SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN Wednesday. JKDe , MT6. B. F. SOIIWElEU, auiro ad raorajxroe. Republican National Ticket. . FOR PRESIDES!, RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, OF OHIO. "fohTVic PRESIDENT, WILLIAM A: WHEFfiR, iF NEW YORK. - Republican Primary Election. The qitaJilied members c f the Republican lrty of JunUu county are requested o meet at tbe usual places or holding elections, iu the respective districts, o SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1876, at 2 o'clock r. ., and alter the election or a Judge and two clerks, by ballot, during ' be tirsl 30 minutes, proceed to vole, by ballot, for tbe Domination of One person for Congress, One person for Senator, One person for Reivesentative, One pyrsoc for Register aud Recorder, One persor. for Sheriff, Two persou for Associate Jndgea, One person for Jurr Commissioner. Also, "Fcr" or Against the proposed i month. Tbe Sprague mills have closed, amcuduient to Article one ot the Crawford j Ihrjwiug 10,000 operative! out of etn County System," limiting the time of an-' ploymenr. Tbe iron industry imoi to appropriata trtla en wait. So long a tty dor set peas there ess be no peaditara of public" arotrey after the SOth day of Jtfor h u the beat Sbof Bp abop. We Sot Ctrl J roVeftr too much, bat it curt too ntfctr 10 main tain a, government. A government should rest in the affection! of the peo ple any othr eiists for fordid reason. i There are hundreds who would be plad to take the placj just vacated by Mr. Bristow without pay. Thousands would pay handsome bonus for tbe privilege to aif in Mr. Treasurer Xtw's ehair. There is hardly a place where monev ia to be bmJIed which cannot be filled by men who Wifi take their chances of starving without soy salaries whatever. .Yorth .imerican. The Business Outlook. From the Springfield Republican. The woolen trade,- like the eotton manufacture, has bad a great traJe sale and set a basis for future action. About $800,000 worth of woilen goods were thrown into last bands by this sale' and are now passing under the tailor's shears, whence they ought to reappear in cloth ier' prices even lowei than those now enrreut. These treat sates fill the mar ket for the time being, and tbe eotton J manufacturers, discouraged by tbe prob ; ability of a general omission of dividends joo the 1st of July, talk of a concurrent junUDiII va mu JI lUUbilUU VI yi IU cloibf an, some otber Maple for a BOLD EQBBEIE3 EXPOSED. JU Leader Denounces? by Jealous (Toman Tkt So vfrn Wealthy Pen mlwanum Implicated Him Jlrtett ttrtd Subsequent Escape. Koseville, Fa., June 30. (ireat excitemrnt prevails in this place over deveropnreota that bare iurplioated the son of the wealthiest resident ot the village as the reader iu a series' of bold outrages sfad robberies that hare been fared financial reveries, and tb prop arty of tbe "Guano King" has all conre ander the hanmrer, the Newport villa" and the oity aansioai. Tbe purchaser of the Madison Square hotrto ia said to be robust in health and stroeg rn pocket. He got it at a bargain; Snd it ts to be hoped may enjny it undisturbed by ghosts, skeletons or misfor tunes. Ex. National Liberal League. An anti-ortbodox religion organiza- coinnittted here ckrrrag tbe pant year of1 ! tion expect soon to bold a Congress in so. In May, 1875, a blacksmith named ! Philadelphia, under the name of M Na bonnceuients to two weeks initead of rota weeks prw-r to the Primary Election. The polla to remain open until 7 o'clock r. alter ahich the votes shall be publicly rounted, and all the papers taken pones. ion of bv the Return Judges, who shall meet in Convention at tho Court House, in the borongh ot Mitflintown, on MONDAY. AUGUST 21, 1376, at I o'clock r. to return, add up the votes so polled, and announce tbe result, and to transact such other buainess pertain ing to their office as may devolve opa tbem. By order of the Committee. J. P. STERRETT, Chairman. Attest: YTm. M. Alu.ox, Secretary, pre tern. Mlffliutown, June 10, 1S76. Shutting Up Shop. The Democratic House of .Represen tatives has unintentionally furnished s-evcral hints toward retrenchment and reform during iu seven months' session. It was, however, ou Fridry last that it really touched bottom, wbdo it propos ed to save a few thousands by abolish ing the Signal Service for that, in effect, is whst it proposed. It was not even original in that. It borrowed tbe idea from tbe wag who advertised in many papers that, upon the receipt of tbe trifling sum of one dollar, he would im part to the sender the valuable inform ation, " how to save rent." As busi nets was not very brisk or remunera tive and rents rather high, he received a good many dollars. His valuable recipe Jor saving rent was this : " Shut up shop !" There was not among all the applicants for information one so confuuudoulv elupid as to refuse to see the pjiut. lo tbe mariner who cauuot comprehend the barometer that iustru meat is useless and represeuts an ex travagant outlay. To the average In dian of the Plains the costly appoint uieuU of a firht-clais observatory must teem a fearful waste of money. To tbe man who does not know enough to go indoors when it rains tbe Signal Ser vice must appear a costly extravagance. The average Democratic Congressman cannot see any nse for the Signal Ser vice. Only twice in bis nneventful life Las he ever seen any use for an army once during the war with Mexico, and again daring tbe great and fearfully destrustive campa'gn of General Albert Sidney Johnson against the Mormons. We bare obtained our will as regards Mexico, and tbe Mormons, remember ing the punishment inflicted Of on them by General Johnson, have voted tbe Democratic ticket ever sinoe. Ia addi tion, tbe famous brigade of muie con tractors is revelling in the loot of that ' campaign and is satisfied. There is no more slavery, therefore no demand for slave territory. The Mormon aie all in hirnisay w::h Democratic policy, and there are therefore no more Mor mons to confer. And really there is not much more for that Democratic bonse to do. It has abolished