Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 16, 1876, Image 2

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kMroft aso raopaiiroa.
EfpnbUeaa State Convention.
HiASQCAiTiai KcrciLicAa Stats 1
Biuoitlt, February !, 187S. )
la pursuance of a resolution of the Re
publican State Committee, adopted at a
meeting held In Tlarriaburg this day, a Re
publican State Convention, to be competed
of delegates from eacb Senatorial and Rep
resentative district, to tbe nomber to which
auch district ia entitled in the Legislature,
is hereby called to meet in tbe city of Har
riburg, at 12 o'clock, noon, or. WEDNES
DAY, MARCH 29, 18. "6, for the purpose of
nominating an Electoral ticket and ol elec
ting Senatorial and Representative dele
gate to represent the State in the Republi
can National Convention, to be held at Cin
cinnati, Ohio, on the 14th day of June,
1676. By order of the Committee,
Bnir If. Horr, Chairman.
A. Wilson Noaaji, Secretary.
The Centennial bill Las passed the
United StatesJSenate. Tbe vote stood
41 fur end 15 against.
And now tbe report circulate that
General Sherman has friends who will
urge Litn as a Republican candidate
for tbe Presidency.
Tbe board of Trade of New York
citj have asked Congress to repeal the
law that provides for tbe resumption of
specie payment by January I, 1879.
One hundred and seventy-two church
es were invited to participate in tb
Beecber advisory council. One ban
died and twenty-five bave'aecepted tbe
Tbe Lower IIouie of tbe Legisla
ture of this State has passed resolu
tion asking Congress to enact'a law to
pa citizens of the border" for losses
sastainedbjjthe invasina of 1363, J
Germany and China will bave a war.
A German Schooner was plundered
while lying by! tbVooast ofJCbina-
Bismarck, says pay 'the .damans. If
Cbinadoes not do it, the world know
what the result will be.
Beecher'sanswerto Bowen is, "As
for myself, 1 pronounce the allegation
of Mr. Boweu filne, and with Al
mighty Godbefore mo and the Judge
ment day, Iaarraign biui as a slanderer
and a liar."
In this tbe Centennial year of the
American Republic, it is said tbe world
will come to an end. The prophet,
however, puts off tbe " ernsb of matter
and the wreck of worlds" until after
the 4th of July.
The second sensational Canadian
elopement case proves to be no elope
ment case at all. The young lady wLo
came to New York with the Irish Aris
tocrat did so by tbe consent of ber
family. He acted as the young lady's
escort and protector.
The trial.of General Bibcock, Pres
ident Grant' private Secretary, for
complicity in tbVwhisky frauds of tbe
West is progressing at St. Louis, Mis
ouri. President Grant gave evidence
in tbe case before the Chief Justice of
the United States, at Washington, and
tbe evidence was sent to St. Louis,
where it will be used in tbe case. The
President testifies to bis belief in tbe
innocence of Babcock, and it is said Lis
testimony sheds considerable light on
tbe case.
TbebeJs good reason to believe that
tbe ballot boxes of the borough ot Mif
fl:oton and Fermanagh township
were broken open and their contents
ezaaiined, at a date somewhere between
the time they were removed from the cus
tody of tbe respective Election Boards
last fall and the time of their return
to the Election Boards on Tuesday mor
ning. To break the seal of a ballot
box after it has gone from the custody
of an Election Board is a grave offence,
and the man or men who were guilty
of the act should be punished as the
law requires. A number of jesrs of
imprisonment and a fine of a thousand
dollars would act as a wholesome re
straint on tbe parties who thus
violated the law. What is the use
of denonncing such work in cities, if
it is to be allowed in our midst.
Cumulative Voting in the South.
An exchange put it in this way : The
cumulative voting, which enables a mi
nority to steal a corporation in Penn
sylvania, i nothing to the same kind of
voting which enables the minority in
Mississippi to steal a State. Tbey bave
reduced the matter to a science, down
there, and when any one of the major
ity quistly claims that be bas some
right to be beard, they shoot him and
lay him out of the way. Tbe 30,000
Democratic votes in that State have
been cumulated into 120,000 by judi
cious counting and tbe aid of powder
tnd ball.
The Philadelphia Timet is in court
on a charge of libel. Tbe plaintiff is
named J. M. Roberts. Tbe trouble
grew out of a Spiritualistic perform
ance after- the Katie King fashion,
which Roberta attended, and at which
be made himself conspicuous, thereby
falling under tbe censure of a limet
Hon. Keverdy Johnson, was found
dead at 8.15 ot the evening of the 10th,
in tbe grounds surrounding tbe Execu
tive Mansion of Annapolis, Md. He
had dined with tbe Governor tbat even,
ing at 5 o'clock wnd was in fine spirits, j
1 1 was believed tbat be bad withdrawn
from the other guests to take nap.
and his absence was Bet eoaaidered
.- Andergonrffie.
The" following couiuiaarieatTon' was
written for and publiahtl in Forney's
Ptttfot tbe 10th inst. It is the testi
mony of one" who suffered in Anderson
ville. Jeff Davis and bis confederate
have not bad justice meted out to them
in this world. If it were possible tbey
would deny away the cruelties of the
South, in the io teres t of human degradation-.
Hundreds of thousands will
render stronger testimony than this
communication contains, under the light
of the judgment day. But to the let
ter Sir : As 1 was a prisoner of tbe war
for eighteen months, my experience
and observation may bave soma weight
in determining the following questions,
which bave been raised by the recent
speech of Mr, Blaine :
First. Were Union prisoners cruelly
treated in Southern prisons ?
