t $ngEL& REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : r . . - TERMS. h-ernlioo, P annum, if pud f'nowih. ! - if Dot Pd within C6"' , nvertisement inserted at 60 r1,?v,Bt irfisiiims notices in local col--rf i line for each insertion. ac-ions will be made to th-ee desiring jwrus .r ye,r h,lf or 1""rter Pjyy'A. B. BjTIME TABLE. OV rd Iler -', !OIi pjrtirT train will leave Mifflin Sta- E-tSTWABIt. . c- 1 X' aii, lire .niiaa'-'r11' Exrrj- ..... .i-i.it Accommodation .. 1 . rmiMS ...... ..12Mtm .. 6 25 a ni ..10 19 am !jl,ws tF J ;itKic Eils WESTWARD. 1182 a ni . 6 OS p iu . 9 13 p m 12 38 a m 2am 10 00 a m Ullpiu jrtft I'm 4 58 p m Ullr'H ACCO liit"" l v ' ' y ill I a...;.... y IUI . ii-ibi. i Dai' ' Sunday. raily " ' " ' , I, A ( i' JIffWiW(S.F. i D'tilv except Ho " LOCAL l.VTELLIGKSCE.- jjj,,. vhonls asi literary societies. Graii: is htinile ; its powers tell it how raknoss Kaitia?-loii papers report rot in potatoes j,rtaeom,r.r- I Wucia couple named tneir sixth jr Enonh." Ik ri:hiT-tie say thirty-six snows -r wtrd lor this winter. TiK EfnuWin mij'rity in the State Leg j.'jratt is 48 joint ballot. jlr. Joha I. Hawk, of Patterson, has two fa s?ar that he offers for sale. Two or three men wish to be President of jixics, as per Mexican fashion. Gqtcrnor Chamberlain was foaegnrated (oreraor of South Carolina last week. Lut Th!Kiay evening the wind blew the ia through the streets like in mid sum- Jss Kartfman, of Patterson, Aol the kr4rtbat Harribarg sportsmen call "Big Certain Louisiana Democrats propose or pr.ixS another Legislature, alter theelex Ids (ailivU. it Argmient and Orphana' Court will Pctat Tuesdir, the 19th inst, at 10 c'tlock A. ?f. Jtr.M SinioLt has moied his saddle and trjnu making businea into the bouse liUfcr the basinesson Bridge street. rtti'adflphis Markets. Wheat fl.tltol. .OiW3;t4'ic, CornsltaClc, Cattle 4to 1 Shp 4tu5c, Uugs 7toj3. J iwr-nl Democric Congressmen wish to j t-;-i h President tirsnt. That's that 1ia! belt-,- be Irft alone. tui- Tin water as let out of the canal last m. Itaa glorioas event for those : iKibve to fi.-h amidst mud and ice. I titr.ui were committed to j ail on' I-aJay eemu. by Justice Kreider, for a ! trm of 8 d.iv, on a charge of vagrancy, j irvc. are s'rear in arrears for subicrip- 1. r - n i uler, ave half oollar be pav- r - - J ii; aj. iz-irc 'ae lt Qay or t eDruary, io i . H.;o. i!a-k'tt,(rrimi':,and several other a:j-lri-..- sj'irt'tn.i of Patterson shot to ! ita in Uie iil of Licking Creek Valley, ' Ustwetk. ! Tbe mortal remains of the aristocrefx T.a P;.n were sent u d in a easeous state TTanhin-ton, Pa., last Wednesday, as per :cg o.Tiw;. Sr. Michael Ueshoar, of Fermanagli twp., In tecrired a number of first quality btit- ti'i Mbcs from Colorado. Tbe skins were i drrssni by Indians. Tlie Huntingdon Jornal sys the Penn- I tjlvjuva Canal Company may lay a railroad tnrt oa the bed of tbe canal from Wifliains I'lrg to Huntingdon. Ths McAlisterville Soldiers Orphans Srh-l cho!ars will give an entertainment a Clifii'-iias evening, December -o. Ad tiioa fee 10 cents. The XiJUttereillt Herald, issued by Isaac BcA'.ixter, came to hand Uwt week, fin; full of advertisements relative to the tail tock of goods in bis store. Tbe Reno School and tbe Happy Hollow Eue Sail Club? played a match game at Hipy Hollo school house on Thursday list. The- H.-mnr llollow boys were the lw i-tors. Lt VTednesdsy the front axleiree of BVpry Shelleubcrger's two-horse wagon bxke at East Point. Mr. Shellenbtrger Ul it loaded with 13i wright of stone coJ, which he was hauling to his borne in fi-trtte township. JixClure'i Tunes conUined an interesting vcuunt in full of the burning of the human r-u-.i'! of Baron Von Palm at Washing-t-in, Pa., on tbe 6th inst., with a description of the f urnace, in which the body was turned, and al. surroundings. William B. Crawford, one of the hands in the DwKfl mmd Rezttiv office, slaugh tered id eight-month hog last week that eithl oo pwunla. Where is the printer ' cuius from who can do better than that ia the pork line I If you are afllicted with a Congressman ho talks of inaugurating a civil war, get op pe.itions aud a?k him toiesi2n, that he uiiiri-presenis his constituents mhen be taiki of war. It is only the office holder aiid L'.e r3ice seeker who is talking of war. Tl.e cremation of human bodies has no S'lvocate in these parts. All prefer being 'mried in the ground. It is believed tbat I'r- Le iloyue will be the next man crema te! at Washington, Pa. lie is about eighty Jears of agt-, and newspapers say that he -ues not expect to live another year. The Deiuocracv shout fraud! fraud! in tlic South, but 'hy go to that distant coun try ' Why not begin in New York t They !k of fraud in 1'hilaJolphia, but that will ft do, lor in that goodly city of brotherly ve the people elected a Democratic Sheriff. it WuuiJu't do for them to about fraud in that case. Testerday a week ago, Mr. Ezra Mont r"firl ia company with Win. Sice, from v atnico, a place at the west end of this ' '. were on their wsy to this place to "tef. 1 uurt. When about one-fourth of a tuile from the residence of James Okeson, l- In Spruce Ilill township, one of the xle-tr-es of the buggy broke. Fortunate ly they were near the blacksmith shop of 'Jaines Patterson, to which place the lujgr was taken, and the axle-tree repaired. ,( ai a considerable time after night-fall oca they arrived here. ssiffn ia . 