pounds of rant and a lot of carpenter tools, from the house of John J. Craig, in Wheat Bold tewuship, rrry county, a few night ago. President Hayes is in the habit Of walk ing to church instead of driving to church, as has been the custom of preceding Pres idents. The people say, just the way to do it, Mr. President. r J. S. Smith, a member of the Legislative delegation from Berki connty, spent last Sabbath in this this place, and attended the morning service in the Presbyterian church. The Odd Fellow.' Hall, and dwelling bouses of Mrs. Jane Morrison and son and Mrs. Barbara Cramer, in New Uermantowa, Perry connty, were destroyed by fire on Saturday night a week. Tax Juniata Connty Normal School, un der the joint management of Messrs. John M. Gar man, T. D. Garuiaa and D. Ernest Lants, will open in Mifflintowu, April 16, 1877. See advertisement. 4L The days for trick and fraud have bad their time. Those a bo indulge in them are found out by the white light of scrutiny that the public thro onto all subjects and onto all men these day. So stand from under. On Saturday President Hayes gave a re ception, and on that occasion wore no gloves as has been the custom heretofore. Good again, say the people. Washington generally seems to be greatly pleased with the new President. Town dogs go to the country near town nd kill sheep. Whrn the owner asks you to shoot the dog that was engaged in the killing, or keep him chained, it is a cheap way of getting off. and the request should be kindly cob plied with, and a silent "thank yon, that yon have not requested me to pay for the heep," thrown in. "The loan advertised for br the Com missioner of Chester connty, ha been a complete lucces. They asked for $100, 000 at 6 per cent., and have received offers for $200,000. Ofthis $140,000 was changed from 6 to 5 per cent by the holder of the old bonds. Some $70,000 was by new ap plicants." A strong dream of clear cold water rip ples out from under one of the buildings of the Elder tannery. If the place where it springs from the ground bad a wall abofit it, all the portion of the town adjacent thereto cou'd be supplied with purer water -ban any now in nse in town. In raw distast vctcbc the stream or ipring mentioned will dispute with Macedonia as to which shall rapply Mifflia with water. Alony Main street, at the corner of an alley opposite the northwest corner of Court Hons square, K. B. Parker built a valuable and handsome business house after the second great Are that devastated a portion of the towa. The business bouse is occupied by John W. Muthersbaugh as dealer in hardware, and B. F. Kpner as druggist, on first floor. They each also hold possession of a portion of the second story, which is partitioned in'o four rooms. That portion of the npsuirs above Kepner's drugstore is partitioned by folding doors. That portion of the upl:iirs above Mothers baugh's hardware store is partitioned by an ordinary partition of studding lathed and plastered. The room back of the par tition is occupied by Mr. Uutherbaiigh. The front room is occupied by Ex-Sheriff Loudon as a merchant tailoring establish ment. Between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock on Ucnday night Mr. Krpner stood at a desk at the rear end of bis drag store en gaged at work. While So engaged, his at tention was .irawu by a peculiar ticking noise, such as is sometimes uiaUe in summer-liuie by inaectsi So peculiar and out of season seemed the noise that he qait work and p-ocreded to took it up. lie listened at tentively, almost with suspended breath, but could not locate the sound in the room. Satisfied, boa ever, that it must lie in the bouse-, he hastened To the stairway that leads to the upstairs from the drug store Standing at the uoor be listened, but there the sound could not be heard. Closing it qiickiy he hastened to the cellar door, and as be opened it and looked down its stair way, a bright strip of light that stretched clean acros the ceiling of the passage greeted his eager eyes, and with the eager ness that no man whose house ha uot been on fir can kuow he leaped dowu the stair way, expecting to find tire in the cellaf . To bis amazement there su no fire there. Mounting a store-box be looked thiougb a crevice or opening across the wall into Mu thersbaugh' cellar, but it was dark as darkness coulj be. Hushing bark to the stairway, be was again cool rented by the bright strip of light against the ceiling of the stairwsy. Hastening up the stairway to the entrance to the store room, be paused there long enough to lay his hand against the plastered ceiling, and to his consterna tion it was quite warm. That was enough. He ran across to Will's hotel and there gave the a!arm. A. H. Will and O. P. Robison took it up, and soon the town was again undergoing the fire alarm excitement, that has a terror about it that is beyond expres sion. Men hastened to the buildii g that was said to be on fire, but no Are could be seen, bat jet of smoke were curling out