Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 09, 1876, Image 3

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Wfeda Mday, Augwwt ft. tSf 6.
. ' TEHMsr r t
Stbsrription, $1.60 per annum, if paid
jwittin 12 months j $2.00 if not paid within
12 months.
Transient advertisements inserted at SO
cents per inck for each insertion.
Transient business notices in local col-traft-,
10 crKts per line lor each insertion.
Dednctiona will be made to th -ae desiring
to advertise by the year, ball or quarter
ON and after Sunday, April 18th. 187fl,
passenger trains will leave JliHliu Sta
tion, P. R. R., as follow :
'Philadelphia Express ..w. 12 54 am
. Lewistown Accommodation.... 7 43am
f Pacific Express 10 00 a m
tJobnstown Kxpress ............11 22 a m
Nail v.i , . 6 OU p tn
Atlantic Express ...i.... ...... 9 15 p in
jPittsburg Express 12 22 a m
I Pacific Express i.... CIC!iu
JiWajr Passenger ...i...l0 00 a tu
;Mail 28 p ni
; Fast Line .................... 45 p n
tLearstown Accommodation .... 743pm
1 Daily. X Daily except Sunday, t Caily
rzctpt Sundaf uifkt. Daily except Mon
day. . i. .
Tux PetrnfylvanUi Central Kailrosd Corn
pan issue excursion tickets now, and will
continue to do so oatil November 10, 186.
Tbe price of a ticket from tbia point i
$6.18; half ticket, 3.C9.
PlHLtllKLrulA. inXf 12, 1876.
The headquarters of The Reparrrtein State
Committee hate been established at No.
13i'3 Chestnut vtruet (2 1 floor), Pbiladel
Iiia. tlcKKY li. Hott, Chairman.
Thn tiuia to caase trout Ashing will be on
tiit l "ih in.-.
Tbc S.-li' s.;r'. c and North Branch Rail
road is in tf . v qui.
MiR.io c-i's.y iViucrs are experimenting
trS itr.iigariin grass.' -
DkI and didn't," is what Katydid says
tbene Dights in the tree tops.
A number of ladies and pen'.leroeo pic
nicked at Jiaccdouia last Thursday.
On Thursday, the 17th iust , tbe Lutheran
Sjbbaitt School o ibis place expect to pic
nic. The Odd Fellows' great Centennial Pa
rade w ill take place in Philadelphia tie teui
ber 20.
Alleg.-d crookedness in the BUir county
sluia house has led to an investigation. No
report yet.
The number of people who fished for
bass has been reduced.. Reason scarce! y
anv hah are caught.
The Loner House ot Congress has re
galed the resumption act, providing for
:ld pajn.cnt in ln73.
Buy peaches of Smith and Brother, of
Pleasant IL!I Fruit Farm, cast of lleAlis
terviile, bear Cooolauuts.
One hour and thirteen minatea is the time
in which the Fast Line came from ILirris
arg to Miifliu the other evcuiug.
The Presbyterians of Huntingdon held a
..rge pic-i:tu bot week. - Upwards ot live
hundred peoj-ie were in attendance.
The cornice en the pilaster eolinnns ol
fie Court House seem to be the favorite
place of nest vuildiug lor the English spar
row. There is a movement on foot to carve a
l.iece out of Texas l"r a new State, bin
ts Urge enough to make a half dcten largc
r-Ut. .
Upwards of five thousand Pennsylvania
IrovpH-mliintrers are emamied ad jacent
to the Centennial Exhibition grounds at
i'biladelpbia. . -
The Cotne boss, So boss" of tlie caltle
drover has Dot been beard this year in th-se
p-irt. Few cattle are driven to market
nearly all are carred. . "
Some thirty or forty young ladies of Xew
York city aro said to bd " stage struck."
'lis a mistortune that they liave not tak- na
fancy for something else.
THJen's letter of acceptance is out. Tla
long, but how could it be otherwise tU.ui
long, w hen it is considered that it was in
June that he was nominated.
The District Attorney of Blair county j
was tried Iat week for ralfrasauce in offl :e. ,
The jury acq aittd bim,. and requuaal tiie I
proseeutui to pay the coata.
Rev. Steward Banks, assisted Rev. Xf. j
Sherrard iu Hie administration of the Lord's
buisptT on Sabbath, and j (reached both the
ntoruuig and eveuing sermons.
Rev.' David Beale, a member of the Beale
family of this couuiy, and now a pre hi
iu Baltimore, preached in the Fresby
terian cbmeh last Friday evening.
A Wilkesbare man is a forge? tn the
amount of two hundred tiioiMiid ti'dlais.4
Ilia satne is Tbos. f). Conyrghim. He has
fled to a place that bis victima have not yet
found out.
An Ohio mm tends a qnarteT v this"
!&-e, to bt given to tiw boy who will oaluh
linn piirot Euglish sMrrews ; allexpresa
upe aud carrying excuses to bepiid by the
citizen of Ohio.
The late meeting of Directors of the
SelinscTove and North Branch Railroad,
ti'.-kl at Seliosgrore, resulted iu tbe umii!
t.uk about collecting subscriptions, c., as
liis !: l-een talked a j ear and mure.
The mziifi. iment of Uuion Cemetory have
apiio.i.tea next Friday as the day on wbiub
to uioet l the Cemetery, with force uiii
cient to render to tbe gronnds snch ser ice
ns may be necessary to keep them in proper
"The Lewishurg, Centre county, and
Spruce Creek Railroad has been leased to
the Pennsylvania Railroad ior ninety-nine
years. 1 he road is to be completed as lar
as Spring Mills wlien w0rk wid be suspend
ed until times are betka'."
