was . i v i i i l . 1 I I 1 8 fcXTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIXTOWN: TTcdieadar, January IB, 1ST?. TERMS" SnbsxrriptioTi, $1.50 per innnm, If paid ittin IK u.ouths ; 92.00 if not pad within II (BOtlllt. T.ansjnt adrertisements Inserted at 50 cents per inch for each insertion. riMi'nt business notices in local col timn, 1 cents per line lor each insertion. Deductions be ina-ie to th ae desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter vocr. PENN'A. E. E. TIME TABLE. ON and after Sunday, Nov. 2'3rh, 1870, passenger tram will leave Mifflin Sta tion, 1. h. II., as follows : kastwabd. ffhi!ad( !j Via Express 12 CI a m ;"it!'.in A-ct nodal ion 6 25 t li L . . Ill ( in i: ' " ;r .." JJohnstown Express 1 1 a m i Vlail 6 05 p in ? 4.;lanric Express 8 Id p m westwabd. trstsbnrp Express ............ .1- SB a m i j'aeiiio r.xprcss 6 ( 2 a -u j Paenger lo w a m j JVail 8 3lpml Tf"at Line 4 38 p lu i :n Accommodation 8 w p in I UjUi. I JCeifjr except Sunday, t f '') trctft iasJaj night, i Dily tJCCtpt Mon day. I - 1 LOCAL ISTELLIGECE. Aud you hive sworn off. Silver jewelry is fashionable. Prayer nifv-tiiig every evening this week in the 1'resbytenan Church. C i l is at a premium of 27 per cent, in AssMa. Thursday, to-morrow, is the day for fpe ci:il pnj.T for the country. Everyb- iy has been tleighing, but those who do not like it. II you want sg nxl Home Blanket, cheap, vou can get one at Todd's. A protracted meeting was begun last Mon day cvtuiug iu the Licking Creek Lutheran Church. librae buying was brisk under the man agi meiit of Keuuedy and Rhoads last Sat urday. Kali'-its an 1 partridges have been pretty R-!,-'r.i"y I rosea out. They'll be scarce text year. So they say. 1 here will lie an Exhibition in the School I! "tie at Oakl.ind Mills on tin evening of J .nuxry IJ, 177. An imitation to ail is extend :t. J.i).t- dais betoro the en1 of the Miojtn g M-asMicliael Bashnre, of tV' alter iii-isl-'ji, iiyi a wild turkey ou the wi.ig at the 'iiM:ince of 75 yards. If yon want a jair of good water procf ISocts, y u can get them at Todd's. John r.-.-hoie, t Milt'ord township, shot eiht ;it turkL- s la-t hhonting soaS'in. J i n. you n:ay book us fr a few days next li.i:iiing !.,.)(.-, it our health is sparci that ' To'tch (itcli and be dcU'ed, ia the way an exhaii;. iwl.tret ilicll' when it if told tbat a r -liii'n of th. To -m bill i likely t-.. ecccr ii tlie LegiJalure this winter. City iiai.t peiile of ilarribiirgare under ;.';!.. at lie i!.s:ance of some of the de ; i'i'r a,:.i stocklixlders of the bank cn-f-.i iti tI.o viiarge of '"conspiracy, eiubex z'..'Oi nt and t;iNe pretence." The tvwu of Lockiiort, New York State, i? to be wrrat'd b stcaui, by a cou;iany of capitiiisLa, w'ao will distnbate tha heat win-rcier wxuu-d, as gas and water com i.uies d;trib'Jte li'it and water. yt Year d:iy a fire broke out in a colliery at Level N. 0, at Lyieus, Dauphin c.ii'iTy. aii'i h been racing cvet siuce, wi'hgr-'at dc" lnicti"n t the mines, and pr-pvity al -lit the mines. Among the proj-rly biiruedaie bU mules. Ai-oui li o'clock on Saturday evening a I.. re l."c! id to a s'.eigh, minus a driver, traveled down Main street on a brisk trot. . Um he KlongeJ to, and how he came to ti.tcl w uhout a driver, and wLere he went to, our rejiorler has not learned. Yesterday the Mitllin.owu Bridge Com- eix.cU Ihe loilowing illicer: I'rtsi leat, tieorge Jacobs, E. ; Treasurer, Kob-c.-t L. 1'arker ; Secretin.-, Aiuoc G. Bon - li- a .11 C.....II r.A ' .... . . ,,. S .. ,l S. E. Louilon, Rev. Joseph 11. Mathers. The Week or Prayer, held mid. the i auspice of the n'o'M'a Evangelical Alii- j .ice, lor 1577. L'nion services will be I IkM by foe Meth.list a::d Lutheran ,.-r, :.. ..f in; 1. l,,!liwt Wrlnes- ' d.iy and Thursday ecuin in the Mel ho d;i chiirch, and Friday aud .-at unlay eveu ir.h 'a llxc Lutheran church. The set vices wiii cunuaeiicc each vcning at 7 o'clock, ..il are mviUd 10 atiend. I Croiiiu, tho would-be Til lan elector from Or. gou, I .it week testided before a Con gressional committee, tie staled that the ailheet limit of expenses to Washington aud noiue again could not exceed three hundred dollars, but that be would not go on 'rxpeu-s alone ; and then alter that statement he require three thousaud dol lars to cairy the b- gus certificate ot his ele-.tw?u to tt'aohiiigiou. Reform! Three thoiaud dollars was Cron.iu's price. Tiis day before Vanaertjilt died he talked burse quite lively fer a while to entertain tu mict l.i.'ue men who called to see hiui, tv.t suudeuly changed the subject by caUiitg uis ilei:.d requesiing br to sing it. ace-j, . a.iiuieiit to music on the piano, sueh picei a ki "imt ye simers, poor aud ln-cuy," " All -d ibe power of Jesus' iiaiue," ol.ici no n-el!t- toe vinitor that they wej t aaJ i-.it LUe p.ace more really iniirtessed with the vanity of a.l earthly tl.ii gk than they had ever b-en before. !.a.