SENTINEL k REPUBLIC!!! MlFFLLNTOvVN. trcdniday,Fbraary 14, 18TT. R. F. SOU WE IEK, semes axo raoparcToa. Florida ban bn declared for Hayes end Wheeler by the Commission or ea ts 1 to e- tntider (be questions in dispute n to the electors froo that State. The Seoate approved of the work of the Cquixihxiou io the Florida case, lut the Lwer Il.nse as a separate K.rH JiJ not approve of the action of C j J-i. o in that case, but passed a resi'dtiaa declaring the Hayet electors frjn Fiotdn nil elected. The Senate nri House in joint convention, however, declared the State for Hayes and Vheeler. Call oo tbe members to resign tcjo refute to eoncur in tbe aotion of t':e C'Biir.ision. They misrepresent tUeir constituents, frr their constituents, regrd!j33 of party, are in favor of a settieuint nf the dispute, iq accord ance with tie provisions of the bill un-J-.r which tbe Com mission is acting. The Commission proceeded to tbe rir,nideraiion ol tbe case of Louisiana. How it will be declare ia not foreshadow ed at this writing, Tuesday evening. The wen who oppose a peaceable set tlement are not the men for tbe future, no matter what the result may be. It doea not sound well for men wbo protested to be satisfied with tbe Com mission to pett'e the dispute in the electoral vote of Florida, Louisiana and Orf!n, to now denounce tbe Commis sion because it bas cot decided as they rUsired tbem to do in the case of Florida. A Time to Consider an Amend ment to the Constitution. To l"ek tbo stable door after the horse is stolen, and to put off all thoughts of tbe future until one is laid on a sick bed these are commonly cite. ss evidences of human folly. And yet it i never too late to mend and siuend while life lasts. Better begin early and eominue constant in well doing, of course; but their is no good re4jo why a man should refuse to tbit'k of the fu'ure because be is sick. His thinking may partake of tbe dis temper which ha; prostrated bis body, but ttat does uot always follow. Ad Tersity sometimes clears tbe mental and spiritual vision. Some of tbe gross est 13 purged away, and there are com uiouly some remnants of hope left whieh buoy np the foul in tbe direst emer gency. As it is witb tbe individual. so it is witn the tody politic, which is now learning some of tbe uses of adver sity, and it is a good time to consider It will nit, we think, be denied that the nation is now pissing through crisis of an extraordinary character. If we admit that tbe country bas, by wast unv be named common consent. t-cpted the plan of a new tribunal for c:erm:nin? the result of the Presi in!i-. election, it is q'lite as clear to tiie observing ;!at its acceptance of this pias ih as a last resort, to tide tbe na tw.n over certain uncharted shoals upon wmcb tee ship seemed driving. There ought not to be a possibility nf tbo appointment of a President in any manner not clearly prescribed in tbe orgnoic law, tbe Constitution. That prescription is by some deemed not eiear at present. Therefore let it be tbe immediate care of tbe people to aend it and make it altogether and un deniably clear henceforth. What has happened once Day happen again. Tbe suraiherabip of tbe Electoral Colleges r. ay be qneiticn four years bene as weil as now. lleooe it is tbe duty of the people to provide for a tribunal of last rc?ort the people baving failed to whom tbe right aud the (!uty of going t-ehind the returns and making a thor ough investigation shall be assigned. V n'ske no suggestions touching tbe o-'-,d of constituting that tribunal, save cuiy that no man holding a position ot trusi or profit under tbe United States should sit therein. And it may be well to lake away from the House its privi lege to elect in case of uo choice by tbe people. American. The Letters of the Bible, " Souse one wbo bas plenty of leisure hat counted the letters of the Bible, and (tads that in the sixty-six books, of which the sabred volume is composed, ti,-.- tre 3,5S-3,483 letters. Tbe longest Teisc is the ninth verse of the eighth ctpter of John, and the shortest, J oho xi: 35 The centre verse is Psalms cxviii:S. These facts are important to the curiosity monger, but are of no furLer value. He reads Bible to very htile purpose who learns only such .things." The Mennonite Church on Voting. At the Geueral Conference of tbe Mernoni'e Church, recently held at E khirt, Ind., it was resolved that all tnembitrs of tbe church wbo bad voted at the iate Presidential election should be admonished, aud that every minis ter should tiy to induce) bis members to abstain from voting." Snall-Por on the Increase. In Great Britain, during tbe past ten years, the death-rate ot small pox bas increased over eighty six per cent. Ttiie is a fact which ought to attract tbe attention of the physicians of this eoun-t-y before tLere is occasion to note a similar lucres' on this aide of the water." A cbesnwt tree in Focbt'a farm aear CeMjeport, ia 25 feat around, j The Next State Treasurer. Colonel William B. lJart,"tje eour teous sDd tfioieBt casLrer of tbe State Treasury, it prominently named1 hi connection witb the Republican nom ination of State Treasurer, to succeed lion. Henry Itae.'e. The hearty and gei.ers.1 approval witb whtb his name in received throughout tbe whole State ia a just tribute to a biave soldier acd worthy official, whose career io tbe ar my was as brilliant as his vertices as a State officer