Err'ivj, i t. . SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN M1FVLINT0WN : TERMS. Uloripua. 1.50 per annuo, f paid sittttx II Mentha j $2.00 if ut P"I within II month. , Traasteat advertisements inserted at 60 Mh per in'cb for each insertion. TrausleBt business notice in local col asnc, 10 cenk.s per line for each insertion. Dsducjiooa iH be made to th-ae desiring to aTWbao h hlf or ".a"1" PENK'A. B. TIME TABLE. OK and after Sunday, Tjior: i ., 1876, passenger traina will lei fa kifliin Su tton, J. K. H., aa followa : bastwabb. Philadelphia Express 12 64 a m tMtfiia Arcominodatioa 6 tiS a ni Pi.eiue Express v. ... 10 19 4 m IJohiistnwn Kxpres 11 Z t a ui JVsil 6 05 p m Atlantic Exprcse U.. ........ 9 13 p ni VEVTW11D. "ittsbm-g Express . ,svV2 88 a m l?acic Express 2 a ni I Way Passenger 10 W a ni J dul 8 p ni ;r"a Line ... 4 68 p m jaftflio Aecoi&jioAatioB ........ 8 00 p ni I fi7. I iJmilf txctpl Sunday- t Tai'y icpt i,udmj ij. Zrirjr txttpt Mam- 10CJL IKTELLIGESCE. A surreif jf sleighiug. A.e juj. in ah, wah, uht wah f Jirokm The back -bone of winter. Dsd Tbe TesUvi) mania. Hard times lulled it. A bard and unrelenting friend The judg ruenf rote. Publicity ia Aa law f political health 1a a Ktipablic." The Tcrkj are threatening war, and iaan lug paper money. T Sheriff of Berks county gets twenty four ceaitf mileage per mile. Murphy ia raising a strong temperance trette in P.ttburg. Tor Kent A comfortable house. I or j-atinlara call at Ibia office. T brat Sew Orleans Baking f olasses at Winey t Laudis'a, Port Koyal. Thev say 5t is foreign demand that has raised coal oil from lo to 40 centa. Western newspapers hare it that Mrs. Senator L-gan is a great Lobbyist. Five hnrdred Sioux Indian lamilies bare scaped to the British osseasions. TUa State Dental Association held its late annual meeting in Tyrous last week. 1 he moving of ice on the river about Pittsburg last week did great daluage. Andrew Kir-ple, sged 100 years, died in the Huntingdon county Peer House recently. tiy the explosion of a coal oil lamp four parsons were buraed last Monday evening ia Alloon. T'.erJ are one thousand dollar greenback notes ia circulatiou. Thisotfice is not trou bled by tUx. HT.adelpbia Markets. Ukeit $1.00, tol.tjO, Oats UCtulJc, Corn 0to5cJ;, Clo rceu I.e. "The political excitement hag somewhat abated, ail the Lticufl' heroes reliriug quict ly ironi thu deid. Etai the report of the Congressional Coinniitt'e of Fourteen. Ton are au in lerctUd party. Twenty thousand California salmon were placed in the Li(? Spring, near Newville, Cumberland county, last wt Vie-y at Landiv Port Royal, keep a full lice of Leather and Shoe findings. Put a few dollars Into youi pocket for the newspaper niau when you come lo town during court week, or any other time. Charles Uarler, an elderly citixen ol Fer managh townh p, died last Frilay, ud wn buried in l"t-ion Cemf tery last Vundar. A Columbia county butcher, for phasing m'lie mut to his cubtomers as b'ifftio steak sent to tiiu from the West, has been sent to Jail. O.mirg Valentine day. Who will make a picture of hiu self for the country to look at oa the 14th day of February, at Wash ington I K-Ib Kolland, the bsnk robber who es--.; 1 itum ilie Chambeburg j ill not long inc-, wJ captured in Chicago last Wed w ' y uik,Lt. Tba Turkish question is along distance from j:ceaule one, and the pei-j4exing thing to fcurnpeana ia the fact that the Turk caa'l be scared. - The election of ortcers of the Selins groTd aud Sorth Branch Kailroad Company was postponed last Mondsy, till the I3ih tljy of Uarch next. A daughter or Johnny Hays, of the Pat tersou Uouse, died altar a brief illness of dipl.theri, last Wednesday, and was buried in L'nion Cemetery on Friday. " The boys of Allegheny City used the hill side streets of that town as cossting places until Mayor Phillips fined Uiem tire dollars apiece, and that ruined the coasting busluvss." The very beat Dollar Syrup told at 80 centa it gallon, at Wiuey h. Landia'a, Port Uoyal. Some four or live granaries hare been forcibly eutered, in the neighborhood of this place, and grain taken therefrom. With all the quietness of the thierea, in two in stances they were seen. Last Saturday night a Dauphin county Jury found Frank Wilson, a colored man, guilty of the murder of John B. Bandy, a HirrUaure white man. The murder was committed last June. Since the shocking Ashtabula railroad calamity, the civil engineer of that road baa bsen in a depressed lrame ot mind. On the 20th inst., to end his misery, he com mitted suicide. The man who attended a fashionable church two jean without being spoken to bv anv of the congregation, resigned when the minister preached a sermon on " The kacojaition of Friends in Heaven." A century after this the outrages of the Ch'valry ol t!ij Sonth. now the so-called Ket'orcirrs, will lie aa disgraceful a chapter for that section of country as the burning of the heretics is for the Catholic church. Secretary Chandler is out in a card deny ing tiie report that has been circulated be despatched to Florida that they should have all the money and United States troops needed. Ko one bat hard-shell Democrats ever believed that he so despatched. Mr. Gladstone, while on his way to fell tree or ao not long sines, was baiied by a carter (being naturally in working costume) aud invited to assist ia unloading a barrt.1 of beer. The statesman did so, and to the UTrise of the carter declined an offer of a pint of tha fluid at a neighboring hotel." John Heffiier was arrested in Hea ling and charged with receiving stolen gnnds, but when kis prus.