1 1 ken ail the facts aa to the murderous course of latrmidation pnrsned In tile SoU,h ern States, week, before the dcUo h.v, bee. publish, the wtrld will stand amazed t the spectacle. It will almost equal the ba.barity of the Turk. Wait aud read the evidence, as it will soon be pbli.bod. . 'Tis winter now, out with all that we are told that the We.tr rn graashoppe, is to de vastate Pennsylvania next summer. They prayed th. insect oat of Missouri, or at least it took wings and flew away .boot the time the Governor ot that State assembled the people on a stated day to pray for de- ...erance irom the grasshopper. Do you smile ever the power that is claimed for prayer t Can yon tell how powerfully spirit on puysical matter, physical laws 1 Rr-ior roa Diphtheria In France lemon juice is in high rwpute as a lemedy torliphlheru. As a local tWiUcatlon it is preferred to chlorate of potash, nitrate of Silver. TWrhlorM.. r.f ! -I .. iuiu or ume I U " b' 'rpinit little plug ot ,5"oirwoolf twisted around a wire in the jmce, a.,.i pressing it against the diseased surface tour or live times daily. ' AlTESTIOS! JCMATA. ScCCTS! You are hereby ordered to meet in Mifflin, town on Friday, December 22, 187G. at 9 v viwot, hiihvui I All ..t.u.L- .;L. . 'sl- At J "" nd equipmeuU will tw turned in for final .,li...t...... Jd. All arms aud eqinpmenU must be ciran ana in ptswiule order, l aa. At 2 o'clock the t'ompany will- re- ceive their Anal pav. 4ihi As soon as uid tlie Company will be mutertd out of the amice ol the Slatv and cease to be an organisation. iiy order of J.K. ROBISOX, Captain C'omn'aoiling Company. Matthew Kookrs, O. S. Te storm on Saturday lait blew in" the west end gjble ot Keno's school house, in Fermanagh ton nsUip. The top caught on tne collar beam of the second rafter, which kept it from coming down through the ceiling and smashing the furniture in the school room. What Ibink the tax-payers of a house not two years in use, to fall down f The re Fails will not cost much less than (40 or $i0. ir ibe School Directors and tax-payers of Ferui-tnagh township are going to have the contractors build more such school bouses, the pupils and teachers hail better get tl.eir lives insured in aomc rJiab'e com pany. A word to the wise is sulUcienU FecIaxaoh, The school at Reno's should be artjnnrn ed till the broken wall of the school house has been taken down, and re-wa'Jed or wcalf.er-boarded. Weather-boarding would answer till priug-time. Ed. PlBLlC Sale Isaac Poffeubergcr, Executor of the estate of Joshua l'uf feuberger, deceased, will offer at public outcry, at the late residence of aaid dectdtnl, in Fermanagh township, 31 miles northeast of MitBiDtown, at IU o'clock a. M., on Tuesday, December! iv, ifiu, one mare nte years oiu, vue 't steer, one bcirer, oue fat bog, two good shoats, six tons of bay, farming i-pl. " "OUScbold goods. j This afternoon between twelve 'acd (one o'clock, a littie Ctrl named Ptpp, aged between eight aud ten years, who resided with her mother on Eleventh street, near the Lochiel irou works, iu the First Ward, while sliding on the TCe OH 'be canal iu company with a younger brother, about a fquare from Ler resi- dencC' broke tbr0.0fc'h1 he ice nd, fe" mln tl(A -.- a I - .1 ...... a I ..... I. iiiiu (uc vain. am. .ai uauicu v ivu . knnt tinnimj id( Ik. mmm mmG- a r ------ ceeded in bringing ber to the surface, and Thomas Beidelman and a colored man, by means of a rope, raised them both almost to the canal biidge, ' hut before 'bey could get them to the top of the bridgo, the little gir! slipped "'e pra-p ,.u..g back into the canal and was drowned. .. . i i uer uriHoer, .uu """"fe"' i i . . i . .. inn npni' n inrniinn was rescued rmm a watery grave aud conveyed to his home. Our informant states that the body of the little girl bad not been recovered when be left, ' and that it was thought it could not be! nnpSg tbe water was drawn off the level A request was made to tbe canal com pany to have the water drawn off. Uarrisburg Telegntph, Dec. 8M. Ox Saturday, the 25lli ult-, s Miss (Jib bony was passing along the public road a large brown bear intercepted ber passage betweeu Jas. Rosenbeiry's and David Mine's, r-r., and while sne at tempted to shy around him be elawed ber shawl off, jumped upon the bauk on the road side and prowled at it. She attempted to reeovet her shawl, but lie struck her with bis paw, wbiob caused ber to scream loudly, which being heard by Mr. Stine, who was chopping at his wood -pile, he hissed bis dogs, bardly knowing himself from whence tbe scream proceeded, but tbe dogs knew. and ran quickly to tbe girl s rescue Bruin dropped the shawl and took to ' tbe woods, followed and it is supposea treed by tbe dogs, as they barked near ly all night in the same place. Miss G. took up ber shawl and went on ber way rejoicing, though somewhat sore, yet she told no one until sbe reached ber destination, more than a mile from the scene of action. Lewistow Gazelle. When Salpb L. Rollins was taken to tbe Eastern Penitentiary, after bis sentence by the court of Frauklin county, and when be wis disi obed prior to asMiintug tbe clothing peculiar to tbat institution, be plead to be allowed to keep on bis gsiters, as bis feet were sore aud be could not wear tbe shoes furnished by tbe institution- His re ouest was not complied with, aud be was told tbat it he couia not we-r me shoes be could walk to bis cell in bis stocking feet, as it was only short distance. An examination uf tbe gal ters revealed the fact tbat a doxu or more fine saws and files were neatly