E5TIXEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIXTOWN: ffpoday. Sane it, it6. TERMS. " Jiibscription. $!. r nMum M" pM wittm 12 month; $2.00 if not paid within 12 month. Transient advertisement inserted at 50 tent prr inch for each insertion. Transient rusines notice in local col tun, jo cent per iine for each insertion. . reductions will be made to th e desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter 'pENN'A. b. itihe table. and after Suuday, April ICth, 1870, 0 passenger tram w ill leave MUHiu 5u J. K. K., a follow : EASTWARD tioo, Philadelphia Express 12 51 am j Lewist"'" Accommodation.... ,7 43 a m Pacific EJtpvess. ...... ...... 10 0l( a in Johnstown Ki press . i . . . . i 1 1 22 a lu Mail .... 6 09 p ui (Atlantic Express 9 16 p in WESTWARD. Pitfpbnrjr Expresa 12 22 am (.Paritic Express U2 a lu j. ffav Passenger .10 00am Mail 28 p in Jut Line 4 45 p m (LtwHtswn Accommodation .... 7 43 p m Dilf. t Daily except Sunday, f fmj except Sunday night, i Daily txctpt Honda- Tux Pennsylvania Central Railroad Com pany issue excursion tickets now, and will continue to do so until November 10, 1876. The price of a ticket from this point is $6.18; half ticket, $3.09. If 50a bare a farm to eel, m house to tell, at Private Sale, the quickest wj t obtata a purchaser is to adver tise the property. To all who have real estate to sell at private sale, the columns of the Sentinel and Republican are open to advertisement, od these term : 1st. That if a party is obtaiced by tbe advertisement to purchase a propertj advertised, the parte selling stall pay os whatever sum may have been agieed on previous to the inscr 11, .5 . f the advertisement. 2nd. That if no p.r.-U.iscT is obtained the adver tisement shall he at our expense en tirely, aud shall cost the owner of the property nothing. tQCJL IS TSLLIGKSCE. Tie Normal School closed this week. Huntingdon his two brick -yards In pT alivD. W anted 500 cord or bark, by J. B. M. T'Kid. Lewistown colored men hire organised a military company. A wagon load of potutoe sold in Lcwis twn al 15 cents per bushel. A tramp has beca imprisoned in M iftlin county lor firing Jack's Mountain. Tbe Juniat Valley Camp Meeting will bd opnied August 22, and continue ten days. Trauip are not now ao plenty. Tbe cau-e of their thiuning out is, well past finding ont. rtiTiai.-:phia markcU. Wheat $1.40tol. 44, Coru oN:, Oats ZHuAlc, Cattie 4to6c, Sheep 4to-3c, Hog Stoi'Jv;. Cera i presenting a promising appear ance, bnt the time to make corn is the aca w n aheu the pollen display itself. Thin is the way an exchange put it : Sow ia :h- uate ah-n boy diobry their parent, f bathing, get the cramp and drown. Citizen of SlcCoysville and surrounding country are preparing to celebrate the 4tu of July in the 'good oid-tashioned" way. Isaac Sieber't spring house ia Ferman gh i t.uh:p, was entered last Frio ay night ey i tjve, who 44 went for milk aud pickeU." I). XC. (larley has ben drawn as a jrtror for the United States Court, and is away j discharging duties as such juror, at ll- iinispiirt. It' you want to buy cheap, go to Todd's cash store iu Patterson. Inqi-irer from Mexico, should send name ot contributor. Without the nam- of the contributor we cannot publish the Com munication. Ail the towns along the Juniata Valley have trog hunters this sea-sou. The taxtcs of Biany of the inhabitants have become decidedly Frenchy. Jacob Weller. who lived near Clinreh ton, Lancaster county, was murdered last week, it is supposed, by an illegitimate son of one of his daughters. The festival held on tbe evenings of the three last days of last week, by the ladies it the M. E. church, were well attended, and resulted in a cash profit of about one hundred dollars. Last Sunday morning a family , consisting of David Keed, his wile and two sons, citi leni of Huntingdon county, were drowned in their effort to get out of the reach of the Hood at Coalmont. The wile of Solomon G. Dressier, of Sus quehanna township, died of apoplexy, after a brief illness of from 9.30 A. M. to 6.15 P. M ., of tbe 13th insU She was aged 48 years, G months and IS day. The Bai:d, despite the rain, made a tour of a portion of the county last Saturday, and came borne in a storm, playing a lively tune, a much as to say, 44 Never mind the weather when the wind don't blow." File this nninber of the Seulintl and Re publican, so that it may be bandy as a pa er of reference to the time of holding the Primary Election and to the proposed change of announcement of candidate from four to to weeks. Ton can hay children's shoes at the low est prices at Todd's. Outlaws attempted to enter St raver's store-room in Patterson last Thursday night by the front door. The noise they made m cutting a door pannel awakened noigb bors, and their movements, it ia believed, scared the outlaws away. The Scouts were out on parade on Sat urday. Of course they marched through the rain with as much delight, seemingly, if on parade on one of the finest days of the year. There is no company of horse men in the Commonwealth that surpasses them in anything that is needed to make op the appearance of complete soldiers. A boot, that it is alleged was stolen from the shoe store of Mr. liem in Pattersou, was returned for repairs to a neighboring shop by a young nun named J. O'Donnell, nd recognized as one of the Diem boot. The young man who brought it was charged with the theft. He denied it. He was put under arrest, and in default of bail was sent