SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIXTOWN: " TTeacadaT. Jmme 14, 1BT6. TEHMS. Subscription, $1J0 per annum, if pud wittin 12 months ; $2.00 if taut paid within 12 months. Transient advertisements inserted at 50 Cents per inch for each insertion. Transient business notices in local col umn, 10 cents per line for each insertion. Deductions will be made to th -se desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter rear. " PENN'A. B. ILTIME TABLE. ON and after Sunday, April Ifith. 1876, passenger trains will leave Vifllin Sta tion, P. K. U., as follows t ASTWABD. f Philadelphia Express 12 4 am I Lewistown Accommodation.... 7 43 a m Pacific Express 10 0)am .Johnstown Express ............11 22 am jMail 6 0y p in 1 Atlantic Kxprrsa .............. 915pm WESTWABD. fPittsburg Express 12 22 a m t Pacific Express 6 02 am t Way Passenger 4 4 .10 0!) am .Mail 8 28pm 2 Fast Line .................... 6 45 pin t Lewistown Accommodation .... 7 43 pm I Daily. 1 Daily except Sunday, t taily except Sunday nig kt. Daily except Mon day. ' Tub Pennsylvania Central Railroad Com ny issue excursion tickets now, and will continue to do so uutil'.Novniber 10, 1876. The price of a ticket from this point is G.18 ; half ticket, $3.09. LOCAL IVTELLlGEhCE. Hams at Todd's, 16 cents per pound. llarrisburg sportsmen indulge in -p";geon shooting." The Presbyterian grave-yard has been nicely mown. The appearance of growing oats is all that can be desired. Exchanges note the work of Hessian Fly in growing wheat, Mr. Noah A. Elder had a cow killed by the cars last week. Tyrone is to hare church this summer. a new Presbyterian The fence around Union Cemetery has been re-mhitewahhed. The American Medical Association met in Philadelphia last week. The expenses of ttie Centennial Exhibi tion are said to be $(,000 per day. The corner stone of the new Lutheran church in Huntingdon was laid Saturday. The new house ot Mr. Hntchinson alcAi tster is progressing finely toward comple tion. The Presbyterian congregation at Orbiso nia, Huntingdon county, are building anew church. The Army of the Potomac held the 7 th nnuual re union in Philadelphia on the 6th instant. The Band indulged ia a street paradelast Saturday evening, to the delight of lovers of music Tlie State Teachers Association will' be held at West Chester commencing August tth, 1876. The communication from " Old Soldier" came too late for this issue. It will appear in the next. A wan ant has been taken ont for the ar rest of a eonple of trat.iis for the robbtfry of Kollinau'y jewelry store. Huntingdon is the bead of navigation on the 1 nniata canal, the canal beyond that owu having been abandoned. Philadelphia markets Wheat S1.40tol. 43, Cora 44to59c, Oats 3-to44c, Catties ro eje, Sheep 4to5Jc, Hogs Uto'.ijc. ....... This Wednesday is the day lor the nomi nation of a Presideut and Vice President by the Republicans at Cinciunati. ... , , Carl Espenmhade came near drowning last week one day, while trying to learn to swim. Two boys, companions, saved him. The cellars of Messrs. Nangle, Copeland and Kealr were ransacked by thieves last Saturday night. The loss was chiefly in lTOVisiOIIS. This is how she told him : "John, if you are going to be out till two o'clock to-night, you'll have to stay at home and let yourself in, lor I won't." Some davs sine the bouse of Wilson Laird, near Acadeiria, was struck by light ning. Fortunately, however, no serious damage was done. Fryainger and Shiffer, of Harrisbnrg, will print Tke Camp Meeting Daily during the continuance ot the Juniata Valley Camp Meeting at Newton Hamilton. John Balentine, a six-year old youth, son of Mr. John Balentine, of Fermanagh town ship, lost a pocket-book containing six dol lars, in the, school house yard in this bor ough, last Wednesday. . The shoe store of John North, on Main street, was entered by burglars, and a pair of boots and a shoes stolen therefrom, ou Saturday night. The entrance was effected through a back window. Mr. Ephraim Lanver's spring house in Miltord tuwnship, was entered by thieves on Saturday Bight, and just how nearly tbey came to receiving the contents of a gun or two, they will never know. A party belonging to the thieving frater nity entered by way of a hack window the jewelry store of Wm. li- Rollman, on Main street, on Saturday or Sunday night, and stole about $75.00 worth of jewelry. Last Thursday a number of people from this place went to Lewistown to witness a trot that came off at that place. Our sports men carried the trot, and returned with the purses raised for the occasion. A party of fifty ladies and gentlemen from Kisbscoquillas Valley took the 10 53 train on Monday morning for the Centen nial, intending to make the Grangers' En campment their stopping place. Letcittotcn Gazette, June 7. The editors of the Globe and Journal, two Huntingdon papers, tell the public through the columns of their papers that tbey will quH fighting, that they have been fighting for other men at a great loss to themselves. Captain McClellan has opened a shop in the second story of the Belford building, where he is ready to serve his old custom ers, and the public generally, in furnishing them with saddles, bridles, harness, an ail other articles in bis line. The late work of thieves about town has resulted in a general inspection and reload ing of gnns and pistols, and no ono need be surprised if they hear of some of the long fingered fraternity receiving a load of lead that will be restraining in its influence on the one