Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 03, 1876, Image 2

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May , HTC.
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(arrow ab r-sorsirroB.
SoTcrmnent by Detectives.
Coder the above beading the New
Hork Daily Graphic writes that the
DewecrMs in tbe House have made an
important innovation in oar political
system. Once government by the peo
ple was tbe Democratic watchword. It
was under its magi: spell that tbe Dem
ecracy rose to power nnder Jefferson
and governed tbe country for a quarter
ef a century. Then they gave as tbe
Jacksooiaa programme of government
by party. Under bis energetio leader
ship they inaugurated the 'spoils' ays
tens, which has demoralised oar eivil
service and bad such a disastrous effect
n politics generally. Now tbey have
introduced a still more questionable de
vice, which may be called government
by detectivest. The system is ingenious
and unique. Tbe Democratic House
of Representatives bas virtually re
solved that it is Congress, and that Con
gress is the supreme power in tbe land.
It bas resolved each of its committees
into a board of investigation for tbe
discovery of charges against Republi
can officers and tbe destruction of tbe
Republican party. To carry oat the
system a great body- of detectives, of
all grades, bat most of tbem of the
worst reputation, bas been set to work
lo discover or manufacture or surmise
facts and suspicions against prominent
Republicans in office and out of it. A
sot of "jobbeis" and M strikers" and
Mdead beats" have been drafted into a
secret-spy service and let loose upon
the country to boot down reputations,
damage characters, besmirch tbe Ad
ministration, and kill off every danger
on candidate for tbe Presidency.
It is a new method cf governing a
great nation, and it doe not work, well.
The machinery ts not adjusted to tbe
power, and the hands do not koow how
to work it. At first tbe plan succeed
ed admirably. Getting wind of a quar
rel between two women, the detective
police succeeded in finding facts enough
to proceed against Secretary Belknap,
though most of the charges were old.
But the rifle that brought down Belk
nap, like the double-barreled gun in
the bands of tbe cross eyed man, did
more execution than they intended, aud
killed off Pendleton beyond the possi
bility of a resurrection. The attack on
Blaine bas resulted in an unexpected
and powerful rebound. Tbe attempt
to damage Bristow bas raised bim injg0t made bis escspe from jail a few
public estimation. Tha effort to prove
that the President had used the public
money to secure his own re-election in
1872 turned out the most ridiculous
and damaging failure, and had an ap
propriate finale in tbe solemn testimony
of a witness who bad run away from a
lunatic axjlum. Tbe character of tbe
witness brought forward in the safe
burglary affair, and tbe fact that they
now contradict what they formerly tes
tified under oath, throw a profound dis
trust on all their declarations. Noth
ing is gaiued by this indefatigable boring
for sunt. Tbe clumsy methods adopt
ed by tho investigators, the transpa
rency of their purpose, tbe reign of
terror they produced by letting loose a
regiment of unprincipled spies, some of
whom have given oat that they were to
be paid $20,000 for working a clear
case against an honorable Administra
tion officer, and tbe disgust of all par
ties at tbe whole business, bate brought
discredit on the system. Plainly, gov
ernment by detectives is a failure.
Tbe Democratic operators of the
new system have got more than their
bands tall. Tbey find tbe secret de
tectives they set on the track of Re
publican officials and candidates have
no prejudices to overcome and no sera
pies to contend against. Tbey are on
tbe make, like their masters, and do
not see why they should ni bsg a little
game on tbeir own account when tbey
got a chioce. Tbey pick up informa
tion and work up bints against whom
soever they think it safe to " strike."
It is said that they have already inti
mate J to rich Democrats that unless
they "come down handsomely" it will
go hard with tbem. Democratic can
didates shake in their shoes at possible
revelations, and tbe Whisky Ring
thieves, who supposed their Democratic
allies would protect tbem, now suspect
they have been bled only to be betrayed.
It is general defamation and blackmail.
No wonder that Democrats protest
against more investigations, and tbe
honorable leaders of the party implore
its representatives in Congress to stop
playing tbe part of inquisitors and go
about their legitimate basinets The
new system is novel, but it bids fair to
exterminate its operators as well as its
objects, and is hardly likely to immor
talise its inventors. If Congress can
not give tbe oonntry a little old fash
ioned legislation, tbe sooner it adjourns
for its reputation.
Ths RirraLK
for May is out.