Second. If cruelly tieated, waait tbe
necessary reaul: of circumstances or of
To take up tbe first proposition, I say
that were cruelly and inhumanly treat
ed. Men were shot down by the rebel
guards repeatedly, three cases of which
1 was eye-witness to, and many more
came uuder my notice. One poor fel
low I was watching, while on bis way
to tbe doctor, entirely worn out by
hunger and starvation, and so debilita
ted tbat be used the "dead-line" as a
means of support while on his way, was
shot by the guard because be touched
the rail forming or designating the
dead line." Another, thinking to air
an old army blanket of wbich be was
the fortunate possessor, was shot down
by the guard, the blanket falling on him
in such a way as to cover the upper
part of his chest and face, but although
covered in this manner, the rising and
falling of the chest in the throes of
death was plainly seen by us, but we
dare not go to his assistance, tbe guards
on each side of the one who Lad dis
charged his riffa, leveling their riflts at
us and threatening to shoot any one
who would go near the dying man. Tbe
other ease was that of a man lifting
some water out ot tbe swampy creek or
marsh running through the centre of
tbe prison at Andersonville. At tbe
headwater of this creek tbe rebel guard
bad located tbeir cook bouse, and as a
consequence the water wbich passed to
us for drinking, cooking, and all other
purposes, was covered by a scum of
grease. Now there was a rock jutting
out of tbe water and on a line with tbe
dead-line. Tbe scum floatiug on tbe
surface of the water would break at
this rock, making the water appear
cleaner there than -anywhere else, and
our men would naturally try to lift it at
that spot ; and it was while doing so I
saw the third man shot. Many were
shot here fur the same reason ; but 1
speak of what I was eye-witness to only.
To enumerate tbe different acts of cru
elty, or even tbe different kinds of
cruelty practiced on us, would make
this article too long for a newspaper
paragraph, so 1 will confine myself to
one more. One day our usual rations
were not sent into tbe stockade. The
men, although starved, biavely awaited
tbe time until tbe rebels should see fit
to send us victuals. Tbe second day
passed as tbe first no victuals yet
not a mouthful of anything to break
our fast with during two entire days.
Nor was the end yet ; it was not until
tho evening of tbe third day that our
inhuman jailors sent us food.
Now for a consideration of tbe sec
ond proposition : Was this cruelty the
necessary result of oireumstaocea, or
was it hatred I answer, it was hatred.
Did the poor, emaciated man threaten
the peace of our jailors that tbey should
shoot him down ! or did the poor man,
intent only on airing his vermin-covered
blanket, show any insubordination by
bis act to call for his life, or tbe others
lifting the wa'cr f Did tbat act ren
der tbem dingerous, tbat they should
be shot down like mad dogs t No ! the
answer can be found in the fact that
these guards knew their masters' inten
tions towards us, and knew also that as
they cariied tbem out they ahould be
rewarded. They put in the miserable,
false plea that tbeir reason for not feed
ing us properly was because tbey did
nut have it to give us. Wby, at any
time, during tbe three days alluded to
tbat we were kept without food we
could, by going to the top of the hill on
either side of the prison, and looking
thence over tbe stockade to the hollow
beyond, see tho victuals that were in
tended for u, rotting in the sun, and
when they were at last sent us, tbe
meat was putrid, green, and running
with maggots, tbe eating of which
caused a great many deaths. " The mor
tality there was fearful, two carts haul
ing almost incessantly from the stock
ade to the burying ground, at least fif
teen bodies being put in a cart at one
time, and later than this, when tbe men
died so fast that they could not cart
them off, boles were dag in the prison
alongside tbe body, tbe body tossed in
and covered over. And yet, notwith
standing these facts, the inhuman brutes
have the hardihood to stand up and say
tbey treated us as kindly as possible.
Aye think that it is not possible that
any could have survived tbeir brutality
te this late day, but, thanks to the God
above, some still live.
David McCarthy,
Late Co. D, 68th Regt, Pen da. Vol.
Miss Mary A. Cnitchly, of Northum
berland, an invalid for forty-five years,
died recently at tbe age of fifty -seven.
She was attacked with spine disease
when twelve years old, and at twenty,
seven was compelled to take her bed,
from which she never arose unless sa
luted by friends. . j
" -Hews Items. -
Tbey natf 6 inch fait cT snow at
Concord, lt..H. last Friday;
flog cholera rages throughout the
bias grass region in Kentucky .
Last week fire along Broadway,
New York city, destroyed $2,300,000
worth of property. Two brave firemen
lost tbeir lives in it six or seven others
were seriously injured by the falling of
a wall on which they stood.
The Moody and Sankej meetings art
well attended in New York.
A Congregational congregation in
Cincinnati refuses to join in the ' con
sideration of the Beecber question in
Plymouth Church.
Tbe London World describes a new
deviee for burying tbe dead, as follows :
"The body is placed in glass boa, to
the top of which is affixed a metal rod.
As soon as the earth is filled in, a bat
tery is connected with the rod, and an
electrio shock shatters the coffin into a
thousand pieces, thus allowing the earth
to press upon tha dear departed, and
allowing him to return to dust in a
speedier way.
In the town of Roxboroogh, near tbe
line that separates the county of Phil
adelphia and Montgomery county, about
one o'clock on the morning of the 9th
inst., four burglars attempted to enter
a private residence by the bank entrance.
A policeman heard tbem enter tbe yard,
and demanded to know their business.
They answered by firing on him. He
stepped behind a cherry tree and re
turned the fire until bis revolver was
exhausted of it? charges, with good re
sult, having wounded two of tbe thievea.
Tbe policeman then harried off for
more ammunition and reinforcements.
Meanwhile tbe burglars took up the one
that was so badly wonnded in the hip
that he could not walk, and also left.
Tbe policeman reinforced returned,
took up tbe bloody trail the thieves
left, and pursued tbem so closely tbat
they were compelled to submit to cap
ture or drop their compacion thief,
which they did. Tbe police got him.
The others escaped.
Samuel Clark, of Mercer eonnty, had
a painfnl adventure recently. He
dreamed eight men were in his room,
four of whom he ejected. The remain
der were too much for him, and be ac
tually sprang out of the window bead
foiemost and ran to 'the bouse of a
neighbor, to whom he related his thril
ling experienee. The two went back
to Clark's residence and found no in
truders and his wife sound asleep. ' Io
the fall Clark was badly cut in tbe bead
and had a six inch gash in tbe thigh.