-. babbatb, al ter preaching. Rev. Mr. t hc.rard read k ligthily trom proCiKdingsul the tietieral Assembly of the Presbyteriau 4i.urch ou the question ot dancing, b-gin-n.n at an eariy date in the biaou-y ot the Church in this country and ending witb the faM general consideration of the surji-ct in iSo?, ail of which proved that that high ae'hority in the Church gave no rule to her people on the question, but became 10 Con prtgatioual that the subject is lelt to the Sesnioa of eacii and every congregation. Sine the close of the Exhibit! n the St. L. .id U .tcl has been re-painted aud fres coed, j.at'ors re-furnished, new carpets, fcc. The bouse in all its appointments is unsur psW for comfort ; the culinary depart m?ut being excelled by none. During the Centennial the St. Cloud adhered lo its reg ular rates, and endeavored to extend the Same romrorts to its patrons as it had pre viously; in this particular it stood alone. ZIt. (1. . Mullia has associated with him Lis eon, Geo. K. MnL'in, and tdward L. Pun, of Ft. Wayne, Ind , under tbe firm im ot O. W. Mnilin 4. Co., with Josh. D. Baker as Loom Clerk, and J. T. Skiles as Ouhier. J. B If . TudJ baa received a new unpp'y of tle finest Skulll Laos for Bico auri boys. Go and see them. The General Government baa purchased real estate In Harnsburg on which It pur poses erecting a post office It purchased from A. J. I Kit for th mini or $3,U00, from W. ii. Thompson for $i3,GG0, froiu Benj. F. Myers, for $Sl,ri00. Between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock last Saturday evening, while oflk-rtr Wilson was briugtrg a young man from Tiiscarora Valley ou a arrant, issued oo a charge ot too intimate love, he encountered a niaa and a woman in Patterson who had just been thrown from a sleigh, which they were 'fixing up" iu the street so that the might resume their journey. In driving around the unfortunate travelers, be drove on the Same pile ot ashes that bad overset thorn, ami in turn he and prisoner rolled out iuto the snow. The sleigh righted illf. The horse traveled to this side of the river when i :. ... t r..t p,..,.t Kir I -.. - "- - - " who caught it, and wasreturniug with itover tne ti-.jck the animal had come, to find an owner, which he did in company w'uh the prisoner upiHisile the Lutheran parsonage. ., Parasol llrtatlon. Carrvinw it elevated in left hand Dns'ir- inc, acquaintance. Carrying it over the right shoulder Yoo c m speak to me. Carrying it over left shoulder Yoo are too cruel. Carrying it elevated in left band You are too willing. Cam ing it closed in left baud Meet on the firl crossing. Carrjiiig it closed io right band by the side Follow me. Cam ing it iu front of yoo. Ko more at present. Closing it U I wish to speak; to you love. Dropping it I love you. Eud of tip to lip Do you love me 1 Ko'ding it up Get rid of your company. Letting it rest on the right cheek Yes. Letting it rest on the let check So. With handle to lis Kiss me. L'sing it as a Ian Introduce me to your company. Tumbling it round Be careful, we are watched. Tipping the chin gently I am ia love with another. Swinging it to and tro by the handle on rigtH side 1 am married. Swinging it to and tro by handle on left side I am enif iged. Striking it ou band I am veiy much dis pleased. Ataa's AatER'AS Ai.ats.tc is now ready tor delivery hy the drnggit, and we are tree to say that we have read tins wek-oine tisitor with satisfaction and protit. It con tains an aoiii-tiing amount of information wLieh is iiselul to everybody, and shows hw to treat nearly all the diees from which wple sutler. It invariably recoiu-uen-ls the bcrt remedies to be employed, irre?jeetive of Ayer's Family Medicines, aud Inrushes, indeed, the b.-st medical ad vice by which a great majority of ailments can be treated suceesMiilly. The anecdotes, w itticUms and j kes are the b 'st compila tion that comes under our notice, and the book is a refreshing contribution to our eu- j lynieuts every year. St. Clair Obitrrer. On last Thursday evening the rest dence of Joseph Wait, E.q , of Xew liuQalti, 1'erry county, was entered and rob', td of over $1U0 wLiie be aud Ins fauiilj were at church. Among the aitiouat stolen, were $G0 belonging to the M. E. church, 5 SO was cou&ty tax money Mr. Watt being tax collector, $30 belonging to the Kuiglits of Pythias, and $2'.K) belonging to biiuseif, and aotuc trut money. Tlie thief ap peared to know whi re tlie 'Squire kept his nmnc-y. The diureh money was taken from a vail cupboard, aud the other money was taken front different places in bis desk. A man Lading frutu Millert-burg was arrested ou suspicion of Laving cnuimitted the rubberv but for want of evidence was discharged rrrry Countj.1!cocate,Jan 3i. CoUNTERJ'hlTtl: AKHKsrED. Jollll Lsnje and Murley 1 .Mo.Mulliu, of lu dtaua county, sreie aircrted oo the 21st l..i. -I:'l.lL...: . u;l 11 "'i aiation, Cambria coun J, on tbe Ctarge of Uttering fj.uriou.- money of tlie deuouiiuation of halves. qnarwr- ,u J 5 reiIt uickies. Ill default! lot $(,(.Hji bail both were committed to the Allegheny County jtil, to await ttial at the May Term of the U. S. D.strict Court, Pittsburgh. These two individ uals divulged the locatiou of the places where bogus stiver coin was manufac tured, and stated that one den could be found at a farm boue kuown as Deck er's Point, six utiles' distant from tbe village of Marion, in Indiana count)', and the ether at a lonely bouse situated iu tbe pine legion of Clearfield county, nine miles m rth of Glen Hope, and just across the borders of Cambria. Ou atu day nigbt, the 23d ult.. Deputy U. S Marshal Thompson 11 Kiojmel aud Constable Prtngle ol Wilmore, ac companied by a uim named Kinney, lately initiated by the gang iuto their nefarious operations, made a descent upon the houje of Dick Ayers, near Decker's Point, aud captured Ayers and Sanford Mardis. The prisoners were taken to Indiana and lodged iu the jail of that county. On Tuesday night. the "G:h ult., the same party, rein forced by Deputy Sheriff Worlds, of Clearfield county, operated against the house of a man named Sands, located in Ci;ar5e!d county, and took into cus tody Scott Mardia alias Scott Smith, and Adam Leek aliat Walters, and escorted them to T) rone. Tuey were subsequently taken to Johnstown, and after a bearing before Commissioner Rutledge, in default of $2,000 bail were sent to tbe Allegheny county jail. Upon the premises where these parties were arrested, there were evidences to fix their guilt. This was particularly tbe case