MIFFLlXTOWiS': Jf, J . laVTS. TERMS. ' Subscription, $1-50 per annum, if jiaid iltin 12 months; $2.Wf sot paid vUfcin 12 ooMki. Treou sol lAwertueataU Jaeerted at SO Cects per inck for each iuartm. . Transient buainaas Betace in iocil cot ibu, 1 0 rnti par lino tar .each insertion. Deductions Mill be made totiluMdesiriPg Ta advertise bj the year, fcidf or niftcr vear. . PENK'A. St RETIME TABLE. ON ard tiler Sunday, April 16th. 1876, passrarer trains will leave Mifflin Sta tion, P. R. R.t as follows t caarvJLao. ..12 61 I ID 'Philadelphia Eipmi ... Lewiatowa Accommodation.... 7 43 a m j 4 Pacific Express JJohnatowD Kxpres ..... IMail f, Atlantic Express ...10 00am .11 Ti a iu . 6 03 p m . 9 15 p m uniiii. fPittsburg Expresi 12 22 a m j! Pacific Lxprea 6 ti2,a lu fWay Parcnger 10 0l a m JMail ..i tl 8 28 p m :Faat Line .................... 6 45 p ni Lewiatowa Accommodation .... 7 43 p di I Daily. I Daily txctpl Sunday, f taily except Sunday uigkt. tj Daily except Mom day. Tux Pennsylvania Centrat Bailroad Com pany issue excursion ticket now, and will continue to do au until November 10, 1876. The price of a ticket from this point is $0.18 j half ticket, $3.09. LOCAL IKTELUGESCE: What people taik aaocT The things, and people of one hundred years ago. Will tbe river clear sufficiently to permit of auccrstiful baits fUbiitr on Saturday. flow many fl its and Chinese lanterns will you have fcr tfce Centennial Jubilee. That a good deal of wheat will be cut Mlis week. That a considerable quantity of hay wi'l be reft unmade until alter wheat cutting. Ilay -making has been begun in earnest. It is said that bogus silver quarters are in circulation. Wheat on the south side of bills may be cut now. A comul uication from Donald came too late for insertion this issue. Miss I.iuie Ibling will go np in a balloon at Huntingdon on the 4th of July. Tbe Republicans of Franklin couuty have nominated Thad. M. Slahon lor Congress. AU ot the st-rea in Miffiintowa will bs closed on the 4th of July. Lewistown is to have a cattish supper in the court joum on the evening of July 6th. There are thirty circusses traveling this sunnier. Kow many will happen this wsy T The f nyder county Republicans have pre sented Or. A. 51. Smith, of Adiujsburg, for Congress. - Philadelphia markets flTieat tl-SStol. 40, Com ftttro-if.. Cattle 4!6jj, Sheep 44 to:-c, Hogs $H.7ato9.i5. kiverside Park Fair will be held on Wed nesday, Tbtirsdsv and Frrdav, September 20th, 21st and 22ad, 17S. It is said if a bottle of pennyroyal is left oncorked in a rcom ia tbe evening, not a muaqtiito will be found there in the morn ing. A man named Levi Knot has informed j egiinst a number of railroad employes at Altoona f-r working or. the road for the Company on Sunday. Sin Francisco hasannptial bureau, where T-. pay to much for getiintf you a husband oi wite, and if you get no mate the money you have paid is refunded. Stirihauh'a hate jnst shelved a very !rge assortment of latest atyles of Calico, Alpafca, its., Ac, and are selling them at prices within the reach of all. The stone-cutters at work on tho ne conrt liuse at HoUidaysburg struck for I Mi-her wszes. The contractors are lookiue; around for another set of hands. The flag decoration tbe 4th promises to be ptolnse. Even the bats of ladies w ill have tiny fla;s stuck in them, to flutter a 1 welcome to (lie Center nial anniversary. Our acknowledgments are tendered to His Excellency Uwemor John F. Uartranft, lor a copy of "the GbDtral Laws passed by h Legislature ot tilts State Ust winter. j To meet the demand of the season, J. 4s. H. A. Sun bacgh hav laid in store a large Hock of Choica Syrups, Sugar, Coffee, Cheese, Ham, Dried Bast, lc., which they are selling cbeapsr thaa ever. An exchange estimates the value of the recent freshet in toe Juniata river at half a million of dollars, in tbe -way of saving doctors bills, the high water having ao thoroughly cleaned out the river-bed. Miss EUxa Cameron, a beautiful young lady of twenty summers, will keep house tor "her father. Secretary of vTar Cameron, who baa taken the house in Wahington lately occupied by Attorney General Pierre pout The wife of W. L. Mosser, Esq., of Ju niata township, was bitten by a snake, on Saturday last, and for a time suffered con siderably, but we are pleased to leara that she has fully recovered. Hautingdou Jor nal. John Zimmerman waa lodged in jail a few dava ago, on the charge ot breaking into the store or Rhine & UrsybiU, at Richfield, and taking therefrom clothing and sundry other articles, amounting to toe sum of about $53. The Sacrament of tbe T-ord's Supper will be administered in Rev. Mr. Berry's church in this place on next Sabbsth a week, July 9th, services commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. J'reparatory services on Saturday aiternoon previous at 2 o'clock. On the hill in Patterson a car-load, more or less, of crude coal oil will be consumed Ir a bon fire at midnight on the night of the 8rd of 5uly, in honor of the Centennial anniversary of the Declaration of inde pendence. " Spitting tobacco juice on the floor of the Lycoming county court room is pronio ited by a recent order of the Court in that county. Tbe order is a proper one, and should be rigidly enforced." It ahonld be extended by the Conrt of Juniata county to include tbe Conrt House in Mifflintown. A neighbor woman said this: "A maa will go into a garden and d'g up a ton of earth in the hunt of worms for fish bait, and think nothing of it, but if his wite gets liiin coaxed to