the colored brigade. It has cot down tbe pay of the men who do our little fighting. It has endeav ored to convert our navy into a fleet of fishing smacks. It has saved a few dol lars here and a few dimes there, thill it hai not done the real thinjf. We ad vise it to do tbe real thing and then go home and pettifog its little eases before tbe local eourts. be having more of a revival than almost any other. There continues to be gen eral groaning in tbe pig iron manufac ture, but we notice that the manufactur er yielded to the puddlers recently on a strike at Pittsburg, rather than close their works Trade in some specialties is DnK particularly in screws, in wire manufacture, the Washburn works at Worcester Laving a business fully np to last yeai's. About 25,000 tons of iron rails were ordered of American makers in May, one-half of them for Tom Scott' Texas Pacific road, ilean- ! time our manufactures are being pushed t . i A -..--.-J Ll- ......... v i u r u witu vuuatuci.viv U11VIIJ A mericaa agricultural implements now have their excellent qualities adver tised by many of tbe largest dealers in England. There will be a continued convalescence of business through tbe current year, and by Ibe time tbe elec tion is out of the way and a new ad ministration, with no financial doubts, is inaugurated we shall be ready to eu ter on a new epoch of healthy industry. An Indictment. Ou Friday a week tbe Grand Jury of the District of Columbia returned indictments against Kichard Harting tou and Arthur li. Williams, each for bribery. The fiist named is charged with baviog on tbe 12th of October, 1873, while Assistant United States Attorney, reoeived the sura of $15,000 to have his decision and action on a proceeding pending before him influ enced in tbe matter of a motion for a new trial, filed by one Hope H. Slatter, and that he did auk and receive such sums therefor. Tbe second indictment charges that A. li. Williams did give tbe sum of $15,000 to Harrington as a bribe to influence his action in the case referred to above. Hope II. Slatter is endorsed as a witness. Williams ap peared before Judge McArthur and gave bail in the sum of $5000. An Abductor Sentenced. " Charles Sala, a Spaniard, who was arrested a short time ago, charged with tbe abduction of a little girl named Katie Vienot, was tried in New York on the 20th im-t. He was found guilty, and Recorder Hackett sentenced him to tbe State Prison for ten year. Monroe, who had just been paid $3,- OUU a legacy was surprised; at mid night in hi house by three masked men, who by threats and torture compelled him to hand over tbe whole of the above au.ouDt. Hii trace of tbe robbers eould be found. A few months later tbe office of Webber's extensive tan nery was broken into, tbe watchman bound, the af? blown open, and $30, 000 abstracted. A detective was set to quietly worS Op the case, but, after three Bonthfc' search, found no olue that could be followed. " In February last five men, masked, effected an entrance info' the bouse of Francis Betlman, an old Oeraiao miser, living a mile out of tbe village,- aud by tbe iu t fiendish torture tbvy burning tbe old man with tional Literal League." We republish tbe following, from a circular issued by the organization'. Tbe readef can judge of tbe moral and religious merits and demerits of the League for himself t - " A 'Centennial Congress jT Jx5 srals' Is to be convened at Concert Hall, Philadel phia, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, Tor the pur pose of organizing a Matona Liberal League about fifty local Liberal Leagues hatriur oeea alreadr organized dorinr the put mrev or lour years in different part of j ticular, its limbs can the country. The general object ! these , jQ a knot Rev. Mr. Breidenbach, of Philadel phia, performed tbe rite of cireumci lies' recently upon a son of 3. L Bemte, of Lancaster, to tbe presence oi a urge oompaoy. Srx Baltimore polieemW have been dismissed for abetting rob erien. Seven members ot tbe Boston bar have been eoufroted of crimes within a year. In five States the law' or haSglbg has now been abolished.- These are, with ibe dates of their abolition, a follows: Michigan, 1846; Rhode Island, "1852; Wisconsin; 185S; Iowa, 1872; Maine, 1876. The bears in the neighborhood of Bethel Vt , are so troublesome that it is pioposed to celebrate tbe "Fourth" by a grand bear bunt. Mrs. I'arnoyle of Breck .Bridge eoun ty , Ky , has a ebild five yeirs old whose body appears to be absolutely boneless. Although well developed in every par- be literally tied Leagues is to accoiuplixh the separa tion of Church and b late, by repealing all law which exempt church property from Uxation, permit Uible-reading and worship in the public school, enforce a SabbaUrun observance of Sunday, and so tortb. Over $l,7UO have been paid in to defray the ex penses of this convention, and more than live hundred certificates of membership wisoa of straw and hnldinv him over a have been already issued. Francis E. Ab- fire. and .uhieetinv hi... in other rnl i "t, editor of the Boston Index, is the chjlr- , j D treatment- -compcl'ed him to deliver up to them $1,000. The perpetrators of tbe enme escaped deteotion, ana the resident were forced iuto a feeling of insecurity. About tbe 1st of Jane a fastiocably dresstd yoncg woman got out of the stage at this place and inquired tbe way to a justice's office. She was directed to Enquire Tomlinson's. She gave ber name to biui as Lottie Sargent, and said that she desired to give him some max of the committee ol arruiifreuients A vigorous agitation in favor of strictly seru bile William hitman and Uriah Sheets were bathing iu the canal, about two miles below Mic'deltnwn, on Thursday evening, tbe former was seis ed with cramps and was drowned.' Tbe body was recovered. . Tbe Tip'.oo (lnd.) Rrpulhcnn relates this shocking story : "Yes erday morn ing, at about 8 o'clock, Bax. Sbort, Doe. Berry and Pleas Uackleman were Ar Advertiiemimt. e There wtQ be many, who resorted M the fashionable minerabie mineral springs in by- gdne years, whose pocket will not permit i hem to leave this year, as all must visit uio Centennial. Wa advise each te bur TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT, drink it, get good from it, save money, and Visit Philadelphia. A word to un wise is sufficient. r SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. Xcp Advertittmemtn. At O A DAT at home. Agent wanted. $L Outfit and terms free. TRUE . CO., Augusta, Maine. A GREAT OFFER! IVIVUS cnwivu asa wa . . 