'The barn of Samuel Toung, near Mif
Uinburg, was struck by lighuiug hi tiie
evening, 20(h, and burned to the ground
with lb entire grain and ha) crop, and a
reaper. Mr. Young and his hau ls were in
tbe turn when, it was struck, and had just
put iu the last load ot bay." ,
On Tuand ay evening of list week, adaugh
ter of Mr. John Zook, of FcrmauagU town
nhip, aged between one and two years,
lound Us way to a trough of water near tbe
house, and in laving its little bauds iu the
clear water, lost its balance, fell into the
troujh, and was drowned.
Sarouai'a great moral show it down in
Nova Scotia. A few days ago It passed in
parade throiurh tbe atreets of Halifax. The
olhcers of a bank iu that place, foe tbe mo
ment f-irot themselves, aud stepped out
aide of their ofh.-e aud but a step around
the comer. When they returned, a pile ol
nearly $1?,0H0 of money was gone no one,
tiut the iniet, knows where.
On Thursday last a tram? named Timothy
Meyers, while asleep on tbe bumper f a
treight train, was jostled otf onto the track
at Manayunk station, Mifflin county. The
cars ran over His Ictt arm, crushing it both
below and above tbe elbow. He was brought
to this place, where tbe arm was amputated
about four inches below the shoulder. Dr.
D. M. Crawford perfoimed the operation,
assisted by Dr. Lucian Banks.
Mr. 11. L. Reynolds, of this borough,
tntornit at Uiat he captured and killed 8,
Mt potato bugs this summer by actual
count.. Mr. Wo. A. Spoaster font rafted
to pay him 24 cents per thousand tor all he
could pick ofl" his two potato psteb, one
in sis town lot and the other on his farm at
the head of town. Harry kept account ol all
he picked, with the aoove result Bloamfitld
The bank o thi" Miners' Trust
Company suspended oh Saturday.
Prot Huxley arrived in New York
on Saturday. B is out on a health
seeking journty.
Despatches declare that Alabama
has gone largely Democratic in the
recent election.
Philadelphia Markets. "Wheat,
new Southern red, $L15tol.l7, Ohio
amber iL20tol.25 ; Corn 50tofi0c ;
Oats40to44et Cattle 4toOe; Hon
On Saturday, the 13th inst, the
Sabbath School of Richfield will hold
a celebsation. Rev. Mr. Co pen haver
will address the school. All are in
vited to attend.
The letters of acceptance of Tilden
and Hendricks are long;, tedious, able
eflbrta to whitewash their past record,
and square each other for the cam
paign. The Sestkel artist has put
the spirit of the letters in cartoon.
See picture.
The annual election of officers for
the Juniata Valley Bank took place
on Monday. James North, of Pat
terson, was elected President, J. T.
Van Irwin, Cashier, and Noah Hertz
ler, James North, J. Nevin Pomeroy,
Abraham Stouffer, Jerome Hetrick,
William Rinks and Ephraim B. Mc
Cmm were elected a Board of Directors.,
Mr. William Allen, of Ohio, Is now sulk
ing, it is said, ever political misfortunes.
and Mr. Samuel F. Cry bs joined the
Greenback party. If the prominent man ol
tiin paity drop nlf in thtt war, who will b
for Tilden and Hendricks in Ohio ?
Third street, Philadelphia, was thrown
into a state of excitement last week, by a
firm of broker breaking up on a corner, in
Heatonville railroad stock. Th shock was
severe euough to affect the beat ot railroad
sicurities. K early all railroad paper tell
rapidly a few hours, but aa rapidly regained
their place alter the excitement abated,
which it did alter the breaking of a tew
other firms took place. All is tranquil bow
along the line of brokers.
Milroy, Mifflin county, bloods amused
themselves, and insulted a citizen on the
street by calling him Sweet cake Jake."
The citizen turned the tables, by going to
(he olli-e of a Justice and lodging inform
ation sgiinst the young men, ail of which
has resulted in a hearing before the Justice
and a binding over of the bloods for their
appearance at Court to answer, for their
A 'n of Mr. John Straitlioof, of West
Huntingdon, started in company with a
man to g fishing, on Mouday last, aud af-t-
r they had gone a short distance from
town, the boy was bitten ou tbe leg by a
Ssake. The man killed the snake, -hich
was a copper-head, then picked the
b y r.p in his arms and returned to town
with him, as rapidly aa possible, when Dr.
Bruinbaiigli was summoned The Doctor
apttlKd the usual remedy in su h rases,
and we learn the boy i gradually iiupiov
ing. An old in in, a grnmb!ing tramp, a few
days ago, in passing througn a street in
l.ewistoan ttlked so loudly that h drew
the atteut'on ol a ptrty of shoemikers. at
work in the second story of a building,
along which the tramp was passing. One
ot Uij party dropped waL-r on the pave
aieut near the old trare'er. Looking around,
he tramp saw only one nuu near, and that
man is ihs District Attorney of Miltiiu
county, and feeling like the Indian when
provoked, like whipping and scalping the
li rat rt ni-t, ho pitched into the leal
gentleman with a vigor that brought out the
muscle ol the Attorney iu sc.l-d-lei.ce.
Aller around or two, the tramp Was put out
of bglitiiic humor, by b'-.ing knocke-l down.
Iiet which be was ready to proceed on his
journey. '
The shrinkage in the pricM of merchan-
I dise and produce ot all kinds as well as
that of real estate, is a problem at which
ihe teamed, and busiues w:rlJs are figur
ing. As jet there is uo agreement as b th;
cause. One sums it up this way ; another
sumg it up another way, and in the iui.ni
tude of tourers there are a multitude of an
swers, nearly all different. It is a public
iiuesiion, and everr one may figure at it
ao tlicii liguae, figure. The result miy be
lound in the fact that ail of the govern -meuts,
or iie viyatl of the g.ivernments tt
the civii.icd Wirid are iu debt, and have
ruled that ;ruld is tile only lU tender for
ihe psj lusnt ol dents. Gold is too scarce
ior a ptymeiit. V-ars ago silver
was included as among the legal tender
money ot nations. or it is nou II sil
ver were agaiu inclu led in the pavmont
inouey, tbe volume ot currency witb w hich
to pay national obligation would bit doubled,
mid I here is no telling bow much relief it
would allord If silver is excluded a dozen
years more, three-fourths of the uatious of
the civilixod world must bankrupt and must
repudiate their obligations.