hoeing a row of potatoes, he will feel bis spinal colomn weaken in abont three minutes.'' On Monday morn:ng of last week, Mr. Daniel Brink, of Liverpool borOngh, was kicked in the abdomen by a horse when near Nt. Patrick, and was knocked over a wall about 15 feet high into the Susque hanna river. At last accounts his life was despaired ot. Perry Couuty Frteman. Note of preparation from all parts of the country indicate that the 4th of July 1675, will, in ail probability, be more gen erally observed than any since, perhaps, the first 4th t-f July following the Declaration tf Ind-;peidccce, namely the 4th of July, 1777. Listen, to what an exchange tells oi a man who placed 200 potato bugs in a bottle . and sprinkled lime over I bam. Within one hour not one was left alive. On the follow ing day he sprinkled lime over his potato patch, and the next morning found tens of thousands ot the bugs lying dead. The Cincinnati Enquirer calculates that, letting 1,000 represent a woman's chance of marriage in tbe whole course of her life, 1G of those chances are lost when abe is seventeen years old, 668 when she is twenty-one, 715 when she M twenty-seven, 992 when she n thirty-three, and the entire thuosand when she is forty-five.' ; A brakeman named John Leech, acit-seu of Patterson, full between the bumpa-s of his train, the Mifflin Local, and was so bad ly hurt that be could not perform bis work on the CM. ile was bt ooght home to Pat teraoa, water Ms injuries were attended to in a afclHrtSl jaa&nor, last Wednesday. Tfcwe jnoa with two much liqnor in them were thrown oat of a spring wagon oa South Main street, last Thursday evening, bat not seriously hurt. Drunken men should not be allowed to drire through town. They not only endanger their own lives, but the tires ot othor pop are also put in danger. Last Frif ay evening, a son ot Mr. Samuel alcMeen, of Turhett township, waa riding a colt. A hen flattered at tbe roadside, and o frightened the cult that the beast became unmanageable and ran away. The animal seemed to be blinded by frignt, for it ran directly into the carriage of Ker. Ifr. Ole wein that stood ia Iroat vf Mr. lie 51 een's hoosc. The contact resulted in upsetting the barer, on tun of the colt and bv. To add to the wreck of things, and fright of ! ! all who were abont the premises, the Rev- j ..rnit Mllfman'l hnrw Attj.iH In !.- bUra;y kicked furiously. Thebiy, whose aje is about 9 years; was quite seriously hurt. Hope sre entertained of his speedy recov ery. Tbe buggy masconsiderably damaged, but, strange to say, the colt was not hurt as far as Could be seen. A set or Test will He given to any per son who will produce the evidence and par ties who so maliciously circulated the re port in and about XCASisterville and Rich Held, that (J. L. Derr charges people the full price of a act of teeth a ben the tem porary aet are put in, and then refuses to put the permanent set in without being paid again, I denounce the pirtiea who circu lated the above report as unmitigated liars, and when I get the facts I will not charge them anything for what will follow. Hereafter my prices will be as follows, (prices for all work being reduced to tbe lowest possible figures) : Full upper or lower set of Meth, white metal....... i.... Full upper or lower set of teeth, Celluloid ...... .i....... Full upper or lower set of teeth, Rubber (best).......... $4.00 6.D0 10.00 Old sets, that do not fit. remodeled and made as good as new. ... $ 1 .OOtoo.OO G. L. DERR, je2S-3t Bridge St., MittlintowB. Few.se or InrosTts - Mr. t. Jt. Mc Donald, residing in McCoysville, has (I have been informed) and is now represent ing himself Agent for the Howe Sewing Maehmc, or at least causing many to believe that he can sell them a Howe Sewing Ma chine, but represents the ravhine he is selling to be far snperior to the Howe. Now I wihh it distinctly understood that I am Agent for - Tbe Improved Howe Sewing Machine," and that 1 am btb ready and willing at all times to prove by contest the superiority of the Howe St tag Machtno Brer all oihert. J. K. MclN'TIRE, Agent, Dot ie'a Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. June 28, 1876. Thebe was a good man named Bayes, Who lollowed ihe most honest ways, This fact just remember, And iu next November Be sure that you give him a raise. There was a good man named Wheeler, Who said " 1 am no back-pay stealer;" This the people endorse, And he'll walk o'er the course . With email opposition, will Wheeler. - Prof. J. 11. Karaenknaba baa become one of tbe deservedly popular innate teachers in tbe Juniata Valley. Re cently be taught a, large claw io this placet al " 's b's n-sual custom, be closed his engagement by giving pub lic concert. Ibe entertainment was given last Friday evening in GraybiU'a Hall, and was largely attended. It ia not necessary to My aught of the en tertainuient, for tbe j.ublio hereabouts aie Acquainted with tbd Professor's method of getting up concerts, and when one is told that he has given one, or is abont to give one, everybody" understands tbat it has been a happy affair, or. if not passed, will be one of tbe pleasantest of entertainment. Tbe Professor purposes revisiting bis friends here in this place on the 10th of July, when the organization of a new class will be taken under advisement. A Vol NO man, wbo has been about Patterson, whose name is McMurray, was lodged in jail on Sunday morning, on a charge ot stealing a pocket book from a miner named Jobn Btotero, while riding in a bttggy on Saturday. On