in places, and a strong odor peculiar to fire that ia out of place tilled all that part of the town. Men in passing that point before the alarm was given smclled it. By those at the scene first it was rightly conjectured, that the Are must bi in the up stairs, somewhere above the hardware store. To get at it was the next object considered. The door to the upstair i from the front was locked. It waa speedily bioken in. The duor to Mr. Loudon's apartment was broken in at the head of the stairway, while at the same time other parties, by placi.ig a lad der to a window, entered the same room; bnt uo tire g veUd their entrance. Nothing but a dense auiuke prevailed. A touch ot the partition between the apartments of Mr. Loudon and Mr. Muthebugh satisfied those present that lire raged then . Axes were procured and an opei ing in the parti tion made, which revealed a racing fire. By the time the place of the fire waa dis covered water was being rushed to the place threatened with destruction, and poured into the buruing partition, while at the sauie time a line of men Was lo. med to the roof where other men were busy cut ling openings through the tin and other material that constituted the roof, through which to pour water. A line ol citizen was formed up through the Yeakley build ing and water com eyed to tbv burning bouse. The vigorous work of the cititeaa subdued the fire, alter a struggle of per haps three-quarters of an hour. 'I ha .in roof on the house Was a great assistant in keeping the fire in. If it haj not been for that, in all probability, the tire would have made greater progiess, for it is sppareut to one looking oh the place of de vastation that the upward escape or the hie Iroui the partition was arrested by lh- beavy tin roof. How the fire g it into the parti tion is a question for numerous conjectures. The building was a good deal damaged by openings in the roof, by the fire in the par tition and woodwork of the roof, and by water. Tbe seams iu ibe tin of the roof of the Yeakley building were also somewhat damaged by the carrying of wjtrr across it. Tbe peculiar ticking noise that Mr. Kro ner heard, and which led to the timely dis covery of the fire, was doubtle.-s made by the tire, and the strip of light that lay across the top of the cellar stairway was made by the fire raging in tbe partition at the land ing of the stairway leading from Main street, made by reflation downward between the plastering or ceiling of the cellar stai. way from the Kepner store to a point or opening wh'-re the plastering ended. The night was quite favorable for the subjugation of a lire. A great calm pre vailed, and there was a tall of snow and rain mingled, which dampened every object. - The Juniata I i.nierence of the Syuod ot Central Pennsylvania of the Luth eran Church will convene for regular business at Adanisburg, Suyder county, Pa, March 19. 1877. Mr. Michael Sieber will accompany Rev. . Berry from tbe congregation of this place as lay delegate. Subject for discussion, Tbe Ministry: 1. Its Appointment, 2d Tim. 2 : 2. Rev. J. J. Reameusnyder. 2. its Field, Matt, 28:19 Rev. F.. E. Berrv. 8 Its Qualifications. 1st Tim. 8 : 1 Rev. A. Copetibaver. 4. Its Object. Sabbath-school. 1st Peter 5 : 2 Revs. J. A. Crist, D. S. Lentz. 6. Its Hindrances. 1st Cor. It 23 Rev. J. J. Kerr. 6. Its Power.' Communion. Acts 24:25 Kcv. P. Sheeuer. 7. Its Rewards. 1st Peter 5 : 4 Rev. M. Colrer. A public school eutertaiument will held at Union School, Fayette township, on Wednesday evening, March 21st. Tbe pa tronage of all i solicited. Admission one dime. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; exercises . I ;M ., ri .,',.!. -Ir u la the economy of nature nothing is lost. The inside of an orange may refresh one man, while the outside of the same fruit may serve to break another man's leg. Mas. W. C. Kch was elected school director for Shade Gap boron b, Hunt ingdon count j, at tbe recent election. She is tbe wife of tbe Presbyterian minister of tbat place, and is tbe first female director elected in tbe count j. We hope tbe experiment iuj prove a good one. Joktuiovm Tribuni. Bank Officers AaitEsriD Tbe Sbippeosburg jVeict says : We last week informally made mention tbat tbe officers and old director, of the Farm ers and Mechanics' bank of Sbippeos burg, had been arrested on several criminal charges. We have since learned tba! John C. Lesbsr one of the creditors, for himself and them, uisJe complaint against Andrew G. Miller, J. Hiram Uubley, E.J. Me Cune, Peter A. Abl, John A. Abl, Jo sepb M. Means, II. 0. Stile, Abrani Myera, Bnij-juiin Myers aud J sue B. Orr, charging tbem on two warrants, Grst with embezzlement as officers of said bauk, and second, that they did al divers t'uiis within tbe last six year fraudulently and falsely make, circulate or publish, or consent in makiog, circu lating or publishing certaic written aud printed ftatenn-nts and accounts, which tlit-y well knew to be false, with the in teut lo deceive or