secreted between the lining and tbe eolea. Harrtsburg Telegraph. All persons are hereby notified not to trexpat on tbe lands of 4he under signed, to shoot, trap, or in any way capture or catch partridges. tf JJ". F. SCHWEIER. WOXDEKPCL ! Did You IIea th News T On December 20th, 1876. I will sell all kinds of Furniture at Greatly Re duced Prices (for Cash). Wishing to get together some funds, I will give the peoole a chance to buy cheap furniture, tie mem ber, only one day at Reduced Ratea. W. F. SNYDER, o, Jlifflintown, Pa. For Sale A comfortable Frame 1 1 mi and Good Lot. io this borough. Price $800. Two bundreJ dollars . ri.lanee on moTtcaKe. Time to ;t nnrehaser. For more definite ia formation call t this office, or address the editor of tbts paper. u. Rcpurted by Wm. M. Allison, Esq Court Proceedings. - The several courts of Juniata county eonfened on Monday a week, at 10 A. X., and were opened ! due form. MISCeLLAXEOCS Bt-SISES ' " Daniel Sieber r.' James xU. Sellers. Plaintiff held a judgment against de fendant, on which be issued an attach ment execution, and Lad it served on the Mifflin school board as garnishee, at the same tinn, also, he issued Fi. Fa. nd Vend. 5x. on resl estate of defend ant, in Greenwood township. The prop eny was to ua? been sold by the SLeriff on Saturday previous, but was held over till Monday. , On petition of defendant the writ was stayed, the lien to remain unimpaired, and plaintiff al lowed to issue another Vend. Ex. Ou petition of defendant, a rule was also granted on plaintiff to show cause ah the attachment execution should not also be set aside, returnable to next term, the defendant alleging in bis pe tition that the plaintiff bad elected to depend upon the Vend. Ex. for bis nioney. m. F. Lego ts. I X. Snyder and Jacob Wise. On motion of J. Lvons. Esq., further proceedings in this at tachment execution were stayed, aud be allowed to appear for the defendants in tbe actiou auj plead. Rules to tLow cause wbr iaderneots should not be opened, &.o.t were grant ed iu four cses, io which tbe People's Infurance Company of t umberland County, was plaintiff, and several of our en iieug were defendants, on which executions bad been icsued and were in the Sheriff's bands. Itules returnable to 19th iast. Tbe trial list was called over, and only seven cases found on tbe lift ready for trial. la. E. Atkinson, Assignee of Joseph Branthoffer, made return of sale of real estate of assignor to Daniel Spicb er for $1610, which sale so made was confirmed by the court. Tbe petition of Joseph T. Smith, As signee of Elias Smith and Rebecca, his wile, was presented, asking for an order to sell tbe real estate. Ordered that five days notice be given to the lien creditors, or their attorneys, of this application, prior to the 19th met. The petitiou of Ezra Smith, Assignee of Solomon Coffuian, for ac order to sell the real estate assigned was pre sented, when the same order was made by the court as in tbe forinor petition, j tragedy on Saturday afternoon, Dea: 2, W. H. Knonse, Eq., presented bis j which threw tbe community into a stale petition seltii g forth that tbe money j of revengeful excitement. The tragedy made by the sale on Fi. Fa. of tbe per- j was tLe shocking murder of one-of the aonal effects of Samuel Stroup, was j oldest and most widely kuowu and bigb ctaimed by a number of tax culluctors I ly esteemed eitixcas uf tbe village, Dr. aud laborers, and praying the court to ' J. A. Shade, by his son -in-law, C. A. direct Liiu what to do uudcr tbe cir cuuistances. It appearing to lite court that tbe tax cjliectors had no liens and the laborers no legal claim;, it made ik r..Jl., a cember 5th, 1870, the sheriff is hereby directed to apply tbe proceeds of sale to tbe writs by virtue of which be sold, according to their priority." The sheriff also presented petitions setting fortb tbat the moneys made on Fi. Fa. out of tLe personal property of lasc lialdeman .. and James S. Cox, were claimed by otber creditors, and that he had been notified to bring the moneys into court. Tbe court, in both cases ranted rules for appropriation. civn. LIST. George V. Singleton, vs. Kurti Kauffiuan. In 1S73 Singleton wbo ia a biicktnaker by trade, contracted to make, set and biro at tho brick yard of defendant 175,000 to 200,000 good, marketable trick, at the rate of $1,50 per tboujand. Singleton burned a kiln of about 181,000. On opeaiog it the Urjcj were found to be ceusiderbly daiuatred. 1'laiutiif demanded eonttact price for the whole kilnt which defecd ant refused, alleging tbat he bad suf fered great loss by rtason of plaintiff failing to burn the kiln in a work man like manner. Hence his surf. The fesimony was very conflicting, bnl tbe jury seled he niarer by rer.der.Dg a verdic for he defendant. Akioson for plainiff; Lyons for defendant. U illiain ft. Wood vs. U iliiatc Sneab. ' This was an acinn in assump sit. Plaiuiff bad sale, ml which de fendan bough a horse for $50. He removed him wihou complying wib be erms, kep and used him awhile, hen urncd bim loose in a lo in Mif flin cout y, near p!ainiffa residence. 1 has been banging for long inie in cour, bu was summarily disposed off now, by he failure of defendan to pu in appearance when bo case was called for rial, judgmen being enered, under the rules, for plaiuiff for $37,50 the inioun recovered before the jusice. Aktnsou for plaiciff; Parker for de fendan. John 0. V right vs. D. M. Crawford. Appeal from Juice Kreider. Tbe characcr of hi action did no appear, as when the rial lie wss called over. plainiff in open coui took a non-sui Lyrns for plam:ff ; Atkinson fur de fend an. Joseph Gingrich and Barbara Ging rich for use of Barbara Gingrich vs. brisiau G. Shelly. This was an te flon under the Sheriff's inerpleader ac lo le&t the Tight of he paries to the personal propery of Joseph Gingrich claimed by Barbara. 