'j i - lar covernuient. State and National, will bo : working in the sawmill oesr tbe depot, and, while m tbe act ot tnrcing me mg preparatory to sawing on the opposite side, Bax.'s handspike slipped, throw ing him on the saw, which was in mo tion, cutting his head completely off, bis bead falling on one side and his body on tbe other, lifeless." Last evening, between five and six o'clock, a boy named Harry Hewlett, undoubtedly iuiluted. Addresses will be made ny James Parton, li. P. Underwood, Charles F. Paige, Mrs Carrie Buroharn Kil ore, Francis E. Abbott, and others. News Itemtr Moody is down in Connecticut, nifevis bas 2,000,000 cows and 200 cbesse factories. During this month w e will dispose of 100 new and second-hand PIAftOSand OKUA.HS of Brst-ciss ma kers, including WATERS', at lower prices than ever bet ore offerod. New 7 octave Pianos for $JG0 boxed and shipped. Terms $40 crsh and $10 monthly until paid. New 5 octave 4 stop Organs with book closets and stool, Warranted for $IOfl t'M cash and $i monthly until paid. Illustrated cata logues mailed. Agent wanted HORACE WATERS SONS, 481 Broadway. N. Y. $77 PER WEEK GUARANTEED to Agents, Male and Female, in their own locality. Terms and OUTFIT FREE. Address P. O. V1CEERY CO., Augusta, Maine. . - dST 0fl Tr day- at home. Terms free. ipO p6U Address Geo. Stmso fc Co, Portland, Me. LIFE, GROWTlinilux li.n Hair CeUr Kesjt.rsjr! Iadem U.rCeLr Uut;.t, Not a Dye; makes harsh hair sort and silky J deanie,- the alp from M ties, causing the hair to grew Where it h. fallen off or become thin. Can be applied bribe" hand, M it doe Dot stain the skin or otf the hW Ut Hair Dressing it u the moat perft the world ha ever produced. The hir i. renovaud and strengthened, and Baf'iral Color restored witbowt the application of mineral sab- stances. Mr. Ira- Fancber says that tbe world j ged je. n0M parents reside J I . a all . . J information as to the robberies that bad i wilt come to an end before or on Julv 4. ' "arkesburg, Chester oodoty, and The salmon nut into the Connecticut .1h1hM beeu .',aitiD8 V f?,nIIJ M0,ed r- r . t'rOT, residing iu Adsms avenue. ' CI iww Kv 1 a uww uvuj uu. : i-i , near xjioertv street, was urownea been committed in Roserille. She said that for three years she had b-en tbe mistress of Charles Webber, son of Mr. Webber, tbe Koseville teener, and Su perintendent of that eoncern. In tbe winter of 1875 he was at her bouse iu Philadelphia, and spoke of tbe fine chanoes there were in Roserille for bur glary, if she only bad the points to work from. Miss Sargent effected a meeting between young Webber and a man known as "Trusty Jack'Tdgelt, a pro fessional burglar. . This resulted in Edgell's visitins; Ro,eville, and tbe planning by Webber and bim of tbo robberies that followed. The woman produced three letters from Webber, dated at Koseville, in which he gave tbe details of the robberies to her. She made aSdavit to the statement. Tbe Justice, before taking official action in the matter, sent for Mr. Webber, Sr. He cace to tbe office, and tbe affidavit of tbe woman was read to bim. He was thunderstruck, but dispatched a messenger for bis son. The latter an-1 swered the summons, but on seeing the woman in the Justice s omce turned and tried to escape. On beiug con fronted with ber aud her evidence he acknowledged the truth of ber state- river two years ago to six inches ia length". Peleg Q. Collitik, a school teacher, committed suioide in South Kiugston, R. 1., on Friday a week, by banging Almost the entire Crop on French Broad River, Tennessee, bas been' de stroyed by tbe recent freshet. Eleven tons of cucumbers for North ern digestion were shipped from Jack sonville, Fla., a few days ago. Titusville, Pa.,' recently sent a man to jail for sixty days for bounding a false alarm of fire on tbe city fire bell. Frank Webber, a night herder, was killed by Indians, on tbe loth lost., near Sydney Crossing, on tbe Flatte river. His horse and revolver were taken by tbe savages. . Tbe Supreme Court of New York has decided that bank depositors are not subject to assessment for taxation. A torpedo factory at Greenville, N. J., exploded on the 21st inst., and killed two boys. In Mesopotamia, a country a long distanee away, tbe " real plague" pre vails to an alarming extent. A. J. Williams, one of the Luzerne ments. lie was placed uuder arrest. aud his father went bis bail to appear : county commissioners charged with for a hearing. Since then he has dis-', bribery, plead guilty, at Wiikesbarre, apneared. aud bis father has refunded ! ou tue 23J inst., and was sentenced to tbe suits stolen of Monroe aud Beilman. 1 Pv fi o 'he amount of bribes Tbe woman was to appear on Thursday j received last with other evidence, but she did not come, and it is charged openly that she bas been bought off. She made the disclosure because of jealousy, Web ber having cast her off for a woman named Grey. Tbe exposure here cre ates more excitement hire because young Webber, who is but t"venty-five years old, is a leading member of the church, and was considered a model young man in every respect. Ratification. There was an immense ratification meeting at nasbitgton a few evenings ago A raat multitude of people, headed by a band, matched to the resi dence of Mr. Blaine, and asked that gentleman to come to the door - His appearance was received with deafening rounds of applause, after which be ad dressed his friends as follows : Fellow Republican's : The condi tion of my health forbids that 1 should addres you at leng'h, and 1 fear my weak voioe may fail to reash any con siderable portion of the large crowd to whom I am so much indebted for the compliment cf this