hive been marked by a faithful regard for tbe public io'eresis. Col. Hart entered tbe army in 1801 as a private soldier and served with irreat gallantry in the East aud W est, participating in all the battles iu which uis command was engaged. While still sergeant, bis manly qualities and soldierly bearing, attract ed tbe attention of General clartraoft who recommended bitu in a highly flattering manner to lion. Edwin M Sianton, Secretary of War, lor ap pointment as Assistant Adjutant Adju fant General, with the rark oft aptain, and to show LU appreciation of bis merits requested the War Department to a&xign Captain Hart to his own bri gade, ("pori this recommendation he wa immediately appointed and served witb General Hsrtranft to the close of the war. In 1867 Colonel Hart was appointed to a eltrki-hip io the State Tieesury, and in 1870 was promoted to tbe ref-poiisible aud important pos ition of cashier, where his intelligence sud ability a an accountant and famil iarity with finances of the State have made Liiu an invaluble ffioer, and tbe standard authority to whom all the officers of the Couruon wealth turn for eouucil when legislation in the interests of the Stat Treasury is needed. Col. Hart's intimate and through knowledge of the tax laws aud of tbe whole mauohiitry of our tax system, is of inestimable value to our citixens. and if electe I State Treasurer cannot but prove of incalculable benefit to the ommonwealtb. His promotion by election to the treasurership would be a fitting testimonial nf our people to bis value aud worth and a practical illus tration of their belief in a civil -service. Officers witb bis capacity and integ rity are rarely imported into the public service, and when found there the pe pie should see to it that they are re tained. Col. Hart's position at Harrisburg bas necessarily given bim a large ae quaintance and made bioi hosts of friends, and the generous response made to the mention nf his name in connec tion with the office of Treasurer is an index of the enthusiasm with which be will be supported for nomination and election. JVorrtslown Herald. Be Careful Where You Go and Who You Go With. The three lecherous conspirators," (as the Baltimore American calls tbem) vho recently tried to rmn a young lady of that city by deco) ing her into a bouse ot ill fame aud then assault og her when there, have been convicted, and eaeh sentenced to one year's imprison metit. This seems to be a very light punishment for so aggravated an ( ff.-nce as that charged against tbe prisoners. But in passing senten .e the judge said that although the main charge, that the youne lad? had been decoyed into a house of ill fame, bad been proved, the charge ot aggravated assault rested alone on the evidtuce of the prosecu trix, and as her couduct had not been above reproach, he would not make the sentence as severe as it would other wise have been. Tbe young lady, the victim of tbe assault, was anxious to get married, it seems, and tbe conspirators decoyed her info tbe bouse on the pretense tbat they wished to introduce ber to a ship captaio who wit-bed to get a wife. At least one of the parties to the conspir acy was kuown to tbe young woman and her father as a former proprietor of a house of bad repute, and as a person whose society, if only for a walk for a walk on the street, was sufficient to blast the reputation of any woman. Notwithstanding these well knowu facts, tbe candidate for a husband accompan ied him, with the result as previously announced. This occurrence consti tutes an additional proof of the impor tance of great care in the selection of associates, and absolutely correct de portment on the part of ioexperieoced girls and women. Harrisburg Tele graph. Which, Male or Female ? " A babe born in Carboodale the other day was pronounced by tbe doctor and nurse to be of tbe masculine per suasion and a day or two afterward it was taken to church and bapttxed witb the name of Thomas. Now it bas turned out to be a girl and tbe priest says that he cannot undo what bas been done " Two Thousand off the Hen Boost. Hen roost robbery bas been raised to something like dignity by tbe oper ations of a Maine family, a father and three son, baring stolen more than 2,000 fowls, besides other property." Foreign Trade. Thirty American manufacturers of cotton goods bave sent 300 tons of American print cloths to l.tly, as an experimental cargo. Pardon of Counterfeiters. A despatch troui Washington, undet date of the 6th iost., says : A pardon has been granted by the President to to Lewis M. Hoberts, allies Bob Altic, aliar Bob, convicted in Pittsburg to 1871 aud sentenced to twenty years in the Western Penitentiary for counter feiting. Tbe pardon, it is stated, was procured t-v ex Assistant United States Attorney Knox. Tbe notorious Tom Bali'ard, tbe engraver of the most dan gerous counterfeit plate extant, a five hundred dollar Treasury note who was convicted and sentenced by United States Jokge Walace in January, 1875 at Albany, N. Y., to thirty years con finement ia tbe Albany Penitentiary, bas application on file here for pardon. Tbe Cambria sheriff ba 200 write of etution ob basd.. MfuBesota Grasshopper! Cous ins; East by Rail. From tbe Winona BepuUicaa. There arrived by express at tbe Re publican office on Tuesday evening a malt box about a foot tq-iare, five or sis inches deep, eovered with a glass top,- and