A short time siuee Daniel Knob'e, of
Shamokin township, Northumberland
county, lost three bead of cattle. Tbey
licked tbe paint off a newly-painted
wagon one evening and died the next
A mad dog passed through George
town, about sixteen miles below Sun
bury, on the 10 :h inst., and bit every
thing of life it met. One of the resi
dents of the town, whose nam we did
not learn, was bitten in the arm, and a
colt three years old, a cow and dog be-
longing to tbe man were also bitten by
the savage brute. Last Wednesday,
the ninth day after tbe visit of the
rabid animal tbe colt showed signs of
hydrophobia, and for three eueoeeding
days, until Friday, when he died, raved
most piteously. He tore his flesh and
bit himself and everything he could
reach. Tbe people for utiles around
came to see tbe poor animal and tbe
sight he presented was pitiful in tbe
extreme. Death stopped his suffering
on Friday last and grave apprehensions
have since been entertained about the
man. Dr. Kershner has expreased.the
opinion that unless something is done
to counteract it, the terrible disease will
make tbe bitten man a victim as well as
bis cow and dog. Tbe doctor wanted
to cauterize the wound, but the man
had no faith in the treatment jand says
he will take the chances, nis case will
be anxiously watched by bis neighbors
and friends. Sunbury Democrat, Jan 27.
Notwithstanding Governmental and
otLer drawbacks, miners and others
have obtained a lodgement in "The
Black Hills" as may learned from a
dispatch as follows from Omaha, under
date of the 7th inst : A letter from
Caster City, in the Bl&ck Hills, of Jan.
uary 25th says over forty bouses are
now op and sixty in process of erection
Water was found twenty feet from the
surface. A steam sawmill has been in
operation eight days. Flour is twelve
dollar per hundred pounds and shoul
der bacon thirty cents per pounds.
Jew parties arrived here this winter,
and made new laws. Old pioneers find
mioing claims jumped. Miners from
the North, this side of the Big Horn,
report new discoveries far surpassing
any yet made. Thirty men left here
to-day to prospect tbem. Red Cloud
and several hundred warriors have gone
North. They are reported to have
said tbey would die on the war path
rather than stay on the reservation and
starve. Sitting Bull will co-operate
with him. Everybody is well.
A son of Cyrus Border, aged about
eleven years, residing in Cornwall town
ship, Lebanon county, Pa., fell from a
tree on Monday a week, and died in
stantly. Senator Cbristiancy, ef Michigan,
was married in Washington, oa the
morning of the 8th inst., to Miss Lillie
Lugerbeel, lately clerk in the Treasury
Department. Senator Ferry, his col
league, officiated as groomsman. Sen
ator Cbristiancy is nearly sixty-four
years of age, and bis bride is represen
ted to be nineteen. His former wife
died only nine Booths ago.
Miss Laura Martin, an estimable
young lady of Shippensburg, Camber,
land eouLty, unknowoioly took a doss
of arsenic oa Sunday of last week
which resulted id her death on Wed
nesday evening the 2d mst. Shortly
after swallowing the deadly potion,
symtoms of great inward distress were
Lspparent, but it was not discovered no.
til some hours afterward tbat she bad
made the fatal mistake. From tbe
A'rtr of that place we glean tbe fol
lowing particulars in reference to this
distressing casa : -. w-.x.,.-s,
"Some days since, ber father pur
chased a quantity of arseoie, tbe pack.
age of which was plainly marked, with
a printed label used by druggists wbeo
goods of that kind are sold. The pack
age was plaeed ia as old clock, oat of
repair, a place not likely to be disturb
ed. Miss Martio, for some time past,
has been using a powder or medicine,
as a blood purifier, and which she kept
in a drawer ia ber owa room, we pre-
same, above stairs. One day last week
Mr. Martin ooaeladed te : have the
clock repaired, and took the package
of srsebio theiefrom, and unknowingly
placed it in the drawer where his daugh.
ler kept Ler medicine. On Sunday
about noon, ahe bad occasion to use
her medicine, and not dreaming of the
presenoe of the deadly drag, partook
of the contents of the packsge, with,
out ever perceiving the cmr-iou label.
Had she given the paekage bat a mo.
meutary glance its deadly contents
would bave been discovered and ber life
prolonged. We well know the parents
of this interesting young lady suffer
extreme anguish over her distressing
death, and the circumstances surround
ing it, but the facts connected with tbe
case are such as to exonerate tbem fiom
all carelessness and want of proper pre
caution." Four men were killed and six or
eight wounded, by a fire damp ezplo.
aiou at Pittston, last Saturday.
Religious revivals in Cumberland
county have largely inoreased the num
ber of converts. It is estimated tbat
400 persons have been converted through
their instrumentality in Sbippensburg
Miss Sohmoyer, of Lehigh county,
jumped from a sleigh the other diy,
and had both her legs broken.
St. John's Lutheran Cbareh, io Ly
kens,. Pa., was destroyed by fire. Loss,
Pemsstlyakia Vaccine Farm.
" On a farm in Hamilton township,
Frank! is county, on and a half mile
from Chambersburg, Dr. B. Rush Sen-
seny has a stock of ons hundred heifers,
from which be is producing oontinually
a stock of fresh vaccine matter. The
process by which this is effected is in
teresting. The heifers used in this
business are mostly well bred, and con
sist of either Jvll breed, thru quarter
ot half Alderney stock. They must
be ia thriving eondition and . from six
months to one year old. Tbey are stall
fed, kept in clean and well ventilated
stables, plenty of clean litter, fresh
water and nutritious food. In other
words, the animal is kept np to a nor
mal, healthy and thriving standard.
First Heifers are secured by strap
ping them down to a rack, on the back,
with each leg secured, a strong strap
around tbe body, and the bead tied
down. Then tbey are shaved around
the udder and vaecinated in from ten to
thirty places in order to produee vesi
cles of vaccinia. On the eight day
after vaeoioating they are ready to
yield np vaccine virus in its different
On the eighth or ninth day the vesi
cles are ready to tap in order to secure
virus. This is done in four wsys . 1st.