who receives it, for years to come. Through the proceedings of the County Committee, as held last Saturday, and as published in this paper, in another column. the Republican voters ot Juniata county are asked to vote for or against the clause in the present system that requires candidates to be announced four weeks before the pri mary election. The proposal ia to reduce the time from four to two weeks for thean nouncement of candidates. - J A young Philadelphian, Alfred D. Jessup, Jr., who has been a successful stock-raiser in Colorado, was killled by a man nfimed Davis, in a duel near Denver City, Colorado, on the oih inst. He was a son of Allr ed D. Jessup, of the paper manufacturing fi r of Jessup at Moore, Philadelphia. Despj tehee ay mar. iravis nsa been abusing ast em ploye, against which Jessup, who witnessed we aouse, remonstrated. Out of tine monstrance grew a challenge, out hT the challenge a duel, and out of the dftel the Ceath of Jessup. A horse, last Thursday, on the Lewis town Park track, threw its driver out of the sulky to which It was Aitchdl-terebT breaking a leg for tke nun, and raking an excitement. Another driver undertook to put the animal over the track. He fared better In this, that ha did not have a leg broken, but the snlky was knocked quite out of ruuning order. The churches under whose mtnagemont the control of congregational or denomina tional grave-yards naturally come, could do no kinder act than at regularly stated times, have all tomb-stones straightened. If there be neglect in such direction, here and there a stoce gets out of perpendicular, and gradually sinks down on to the ground, where but a few years are required to en tirely cover by a growth of grass and debris from the eye or casual search. Within the past week a man front Ohio said, " I was in the graveyard to look tor mother's tomD.' I could not find it. Marble head and foot stones were put in place before we loft for the west. They must have (alien down and been grown over since our de parture." Last Thursday morning, about the time st 01 es are opened for business, two strangers, offered to sell a number of bams to the storekeepers of the place. Patterson peo ple were the firt to suspect that there was something not right about the ownership of me pora. i o ascertain how the ownership vi uie pore siooa, lirocer J'owell started ont to look up the suspected strangers. He fonnd them in Shsllcr's store, in Mifflin, trying to sell the hams, and proceeded to arrest them. One of the lueu did not take to it kindly, but darted ont of the store to escape. Officer Powell followed, shouting, 'Stop that man !" The race was a spirited one, and in whose favor it would have ter minated, if it had been left to the speed of the parties engaged in it,' no one cau tell. Mr. Buyers, of the firm ot Buyers A Ken nedy, bearing the call of the officer, stepped out and stopped the fleeing party till Powell came np. Both the men had a hearing be fore Justice Middagh, in Patterson, who committed theui to jail to await a fun her hearing on Monday. The men refused to give names for themselves. The big thit contained the meat tbey carried had the name of Det wilder. on it. There is a f un ily of that name ia Huntingdon connty, who was written to relative to the matter. Before the hearing ou Monday took place the men conlessed to the crime of stealing the bams and bag. Mr. Delwildcr appeared on Monday and identified his bag, aud re cognized the men as peoJe who lived in bis own neighborhood. The thieves were re-commiued to await the action of the authorities in Hanliiigiion connty. mm - " How ia it that Todd can sell a full suit of clothes, bat and supeodera into tbe bargain, for $3.50 ? Because be sells more than any other clothing store in the county, and don't ask two prices aud talte oae half. Fair dealing will tell." "Governor Hartra.nft has issued the following in regard to the Centen nial Encampment : 1 ' Headquarters National Guard of Pennsylvania, Adjutant Gen eral's Office, No. 11 S. Broad St., Phila., June 5. The Governor has selected, as the time for the Centennial encampment of the GuarJ, the month of August, commencing on the 3d, and continuing from ten days to two we?ks thereafter. Full and specific details will be hereafter be announced. The Legislature, at its last session, appropriated funds to pay only for transportation, canvas and grounds, and to that extent alone can tbe troops be supported bv the Mate authorities. Division commander will report without delay, the designation by regi ment and company, and the members of each of their several organizations that intend to participate. . The will also cause to be distributed tbe copies of tbe regulations prescribed by the park commission, under which it has permitted the occupaeey of its grounds for military purpoes. Bv command of Jon F. Hartranft, . Governor and Commander-in-Chief..,. James W. Latta, Adjutant General. - s A MAM named Vanarmer was in town yesterday, who states that while csming across tbe Seven Mountains on Monday be met a genteel-looking man Who at-ked permission to ride. Jir. V. said he was not going in tbe same direction, but he said that made no difference so that he cot a ride. Mr. V. insisted that his vehicle would not stand , any more weight, and drove on, the mas going the other way. He passed but a short distance when the scoundrel fired at him, tbe ball passing through his hat. Leieistown Gazelle, June 7. The man who was shot at, is -Mr. James N. Yan-Ortner, a native of this county, but now a resident eitizen of Centre county. You can buy from J. B. M. Todd, tbe Grover & Baker, Howe, New Amer ican, Weed, Domestic, and tbe New Improved Davis vertical feed sewing machines. The last named machine surpasses all others, as it never stops at seams. Go and see for yourself. Ton can buy machines at $30 to $10. Buy from bim. Daawix says' that animals have no reli gious seuse, but he probably never observed the calm, reflective manner in which a chicken will stand on one leg and look up to heaven after squeexing through a hole in tbe fence into the strawberry lied next door. Xoneick Bulletin. A friend at our elbow said, "I don't see tbe point in that chicken paragraph. 