11 was settled by eonsen in his way in open court Tbe plainiffs are to have he eow and be beifcr ; the defendant is to have the mare col and the bnggy, and neither side to ax a bill of eoss." Akinion for plaiuiffs ; Lyons for defendan. Selinsgrove & North Branch Rail road Co. vs. F. Y. Kobm. This was an action brought to recover tbe bal- anee of defendant subscription to two shares of stock in tbe abore enterprise Defendant alleged that be was indueed to subscribe by tbe false representa tions of tbe President of tbe company, and that be received no legal notice of tbe assessments as tliey became due. On these two points the case hinged. . Ar gued on Wednesday evening and sub mifed o he jury ou Thursday morning- The jury remained ont from dinner time until about 6 o'clock, when it returned with a special verdict, as follows. 1st It found that lha auliu-rinti..ni r Rohnt was nut procured by false and fraud ulent representations. 2nd That tli de-fondant bad not receive edjhe postal card of I ho 23rd, of Jnne 1874, which the Court hot ruled to bp suf ficient notice, hence the iurv found a ver-I diet for pUff., tor th sum of $J, the a- mount claimed. m honor, promptly In formed the jury, that th-ry h id made a mis take, and explained to them that if thev found that Robir had not received the postal card ol tbe 23rd. of June, they must 6nd generally for the defendant, and vice tnrta. The jury again retired, were absent about one hour, when they agaiu came into Court, finding on the second point that Jtohm had received the portal card, and rendering their verdict as b.ifore, for $00, in favor or plaitititT. Mr Rnhiu's counsel immediately moved for a new trial,, and wrre granted ten days to tile reason tor the same. Doty &. Son and Alexander for plaintiff; Parker and Atkinson for defend ant. ' .... Henry Musser vs. Simon Amry and Reu ben Leonard. This was an action brought againxt he defendant as overseers of the poor of Fayette township for for the maintenance of a pauper. Verdict for plaintitT for $77 8ti. Lyons and Patterson tor plaintiff ; Doty for defendant. James Casner vs. William Jordan.' Tres pass lor killing a dog. This esse wss sot tied hy the parties on the following terms : The piaintiti renounced all claim to the damages given him by Etfqmre Kreider $22.50 discontinued the auit. and iiaiii all the costs, except what delendaot bad paid the Justice n taking the appeal. Alton son tor plaiutill ; Ailivm for defendant. Tbe iM-oceediugs in Quarter Sessions are omitted Irom Una issue, as are also a num ber of cases that may be classed miscelU-ne-usly. Tbe citizens of Spruce II ill township pe titioned the Court to ordia tbe Supervisors ot the township to erect a loot log over Tuscarora Creek, aear Spruce tl ill school house. Granted. , , The School Directors of Mirllintown pe titioned for a rule to show caue whv an iiuoie should not be granted between Dciiiel Sieber and Doty. Parker At. Co, to' deter mine who ia entitled to Ik money found due to James l. Sellers by the Uuiiiutowu School Directors. Kxit rule. - The Court confirmed the inquisition hrl I on the dead body of (b tries Webster, who was found iu Delaware lownhip, under aus picious circumstances, and ordered tbe CoiuuiioMoner to pay tliecwtaol the same. Ml BPES IN IllXTWGDO.f CoCSTT. We fiud in the Mount. Uniim TiW Huntingdon county, the following ao count of a murder committed :n tbat county, on Saturday, the 2nd inst. : Tbe little village of Shade Gap, in this county, was the scene of. a fearful Reese, of Orbisonia. . i TLe causes leading to the tragedy bad their origiu in the unhappy domes tic relations of Reese and bis wife.' ouly daughter of Dr. Shade, against tbe wishes of ber parents, and tbe re sult was an unhappy marriage and finally a separation, aud the daughter returned to the Lome of ber parents. Tbe unhappy wife applied for nl ob tained a divorce from ber husbaud, and they were thus legally and apparently forever teparately. But about a year ago the parties got together again, and were re-mairied. It was tLen thought that old grievances aud differences had been satisfactorily settled aud arranged, and matters seem ed to go ou well euough for a tail j with the rcuuited pair. But, as is generally the case, tbe armistice was ouly tem porary. Tbe spirit of discord was only allayed out permanently tquelubcd ; and tbe old feuds unhappily revived with fiercer power fur evil, as the result proved. The wife agttn, for causes best known to herself, forsook her twice mar ried husband and returned to ber lather's bouse for shelter. Tbis last separation occurred but re cently. Last week Reese was iu Mount Union, inquiring for bis wife, but she was not here. He followed ber to Hunt ingdon, where sbe was stopping, and sought an interview with ber, but sbe refused to see bim. . lie returned borne on Friday, and on Saturday went up from Orbisonia to Shade Gap with mur der in his heart, as bis subsequent dia bolical act shows. He . called at tbe residence of Dr Shade, and met his father-in-law in bis office, when an alter cation ensued. Our information is that Reese assaulted