Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 05, 1876, Image 2

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Wedaeaday. April , UTS.
B. F. SCHWElE-ll,
smtob xn ririimi.
Tnt ltepublican State Convention ol
Ohio, last Wednesday instructed its
delegates to the National Convention
to supptrt Ooveruor Haves.
- 1HS Kepublter-";,, Coeveetiw.1
,h' SZ7' " "eJreoi.spir.ci.iv beeu made to coerce
. ernur liarirauft nt the Aattonal lc
veutiou for tiic ireideicjr. See reao
Intiooa. - - '-
W ! the. Deuioerarie members of
Congress g info $10O,OH) worth of in
vestigation eao! wnearth $17 Worth of
Republican corruption they call it
"economy !" And this reminds us of
the man who invested $5,000 iu law to
pet $5 worth cf tatiafaotiou. .VonctcA
" Tt distance that lends enchant
ment. " So said a Coifed States Son
tor, and coutinued furtbur, " 1 God the
ru?set pie of Senatorial greatnes
fuil of ashes, palling to my taste."
'Tu the old story, told thousand of
xrars gn, tliat it is all vauity and rex
iun of spirit.
Sancit. J. Tiuits, Governor of New
Tort, did nut inherit riches. He began the
world a poor lawyer. lie never er gaged in
any businesa but law, and now he i worth
from $7, OO.GOu to $S,O00,HX, and what
twrilcxe the Democrat v in their iuvestiz- !
tions, which are (roving themselves big
elephants 011 their hands, ia to establish how
Ti'd-B got so rich honestly. A no 1 her Dem
ocratic Presidential candidate goue gone
never to return, like Pendleton. Nice re
former. Tut bill allowing Ur. James Pur ton to
marry a lady who is no relation to him and
whom he has already married, has passed
both houses of the Masachuets Legisla-
ture and goes to the Governor for bis ig
nature. God save the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts. On March 31, 187-5, just
one year ago, State Senator Robert McKen
na, ol Tena:sec, was sent to prison for
five years for in-irrying his deceased wife's
grand-daughter. Is civilization a failure, or
is the Circassian played out f Grapl tc
m !
Coxobes has imprisoned a man lor re
fusing a hile on the witness stand before
that body to produce books of his private
business that arc supposed to cover a num
ber of real estate transactions in which the
witness was engaged. The country is com
mencing to earnestly inquire what right
Congress has to imprison a man in auch a
case. It is a monstrous satire that the Dem
ocratic Congressmen are playing on justice.
In March's case they claimed that they
could not bold bim lor the impeachment
trial. In Kiibouru' case they claimed the
right to imprison because as a witness be
would not surrender his private booka for
their inspection.
Kepubliean Stats Convention.
The Kcpublicau State Convention,
called to prepare the political way for
the Presidential campaign met at Har
risburg, last Wednesday, and expedi
tiously and satisfactorily performed that
dutj. No couveation ever ran with less
jar. From beginning to end every cb
ject aimed at was smoothly reached.
The delegate met in the Opera House,
and were called to order about noon by
Col. U. M. Hoyt, Chairman of the Re-1 Publicans of the Union for the nomtna
Li- c. . n . 1 11 -.. it ! tion for the Piesidcncy of the United
pubiicau State Central Committee. By i , .. , 3 .....
r , . , , f , "I Stages, in fuil confidence that the great
acclamation General W. H. Koonti was qo,Utie, myz have rendered his ad
chosen temporary chairman. The Gen- ministration of State affairs a model.
eral delivered a stirring speech, after
which the Convention settled down to
business, euch as the appointing of
committees, 00 permanent ergauixation
credentials, organixation and reso!u
tion, and then adjourned to dinner.
Oa the re assembling of the Conven
tion at 3 o'clock P. M , Hon. i-.dw.ird
McPbersn was chosen permanent chair-
inau. Mr. Mcl'Lersoo thanked the
ciDvouti.in for the compliment con
lei red ou Lim, but refused to go into a
Ibe National Convection delegation
and the electors having been announced,
the committee on resolutions reported
the Platform as follows :
Resolved, That wc herebyre affirm the
platform adopted by the Kepubliean
State Convention at Lancaster in 1875,
a d in view of recent events at Wash
ington, we emphatically endorse that
part of it which demands bonest men
iu office, tueu with braos enough to
know dishonesty when they see it, and
courage euough to fight it wherever
they fiud it. The Republican party is
committed by its origin, its traditions,
its history and its duties to an intrepid
aud honest admicistration of public
aflairs, and wherever in National, State
or municipal life maladministration has
existed or does eiitt, we demand that
it be exposed and coirected and the
guilty punished, and to this end we
pledge the full measure of our support
as citizens and as voters.
Resolved, That we look to the Cin
cinnati Convention to give us candi
dates for President aud Vice President
who are above suspicion, and in whose
crsoual integrity the nation can most
nrely trust ; and that we also look to
our friend, throughout the Slate to
make aura thai in presenting candidates
for Congress and the Legislature, they
select those only who ara known to be
honest, capable and faithful to the Con
stitution. Resoletd, That the Republicans of
I eunsylvania, having nothing iu their
pat inatory which they wish to blot out
r apology for, or Would b,Te th- M
tiou lorget, arraiico the D-mr....
leaders in Congress and their abettora
for the preferences shown to the deadly
principles, aud fr the subserviency
shown to the defiaut leaders of the late
Confederacy, now dominating tbeiu ;
for their removal from office of Union
soldiers, sod appointment of Confeder
ate soldiers; for the re pes ted indica
tions of their purpose, only co itrolled
by fear, to open the Treasury of the
uation to alarming and unjust pecuni
ary demands from the insurrectionary
States; for their persistent effort to
force amnesty upon men too prond or
unrepentant to ask it, or too guilty to
deserve it, and for the combined reck
lessness and cowardice of their course
on financial questions, a recklessness
which mischievously holds oat a threat
to overthrow eiisting laws, and a cew
ardiee or incapacity to originate t ub-
f titute lor them, all of which etp tee
the Deuideratio partj at without na
tional instinct or au vaseetioml ntf
pulse, or an affirmative policy ; n unfit
to bo trusted bj the country which,
ben last under their coutrol, tbej
mad I j harried into the vortex of irJ
Resolved. That reeent events id i
i -i State clearly epo pr-
)., .-faaV i
.9 mem all
.-. jKeID
lal eleo I
i ifae nest freama,
j" " - , ,hi,ed brutal and bloody
roiars, ana esse initiative conspiracies
are at this moment in operation in or
der that au unprincipled aud fraudulent
majority may deprive properly-chosen
officers' of their rights, and as against
these outrages we take an appeal to the
people of the nation.