in tbe building occupied by Sands, in which were found two moulds made out of plaster of Paris for coin ing half dollars. Tbesa were very in geniously constructed, and evidenced considerable skill on tbe part of tbe manufacturer. . Some bogus coin were also found iu the bouse -Pittsburgh CazeU. RiarnELD. Jan. 8, 1S77. Mr. Editor Allow me through the columns of yonr excellent paper to inform the public along the stage road from 3Lf3in to ItichfiehL of the doingB of our ehergeiic and obliging stage proprietor, George A. Smith, Esq. lie is always on time. It mat ters nut ivhctber the rand !c ankle dot'p, or the enow diifts fence high, George is tnlre to be here at the proper time. We, at this end of the route, can nppredate his promptness and his kindness, and truly feel that a friend in nged is a friend indeed. There is nothing too much of a task for him to do. Any business en trusted to him is punctually attended to. By strict attention to business he has built up quite a good trade. When the stage arrives, and you see the parcels and packages that are dis tributed, you would suppose that the panic was about over. We hope the people along the route will patronize George liberally. The Richfield Literary aud Debat ing Society is in quite a flourishing condition. A creditable number have recently added their names to the roIL The audience is also invariably large, showing that the efforts of the Society are appreciated. O&lFJtVES. A TOVNO HAN naiu'd Wilson liaker, a Boc-iu-law of Mr. Lenig, of Centre township, whilst walking from Newport to bia linuie situated uu what ia known as tbe "back road," leading from the latter town to Blonuifield, on last Wed ueday, was attacked by a severe hetu nrrliage from the lungs. ' He uiauiged by extreme difficulty to crawl into au old bouse that stands by tbe road side, where be became partially uncouscious, and lay there alone aud uucared for nntil aoiue time during tbe following day, when he was fouud by Mr. Jaiue McKinney in an almost lifeless condi tion, having suffered terribly from the effects of the severe weather. He was badiy frozen, and it ia doubtful if be will reccver. After being taken to hi residence he recovered sufficiently to tell his wife that whilst lying ia the lonely but by ti'e road be heard several per sons passing along the highway, but upon attempting to call them, he fouud that be was unable to speak above a whisper, aud so heard their footsteps grow fainter aud fain'er until lost iu the distauce. His sufferings must have been intense, realizing help so Dear and being unable to make known his situa tion. We have not learned of hit con dition to-day, Laving received tbe above facta from bis brother, who is a resi dent of this btTough, and who bad oo news as to bis condition at thia writing. Ptrry County Freeman, Jan. "J. LrrxCAar Notics. The Third Annual Convention of Literary Societies of Juniata county will bs held in Port Uoyal Jinuary 30ih and 3Ut, 177. Opening 1 sessiun, Tues day evening, at 7 o'clock. The public are invited. Address rounuttnicstious to EDGAR A. TEN X IS, President, Thoinpsontown,ra, Or, Miss Millie E. Fixe, Secretary, Mexico, Pa. Jan. 1, 1877. XOTICE On aud alter the 1st diy of January, lh"7, 1 will sell only for Cah or Produce, and all accouuts nut settled wilhin GO days alter that date will be lei t iu the hands of a collector. ALEX. WOODWARD, d 0010-31 Johustowu, Pa. For Sale A comfortable Frame (use, aud Good Lot, in thl. borough. Price $00. Two hundred dollars cash ; balance on mortgage. Time to euit purchawr. Fi.r more deGuite in firuiatiuu call at ibis office, or address the editor of this (aper. tf. M A llll 1 ED: MUSSER-FFRCUSON'. On the 4th imt., by Uev. Yodjr, Mr. Mariiu Mus- scr and Mia Jauc Fci-guson, both ot Fay etlu township DIED: MINIUM On the 'i'iih nit., at the reii-d-'iice 01 his son in SiiMpieh inna township, Mr. John G. Minium, aged 73 cars, 10 months and 15 days. BOVEU On the lSlh ult.. at her resi dence iu &upiuli.iniii to a oshiis Mr. Rachel Boyer, aed bUyear,3 im-nths and l.dajs. l'O.U)lKt' Via. M1FFLINTOWX MARKETS. Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thomas Mirruxrows, January 10, IH77. Butter '20 2i lo-il..... ....... tf Ham 12 Bacon ....... H Potatoes. ... . 74 Ouioiis 46 MIFFLIN TO VN GK.VlN li ARRET. Conecled weekly by Buyers k. Kennedy. QroTaTio roa To-dat. Wedursday, January 10, 1877. Wheat 1 2-Jtol 30 Corn 4i. to4 i Oat 2ilv4d Rye : ft.i Timothy seed 1 60 Cloverseed 7 50tott 75 nCW DRUG STORE. BANKS & UAMLIN, (Beliord Buil.ling,) - Main Street, MIUIlntotTU, ra. DKALEita IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICAL.0, DYE STUFF, PAINTS OILS, YARN lSHE3,OL ASS, PUTTY, COAL OIL, LAMPS, BURNERS, . CHIMNEYS, BRUSHES, HAIR BKUMlES,T0Ol H BRUSHES, PER- FUMERY.COMBS, SOAPS. HAIR OIL.TOBAC- . CO, CIGARS, NOTIONS, STATIONERY . LARGE VARIETY OF lMTKNT MEDICINES, Selected with great care, and warr anted roin high authoritv. 07-Purest of WINES AND LIQUORS for medical purposes. . CYPRES JR1PT IONS cmponnded with great care. . . . J June 112-U. Sale Bills of all kinds printed on short aetice at wis office PRIVATESALES. OXB OF THE MOST FKOFITABLf BLACKSMITH STANDS in the county may be purchased of t'ae uuderaigoed at a reasonable price. The property is situated in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with the Smith stand Includes a lot of abont TWO ACBE3, having thereon erected a comfortable Two-story Framelloiise, a com modious Stable and other outbuilding. There is a Well of good water at tbe doi t of the bouse. For particulars call on or address ffV. HOOPS, . Walnut P. O., Juniata Co, Pa. ; A FARM OF SIXTY ACKBS IX IiELA ware to vnship. Land of good quality, bat ing thereon erected a LOU HOUSE, weathui -boarded, BANK BAK.V, nearly new, and other outbaildings. Convenient to churches, schools and mills. Situated 8 miles north ol Thompsontown,4 miles north of Thompsoutowa railiood station. For more definite particuUr call on or address SAMUEL i. KURTZ, East Salem, J uniata Co., Pa. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE 175 acres, more or ens, one hundred aud twen ty-flve or thirty acres of which are cleared a:id under cntivation, situated in Tuscany, ra Vai.ey, Juniata county, Pa., seven mUes fiom Mitliiutown, the county scat of said sountv, and four mies Imn tbePennsvva 11 ia Kailroad at Port Rnya, bounded by lands of Mrs. (i . W. Themp-ion and other, having thereon a Good House and Barn, and nil necessary outbuildings, good never taiing running water at both house and barn, an abundance of fruit of different kinds. Will bo sold for $V00, and if dj sired $2V0 may remain, in the jr-perty. For kuiieulars inquire of the undersigned, reading on the jreuiies, or by letter at Port Royal, JuiiiaU Co., Pa. J. F. G. LOXG. MILL PROPERTY IN SPRUCE HILL township, Juniata county, with a good pur of Fiench Burrs, and a pair of Counter Choppers. Good run of custom. Good neighborhood. Will sell Mill with water (n-ivilege and about one acre and a ball of land, or if desired, will sell about 30 acres of laud, 2-3 acres cleared, with good Frame House, size )xi) feet, Bank Barn, size 40x to feet, and other necessary outbuildings. good Orchard, two excellent Spiiugs of limestone watir near the h-juse. Will also sell a FARM of about 8 acres, adjoining the above; about 5 acres timber land, and the balance cleared. This tract is mostly (lint gravel land, aud has been re cently limed, having thereon a good sized Log llouse aud two good Sowings ot lime stone water, one of w hich could be pped to the kitchen door. Will sell all together, or separately, to suit purchaser. Tbe proerte are eight miles Iroiu lhe Peuiisyltauia Railroad. . Ai ply to J. KELLY PATTERSON. Pleasant View, Juniata Co., Pa. FARM IN SUSqUEHANVA TOWN ship, containing irJ acies ; 5lf acres cleared, wed fenced and in a gol stale ot cultl'a- lon; New Log-frame Dwelling House, wcather-btardcl and well finished. Bank Barn, and all necessary outbuildings; flow ing water, thriving young orchard iu bear ing condition ; tine chestnut and other tim ber; thiee miles from l'enn'a canal, ten miles Iroui Penu'a railroad chmvb. school house, mill, store and tavern all within one half of a mile, to a mile ; good community. Apply lo W. 11. KM-LSK, Mitliiutown, Pa. TIIE FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE IN' S usq'icl.anna township: ' No. 1. A lot nf cmtiiid containing Si seres, with largo Dwelling House, and ex cellent water at the dour. Good Bar". Stuiikc House and other outbuildings. - Young aud thrixing Uiclnird of about 7U well selected aj pie-trees, ic. Church ad- inuig the preott-.es. No. 2. About 4 acres of land, with 30 acres clearet and under good cultivation. Balance woodland. No. 3. A tract of Timberland contain ing . acres. All tur.H properties within one-fourth ol a in le t each other. Api-ly 10 S. G DRESSLEK, O.ieutal P. )., Juniata Co., Pa. TWENTY ACRES GOOD TIMBER- LAND l!l miles from Patterson and Port Royal, one-half mile Iroui Saw Mill. Other timber laud adjoining this can be bought. Apply to B. F. BURniFIELD, Oilice, Bridge-St., M.fliiutown, Ta. A HOUSE AND A HALF LOT OF (i ROUND in Patterson Borough. The House new and well finished. Terms easy. A TRACT OF WOODLAND IN FEK- manaU towiiship, Juniata countv, contain- ng about 1- Acres, well timbered. This tract is ill l.i-t Creek Valley, about five mile from Mitliiutown. Arp'y fo JEREMIAH LYONS, Oi'ice, OfjoMte Court House, Bridge St., Miltli:itwii, Pa. Philadelphia & Reading Eailroad. Arrangement of Passcngxr Trains. Novehblr 2Slh, 1S7G. Tratmt trace Uirrubnrg at fvllow$: For New York at 6 20, 8 10 a. m., 2 00 and hi p.m. For Philadelphia at 6 20, 8 10, 9 45 a. ni. 2 W and 3 -ji p. 111. For Kea-ling a' 6 2K U 10, 9 45 a. ui.,200, 3 5i and 1 5-i p ill. For I'otuvilla at 5 20, 8 1 a. m., and 3 55 p. :n. aiid via Schuylkill St Susque hanna Branch at 2 40 p. m. For Allentown at 6 2, 8 10 a. m., 2 OO, 3 57 aud 1a-ip.n1 The 5 "JO, 8 10 a. m , 2 0" and 7 55 p. m trams nave through cars lor New York. Tbe 5 20, 8 10 a. m. and 2 UO p. 111. trains have through cars lor Philadelphia. SVSDJTS. For New York at 5 2o a. m. For Allentown and way stations at 5 20a. ni. For Reading, Philadelphia and way statious at 1 4o p. in. Train for Harruhnrg It art as follamt t Leave New York at 8 45 a. ni., 1 UO 6 SO and 7 45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia at 9 13 a. m., 3 40, and 7 2 p. m. Leave Keaning at 4 40, 7 40, 11 20 a. m., 1 0, b 1-j and 10 J p. m. Leave Poitsviile at 0 !-, 15a. m. and 4 35 p. 111., and via Schuylkill and Susuehau na Branch at 8 0d a. lu. Leave Allentown at 2 30, 5 00, 8 S3 a. m., 12 15, 4 30 aud v 00 n ni. Tbe 2 M a. ni. train Iroiu Allentown and the 4 40 a. in. train from Reading do nut run on n una ays- SCXD.7YS. Leave New York at 5 30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia at J 20 p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40 a. ni. and 10 3 p. ni. - Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. and 900 p. m. 'Via Morru and Etttx Railroad. JOHN E. WOOTTEX, General Superintendent KOTICE. TIIE stockholder ot the Juniata County Aifiicultnral Society will meet at tlie Tuscarora llonse, in Ibe borough of Port lioyal, on FRIDAY, JAN LAKY 12, lt77 at 1 o'clock P. M., to elect a President aud Board of Managers. LEWIS BLKCUFIELD, President Dec. 6, 1876. Subscribe for the Stntintl and Republican aVcrMr Advrrttmnti. $2500 A TEAK. Agkst Wf- i on our Grand CouiOiaar ln fruapectus, representing - . 