Quills; 2d. Ivory points ; 3d. Lymph
tubes, and lastly, in about sixteen days,
crusts. Quills sre ss follows ; The im
ported goose quill is taken, boiled, filed,
cut and scraped and then dipped into
the fluid lymph and thus charged for
use. 2d. Tbe Ivory Point : Each point
is dipped into the liquid virus and
charged as an Indian charges his poi
soned arrows.
Lymph tubes are long glas cylindeia
which are filled with tbe fluid lymph
and are then shut up by sealing eacb
end with wax. In using the quills or
points upon human beings, the quills
ate moistened and then when tbe abra
sion bas been made on the arm, the
quills or points, as the case may be, are
rubbed briskly upon the abraded sur
face and thus inoculate of the true vao-
cinia is produced. This is the trne
Jennerian system.
In order to secure crusts of the true
vaccinia, the heifer is allowed to remain
untouched for about sixteen or eighteen
days, st wbich time the vesicles bave
matured into hardened scabs or crusts
of virus, and may then be removed
Each crust is then carefully wrapped
in gold or silver foil, and is then ready
for shipment to any part of tbe world.
This virus is now being sent to every
State in the Union, to every Territory,
to Canada, Cuba, South America and
to all tbe States of Mexico and Central
One great advantage in nsing animal
vaccine as a preventive of that dread
ed disease, small pox, is that there is
no possibility of inoculating tbe human
system with any constitutional disorder,
a risk wbich most persons fear to entail
opon themselves or their offspring when
vaccination ia demanded, and the only
virus to be bsd is from human ernsts.
Human crusts nay be good and pare,
bat often they are not, hence tbe safe
guard is animal vaccine. Repotitory.
Montgomery eonnty has declared for
Governor Hartraaftfer tbe Presidency.
Sew A dcrllsm.ent-
- O? TBI
From the 7th day of January, 187S, to the
7th day of January, 1876, inclusive i-
1876. SAX'L H. SHOWERS, Trta. Or.
Jan. 7.
To balance in hit hand from the
year 1675 $ 9055 81
- outstanding count v and Stato
tales January, 1875 12572 20
anit. of taxes levied tor 1p75, 27320 1 1
H ami. ol' money rac'd from Jaa.
Ieen on sale of county bonds
ia 1875......... 29095 00
cash lor old lumber.. ....... o 00
cash from Riverside Park As
sociation 100 CO
cash from . W. H. Krcider,
EH-. fines 26 00
' cash from I. D. U'ailis, Esq.,
verdict fees , 85 00
cash from So der county , cost
on suit iu which there waa a
change of venue 216 89
cash from Guard Una of Poor
of Pittsburg.... 106 39
cash from 1. Watts sureties, l!W 40
$78783 93
Jan. T, 1876, To bat. doe county, $1965 83
Jan. 7.
By amt. of Commissioners' orders
pi id, issued prior to 185....$ 159 64
" amt. ol Commissioners' ordt rs
paid io If 75 66763 62
amt. of road viewer ertin-
catea bailed and paid in IB 75, 860 SI
" bute tax l aid, a per receipt
of Statu Treasurer, Oct 1, '76,
percenugtf oa aame.. .......
diacount allowed lax-pavers in
. , 1875, (10 and 6 per cent,)...
exuoBoratiooa allowed collec
tors io 1B75.... ......... tt.
collectors' percentage in le-76,
amt. paid I. . Roliaon, lata
County Superiutrndtnt, bat
due from Ib74 ....... ......
" a rut. paid John H. Garmaa,
County Superintendent, on ac
count of Teacher' lustitute id
1420 16
14 i
16CO 78
600 86
971 63
46 00
outstanding county taxes Jan.
- I 1 fcti 6 )
outstanding SUt taxe Jan.
12322 80
1592 04
oiO 00
1906 sa
" Trtaaurer's salary .
Balance due coucty
$78788 93
W. H. KNOCSE, SUriff,
Jan. 7, 1876, To verdict ieea and
nea $35,00
To verdict fees. Coot. vs. W. S. Wil
son 4 00
verdict fees, Com. vs. II. Given.. 4 00
$!3 CO
Jan. 7, 1876, Tobat. dee eean'y.... $8 00
Jan. 7, 1876, Bv amt paid Treaaurw
by L D. YVaUia. $86 00
By balance due county . 8 00
$93 00
COUNTY TAXES in Oil kandtjif tht
tntrnl Colltttorl Jannmrf 7, 1876
Tt: Taxn.
Absalom Rice .;Lack
B. F. Crazier.. 'Beale .....
Joseph Rerlin. j Patterson .
David Partner. Xilford ....
Abram Leister.i Fayette ...
Jacob S piece. ,;Dflwart ..
Jese keed ... Greenwood
O. P. Barton.. 'Lack
John E. DobOVTuscarora .
J. C. Beale IBeale
Jno. K. Jenkiusi M iif rd . . . .
H'm. Wright.. (Port Royal
Calvb Parker..! Patterson .
A. G. Bontail .Mifllintown
William bi.k V Fit uianagh
Benj. Kerch nrr Walker....
James .vcMeenjFayelle ...
Joseph Nipple. lUreenwuod
. 1873
$181 77
1M 31
205 17
145 69
101 14
11 29
6'J HI
45 26
49 34
38 82
814 47
143 M
133 92
64 12
ltfi 60
S95 98
470 88
257 09
62 16
28 2 60
872 62
620 43
731 70
142 68
8i6 18
169 86
114 78
6!6 66
41 88
785 00
1373 96
794 94
493 75
259 67
280 07
111 02
, ' ioj o
. 1b74
Amos Killer ..&usquehaua.jl874i
M D Dougherty I jk I876,
S. F. Ludwig .'Tuscaion. ..jl875.
Johu Conn....! Sprue ilill.;1875
J. C. Beale ... Beale 1 1876;
David Buaaart.:Turbtt !1875
Epb. I auver . . M illord 1 1876!