It to replete mith valuator
, especial-
lr in rl.lui. if i tifl nrili. w nf
frenchmen!. There are four article vtjwk
themselves we wcrth a year's subscription
"Crippling the National Government," a
r-i-i.-r ,j the pending appropriation bill,
alio- iti effect to disorganizing the Da
partnuut service; "The Civil Service Force
in tb Employ of tbe Government, aa an
alytical stata'.ocnt ot tbe civil officials in tha
service of the Republic, (this is a paper of
considerable valne ;) Onr Cnrreacy
Banks ard Banking," aa historical paper;
and "Labor and Wag a in the United Stain."
All politician, editors, and others interest-
d in public attain need this magazine.
8 end t for a year's subscription to tbe
Kcpublic Publishing Company, Washington,
D. C.
News Items.
A W04HM at Franklin, Pk.r tb oth
er evening refused to get married be
cease her intended fcwebmtr woald sot
get a carriage in which to rid to the
parson's house to have the ceremony
Henry Lessig, Esq., of Pottstown,
has worked at his occupation of shoe,
making forty-nine years longer, per
bsps, than any other cord trainer in
this country, la his present shop, at
bis residence on King street, he bas
hammered away thirty-two years, and
in that time has worn oat three floors
under his foot, asd is now about having
the fourth floor put down.
While Michael Winner and wife, of
Bowmansville, Lancaster county, were
attending market, some scamp ransack
ed their bouse but failed to secure $100
which Mr. W. bad reowved a few days
before. Tbe reason tbey didn't get the
money was that Mrs. W. put it in her
pocket and took it along to market.
William Farman, of Lebanon conn,
ty, discovered a cartridge on tbe ground
minus tbe bullet, and while attempting
to remove the dirt with which it was
covered with a knife the cartridge ex
ploded and blew off three fingers of his
left hand and injured his thumb aerere-J-
Judge Ileoderson, of Lebanon coun
ty, won't allow the Lebanonians to eat
peanuts in the Court House, and throw
tbe shells around tbe room while Court
is in session.
Solomon Keller, of Berkley, Berks
county, while examining a revolver,
not thinking it loaded, accidentally
touched the trigger and discharged it.
Tbe ball lodged in bis leg, passing al.
most entirely through it.
A Harrisburg sportsman killed three
wild ducks at ooe shot the other day.
On Tuesday night a week, as Con
stable Bradley, of Allegheoy township,
Blair county, was attempting to arrest
a boy named David Smith, of Duncans
villa, be was assaulted by tbe fstber
and mother of the boy, and daring tbe
melee the left band of tbe constable
was broken ty a blow from a skillet in
the bands of the mother. Tha boy es
caped, and warrants for tbe arrest of
tbe parents were issued.
The Tanners Association of Penn
sylvania held their Annual Convention
in Harrisburg last Friday a work.
Stewart Marsh, a young man of six.
teen, residing in Cambria eounty, fell
while runniog, on Saturday a week,
ank broke nil neck, causing instant
John Same, who was convicted of
j petjurj t Huntingdon a few weeks
days after.
Tbe great storm in Iowa a few weeks
sgo destroyed forty eounty bridges in
Bremer county.
Charles Wilson, alias Christy Wis.
tar, who was nnder arrest in Philadel
phia as one of the participants in tbe
abduction of Charlie Boss, was sen.
tenced to five years imprisment far for
gery at Brooklyn on Saturday a week.
A safe deposit rault, jast completed
in London, is deemed invulnerable. It
is sank 46 feet into the ground, with
walls of brick and concrete six feet
thick. Inside this structure is the
safe, three feet thick, made of fire-brick
and nndrillable iron. Tbe metal doors
weigh four tons each, and are swung by
hydraulic power.
New York city bas over four thou
sand lawyers.
A twenty-four pound baby was re
cently born in Pittsburg. Its mother
weighed but one hundred and tweuty.
At Concord, N. H., on Friday a week,
Abbott, who killed bit wife with an axe,
last fall, pleaded guilty to murder in
tbe second degree, and was sentenced
to thirty years' imprisonment.
A man named Schrcoder was instant
ly killed by a land-slide, covering about
an acre, at Rondout, N. Y.,on the 24th
Henry D. Wallace, of Phillipsbarg,
X. J., a brakemao on tbe Morris and
Essex railroad, was killed at Broadway,
N. J., when stepping from one ear to
another, while tbe train was in motion,
the eonpling bsppening at that moment
to break.