call. ' Let me say in brief that I heartily join with you in ratifying tbe nomina tionof Hayes and W heeler. (Applause.) I know both the candidates well and have known them long. They are true and tried, honest and competent, strong and popular. I do out believe it was possible for tbe National Convention tj present a mure acceptable ticket to tbe sreat mass of American voters and 1 Tbe real thing to do u,Te no doubt of its triumphant clee- is to shut up shop. Abolish tbe army. Abolish the navy. Abo ish the mails. A bohs a the civil service. Maintaiu tbe high coum, of course, because some of these nub-rate lawyers who are tunny, if anything will by and-by want to take the case ot Peter J ones versus the town pump np there and argue it for a month. Let the judges be honorary ; and in order that they may not starve let tbem he rich. Abolish the salary, of tbe rVesideut. Acd as tbe poor devils who are intent upon saving tbe tbe expense of carrying on the government cannot expect to return, they may as well abolish Congress. The people would be very much obliged to them were tbey to do that. And as there will be no money to waste after tbe eivil ser vice shall bare been abolished, terhaps it will be as well for them to abolish the national debt. Think of the interest charges, gentlemen. And then reflect tnat had there been bo Democratio party there would have been no national debt to speak of. Tbe debt is a re proach to tbe Democratic party. Jost as the colored regiments hurt its feel ings, the debt reminds its leaders of tbeir aius. Therefore, in tbe interest of peaoe and sound sleep, and as an in-v.t-tion to pleasant dreams, abolish the debt. We are aware that the present House has done tbe Republican party cany rood turus, but it is rather costly. The Republicans have got a good start and may be left to take care ol themselves. If the House ean find nothing else for which to adjourn it might do so out of respect to tbe late Mr. Knott, tbe late Mr. Springer, and the late master Tar box. Mr. Speaker pro tern ( ox might - do worse than tell off the Democratio - members ioto their divisions and assign ' to tbem the pensive daty of escorting the re-nains of those unfortunate gen tlemen to their former hemes. Tbe tion in November. To that great re sult your eflorts and mine will, I am sure, be devoted with the most earnest seal. If I may be permitted to refer to the con uec tion of i&y own name with the Republican nomination, let me say, gentlemen, that 1 look back upon it with pride and satisfaction (immense enthusiasm) with not one tinge of re gret at tbe final result. , I owe much to tbe true friends who so faithfully sup ported me, and 1 am sure that 1 do not entertain tbe slightest feeling of un kiodoesa toward chose who opposed nie. I hope I ean go further and say that out of all fierce conflicts of the past half year, 1 do not this moment cherish a trace of ill will or uncharitable feel ing toward any political opponent. (Ap plause ) Let us look forward hopefully to tbe future for the peaoe and prosperity of tbe American people, wisely guarded by a Republican administration of the Government, which shall be just to all seetious and all citizens of our common country. Thanking yon again, gentlemen, for tbe honor of your call, 1 bid yon a eor- j dial good night. ( Long and eootioned applause, and eries of "Go on.") Tux Secretary of the United States j Treasury Mr. Bristow bas resigned the ofiree. . The Maine Republican State Conven tion recommend Diaine for tbe United States Senatorship, mads vacant by Morrill going into tbe Cabinet. Lot M. Morrill, U. S. Senator frem Maine, is the new Secretary of the Treasnry, in place of Mr. Bristow, re signed. Already tbe eountry is cast ing np for the successor of Mr. Morrill. Blaise is talked of for the place. of the fashionable mansions of New York lately sold by tbe sheriff, bas a romantic history. It is situated ou tbe east side of Madison Square, nearly opposite the Fifth Avenue Hotel, and is one of tbe most expensive and preten tious dwellings in tbe city. Its occu pants have been among the best known people in fashionable society, and all have met with misfortune while in this brown stone palace. It was erecied just before the rebellion, by George Leupe, a leading hardware merchant, who bad tbe reputation of having made a large fortune. His wife and daugh ters were prominent in fashionable so ciety and he built a bouse to suit their tastes. Tbe commercial disasters of 18C1 made bim a bankrupt, and he committed suicide io his palace before it was completed. Tbe story was then current that bis ghost nightly haunted tbe building, and for this reason or be cause of the cost of maintaining such an establishment, it was for some time without a tenant. At last it was taken by the AthanaJum Club, whose mem bers feared neither ghosts nor expense, bnt their reign was of short duration. Tbe club went out, and the sheriff went in. The house was then purchased by Mr. Batreda, a wealthy South Ameri can, tbe Peruvian Minister to tbe United States, who bad made a large fortune in guano. He was A leader in society and bad a magnificent villa at Newport, one of tbe most elegant ' at that famous watering place. He re modeled the New York house, at an expense of about $100,000, bat before the improvements were completed, pur chased an equally elegant mansion ou Fifth Avenue, into which he removed. The Madison Square house was accord ingly labeled "to let,", and its first oc cupant was Peter Lorillard Ronalds, generally known as "Pete," whose beau tiful wife, for several years after ber marriage, led American society in Paris. Among other conquests, she was said to have made a captive of tie Emperor, who greatly admired ber beanty and talents. When they returned to New York Mr. and Mrs. Ronalds made the "Barreda Mansion" the centre of fash ionable society. ' Its receptions snd entertainments were of .tbe most elabo rate character. - The Blaster of tbe mansion drove bis fonr-in-band, and so did his wife-four beautifa) well-trained ponies and a phaeton which were the ad miration of the Avende