oEXTIL REPUBLICAN MIFFLIN TOWN : . TTedne-dP.y, October XI. 18TG. ; : TERMS. Subscription, tlJito tmr annum. If raid ittin 12 month ; $2.00 if not paid within 12 month. Transient advertisement! inserted at SO centa per inch for each insertion. . Transient business notices in local col rrm, IWeeut per line for each Insertion. Ded actions will be made to those desiring to advertise or the year, half or quarter ar. PENK'A. B. EJTIME TABLE. fS and after Sunday, April 16. 1876, w passenger trains wiU leave Mflnin Su tion, P. K. K., as follows c KASTWaHB. frhiladelphia Express ... .12 64 a m J I.ewistown Accommodation.... 7 43 a m Pacific Express,......,, 1000am J Johns town Kxpress .....11 22 am tMail 6 09pm lAtiaatic Express 9 15 p m WESTWARD. tritTsbnrK Express 12 22 am yPwifi"- Express ............... 6 02am fl VYy P-saenger lOOUam ;Mail 8 28 p in tKant Line 6 45 p ni I Lewistowo Accommodation .... 7 43pm Daily, t Daily excrpl Sunday, f taily tzetpl Sunday uigu, i Vvun except Hon day. PaiLAbKLFRfA. Jnly 12, le"76. The headquarters of the Republican State Committee havo been established at No. 1SU3 Chestnnt street (24 tieor). Philadel phia, iikvst .1. Hott, Chairman. S. M. Shelley Resigned David Ealler the Nominee for the Of fice of Register and Recorder. A business appointment in a distant tart of the Slate required, the personal attention .f Mr. S. 1!. Suellcy, the cotuiuee of the Lei ublic n party in this county for the office l kegister and Recorder. 1 he appoint ment took place after the nomination tor the effice just mentioned. Mr. Shelley inform ed Mr. Laird, toe Chairman of the County Committee, to withdrawn fcno from the can vass, which duty tfee Cfcairwaa performed. Mr. Shelley's competitor for nomination was Mr. Itavid Ilallcr, who received a large vote at the Primary Election. According to the rules that govern the Primary Ejec tion of the Republican party in this county, no man can be a regnAir candidate without ftaviug had an e4reioa f the party in Ins favor at tho Primary Eject urn. Mr. Hoi.'er had a f arge vote polled for him at the Primary Eectiun, and as a matter of course, when Mr. SheMcy, who had received '.he highest number of votes, passed out ol the canvass under the pressing requirements of business engagements, Mr. lialer be came the nominee for the ofhee of Register and Recorder. The County Committee met in this place last Saturday and formally ac cented the withdiattal that Mr. Siivllcy, through the Chairman of the County Com mittee had previously announced, and rat ified the nomination f Mr. Haifa-. Jlr. ll U& is an intelligent, industrious -itizen of good haziness qualification, and is known to a large circle of citizens who have been dealing in grain, lumber and coal, with the SufouSs, and latterly with Messrs. ftuyer A. Reunedy. lie was employed with the former dcaleis a number of years as book keeper and general business manager in the absence of menfeor f the briu. With the latter r he occtipies aout the same position, lie is a s:e man, one io whom the business interests of the county wond not sutler, one in whom tfee art' can rely in its grapple with wrou. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Pig potatoes. tiathcr apples. Thanksgiving turkeys. House and l.nry cabbage. Chestnuts are reported pleety. Tyrone has captured a Urge bear. They talk now of "the melancholy days." Gather hoarhonnd now for congh syrop in the winUr. Congh and coM prevailed to a great ex teut last week. Georgia went sofidly for the Democracy, just as expected. M ilford township has organised a Hayes and Wheeler Club. The Port Royal Fair was wett attended considering the weather. Daylight on Sunday more in g revealed a heavy frost, and Uiin ice. Pib.'-at"on of the Lakeside Library tor sale at keptiar's Drug Store. Or. the loth inst. Bedford will send off its seci.cd Centennial Excursion party. It is not trie that Rbert Lincoln, son of Abraham Lincoln, is supporting Tilden. Jacob Thomas, grocer, shot a wild turkey on the ndge north of town, on Monday. The National Bntter and Eg? Association will meet in Philadelphia on the 17th inst. Attend the Haves and Wheeler Club meeting in Patterson this (Wednesday) evening. Frank Shields of fhe Juniata Hotel, shot a wild tnrkey a few days ago in the woods ol Tuscarora. ' The committee on pore examination is expected to be on iu rounds soon, on plea sant Sundays. The oil pipes to rnn coal oil from the coal nil region to the at board, will run through Huntingdon county. The panic in railroad stocks is sbont over. The shrinkage amounts in loss to about one hundred millions of dollars Some nights since thieves did a money box in the store of Wilson &. Brown in Pat terson, to the mm of f 30.00. Instead or steam capriages to attend the second Centennial Exhibition, they will have carnages driven by electricity. Amateur fishermen are in a state of ex pectancy over the prospects of a clear river, in which they hope to catch basa. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty ; therefore if gou wish to perpetuate the Re public vote the Republican ticket. D. W. Harley has just returned from the city with a complete assortment of men and boys' apparel. Call and see his stock. Everybody icakes applebutter this year. Like Joseph in Egypt, they are thinking perhaps next year there will be a famine in apples. The Haves and Wheeler Club of Patter son wiU be addressed this (Wednesday) evening, by Herman North. Yon are in Tited to attend. Dr. D. 3. Miller has removed his Dental office to ML Pleasant, Walker township, where he may be consulted by all who have defective teeth. The frequency of incendiary fires in Clear field countv has resulted in a talk of offer ing a reward for the scalps of the fiends who burn the property. Philadelphia Markets Wheat $1.22t0I. 25, Rve 70to7Sc, Corn 57to59, Oat 33to48c, Whiskv, iron bound, $1.15, Cattle 3to6c, Sheep ijUiSc, liogs fcjto9i-. The latest styles of men and boys' fur nishing goods just received at Strayer's, in Patterson. Strayer is always ready with a familiar greeting and a bargain for a cus tomer. The great excitement incident to the cam paign to Ohio and Indiana ended yesterday. They have done little else owl there dnring the past four or five weeks than to attend to politics. Matrimonial prospect and coal oil are looking up. How's vour light 1 and bow's your flame t That's religion, sure light and love. Whe wouldn't take atock in coal oil and matrimony ! There Is a great business depression In Germany and England. It is a wonder that the Democracy do not blame that on the Republicans. While out gunning, last Friday, Joseph Martin drew sight 0 a wild pigeon and dis charged the gun, when, to his utter amaxe raent and satisfaction, three pigeons drop ped to the ground dead. That was bagging game quite fast. There are ten millions of people in the United States who would change the form of government if they could. If you wish it changed, elect Tilden and give him a co operative Cougreas, and you will get as much change as you want. A large stock of Overcoats of latest styles, and all other late-styled Clothing for fries, also a full line of Hats and Caps, Shirts, Underclothing, in short, a complete stcck of furnishing goods lor men and boys, at Siegelbaum 4t Co. 'a. If you wish to know how red the front of Thomas' store is, lock at it five minutes. You will then know thai is is red enough to make your eye ache. The ache of the eye may be removed by going io and buy ing a parcel ol groceries. A prominent Eastern Democrat has con tributed $10,000 towards the expenses of ins Kepuixican campaign in the West, as signing as a reason bis belief that Demo cratic success wonld just now imjieril the prosperity of the country. When a Democratic writer or speech maker talks about extravagance, just look about yuu, at this and that man, and see il the Democrats are not as deeply into the extravagances of life as an) body else. They waste as much as any other people. Says the Burling'on Havk-Eye .- A young couert to Democracy, down in Mis sissippi, is always initiated iuto his cam paign club, presented with a pair of revol vers sud a mask, and told that he is expect ed to be a conscientious Democrat ' iu all that the term implies." Massachusetts politics is harder to under stand than politics in U untingdon county. B. F. Hutler received the regular Republi can nomination, and no one ever intimated that he resorted to unfair means to secure the nomination, and now they run Judge Hoar against him. The result will be that a Democrat il get the office. " A little miss, writing to her father on the first day of ber entrance at boarding school, says: The first evening we had prayers, and then singing, and a psssing around ot bread, which I did not take, be cause, not being confirmed, I thought I had no tight to take communion. Afterward I learned that I had lost my supper.' ", The enterprise of David Koons, of Port Royal, in transporting visitors to and from the Centennial Exhibition on a boat, in its ! latter days has been attended with misfor tune. His boat was more or less stove, ty rfinlArt with Ha.mwhinr in fhtt Hrtiiivlkill river on the last trip, and his pocket-book, I containing one hundred dollars, was lost in Philadelphia. It is apt to shake a man's confidence in his wife to awake in the early morning and una ber sitting on the edge of the bed going through his pockets. Fulton Time: And it is apt to shake a womairseonlidence in her husbtnd to find uothing in those pockets but a lager beer check, a piece of bologna sausage, a variety show ticket, and a pert uined note sigr.ed "Ever yours, J ulia." Xorristowa Herald. On Monday Rev. T. J. Sherrard was in stalled as Pastor in the Presbyterian Church at this piace. The services began at two o'clock P. M. Rev. Mr. Cole, of Spruce Creek, preached the sermon and propound ed the formulated questions. Rev. Mr. Hallowficld. of Huntingdon, delivered the charge to the Pastor. Rev. Mr. Cornelius, of Altoona, delivered the charge to the people The Witherspoon statue i to be unveiled in Fairmoiint Park, Philadelphia, on the 20th of this month. It will be the organ iced eveut of the Presbyteriaus at the Cen leruital Exhibition. The Catholics had their day around the Total Abstinence Fountain, and the day that is to represent knight errantry, kmghthrod and the tonrnameut of the mid lie ages will be Maryland's