Henry Mull, an old man living on the
outskirts of Pottsville, committed sui
cide on the morning of the 25th ult.,
by hanging himself in tbe attic of bis
Women preachers of tbe country
number about one hundred.
The ebintx bugs threaten to destroy
the Iowa wheat crop.
A correspondent writing from Col
lins Station to tbe Harrisburg Tele
graph, says that a young man named
Wood, who bad been absent from bis
home at Marietta for about two years,
living some distance above Williams
port, started from the lattet place on
tbe 24th ult., in a small boat, common
ly called a scow, roved down the river
through the Williamsport, Muncy,
Sbamokin and Oreen'a dam scbutes
without any trouble, and managed to
get through the Middletown riffles all
right. Immediately above Conewago
falls a man called ta him that he bad
better not venture through, but be
sailed about half way through the falls
Wo he was twirled and swamped in
tbe br bls eapstxed and he
waa thrown tow fMu He swam
some distance, and "aa.j br jeoo
Crown, of York Haveo, York
At the Centennial Exhibition there
is a soldier 21 1 feet high and weighing
30 tons, from Rhode Island, where be
was ewt out or a granite quarry by a
skillful sculptor. Also, a bar of soap,
weighing 1,200 pounds, with artistic
inscriptions, is contributed by a Phila
delphia firm.
A podieeman named Beat Was shot in
the bead by another policemaw named
Hasavr, la Philadelphia last Wednes
day morning, because of too nMfeh1 ae
quafefcoo with a Wife.
A hr named Cyphers; aged1 four
yearsyve ran over and killed by a
beer WJgnrn Pbtllipebwrg, Jr. J., last
Judge Davis, of Illinois, is looming
up as candidate for the Presidency
for tbe Democracy.
A late railroad accident on tbe Ty
rone and Clearfield Railroad, at Sand
Ridge, nsade 18 orphans: Campbell, 3;
Shame, 8 ; Miller, 5 ; Walters, 2.
Philadelphia bas 2,000 boys enrolled
in the society for tbe protection of an
imals. In Robeson township, Berks eowoty,
tbe past thirty years, eight men named
Moore (all relatives) lost their lives by
It cost an Oseeolian $300 to shoot a
valuable Newfoundland dog.
Rev. Mr. Truesdale, of tbe Sharon
Presbyterian church, recently received
a counterfeit five dollar bill for marry
ing a ooaple of strangers.
Matthew Murray died in Hollidays
burg, last Thundsy, at the advanced
age of 106 years. He was the oldest
man in Blair eounty, and came to tbe
United States seventy-eight years sgo.
Oregon has four hundred trees at the
Centennial Exhibition.
Samuel J . Tilden is tbe choice of tbe
New York Democracy for the Presi
dency. The stone lintel of a second story
window of a bouse in Brooklyn, weigh
ing two bundled pounds, fell from its
place on Tuesday a week, and striking
a boy six years of sge, carried his body
through a grating upon which he was
standing into tbe cellar beneath. Tbe
boy was crashed to death.
A youth sixteen years of age, living
near Johnstown, Cambria county, de
siring to frighten some little girls,
started to run after them, when be fell
and was picked np dead, his neck hav
ing been broken by the fall.
"Talking to her husband in a loud
tone of voice" is enough to send a Per
sian wife to jail for thirty days.
A girl broke cpen and robbed the
charity box in St. Vincent de Paul'a
Catholio Church in Gennantown last
Sundsy a week.
Governor Rice, of Massachusetts, has
vetoed tbe bill to legalise the marriage
of James Parton to bis step daughter,
on the ground that it is unconstitutional.
A tragedy was enacted in Paint
township, Somerset county, on tbe 19th
nit John J. Sease struck Jacob Rose
a fatal blow across the hesd, with a
piece of lath, about fonr feet long and
three inches wide, which fractured tbe
latter's skull, causing death in a few
hoars. After the injary bad been in'
flioted on bim, Rose went before a J as
tioe of the Peace for the purpose of
making information against Sease, but
before be bad finished his statement, he
became so ill that he was unable to con
elude it. Both of the parties to this
unfortunate occurrence were about fifty
years of age, and were tbe owners of
adjoining farms in Somer&et county. It
is said that they had been on bad terms
for a considerable time previous to the
date of the quarrel which resulted in
tbe death of K se.