defraud the members, stockholder and creditors of said bank, and with the fraudulent intent to iuduce persons to become shareholders therein, and also to induce persons to ibtrut or advance moneys or property to said bauk, coutrsry to the act of Assembly in such cases wade and provided." Tbe cases will be tried at April court. - The Huntingdon Local .Veic is in formed tbat a letter has been received in that flace from Mr. Gobert, the gen tleman iuteresti'd in the erectiou ol p. ate glase works in this couutry, iu which be sas he will leave Belgium some time in April next, and come to this Slate with a view to erecting the works in tbe moot advautageous location. An exchange says : Our Dan's knowl edge ot poetry doesu't amount to much. Before g"iug to se bis girl the other liifhi he spent an hour looking over bis limited library for "something pretty," and the result was that be surprised bis fiuancee with tbe following quotation : When lovely woman stoop to frolic And rues, alas! the ruse too late, Jio balm can soothe her melancholic. No art can make her pull-b ick straight. Sitting Bull has lately reached the Indian Territory with hi squaws, horses and cat tle, and there be will be safe from Tankee interference. All right. Tbe British peo ple can go back on tbe line of their ances try to a point when they were no lietter than Sitting Bull, and as naked and wild a the people be leads. Pcblic Sales C. C. Eloss will ofTer at public sale, at his resid nee, two miles esst of Mexico, at 10 o'clock a. v., on Tuesday, March 2i, 1877, Four work horses, 1 colt, 8 good milch cows soon fresh, 6 head of young cattle, 3 good brood sows, 14 shotes, 2 scsps of bees, farming uteusiis and household goods. n. J. Spigelmyre will offer at public sale, at the residence of W. II. Runnels in Fay ette township. 1 miles southeast of Mc Alistenille, at 10 o'clock A. 11., on Wed nesday, March 21, 1K77, Three good mares, 1 horse, 1 span of mules, 1 colt, 4 cows, 2 calves, 1 bleeding sow, 4 shoals, farming impl:meuta, and household turniture. John W. Wert will offer for sale at his pl:cc of resilience in Walker township, one half mile south of Van Wert, at 10 o'clock a. at. on Thursday, March 15, 1877, One horse. 2 maws, 2 colts, 2 cows, 1 bull, 6 head young cattle, lot of sheep, 7 shoats, and farming utensils. Mrs. Hannah Crater will offer at public site, at her residence in Monroe township, at 10 o'clock A. Mon Monday, March 19, 177. Two good young mares, 2 milcbcows, 1 bull, 3 shoats, farming utensils and house bold furniture Mstirice Leonard will sell at public sale. at bis residence in Fayette township, at 10 '. lock a. M , on Tuesday, March 20, 1877, Three borSes, 2 cows, 3 bead young cattle, 30 head of sheep, 1 sow, and farming im plements. R. V. Humphrey having rented bis farm. will sell at his residence in Delaware town ship, one hall" mile east of Cross-Roads school hou-e, at 10 o'clock a. a., on Thurs day, March 8th, 177, Eiaht horses, 2 supe rior draft mares, 2 good cow) w ill be in pr fit by time of sale), 2 heifers, 1 large b wd sow, 2 thorough-bred Chester white boars, 5 shoats (same stock), 2 pair "White Holland Turkeys," 20 pair of chickens, 1 two-horse wagon, good one or two-horse ipring wngo'i, tanning implements and oiher articles too numerous to mention. Also, st the (sine lime and place his entire stock of household goods and kitchen furniture. Among the household effects is a Singer sewing machine, canned fruit, applebutter, pork and lard, potatoes, corn, also 200 good chestnut posts, TOO feet of ash plank. Auctioneer, Wrc. H. Knouse, ex-Sheriff. Clerk, John Ualdunian. .1ho al tht tame lime and plac; One liundrd and sixty-five acres of land in said towibip, having thereon erected a large Iranie bouse, large frame bmk barn with shedding. A pump at the house and a pump at the barn. A large apple orchard and large peach orchard, both adjacent to the buildings. About 60 seres of tbe tract is clear, the balance is in timber. There is first-rale water power on the premises, Milt able for any kind of machinery driven by water ower. Tbe neighborhood is a good one for either grist or saw-milling purpose. Will be old on easy term. Terms made known on day of sale. IlUMPHkET . McQUIRNS. CLOSING PRICES DE HAVEN &T0WNSEND, BANKERS, No. 40 South Third Street PHILADELPHIA. Stocks Bought and Sold either for Cash or on a Margin. March 12, 1877. Bis. Askid. U.S. 6' 1881 112 113 6-a0' 1865 . l;f 108 1866, J A J lr. H, 1867 IU, IU 18o8..... 1I3 1IBJ 10-40' 1IIJ H! Currency. 6'.. t 12-jj 12-. x 6's, 1881. new Ill 111 4's, new, 106 ll. Pennsylvania K. R 4: 4 Phil .deiphia A Reading B. B.. 12 Vl Lehigh Valley K. R 4J 44 lliigh Coal A Navigation Co.. 21 2j United Coiuuanies ol N. J.... ISiJ 137 Prtlshurg, Tilusville A ButTalo h. K f 7 Philadelphia A Erie R. R. 11 114 Northern Central K. K- Co.... 21 21 Heslonville Fas. K. R. Co.... I6f 17 Gold 1M 104 Con voCATins. There will be a Con vocatii u of the different Lodges of Odd Fellows in Juniata eouuty hell in tbe Hall of the Perrysville Lodge at Port Royal, on Thursday evening, March 15, 1877, at 7 o'clock. A g-oeral invita tion is extended to the various Lodges in Junta's county. A full attendance is requested, as Grand Ijde officers are expected, to be present, aud a good time is snfioiited. Jacob Beipler, P. D G M. 4J03I3IKIIC Via. MIFFLINTOWN MARKETS. Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thomas MirrusTOWK, March 14, 18T7. Batter 20 Egg 12 l4trd..i. 10 Haul 12 Bacon & Potatoes HlO Onions... 5') Rags 2 MIFFLINTOWN GRAIN MARKET. Con ec led weealy by Buyers t Kennedy. Quotations roa To-daTi Wednesday, March 14, 1877. Wheat i 1 3" Corn . 42 Oat i 3' Rye i, fi5 Timothy seed ii 1 -50 Cloverslt-d 8 00 Lt 'il jVoliret. Executors' .tot tee. Ettatt of H i.iant Pannebaker, dcrtanS. LETTERS TesUnientiry on the estate of William I'.ininbifc' r, late ot Tu-c -rora township, dee'd, haling b-en granted to the undersigned, all ersons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands are re quested to make kaown the saiuo wiluout . delay to SAMUEL PAMSEHAHER. WILLI A U M. PAN hB.KEft. March 7, 177. tztc or s. Xotlce of Purchase ofPerswa ul Properly. ' JVTOTICE is hen bv given lhat lb-- personal i.1 property, herein ittrfr mentioned, bought by John Musser, ol Walker township, at the Sherilt' sale or personal property of Abraham KantTiil in, on the 11th day ol Au gust. i876, at the place ol residence ot mlid Ka tf.iun, on th-said d ue, in Walker town snip. Juni da county, Pa., his been bought of John Musser, and regululy translerrcd by the said John Musser to Michael Musser, ot Delaware township. Juniata county, and Cri.ih Hiunuti. ol mine township. Said property consists of all lite horses and cat lie srock. hg, all the farming utensils, all Hie gr.iiti. Iia , A c. a lot ol lumber, all the hdti'cl.nld and kitchen tun.iturn, carpenter tools, top b'ifgy, spring waon and truck wsgon. All persons are hereby noiiti.-d sgnnst attempted interference with the same. MICHAEL MUSEK. URIAH SliUMAN. March 7, 1676. Sot Ice to Justice of the Peace. Ji"STI Es OF I II K IfvCE are h.rcbv noiiticd th it h Tcailer ihey must cerlily In it the animals kided were full grow whether loxes, will-cats or nni-ks that I ....... i m n 111 ....!.. k.. ....i ........ lull gtown annuals. Any Jus ice of the I Peace issuing a certificate 4 any other Ichiracter, will be pmseentcd for a misde meanor, b cause Hi. re is no premium on the scalp of a'i aninul nt luit groan in Juniata county. By order of the Board of Countv Commissioners. JAMES DEEN, CUrk. Jan. 13, lt77. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. jlstignt l Ettatt of Cbrlttia Bcnmer. "jVp-TlCK is hereby given that Christian 1.1 lieuner has ruide a general assignment to the undersigned lor til i b -nutit o' cred itors. All p. rsons mdobted to the assigned estate are p-qu.-stud to mike payment, and those lnvinjr claims, to make known the same without delav to "E. A. MARKKITZ, I Assignee of C'hristiau buuuer. Feb 21, I77. ASSIGNEE'S XOTiCI?. Jttigtud Ettatt of .ibrahain bwartxlatultt. V"OTICE is hereli. givet that Abraham X 1 wa-'tzlander has uisdo a general as signment to the diidersig'io,! tor the len" fit of creditors. All pel sons inuebbd to the assigned estate are ti-qiicstcd to make payment, aud those h ivjng claims, to mako known Ibe same without delav to E. A. MAK4.RIT2, Assignee of Abraham Swartxlauder. Fib. 2i, 1S77. ASSIGNEES SALE OF REAL ESTATE I TI'E nndersigtied. Assignee of Chrislaiu Benner, will s -II at public sale, on the premises hereinafter mentioned, in the vil lage of McAlistervillt, at 1 o'clock r. on S ATURDA V. MAR0II 21, 1877, A lot of eronnd in the village of McAlw lertille, Fayette tonnshlp, Juniata couuty, Pa., having thereon erected a Double Two-siory Frame House and Mble, Bounded as follows : Kegi'iiiii g at a post. thence by lot ot A. Swarlzlauder north 3'l ! degree, west 87 feet 8 iwhes to a corner, thence by aime lot sonth or deg. west on. foot to a post, thence by .mie uorth SI 4 deg. west 16 leet 6 inches lo a post, thence by smie souih -V deg. west I loot to a post, thence b lot ol oohiiiion Betiner. outh 81 deg. east 55 feet to a post on Main street, and llienee hv .Main street nor'h 54 deg. east 18 leet to place of beginning, contain ing "'JO sq lire le. t, more or less. TERMS OF SALE. Ten percent, of the purchase money to be paid when the pr erty is struck down; l. rtv p-rcent. wheu the sale is ronhrme l by ibe Court, and the balance in one year thereafter wuh interest. Possession given April 1, 1877. E. A. MAKUKIT2, Assignee of Christian Benner. Feb. 21, 1S77. KKAL ESTATK AT ASSIGNEE ALE! fflllF. nndersizned. Assignee of Abraham X Swartilamter, will sell al public sale, on tho premises hereinafter mentioned, in ihe village of McAlisterviUe, at 2 o'clock r. , on SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1877, A lot of ground in the village of Mc Alis lerville, Fayette township, Juniata county, Pa., baimg