1 never saw a chicken go through a hole, and straighten itself heavenward. The illustration is lost on me, I am sure." 'Ah," said another friend, "tbe illustration may be lost, but tbe hole is not. I have hole that more than one chicken went through, and didn't straighten either. Tbe hole is all right, the chicken that goes through is all right, but tbe straight never gets out of tbat chicken." . Where is Darwin ? Tnc Boston Globe announces the rule that a beautiful female foot should be one-seventh tbe wearer's height.' If the wearer' is five feet four inches high, then the foot should be Dine inches high ; and it should, of course, be three times as long as bigb, which would give it a length of twenty- seven inches. But this is in Boston which makes all tbe difference." ATTENTION ! JCNIATA SCOUTS .' Ton are hereby ordered to parade in Mifflin town on Saturday, June 17th, 1876. to be ready to mount at 1 o'clock prompt. Books are open for the admission of ten new mem bers. By order of J. K. ROBISOXs Captain Conuranding. Matthew Rogers, O. S. Briooam Young spoke few words of wisdom tbe other diy to a youthful Chicago enthusiast who called upon him. He said : Young man, be sure you are through with your search for the kind of a partner you want be sure you have got the pattern of a wo man that euits yon, before leading her 1o tbe altar. Don't wait till after mar riage, as I did, and then be obliged to keep on sampling.'" . .. w '. . WASTED! WANTED! WANTED! . Hat! Hat! Hat! - Persons wishing to exchange Bay fbr roiutfure can be accommodated by calling at W. F. Snjders, .Mifflintown, as lie will take bay for furniture. Please call and see. - We hear great couiplaiut on all Lands of the ravages of that formidable pest, the cut-worm. Farmers are feaiful that the entire crop of corn will be de stroyed unless something is dome to rid tbe fields of the enemy. They are even more destructive than the Colorado beetle aud more difficult of eradication. Will not some good Samaritan suggest a remedy ! Wed Chester Republican. - If you want to get the' nicest Hat, go to Todd. He has just received a large lot of the latest styles from Thomas Beck &. Co. The Centennial Boat, "Gen. George Washington," will leave MiftTin wharf June 28th, to be iu Philadelphia ou the 4 lb of Jaij, stopping for passengers at Port lioyal, Tboopsontown and New port. It will be in tbe eity ten days. Fare for round trip, $7.50. Good bunks furniched, and good stoves pro vided to cook meals. .tickets can be bought from E. Tilten, Mifflin ; J. P. Sliindol, Port Royal, and B. Hartzel, Newport. Pavid Koons, June 14-2t Captain. The Lancaster Inquirer says : "Jos. Retzer, of Mruuiore towusbip, Lancas ter county, lost two valuable young mares within a week, supposed to have died from eating Hungarian bay. Jos. Bushojig, of deu towusbip, was called to see the seooud one on Saturday, tbe 29th nit-, fouud it unable to swallow any solid food aod very little fluid ; be iuserted a probe almost to the stomasb, supposing it to be choked ; this did not relieve it ; be weut again next day, found the animal no better, again tried the ptobe, but could not reach tbe stomach on account of tbe contraction of the swallow ; the borse finally died. Go making an examination, tbe stomach and bowels were found to be very much contracted, as also was the eutrance to the stomach almost closed, and tbe pas sage from the stomach in the same con dition. To all appearances tbe borse died from the astringent properties of tbe Hungarian hay, which was fed nearly ripe." j s A new enemy to tbe growing crop of corn has been discovered this spring, which is' committing considerable de struction in some sections of the coun try. . It is a peculiar black worm which can scarcely be crushed on the loose earth, as it is encased in a suit of armor difficult to break. They operate in the corn bills by eating off the young plants. As many as ten or twelve worms are sometimes fonnd in one hill Tbe cutworm has hitherto been a great annoyance, but this new pest is said to be even more destructive. Paris green has been found to be as efficacious in exterminating these worms as it is in destroying tbe potato bng. Powdered white hellebore is also said to he very efficacious. Ex. - To all tchom it may concern. Mi it known that the property formerly owned by Robert Msgill, located iu Juniata county, is now owned by Andrew Ma gill. Andrew Mauill. May2S-3t For Sale A second hand Buckeye com bined Reaping aud Mowing Machine, in good running rder. For price and all other par tic uUi-s, call on Joseph Rothroch, Ferman agh township. I Ilolloiray'H Pills and Oint ment Success the attribute ot merit.. Erynpelat and cutaneoui dittastt. If pop ularity be the test of a medicine, Ilolloway 's Pills and Ointment are assuredly the great est remedies of this or any other u, as they are unconfiued to nations or people, being as familiar to the denixons of the backwoods as to the citizens of Mew York, London. Paris, Vienna, Berlin, St Peters burg, &c. Their universality is, bowevtr, the least of their merits. Their safe and Seedy cures of Erysipelas, Salt-Uheuin, King's Evil, Scrofula, and all skin diseases, are their chief recommendation. Persons afflicted with any of the above disorders should have immediate recourse to th;m. 180 JU1ED: MINIUM On the 2nd inst., at the resi dence of his stepfather, Abel Shaeffer, in Susquehanna township, Mr. Harrison Min ium, aged 17 years, 6 months and 17 days. M1FFLIXTOWX MARKETS. Corrected weekly by Jacob S. Thomas. MirrLfSTowa, June 14, 1876. Butter 16 Eggs 12 Lard Vi Ham 16 Bacon ....... 