to jail. In pursuance of instruction of the (Jen eral Assembly, an historical sermon will be delivered iu Presbyterian churches through out the United States on the first Sabbath of July, I87f, ard a collection will be taken t the same morning service, for the pur !oe of raising a fund to build a fire-proof buildng, in which to preserve the Centen nial sermons and other records of the church. A series of heavy rain showers prevailed on Saturday and Saturday night here, and nust also have prevailed westward, for the fiver rose ou Sundav to a point within 11 inches of the Hood of 1865. when the canal tud river at this place was one sheet of -er. un Sunday evening the water Iroui the river ran into tbe canal in places. A large quantity of drift wood floated down ad away. It is said that large breaks in canal have been made in the Narrows, Wl below Mexico. One of the tfiir-. .. , ... . "" " a ivujtm in jauforatetngporkintheahape of ham,, In RnnhnmfAn 1 , ' "o""" -uij, escapsa on 1 ucsaar afterneon of hut week from prison, by taking advantage r the unlocking or lire hall door by a aoa of Sheriff Knouse The bbcritTs aoh had occasion to get somethinc Beyond the lura m how. ,h. - , wquri went 1 k 1clT as the youth was In- "or ma inieves rushed out. Mr. Knouse heard tho r .wUUuce of the Uy, bat the thieves had then alresdv t.tnMl th. .i.. - o fwwvuiv VI lite jail down stairs. Nothing daunted, how. ver, Mrs. Knouse ordered them baca, which uo contused tbem that they caiuo neariy to a hait. The next instant, how ever, they weie agaiu bolting lor the out side door. Most of Womankind Would have cowered before the persistency of the -bar- KUrs. Not SO. with lira k' ......... Vl. rose to the height of the crisis, stepped '"'"""i uvn uuiu oi ine collar oi Hie vest of one of tliti pueakiug kCoundreU, auu pulled hnu back so that she got the door closed. The garment was nearly torn oil" the man, boa ever, before Mm. Knouse thus maintained the dignity and integrity of the trust reposed in Ler, in the absence of hor husband, one of the rascal had passed out into the street, ai d escaped, barelooted. AUtheritV fVe.111 Hnr.tinmlni.i..ii..l. t.u.l. .1... remaining thief away on Vreduesday. Cass ner and IVhitiner are the names ot the thieves. Whltnier ia tha ni m i.r th .... who eacaped. A bot in his eleventh jear named George Winkles, died in Hollidaysburg on the 6tb inat., from inflammation of the bowels. The Standard nil that since the boy's death it is asserted on what seems to be good authority, that on the day on which be was taken sick, be had been bathing. While thus en gaged he was attacked by two other boys who gave hiut a severe kicking and then threw him into the water. I: is thought that inflammation of the bowels was produced by these, injuries. . - 'T - As exchange tells the following : A poor man who had a large family broke his leg, and, as be woula ha for some time destitute of tbe means of trace, it was proposed to bold a prayer meeting at his Louse. Tbe meeting was led by Deacon Brown. A loud kuock at tbe door iuterropted the service. A tall, lank, blue-frocked youngster stood at the door with an ox-goad in Lis hand, and asked to see Dea. Brown. "Father could not atteud this ineetiuf." he said. 44 bat be sent his Braver, and thev r out in tbe cart." They were brought in, in the shape of potatoes, beef, pork aud corn. The meeting broke np with out the benediction. 44 A noble Iudian of Wisconsin car ried about with him the following cer tificate, writteu for biui by some oblig ing white man: 4 This may certify that the bearer is an aboriginal cuts, in whom there is mo guile. He never lifted a scalp nor robbed a heo-roost in daylight, lie is the father of some of his children, and use no cologne. He has that noble attribute of his race, an untutored mind. His squaw has gone to the spirit land, and ue wishes to vi-it that earthly land of spirits, where sorrows are forgotten at the rate of 10 cents a spirit. He respectfully asketb the aid of toe pale fare. Ko orders for groceries received.' " Three Altoona girls resolved a few days ago, that they would have a little sport, so they dressed in men's attire, and embarked ou a freight train for llarrisburg. From Harrisburg they went to Baltimore, and soon after their arrival in that city, they became tired of the pantaloons, and resolved to re turn home. . Two of tbeia when last beard from were at York, this estate ; tbe other one managed to get as far as Harrisburg, ou her return, where she was arrested on suspicion, by a police tcan, to whom she confessed her ser. When arrested, she represented that her sole object in leaving home was to get work, and as tbe story was told in a plausible way, she was released, and a ticket was given bar for home. Hunt ingdon .Vomtor. Obilstal, June 17, 187C. Editor Sentinel and Republican: Alter long silence 1 will once endea vor to pen a short letter for your paper. The wheat crop will be a partial fail ure Low lauds aud fields exposed to tbe north wiud are poor ; but such fields as were neither 'drowued out" nor too much exposed to the rough north wind during the month of April, are prom ising. Tbe potato bugs seem to be in a flourishing condition. Tbe more you kill the pleuner they get. There is one thing singular about this potato bog but muss '.nis year, and that is this : Last year the candidates forof5je caiue earlier thau the bugs, while this year be bugs actually got ahead of the can didates ; but it