Resolved, That the common safety
demands that our public schools shall
not iuly be free to all, but shall be pre
served from alt special of partial con
trol, and all attempts to divide the
school fund for any purpose whatever,
or to d'.vert any portion of it into a
channel sot under popular coutrol, are
to be frowned upon aud resisted with
unyielding firmness. The reeent de
feat in the IVmocratie Legislature of
Mar laud of a constitutional asaend
uient to secure the common school laud
of that State against division rereads at
once a grave danger aud its source, and,
with other like facta, make plcift the
duty of Congress to submit sseh an
ameudnient to the ConstitutioTf of the
j United States as, when adopted, will
j effectually defend the common school
system from all enemies, open or covert.
RevHvtd, That the attempt of the
Democratic House of Representative
at Washington, in the face of the de
pressed condition of American indus
try, to iufiict upon the nation a free
trade tariff, is an insult to the intelli
gence of the people and an evidence of
the inability of the Democratic party
to meet the present wants of the coun
try. The remedy for our suffering in
dustries is in a higher, not a lower
Resolved, That the neglect of the
public business of the State bv the
present majority of the lower branch !
of the Legislature, and tba plainly ap
parent purpose of that majority t3 pro
long the session with the sole object of
thereby increasing their pay, is worthy
of the strongest censure, and mast, if
persisted in, awaken the jast indigna
tion of an outraged people.
Resolved, That the uniform policy of
the Kepubliean party of Pennsylvania,
in keeping down the burden of taxation,
while steadily reducing the public debt,
should . be persistently maintained ;
when the debt is wiped out the public
expenditures ehould be confined to the
civil expeuscs of the State government,
the support of her public and soldiers'
orphan schools and the efficiency of
ber reformatory and penal institutions.
Resolved, That the recommendation
by (Joverner Hartraiift of a uoiloiui
system of municipal government
throughout the State, and of the adop
tion of effective measures to prevent a
further increase of uiuuicipal indebted
ness, is worthy of all commendation,
and should be put into practical opera
tijn at as early a day as possible. j
Resolved, That in recognition of the
eminent services, both 10 the field and
Cabinet, the rare executive ability and
the unswerving rectitude of Governor
Hartranft, the Republicans of Pennsyl
vania, with just pride, present his
j name to the consideration of the
even by the confession of political foes
would insure a w se, a capable, an un
flinching, honest snd successful con
duct of the vast and varied interests of
the natron, and that the delegation
frem Pennsylvania to the National Re
publican Convention are hereby in
structed to present Governor Hart
ranft's name to that convention as the
choice of Pennsylvania, and to give
him an earnest, constant and United
support, and npou all questions to be
brought before or arising in the con
vention to cast the vote as a unit as a
majority of the delegates shall instrnot.
Henry 31. Hoyt was chosen chair'
man of the State Central Committee,
and Maj. V. Norris Secretary.
fit a.
In Callfor
Tbe Chinese question is discussed
by the California and Nevada jour
nal in a tone of alarm and despond
ency that can be little understood or
appreciated in the Atlantic States.
Thev appear to Lave come to the
conclusion that it is as impossible to
resist this Asiatic tide as to turn the
waves of th ocean. The San Fran
cisco Chronicle uars that every in itis-
trv thev attack yields to their patient
endeavor, and in every trade and oc
cupation in which they engage the
European and American worker re
tires beaten and discomfited. Laws
against gambling. Vagrancy, beg-ing,
prostitution, the sale of women, fail
ntterly to correct any of these evils
in consetpu-uce of the simple policy
of non-resisting submission. They
have their own courts, orders, gov
ernments, morals, religion, language
customs and institutions, and all op
position to them falls powerless. The
Nevada Enterprise cites tbe fact of
their complete sway in the East In
dian waters, where all competition
against them is unavailing. Their
numbers alone could not do it. But
their patient submission, their invin
cible industry and perseverance, and
their perfect organization and dis
cipline prevail against ail obstacles.
Aorik jjnurican.
The Legislature cf Mississippi some
time sinee drew articles of impeach
ment against Uovernor Ames. The
Governor proposed that ,f tby won,d
ithdraw the articles of impeaeUm.n,
he would resiar, the Q..vernsbip. The
articles were withdrawn, and Ames re
signed on tbe 119th of March.
Tbe Secretary of the Treasury will
soon oe directed to issue stiver coins
ot the United States of denomination
of ten, twenty-five and fifty cents, of an
equal amount of fractional currency.
It is bow said that Babcock and his law.
vers hired a man named Bell to ateal the
testimony against Babcock from District
Attorney Djrre. Investigate. Rc-try Bab
eock. . Try the !acrs. "
A Man AdmlBlttera 3frptalne
i nra anaiiy aai Ulnseir,
wltli Fatal catectv.
Tbe cUisws,. of H.lsboro war.
led . nsoroioa; by P
Umt a faardent of Ibat
aosed bia wife, threw children, and him
self. The report proved to be true, or
part' aw at lean,- and the facts. aj
J-T1riTriass ""iV S.SjflSlSaatfl - JvV
atne is Ueorge shields, about thirty
or thirty three yeara of age, an Irish-
man. and h nrntmatinn .
7 J v. m 3UVVIUMCI 1
his specialty being, we believe, women's
work. Lie has bet n a resident of the
town more than two or three years bet
bad rarued a good reputation as a work
man, and as a steady and industrious
man. Hard times however, and scar
city of work bad their effect. And
brooding over bis troubles, and per
haps in morbid imagination seeing
nothmg but atarvation staring himself
and bis little family in the faee, he
resolved on their destruction and his
own through tne agency of a deadly
narcotic. Procuring a quantity of
morphine, the next question was how
to administer it to bis wife and chil
dren without their knowledge. This
he did by making a quantity of egg-nog
on Wednesday evening, of which the
family partook and retiied to bed,
leaving Shields sitting up. It seems
that the dose was too small to produce
the intended effect, and the wife and
children slept through the nifbt without
feeing any bad effects from the drug.