-cutors learned that be was the father el ftrt-ln children they withdrew their chargea aud the fellow was set al lifewty. A targe meeting wss held in tfle Presby terian church oa Jiodday eteniug lo listen to the suggestions ol a cliuiuiittvv of Ihd LewUtoa n Tonng Men's Christian Associ ation, as to the organisation of such an Association ia this place. The eight thousand dollars expended on the would-ba TUden elector from Oregon was tbat much money lost or wasted. The kn not the bad feature in it. The cor ruption la it ia what snakes the thing repul sive. The reformers have queer ways. The bill reported by the Congressional Committee of fourteen for the adjuat mentor the dispute ia the several States, over the late election, is no compromise. It is sim ply doing what Congress is b-und to do, to tl:id m constitutional remedy lor the present tro'iole. The United States Circut Court on Fri day decreed tbat the million and a half that the Centennial Commission got from the General Government, shall nut be relunded t" the loss of the Cetitenmil stockholders ; ; that the exhibition Wat a natloual one, and that the National Government shall be paid out of the funds remaining after the stock holders have. been paid in lull. What a queer place New York city is. The other day a discarded lover, who had presented the lady of his love valuable pres ents after she bad promised to marry him, brought suit for the recovery t thirteen hundred dollars damage on her refusing to fulfill the marriage contract. lie's a goose, and it you don't like the sex, you Biay call him a gander. Some Western would be leader of the Democracy urges the party to which be professes to belong, to march to the num ber of one hundred thousand strong to Washington, and il Tildeu is not elected, to drive the authority out of power, and seat Mr. Tilden. Reform Kelonn! But the Democracy are net the least disturbed by the crazy fellow's advice. The mass of that party would rather help to har.g the man tbat proposes such revolutionary and un lawful ending of the Republic. Twice, on Friday a week two tramps en tered Cx1 Judge Oles' housr, near Johns town, this county. Daring their fir-t call they proposed to bay a horse. The Judge told tbem he had none to sell, which esnred them to leave. On their a.oi:d call they again proposed to buy a horse. The Judge aain told them be had none to sell, here upon one of them drew a revolver, and the other knocked the Judge down with a billy. Ilia cries for help alarmed the Sjcoundrels, and they fled beyond reach before help ar rived. As a rule sli-ighii:g parties select weather of the fiercest cold to drive in. An excep tion is uoted in the drive of a tarare sleigh ing party of ladies aud gentlemen of this place, last Thursday evening, to McAlister ville, where they partook of supper at Sharon's hotel. It is ansible to sleigh for pleasuie when the tenratdre is at freez ing point, or a lew d;rees above that point, but when it is cold enough to convert one into a lump of burning, stinging, s, Halting -u, it's not , well, you may say it your self. Latimer tiuy, sou of David and C. P. Smith, of Thou psontown, departed this life Jsnuary 1C, ls77, after a severe illness of twenty-four homs, aged 3 years, 10 months and 16 days. For one ao young many touching words fell from his lips d iring the last f. w hours of his life, such as "Pass me not, Oh! gentle Savior, Hear my bumble cry," and "Ob, tuamiua, I'm sick euougfc o die, aud when I die will you put my new suit ou me, mamma ?" and mauy others. The last intelligent words and looks are the ones that linger longest, and cause the heart to ache most for the da- parted dear ones. Question of Removal. The questiou of removing I lie State Capital from Harristiurg to Philadelphia is extending itselt, and it may Boon be the leading question in the S'ate. The corcraeroial, and manufacturing inter e.-ts of Philadelphia are overshadowing, but suob questions Lave no iuteresta to lose bj tbe Capital being located inland. The State buildings now occupy a more central position than that of Philadel phia, and that ia tbe miuds of ruial people is quite a significant considera tion. By having tbe seat of govern- meat in central locality it becomes ac cessible alike to all, and accessibility ia ever a question that enters into the consideration of each a question ; and then it is a pleasant ibiug for country folks to know that when tbey aend their representatives to legislate, tbat tbey are oot lost in a sea cf people, wbicb would be tbe case once tbe Capital is located at Philadelphia. Tbe presence of Ihd Legislature will not be felt or seen by tbe general public, except through its enactments. It is too in definite a designation to say tbe Legis lature in Philadelphia. It is like talk ing of tbe proverbial "needle in a hay stack," but when tbe Legislature meets at such a place as Ilarrisbnrg, it is never lost sight of. Its individuality is not merged and forgotten in tbe sur roundings, and its location ia no indefi nite matter, and so with every Depart ment tbat is attendant ou tbe State Government ; and above all is the ex pense that must of necessity attend sack a removal in tbe first stiges of location, and tbe continual expense tbat will be imposed on eoanlry people every time tbey are called to tbe Capital of tbe State. The editor of the Beaver .flrgtf und Rculual is anxious for a revision of oar tax laws, changing them to a system prevailing in Ohio. Every body else from other States whom we have ever heard npeak on the sub ject, 6eemed anxious to introduce into their Commonwealths our sys tern, under which a huge debt is rap idly melting away, paid from a reve nue raified without s penny of tax ation on billions of real estate within our borders. Precisely why such a system of raising revenue should be changed we cannot divine, unless the corporations that now pay so heavy a proportion of our taxes desire to es cape by dumping the burden over on the furmers tnd house holders of the State. IJarnsburg Tettgrapk. .Trial Liit far February Terui., 1877., . 