A Ceateanlal Coin Swindler
and CwmSdcaiceMsuB 1m Grief.
A Jersey farmer, residing in Tren
ton, came to the Centennial City tbe
other day, and wandered on until he
came to Eighteenth and Locust streets,
where be met some confidence men, who,
after talking to bim very politely, asked
him where he bailed from. On being
told Trenton, one of them remarked
that be lived in Paterson and would go
op on tbe train with bim, and said to
another that he did not care about car
rying all this gold around (displaying it
at the ssme time), as it waa too heavy.
Tbe farmer, on seeing tbe glittering
coin, tbooght it was a good time to be
gin the resumption of specie payment,
aud said eagerly, "1 will give you
greenbacks for it." Tbe man hesitated
a few moments and began to count it
out to the amount of eighty dollars
The farmer gave him in return the same
sum in currency. A short time after
tbe confidence men mysteriously disap
peared. When the former saw that bis
friends were gone be suspeoted thst be
bad been swindled, and, examining the
coin, found that it was bogus. Ssdly
he wended his way to tbe Kensington
depot to return borne, moneyless, but
perhaps a wiser man. While on his
way to Trenton on the 8 20 P. M. train
his mind wandered back into the after
noon when misfortune overtook bim,
and when the train stopped at the
Frankford junction he thought be saw a
face which he had seen before, but was
not positive. Tbe man came on board,
and on seeing tbe farmer be ru through
tbe train, which wai going at a rapid
speed, and jumped off above the Tally -town
station. Tbe swindler was picked
np by Officers Merti and Taiman, and
taken to tbe station-house, whers tbey
found in his possession tome of the
same coin which be had given to the
farmer. On being taken down on the
train to St. Mary's Hospital he said
that be waa from Baltimore, and that
his family lived in Paten on, New Jer
sey. On being examined by the doc
"" two scalp wounds were found, one
on tne a e neai an4 another on
tbe forehead, -rwe ,0 MIBf
Aaron Pax ton and Lewit0llf
bis age was 49 years. He is a" n
stoat man, light complexion, with aandy
moustache, and very powerful. For
nry tret.
BaOTHia JoATBa-Sister Public Opinion, my heart sarMens when I see tbe result of your wayward eoarae la the election of the Democratic Lower Honae of Legislature in
Pennsylvania. "Reform ! Reform you cried. See, see! bow they mi-led, and hew they Tied. Their promised reform is but a pile of log s and a buom, that has boomed a
long loud scandal on tha State, that will reqnire years of crmrt penance to wipe ont. Tor three and four hundred dollars pT head they voted to and fro oo the question of the
logs. Be warned in time, alias Public Opinion, aad at tbe next election do not favor the aame old party. If yew do, they wlff do worse in the Nation than tbey did in tbe
State on the logs. ...
Pcatic Opiio-Kay, nay ! Dear Brother Jonathan, chide me not so ; I, too, am lhwrt-sick at the bad end of my work, and whe the ides ot Beat November come, you will
see that Public Opinion bas acted nobly once again, and declared the Democratic Boose has boomed Its doom, and in thb State is entirely ndone.
Xcio Advertisements-
Administrator' Notice.
Etlatt of Jatu Crr, itetvtd.
LETTERS ot Administration on the es
tate of Jane Carran, late of Walker
township, deceased, having been grant
ed to the undersijrned, all persona in
debted to tbe said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, awl those having
claims will please preaent them without de
lay to JOILV If. MOORE,
Tan Wert, Juniata Co., Pa.
May 2, 1676.
Dissolution Sotlco.
THE partnership heretofore existing be
tween Daniel W. Harley and John
Horning, in the Clothing Business, in the
borough of Milflintown, has this day been
dissolved by mutual consent.
April 15, 1875.
Tbe business will hereafter be conducted
by D. W. Harley, at the same place, with
w hom all bills doe to or by tbe Orui should
be settled without delav.
April 19, 1876-3t
General Commission Merchants,
Grain, Hides, Wool, Tobacco,
Hopa, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Dried Fruits,
Feathers, Furs, Lard, Tallow, Seeds,
Bacon, Beans, Poultry, Flonr,
Vegetables, ax., lie.,
Wareheasr, Ko. 42 North Water Street,
March 22, 1876-6m
Register's Notice.
