SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN ; MlFFtlNTOWN. n. f. soinvEiEi;, ' kditoi axd raorau-roa. The Present Corn Crop. The Department of Agriculture at Washington Uiae the following relative to this jearV corn crop : The condition of tbe corn crop oo the ltt of October, on tbe whole, was nearly average. In tbe 2iew Engladd it ws a little above tbe averape. Tbe Middle States, except Delaware, r.'port a depressed couditiou. Drought during tbe growing season shortened the yield, white in many couuties tbo corn standing in tbe sbozk was serious ly itijured by heavy rain., especially where the crop was not well ripened. In New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylva nia heavy storms prevailing about the middle of September prostrated many fields. Tbe South Atlantic States, es pecially in counties near tbe coast, suf fered serious injury to this crop from these stor-jis, which prostrated fields left uncut, while the heavy rains that followed spoiled a large amount of both grain and fodder. Freshets swept the crop stacked upon tbe river bottoms, and frosts damaged late crops in one or two eountics of North Carolina. Some coniplaiat of damage to upland crops from drought have been received from South Carolina. Maryland and South Carolina are full average, and Georgia largely above, bnt the deficiencies of Virginia and North Carolina cut down tbe general condition of this section to 2 per cent, below average. Tbe crop in toe Golf States, on tbe whole is about average, Texas reporting an es pecially fine condition. Local prices show a considerable reduction-. Reports of injuries from drought mf storms have been received from Mississippi and Louisiana, but tbe lone of reports from Texas indicates a very superior yield and quality The southern inland States are all ibove average, and the promise of large yields had already de pressed local prices, especially in dis tricts remote from mtrket. Kentucky, especially, promises a Urge crop and a eonseqnent depression of prices, though some counties complain of light crops, the result of drought. North of the Oiiio river there is a deficiency on tbe whole, the low condition in Illinois and Michigan overbalancing tbe extra prom ise in the other States. Ohio reports a superior crop, generally of good quality, though drought iu some localities, and excessive rains in others, reduced local averages. In Michigan, crops on low, wet lands are reported very poor, and in some cases not worth gathering. Illi nois is G per oent. below average, though several counties report the finest crop for years. Several reporters in Wis consin mention, with satisfaction, that tbe crop was too far advanced to be much ii.jjrcd by either frosts or grass hoppers. West of the Mississippi the small deficiency in Missouri is more t'aan repaired by tbe fine condition re ported in all the other States. In Iowa crops were poor in low, wet lands, and the condition in several counties re duced greatly by grasshoppers. In Missouri local damage by storms is re ported, but low prices indicate an abun dant yield in the larger portion of tbe State. Kansas is full average, in spite of tbe grasshoppers and chinches, and Nebraska is considerably above. Insect ravages were quite severe in several counties of Colorado and Dakota, while frosts were destructive in Utah. Tbe crop on tbe Pacific coast is somewhat below average, tbe superior condition of Oregon not being sufficient to meet Abe depression in California. News Items. Lehigh county farmers arc buying pota toes. A child in Huntington county diei from an overdose of "rootliing syrup," of which morphine is a Urge ingredient. Bullocks raised on the farm of W. Ster- ret Wood, and told in Carlisle, averaged 1,515 pound. Mrs husanna Keira, of Berks county, who died lately al the age of eighty-lour, left one hundred and eleven living descen dants. The Rev. Ned Wright, the converted burglar, is building a $ 5,000 church in Lon don Spurgeon admits that there are persons wbo should never go to church those who wear bonis that squeak, and Utiles whose are. always falling down with a nap. Tbe great preacher believes in ven tilation, aud when the windows won't open he Is the smashing ol a lew panes of A Black Hills miner, named Babcock, sold liU claim fur Jl-VM), and because it it was resold in a few days for JifAW went crazy over it. There were 447 births and and 421 deaths in New Turk city last week. The Sultan of Turkey recently sent the Emperor of Morocco a preseut of eighteen women for bis barem. It is it is extreiulj gratifying that this mode of making presents is not customary among the great men of this country. At the price of bonnets and sacks we should go west and grow up with the country if any one were to present us wi'h eighteen, women. -vYorrisotrl Her ald. 'l$rou called melancholy an ever lasti'-jj ti.Ist. If it could be everlast ing missed it would not be tuelan cholly." 'Grace before meat," as the young lady remark when she laced herself so tight she couldn't swallow." A touching story is told by the Lynchburg Aries - "Not a thousand miles from Richmond a wife lay in a dying condition. Having brought up a clever orphau girl, who was grown, tbe dying wotnaa called tbe jouug wooun to her and said : 'I will soon leave you my little children motherless. They kuow yon and lore yon, and after 1 am gone 1 want yon and my husband to m-rry' The young woman, burst ins into tears, said : 'We were just taikins about that.'" Professor Loomis concludes, after Comparing five hundred caws, that tonus move at the late of twenty -six utile an hour on land in this country and a little over nineteen miles over tbe oiseau. An express train or a first-class steamship could easily keep ahead of a common storm. A daughter of William G. Snodgrass, residing near Pittsburg, recently went near a fire in tbe parlor grate, when her clothes became ignited and she wa burned to death. California gallautrr cot aa illustra tion the o:her day when twenty-eight white men solicited tbe privilege of flocging a negro wbo had beaten oi rife. The justice refused them all and selfishly kept th privileges to Liuisclf- Hews Items. On Sandar morning a week two1 iorie thieves were hung on the limb of a tree not far from Kansas City, Mo. So far twelve cadet have been dismiese' frm tbe United Mates Normal School at Annapolis, Md., for basing.