There are a number of good sU ire eaters
in this community, but n me can erjiial the
Luzerne countr iuan whose eating powers
are thus related by t Pittston piper: Hank
Leader, well known to many Pittstou peo
ple, occasionally amuses himself and aids
his pocket by winning a wager on his eating
capacity. On Wednesday morning last uj
ate, on a wager of ten dollars, in less than
! minutes, no leas than pounds or raw
liver, without condiments, or anythm? elsd
whatever w ith it. Some lime ago be ate
two p iunds of suet, two pounds of salt
pork, and a pound aud hall ol liver. While
Ibis is tremendous eating, it is accomplished
with apparent ea-e. He offers to eat a q car
ter of beef or l.V) pounds iu two and a hall
hours. Oi-dinanly be does .not eat any
more than other men, and can go without
eating, on a I u!l meal, for a week. Hank is
going to the Centennial, where be may poa
si lily furnish some diversion lor ibe cruad
by eating from three to five Ireah rattle
snakes. Uu will eat forty dot en tresh oys
ters at a meal at any time aud b gratified at
the opportunity.
Pkachcs! Pkxchcs ! Come to Pleasant
Hill Fruit Farm, situated four miles eaat oi
McAlislerville, near Coeolamus, Juniata Co ,
Pa. Patronize home trade, and get your
f ruit fresh troui Hie trees. We have oeir
Ik t lkotad t rmit Tttt growing, one thou
sand of w hich are peach trees, well loaded
with fine f ruit. We will have tea to Incite
hundred eraia of Ptacha. Hale's Early"
will ripen about the 10th of August, and
(lilterent varieties iu succession until the
close of the Peach season, which will be
so:ne time in October. H iarts all to
come and tee . Orchard open lor visitors
daily except bunday. All ixdera for fruit,
r letters lor inforinstion, should be ad
dressed SMITH at HKUTliEU,
Cocolamus, J uniata Co., Pa.
Aug 9, 187J-SI
An txchaoce says : Uagerty's grove
about a tuile eant of Altooot, on tbe
Fetiosj Ivauia railroad, bat 0ng been
a favorite camping place for tramp
During tbe night they bleep uuder tbe
trees and to the daytime make plunder
ing excursions through thn neighbor
ing couutry. Previous to Friday Dijlit
fbeir numbers bad not exceeded fi'tj
but then tbey numbered a hundred
and fifty and were desperate and dar
ing. On Thursday eight they captur
ed two bogs belongtng to Mr. Oliver
liagerty, killed ihetn and divided tbe
meat. Friday night tbey killed a cow
belonging to tbe same gentleman and
made tbe same disposition of tbe ear
eass. Saturday morning tbey baited a
farmer's wagon on its way to market
cleaned it completely of everything eat'
able and threatened to shoot the unre
sisting and terrified man if be made
the slightest aotte. On Saturday after
noon the citizens of Altoona were or
ganixin; for the purpose of visiting tbe
grove and driving tbe lawless and thief
in j marauders from it '
Fifty bushels of Oats will be taken
in exchange for Furniture. Call on
W. F. Sstdxa, Miffuntovm
Camp Mketixo. A camp tfleeling
will be beld under the auspices of the
Evangelical Association, on tbe grobtids
ol tienry II art man, one-half tnilo from
Mexico, commencing Aug. 17. Ail
frieuds of cauip meetings are cordially
invited to attend, and t hose coming will
be welcome. Notice is hereby given
tbat we have control of grounds ai-
jiuing, and no hucksters or traffic will
be allowed. . J.Miith,
R. YY. Rcstaw,
Port Kotal, Aug. 4, 1876.
Jlr. Editor: have long waited for
your correspondent, "A." irooi Spruce
Hill to reetity what 1 considered an
error in bis last comuiuuicatioc, tbat
there waa " not much improvement go
ing oe here," aud leat it may oreate tbe
impression tbat tbey are old fogies and
do uothings, I would aay that tbe peo
ple of tbat section are as wide-awake
energetic- set of people as you will find
anywhere, and always np to time in
everything like improvement. Why,
sir, within about a year twelve new
buildings of different kinds have been
erected in tbat section, and more are
under way. i5ouie old ouea have been
repaired and . unproved ; snd there's
where you fiud three firms engager! in
selling reapers and mowers sod other
luacbiuerv, snd tbe two carriage and
wagon maker' shops of tbe lloffinans,
and two blacksmiths' shops; also the
enterprising D. 13. Esli 1 Brothers, who
are engaged in the importation and ex
portation of improved swine, sheep, 4o.
All taken into consideration, I think no
more enterprising act of people could
be found in tbe jjuuty. 1 might men
tion olber improvements, bnt will wait
until A." gets back from bis visit and
looks around, for I presume be bas been
off on s visit, snd wrote of what that
people were long ago.
' Yours, ic, L.
Mr. David Uinteb, a bigh'y respect
ed ciuxeu of Alexandria, Huntingdon
county, met with a terrible accident ou
luuTsdsy afternoon last, which resulted
iu bis death la about three hours after
receiving the injury. lie bad been
hauling wood with a one horse sled,
aud started to go to Bat fee station for
tbe put pose of getting tbe sled repaired,
aud ne attempted to cross tbe Feunsyl-
vauta Kailroad before tbe Day Express
would reach tbe crossing, but bis sled
caught on the track aud the horses
broke lms, leaving tbe sled ou the
track aud Mr, Ginter sifting on it. The
engiue struck the sled, kuooked it off
the track, and ran over bis left leg.