150 DISTINCT BOOKS wanted errrywhero. Th Biggest Thing Kver Tried. . Sales made from this when all single Books fail. Also, A sen Is wanted on ourUAONlFlCENT FAMILY BIBLES. Superior to ail others. Witb invaluable . Imttj-ttrJ jlidt and Smptrt Bindings These Books brat the Worl I full particulars tree. Addsa Joan . Pottkb it Co., pub lishers, Philadelphia. rr7"rTY F'R tFVT-Trie; UHsCKlSHD aVMI 1LX.178TIL&' A . .iiiO -eu- it'iurc' . us History, grann buildings, wonderful exhibit. Curi osities, great days, etc. Profusely lllnstra ted, th"mi.g!slv Kipiihr, and very ehen. Is selling immensely. 6,H00 AGENTS wanted Sond lor tnll partkiilara. This is TiiECntsri of l0 years to coin nmney fast.- Get the onle reliable history. HUB BARD BROTUkhS, Publishers, 783 San son! strret. Philadelphia, P CAVTIOX. Bo aot deceived by pre matura books assuming to be oliiri.il," and telling what will baypm in jingmt and Stpttmbtr. - JJ a wet-k in your own town. Terms and f dd $i ouifll ftee. II. 1IALLETT & CO., Portland, Maine. r OFFICIAL HiSTORY Or THE SI lEHTENl EXHIBITION It sells faster th in any other book. One Agent sold 31 copies in one diy. This is "he only antl-rmlc aid complete hi:ory pub ished. ?end f"-r our ex:ra terms to agents. Nit.o.iil PvsLisnr.o Co., I'ni;a-d.-lj.liia, Pa. ' ELBOW-ROOM. MAY ADEI.Kl.'S NbW IHOK. Just pnluisbed. Will outsell an book i'l th field. Tli.s, bnghit-st ot humonoK b "ks, is profusely i!liislriitel with the must Iaiig!i able ictures by Asriu a B. Faosr. Will sell by icason f its beauty and cheapness. No other book J ublished jK'iscsun such general fitness for the wauls ol the present tunes. Agents who wish to moke BIG WAGES wanted iu every town. Tempting terms and circulars sent, ou a) plicstn.li to J. M. snODDARTfc CO., 72-J Chestnut street, Philadelphia. CM 7 A I. Y at home. Agents wanteil. Qlli tlutlit and terms free, TRUE &CO., Augusta, Maine Men to sell to Men-bunts. $90 a month aud trav eling exp ose. liiJ. Htm M aaciaort aro Cu., St. Louis, Missouri. . . - The Best Crpabl ran Paper Published in New I oik. WeeMj Ccaiiierciil AdTsitiss. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. FIFTY CIS. For SIX MONTHS. Send fiv speeiinen eoies and ctnb rates. in'.; 11 J Hastings, ia Fmtoo ueei, New York City. $Cr In C77 Week to Ag.-nts. S.in;pl OUbJpl FREE. P. 0. VICKtuY, Augusta, Maine. $5 2 $20' Ofl V-T tnr at home. Terms f'ee. Address Geo. Stixsos fc. Co., Portland. Jle. ' ' Tbe Little liock and Fort Suiilb RAILWAY FOR S-A.-X.15 Farming Lands.G razing Lamls. Fruit Iinds, Vine Lands, Coal Lands, Wood Lauds, some Prairie I .an Is, Btlo 11 l.aii'N. and l lamls. on term to milt tbe purchaser- MV per C?llt. interest ou del .-rn-d payments. 'I t'll per CCUt. discount for cash. For fun particulars, maps and pa:iphlcts, apply to XT. I). $1 LACK, Laud t'omini.-oioiH-r, Little Rck, Arkansas. ANTE P IMMEDIATELY t Xihi lOtl vou- a n.-u anil women to 9 iearn TELEGRAPHY'. Situs- H Jious guaranteed. Small silary while prai tieitig. Addre, with stamp, SilERMAN TELEGRAPH U) , Oberlin, hi. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT J. B.M. TODD'S, PATTERSON, PA. I hive just returned from Philadelphia with a full line of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Men'a Suits, $1.50, $-5.00 to $'20.00. Boys' Suits, $.'.50, $1 50 to S 10.00. A full line of the MOST FAMIIOX tELtr MATS. at low prices. A complete assortment of Ladies' Best SIiim-s, at $1.2 and Upward. A full line of Children's Shoes. I hake also a full line of Ladies' iiose. Handker chiefs, 4iC. Also, a li-rge stock of GROCERIES. Arbucklcs' Coffee 3l'c. . llaekcral. No. 1, $2.50 per I bbl. I am now selling SEWING MACIUNE3 at WHOLESALE PRICES. I will sell you any kind ot a niachiue at THE5T1 PER CCVT. LESS than they are nsually sold. Leave your orders, and you can have any kind you smut. . J. B. M. TODD. BUYEKS & KENNEDY, (S nccesaors to D. P. Sulonir,) DEALERS IX : COAL, . ' ,IaLTMI5ER, ClNIElSrT, Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster, SEEDS, SALT, &C. We bay Grain, to be delirered at Mifflin town or Port Royal. , AVe are prepared to 1 Ornish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. BUTERS fc KEXJiEDT. April 21, 1875-tf AMigneil Extateof EllasSmltli. jJ-J R'E is hereby given that KiiaeSrunb XI of Payette town -hip, Jnniuta Ci.nniy, Pa., has made an assignment lor the bene fit of his creditors to the uitdi-rsiened. AU persona Indebted to said estate are request ed to make payment, and those bating claims to present Them, without d-lay. to JOSEPH T. SMITH, Nor. 7, 1876.' ' Assignee. .Vertical. TO ALL. 3DK. SWAYNE. TflE Discoverer and Compounder of the far-famed DR. SWATHE'S rempoonil Syrup ef Wild Cherry and other valuable preparat ..-is, entered upon his profeasioual career with tbe impor tant advautae of a regular Medical Educa tion in one of the o:i.-i-t arulb.-t sc-hoois in Philsilelpliia, and, perhaps, in the wor'd Ha s -.bsequenily srvnl a laithlul term of procti. e in the Pbi'alelphia Di-pensary,arid li r many years at(cnfcu a'r ia tho hospi tal. In these institutions he enjoyed the n st ample o) porrnnities of obtaining an msig'it info disease In all their varied tonus, as well as tor ascm-taining lh heat methods of their treatment. In otfennj, therelorc, to the people of the I'niti-d States he fruits of bis extensive profeitnal ex perience in the medical compounds as the bet results of his skill aud 'b-Mrvacion, lie teela that h; ia but proilerir. a boon to every family thninytout Ihe laud, resting, as ho does, coniideutly, iu the merits and ctiLacioiia virtues ol remedies be here with commends. The vaat aiiH.unt of testi monv In -in ad parts ot tile worid has proven 1K. SWAY.Mfc'S COMPul'NU SYh.L'P OF WILD OiltUiiY" Ihj in. .11 eiK:cious remedy kuowu, aiKt II is t uitl.