- The cry of are in a Chinese rfcwatre in San Francisco caused (he audience to rise and rush for the door, wttereby twenty-two persons were killed. Diphtheria prevails in Allentown. Winter travel has set in for Florida. Nine hundred and sixty women in the United States lire by telling fortunes. A New Jersey court has sentenced a number of prise fighters for man slaughter, to ten years' imprisonment and a 1,UUU hue. 4 1 . VynicKena are niue cents a pound in Lebanoo. Tbe Presbyterians of Bellefontehave elected He v. Mr. Laurie, of Watktns, N. l ., pastor of their church at a sal ary of $2,000 per year, in place of Mr VVy lie, who resigned some months since Twenty tons of coal are stolen daily from the trains at t'boeuixville. Eighteen attempts have been made to burn the town of Catasauqua, Lehigh county, in tbe past two years. Spurgeon wears a blue overcoat, and 'a cigar burns merrily in bis mouth.' The arrests of tbe Philadelphia police last month numbered nearly 4,300, of of which over 400 were in tbe Centen nial division. The wool hat trade in Reading is looking np. A factory that has been idle for years has just resumed wrrk. and several other manufactories are busy. Tbe Sscdy Bun railroad, from II ope well to Bedford, is to be built imme diately. Harrisburg is reported to have 1,400 Odd f ellows. A young lady of Pittston will soon apply for admission to the bar. An apple tree in Lehigh county is 21 feet in circumferenee and 100 years old. A costly and beautiful monument is to be erected over the tomb of thu late John T Alexander, the "Cattle King," of Illinois, to be constructed by Volk, of Chicago. Such is fame these days. "White Loon," a cbi-jf of tbe Miami tribe of Indians, died lately near Fort Wayne, Ind., at ihe great age of 107. lie recollected Tecumseb, and events that happened nicety-five years ago. He was straight as an arrow, with white hair, red complexion, and small, pierc ing eyes. A murderer was bung in Bombay, and just before the drop fell be whis pered to tbe executioner: "In onemin ute what a lot 1 shall know !" Mrs. Esther Alsdurf died in Craw ford county, on the 29th ultimo, aged 99 years, She was tbe oldest person in that county. Tbe people of Oxford, Chester coun ty are preparing for a tournament. The Western Penitentiary contains 672 prisoners, tbe largest number ever confiued in that institution. Dr. K. II Storrs is one of the few clergymen who refuse "louder calls" He was invited to a Fifth Avenue Brick Church on tbe top of Murrah Hill at a salary of $10,000 aud a millionaire of fered to purchase a house which read ily sold for $65,000 before tbe panic, and to furnish it handsomely from top to bottom lor his ne while be remain ed pastor of the church. And yet he would not accept. Tbe corner-stone of Solomon's Tem ple which has bien discovered, lies ninety feet below tbe present surface of tbe ground. In a niche of it is found a Phoenician jar of clay. Tbe faithful dogs of Cass county, In diana, have slaughtered over $1900 worth of mutton for farmers during tbe year. John Chinaman has 120 represen tatives in New Eogland colleges. John is tbe Yankee of Asia, as tbe Yankee is the American Ab Sin. Detroit fteexes 500,000 fish in a season for more southern markets. An English amateur bull-figbter re cently killed two bulls at Barcelona, Spaiu, in the presence of 16,000 specta tors. ' James Lick wag eccentrically quar relsome and bad an eccentric way of hurling huge and hot adjectives at bis serva us and of dismissing them with out ceremony. He sometimes dis charged a doxen in a week aud dis missed his favorite nurse every little while, but lwjs ri-engaged her again. At Toulouse, a'rauce, a curious law- cuit is goiug on. An oyster opener, while opening a few bivalves Jor a pur chaser, found in one of them a Valua ble pearl. This he at once pocketed ; but tbe buyer of the oysters insisted that it was his. He claimed that be bought shells, juice, oysters, and every thing, while the oyster-opener alleged that he had only bought the oyster. The question tf ownership of the pearl is yet undecided. A pine tree was cut last week upon tbe property of Mr. Horn, in Cleat field county, which measured thirty-six inches at tbe but and from which six sixteen feet saw-logs were cur. The last log measured fifteen inches at the top end. Tbe Harrisburg Telegraph of tbe 2d St., says : This morning Win. Z. Uin- bereer, aged about nineteen years, son of Calvin Umberger, wbo resided with bis parents on Calder street, near t al lace, employe! as a brakeman on the 24th extra freight west on the Pennsyl vania railroad, was thrown off tbe cars bile shifting at Bell's Mills, east of Altoona, and killed. His remains were brought to this city on tbe Day Ex press east this afternoon. The liuSalo Express of Saturday says: "A singular case ot poisoning came to light yesterday, tbe victims being the family of John (i. Klein, Deputy Pooruiastor. He Lres on Michigan street, and on tbe night pre vious bought a quantity of Mirer sau sage' at a butcher-shop in tbe vicin ity. It was cooked for supper and the members of the family partook heartily of it. Shortly afterward they were all seixed with a violent sickness. A neighbor was dispatched after Dr. Diehl, wbo pronounced tbe ease one of poisoning. 1 be mother of Mr. Klein, wbo bad eaten more oi tbe sausage than any of the others, continued to crow wotse, and in spite of the tenia- dies administered, died during the night, 1 wo others ot tbe family became so critically ill that fears were entertained that they would not survive. Dr, Diehl informs oar reporter, however, that they are slowly recovering and that the poison in their easo will not result fatally. The Doctor is positive that tbe poison was in tbe sausage. He is inolined to believe that the liver from which the sausage was made was dis eased. Portions of it are to b sent to I Prof. Qadlej for analysis." Notts ItemBr Spiritualists in Texas are'required to tk' out a showman's license before the author Ities will allow them1 to appear upon at stage and lecture. West Virginia boasts of a tobacco leaf thirty incbe long, twenty wide and weigh ing eight ounces. The smallpox seems to be dying away in Saa Francisco, bnt a severe type of diph theria has succeeded it, which is extending over the State. A Urge number of consumptives call daily at Manhattan Market in New York lor cups of fresh blood. Dom Pedro was married at seventeen. Mary Canaan, a white woman, aged twen ty years, charged wiih murder in having in July last, at Washington, after tbe birth oi her female child, cut its throat Irom ear to ear, has been found guilty as indicted. lieer hare increased greatly in Virginia. A alone cathedral U being moved iu Chi cago. Five hundred big j tck screws are employed, and not a stone is to ba disloca ted. Unmarried girls in Yestula nave to wear little bells on their ankles, and the eloping business