Tbe train was promptly stopped, run
back, aud tbe unfortunate man taken on
and brought to this place. Tbe Com-
".ny 9 physician was summoned and
did all in his rower to relieve tbe suf
ferer, but tbe loss of blood was so great
that reaction did not take plate, and
dea'h relieved him of liis suffering
shortly after four o'clock. Mr. Ginter's
son, who was driviug another team be
hind his father, witnessed tbe awful
misfortune. He arrived here on the
415 trair. Thursday evening to see bis
father, but it was too late the death
angel had gone before. Tbs n ac
cooipxnied the remains of the deceased
to Alexandria, at which place they were
interred in the cemetery. Mr. G. was
an industrious, bard working wan, and
leaving surviving biin a wife and five
children, who ar thus so suddenly
called upon to mourn over bis sad fate.
As the train is a very fast one, and was
too close to Mr. G. when the engineer
saw him, he was unable to stop it, benoe
the jury of inqnst xotmrated the en
gineer and the Company from all blame
in tbe accident. lltintinilon Journal.
A Wosnrsri L Kstaslishwkxt. - One
of the sights afforded by our city at thi
present time, which no one visiting the
Centennial should fail to see, is Wanjma
ker's Clothing Depot, Thirteenth and Mar
ket street.
This is the largest establishment of its
kiud in the world, comprising as it does,
between two and three acres of store room
on one floor, and containing on its hun
dreds of relate counters a stock of Clothing
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Sen's
Furnishing Goods valued at over one mil
ion of dollars. Some idea of business done
at this giant establishment may be gather
ed from tbe fact that neatly two thousand
bands are constantly employed in the dif
ferent departments of these tlv h mdred
being always iu the store engaged in the
capacity of clerk", salesmen, cutters, sew
ers, etc.
The business is all done on one floor, and
is carried ou in all its branches with the
most perfect system. Evert tiling works aa
smooihly aa clockwork, for the siirplc rea
son that every employee iu ths m-tuufactu-ring
department baa his specific work to
perioral, and a paiticular place to perform
it ic, while the clerks and salesmen are un
der strict disciplin from tbe time tiey begin
o.t in the morning until th.iy leave their
posts iu ihj eveniug.
Visitors to this mammoth house are al
ways welcome, and are treated with uni
form courtesy and attention, whether they
purchase - r not. The different stages in
the manufacture of clothing, from the re
ception ol the fabrics in the piece, direct
fron tbe n.ills, down to tbe folding of the
ready n:.1e airmenu for exh'N'tion on the
counter, may be soen here to the bact ad
vantage, while the wonder! til steam cutting
machines and other improved labor saving
appliauces used in the tiiloring business
are constantly in operation.
The proprietor, Mr. John Wanamaker, is
also the senior member ot tbe firm of Wan
amaker 4. Brown, of iuo celebrated Oak
Hall Clothing Store, Sixth aud Market
atreets, aud of the bouse of John Wana
maker at Co., bin aud b'JU Chestnut street,
this city. These two establishments em
ploy over a thousand hands, and do an im
mense busineaa.
Mr. Wanamaker began besinoss in 1861
with Mr. Brown, uuder the now famous
firm name of Wanamaker A. Brown. The
business relation continued until Mr. Brown
died in 1868. when the entire buisness
passed into Mr. Wanauuker'a bauds, and
has since been carried on under his person
al supervision with a degree of entei prise
and success that has Dot only made his
name a synonym of American goahoad
i'.iveness, t ut has enabled him to build up
a princely private fortune Calholte Stand
ard, Pluia,, July 291a, I87G.
Tcasir Skid. One bushel of Turnip
Seed for sale, at 25 cents per pound by
mail Si cents. Call on or address
Maraics Leosabd,
Oakland Mills, Juniata Co., Pa.
Jane 21-tf
ZEIDERS On the 2nd insL, in thn bor
ough of Patterson, Robbie S., son of W. J.
and I. K. Keidors, aged 2 years and 8 days.
RICKEXBACH On the 4th insW, in Pat
terson, John Kickeubach, aged about 18
ROBINSON On the 6th Inst., at Ihe res
idence of Robert A. Kanneis, in Miford
township, alter a fingering uVness, WUiain
S. Robinson, aged 81 years.
' dons at. this office. . . : ,
IIolIvarB l-llls and Otai-
mant. Laerciae your judgment A newer
and better philosophy. To pull down all
absnrd and antiquated notions of disease
and Its ceres,' and to establish a rational
system vtt ita rains, baa been tbe chief en
deavor of Dr. Holloway through lile, hence
the origin of his celebrated Pills and Oint
inent remedies in keeping with common
sense, because subservient to nature, rather
than at vaiianre with her laws like the in
general use. To Ihe stomach we trace dys
pepsia, headach and general debility to
the liver, bile, j wind ice, and yellow fever;
to the bowels, diarrbtea, dysentery, consti
pation, piles, and fistula; to the lungs, con
sumption, Ave.; to the blood , scrofula, scur
vy, and all cntaneons eruptions. Bv keep
ing these organs aud the vital fluid pure
and health we may safely defy tbe attacks
of disease, aud no medicine yet prepared
lor this purpose can cyial the action ol
these Pills and Oiutmeut, as tbey dive to
the sest of the disorder, aud by extirpating
its cause, destroy its effect. 1'A)
Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thomas
MirrusTowx, August 9, 1876.
Buffer It
Kggs 15
Iju-d 12
Ham 16
Bacon 1 1
Potatoes 20
Corrected weesly by Buyers t Keunedy.
Qt oTanoss ros To-dat.
Wednesday, August 9, 1876.