tbe Doctor, striking bim a blow in tbe face which staggered bim and nearly knocked bim down. Mrs. Shade came to the assistance of her busband, and struck Reese with a stick. Reese then drew a six shooter revolver, and fired two shots at the Doctor, one of which struck bim in the temple and tbe otber lodged in bis shoulder. He then filed a sbot at Mrs. Shade, wbicb just graxed ber bead,cut- t.cg a scar above the ear anl inflicting a scalp wouud. Tbe Doctor bad fallen, aod was crawling to the doer ou bis hands and knees, when Reese turned upon him and fired the remaining three balls into his bead, shooting out both his eyes and leaving hint dead on the spot, while he walked away and took tbe road towards Orbisonia ou foot. Tbe shooting attracted tho attention of neighbors and brought a number to the scene. As soon as tbe fearful char acter of the fearful tragedy wbicb bad been enacted in their midst was fully realized, and the bewildered citizens could recover tbeir breath and tbeir senses, the arrest of tbe murderer was eggested. Ex Sheriff D. R. P. Xeeley, wbo happened to be in Shad Gap, vol nnteered to lead in the pursuit, and procuring a couple of horses, he and a companion started after Reese. He was overbauredra couple of ttailes from tbe village, on the Orbisonia road, . and on seeing bit pursuers started to ran. . Tbe leveling ol a pistol in the steady, band of ex Sheriff Netley caused bun to halt, and ha was aecured and taken back to Shade Gap . So outraged were the people of tbe quiet village at bis dastardly crime that it sl with considerable difficulty aoms of them could Q reatrained from taking summary vengeance. Threats of shoot ing and hanging were freely indulged in. Ele was, bowever, protected from mob violenie, kci was brought down to Mt Union on ' tho regular : afternooa East liroad Tap train, iu charge of Mr. Neeley, and taken to ' Uuulingdoo ou tne O 9 elb P. at. team, - and safely lodged io jail, where we trust be" may be securely kept until jury of law abiding citireus ahail ineie out to' bitn the fate be so rishfy deserves. ' ' '., - -. , ', ' O.f Saturday wa noticed the arrest At Lebanon ot two tramp suspected ol larojoy. ; , Oo . the following Mouday afternoon Judge lieudursou granted a writ of habeas corpus for the production of JuknBauuer aud Frits Jvbusou, tbe two traatpa who appeared in jail ia new clothing and wttti, plenty t money, aud subsequently arrested 00 suspiciou of robbery by Officer Kiugler Tbe trampa bad been to prtaoa beiore, and bad beeodisobrged by tiberiff Ebur a few days previous, ad this sudden rich ness gave good grouods to' suppose tbat (bey bad beou ct-mmittiug a robbery. Colonel Uobin, oounsel for prisoners, stated tbey bad been unjustly impris oned on suspicion of robbery. " W. U. Lehman, Eq., district attor ney, stated .that one .of the prisoners bad been tried at November sessions and discharged. That their appearauce bad Been' so fuddeiily cbauged, aud about $J0 found on each of them, the officer had good cause to arrest them on suspiaion tf larceny. Officer Ringler testified that 'John son bad just . been discharged from prison rb old clothes, without money. He found the clothes ourchased at Uarrisburg.' He showed keys fuuod on Danoer ; also, $ ' on Banner. Johnson had himself bliaved. ' Sheriff Ebur stated that no money was fouud oo Johnson when imprison ed, lie' wan 'discharged' Nov. '15. Found So money wi.en Johnson left, but they bad -money, as tbey paid thtir fine. v ; Jndge Hendersr-u thnngiit there was not suDtttient evidence to hiM the prisoner, complimented ISe o:er for bis vigilance, and diecharged the pris nf!T.HtirriJtir Ttlegtnph, Dec. 5. After the discharge 'of the men by Judge lleoderson, tbey lound their way to Read lug. where they fell under the' suspicion uf officer B. 11. Lutz. as tbe cliarauters who had robbed MoAl inter's store, at Coolatnus, Jeniata county.' Officer Lu'z brought te prisoner to this place. Justice Krei oVr, canjitled Minn for a hearing on last Saturday, and on that day rfe-cn'm niitied then for a hearing ou tbe 20th. They are tbe parties wbo were' srn tensed by Judgi Junk!, at tb Febru ary lerm of Court in 1874. to 60 days in the County jail, fur , breaking into Charles Meyets, and Louis Malony. warn I2rc .via. 11 IFF UN TOWN markets. Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thomas MirruxTywx, December 13, li7ti. Butter Kgps i Lard .. IIjiu. .......... ... ...... .. H.icon . ... Potatoes....... Onions................... . 11 IS 11 ;o 40 MIFKLINTOWN GRAIN MARKET. Corrected weealy by Buyers & Kuuuedy. QroraTiojis roa To-dat. Wednesday, llecembcr 13, 1HTS. Wheat Corn Oats Rye........ .... Timothy sed... Clovers Jed . . . . . . 