and Central Park. ' Tbeir fancy ball given in the winter of 136 7 was the sensation of the season. Bnt there was a ske'eton in tbe closet which money, fashion aud gayety coold not oooeeaL Tbo appa rently happy couple separated, and the " Barreda mansion " agaia wanted a tenant It was rented for $17,500 a year, by Mr. Delancey Kane, a New York millionaire,' the father of Col. Kane, who bas lately acquired some notoriety as the driver of the Pelbara four horse coach. He died in the bonse about three years ago, so that misfor tune in some shape bas overtakes all its occupants.' Lately the owner has suf- Sixty men employed in tbe Erie shops, at Port Jeivis, were discharged ou the 22nd inst. London society is in a fever of ex citement over the clopenieut.of a young Nobleman's wife with a tailor's son. A Centennial jubilee took place in Reading, Pa., on the 20th inst , marked by a procession three miles in length aud a celebration at Lauer's Park, in which 8000 persons participated. George Knight was convicted of mur der ic tbe fourth degree, on the 20th inst., in New York for stabbing Joseph Bennett, from the effects of which the latter died. Knight was sent to tbe State prison for one year, with bard labor. Mr. Adin, who killed bis wife, step daughter, and Mrs. Benton, in Decern ber last, was hanged at Cleveland on the 22ud inst. He maintained to the last that tbe deed was unpremeditated. Mrs. M. R. Pittiplaee, wife of the pastor of the Second Advent Church, Lowell, Mass., bas presented serious charges against b6r husband. A com mittee at once walked upon tbe accus ed, who, taken by surprise, confessed the truth of tbe charges. Two immense cheeses, made in Buf falo, N. Y., one of twelve and another of fourteen tons vreieht. have been built on platform cars, upon wbicb they will be kept during tbe entire Centen nial Exhibition. .They are ten or twelve feet high, and are bound With iron hoops one inch thick. ' An unknown man was detected in the effort to fire the Cathode church at lioutzdale, Pa., on Friday night a week. tie escaped. Ibis is tbe same oburch in which a contractor was killed and thirty psrsons were injured on Sunday, the 18th inst, by the floors giving wsy. On Sunday night a week a number of men, supposed to belong to " Tbe Cir cassian League," set fire to a Chinese eabin, occupied by three Chinamen, near Truckee, California. As the Chinamen ran out tbey were fired upon by tbe mob, and one was instantly killed and another seriously wounded. It is said that abont forty shots were fired. Joseph S. Neville Committed suicide in a cell of the Jersey City prison on Saturday a week, by severing tbe veins and arteries or bis left arm, nearly cut ting tbe limb from bis boJy. He bad been committed for swindling emigrants, was a cative of Natick, Massachusetts, and was very respectably connected. At one time be owned a drng ftofe at Millstone, New Jersey. . A boy ten years of age Was terribly gored by a boll on tbe farm of Jona than Cornell, Northampton township, Backs county j on Sunday a week. - He died next day. Mr. Cornell had taken tbe lad fiom tbe almshouse last spring. A despatch from Muskegee, Illinois, ander date of tbe 21st inst., says : The most terrible bail storm ever known in this section passed over tbe South Can adian river yesterday morning. The course of tbe Storm was from west to east aod varied in width from a half to two miles. Timber was blown down trees entirely stripped ' of leaves, tod every species of vegetation in its track destroyed. All tbe glass in dwellings and passing trains was broken. At seven o'clock in tbe morning cars could bare been loaded with bail atones the sixe of hen's eggs, and at three o'clock in the afternoon they still Covered the ground. ; The damage done ia immense and cannot bow be estimated. in the river at the water bouse wharf. He in company with another boy about his age, visited tbe wharf and were washing in the water at the wharf, which had partly covered it. He stepped over tbe outer wall where the water is eight cr ten feet in depth and was crowned be fore any person could go to bis assist ance. Harrxsburg Telegraph, June 23. A despatch from Denver, inder date of June 22d. says: J. W. Heff has arrived bere from tbe locality of tbe Tudian troubles down tbe Platte, aud says' tl;S reports of 100 meo being tilled near Sidney. Neb., also fifteen below Greeley, are false, and origina ted from a report of three men being killed two weeks ago. None have beeu killed since. Tbe Indians in small parties are stealing stock'. Advices from Custer City say that a large num ber of Sioux braves hare d serted from Sitting Bull and Crazy Hirse and are now on tbeir way to otber reservations ou the south. The same despatch says that a miner recently from Detnot, named Wilson, was shot nnd scalped while temporarily separated from b!s party. The Indians are now' princi pally upon the defensive, und are not so aggressive as formerly. LAND FOR SALE. f( flflfk ACRES OK FARMING OU.UUU AND TIMBER LANDS i near the great Ksnawba River, In Putnam county, West Virginia, in quantities to suit purchaser. Soil good, water pure aod abundant, timber eacellent churches, school and mill convenient title peMect. Price $4 to 96 per acre. Terms accommo dating. Send for full description to J. L. McLEAN, Winflcld, Pulcam Co., W. Va. . STILL GREATER REDHCTIOlf is tbe PRICKS OF TEETH ! yew Advertisement DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE public are hereby not lied that tbe partnership heretofore existing between T. D. Tode.