SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIKFLINTOWN. JJ. F. SOIt WJ-JIEK, . rpcros inn aoreitroa. - Ew'itUican State Nominations. FOR OOrtP.SOB, T0h KtATZ TiREABTBEJl, Hon. Iir.XAT RAtTI.E, lit ERIK COCXTI. Eopublican County Committee. Chair. . W. Smith, Patterson P. O. - SrcatVAaY Mchard Dnyk-, Walnnt P.O. Mittiintown H. A. r-tanibawjzh, J.S..Varrin. r'erinau;igh--li iebr, J. M. Hower. Walker W, H. Kurtt. W. H. Lnkens. Fayette lesse Grubb, T. T. Davis. KortrOe H.G. ellenberger, Jacob Bosom Cireenwuod W. Woodwa-d, H. Minuiuru. Stiiuchanna S. S. Up'lcove. E. Long. Dolaware J. M. Shifts, D. Finknhiixier. Thompseutown J. i. Haldcinan, N. Keely Patterson H. R. f.ivrn, l. F. S tavern. .Millord Wm. .McCaltan, A. J. llertaler. Beale J. K.J.earh, Richard Doyle. P.trt Koral-. II. I. calr,' dames A Thomson. Turbett I. U Hjrtiler, Iainfe Berkey,, i-pruce Hill Thos Ramsey, Stewart Whar ton. Tri"!ciirra A. ji Stewart. ThoB. Sforrow. l,rkWn Mihtow, Tyson Stump. VlVk Log K Mclntvre, A. H. Opple. Noah Hertzlcr, Port Rival Member of )i.-.iil) stite Central Committee for Jumala county. Republican County Committee Meeting. The Republican County foiuuiittee tiiot at W ill a hotel in .Mifllintowo, on f aturday, tbe 17ib mat ., in pursuance tit a call by tbi Chairman. Tbe (Juairuian, Mr. Smith called the Committee to order and announced tbe absence of tbe Secretary, Mr. Richard !. le. On motion Mr. II. A. Staui baDirb was elected Secretary pro tem. After a discussiou of tbe time for holding the primary election, the fol lowing resolution was passed : Resulted. That the l'rimarr Election of tbe Republican party of Juniata county be held at the aeveral election d istricts, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1873, between the hour of 4 and 7 o'clock P. M. tit' said day, and that Urn Convention be held in the Court House, in MifEiiitown, at 1 o'clock P. M., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1875. G. V. SMITH, Cnatrmua. II. A- Si ahb.UCU, Secretary. The following it the system nndcr which the Primary Election will be held on Sep tember 25, 1!75. first. The candidates for the aeveral of fices stall have their names anuounced in me or more ot the county papers at leant t'.Ur weeks previous to the primary meet ings, stating the otlicc, aud subject to tbe action ol the said primary meeting. Second. The voter t responding to Repnili ran principles in each towship, ward or bor ough shall meet on Saturday, SepteiuOer 25, Yi'i'i, at the usual places ot holding the spring election, at 2 o'clock P. M., and pro ceed to elect one jieniiin forjudge and two iersons for clei'ik, who shall form a b'jard to receive Votes and deterniino who are the proper persons to vote, and shall bold tlie poiU open until 7 P. M. After tbe polls are opened the candidates announced as aloresiid shall be ballotled tor; ttie name ot each person votinr -.hall be written on a list at th-! time of voting, no person being allowed to rote more than once lor each o3ic. 7'iiVi. After the polls are closed the hoard shall proceed to count the rotes that each candidate received, and make out the returns accordingly, to be certitied to by (he Jmljre and attested by the clerks. f'vurtk. The Judc (or oue of the clerks appointed by the Judge) of the respective flection districts shall meet at the Court House, in MinMiutiiwn, cn Monday following the primary meetings, at 1 o'clock P. M., having the returns and a list of the voters, and count tbe votes, aud the person having the highest number ot votes tor any office shah b declared the regular nominee ol the K-p-ublican party. fifth. If any two or more persons have an eiual nunjb-r of votes for the same office the judges shall proceed to ballot for its choice, the person having the highest num ber to be the nominee. Sixth. The return judges shall be com petent to rig-et, by majority, the returns trotn any electiou district where there is evidence of fraud, either in thv returns, or otherwise, to the extent of the fraudi com mitted. Setenth. No person shall be permitted to vot proxies. TllKiiL is a cljau uiajotity of 30,000 Republican votes iu this commonwealth. Let us all giy tj work. At'Tta tbe 1st of September the headquarters of the Republicau State Central Committee will be at 430 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. The Democratic Board of County Commissioners of Schuylkill oouuty have just been convicted of criminally Misappropriating the public funds. Tuc Democracy have carried the election iu ( aliforuta by considerable tusj irity The late alarming bank fail vie there reacted against tbe Republi cans, though there was uo good reasou for such reaction. Thb Seliusgrove Tribune refuses to support the candidate of the Republi can party for Sheriff, on the ground that he was not honestly nominated. Tbe position of tbe Tribune is correct. A man who secures his nomination by dishouest means should te defeated, it matters not whether le be a Republi can or Democrat. The country is grad ually working itself up to that plain on which no man who las secured a nomi nation by fraud can staud before the people. The Tribune is doing what the press generally, without regard to party, rfaoold do, when it is certain of ca.