is not good iu that locality. Science haa discovered the yellow toy balloons sold to children are poisonous, the coloring matter consisting largely of chromale of lead. There will be a grand representative meet ing of all the Presbyterian of the world in Edinbnrg on the 8d of July, !877. Tbe topics for discussion have ant been Anally adopted, but will probably be such as es sential principles ot Presbyterianistu in prcia! relation to present d ay wants and in their bearing on practical and spiritual subjects. This alliance was to have been held last July, but was postponed on ac count of our Centennial year, which might prevent many Americans from biing preseut. At a dinner party there were two sisters present, one a widow wbo bad just emerged Irom her weeds, the other not long married whose husband had lately gone out to In dia for a short term. A young barrister present was deputed to lake the widow down to dinner. Unfortunately he was un der the impression that his partner was the married lady whose husband had just ar rived in India. Tbe conversation between them began with tne lady's remarking bow extremely hut is was. Yes, it U very hot," retimed the young ban-inter. Then a happy thought suggeted itself to him, and he added with a cheerful smile But not so hot as the place to wbicb your hus band has gone," The look with which Ihe widow answered this "happv thought" M ill haunt that young barrister till the day of bis death. Governor Hartranft has appointed tbe 30th day of this month as a day of Thanksgiving. An Irishman, being a little fuddled, was asked what his religions belief was. "Is it me btlafe ye'd be asking abont ?" said he. "ItV tbe same as tbe widdy Brady. 1 owe her twelve shillings for whisky, and she belaves I'll never pay ber; and faith that's my belsfe too." A boy proposed to his father that be be allowed to ?o fishing, bnt his father bad other business for bim that day. "Father," said tbe young man, "do you know what Solomon said about boys going fishing !" " Solomon didn't say anything about it," replied the parent. "Yes, he did. He said if you spars tbe rod yon spoil tbe child." "1 won't spare it," said tbe old gentleman promptly. And he didn't, but tbe son thinks that he got bold of the wrong rod. Silver in Nevada was first discovered very strangely. A woman picked np a stone to throw at ber hnsband. It was so heavy that she examined it, and it proved to be a lamp of silver. Fifty millions of dollars was the result of this to the country. The following is riven as a poor man's breakfast near Calton, San Bernardo valley, California : Tea, sweetened with pure, white, strained honey, thick cream and bread, milk, eggs, Hubbard squash, ham, pomegranate, black Hamburg crapes, Flamrae de Tokay grapes, preen figs and peaches. I 'ot of breakfast for man and wife, fifteen rents. One of the most wonderful cties in world is Bankok. the capital of Siam. On either side of tbe wide, majestic stream, moored in regular streets and alleys, extending as far as the eye can reach, are npward of 70,000 neat little bouses, each one floating on a compact raft of bamboos, and tbe whole inter mediate space of the river is one dense mass of slips, junks and boats of every coneeivable shape, color and size. Two Englishtown (N. J)., boys, fired with tbe spirit of many sensational tales stole an oyster boat at Keyport, and put ont to sea in search of an island whereon to play Crusoe and Friday. Two or three days later an inward bonnd vessel picked them np nearly dead from exposure and hunger. The horse disease is spreading fast in Egypt, and numerous cases have broken ont in the Delta. It has made its appearance at all the large towns and centres of cotton culture and trade. In the canals dead bodies are to be seen floating about in quantities, and as ti former supply water to the peo ple as wai. as to tbe cotton lands, fears are expressed of the outbreak of some epidemic. The crowds of wild dogs that serve as scavengers have been poi soned in great numbers by feeding on tbe carcases. Joaquin Miller tells a curious Cali fornia atory. An emigrant train pass ing over tbe prairie met a herd of buf falo running at full speed, moved by one of tbe apparently insane impulses whirb sometimes seise these animals. When the immense herd bad passed there was no wagon, there were no men, oxen, horses left , even their bodies were obliterated. The one survivor was a woman, who was carried ont of tbe horrible struggle on the back of one of the herd bow, she never knew ; her first consciousness was that she stood in safety uj on a little hillock and the whirlwind bad gone by. A despatch from Marota, 111., under date af tbe 27th nit., says : A terrible accident has just occurred whereby a bride may lose her life. It was tbe oc casion of tbe festivities supplemental to the marriage of Frank Shenck, of this place, to Miss Longitreet, of Miodle town, Ohio. Mr. Scbenck arrived with his bride Ibis morning, and the parents of tbe groom bad prepared tor a supper and reception. Tbe guests were seated at tbe table, wben one of the waiters accidentally knocked a gasoline lamp from iu socket, and it fell on the shoulder of the bride and exploded, scattering tbe burning fluid. Before the flames eonld be extinguished her clothing was burned from her cbest, her hair was nearly all consumed, and tbe flesh on ber face, neck, and arms was burned frightfully. Mrs. Sargent was sitting next to the bride, and her face and left band were seriously burned in trying to extinguish the flames. Tbe Tbe groom was badly bnrned on tbe bands, as were also one or two others. The typical German bat fair hair and b'ne eyes. General Sheridan will soon start for a buffalo hunt on the plains in com pany with several Anstrains of high lank wb art visiting th United States. ' Hews Items. Bam Krnpp is the only man WW Can comfortably lean back and laugh at all this row in Europe. , lis s applies th cetfnon, yotf know. Tha President has" accepted ftstf to vfeation of the Centennial Commirsion to formally close tbe Exhibition on" the 10th instant. Dr. J. C Aytr has not yet recovered froief bis insanity. . Gymnastio exercises for young ladies are part of the regular instruction in a large number of tbe schools of Ger many. ,- ('('( . " Senator Butan arrifeJ from a' sum mer sojonrn in Europe otf Monday. Alexander II. Stephen's is now able to walk three or four miles a day. Bismarck is threatened with softeu ing of tbe brain.' Yellow fever stflr prevails ra Savan nah. " Shall I try a homeopath or an allo path T" M My dear fellow, it is six of one and half a doien of tbe other. Tbe allopath kills