TV OTICE is hereby given that tbe fol
JLl following named persons have Bled
their Administrators. Executors' and Guar
dian accounts in the Register's Office of
Juniata county, and the same will be pre
sented for confirmation and allowance at
the Court House in Mitttiatown, on Tues
day, May tftb, 1876 1
1. Tbe first and final account nf William
Stewart, Executor of the but w ill and teata
ment of Rebecca Stewart, late of Beale
township, deceased.
2. Tne first and final account of Benja
min Stuck, Administrator of Peter Bossier,
late of Fayette township, deceased.
5. Tbe account of JNancy Bender, Ad
ministratrix of Elisabeth Moist, late of
Sprcce Hill township, deceased.
4. Tbe account of E. S. Doty, Adminis
trator . d . mn of Joseph Moat, late of
Fermanagh township, deceased.
6. The account of E. S. Doty, Adminis
trator a- 4. . aos of Mosea Most, late of
Fermanagh township, deceased.
6. The account of John and Henry Hoff
man. Administrator of Jonathan Bucking
ton, late of Snstjuebauna township, dee'd.
7. Tbe account of Alexander Wallace,
Executor of the laat will and tectament of
Noah E Kirk, late of Tnscarora township,
8. Tbe fourth partial account of Joseph
Rotbrock, Executor of the last will and tes
tament of Robert C. Gallagher, late of Fer
managh township, deceased.
V. The first and partial account of Robert
McMeen, Executor of tbe last will ard tes
tament of Margaret McMeen, late of Walker
township, deceased.
10. Tbe account ot John Coffin an, Guar
dian of Mary E. Kennedy, minor child of
Richard Kennedy, of Beale township.
11. The first and final account of Charles
L Waream, Executor of Samuel Keriin, de
ceased. I
12. The second and final account of Al
fred S Patterson and f S Brennisholts, Ad
ministrators of Peter Brennisholts, dee'd.
13. The account of William B JfcCahan,
Administrator of Abraham Holman, late of
itfilford township, deceased.
J. T. METLIN, RtfUter. I
Rxoistib's OrricB, !
Mifflintown. April 12, 1876. j
T. VAN IRV1X, Cashier.
Geo. Jacobs,
H.H. Beewtel
John Balsbacn
J. W. Track.
(Amos G. Bonsall,
Jerome N. Thompson,
Joseph Rothreck,
- . I
New Advertisements.
a task a,
Jinn Eliza
TsM intii Mtn
a Mormon!
lasvn r-o4'
vnamy. Wo-
man's Otorv
Oouaft Ml
mora Ms
aOO.Tl I tiilliii. llmlmrti
nawllMrkCInln,ife,liiidN. katoa
' ii. uai, sucsssassMt v
AoK.fTS Warrant Medals and Diotonus
tor UOLMAN'S A want d".
l,ft0 Illustrations. Address for new cir
culars, A. J. HOI.MAN at CO., 93U Arch
street, Philadelphia.
e OutflUTjVXrTPRIXTS of the AQKS.
i FREE M. Our Government and His
f tory. Goodspeed's Pub. House, Saw
YoaK and Qmicaoo.
10 A DAY at home. Agents wanted.
$1X1 Outfit and terms free. TRUE fc CO.,
Augusta, Maine. '
Agents, Male and Female, In tbeir
own locality. Terms ami OUTFIT
FREE. Address P. O. VICKERY k. CO.,
Augusta, Maine.
AT 0 (JjOfl I home. Terms free.
PU PiU Address Geo. Srissos a. Co.,
Portland, Me.
Any pTson suffering from Dyspepsia or
Ind;gestion will be cured by nsing
Dr. WillariT Compound Powder.
Send for a trial package, it costs nothing,
and will cure you. Address D1BBLKE at
CO., Chemists, 1855 Broadway, New York.
FREE GIFT of a Piano for distributing
our circulars. Address U. S. 1'iaso
Co., 810 Broadway, New York.
near tbe great Kanawha River, in Putnam
county, West Virginia, in quantities to suit
purchasers. Soil good, water pure and
abundant, timber excclleat ; churches,
schools and mills convenient ; title perrect.
Price t3 to $8 per acre. Terms accommo
dating. Send for full description to J. L.