thereon erected a Two-Story Frame House, Bounded as tollows: On the west and north ly an alley, on ih east by lot ol boloiuon Benner ai d on the south by Main street, containing one-fourth ol an icro, luOte or less. TERMS OF SALE Ten r cenL of the purchase money to be pjid when the prop erty is Ktvuek dwn ; lorty percent, on Con tinuation cf sale by the Court, and the bal ance one year thereafter, with interest. Possession given April I, 1877. E. A. MARURITZ, Assignee of Abiaham SwarUlauder. Feb 21, 1877. Connty Uoadff for Sale. THE County Commissioners hereby give notice that we are prepared to renew County Bonds, and also to sell a limited number of New Bonds, to pr.cure monev lo meet Bonds Coming due. Slid I'-oiidsbi lie at 5 per cent, iuteiest. By order 01 tbe Board of County Commissioner. JAMES DEEN, Clerk. Dec. 8, 1876. Jarge stock ot ready niade Clothing ol the i latest and choicest stjlcs, tor men and boys, hats, caps, boots and shoes, notion-, furnishing goods in endless variety lor sale at Samuel atrayer's. in Patterson Sale Bills of all kind printed oa suort 1 a ties at uus otb. Legal Jfmtica. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OP REAL ESTATfi ! TUB onderVgned, Assignee of Isaac Snook, ol the township of Delaware, county of Juniata, Pa., will, on TUESDAY, MAKt'Il 27th, 1877, byviittie of an order ol sile for the pay ment ol d lts of said Assiznor, expose lu sale hv .i.b IC lend ne, on the premises tn township aloresaid, a Valuable Farm, con taining FIFTf ACRES; more or h-ss. hiving then-on erected a Log i rune DWELLING HOUSE, FRAME BANK BARN, Spring House and other outbuildings ; t ho said tract of j'1 or lariu being hounded by lands ( M .(son on the south, latids ot John I'etra on the west, UihU ol John McVdi-n oil the north, ai d on the east by lands of Teaton Bonner. The buildings are new and in very good re pair. The Und is all under cultivation but about four acres, winch ara get in rrownis timber. The Cleared land is in a H ie stale ol cultivation, having teeii heavily limed once, and much ol ll twice There ia als i a FINE ORCHARD on the premises. jnl arrived at lull beaxius; Condi lion. It con tains the finest Selection ol apple trees, pear tiees, peach trees, luiil trees and oiher fruits. This lariu ia we'l watered, there being a never-lallliijr Sfing ol water and a flowing pnmp thereon, is situated on the public load leiding troin Millliutown to 1 houifsoliloan. by wav of Van rt'e.t, is two miles distant from tllmioi.t an st -Con of tlm P. R. R.. and ia Incited within one mile ol public schools, churches, st- res '. tic. I TERMS F SALE. Twenty percent ot th purchise mon to be paid wheniliep oper wstricki-ndown ; i lii ty per et-ut additional on tit.- I si , i, July, iis7i. afcd the titfinee ot tile l urehae iiiouei (l.-injr oue-h ill ol the whole) on th 1st d.t of J Hillary, l(-7f, with inUresi lliTeon troin oay ol sa'e. 1 he iwn la-l paiuiciita to bes.xurrd by judgment bonds. At the same tunc ana place will be sold 11 Acres of WHEAT in Ihe t round. At tendance will be ven at the tin-e and pi .ce above tueuiioned bv ROBERT McMEEV, Assignee ol Isj h; finook. MiBlintown, Pa., March 7, 1877. .MisetHaneout. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! AT J.B.M. TODD'S, l'ATTEKSON, PA. I have fust returnel from Thiladelpria wilb a lull line of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Men's Suits, $1.50, $".00 to (.it.iK). Boys' Suits, f.'jti, ft 50 to $10.00. A full line of the 31 OS FASHIONABLE UATS. at low prices. A complete assortment of Ladies' Best Shoes, at $1.2 i aud Upward. A full line of Children's Shiies. 1 have also a lull line of Ladies' dose, Handker chiefs, Ac. Also, a large slock of GROCERIES, Arbucklea' Co (Tec 3c. Mackcral, No. 1, 2 50 per J bbl. 1 am no selling SEWINU MACHINES at WIIULESALE PRICES. 1 will sell you any kind ol a m ichine at TWCXTY PER CEST. LESS than they are Usually sold. . Leave your orders, aud you call have any kind you want. J. B. V. TODD. Patterson, Slay i7, 18TB. JEW DRI U STORE BANKS & 11AMLIX, (Bel lord Bail. liny,) lain Street, SIIOliatoiTn, t. dealer in drucis axd medicines, ciiemicalf, 1ye stuff, paints oils, vaknisues.ulass, putt t, lualiul, lamps, buk.neus, cuimnkvs, brushes, 11air bku8hes.too.u brushes, per fu.vkry. combs, soaps. hair oil, tobac co, cigars. K t) T I O N S , STATIONERY LARGE VARIETY OF PATENT MEDICINES, Selertcd with great cars, and warranted roin Iiiirli aiithoritv. iIT-l'iirest of W1NE3 AND LIQUORS for medical puroses. Oyi'kES JRIPTIOXS cmponnded witl gresii care. June JJ-tl g 1). LOUDON', MERCHANT TAILOR, n room on second story of K. E. Parker's cw building, on Main Street, MiiSintowii, Pa. Fashionable goods always on hand. CUSTOM WORK DONE on the ahorUsl notice. GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern. PERSONS buwng goods can hae them cut in garments I fee of charge. BVTTERICICS PJTTERXS also for ale. ALL. WORK WARRANTED. PHiCES LOW. Oct 22, 1873-tf JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. ' MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN'A. JAMES NORTH, President. 