Monday a hearing was accorded before J ustice Krieder. The evidence was of such a character that it was deemed proper to hold tbe prisoner for trial at court. Several bnndred dol lars bail was deemed sufficient to set him at large, but do one being present to go his security for appearance at court, be was sent to jail. Solme&s' Leaoue. At an informal meeting of soldiers of Juniata wbo served during tbe war of tbe Rebellion, beld at tbe office of Wm. M. Allison, in Miffiintown, on Saturday afternoon, tbe lOtb iust.. Captain Jobn P. Whar ton, of Port Ruai, was called to tbe chair aud N Win. M. Allison, elected secretaty. Captain Wharton briefly stated the object of the meeting to be to issue a eail for tbe formation of a Juniata JSoldier's League, in which all wbo served in the late war and were honorably discharged should be enrolled He said tbat it was nor designed to be political ia its character, but solely to draw turelber aud keep in firmer social bonds tboae wbo had periled life and limb iu the sacred cause cf their coun try. That quite a number of soldiers bad died aiuce tbe war, of whom no record bss been kept, and that it was high time for the survivors to combine together and make up a roster of all tbe citizens of Juniata who enlisted in the service, were killed during tbe strugfle, bave died since, and those wbo vet survive, which roster should be kept up iu future for the satisfaction if not tbe protection of the survivors. On motion of Wta. M. Allison, all honorably discharged soldiers of Juni ata, were requested to meet in the Court House, in Mifflintown, on Satur day afternoon, tbe 15th day of July, at 1 o'clock, P. M., to take steps towards tbe formation of a Soldier's League, and that these proceedings be published in tbe several . papers of tbe county. Tbe meeting tben adjourned. J. P. WHARTON, JVes'f. Wh. M. Allison, Sefy.- - Tbk Lewistown Gazette aays : Some thieves entered the bouse of George Wagner, on Dull farm, adjoining Mc Veytown, on Sunday night a week, and stole all bis meat except three little pieces, and Friday night last a basket with ten dozen eggs, also about a gal lon of applebutter waa stolen from John W. Garver's spring bouse. The same night somebody vwited Emanual By ler's ben eoop. Miss Bell Moist, daughter of Aaron Moist, while bunting eggs one morning taat week, observed a awara of bees on a cherry tree, and co one being about, aba got a scap, eat off tbe limb, and safely housed it. She ia single and baa four swarms of bee. Rot every pti and woman ia like ber. The Centennial Ftiarth, - Pursuant to notice a general meeting of onr citnens was beld in the Court Ucose Square on Saturday evening Ust, to make crrang-emenU for an appropri ate celebration of tbs approaching Cen tennial Anniversary of our . Indepen dence.. On motion Dr. Thomas A. Klder was elected President aud John K. Hollo baugh Secretary. The President, on taking the chair, briefly stated the ob ject of the meeting : That a general eelebralion would be beld in Ihe River side Park Grounds on tbe 4th; tbat the several Sabbath Schools of tbe towns would meet at 19 o'clock A. 51., and march dnwn to the grounds, and tbe citixena of both towns were earn estly invited to participate; that, as no atrangeuieots had been made as yet for a general celebration, the cabbath Schools had taken tbe initiative, but might only be cons dered as ibe nucleus of a general celebration ; that arrarge ipeots had been made for tbe reading of the Declaration of Independence and delivery of appropriate addressee and that tbe Hand had been engaged for tbe occasion and would discourse the requisite music. He again urged a gen eral participation in tbe ceremonies. After which E. B. MeCrdm moved tbat there be a general torch-light pro cession through tbe two towns on tbe evening of the 3rd of Jnly. Win. M. Allison moved as an amendment tbat at tbe same time tbe citizens of tbe two towns illuminate their booses. The motion as amended was unanimously adopted, and Messrs. F. F. Rohm, D A. Doughman and D. T. Cra-ner, of Patterson, Solomon Books, H. S. Scboll aod J. Wallace Fasick, of Mifflintown, wera appointed a committee to make the necessary arrangements, appoint a marshal, assistants, &3. On motion Messrs. W. H. Rollman, James Buyers, S. H. Rollman and W. Nankivel were appointed a committee to get tbe Choirs of tbe different churches to meet during the week to practice National airs to be sung in the Court House Yard at sunrise on the 4ib. On motion Win. M. Allison, John S. Graybill and James Deen were appoint ed a committee to procure and erect a flag on tbe Cnpalo of the Court House, and have the .National flag erected on tbe afternoon of tbe 3J of July, to re main floating during the 4th. On motion the citizens of both towns were requested to decorate tbeir re spective dwellings with flags during tbe 3rd and 4tb of July. On motion tbe torch-light procession was ordered to start , from tbe Conrt Douse oa the evening of the 3d, at 9 o'clock P. M. On motion these proceedings were ordered to be published in the several papers of the town. T. A. ELDER, iWt J. E. Hollobaioh, Sec'y. Procession and Services on the Fourth. The column will form at 9 A. II., on Main street, the right resting on BritLjo 6treet The Sub-bath Schools will occupy the right of the column, citizens and visitors the left. The procession will be heacUsd by the Ju niata Comet Band. coubse or PBOCESSiaS. Counter march ott Main strct-t to Cherry, Up Cherry to Third, dovn Third to Bridge, down Bridge to