mutters very little which of the two comes first, as both seem to be established annual plagues. There is much talk now about the Centennial, aud some people are so full of it that a; pears to be always upper most in their minds, as for instance, the man who thinks the Centennial will bring oo a war, was complaiuing tbe other day that the I euteunial did eat ail his cabbage plants. From preseut indications we can look forward for au ahuudaut crop of all kinds of fruit, except sweet cherries, which will not be very pleuly as far as your correspondent has made any ob seivations. Apples are unusually promising. Wiitiog about apples re minds me of a remedy against tbo apple-tree borer, which 1 tried last sum mer, and now am prepared to recom mend conscientiously. Having between 70 and 80 yonng apple-trees, just be- cinnine to bear, tbe borer got so. bad on them last summer that i was actu ally afraid of losing all of them. I took a can with some coal oil in it and wett through the orchard, wetticg every tree aronnd the truuk with coal oil, from about a loot above grouna down. This was done in September, and the result was that 1 could safely offer a dollar for every hole you could find in any tree, made by tbe much dreaded borer since that time ; and tbe trees are now in the most thriving con dition. I used about one quart of oil on the whole orchard. 1 shall certain ly make use of it again in case Mr. Borer should repeat bis unwelcome visits. Yours, 4e. Amicus. Foreman's hotel in Patterson was entered by burglars last Thursday night, and the money drawer in the bar carried away with its contents, a couple of dollars in money. The empty rconey drawer was found in Goshen's lumber yard on Friday. Tcbnif Sain. One bushel or Turnip Seed for sale, at 25 cents per pound by matt 85 cents. Call on or address Macaws Laoaaan, Oakland Kills, Juniata Co., Pa. Jnoe21-tf The Juniata Scouts. Air. Editor .-' Many of your leaders will want to knew what that is. It is a cavalry company of men id thin county, which company bslonga to tbe National Guard of tbe Stata of Pennsylvania. They bate been organised tome four and a half years, and during that time their record stands the best of any company of cavalry in the State. 1 see by your paper that they have been selected to go to the Centennial. This is a high and well merited honor, aud one which reflects credit on the little couutv of Juuiata My acquaintance with tbe National Guard of Pennsylva nia enables me to judge of the merits of the different organizations ; and al though tbe Juuiata Sonata do not wear the eaudr or cnstlv uniforms of mint other companies, yet their genelal de portment, soldierly appearance and cor rect drill has Won them a k'gh stand ard in tbe National Guard. I would just say that as the company is going to tne Centennial, and the state, pay only part of the expenses, that tbe eiti aens of Juuiata would do well to see that their representative company go in such a manner that they will not bm ashamed to stand up alongside ot com panies from other States sod feel that their uniforms compare favorably.' Many of the mcmbets of the organisation are old soldiers, and have fought all through tbe war of 1861-65, and deserve all that can be given theta. Now, who wilt start the ball, and en deavor to give the Juniata Scouts, who are going to the Centennial to represent Juuiata, a fitting send-off, so that they may be able to represent Juniata- fit ', tiugly in the Great World's Fair- They have asked nothing from the count before, and I know of other counties ' that have spent their thousands to fit out their companies. Let us see what spirit is left in little Juniata, and bow her citizens feel on tbe Juniata Scouts and the Centennial. Old Soldier. Last Sunday night a young man named Stephen Madagan, a widow's son, living in West Huntingdon, being very much under the influence of liquor was noisy and annoying to the people at the head of SiitJi irA-l. ahnnt t.n o'clock at night, wbersopon Willisjn' Srurtzinan arose and proceeded some j distance from his bouse and gave tbe i drunken man a stroke with his fist iu the face, or back of the bead. Mada gaji wss carried on the porch of a man named Watson where he lay uncon scious all next dav, and then died at midnight on Monday night. Some say be died from tbe effects of the blow of Sturtttnan, others say that death re sulted from excessive n of liquor. Sturtzman bas been lodged in jail. Tbe doctors are holding a post mortem examination of the body and a jury of inquest has been summoned ' to meet this afternoon. Sturtzman is regarded as a good man, and much sympathy is felt for him iu the unfortunate occur rence. Huntingdon Globe, June 13. : Jons Seigh, who resides in Cambria county, bad a somewhat singular expe rience with burglars on Saturday night, the 10th iust. He heard the robbers prowling around his residence, and sus pecting that they would likely make a burglarious attack upon bis bouse, he arose from his couch and got his re volver, which he laid on a stand beside bin bed, and then lay down to await developments, lie bid firmly resolved that be would shoot them the moment they attempted to enter his dwel.iog. There was, however, ,no bloody scene enacted, for Mr. Seiik soon fell into a deep slumber, from which he did not awake until about daylight the next morning, and then imagine bis surprise when he realized that tbe burglars had actually entered the room in which he was sleeping, and had stolen tbe re volver from the stand Ex. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! Hat ! Hat ! Hat ! Persons wishing to exchange Hay for Furniture can be accommodated by calling at W. F. Snyders, MifHintown, as be will take hay for furniture. Please call and see. Perry County News, AS PER BLOOMHELD PAPERS. On Tuesday evening of last week the barn and stable of J. Wesley William son, in Liverpool, was fired by an in ceudiary, and burned to tbe ground, together with hay, straw, threshing ma chine and other farming implements. A couple of hordes and a mare and colt were taken out of the burning build ing. Tbe mare wis badly burned about the bead, but not dangerously. The incendiary escaped detection. Liver pool has been scourged several times by tbe torch of the incendiary, and it is to be hoped that detection may follow the next attempt, when, we doubt not, swift and merited punishment will and should follow. A couple of weeks ago Wm. Stam baugh, of Spring township, had a large amount of meat stolen from bis gran ary. The meat was taken to Harris burg and sold A man named Cun ningham, who bails from Virginia, but who has lately been a resident of Car roll township, was arrested for tbe tuef', of tbe meat. He was in charge of two constable?, when he broke from them and mads good his escape, al though one of the constables shot at him three times. About 8 o'clock on Saturday even ing, a man named Wm. Mutzebaugb, who bad been arrested aud lodged in jail for threatening to burn the Dun . 1 1 - i i cannon iron ) oris, n:aae uia escape over tbe jail wall, and left for parts unknown. He received assistance from outside parties, who by some means threw a iieht ladder into the jail yard and by which be escaped. During the storm on Saturday, June 3rd, tbe lightning struck Dewee's barn, in Tussarora towusbip. . A portion of tbe root and gable end were shattered. A wild cherry tree, in a field on Cyrus Clenison's farm, in the same township, was struck by lightning on the same day and completely shattered. Mrs. Susan Couip, who was milking about a hundred yards from the tree, was .so much affected with the shock that she felt it in her system ' the entire night and portion of buaday. Two cows in the field were knocked down, but did not sustain any visible injury. Early on last Fiiday morning the dwelling of Mr. Fcrtenbaugh, in Kye township, caught fire from a defective flue, and was burned to the ground. Mr. Fortenbaagb saved the most of his furniture and bedding. "An Sngef wandering out bfheaveni And all too bright for Etlen even. Once through the paths' ot ParadisA Mad tnminus the auroral air, . And walking in hi awful guise Met the Bternal Father there ' Who, when he saw the troant pf!W Smiled love thro' all those bower of llfhti The while within hi tranced spell ' Our Kdea sire lay slumbering aaar . God saw and aaid it ia not well . . For man alone to linger here - Then took that angel by the hand! - And with a kiss it brow he pressed, And whixpering all hi mild command, lie laid it near the lecp-r' breaxt, With earth t-uongh to muo it hnmn- lie chained iu wings and called it IKumaa. And if perchance some a'ain of rust I pon her pinions yet remain, 'Tin but tbo mark ot Ood's own cast, 1 uo earin-niold or that fcden chain." mm ' ' 1 The Newark .Urrrtuer put'for'.h this sanitary edict: Est straw berries, fieah vegetables, milk aud bread, , and cut Jowu tbe litis for meat aud'otn-r healing and exciting articles 'of food Tha extreme warm weather i i.(iiiiuii torv : the human rvsipiu. after boika of kolid sus'enance, Leeds ' a 1 change, and .Nature comes in aud gives ai'jast what is spproptiate to the Mason, hgea at twelve cents a do ten, berries at fif teen eetila a Atiart. with arhc artiidna in proportion, leave little to desire on toe score ot economy, ami prudence in diet may aae doctors' - bills and will certainly give those who practice it tear beads, willing hand, and elas ticity ot step, iryit. - Tue Centennial Boat, "Gen. George Washington," will leave Mifflin wharf Juue asili, to be in Philadelphia od the 4th of July, stopping for passengers at l ort l.oyal, Jhoupsontoan and Aew port. It will be in the city ten days. Fare for round trip, $7. 50., Good bunks furnUhed, and good - stoves pro vided to cook meals. . Tickets can be bought from E. Tilteu, Mifflin ; J. P, Slrindel, Port Royal, and B. Hansel, Newport.1 :' ' 1avid Koo.vs, June 14-Jt ' : Captain. nollonai'i Pllla TbeQuick- sauus ol txuleuce. .putp$y, lc Among the many shoals and perils of life on which our frail b irks would lounder. were it not for the beacon that indicate and warn of our danger, are Epileptic tils, ru.-h of blo-id to the head, aporlexy, fcc, for which Hol- loway's Fills are the safest remedy in ex istence. These disorders arise from s.nue one or more deraugvnients of the system. From whatever source however, the may proceed, ilolloway' I'iil are the most sal utary in effect, a tbey cool the blood, brace the relaxed nrrvea, give tone to tbe digstive organs and -energy and vigor to the eutecbled constitution. .' 1ST SBERI.OCK-Pn the 14th inxt., in this borough, Charles Ferry, sob of Rev. Thus. .Sherlock, aged FKANKHOCSER On the 16th in sk. at tbe residence of her son-in-law, Benjamin I). Ke-ner, in ilillord township, Mrs. Han n.ih Krankhouser, agid b5 year and i mis. co 5i 9i i: It VI 4 1. ' MIFFLDJTOTTN MAKKETS. Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thomas, i : MirvLLTTows, June 21, 1870. Butter I.......'