1: Gdo f. Kobisun at William Res, part uera, iratUng aa Kobisun, Eea at Co., vs. Stewart T McCnlloch, 2. Albright S Bujwick and Britin Bos wick, for the use of said Oannah, vs. Wil liam Q K no use and James S Cox. 5. S-ii:ia?rT and Korfh Branch Rail road Compiny vs. D A Duughman. 4. The Columbia Insurance Company va. Solomon Bender k. Christian Bender, doing business aa S Bender tk Bro. 6. William Cox vs. Adam Wilt. 6. Columbia Insurance Company va. Wil liam O Winey. 7. John Gingrich va. Jesse Bryner. . 8. Cstbatiae Dressier vs. Michael Dress ier. 9. Jsmus F reeland vs. Frank ShieWSi 10. James S Var?h vs. Tanl Cox. 11. Robert McMeen, Administrator of Re siah Kerchner, dee'd., vs. David Fowies. 12. Jane Keexbury vs. Thorns B Coder, Administrator of Amanda Miller, dee'd. 13. Henry K Fry mover va. The Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Middle Pennsylvania. 14. Morris Barnes, S 8 murker, Jr., Sam uel II. Sedes and Jamea H Cannon, trading as Barnes 4. S mucker, vs. J B M Todd. 15. G M Graham vs. the borough of Port Roval. 16 Jehu McLaughlin, for ute of G W Jacobs, va the borough of Port Koyal. 17. G W Anderson, for use of P M Kep ner, va. -he borough of Port Royal. 18. Samuel Buck vs. the borough of Port Roval. 19. Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Company, ol Dickiuson township, Cumber laud county, Pa , now the People'sFire In surance Compiny of Pennsylvania, for the ute of Sponsler k. tirecn, vs. David A. Doughman. JACOB BKIDLER, Prolhonotary. Prethonotary'a Office, MiUJin- town, Dec. 'ii, is.0. The Attorney General of the State has decided that there will be no election for assessors at the Febru ary election. The assessors elected at the spring election in 187C con tinue in office until the first .Monday in April, 1S78. In 1878 assessors will be chosen whose terms of office will y9mence on the first Monday in April of thnt year, and expire on the first Monday in April, 1S79, and each year thereafter an election for assessors will take place in this way. Ilarriiburg Telrgrapk. Public Sales. II. Latimer TtWn, AdminUttatcr of Benjamin Tregn, deceased, will offer at pi:b:ic sale, at the late residence of said de cedent, near Oakland Mills, in Fayette township, at 10 o'clock A. M., on Thurs day, Febrnarv 8th, 1877, three mares, two horses, 1 horse colt, I mare colt, ' cows, 1 tat steer, 1 bull, & head young cattle, 10 extra good sheep, 1 sow and pigs, Wagons, bugjry, ah-d, reaper, corn planter, and many j other farming utonsils, also bay and corn ' louder, grain in Itie grouna, d.wu oat snin glea, lot chi-stuut rails, potatoes, avc, .c George Mi Don. lit will ofTerat public sale, at bis residence in M iiford township, at 10 o'clock a. a., on F riday, February J, lfTT, three horses, two cows, lour hv'ad of young cattle, wagon, sleds, plows, harrows and other farming implements. James Wilson will offer at puoUc sale, at Lis residence in Delaware township, mile east of Thompsotitown, at 10 o'clock A M., on Saturday, February 3, 1877, three work horses, 1 family mare, 2 colts, 2 milch cows, one being fresh ; 2 head of young cattle, 2 hogs, 10 shoats, 1 four-horse wagon, one Champion reap-r, hay rake, corn planter, and other farming utensils. LiTEtaar Xoikk The Third Annua Convention of Liter-ry Societies of Juniata couwtywill bi htftd iu Port Royal, January 3fhh and 81st, lf-77. Opening sewon, Tues day evening, at 7 o'clock. The public are iuvitud. Address communications to EDGAR A. TENNIS, President, ThoinpsoatoWn, Pa., Or, Miss Mulue E. Fi jix, Secretary, Mexico, Pa. Jan. 1, 1877. For Sale- A comfortable Frame House, and Good Lot, in tbi borough. Price $300. Two liundrej dollars cash ; balance on mortgage. Time to suit purchaser. For more definite iu- foroaaltoD call at this (moo, or address tbe editor of this paper. tf. 31 A KB I ED: AU1SMAN TRAKER On the 17tli in stant, by Rev. J Landis, Mr. Rudolph Arts- man, of Mr Alisterville, and Mrs. Hannah E. Cramer, . ; Phillip, burg, Centre county. CLOSING PRICES or DE HAVEX &T0WXSEXD, BARKERS, No. 40 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Stocks Bought and Sold either for Cash or on a Margin. January 22, 1877. Bid. Askew. U.S.6's 1881 5-20's 1865 1865, J t J 1H67 18.18 10-40 t'urremy.O's. .......... 5V, 1881, new i'a, new Pennsylvania K. R. ........ ... Philadelphia 4. Rci 'ing R. R.. Lehigh Valley K. R. I.rliih Coal Jl Navigation Co.. United Coiupanii-a of N- J.... Piusburg, Titusvilie fc Buffalo K. K Philadelphia Erie R. R Northern Central R. R. Co.... llestonvillo Pasa. U. it. Co. i. Gold 114! 1(I ml 117J n? 12i 1118 i 48 1C, H 14U 115 lliii 11 mi . 114 12 'i 112 1 'i 8U 1404 l ft 14 27 21 26 2l lOtiJ 1I.6J COM3IERC Via. UIFFL1NTOWK MARKETS. Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thomas MurrusTows, January 24 j 187?. Batter 20 Eggs 30 Lard 8 Ham 12 Bacon ......... Potatoes Ouions. ........ 8 74 46 MIFFLIN TOWN GRAIN MARKET. Corrected weekly by Buyers II Kennedy. QcoraTioxs f oa To-dat. Wednesday, January 21, 1877. Wheat 1 33 Corn .a 42 Oats i 25to30 Rye 65 Timothy secdi.... 1 60 Cluverseed 7 50to8 75 Job work oa abort notice at this o&ce. PRIVATE SALES. OJfE OK TUB MOST PROFITABLE BLACKSMITH STAXD3 In tbe county" may be purchased of fie undersigned at h reasonable price. The property is situated in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with the Smith stand includes a lot of about TWO ACKE4, having thereon erected a comfortable T-story Framellonsr, a com modious Stable and other outbuildings. There is a Well of good water at the doer of tbe house. For particulars call oa or address HOOPS, Walnut P. O., Juniata Co., Pa. A FARM OF SIXTY ACRES IN DKLA ware to-vnship. Land of good quality, having thereon erected a LOG UOUSE, weaUiei-boarJed, BANK BARN, nearly new, and other outbuildings. Convenient to churches, schools and mills. Situated S miles north of Thonipsontown, 4 miles north of Thonipsontown railioad station. For more definite particulars call on or address SAMUEL J. KURTZ, East Salem, Juniata Co., Pa. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE 175 ares, more or esa, one hundred aud twenty-five or thirty acres of which are cleared and under cultivation, situated in Tuscaro ra VaZey, Juniata county, Pa., aeven niiles from Jliillintown, the county seat of said soouty, and four mies from the Pennsylva nia Railroad at Port Roys, bounded by finds of Mrs. G. W. Thompson and others, having thereon a Good House and Barn, and a necessary cutbuifdiiigs, good Bcver faifing running water at both house and barn, an abundance of fruit of different kinds. Will be sold for $3800, and if de sired $2500 may remain in the property. For partlrnlars Inquire of the undersigned) residing on the premises, or by letter at Port Royal, Juulala Co., Pa. J. F. G. LONG. MILL PROPERTY IS SPRUCE 11 ILL township, Juniata county, with a good pair of Fieuch Burrs, and a pair of Counter Choppers. Good run of custom. Good neighborhood. Will sell Mill with water privilege and about one acre and a half of land, or if desired, will sell almut SO acres of land, 26 acres cleared, with good Frame House, siie 29x40 fret, Bank Barn, sixe 40( 56 feet, and other necessary outbuildings, good Orchard, two excellent Springs of limestone wsttr near the house. Will also sell a FARM of about 85 acres, aojoiniug thu above; abont 5 acres timber land, and the balance t-leared. This tract is mostly Hint gravel land, and has been re cently limed, having thereon a good sized Log House and two good Springs of lime stone water, one of which could be lipej to the kitchen door. Will sell all together, or separately, to suit purchaer. The properties are -ight miles from the l'enusylania Kailroad. Apply to J. KFI.f.T PATTERSON', Pleasant View, Juniata Co., Pa. FAEM IN srsorEIIANNA TOWS- ship, ciw'aiuing 90 acres; &2 acres cleared, well fenced and in a gotal state of cultiva tion; New Dwelling House, wcatber-boarde.t and well finished, Sank barn, and all necessary outbuildings ; flow ing water, 'thriving young orchard in bear ing condition ; flue chestnut and other tim ber ; three miles from IVnu'a canal, ten miles from l' nu'a railroad ; church, school house, mill, store ai d tavern ull within one halt of a wile, to a mile ; good eommiiuiu . A pply to W . H . K ' L' S E, Miffliutown, Pa. T1TE FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE IN EuMjuebanna towushifi: No. 1. A lot of cround containing S acres, with large Dwelling House, aud ex cellent water at the door. Good Barn, Smoke Hons aud other outbuildings. Young ami llteiviufr Orchard of about 70 well aulccled appie-irees, &c. Church ad joining the preuiises. No. 2. About 4 acres of land, with 30 acres cleared ami uuJer good cultivation. Balance woodland. No. 3. A tract ( Timberland contain ing 6 acres. All three mperties within one-fourth of a mile of each other. Apply to S. G DRESSLER, Oriental P. O., Juniata Co., Pa. TWENTY AGUES GOOD T1MBKR LAND 2 miles from Patterson a,;1 Port Royal, one-half mile from Saw Mill. Other tiiuberlaud ailjoiniug this can be bought. Apply to B. F. BURCllFir.LD, Office, Bridge St., Miftlintown, Fa. A HOUSE AND A HALF LOT OF GROUND in Patterson Borough. The House new aud well finished. Terms easy. A TRACT OF WOODLAND IN FER- inaiiaj:b township, Juniata countr, contain ing about 12 Acres, aell timbered. This traet is in Lost Creek Valley, about five miles from MiSiintown. Apply to JEREMIAH LTONS, Office, Opposite Court House, Bridge St., Mitllintown, Pa. Philadelphia & Reading Kailroad. AaTaflgemeiit of Passenger Trains. November 28th, 187C. Trtnm Uact flirruhurg at followt : For New York at 5 20, 8 10 a. m., 2 00 and 7 oo p.m. For Philadelphia at 5 20, 8 10, 9 45 a. ra. 2 OU and S ol p. ra. For Reading a 5 20, 8 10, 9 45 a. m.,2 00, . 