1 25 4f'to45 Otoio M 1 50 8 25 BUYERS & KENNEDY, (Successors to D. P. Sulouff,) DEALERS IN CRAIX, COAL, Isl'MiSCR, ' CEMENT, Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster, SEEDS, S41T, JiC. We buy Grain, to be delivered at Jlifflin town or Port Royal. We are prepared to lurnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. BUYERS it KENNEDY. April 21, 1875-tf B. LOUDOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, in room on second story of B. E. Parker's new building, on Main Street, Mifflintown, Pa. FASUIONABLE GOODS . always oa hand. CUSTOM WORK DONE on tha shortest notice. GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern. PERSONS buying goods can hate them cut in garments free of charge. SVTTEPICirS PJTTERXS also for sale. ALL WORK WARRANTED. PRICES LOW. Oct 22, 1873-tf gOLOMOX 8EIBER, Will visit Mifflin and Patterson every Tuesdar, Thursdsy and Saturday mornings and will furnish tbe citizens of these bor oughs wit l the best of BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, PORK, ate. at ths very lowest prices. He respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. A fine assortment of cloths, casiineres Testings, &t- alwrys en hand and for sale py ....... cw-a-vww PRIVATE SALE. OXE ftF TI1B HOST PROFITABLE BLACKSMITil HTAXDS in the county may be purchased Of the undersigned. at a reasonable price. The property is situated in Johnstown, JuoiaU Co Pa. ami with rjoat Smith stafpcTuden k lot 'of about ttO ACREilaving frM-reon' erected a comfortable Two-story Framellonse, a com modious fctaljo and olbur outbuildings. There is Weil Of good Water at tbe doer of tbe bouse. Fer1 particulars call on or address , ' W. HOOPS. ' Walnut P. O., Jnuiau Co , Pa. .' A FARM OF SIXTY ACEZS IS DELA wire tomtihln. Landrf avHitl quaUtv. hating Ui.jre.ni erected wdathm-bosfded, BAM K BARN, nearly new, and otlu-r oiubuildings. x Convenient to churches, schools and mills. Suiated 3 mdes north ol Tuompaontown, 4 miles north of Thonipsootxwa railnud ;ation. For more deQmte pai ti:i:!a, j call on or address ' . . ' ", , SAMLTL J. KL'RTZ, . . East Salein, JuniaU Co-, Pa.' VALUABLE FAItM FOIt SALE 175 seres, more or cs, one hundred and tweu-ty-tlve or thirty acres of hich are cearod aad under cultivation, situated in Tuscaro ra Va ey, JnuiaU county, pa., seven Utiles fioiu MiUlintown, the couuty seat ot said Bounty, and four miles from the Pennsylva nia Rairoad at Port Royal, bounded by (and of Mrs. (i. W. Theiupson and ethers, having thereon a lood liouim ai d B.uu, and aZi necessary outbuilding, good never faiIng running water at both bouse and barn, an abundance of truit of ditT.-rent kinds. W ill be sold for $00, and if da sired $25(iO may remain in th T.pt:rty. For particulars inquire ot the uudcrigned. residing on the premiwa, or by letter at Port Royal, Junuu Co., Pa. J. F. G. LO.VG. MILL PKOPERTV IS Sl'RCCE HILL township, Juniata county, with a good ptir. of Ficuch Burrs, and a pair of Conutei Choppers. Good ruw of custom. Good neighborhood. ,Vi!l sl Mill With water privilege snd about One acre and a half of land, or if desired, will sell aliout 30 acres of land. 3 acres cleared with.g'iod Frame House, siae -.'940 feet Bank Vn, iza 40 ! T fi-t At Hi nftifr nrfstar a tii tttitiM itiir g,, Orchard, two excellent springs of limestone watir near the hjuse. S''. n.so sell a F.tS J! of abnut' 85 acres, aTj aluing tbe above; about 5 acres timbers land, and tlw balance cleared. This tract H mostly Hint gratel land, and has been re cently limed, having thereon a god sized Log House and two good Siiugs of lime stone water, one ofhK:h aiuM ujyripe to the kitchen door. " Will st ll all together, or separately, to auit purrhisurs. Tbe propert-es are eight utiles Irom the PiDxl. Jl.ia K ii!rol V App y t. J. KELf.Y PATTERSON, Pleasant View, Juniata Co., Pa. FAEw IN Sf.syiEIIANVA TOWN ship, containing VO acres ; i'i arri s cleared, I wed tent ed and in a go.nl state ol cultiva tion; New l.og-fmmo Dwelling House, wealher-b Mrde.l and well tini-iie l. Hank Ituiu, and all necessary outbuildings ; flom it:(j water, ihri bis young orciianl in bear- ilur cmiilllit.il : Hii rh.-Kliinf Mini itMr f i in- ber; llirte miles Irom Penn'a canal, ten miles Irom l'enn'a railroad ; churrb. school house, mill, store and tavern all within one hall ol a niilu, to a mile; good commiinitv. Apply to W. !l. KNt.L'SE, Miffliutowo, Pa. THE FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE IS 'KtelViftfiriiiM coniaimng , seres, with large Dwelling House, and ex cellent water at the door. Good Barn, Smoke House and other outbuildings YiinR and thriving tin. hard ; '' well selected apple-tree, ic. Church ad - jominp the premises. o. i. AlHiut 4 acres of laml, mitli Jo . , i acres cleared aud under good cultivation. (. Hl'NDIO, M. I., has reiumedac Ualance woimIUikI. 1 . tiy..iv ihe nnK-ticB i.r M..lu-in and No. 3. A tract ol Tiuibcrland contain- ine o acres. All Hire properties witlnn one-lourtn ol a mile ol each otber. Apply to S. G DBESSI.EK, OiieutuI P. O., Juniata Co-, Pa. TWENTY ACRES GOOD TIMBKR LANI 2J mites from Patterson and Tort Royal, out-half mi!e from Saw Mill. Other timlerla:id adjoining this can be bought. Apply to B. F. Bl'RCHFIELD, Office, Bridge St., Miflliutown, Pa. A HOUSE AND A HALF LOT OF GROUND in Patterson Borough. The House new and well tini:hcd. T.-rnn easy. . A TRACT OF WOOL-LAND IN FEK manaph tuwuship, Juniata countv, contain ing about 12 Acn-s, well timbered. This tract is in Lost ( rei-k Valley, about five miles f rom Mitllir.town. Apply to JEREMIAH LYONS, Otlice. Opposite Court IIoiiim, Bridge St., Mitlliatowu, Pa. Philadelphia & Beading Eailroad. Arrangement of Passenirer Trains. NovEMBEa 2Sth, 18T(J. Train! lenrt li irrislmrg mt follows : For New York at 5 20, t) 10 a. m., 2 0U and '7 fio p.m. For Philadelphia at 5 20, 8 10, 9 45 a. m. 2 CO and A o p. m. For Reading a 5 20, 6 10, 9 4-5 a. m.,200, 3 6. and i oj p m. For Pottavills al 5 20, 8 10 a.m., and 3 6 p. m. and via Schuylkill h. Susijue hanna Branch at 2 40 p. m. For Ailentown at 5 20, 8 10 a. m.,2 00, 3 oi and i p. m Tbe 5 20. 