Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 07, 1876, Image 2

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WetectdftrJaae T, 18Tb.
Meeting of County Committee.
The nieinbert ol the Standing Conrmittee
' of the K-publit;ii 1 arty of Juniata county
are requested to meet in Mi&iinlowu, uo
SXTCROAY, JUNE 10th, 1876,
at t o'clock p. ., for tire purpose of tiling
the ( iine oi; holding tbe Primary Election
auf meeting of Return Julges.
"Thc lolloaitig-nauied gentlemen compose
the County Committee :
Fayeite Knben Caveny, McAIisterville,
James MoAuley, Oakland Mills.
. Mot.roe A. J. Shellcnbergr, Richfield ;
O. P. Kotltcriiiio, Lveudale. ,
Feriuauaiigh Sauitiel Thomas Mitflin
(oku ; John Mkdit, Miitliutoau.
' unnehanna Harrison Minima, Pfoutz'a
Valley p. o., Perry couuty ; S. ti. Dressier, j
: Grecnaood Andrew Zeidera; Henry Zii
dera, Millerstown, Perry county.
Dclware "4. A. Tuooey $ Jobs II. Stutts,
Waitier D. P. Miuic-ben, Port Royal; W.
U M.-.re Vn Wert. '
Tuouiixont jn T.. Zimmerman : John ,
ln.fcrwood, Thoinpsontown.
1 1 . o 1 r o ii'i .id tr
ft Port k..ral. ;
f'urbett D. K. RobUoa j B. Byere, Port !
Spruce HiU-T. P. Patton; Henry Swartx, j
Spruce Hill. :
1. 1
macK Log a. .wcimire; Aaoipu ap
pie. Reed's (Jan.
Bealu J. M. Kruw, Acidemia; Henry !
Siielleim.-girr, Walnut. J
Mi'.ford Geo. Groniuzcr. Port Kol;
David Cunningham, Patterson, j
Mi",,,;n-S- s- Wilson' C Bv Uora-
wg, Mitflmtown.
Patterson tv.ttiven j Geo. Wilson, Pat- j
ft llbcamra 1 uoniu .n'jirow, n.icriuiu , :
James John, M'Covxviiie.
Lack- W.MUU.P, Peru Mills ; W. Young,
J. P. STEKRETT, Chairman.
Call of Republican Stats Central
HiaaiiBi-RO, June 8, 18T6.
The members of the republican State
lenirai uoiuuiuiec are rcifucaicu 10 mw ,
at the Lochiel Hotel, Harrisburj:, jon Wed
nesday, June 2Ut, 1S74, at 2 o'clock V. M.
Important business mill be transacted at
thisnieet:!ig", and a full attendance U de
nEXUT M. HOYT, Caairmaa.
A. Wtuoa Norbis. Secretary.
Mr. Elaine Stands up for Personal
, . , Eights.
In tbe long past there was ft tribe
of Greets that were so coTnraunistic
and free love in their tendency that
they abolished all private lawn, ana
held everything in common, from the
women to the tlungs on the table.
To have anything privatelv was an
offfrise ftiinst the State. Even the
babies, when Iwrn, were gnbjet-.t to a
pnbhe inKpection, and it any naa tne
misfortune to have a delicate ori
vi . :l 1-...... ..1.1
ureakiy aj pear-e, it, ..s u
put cut of the wav, as not a nt being
to liv. '
Wliile the Confederate branch of
the Congress of the United States,
has not declared in favor of tLeuboli-
i- ..t :..!. 1.. .... 1 :,. f..,...
1 7 1 1 i .i.: ..t ,
)f free love and the execution of
delicate children, it has kept or- .uay, in a coai-tdea at-
gauitd coinuiittef-s on ity all 1 tacbed to bis residence in IlarrisLurg.
winter, wth no lusher object in J le was fonD( banging to a beam. Be-
view, ; un their nction proves, than Ue cninli,,ing tbe jeed La brreJ tbe
the exauiinition of the private .
1 r r 1; door to prevent any interruption, lie
biiBiness affuu's of prominent indi-i r j r
vidual mf-mbers of the Republican J LJ beea suffering from nervous dys
party. yotliin haa been sacred pepsia, and this is supposed to bave
from tue touch, ol tuese ex-reoels anu
rebel pympathizers and porrrnnnists.
They reeopiize no private rights of
men whom they choose to investigate.
One of the men against whom they
have displayed wore bitterness thau
any other is Mr. Dlnme. His public
affairs Lave not only been ransacked
through, and through, but they have
witliin the past week made a demand
for private papers and letters that
have no bearing whatever on public
uffairs. Xo public inquiry had been
iiiade of Mr. Blaine that was neglect
ed or' set aside. Everything was
thrown oien to to the Committee for
its fullest investigation. Finding j
nothing of any importance, the van-
dais demand private papers and cor-
ashamed to liave the world look on :
but in this doniand you violate a f nn
tLtmental principle of individual pri
vacy guarantoed to every man in the
Republic I cannot recognize your
violation of that principle, but I will
take the papers to Congress and read
them from my place in that body,
and the whole world may learn their
As we close onr columns, de
spatches nay that Mr. Blaine has vin
dicated himself before Congress, com
pletely. He has long since been one
of the champions of the principle of
the equality of all men before the
law, and his last position Las crowned
him as the champion of sacred indi
vidual rights.
The Columbus (Ohio) correspondent
of the New York 7frai declares : j
" There is every indication of an open
belt in the Democratic party of tbe !
West in case a bard money candidate
is nominated at St Louis, the green
back men calling a Dew convention and
HftU.i g up a third ticket, just as was
dfi.e at Buffalo in 1S4S, by tbe free soil
Democrats, who, being disappointed in
the action of the National Convention
at Baltimore, nominated ex-President
Martin Van Buren for President and
Cbarle Francis Adams for Vice Presi
dent. Tbis ticket carried half the
Democracy of New York, aud led to
the overwhelming success of the Whig
"Now tbe Hancock wing of the
respondent running lar uack mio Ltj done itg work she v.pej . j ao
Lis paut life. Mr. Blaine sail: '-Gen-1 . . '
F " , , this for love. ' "Love for your bus-
tlemen, I have no private papers and ,,,.,,, ,
I Lave no correnpondenee that I am ni 'd doctor. o, for
Democracy are beginning to attempt to J the end of a long walk and mtde a lit
prove tbat their favorite bad nothing to j tie memorandum to the effect that
do with the bang'ng of Mrs. Surratt. "eighiy-nine percentum of the popula
Hefofe tbev get through they will be; lion of Philadelphia are members of
compelled, in order to make him thor
oughly acceptable to tbe Democracy at
large, to ahow tbat be had nothing to horses. One correspondent of an Eog
do with the suppression of the rebellion ligh paper says be counted fifty-seven
iu any way.whatcver."