Some time during the nipht Shields
tool: another dow Toward morning
bis wife awoke, and was surprised to
find her husband still up, and sitting
bv the stove writing. As soon ss be
discovered that she was awake h
threw the paper uprn . which he had
been writing into the stove, thus des
troying' what is supposed to have been
intended ss a statement or dying declar
ation. Within- a short time Shields
became 'senseless from the effect of
i the morphine he had taken, snd foil to
I the floor.'"' The alarm was given and
1 medical aid rmenred. Bv this time
the wife and children had also become
deathly sick, and for some time it
seemed as thnneh the intentions of the
hueband and father wonld be sneeesa
fu. and that all would die. l?v the
prompt nsi. however, of the proper
remedies the wife and children were
restored to consciousness, and their re
covery i,is hrpel for. Shields re
mained in a very critical condition
during the day, with slight prospects
for recovery at time, bat died ia the
eveniug. I understand that some time
yesterday Shields made a statement to
the effect that be did not intend to kill
bis wife or the children, but only gave
them enough, as he thought, to stupefy
them so that they wonld not witness
bis death. This statement will be taken
of course with some grains of allow
ance, although I believe there are
many who have confidence in it.
Shields is said to be respectably con
nected by marriage, his wife being
, of Lynchburg, O , and the
terrible tragedy has cast a gloom over
thai community, where be formerly re
sided and was well and favorable
News Items.
The Clesrfied Raftsman's Journal
I says that the number of rafts on tbe
est Branch and its tributaries that
will be sent to market this season will
reach about 200. In 1871 over 2,000
rafts were run to market from the
same localities, and in 18,5 about
1,300, of which, perhaps, some 250
rafts are unsold-
Gen. Simon Cameron certifies that
the Pottsville Natioual Light Infantry
was the first company of volunteers
whose services were offered for the de
fense of the national capitai in ISG1.
The company telegraphed to tbe War
Department an offer of its services on
the 14 t!i of April, and arrived at Wash
ington on the 18th.
John Swineborne, tbe Waterloo vet
eran, who died recently in the Wash
ington, Me., Poorhouse, had carried a
bullet in bis head for sixty-one year.
The lagest ice-bouse in the world is
in Brussels, Belgium. It covers an
area of 18,000 square feet and will
store a million tons of iee.
It is rumored that a new counterfeit
five-dullar note on the Merchants' Na
tional Bank of New Bedford, Mass., ij
in circulation. It is said to have been
printed in Texas, and tbe work of tbe
notorious counterfeiter, Pete McCart
E. Leiby, of Roaring Creek town
ship, Columbia county, has a horse forty
seven years old still able to do a full
day's work. Benjamin Fortncr, of Cat
awissa, owns a pair of grays, each thirty
ODe years old this spring.
Mits Bidwell, who married Mr. Bod
well, of Philadelphia, got her "i"
knocked out during tbe ceremony.
A judge in Virginia has been iiu
pesched for playing poker. His defence
was that he played in his individual
and not in his official capacity. But
this did not avail him. The virtuous 1
House of Delegates at Richmond re
moved him by a vote of 79 to 16 If
this case is to be regarded as a prece
dent, judicisl amusements will be con
siderably curtailed.
Governor Hartranft has issued the
death warrant fi r the execution of
Thomas F. Carley in Montgomery
county, on May 9.
A singular accident of a serious
character overtook a man in New Jer
sey last week. It is related thus :
While some fishermen, who Lave their
headquarters on the shore of tbe Hud
eon, opposite tbe Elysian Fields, in Ho
boken, were cutting poles on Tuesday,
one of tbem ran alrng the logs, and
slipping, fell on his back with his arms
A despatch from Austin, Texas, un
der date of March 30, says : The United
States mail stsge from San Antonia to
Austin was stopped by two masked
men on Monday and robbed of $2,000
and two horses.
Last Thursday snow fell generally in
Tbe Bank of Greenfield, Ohio, a pti-
vate concern, suspended on the 29th
Liabilities, I&0.000.
!f'"'.,ne" ef severely injured on
rt 1 timber truss in the
Joseph Hall, a baiter, of 1W
was disoovered lying bcia the de d
body of bis wife with bis throat eot'ou
the morning of tbe SOtb nit. The wo
man bad been beaten to death by him
with a heavy wash-bowl and pitcher.
Hall was taken to tbe hospital, aod will
A tfeteranW ewioMw ia related thus:
bv despatch frees Ol. louis on tne 3UU.
ef Marob 1 Frederick KobefTa a mem
bee of the firm of J. Roeali A Co.,
bookbinders, committed stneide fast
oiglit by severing the arteries' of bis
wrnvtSf bat no! dying speedily eiongh
that way, banged himself with i towel
to the bed-post, where be Its found
dead by his wife abortf VyV'kffjiniretCbir the earswbi'e wy Xing' (.a the
jjef WWJid Jxbe act. Oa the PenosyjTiO railroad traekr one mile
same uay a' suicide was reported by de
spatch from Milford, N. n., which says :
A yonng medical student named Chas.
G. HutcHinsotr shot himself dead last
night. Sickness was tbe cause.' A
third suicide was reported on the same
day from Leroy, N. Y. Geo. W. Free
man, a respected merchant, committed
suicido on Wednesday night. He tied
a bed-cord to a door-knob, passed it
over the top of tbe door, aod fastening
it around bis neck, drew up his legs,
remaining In that position until be died.
He was insane.
' Intemperance is the ruling vice in
Japan. Even the women get glorious
ly drunk.
A little girl living in Philadelphia
jumped into eternity the other day by
means of a skipping rope, che jumped
one hundred times in succession, fell
down, was picked up and carried into
tbe bonse, where she died.
A monster gun is said to b on its
way to tbe Ceutennial Exhibition. It
is from the celebrated manufaetory of
Krupp. in Berlin. Its weight is 110,
000 pound.-', or 55 tons. It will be
one of the principal features of the
German department. This weighty
piece of artillery is equal to tbe famons
gun in England, known as "Queen Ann's
Pocket Pieee," which it ia said has
never been fired off.
Wm H. Sheriff, of Slate Hill, York
county, was on his way borne on Moo
day night a week, between tbe hours of
2 and 3 o'clock. He was accosted by
two ruffians, who bucked and gagged
him, and tied him to a tree, after which
they relieved him of his cash, which
amounted to $1.03 and a seven-shoot
ing revolver.
Iu a battle between Virgin!