- and Brother, if Fermanagh township, Juniata county, Pa., has been dis solved br mutual consent ' Y. D. TODER . BROTIIKTS. June 28, 1876. Protbonetary'a Notice. TV OTICE is hereby given trat tbe follow 11 ing named persons have iled their As signees' accounts in tbe Prollionoiary' of fice of Juniata county, and tbo same wi be presented for confirmation and aowance at the Conrt Home in Mifflin town, at the August term of adjourned court, August 15, 1878: The first and partial account of Reuben Leonard, Assignee ot Samuel Leonard. Tbe first and final account of Jobn Jami son, Assignee of Amos Grayb 11. The account ol Win. Uab, Assignee of George Singer. JACOB BKIDLER, Piothonolary. PaoTRoxoTAftT's Orrica, I Slifllintown, Jone 28th, 187'i. M EAT MEAT!! Full Upper er Lower Setts as Low as f 4 No teeth allowed to leave the office un less tbe patient is satisfied. Teetb remodeled and repaired. Teeth filled lo last for life. . Teeth extracted witbont pain, by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, always on band. Owing to the bard tiroes, I will insert full single sets teetb, of tbe very best kind, for WCOO. Toothache stopped in five mlnntes with out extracting the tooth, at the Dental Of See of Vt. L. Derh, established io Mifflin town in 180. G. L. . Jan 34, 1973.) Practical Dentist. . T EW DRttt STORK. BAWKS & HAMLIN, (Bellord Building,) Maia Street, SllOliattovra. Pa. DEALER IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICAL?, DYE STIFF, PAINTS OILS,VAk.lSHKj,OLASS,PCTTT, COAL OIL, LAMPS, BURNERS, CHIMNETS. BRUSHES, HAIR BKL'PHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, PER. FUMERY.COM Bd, SOAPS. HAIR ' OIL.TOBAC. 1 CO, CIGARS, NOTIONS, SfATIONERT LARGE V AKIKT j" OT PATENT MEDICINES. Selected With great crn, and warranted p-otn high authorttv. E7-Purcst of WINES AND LIQUORS for medical purpose. CT-FKESSIllPTIONS capounded with great care. fJuneSE-M. HEALTH IfiD ITS PLEASURES, orf . Disease with it Agonies J ' CHOOSE t ETWEES THEM. H0LL0WAFS PILLS. Amni Ditotitn. .- - . Wbat I more fearful tbaa a. breakmj down of tiie nervous avstem f To be ex. citable or nervous ia a small degree ia moat distressing, for where can a remedy be found 7, There is one: drink but little wine, beer, or spirits, or far better, Bone ; take no coffee, weak tea being preferable ; get all tbe fresh air you ean ; take tfiree or lour Pills every night ; cat plenty of aoirds, avoiding the Use of slops ; and IT these golden rules Sre followed, you will be har py in mind and strong in body, and forget yon have any nerves. - Hotkrrt aud Da$ktm. If there te one thing more thad it. ethei1 for which these PilU are so I anions, it is their purifying properties, especially tbeir power of Cleansing tbe Mood from all tm puriiie, and removing dangerous and sus pended secretions. Universally adopted s the onearand rented? for female eomuiainu. tbey Dover iail, never weaken tbe system, j rt!cla is complete and always bring about wbat ia required i Sick Headaches mnj Want of JpfHUt. These feelings which so sadden us, most frequently anae Irom annoyances or trouble. fioui obstructed perspiration, or from eating : or drinking wbat is unfit for us, thus tllsor- j derinr the liver snrt .timt TL.U ........... I must be regulated if you wish to be well. 1 e5?'.thi tlomt CtTtifitott, ttitifitd to e Tto Pills, if taken according to the printed ,,r- Garrg, tht mwt tfn instructions, will quickly restore a healthy ' Peleu- DriggtstM and Chemistt of Philadtl actioutuboth liver and stomach, whence ! " rw vrfady slme trt f a4f . follow, as a natural consequence, a good! I aftj happy to add my irjtimoDv to tho appetite and a clear bead. In tbe East and j &nat T'ue of the "Wcj Hair Color Rt West Indies scarcely any other medicine is : ilvrer." which restored my hair to its orizi ever used for these disorders. nal color, and the hoe appears to be pernTa- llovc to U Strong, Jf ever let the bowels be either confined of unduly acted upon. It may appear singu lar that Hollow v'a Pills should be recora mendel fur a run upon the bowels, manv person supposing that tbey would increase relaxation. This i a great mistake, how ever ; for these Pills will immediately cor rect the liver and stop every kind of bowel complaint. Ia warm ciiiualca thousands of lives have been saved by the use of this medicine, which in all cases gives lone and vigor to the whole organic system, however deranged, health as strength following as a matter of conrse. The ainetite. too. wonderfully increased by the use of these been resfwl, tho falling' off entirely stop Pill. ronihint in f ha r. ... Ar .A :n . r i .....4 i . .... . J ... . - - .. ui uai- ucu. m w CT-nw-n nf n.i. . - sisin-B uuiu uici. Annual ioon is belter than broths and stew. Br removing acrid. fermented, or other impure humors from inc nver, stomach or blood, tbe cause of Since the introduction of tots truly valu able preparation mto this eountry, hw been tbe wonder and -mfc,K classes, and as it ha. proved to be the e-lw artle that will absolutely, without dece twrv restore ?r.y hair to it, original coloT health sof te, Instre and beay. and p ;rthdc3,orJ.,1 " ,f' in.a oe.uWnl and fragrant perfumed tWe w complete within ifcelr IT Prepxratioa tMfnr. - . ,.'. compauimenl I ol any kind being required' obtain these desirable result H IIKKE IS THE PROOF of rrs STJPIXIOE EXCELLENCE. la nothing hke a dye but operates upon tho seoretions. It is also a beautiful hair dres sing and promotes the growth. I pnr chased the first bottle from Edward B. Gar rigues, druggist. Tenth and Coates streets, who can also testify my hair was quite gray when I commenced its nse. . MRS. MILLER, Jo. (30 North Ninth street, Pbila Dr. 5wrrr f C., Respected friends : t nave the pleasure to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, isdeltehr ed with the success of your "L&adon Loir Color Restorer." Hut hair was falling rain idly, and was quite grsy. The color has dysentery, diarrhoea, and other bowel Com plaints is expelled. Tbe result is. that the disturbance is arrested, and the action of the bowels becomes regular. Nothing will stop the relaxation of the bowels so quickly as this floe correcting medicine. Duordtn of tht Ikiducy In all diseases afiectinc these oresns. whether they secrete too much or too little water) or whether they be aft! ic ted with stone or gravel, or with ache and paiv settled in the loins over the reeinna or tho j kidniys, these Pills should be taken ae- n f r ..... u r V. i It'll., .un UK Ointments should be well rubbed into the small of tue back at bedtime. This treat ment will give almost immediate relief when ail otber means have failed. Fer Stomachs ewl if Order. No medicine will so e(f.