. " T .
Mr. J. Don t ameron was sworn in
as Secretary of War o. the 1st inst.,
and at once eutored opou the duties of
bis office. ' .
News Items.
Blaine of Hartraoft for President. "
Oa tbe 30th It. trt broke out in
Quebec, Canada, that destroyed near 7
even hundred bouses, tbtreby render
ing aboat ten thousand people houie-les.
There i a great outpouring from
Berks county to the Centennial. The
average attendance from there has been
ttiree hundred people. The county of
Berks contains thousands of inhabi
tant whose forefathers lived within the
limiu of that county long before the
Revolutionary war.
The Emperor of Austria speaks thir
teen different languages, bat tbe Eng
lish language is not one of the number-
Some nighls ago a Pittsburg lawyer
pulled out a valuable gold watch to
oblige a man who wanted to know the
of night. Before the lawyer
could exactly understand what ailed
him, La found himself on the broad of
hi back, while tbe thief and bis watch
were rapidly disappearing in the dis-
A milkniin at St.
Luke's, Chelsea,
wis recently sentenced to
three months in the House of Corree-'p'e
tioB for selling a quart of milk in which
was found 2G per cent, of water. .
Surgeon Deer oil, of Paris, France,
thinks horseflesh is tie wLolcsouiest
- meat fur buuau beious
When Laplaud mothers go to church
they take their babies with tbem as far
as the outside of tbe building, where
ibeT ate snugly wrapped in skina and
covered with snow, while the
, , , , . -. . . -
j Instead of su&vrirg from such treat-
meoT, tue iniantne Laps torive uncer 11.
An assessor from one of the middle
townships of Montgomery county, re
turns two female taxables iu his dis-
j tricf aQjJ gjVM' lLef occuratit.n M
A meteoric Moae, about a foot in cir
cumfereuce, fell iu the town of Nortb-
uiiiberland co Fiiday nijilit a week.
U ben found it was quite hot.
In Spain thu harvest has commenced.
Rains have destroyed the locusts, and
cereals bave not promised such crops
for a hundred years past. .
A whale thirty feet long was left on
tbe flats at Madison, Conn., the other
Jay, by the tide, and was soon made
illt0 gilf barrcjs 0f 0ji. ,
. A Dub ie mha -u oi lo ori .
I 7 ; f "
S'DSt Jonng ,adJ of tust
! city "for maliciously kissiug buu in tbe
preseaca of his wife,
So tbe story
Gov. Hartraoft has selected Chester
y p , f o di1 hia rriv.te ,
1 ' ' , . -
j secretary to succeed Major orris, re-j0f
jceutly appointed Stato Reporter.
Georae Bobb, ajred C8 vears. amem-it;iB,t
ber of the Methodist church and in rery'Ij is gtated that nearly all the Indians
Kood circumstances, committed suicide
.. .
cau.ed deraoeeuient.
The 1'rince of Wales brought sime
500 different kiods of animals aud
birds with him from India.
1'roduce is cheap in Philadelphia in
stead of high.
At the recent meeting of tbe Prcsby
teriau General Assembly in Brooklyn,
tbe union of the Cburch North and
South was effected. The Assembly
will meet uext 51 ay in Chicago.
Tbe King of Tuikey has given up
t tie ruiertshtp ot uu country to a
She lived in Lebanon, and bad tiken
laudanum. When tbe stomach-pump
Billy Clark," was the coufusing reply.
Seven stores iu Chester were rrceutly
cloced by tbe sheriff in otie day.
A large and enthusiastio meeting was
held in tbe Academy of Music at Read
ing, 00 tie evening of the 1st inst., and
strong resolutioae were adopted re
taining tbe Centenuial Commission in
closing tbe gates of tbe Exposition on
John 11 ilber t, of Shenandoah, Pa.,
was arrested at Pottsville, on the lt afterwards with six kittens, all of tbem
inst., charged with having ic April, 1 streaked and striped and ready for
1S75, started a freight car from a siding business in a few days. , Tbe wonder
on a steep grade at about tbe time a pas-I ful sequel to the affair is tbat tbe Tats
senger train was due, thereby endan-' and snakes bave left Lis place ; the
gering tbe lives of a number of people.
His bail was fixed at $10,000.
It is getting to be believed through
out tbe country tbat if women are
elected as school trustees there will be
fewer pcaudals affecting schools.
The hpecial lightning train 00 tbe
PentiM Ivania Railroad on tbe 1st inst.,
ran from New York to Pittsburg 444
miles in ten hours, without stopping,
a feat unparalleled in railroad history.
"Snowsboe Thompson," tbe man who,
for tbe past twenty years, has carried
tbe mails over the Sierras every winter
at times when tbe roads were block
aded with snow, died on tbe evening of
the 15th nit.
An intelligent foreigner, passing
through the streets of Philadelphia the
other day, took out his note-book at
tbe powerful family of Roomstolct."
All Paris is crazy tbis spring about
I ladies on horseback in a single alley of
j tbe Cbauips Eiysees one morning. .
r -nnnn 1 -u 1-
j There are 10,000 children hving on
boata m England, who receive do da-
'cation. ' ' ' . V
The other day Black Hills' stage
driver undertook to horsewhip bis pas
sengers' into getting out and poshing up
the bill, but the gold-seekers emptied
their revolvers imo hrm a fe times,
held a coroner's' inquest, and found that
be died of pneumonia.
A little girl, daughter of Mr. Wright
of iew Florence, Westmoreland coun
ty, aecouif anied by an elder brother,
went to the barn last week, aud while
there the broibtr started the cutting
box running, and by- some meant tbe
got her band into' the mill and it was
pulled in between the rolled until piece
bv piece it was cut iS up to the tmt.
Counterfeit silver quarters of 1870
are in circulation.