ater, down ater to Park avenue, down Park avenue to Riverside Park, to wat on the Grand Stand. CERSMONIES. Music. Prayer by Rev. E. E. Berry. Mubic.) Address to Sunday Schools by Rev. T. Sherlock. Music. Reading Declaration of Indepen dence, by E. S. Parker. Music Oration, by Theorns D. Gartnan. ' Music. Benediction, by Rev. T. J. Sherrard. A cordial invitation is extended to all tbe neighboring Sabbath Schools to come and participate, and also to the public in general. It it to be a basket pic-nic celebration. Bring your provisions with you. Capt U. McUleilan will be Uie Chief Marshal, and the Superinten dents of the Sabbuth Schools his assistants. Tbe Lancaster Express says: A frightful (perhaps fatal) accident occur red at Bird-in-Hand, on tbe 21st inst. Messrs. Frederick Dinkleberg and Geo. H. Darmstetter, butchers of this city, went to the " Bird" for tbe purpose of purchasing cattfe from Mr. Martin Herr, a farmer of about 40 years of age. Tbey selected three steers, one oi them being wild and ferocious. Two were successfully removed from tbej stable, and tbe third (a ferocious one)' was being released by Mr. 11 err, when the gentlemen named above, heard the, man scream and ran into tbe stable,' where they were met by a scene that at first completely paralyzed them. Tbe steer bad completely impaled Mr. Herr, running one born into bis left side, and tossing bitn op, was in the act of but ting bim sgainst tbe feed trough when Messrs. Darmstetter and Dinkleberg recovered from their.sLock and ran to tbe rescue. Tbey succeeded in releas ing Mr. Herr, whose left side was ter ribly lacerated for a space of at least twelve inches, one rib protruding from tbe horrible wound. Be was taken into tbe bouse, where Drs. Miller and Mus ser wera summoned and attebded bis terrible injuries. It is impossible at this writing, to predict the femlt of the unfortunate man's injuries. Tcaiii' Seed. One bushel of Turnip Seed for sale, at 25 Cents per ponnd by mail Bo cents. , Call on or address ; r . MaxticB LaoaatD, OHmd Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. Jnne21"tf ' : . ' Dollowaj'i Pill The Qaick saods ol Existence. Eptlepty..c Among the many shoals and perils of lite on which our frail barks would founder, were it not for the beacons that indicate and warn of our danger, are Epileptic fits, ruh of blo'id to tbe bead, apoplexy, fcc, (or which Dal lo way's Pills are the safest remedy in ex istence. ' These disorders arise from some one or more derangements of the system. From whatever source, however, the may proceed, Holloway's Pills are the most sal utary in effect, as they cool the blood, brace the related nerves, give tone to the digestive organs and energy and vigor io the enfeebled constitution. - g; A good deal of drunkenness; has mani fested itself on tbe streets lately. ; Centenniai and Leap-Year Party. MeAiiSTEKvnxE, June 24, 1876. This is indeed a remarkable year. Tbe Centennial of our nation has evidently infused the gallantry and spirit of Martha Washington into the young ladies in joux viciuity. .Leap year privileges are at the same time taken advantage of, end the young gents are taken into the care of tho gentler Bex. A few days since, while sitting in my study, I was aroiise-1 by the ring ing of tile door-belL and, on opening the door, I was handed the following niifchive: " Mr. , Can I hare the pleasnr of your company frtf a drive on Thursday, 22d. If agreeable, will call lor you at t o'clock. Kespectfully, k.-. ." Mv face flushed, and I could not but scan the note with an agreeable surprise, and answered it. impromptu, in the afiSnnative. The tima arrived for the reception of my truest. My heart throbbed, and a thrill of plea surable sensation, evidently from Cu pid's d-U't, passed through it as I heard the mutlled sound of a horse's feet. Sure enough, there she comes, with an elegant and sprightly horse, driving wit) dignity and grace that could not be surpassed. Now she halts before the door and alights, and with a smile gently requests me to get into the buggy. She assisted me, but I was likely to get on the wrong side. With whip in hand and a chirp from her soft voice, we sped along, as I thought, at the rate of Goldsmith Maid. We are now in sight of Mc Alisterville. We see crowds of men on the street corners, women and children filling their porticoes. "What does all this mean?" I asked. "You'll see in A moment," was the reply. "There are twenty or thirty of us having a leap-year drive." I cast my eyes up the street, and wan almost paralyzed to see the streets filied with osie and two-horse turn outs, young ladies, the elite of the town and country, having them in charge, acting escort to the gentle men accompanying them. I see it all ! Notwithstanding the gloomy as pect of the weather in the morning, our quant little village is alive with the fine carriages of Fayette, hurried by the . fairy-gloved hands of the ladies in the direction of Cocolamus, and the blushing boys are in a state of bewilderment and distraction, but all are revived by the grandeur of the scenery. Cocolamus is a beautiful mountain stream, passing through a gap in the Lost Cretk ridge. The view is vast, and of surpassing beau ty. No place could le better fitted for the contemplation of Nature's sublime and wonderful Works. We are now in our element. The ride 'neath the shade of Miss 's parasol, while we enjoyed the refresh ing gale from her fan, seems not to have modified the degree of excite ment and embarrassment with which we are harraPsfeA