McLEAN, Winfield, Putnam Co., W. Va.
Pamps, light or hesvy, made to order.
Cucumber Wood Pumps always on hand.
These guaranteed never to freeae in Win
ter. Wood, Iron, Terra Cotta, or Lead
Water Pipe pnt down on short notice
tl Repairing promptly attended to.
Please give ns a call before purchasing
elsewhere, ai we are determined to sell al
the very lowest prices.
Call on or address
WM. NOBLE, Port Royal,
or, FRANK NOBLE, Mifflintown.
(Belford Building;,)
Main Street, ailffllsitowsi. Pa.
Selected with great care, and warranted
jrom high authority.
for medical purpose.
CYPRES QRJPTIONS cmponnded with
great care. : June 22-tt.
Tbe Ssmm abb RarrsLicas bas no
superior aa an advertising medium in this
county, and as journal of varied news
and reading it Is not surpassed by any
weekly paper lu central Pennsylvania.
Professional Cards.
31. CRAWFORD, 31. D.,
Has resumed actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery and tbeir collateral
branches. Ottice at the old corner of Third
aud Orange streets, Miffiiutowo, Pa.
March 29, 1876
E7ToII rrt teg sod Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orrici On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House Square.
AttnmAV n.nr1 flnnrtuAlnr -at-T.aw.
Prompt attention give t9 the secnf'..g ;
and coiieethig of claims, and all legal btii-
Orrics on bridgo street, first door west f
of tbe Belford building.
April 14, l7o-tf I
C" AH business promptly attended to.
Orrics Ob Bridge street, opposite the
Court House square.
Has resumed actively tbe practice of his ;
profession. All business promptly attend
ed In. Office, as formerly, adjoining his
residence, opposite Court Reuse, BlitHin
town, Pa.
Dec. 22, 1875.
joun Mclaughlin,
PORT RorjL, juxijtj co.t rj.
COnly reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 1875-ly
Office opposite Lutheran Church,
Where he will spend the first ten days of
each month, commencing December IsU
Tbe balance of the time his office wiU be
occupied by J. S Kilmer, a young man
worthy of confidence, and who haa been
associated with tbe Doctor as student and
assistant two years and upwards. Those
who call during Dr. Bnrlan's absence for
professional service, may. and will please
arrange tbe time with Mr. Kilmer when they
may be served, on tbe relura of tbe Doctor.
Physician and Surgeon,
tatrusTowy, rj..
Office hours from 9 a. si. to 2 r. Of.
flee in his father's residence, at the south
end of Water street. oct22-tf
J) L. ALLEN, M. D.,
Haa commenced tbe practice of Medicine
and S nrgery and all tbeir collateral branches.
Office at Academia, at the residence of
Capt J. J. Patterson.
july 15, 1874
Continues the practice of Medicine and
Surgery and all tbeir collateral branchea.
Office at his residence la McAlisterrille.
Peb 9, 1876.
dcadenia, Juniata Co., Pa.
Otticb formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrett.
Profess ion al business promptly attended to
at all hours.
April 7, 1872-tf
Will visit Mifflin and Patterson every
Tuesday, Thursdsy and Saturday mornings
and will furnish the cMiaens ef these bor
oughs witi the best ef
at the very lowest prices. He respectfully
solicits the patronage of the public. .
Sew Aflvertisemeitts.
The Philadelphia aad Readlua; Railread
Hereby gives notice, that or be ftfW'Ibv
First ef May text,
Tbey will open a Passenger Station in
Fairmount Park, upon the line of the Junc
tion Railread, in close proximitv to Mem
orial Hall and other principal buildings of
or the
HIBITION, And that regular passenger and excursion
trains will thereafter be run between the new
station and the various pointa upon their
aifveral railwar lines.
The attention of citizens of PhiUdtHi
look jpg fr ? nmntfT Kesirtence, and of
strangers deMrina to seciwe bouses or lodg
ing in the vicinity of Philadelphia during
tin- pr-notl of the Exhibition, is called to the
lart that, from nearly all plarea cpon tbe
railrou'la of the Company withhs twenty or
Airily mile or thv olv, p.usengera will be
able to rearb tbe Exhibition without change
or car in as slturt a time aa it will require
lo moke tbe trip by horse cars from many
trii. tn tbe t-iiv.