Wheat, old $1 00
' new (rakings) .... 83
Corn 40tolo
Oats 20to25
Rve. 60
Timothv seed 2 00to2 40
Cloverseed 6 00 .
Lfgil 1iIvrrtuemtnJs. ',
Trial List rr- September
Term, 17.
1. Margaret House vs. George K linger.
No 6'A ib term, 1S75. .
'. Margaret Houan vs. W II Xuouse
No 1M, April term, 1875.
3. Margaret House vs. Daniel Knonse.
No 23. April term, 1875.
4. Margaret House vs. George Goodlir.g.
No 2t. April term, 1875.
5. Margaret House vs. Frederick Meiser.
No 25, April term, 1875.
6. J F McNeal Vs. Solomon Books and
William Wagner. No l!t, April term 1875.
7. Georgo IV Gorton vs. Hugh Palm.
No S.-pt term, 1875.
8. Jonathan Weaver vs. D P Minichan.
No 22. Sept term, 1875.
9. Selinsgroie A. North Branch Railroad
Company vs. George F. McFarland. No 59
Sept term, 1875.
10. Edward P Tliom.sou, Win S Thomp
son and Theodore S Thompson vs. John L
Anker, Administrator of Jeremiah Kirk,
dee'd, and Samuel Kirk. No 94, Sept.
term, 1875.
11. ticorge T Robison and William lira,
partners, trading as Kobison, Kea Co., vs.
Stewart MeCulloch. No 12j,SeptT. 1875.
12. Selinsgrove A. North Branch Kailroad
Company vs. F F Kohm. No 271, Sept
term, 1875.
IS. Selinsgrove fc North Branch Railroal
Company vs. D A Doughiuaii. No 272,
Sept term. 1875.
14. Christian Kurtx and A M Kurtz vs.
Frederick Meiser, with notice to Isaac Pile,
ttrre tenant. N o 2U7, S ept term, 175.
15. Heury Musser vs. Simon Amy and R
Leonard, Overseers of Poor of Fayette
township. No 2'..'D, Sept term, 1875.
10. The Columbia Insurance Company vs
Solomon Eeuuer and Christian Henner, do
ing business as S Beuuer & B.o. No ul5,
Sept term, 1875.
17 The Columbia Insurance Company vs
Win G Winey. No 41, Dec term, 1875".
18. Maggie Stewirtvs. George F McFar
land. No Pi, Dec term, 1875.
19. John Gir.grich vs. Jesse Bryner. No
193, Dec term, i875.
2". Jimies L'asner vs. Wm Jordan. No.
130. April term. 187t.
21 David Watts vs. Jacob Lemou. No.
51, Sept term. l7r.
JACOB BKIDLER. Prolhonctorj.
Prothonotary'a ttfjice. MilHin-(
town, July 22, 1876.
Register's Xollce.
"jVOTICi: Is hereby given thH the fol
X a following uaioed fersotis have ti ed
their Administrators', Executors' and (iuar
riiau accounts in the Register's Olliee of
Juniata county, aud tbu same will tu pre
sented for continuation and allowance at
he Court House in UilHi.ituwu, ou Tues
day, Atgust 15, 1870 ; ...
1. The dual account of Augustus Baum,
Executor of Win Baum, as stated by Tbos
A Cialer, one of the Admiuisiratois of Au
gustus Baum, deceased.
2. The account of Wm Kohlcr, Adminis
trator of Christian Ilarlmun, deceased, late
of Turbett township.
3. Tbe first and final account of Jesse
Reed, Administrator of Susan Graham, late
of Greenwood township, deceased.
4. The account of S E Ard aud H M
Brennisholix, Adtn'rs of W S Snicigh, late
of Port Royal, deceased.
5. Tbe account ot S G Dressier and Abel
Shadier, Administrators cum testsmento
aunexo, of George Pile, late of Delaware
towuship, deceasvd.- - s
6. The account of Darid W snd Peter W
Swarta, Administrators of Uathiaa S warts,
late of Monroe township, deceased.
7. Tbe first aud final account of G M
Graham and Joseph McOclloch, Executors
of tbe hist will and testament of Wm Tur
bett, late ot Tuibclt township, deceased.
8. The first and final account of J W Mil
liken, d. b. n. c. t. a. of. James Kviser. late
ot Tucarora township, deceased.
V. Ihe first and final account of J V Mil
liken, Administrator ot Emilr Kcucr, late
of Tuscarora township, deceased.
10. The first and final account of Thos I
Milliken. (juardian of Oscar Wendell aud
Ibra Milliken, iniuorcliildren of Sarah Ickes,
int'Tnurried with Jaa L Milliken, late ol
Tuscarora township, deceased.
1 1. The first and partial account of John
Motzer and Louis E. Atkinson, Adminis
trators, etc., of the estate of R W Jamison,
late of Fayette township, deceased.
12. The fins account of Louis E. Atkin
son and H M Ross, Administrators of Fred
erick !. ate ol tbc borough of Patter
son, deceased. "
M. The first and final aceoiinx E. S.
Parker, Guardian of Wm. 31. Allison, Ji.,
minor child of Dr. Matthew Alli-on, dee'd.
J. T. METLIN, Regitter.
Rec.isteh's Omcs, I
Mifointowu, July 19, 1876. j
JAMES NORTH, President.
T. VAN IRV1N, Cashier.
Noah Herfser.
James North.
J. Nevin Pomeroy.
Abraham Stouli'er.
August 4, 1875-tf
Jerome netrick.
Wiliarn Banks.
Ephraim B. McCrom.
Pumps, light or heavy, made to order.
Cucumber Wood Pumps always on band.
These guaranteed never to frecie in Win
ter. Wood, Iron, Terra Cotta, or Lead
Water Pipe put down on short notice
CRepairing promptly attended to.