bis patients; the homeopath lets bis die." The Scran tort, Fa , KepvtliccM, says : "A shocking scene occurred at a fu neral which took place in one of the suburbs of this city a few days ago. There was a large attendance, and tbe immediate relatives- of the deceased were so overcome tf grief that at tbe burial were left to the eare of some friends who volunteered their services in paying the last sad tribnte to tbe dead. Numbers gathered around tbe grave to see the coffin lowered, bnt tbe men having charge were so intoxicated that it was clumsily done. Before tbe first spadefull of earth was thrown upon tbe coffin one of tbe party fell into the grave and could not extricate himself. A companion, no better off than he, at tempted to rescue him, but be also fell into the grave, and there both strng gled in vain ontil some of the sober at tendants, wbo were shocked and justly indignant at tbe occurence, lifted tbe drunken pair ont, and pushing tbem ande, kept them away. -s'S-ssa "Daniel Deronda." This new book by Oaoaos Eliot, the fa mous author of "Jdam Bide," " Middle march," etc., has created a profound sensa tion in the literary world. It is truly a noble work, the fullest and broadest expression that the spirit ot this age has found in liter ature, and Gaoaoa uor will probably be considered by posterity the greatest, cer tainly the broadest, writer of our genera tion. A nobler character than 'Deronda" undent literature has not produced. Tbe Boston Journal pronounces Dasikl Dsbosda "the literary event of the year." The London Gtobt calls it "an event in the history of literature." The titration Intel ligencer : "Tbe story is profoundly absorb ing." ScrttWr Monthly says : "There are books which can only be measured by the largest standard, and such a work is George JClioti new novel, Dmkl DaaosDa." Tbe publishers of the popular Laac- ami; Lisaaat" editions ot standard authors have issued a (heap edition of "Daniel Der onda," complete in two volumes, una bridged and unaltered, price, only 20 centa each, by mail 25 centa. Sftld by all News- deals, or seat postpaid by Dos a slut, Lotd fc Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111. A Singular Suicide. From the Pall Mall Gazette. In tbe annals of suicide few cases aie more remarkable than one which oc curred a few days ago at Nitsbill, in Scotland, where a miner named Duncan deliberately blew himself np with dyna mite, it seems tbat Jbe unfortunate man, who was about fifty years of age, was much distressed at some remarks made about him by bis neighbors. On Mouday afternoon be was seen coming out of bis house with a parcel in his hand, described as being of about tbe sue of a two pound loaf, and to wbicb was attached two pieces ot colliers' "strum" or match. This paioel con tained dynamite. Having procured a match from the bonse of a neighbor, to whom be remarked tbat "they had said a great deal of him lately, but he would put it past tbem now. Duncan went out into tbe street, and putting tbe parcel down on tbe ground leaned well over it. He tben lighted the "strum" with tbe match. At this mo ment some boys, attracted by bis un usual attitude, came towards bim. -'Keep back," shouted Duncan, "for the love of God ! or yon will be blown into eternity '." Thus adjured tbe boys did keep back, and it was well for tbem that they did so, for a moment later there wos a loud explosion which start led tbe whole village, and Duncan was instantaneously blown to atoms. On the spot where the dynamite had been laid there was left a hole about 3 feet deep by about 21 w:de. The Way t Reacb the north Pole. The Daily Graphic says : At least ten yean must be given to tbe work of reaching the North Pole. It is tbe last 400 miles tbat bave hitherto offered the greatest difficulties, and fifty miles a a year progress wculd be ample. Tbe Pole should be approached as if it were a citadel, with regular advances well supported ; stations should gradually be formed, still pressing forward, and affording ample provisions and protec tion for the crews until, after years of bsrd work, tbe purpose sball be accom plished. Experience shows tbe pres ent method to be entirely inadequate. CnEATisa the Rats. Tbe West Chester Arm gives this novel method : 'Jacob Hayes, of East Marlborough, several years ago adopted the following novel method of clearing bis barn of rats, tie filled his cart with corn fodder and placed a basket of core on top with a light covering of fodder on top of this. Hanling the cart into tbe barn, he placed boards so tbat tbe rats eonld run np into the carL The next morning be bauled the eart out into a field and dumped its load, when rats is sued from the fodder in great numbers and fifty or more were killed. Incomes. Tbe Cxar Alexander re ceives, in round numbers, $25,000 a day income; the Turkish Sultan $18. 000 ; the Emperor of Austria $ 10,000: the Emperor of Germany $8200 ; the King or Italy $6440 ; tbe Queen or England $6270; the King of tbe Bel gians $1643; the President of the French Repnblio $500 ; tbe President of the United States $140. The women suffragists or New Ha ven beld a meeting last week to prove. tbat woman is man's superior in point or courage, bnt some profane person in troduced a live mouse into the room, and those mercbers wbo couldn't eliiub upon the table, dropped ont of the win dow, and the meeting was broken np. JVor. Bulletin. A fine assortment of cloths, cassimerts vesting. Ac- alwrys an hand and for sale by - a. B. LOUDON. yew Adeerttsements. Assignees! ErftatewfEllas Smith. NOTICE is hereby given that Eliaa Smith of Fayette towu.-hip, Jnoiafis county, fa., haa made an assignment tr the sona nt of hia creditors to rhe undersigned. All persons indebted to shW ertate arw request ed to make payment,- aWf those having claima to present thenr, wfthbut delay, to JOSEPH T. SMITH, Nov. 7, 1876. Assignee. AMlgaed Entate af Solooaea CaStaaa. ""VOT ICE is hereby given that Solomon 1 1 Cofluian, of Fayette township, Juniata county. Pa., baa made ah assignment for the benefit of his creditors to the nnder signed. All persons indebted to sakt estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them, without d-v lay, to ZH SMITH, Nov. 1, 1876. Asaigneo. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE ! THE undersigned, Assignee of Solomon Coflman for the benefit of his credi tors, will offer at public sale, on the prem ises, in Farelte township, Juniata county, at 10 o'clock A. M., on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1876, Tbe following described real estate, to wit : No. 1. A tract of land, being the Man sion Farm of said Assignor, containing One Hundred and Forty Acres, more or leas, having thereon erected a Large Stone Dwelling House, BANK BARN', Wsgoe Shed with Stabling, Corn Crib, and other outbuildings. About 12) acres of this land is cleared, well fenced, and in a high stale of cultivation. There is a ftiie Quarry of excellent LIME STONE on the premises, with KILN erect ed thereon. The land ba recently been thoroughly limed. There is a tine Spring of water on the premises, with a Fountain Pump, whu-h supplies both the bouse and barnyard with an excellent quality of water. This farm is well supplied with Fruit, there being a good Apple Orrfanl, a Feacb Or chard, and a good snpply of Grapes1 and other small fruits on the premises. The Woodland attached to this farm ia well set with Chestnut, Oak and other valu able timber. No. 2. A tract of land adjoining the above described tract on the east, contain ing EIGHTY-FIVE ACRES, more or less, having thereon erected a good FRAME 1101 SE, BANK BARN, and outbuildings. About Seventy Acres of this land is cleared, well fenced, and also in a good state of cultivation ; the remainder is well art with timber. There is a fine Young Orchard on the premises, a Spring of gwid water near the bouse, and a Foun tain Pump iu the barnyard. No. 3. About FORTT ACRES of Wood land adjoining tbe land above described on Ihe north. This land ia also well aec with t'hetnut, Oak, and other timber. It will be sold in lots of five acres or more, to suit purchasers. The land above described is situated about 2 miles southeast of McAliitenille, about mile northeast of East Salem, and about 1 mile from Brown's Mills. It is in close proximity to schools, churches and stores. EZRA SMITH, Assignee of Solomon C'otfuun. Nov. 8, If70. PROCLAMATION. W n ERE AS, the Hon. Beta. F. Jrsats, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for tbe VI h Judicial District, composed of the counties of Juniata, Perry and Cumber laud, and the Honorable Jonathan Weisei and John Koon.s, Judges of the said Court of Common Pleaa of Juniata county, have issued their precept to me directed, bearing date the 28th day of April, 1K76, tor holding a Conrt of Over and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at M1F- FLINTOU'Ji, on the FIRST MONDAY of DECEMBER, 1876, being the 4th day of the month. Notice is Hekkst Gives, to Ihe Cot- oner, Justices of the Peace and Constables of the County of Juniata, that they bet ber. and therein their proper pcrwna, at on o'clock on the afternoon of said day, with their records, inouisitions, examinations and oyer remembrances, to do those thing! that to their ofncea respectively appertain, and those that are bound by recognizance tc prosecute against the prisoners that are oi tben may be in tbe Jail of said county. be then aud there to prosecute against tbem aa snail be just. By an Act of Assembly, passed the tht day of May, A. D., 154, it is made the dutr of the Justices of the Peace, of the several counties of this Commonwealth, tc return to the Clerk of thin Court of (Jcartoi Sessions of the respective counties, all Ibt recognizances entered into before them by any person or persons charged with tht couiniiHlon of any crime, except such cases as may be ended before a Justice of tha Peace, under existing laws, at least ten days befora the commencement of the session of the Court to which they are made re turnable respectively, and in all eases where any recognizances ate entered into leis than ten daya before the commencement of the session to which they are made re turnable, tbe aaid Justices are to return the same in the same manner as if said act had not been passed. Dated at alilliiutown, the 11th day of September, in the year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. WM. H. KXOCSK, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Mittlintown, i November 8, 1876. Trial EJst December Term, 1.76. 1 . John N. Hi libs and Edward Hibbs v.. Jacob Shelley. John Y. Shelley, Henry S. Dimm and Jacob Umholtz. No. 27, Feb. term, 1873. 2. Jeremiah Brnner vs. Jacob Shelley, John Y. Shelley, Uenrv S. Dimm and Jacob Umholtz. No." 2$, Feb. term, 1873. 3. George W. Singleton vs. Kurtz Kauff man. No. 87, Sept. term, 1874. 4. Jacob Pile vs. Christian ImSchafT stall. No. 39, Dec. form, 1874. 6. Jacob Pile vs. Christian ImSchaffstall. N. 74, Dec. term, 1874. 6. William R. Wood vs. William Sneatb. No. 104, Dec. term, 1874. 7. Daniel Coffhian and Josephine Coff in an, his wife, lor the sole and separate nse or Joaefhine Cofluian, vs. J. B. M. Todd. No. 2, Feb. term, 1875. 8. Jonathan Weaver vs. D. P. Ifinichan. No. 22, Sept. term. 1875. 9. George T. Kobison and William Rea, partners, trading as Kobtson, Rea k. Co., vs. Stewart T. McCulloch. No. 125, Septem ber term, 1875. 10. Selinsgrove and North Branch Rail road vs. F. F. Rohm. No. 271, September terra, 1875. 11. SelioKgrove and North Branch Rail road va I). A. Donghman. No. 272, Sept. term, 1875. 12. Henry Musaer vs. Simon Amey and R. Leonard, ovorseers of the poor of Fay ette towusbip. No. 299, Sept. term, 1875. 13. Epbraiin Remolds vs. Benjamin Zrt- ders. N. 331, Sept. term, 1875. 14. John C. Wright vs. D. M. Crawford. No 842, Sept. term, 1875. 15. James Castner va. William Jordan. No 136, April term, 1876. 16. Joaeph Gingrich and Barbara Ging rich for sole and separate nse of said Bar bara Gingrich, va Christian G.Shelley. No. 44, Sept. term, 1876. 17. Henry EL. Frymoyer va. The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. of Middle Penn'a. No. 162, Sept. term, 1876. Protnanetary'a notice. NOTICE ia hereby given that Alexander McCacban, Committee of Jude Custer, foaafte, has Hied the first aud final account in tbe Protbonotary's office in Mifflin town, and the same will be piexented tor confirm ation and allowance, at tbe Court House in Mittlintown, in tbe Court of Common Pleas, Wednesday, December 6, 1876. JACOB BEIDLEK, rrotkonotarj. PaOTBOSOTABl'S OtflCI, 4 Mifflintowa, November 1, 1876-4 JSew Aavertisemento- $5 to $10 PER DAY TO AGENTS I Beat Belllasr Daaitr H4ASIST A 1.1 KREUHr. i07 Liberty Street, New York. AifDERSONVILLE. 