3 6i and oo p. m. For Pottsville al 6 29, 8 10 a. m., and 8 6i p. m. and via Schuylkill at busque hanna Branch al 2 40 p. m. For Allentown at 6 20, 8 10 a. m., 2 00, 8 6 aud I p. m The 6 20, 8 10 a. m , 2 00 and 7 55 p. ra trams have through cars for ev i ork. Tbe it 2", 8 10 a. in. and i Oil p. ni. trains hare through cars for Philadelphia. SUSD.1t. For New Tork at 5 20 a. m. For Allentown and way sUtions at 3 21a. m. For Reading, Philadelphia aud way stations at 1 ) p. m. Train far Harntburg Itavt at follow : Leave New York at 8 4 j a. m., 1 00, 5 30 and i 4o p. m. Leave a'hilaalelpbia at 9 15 a. m., t 40, and 7 20 p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40, 11 20 a.m., 1 30, ti 15 aud 10 85 p. m. Leave Pottaville at 6 lo, !i 15 a. m. and 4 35 p. iu., and via Schuylkill aud Susquehan na branch at 8 u5 a. m. Leave Allentown at 2 30, 5 50, 8 65 a. m., 12 15, 4 30 aud ! 00 p. m. The 2 40 a. ui. train from Allentown and the 4 40 a. m. train from Reading do nut run on Mondays- Leave New Tork at 5 80 p. id. Leave Philadelphia al 7 20 p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40 a. mi and 10 85 p. m. Iave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. and 9 00 p. m. Vim Horru amd Etttx Rtilmtd. JOHN E. WOOTTEX, G titer al Supmrinltwitni. Execatstr's lVcttce. LETTERS Testamentary on tbe estate of Joshua Poffeiiberger, late of Kcrnlan- agh townsli': ,deceas-d, l'awiijt been granted to the undersigned, al! persons indebted ti ssid estate are requested to make payment, and those baring claims or demands are re quested to make kjown the saiuo without delay to ISAAC P0FFEXBERGER, Nov. 29, 1878. EtkuIt, Ae tf Jdrertiseutenl. IVEW GiUix, FLOiJulxb FEED DEPOT. The undersigned will buy ALL KINDS OF GRAIN at fair market prices, at his NtW WARE HOUSE, IS M1FFLINTOWX. Flonr, Feed. Shorts, Corn Meal, Buckwheat Flour, &c, FOR DALE Af.MtL.Ia PRICES. Farmers leaving their grain at the Ware house will have it taken to the mill and re turned lo the Warehouse ground in HoiTi All Orders I'romptly Attended To. MR. ESPENSCIIADE can at all times be fonud at the Warcuoose. Jau 10, 1876. Ji SEPII MUSSER. BUVERS & KENXEDY, (Successors to D. P. SuIoufT,) DEALERS IX COAIa, UMBER, CEMENT, Calcined Plaster. Land Plaster, SEEDS, SALT, AC. We buy Gnlhi to bo delivered at Miffiin town or Purl Royal. We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. BUTERS Jt KENNEDT. April 21, 1875-tf XEW GOODS! XEW GOODS! AT J. B. M. TODD'S, PATTERSON, PA. I have just returned from Fhilade'pHa with a full line of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Men's Snits, $ t.Vt, $.,.00 to $-.1.f. Boys' Suits, $2.50, f4 M to S 10.00. A full line of the MOST FASIlIOS.laaXElU.aTS. at low prices. A complete assortment of Ladies Best Shoes, at $1.2 " and upwards, i A full line of ChiMreu's Shoes. 1 bate also a full line of Ladies' llose, Haudker- cliiels, tic. Also, a large stock of GROCERIES. ArbucUcs' Coflcc 30c. Mackeral, No. 1, $1 50 per I bbl. I am now selling SEWING MACHINES at WHOLESALE TRICES. I will sell yu any kind ol a machine at TWESITI PER CE.VT. EESS than tbey are usually aold. Leave your orders, and youcau haveauy kiud you want. J. B. M. TODD. Patterson, May 17, 1876. EiV DRIU STORE. BANKS & HAMLIN, (Ueltord Building,) Main Street, NIUlintatTn, Pa. DJsALEita IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DVE STUFF, PAINTS OILS, VAKMSI1ES, GLASS, PUTTY, COAL OIL, LAMPS, lil'UNKKS, CIlluNEYS, BRUSHES, HAIR HKLMltS.TOOlll BRUSHES, PER FLMKKY.CtJMliS, SOAPS. HAIR CIGARS, NOTIONS, STATIONERY large variety or PATEXT MEDICINES, Selected with great car, and warranted rum hi)fh atithoritv. C7-Purst or WINES AND LIQUORS for medical purposes. CYPRES JRIPTIONS cmponnded with great care. June 22-tt. ITT-KEAUY FOUAGENTS THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION fKlBI AM) aXaAaratATawST A aea-pi--iuo . i. i.iory, grand bnildiugs, wonderf ul exhibits, curi osities, great days, etc. Profusely illustra ted, thoroughly i-opular, and verv cheap. Is selling immensely. 5,000 AGENTS wanted Send fur lull particulars. This is THtcutxcs of I'M) years to coin money fast. Get the only reliable history. Ill U- BAliD ttROTUhRS, Publishers, 733 San- soul street. Philadelphia, Pa. OH7TIOS. Be not deceived by pre- Inaiure b"Jis assuming lo be -olhVial," and telling what will happen in Jugntl and Septtmbtr. f OFFICIAL K1ST0SY OF THE lENTE..'L EXHIBIT It sells taster than any other book. Ooe Agent aold SI copies in one day. This is 'ha aiitlcntic and complete lntory published. Send for our extra terms to agents, ft arioxai. PculihuinO Co., Phila- delpuia, l a. ELHOW-BOOM. MAY ADELKK'S NEW fciMHC. Just published. Will outsell any book in the field. This, brightest of humorous books, is profnsely illustrated with the most laugh alJe j lures by Abthi-s B. Fbost. Will sell bv icasou of its beauty and cheapness. ISo other bo. publishei possi-ssing such general fitness lor the wants ot the present natural coloring matter in it. or re-excite tunes. Agents who isb to make lilG the roots of the bair lo erowth again, noth WAGES wanted iu every loan. Tempting 1 jug has ever been introduced to tbe Anieri terms and circulars sent, on application to I can people that equals the J. SI. STitl'IMKT CO., li Chestnut street, Philadlj llia. gOtOMOM 8E1UKK, Will visit Mifilin and Patterson everv Tuesday, Thurs.lay and Saturday mornings ami will furnish the citizens of these bor oughs ait I the best ol BEEF, VEAL, MUTTOy, PORK, fce. at the very lowest prices. He respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. Sale Bills printed on short notice at the flic of the 8tml nd Kseaotcaa. TO ALL. t)R. BW-A.YJSTE, THE Discoverer and Compounder of the far-lamed DR. SWATHE'S Cetrrpouud ynip of Wild larrry and other valuable prcparationa, entered upon his pnrfVssioiial careerwith the i upor taut advantage