day, the 19th imfl. A despatch from a leading Liverpool, (England) grain circular, on last Friday, says : " 1 he wheat trade has continued an imated during the week, and many markets are a shilling per quarter dearer. Both in the agricultural districts and in the chief grain ports a similar a.l vau e has been ob tained fir cargoes off the coast and for shipment, while on th: spot nd iu the neiglilxirhood business has been active at n improvement of a enny to two pence since Tediir. The stock of white wheat is diminishing, and red American grades have become quite scarce, la the market to-day an advance was asked which ratherchocked the demand ; still a (sir business is report ed M wheat at an improvement in most cases ol two pence on list quotations. Flour sells steadily- at over Tuesday's rates. Corn ia dull." The American Fish Culturists' Associa tion gave a dinner on ?riday evening in the LaFayette Restaurant in the Centennial gronr-ds, which is notable because of the rare fish that were served np to tickle the palates ol the dinner party. There were turbots and soles from England, imported for the ocrasion, which arrived in the Brit tannia at New York on the 6th inst., and can-ten, Japanese sea weed, prepared by the cook ot the Japanese commission. A conger eel from Portugal, pluk fish from Norway, mixillnn from Spain, black shark fins and white ones from Chica, oolachans from Alaska, dried fish maws from China, and dried octopus eggs from the Land of the Sun. Norway shewed mackerel in oil, halibut, and salmon, while Portugal tickled the paares with sqnid in oil. Even that troubled country. Turkey, sent botargo (mvllet roes), and the Cape of Good Hope contributed era) fish. Japan showed some not very toothsome shake and dried salmon." Almost from time immemorid stories have betn published concerning cats, and their habit of taking away the breath of children, but, says the Lock Haven Repub lican, nothing has over occurred near us until within the past week. Mr. John R. Moore, the Clinton avenue grocer, has been ill lor some days, and on Wednesday night last was lying iu bis room asleep. Some time daring the night be was awakened by a choking sensation, most painful to endure, and on oning bis eyes, discovered the family cat sitting on bis breast industriously sucking his breath. Mr. Moore pushed away the cat, and had it chased from his room, and he returned to his slumbers, very much exhausted. Next morning the cat was shot. This should prove a warning to persons keeping cats around their homes, not to allow them in sleeping apartment. Harrisburg Telegraph. The Democratic press and Demo cratie orators are exercised now over the statement that Mr. Hayes is ia favor of Native American principles. It is a new statement, and it may be true or it may not be true. If it is true, be is not tbe man to shrink from the responsibility of meeting such an issue. If it is not true, be will likely say so at an early date. So the erring breth ren may as well pnt tbeit souls in a state of repose on that question, for, be it as it may, there is nothing in it for them. Ik Ohio, Democrats, in certain local ities where the beer-driuking popula tion is large, circulated stories, in effect that the candidates on tbe Republican National and State tickets are men who belonged to the Crutade Temperance men. Iu other districts, where tbe Temperance element is strong, they cir culated stories to the effect that certain Republicans on tbe tickets are great devotees of wine snd beer cupg, indeed almost sots in drink. Stories very nearly of tbe same kind bave been cir culated in this county sgainst H. T. McAlister, tbe Republican candidate for Assembly. They are not true. Mr. McAlister is one of the most evenly balanced men on the question of liquor, and malignant indeed must be tbe man who started such stories against bun. Presidential Campaign Song. " 1876. When this old hat was new, boys, ' Sam Tilden and Bill Tweed Were bosom ctonies in New Yorkt And mighty well agreed ; The tricks out did not think of, sir, The other sorely knew ; And so they swelled their bank accounts, When this old hat was new. When this old hat was hew, boys, Oh! how the money went; They scooped the city treasury np, And yet were sot content ; By plans that Sam invented, sir, Known bnt to very few, They eonnted Hoffman Governor, When this old bat was new. Vhen this old hat was new, boys. And everything serene. While Sammy ran the Railroad, The Boss ran "the Machine." With Hoffman up the Hudson, sir, Ob ! how the money flew ; Reform was what they did not want, When this old hat was new. . When this old bat was new, boys, tire at scan ials were afloat ; The Tain'oy ring was broken up, The Boss was made scapegoat Ungrateful m at last began. Though still one ol the crew, To cry, "Stop thief," and keeps it up, Since this old hat was new. . When this old hat was new, boys, If we hwo learned the tacts, Our Sammy made a false return Upon his income tax, And had the law bnt reached the fraud. And dealt h im justice troe, Like Tweed he'd wore a striped suit, ' When this old hat was new. When this old hat was new, boys, A funny thing to see Was little Sam a figuring The President to be. lib pardoned convicts great and Small, And Tweed to Cub flew, For Sammy had no use for him. When this old hat was new. AUhough this hat is old, boys. And bleached by rain and sun, 111 wear it like an honest man Until the victory's won; I'll swing it in the air, boys, For 11 ayes and Wheeler, true, And next November I will win A dozen bright and new. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Sherrard re preached, by request, a sermon hiving Tor its text, the 11th verse or tbe oltb chapter of Isaiah. The text reads : "Othou afilicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted f behold. I will lay thy stone with fair colors, and lay thy founda tions with sapphires." Tbe Theme deduced from the text was the Humiliation and Exaltation of tbe Child of God. That portion of tbe sermon included in the introduction and under tbe fol lowing general bead and subdivisions as referred to in the Humiliation of the text, was preached in the morning. I. Tue Humiliation was the be liever's distress. The believer's distress aroee 1st. From a lack of faith. 21. From the crosses of life. 3d. From the afflictions of life In the evening the Reverend gentle man read tbe 34th Psalm, and thence, through an introduction that dwelt on the beauty of th celestial borne of the I believer, and the transition state from the humiliation of the believer to the' exaltation of the believer, wbicb became I 11. Tue believer's joys. I It was a joy to the believer because ' it was 1st. The voice of the Lord. - J. It was the assurance of God's failbfuluess. 3J. It was the promise of relief. 4th. It was the strength of christian character. 5 th. It was the beauty of christian character. 6tb. It was the permanence of chris tian character. Tbe funeral of Dr. Peter L. Greenleaf took place at Thompsontown, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock on Thursday after noon, the 5th inst. A large concourse ol citizens were present. The Odd Fellows and r ree Masons. o which orders he was a zealous and distinguished member, assisted at the grave and observed the solemn event ttirongh the bnrial ceremony of iheir re spective orders. The Jnntata Valley Medi cal Association was largely represented at his funeral, and pass"d a series of resolu tions appropriate to the death of so worthy a brother rs Ir Greenlcif. The preamble and resolutions, as a-lopted by the Medical Association, are as follows: Whereas, It has pleased "Divine Prov idence" the director of all events to re move from our midst our highly esteemed professional friend and brother Dr. Peter I Greenleaf of Thompsontown, Juniata coun ty, Pa ; And Whebeas, It is titling and proper that we, his acquaintances, associates, and friends in tbe Juniata Valley, who knew him best, and are here assembled to pay him these last sad rites, should express our knowledge of, and es.ee in and regard for him ; therefore be it Resolved. That in the death of Peter L. Greenleaf, the Medical profession hsa lost one of its brightest ornaments, and most useful, skilltul and learned members. His loss will be felt alike by his Medical breth ren, m hose associations with him bave al ways been of tbe roost kind and courteous character (bis counsel always being sound, learned, and advantageous), and by those who, from indisposition, have been led to seek medical advice of him. Revolver, That society in general, and especially in the home sphere, where be was recognized by a'J as their counselor and advisor, sutlers an irrerable loss. Those of means and intelligence as well as those who were poor and uneducated alike con stantly sought and as constantly obtained his sound and discreet advice, and kind at tention. His entire career, professionally, socially, and as a business man for himself and others, and in advancing the cause and usefulness of the many philanthropic orders of which be was an honored and useful member, was one of continued, untiring labor and usefulness. Resolved. That we, the Medical profes sion in the Jnniata Valley, do hereby ten der to his bereaved sisters and relations our most sincere condolence in this their great affliction, and wou'd simply point them to his honorable and useful career whilst with as, and his hopes of immortality hereafter, as their great comfort aud consolation. Resolved, That a copy of these proceed ings be f urnished the relative l the de-c-sed. Tribute of Bespect, From Sincerity Lodge JVo. 357 J.O.O.F. Thompsontown, Fa. Whereas, It has pleased the Graod Master of tbe Universe to call onr be loved Brother, Past Grand, Peter L. Greenleaf, from the scene of his earthly labors to tbat M Mystic 1'en.ple" to which, in the Providence of God, all are destined. Resolved, That by his death we are again reminded of tbe uncertainty of life and of temporal things, and grave ly admonished that our tenure of ex istence here is alone as the Father of Mercies wills it. Resolved, That this Lodge feels deeply the loss of him whose ripe judg ment and practical experience enabled bim at all times and under all circum stances to advise the brethren io tbe discbarge of their Lodge duties, and whose hand (tod heart wera ever open for the relief, eomfort of consclalionTof