8 U a. m , 2 0t and 7 55 p. m trams have through cars for New i ork. The b 20, 8 10 a. in. and 2 00 p. m. trains have through cars lor Philadelphia. SVXD.1YS. For New York at 5 20 a. in. For A lieu town and way stations at 5 20 a. m. Fur Reading, Philadelphia and way stations at I io p. m. Tram for Harrubnrg. cars as follow : Leave New York at 8 4j a. m., I 00. 5 30 and 4. p. in. Leave Philadelphia at 9 1-5 a. in., 8 40, and i 20 p. ui. Leave Kealing at 4 40, 7 40, II 20 a. m., 1 30, 6 li aud 10 33 p. ni. Leave Potuville at o l-, 9 1-5 a. lu. and 4 3d p. in., and via Schuylkill aud Susquehan na branch at 8 oj a. lu. Leave Alientowii at 2 30, o 50, 8 do a. m., 12 15, 4 30 and 9 00 p. lu. The 2 HO a. m. traiu Irom Ailentown and tbe 4 40 a. in. traiu from Reading do not run on Mondays- SCXOJYS. Leave New York at 5 SO p. m. Leave Philadelphia at 7 2o p m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40 a. m. and 10 ii p. in. Leave Ailentown at 2 30 a. m. and 9 00 p. m. Via Hot Tim aad Etttx Railroad, John e. wootten, General Superintendent. AslBed Entate of Solomon CoUnian. ""Vl OT ICE is hereby given that Solomon XI Coffman. of Fayette township. Juniata count) , Pa., has made an assignment for the bi-ncut of bis creditors to Ibe under signed. ' All persons indebted to said est ite are requested to make pavment, and those having claims to present them, without dv lay, to (.ZKA SMITH, ' Kov. 1,1876. . Assignee .'j:scel'ljj. eols D. C HARLEY'S Is the place THE BEST AlO LIENS' YOUTHS, & BOYS CLOTHIXG H.1TS, C4PS, SOOrS, SHOES, J.D FfRMSUtXG OOOO. : EE fs preired to exhibit one of th imeit ebob- an.l seivt s.o-k ever offered 10 - this marker, and at JSTOSISMStlLr UiW UtiCEti .' - . Also, measures taken for suits. ax4 parts of auit?, wbtclrwiH be madif to order . at short notice very ruasonabiis. ' Kemvmberhe place, in lloffmauV iRvw BuilJiiig, ctjrnf uf liridjre and Water s'reeta, HIFFLIKTOVOJ, PA.- . ' f pt. li, 1875-t ' SAM'LSTBAYEfe lias j'lit retarnf d from tlio Ka.st(.rn oliks Wifli a full variety n Mm & BOYS' CLOTHiMG, . HATS & CAPS, j&OOl'S i SHOES', ALL StZt GENTS' FCKN'ISHIN'O GOODS. Oood of all kiml r; low Co im aud see ma and Iw ar.tanikhwl. Punts at 15 cent. 0J SCI IS MAUK TO lllilitH.rj 1'atfcasow, Pa., Jlay 3S, SAJIL'KL STKAYER. Professional Cards. JOUIS E. ATKINSON, ' ATTORN EY-AT -LAW, ; ; MlFFLlXTOVi'Ji, PA. '. -) uvColleeting and Conveyaucing prompt ly attended to. OrricK-On BrMge street, rppisite tht Court House Squire. J OliERT McMEKN, ttorney and Counselor -at-Law. ruiUL'l attention given to the securiuit and collecting ot ciuius, aud ail li gl busi ness. . . . , , Or rice on bridge street, Cist door weal ot the tiellurd building. - .... April I lr.ltri-tf LkiUJ, 1'ATTKRSON, aJtoriney-at-law.'a MIFFLINTOWN, JCNIATA CO., PA. C7 AH business promptly attended to. jOrfica On Bridge stre' opposite the Court lluse'sqoure.v y yiLLiAX m."allh6k . ATTOEQEY-AT-LAW, ' ' Has rimrt ai'tiyely the praetice of hl protession. All bnvdness prooiptly attend arditN. -Otfice,as fiA-uierly, alj .ining his resiliency opposite Lourt House, illltlin town, P. . Dec. 3i, 187 . ' . JOHN McLACUULIN, .. - INSUEANCE AGENT, PORT ROY.1T.', JCXI ST.1 CO., rj. UOiity rli.idle Companies represented. Dec. !, 187o-ly T M. CRAW FORD, M. D., Has resumed actively the practice of Medicine and Surgery and tbeir collateral branches. Office at the old corner of Third and Orange streets, ililUuitown, Pa. March T 1S7; t iiomsXelder, m. p. Physician and Surgeon, MirruxTonw, rj. , Office honrs fn.m 9 . to 3 r. Ot. ,. .k,.... , " ' ...,.. j jiiirjrery ihrir collateral bram-bes. Will ;ve ,"..., -n(1 ;,i.i ui .......li,,,, V, ,ii , t nimsi.-d to Ins care. Odiee in the Patterson Dm;' tre. July 2'. ItTH-tf J M. ilKAZKL, M. 1)., PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEOX, Jlcademin, Jur.iata Co , Pa. Orrici formerly occupied by Dr. f terrett. Professional business proiuitly attended to at all hours. D. L. ALLKX, M. D , Has commenced tbe iractire of Medicine and a urgery an I all tUrir collateral branches. Olfice at Aeadrmia, at tbe residence of Capt. J. J. Patter-on. jntv 15, 1874 1'IL'Vlie II 1 11 -f I If L'l.i1 L'l M lk . ""ij'li iCTitu li 1. 1-3' i I lie- cvuiinv- IILNUY UAIlallUhUGfcK, Al.L.,mty Uil it ia dwnM.a indispensable as a I tonic medicine. It coita but little, purifies Continues the practice of Medicine and Surgery and all their collators! branches. Oitiee at his residence in McAlistervi'.le. Feb 9, 187H. YJ E. Bl'KLAX, D EXT 1ST.' OriVe opposite Lutheran Chnrcb, PORT RtYAL, JUNIATA CO., P.i., Where he will spend Ihe first ten d i s ot each month, commencing lec niK-r Ist ,,,m,1TON,T ,t the time hi. othce .ill be y J. S Kilmer, a young ma a The balaore occupied by mini. ui uviniornuv. ami w iiij iia ut-m . , ., ., ,, . . i . . associated lib tli Doctor as student and . i in assistant two years and upwards. Those w ho call during Dr. burlan a sbsenrs fi r prof. ssion.U service may. and will please arrane the time wi h Mr. Kilmer when they may be rved. on theretn n ol the Doctor, 31 E A T M E A T ! ! The undersigned hate commenced the Butchering business in tbe borough of Mil Hintown. BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, and POUK can be bad every Tucs.ly, Thursday and Ssatunlav ,i .wnn.gs at their meat store al the residence of Mr. Howe, on Cherry fBfrr Thpir wntrfari rill aln vt-it flit rxl . dence of citilens the same mortnng.: Kill i.iui In. I fl... m.I nl . .... I. .ml ...II mt t . " . -..