Tbe Kev. Robert Wilson, speaking
of the subterranean streams of South
Caiolina, says they are like springs,
Ave ts eight feet wide, and of unfathom
able depth, eouutless Lumbers of huge
bass, pike and 'ercu. Trsditiou says
that au Iudiau once dived into one hole
of Eutaw Spring', which gave their
name to a revoluticuary battle, and
emerged from ano'.W. Jiuli'he ue-j
groes now a Jays, BuperstitiouHtjrpet
,hMe springs with water spirits.
rbam they call "Cjuibee."
. -
Kicbard Bradisb.of Crawforrf-sjunty,
while ploughing in oue'ofLbi field in
Cussewago, turned up a numbef . f
American half-dollars aud Spauibb quar
ters. A Berks county it an had one of his
ears bitten off by a borse tbe other day.
The Presbyterian General Assembly
adopted a resolution recouimeudiug the
use of the M term Sabbath instead of
Illinois has 200 cheese factories, to
which 2,000,000 milch cow make
daily contributions.
Dartmouth College gradaates a Efty
yeai -old atudeut this year.
By western despatch of the 1st inst.,
particulars are thus given of the mas- j
- . . rl
sacro oy Indians ci a large portion in
Captain Stone's company of Ciacin
natians, which was on the way to the
Black llilis; Part of the expedition
was parsing through the Sand lli'.ls,
about fifty mile from the Red Cloud
agency. The day wai warm and tbe
roads nearly, unpayable from sand.
The men had deposited their their coats
and weapons and were stragf ling wearily
behind, when a party of Indians rushed
down and cut them from the train. Tbe
massacre followed with but little re
sistance, tbe Indians numbering several
hundred. . Tbe leaders ol tba party,
Captain Stone and James Wood, were
amonc tbe Erst to fall.. Tbe bearer of
thmt nnt . nnp
rv- - 0
tbe party of fortj-nine men escaped.
Several of tbe bodies, scalped and mu-
takpn to North Loun ForL
have left the agencies.,, ,
Nine members of the family of Mar
tin Laios, residing at Sandt'a Eddy, a
point on tbe Delaware river five miles
above Easton, Pa.,, were poisoned on
tbe evening of tbe 31st ult., by coffee
which contained souie mioeral substance.
Mrs. Laros is dead and several of the
others are considered in a critical con
dition. The presence of poison in the
coffee is not accounted for.
The Knglihh Channel Tunnel has
been actually commenced, shafts in tbe
cbalk on tbe French side having already
been sunk to a depth of one hundred
and thirty feet.
Tbe grand jury of the United States
citcuit court in llartfotd,' Cold., bave
returned true bills against Jeremiah
O'NuiI, .Michael Kelley, Julia and Sam
uel Robinson, for manufacturing and
passing five cent nickel coins. All
pleaded guilty, and Samuel Robiufon
and Jeremiah O'Xcil were sentenced to
imprisonment in the Hartford couuty
jail one year each, and Julia Robinson
and Michael Kelley fifteen days each
and to pay $1 fine. Tbe parties belong
iu Hartford.
' Tbe following exterminator of rats
and snakes cornea from Kentucky, and
is given to the publio thns : John Clark
ban introduced a novel plan for exter
minating rats, driving off snake and
purifying the malarious atmosphere
about bis premises. Ho captured a
polecat which presented him two days
chills bave also departed, and tbe pros
pects for an unprecedented rop of
wbeat and corn are excellent. . .'
A miss of 90,000,000 tons of pure,
solid, compact rock rait, located on an
Uland 1& feet high, which rises from
a miserable sea marsh on ' the route
from Brashear to New Iberia, up tbe
river Tec be, in Louisiana, is one of tbe
wonders of ;he world. How this island,
coutainiig over 300 acres of land, ever
came into existence in such a locality,
is a matter of conjecture. Vegetation
is prolific aud the soeuery ia beautiful
and varied. Here is an immense bed
of pure rock salt, whose extent is as
yet only estimated, and scientific men
are puzzled. ; Tbis island is owned by
Joe Jefferson, the actor, wbo has bis
winter residence, on it in an orange
grove. , . 1
A story ia printed in Palis that the
Czar, while at the bedside of his dying
younger sister, told Ler bow much it
pained him to see her die so premature
ly. She replied: "You know they
don't live longer than sixty years in the
Romanoff family." This speech made
a deep impression on the Czar. : Lie is
now fifty-eight years old.
The English New Testament Revi
sion Committee bave struck out as
spurious the last seven veises of tbe
last chapter of St. Mark. ' Tbey have
also struek ont, as being a falsa ioter-
Dotation, a verse in one of tba Knistlea
.:.!. rnANiiw . .rl
of tbe doctrine of the. Trinity. '
Brieham Young's Reason for
Leaving Salt Lake Valley.
Tbat Brigham Young is preparing to
leave Utah baa been reported latterly.
He gives a his reason, tbat Salt Lake
Valley is destined to flood from Salt
Lake. Hi prdpneey is writtec tbu in
the San Francisco Chronicle:
It is well known that for the pest
twelve montbs the grand project for
transferring the Mormon population to
New Mexico has been under considera
tion by 'Brigbani and. bis emissaries
Governor Axtell, formerly of Utah,
but now Governor of Mew Mexico, ba
for months been quietly working with
this end in view, paving tbe way for
new Mormon empire. Tbe world baa
been puzzled to know why the Latter
Day Saints, after working for more than
a quarter of a century to build up Zion
in Utah, should be willing to abandon
all the magnificent improvements of the
great Salt Lake valley and become once
more pioneers of the wilderness. But
the inciting cause is now as palpable as
it is inevitable and irresistible. Tbe
great Prophet has discovered why the
gLWi Lake Las been rising ct the
rate of TrEootc--TerT twejve-
"montu iwdtiaoy years. There is, as is
well koCTfn, no surfaco outlet re tbe
waters of 'Salt Lake, although several
streams d f considerable volume are con-itLVr-ijscuar6'DE
tbe'r ftters iuto
tbe lakehe opinion of all scien
tific explorer7oTtDilau, "lin '
there has existed a subterTtan out.et,
through which its surplus waters bar
flowed. But Brigham's eye has dis
covered that tbis outlet has been grad
ually choking up by precipitations of
vast quantities of chloride of sodium,
da-nniiug tbe asters of tbe Lake as well
as tbe future hopes of Mormondom. - It
is only a question of time when this
subterranean waste-gate shall be com
pletely closed, and then a single spring
flood in all tbe tributary streams will
caue the lake to overflow its bituads
and sebmerge the entire Salt Lake val
ley. This result bein g inevitable, Brig
bam is more than anxious to flee from
this second delude before tbe engulf
uent and ruin of tbe n city of Zion.