about half full of fresh earth, ou top of wliicb could be aeco a swarm ot diiuiufftive objects which a practical eye would at ouce pronounce 'hoppers. Tbe mission of tbe travelers was ex plained by a lable no tbe side of tbe box reading as follows: The dirt in this box was taken from tbe farm of F. E. Ford Gleocoe. The little cusses were batched io tbe office of the Gleocoe Register, Gleocoe, Me Lend county, Minn. W ill route agents please pass it on East ? Lea re it over one tram with Jennison, of tbe Good hue Cuniy Republican, Red Wing; Republican, Winona ; News. Milwau kee ; Inter Ocean, Chicago ; Free Press, Detroit : Leader, i leveland ; Comtiier cial, Cincinnati, and fmin thence to New York, Boston, Washington or Puiladelphia, as the route agents or ex press agents may wish. We would like to know how long the little pests live and how far they travei, and there fore ask the publishers, -'into whose bands these presents may come, to send the paper noticing their arrival aod departure to the Glencne, McLeod county, Minnesota. LlEEBTT Hall. P. S. The 'hoppers are about one old to-Uaj, January 29, 187. Indorsed 1 have Mn the grasshoppers and gladly send then- on. They are lively at '.his moment and appear to wish to get out and travel alone. 8. P. Je.nxisos. Red, January 30 IX DORS ED. Winona, January 30. Arrived 3 35 P. Sl.; convention full ; delegates live ly ; discussing the fo'ure of wheat De parted for Milwaukee 12,30 midnight. Keplblicax. A Bear Anions; tbe Lawyers. About 10 o'clock Saturday moroiug a stalwart luliau made bis appearance on St Paul street, between Lexington Saratoga streets, with a bugh brown bear at tbe end of a rope, The bear had been taught to dance, to bug and kiss bis master, stand nton his bead, turn somersaults, aud to go through various other performances. Some two or three hundred spttalon were soon gathered arnuud tbe pair and tbe ma jority of the crowd were lawyers, whose offices abound iu the vicinity. The members of the bar took great interest in the antics of the bear until the keep passed around tbe hat, when nearly every one of them remembered that he had either a case ic court or clients waiting for him in his office and depart ia basle. Baltimore American. Forgers In Hailroad Bonds. Judo C. Thomas, a member of a gang nf formers ttho operated exten sively on bonds of the New York Cen tral, New Yotk aud Erie, aud Buffalo New lork aud Erie Railroads in 18i3, was arraigned in Court of Genet a! Sessions iu New York on the 7th. He pleaded guiity to forgery in third degree and was remanded for sentence. Among his confederate were VI alter Ralston, Walter Roberta, t harles J Williams and Robert Gleason. All of these are now io the clutches of tbe law either awaiting trial or in State's prison." .Mall-Bae; Robbed- Last tt edttesday a mail bag con taining letters and about $25,000 worth of bank checks aud private drafts, while enroute for Newport, Ky., to t inciu Ditti, wascpeued aud the contents ab stracted. News Items, Silver bearing quartx has been dis covered in Pluukett's Creek township, Lycoming couuty. Jobu Gumming, of Pottsville, Pa., was found on the railroad track at Maucu Cbunck, on Monday night a week, having been run over and bas since died from bis injuries. Tbe Bethlehem Times says t! at Rev. W. II. Vogler, of that town, received $200 from Commodore Vanderbilt's executors for offering np a prayer at the funetal of the dead millioniare in the Moravian cemetery, at New Drop, Stated Island. A young man named George Scblatcp, of Piain&eld township, Northampton county, laid down on a bench to take a nap. A pistol felt out of bis pocket an! was discharged, tbe ball entering his lett breast and lodging in tbe pit of tbe arm. A irightful accident occurred at tbe irou ore mines nf Dauiel Latter, at lien siogersville, Lehigh county. Pa., on MonJay a week. While workmen were d'gging ore the ground caved in on them, burying Henry Hunsberger, Lewis Engle. Keese Lewis and David Frederick uude ten feet nf earth. Tbe first named three were killed and Fred erick sustained very severe injuries, but will probably recover. Fourteen thousand Russian Mennon ites will settle in Kausas early io the spring. The W omens Centennial Committee of Philadelphia will bold a Calico Tea tarty oo tbe 22nd. Jacob McClelland, while passing another workman, in the Altona shops, was accidentally struck on the lower jaw by a sledge io tbe hands o! bis fel low-labor or. TLe force of tbe blow broke about half ao :nch out of his jaw to which was attached three teeth. A farmer named Jacob llouseknecth, near Lairdsville, Lycoming couuty, was summoned from bis bed on Saturday nigh! i week, by three men who want ed to warm themselves and get eomo- ttiiug to eat- After securing admission the rascals gagged and bound their un fortunate bust and robbed bis bouse of every thing valuble upon which tbey cauld lay their bands. Mr Iiouae knecbt's family were all absent. The robbers only secured ten dollars io money. A young merchant of Philadelphia, who for years ago inherited a round $50,000 in cash bas lost it all io spec ulation. iver $3,000 were paid oot last year bv Blair county for fox scalps, and $441 77 by Cambria county for tbe same purpose. A carpet weaving establishment bas been started at New Berlin, Berks! soonty. The residents nf Woodbine Harrison cunty, Iowa' bave been holding indig nation meetings becaus a farmer there keep nineteen dogs, which be allows to rnn at large. News Items, The rinderpest io England and Ger many means increased huportatiouJ of American beef. Mr. Weik, of Myerstown, has lost all of bis; children, fire in number, within a month by diphtheria Henry Forshey, of East Tyrone, for twelve years a conductor on tbe Penn sylvania; railroad, krllerf on Friday a week at Powelltnn. He tripped and fell on tbe track and before be could recover himself was run ever by tbe engine. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company is baring built at its shops in Altoona six substantial new postal ears for im mediate oae. Each ear will be hand somely furnished, beated by steam, lighted with non-explosive or safty lauips, and will be a decided improve ment on the ears first turned out of their simps. The shop bands are work ing twelve hours a day in order to get tbem out upon the road a speedily as B. 11. Hickok, Portmaster at South berry, Conn., has been arrested for rob bing tbe mail. He confesses bis guilt One family of eight children at Ley den, Mass., boasts that neither of 'em bas ever been sick a day, and all be cause tbat mother has lived np to the rnle ot putting tbem to bed a 6 r. M A parrot is said to live to be 200 years old. A barber Joes not live so long, bnt lie talks more. One of the curinaities at a recent silver wedding id St Louis was a cake 25 years old, which was baked on tbe occasion of the original wedding. Is tbe village nf Harbottle, North nmberlaad, no child bas died1 the last twenty years ; a farmer and bis three shepherds bave between them forty seven children, and during tne past thirty years nnt a death ha-, occured in their families. The Solitary Record. Johnstown is excited over the elope ment of two of its citixens. Mrs. Sarah Jones, the young wife of Mr. Enoch Jones, could not withstand tbe unlaw ful importunities of one Jobo W. Jones, a widower. , Mr. James Wilt, of Centre Valley, bas been postmaster at that place foi a period of twenty years. Peter Norke, of Shenandoah, bor rowed a precussion cartridge oo Sun day aud took it home. He wanted to kuow all about the composition of the ratber innocent looking object, so he took a pin and picked tbe bead off the cartridge. Upon taking an account of stock ao account of stock a uomect or two afterward, he found that on one hand there was no thumb and only a very bad wreck of second finger, while from the other hand one joint of tbe thumb was missing, the forefinger in need of repairs, the second finger mi nus a joint, aod the third fiager shater ed. The Montrose Republican says Dr. Latborn of that town, bas received f. P-A-In f-h;n. a nsir nf duck that . '. ' ti.. ... are a rarity in this country. They are pure white in color and three times tbe size of tbe common barnyard duck. Tbe First National Bank of Frank- . lin. Johnson couuty, Indiana has sus-( pended owing to the defalcation of $100,000 bv the cashier. Richard T. Taylor, absconded on the bth mat. --- -- ----. - - . At a recent cow sale at t itzwater town, Bucks county, fifteen cows were sold at prices averaging $70. The short-horn cow, "Tenth Dochcss of Geneva," which wss purchased by an English nobleman at a sale in New York State in 1873, for the fancy price of thirty thousand dollars, died io Eng laol last Thursday. Queeo Victoria bas received frnm the Empress of Brazil a present of a dress woven of the webs of the large South American spider. A perfectly white ink bas now been manufactured, which flows freely from a fine or coarse pen, makes a delicate hair line, and dries quickly. This ink requires Jaik paper, and seveial styles bave already been introduced. Two women bave been making trouble in Meadville by passing bogus silver halves. One of tbem was arrested, and on her person was found fortyeigbt pieces of the "queer." A iittle son of Mr Jeremiah Kelly, of Ilughesvilie, dangerously ill witb diphtheria, was successfully treated by inhaling tbe fumes of slacked lime, last week. A amall piece of lime was placed in a cup and the fumes conveyed to the month of tbe cbild through a funnel with a long tube. Io a short time after a large lump of tough mucus was discharged from the throat, after which the little fellow at once com menced to get better -Sunbury Daily. Mr. Acres' daughter, about eighteen years of age, bad started oot to take a horse, and had tbe lariat around ber arm, when tbe horse scaiiog, funiped, causing tbe young lady to fall. At this tbe horse became terribly affright ed and dashed otf through the woods, and brush, cactus,&., dragging Miss Acres witb bim some three quarters of a mile. " ben the borse was baited and tbe rope loosed from ber arm, she was indeed a pitiful object all of ber clotbes, except her collar and shoes and hose, baving been literally torn off, and ber person baving nearly all the skin dragged off, aud some contusions in her flesh made by snags and brush. She was not fatally injured, and is recover ing. Atacosa ( 7exas) .Vrvr. Sew Adverttsememtg. A CTIVH AGEXTS, CENTLE.VEN OR Xa. Ladies, wanted instantly to introduce a splendid hook, THE CENTEMIAL EXPOSITION, DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED, nearly 800 pages, rich illustrations, superb bindings, very attractive, and a treasure as the heat and cheapest history of the Great Exhibition. Endorsed by the officials, -ress and clergy. Is selling immenstly. One lady of no experience bas cleared $350 in four weeks. Act quickly, if at all. Now or never. For fu'l particulars, address HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, Jan 81-10t Philadelphia, Pa. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN'A. JAMES NORTH, President. T. VAN IRV1N, Cashier. DiixcToas I Noab Hertxler. James North. J. N evin Poroeroy. Abraham Stouffer. Jerome Hetrick. William Bank. Epbraim B. McCrum. giilsmiba for the imhrnei ami JtsMtes. Legal yYoiiees. JJECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES or THE COtJNTY'OF" JtJUTATA, From the 7th day of January, 1876. to the Slat day of December, 1876, inclusive : 1876. BOBT. E. PARKER, Treat. Dr. Jan. 7. To cash ree'd from S. II. Showera, late treasurer $ 165 83 onl aland ins county taxes. 12322 80 outstanding State "taxes 1592 04 amt of Uses levied lor 1876. 26737 61 amt. of money ree'd from Jaa. Deen lor Connlv Bonds sold during tbe yer'lh76 29650 00 ch ree'd from J. Beidler, Prothonotary, lor vei diet lees 80 00 cash ree'd from Mifflin county, costs cn suit in which there was a change of venue, (by J imes Dcen) 117 88 rash received I torn E. W. II. Kreider, lines. 6 00 cash from Overseer ot Si iltord township, (per Jas Deen).... 46 28 cash from same. 3940 " cash from J. Lyons, Asaigtiee orC. B. Hartley 23 12 cash from Snyderconnty, share of expense ol building bridge at Judge Wiser' 42 63 $72622 67 Jan. 1, 1877, To bal. due county,' 1876. CONTRA, $913 79 Cr. Dec. 31 By amt. of Commissioners' orders paid, issued prior to l!f?G...$ 887 06 Do. lo., issued in 1876 62746 02 " amt. of road view certificates paid.... ..... State tax paid, as per receipt. Percentage on same " P.xonrrathns allowed ....... .. Percentage allowed Collector 265 iW 142U 16 14 34 89'J 170 50 VoiirherofJ M. Ga min, Co. Supt., on accsnnt of Teach ers' Institute 165 00 ' Outstanding taxes ..... .... 15172 72 Tn-asurer's salary .......... 775 IK) - Balance due county ......... 61379 $72622 67 1876. WM. II. KXOCSE, SAri. Dr. Jan. 7, To balancfc due couuty $ 8 OO Dec. 81, to verdict tee Jan. 1, 1877, To bi!. due county... $8 00 1876. , COXTRA. Cr. Dec. 30, Br amt. paid Treasurer by Jacob Beidler $89 00 Dec 81, By balance due county 8 00 $S 00 ST.1TFMEKT OF OUTSTJINDISG TJXKS r Me aW of the trteral Col lectors January 1, lo77 : Collectors. Districts. Yrs .imuwa. J C Boale Beale 1875 $ 619 93 S X Beale ....ifuscan.ra ..176 9GM 16 Joseph Barner.:SuMiiieh.n'a ; l-76 377 i& John Conn 'Spruce Hi::.'I875: t4 87 1017 4'i Wm Clark Keale If7ti, M D Dougherty Lack Jacob Fisher .. !ireenooil , 12"i '! Sr' 5 j John X Howe. Miflluiiown.. If7-v 271 23 ! Wm Kenaweil. Walker..... If7rt; 2K78 ! W Ludwig... 1 u.carora... 'Ifi-i 34 99 2".7 77 807 81 1132 89 479 84 911 06 4 4 01 2-11 65 C A Lauver....'Mnroe 18-' g iVlM,fMlnjSlvaee HlU j j g xeoV Miln.rd i76j 1 J Bums .Marlev Patterson ... l7-'.! '-J" KMMr,lVTanagh ' ! ' Wm UcLonnell Monroe :fifii Nippie.reenwood .1x74 ' w II elon ..:TlionipVntV187i Caleb Parker.., . 1876! 60 77 375 l8 69 27 484 21 227 47 704 01 1750 81 710 K 265 78 . . Absalom Eice . Lack WHRutnertord Port Koyai I. Schrailer ...'Fermanagh .1878 1876j 1875! il87ti! 1K76' 1876; il87o! Philip Smith.. Lack (teorge Shivery Fayette C G Shelly Delaware.... J. Winegardner Fayette . . ., Amount atanding out.. ....$15172 72 AU of which is respectfully submitted. LEWIS D El, AX, JOHN F. ALLEN. GEORGE W. HUFFMAN. Jinditors. County Auditors' Room, Mifflin town, January 5, lf77. ST.1TEMEST OF ORDERS DR.1H'X by the Ccmmisiioner of the County of Ju niata, on the Treasurer thereof, from the lit day of January. 1S76. up to the 1st day of January, ln 7, as taken from the records in the Commissioners' Ofice : Miscellaneous. County auditors and auditors' clerk $74 00 Jacob A Christy, auditing county ottiee for the year 176 Jno M'Xulty, janitor a. court house Wui F Snjder, table and chair for court house Abraham Leister, overpaid taxes for 1.H73 James Robison, for tables, black board, 4lc Ephraini Lauv-er, overpaid taxes.. B F Batman, balance on repairing fence John E Dbbs. orerpsid taxes .... E D Parker, attorney fees 15 CO 145 00 25 50 16 58 40 50 2 12 50 00 9 50 175 00 j Samuel Buck, Juniata Agricultural Society 100 00 Amos fc. Koinall, return judge to Cbanibersliurg 23 40 Robert McMeen, return judge to Lewi.Ntown 4 30 Buyers Jr. Kennedy, coal lor 1S7'. 237 60 AlexanrterSpeddy,lorcoiirtcrying 83 65 James Muiray, lor boarding jurors 100 50 Jury Commissioners and cierk.... 81 00 Jacob A Christy, balance counsel County Commissioners for 175. 10 00 Jacob A Christy, counsel lee lor County Commissioner for 1876 50 00 D. Partner, collector's percentage. 84 45 B Kerchner, " 220 by O P Barton, 44 83 Da id Bossert, " " 88 19 D K S11I011A", " " 87 61 W A Wright, - 84 76 John Jenkins, 40 I'J Israel Wetxler, 12 00 Jno Karstetter, 41 61 B F Crozi'r, " 69 16 JohnEDobbs, " 82 41 Jaa McMeen, 149 74 J CP-ale, " 82 41 Eph Lauver, " 122 40 Jesse Reed, " " 14 76 Jos Dvsinger, - - 224 44 P M Krpner, " 83 "0 J J Castles, " 20 66 Jacob Forney, " ' 76 Ort J A Rice, " F7 62 John Conn, " " 78 28 S F Lndwig, f2 f 9 Berj. Kerchner, abatement on tax.. 2 67 W 11 Xelson, " 10 99 Wm McConnell, " 17 55 John A Rice, " 75 96 m Kenawell, "115 31 Samuel McLaughlin, 59 04 J B Marley, 19 20 C G Shelly, 42 83 J A kice, 21 76 J B Marlev, - " 71 00 Caleb Parker, " 69 63 James R Marley, " 71 48 Other small bit s of sundry persons amounting in the aggregate to.. 249 50 Total $3830 23 Constables' and Justirts' Fees in Common- utealtt. Cases E W H Kreider, S S Wilson, and others $258 68 Commtnxealtk Witnesses. S G Davis and others $ 506 62 Coroners' and Justices' Inquisition. David ADoughman aud others. ..