-ctiia!ly improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by nitetnperanee' vt oproter det. They reach the liver ihd reduce it to a' ?cst?hy action ; they are wonderfully efficacious" in cares of spasm in fact they nevei fail in coring all disorders of tbe liver and stomach. Hvlteirmy'i ptUt art tht test remedy knon-n A tht leaf Id for the fvllovng disease r Ague, Asthma, ptnirs ! TUMPS! UMPS Tbe undersigned have commenced tbe Butchering business in tbe borough of 1IU-tiintowo. BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, aad PORK ean be had everv Tuesdar. Thuradav and Saturday o.ornings at tbeir meat store at me residence or Mr. Howe, on Cherry street. Their wagon will also visit tbe resi- dence or citizens the same mornings. Kill Done but the best of stock, a id sell at fair prices, bive us a trial. HOWE k. ETKA. June 28, 1876-tf Pumps, liithl ct beavr. made to Older. Cucumber Wood Pumps always cm band. 1 neae guaranteed never to freese iu Win ter. Wood. Iron. Terra Cotta. or Lead Water Pipe put down on short notice Repairing promptly attended to. Please civa us a call before Durchsaiiia- elsewhere, as we are determined to aeti at the very lowest prices. Call on or address WM. NOBLE, Port Royal, or, FRANK NOBLE, iliffluitowa. mar22-m Bilious ComiJaiuts. Blotches on the 8sin, Bowel Complaints, Colics. Constipation of the Bowels, Consumption, Debility, Diopsy, Dyseutvrv, Ery?lpelao, female Irregularities Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Headache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice,- Ijver Complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Kbeum.itim. Keteuti'n of Urine, Scrolula, or King's Evil, .Sore Throat, Stone and (travel, Secondary Symptoms Tic-Douloureux, Tumors, Ulcera, Venereal Affection, Worm Of all kinds, TTcancss from any cause, &.c. R. B. f.umr.rrj Dmggist, eor. Tenth & Coates, Pbila. Beston Test i meaty. July 22, 1871 ir. Swaynt 4 Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I procured six bottles of London Hair Calor Restorer which i like very much, in fact belter tbatf anything I hare used io the last nine years! If you please, send me one dosen bottles C. O. D-, ears cf T. 3. Fogler ft. Son, drug gists. No. Vli Treinont strevt, Boston. Respectfully yours, ADA BAKER. No. 50 Rutland Square. Dr. Dalton, of Philadelphia, savs of it i The "London Hair Color Restorer" is used very extensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself j 1 therefore peak Irom experience. 1ft Cent pr Bottle. SIX BOTTLE $4.0tiSnt by Express to any address on receipt of price. Sold by all Druggists. THE LUNGS Executors' Notice. Estoit of Ltwu Evans, deceased. LETTERS TesUmentarv on tbe estate of Lewis Evans, late of Fayette township, deceased, having been granted to the nnderaigned, all pereora indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, abd those having claims or demands are re quested to make known the same without delay to J. D. LONG ACRE, LEWIS DEOAN, June 14, 1876. Executors. Admlalatrator'a Netlce. Estate of Jacob Smymlcr, deceased. LETTERS ot Administration on tbe es tate of Jacob Swymler, late of Fayette township, deceased, having been grant ed to tbe undersigned, all persons In debted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them without de lay to J03IAH SWYMLER, June 14, 1878. Administrator. notice to Tax-Parer. THE Commissioners of tbe county ol Juniata hereby give notice that no more County Bonds will be issued and sold by them at present, as we consider that we bave funds enough for all necessary pur poses. We also give notice to collectors of County anJ State Taxci tor the year 1878, that they allow the tax-payers of the coun ty an abatement of 6 per cent, .vn all taxes paid by tbem previous to tbe first day of September, 1876, and such Collectors will be required to settle their respective Dupli cates in full within one yesr from date of same. Th Commissioners will be at their office in faiffinfoWn on the second Tuesday of every month, to trarfssXt any business con nected with said office. By order of Com missioners. JAMES DEEX, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, Mttlintowa, May SO, 1876. ) Large stock of ready made clothing ol tbe latest and choicest styles, tor men and boys, hats, caps, boot and shoes, notions, fninitbinr goods in endless variety for sale at Samuel Strayer's, n Paftersea. JUXIATA VALLEY BA-NK. MIFFLINT0WN, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN'A. GEORGE JACOBS, President. T. VAN IRV1N, Cashier. - aiBKCTOBS i George Jacobs, H.II. Bechtel, Jobn BalsbacB, J. W. Frank. August 4, 1875-tf Amos G. Bonsall. Jerome N. Thompson, Joseph Kotnrock, SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro FIated Table Ware, JLXD ORNAMENTAL ART rtORK M OtIAT TAB1KTT, MANUFACTURED BT TBE MERIM BRITAOIA COMPACT, 650 Broadway, New York. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear come, and oeanng ine Trade vara, 1847 Revera Brothers XII. N. B. This great improvement in Silver plated Spoons and Forks is annlied alike to each grade of Plate, A 1, and 12 oa., as ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. Tbe Extra or -Standard Plate made by this Company is stamped A 1. simple, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier than the ordi nary market standard. 07 First Premiums awarded at all Ts4ra where exhibited, from World's Fair of 185a to American luatitate Fair, 1874, Inclusive. .2 1- warto-ous CA UTION t None are genuine unless tbe signature of J. IIavoock, as agent lor the United States, surrounds each box of Pill and Ointment. A handsome reward will be give to any one rendering such in formation as Hay lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the med icines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious, Sold at the Manufactory of Professor IIoliow.iv ft. Co., New York, and by all re spectable Druggists and Dealers in Medi cines throughout the civilised world, tn boxes at boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents, and 91 eacn. EyThere is considerable saving by taking un larger sires. N . B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. apr26, 7l-lyeow. Admlaistrator'B Notice. Eatatt of Wm. Woodward, deceased. WHEREAS Letters of Administration On the eatata t.f tVMIi.n, Wnl..j late of Tuscarora tow nshiper eased, having uccn u ice anoemgnea, ail per sons iudebted to said estate are requested to make immediate! urnmi .ni ,knu having claims Win please present them it ho at delav to NICHOLAS ICIES, rfnt'r. May SI, 1876.