Please give ns a call bef ore purchasing
elsewhere, as we are determined to sell at
the very lowest is-ices.
Call oh or address
WM. NOBLK, Port Roval,
or, FRANK NOBLE, MiflHiftown. '
Reel Estate.
THE undersigned, Executor of the last
wilt and testament of Roiert C- Gal
laher, deceased, will sell at public sale, at
Mifllmlown, Juniata county, Penoa., at one
o'clock P. M, on
TL'USDAY, AUGUST 29, 1876,
The following valnable real estao, to wit :
No. 1 The MANSION FARM, si mate
in Fermansgh township, Jnniata ctjnn'y, ad
joining the borough of Mittimtown, con
taining 15 Acres and 63 Perches,
net. The improvements are
with Wagonsbed and Corncrib attached,
Carnage House, Horse Stable, and all other
necessary oui buildings. There is a Well of
excellent water sear the door, and running
water convenient to Ihe barn for tbu use of
stock. Tne lariu is in a good stale or cul
tivation, and under good fence. This is one
of the best fus in tbe county, ami is
especially desirable on account ol its con
venience to market, churches, schools, &c,
A srlion of it can be conveniently Ui" oil
into town lots, which would command a
ready sale, at lair prices, without detriment
to the farm.
No. 2 A Lot of Ground in the eastern
portion of the borough ol Villi in town, con
taining 6 Acres aud 133 1'e relies.
This is a choice piece of land, aud has a
good Limestone Quarry on it.
No. 8 Two Lots iu the borough of Mif
Uintown, south of Lutheran Cemetery.
Five percent, of the purchase money to
be paid on the day of sale; $1000 to remain
in the property, to pay legacies due at the
death ot Jane Uallalier, widow, the interest
tlureof to be paid aunuaifv.and to be secured
by mortgage; $11,895.87 to remain in the
properly during the lilt-time of Jane Gal
laher, the interest thereof from Aril I,
1877, to be paid to h -r on Ihe 9th day of
September, 1877,' and annually thereafter
on the Sih of repteuiler of each vrar, au I
to be secured by mortgage. Th balance of
the piirrh.ise money to be paid April 1,
1877, when deed will be delivered aud pos
session given.
Any person wishing to view the above
projierty, can do so by calling on Joiisthaa
Kautl'nmn at Milllintowu, or on the under
signed, at his residence 1 miles east of
Execntorof Robert 0. Gailuhcr, dee'd.
July 19. 1876.
Valuabla Hotel Property
The undersigned oilers at Private Sale
situate in the borough of Mifllintown, Jn
niata county, Pa., fronting 85 feet on Main
street, and extending back 140 feet. Tbe
hotel building is of
recently repaired, repainted and rt papered ;
a well of excellent water with pump at
front door, aud a birga cistern with pump
at kitchen dour.
on the lot and in good condition. The en
tire property is in excellent order, and the
hotel has a
Large Ban of Patronage.
There is also a
with glass front, in ti e brhk cod of the
hotel. This is a very desirable projierty,
aud "ould prove a goud investment. Will
be sold on .
Reasonable Terms. -
If r.ot sold at private sale, the propertv
will be oil nd at PUBLIC SALE at I
o'clock P. M., on Weinhsiat, Seftehbes
6th. 187ti.
r July 12-tf H. A. STAM3AUGH.
TTltlE undersigned offers at private sale,
J. bis FARM, containing 114 ACF.E8,
about t)2 acres clear, and tbe balance 22
sens) timber of desirable quality. The
improvements are a
weather-bmrded and plasteivl, good Frame
Bank Barn, Fruit. 1 ne Laud is iu a profit
able state of cultivation.
Tho farm is siluited in Walker township,
2 miles from the comity sent, two inihrs f roiu
the tuwn ot Port Royal, two miles I roiu the
town of Mexico ji'st far enough from the
towns to make marketing a pleasure. Con
venient to schools, churches, and mills. A
desiralile property. Price not hijrh. For
lurther particulars call on th snbserilafr,
residing on Ihe farm, or address him at
UiOliutown Post Oflice.
Jnly 12, 187S.
THE Examinations of Trainers for the
respective School Districts of Jnniata
county, will be held as lollows :
For Mifllintown snd Fermanagh, in Mif
flintown, August 29. 1879.
For Patterson and Miitord, in Patterson,
An-list 30.
Fur Port Royal and Turbett, in Fort
Royal, August 31.
lor Walker, in Mexico, September 1. .
For Thouipsoiitowu and Delaware, in
Thompson town, September 2.
For Fayette, iu McAlistervilh.-, Sent. 6.
For .Monroe, in Richfield, September 7.
For Susquehanna, at Prosperity school
house, S pteinber 8.
For Greenwood, at Will's school house,
September 9.
For Beale, at Johnstown, September 11.
For Spruce Hill, at spruce Hill school
house, September 12.
For Tuscarora, at McCulloch's Mills,
Sepiesvber 13.
For Lack, at Lick school house, Sept. 14.
Special Examinations Saturdays, Sept.
16, Sept. 23 and Sept.3C.
No Certificates will be tsdorjedV
No applicants wdi be examined pritatelf.
Applicants mu$t be examined in ihe Dis
trict wherein they expect to be employed.
Teachers are expecied to take au Educa
tional Journal and atteud Teachers' Insti
tutes. Examinations will begin promptly at 3
It is hoped that Directors will be present
to observe the qualifications of the teachers
they emplov.
Aug. 1, 1876. Co. Supt.
Police ts Tax-Parertr.