1. VAN 1RV1N, Cashier. MascTeas : Noah Ilertiler. -i ames North. J. Neviti Pomerny. Abrahtm Suo.fl'ir. August 4, i' Mf Jerome Hetrick. William Banks. EpbraimB IcCram. ACTIVE AGENTS, GENTLEMEN OR Ladies, wanted tnslantlj to introduce a splendid hook, the vmvsm EXPOSITION, DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED, nesrlv Hlitf pag -s, rich illustrations, superb bind g. very atti-aetive. and a treasure as the best and rhejpest history ot the Great Eihibition. Endorsed by the otlkul, pres and clergy. Is selling immensely One laily ot no cX-ri.-nce ha cleared ioVI in lour weeks. Art quickly, if at all. Now or never. For In'l partienlars. address HUBBARD BROS., Publishers. Jan ll-10t FhUadelphia, Pa. aVexr A drerHm&ntm. tfiRS week in vourowo town. ..Te-ms and sPUO $ outfit fiee. U. UALI.tTT A CO., Portland, Maine. r (f A TEAR. Abists Wast V?aBVjF en on our Grand Combina tion frospecms. repfesenting 150 DISTINCT BOOKS wanted evarywhiTe Tho Bieest Thing Ever T ied. Sales made f:oin this when all sinfU Books fail. Also. A 'en's wanted oa our MAGNIFICENT FAMILY B1BI.E3. Pcperior to all others. With invaluiM 11 luttratttl Aid and Snptrb BinJinrt These Books beat the World Full particulars free. Add-ess John E. Potrta 1 Co., pub lishers, Philadelphia t ZZ its 77 k Agents. $!0 0t- vpjii bU ipi I fit F it. P. t. VICEERT, Aiifriista. Maine. A IMYat home. Agents wanted. Outfit and term free. TRUE A CO., X n ni:,. Maine. A LUI.ATiK BUSLXESS. CTHe wantSOO more tlrst rla etlaa; .Machine Agents, aud .too men of eperarjr and ability to tear n Ihe business of ncIl I nffeMlns; .Machine 1'oiu peuAutiou liberal, but arylnar accordtaf lo ability, charac ter and qualifications of tbe A sent. Addies Wilson Sewing IMiiie Co., t;c.yo'o. ill.. 827 and c29 Lroadoay, New Terk, or New Orleans, La. r3 dSOfl p-r day at home. Terms free. ipj es UliU Address USO SriNSOS A Co., Portland, Me. NEW CHAIN, FLOUR AND FEED DEPOT. The undersigned will buy ALL KINDS OF GRAIN at lair market prices, at his NEW WARE HOUSE, IN MIFFLINTOWN. Flour, Feed, Shorts, Corn Meal, Buckwheat Flour, &c, FOR SALE AT MILL. PRICES. Farmers leaving their grain at the Ware house will have it taken to thj mill and re turned to the Warehouse ground in Hour. All Orders Promptly Attended To. MR. ESPEXSCII APE can at all time be found at the WareUol se. J.!n 10. 1S76. Ji SEril MUSSER. liUVEKS & KENNEDY, (Successor to D. P. Sulouff,) DEALERS IX CO Ala, laUMBlaR, CEMENT, Galeined Flaster, Land Plaster, Seeds, salt, &c. We buy Griln, to be delivered at Miftlin lown or Port Itoyal. e are prepared to lurnlali Sail to dealers at reasonable rates BUYERS A EENNEDT. Philadelphia & Beading Railroad. Arranyf iilent of Passenger Train. Novkibeb 2Kth, 1878. Trsrsi Itatt Btmitmrg as follow) t For New York at 5 2U, 8 10 a. m., 2 00 and 7 .'' p.m. For Philadelphia at 5 SU, 8 10, 9 4c a. to. 2 00 and S 67 p. ra. For Kealtiif a 5 2D. 8 10, 9 43 . m., 2 00, 3 57 and 7 hi p ra. For Pottaville al 6 2n, 8 l' a. m., and i 3 57 p. m. and via Schuylkill A Susque hanna Branch at 2 40 p. tu. For Atlentown at 6 20, 8 10 a. m., 2 00, 3 57 and 7 5-i p. m The 5 20, 8 10 a. m , 2 0" and 7 55 p. m trains hive through cars for New York. Tbe 5 '.'li, 8 l a. m. and 2 00 p. m. trains have through cars ior Philadelphia. SVXD.1YS. For New York at 5 20 a. m. For Allentown and way stations at 5 20 am. For Heading, Philadelphia and way stalious at 1 4i p. iu. Traim fur Harruburg Itatt al follow t Leave New York at 8 45 a. m., 1 00. 6 30 aud 7 45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia at 9 15 a. m., 8 10, and 7 20 p. m. Leave Keauing at 4 40, 7 40, 1 1 20 a. m., 1 30, b 15 and 10 35 p. ro. Leave Pottsville at A I .,9 15a. m. and 4 35 p. m.,anl via Schuylkill and Susquehan na Branch at 8 ud a. iu. Leaie Allentown at 2 30, 5 50, 8 65 a. m., 12 15, 4 SO and Si 00 p. m. The 2 HO a. m. train troin Allentown and tbe 4 40 a. n.. train from Heading do not run on Mondays- SUSO.ITS. Leave New York at 6 80 p. 4. Leave Philadelphia at 7 2 u m. Leave Heading at 4 40, 7 40 a. m. and 10 35 p. m. Leave A leiitown at i 30. m. and 900 p. I 'Via ilorru amd Etttz Railroad. John e. wootten, Gnrral Manager. C. G. HANCOCK, General Ticket Jgent. gOLOMO!! SEIBER, Will visit Mifllih and Patterson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning ana win lunnsn tbe citisen or these bor oughs wit i the beat of BEEF, TEAL, MCTT0X, PORK, Ac. at th very lowest prices. He respectfully souon so paweaaf et w poblte. IV 1 Jjs'Km 1 LI JllSCELUtJdZOUS D, W. BARLEY'S I tbe place where yon can bnj THE It EST AND TIIE CHEAPEST MENS YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTniNG hJts. cjps. Boors, shoes, .vd rcxsisatxG goods. HE is prepared to exhibit one of the irot choice ant select stocks ever offeretl ra this market, and at JSTOSISHIXGLT LOW PRICES I Also, measures taken for suits aud part of suits,' which will be made to order at short notice, very reasonable. Kememher the place, in Hoffinan's New Baildiug, corner of Bridge ted Water s'reeu, MIFFLINTO WX, PA. Spt. li, lo.