.....: '. 14 F.ggs ;. 12 I-ard 12 Ham 16 If. icon .... Potatoes.. Onions.... .. 11 . 30 : MIFFLLNTOWN UK A IX MAKKEJ. Corrected weealy by Bnyers Kennedy. Qlotatioss roa To-dat. Wednesday, June 21, 187u. Wheat $1 35 Corn 40lot-5 I lata 30 Rye 6-S Timothy seed 2 ts) Cloverseed 6 00 Special .Wire. ERKOHS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered tor years from Nervous Debilitv, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth: ul indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity. send tree to all who need it, the recipe aud direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, -JOHN B.OG PEN, Decl5-6m 42 Cedar St., New Vork. TO COXSCMPTlVES. The advertiser, haviug been permanently enred of that dread diseane, Consumption, by a simple reined, is anxious to make kuown to bis fellow-sutterer the means of cure. To all who desire it, be will send a copy of the prescription tided, (free of c barg i , with the direction for preparing and axi.'ig tbe asm, which they will find a sure CU'O for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, ate. l'ariies wishing tne prescrip tion will please addre Kev. E. A. WILSON, 134 Penn St., Williamsburgh, N. V. iTJVATE SALES. MILL PROPERTY IN SPRUCE HILL township, Juniata county, with a good pair of Fiench Burrs, and a pair of Counter Choppers. Good run of custom. Good neighborhood. Will sell Mill with water privilege and about one acre and a half of land, or if desired, will sell about 30 acres of land, 25 acres cleared, with good Frame House, size 29x40 feet, Bank Barn, siie 40x 5G feet, and other necessary outbuildings, good Orchard, two excellent Springs of limestone watir near the house. Will also sell a FARM of about 85 acres, adjoining the above ; about 5 acres timber land, and th balance cleared. This tract is mostly Hint gravel land, and has bees re cently limed, having therean a good sized Log House and two good Springs of lime stone water, one of hicU could be yiped to thu kitchen door. Will sell all together, or separately, to suit purchasers. The proierties are eight mile from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to J. KELLY PATTEKSOX, Pleasant View, Juniata Co.', Pa. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENS 'A. GEORGE JACOBS, President. T. VAN IRV1X, Cashier. DiaxcToa : George Jacobs, H.II. Bechtcl, John Bala bach, J.W.Frack. . Amos G. Bonsau, Jerome N.Thompson, Joseph Rothrock, August 4, 1875-tf Large stock of ready made clothing ol the latest and choicest styles, tor inea and boys, hats, caps, boots and shoes, notions. furnishing goods in endless variety for sal at aamuei airayers, in ratterson. yew AdrertiMnlenta. C AGENTS WANTEt) FOR THE ErJTEIMIMIAL HISTORY F the U.S. The great interest In our thrilling history makes this the fastest selling book ever pub ItshH. It contains a full .account of tbe Grand Centennial Exhibition. CAtTTlOV Old. Inon.iir.t.-lo .rM i;. able works are being circulated tu that ine dook you nuy contains 442 lint grauingt and 925 pagti. Send for circul iir and IrXtrit t.-nn. agents. Addrra Xatiosas, Pibusuiso Co., riniacieipin, l a. fh'JO A DAT at home. Agents wanted. tUl Outfit aud terms Tree. TItUE fc CO., AuguoU, Maine. JPV TV mmm Screw the finger as tight as you can, that rh(ntn:itim . ..no - .!... - ...... , mirier, iu.i a goirt," is a familiar description of these fro .i i.-anrs. j uoiigii eacn may ainl does at tack different parrs of the system, the cause is believed to be a pokOuou acid iu the blood. Pnrify this by the use of TARRANT'S SELT2ER APERIENT. It will do It work speedily and thoroughly. It is the great friend or the sufferer from ibeuniatisui arid gout. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS. LAND FOR SALE. fin nnn akes ok farming VIVVJJU AND TIMBER LANDS; near the great Kanawha River, in Putnam county, West Virginia, in quantities to suit purchasers. Soil good, water pure and abundant, timber excellent ; churches, schools and mills convenient; title perfect. Price -i'to $8 per acre. Terms accommo dating. Send for full description to J. L. McLEAN, Wintleld, Putnam Co., W. Va. This Clalru-houae Eitabllhcd Iu ISti. PoTlCirtTlB ""'"""J fur 'Officer, Soldier, ICliOlUili) aud Seamen of WAR of lttol-6, anf foi their heirs. The law includes de serters and those dishonorably discharged. If wounded, injured, or have contracted any disease, apply at once. Thousands en titled. Ureal numbers entitled to an in creased rate, and should apply immediately. All aoliliers and Seamen of the WAR of IB 12 who servej for anv t eriod, however short, whether disabled or not, aud all w idows of such not now ou the Pension rolls, are requested to send me their address at once. Th.--! , Many who enlisted ju 1801-2 DulLlllY . li are entitled. Send your dis charge and have them examined. Busi- neis before the PATENT OFFICE solicited. Officer n-turn and accounts settled, and all just claims prosecuted. As i make no charge -utiles successful, I request all to enclose two stainjrt r reply ana return ol paper. UEORGE E. LEMON. Lock Box 47, Washington, D. C. I recommend Captain Lemon as an hon orable and successful Practitioner S. A. Hurlbut, M. C.4 4th Cot-gresioiial District of Illinois, Uto Maj.