THE Commissioners of the county of
Juniata hereby give notice tbat no
more County Bonds wPI be issued and sold
by them at present, as we consider that we
have funds enough for all necessary pur
poses. We also give notice tocolluctora of
Oraay aud Stat Taxe for the year 1876,
tbat they allow tbe tax-pai era of Ihe coun
ty an ainteuient of 6 per cent, vn all taxes
paid by them previous to the first day of
September, 1876, and such collectors will
be required to settle their respective Dupli
cate in tnll within one year from date of
The Commissioners will be at their oflice
in Mifllintown on the second Tuesday of
every month, to transact any business con
nected with said oflice. By order of Com
missioners. JAMES DEEX, Clerk.
Com missioners' Office,
1, 1876.
Mittlintown, May 80,
A fine assortment of cloths, cassiuerra
Testings, &C-, a'.wrys 00 band and for sale
by a. B. LOtoox
Professional Cord.
JI. L'ltAWFUKD, 11. D.j
Hxs resumed actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery and ttheir collateral
branches. Office at thn old corner of Third
and Oranf streets, Ultlliutuwn, Pa.
March 2:, 1876
PC. RUNDIO, M. D.t has resumedac-
lively the practice of Medicine and
Surgery snd their collateral branches. WiH
give prompt and faithful attention to all
jaatieuta entrusted to his care. O.tioe in the
Patterson Dtug 8 tore.
July 26, 1876-if
jyjuis ATKINSON,
K?"C"jllerting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Or ricE On Bridge street, epposite the
Court House Square.
Attorney and Counselor -at-Law.
Prompt attention given to the securing
aud collecting of claims, ami all legal busi
ness. Otrics on bridge street, first door west
ot tbe Belford building.
April 1 1, 1875-tf
7 All business promptly a (tended to.
Orrtcs On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House square.
Has resumed actively the praetice of his
profession. All business promptly attend
ed to. Otbce, as formerly, adjoining his
residence, opposite Court House, JuitHin
town, Pa.
Dec. 22, 1875.
port Rorjtr., jusiar.i co., pj.
C7"Oiily reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, lt75-ly
-a , nr.XTIsT.
OiTice opposite Lutheran Church,
TS hci e fie ill spend tbu first ten 1j)s of
each month, commencing Leciiiibjr 1st.
The balance of the time his otbt-e will be
occ.ipied by J. S Kilmer, a young man
worthy of confidence, aud who bas been
associated Willi the Doctor as student and
assistant two years and upwards. Those
who call during Dr. burlau's sbaencn fsr
professional service, mny, and will please
arrange Ihe tune w ith Mr. Kilmer when tiley
may be served, on tbe return of the Doctor.
Physician aud Surgeon,
M't'FL ixto rr.v, P.i.
OKice hours from 9 a. a. to 3 . Of.
See iu his father's resilience, at the south
end of Water street. oct22-tf
1cuJtmia, Juniata Co , TV
Orrica formerly occupied by Dr.Storrett.
Profea.siinal busiueas prom;itiy atleuded to
at ail hours.
h- aj.lex7mTi ,
lias coiumenccti the practice of alcdiciue
and nrgery and ail their collateral branches.
Olliee at Academia, at the residence of
Capl. J. J. Patterson.
jnly 15. 1&74
Continues the practice of Medicine aud
Surjrery aud all their collateral branches.
Oirk-e at his residence in ilc.litirville.
Feb 9, l7o.
J. B. M. TODD'S,
I bare just returned from PhiLadetpHa
with a lull line of
Men's Suits, $1.50, 5.00 to -".0. Bys'
Suits, $.'.50, $1 50 to 10.00.
A full line of the
at low prices. A complete assortment of
Ladies' Best Shoes, st $1.25 and upwards.
A full line of Children's Shoe. 1 have
also a full line of Ladies' Hose, Handker
chiefs, tic. Also, a largo stock of
Arbackles' Coffee 30c. Msckcral, No. 1,
52.50 per J bbl.
I am now selling SEWING MACHINES
at WHOLES A LK PRICES. I will sell you
any kiud ot a machine at
than they are usually sold. Leave your
ordors, and you can have any kiud yon want.
J. B. M. TODD.
Patterson, May 17, 1876.
(Successors to D. P. Sulouff,)
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster,
We bny Grain, to be delivered at XifUia-
town or Port Royal.
We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 21, 1875-tf
Sale Bills of all kinds printed on short
notice at this office.
!n R. E. Pi,U' .W Cri'k Bxti-l'.
mai. stkki:t, orrtsiTU the court y
Eafousckccpcrs' Hardware, Build
crs' Hardware,
GLASS, &(!., &C.f
all of first fj:iality, constantly on hand. I mvite the public to
call and toe me ,
S.'i.1.'"!iiton. A-ig. t-i, !ii;4-if
d. w. har:
li the place where jru can baj
Tllli iiV.h'F AM) THU ClllJatFST
HE Is prepared to exhibit one of the mrsf choice and select stocks ever offered in
this market, and at ASTOSISMXGLY LOW PRICES T
Also, mecsures taken for suits and parts of suits, which will la made to order
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the place, in HrtTman's New Building, corner of HriJse and
Water s'reets, MIFFLINTO'.TN, PA. cpt. 15, 1475-U
Das jiit relurucd from the Eastern cititi with a full variety of
GENTS' FCR.V1SI1IKG fiOODS. Goods of all binds are low Come sn l see mo
and be astonished Pants at 75 cent. C7" SUITS MADE TO OKlEK.a
PatU'rson, Pa., May 2J, 1876. SAMUEL STKAiER.
Philadelphia & Ecading Kailroad.
Arrausremcnt of Passeurr Trains.
Jriv 12th, 187'i.
Tran$ leavt lltrristurg at folloiet :
For Xew Vork at 5 20, 6 15, 8 10 a. m. 2 0
snd 7 i'l p.m. .
For Philadcliia at 5 2U, C 15, c 10, 9 45
a. m., 2 00 antl :i 57 p. ni.
For Kcaliiig a 5 20. 6 15, 8 10, 9 45 a. m.,
2 00, 3 57 and 7 40 p m.