86 A complete History ol Anderson- J villa Prison, by Dr. R. R Stsvessou, ' oargcun id niN,o, wiu 'pr-" f K dix containing the names of U.'MX) TT-X : - AlaA liaM writ Vl j nitra vuriKT wuw ra rill and ranae nf death. Sent OU ti receipt of price, $3.00. A splen- k-a w did camaalgn baafc. Teas- BILL BaoTBEMS, Baltimore, Md. tflCCin tfi77 I 0UUJaU FREE. Augusta, Malue. P. O. VICkERY, Higheat Premium at the Centennial Award ed to tbe LAMB BOTTlM MACHETE ! JtaiJ a Stocking in 15 Minute: Knitting in the heel and narrowing off the toe complete ; knits sll aizes ; narrows and widens al will ; and knits the wen iihev Tubular or Flat, Single, Double, or Ribbed, Produrtng all Varittiet of 1'aif Jpparel. Send for circulars and auiple stocking. LAMB KNITTING MACRI.'tK CO., Chkopee, Falls, Ma., or Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS. FOUR JW.00 Chroraos Free. J. M. MUNYON k. CO., Fbilada, Pa. thtZf 0 A MONTH ia a certainty JjaJvlvf to every person selling our LE1TER COPYINO BtKlK No press, In-ui-b, nor water used. EXCELSIOR CO., 17 Tribune Building, Chicago. Svnd lor circulars and, terms, free. $1362 50 i PRO F I T sTf ROM t $106 25 !75CO ) ixvcsriiaxTs or $21 25 The judicious selection and management of STOCK PRIVILEGES is a sure road to rapid fortune. Seod for new Syrav of Jnured Profile," free, with full information concerning Ihe Stock Mar ket. T. POTTER, WIGHT at CO , 85 Wall Street, New York. Gold and Stock Brokers. Centennial Seduction in Adver tising. Three thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars worth of newspaper advertising, at publisbera' schedule lates, given for $700, and a three month' note accepted in pay ntcnt from advertisers oi responsibility. A printeiT Irst, giving Name, Character, Ac tual Daily and1 Weekly Circulation, and Schedule Rates of Adverting, sent free to any address. Apply to Geo. P. Howell at Co., Newspaper Advertising Agents, 41 Park Row, N. T. "ORPHAyS'COURT SAIL" PURSUANT to an order of flirOpns' Court of Juniata eonnty, tfte ander signed, Administrators of the estate of R. W. Jamiaoa, late of Fayette township, de ceased, milt expose at public sale, on tbe premises, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1876, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate of said decedent, to wit : No. 1. A tract of about 70 Acre of cleared fand, bounded by lands ol Judson Ilnnt, Jacob Smith, John E.Jamison, and others, bav ing thereon erected a LARGE STONE HOUSE, 26x30 fret, a good BANK BARN, 32x44 feet, a SAW-MILL with oventbot wbeef. and a GOOD FOUNDRY, together with I omouiiuings. i of re is agoou irrcnara ami . two never-laifing Springs of water on the premises. j No. 2 A tract of fand 1) ing along tbe side of Shade Mountain, in lite township -aforesaid, by lauds ol John Phillips, Sam-' m-l Bey, Daniel and Jacob Page, Michael' Eichman. and others, containing about SO i Acres), more or less, baring Eight Acres cleaned, and thereon planted about 150 peach trea tbe balance well set wilb tuu ber. No. 3. The undivided one-half of a tract of Woodland, alro lying along Shade Moun tain, bounded by lands of Jonas Leister, Simon Shellenberger, John L Beers, and othera, containing about 50 Acres, more or less, well set with good timber. CONDITIONS Ten per cent, of the pnrchas money to be pakl wben the prop erty ia strack down to Ihe purchaser ; fif teen per cent, when the sale is confirmed by the Court ; and the balance in five and eight months from the date of confirmation, with interest. JOHN MOTZKK, LOUIS E. ATKINSON, Adm'rs of K. W. Jamison, dee'd. Oct 16, 1876. REAL ESTATK AT ASSIGNEE SALE! THE undersigned. Assignee of Joseph Brantboffer, will ortV-r a farm in Dela ware township. Juniata county. Pa., at public aale, on the premises, at 3 o'clock P.M., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1876, Described as follows : A tract of land in the township ot Delaware, bounded by lands of David Smith and David B. Dimm on the south, Jacob Bru baker and Mrs. Mar garet Clare on tbe west, S. Owen Evans on Ihe north, and S. Owen Evana and John Smith on the east, containing FIFTY ACRES, having thereon erected a LARGE FRAME HOUSE, GOOD BANK BARN, and Outbuildings. There is a Well ni wa'er near the buildings and an Orchard of Fruit on the farm. Tbia land is situated on the public road leading from Thompsontown to McAlisterville, about one-ball mile from East Salem. It is in a good state of cultivation, of fine quality, and in close proximity to churches, schools, ana stores, TERMS. Ten per cent, of purchase money to be paid down on day of sale ; fifteen per cent, at tbe confirmation of tbe sale by the Court ; and the balance in eight and twelve months f rom date of confirma tion of sale by I be Conrt. LOUIS E. ATKINSON, Assignee of Joseph Brautbouer. October 7, 1876. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL, ESTATE ! THE undersigned. Assignee of John Shelley will oiler at public sale, on the premises in Delaware township, Juniata county, at S o'clock P. M., on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1876, A tract of farm land, adioinine lands of John James, William Sieber, Jacob Bra- baker, Christian Shelley, Christian Kurtz, and others, containing FIFTY-FIVE ACRES, more or leas, and having thereon erected a GOOD LOG HOUSE, with cellar, a BANK BARN, nearly new, Spring Hocse and other outbuildings. There is a thrifty Orchard nf excelient fruit on tbe premise. The land is in a good state of cultivation, in an excelicnt neigh borhood, in close proximity to schools, stores and churches, and offers an excellent chance to procure a desirable home. TERMS. Ten percent, of the purchase money to be paid in hand ; fifteen per cent, in sixty days ; and the balance in five and eight months, with interest from April 1st, 1877. LOUIS E. ATKINSON, Assignee of John Shelley. Oct 25, 1876. Estate of Dr. P. L. Greealear, Deceaaed. LETTERS of Administration on the above estate having been granted to tbe undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those havine claima to tireaent the same. without delay, to FANNIE GREENLEAF, ANNIE B. GREENLEAF, Thompsontown, Or their Attorney, Louis K Aruasos, MifBiatown, Pa. Oct. 16, 1876. Medical. TOAIIi- THi Discoverer and'Cotiipoander of tha far'-famed DR. SWATHE'S Ceapoaad Sjm 1Tnd chent and other valuable preparations, entered npon his professional carver with the impor tant advantage of a regular Medical Educa tion in one of the oldeat andbet school in Philadelphia, and, perhaps, in tbo world.--He aubSVquentlv served a faithful term of practice in the Pbi'arMphia Dispensary, and for many rears attended also in the hospi tal. In these instltniion no enjoyed the most ample opportunities of obtaining an insight into diseases m all their raned forms, as well aa lor ascertuininsf the let methods of their treatment. I oflering, therefore, to the people of th United Stalea ihe fruiu of his extensive professional ex perience in the medical compounds ml the best results of his skill and observation, he feels that he ia bnt proffering a boon to cv!ry family throughout the land, resting, as be does, conddently, in the merits and efficacious virtues of the remedies he here with commends. The vast amount of testi mony from all parts of the world has proven ir. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CilEKRT" the most etficaciuus rwmedy known, and it is admitted by our most eminent physicians, and all who have witnessed its wonderful healing properties. The WILD CHERRY, in all ages of the world, and in all cownlriea where it ia known, haa been justly celebrated for its wonderful medicinal qualities, bnt its great power to cure some of tbe worst and most distressing diiufajie imHif ns. was never fnlly ascer tained until the experimenla of that skillful physician. Dr. Swayne, had demootrated its adaptation, in combination with Pine Tar and equally valuable Tegetable ingredients, which, chemically combined, renders its ac tion tenfold n.ore certain and beneficial in curing all diseases of the throat, breast and lungs. DR. SWAYNFS WILD CHERRY COMPOUND strikes at the root of the dis own by punfyingthe blod, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invig orating the nervoua and shattered constitu tion. It doe so without prostrating or weakening the body in any Way. It cures not only the lungs and liver, but every or gan dependent upon a wasted or impover ished state of tbe blood. A REMARKABLE CFRE was that of Edward II. Ham son, Engineer at George SWeeney'a Pottery, 1,534 KWge Avenue, Philadelphia. He had a violent cough, night sweats, sore throat, great weakness, spit at ditferent times a pint ol Wood, gave up ail hope of recovery. Throogh the nse of "Dr. Swayne'a Wild Cherry Syrup" became a sound, hearty man, and reinaina so to this day, although over twenty years Lave elapsed since he was cured. E7" We are permitted to refer to the rol lowing gentlemen who have experienced great benefit, and ned "Dr.S Wayne's Com pound syrup or v Ud Cherry" in Weir fam ily for many years s Samuel tJ. Scoil (firm of Jacob Kelget k. Co., Drv Goods, No. 333 Market afreet, Philadelphia.) Elwood T. Puaey (formerly firm of Wise, Pusey it. W iae, . fc. corner or I uth and Market stref Is, Philadelphia.) Robert Hutchinson, No. 2,201 Spring Garden street, PhHadelptna. John J. Lytle, Dry Goods Merchant, cor ner Seventh aud Spring Garden streets, Philadelphia. John D. Mvers, Founder, Cowfes street, above Twenty-seconvt, Philadelphia. And thousand of others from every sec tion ol ".be habitable globe. PRICE $1 ; 6 BOTTLES FOR Jo. If not sold by your druggist or store keeper we w ill forward half a dozen to any addrrs. freight paid, on receipt of tbe price, f reparvd onlv bv DK. SWAYNE. SON, 330 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PUILA- DELPUIA, PA. Sold by all prominent druggists. ITCIIIXCr PILES are generally preceded by a moisture like perspiration, distressing itching, aa though pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum, particularly at night, wben undress ing, or in bed, after getting warm. It ap pears in summer aa well as in winter, often times shows itself around Ihe private parts, and is not confined to males only, but it is quite as frequent that females are sorely afflicted, particuly in times of pregnancy, extending into the vagina, proving distres sing almost beyond tbe powers ol endur ance. Cases of long standing, pronounced incurable, have bcrn permanently cured by simply applying SVTAYSE'S OMTJIEST. HERE IS THE PROOF: Dr. Swayne fk Son : Enclosed please find one dollar tor two boxes of your Ointment for Itching Piles. These are tor some of my friends wbo are afllicted with this dis tressing complaiut. The box yon sent me a year ago, used about one-halt or it, and I am glad, ye, 1 am proud to say it made a perfect core. I think its efficacy should be published throughout tbe length and breadth of the land. 1 on can publish this if yon think proper. DAVID GROSSNICKLE, Laidesburg, Frederick Co., Md. Kkdcb: If yon are suffering with this annoy ing complaint, or Tetter, or any crusty, scaly, itchy akin disease, go to your drug gist and get a box cf Swaisi's All-Hial-iso Oisrassr. It will surely cure you. Price 50 cents a box. Three boxes $I.2j, 6 boxes $2.60. Sent by mail to any address on receipt ol tbe price. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE t SON, S30 Serth Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Sold st all Paoaiassr Darooisrs. EYE TOH TBED IT? Life, Growth, Beauty for the HAIR, "London "London "London "London London "London London -London "London London "London Hair Color Hair Color Hair Color Restorer." Restorer." Restorer." Restorer." Hair Color Hair Color Hair Color Hair Color Restorer." Restorer." Restorer." Restorer." Restorer." Restorer." Reatorer." Hair Color Hair Color Hair Color Hair Color asir roca bsad as aaia healthy. LONDON HALE RESTORER. 1 It will restore gray hair to its original color. 2 It will thicken thin hair ; cause a new growth. i It will restore all natural secretion. 4 It will remove all dandruff and itchings. 5 It will make the hair sof t, glossy and flexible. 6 It will preserve tbe original color to old age. 7 It will prevent tha hair froi falling off. 8 It w ill cure all diseases of the scalp. It restores both tbe luxuriance and color of the hair, and ia aa harmless as water. Prematura blanching or fading of the hair is greatly to be regretted, and that every body wanta to be beautiful is proof enough that it is wise and right to try to be so, by every proper means ; but ther is nothing more important to this end than beautiful hair. Now to prevent the failing of the natural coloring matter in it, or re-excite the roots of the hair to growth again, noth ing haa ever been introduced to the Ameri can people tbat equals the L0XD0X HAIR COLOR RESTORER Dr. Dal ton, of Philadelphia, aaya of it: The London Hair Color Restorer ia used very extensively among my patients and friends aa well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 era. ria sottlx ; atx ottlks roa $4. Sent by Express, to any address, on receipt of the price. Addresa all onfrn to t).- Swatub at Son, 830 North Sixth street. uuaucipuia, ra, soie rroprietors. Sold by mil Dntggidu aaj24-ly Medical HEALTH AND ITS PLEASUEES, a. Disease with its Agonies' : CUOOSe BETWEEX TBEM. HOLLOtAY' PILLS. Hereon Dieorderi. WBAT is more fearful than a breaker: down of tha nervous aytem I To be ex- citable or nervous in a small degree is most distressing, for where caa a remedy b, found I There is one drink but htu, wine, beer, or apirits, or Tar better, none -take no coffirewean ta being preferable get all the fresh air you can take three or tour Pills every night ; eat pltfitv ot solid, avoiding the ne of slops f grid h these golden rules are followed, yon wi!be hit. py in mind and strong in body, aad lorret you have any nerves. Mother and Daughter. If there is one thing more than intW r... hfc. Pill. . i .. . 