-u Has jjat returned from the Eastern eitus wita a full varietj of MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING; HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, GENTS Fl'RVISHIXU fiOODS Goods and be astonished Pants at 15 cent'. Patteison, la., .May U8, 137tt. Profeuional Cef-dt. JJJUIS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MIFFLINTOWJt, PA. CT'Collecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orriti On Bridge street, opposite tb Conrt House Square. JoiiLltf McMEEN, Attorney and Counselor -at -Law Prompt attention liven to the securii. and collecting of claims, and all legal bus ness. Orrics on bridge street, first door wes ot the Belford building. April II, lSTo-tf LFKED J. PATTERSON, ATTORiNEI-AT-LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. (XT' All business promptly attended to. Orrtcc On Bridge street, opposite th Court House square. "YYILLIAJI M. ALLISON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ha resumed actively the praetice of hi prolession. All business promptly attend ed to. Office, as formerly, adjoining his residenca; opposite Court House, Miffliu towu, Pa. Dec. 22, 1875. JOUN KcLACGIILIN, INSDBASCE AGENT, PORT ROYJL, JCXIJTJ CO., PJ. HyOaiy reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 1875-ly Da M. CRAWFORD, M. D., Il ia resumed actively the practice of Medicine and Surgery and their collateral branches Orhce at the old corner of Third and Or-uig streets, MiHliutonn, Fa. March 2'J, 1876 THOMAS A. ELDER, 31. D. Physician and Surgeon, MltFLlXTOVFX, rj. OfSce hours from 9 a. a. to S r. St.. Of. lice in his father's residence, at the south end of Water street. oc22-U It C. KL'NDIO, M. D.. has resumedac- lively ihe practice of Medicine and Surgery and their collateral branrhes. Will gue prompt and faithlul attention to all patients entrusted to bis care. Office in the Patterson DiUjt More. Jnlv 21. lt7ii-tf J M. KKAZEE, M. V., PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON, .IcaJemia, Juniaia Co , Pa. Orrtci formerly occupied by Dr. Sterrett. Professional business promptly attended to at all hours. L. ALLKK, M. D , Has commenced the praetice of Medicine and Surgery and all their collateral branches. ('Rice at A -a-leniia, at the residence of Capt. J. J. Patterson. jnlv 15.1874 JENKa' 11ARSHBERGER, M. I)., Con'inues the practice of Medicine and Sttrfery and all their Collateral branches. Office at his residence In McAliaterville. Feb 9, 1876. J E. BURLAN, DEXTIST. OfECe opposite Lntheran Church, POKT ROTAL, JUNIATA CO., PA Where he will spend the Srst ten days ol ea-h month, cnuiinencing Dect rober 1st. The balaice ot the tie hi otlire will be occupied by J. S Kilmer, a young man orthy of confidence, and who has been ass;iciated with Ihe Doctor as stbdent and assistant two years and upwards. Those who call during Dr. Burian's absence for prolt ssional ser ice, msy. and will pleas arranfe tbe time with Mr. Kilmer when they may he served, on the return l the Doctor. U K A t : MEAT!! The undersigned have commenced the Butchering business ia th borough of Mii- tllOtOWtt. BEEF, VEAL, MUTT0X, and PORK can be hid every Tile.sday, Thursday and jatunlav ornings at tbeir meat store al the residence of Mr. Howe, on Chem street. Their wsjon will also visit the resi dence of citizens Ihe same morn'ngs. Kill Done but the best of stock, and sell at fair prices. Give ns a trial. HOWE A ETKA. June 28, 187S-tf B00TSyD SHOES. AT my residence at East Point,. Mifflin town, I am prepared to promptly fill orders for BOOTS AUD SHOES, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, at prices to correspond with the times. Al! kinds of REP .11RJJCG also promptly attended to. Hoping to re ceive a share or tne patronage or the peo ple, I subscribe myself their obedient shoe maker. A. B. FAS1CC. Fa). 8, 1S7-V JtDFERTlSRMFJriS. of ail kinds are low. ome and soe me Cy SUITS 3IAlK.TO OKKEK.fTj SAMUEL STKaT R. Medical. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Tar Disease of the Throat and Lungaj suoti as Couns, Colds, Whoopin Cough,. Bronchitis. Asuima, and Comma ptioa. ..-i"". Among the fA . ar- ?s. di-cover.. cf moa- t4Vfww ern science, few wn V . jot more real value ! m sw - io ii .a:. w- a VltI Ofthis effectual reji- f f Btrdv for sil diseases ffj I of" the Throat a.id rJ Lungs. A vast -ri- ether countries, tas shown that it i!ces surely and effrernsjlv eentroi tfiera. The tes tinonv of our best eitiiein. cf all claffes. es tahiuiies th fact, that 1'iiekbv Pectoral will and does relieve mul cure li s s. 