$ 72 60 Public Buildings. J T Hummel and others.... $ 48 49 Juror' Pay Grand and Petit. S II Shower. David Divrn and other at February term, 1876..$ 761 71 Wm Kerrkk, John t Allen and others at February term, 1776.. 294 24 Jas Beale, S B Bartley and other at April term, 1676 484 73 j Legal Notices. Cyrus Bench, Elias CrawfoM anfl others at SeptemVr term, 1876 3 8 Panneoaker, William Hart and others at December term, 1876.. Si7 84 609 80 - ToUl ....W7l Cenxly Bond Rtiumtd. Vtm C Pomtroy awi others $34545 00 Jsitners. Aaron Leiby and others. 492 0 Couttablts' RtUrnt mnd Tipit'if. John U Stmts aod others $ 358 34 Wild Cat, Fox and Mink Scalp. Lewis A Lindi and others $ 223 95 Wttlcr PeniUatidry. Paid to Edward S Wright, wardan of Western Penitentiary $ 69 40 Stale Lanahc Hospital. Paid to John A. Wier, tre.isnrer, lor maintenance, fce., of Marga ret Bractbill $ 211 64 Coy Friaoa. W II Knonse, sheriff, boarding prisoners, fees, Slc. ........ ..$ 814 61 W H Knouae, for keeping tramps. 8!5 00 Total $1210 61 Raad Damages. Joseph Rothrork. executor of EC GalUher.drc'd, and others. ...$ 172 00 Iulertst Paid oa Gmjr Bond; $c. John Book, Edmund S Doty, and other SZ55 29 Viaiag D ..II . T I. n .... .!;.. ...Int. ing, election blanks, fcc loo v ; nouso id jtcn, , --. B F Schweier, public printing, elec- 11877. ...... , ... tioa proclamation, Isc..... 277 82 For tho township of the publ r ' bouse of John Hayes in tbe borough ol Pat Total VXi 72 j terson, on Monday, F ebruary 26, 1877- c. .. For the borough r Patterson, at tho pun- aiaiionery. . ,. ji, in said boroueh. j Wm Mann, docket end stationery..$ 92 66 1 L-Hutti-r, toWusbip duplicates, Jic 141 27 7 . . ..,. ... loiai...sw.. iMo Bridrts Old and Acs. King Iron Bridge Comp.iny, new bridge near Dinim's mill ...-...$ 620 60 J T Diimn Brother, new bridge near Dinim's miil 60162 George Reynolds, D.w bridge near McClurr'n, in Tuscarora twp... 63 Id Peck At Williamson, repairing old bridge in Kast U'arerlord, 8100 Wm IK-nch, repairing old bridge at Port Royal... 12 00 J G Kennrdv, repairing old bridge a Fast Waterford 20 00 G L Wi-iiuer, repairing old bridge near HerUler'a in Tuibetl twp.. 12 25 Jacoo SnloutT, repairing old bridga near Cuba Dam, ia Ferniaosgn township 104 73 Jonathan Weiser, repairing eld bridga at Weber's mill, in Sus quehanna township S 36 W 11 Caveny, re-airing old bridge at Coeolamus, in Fayette twp... 30 00 A B M 'Knight, repairing old bridge at Tbompsoutitwn 12 0U Geo S Conu, repairiug old bridge near lloCulloch's, ia Tuscarora township 4 34 George "V"t.'uilcb, rt-pairiug old bridge Bear .UcCulloch's in Tus rarora township.. 72 36 S F Lu'lwbr, reptririnis oil bridge near McCulioCh s, iu Tuscarora towaxhip David Guns, repairing old bridge 41 55 2 60 50 near llertzier s, in 1 urbett twp . Boganreat, repairing old bridge at Thouipsoutown Total $1767 01 CommMiioarra' Office. Jas McLaughlin, Commissioner's fees $ 162 OO" David B Cox, Commissioner's fee 201 28 W H Grouiiiger, Commissioner' fees 149 18 James Deen, clerk to County Com missioner 4 SO 00 Total $ 992 46 PaWic Office. Robert McMeen, district attornrr tec '.$ 15 00 Alfred J Patterson, district attor ney fees 80 W I D Waliis. prothonotary 22 25 Jacob Beidler, 115 39 Total $ 232 4 General and Spring Elections. William II McAlister and others, judges, inspectors, cleiks, Ac. of elections, spring and fall....$ 691 41 Recapitulation. Miscellaneous $3830 23 Constables' and juMives' tees iu commonwealth cases 253 68 Commonwealth witnesses 506 t2 Coronets' and justices' inquisitions 72 90 Public Buildings.. 48 48 Jurors' y grand and petit..... County bonds redeemed......... Assessors ...................... Constables' returns and tipstaves, i.d cat, fox and mink scalps ... Western penittnti.rv .., State lunatic hospital ..... County prison.... RoaJ damage Interest Printing Stationery...... Bridges old and new Commissioners' ottiee Public vtlices General and spring election 2997 31 34-V45 00 492 00 358 34 ,223 95 6 'J 40 211 i.4 1210 64 172 00 3255 26 6 72 233 93 1767 01 992 49 232 64 691 41 Total . $52850 56 Ws, the Commissioners of the county of Juniata lor the year lt76, in compliance it h the law , do publish the foregoing, as a full statement of the receipts and expendi tures of the county aforesaid, for tbe yar Ih76. Given under our hand at the Commis sioners' othce, in Miffiintown, this 19lb day of January, 1877. james Mclaughlin, D. B. COX. WM. H. GKONINGER, attest : Commissioners. Jaacs Dies, Clerk. In addition to the foregoing statement of the Receipts and Expenditures ot the Coun ty ot Juniata for the vear 1876, I herewith publish the following as showing tbe in debtedness of the County ot Juniata on the first dav of Januarv, 1877, as ascertained by the Couaty Auditor on examination of tbe same on tbe 9th day ot January, 1S., to wit : Argregate amount of outstanding county bonds with interest on the 1st day of Janu ary, 1877 $53697 60 Outstanding county or ders on Jan. 1, 1877. 87 84 $53785 44 From which deduct amount of outstand ing taxes in the bands of collector on the 1st of Jan'v, 1877.. $15172 72 Bal. in hand ot trea surer, Jan. 1,187.. 