-d by our int einme.it physh-iin, aud ail who have witnrs'.vd its W oid.-rt iil healing properties. The W1L1 CHERRY, in ail ages of the wurid, and 1:1 all countries w hi re it is known, ht. been justly celelsrated fir lt wiudrtul meilicinal ii iliti-s, but its (rre.it piwer to cure iume of the wor.it and m st (iiitn-viu? di.-ases i"inr ns. was noirer fnlly asrer Uined until tlie exp- riinents ot that skilifnl phy..iei :i. Dr. Swarne, had deoi'inMratetl lis a!.!prj'i n, in e-mibt .:n:on wi h i'ine far ant. ripialiy vainaolj v-.'tab'o i-wca!imt. which, chvniH-aiy coe.binel, renders its ac tion tent'ol I riHra eert.tin and b netleial in curi'is; all (tisea-7s of ihe Ihmai. brnnst and lonzs. Dii. SWATM'S WI ,0 CliSRtvY CiMI'OL'N. Mrikes a th.i ro .t of Ibe di--oi-h by pnrtivii'f; tlie bbsMl, rclori iff the liver ami kidnevs to b-aUhv aartion. inviir or .tiujr the nervous and sbtltered constitu tion. It does so Without prirst -.itmg or weakening the b"dy in any way. It cares nut only Hie lungs and liver,- but every or f 111 dependent upon a wa.lcd or impver lhed slatd ot tue bl-vd. A IRZiABLEC l RE as that of Edward II. Hamsoii, Knineer at Oeorge SWeeuey's pottery, liJ4 iliiige Avenue, KhisaUclplna. He bad a violent coiurn, sight swe.ii-, sore throat, great weaKneas, spit at diil'ereut liuh-s a piut ot bloud, jr&ve vp ail hope oi recovery, I Imxigh the ii!e of -ir. Swayne'a W ild Ch rr syrup" became a sound, hearty mm, aud remains so lo tins iay, although over twenty ytirs have elapsed since be was cured. . C7 We are p-riiiitti d to refer in the rol low.ug genib-men who have exprn-nced great bouchl, ard iiM.-d lr. w iv ne's Coru pouu l syrup of Wild tUerry" iu their iaiu ily tor 111 m years: Sojnue.1 ij. sco.l (3im of JacoO Reigel A o tin- Iio-hIs, No. uS-i Moikvt siret t, Philadelpiiii.) Liih: T. PaS'-y (or:n rly firm of Wise, Pu-xv li. Wire. N. K. c-ruer ot Filth and Market strci in. Piiila lelplii 1.) I Robert Hutchiusoii, No. 2,201 Spring! tiarden street, Pluladelpiiia John J. I.ytle. Urv .i.-m1s Merchant, cor ner devenin ana spring iarleu streets, ; Pbila leijiliia. ; ! J ilin V. -liver', rounder, Loates street,: above Iweiity-seconi, f iiiladetpbia. And thousands id others Iroui every sec tion of :he habitable gloite. PRICE $1 ; 6 BOTTLES FOR $S. If not sold by your drucgUt or store keeper we will torwaid half a flmen to ary aitdress, freijlii pud, on receipt of the price. Prepared oniv b." IU. S.VAYNE ASO, 330 NORTH SIXTH STuEET, PHILA DKLrill A, PA. Sold by all prominent druggists. ITCIIIXG PIfaKS arc generally in-ecide i by a moiture like peripiration, ditressi:ig itching, as though pin worms were crawlinK in and sbout toe reetiiiu, piriienlarly at nitiht.wheu unlre ing, or in bed, alter gt-tiiug wa-111. It ap pears in summer as well as in winter, often limes shows itx-lf around the private parti, and is not cuntim-d to miles only, b 11 it is ipiiteas 1r.-.)in-ut that tciuiles arc sorely aillicteit, pailiciily iu times of pregnancy. extending into the vagina, proving Uisires- j aiJM.ni ue.onu inc puers Ol eimur- atice. txvs ol loiii; siatniin. rroiioum-ed incnr ible. have lieeu pcnuaneutly cured by simply alloying SWATHE'S OI.T.ME.T. HEilE IS THE PKOOK: Dr. Swayne It Son : Enclosed lvw find one dollar lor two b ol ynr Ointment tor Itching Piles. These are tor some of my Inends who are afi'ietcd with this dis tressing complaint. The box you sent men yeir u.il abont one-)-a!t of it, and I ' am glad, yes, 1 am promt t' sir it mule a eiect rOT. I Ihn.k its elKcacy shoiil I he ! pullikhei ihronghout the It ngth ami breailth of the laud. 1 on can publish this if you think proiier. DAVID GHOSSMCKLE, ' I.aidesburi:, Frederick tio., Md. siiiiei: ii you are sunering wnn mis annoM oni l.unt, or Teller, or an crnty, i-raly, itcii. skin aii-n-ise. go I., your ding gist and get a bs I .wats's All-IIsal-ixo )iTMi M-. It will surely cure yon. I't ice .w eeiils a b t. Three Imixcs $1.-i, U b xj $2.-. bent t) mail to any addrrvi ou roceipi i the price. Prepared ou.y by Dh. r-WAYNE it SON, 330 Xortii Slvtli Street, PlULADtXr-ill.Y. Sols bt au. Paoauiasr Dawuuisi. EAYE YOU THIED IT? .! , . Jjjfg "London il.iir C dor Restorer." ' "London Hair Color Restorer." ! G , "l.on.lou Hair t'olor Restorer." rOTTtll, ..Lomloii liairt'oh r Restore:."1 -L nUoii Hair Color Restorer." "l.ondou Hair I'olor Kestorer." London Il.iir C-Ior Rolorci." Loiidou Il.iir Color Rerlorcr." Loitdon Hair Color Restorer. " "London 11 ur Color Restorer." Beauty for the JJAI2. "Io'-'lon II lir Color Restorer." kllp Tola sun AXO Ull IICVl.TliT. LUiNUON HAliL HLbTOXkLH. 1 It will restore gray Il.iir to its original color. 2 It wid thicken thin hair; came a new growlh. 5 If will res' ore a'l natural secretions. 4 It wilt remove ail dandruff and i'ebings. 5 It wid nrike the hair solt, glosy aud tl -xible 6 It will preserve the original color to old see. 7 It will prevent the h r from fa'ltng off. 0 It w ill cure all diseases ol the scalp. It restores both Ihe luxuriance and color of the hair, and is as harmless as water. Prematura branching or lading of the hair is greatly to be regretted, and that every body wants to be Deauiilul is proof enough that it ia wUe and right lo try to be so, by every proper means ; but there is iioiimi; more iinportsut to this cud than beautiful bair. Now to prevent the tailing of Ihe natural coloring matter i:i it, or re-excite the roots of tile hair to growth again, noth ing has ever been introduced to the Alueri cau people that equals the LO.VDOX II AIR COLOR RESTORER Dr. Daltotr, of Philadelphia, says of it: The London Hair Color Restorer is nsed very extensively among my patient ami friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CTS. rER BOTTLE ; SIX DOTTLKS FOB $i. Seut by Express, to any address, on receipt of the p. ice. Address all orders to Da. Swat.ib &. Sox, 330 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa., sole Proprietors. Sold by all DruesriiU. arM-ly . . . 