of a regular Medical Educa tion in one ! the oldest andbest schiol in Pliilulellii., and, perhas, in ibe world. He subseiiirnlly served a Uithl'ill teno of practice in the Philadelphia Dipensarr,aad for many years atteuded also iu the hospi tal. In Uiese Institutions he ei)-ved the most siiire fpptMtunilies of ofMaining an insight info diseases in all their varied forms, as reil as tor ascertaining the best methods of their treatment. I.i ottering, therelorc, to the people of tbe United states tbelruitsof bis extensive protcasioual ex perience in the luedic.ll compounds as the best results of his skill amd observation, he feels that he is Ifitt rotUr'Ir.jr a boon lo emj family throughout tb j land, resting, as he does, confidently to the merits and eth.achiua virtues of the remedies b-i here with commends. Iho vastaiiH.iintof testi monv Irom all parts of the world ha. proven DK. SWATSE'S COMP'iUND SVhUP OF WILD CilEkltY" la mast efficacious remedy known, aud it is aJ.nitleil by our most eminent pliy.-n Lins, and all who have witnessed its wonderful healing properties. Tbe WILD CHERRY, in ail g: ot the world, and lu all Countries wb'.-rv it is known, has beet, justly celebrated for its x ou.lert ui medicinal iiialitii-a, but lis great power to euro some of tbe worst ami most distressing diseases among us, was never fully ascer tained until the experiments of that sM'Ifu! physieian. Dr. Saayne, had deunrfistrati-d its ai!aptation, iu cmiibi-ation with Pine Tar and equally val.iabld vniret h!e iiiyredl'-nt-". ahich, chemically con bil, renders its ao tion tenfold more certain and b.-nrlii-ial in curios: all diseases of the thri, breiit and lungs". DK. SWAYNK'S WILD LIIKRHT COMPOUND strikes at the root of ihcdis oasi. by purit'yingathe blond, restorlnj; the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invig orating the nervous and shattered constitu tion. It does $a without prostrating or weakening the in ati.v way. It cures not only the lungs and liver, but every ur gn tH-pcndent upon a wasted of impover ished slate of the biood. a nr.niRh.tBLE re re was tUat of Edward II. Ilamson. Engineer at George SWeeney'a Pottery, 1,334 Kidge Avenue, Philadelphia. He had a violeat rough, night sweats, sore throat, great weakness, spit at different times a pint ot blood, gave p ail hope ol recovery. Through Ihd use of -Dr. Swat he's M ild Ch-rry Syrup'' became a sou n, huarty man, ami remains at) to this dsy a(ihoi:gi over twenty years L&ve el.ipstd sinco he Was cun-d. We are perroiftetl to refer lo the rol lowtng gentlemen who have experienced great benefit, aud ned "Dr. S w.n ne's Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry" in thc-ir fam ily for many ears : Samuel G. Scott (firm of Jacob Reigel at Co., llrv Goods, No. 83d Market sirest, Philadelphia.) Klwood T. Pas;-y (form -rly firm of Tjsl., Pusev av Wise, N. K corner of Fifth and .Market stre Is, Phila-lelphia.) Robert Hutchinson, No. 2,201 Spring tianlen street, Philadelphia. John J. I. tie, lry Goods .Merchant, cor ner Seienth and bpriug Garieu streets, Philadelphia. D. livers, Founder. Coates street, al-ore Tseuty-secon l, Piitailei(h:a. And thousands of others Irom every sec tion of :he habitable glolw. PHICE $1 ; 6 BOTTLES FOR $j. If not so'd hv voar dru'reit or store- ke.-er we will f. rwanl half a .lox,-o to any , ad iress, Irei-l.i paid, on receipt of tbe j price. Pr.-jretl only by j Hit. b v A l .r. Si. SOS. X0 NOUTU SIXTH STKttT, PIIILA- tDLLPHIA, PA. SolJ by all iTominrut druggisU. ITCniO PIL.ES are generally preceded bv a moisture like persj ira'ion, distnssiog itching, as though pin worms were cr , Ii ,jr in and shout toe recti. m, particularly at tilit, whm undress ing, or in bed, after gelling warm. It ap pears in summer as well as iu winter, often times shows itself around the private parts, and is not routined to m ile only, bill it is quite as frequent that females are sorely a!flH-ttH nit-iM-nlv- in tii..... .F ..pwwi .n-v , , -- --ft i exten lin into I lit vagina, proving distres- . siti ai:i:ttst beyond the powers ol endur- 1 ance. Cases ol" long standing, pronounced sin:ply api'lymj SHAI SE'S Om JIEST. I1EKE IS THE PKOuF: Dr. Swayne at Son : Enclosed please fled one dollar lor two boles ot vour Ointment lor In-long files. 1 bine are tor some of j my Irieuds who are alluded with this dis- I tressiug coni.H.iifit. The ihh y.oi soot me a I year sjj,, used about .uic-lalt ot it, ai d I j am g'ad, yes, 1 am proud to say it made a I perfect cure. I think its elticacv should he ! published throughout the length and breadth ol the land, aoucan publish this if you think proper. DAVID GROSSNICKLE, Laidesbur, Frederick Co.. Aid. Kkdek: If you are suffering with this annoy iiig complaint, or Tetter, or any crusty, scaly, itchy skin disease, go to your drug gist and get a box f Swaixt's All-IUal-i.xo It will surely cure you. PiH-e oti cents a b x. Three luxes $i.2-"s 6 boxes $J..jil. Seiil by mall to a:iy address on reeei;4 ot the price. Prepared ou.y by Dk. S WAYNE V SOX, 330 Xorth SUIIi Street, PIULaDLLPHIA. Sold ar ali, PaoaissaT Daceatsrs. EVE YOU TBEL IT ? Life, "London Hair Color Restorer." London Hair Color Restorer." 'Loudon Hair Color Restorer." -London Hair Color Restorer." -London Hair Color Ht-Storer." 'London Hair Color kestorer." London Hair Color Heslorei." -London Hair Color Restorer." 'London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Growth, Beauty fur the HAIR. "London Hair Color Uvstorer." KkLP Tot a biad a so uaia BEALTHT. LUKDON HAIK. RESTORE?.. 