P. M. Kepner .'Port Royal..H875j
D. K. Sulouff . Patterson ...'1875;
John N. Uwe:Mifiiintown .11875'
Israel Wetxltr. Thonipsont'u lt'-
L. SchraUer. ..; Fermanagh .il875j
Jo. DysiiiEer.i Wojker ..... IO'-1
J.Winegarduer Fayette .. ..',1876
Jacob loouey. Delaware ...llo-
J. J. Castles .. Greenwood .:I875
C A. Lauvrr .iMooroe..... 1876
J. Karsietter .. 'Susquehanna 1876
County Tax outstanding $12322 80
STATE TAXES in A hand tf tht -tral
CtUtctort January 7, 1876 :
Abxalom Rice. Lack.... ...:lr7-1 $
B. F. truiicr.. Beale l73j
Joseph Kerlin. Patterson. ..'173'
David Partner. Millord :1873
Abram Leister Fayoite ....!1873
Jacob S piece.. Delaware ...il873
36 95
47 99
II 42
62 66
7 41
3 86
6 10
36 68
Jesse Keid.... .Greenwood .U73i
O. P. Barton.. Lack
Joha E. Dobos. Tuscan ra..
J. C. Beale ... Bea'e
Jno. K. Jenkins Hilfi.rd....
76 49
60 32
60 03
16 65
12 20
10 00
62 02
103 5S
81 64
28 61
19 56
31 41
42 91)
109 14
51 72
68 2H
44 82
72 47
17 t-3
15 41
19 74
12 43
47 80
132 71
47 80
33 60
15 02
62 70
27 80
Win. Wright.. Port Royal
Caleb Parker.. Patterson..
A. G. Bonsai). Mitlliiitown
William Banks Fermanagh
Benj. Kerchner Walker....
James McMeen, Fayette..... 1874
M. V. rarra...jDelaware ..
Jos. Nipple. ..;Greetwood
Anios Sillier... Su-qnchanna 1874!
H D Dougherty 'Lack . .. .1875
S. F. Ludwig. :Tiiwarora...!875j
John Conn Spruce Hill.! 1875!
J. C. Beale.... Beale i 18751
David BoMart.Turbett 1875!
Eph. Lauver...iMill'orI il87-il
P. M. Kepner. 'Port Rova:.. 1875i
D K. Suloutf.. Patterson ... lo75l
John N. Howe Mifflinli-wn . I75
Israel Weisler ;Thompannt'n 18751
L. Schroder... Fermanagh . 1875!
Jos. D singer. Walker !1875!
J. Winegardner Fayette 1875!
Jacob Tooney., Delaware ... 1875
J J. Castles... Greenwood . 1B76
C. A. Lauver... Monroe il875
J. Karsietter.. Susquehanna 1375
Bute Tax outstanding $1692 04
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Cor Auditor:
AcDrroas' Roost, MirriuTow.i, )
January 7, 1876. 5
by Ikt Commiziiantrt of Ikt founty oJu-
niata, on tkt Trtoturtr Intrtof, from Ik
41k day of January, 1875, up Io tkt 4tk day
of January, 1876, at taken from Ikt rtc
ordt in tkt Commitnontrt' OffUt in Mif
flintoum t
Connty Auditors, their clerk and
counsel .....$85 00
J W Muthersbaugh,and others, hard
ware Ac ..147 60
Jury Commissioner and clerk 80 00
Jesse Uowe, for use ol the Methodist
cbnirh tor holding court .100 00
Saml Buck, port Royal Agricultural
Society for 1574 aid 1875 200 00
Ole and Etka, overpaid lax 69 91
Wm F Snyder, cuairs, Ac, fur court
house 138 "6
Graybill A Co., for carpeting, mal
ting Ac. for court bouse 316 86
B F Batman, on fence contract, paint-
Ac 250 00
Crew, Moore A Levick, gasoline for
eoart house $1 941
yew Advertwtment.
Aletsnder Speddv, for crying court.
. exprrsa-ica snd hauling 104 i
J W Hamilton, for extra painting
door signs, ste. .......... ....... 3 60
3f.cCs.han, EU and others, for mala
rial furnished and work done ia ru
setting heavier, lie..... 37 00
One-half per cent; allowed James
Vvra for selling and paying over to
tbe Treaanrer $67,474 JS7 of Conn
ty Bonds, Ac, tor the years 1874
and 1875........ .......:'.ii.37 37
Buyers A Kennedy, SuluurT aid
others, for coal, lumber, merchan
dise, hauling, labor Ac . . . t . . . ; . . 1044 73
Total i$3008 80
CoiulatUi' md Jiuues' Fttt rs Commn-
vctallk Com aad Inqnuition.
E W H Ereider, S S Wilson, Joseph -Middagh
and others.... ......$274 92
CommnwtaUk HVnoiH.
Philip S Liggett, A J Eertxlw and
others $456 08
Public Buildingt and Grommdi.
Hetrick A Pleisher. balance on court
house contract Ae $17898 27
Flinn A Brannentan, on beaters,
as and gaa fixtures Ac 2721 62
. Howard A Co., lor tower clock
and fixtures 1160 00
Jacob and D P Sulouff, on cistern,
privr and terrace con trace. . . ... 640 22
T M Simon, balance as architect.. 730 00
J W Hamilton, extra painting.... 85 00
Stephen Losh. extra masonry .... 35 77
Total.-. .i $23290 88
J Jarors Paf, Grand, Pitit nd Talisman.
At February term. Ibio $4 10
At April term, 175. ............. 749 15
At September leiiu, 1876 ... 701 63
At December term, 1875 684 81
At May court (anjourued) petit.... 132 99
At October court (adjourned) petit, 3(i3 04
Talismaa jurors, 1875 ............ 7V 87
Total $.1526 09
Csway Bond Rtdttmtd.
Dety, Parser A Co., and others.. $9700 00
Inter ett oa Bends, fc.