'ii disorders of ths Tbmat and Lnngi ixvnl sr.y ether mediehi. Th no-t tlinge.ms atTec tions of tli Pulmonarr Organs virlj to i'J fswsr; and cases of Consumplioil, carvl v this preparation, are publicly si.osra, tc remarkable as hsrl!y to b believed, wer thsv not proven bevond dispute. A- s; r?m rty it i adequate, on whh li:o prb!; may rs'y for full protection. By eurnig Cousbs ttie forerunners of mors serious diy. it saves mmnrjibered lives, snd an stnouct cf uuering not to be computed. It eh!ieru-s trial, and convinces th most ceoticsL Evsry family should keep it on hsnd as s projection szainst the e.ir(v and mrMrccIv-! attacks of Pulmonary AtferHoof, ic rs asilv met at first, but winch become l-ru. j bla, and too often fatal, if neiected. T-n.Jsr lungs need this defence; snd it i onwi1 te b witiiout it As a safegnard to cr..; :r-, amij the distressing diseases whica l eset ths Threat aid C:t of c!i;i.ihAXI, CtirssT PECToaat. is invaluable: for. by its tiuielv nse, mummies are rescued from pretr.itu.ns graves, and saved to the lev r.d pSt-ti-n centred on them. It acts spec.li.y a.-..-! rur against ordinary colds, securing found ard health-restoring' sleep. No oa wi! nfftr troaVescir.e InSuenzsi and pai..:ul Cror Chitis, whan they know how easily they ?aa b cured. Originally th product of long. UboriTs, and successful chemical investirstion. no cost r tuil is spared in makinr every bott.s in tmost polwiol perfection. It "may b" vxS oently relied npon as possessicg a.) ths vir tues 'it has ever exhiLitsd, and eauahls of producing cores as memorail as Us gisassst It sa vr ejected. raxrasiao T Cr. J. C AYER & CO., Ueil, Hm., Practlcml aad AaalyttoU Chemlats. solo ar all DKtraoisT irinrvmu. E. F. Knnkel'a Bitter cf L-cn Give tone tn tbe stomach, iir.pro'- es 'he sppetile sni assists digestion ; exci'ei :. bowels to healthy action, expelling ai thd foul ho mors that contaminate the t'-" fl, corrupt the secretions and offend the rsis. It excites th? liver to a healthy action l! strengthens the nerves, imparting ths' f.4 to lite thit proceeds alone I'r.-m ps-'ect bealtb. Thousinis in ail walks of ii.o tes tify to the virtues of this excellent ni-'.i-tine !n correcting the derangement of U.o digestive organs Get Ih - genuin. S-li only in $1 bottles. Ask for . F. Kuocl's Bitter Wine ol Iron, and take no oiher. Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! Dyspcpsi?.! E. F. Kevin's Bm ra Tia or Ijof :s a sure cure for this disease. It has been prescriled daily for many years in the p-s.--ticeof emiueut physicians with unparii i . -i success. mptoms are loss of appetite, wind and rising of food, drvness in n: .'..h, headache, headache, dizziness, sleepiness snd low spirits. Get the ueninna. Not sold in bulk, only in $1 bottles. So d ty all druggists. Ask lor E E. Ku'ike.'s Bit ter Wiue of Iron and lake no other. $' per bottles for (.3. All I ask is a '.ml uf this valuable medicine. A trial will cor vince you at once. Tape Worm Removed Alive. Head and all complete in two hours. K fee till hejd passes. Seat. Pin atii etc r ch Worms removed by Dr. Kcssr-, North Ninth St., Philadelphia, la. Seni for circular. For removing j-eat. Pta or Stomach Worms, call on your drnrisi a .A ask lor a bottle of Kunkel's Worm Svri". price $1. It nver tails. Or si f-ir c . -cularto Dr. Kuukel, 219 North Xm b .-,t., Philadelphia A Hie b ru i-I Iro. Si:.J three cent stamp for return of letter. Manhood: HowLost.Eow Epstoi'eJ Just published, a new e:'.. n sf Dr. Culverwell's Celrb-ate.i Kav on the radical curt (wi'h'.nt Tnedi cme; of Sprrmatorrhcea or .ei.;!r.al weik ncsa, Involuntary Seminal Losses. Irri.o trncy, Mental and Physical Inraoa-iir, im-pir-iiTnent to Marriij-i, e'e ; also, Con sumption, Epilepsy and Fits, ind'icel by seil-indulgenre or sexual extravaga-.c. A-. CyPrice, in a ssa.cd envelope, oniy six cents. Th clebra!ed author, in this adi-lr; r Essay, clearly detnonsiraies. ;,gin a r years' successful prscti. e, that the alarm ing consequence of selr-abuse mav b rad ically cured without the danjr. r..us of internal medicine or the applicstion r,l ..he knife; pointing out a mode of enr? on.-a siniJe, certain, and etf.ctu.il, by tnear.s c: which every sufferer, no matter h.t hit condifion may be, may cure himsrti i:;jr- ly, privafe'y. and radically. CTl his Lecture should be in the hards of every youth and every ninu iae urd. Sent nnder seal, in a rilaiu t-r.rV..- e. tt any a.fdres. post-paid, on th te.-..l;t f six cents or two post atampi. Address lbs rnoiisoera. r. BRroiti jt sa 41 Ana 3 1 New Vura , Post.DSiee Bov tt.1-?. CHAIR MANJ.FAlf0it. THE undersigned, at his shop, on TTarer street, Mitllinlown, has now on b ind and for sale cheap, a general assortment of CHAIRS; He also has a large lot of COFFINS on hand, and, having purchased a ui Hearse, is now prepared to attend fn-c-Vs it the shortest notice and on the cnist ,:v eral terms. He ha mad S grrtu reduction in the price of Cortins. C7" Kepairfng proa.pl" v flenI(-d to. juiy2!tf O." P. kOSISCX. Tbe Sistmii A!tn Errrsitcas has ro superior as an advertising medium in th. county, and as a journal ot varied ce a uid reading it la not anrpasssd by ay wkly pp in ewwtral FaesyU-ari; I ' ; i .1 ,'. ri :' i -i s i ii !' Ji . n . r V