How resignedly did she sacrifice these comforts, en dure the scorching rays of "Old Sol," who sent forth a brilliancy that made the afternoon a pleasant ona The fruitless endeavors of Mins - to keep Mr. awake, arrested our sympathins. Had he worn a straw hat, fanning might have improved him. He was tin ally revived, how ever, over a bucket of lemonade. The 6wift driving of Miss had a disastrous terminus for Mr. Her horse reached the grounds in time for dinner. . But all trials and vexations were soon forgotten, when on reaching the grove, the ladies un folded to the astonished boys such ah abundance and variety of good things as would do credit to a Boyal Banquet Kind-hearted Lot extend ed the hand of chariiy to the poor little wayfarers, by presenting a fine lot of cakes, while cruel Samuel would add a chicken bone which he had so savagely bared. ! But dinner is over, and every one is more than satisfied, yet there remains fully twelve baskets of fine cakes, chicken, ham, fruits of various kinds, &c Tiie afternoon has been spent most agreeably, and the party starts for home. A numljer of ladies become very tired, and a number of gentle men exert themselves to the utmost to support the ladies, but Btill they droop, and are revived only after partaking of Mr. Co Oman's excellent ice cream, of which the whole par took, and for which we were also in debted to the ladies. But now the party begins to separ ate, to spend the night in dreamland, amidst visions of sponge-cake, lem onade and ice cream. Much credit is due the ladies for the manner in which the whole affair was managed. May the young gents take the hint, and improve in socia bility and gallantrv, that we may en joy similar occasions, although it be not leap-year. Iiompo. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ASSEMBLY. We are authorized to announce the name of James iio, of Tuscarora township, as a candidate for the office of Assembly mail, subject to the rules ol the Republican party. ASSOCIATE JUDGED We are authorised to announce the name of Johs McLaicuLia, of Turbett township, as a candidate for the office of Associate Judge, subject to the primary election rules of the Republican party. We are authorized to announce the name of M. It. B vhori, of Walker township, a a candidate for tne otnee oi Associate Judge, subject to primary election rules of tbe Republican party. SHERIFF. We are authorieed to announce the name of Capt. Coasativs McCLeLlah, of Mitllin town, as a candidate fur the office of Sher iff, subject to the primary election rules of the Republican party. REGISTER AND RECORDER. . We are authorized to announce to name of D. W. HauEB, of Mifflintown, as a can didate for the office of Register and Re corder, subject to tbe primary election rules of tne Republican party. JCRT COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce the name of David Cctckisoham, of Milford town ship, as a candidate for the office of Jury Commissioner, subject io the rim try elec tion rnles of the Republican party. MAHJZIED: EARNEST kEED At tbe Lutheran parsonage, Mifflintown, Pa., on the 22od inst-, by E. E. Berry. Mr. John Earnest, of Patterson, Pa , and Miss Sarah J. Seed, of Port Royal, Pa. WILDLET ZEIGLES At Mexico, by W. H. Lukens, Esq., Mr. Jobn WiUey, of Broad Ton CftT. Huntingdon county, and Miss Defiiah Zeigler, or Perry county, Pa. Huntingdon and BfoomttuM papers peaas copy. , . C03IMBRC4L. MIFFLrjiTOITft MARKETS. : Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thmmi. . Xurtmowx, June 28, 1H76. Butter .......i'..:.:.... Eggs .....;:;. I Ard ...l-.. ...... Ham Bacon Potatoes...;........,.. Onion. W..... 14 12 12 16 11 SO 76 ..ti.. i . . . MIFFLINTOWN GRAIN MARKET. Corrected Weecly by Buyers k. Kennedy. QvotaTioxs roa To-vkX. Wednesday, JuueZb, 1876. Wheat i -. $1 So Corn 4Uto" thus i SO Rye 65 Timothy seed.. Cloveraned..... I IO 6 00 Special .Votues. ERRORS OF YOUTII. A GENTLEMAN wbo suffered fur ears from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay-, and all the effects ol ouUVul indiscretion will, for the sake of euileriug humanity, tend free to all who need it, the recipe ami direction fur making the simple remedy by hicb he wasenrvd. Sufferers winning to prulit by the advertiser's ezpein-nce can do so bv addressing in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDKN, Ducli-Gm 42 Cedar St., New Tori. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured uf that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make kuown lu his fellow-sufferers tbe means of cure. To ail who desire it, he will scud a copy of the prescription used, (free of chargO, with the directions for preparing aiid usi.ig the samv, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Ac. l'artles wishing thu prescrip tion will pleaie address Rev. K. A. WILSOJf, 134 Penn St., Williamsbnrgh, S. Y. PRIVATE SALES. MILL PROPERTY IN SPRUCE HILL township, Juniata county, with a good pair of French Burrs, and a pair of Counter Choppers. Good run of custom. Good neighborhood. Will sell Mill with water privilege snd abont one acre and a half of land, or if desired, will sell about 80 acres of land, 25 acres cleared, with good Frame House, size -f9i40 feet, Bank Barn, size 40x 56 feet, and other necessary outbuildings, good Orchard, two excellent Springs or limestone watr r near the house. Will also sell a FABM of about So acres, adjoining the above; about 5 acres timber land, and tha balance cleared. This tract is mostly Hint grsve! land, and baa been re cently