-Gen'l U.S. Vols. in writing mention name of this paper. A77 PER WEEK GUARANTEED to pi I Agotits, Male and Female, In their own locality. Terms and OUTFIT FREE. - Address P. O. V1CKEUV CO.. Augusta, Maine. tfC n 40fl V" day at home. Terms free. I Address Geo. Stissoji It Co., Portland, Me. ttpSTCIlfJAIAXCY, oa SOUL CilAUM- a. I.u. How either ex may fasci nate and eain the love and affection of anv persons (hey choose, instantly. This sim ple mental acquirement ail mar -possess. free, by mail, lor 2i cents; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies A queer book. lll,(H.0 sold. Address T. W1LLLVM at CO.. Pub lishers, Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Beading Bailroad. r Arrangement jot Passenger Trains. Jra Hih, l7o. Tram lean Uirriibnrg at follovt : For New York at o 2t, 6 13, 8 10 a. m. 2 (X) and 7 40 p.m. For Philadelphia at 5 21, 6 15, 8 10, 9 45 a. iu., - Ou and 3 M p. m. For Reading a' 5 6 1-3, 8 10, 9 15 a. m., 2 00, 3 51) and i 40 p. m. For Pottsville al 5 20, 8 10 a. m., and 3 50 p. m. and via Schuylkill Is. Susque hanna Branch at 2 40 p. m. For Allentowu at 5 20, 6 15, 8 10 a. m., 2 00, 8 60 aad 7 40 p. m The 5 20, 8 10 a. m , 2 Ou and "7 40 p. m. trains have through cars for New York. The 6 15, 8 10 a. m. and 2 OU p. m. trains nave tiiroiigb cars lor .Philadelphia. SUSDJYS. For New York at 5 20 a. m. For A lien low u and wav stations at 5 20 a. m. For Reading, Philadelphia and way stations at l 4j p. ui. Train far Itarrutmrg leatt an follow : Leave New Vbrfc at 8 4 j a. in., 1 00, 5 30 and 7 45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia at 9 15 a. m., 3 l'l, 5 2o, 6 U , 7 10 and 7 4- p. m. Leave.Keading at 4 40, 7 40, 1 1 20 a. m., 1 oO, Q lo. h 00, 9 So and 10 35 p. m. Leave PolUville at fi 00,0 !, 9 00 a. m. and 4 3o p. iu., and via Schuylkill aud Susque hanna Branch at 8 0-5 a. m. Leave A lieu town at 2 30, 5 50, 8 55 a. m., 12 4 30 aud 9 00 p. m. Tbe 2 30 a. m. train from Allentown and the 4 40 a. n. train from Reading do not ruu on Monday- SUXDJYS. Leave New York at 5 30 p. tu. Leave Philadelphia at 7 lu p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40 a. m. and 10 So p. m. Leave Allentown at 2 30 s. m. and 9 00 p. m. 'Via Morru. and Eiitx Railroad. JOHN E. WOOTTEN, General Superintendent. The Philadelphia and Readiug Railroad company Hereby give notice, that an or before Ihe i'i . -m m airst vi day lien, . They will open a Passenger Station in Fairmount Park, upon the line of the Junc tion Railroad, in close proximity to Mem orial Hall and other principal buildings of of the CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EX-! HIB1TION, And that regular passenger and excursion trains ill thereafter be run between the new station and the various points upon their several railway lines. The attention of citizens of Philadelphia looking for Summer Kesidese.es, and of strangers desiring to secure houses or lodg ing iu the vicinity of Philadelphia during the period of the Exhibition, is called to the fart that, from nearly all places upon the railroads of the Company within twenty or thirtv nfile of the city, passengers w.il be able to reach the Exhibition without change of cars iu as short a time as it will require to make tbe trip by horse cars from many points in the city. SPECIAL tALILKS'U: 1 KA1SS " lLI' BE RUN FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF SCHOOLS, SOCUiTIES OR OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. For information apply to C. G. Hancock, General Ticket Agent, No. 227 South 4th street, Philadelphia, and to the several local Superintendents, or to the undersigned, J. E. WOOTEN, General Snperinttndent. Ssadoto, afar. 7, 1876. marl5-8t rrofetst&ial Cards. Y) M. CKAWFOKD, M. r.7 Um resumed ac'ivelr the practice of Medicine and aii'-gery aiid their collateral branches (itlico at the old corner of Third and Orange si ret U, iiililiutown, Fa. March 2i, 187S JMJUIS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MIFFLIN'TOWN, PA. Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orriea On Bridge street, opposite the Court House Sil'iare. J0BEUT MeMEEN, Attorney and Counselor -at-Law. Prompt attention given to the securing and collecting ol cl'ims, and all leg.d busi ness. Orrn-K on b'iilgf street, first door west Ot the Kelford b iii.liu-. April 1 1, lri;i-tf ALFUKI) J. PATTERSON, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, MIFFLIN TOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. tC" All business promptly attended to. Oiticx On bride. strre'. opposite the Court House square. -yyil.LIAM M- ALLLSON", ATTORH EY-AT-LAW, lias resumed actively the practice of his prolesiioii. All bll-iuea promptly attend ed to. Office, as formerly, adjoiuiug his resilience, opposite Court llou-e, Mi.'Hiu town, Pa. Dec. 2i, 1HT5. JOHN McLAtJlIL7. INSUSANCE AGENT, PORT ROY jr., JVSIiTJ CO., fJ. Only reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 1875-ly r "e. "burlax" , DSTlT. OiEce opposite Lntu -ran Church, POUT ROYAL, JUNIATA CO., PA., Where he will spend the first Ion dij of e;irh month, commencing Decinb-'r it. The bilaice of the time his ottico will he occupied by J. S Kilmer, a young man worthy of confidence, and who h.is been aiis.iateii with the Doctor as student and asMMIaut two year and Upwards. TIuhp a ho call dnrirg Dr. Hnri.-tn's rbeneo fi-r professional ser ieo, may, and will p!