the distressed, whatever their station in life. Thoroughly imbued with tbe great professed principles of. Benevo Unce and Charity, bis career wts tbe perfect embodiment of all that consti tutes the philanthropist and man. Resolved, That the sisters of our deceased Brother have our sincere syro pathy in their bereavement, . aud, for consolation, ws would point - tbem to tbe breat Disposer of event. Resolved, That this tribute be pub lished in tbe pipers of the county, and that a copy be sent to the family of tbe deceased. P. G. Johw 8. Lckeks, P. Q. ELIHU WE.t.tKR, 1 P. G. Martin L. Heller, . j Cvmmdtet. TnonrsnSTowii, Oct. 7, 1876. i The reader doubtless has not forgst ten the sudden death of a young man from Indiana, at the bonse of Captain McClellau, with whom be was related. Tbe foIIowingcard is relative to tbe transmission of the body to the home of tbe deceased's father in Terre Iliute, Indiana, and explains itself : , ' " Casd. I hereby tender my heartfelt thanks to C. McClellan and all those who so kindly as sisted in administering to tbe wants, aud in preserving the body of my son, so that he could be sent home by the process suggest ed Dy Ur. Crawiord, which proved to be a perfect success. Geo. Uaslit. Train Master, V. D. Cramer, has tbe thanks of the friends of tbe de ceased, for tbe kindly offices which be rendered on tbe sad occasion. " For Sale A comfortablo Frame House, and Good Lot, in thie borough. Price $800. Two hundred dollars cash ; balance on mortgage. Time to suit purchaser. For more definite in formation call at this office, or address tbe editor of this paper. tf. llollowar's Fill and Olnt nient. The Great Antagonists of Disease. Influenza, Catarrh, tc Nothing is more talkud of in all classes of society than the marvelous cures daily effected bv the two great internal and external remedies, Hol lo way's Pills and Ointment. All who are afflicted with hoarseness, difficult respira tion, cold in the head, harsh settled coughs, bronchitis, asthma, wheeting in the chest, tc, will find immediate and permanent re lief by rubbing the Ointment well iuto the throat, neck, and chest, as it loosens the phlpgm snd mucons collected in those parts, wnne tne enector the fills is to expel those humors from the system. No household should be without a supply of these excel lent family mediciucs at this season of the year. 191 COMMERCraX. M1FFLIXTOWX MARKETS. Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thomas MirrLMTOwa, October 11, 1876. Butter 20 Kggs 20 Ijird 12 Ham IS Bacon ....,. 11 Potatoes , 70 Onions ..... 40 MIFFLIN TOWS GRAIN MARKET. Corrected weealy by Buyers A. Kennedy. QroTATioss roa To-dat. Wednesday, October 11, 1976. Wheat $l00tol 10 Corn 4. Oat ' 23 Rye 60 Timothy seed 1 60 Cloverseed. ...... ......... 6 50 TO CENTENNIAL VISITORS. ASTOR LODGING ROOMS, ll'i Sortb 8th St. (above Race), Philadelphia. Newly fnmished Lodgings at 50 cents per day. Special terms to Clubs and So cieties. Also, a FIRST-CLASS BOARMXG HOUSE, with rooms for ladies and gentlemen,, at very moderate prices. 400 North Seventh, Corner Callowhill street. Accommodations for O0 gnesls. W. W.PBARCE. PRIVATE SALES. A FARM OF SIXTY ACRES IN IELA ware to-vnship. Land of good qualify, having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE, weather-boarded, BASK BARN, nearly new, and other ontbuildings. Convenient to churches, schools and mills. SUnated 8 miles north of Thompsontown, 4 miles north of Thompsontown railroad station. For more definite particulars call on or address SAMUEL J. KURTZ, . ' East Salem, Juniata Co., Pa. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE 175 acres, more or ess, rhe hundred and twenty-five or thirty acres of which are e eared and under cutivation, situated in Tuscaro ra VaZ ey, Juniata county, Pa., seven mius from Mifflintown, the county scat of said sountr, and four mies from the rennsyva nia Railroad at Port RoyaL bounded by ands of Mrs. G. W. Thompson snd others, bsving thereon a Good House SDd Barn, and nil necessary outbuidings, good never faiing running water at both house and barn, an abundance of fruit of different kinds. Will be sold for $3800, and If de sired $2500 may remain in tbe property. For particulars inquire of the undersigned, residing on the premises, or by letter at Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. J. r. G. L0XG. MILL PROPERTY IN SPRUCE HILL township, Juniata county, with a good pair of Ficnch Burrs, and a pair, of Conuter Choppers. Good run of custom. Good neighborhood. Will sell Mill with water privilege and about one acre and a half of land, or if desired, will sell about 30 acres of land, 25 acres cleared, with good Frame Honse, size 29x40 feet, Bank Barn, size 40x 56 feet, and other necessary ontbuildings, good Orchard, two excellent (springs of limestone watir near the house. 