11 Potatoes 80 Onions...... ..... 75 MIFFLISTOWN GRAIX MARKET. Corrected weeKly by Buyers fc Kennedy. Qcotatioss roa To-dat. Wednesday, June 14, 1876. Wheat $185 Corn 40tot5 Oats 80 Kve 65 Timothy seed 2 00 Cloverseed 500 Special .Vol tea. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decav, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity. send free to all who need it,whe recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, jonx s.ouu, Decl5-6m ' 42 Cedar St., New 1 ork. TO C03TSITMPTIVE8. The advertiser, having been permanently enred of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy is anxious to make kuown to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he win send a copy of the prescription used, (free of chargO, with the directions for preparing and nsi.ig the same, which they will find a sure cut) for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Ac. Parties wishing tbe prescrip tion will please address Kev. E. A. WIL&UX, 134 Penn St., Williamsburgh, N. T. IWrtVrt 8taaf Cmaktr mm Ci (V Fan, wttk opoer llia.okl u4 e Xrk.. .id ! -sl'i.N. harm MiinmnM un.iummmUT lauiaw a : w ana awmliil. IAKQa.pnoB. SMALL, rum Dnltnisl itrTnl acnaiij . araeivawii tar1w4.wa la ton h th ale KtMM'J. a oaU and "- aaa art.alM wta inst wr-iM. C.6. BtATCHLEY,, S06 St-Phila A fine assortment of cloths, cassimercs ratlings, &X, a'.wrys on hand and for sale s. WOOD &l PUMPS PEOGSAMME, for Ihi Collection of Sttlistia, ofvkich lo font Historical Skdcha of Juni ala County, Pinn'a. By a meeting of elder citizens of Ju niata county, Pa., held iu the Court House in Mifflintown,' May SO, 187G called in pursuance of joint resolution of Congress, approved March 31, 1870, seconded by proclamation of Governor John F. Hartranft, April 21, 1876, and seconded by proclamation of l'resident U. rf. Grant, May 25, 1876, to organize to collect statistics from the earliest dates obtainable, f the every-day life, and events of the people, to be woveu into historical sketches, by a regularly authorized Lisforian, which shall be read or published to the per pie of the respective counties, and a copy of which shall be filed in tbe Clerk's office of the respective counties, aad a copy sent to the Librarian of Congress, to be filed in Lis tffiee, on or bef'-re the close of the Centennial tear Hugh T. McAIister was elected Centennial Historian for Juniata county, with the following Committee as assistants to collect statistics, and render what ever other tervice they may choose in the patriotic) and noble work : Committee. Mifflintown John Wright, J. A. Christy. Turbctt Win. Gromnger, O. L. Hencb. Patterson Jos. Mid4agh, J. Frank. Port Roval Dr. J. W. Beale, G. W. Jacobs. Spruce imJ.D. M. llowcil, Jacob .Mc Laughlin. Tuscarora John Sarvis, Thomas Morrow. Lark John Patterson, John Wootf side. Ik-ale C'spt. J. J. Patterson, Richard Doyle. Miltord Peter Sheets, Wm. Sterrett. Fermanagh Dsvid liashoar, Win. Banks, rayette Win. Dunn, C. J). Shellenlerger. Delaware Theodore Thoinpton, S U Evaus. Monroe Luke Marks, Joseph Sellers. Susquehanna S. G. Dressier,'l Knouse Greenwood Wm. Cox, Adtin Wilt. Thoiupsontown Dr. P. L. Greenleaf, John S. l.ukcns. Walker Hugh Hamilton, JuhnMotzer. The co-operation of the Committee is earnestly solicited, and tbe following series of questions is sent them, with the belli f tbat it will prove an assist ant in a speedy collection of such sta tistics as are meant to be embraced in the object of the work. The Commit tee will make out a statement as j nearly as they possibly can, in answer to the questions, and send them to the Historian : QUESTIONS. Pabt I. 1. Where were the first improvements made ia your township, and by whom 1 Were they native bom or foreigners ? (Look up your old title papers ) 2. Did they dwell in booths, tents or log hnts 1 3. Where and by whom was the first list-mill, saw-mi'l and other water power machinery erected, and where were the first tanneries, distilleries, stores, &.C., within your knowledge t 4. By whit means did people fiist get to nia.kot, within your knowledge, and where was that place of traffic or trade, and did they get there by land or water T 0. When, where, and by whom were the towns or villages, within your knowledge, laid out t 6. How many distilleries were in your townbip during the decade between 1820 snd lfWO. 7. w'hat has been the principal staple or agricultural production of your township J Part II. Juniata county was organized in 1831. 1. Who was the first man elected from your townshjp to fill a county oflice, say Associate Judge, SherifT, Commissioner, Auditor, ProthonoUry, Register, fkc., and when was bis election, and who wen his successors, and when elected ? 