1 It will restore gray hair to its original color. 2 It will thicken thin hair cause a new growth. t It will restore all natural secretions. 4 It will remove ail damirutf and i'chings. 6 it will make the hair solt, giossy and flexible. 6 It will preserve the original color to old ?e. 7 Tt ill prcvchl the hair from falling off. ti It will cure all diseases or the scalp. It restores both the luxuriance and color of the hair, and is as harmless as water Premature blanching or tailing of the hair is greatly to be nit retted, and that every body fcanta to be b -minimi is proof enough tliat it ia wise and right lo try to be so, by every proper means ; but there is nothing more important to tins end tnan beautiful i hair, iV-w to prevent the failing of tne L0XD0X HAIR COLOR RESTORES lC verv extensively among mv patients and frie'rds. as weil ss bv nivself 1 ti,erf.,r speak from experience. 7," era. pea bottle ; six DoTTiis roa $1. Sent by Express, to any addresa, on receipt of the price. Address all orders t Da. SwaTSE ft. So, 3il) North 3 'mill street, Philadelphia, Pa., sole Proprietors. SolJ by all Drvaridt. BsrM-1y D. W. HAELE Y'S I tbe place where joa can la TIIE BEST A?ID THE CUEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTH ING JUTS, CJPS. BODTS, ftfi'ES, Ji.D FVK.XISMX3 GOODS. UZ Is prepared to exhibit one ol the moat cboi-e a:d se'eet :oclt ever offared la' this market, aud at jHTOXlSHltGLY LOU' PK.'CaV . Also, measure taken for auiu aud pans of aui's, hich will lo naaJe U'rder at short notice, very raaaonaule. Kemembtfr tlfr plc. in HrfTuian's New liuiliimg, eoraer of LtriJpe auii Water s'reeta, MIFFLI.-TOvVN, PA. pt- , Hi-U SAM .VA A. Has just rtturued fioic the Kastcro oitUa wilb a fu'.i variety of mm & BOYS' CLOTHlk'd, HATS & CAI'S, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, Cr.NTa FUUN1S1I1NG C.O;)l3. Goo U of a'l kidt a- low rorn- aud sea ui and Imj atonM'HM.'.-.!int al 95 tt. XJ Sl'US MA!)S TO 0;;l)EK..r Patterson, Pa., May 'If, lb.". SAJll KL SlitAi ER. Pruftttionul Caid-i. JOLIS E. ATKIS'JX, ATTOKNKY - AT - l.WT, MlrFLINTOWN, PA. CyColleetiiig aud Cor.ietsucing prompt ly attended to. Or mls On Bridge street, opposite the Court Koasu Square. R Attorney and Counselor -at-Law. Prompt attention glve! to the securing and collecting ot claims, and ali legal busi ness. Orvrrs on bri-lyn street, 8rt door weM of tile Helford building. Aia-il 1 1, 167 i-lt A LFKED J. FATTKKSON. ATT ORK E Y-AT-LAW, M1FFL1NT0WN, JUNtATA CO., TA. rry AH bufinesa promptly attended to. Orricv On Bridge atree', opposite the Court House square. 7 1 I.LI AM M. ALLISON, ATTOKN EY-AT-L A"V7, Has resmued actively the praetice cf his pmli'ssi .n. All business promptly attend ed to. Mice, aa formerly, vljoiuin his residence, upposite Court House, alittiin town, Pa. D.-C. 22, l-75. JOHS' kclalgulTn INSURANCE AGENT, fort nor Jr., JcxtJT.t co., r.t. ?"Oii!y reliable Companies reprceutcd. Dec. 8, is75-ly " M.CK A WFOKD, M. lias res'i'Uf-d ac'ively the practice of Medicine and Su gery arid their collateral b'.irches Oltice at Ih; old corner of Thud and Orango streets, MilUiutowa, Pa. . March 2'J, lb7o THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D. rhysioian and Surgeon, MirrusTowx, r.i. Office hours from 9 a. a. to 3 P. a.. Of. See in his lather's residence, at the south end of Water street. octiJ-LI 1 C. KL'NDIO, M. D., has resumedac- lively i he practice of Uedirine and Surgery and their collateral branches. Will gie prompt ami laithlul atteution to all j pitipts entrusted to his care. 0:B';e in the Patterson Umi toie. Jnlv 2. l.-7-tf M. JJltAZKC, aM. LK, FEYSICIAN AKD SUSGEOK. .Icademia, Juniata Co , Tn. (irrtci formerly occupied by Dr. S terrett rroiessional businesa promptly aitenueu to at ail hours. ; j," n j Is. ALLtiA, W. IJ., Has corornencH the practice of Medicine andtfurgcry aud aiitheircu'.Iateial b.anches. Olce at Aca lculia, at the resiJencC of Capt. J. J. Patterson. (jnlt 15. 1S74 ' ',. . . .... ' KNUY IIAKSIILEKUEK.M. IX, Continues the practice of Medicine and Surgery and all their collateral branches. n,H...,i.;. : sr. sti..v:-i.. r'eb 9, 197. RE. BI-KL.W, D EXT 1ST. Office opposite Lntheraa Church, FORT ROYAL, JUNIATA CO., PA., Where he wiil spend the first len days of eacn monm. reminencmg lire, inlx r 1st. The balave or the time hs ollire will be occupied by J. ! kilmer, a young man worthy of contl.lence, and who has been assKiate.1 nh the Doctors student ami assistant tw,, years and ii.wanls. Those who rail itnnnc Dr. Knrlaii s !-ence fcr jirolessional service, mar. and will please arranee tM time ith Mr. Kilmerwhen thev 1 tbey may ba served, on the return of the Doctor. EAT ill S A T ! ! Ths nndersigned have eottmenced the Butcherins; businesa iu Ibe borough pf Mil- tliulown. BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, roiiK can be lisd every Tnsy, Tfmrsdsr end Saturday .. orntngs at th -ir meat store at the residence i.f Sir. Howe, on Cherry street. Their wagon will al visit the resi lience of citizens the same mornings. Kill none but th best of stock, and sell at lair prices. Give us a trial. HOWE k. ETC A. June 28, 1876-tf LOOTS AM) SHOES. A T my residence at East Point, Mifti ii l. town, 1 am prepared to promptly ttd orders for HOOTS AeSD SHOES, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. st riee. in eorrvstmnd with the tina. all kinds of REP AIRUi'G