-ae arrange the time with .Vr. Kilmer when they may be served, on the return ot the loctor. THOMAS "L UMR, M. d7 Physician and Surgeon, Min usTo wx, rj. Office hours from 9 a. at. to 3 r. Of fice in his father residence, at the south end of Water street. octii-tf J M. BRAZEE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON, Jlcademia, Juniata Co., Pa. Orrici formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrett. Professional business promptly attended to at all hours. April 7, lH72-tf jy L. ALLEN, M. 1., Has commenced the practice of Medicine and Surgery and all their collateral branches. Orlice at Academia, at tbe residence of Capt. J. J. Patterson. July 15,1874 JJKNUY. HAUillRERUER.M. D.; Continues the practice of Medietas and Surgery and all their collateral branches. Ollice at his residence in Mc.Iisterville Feb 9, lt;. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! AT J. B.M. TODD'S, PATTERSON, PA. I have just returned from IliiiadetpWa with a lull line of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Men's Suits, $1.5, $5.00 to 20.on. Boys Suits, $2.50, $1 50 to $10.00. A full liua of the MOST rt$UIO.VtBLE II ITS. at low iees. A complete assortment nf Ladies' Best Shoes, at $1.25 and upwards. A full line of Children's Shoes. I have also a full line of Ladies' Hose, Handker chiels, Ave. Also, a large stock of GROCERIES. Arbiickles' Coll'ec 3Uc. Mackcra!, No. 1, $2.50 per bbl. I am now selling SEWINti MACHINES at WHOLESALE PRICES. I will sell ;ou any kind ol a machine at TWEXT PER CEVT. EES' than they are usually sold. Leave your orders, aud you can have any kind you want. J. B. M. TODD. Patterson, May 17, lfr-76. BUYERS & KENNEDY, (."successors to D. P. SulojUT,) DEALERS IN CO A I i i,i ji ui; it, CEMENT, Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster, SEEDS, S1ET, fcC. We buy Grain, to be delivered at MifHin town or Port Royal. We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. BUYERS A. KENNEDY. HrtkfiliBlHrnahirnCiiniC.'lPMSln "Pf" Uata&l4 .! M .1) niuW. taifMHMU. Hiwhrtimwi fc -f trur tam4 ; mm mmd liwmlwlll FiUi.uartUilt lah4,k la mmm ra is ku tiaMdaa, tt cL u4 o r M femtita... witk art. vA im. C.G. ilATCHtfV, Namfr, 506 Ctmntrce St.Phrl. fe) PUMPS MISCELLJA EOUS i Of li We condensefrom the Irkiih p-yU-r th nbstaneeofaV(.!ivtrtlanabout(ak Hall, in PhiWutoJiiyaiiairiafcerd: Brown' Larr-eri ClothioA Vmc lu America." A visitor aud aueneuui K?m tiie speua;cx : Vuiloe. " Wliat earner la the Snllillnc; on "! Attendant. - South-Ea.;. corner f frjt'. n1 Market, fleass noia tbe fllXTIf. tor n. transcn seeking Oak " La.v new nii-ltd by de5i;ning pe.-stnjs" V. "it ki pertecajr eolostal 1 Do yoa tnorr Its dimension, r' A. "i2,r sq-uira ftet on Market, ami lO od I on Futh, kx tries biUi, lias c.ir thr acres o ft aorUif, and t (vcr rr-am i re oecunied by fAureaa twenty uiJerest boa ness places." V. Do you use steain-power?" " A. " A giiru young engine lurnlfhes rower for the ireiptu and pesaengf relersU'r.-.aii.i il 9 boilers steam for helling, and thin miner opeiay tion of the house.14 V. " What oruer do you take with root" T A. "Tbcy are fir-i cpexfed and a.-r.-ip. l in tlis basement, on longioir coai.ters.snu uUrn tuence on tlie faaiL-lcrrtor to ud iu--iac- lor1 Mom on theLu floor." V. Is ukpecuniolie lint ortioi t A. No, sir. measuring. 1 be g jjds are f rt measured In the piece, then in(x?c:ed. Tbo cloth paste over rollers ill tiie tars t f a strong light, and two men sit, one before and on behind tha gooda, watching with tiie eye ol a hawk for the le.t pin-hole in.pen'ectii.n. and markin; every flaw, so lhn tlio cutter may tea aud avoid U when ha cornea to tut Um aac ments. V. You must employ an nnfj ot erjltet? T A. Tome to our fluh U.x and sea! Wo keep T9 bands all the tV; eyEng u thn elotu into farmeno, beijAii maehiiesLhaido a doscn men's work eaclBTt a stroke." V. "Do 70a manni'sciiira all jour own foods?" A. " We do, and most earefblly. Our ex aminer inspect every ttitcu aad seam, eu.l certify to every rorment aa estra-r. eil m-.a before we put our ticket oa it, and Leccmtr iepoDsible for ft" s dj.Ybur ,Jr!:Ia ave you a great A. "In every direction. sir. It fa tbrrncm and economy we praet.ee all Oa- nyf inr- u-h tu enables os to put our pr.i S.r.rn to th people as we do." f ofV.tAlier inspecting the work, a-hatbecoces A. " Before It iroes into Stock it Is tietdeJ. ivery single garment has 14, number ai.d other points noted on it. to th.i lwni.is h tory caa be traced wiihoui Ida, npua our U'ka." V. " You must have 30 or o aletne: " A. "Wby sir, on bny daysy tl tua-.n-e uy in ine various rooms aad suite? .t Rims seiling to the thrones of tutorae s." V. "Do you ilo an order bui.ty mail ' and express r A. " Very great All over tbe countrr. Our EasTTrn h tn COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, HEATERS! OF ALL KISDS, AT THE PEOPLE'S HARDWARE STORE, In R. E. Parker's .Yew Brick Building. AlAIS STREET, OPPOSITE THE COfcltT Y.4ilIJ MIFFLl.VTOWX, JUNIATA COUNTY, PA. Housekeepers' flardwnrc. Riufd crs' Hnrdware, MECHANICS' TOOLS, LEATHER, PAINT, OILS, GLASS, &G, &G. all of first qualify, oo'r.'tantly call antl see me. MifHintown, Aig. 2C, !S74-tf D. W. HAHIa-EY'S I the place where jou can bay TIIE IIEST A?il TIIE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & IUTS. C.1PS. BOOTS, SHOES, HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most this market, and at -Jo TOMISHIMiL Y LOW PRICKS Also, measures takes fof suits aud parts of suits, which will he luatlq to orJct" at sliort notice, very reasonable. Ilemember the place, in Hoffman's Water reets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. SAM'L STRAYSR Has just returueJ from tLe Eastern cities with a full Tarietj of mn & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, ' CENTS' f t KXISIIIXi; COOPS. tl.eHls of a'l kiKlar.