2. When was the Juniata turnpike made f When the canal T When the Pennsylvania railroad t When was our Cnd Court House erected, and when the present one, and who were the contractors t 3. What has been, and is now, the princi pal production of your township, with sur plus for 'market during the last ten years. 4. How many soldiers entered the army against the late Rebellion, from your town ship or borough 1 6. When, where, and by what religious denomination was the first congregation in your township or borough organized 1 6. When and where was tbe first Sunday School in your township organized 1 Address, llugbT. McAIister, McAl- isterville, Juniata Co., Pa. HUGH T. McALISTER. Philadelphia & Beading Eaiiroad. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. - Mat 29th, 1876. Traint leave Hirritburg at follovi : For New York at 5 20, 6 00, 8 10 a. m. 2 00 and 7 40 p.m. For Philadelphia at 6 20, C 00, 8 10, 9 45 a. m., 2 Oil and 3 50 p. iu. For Reading a 5 20, 6 00, 8 10, 9 45 a. m., 2 OU, 8 60 and 7 40 p. m. For Pottsville at 5 20, 8 10 a. m., and 8 50 p. m. and via Schuylkill It. Susque hanna Branch at 2 40 p. m. For Allentown at 5 20, 6 Ot), 8 10 a. m., 2 00, 3 50 and 7 40 p. m Tbe 5 20, 8 10 a. m , 2 00 and 7 40 p. m. trains have through cars for New York. Tbe 6 00, 8 10 a. m. and 2 00 p. m. trains hare through cars for Philadelphia, SVXDJTS. For New York at 5 20 a. ra. For Allentown and way stations at 5 20 a m. For Reading, Philadelphia and way stations at 1 45 p. m. Traiar far Harruburg leave as follow : Leave New York at 8 45 a. m., 1 10, 5 SO and 7 45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia at 9 15 a. in., 3 40, 7 10 and 7 45 p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40, 11 20 a. m., 1 50, 6 15. J 35 and 10 85 p. m. Leave Pottsville at 6 00, 6 45, 9 00 a. m. and 4 35 p. m.,and via Schuylkill and Snsijnc- haiiua Liauch at ti 05 a. ra. Leave Allentown at 2 30, 5 50, 8 55 a. m., 12 20, 4 30 aud 9 00 p. m. , The 2 80 a. m. train from Allentown and the 4 40 a. m. train from Reading do not run on Mundays- SL'A'DJTS. Leave New York at 5 AO a. ru. Leave Philadelphia at 7 10 p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40 a. m. and 10 85 p.m. Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. and 9 00 p. m. 'Via Morru and Enez Railroad. JOHN E. WOOTTEN, General Superintendent. Administrator's Xotice. Estate of H'm. Hrnxficurd, dictated. WHEREAS Letters of Administration on the estate of William Woodward, late of Tuscarora townahip.doceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons iudebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them without delay to NICHOLAS ICKES, Jdm'r. May 31,1876. PRIVATE SALES. MILL PROPERTY IX PRUCE HILL township, Jnniata connty, with a good pair 6T Fiench Burrs, and a pair cf Counter Qhoppdrs. Good run of custom. Good neighborhood. Will sell M:!T with water privilege and about one acre aud a' hir of land, or if desired, will sell altout 30 acres of land, 25 acres cleared, with good Frame House, size 29x40 feet, Bank Barn, size 4x 56 feet, and other necessary outbuildings, giod Orchard, two excellent Springs of limestone watir near the house. Will also sell a FA KM of about 85 acres, silj'iiniiig the above; about 5 acres timber land, and the balance cleared. This tract is mostly Hint gravel land, and has been re cently limed, having thereon a good sized Log House and two good Springs of lime stone water, one of which could bo iied !to the kitchen door. Will sell all together, or separately, to snit purchaser. The properties are eight miles from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Ajp'y to J. KELLT PATTEF.SO.V, rieasaiit View, Juniata Co., Pa. TIIK FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE IX Sui"'c)ehanua.township: Ho. 1. A lot of ground containing S acres, with Urgs Dwelling House, and ex cellent water at the door. Good Barn, Smoke House and other outbuildings. Young and thriving Orchard of about 70 well selected apple-trees, 3tc. Church ad joining the preu.ises. Ho. 1. About 41 acres of land, with SO acres cleared and under good cultivation. Balance woodland. No. 3. A tract of Tiinberlaud contain ing 6 acres. AH three properties within one-fourth of a mile of each other. Apply to S. G DRE3SLER, Oriental P. O., Juniata Co., Pa. FARM I.N SUSQUEHAXXA TOWX ship, containing 90 acres ; b'l acres cleared, well fenced and in a god state of cultiva tion ; yew Log-frame Dwelling House, weather-boarded and well finished, Sank Barn, and all necessary outbuildings ; Sow ing waier, thriving young orchard in. hear ing condition ; fine chestnut and other tim ber three miles from Penn'a canal, ten miles from Penn'a railroad ; church, school house, mill, store and tavern all within oue half of a mile, to a mile; good community. Apply to W. 11. KNOUSE, Mifflintown, Pa. FARM IX MILFORD TOWSUIP, Con taining 111 Acres. Eighty acres cleared, fenced, and under cultivation. Dwelling and Ttnant Houses, Bank Barn, Wagon and Corn House, Flowing Water, Apples, Peaches and a variety of oth r Fruit on the premises. Convenient to market, mills, &c. TWENTY ACRES GOOD TIMBER LAND -i miles from Patterson and Port Royal, one-half mile from Saw Mill. Other tunbcrland adjoining this can be bought. Apply to B. K. BURCHFIELD, Orhce, Bridge SU, Uittiintown, Pa. A HOUSE AND A HALF LOT OF GROUND ia Patterson Borough. Tbe House new and well fiuished. Terms easy. A TRACT OF WOODLAND IX FEK managh township, Juniata connty, contain ing about 12 Acres, well timbered. This tract is in Lost Creek Valley, about live miles