'MIS'CELLAMEOUS Is tbe place where yo cau buy THE BEST ASl TIIE CUEAlaET MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS CLOTHING oH.fTS. CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, JXD rURSlSUlSO GOODS. HE Is prepared to exhibit one of tV most choice and select stocks ever offered lav this market, a-.:d at jTsTOMShl.iiGLT LOW PRICES I AIo, measure taken for suita and part of suits, which will be made to order at short notice, very reasonable. - " ' ' Remember the flare, in Uoffuian's New Koilding, eorner of Bridge tad Water s'rwets, UIFFLINTO2, PA. - Sept. 15, 1S75-U SAM J&.JiuBm OL-J iFW Una just retoruol froui (be Eastern oitU witb a fail variety of mmtk BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & tm, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, GENTS FURNISHING COODS. Goods of ail kinds ar low. To.n and sew m and le a-duiaked I'ants at 13 CCUtS. Patters-n, pa., May 2i, ISTi. Professional Cards. JOL'IS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MiFFLINTOWN, PA. Cj7"Col!ecting and Convevanclne prompt ly atiei4d to. Or r ice O-i Badge street, opposite the Court House S ij urc. J'jL'EItT SIc.MEK.V, Attorney and Counselor -at-Law. Prompt attention ti . en to the arenring and collet. ing of claims, and all legal busi ness. ' tirnca on rWs street, first door west ot the riclford building. April 1 1, lSTd-tf ALFUED J. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, XIFFLISTOWX, JUNIATA CO., PA. C7 All biLiiness promptly attended to. Ornca Oa Bridge alreef, opposilo the Court House siptare. .U.VU M. ALUS'JN, ATTOSS EY-AT-LAW, II.n reiuued actively the practice of his prulesaiifii. Ait bu.ioeaa prouiplly attend ed t-. tlilke, as formerly, a-ijoiuing his rcidei re, opposite Court lioUcO, MiiLia tuwn, Pa. Dec i2, 1S73. -ri J hn Mclaughlin, LffSDBANOE AGENT, PORT ROTAL, JCSliT.i.CO., PJ. C7"Ouly reliable Compauiea represented. Dec. 8, lSIo-ly Y) M- CU AW FORI), M. D., His reMunied ac irely the practice of Meiliciue and Surgery and their collateral b-'iiuciiea. t'llice at the old corner of Third ami Orange slreetn, Miilliutown, Pa. March 2'J, lb7 THOMAS aTeLDEU, M. D. Phytsician asd Surgeon. OfTire bourn frorti 9 a. X. to 8 p. Of", fire in Ma lather's rettidoucd, at the toitth end ul Water street. .xrl2:!-tt I C. KtraNIli, M. D h-is resuinedac- ! X m tivtiy :tie practice ot' Mt'dicinn and ; Surgery aiid tbeir culbtterl bratichca. Will ' give protupt aud UiUjIuL attenti.u to all ,,a,jIjU entrust. d to hiacare. Oiii-e in ihe j'atters,n Vl Ug S tote, Jalv ti. Is7ti-tf J M. JJUAZEE, M. 1;., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, jlcaJemin, Juniata Co , Pa. , , . . . OrriCB formerly occupied by Dr. Stem-tt. I rotessionai busi'iesa proui; Uy atteaded to at all hours. - - - .... I Lj. ALLh, M. L"., --- a roniionf4l tnt nnrtu-f nf l.-iIii':nA . . i n.i u . ii andaurgery audalltheircollatcral Uanctcs. Olfccaal Acadeioia, at the resnlence of Capt. J. J. Patterson. jcl 15.1874 JKN.KY HAlWiilJEKrJER, M. D., Continues the practice of Vedicine and Surgery and aii tucir collateral branches. Ottici at bis residence in McAluterviilo. Feb U, 1 7f. R. E. BUKLAN, DEXTIST. Ouice opposite Lutheran Chunh, PORT ROTAL, JUNIATA C., PA., Where he w,U spend Hie first ten davs ot each luoiilh, coioinenciiig Dernniber ist The bifa-iee of the t'm'e his office will be!,," , . T . tr t i occupi-d by .', S Kilmer, a young nnio ! JjiaailOOa: ilOWLOEt'lIOW Restored ortl.y of continence, and who h is been y of continence, and who h is been a-ss iciated with the Doctor as student audit isiant two ve.irs and upwards. Those whocall dnring Dr. Hnrlau's absence fer!cine)of Spermutorrhiea or hemlnal weak prolessiona! service, may. and will ph-ase I nets, Involuntarv Si-niinal Losses. Impo- ;i!T.me the time with Mr. kiiiuerwhen Ihev may be servel, on the ret mn ot the Doctor. JUMATA VALLEY BANK. MIFFUNTOWN, JUNIATA COOHTT, PENS 'A. JAMES yORTIf, President. T VAS 1KVIN, Cashier. WIBKCTOBt i Noah Ilrrfi'-t. 'antes North. J. Nevin PomerT. Abraham Stoulfjr. Jerome Iletrirk. Wiiliam Banks. . EphraimU iicCrum. I M EAT MEAT!! The itndersignrd hse cotnnifneei! the ButchiTing b:istncrs In the borough of Mit Hintown. BEEF, VEAL, . MUTTON, and PORK can be had ererr Toesdar, Thnrsiiar and Satnrdar n ornings at their meat store at the residence of Mr. Howe, na Cherry street. Their wagon will alo visrl the resi dence of citizens the same mornings. Kill none but the best of stock, aud sell at fair price. Give us trial. . HOWE A EI hi A. Jane M, 1879-tf .ID rZRT!SEME. 7S. ST A Jin. nn,XJLn2- 07" SUITS MAIK TO OKDEK.n SAMUEL STLaY'EK. AVer's Cathartic Pills, F.r the n-IHf mA enre tM Sk ftrrun sett teia tjt ut tie 5;oii..iU, I.v C". hli t buU. i iwv ar a mx AfwvrH'iif, atml at .:-jitiH iuraT i.ve. Itoir.f, pur. 1 v-eUibs?, UifJ ronton no tueiv. n.ry or wtrcritl wbaVercr. .Mucn mTH04 tr1cuA4 and siHTeiint i iirnemi by ti.r tirtkelv us; and eTerr fitmiir fh-MUJ k.ve Utin'oa tuiml fur t.w.r ntr ion ami Trhfr, wlw rtnfUiml. Lone eitftieu hju IWl f a! I.'te i'iita with nhk-b th? markfi bpf. liy tlvoir ortiion;l u, the lioo4 w pHii'tt, li.e riirrui.timu of t. iyrtt?m ptH.i, uU-d tii-ttui4i retiiuv?ii, uiiil the whi 1;;- "TV erf liie ve-U.t"! lo t hcalti.y artir ity. I.iltrn;il ork'.in Inch lHrinu rie,upi tul whrfjjt-h are ieHitwl by Aner'a i'Hlm, antt ti nln'i uilo artin. 