For Pot'-sville at 5 2.), b 1 a. m., and
3 57 p. m. and via Schuylkill at Susque
hanna Branch at 2 40 p. m.
For Allentown at 5 20, 6 15, 8 10 a. m..
2 I, 3 07 a-.d 7 40 p. m
The 5 'J, 8 10 a. iu , 2 00 and 7 40 p. tu.
trains hive through cars tor New Turk, j
Tbe 6 15, 8 10 a. ni. and 2 00 p. 111. trains j
bare through cars for PliiUlelphia.
For New fork at 5 20 a. ni. j
For Allentown and wav stations at 5 21' a. m. '
For Reading, Philadelphia aud way stations
at 1 45 p. m.
Train for Uarruburg leave as follow s
Leave New York at 8 45 a. lu., 1 00. 5 30
and 7 45 p. m.
Leave PhiUleliia at 9 15 a. m., 3 40, 5 25,
6 05, and 7 10 p. m.
Leave Keating at 4 40, 7 40, II 20 a. m.,
I 50, 6 15. 00 and 10 3o p. ni.
Leave PoiUville at 6 00,6 45. 9 00 a. m. and
4 a5 p. m.,aud via Schuylkill and Susque
hanna Branch at 8 05 a. in.
Leave Allentown at 2 Hi), 5 50, 8 55 a. m.,
12 20, 4 90 aud J 00 p. m.
The 2 80 a. 111. train trout Allentown and
the 4 40 a. u.. train from Heading do not
run on .Mondays
Leave w Turk at 5 30 p. tu.
Leave Philadelphia at 7 10 p. m.
Leave Heading at t 40, 740 a. m. and 10
35 p. in.
Leave Allentown r.t 2 30 a. m. and 000 p m.
'Via Sturm and Eieex Railroad.
- General Superintendent.
(Belf-jrd Biul.iina,)
Main Street, .Mitilinluivn, Pa.
. J'iALEKa l.V
Selected with great carw, and warranted
rom hi;b authoritv.
rCTPnrest of WINES AND LlQl'OnS
for medieal purposes.
(TPKErihlPTlONS cmpounded with
rreat care. f June 22-tl.
The nndersigned have commenced the
Butchering business iu the borough of Mil
Hintown. BEEF,
and PORK
can be had every Tuesday, Thursday and ;
naiurnay a.orniugs at tseir meat store at i
.no residence .. air. Mwe, on Cfterry
i-iicc.. aueir wawa riu also v,su llie resi -
dence of citiaens the same mornings. Kill
none out toe Deal oi aloes, ,ua sell at lair
I.rve ua a trial
JtrreCS, 1376-tf
Full rppf r or Lonrr Slt a Low a f 4
o teem aloweti to leave
the iiftico unless the patient is
sat isneit.
item remiideled and re
Terih filled to last for life.
Teeth extracted withont pain, by the ttsej
of Nitrons Oxide Gxs, always on hand.
Owinjr to Ihe hard titiw, I will insert
full sincle sets teeth, of the verv test kind,
tor $!0.O0.
Toothache slopped in five mlinites witli
out extractins too tooth, at the TH-nfal )f
ficeof O. Ij. Df.kk, established iu ilifllin
town iu 1S00.
G. 1 DERT5. .
Lin 21, 1ST2.J Practical Deutisf.
Manhoodi HowLost EowEestcred
C.tN Jnsf published, a new edition of
I klUr. Cuiverwell's Celebrated Essay
on the radical curt (without niedi
.eiiic) of Spermatorrhea or Seminal weak
nevs, Invi lunfary S.-mm il Losses, Impo
.tency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Iiu
! pediments to Marriage, etc ; also, Con
sumption, Epilepsy and Fit, I.idiiCed by
self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, fcc.
I C7"Price, in a sealed envelope, only six
I The celebrated author, in this adininbla
Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty
.years sncecsstul practice, that the alarm
;ing consequences of self-abuse may be rad
jiraily cured without the dangerous usa of
I internal meilicine or the application of tho
.knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once
simple, certain, and eBV ct'ial, by means of
which every n'-e, no matter what hia
condition may be, may cure himself chop
ily, p-ivalely, and radically.
j C7"l'li! Lecture sholilii be in the hands
jof every voiuh and every man in the land.
) Sent nvfter s.mI, in a plain envelope, to
isny address, pojl-pnU, on the reeeijit of
;-ix cents or two post stumps. Address tho
ruuiis iiers,
F. Bill tin IS Sl o,
41 Aim St.. New York;
Post-Ollice I)ox 458.
Oct. l.f. 1875-lv.
ifaj li. LOU I'ON,
Jin rixHii in seromi story of II. E. Parker's'
pew building, on
Main Street. KifHictown, Pa.
CUSTOM W'OKK DONE on the shortest
GOODS SOLD by the yard en pattern.
PERSONS buying goods can bate theid
!ut in g.innenls Iree of charge.
Oct 22, 1873-tf
'Five Dollars L?s3 Than Hereto
BY g..in to D. J. MILLER, yon cut
have a new set of Artificial Teeth, np
r or lower, lor $ !0.i)o pe et, and an
thirr win ertai:dng to the Profession,
.neb as filling and trearirur Teeth.
Teeth remodeled at low price.
D. J. XILLF.K, Dertist,
Over the Storo-rMa of Ycakly k. Son,
Alain Street, M.ltlialown.
Jufy 12-1in
; ,;V..;;;tZT
S-jartWe. Staadara ri,h ma Rrafta r. nana. .
( i,iB(ll 7r , r L" "r
; tZ""J.TiX
; tfi.BIATCHLEV.wa.rsjrfir:V."
... .' , .
I Sale Dills printed on short notice at turn
;o!tke of the Sentinel aud Hepnli