--- Sentinel and lepuWican $1.60 a yea Philadelphia & Beading Railroad. JUTaagemeat of rasarasTr Trails. Jess 14th, 1876. Trani lean Hsrristurg as follows s Tot New York at 6 20, 6 15, 8 10 a. m. 2 00 and 7 40 p.m. For Philadelphia at 6 20, 6 15, 8 10, 9 45 a. m., 1 OU and 8 60 p. as. For Heading a 5 20. 6 li, 8 10, 9 45 a. at., 2 00, S 50 and 7 40 p. m. For Potuville at 6 20, 8 10 a. m., and 8 60 p. m. and via Schuylkill ft, Susque hanna Branch at 2 40 p. m. For Alien town at 6 20, 6 16, 8 10 a. m- 2 00, S 60 and 7 40 p. m The 5 20, 8 10 a. m , 2 00 and 1 40 p. m. trains have throueh cars for New York. Tbe 6 15, 8 10 a. m. and 2 00 p. m. trsioe nave uu-ougn cars for Philadelphia. SU.VDjIYS. For New York at 6 20 a. m. For Allentowa and wa v tetioiM al 6 20 a m For Reading, Philadelphia and way stations l M p. KU Trains for Harruhwrg leave as follows r Leave New York at 8 45 a. m., 1 00 5 30 and 7 45 p. iw. Leave Philadelphia at S 15 a. re, 8 40, 5 25, 6 05, 7 10 aad 7 45 p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40, If 2D a. m., 1 60. 6 16. H 00. 9 SA aod 10 BA . Leave Pottsvikie at 6 00, 6 46, 9 00 a. m. and e at p. m., snd via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Branch at 8 On a- m. Leave A lien town at 2 30, 6 50, 8 65 a. m 12 20, 80 and 9 00 p. . The 2 40 a. m. train fins AUmtMra anl the 40 a. m. train from Reading do not run oa Mondays. 9UNDJTS. Leave New Tor at 6 30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia at 7 10 p as. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40 a. at. and 10 85 p. m. Leave Allentowa at 2 80 a. m. and 900 p. as. 'Vim Home and Essex Railnmd. ' JOHN E. WOOTTEN, ' General Superintendent. CONSl'MPTION. This distressing and dasgerous complaint and ita premonitory symptoms, neglected eougb, night swtats, hoarseness, wasting rfesh, feveY pernnneutlv cured by "Dr.. Svrayne' Compound !)iup ot Wild Cherry '' BRONCHITIS A premonitor of Pul-' monary Consumption, is characterized bv catarrh, or iutt.tmiuation of the m-strus mem brane of the air passag", wrtb cough and' expectoration; short breath, hoarseness, paiua in tbo ehest For all brcocbial affec tions, sore throat, loss of rofce, coughs, DR. S WAYNE'S Compound Syrup of TVIld Cherry IS A SOVEREIGN REMEDY. Hemorrhage , or S-sttin( of Blood', may" proceed- from the lamyx, traebia, bronchi t or lrmg'and srists troru various causes. c j andoe physical exertion, plethora, or fn.t I nes of Hie vessels, weak lungs, overstrain J im of tke voice, suppressed evacuation. obstruction or the spleeu r liver, ftc. Dr. Steawne's Compound Syrup of Wilt? Clitiry strikes at tbe root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver anil kidneys to bealthy action, invigorating the nervous system. , The ohy standard retfceify for hemor rhage, bronchial and all pulmonary com plaints. Consumptives, or those predis posed to weak lungs, should not fail to nse this great vegetable remedy. Its marvelous power, not only over con sumption, but over every chronic diseaso where a gradual alterative action is deecfed'. I nder iu use the cough is loosened, the night sweat diminished, tbe pwra subsides, the pulse returns to its natural standard, t3e stomach ia improved in its power to dirsst and assimilate the food, and everv organ baa' a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out ef wkieh new recreative and tie materia ia niado. PRICE ONE DOLLAR SIX BOTTL1W 85.00. li your druggist or storekeeper hum not got it, we will deliver nall'd.fcea bottles' to any address on receipt of price. ' ay Should the bowels be eestTve, Or bead -' scbe accompany your disease, the patient should procure a box of Dr. Swaynw'g Tar Pills. Take Brat a few doses of Pills, and follow wHb Swayne's Compound Svrup of Wilf Cherry. Tbe Pill will evacuate tbe bowels, whirl,- ia of tbe first importance relieve the con gested lirer, purity te blood, strengthen tue nerves, improve the appetite and re move all bUlionsness. 25 cents a bax &' boxes 81. Prepared! only by Da. Swatic ft. So, g; North Sistb street, Philadelphia. Sold by all prominent Druggists. The BasTrxai asp RxrraucA bas e superior as sa advertising medium, la tots county, and as a Journal of varied sews and reading it U not surpassed by any weekly paper in central Pennsylvania. ' Drugs ft medicines at Banks Basnlai.'a ITCniNO piXes ' PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, FosnrvBLT craco by the use of SWATNE'g OINTMENT. ' Home Te8tmopy. I was sorely asHieted witb one of the roost distresswg of ail diseases FrurUu or Prm rig, or more commonly known as itching Filet. The itching at tiroes was almost in tolerable, increased by scratewrog, and lot onfreqnemly became quite sore. I bought a box of ' Smayne's Ointment ;" ita use gave me quick relief, and in a abort time made a pertect enre. I can bow sleep nwOturtd, aad I wool advise all who are sntTerrog wbb ibis distressing complaint to' procure Swayne's Ointment" at once, t had tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without ending anr permanent relief. JOSEPH W. CHRIST. (Firm of BocdeJ ft. Christ,) Boot and Shoe House, 344 Nortfr Second1 street, Philadelphia. SKIH DISEASES. Bwayae'a All-heating Ointment la alio si speeifc for Tetter, Itcb, Ball Rheum, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Barber' Itcb-, Blotches, ait Scaly, Creery, Cutaaeoae Ernptioas Perfectly safe and harmless, even on the moat tender infant. Pnca 90 cents. 3 boxes 81.25. - Sent ky mail to any address em receipt of price. Solo si au. Li ad i a DbCQwuts. - Prepared only by DR. fsWATNK aV BON, . 330 North Sixth Street, rbiladerpMa-ay24-ly