from Mifflintown. Apply to JEREMIAH LYONS, Office, Opposite Court House, Briuge St., MitllinU-Hu, Pa. XEW. GOODS ! XEW GOODS ! AT J. B. M. TODD'S, PATTERSOX, PA. I have just returned from Philadelphia with a full line of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Man's Suits, $3.60, $"..00 to 2".f10. Boys Suits, $J.50, $1 50 to $10.00. A full line of the MOST FASHIONABLE HITS. at low prices. A complete assortment of Ladies' Best Shoes, at $1.25 and upwards. A full line of Children's Shcs. 1 have also a full line of Ladies' llose, Handker chiefs, Ac. Also, a large stock of GROCEEIES. Arbuckle' Coffee 30c. Mackcral, No. 1, $2.50 per bbL I am now selling SEWING MACHINES at WHOLESALE PRICES. I ill sell you any kind of a machiuc at TWEXTT PER CEST. EESS than they are usually sold. Leave your orders, and yon can have any kind you want. J. B. Jf . TODD. Patterson, May 17, 1876. CTNOTICE.t The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Hereby gives notice, that on or before Ibe First of Xay next. They will open a Passenger Station iu Fairmount Park, npon the hoe of the Junc tion Railroad, in close proximity to Mem orial Hall aud other principal buildings of of the CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EX HIBITION, And that regular passenger and excursion trains will thereafter be run between the new station and the various points upon their several railway lines. The attention of citizens of Philadelphia looking for Summer Residences, and of strangers desiring to secure houses or lodg ing in the vicinity of Philadelphia during the perwd of the Exhibition, is called to the fact that, from nearly all place npon the railroads of the Company within twenty or thirty miles of the citv, passengers will be able to reach the Exhibition without change of cars in as short a time as it will require to make the trip by borse cars from many points in the citv. SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAINS WILL BE RCN FOR TUB ACCOMMODATION OF SCHOOLS, SOCIETIES OK OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. For information apply to C. G. Hancock, General Tiaket Agent, No. 227. South 4th street, Philadelphia, and to the several local Superintendents, or to tho undersigned. J. E. WOOTEN, General Superintendent. SxanuG, Mar. 7, 187t. marl5-8t FIRST-CLSS PICTURES takn at Hrss Photograph Gallery, Bridge St., Mifflrotowsv Xew Advertisements. 0 AGENTS WANTED FOS THtt ENTER! ItilAL HISTORY oftheU.S. The interest In our thrilling tistory this the f.istest selling boak ever pub llshei. I: contains a full Account of tie Grand Centennial Exhibition. , CACTIOJf O'd, Incomplete and nnrel!' able works are b ;ing circulated ( mia that the book you buv contains 4 U i"ia En graving! and 'Jti pag.t. Sen-l lor eitculara and extra tones to sg-nts. Ad ir.-ss National Piblmuisu Co., ruwajeipiiia, ra. $12 A DAY at home. Arenas wanted. Outfit and terms free. TKCE A. CO., Augusta, Maine. S-rew the fin? t is ti-lit as you can, rheuin:iiMtti j one turn niore, that's pout," is a fa.niliar description r lhsv fvo diseases. Thon-rli each may ami does at tic'; dilletvnt pins of the si-stem, the cause is believed to be a pnisuiiuu acid in the blood. Purify this ly the ne of TARRANT'S SELTZKtt Al ERIENT. It will do its work spucdilvaitd rhormish'v. It is the great friend of the sl.iler 'from ihcuinatiMu arid gout. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LAND FOR SALE. fid (fCl ACRES flF FARVI.VG Ul,VUli AM) TIVUKK LVXDSj near ttie great Kannwha K'vcr, in I'utnain comity, West Virginia, in U .ii'ni.-s to suit purchasers. Soil good, wiler pure and abiindint, timber excellent; ctiiirihes, school and mills couvenieni ; title p -riect. Price Vi lo $1 per acre. Terms acoHiinio dating. Send for full desc iplion tn J. L. lcLEAX, H infield, Poti.aiu U., W. Va. Thl Claim-home Established In IHiii. PpT!!inT10ob,!,'",'d f"'r "!". SoUiers, ' 1 1 CliOiUiliS and Seamen ot WAR of lcol-5. and tor their heirs. Tbe law includes de serters ami those dislmuor.ib'y discharged. If wounded, injured, or have couiraclvd any disease, apply at once. Thousands en titled. Great numbers eutUied to an in creased rac, aud should apply itumi-i i itely. All Soldiers and Seamen of the WAR of IS 12 who served lor any period, however short, whether disabled or not, aud all widows of such not now on the Pension rolls, arc requested to seud me their address at once. Tin--! . Many who enlisted in 1SC1-2 DJwLUuJ . 3 are eutitlcsl. Send your dis charges aud have them examined. Busi-ne-. before the PATENT OFFICE solicited. Olliccrs returns and accounts settled, and ail just claims prosecuted. As 1 make no charge unless successful, I request all to enclose two stirnps for reply and return of papers. - GEORGE E. LEMOX. Lock Box 47, Washington, D. C. ' I recommend Captnin Lemon as an hon orable and successful Practitioner. S. A. Hiirlbuf, M. C., 4th Congressional District of Illinois, lato Maj.-Geu'l U.S. Vols. In writing mention name of this paper. $77 Agents, Mala and Female, in their FREE. Adilress P. O. V'ICKEUT A CO., Augusta, Maine. C q tfOfl l""' 'a'r at n"n,e- Terms free. $J ti tU Address Geo. Srisson ec Co., Portland, .Me. WpSYCHOMAVfY, oa SOUL CHAR.M J. ING." How either ses may fasci nate and (tain the lore and affections of any persons ihey choose, instantly. This sim ple mental acquirement all may possess. tree, by mail, for 25 cents; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies A queer book. IU(I,(RI0 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & CO,, Puh- ll.