IU prefers to slide quietly away to Mew
Mexico, leaving the hated Gentiles,
who bave so' unceremoniously invaded
hia kingdom, to enjoy the great salt
water bath so soon to be provided fot
their accommodation. Id tbe interests
of humanity, however, and as a timely
warning against an impending disaster,
we feel constrained to divulge tbe true
reason for the contemplated Mormon
exodus from Utah.
Mrs. Dipper (to Joncsey, who is
deeply in arrears for boards) "Mr.
Jones, won't you step into tbs parlor
for a moment I wish to speak with
yon." Jonesey "Really, Mrs. Dip
per, I should like to accommodate you,
but what a ill t ho boarders say at see-
j itig us alone : un, no, excuse mj.
. m m
In Paris there is an attempt to revive
tbe old Greek costume for ladies a
picturesque garment, without very much
of a waist, bare armed, and looking
like an oat bag falling lcose from the
breast to tbe instep. ' .
Xeic Advertisements.
By virtue of a Test, writ of Vend. Ex.,
issued out of the Court of Common I'leas
ot Dauphin county and to me directed, will
be exposed to sale by public outcry, at the
Court House, in the borough of Mitilintown,
Juniata county, on Satidt, Jtsi 24th,
17)1, at 2 o'clock P. M., thu following de
scribed real estate to wit :
A widow's dower in a tract of land situ,
ate in Spruce Hill township, Juniata county,
adjjiuiug lands of llr. Joseph Kelley on the
eau Andrew Patterson and others on tbe
south, Jonathon SwarU on tbe west, and
John Kh on tbe north, containing 10
Acres, more or less, having thereon erected
a frame dwelling house, log barn, wagon
sbed, and out-buildings. Seized, taken in
execution, and to be sold as the property of
Isabella Urahain.
Also, at the same time and place, by virtue
of a writ of Wwa' Us'ied out of tbe
Court of Common fleas of Juniata county,
a tract of land situate in Lack township,
Juniata county adjoining lauds of McNeal
Arnold on tbe north, John Arnold on the
cast, Joseph Rhine on the south, and Wes
ley Behel on the west, containing sixty
acres, more or less, having thereon erected
a log bonse and leg barn. Seiaed, taken in
execution, and to be sold as tbe .property
of George Rhine. .
Also, by virtue c( a writ ofXa.'Fa., all
that certain piece or parcel of ground situ
ate in tbe borough of 1'ort Royal, formerly
Perrysville, Juniata connty, bouuded aud
described as follows,' to wit : Beginning at
a Jost 00 corner of lot No. 46 in tbe gen
eral "plan of said borough of Port Royal,
thence along said lot south 21 degrees, east
li!4 leet 9 inches to cow alley, thence along
said alley north 69 degrees, east 24 feet to
a post, thrnce north 21 degrees, west 123
feet 'J incites to Middle street, thence along
tbe same 24 feet to the place of beginning,
being part of lot No. 43 in the general plan
of said borough of Port Koyal, and having
thereon arected a two-story Frame Dwel
ling House and out-buildings. Seised,
taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of James V. Dean.
WM. H. KNOUSE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Mitttintonn, -June
6, 1876. $
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Juniata county, tbe under
signed, Administrator of Jeremiah Kirk,
deceased, will utter lor sale on the premises
in Delaware township in aaid county, at 2
o'clock P. M ., on
SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1876,
The following described real estate ot said
decedent, to wit : A tract of land in the
townshiD aforesaid, bounded by lauds of
S. Owen Evans, Samuel J. Kurtz, John B.
G arbor, John L. Anker, and others, con
more or less, having thereon erected a
BANK BARN, and other outbuildings
There is a fine assortment of fruit oa the
nn-niiscs. The greater part of the land is
cleared aud under cultivation ; the balance
is woodland. . .
TERMS. Ten per cent, of tbe purchase
money to bt paid when tne property is
struck rfowp lo the purchaser; one-third
ben th sale is confirmed by the Court ;
and th balance in two payments at live and
eight months from date of confirmation of
1 the sale
Adm'r of Jeremiah Kirk, dee'd.
May 21, 1874.
I - a- a.r ...nM. - XU flffrIWr,nr..- ' - . I r--r - ,.-r
1 -i
notice tm Tax-PfcHri'.
THE Commissioners of the county ot
Juniata hereby Rive notice tba no
luore Coanty Bonds will be Inaued and sold
by them at present, as we consider that wo
have funds enough lor all necessary pur
poses. We also pive notice to colk-cUrof
Count f andSlittt Taxet for tbe year 187C,
that tliey allow the tax-pa) era of tbe coun
tv an abatement of 6 per cent, mi all taxes
mid by them previous to the first day of
Scpfruiber, 1876, and such collectors will
fce required 10 settle their respective Dupli
cates in full within one year tron: date of
same. , .
r.i.iitiiiui. will K at their efnee
in Miuliutown on the second Tuesday of
very month, to transact Dnw"
neeted with aaid otbee.
By order of Com-
' CommKiioners' Office,
Mifflintown, May 80, 181
npHE co-p-tnership bwwtoforw exng
A. between rnoan nermer. o .
ler, and David Hertiler, Jr , trading aS the
firm of .Noah Ilurtsler A Sons, ia ihu day
dissolved by mutual consent
The business and all accounts dne said
Erw will be settled by the undCrmgned, who
Will continue business as heretofore
Port Koval, Mav 15, 1876. .
V 'VniX vU It OTT o
111 Oil l'K9ri,-
of Juniata C
is rt Jttigned tiatt of I j otic Ualdemaa. '
The undersigned, Audit Jr, appointed by
the Court id Coiiiinou lTleas of Juniata
county to nuke di'tributln of the bdance
in the hands of Jobnu. Moyer, Assignee
of Isaac Haldema'K a.f Monro; township,
aid county, on Jjift partial account couhnu
ed XavrjlJh76, bc.reby gives uotlce that
bei..Ti meet all oersous interested ior the
raposcs ot bis appointment at his vtfiee in
1 ,e borough ot Milllintown, onTiH-sdar, tbe
'Jt'tli iJIV of June, lo.o. beiwretu tue Hours
of 10 o'cloct 1M. and i o'clock r. M. l'
siid day, alien anii ft bie.aU pers-jn 9 having
cUim against DiO aaid ls.a Uakk-tuau,
must preaeut them or bo barred Irom parti'
eipatit'D in said liind.