613 73 Bal. in hands of Sher iff Enouse 8 00 $15794 61 Indebtedness of county Jan.l,77 $37990 93 Respectfully, ax., . JAMES DEEN, CZrrk. Commissioners' Office, Mifflintown, Jan. 80, 18: Notice ia Hereby Giyen. To all persons who are indebted to the an dersigued on bi books, or on mat wd pa per, to come forward and make prop pt par ment on or before the loih day of FfcBHL AKT. 1877, a after said date collections will be made in pursuance of law. JOHN W. M (JTHEKSBACG11. February 7, 1877. gOLOMOS SEIBCR, Will , visit Mifflin and Patterson ., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday trmnjipga and wit furnish the ;itixena of these Bor oughs wit 1 the best of BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, PORK, kc at the very lowest prices. He respectfulh soltem the patronage of the public. Legal JVoiictS. HOTICE OF APPBA1J. nnt rtnnimisaioners will now T ppetis on the Uiennt.Ul met (ortheVeor 1877, at the following times 'the"borou'gh,of Port Boy!, at tbe Public Hore of Job. Man-'.- Port Royal, on Monday, February 12, 1877. For the township of Turbett, at the pub he hoUM of John JlcManigal in Port Royal, on Tuesday, February !3, 18i7. For the "township of Beale, at the public house of Gideon ttaldeman In Johnstown, on Wedneday, February 11, 187. F -r the township ot Tuscarora, at tne public bonse of J A cwcomer in East Waterford. on Thursday, February lo, 18. For the tonhir of Lack, at tho Sfltlie bousa of John A Sewc-ouier in Hast Water ford, oo rridav, February 16, If 77. For the townsferp of Spruce Hill, at the Spruce Will school b just iuMkt townahip, uo Saturday, Feoruary 17, 1877. For the townahip or Fayette, at the pub lic bouse of W W Sharon io McAlisterviUe, on Mondav, February 1?, 1'7. For the towuship of Moi.roe, at the errWic bouse ot K C Gray bill in KlchUeld, on Tues day, February 20, 1877. tor the township of Susquehanna, at tne bouse of (1 K Frvrooyer in said townahip, oo Wt J Kssdav, February 21, 1877. For the township of Greenwood, at the public house of Tbomaa Cox in aid town ship, on Thursday, February 22, 1877. For the borough ol Thompsontown and tbe township ol Delaware, at the public house ot Mr. Snyder in Thompsnntewn, on J Friday, February 23, If t. For the township of W alker, at tne cnoni on Tu.,ar) February 27, 1877. For the township of Ferwanagh. at tbe Court House in theWrough ot .MilHiutown, on Wednesday. February 28, 1877. For the borough of Mifflintown, the omi house in MiWinHrwn, on Thursday, March 1, 1877. Tbe County Commissioner will be in sesaion at the above times and places from 9 o'clock A M to 3 o'clock P M. The as sessors of tbe townships and boroughs will be required to attend in their respective district on the above davs. JAMES VcLAUGHLIX, I), it. COX, W. B. GKONINGER. Commissioners. Attest 1 Jams Diss, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, MilHiutown, Jan. 29, 1877. Sot Ice to Justices of tlie Peace. JUSTICES OF TUB PEACE are hereby notiticd that hereafter they mustcertity that the animals killed were full grown whether foxes, wild-cats or minks that hereafter premium will only be paid upon full grown animals. Any Justice of the Peace issuing a certificate -f any other character, will be prosecuted for a misde meanor, becausa there is ao premium on the scalp of au animal nt full grown in Juniata county. By order of tbe Board of County Commissioners. JAMES DEEN, CItrfc Jaa. 13, 1S77. CouStfy Bonds fr Sale. THE County Commissioners hereby give notice tbat we are prepared to renew County Bonds, and also to soil a limited number of 'ew Bonds, to procure monev to meet Bonds coming due. Said Bonds to be at 5 per cent, interest. By order ol the Board of County Commissioners. JAMES DEEN, Clerk. Dec. 8, 1676. Exeeator's Notice. Estate of John Hosteller, decease!. WHEREAS Letters Testamentary on the estate of John Hosteller, late of the borough of Tbompeontown. dee'd, bave been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and baving claims will please present them properly authenticated for settlement, to JOHN C. IlOSTETLEK, fror. Jar 81, 1S77. SEW GOODS! SEW GOODS! AT J. B. M. TODD'S, PATTERSON, PA. I have jnst returned from PbiladeipH with a lull line of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Men' Suit, $1.50, $-5.00 to $20.00. Boy' Suit, $2.50, 60 to $10.00. A full line of tbe MOST FASHION A.DLE1 II ATS. at luw prices. A complete assortment of Ladies' Best Shoe, at $1.25 and upwards. A full line of Children's Sboes. I bave also a full line of Ladies' Hose, Handker chiefs, Ax. Also, a large stock of GROCERIES. Arbucklea' Coffee 80c. Mackerel, No. 1, $2 50 per bbL I am now selling SEWINO MACHINES at WHOLESALE PRICES. I will sell you any kind oi a machine at TfTEJTT PER CEST. LESS than tbey are usually sold. Leave your orders, and you can have any kind you want. J. B. M. TODD. Patterson, May 17, 1876. BUYERS & KENNEDY, (Successors to D. T. SuIomT,) DEALERS IN CrRAIIV, COAIa, LUMBER, CEMENT, Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster, SEEDS, SALT, AC. We buy Grain, to be delivered at Mifllin town or Port Royal. We are prepared to lurni.h Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. BUYERS k. IENNEDT. April 21, 1875-tf Large stock of ready made clothing ol the latest and choicest styles, (or men and boy, hat, caps, boots and .. fmnikbinf goods in endless variety for sale et Samnel Strayer. id Pattersoa. The Sentinel and RmJt,r . . 