limed, having thereen a good sixed Log House and two good Springs of lime stone water, one of which could be piped to the kitchen door. Will sell all together, or separately, to suit purchasers. Tbe properties are eight miles from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to J. KELLY PATTERSON', - Pleasant View, Juniata Co., Pa. . t THE FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE IN Susquehanna township: No. 1. A lot of ground containing t acres, with large Dwelling House, aod ex cellent water at the door. Good Barn, Smoke Honso and other outbuildings. Young aud thriving Orchard of about 70 well selected appl-trees, Ac. Church ad joining the premises. Ko. ..About 43 acres of land, with 30 acres cleared and unler good cultivation. Balance woodland. Ko. 3. A tract oi Timberland contain ing 5 acres. All three properties within one-fourth of a mile of each other. Apply to S. G. DRESSLER, Oriental P. O., Juuiata Co., Pa. FARM IN 6USQCEHAN-NA TOWX ship, containing 94 acres i 52 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultiva tion; New Log -frame Dwelling House, weather-boarded aud well finished, Sank Bam, and all necessary outbuildings ; flow ing water, thriving young orchard in bear ing condition ;' fine chestnut and other tim ber; three miles from Penn'a canal, ten miles from Penn'a railroad ; church, school honse, mill, store and tavern all within one halt of a mile, to a mile ; good community. Apply to W. U. K.NOCSK, Mifflintown, Pa. FARM IX MILFORD TOWSHIP, Con taining 111 Acres. ; Eighty acres cleared, fenced, and under cultivation. Dwelling and Tenant Douses, Bank Barn, Wagon and Corn Honse, Flowing Water, Apples, Peaches and a variety of other Fruit oli Ihe premises. ' Convenient to market, mills, Ac TWENTY ACRES GOOD TIMBER LAND 2) miles from Patterson and Port Royat, ohe-half mile from Saw Mill. Other timberland adjoining this can be bought. Apply to B. F. BCttCtlFlELD, Olhce, Bridge St., Mifflintown, Pa. A HOUSE AND A HALF LOT OF GROUND ia Patterson Borough. The House new and well finished. Terms easy. A TRACT OF WOODLAND IN FEK managh township, Juniata county, contain ing about 12 Acres, well timbered.' This tract Is in Lost Creek Valley, about five mles from Mifflintown. Apply to JEREMIAH LT0NS, Office, Opposite Court House, Bridge St., tlillliatown, Pa. o- NOTICE, -a Tbe Philadelphia ud Reading Railroad Kxnpany Hereby gives notice, that oa or before lbs First of May Beit, They will open Passenger Station in Fairmonflt Park, upon the line of the Junc tion Railroad, in close proximity to Mem orial Hall and other principal buildings of of tha CENTENNIAL INTBRNAT 10NAL EX HIBITION, And that regular passenger and excursion trains will thereat ter be run between the new station and the various points upon their several railway lines. Tbe attention of citixens of Philadelphia looking for Sammer Residences, and of strangers desiring to secure bouses or lodg ing in the vicinity of Philadelphia during the period of tbe Bxhibition, is called to tbe fact that, from nearly all places spun the railroads of the Company within twenty or thirty miles of tbe city, passengers will be able to reach the Exhibition without change of cars in as abort time as it will require to make the trip by horse ears ftom many points in the city. SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAINS WILL BE RUN I OK THK ACCOMMODATION OF 8CHOOLS,- SOCIETIES OR OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. For information apply to C. G. Hancock, General Ticket Agent, No. 227 South 4th street, Philadelphia, and to tbe several local StfpsriuteoaenU, or to tbe undersigned. J. E. WOOTEN, Gtuermt Sugerinitudeut. RliPtso, Bar. 7; 1878. marl6-8t Professional Cards. D. M. CRAWF0KD, M. I'.," Has resumed icivelv the practice of I MedKiue and ftdngerv ana their collateral bra oc bee Office at til old of Third and Orange alrevta, MulliotuwB, Pa. March ft, 1!CG - JOUIS ii. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MIFFLLNTOWK, PA. j CTCotleetng and Conveyancing prompt- j ly attend erl to. ! Orrica On Bridge street j pputte tha j Court House Square. j JOEERT McMEEN, Attorney and Counselor -at-Law. Prompt all ntion given to the securing and collecting of cbims, and all legal busi ueas. Orrrrk on itMs;c street, first duvr west ot the Hell'lrd buiirting. April 1 1, ISTi-lf li'uKd j.Tattkrson. ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW, MIFFLIXTOWX, JUN 1ATA CO., PA. 07" AU bnsineaa pntmptlv attended to. 'Irrrcr On Bridge strre', opposite the Court House square. -yyrn.LiAM m. allison, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Has resumed actively tbe practice of his profession. All business promptly attend ed lo. Office, as formerly, adjoining his residence, opposite Courl Uuue, Mitllin town, Pa. Dec. 'It, 1S75. joun McLaughlin, INSURANCE AGENT, poir roYjM., jusiatj co.. rj. CyOn'y reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 1875-ly E. BUKLAX, D EXT 1ST. Office opposite Lntheran Church, PORT ROYAL, JCN'IATA CO., PA., Where he will upend tbe first ten da) a of each month, cnmmeuuiiig Ucci nib r 1st. The balance o! the lime bis otbVe will be occupied by J. S Kilmer, a young msn wortny of confidence, and who baa been assocnted with the Doctor a.t sttideiit aittl assistant two years and upwards. Those wbo call during Dr. Huriau'a ibwiicc for professiunal sen ico, may, aud will please arrange the time with Mr. Kilmer whu they may be served, on the return of the Doctor. THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, MltFLlXTOWS, VA. Office hours from 9 .. a. to S P. a.. Of. flee in his father's residence, at tho south end of Water street. oct22-U J M. BRAZEE, 31. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, .Icademia, Juniata Co., Pa. Orrira formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrett. Professional business promptly attended to at all hours. April 7, 1872-tf D. L. ALLEN, M. 1) , Has commenced the practice of Medicine and Surgery and all theireollatera branches. OtSce at Acadcmts, at the residence of Capt, J. J. Patterson. jul 15, 1ST JJENR HARSH BERGEH, M. 1).. Coutinues the practice of Medicine aud Surgery aud all their collateral Oracches . Office at bis residence in McAUsterviile. Feb w, is:. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! AT J. B. M. TODD'S, PATTERSON, PA. I have just returned from Philadelphia with a lull line of MEN'S AUD BOYS' CLOTHING. Men's Suits, $5.50, $-5X0 to $20.00. Boys' Suits, $J.50, $4 50 to $10.00. A full line of the Most fasuioxadlc siTr, at low prices. A complete assortment of Ladies' Best Shoes, st $1.25 and upwards. A full line of Children's Shoes. I hare also a full Hue of Ladiea' Hose, Handker chiefs, (kc; Also, large stock of -. GROCEEIES. ArbncklcS' Coffee 30c. Uackcral, No. I, $2 50 per J bbl. I am now selling SEWING MACHINES at WHOLESALE TRICES. I will sell you any kind ot a machine at TWE.TT Y PER CEXT. EES than they are usually sold. Leave your orders, and you can have any kind yon want. J. B. M. TODD. Patterson, May 17, 1S76. BUYERS & KENNEDY, (Successors to D. P. Sulouff,) DEALERS IN -IlAl, COALi iitiUBEK, CEMENT. Calcined Piaster. Land blaster, 6EEDS, SALT, AC. Wrf btfy Ohiin, (6 be delivered at Mifflin town or Fort RoyaL We are prepared to furnish Salt lo dealers at reasonable rates. BUYERS It EfcSNEir. "i WOOB X PUMPS 1 -r ' -- -- -, i I., - UKil. rm aataxiTvbM. ItaaWn l I. Tr., -r". wwllj lTlw4.Sn n mw m Of Ms !". t.6, SWTCHY,wasefr,$fl$CfTllrrSt.1Pn!s mis ceii.i. ec rs 'jt 1 1 ej nrr.vr. is. A MATTER OF POPULAR f fl I tHES I . We emwlenseJWil tho XMM SnVtr the SMbstfl.no of ajnKi:o about On Ball, io raiadefVian aaaiaaaer: Brown' " Laiv aothloak la amcnoa." A visitor au4 attemlauhsfo the speakers : . Visitor. " What earner u he Bun3:!) va f Attendant "South-Eajt copier ot tiA e-i4 Market. Plena nose tha SiXVU, f x siat timntin seoaing Oak UaU. have beta "- j deaumins; rrrs." V. " It Is pcrfectiT colossal I So you know Its dimeiraonar A. " 12,'jOO sqrtsjw fret OS on Jtartot, snd 190 odd on Sixth, six stories high, hu ovtr three acres of uooijaf. anl ewer-space ttra occupied hj yApr6ian twmtr different boA nesa places." av V. Lo Tn ass staan-powerT A. " A giant Toon; engine furnishes jvwpr for tbe freight and pawerrerelevamra.aBd t ua boilers steam for KMf "r and the ouwr opera tions of tna feoosu." V. " Wlua oTLr do you take with rood A. "They are firs opeed an! axrangel In tbe basement, on long Mr counters, ami tr.kea taenes on tbe faatehievatur io Ibe inspec tors room en ibaVla floor." V. " Is tnpectinUe lust operation " A. " No, sir. measuruifr. The roods sre t. rst measured In Ui pier, tben insrerud. Tb cloth passes over rollers in the fore of a stror.g light, an i two men sit, one before and on behind the goods, watching wit tne eye of . bawk for tbe fa.4 pin-nole Imperfection, and wisrfc lug every tlw . so that the enrtet sjay sew and avoid tt when ha comes to am Um gar ments." V. " Yob most employ an tnfy of cutters A, "Come to our aitii txjt and seel W keep 70 hands all tbe ti4le euUng up tfce rlotii into rannonta. b-sikivfc5 mArhitics lLal do a dosen men's work caclXt a stroke." V. "Do 70a mannfsrtnra all your own goodsr1 A. " We do, and most earafony. Onr ex aminers inspect every rtiub and warn. ar.! certify to every garment as extra-well cisca before we put our ticket co it, and becom. twpootible Cor it" . V. " k'oux system Bust save yoa a great dealT - A. "In every dtractfra. sir. It h tMsvstrra and economy we practice all hp way through, taat enables us to put our pKUp jfuwa to Uia people as we do." V . Ailcr inspecting the Work, what becomes of it. A. -Before It goes ino Stock it b tieirttd. Every single garment has Its number tt.t other points noieu oa It, so that ks enfare his tory can be traced without taJj csoat eui books." V. - Ton must have 3P it ? sitetften r A. Why sir, on busy days yoa saajtfsee ID in tbe various looms and suites oJ - ir. selling to the tb rungs of tu.tonx-?s " V. " Do you do an order bo.-. by mail and x prm; A. " Very great All over the country. Onr If COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, HEATERS! OF ALL klI'i)S, AT THE PEOPLE'S HARDWARE STORE, In R. . Paikers .Mv Brick BuilJl. MAIS STREET, OPPOSITE THE COUUT YAill MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, PA. Holiaekctipers Hfirihvnre, I5uil(!