Interest paid on County Bonds, Ac. $27 58 18
Aaron Leidy and other $493 00
Ceio Rtlnm and Tipttaw.
John 11 Patterson and others $307 03
Wild Cat, fox and Mink Scalp:
Stephens Winter and others;... .$281 75
Rend DaOlaget.
George W Jacob and others..... $220 CO
Wtsttru Ptnitenliarj.
Edward S Wright, warden $60 6S
StaJt Lunatic jltylum.
John A Weir, for maintenance Aei
of lUrgaret Brackbill and others, $121 07
Cou nty Prison.
Vf H Knouse, for keuping tramps. .$750 00
W H Knouse, for boarding prison;
era tc .
057 96
C4 80
27 00
W H Knonse, Sheriff fee
Patrick Hgan, watchman at ji...
Etka, Uowe and others, for plaster
ing at j il ............4........
J W Hamilton, papering and paint
ing at jail ............. j... .
DrllK Crawford, medical attend
ance to prisoners .... ... ......
Alexander Elli and others, work at
40 00
13 40
8 00
17 10
Total.... i..im
Printing and StatUtutry.
$1478 26
to r. sail m, Jackman, printing...... $452 75
B. F. Schweier, printing S9i) 75
John W. 8pcddy, printing 14'J 00
William Mann, dockets for Protlion-
oiary'a omce and stationery;... j 109 60
Wm r Murphy's Bona, docket tor
Kegister'a office 13 00
F L 11 u tier, blank registers Ac.... 10 oO
Tstal $1116 60
BridgtfOld and Acs.
King Iron Bridge Company, for iron
structure at McClure's font in
Tncarora township $3000 00
Levi A G for re Reynolds, masonry,
stone and excavation at saiue,
bridge.... J517 40
Reynolds and others, extra work at
same bridge .j.. .... 93 00
John Hertsler and Wm Henc-h, for
plank and labor at Port Royal
bridge 100 93
Dr G M Oraham, plank for old
bridges s.. .,. 17 00
Samuel Gay man, repairs at Huff
man's bridge... 13 60
Wm Van Sweringen, repairs at Mc
Culloch'a bridge, in Tusearora
township 18 80
Samuel Minicban and others, re
pairs at lUwu's bridge .; 18 00
Wm Kobler, snowing Port Royal
bridge y 00
Orin Grooinger, repairs at upper
Licking Crrek bridge . 630
Jonathau Weiaer, repairs at Wei-
ser' bridge J3 12
Absalom Wearer, rvpuits at Mc
culloch's bridge at Port Hoy si.. 2 00
Eons Bergy, repairs at Jericho
bridge 49 70
Win hawk, repairs at Lost Creek
bridge 4 U
Total $6861 92
Csmmurioacrs Off.ce.
Wm Van Sweringen, balance a
Commissionei's lees ....$ 73 tO
David B Dirnnj, Coiumissiuner's lees 489 70
A A Crosier, Commii'sioner's fees. 350 60
Thoa Watts, Commissioner's Ices.. 3" 00
James Deen, Commissioners' clerk. 610 00
J A Christy, counsel in part 40 00
Total $1854 00
Public OJpets.
I D Wall's. Prothonotary's fee ... 9 35
John T Metlin, Recorder, Ac, fees' 69 -Ja
itoDert JlcMwn, District Attorney. 2o3 00
Jacob A Christy, auditing dockets
Prothnnotary'a and Recorder'
offices 15 00
$677 60
Gtmral and Spring Elections.
David 8ieber and others, election
othcers.. $'399 30
Miscellaneous $3008 80
Constables and Justices' fees n
Commonwealth case and inqni
sitions 274 92
Commonwealth witnesses 456 OH
Public buildings and grounds ....23260 8H
Grand, petit, and talisman jurors. 8526 09
County Bonds redeemed 97tiO OO
Interest paid on count v bonds Ac. 2753 18
Assessor ......................
Constables' returns and tipstaves.
Wild est, fox and mink scalp....
Road damages..................
Western Penitentiary
State Lnuatic Asylum...........
County prison
Printing and stationery. ... ....
Btidge old and new ..... ....
CommisMoneiV office ...........
Public omce
General and spring elections
493 00
3'l7 03
281 75
22) 00
60 68
124 07
1478 26
1116 60
6861 92
1H64 00
677 60
699 30
Total .
.$57159 16
W, the Commissioner of the eountv of
Juniata, in compliance with tbe require-
ueuis 01 iaw, uo puuuxn tne loregning as a
fnilstilementof the Receipts aid Expen-
uuurci 01 me county aioreaahl for tbe
year 1875.
Uiven under our bands and seal at the
Commissioners' Office, in Mifflin town, tbe
25th day of Jannw, 1876.
james Mclaughlin,
david b. cox,
w. h. gk0mnger,
Attest 1 Cemmiarioiierr.
Jjhes Dai. Clerk.
Is addition to tho-frgoing statement,
Ac., I will her add, for the iulenuation ef
the UX payers and other of the county,
the follow ing fact, aa shown by the book
hi the Commissioners' Office, to wit :
Amount paid toward tbe erection of the
new Court Honse, the Frame Building 00
the northeast corner of tbe Public S.inar.
erected for tbe nse of the offices duriug the
errv.ioi. sou completion or tne Court House
together with the Cistern and Pump, Water
Closets and Privy, Grading of Grounds,
erecting ot Terrace, repairing and painting
of Fence, Tower Clock, Bell, Heater. Gaa
Fixture, Ac, and la fact everything crm-
Sew AdrertisetnenUt
nected" With the new Court Hoe, (except
furniture, including chairs, tables, carpet
Ihg, Ac.,) as follows :
P.id u 187$ .'.. 9 MJ9 M
Paid In 174 . w ''f. ?!