For mfortMttun apply U C. G. Hancock,
Ceneral Ticket Agent, No. '.Si South 4th
tree!, Philadelphia, and to the several local
superintendents, or to the andersimied.
Gntrat S99trinttmdent.
Reams, Mar. , 1876. uarlo-tlt
(Successors to D. P. Sakma,)
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster,
We buy Grain, to be delivered at Mifflin
town or Port RoyaL
We are prepared to furnish Sail to dealers
st reasonable rates.
April 21, 1876-tr
Panning Machinery and Agricultural Im
plements, such as
Corn Planters, Corn Workers,
Horse Powers from One to Ten Horse
Agricultural, Portable, and Stationary
Steam Engine,
Cider Hills, Hay Forks, Hay Rakes, Grain
Drills, and farming machinery and imple
ments of every description. Address
Port Roysl, Juniata Co., Pa.
April 12, 1876.
Ci imIw m4 SnSa er
CG. BLATCrlUY, MWf, XX Coarr. 8t!7sila
The Sentnel mod Btwubhran office ia the
place toget job work done. Try it. It will
pay you if you need anything in that line.
Sentinel and Kepubiieaa 11.60 a year
1l'H 111
Jtst Advertisement.
Disease witlt its- Agonies :
Atrton DUordtrt.
Wba't IV ttWre fearful than a breaking
down of the aervous system f To be ex
citable or nervods 19 a small degree is most
distressing, for where can a remedy be
lonnd f There is one i drink but little
wine, beer, or spirits, or far better, Bone j
take sx coffee, weak tea being preferable ;
get all the fresh air yoa can ; lake three or
lour Pills every night ; eat plenty of solids,
avoiding the use of slops ; and if these
golden rules are followed, yon will Le hap
py in frfthd and strong in body, and lorget
you have any nerves.
ihtkert ewd Damgkler.
If there Is one thing more than anothor
for which these Pills are so famous, it is
their purifying properties, especially tbeir
power of cleansing tbe Wood from all im
purities, and removing dangerous and sus
pended secretions. Universally adopted ss
the one grand remedy for female complaints,
they never tail, never weaken the system,
and always bring about what h required.
Sick Mtmiarkf aW H am Jpptttfe.
These fee Ings which so sadden us, most
frequently arv-e from annoyances or trouble,
from orMrOCted perspiration, or from eating
ot drinking; what In unfit for as, thus disor
dering the liver and stwWMCh. These organs
must be regulated if yon wish to be well.
Tbe Pills, if taken according to the printed
instructions, will quickly restore a health-
action to both liver and stomach, whence
lollow. aa a natural consequence, a good
appelit add a clear bead. la tbe East and
West Indies scarcely any other medicine la
ever Used for these disorders.
How tm bt Strng.
Never let the boweh be either confined of
ndnly acted npon. It mar appear singu
lar that Holiowiy's Pills should be recom
meode) for a rnn upon the bowels, many
persona supposing that tbey would increase
relaxation. Tew W a great mistake, how
ever; for these Pills will Immediately cor
rect tha liver aud stop every kind ot bowel
complaint. In warm climates thousands of
lives have been saved by the ae or tni
medicine, which in all caws gives tone awl
vigor to the wbole organic svstem, however
deranged, health and strength following aa
a matter or roars. The appetite, too, la
wonderfully increased by the wae of tbe
Pills, combined m tbe use of solid in pre f
e re nee to fluid diet. Animal food Is better
than broths and stews. By removing acri d ,
fermented, cv other impure humors fro n
the liver, stomach or Mood, tbe cause vf
dysentery, diarrhoea, and other bowel com
plaints is expelled. The result is, that th
disturbance n arrested, and tho action of
the bowels becomes regular. Nothing will
stop tbe relaxation of tne bowels so quickly
so) tab foe correcting medicine.
JHtordm of the Ki&my.
In all disease affecting these organs,
whether tbey secrete too much cr too iittlo
water; or whether tbey be afflicted with
stone or gravel, or with aches sad pain
settled in the loins over the regions of tho
kidniys, these Pills should be takra ac
cording to the printed directions, and tho
Ointments should be well rubbed into tho
small of the bark at bedtime. This treat
ment will give almost immediate relief when
all other means have failed.
Ffr Stomachs out of Ordtr.