1 Will also sell a FARM of about 85 acres, adjoining the above ; about S acres timber' land, and th balance cleared. This tract is mostly flint gravel land, and baa been re cently limed, having thereon a good sized Log House snd two good Springs of lime stone water, one of which could bg piped to the kitchen door. Will sell all together, or separately, to suit purchasers. The properties are eight m. from th Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to 3. KELLV PATTERSON, . Pleasant View, Jnniata Co., Pa. FARM IN SUSQUEHANNA TOWN ship, containing 90 acrea; 62 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultiva tion; New Log-frame Dwelling House, weather-boarded and well finished. Bank Barn, and all necessary outbuildings; flow ing water, thriving young orchard in bear ing condition ; fine chestnut and other tim ber ; three miles from Perm's canal,- ten miles from Penn'a railroad ; church, school bonse, mill, store and. tavern all within one-: half of a mile, to a mile ; good community. Apply to . W. H. KNGUSB, ' Mifflintown, Pa. Professional Cords. JOUIS E. ATKINSON, 'ATTORNEY -AT- LAW", MIFFLINTOWN, PA. B7"CoI!ecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. OrricE On Bridge street, opposite the Court House Square. JJOBJ5RT McMEEN, Attorney and Counselor -at-Law. ' Prompt attention given to the securing and collecting of claims, and all legal busi ness. Orricz on bridge street, first door west ol the Belford building. April 14, 1878-tf LFUED J. PATTERSON, ATTOEN ET-AT-LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. 07 All business promptly attended to. OrricE On Bridge street, opposite the Court House square. , II.LIAM M. ALLISON', ATTOENEY-AT-LAW, Has resumed actively the practice of his profession. All business promptly attend ed to. Ajtnce, as formerly, adjoining his residence, opposite Court House, Munin tow, Pa. Liec. 22, 1875. JOHN McLAUG HLI NV ' INSURANCE AGENT, PORT ROT JL, JCSUT.1 CO., rj. COnly reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 1875-ly J) M. CRAWFORD, M. D., Has resumed actively .the practice of Medicine aud surgery and their collateral branches. Olbce at the old corner of Third and Orange streets, Mifnintown, Pa. March rj, 1876 THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, MlfFLIXTOWX, rj. Office hours from 9 a. h. to 3 r. Of. fice in his father's residence, at the south end of Water street. ocl22-tf PC. RUNDIO, M. D., has resumedac- lively I he practice of Medicine and Surgery and their collateral branches. Will give prompt and faithful attention to all patients entrusted to bis care. Office in the Patterson Drug Store. July 26, 187tJ-tf J M. RRAZEE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUE6E0N, jlcademia, Juniata Co., Pa. OrriCE formerly occupied by Dr. S terrett. Professional business promptly attended to at ail hours. jy L. ALLEN, M. D , Has commenced tbe practice of Medicine and S urgery and all thair collateral branches. Office at Academia, at the residence of Capt. J. J. Patterson. July 15. 1874 JLJENR Y HARSDRERGER, M. 1)., Continues the practice of Medicine and Surgery and all their collateral branches. Otlice at his residence in McAlisterrille. Feb 9, 1876. J E. liURLAN, DEKTI3T. Office ttpposite Lutheran Church, PORT ROYAL, JUNIATA CO., PA., Where he will spend the first ten days ot each mouth, commencing December 1st. The balance of the time bis otface will be occupied by J. S Kilmer, a young man worthy of confidence, and who has been associated with tbe Doctor as student aad assistant two years and upwards. Those who call during Dr. Burlan's sbsence for professional service, may, and will please arrange the time withllr. Kilmer when they may be served, ou the return of the Doctor. Philadelphia dc Beading Railroad. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. ' ScpTEVBEa 18th, 187C. 7Vi Uutt Hxrritburg at fellow : For New Tork at 5 20, 6 05, 8 10 a. m. 2 00 and 7 55 p.m. For Philadelphia at 5 20, 6 05, 8 10, 9 45 a. in., 2 (Hi and 3 57 p. m. For Reading a 6 20. 6 03, 8 10, 9 45 a. m., 200, 3 o and 7 h'l p m. For Potuville at o 20, 8 10 a. m., and 3 57 p. m. and via Schuylkill Jl a usque banna Branch at 2 40 p. m. For Allentown at 5 20, 6 05, 8 10 a. m., 2 00, 3 57 and 7 55 p. m The 5 20, 8 10 a. m , 2 00 and '7 55 p. m. trains have through cars for New Tork. The 6 05, 8 10 a. m. and 2 00 p. m. trains hare through cars for Philadelphia. SVXDAYS. For New York at 5 21) a. m. For Allentown and way stations at 5 20 a m. For Reading, Philadelphia and way stations at 1 45 p. in. Train; for Harrisburg leate as follow : Leave New York at 8 45 a. m., 1 00, 5 30 and "7 45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia at 9 15 a. in., 3 40, 6 15, & 25, aad 7 20 p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40, 1 1 20 a. m., I 50, 6 15. 7 05 and 10 35 p. m. Leave Pottaville at 6 00, 6 45, 9 00 a. m. and 4 35 p. m.,and via Schuylkill aud Susque hanna Branch at 8 05 a. m. Leave Allentown at 2 30, (60, 8 55 a. m., 12 20, 4 30 aud 9 00 p. Bi. The 2 30 a. m. train from Allentown and tbe 4 40 a. m. train from Reading do Dot run on Mondays- SUXDJTS. Leave New York at 6 80 p. m. Leave Philadelphia at 7 2u p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40 a. m. and 10 35 p. m. Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. and 9 00 p. m. 