Mjy 15, !S76. , .
The great interest In our thrilliug history
makes tbis tbe fastest selling look ever pub
limbed. Itcoulainaa lull account of the
Grand Centennial Exhibition.
CAUTION. Old, incomplete and uftrell.
able wirrka are being circulated ; s trwt
the book you buy contains 412 'r A'a
grSngt and 92o pairn.
bend lor circulars and extra terms to
agents. Address Natioxai, Ptausuiso Co.,
Fbiladelpbia, 1'a.
tll A DAT at home. Agents wanted.
$1 Outtit and terms free. TRUE Jt CO.,
Augusta, Maine ; ! '
Screw the finger as t'sbt as you can,
that rheumatism t one turn more,, that'a
gout," is a familiar description of these Cwa
diseases. Tbougb each tnay end ,toe at
tick different jwtts of tbe system, tbecause
is believed to be a poisonous acid in the
blood. Purify this by the use of
It will do its work speedily and thoroughly".
It U the great friend of tbe sufferer i'row
ibeumatisin and goiit.
near the great Kanawha River, in Putnam
county, West Virginia, in quantities to suit
purchasers, soil good, Water pure aud
abundant, timber excellent ; churches.
schools and mills convenii-nt ; title periect.
Price $: to f per acre. Terms accommo
dating. Send for full description to J. L.
McLEAN, Winfield, Putnam Co., V. Va. "
Tills Claim-house Established
In IhttS.
PanoiflTio obtained for Officers, Soldiers,
ICllMUlU and Seamen or WAR of 1 30 1-5,
and for their heirs. Tbe law includes de
serters and those dishonorably discharged.
If wounded, injured, or bave contracted
any diseae, apply at once. Thousands eu
UUed. Great numbers entitled to an in
creased rate, and should apply iniwedi-iteiv.
All Soldiers and Seamen of the AVAR bf
If 12 who served for any period,' however
short, whether disabled or not, and all
widows of such not now on the Pension
rolls, are requested to send me their address
at once.
Tj 1 , Mtny who enfisted in 1961-2
fJUllIliy . 3 are entitled. end your dis
charges and have them examined. Busi
ness before the PATENT OFFICE solicited.
Officers returns and accounts settled, and
all just claims prosecuted.
As I make no charge unless successful, I
request all to enclose two stamps for reply
and return of papers.
Lock Box 47, Wash:ngton, D. C.
I recommend Captain Lemon as an hon
orable and successful Practitioner. S. A.
Ilurlbut, II. C., 4th Congressional District
ol Illinois, latu Maj.-Geu'l l . S. ols.
In writing mention name of this paper. ,
Agents, Male and Female, in their
own locality. Terms and OLTFIT
FREE. Address P. O. VICKESY 4. CO.
Augusta, ilaiue.
tfiT OOfl V day at home.
Terms free,
u)J h WUU Address Geo. Stixsox
. Co.,
Portland, Me.
A ING." llow either sex mav fasci
nate and gain the love and affeetions of any
persons tbey choose, instantly. This sim
ple mental acquirement all may possess,
tree, by mail, lor 25 ceuts; together with a
Marriage Hume, Egyptian Orac.e, Dreams
Hints to Ladies A queer book. 10U,U(H
sold. Address T. WILLIAM i CO., Pub
lishers, Philadelphia.
taining SIXTY-THREE ACRES, more
or less, situated in Walker township, Juni
ata couuty, Pa., two and a half miles north
of Thompsontown and one mile east of Van
Wert, on which David A, Patterson now re
sides. 43 Aerei are Cleared ;
the balance is Woodiaud. Parties desiring
to purchase will please go and sew the land.
About price consult John 11. Patterson,
Acidemia, Juniata Co., Pa.
West Dublin, Fulton, Co., Pa.
May 10, 1876-ot
Administrator's Kotice.
Estate of lf'm. Woodward, deceased.
7 HERE AS Letters of Administration
ll on the estate of William Woodward,
late of Tuscarora township.di-ceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will please present them
without delav to
May 81, 1876.
Large stock of ready made clothing ol tbe
Litest and choicest styles, lor men and
boys, bats, caps, boots and shoes, notions,
furnishing goods in endless variety for sal
at bamufjl tstrayer's, ia rattrton.
1 - - . m I .11 . - 1 -
J. B. M. TODD'S,
I bave jnat returned from Philadelphia
with a full line of
JTen's Sulfs,'$3.50;$5.00 to'iioroO.Boys'
; Suits, $J.3U, $4 50 to $10.00. '
A fnll line of the
jat low prices. A complete assortment of
jj shoe, ,t$1.25 and npwards.
. c. . . ,.
A run ime 01 v. iiuiii.u 3
also a full line of Ladies' lloae. Handker
chiefs, Ac. Also, a large stock of
Arbucklea' Coffee 30c. Muckural, No. 1,
. $i50 per J bW. .
I am now selling SEVTINO MACHINES
. i-us,v vc iir Doir-vc
I will sell you
1 any aina Oi & mjcniue ai
1 . .
than tbey are usually sold. Leave jour
orders, and you can have any kind you want.
J. B. M. TODD.
Patterson, May 17, 1876. "
T. VAX IRV1N, Cashier.
' Diaicroas :
George -Jacobs,
II. H. Bechtel,
Amos G. Beosafl,
Jerome N.Tlrompsoo,
Jrseph Bothrek,
John Btlsbacb,
J. W. Frack.
August 4, 1875"tf
:;" - TUMrs!,;'' ......
- ruiirs!
Pumps, light or heavy, made, to ordor.
Cucumber Wood Punpn alwa-ya on band.
These euarauteed never to freeze in Win
ter. Wood, Iron, Terra Cotta, or Lead
Water pipe put down on short notice
C7"Hepairing promptly attcndcil l.