'Ihus inrtmit UDHra-e 1 hlizhMtrti uiio hfa!th, tite vnltus f mh'h rh:irce, uh-n rrrkone'l on trve vat Hiplh.tHle w tit rt, can han.lv lie roui ftiittti. Their a.uar-uaiii'C nika thrm pira.iitt tv la.Lr, ami ireeiTf Un-ir virtues uaHiiairetl for :' ltrnplii uf 1. ii.tr, mj tliat U'.er are ever fr -h, r.:n pt: fi-'-tiv lvli.nbie A)ihot)Kh wan-hintf. liy are imM ;t Mr at wiUnit tiitiu boucv to ui cuuiauUim or :r' !,on are jrirea on li e wmpner tt ea-h iwr. hiw nsc tiem ttb Kamily rnyntc, arvi lor Uie Vlr iug comploiuus wliiUi tiaO i'a rjillT rurv: r bysi-M.s or I allxiw. Lint lrw l,a3rir. ant anp ffite. iIipt nhi'imt le tiken nHMh-mtflT to aumulaxe itie siou:ach. aad r3tvr iu beuttiif Urtr tui't ;u:UOD. 'r talTer Complaint and it Tarn-na rtni'tmim. 111 I Ilelaca. Alck Klfadttcesrsp. JtKBiflllr4 r - wtrta Mirk llti.Mv C.4c and It I ! vr rwv. iiwr Miuwld le j(di-kit--'y Ukn for tziji trae, to rorret-t Uie iia.""d avtiuu, or remr the ohtrntion nhrh rniiMr it. Kor Ity wVsFntery or lkiirrkrat butoo iibl tior i freiiemllv rejiiitri. for lkbariMwit.MiM, CsetHC. Cs ravel I4lfirariwca f th H ran, laiN lia IIm lViftck and &,. (Iier ateultt Wr conutiuUNly taKen. as rtfvtmred, t rhanir the iU-ese4 .-w i ti n ul the rwieui. Willi aucti Cujnce lhoe raiiiptatnl di:aiear. Fr Bro.r antl Oropvicul AweFll la:r. tk:T Aitotthl te in lai ire and tra qufnt Ujea tv piiruucc titc ciTeci of a tira&tt yu:ae. r MnprrwMitt. a Tnrpe.Jocaa honM b tn-rn. a tt pnduce Ibe liMired e-Te t by ympathr. A a iHmnrr Pill, take one or two Fillm lo promote di3-ii-.i, and n-liere the Mnmacb. An ocrn-ion d ilsite timuliils t!ie ttmia b Btid 'Ntwcl. rr'tor the apm tile, and inv riror arest ilir y-tein. lictwii it i otirn advaula-(fr-oi:- fchff no ft nt hi (h'ran?ttinnt ebta. iie hIio ft-ei tolerably well, i flen rind that a -t.te !i the"e iitt niake htm feel leid CI?y hotter, Irura tiM-ir cieaninjr and rao Taiitwi: eLect uu li.e Uier-uve aj'paxatna. rRKFARKD BY Tr. 2. C. & CO , Practical Chemltt. ZnriL, 3TASS.. V. 8. A. - ' T (I t l)BC.rra EVKRTWBKUt If you wact to Ibe Strocg, healthy and vigorous, t ike E. K. Kunkel a Bitter Wine of Ir.-n. No l.inu.irc in con vey an adeinite Idea ol t!e ininK-th.it and olinosf iniracuious change (-rodaeci by tak ing E. p. Kunkel's Bittor Wine of Imo in the diseased, debilitated and sljaitervd ner vous system. Whether hn.keii down by excess, wciik by nature, or iinpiired by siek rics, the relaxed and iiro.:run? oran.xa tion is restort-d to pcrivct health and viifor. bold !' hi i liuiilea. Sold by all ditg gists'ai.d dealers ever. where. .Yerrvus Vebiiily. .Yerrous Debility. Debility, a dej ressvd. irritable slate of raind, a weak, nervous, c xhaiitt-d leeling, no energy or ani:iiaii.n, cnnlustl he:,d, weak men ory, tho eouseiiemes ol exts aes. mental overwork. 'I his rervous de- ' - , bilitT tind.- a sovereign cure ih E. F. Kun- ker, bittrr Wine ot Irou. il tone, tha aWn, JiM4.,s tlie muU .;,,. a,. ' spoiideney, aud rejuvenates Ihs entire sys- I teiu. Suil ouly in $.i..ii!.s. Get ilia geuuine. Take only t- F. Kunkel's, it has I - . .. ' 1 . . .V . .. i .1 ., i. . . . i.. . 1. . e 1 on oiit.-idc NodbvvourcrngKi.it. fc. r. , KariM .r..l.rie,or,".No. 2Vj North Ninth .ucci, PhilaUelphia. Send lor circular, or I atlvice liee. Try inv great reined v. (it-tit ol vour d-ugi.-t, six bottles fi.r S".tSI. It cauuot fail. It is gua:autecd to do as ia rccoiumeu led. noruiil Worm! Uortuil E. F. KrstuN Worm Syrup never tails dfxtror Pm, Seat and Stoiuai-h Worms. Dr. Kixkil is the only auccessfid physician who romoves Tipe-worm in 2 hours, alive with head, and no tee until removed. Com mon sense ten hes that it' Tate-worin be Ft'tllliVuH ,.1 (ilil... Mr . r- ... u. ...lv Ai- jsiroveil. Send for circular to Dr. Kunkrl, I No. 2 -i) North Uih street, l'liiladelpitia. Pa.. ore II ou our diuguist and ssk br a holtl j "r '"el's Wo.ui Syrup, i tievtr lails. Price $ I. W. It X Just nib:i.s:ed, a new edition if -t I Dr. Culverwcll a I Dr. Liilverwi-ll a Celebrated Essay Vk on the tiullral cle raiihoiit niedi- le tei-ey. Mental ami I'liyrieal Ini u aeilv, Im pediments M.irrlape, etc ; aiso. Con sumption, Epilepsy and Fii, induced by setl-iiid'ilgeiiee or s.-xna! extravairar.ee, ft.c. CPrice, in a sealed envelope oi.lv si& Cent'. T he celebrated author, in t'.is admirnblw Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' sucee-s! -il practice, that the alarm ing conseqm-ures of self abuse iuv he nwi ically cured wi:hoiit rb dangerous use of internal medicine or Ue pp!icri,' ol Iho knife; pointing out a inmle nf cure at oueo simple, certain, ar.d etfictuat, by means of whn h every i:R'-rer, no matter what hi condition iimv 1 c, u.ay eare hiaiself cheap ly, privately, and rada!'. JErhis Lecture shoiiiu be in Ig h;nd of every youiU and eery man in Ibe land. e c;.t u .. icr seal, in a plain envelope, tn my add .e, potl-paid, on tbe recwij t of i:i c.ei ts i.r tKO post staior-s. Address the PubtUbera, . Ult I. GM AX K JO.T, 41 Ann 31.. Aew lrk: Post-OUice Box iobt. Oet.lt, lt76-ly. Assigned Estate of Soloraoa Ciiuaiaa, J DTICE is hereby given that Solomon Con;uan. of rayette township, Jiiui.ita .'ouiity. Pa., has aniiie an assignment for he b- nelu of his eislitors to tho under igne.l. All persons indebted to said estate ire requesloil to make payment, and those having claims to present litem, without df lay, tu EZUA SMITH, Nor. 1, IS7C. Assignee. gOLO.HOX SEIBCR, Will visit lliillin and Patterson every Tuesday, Thursl.iy and Saturday mornings uid will furnish the ciliatns uf these bor oughs wit I the best ot BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, PORK, A.c. at th very lowest prices. He resperuullj solicits the patronage of the ptiblic.