Philadelphia fishermen on the lower
Potomac on the 3lst ult.. Spencer rifles
were freely used, and several persons
were seriously wounded.
Abraham Jack -on, the Boston law
yer convicted of forgery apd swindling,
has been sentenced to ten years in the
State prison.
Rudolph A. Dryer, the cashier of the
Farmers' and Traders' Bank of St.
Louis, who absconded with $00,000 of
the fuuds, has been arrested at Austin,
A man calling himself Frank Mars
ton has been arrested in New York fcr
passing counterfeit five-dollar bills 00
the Traders' National Bank of Chicago.
The bills were well executed.
While an Iowa woman was strug
gling in the water aud likely to drown,
her husband yelled oat, "New bonnet
swim for life !" and she kicked out
aod safely reached tbe shore.
There are fifty-three Saturdays aod
fifty-three Sundays iu 187G. So those
emclovers who pav on
tiaturdavs wilt
1 ... . 1, . - 1. . n .1 . f,.- fift-.llir I
7 , ' . , -, ., j j ,.,lt l.yooa, Assignee of Calvin B l-anley,
weeks' work, while the hands do but hs aM Ih(J 6nt Ultmilvd ,,. Hna,
little over fifty-two iu the year. This ; account in the Pmthonotar) 'a O'liee iii Mil
circunictance also affords one more day j ttintown, and the satins will bo presented lor
than usual for people to attend church
on and preach aud be preached at.
We don't know when tbero will be
fifty-three of each of these days sgaio
in one year, but 1851 is to have fifty
three Saturdays, and 1882 .fifty-three
Eggs are Worth three cent? a doxeu
in Hamilton county, Nebraska.
Five hundred Persian pilgiims have
been drowned by the siukicg of a ship
in the Arabian Sea.
Kev. J. C. lahon, a Methodist pas
tor in Peru, led , receutly married a
black man and a white woman. The
latter was veiled and he supposed they
were both colored- lie sajs he didn't
mean to, aud is willing to suSer if he
has broken the law.
B. F. Butler will be a coudidate for
Congress next fall in the Essex district
of Massachusetts.
The burning of the Norwich, Conn.,
almshouse restored to mental health a
man who was iusaue before the fire.
Two female pedestrians of Pittsburg
are engaged in a walking match for a
purse of three hundred dollars and the
champion medal of Pennsylvania, the
one who accomplishes tbe greatest dis
tance in six days to be declared the
J. D. Cameron, William R. Leeds
II. M. Iloyt and Robert W. Mackey
will represent Pennsylvania as delegates-
at-large in the Cincinnati Conven
tion. The six Chinese companies at San
Francisco have signed a recommenda
tion to their countrymen to stay at home
as any further emigration wilt iutensify
the feeling among tbe whites on the
Pacific coast to such a degree as to en
danger the lives and property of China
men. Peter Keyser, of Siouchsburg, Pa.,
committed suicide on the 28th ult., by
drowning himself.
Two wolves were caught in common
fox traps in Clearfield county, about
ten days sgo.
Mark Smith, an Adirondack trapper,
recently killed a panther six and a balf
feet long.
A scientist says: "bventosiiy, as
I . I. tl..r. will mi Iv ha I
our H.ue vuuu.... ' "J
thirteen dajs in a years." jvery aay
but one will be tbe first of the month,
you see, and that'll probably be Christ
mas." Fourth of July eveiy two weeks
whew !
Mrs. Saiah V. Chase, M. D will
tell men what she knows about man
ss a lover and a husband, at Cooper In
stitute, c couplo of weeks benee, and
what she doesn't know on that subject
isn't worth knowing. And her talk is
plain as an arrow shot from a forty iccb
bow at a mark.
M. Wheeler, of Lyons, M. T., who,
while drawing water from a well, was
stricken with paralysis and died almost
Tbe Czar of Russia, it is ssid, bss
become tired of the affairs of State,
and will abdicate in favor of bis wife,
tbe Czarwitx, while he resorts to travel
tbe coming eucmer.
The Emperor of Brazil is on his way
10 America to visit tne veutcu....
Uambleton is dead, ue was a nurse, 1
trad twentr-eiirht Years, aud the aire
r .l. trnti.n.lter. W oooV !-on. Terra Cotta, or Lead
VI airua U I uv " C I
stock in the coun'rv- tais demise oc-
cored on Sundav evening t week at
Middletown, New York.
Aaotha, -iToclt9 0f oft money
the Newark wfonnd xvstXl
with a nest m r m WQrtb
frastiooal currency.
Beale shot Dretsback's dog, in Lewis
burg. D. sued for $10(7, received ver
diet of $60. AppesL
Mil bum, the blind pressber, is worth
A good deal of fluid goes to the In
dians labelled "Mrs. Wioalow's Syrup."
A yotfng man named Raphael Byrnes,
of CarrOttovn, Crfabrta county, was
east of Cresson, on MonJsr the 117th
" Tbe Methodist Conference which
adjourn at Harrisburg on Tuesday iht
28 inst., adopted i resolution reinon
strating against the Centennial being
kept open on tbe Sabbath day. :
Tbe fund for tbe payment of wit
nesses before the Congressional com
mitfees baa been exhau'sfed ' for over
three days, and witnesses are compelled
to sell their claims at a discount.
' "fhvy are building, In Carlisle, a car' to
hbitf tOO persons, lor pii-hliking purposes
T&e Grand Ledge of Kulghts of Honor
meet in Erie A pri 10.
Tlie maple sugar crop in Fayette county
has been ve-v large this season.
Charles VcCorniick. of Warren county,
sged sixty-five, shot JimsVlf last week to
ease himfclf of tile's troubles. Ue succeed
ed. A bill was introduced In the Ohio House
on Saturday to co.? pel passenger railway
companies to furnish each passenger with
sitting room, and prevent tTie over croad
ing of its cars.
The tax collector of Jf cjersdale, SonreV
set county, has disnppeafed, leaving a bal
ance of $360 unsettled.
Charles O'Boyle, an old rrhn fifty years
of spe, convicted of rape im the person ol
Lizzie Lidden, a little deaf and dumb grl,
was sentence 1 to eleven years imprison
ment by Ju.lgc rershiue;, in Luzerne county,
on Monday a week.
David Koth, at Shantokin, Pa., whi'e un
der Ibe influence of liquor abused hi
child. His wile, interfering, was struck
and kirked. Kolh's father, m separating
them, waa kicked in the abdomen, causing
ii juries lioiu which he cannot recover.