- Ion. C.eilo and sej nw sihI be atonihed. I'ant at 5 eenlw. tX7"f?l irS MADK Tl Oi)tl.!jJ Tatterson, I'a., May is, IbTti. SAMl'EL ST It A Yt ft. AT TENTIOX. J. F. JACOBS, MtUlt IV Farming Mseliincr.v and Asrrrtiltural Iiti tkiue;its, si:eh Corn Planters. Corn Workers. !"",,i,,i,," Ki.ii-j.y n.ui khs, ii.,in, e.i by ' sell-iiflu'ireiiee or sexual extravagance, te. 4R II KEPAKATOK4, 07"t'ri.:e, in a sealetl ruve!-e, onlv six CLOVEH SEED SEP.IR.ITOHS, cr'' ,. , ... ." The eelelirjted art!i..r, in this aiimiMhie Horse Powers fr Olio to Ten Horse ; E.say. clearly fe,,.,.,irj(e.-, from a thirty J"w,'r I years' siicee-.sl ill jTnetiee, that the nlartn- Jiltriculluraf, PorlMe, and SMiomtrtl c.t.s.-.fue.ires r elf-:it,se tn .y be rad r. J leallv en re. 1 without the ilanirertm u.e of atwfll t.nqnus, . -,,,.1 nM.,KHie or the adie.itfnit f tho FODDER CCTTEIH, VilDDEK CKl'SU- Suite; pointing out a mode of cure at once Kh8, tOHN S HKI.LEKS, 1 sinij-le, cerUin, and elf. ct11.1l, by means r .. .... .. , , . . I which every sufferer, no matter what hi Cider Mills, Hay forks, Hay Rake, (.rami roditioo may be, may cure himself cheap- . ...... .,,..., -, tuents of every liescription. Address J. F. JACOBS. Port Royal, Juniata C., Vn April 12. 1876. g B. LOUDON, MERCHANT TAILOR, in room on second story of K. E. I'arke new building, on Main Street, Mifiintown, Pa. FASHIONABLE GOODS alway. o: l2118nl IC1H11U3S1CII 10101.15. band. j ' CU8TO.M WOKt DONE ou the shortesij f.as la notice. 1 m ., GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern. ! Grain, EldeS, Wool, TobaCC(J PERSONS buying goo.ls can hao tbeiul i,,,, E?gs u.ittor. Cheese, Dried Fruits, cut in garments tree of chx-jtu. j Fmlh far9j Ul,f TilKoWf Seed BCTTERWFS PJTTERX3 also forj Beans( Poultry, Flour, te J Tegetahles, tr.., kx., AV1 "prIceI!0' I""" ater St, Oct 22, 1873-tf Sale Bill of all kind printed on short: notice at this otKcej j .ID f'ER TiSEME.MS. HI i psrct rrfem rfi'es 4f wr-tPeoenmnent Bialt itiois! 10 .usAe ffjus -.iAjo auile afay iit.A aa if Ui j v. tin here iu V. "1 sunposeyou bnTeatleart half a dozen' UJiercntut'urluieiiur'. , . A. "liy d--axbirf' we have more than rararv." f ch chaTetl withtison !u..ii esr-.and eat tt tii rujcu,)-( ry--r;ii-.-d,au.ceiii.-y wheel wuii-' Li tje jriit vbecl." V. - V- ii! y.: 1 i.r nie a dorcn or so of them ! A. "With :-ufeure. 'i he. wt-.-u lert meat i t tuM r im jvre-.r inst u.-m.a; hi 1h Shirt jaVrrory, -.rr f W-y nxcl...'v' . m-kln' r,ro r r---.iys shii He Irim riiiijr J epxt:i.ei.i, ii.eii a L-i.j s many a reira-" lflr st. re. Ihe nisiet.i f-ti tk i!o. ra. it I:eeeiv'.ns; Luccv. lie t.nV lerw-rmect. imuel te'nre. Ihef (ie:l I lorcims L'epart InorL The Deiery liiLiuuuit, Willi il core rf n:e nei rs. The " V. " 1 f Id. n lil ! s'r. n-ut h A. "1 ra..t:rlruUll.: The AaVwt'rins' T-T oruiier.t,.witi: it. UlLa.d iEtt ci.-tnluu t, ed't n-ah-l publb.li meat Irsiecscr.d poLuk r Jfiurnul. :rculrfp- f,c fo.t ti ft p.es mcr:h!y lt:aaliyourfri-5aajei:l S.riu The Jlcu i Lcrarraiert.wh.i i; b,-.i.jiw.u liielfc.y-.' Iieramiiet; TrnthJ lcrtr.3ieiit 114 C.'iiltirrn s BFjrf3-tit, w i ih ta rperinl entrrsve for ituie-, The liItFTTt.h. Ivtart--nirnt. Tho CL.cf Cerk a Ia-j. jur.u.t. witti tw boofc-kecrei sd a-?ijtanis. i.trnerU alsn Sger Ipsruiient; Jinant ier"s .m e. sn l Mhcr r.iT.ces of tin f rrll btfj u to thuitini, pUmn!nfr, exeut-ng. buying, icuk Ine.reiulerinp.reelat.M r?:rg cuCieliinr. anil iu a ta"osanif;is jainii.g their ftter to carry on a butiressV uh the 1 ci rie l av uot ing t i ba;weea kJ,uuu,0u0 ana umajm) air oally." v.. "?-m-p-e-n-ii-!" Ai."111 " fcl 1 fcmt we' Cs.-hier's If puftment. v. hieb I-am les iuajr.,'.J Of retail sr.iescn st-me sii:r?e tie)-r V. "SS.OOOt Immense f That , vhnt enable the hr.nst in buy cheap and rrhesp r" A. "E3t Yon Kive iZt hit it Th- yeipfe t.irr.rg herv. ki..ryF(ht weuopeud en low pnctiri-U in.ni. iFlr.-. . V. "Vihat are tU 'rok.at.lu' I bear so mnt-h about?" A. "Uursystnn r fbrnlnfw e3im-i. Oim price. n deviation; !. t a-h nr everything ; :. A imiirtirriec pnittet: tii the p(U hs.ser ; 4. Tl.o iroiney returned il tie buyer can t oiierw b suifv V. " Kethirg eeu!d te fairer ' A. " -Sot hirg. A nd the people fee if V- WrI! 1 thank you, j. fi,r your polita attention." A. - N. t at an., l"s a plranrre fo -yfre yoo. rail atrctn; anii ee sire t tl- r tfe-auna-Biaker & lftrirrs fk -.laj Sa,i ixr ncr t txth ar.tl irr'et" V.riiwr.tj ! IlIMI be happy to do an. Coed uo.-c:ni." on hetl. I mvite the? public tr) JOEtf W. MUTHESSBAlJGH. BOYS' CLOTHING jiXD FCRMSHIXS GOODS. choice and select storks ever offered in New Kuilding, corner of lritlr; antl Sept. 1",, ll-tl Manhood! HowLcst-HowEestored Jti'.r f.nb'ifiefl, a new edit--n l' Fr. fiilvf.teir Celebrated Eway on the f i.'.i'at cure (without nietli-t-im 1 of S.er!ii.-:t'rr!it.i or S4nilnal weak ue... Iiivfltiutary S.-niituI Looses, Irnjio tem y, Weill 11 and l'hy.-ieal Incapacity, I111 peiliiii.'nts to J!arriu- etc ; also, t'on- yt (.rivateiv, and radically. C7"This Lecture should be in the hands of every jrmih and every man in the land. Scut under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on the receipt f six rents or two post stamps. Address tha Publishers, F. B Ri ft II 4 Ji. sax, 41 Ami Sl New Tork ; Post-Oflice Boj 4oH6. Oft. 13, 187a-ly. BALLARD & CO., March 22, 1876-otn Sile bills printed on short notice at th oBic, hf thm Stttln,l ni HepnblUanu 1