-V-, .... prices, (iive ns a trial. HOWE t ETKA. Jnne 28, 1876-tf TUMATAV ALLEYB ANK." MIPJLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUIiTY, PEi'K'A. JAMES NORTR, President. T. VAJJ IRV1N, Cashier. Maacroas ; Noah Herttler. I Jerome Iletriek. James North. ' j William Barks. J. Nevin Pomeroy. Ephraim B. McCram. Abraham StootVer. j ' ,w rnRTl$G$js. y where jou can buy . TIIE CHEAPEST" ' Ayor'sf . HairVigor For restoring to Gray Hair it natural Vitality ajd CoIct . . drcSfiaj wkjis ai; once agreea- . ble, Leaithv. - aurl elTectns! ' for prfsen'- iing the Lair. )Jt soon ' rw- ' 'stores faded or gray hair j lo iU eritinal . Color, trith the ghxx aud freshness of yttith. Thin hair is thickened, fall-' itvjr hair checked, iiiut bat.lness often, though not always, cured by its- use. Notliinjr can restore tli hair . j where the follicles are destmyeiL. or 'the glands atrophied anil' decayed; but such as remain ran l saved by this application-, and strinolted iut - activity, so that a new growth of t liairis proilureii. Instead of fouling the liair with a pasty sediment, ic will keep it clean and vigorous. Ira occasional rise will present the luir from turning gray ot CiHin o. and consequently prevent baldness.. The restoration of vitality it give ' to the st alp arrests and prevent the formation of dandruff, vvliich is often so uncleanly itid ofiensivri Free from those deleterious snli st.inces which rnake sotnc prepsrri tions danporons, and injurious to tli h:iir, the Vigor can only benefit, hut not harm it. If wanted rnfrtlv br a HAIR DKESSINCK nothir? -tH . r.tsi be fontnl Mt d.;?irabli'. Contain-4 ' iiid neither oil nor dye it doe.s not. soil tvhite cambric, and yet last- long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful prfum Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ca., - f '"l.sK'.Aw.'-ymWl SOI.T1 RV AI.1. lWCClsrS EVFRYWHKBS The Great Discovery I K. Y. KUNKKL'S I1TTKR WINE Of IKON, for the cure uf weak stomach, gen eral debility, indigestion. diee of the nervous system, eorsfipation, sehlity of the stouuich, and all raes n-qiiiri:i a tonic. This wine includes the mot ajjreeabld I and etlicient Salt of Iron We ).ws Ci' I tr:ite of JIaenetic Oxide con hn.erl with tha n mt energetic ot veetab.ii toutc -Yellow I lVrnvian Haik. 1 The effect in niant" tlv! f d' bilitv, loss of appetite, and general pne-tilion, of u etlieieut Salt of Iron combined with valu able Nerte touir, N riiost happy. It aug-ne-r.ts the app fife. raies tne puHe, takes fl innvular tl.ibbiiiess, rvmove-itlie palorof debility, and give a Horid vigor to the coun tenance. Do you want somctliiug to tiengtheD juul Do you want a good appetite I Do you want to get ri.l of m-rtouanesa ? Do you nai.t energy t Do you want to sierp well 1 I'u yob ant to buiid i.p tour coustiid tlon Do you want to feel sell I Do yon want a b'i-k ami vigorous feeling! If you do try Kunkcl'a BiUer Wine of Iron. Tbis truly valuable tonic has been so tlior- ouhly tested by all elasea of the comino- 1 the b ood awl gives tone to the itunwlij renovates tho svst;m and prolouss hit ! Evervtx.dy should hate it. 11 now only ask a trial of this vslnnblo Tonic. Price $1 per bottle. K. Y. K.UNJ KKL, Sole Proprietor, Philadelphin. Ask I your druggist lor Kunkei's Bitter Wine of 1 Iron, and take no other mak-r. Sold only I in $ I bot lle All"' hers are coon tflri fit, mt beware of the'ij. Ply si buttles for$ 'j.CJ. I rt"..rm . flem l.jil E. F. Ki'XKKl's Worm Syrup never lails t, d strov Pin, Seat and Slolu:l. h Worms, p K - (. ,utcfl vhvsk:iM I , ..... t. i. ..f" .n.. Mcian ivt I -.. . i . . . . , ltli bead, and Im fee limil re . ' . ,, ... ;, . luon s?;ie teai-nes lliat It 1 moteil. Uont- afe-ooriu bo I removed all o'her worms can be reariily o i ...... i i... rw L' ..'nt .1 . . :,,h olh .street. Ph.UleiVm.. P..'. op o .. (n viiip . a . , .... K.uhBl;. Wurn, svr.tu. Price $IjMU. It never latls. Manhood: HowLost'EowEestored I Just published, a new edition of I Dlllr. Culverw ell's Celebrated Essav on the radical rare (wiihont medi cine) of Sperniat.irrhu-a or -iiilnal weak ness, liiv.yliiiitary Seminal Losses, linp-U-ney, Menial and Physical Ineapaeitv, lui pediiueiits to Marriage, etc ; also, t'on sumption. Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or si-xunl etraraganre, -C (X?"rrice, In a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in Ihis admirable Essav, clearlv demonstntfs, fnm a tbirtv i Vitun .llii...llll I ..... t ... i. f I t.tm iturmj . L'm'.Iv atioa'al ttttttnTlt tKt' ! ;i II srs-ri s.l llua a . iu,.,rnit ,11...ii.ji,e r the a.niUcation of Ibe klll,,; .minting out a i.H.de ol cure at once 5ilM,Jt.f ct.ri4ili, ..tfVclual, by weans of sun n every si Ueier, no matter what bis rvaillUuu ,;wr te, nv cure h.inselt cheap- ' , jy privately, aim ruu.cJly CJ7"li.ii Lecture should he in the hinds of ctery voiith ai d every man in the land, fj en t under seal, in a plain enveloe, to jany aildress, pott-paid, on the receipt of six cents or to post stamps. Address tha Puolisbers, r. nnrvn x k kox, 4 1 Aun t.. New York : Post-Odree Box 4-586. Oct. IS, 1875-ly. AKilncd ENtateorEtlaaSmltti. TV"OTICE is hereby given thit Elios SruiiTl i.1 of Fayette township, Juniata comity, Pa has made an assignment for t!ie bene fit ot' bis creditors to the nndersianed. Ail persons indebted to said estate are reiiuest ed 14 make payment, snd those ka'iug claims to present them, without d-Lsv. to JOSEPH T. Sail n. Not. 7, 1876. Assignee. Job wsrk on short notice at thi oftwe. tii .. li;! i-9 I'U'.f 15 - a' l--si;T .hi. f : t i T a it . .1 ' i '. i ' i m 1.1! II 1i'::;nl !i!' III !:i;! WAT m m -t 'i i . - r- .i y.