No medicine will so effectually improve
the tone of the stomach as these Pills;
tbey remove ait acidity, occasioned either
by intemperance or improper diet. The
reach the liver aud reduce it Xn a healthy
actios f tbey are wonderfully enVaeions in
cases of spasm in fori they nevri fail in
curing all disorders of the liver and stomach-.
Hollorcvy't Pills art far best rtmfily iwoarw
r far morld fer Ih foilarng disease .-
Ague. ItitlxmiiMtion,
Asthma, Uaundire,
Billons CempUiutit, : Liver Complaint,
Blotches the Skin, Lumbago,
Bowel Complaints, , Piles,
Coliesy Uheuusti.vm.
ConMifatrfcw of tin- Retention of Urine,
Bowels, ;S-rluU, or King'-r
Consumption, j Evil.
Debility, ;Sre Throat,
I'T.' .! tone and Gravel,
DyschKry, '5ociiMiary Symptoms'
Erysielaa, :Tic-Dnlvurenx,
Female Irregnlaritiea Tumor,
Fevers of all kinds, Tlcers,
Fit-, Venereal Affections,
Gout, IWormaof all kiml.
I lead j-he, : VfeaKnem fww any
Inaiieertiori, canse, ox.
C.4 CTIONi ! None are genuine unlets
tho siguature ol J. IIatuock, as agent for
the Uuiteti Stales, surround each box "f
PiA. and Oiutin. ul. A handsome reward
will be given to any one rendering sncb in
formation as a.ar lead to the detection ol
any party or parties counterfeiting the med
icines or vending the same, knowing them
to he spnrlons.
. Sold at the Maawfactory of Profess
Hollowav k. Co., New York, and by all re
spectable Druggists and Dealers in Medi
cines throughout tbe civilized world, in
hoses at bvaea at 25 cents, 62 cents, and $1
There is considerable saving by taking
tbe larger sires.
N. B. Directions for tbe guidance of
patients in every disorder are affixed to each
hex. (.iprJH, '-lyeow.
Philadelphia & Beading Railroad.
ArraBgTBsrBt ef Passe-ager Tralas.
Jascabt 1st, 1878.
7Vrj tone 11 trrisiurg ms follows i
For New York at 5 20, 8 10 a. na.. 2 00 and
7 40 b. m.
For Philadelphia at 6 20, 8 10, 9 ii a. m.,
2 0W and S 60 p. m.
For Reading at 6 20, 8 10, 9 46 a. 2 00,
60 and 7 40 p. m.
For Pottsville al 5 20, 8 10 a. m., and S 50
p. m. ana via Schuylkill a. Susquehanna
Branch at 2 40 t- m.
For A lien town at 6 20, 8 10 a. m 2 00,
3 60 and 7 40 p. a.
The 5 20, 8 10 a. m , 2 00 awd 1 40 p. m.
trains have through cars for New York.
The 8 10 a. m. and 2 00 p. aa. trains havo
wrouga cars I or rmiadetpbia.
For New York at 6 20 a. m.
For Allentown and way stations at 520 a. m.
ror Keaarng, Philadelphia and way stations
at 1 45 p. m.
Train for Hamslmrg lean om follows :
Leave New York at W) a. m., 1 00. 5 13
and 7 45 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia at 9 15 a. m., 3 40 aad
7 10 p. m.
Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40, 1 1 20 a. m.,
1 50, 6 15 and 10 20 p. m.
Leave Pottsville at 6 00, 9 OO a. m. and 4 35
p. m., and via Schuylkill and Susque
hanna Branch at 8 05 a. m.
Leave Allentown at 2 30, 5 50, 8 55 a. tm.,
12 20. 4 SUJ ..id M 4:1 n n
The 2 a. m. train frora Atlentowa and
tbe 40 a. m. train from Reading do not
raa on Mondays-
Leave New York at h IS m.
Leave Philadelphia at 7 10 p. bs.
Leave Reading at 4 40, 7 40 a. m. and 10
20 p. .
Leave Allentown at 2 ) a. m. tad 8 45 p. m.
Via Jtorrts and Ex Railroad. .
General SoptrMtndtnt.
I arge stock of ready made clothing ol tho
J-4 latest and choicest styles, tor men aad
boys, hats, caps, boots and shoes, notions.
fmnUhin; goods in endless variety for sale
at Samuel atrayer's, IB Patterson.
Subscribe for the Sentinel it BepaMkaa.