'Via ilorru aud Eitex Railroad. JOHN E. W GOTTEN, General Superintendent. BUYEKS & KENNEDY, (Successors to D. P. SuloufT,) DEALERS IN GRAIX, CO All, LUMBER, CEMENT, Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster, SEEDS, SALT, &.C. '.We buy Grain, to be delivered at Mifnin town or Port Royal. " ( IV e are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rate. .. " BUYERS ft. KENNEDY. fOB PRINTING OT EVERY KIND ' done at this office. .Miscellaneous. fUNlATA VALLEY RANK. MIFFLINTOWN JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN'A. JAMES NORTH, President. T. VAN 1KV1N, Cashier: ISECTOaS i Noah Hertrler. James North; J, Nevin Pouieroy. Abraham SUftifter. jVrrrne Hetriek. William Banks. Ephraim B. McCrumi n Loudon, MERCHANT TAILOR, In room on second story of R. B. Parker's dew building, on Main Street, MiEiatown, Pa. FASHIONABLE GOODS alway on haid. CUSTOM WORK. DO.N'K on tbe shortest notice. GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern. PERSONS buying goods can hae ihem cut itl garments free of chargei BCTTERICtTS PJTTERXS also for sale. A LI WORK WARRANTED. ' PRICES LOW. Oct 22. 1873-tf j'CW DRrtt STORE. BANKS 4 ILVMLIN, (Belford Bnildin?,) .Main Street, MlfUiutotTn, Pa. DEALERS IN DRUUS AND MEDICINE, CHEMICALS, DYE STIFF, PAINTS . OILS, VARNISHES, ULASS, PUTTY, COAL I'll., LAMPS, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, BRUSHES, HAIR KKl'elLtS. TtHi II BRUSHES, PER . FUM ERY.COM BS, SOAPS. HAIR OIL, TOBAC CO, CIGARS. NOTIONS, STATION KkY LARGE VARIETY OT PATENT MEDICINES, Selected with great cr, and warranted (torn high authoritv. E7-Purest of WINES AND LIQUORS for medical purposes. C7PRESJR1PT10NS cmpounded with great care. June 22-tt . PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS ! Pumps, light or heavy, made to order. Cncumber Wood Pnmps always on band. These guaranteed never to frecie in Win ter. Wood, Ircn, Terra Cotta, or Lead Water Pipe put doWn on short notice K?"Rcpairing promptly attended to. Please give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell at the very lowest price. Call on or address WM. NOBLE, Port Rofal, or, FRANK NOBLE, Mitllintown. STILL GREATER HEDUCTIDK IX TUE PRICES OF TEETH! Foil Cpper er Lower Sells as Low as $4 So teeth allowed to leave the office unless the patient is sntisneu. Teeth remodeled and re paired. Teeth filled to Tad for life. Teeth extracted withont pain, bv the nse of Nitrons Oxide Gas, always on hand. owing to the hard tunes, I will insert full single sets teeth, of the very best kind, for $10.00. Toothache stopped in five minutes with out extracting tbe tooth, at th Dental Of Dee or u. L. IJkrr, established In MinLo- town in 160. G. L. DEP.IL Jsd 24, 1S72. Prac.ical Iei.tUt. M EAT! MEAT!! The Undersigned have commer.ceij the Butchering business in the borough of Hil tliiitown. BEEF, VEAL. MUTTON, ; -and rORK can be bad every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday n ornings at their nteat atre at tho residence of Mr. Howe, ou Cherry street. Their wienn will also visit the resi dence of citizens the same morning. Kill none but tho beat of stock, and sell at fair prices. Give ns a trial. HOWE JL ETKA. June 28, 1876-tf ATTENTION. J. F. JACOBS, EALEB 19 Farming Machinery and Agricultural Im plements, such as Corn Planters, Com Workers, taR.tl. SEPARATORS, CLOVER SEED SEPARATORS, Horse Powers from One to Ten Horse Power, Agricultural, Portable, and Stationary Steam Engines, FODDER CUTTERS, FODDER CRCSU EkS.COK.N SUKLLEK5, Cider Mills, Hay Forks, Hay Rakes, Grain Drills, and farming machinery and imple ments oi every description. Address J. F. JACOBS, Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. Administrator's Xotice. Estate of Sylveeter C. Frey, deceated. J HEKEAS Letters of Administration W on the estate of Svlvester C. Frey, late of Delaware township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted Io said estate are reqnesttd to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will pleese present them without delay to JOSEPH LONG, Jdm'r. August 30, 1876. Uurfeirr 9tu4i-l Ovwks-r m4 Cr-ftr Tt lnti. vfUl npfw-r batan.otd an rw n-t. tnH ii walMh)c f pro-r- ta rtan f-ton mw fJkHim. rrytlT ItyrwfcisM : tkv. gmorWO LAB OK. pner 8MALX. TMm. IWImiM ik(Tr-aef. pacutii arvenrdnJl ia ii-d wan in trwnteibe big FxriiMtiwa. c0i w-f k-- tr mr frr--.--- wttfc rW CG. B LATCH LEY, Hanuf r, 506 Conmsrce St.." s gOLOMO SEIBER, WIU visit Mifflin and Patterson very Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morrings and will f urnish the citizens or these1 bor oughs witi the best of BEEF, VEAL, MCTTOX, PORK, Jte. at th very lowest prices. He respectfully solicits tne patronage of th public- . April 3, 18721 y. Drugs tt medicines at Basks A. Hamlin. - WOOD x - ---' - r-. . , . M1SCELL.1. EO US METHODSPOINTS. METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE lli THE PURCHASE OF CliOl WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL T Mc ssi tmits tha tatsrsstad Atienfloa aad CartfcsT Scnrfnj f -THE PURCIIASINO PUBLIC METHOCS: ., "YyE have but One Price fur AIL w B receiT Cfcfth Pkymcxit from All- W E give a Guarantee protecting All- WK Return Hooey when we cannot WI boy onr goods at nt hands, ia immense quantities, and mi the . lowest priues lor Cash.