Paid in 1878...;....: 28.260 88
- Total ...860,886 38
To this but no added amount
paid J. W. Hamilton for extra '
painting, signs, Ac., aa appears
in miscellaneous exhibit $43 60
Also, to licCahan A Elk
st re-etting heaters... 37 00
Amt. due Batman when
feuce U completed .... 60 00
130 60
Total $0,516 88
I will also state, aa near as I can. tbe in
debtedness or the county of Juniata on the
id day of January, 1876, aa follows s
Amt. of outstanding order is
sued ii 1875.:. .t....i.9 895 64
Amt. of county bonds outstand
ing Jaw. i 1$76. excluaiv of
some interest;. 68,3.0 00
$58,765 64
Deduct oot stan ding
State and county tax
es Jan. 3d, 1873, as
shown by Auditors'
Report. $13,94 84
Dednct amt. in hand
ot Treasurer, as per
Auditors' Rrpart ... 1,965 83
Deduct amt. in hand
of Sheriff Knonse. a
ier same report..... 8 00
15.8S8 3
Leave total indebtedness.... $42,876 97
Respectfully, Ac,
Feb. 2. 1876-41
Register's Jfettlce.
TV OTICE is hereby given that the fol
i. V following named perwns bave B:ed
their Administrators'. Executors' and Ouar-
diaa accoonts in the Register's Omce of
Juniata county, and the same will be pre
sented tor confirmation and allowance at
tho Cocrt House in MiAiintown, on Tues
day, March 7th, 1876 :
1. Tbe flrst and final accooht of Daniel
Sit ber. ruardian of Elisa Mrgaret Bell: de
ceased, minor child of Ephraiin Bell, lale of
Fermanagh township, deceased.
2. The account X Samuel and Abraham
Veiny, executors of the last will and teatt
ment of T bonus Meloy, late of Sprue Uill
township, deceased.
8. The account vf Simon Flab, adminis
trator ot Ptfb-r Ahbough, late of Ferman
agh township.
4. Tbe tirsi and partial account ol Joseph
D Thomas and Siniuel A Thomas, adminis
trators of Jacob Thomas, late of Fenmnj-
aeh township, deceased.
6. The flr,t snd dual account of V7 C
Gu.s, executor of the la?t will and testa
ment of Abigail Lf vault, lale of Patterson,
6. The first and final account of John
Kurt and Samuel Obfrholtser, executors of
the last will and testament orJ ,cob Bru
baker, late ot Monroe twwcship.SfcceaMd.
7. The aceonnt of John P Jtc Williams,
executor of the last wiil and testament of
Elizabeth Henry, late ot Beale township,
8. The account of O W Lyter, adminis
trator of Michael Zeller, of Juniata county,
9. Tbe first and final account of Fianna
Keeping, formerly Wickenbain, adminis
tratrix of Ross G WickersbaMn, Into of
Greenwood township, deceased.
10. The account ol' John Weller and Isaac
(tcarbart, executors of the last will and tes
tament f Peter Weiler, late of Juniata
county, deceased.
11. Supplemental aceonnt of ID Waliis,
executor ot Jemima J Lukena, lale ol
Thouipeontown. deceased.
11. The aceonnt of David Reno, gnardian
of Rebecca L Toder, minor child of John
Yoder, late of Sprnce Hill township, de
ceased, and who will have attained her ma
jority before tbe 7th day ef March, 1876.
13. The first and partial account of Noah
Hertxler, executor of tbe last will and teala
nient of Elizabeth Louglirtdge, late of Tur
Dett township, deceased.
14. The first and partial account of J.
Shelburn Robinson, executor of the last
w ill and testament of Cslharitfa CuCuing
hara, late of Mill on! township, deceased.
J. T. METLIN, Rtgisttr.
Rtomii'i OrricK, f
M iHliutown, Feb. 7, 1876. j
THE undersigned. Commissioner of the
County ot Juciata, io order to raise
money to meet the payment of sundry
County Bonds, now and soon to become
due, as well aa to pay the interest oa Coun
ty Bond as it tails due, hereby give notice
that they will be at their office ia Mifflin
town dnring tbe week of our ensuing FEB
RUARY Court, prrparad to sell the
Bonds of the County of Juniata,
not to exceed In the aggregate the sum of
$15,000 said Bonds to be of auch denomi
nation as may be desired by the purchaser
or purchasers. These Bonds are a safe and
desirable investment, Worthy the attention
of moneyed men.
Jan. 19, 1876.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received
up to FEBRL'ARV I9th, 1876. lor the
bniklir.g ot a NEW BRICK SCHOOL
HoL'Sfc, 28x36 feet, at the west end or the
Shnnwn farm, formerly owned by John P.
Thompson, in Delaware township. Plan
and speciticifications may be seen at tbe
residence of the Treasnn-r of tbe School
Board of said townxbip, David Smith. A
bond of 5 per cent. 1uu.1t accompany each
and every proposil. Proxa!s will he
opened and the letting take pi.ce at Smith's
School House, in said towaihin. on Satnr.
day, February, 19, 1876, at 1 o'clock r. w.
1 no Board of Directors reserve Ihe rirfht to
reject auv or all oids.
V. S HUMAN, Secretary.
Jan 26, 1876. '
"ITTHERFAS a Certificate representrrg
V V One Thousand Dollars of the Capital
Slock ol the Richland National Bank of
Mansfield, Ohio, being Certificate 2io. 70
issued May 2'., 1869, and registered in the
name of Mrs. EiitaUetb Loughride, late or
Port Koya., JuniauCo Pa.,dec'd. has been
lost or nmlaid, this is to notify and declare
fiat at ptxation will be made, under theact of
Afctenibty in nch cases made and provided,
for a duplicate Certificate from the proper
officer of the Bank mentioned above,
for tha amount and numb.-r of Certificate
, 1876.
Se-tlce to Contractor.
SEALED PROPOSALS w, he received
Tor the building of a BRICK SCHOOL
HOUSE in Turbctt township, by tfte School
Board of said township, at the hour of two
o'clock p. ,on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY
19th, 1876, at Orive Branch School House.