Plea jfrre us a call before purchasing
elMwhere, as we are determined to sell at
the very lowest prices.
Call on or address
H'.M. NOBLE, Port Royal,
' or. FRANK NOBLE, Mitliintown. '
mar22-6m - '
. Eleotro-Plated Table War,
OR -V4 31 EST A L ART H'Ofl
550 Broadway, New York.
Tlebet riatcd SPOONS and FORKS
are those Silver Plated heav iest on tie parts
where neyirlly the most wear conies, aau
bearing the Trade Mark, . .
184?-Reger Brother -XI I.
N. B. This great improvement in Silver-
Plated Spoons and Forks is apptte) alike to
each grade 01 Plate, A 1, 1 and 12 oz., as
ordered. Tbe Process and Machinery for
manufacturing these goods are Patented.
Tbe Extra or -Standard PUte" made by
tbis Company is stamped A 1, simply, and
is plated 20 per cent, heavier than t
nary market standard.
r irnt I'n-iniums awani.a at an r airs
where exhibited, from World's Fair of t'i
to American Institute Fair, 1S74, inclusive.
Foil rpper or Lower Setts as Law as l
No teeth allowed to leave the office un
less the paiient is sntLsljed. .
Ttelh remodeled ami rrpaireu.
Te-th filled to last for life.
Teeth extracted without pain, by tbe use
of Nitrocs Oxide Gas, always on band.
Owing to the bard limes, I will insert
full single sets teeth, of the very best kind,
for $15.00. Temporary sets $5.00 extra.
Toothache stopped in five minutes with
out extracting tbe tooth, nt the Dental Of
fice of G. L. Dekk, established in Milfiin
towu in 11:00.
Jan 24, 1872. ' Practical Dentist.
General Ccmmissicn Merchants,
asd Baaixxs ix
Grain, Hides, Wool, Tobacco,
Hops, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Dried Fruits,
Feathers, Furs, Lard, Tallow, Seeds, '
, Bacon, Beans,- Poultry, Flour, .
Vegetables, 4ic., fee.,
Warehouse, Ko. 42 North Water Street,
March 22, l876-6m
AT my residence at East Point, Mifflin-
2- town, I am prepared to promptly till
orders for
LADIES', ...
at prices to correspond with the times. All
kinds of
also promptly attended to. . Hoping to re
ceive a share of the patronage of the peo
ple, I subscribe myseif their obedient shoe
maker. A. B. FAS1CK.
Feb. S, 1875-tf
WiMtklwV. Muds rnihw mm OnlWa r. 1 F-r-. H
ayyr llaaaltal traWMTitSfJUIa,fawwMtV
2 ar"raJi vVrilviw vresti; Inert m 4 : smtI mmt aajsrfwt
prtrw 8 MALL. -1tsm. DmkPTwwiM Tr--patavkij.
rtr4uJIT aritvkM HV,t.tteMt liWttM,
C6. BLATCHLEV, Maavf r, MSCs-orc. SUPWa
X Hess' Photograph Gallery, Bridge St.,
Subfcribe for the Sentinel Repabhcaa.
The Tf5i'imoliy f the ffhofe Wr1f.
Bad Less Bad Breasts, Sores and Ulcers.
' Au description of sores are remediable
by the proper and diligent use of this ines
timable preparation. To attempt to enre
bad logs bv plastering the edjrea of rb
wound together U a lolly ; for should the
.kin unite, a bopjry diseased condition re
mains underneath to brmlt out with tenfo.d
fury in a lew days. The only rational and
.,u-,-Hful treatmenf. as iiHiicuted by nature.
is to reduce the inUauunalion iu' and about
the wound and to sootbe tbe neighboring
iiarts hr ruhbinff in Dicntv of
the inntnieiK
.. .ir m torcnl Kitu ineai. This will cause I
the malignant humors to be drained off fnn .fl strengthened, and natural color restored
the baitl, swollen, and discolored part j
round sbout the woiiud, sore, or ulcer, and , without the application of mineral sub.
when these bnniora are removed, tbe wound
theniMdve will soon beal ; warm bread asd I stances.
water poultice applied oter the aiTecU-d j
parts, alter the Ointment has been wuili Since the introduction of this truly valu
rubhed In, will aoothu ami sol ten the some . aWc preparation urtu this country, it ba
and great ly alt the cure. There is a du- j been the Womler End admiration of al!
scription of nicer, sore and swelling which j cleans, and as it has proved t be th owly
need not be named here, attendant upon the article that will absolutely, without decep
follies of youth, aud lor which tin (Tint- j tion, restore gray hjir to its original color,
ment is urgently recommended as a sover- , hualtl., softneis. lustre and beauty, and pro
eign reni'.dy. In curing such poiM)iom j duce hair on bald beads of il original
sores it never tails to re-Uore the system IU ; growth and color.
a healthy state if the Pills be taken accord- j Tbis beantifnl and frarantiy ft-rfumed
ing lo llie priuted instructions. "rticle is complete within irui, m, washing
. .. . .-. . . , . . or prepiraliou belore or aiter its use, or e-
Oiphtberia. ilceratcd !xre Throat, aad ' rou,JM:uurnt ,,, ,rv kmit u.ir, rr-juired .
SoirL-t and other levers. i obum thestf desirable results.
Any of the aoov. di-. 3T b. JKRE IS THE PROOF x
by well rubbing thu I hutment tbre Inui-s a 1 u
dav into the cheat, throat and uevk of the or its
paiient ; it ill soon penetrate and give ini- SUPEEI0R P XCELLE !f CE.
mediato relief. Mudicin takea by th '
mouth roust ojrate upon the whole .v-teni p iThfirmie. tt,t,fi,4 to V
ere it. intluenee can be f. -It ia any local ! Elrlji. Carngm, y,t of the most com
part, wlMfreas tbe Ointment will do wora i P'" Drofgi, , ami Chemists of fniladrt
at on.:e. Wh.jever tries the unguent in t!:.f "" lrao" W taudoubti-
above manner for the diseases named, or I 1 am harpy to add aiy testimony to 1 1
any similar disorders allecthig :iie chest great value of the "ioaioa Ho Color fo
und throat, will Hud themselves re ieved as j slorer." v. hU h restored my hair to its origi
bv a charm. All snScrers from these com
plaints should efcJe'ope tbe throat at bed
time in a large breai and water poeaice.
alter the Ointment lias Keen well rubbed in ; secretions. It is also a beautilul hair df
it will grtntly assist the euro o tin.- throat sing and promotes Uie growth. I j.
and chest. To allay the ftrer and lewn ! fha,ed the tirst little from Elward B. Gar
the intlinimation. eight or ten Pi'ls should 1 riguo, drUj-fe-it, Tenth and Coates streets.
bv tiken night and morning. The ointu;iMit :
will prtrfluce perspiratiou, the graiKl vssen
lial in all Cales of fuvers, sore throats, or
where Ihere might be an ppreaioii ot" the
chest, eft Vr from asthma or other causes.