1. - " - ' IWHUUK, II f their purifying properties, especially toeir power of cleansing tbe Wood from all ia purities, and removing dangerons aad ui. pended secreliouS. Uuiversally adoptrd ,s the one grand remedy for female complaints they naver fail, never wVaten the sv.tem! aud always bring about what i reurd. Suk Headache and Want tf Jpyeht. These feelings which so sadden ns, most frequently arise from annoyances or trouble frviu obstructed perspiration, or from eating oi drinking what is nnnt for ns, thu disor dering the liver ami stomach. These organs must be regulated if yon wish to be well. Tbe 1 ills, M taken according to the printed instructions, will quickly restor? a kealthv action to both liver and tfolhaA, wheaca lollow, as a natural consequence, a gixA appetite and a clear bead. In the East and West Indies scarcely any other medicine is ever used for these disorders. Bow to be Strong. Never let the bowels be either confined of unduly acted upon. It may appear singu lar that Hollow y ' Pill should be recoia niendeJ for a run npon the bowels, nianv persons supposing that I bey would increasi, relaxation. This is z great trrisfake, how. ever; for these Pills will immediately cor rect the liver and stop every kind ot bowel complaint. In warm climates thousands of lives bave been saved by the use of this medicine, which in all cases gives tone and vigor to the whole organic system, however deranged, health and strength following aa a matter of course. The appetite, too, i wonderfully increased by the use of these Pills, combined in the us of solid in pref erence to fluid diet. Aabnal food Is better than broths and stews. By removing acrid, fermented, or other impure humors from the liver, stomach or blood, the canse of dysentery, diarrhoea, and other bowel com plaints is expelled. The result is, that the disturbance is arrested, and the action of the bow t Is becomes regular. Nothing will top tbe relaxation of the bowels soqaickly as this floe correcting medicine. Disorder of tht Kidney In all diseases affecting these orjnns, whether they secrete loo much or too htile water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pain settled in tbe loins over the regions ot the kidneys, these I'liks ehon.M be taken ac cording to itie printed directions, and the Ointments should be well rnbbed into the small of the bark at bedtime. This treat ment will give almost immediate relief when all other means bave failed. Per Stomach ont of Order. No medicine will so etC-ctually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills; they remove all aci-lity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper diet. Th-y reach) the liver and reduce it to a healthy action ; tbey are wonderfully efficacious in cases of spasm in fact Ihey nevei fail in curing all d iaordcrs of Ihe li er aud stomach. Holloieay'i Pill art tht het remain krwtrn ia the world for the follow f Jtteasts : Ague, j Inflammation, Asthma, Jaucdiee, Bilious Complaints, ; Liver Complaints, Blotches on tbe Skin, iLnmbago, Bowel Complaints, files. Colics, Rheumatism. Constipation of tliu Kefcnti-.n of U.-w. Bowels, IScrofula, or KinB' Consumption, Evil, Debility, Sore Throat, Diopsy, S tone and Gravel. Dysentery, ji-ccondary Symptoms Erysipelas, tTic-Dou!oureux, Female IrregnlaritieajTumor, ever ot all kinds, I leers, Fits, iTVnereal Affections. Gout, Head .tc he, Indigestion, Worms of all kind. Weakness Irom any cause, 4-c. CA ITTIOJI X None are gennfne unless the signature of J. IIatdock, as agent tor the United Stalea, surrounds each box f Pills and Ointment. A handsome reward will be given to anv one rendering such in formation as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the med icines or ven ting the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the Manufactory of Profrssor IIoLLowar k. Co., New York, and by all re spectable DrurcUts and Dealers in Medi cines throughout the civilixcd world, in boxes al boxes at 35 cents, 62 cents, and II each. Dr-There is considerable savinr bv taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of parienta in every disorder area tbsed aeb box- farrZU.S-lveow. Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia la tbe moat Derolexine of ail human ailments. Its symptoms are almost infinite in their varietv, and tbe forlorn ami despondent victims of the disease often fancy themselves the prey, ie tarn, af every known maiadv. This is due, in part, to the close sympathy which exists between the to mac h and the brain, and in port also- tr the fact that any disturbance ot tbe diges tive functions necessarily disorders the liver, the bowels and tbe nervona svstem. and effects to some extent the quality of me oinoa. E. F. Kunktl's Bitter Wine of Iron m a sure cure. This is not a new ore na ration. to be tried and found wasting. It baa been prescribed daily for many yeara in the prac tice ot eminent physicians with unparalleled success. It is not expected or intended to cure all tbe diseases to which the human family ia subject, but it ia warranted to cunt Dyspepsia in its most obstinate form. Kun- kei'a Bitter Wine ot Iron never fails to cure. Symptoms of Dyspepsia are loss of appetite, wind and rising of the food, dry ness of the month, heartburn, distension of the stomach ami bowels, constipation, head ache, dizziness, sleeplessness and W spirits. Try tbe great remedy and be con vinced of it merits. Uet the renuin"-. Take unit Kunket's, which is put op in SI ootues. JJeyot, SiJ North Ninth street, Philadelphia. It never fails. For sale by all Druggists and dealers everywhere. Ask for E F Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Irou and take no other, six bottles for $, or $1 per bottle. Wsrms! WernaaX Worms! E. F. Ki'Kksl's Worm Syrup never tail to destroy Pin, Seat aud Stomach Wvrms. Dr. Kcmcel is the only successful physician wbo m moves Tape-worm in 2 hours, alive with bead, and no fee until removed. Com mon aense teaches that if Tape-warm removed all other worms can be readily de stroyed. Send for circular to Dr. Knnkel, No. 2o9 North 9th street, Philadelphia, P-. or e-ll on your druggist and ask for a bottle of Kunkel'a Worm Symp. Price $1.00. It never fail a. The Sestijil asd Rirraucaa has no superior as an advertising medium this county, and as a Journal of varied aewa and reading it ia not surpassed by snf weekly paper in central Fenaoyrrania. FRST-CUJSS PICTTRES ta s Heaa' Photograph Gallery, Bridga at-, Mifflintowa.