Tbe Board of Director reserve tbe right to
reject any or all bids. Specifications can
be seen at any time by calling on tha Sec
retary of the School Board.
WM. S. WE1MER, Secretary.
To all whom it may concern :
Notice is hereby given that application
will be made to the Senate and House of
Representatives of tbe Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania at their general session for
1876, to pass a law prohibiting all citixens
from other coBAfies in this Commonwealth
from hunting,- with rides or shot guns, at
any season of the year, in Juniata county.
Jan 6, 1376.
NOW is your time, gentlemen, to take
lessons on the Guitar. Will teach in
either Spanish Key or Natural Key Sin
yle or in classes. Try me three months
Terms, 25 cent per lesson in advance.
feb2-3tn Mexico, Juniata Co., Fa,
Sentinel and Repnbliean $1.60 a yest
The worst cases or the longest ataoding, by
snd will giv $1,000 for a case- it will a
benefit. A bottle sent free to all addrea "
Ing J. E. DIBBLES, Chemist. Office : 13
Broadway, N. Y. .
The Little Rock and Fort Smith Railway
Companv is selling, at excefcJISjal
17 prices) aad on trn?s to
suit purchasers, over
o:;e million acres
vf their magnificent grant, on either side
anil within twenty mile of their road. Ad
mirably auited for production of Corn, Cot
ton, Grain, Grass, Fruits, and all other
Northern crops. Winter are mild, per
mitting out-dour labor tor eleven months.
Soil fertile beyond precedent. No graaa
hoppers, nodroncb;. Special inducements)
for "establish irieat of msnntsctoriea. For
circulars, address W. D. SLACK. Land
Commissioner, Little Hock, Arkansas.
place to learn BUSINESS
, or to cjni
or to cjnaiify u teacben of
COLLEGE, Cleveland, O.
Oldest of the Bva.iT A Stsxtto chain of
College, and one of ikt best known, a
Messrs. F ELTON A SPENCER have doubt
lee personally instructed more student
than any two men living. Send stamp for
(hit) A DAT t home. AgenU wanted
Outfit and terms free. TRUE A CO.,
Auruta, Maine.
G7- for te.
XI A Household Weekly Kaffaslne,
nivorio TO
Popular Literature, and all Matters of Tastt
and Cullurt.
Afplstox' Jocx!)al appears in new
type and with other mechanical improve
ments, making it the handsomeat weekly
literary journal in the country. applx
tosV JocaXAt aims io be comprehensive,
including in its plan all brawhea of litera
ture, and treating all subjects of interest to
intelligent readers ; it designs to be eleva
ted in taste- and pare in ton ; it gives ia
quantity fuliy twenty-five per cent, mora
than tile largest cf the Monthly Magaxines,
while in quality it literature is of tbe high
est class.
Prict, $4 per Annum 1 10 els. per Number.
Tbe undersigned have procured, exclu
sively for subscribers to ArPLKTOSs' Joca
sal, a splvndfd steel engraving of
H barles Diekcas ia his Study,'
which is offered, under special terms, trf
every subscriber in advance to Jocaaab
for 1876.
This steel engraving is in line and itippla.
It is not a lanry picture, but an actual rep
resentation of C aarles Dickens's study at
Gadshiil, while thr portrait of the distin
guished author is strikingly faithful.
The sixe of the plate is 20x14, printed on
heavy plate paper 2130, making a largo
and handsome engraving for the parlor or
library wall. The execnticti of the plat i
of a superior order.
1 be ordinary price of iteel engraving'
of this character In tho print-shops would
not be leas tbanrf, aid perhaps six dollar.
It is offered exclusive! to subscribers, ia ad
dition to the Joe at for one year, for one
year, for o Oft that is, for $'.00 additional,
eacb yearly advance subscriber to theJora-
at. for 1876 may receive superb engrav
ing worth tully Bve tims the amount.
This engrwing is entirely new. It ha
never been ftr sale in tbe print-shops, and
caot be obtained esctpt in connection with
Applktoss' Joi-bxal upon the term aad
conditions given above. It will be mailed
to subscrioera postage prepaid.
619 A 661 Broadway, New York.
liberal Terms ef Ex
char gefor Second-hand
Machinai ct rvsry das-
Tm M FalMrM ntnar S4 Sets, for (Malocaa.
Aiiress S3USTI3 SSTOr. C&
aeaava Wastsw. HEW ISU
EMPLOYMENT. Mala and female, sal
ary or comniiaaion. TTe par Agentsf
salary of tiO a Week and expenses. Ecaa
ka M'r'o Co- Hartford, Cona. Particulars
Tha oldest and best appointed Institution)
for obtaining a Busiueaa Education. For
circulars address
Pittsburgh, Pa.
This is no hnmoug. For Information, in.
quire of or write to MOYER BROTHERS,
Wholesale Druggists, Broomsburg, Colum
bia county, Penna.
(pi I Agents, Male and Female, in tbeir
own iHcality. Terms and OUTFIT
FREE. Address P. O. ViCEKRT A CO.,
Augnata, Maine.
$1 C9I1 lr d,T t nomo- Term fre.
J r. U Addres Geo. Stissox fc Co.,
Portlar.4, Me.
A ING." llow either sex may fasci
nate and gain tbe love and affections of any
persons they choose, instantly. This sim
ple mental acquirement all may possess,
Iree, by mail, ror 25 cents; together with a
Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams,
Hints to Ladies A queer book. 100,000
sold. Address T. WILLIAM A CO., Pub
lishers, Philadelphia.
(Bedford Building,)
Main Street, 31 Ifflln town. Pa
Selected with great c,re, tOti warranted1
poni nign aothoriTv.
for medk-al purposes.
CrPRESCRIPTIONS empeunded wit
great care. Jon 22-tt.
I .Y8 ttoek of mde elothing ol thf
J-J latest and choicest styles, for men andT
boys, hats, caps, boots and shoes, notion.-fuinishin-
good in endlm w..i. r ..ia
at Samuel Strayer's, in Patterson.
Job work ob short Boric at this efflew.