also promptly attended to. Hopln; to re ceive a sliare of tbe patronage ot the peo ple, I subscribe myself their obedient shoe maker. A. B. rASICK. Feb. , 1876-tf STRAYER Hair Vigor For restoring to Cray Hair its nitcrtl Vraity and Color. A dressLig wlii.h ii at otiie ajrreea- l.Ie, lieultliv, ftn.l rVri::lI & - ?''1-il for ,.r.rr. re- tletl im hair S-,- la its original co'or, irith (techvs an J freshness of jnA. Thin hair is tl;i. ki-nej, fail in" hair checked, ami LnMticss often, thrngh not always, cured by it lie. Nothing raa rts-ture t'ie hait where the follicles are detmre.i, or the plamlj atrrtliiel at)J decared; hut snch as remain can be saved br this application, and stimulated into activity, o that a tiew prowth of l:air is proluceiL Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and virons. It occasional use will present the hair from turning pray or fctlllnaT o2, and rouseqiR'nily prevent biiliitses's. The rfstoration of vitality it give tr the aa!p arrests and prevents the formation t-f dan-iriti", which is often to tin.enn'y and oPer-site. Tree from tho"a deleterious sub ttanoes T.-hioli mute jnr.-s? prepara tions danpi-rmiji, ar.d ir.jiuiotis ta tTia hait, the Vigor can only bencSr, b:?t not harm it. If wanted nitfrelr fof a HAIR PRESSIXf, notliinrf ilsa ran be fotm 1 so i!,-sir.ib!e. C'ontain inrj neither oil nor dye. it !oes nr.t soil white cambric, and yet l:u-tJ lor.p on '.Tie hair, giving it a rch, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfurae. Prepareu bv Dr. S, C. Aye- i Co., rraeUcn! 9n4 Analnral rbcsulstn. loiriri.t. kaxs. boi.o T i. hi. i... ut j avritriVHsatJ E. f. Kunkel's BiitFins of Iron has never bv""n kr!"ra to f .il in the cure cf srenkness, atteivi..-d with sriuj-to vs ; -position to exertion, loss t ti. Liiory, hffi culty ol b-eat'iinr, jcer.cral weaki-s. hor ror ol disease, weal;, ncrvovs tren.Hinf;, dreadful horror oi'dvalli, iiiht sweats, cold feet, weakness. dimnes of vi'on, lanrior nniversal l:iss:tnle of the mii.scuiar s. stria, enormous aj petite ith rlysjejic symloi:a. 1 hot hatliU. turiit of the b. !, , drvuess of j tao skin, pillid count.-ii m.'e ami er tptio- a : on tile ti"e, fUrify ii; th.- h' i d. p.ivi i" lu-i bark, be-aviiics ol . :e e) c:i'i., Irtpici't J blai k spots Hying b"'lo.c eyes i-h lem- T-7rarv suuusioii arc! !$. ol s.jat, wat. .-T attention, etc. These si mptoms a!i arise tro'n a weakness, and lo r-:.uMy That u j B. P. KikKkl's titter Wive f Iron. It never fails. Tnousands a-e trw er.joyhiil ' health who have Used it. Take oi'5 E. I'. l Kixkkl . j This truly valuable tonic Lis been so thor- onthly tested by all class-s cf the comma it is deemed aa m ! tonic meilicine. It co-.ts but little, parities the b i-xl ami gives tone to t!i- stomacb, ; feno,ales the vst:u d pro!o"j lite, ' Evert bialy should have It j 1 uu ii'ily sii a tin! of this TuTuaM ' Ionic. Price St p-r bottle. E. F. KcKC'.. ! Sole Prt;priet..r. No 2"9 North Ninth -"t.. below Vi..e, PhiU A,k f r K.m- , kel's f.itter Win e ot ri. sii take no otlic. . A pho.rtph o f Ih 5 roj.-i-.-t r oa each , wrapper, all others a-e counterfeit. ! Iteware of conutjrlci:... D. not let yonr ynruj:gisi sen you any om s, siimto i is put i:p onlv aa abjve rcpi es-olt:.l. Toa lean ret --ix littles lor '.. Ail I is ou ! simple tiul. j Tnve Wurm Rt:nfvrJ .Hive J II-: .! a':d all complete ill !w. !i.:;rs. No ' fee till I: i ui pase. f.;a. Pin ami Mons ' ach Worms removed If V?. Kt:"Kri. HaJ . K.Mh Vi-..h kr !!. '.,!' I.:. ! R.., ,,. ,.jrcl.lir. y.u. r,.:,,,,,. Seat, Pin ..r lllll; AVnr:.-..s, c .11 on your dmgrM and I aj. a b,..,;s ,,f Km.kel's Worm Scrur. . ke $!. Ii. niivr tails. Common s-n'e j lu.s Tip,. Wonu he Amoved, all oilier Kutut!i KJU bj j., nestroved. " I r ,t.,i. tt, .T -i U.- TJ,--, A IVIailhOOd: HowLoS,.HOW BeStOTf d Just luhlishe i, a new edition cf Dr. Ci.lvtr-I!'a '.'clcbrsted Ks I on Ifs raJiml rr (aiihoiil ni. ili- !cine)cf .'prrmatorihota or Seminal weaa- ness, In.otuntary Seminal Losses. Impo 1 tei.ey, Mental ai"t Pi y-ea! Incsni.-iiv. lit 'pediments to Marriage, e'e ; a'sa, t'nn ' sr.'iiM'on, Epilepsy and Fits, inio "rd h: seM-imlniceiM-e or sexual exiravaiv. -1.. . 1 tj-lrice, hi a sealed e;ive).-pc, ouly sii jcrrM. j The ceMrat-d au.lior, in ths almrMh!e ' H. say, clearly deiuonstraics. from a thirty J years' snceesi ill pmct'ee, that the alarm ing consequences ot ell-abue twvr ne rad j i -a!iy enrcd ithoi't the !ar.j'ts rs 01 internal me.iicirv or the api eatica of the j knife; pointing unt a i.-xlt cf cre at one I simple, certain, ai.d efl ct :t', by mett-.s oi J trhi h KVery M.terer, I. ) mairt-r h ! i' I condition may le, may rnre biiiis.'!! rh' sp ly. Ti.iva'eiy, snd rzunatl'j. rtyi nis L.clure sKoulil be in tbe hsefi . of every yr utli an I every rrm:i ia the land. Sent ui.rler s.ed. in n plain envelope, to any address, f,ml-paii, on Hie rceei;.t r..' ix cents or tro post staiDpj. Address tt. 1 Publishers, Fa DSrCMt! & OM, 41 Ann St.. New York; Poxt.t Wice Bov 4.V8. CHAia SIAMTaUTOliV. fTtuE nii.iersirtd, at l is shop, on Ws r L street, liilliin'own, has na on fc: 1 and for site cheap, a eneral a?.9rt'u St f ci-ivii.s. 1 fI ' h ,r 1 " u' has a large fx of COFFINS on baud, and, hiving purchased .-. rf Hearse, is now rr;ean-l l attcnil fr.r.rr.i t the shoriei.t and on the sro.- ':: ;wl terms. He h is made a gieatr4!ic:io3 in the price of Collins. Repairing proniptlT attended lr,. Juh-Stt O." P. KtatISO.V ss .: y r -7T r or nrt 1 1