- era Hardware, MECHANICS' TOOLS, LEATHEK. PAINT, OILS. GLASS, &C, &C.i all of first Quality, consfantl' Call and see me. :fflintin, Aii. 2tS, ioTI-lf D, W. HARIjEY'S Is the p!aee wliele jo'a oah buy TIIE BEST Afl TIIE CUEAPESf MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHtKO HATS, CJPS, BOOrS. SHOES, Allb FCRXISUlSQ G06DS. HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice ant select stocka erf c'fH-red Id this market, and at JSTOXISH1XGLT 101V PRICES t Also, measures taken for suits cott parts of stritnj wttcb will be tulJe to orJer at short notice, very reasonable. Remember tha place, in Hoffman's 3e RVtltiing, cotacf of i5ri3ge and Water s'reeta, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Sept. IS I75-tt SAM'L BTRAYER Has just returned from (be Eastern cities with a frill virietj of MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CATS, B00T3 & SHOES, ALL SIZES, CENTS' rt'RXISHIXt! GOffDS. fjnods of at kid' ara low Conie and s-e ma and be anto a. nished. Parits at 13 tthU. i, Pa.; May 2M, l(?7o. I It'.erson, ATTENTION. J. F. JACOBS DCALCa I! . . - ,, i i.: 4 t arming Mschlncry ano4 XncuttJral ! pk-menfs, such i Corn PI?nerfl Com Workers, VRifA SEP.ilXATOBS, CLOVER SEED SEP.1R.1 TORS, Hone Powera from One to Tea Horse Power, Aftriotllnrnl, PorMte, oW StatlonM !n? of If-bu.. may be red- J. - K-ally cured itliout the dans;enns of Sltam hnijinei, linternal me.lk. iiH: or the application of tho FODDER CUTTER. FODDER CRUSH- ''! rmting oiit a mode ..f rureatnace EkS, COKN S HELLERS, simple, eorta-n, ami erTtcfual, bv means vf ;whii;h everv siiffi-rer; no matter ahat hia Cider Mills, Hay Forks, Hay Rakes, Grain vimdition roar be, mav cure biruaclf chaap Drilla. and farming machinery and imple- jjt privately, and radically. rtenu of eery deacription. Address j rnTbU Uxture ah.mld be in the band J. F- JACOBS, f everv yo'ith and every man io Ihe mod- Poft Rotal, Juniata Co., Psi April 12, 176. 41 B. LOUPOV, Oa MERCHANT TAILOR, in room on second story of K. E. Parker's :. new bnilding, on j Main Street. Miffiintown; Pa. t FASHIONABLE GOODS alwaya on band. CUSTOM CORK DONE on the shrt-1 n6t!ce. GO)DS SOLD by the yard or pattern. PERSONS buying gooda can bate them cut IrJ garmenra free of charze. BUTTERILTS t.tTTERX also for sale. ALE WORK WARRANTED. PRICES LOW. fVf 9Vt lBTr ! Sale Bills of all knrl rrhrte etr sltort notic at this office.- perfect syswrs) jida mlesof aslf msasiiii ip m make itibi t- pmpta r.suu ssikw at.ay jtjl osierfectiy as if they sen hers iu pcroti.'ir V. " 1 snpeoss von bave at least half a doaiai dl.fi-rc'itocrrtmcnui'" , A; "liydvurstrl c -have more tlian lwi. nil Tbc-rTd witiiiMcv-n uiral. tad ra it th..n up hly c rrantwi, a ai swi ary ahael lUi ta tho rrrat u'tccL" ., - V. -"T.ill yta r:une a down cf ri rf ftemr ' - A. "With I'.eiuuiv. 'ifc, lii.B ccpujt ascnt &rthee who pref'T raatm-maja t Tr.dy-Kia'y XJ TuiaishfLg lwrtmch(, wl.b lt flrf.Hl .' i t ail iiMkrvtar. 1 Rhitl Hft0.rr. ' th trt tc -y BacL-ueS. mal Ins .nr own rr l-rihi;t. itc Inc Kii&e- I irini4i.t U'clf siifcig a. maty a rscaV lur Ii. lbe,bar.Ju t-.t fr-x m. tW R reviving RutS: li s OrW lepcraneut. nasadbrfcrai TheFpt.-c'sl I clTorms Iart BienL fl a DelHcry Deiwriawnt, wuh tu aeora of mesf-ti'-. Tbe" V. -nold.holu! si'f.rghr . . . . 1 "In not hair tun.a;h " 7j idvertfwei; IVmrtmer.t, with itj bilLand r gn dtitntutuo, edittngand fublisbinica busiLcsssnd pcpular kiarna). an-olHfW.frVe.lo.uoerpiesmcnihiy fb'UallyonrrriiSMriosend lorlti. TbeNeua lcpami..-tit, witiTi many rooms. ibaUt p.' IkCTArtmrm. The Yrc'Ls lvrutTnbt. Ibt children a Denarrmert, with its rpeciat entrance tor ndiex ihe Telcpnib tvpart mcnt. Tha Chief Clerk s 1 ix.mcnt. Wiut Its book-Lrer-rrs snd assistants. nruJ Man irt i IWanmeut: F.Dartitr' t-CUe, snd otlicv emkes ftf.jlra Arm all bury , aa beta tiiinkiDs. piatinlae. exajmiiiig. buj Jg, mak ing, fiwtenn?. re b 'yt. m o.lfrg .--ot, tellir;. and in a Ui usantfLAv ir.ire ibtlr futre tu carry en a bosinessVnh ibe co;4r r OK-tuiS-lng to between i,uuuM awl juujmO asv nually." Y. 'S-fn p-n-4 o-s-d" -. A, ."Indeed li is I J forrot to ntme 0 Caihier's Department. hit li csncles iu KiMi of retail sale on seme ning-.e days '." V. " Kft.OOu I lmrr.rn.e I n hai hat enables tbe bwe to buy cheap and s-irc!Miir . A. -Exactly I un hre 16 hit it. Ttw people throng here. krjA tnf that we depend on iownrtcts aud imro Qi-alt-i." .. v.--Whn art tbe l-oraawLut Ibeara, Staca aboutr i , A. "Uursytemof busine.4 3iilnL 1 Ona price, no d viaiion : t, t'a-h for eisryihing: a. A gnarartre protecting tbe punha.-r; aTba money rcturued it the buyer can't otherwise be suited." V. - Notblngeonld be fairer." A. "Nothing. And Ihe people see ft" V. "Well, 1 iback you, sir, lor your poltv, attention." , A . - t at a!!.. It's a pler" to erV yoa. Call again; and be. nix.!, ti the plse Wsna mater A itrownS Vi k UaLSijCEaat eor l.e rjAtB tnd Jar:--L".. . V . - Thsnk i f I i-baH be happy to do as: Covd awrnins." on IianJ. I invite tiie public tf JOHN- W. MUIHERSBAEGH; KT SI ITS MALIK TJ tlKDER. bAML EL SThA VER- i Manhood: HowLosi. rlowEestored Just puMisl:ed, a new editiun of Dr. Culverweli's t'eluijrsted Essay l. it- -t i j : j flf, .11,- mi V -riiiFn. mcui- .cinelof Spefinatorrh'ea t Seminal weak- :nes, Int InntarV ..Seminal .Lonscs, Impo- trtcr, MrBta wm1 ,.hysk.a, ,. pediments to W irrtaye, .etc. ; alio, ('in 'sumptioc. Epilepsy snd .Fil'f ii1ced by ell-indulirene or wxual eMravsjrnnce, He. CTPrice, id a sea'ted envch.pe; only six eent. ,' The celebrated aitthor, f this admirable Esay, rlearfy rlemonstrales. Irom a thirty Irears' itneee-HluI pnietiv, that the alarm- Cent under seal, in plain envelope, to tiv auaress, post-paid, on Ihe receipt nf six ents or two post stamps. Address tb jPuoIishers. i r; DRioi Li k. ton, II Ann?t t lorti i Post.Omce Box 468. Oer. 1, !7-Iy. BALLARD & CO., General Commission Merchants, rairs if Grain, Hides, Wtol, Tobaocd. Hops, Eg, Bn'tT. Choose. Dried Fruits, Featanra, Furs. I an I, f aftuw, Seeds, Bacon, Ceans, Poultry, Floor, Vfji tal.l.a, A.C., 4vc., Warrlesssf, 5 42 er1h Water Strwv FniLiCELPUU. March ZZ, 1876-6 . i Fihi fi-l!a rrrntd an short fioi ra at h Vffiee of tfc S.nm?i eiKf rseir.