-dicrs, Philadelphia. Professional Cords. jy M. CKAWFOKD, M. D., Has resumed actively the practice of Medicine and burgry and their collateral branches. Ollice at th? old corner of Third and Oranjre streets, Mitlliutown, Pa. .March J.', is;a E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, 11IFFLIXTOWN, PA. Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. OrrifE On Bridge street, opposite the Court House Square. JODEKT McMEEX, Attorney and Counselor -at-Law. Prompt att?ntion piven to the securing and collecting of claims, and all legal busi ness. Omce on bridce street, first door west of the Belford b'uWnig. April 1 1, 1875-tf LFKED J. I'ATTEKSOX, ATTOBfl ET-AT-LAW, MIFFLINTOWN', JCNIATA CO., PA. 0 AH business promptly attended to. OrrioB On Bridge street, opposite the Court House square. riLLIAM 31. ALLISON, ATTOES E Y-AT-LAW, resumed actively the practice of his prolession. All business promptly attend ed to. Oflice, as formerly, adjoining his residence, opposite Court Uouae, Itilliio toa n, Pa. Dec. 22, 1875. John Mclaughlin, ' INSUBAKCE AGENT, PORT ROYAL, Jl'XlATJ CO., PJ. 7"Onty reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 1875-ly " - iilfuTiLAN, DEXTIST. Office opposite Lntherau Church, PORT ROYAL, JCMIATA CO., PA., Where he will spend the first ten da s of each month, commencing December 1st. The balaoce of tbe time bis office will be occupied by J. S. Kilmer, a voting man worthy of coiiuileuce, and who has been associated with the Doctor as stndent and assistant two years and upwards. Those who call dnriug Dr. Burlan's absence fr professional service, may, and will please arrange the time with Mr. Kilmer when they may be served, on the return of the Doctor. THOMAS A. ELDER, 11. D. Physician and Surgeon, xirrusTOH'x, rj. Otjice hours from 9 -. a. to 3 p. or. Ece iu his father's residence, at the south end of Water street. ocUTJ-tf J M. BRAZEE, M. D., ' PHYSICIAN AND SLTBGEON, JcaJtmia, Juniata Co., Pa. Orrici formerly ocenpied by Dr. S terrelt. Professional business promptly attended to at all hours. JVlSCELLjtji eo is MB OF POPM (ITIST, We eondenset'rem the IsMik Xfti the. sn?mtan e oi aLiivereaUn anout Oak Hull, in Clothii'irgfose tn AmTia" A vkiw and t icitor. " V.'. lot earner is the Euildla; on T Attendant. "ith-iii.t ecmtr of ScJt and Market. team r.t t:ie SIXTH, f.r mico strangers sceainc Oak Hull, have beau mLlod by oV-Miiing persons." V. " it is per.'cctlj coIcskII Do yoo know its dimension? A. square fret 66 on JIartet, anl 10 odd on SixUi. six stories high, bus -er tlirce acres u So-rkei, mul covers oj-e rr.. e occupied Lylt.rj(Ciaal twenty 'W'-r-nl busi ness blacea." V. boyrm use team-power?" , A. ."A (riant young eiujii:e forrushes power for the treujhtana paweuTerelevatnni.ariu' tho boilers steam for heaiang, ami the outer Gesta tions of the honse." V. " What ori do yon take with erods' A. "Tbey are first r-peXeJand arruptrH trr tliu basement, on louef counters. ami taken fuience on tin. lijLijyvlevatut (u ta jiuueo tor's room on 'iffVaJ fioor." Y I t "McUnPioe lust opentfon r A- J sir, measuring, lue g.xxla ire f!r4 .eanred In tbe piece, then inaperitd. liie efcah paws over rollers in tbe face v( a struct; light, and tw mea sit, one before and ono bt.und tlie Rods, washing wiU the ye oi a hawk for the least pin-hoW Impenseiia. and aoaxking; every flaw, tn that Ibe cuttrr ciay ice aad avoid is wbtaa he mime to cut Um gar ments. V. " Ton mnst employ an ar-Ty r.f entten A. "Come to our tilth lixje and seel W4 keep TO hands all tbe tue crLnr up the efctlf Into garments, besideVtai jnnlui!eaLtJo a dosen men's wort eacuwrTii atr jke " Vjjtje yoo msnniicture all your cwa A. - We do, and most carefully. Our ex," amraers inspect every stitch a.:d seam, snd eertuy to every garment as extra-weli jr.uce befora we put our bcet on it. n i -. ,-.. responsible l.r it" deal rCMt ljaK avst yon a great A. " In every dirti"nr. It I, tjtf tjrtm and eeoDoBiy we pratt teaU tV -jihn u-h. tbat enables as to put our ptW- jlta oit people as we do." rfvjtnpeetiiig the work, what becomes A. - Before It goes tnto Rock It is Hct-iyt Every tingle garment baa iu muuUf a.:-t other puints noted on it. so Its tpt.n h s turrrau be traced vitbout lad, upon, out Y IT."!0 hTe fl0oT stloraien r A. lijtir,cu busy you ui ce jno in the various rooms and suites nCf rooms, aolhnir to the tbnngs of cn'-toiaf.- - V . -IA you lo ua order busty tsail and express?" . m tw. - aV. " Very great All over thecountrj. Our COOK AND rARLOR STOVES, HEATERS! OF ALL KLXDS, AT THE PEOPLE'S HARDWARE STORE, In li. E. Parier'i -Veto DricJi JJuilJins, 1YIAIL' STREET, OPPOSITE THE COURT YalRl? MlFftlXTOWX, JCXIATA COUXTi", PA. Housekeepers' Hardware, IJui!cIrf " crs' Hardware, MECHANICS' TOOLS, LEATHER, PAINT, OILS, GLASS, &ft, &&, all of first quality, constantly on call and see me. Siffiintewn, Ang. ?, 1874-tf D. W. HAELEY'S Is the place where jou can buy TiIJ BEST AM T1IK C3IKAPEST MENS' YOUTITS' & BOYS' CtOTIllXO H.1TS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND FURSISUIXG GOODS. HE is prepared to exhibit one of the nmat choice antf sefc-tt stocks ever offered in this market, and at AS TUSlSlllXG L T LOW VRWES ! Al.o, measures taken for suits aud parts of suits, which will be made to order at short notice, very reasonable. ltemeniber the place, in Hoffman's New Building, comer of Hri'g;e and Water s'reets, MIFF LIS TOiVN, PA. Sept. 15, lilo-tt SAM'L STRAYSR ' 11 si just rcinrtied from toe Eastern cities with a fall