The Burr lfcwk robber, Milea, baa been
sentenced to lourteen years.
A Buffalo jury baa decided lager beer
The growing heat crop of Kansas Is
said to ba thus tar in a state of uauaual ad
vancement I-'-'
The rJrst whisky trial in Chicago has re-
I sn'tvd in a veiuict of guilty, the defendants
beiug cnargea iui having defrauded Ibe
govern tucut out ol a tax ou 1UU,0U) glkna
vl spirit -
A tat doe was discovered in Lake Erie
recently, flouting 00 a cake ol ice twelve
toi-l square, two mile f rom tbe shore.
lo men loacd out to hi-r and siraiujlcd
her. - .
'the Marshal of Cheater can Mud no law to
prevent au old lady from smoking iu churvh
and he gave one a pou:.d ol tobjeco the
other Sunday II she Would quit.
W ilkeslurre talks of building a Presby
terian Seminary.
The l.ycoi' iu; county court bouse is un
dergoing repairs.
A creek il.nu at Worcester, Muss.,' b-oke
last week, aud by a wave ot twenty feet of
water swept bouses along tho stream below
aw;iy, with other improvements, In the
amount of $Xi,l00. The break took place
iu daytime, and no Uvea were lost.
On Sunday morning twenty -two houses
m Kairmouat, MT. Va., were destroyed by
tire. Loss $123,100.
Belknap's investigation goes on at Wasb
Migtoti. Xew uidverttaetiientn.
frotboiiotary'ti Notice.
TV! OflCE is hereby given that Jeremiah
connrniaiion arm aiiownnce at tne court
House in Mitflintowa at the A)ril term of
March 22, 1876. Prothouotary.
Xolice of Assessment.
NOTICE ia hereb gi--ea tv the Policy
holders of (he IVr.y County aiutual
Fire Insurance Coiupaiay, th.it an assess
ment of K ght Peri rni.has beeu laid on
Hie Premium Notes of sanl Ci-mpany, and
tbt the nndersigued has bt en appointed
Collector for Juuia county, to whom tbe
above assessment, now due, must be paid
without any lurther delav.
Mar. 14, 187G-tf Mitlliiitown, l a.
PROPOSALS will bereccHcd at the Com
missioners' Office in the Court House
in the borough of Mittiiiitown, nnlil FKI
DAV, APKIL 14, 1876. at 1 o'clock P. M.,
tor the erection of a Comity Bridge over
the little Cocolamus creek, near Dimm's
mill, in Greenwood township. Plan and
specifications of the same may be seen at
the Commissioners' Office in the Conrt
House in the borough of MifHintown. By
order ot the Board of Commissioners.
Dissolution ef l'oPartneihip.
THE firm of Books A Wagner in the
Jewelry and Watch Business in Mifllin
town, has been dissolved by mutual con
sent. All persons indebted to the said firm
are requested to make immediate payment.
The books are in possession ot James W.
Wagner, wilh whom settlement will oe made.
Tbe business will be continued by James
W. Wagner, in lb Post Orhce building.
Jlilfiiutown, March 18, 1876.
The Slimmer Session will begin May 2d.
Three general courses or study :
1st. For tho.e preparing for Business.
2d. For
to become
3d. For those preparing for College.
Tbe advantages are i Location, thorough
ness, experience.
D. D. STONE, Ph. D.,
mar22-tt Academia, Pa.
MCfhlrT'ti SMtedartf Cearweafc-e waaal Cnta. IP. 9-mmm farttfc
I wpye-r iw.fin.a44 sutwl r etrtW. t4 all imhleiimTrtra'l.
M.uj'.-l-Wl.f taili't-.
UBaz.aHiLL VM.-r.. r.w.:ii r,V.Tr.
rrwsuw tawrwaan : airfs awal erasrjt
ibfi eVHt ! TrK ef
i f tts Mr FitlMl.
C.G. BLATCHLEY, llan.fr, 506 Commerce St .Fhla
General Commission Merchants,
axo retinas rx
Grain, Hides, Wool, Tobacco,
Hops, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Dried Fruits,
Feathers, Furs, Lard, Tallow, Seeds,
Bacon, Bean, Poultry, Flour,
Vegetables, Ac , Ac.,
Warehouse, 207 and 09 5. Broad Street,
ruiirs .
encumber Wood Pump always on band
Theae giuratiieed never to freeze in Win-
Water Pipe put down on rWt notice
CKepairing promptly attended to.
Please give as a cail before purchasing
elsewhere, as we ere determined to sell at
tbe very lowest prices.
Call oa or address
WM. NOBLE, Port Boyel,
or, FRANK. NOBLE, etitflintown.
Legal JldverttsenufU.
the Hon. BEJlcEiir, President
Judge cf the Conrtsif irommoQ Pleas for
tbw ytfc Judicial district, composed or the
counties of Jnj ierry and Cumber
land, and tb-wu Hp Jobathaa Weiser
and JikB, aTu'1" Kvpgea of the said
Court o Courts 0f Jnnlats County,
have iT5u.Uvn"vMt to me directed,
bearing date the 12th dav of KEB., 1379,
for holding a Conrt of Oyer and Termmei
and General Jail Delivery, and General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at MIF-FLI.NTOWH.-on
o! APRIL, 1376, being the Sth day ot
thd month.'
' Nortec is Herisv Givi, to the Cor
oner, Jnat ices of tbe Peace and Constables
of the County or Juniata, that they be then
and therein their proper perrons, at one
o'clock on the afternoon of said day, witfc
their rrtorrts, inqalsitions, examinations
and oyer reinenibra.ices, to do those things
t&at to their offices respectively appertain,
and those that are bound by recognizance tc
prosecute against the prisoners that are 01
then may be in the Jail or said County,
be then and there to prosfcuflen fgainst
them as shall bo jtiftt
By err Aft of Assembly, passed the the
dav of May, A. D., 1854, it ia made th
duty of the JastiPes of tbe Peace.' oT th
several conn ties of this Commonwealth, tc
return to tbe Clerk of this Conrt of Qrartwi
Sessions of the respective counties, all the
recognizances entered Into before them &y
any person or persona charged wrtlt the
cotauAsion of anv crime, except such ttfeet
aa mav be ended before a Juitfce cT thj
" 7" . . a- '
Ufieta the commencement of rhe session
me 1 err e tne commencemeBi or me session
of thw Court to which they are made re-
tamable reapectively.and in all cases where
. . i . ,
au) . muiiiiiMin m , uici-m 1 1 .if iv .
tben ten dars before the commencement
of tbe sesaiou to which they are made re-tomaV-.'W.he
said Justicea are to return
the same in tbe same manner aa if said act
hair not been passed.