- . Wl roannfaetme with wxtresn cam every garment w sell WE tnrct ever Yard ft goods that goes mio our garments. ' WE put a ticket on every rarment. showiug plainly itaqnaiity and price. , , WE cut off every item of unnecntary expenditure ; WE employ llrstelass workmen in - every department givesatijfaetfnn M every rtrrehaser V T er ferum the money , , In addition to oar Immense Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, we have a Magnificent Lin of Men's and Boy's Furnishing Goods, Shirts (of our own make) and Cnderwear, all at Very Lowest Prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK JAXJm. S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PH-XADIXPHIA. sir will COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, HEATERS OF ALL KINDS, AT The people's HAKDWARE STORE, In R. E. Parker's .Yew Bride Building, MAO STREET, OPPOSITE THE COURT YARD MIFFXIXT0WX, JUXIATA COUNTYj TA. Housekeepers' Hardware, Build' crs' Hardware, MECHANICS' TOOLS, LEATHER, PAIN'T, OILS, GLASS, &C, &C, jail of first quality, constantly can ana see me. v-m . a " to-! MuTlintown, Aug. Io, !S,4-tf D. W. HARLETS Is the place where joii can bay THE BEST AXI THE CHEAPEST MENS YOtTTHS' & BOYS' CLOTIIING IUTS, CJPS, BOOTS, SHOES, jlSD FURMSIltXG GOODS. HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select stocks ever offered la his market, sfid at JSTOXISHISOL Y LO IfV PRICES I Also, measures taken for suits and parts of suits; which will be tuaJe to order at short notice, very reasonable. Jlemember the place, in Hoffman's Water reets, MlFFLlM OWIi, PA. SAM'L STRAYER Has jast returned from the Eastern eititi with a full varicf- of MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CATS, BOOTS GENTS' FLRXISHIXa GOODS Goods and be astonished Pants at rents. Patterson, Pa., May 8, 167d. NEW GOODS ! SEW GOODS !. AT jB.M. TODD'S, PATTERSOX, PA. j I hsve just return-a from Thiladelul-ia with a full line of I Mryrici AWT) TJfWQ' ftlTTTTXTP I Men' Suits, $3.50, $5.00 to $2f.i0. Boys Suits, $2.50, f I 50 to $10.00. A fall line of the MOST FASH lOSABLE HATS, at low prices. A complete assortment of Ladies' Best Shoes, at $1.25 and upwards. . r ,1 i- ,.1.1. , r.. . A full hue of Children s Shoes. 1 have' : also a full line of Ladies' tlose, Handker-! chiefs, Ax. Also, a large stock of GROCERIES. Arbuckles' Coffee 30c. Mackcral, IS'o. 1, $-.60 per bbl. I am now setlmr SETTING MACHINES) at WHOLESALE PRICES, t will sell ron! any kind of a machine at TTOXXTY PER CE.4T. LESS than tney are usually sold. Leave your orders, and yen caa hare aay kind yon want. - . ' ". , if' B. M. TODD. .ID tEKTlSEME. IS. WtHTS: OX3 Price means of necessity th Low est Price. . ,. CASTf -.TrTA?ifl or collection and loves Drum Lad debti ,. .. THE Guarantee protects th barer who un.j but be a judge ut goods . We rely on immense sales and ar sat-' fcfied with a very small percent- S Of FTOTi , , . IT Is easy to boy of ns. stnee all are tnato-1 alike, no one geitiug favors that are denied to others. DtCKERHTO and debate" Ur done in y ly us, every boly gets oar best with out having to as fur it , OCR Wire experience, capital and tartl itics we use for the people a benefit in lowering p"" XXfl fill orders rrcelrejlifniail from s!T V f parts of the United Mates, w hit tor particular .. , NOT a particle of risk rnn In buying of us. A child may buy as cheaply on hand. I invite the public to J0H W MtJTHEESBAUGH. New Building, corner of Bridge and Sept. 15, 1873-tl & SHOES, ALL SIZES, of all kind. ar In... Corrm ml ee me C7 Sl'Il'S MADE TO OKDER.yl SAMUEL STK.-i V ER. Manhood: HowLost.HowKestorcd J ust piilitislie-i, a new edition uf Ir. Culverweir Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medi cine) of Sjcrnntoi rini a or Seminal weak nets, Involuntary Seminal Lusses, I m po tency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im pediments V Marriaire, etc 5 also, Con sumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by seit-in.liilgi-iice or sexual extravagance, tc. CTrrice, in a sealed envelope, only six "'- Th" celebrated anihor, in this admirable I Essr, clearly dcuionjtrates, from a thirty rears' successful practice, that tne alarm- g consequences of self-abuse may be rad ically cured without the dangerous use ff internal medtc!ne or the application of the knife; pointing ont a mode of enre at once simple, certain, and efTLetuat, by means of which every sufferer, no matter ahat his condition mar be. ruav cur bimo-tr rhear. ly, privately, and radically. I C7Ttiis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. n un,ler e'' " P'-" envelope, to auunjss, wiiau. un me receipt 01 .,.', . ,i ' . , . v six cents or two oust KtainnS: AiMnM In Puolisbers. r. nnrcMAi u so. 41 Ann St.. New York; Post-Ottice Box 4596. Oct.lH, 1875-lr. CAiTTiorr. A LL persons are hereby cautioned sf ainst Xx. usinc I). F. Stow's Hul.h t Chain Pnmp Valve in Perry, JuniaU and MLT.tn counties, it is an irfrineeinrtit on M Dan's KLASTHJ RL iiBEK BUCKET," patented bJ. W U 71. and all who nse umiir iii wi me ecnn'ne ariicie are infringers. and will be dealt with according to the lawa provniuu in sucn cases. VT.M. C. BARKER, Pstentee, Jllllport, New York. Gio. E. Bccklit, Counsel. r7"J0H?l D.LOTZ, the Auctioneer, is tho Afect for the BARKER PUMP ia the three counties above named. aiigl$-3ra