Tirietj of MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CATS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, GENTS' Fl'KMSIlIM GOODS. aoods aim oe asionisneu. ranu at i. cru t. Patterson, Pa., May ltfiti. ATPENTION. J. F. JACOBS, blALKR IS Farming Ma-hiner and AjTricnltunJ Im-i n0"' Ii;''rv .Seminal .sse, Impu ptements, snch I tn?J l tt"1 P"ty Im- Corn Planters, Corn Workers, : ' : .aaak:a..nanav.AW& I GR tlX MKP.IRATOB!), CLOVER SEEU SEP.3R.nvnS, Horse Power from One to Ten Iiorse Power, .tsriculluTal, PorlMc. find Stationary c r " Meia Uitgtiiet, j FODDER CITTTER.', FO!)I)ER CRUSH-' EkS, t'OK.N SHEI.LtiiS, j 1 Cider Hills, nay Forks, flay Rakes, Grain, Drill . uu i.ui..ig ia.....ic ui4.iu-1 ta of every description. Add j suents J. F. JACOBS, P. rt Kuyal, Juuiau Co., Pa. April 12. IsTti. U. L0U1X.V MERCHANT TAILOR,' fn room on second stoi of R. E. PitrketV new buiiaing, oa Main Street, Miffiintown, Pa. i FASlllONABLK GWJD3 lw.y. M; band. I CUSTOM WOlli POXZ on the shortest notice. -GOODS SOLD ty the yard or pattern PERSONS buying goods cau hate them cut in garments tree of charge. BVTTERJC1CS PATXERXS also forion sale. " ALE. WORK WARHISTLD. .PRICES LOW. Oct 22, 1873-tf Sale Bills of all kinds jrinted on short auric e at this offtee.'- ,1D lElt TtSEME.X IS. pect vT!ti sd rn'e of W " ' luo.': it Krwifc lo t-leasrs people TiTi". awuy J'&yyeih.i.l. aa if lacy acre LcnT!, V. " fupryise yon barest least half a down' diifort:-tuoi..'naier.isr' . . A. Aly dcrir! v.e have more than twerti, each chu-TcJ W'thiU'iv n buiiieand caefi t.K-roujtiJ i rr-Di-l.alM.rary wheel wuo ill Ui rrriU VhscL" V. -V. i!l y..i! rmcadena orsoof themf. A.' ?Wn!i picture, laa Curtcm Separt-i men I. ft.rtncae wjio pre,cr c' lo rciuy-Tai' Vin ruruiai-ii.K Xipanmrnt,' wi.b ita fTiuo stcic ef t:l uninvtar. 4he flrjt Uiy, ill iu l-.i -f caxU.r.rn uttne mr ovru iin-r lira shirts. ILe Triio milie i epar'raent, iielf wb'S n many a rerw-i Izj f'.ro. Ike clamiPEt kvtslt l:Km. low liccjivlr Loom. Tl.e Order repuitment,' named before. I.taf pecaU Tnibruis Ivuarv- nent. . r. Delivery J (iLiaitiit, Witu its ' acoie of nieiDTia T ' . V. " BoM, h.frf r tit. i nc ugh f" A. "i m ntthelf ti.r.iuh: lbs AdvertWDC Jrtiac.f,vtih lt.ifcill,ciidsij.Ti di, mfcclora, ediunsand publ!hir! Lus.;iitfasi,d popuLar" jro2. e:rr-ai(rfjSi(. .S,.rn.uuJxpio monthly (111 alt your fri.ilerd t-ritj. The Men DrparUDtnt.wiiiiT'J asry m IhetofTs" Ee-anc-tst ti rculur l.rrrtmjit. Ibe ; C'hUdrt-ns tTno-nmetit, with its rpeciat. ' CDtracee fir kioic. IheTeicTrrph Impart- ' Eiert The Chief Cctics bnnwDt. with iulxok-kccrrmlaiMirjf tiencrcl alan-' azer's Drpamnent: rinane:crs CSive, and other o&er of t:.e firry all bVy as bees tliinkii-T. J innt5?, &,iin(r. Luyirig, snak-fc-r. retiaU-ri a- re--ir;.rnii;r;g cut, aellir, aud in a th uzanuL.ys J .iiiiiia; their rorrea to cany rn abuiir.cssVith ihr people c mount ing to between nfMMtt aavl kauU.uuu an-' nu.-Jly." . V. -S-t-n rt-e-n-o-n-sr" j.AL;!n?Pt f I f-rrot to rtme the? Cs-htersjA.oartiiiect.utMu tcnclesiueSaitajr of retail sa!c on sciauajicie dayar V. "$25,o! lmciemcl lhat a wfcatenablesr the nous to buy cheap and n-lA heap r" A- "Exactly I You bsve it bit it . The' people thronir here. kLfc;vJttat we depend cr low pricca and In.rniralea." . V. -ihat are tue Tocaaoiaj' I bear so' such rbontr A. "Ouyrmcf?vnrT!egi rVtlin? 1, One' price; no deviation : 2. Cavb fbr rvryUiing : a A guarantee protecting the pun-baacr: i. Th n; ,m-y reniriMid it' Lie barer cau t oiherw iaaf bevlited." V. " Xothlnafcould be fcfrer." A. "Xotiiiiie. And the people see It" 1 Vei1, 1 tabk Jon, sir, kr jour polita A. " Net at all. It's a pl'earam to sorVe you. C'-lta-ain: tnd be fere.n' th.- pace Waca- niivucr A i!.-t.w VII s . - K HaUatlaCU-Saat I 1 M.-rkef tor F,3t!i arw: Good mot njii." hand. 1 invite the public tQ JOEN W. MTJTEEE3BAUGH of all kinds arc low Cuie and sow mo Uracils JtJUC ru tKlt,K.jj SAMUEL ST K A VI I'ER. I Manhood: HowLoEtUowEestored i Z7y Just pu'iiiali-d, a new of C f Dr. Cuiverweii'a Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without luedi- j citie) of Spermatorrhea or 6eiu!nal weak- "."i'''"'. Epilepsy u. riu, induci hy seif - iiHlnlgeiico or s.nal extnuatance, ate. . c ' liyl rice, in a sealed euvclupe, only sis cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable K'uuy, clearly demonstrates, Irom a thirty years' successf ul practice, that tho alarm- !" ow.iei.ce r may be raJ- ically cured ouhout the dan;eroua use Qf j,lterII4i n,e,li.-iiHj or the apilicatia of the knile; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and elTectual, by means of will h aVArr ati1ir n. m..t s K . roaditic.n may be, may cure himself cheap- iv pnvafcly, i,J radically. " lrt,ire ahouM be In the 1WU of every youth and etery man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paul, on the receipt of m cents or io post stamps. Address the PuoILsliers, r. nnioiii & sox, 41 Ann 31., Ker Tork j PosUOffice Eox 45o6. Or I. H, !f7V-ly. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. , rf1UE nn,,ersi:rm;d. his ,hoDu M Water 1 street. Mitliintown. has now on hani ""a tor ae the"P' " -wu"t ef 'CHAIRS. He also has a large lot of COFFINS n""1'. d, bavin purchased a BeW uearse. is bow prepared to attend funeral at the shortest notice and on the most 'itw oral tomis. - Do has made a great reduction in the i-rice of Corhna. C7" Kepairing promptly attended te. julyatf O. P. KOblSON Sale Bills printed oa short notice at tlW. office of the Sentinel and Republican . ,