. Dated at Mittfiutown, the 12tb day of
Feb.. in tbe year of oar Lord one thou
sand eight hundred end seventr-six.
WM. H-. KNOUS3, Saerif.
Sheriff's Ofhce, Mittliutown,
March 13, 176.
List for April
Term, 116.
I George W Gorton vs. Joseph nimmcls
bangh. So 100, September terft1873.
II Louisa Fransoni va Samuel S Wilson
and George W McElwee. .No 2&, Septem
ber term, 174.
5 Jacob Pile va Christian Im ScbafTstall.
No J", December tenn, le'74.
4 Jacob Pile va Christian lm Schafl'sUlh
Su 74. December terui, 1874.
6 Charles Lintburst by hi next friend
Gtorge W Liiithurst vs Stewart McCullocb
and Jacob Lemou. Ko 44, February term,
! 187-3.
6 Jeremiah Lyons vs C S Bartley, Uar
j nishee of John 11 Bartley. No 70 Febrw
i ary term. 1873.
' - t 1- 1.1 c. is : 1 r.tr
I . rwuici oiivti-r s isaui ici vuuuiau.
So. lit, February term. 1875.
8 John L Bears, Ephraiui Bears and Da
vid Bears, partners trading in the name of
John L Beats ii. Sons, Vs Abraham Wil
li utu. 'o 9, April term, 1875.
9 John K McXeal v Solomon Books and
Wiiluni Wagner. No l'J4, April terra, 1873.
1; (jeorge W Gorton vs Hugh Paltu. No
12, September term, I87'.
II Selinsgrove and North Branch Rail
road Con.pany vs George F McFarland.
Ko 5'J, September terra. 1875.
2 Edward A .Marffrila vs George F. Mc
Farland. So 60 September term, 1875.
13 Edward A Mnrgritz vs George F Mc
Farland. No 61, September term, 1875.
14 Eluard A Marg.irz vi George Y Mc-,
rartand. No 62, September term, 1875.
15 E Southard Parker vs Catherine Mil -
ier. No 1 11, September term, 1873.
16 George W Gorton vs John Dillen.
No 128, September term, 1875.
17 Geoia-x W Gorton va Joshua Reala
! and Joshua Beale and John Wallace, Exec-
j mors of Hugh H.irt, dee'd. No 129, Sep-
temher term, 1.3.
18 Selinszrjve and North Branch Rail-
road Company vs F F Robm. No 271,
epteniber tern.. 1S75.
1'J Selinsgrove and North Branch Rail
road Company vs DA Doughmau. No 27:
Septeuiler term, I8.5.
JACOB BK1DLEK, Prothonotary.
roTuosoTAKT Orrtca,
Miflliutown, .March 15, ls7t-tc. J
License Pet It ten.
iTOTICK is hereby given to all interested
:h;it :he lollotring ai plications lor Li
cense have been til-.-d in tue Prothonotary'
Office, aiMl will b- prjaeited to the Court
on Weli.el .v, April 2ti, ISTti :
John C Moser, lor license to ergsge in
the business of vending vinous, spirituous,
malt or brewed liquors in quantities not leas
than one quart, in tbe borough of Alifltio
l(in. John E Flollobingb. for license to keep a
restaurant and eating hone, and to sell do
nestic wines ai.d brewed liquors, in the
borough of Miftlintown.
JanMS A Murray, for license to keep an
inn and house of entertainment hi the bor
ough of Mifriinlown.
Jacob Will, for license to keep an inn
and house of entertainment, rj tbe borough
of Mittiiiitown.
John A Newcomer, for license to keep a
pub'ic bonse of entertainment in tbe village
of Waterfonl.
Clo.vd M t'arker, for license to keep area
tanrant aud eating house and to sell domes
tic wines, malt and btewed liquors, in the
borough of Patterson.
John Hays, lor license to keep an inn or
public houae of entertainment ia the bor
ough of Patterson.
Joh'j Foreman, for license to keep an inn
or house of public entertainment in the
borough of Paiternon.
Samuel R ITotcsfine. for license to keep
an inn or house of public entertainment tn
tho borough ot Patterson.
Mary A Snvder, for license to keep an inn
or house ot J ublic entertainment in the bor
ough or Thouipsontown.
E. C. Grayhill, tor licensa to keep aft inn
or house of public entertainment ia the
village or Richfield.
John JlcM.inigle, Tor license to keep- an
Inn and public house of entertainment in
the borough of Port Royal.
Sameel Huniberger, for license to keep
an inn snd pubis; bonse of entertainment
in Monroe township.
Frank Shields, for license to keep an inn
and pnt.lic house of entertainment in the
borough of Miftlintown.
Cimi Sieber, for license to keep an inn
and public bonse of entertainment in Mc
Alistervilie. Thorn is Cox, for license to keep an inn
and public house of entertainment in Green
wood township.
Jacob Weiser, for license to keep an inn
and public house of entertaiument in Sus
quehanna township.
JACOB BMDLER, Profaaaefory.
Prothonotary' Orhce, Mifttiu- i
town, March 29, 1876.
Physician and Surgeon,
MimtxTown, rjk.
Office hours from 9 A. . to 3 r. .. . Of.
Bee in his father'a residence, at the south
end of Water street. nct22-ti
) L. ALLEN, M. D.,
Haa commenced the practice of Medicine
and 3 urgery aud all their Collateral branches.
Office at Academia, at tbe residence of
Capt. J. J. Patterson.
july 15, 174
Continnes the practice of Medicine and
Surgery and all their collateral branches.
OrAre at bia residence in McAlisterville.
Feb 9. I87.
jjcademia, Juniata Co., Pa.
Orrics formerly occupied by Dr. Sterrett.
Professional business promptly attended to
at all hours.
April 7, 1873-tf
Real Estatt.
BT virtue of sundry writs of VnU. J.