Pile, Fbtala-s Stricture. -
Tiie abive elas of complaints will b- n
moved by nightly fomen'in tW parts with
vtirm water, and then by most cBcctually
rubbing in the Uiuliueiit. Prrsoua sutr.riiig
from lhe dirrlul complaints should n-4
lime a moment in arretirtjr their "proges.
It should he Jinders'ood that it ia not srfi
eenl miarelv to sineur the liiutinent on tbe
atlccted parts, but it um-l be well rubbed in
for a considerable time two t three times
a day, tbat it may bo taken into the system,
whence it will remove any bidden
soto or
wouud as effectually aa Iboagh palpable lo
the eye. There again bread aud water poul-.
tices, alter the rubbing hi of tbe Omtment,
will do great service. Tbis is- the only sure
treatment for females, caoca ot cat.eer in
tlie stomach, or where there may b a gen
eral bearing down.
Indiscn-tious ef YoHth ? Jorf aad l"l"er.
Blotches, as also swellings caa, witae-.r-fainiy,
bo radically cured if the Ointment
be iiscd freulv, and the Fills Wkeii liigbl
and moriiin, as recotuiujndcd in the priut
ed instructions. hen treated in any oiucr
way they only dry up iii one place to break
out in another; wher-aa this Ointtueut will
remove the humor from tbo system, and
leave the patient a vigorous aud healthy
being. It will require time wnh the use of
the Pills to insure a lasting enre.-
l)ropleal Swcilinirs, Parli, and StiiT
Although the above complaint.- diflv-r
widely in Ihvir origin and nature, yet-ihey
all require local treatment. .Many of the
worst cases, of such diseases, will yield in
a comparatively short ipaco of tiuw when
this Oiutment ia diligently rnbbcd into- tbe
parts attected, even al ter every other means
have lailvd. Jn all serious maladies the
Pilia should be taken according to the
directions accomjKin) big each box. '
Both the Ornfmrnt and Pills should be used
in lie foilosring tjses t . .
Bad Logs, " ' lout, 4 , ' -,,
Bad Breasts, Glandular swellings,
Burns, . .. 'Lumoago,- .. , ; ,
Humous, . file,
Biie of Mosch:toes SriieuuiatUui, ,
Sand-F lira,
n:o-biy, j
( hilbt.iins, (
Chapped Hands,
Corns (soft),
,Sore Nipples,
Sore Tbioats, .
kiu Diseaes,
's'ore Heads, . .
I ititcers.
i,. a ...a c,ifri-l....
FJiphaiitiasis, Yaws.
Fistulas, IV
C'Al'TIOX I Ncne are genahie unless
the signature ol J. IL?vioci, aa agent lor
I be United states, surrounds esch bus of
Pills aud Ointment. A handsome reward
will be givcu to any one rendering such in
formatiou as may lead to tbe detection ol
any party vr parties counterfeiting the med
icines or vending the same, kiiowinj tbem
to be spurious.
" Sold at the Manfaotory of Professor
Hollowav m. C-, New York, and by all re
spectable Drnggtsht and Dealers in .Hedirine
throughont the civilised world, in pots at
2-5 cents, 62 cens, and $1 each.
E7"There Is considerable saving by taking
tba larger sixes. '
N. B Directions for the guidance ol
patients in every disorder are afhxed to
each pot. pril2o,'7tt-lyeow
Philadelphia & Beading Railroad.
AmntrtmcBt ef Passenger Trains.
Mat 2Stb, 187S.
Troias leave Hrrrisburg as follows :
For New Tork at 5 20, S 00, 8 10 a. m. 2 00
' and i 40 p.m.
For Philadelphia at o 20, 6 00, 8 10, Id
a. iu., 2 bo and 3 50 p. m.
For Reading a 6 20, 6 00, 8 10, 9 15 a. m.,
2 00, 3 oil aud 7 40 p. m.
For Pottsvilla al o 20, 8 10 t. m., and
3 50 p. ui. and via Schuylkill tL b usque
banna Branch at 2 40 p. m.
For Allentown at 5 20, 6 00, 8 10 a. ni.,
2 00, 3 50 and 7 40 p. m
The 5 20, 8 10 a. m , 1 00 and 7 40 p. m..
trains have through cars fur New Tork.
The 6 00, 8 10 a. m. and 2 00 p. m. trains
have through cars for Philadelphia.
For New Tork at 5 20 a. ni.
For Allentown and way stations at 3 20 a. ux
For Reading, Philadelphia and way stations
at I 4o p. m.
Trains for Harruburg It are at follows -
Leave New Tork at 8 45 a. m., 1 00. 5 SO
and 1 45 v. m. '
Leave Philadelphia at 9 15 a. m., 3 10, 7 10
aad i 45 p. m.
Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40, 11 20 a. m.,
1 50, 15. if 35 and 10 35 p. m.
Leave Pottsville at 6 0u, 6 45, 9 00 a. m. and
4 35 p. mand via Schuylkill and Sunpii)-
bauna Branch at 8 0-i a. m. .
Leave Allentown at 2 30, a 50, 8 55 a. m.,
12 20, 4 30 aud it 00 p. m.
The 2 30 a. m. train from Allentown and
tbe 4 40 a. m. train from Reading do out
, run on Mondays
- , SVA'DJYS. .'
Leave New Tork at 5 30 a. m.
Lear Philadelphia at 7 10 p. m. '
Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40 a. m. and 10
' 35 p. m.
Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. snd 900 p. m.
Fia Mortis and Zssex Railroad. '
General Superintendent.
A fine acsottmeut of cloths, cassiujena
veatines, Ac, aiwrys oa hand and 6ir sal
try . s.D.iiUi'W.i
London Hair Color RCatorrr.