1 . . wun.a l". me place togct job work done. Try it. It will py yon if yoa need anything ia that line. TIRST-CLSS I' CI 1 nL - ties' ii-tnww estnel aad tepnbiieaa $10 a ywea Keur Advtrtlaemtmt. 10 PET? 15?aT-1" ' X AJAt Um money lender Interest paid semi-annually in X. Exchange. Security 9 to 8 times tt. loan in land alone, exclusive of the baild rags. (Present cash value by sworn ap praisers.) No rnvestment safer. No pay. ments more promptly met. Beit of refer ences given. Send stamp for particulars. D. 3. B. JOHNSTON, Negotiator of Mart gage Loans, St Paul, Minnesota. tfCC week in yoar owo town.- Terms tne ipOD $5 outfit free. U. HALLETT CO., Portland, Maine. conn A yEAK- a vfUT. 4utJJJ so on our Grand Combina tion Prospectus, representing 150 distinct BOOKS wanted everywhere. The Biggest Tbicg Ever Tried. Sales made from this when aii single Books fail. Also, Agents wanted oa our MAGNIFICENT FAMILY BIBLES. S uperior to all others. Witb invaluable ft. Imlralid Jtds and Superk Bindings. Tses Books beat tbe World. Full particulars free. Address Jomx K. Porraa it Co., pub lishers, Philadelphia E In tf77 Veek to Agent Samel' dJ IiUiBII ritEE. r. O. VICIERT, Aegusta, Maiue. The laittle Rook and Fort Smith RAILWAY FOE SALE Farming Lands. Gracing Lands. Fmit Land. Vine Land, Coal I .and. Wood Lands, some Prairie Lands, Bottom Lands, and Up lands, on term; to ault tbe purchaser- M sv per CCB t. interest oa deferred payment. Ten per Cent, discount for cash. For tuii particulars, map and pamphlets, apply to Mf . D. 8L..4CK. Land Commissioner, Little Rock, Arkansas. (MO fUl Outfit and terms free. TRUE . CO., Augusta, Maine. SMOKY cured, fuel saved, and CMI .VETS )heat increased by apply ing the Spiral Draft. S;nd stamp for cir cular (with testimonials) to RKl- KY COL- FOUD, 725 Sansoin rniiaueipnia, l a. f"rnf A MONTH to Active Men seil OeJvrVf ing our Letter Copying Book. No press water uaed. Sample copy worth $3.00 free. S'nd stamp tor circular. EX CELSIOR M'F'G CO , 99 Madison, and HZ Dea-born treet, Chicago. PE.KSIOSV No matter bow slightly aisabied. Increases now paid. Advie snd circular free. T. McMicaaKL, AU'y, 07 Sanson) street, Philadelphia. r (fcOfl pe' d7 at borne. Term free. PU r- 4UU A Address Geo. Stixsos A Co., Portland, Me. CI? IV Fl 15CTS. to 4 DAMS O Hill VJ Jt CO.. Box I660, Phila delphia, Pa. (Maiiulactorr ia Uowell'a mar ble building, Ninth and Chestnut at;) and receive by return mail, postage ptrpid, a complete set of the live principal CENTEX I. 41. BriLDltfGS. elegantly carved in Biark Walnut, Wood, and finely finished. Exact duplicate of those which were manufactured in Machin ery Hall during the Exposition, and which thousands were unable to purchase. Philadelphia & Beading Railroad. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. Novxmseb 28th, 1ST?. Trams leave Hsrnsburg a follow : For New York at 5 20, 8 10 a m., 2 00 and 7 55 p.m. For Philadelphia at 6 20, 8 10, S 45 a. to. 2 00 and 3 57 p. m. For Keading at 5 20, 8 10, 9 45 a. m., 3 Cf, 4 5i and 1 fo p. m. For Pottsville at 5 2n, 9 It a. m.. and. 5 57 p. ra. and via Schuylkill A Susque hanna Branch at 2 40 p. ru. For Allentown at 6 23, 8 10 a. m., 2 00, 8 57 and 7 p. m The 5 20, 8 10 a. m , 2 Oo and 7 55 p. m. train have through cars for New York. The 6 20, 8 10 a. m. and 2 OO p. m. trains have through car for Philadelphia. SCA'DJTS. For New York at 6 20 a. m. For Allentown and way station at 6 20a. a. For Keadmg, Philadelphia and way station at 1 45 p. m. Train for Harrisburg Isane an follows : Leave New York at 8 45 a. m., I 00. $ SO and 7 45 p. ra. Leave Philadelphia at 9 15 a. m.,1 40. aad 7 20 p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40, 1 T 20 a. m., 1 30, 6 15 and 10 35 p. m. Leave Pottsville at 6 15, 9 15 a. m. and 4 25 p. in., and via Schuylkill aad Susquehan na Branch at 8 05 a. m. Leave Allentown at 2 30, & 50, 8 65 a. m... 12 15, 4 30 aud 00p. m. The 2 40 a. m. train from Allentown and the 4 40 a. m. train from keading do sot run on Monday- SUXDJYS. Leave New York at 5 80 p. m. Leave Philadelp'jiw at 7 20 p m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40 a. m. aad 10 45 p. m. Leave Allen'own at 2 30 a. m. and 3 00 p. m. Fia Her ru and Essex Railroad. JOHN E. WOOTTEN, General Superintendent. new grain7flouranl feed depot. The undersigned will buy LL KINDS OF GRAIN at fir market prices, at his NEW WARE HOUSE, IX MIFrLINTOWN. Flonr, Feed, Shorts, Corn Meal, Buckwheat Flour, &c, FOR SALE AT MILla PRICES. Farmers leaving their grain at the Ware house will have it taken to the mill and re turned 10 the Warehouse ground in Hour. All Orders Promptly Attended To. Ma F.SPENSCHADE can at all time, be founa at the Warebouse. Jan 10, 1876. JCSEPH MUSSER. B. LOUDON, MERCHANT TAILOR, In room on second story of 5. B. Parker's new building, ob Main Street, Mifflintown, Pa. FASHIONABLE GOODS alw.y. M band. CUSTOM WORK DONE oa the shortest notice. GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern. PERSONS buying goods can ha then cut in garments free of charge. BUTTERIC1TS PJTTERSS also for sale. ALIs WORK WARRANTED, PRICES LOW. Oet 22, 1373-tf The Simtixss, ass Rxpraucas bas ae superior as an advertising medium in this county, and as a Journal of varied news and reading it is not surpassed by an weekly paper in eaatxal PeuosyWeaia.