Fi. fi. and tt. Lm, Issued oa ef tbe
Csnrt of Commosi Plea and to' me directed,
will be exposed to sale at public outcry, at
tra: Court House, In the borough of siil
tlbtown, Juniata county, on PKIOAT, the
2 M day ot APRIL, lSTOj at 1 o'clock r. si,
of that day, tbe following described real
estate, to wit t
A tract ot land situate Iu Delaware towu
sbipi adjoining lands of McGaw'a heir on
tbe north, Humphrey, and McQuirns ou tbe
east and soulh; and Doty, Parker at Co. on
the west, containing SEVES ACRES, more
or lesa, having thereon erected a Log Dwel
ling House and Log Barn. Seized, taken
In execution, and to be sold a Ibe property
of Jacob Y eager. '
A tract of Lan1 situate in Delaware town
ship, bounded on the north by lands of
Kewton Wickersham, Oeorgu Meredith and
Isaac Crosaen. on tbe east by land of Abra
ham Paae. on the south bv Unci of
K.eech'a heirs and Wm. Carwell, and en
the west by lands of Reuben ferebner,
Uining 'AM ACRES, more or less; about
150 acres clear, having thereon erected a
Large Dwelliug Uouv., Bank Barn. Spring
House. Blacksmith Shop, Log Stable and
other outbuilding. Seised, taken ia execu
tion and to bj sold aa the property of Jo
seph Caxwell.
A certain Island or tract of land striiate
iu tbe JuuiaU River, in Fermanagh town-
ship, and nearly opposite the borough ot
Li.M. ...... In 11.1 P. .11'. I.l.nd.
1 cuotaiu ng Vi ACKti and lU fi.Ki;ilt.a
. .. B . . .. . -
1 . - ,..J-. ... .
j J dwelling HonaBaak Barn, Wagon
... ,......'.. ......... 1,.,.
other 6uttmud-
oucu UU .OI UVUK aim
Seized, taken iu execution aud tot
; soid as the pronefiy of William Bell. Six
thousand dollar or tbe purchase niouey
of this property may remain in tbe faim lor
a year vr two, if the purchaser so desire.
A certain lot or grouud situate in tbe
borough of MUiliutown. bounded and de
scrilted as follows, to wit : Beginning at
Burd's alley and extending from thence
along Washington street South 87 degrees,
west 41 feet to lot of t: W. U. Kreider,
Ihence along said lot sooth SO degrees, east
171 feet 8 inches to an alley, theuce along
said alley 44 teet V iuihe 'to Kurd's alley,
thence along said a'.K'y 175 feet S inches to
the place of fx gitiri'ng being Lot No. 1 in
the Schweier Extension to the Borough of
MifCintoWn f fraving thereon erected a trame
Dwelling Uovse and outbuilding. Seized,
taken iu exiftwtion and to be sold a the
property cf Is. if.' Fasick.
A tract ef hmd situate in Milford town
ship, adjoh.mg lands of Ueorge Snyder's
hens on the north, Tbonia Quia ou the
east, Jchn and Fred. Waldsmitb on the
soutlr, and Robert Steenscn on the west,
Cootsming 22 ACRES, more or less, having
thereon erected a Log Dwelling Houae, Log
Brs, C'tter Press sud outbuiUlings. Also,
a tract of land in Beale township, adjoining
lawls of William Miller on the north and
Borthwest, John Robinson on the west, M.
11. and L. C. Todd on tbe south, and John
and John and Fred Waldsniitn on the east,
consigning .K) ACRES, more or less, un
improved. Seized, taken in eXfCUtrcn. -xl
to be sold aa tb j property of tt allaco Brat
ton. ALSO,
A tract of Kind situate in Walker town
ship, Doumied and describ.d as follows, to
wit: Begin ntrg at a post on line or Dr.
Philn Hamlin's land, theuce try same south
08 degrees west 84 7-10 perches to a post.
thence by lands of William Kennedy, south
27 J decrees east 72 perches to a j
post, thence
. ntn ,4 J degrees east loj perches to a post,
1 thence South t7 degrees east 81 perche to
1 a post, thence by landa of Martin Wearer
: north 60J degrees west 82 perches to a
- post, to I lie place of beginning, containing
' 06 ACREd. more or less. Dartlv cleared.
' Also, a lot of ground in the borongh of
i Mitt'intown, situate on south side of Cherry
street, and fronting on said street 20 feet,
1 thence extending southward 123 feet to au
' alley, bounded on the east by lot of Mrs.
Kurtz and on the west by lot ol Jease Howe,
havisg thereon erected a Irani Dwelling
House, Stable and outbuildiugs. Seiaud,
takes ia execution and to be avid aa the
property of Jacob Bergey. ...
A Tot of gronnd in the village of Johns
town, Beale township, situate on the north
(,;, u. Jooastown aud froulimr oa saM
. rj
1 roan, oiiuBiieia on me west dv lot 01 auns
: M. Bartley, and on the north and east by
: la:d of Samuel S. Panaebaker, having
j thereon erecud a Twu-atory Frame House,
j tilted in part lor a Dwelling House ami in
part fr a Wsaonmiker' Shop; aaid build
I ing has a troui ol aouut thirty feet and a
: depth of twenty-four feet. Seised, taken
j iu execution aud to be ild aa tbe property
of Reuben Zeidera.
I W.V . II. KNOUS E, Sktriff.
1 Slier ill's OuV'e, .UitTlinloan,
March 29, !S7G.
Professional Cards.
Has resnmed actively the practice of
Med kite and Surgery atld their collateral
branches Cffice at the old corner of Third
and th-arge si recta, Miffliotown, Pa
March 29, 187G
Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orrit z On Bridge atreet, opposite tbe
Court House Sqnsre.
Attorney and Counselor atLaw.
Prompt attention given to the securing
and eotlrcthig of claima, ami all legal busi
ness. Orrica on bridge street, first door west
ot the Bclford building.
April 1 1, 1875-tf ' ,
C7 AU business promptly attended to.
JrricaO BtkJge street, opposite tbe
Conrt llonse square.
Has resumed actively tbe praetice of hia
profession. All business promptly attend
ed to. Office, aa formerly, adjoining trio
residence, opposite Court Hwaoe, AlaBin
towo, Pa.
Dec. 22, 1875. .
john Mclaughlin, . :
COniy reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 1875-ly
Office opposite Lutheran Church,
Where he will spend the Brat ten dava or
each month, commencing December 1st.