LondoiTllatr Color Restorer.
Not a Dye ; makes harsh bitir soft and'
silky ; cleanse tbe scalp from all impuri
ties, causing tRe ba:r to crow where it has
falbn otT or Wome thin.
Can ba applied by the hand, as it doe not
slaia IU tkhtm aoil tkm imeat liaew. Asa
Hair Dressing it is the mast prrfrct the world"
; h.n ever produced. TLe hair ia renovated'
nal coii-r, ana inr nnc appears io oe perni."
ncnt. i am a.-itMiett that Ibis preparation
is nothing like ailvu but oueratw upon tbe
1 no tan ai. ien u- n-nr was ouuegray
nneu 1 coiuuieuceu iu use.
No. 7;U North Ninth street, I'bilj.
Or. Suatrme w Co., Respeetel friends : I
liave Hi'.- ploasnrK to i'llurm yon that a Indy
of my quaintaace, Mrs. Miller, hrdelight
ed wuh the sm-eew of yonr "Lowlo Il'tif
C'ofur Ktltrer n Her hair w.'s tailing rap
uiir, and vu unite gray. The elvr haa
bueu reatoreit, tlse tuliin r ft' entirely stop'
ied, aud a new growth ot hair is th results
DrsgUt, cor- Teutb 4 Coutes, Phila.
Boston Testimony.'
July 2, ISTt. Dr. Stcsije $ Sons Last
winter while lu I rcuton, .. J., I procured
I lui bottles of "Limlon.iliiir Color Restorer.'
wliicb I like very uuu-h. iu fact belter than
anything 1 have Used iu tbt last, niue years.
If you please, uil me one doxen bottles,
C O. D., f ire of VV..S. FogK-r at Soo, drug
gists, No. Treuioot stre- t, Boston.
Resjeiflfuliy yours,
"'" .' ' ' No. 53 Rutland Square.
Dr. Da'.t.jn, of Philadelphia, says of it :
The '-Lundun Hair Color Restorer" U used
very ejjejuivtiy among my patients awl
.IrU-nds, as well an by uiyscii' I lherefori
speak Irom expeneuce.
"J4 Cents per tltttir.
SIX BOTTLE 4.W Sent by Express to
- .. any adiiress on receipt of price.
Sold by all Druggists.
Jbis distressing and datigeroRs complaint
and, iu prt'bonitory. svinptoms,- nglectel
cough,- niiUit rwtats, hoarseness, wasting
rtcjti, Wvr permanently cured by Dr. .
Swajn' Compound atyittp of
Wlia therrj."
BUuNCUi l la A premonitor of Pul-
,monaiy CoBMi.tion, ia cbaracterired by
catarrh, or inllammaiion of tbe nine us mem
b: ane of the air passages "itb couch and
expect oration. !i"4 brea'.b. hoarseness,
pains. In the chest Per all bronchial alloc -tions,
sore throat, loss ol' voice, coughs,
, D It . SlfAl.lE'S
t'enipeand fynij ef Wild Cherry
lleniorrhasr, or Spttlint; of Blood, may
procucd from ilie-laruyx, traa-.tiia, bronchia
or luugs, aud arista from various causes, aa
undue physical excrli-in, plethora, or lujl-ih-ss
01 the vessels, weak lungs overstrain
ing M' te' voice, suppressed evacuation,
obstruction of .the splecu or liver, ic.
... i.
Dr. Fvrayot's ' Compound Syrup of H'i1
-. i ; '.; -' Out Tip -strikes
at fheJMt of diteaie by purifying
ibe bloody restoring llie liver and kidneys to
healthy action, invigorating the nervous
- Tle only standard remedy for bemor
rhaqa, bronchial and all pnlmonary com-'
platuta. Consumptives or those predis
posed to weak lungs, should not fail to user
this great vegetable remedy.
Its marvelous power, cut only over con
sumption, but over evtiry chronic disean
hero a gradual alt-r.tuve action ia needed,
l udcr its use tbe cough ia loosened, the
nigbt sweats dimini-bed, tbs pain subsides,
tbe puis returns to lis natural standard, tbe
stomach, is improved iu its power to digesf
and asaiiuil.it" the food, and every organ haa
a purer aud better ipialtty c bood supplied
to it, out of ahich new recreative and pass
tic inatetS.il is ',-T.ide,
$5.00. If your druggist or storekeeper ha
not got it, we will deliver hall doxen bottles'
to any address or receipt of price.
CSShould the bowels he costive, or head
ache accompany your dl-tase-, tha patient
should procure a box of
Dr. Swayae's Tar Pills.
Take tint a lew doses 01 Pills, and follow
with Swayae's Compound Syrup of Wild
The Pills will evacuate the bowels, whkb
Is of b krst importance, relieve tbe con'
gesud livr, purity tne blood, strengthen
the nerves, improve the appetite and rt
move all billiousuess. 25 cents a box 5
boxes $1. Prepared only by Da. Swv
It So.v,3:S0 Ncrth Sixth street, Philadelphia,
Sold by nil prominent Druggists.
rroiiixa piles
positively team by the nse of
' Home Testimony.
I was sorely alilicted with one of the most
distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru
rigo, or awe commonly kuown aa llchnu
Piles. The itching at times waa almost in
tolerable, increased by scratching, and not
untrequeiitiy became qiiite sore.
1 bought a box of ' Stray te's Ointment i"
its Use gave me quick relief, and in a abort
time made a perfect cure. I can now sleep
undisturbed, and I wonld advise all wbo are
suffering with this distressing complaint to
procura "Swoyue s Ointment" at once. 1
had tried prescriptions altuftst innumerable,
without finding anr permanent relief.
(Finn of Roedel It Christ,)
Boot and Shoe House, 314 North Second
street, Philadelphia.
Bwayne's All-healing Ointment is also a
specific for Tetter. Itch, Salt Rheum, Scaiil
Haad, Erysipelas Barber's Itch, Blotckres,
all Scaly," Crusty, Cutaneons Eruptions.
Parfectly safe and harmless, even Oft tha
most lender infant. Price 50 ceift. 3
boxes $1.25. - Sent Sy mail to amy taddresn
oa receipt of prtre.
Sou srr aia Lsaatso DacoAtar.
Prepared only bv
S30 North Sixth Street, i'uiladelpbia.