The bara-ice of the time bia orbre will be
occupied by J. S. Kilmer, a yonng man
worthy or confidence, and who haa been
associated with tbe Doctor aa atedent and
assistant two years and upwards. Those
who call daring Dr. Barlan's absenew for
professional service, may, and will pleaae
arrange the time with Mr. K&mefwben they
may be served, on the return of the Doctor.
Large stock of ready made elotMog ot the
latest and choicest styles, for men and
boys, hate, caps, boot and shoes, notion,
fuiniahinr goods in endless variety for kale
at Saateel Strayev'e, ia Pattereoa.
Xcur Advertisement.
n a , E0TICE.
. , llav 1, 1870, to Aran 80, 1877.
The Revfsed SUtutes of the Colted
SUtes, Secsions 8&J2, S2T, 8288 sad 8239,
requiro every person engaged in any busi
ness, avocation, or employment which ren
ders him liable te a Special Tax, TO PRO
OF BUSINESS a hrjwv denoting the pay
ment of aaid Skciab Tax for Hie Specuil
XaX Veac bcKianing alay . a. 161 &, beiaca
commencing or continuing buaineaa after
April 80, 1876. '..;- ... .
The Taxt embraced wilkia the jrromions 0
the Low above qottd art Ik folioieng,
Rectitien. ........... $200 UO
Dealers, rstail liquor... 25 00
Dealers, wholesale liquor....' 1 00 00
Dealers in malt liquor, wholesale.. 0 00
Ilealers :a malt liqaiors, retail...... ?J 00
Dealers in leaf tobacco............ 2 00
Retail dealers in loaf tobacco 600 00
And on sales of ever 81.000, Bfty
cents for every dollar In excess
of 81,000.
Dealers in manufactured tobacco ..
Manufacturers of still ...... .....
6 90
60 00
20 00
And for each still manufactured.
And for each worm manufactured.
20 00
Manufacturers of tobicco.....
10 0u
10 00
Manufacturers of cigars...........
Pediers ot tobacco, Hrst class (more
than two horse orthef animals).
50 00
Pediers of tobacco, second class
two horses ar other smmals).
25 00
Petllers of Vi'mcco. third class (one
horse ui otlhfr etiimal). .
Pediers of tobacco, foijrth class (on
f-ol or public eouveyance)......
15 00
10 CO
Brewers of leaa than 500 barrels...
60 CO
Brewers of 500 barrel or more.
100 00
Any person, so liable, who shall fail to
con-ply with the foregoing requirements wUl
be subject tu severe penalties.
Persons or firms liable to piy any of tbe
Special Taxes named abwe must apply to
CuaaLSS J. Baixaa, Collector ol Internal
Revenue, at Sunbury, Pa., and pay for and
procure tbe Special-Tax Stamp or Stamps
thev need, prior to Mav 1. 187b, and WITH
Commistiontr'jof In!tralRevtnu4.
Office of luternal Revenue
nue. )
, 187G.
Washington, D. C, Feb. I
Aaz.vr WasTSDt
tor HOLM AN 'S
Medala and Diplomas
1,800 Ifiustnttious. Address for new cir
culars, A. J. HOl.MAN it CO., 950 Arch
street, Philadelphia.
10 A DAT at home. Agents wanted.
UuttJI and term free. TRCE St CO.,
Angusta, Maine.
TjTH UrT'L'!l AotxTS for the
best selling
H 111111X11 Stationery
Packagea in thw
world. It contains 15 sheets paper, 15 En
velopes, golden Pen, Pen-bolder, Pencil,
Patent Yard Measure, and a piece of Jew
elry. Single package, with pair of elegant
Gold Stoih Sleeve Buttons, post-paid, 25
cents, 6' for 91-00. Watches given away to
all Agents. Circular true.
BRIDE at CO., 766 Broadway, N. T.
PA., Emery heels and Machinery.
(Jtg $9(1 'r d-T at bome- Term free.
$d b- $UU Address Geo. Srisscra 4 Co.,
Portland, Me.
tepsrCHOMANCY, oa SOUL thAa.il
X ING." How either sex may faaci'
Date and gain te hv and atfectiona ot aay
persons tiiey choose,- nstamly. This aim
pie mental acquirement ill mr wossesa
free, by wail, for 20 cents; together WitH a
Marriage UoWe 5jyp:an Oracle, Dreams,
lirnt 10 Laaie? A queer bHk. 1U0.O0O
sold. Address T. ? 1I.LIAM - CO., Pub
lishers, Philadelphia.
The worst cases of tho longest standing, b
and i!l givo $1,OjU for a case it will not
beuerit. A bottle sent fret to all wl dress
ing J. E. DIBUI.EE, Cneuist. Oilcet iai
Broadway, N. Y.
wtite J. YANCH LEWIS . CO., Wahng
lon, D. C
WJiillLlJ PENNSYLVANIA, from tha
I QTIlTnTCI fir settlements to tbe present.
AtlLlUO. By William M. Cornell, LL.Oj
Nearly 6"0 large octavo pages. Over 7S
tine illustration. No full history of oar
State baa been issued for over a half cen
tury. Agents will receive a cordial wel
come ia introducing this splendid work. A
aaes chascx. We want local agents ia
every township. Write at once for full par
ticulars and choice of territory. Address.
Qitakeb C'itv ptau.-Hi.io Co.', 204 South
11th street, Philadelphia. Pa
fhi is no humbug. For information. In
quire of or write to MOVER BROTHERS.
Wholesale Druggists, Bloomaburg, Colom
bia county, Penna.
(Beltord Building,)
9Iala Street, Slimiatenro. Vm,
Selected with great ear, and warranted
jrom high authority.
aT-Purest or WINES AND L1QC0B3
fo medical purposes.
C7-PRE3CR1PT10NS cmpounded with
great care. rjnae 22-tt.
T. VAN IRYIN, Cashier.
ctazcToaa 1
George Jacobs,
H.H. Bechtel,
John Balsbaca,
J. W. Fraxk.
A 200 a G. Bom&H,
Jerome N.Tbompaoo
Jcseph Rothrock,
August 4, 1875-tf
.lermal Sctali
THE Juniata County Normal School wilt
be opened in the borongh ot Jfitliin
town, APRIL 10, 17S. Tbe course wul
eonsist of tbe Common School Branches,
Natural Sciences, Latin, Greek and Methods
of Teaching For teruM, boarding, tuc.
see circulars, or address the Principal,
feb 23, 1876. MiBlintown, Pa.
Job wark oe shovt eotiee et bie ofBce.