-esf fraud against fellow candidates. WtTni.w the past week a man named Veslervelt, baa been on trial in Phila Helpbia as one of the abductors of Charley llos. He put himself in com munication w;ib the police soon after the abdnction cf the child, and pro fessed to lead them in the pursuit of Mo.ber and Douglas, who were killed in Tork State, as is well known to readers of newspapers. It was a false pursuit that be led the police. . lie kept th-m away from Lis associates iu oteaJ of bringing uiein togeiLer. From the appearance of the case as published, Lis complicity ic tie matter is quite certain. No technicality a; the law should be allowed to come in and se cure his eseape. j Tbe Kansas graiaoprr hi ea'cred ! c-atral lilinor. ! THE Temperance organ, published and edited at Hanieburg by Col (jeo F. McFarland, publishes the laces j lhr.iOgbt.ut the Commonwealth at which Res. R. Aodlej Brows, the political Temperance t and id ate, is to apeak in advocacy of tbe cause for which he is the candidate for Governor. Almost every day of this present "month baa bren. aet apart for tceetioc in tome part of the State, the Holy Sabbath oot excepted. Last Sunday a Temperance political iceeting was held at Keooett Square, Chester county, at wL'teh Rev. R. Audley Brown spoke. Another Sunday meeting of the same character, at which Mr. Brown is announced to speak, is advertised for Sunday, the 19th iust.,at Danville, Montour county. What would the con u try say if Gen. Uartranft would make appointments to stump the State, Sunday included, in advocacy of tbe cause for which lie ia tbe candidate for Governor? What would the people of this coucty say if our Cyauty candidates would hold Sun- diyuieeting. and argue their cause atdjbetween CUr!eg cw.k .,id j org people to vote for them, j ney bsve just the fame right to do so that Mr. Brown has. Tbe moral depravitv that would naturally spring from such a course of action is unpleasant to eon template. Such a rule of actiou, if pot ic force through the course of one generation, would most probably destroy tbe observance cf the Sabbath entirely. TliKRC are a great many pleasant utterances in regard to the rapid pro gress that the Japanese aud other peo ple, who occupy that portion of the earth that was firt peopled by Adam, and after the fluod re peopled by N'oab, arc making in tbe adoptiou of the man- uera and customs of the Yankees, and it is all quite flattering. Tbe general opinion is that tbe people of the Kist have little Western people will take to indulging ia. The following para graph, however, definitely settles tbe poiut that they have habits that chris tian people will adopt : "The other dt.y, at Cape May, a very novel entertainment during the after noon ard evening was a Japanese tea party, given by Mrs. Pr. J. P. New man, of Washington. A complete Japanese tea set was spread on the floor, and the numerous guests sat or Wpuatted around in true Japanese style. Fonr ladies were attired in elaborate Japanese costumes, and tea of the su perior quality that is only used by tbe Emperor and Mandarins was served in dainty Japanese enps. Thi) tea was brought from Japan by Dr. and Mrs. Newman." It was the pursuit of the luxury of the East tbe Orient -that multiplied the extravagance of Koine, made bt-r corrupt, and brought about ber fall, as much as anything else that can be men tioned. Is it only a question of ab sorption ? Are we to absorb the hca- tbeu, or are the heathen to absorb us ? It is a question that' may be debated, and never settled uutil the matter has run a few hundred years, when tbe ut ter overthrow cr swallowing np of one j or the other of the parties is made manifest to all. On toe question of the distribution of the Common School fund in Ohio, the Pittsburg Gazette last week pub lished tbe following editorial : There have been declarations that there was nothing in the schocl issue in Ohio ; but tho Catholic Telegraph very positively declares : "We have agitated and fehall continue to agitate for our share of the school fund as long as we are taxed to support schools which Cath olic children cannot attend. We look in the futnre for the abolition of this terrible grievance, not from any party nor po'iticians like Judge Taft, but ft nui a majority of citizens, wbo, re gardless of party, will be willing to do ns justice." Exactly ; and here is the very danger that threatens. By the Telegraph' own showing there is ample cause for the feeling excited in Ohio. If Catholics are relieved from tax be cause their children attend sectarian schools, others will insist upon a like privilege, denouiiuatinnal schools wiil multiply, and the result be the destruo tion of our common school system The above confession shows there is cause for real alarm, aud the people of Ohio should admtni.-ter a decided re buke to those who have raised this issue. There is no denying the fact tbst the issue plainly exists. Ax organ of the workingmcn called 44 We People,'" and published in Phila delphia, prints some astonishing news concerning tbe riots of tha labor unions in Clearfield, and boldly asserts, that William A. Wallace aud the Demo cratic J udge of Clearfield were in con spiracy with the coal operators to pro voke the collision which resulted in sending two of the leaders of that out break, Joyce and Maloney, to prison, and holding John Siney to bail for trial. Charging the existence of the con spiracy it denounces, it closes the arti cle with these words : 44 Wo havo facts in our possession that prove this con spiracy beyond doubt ; and we intend tbe public shall not be misled through tenderness about their publication." We shall look anxiously for the prom ised proofs, and, if they are supplied, shall make somewhat free with those whom they are said to implicate. Hur risburg Telegraph. TlIEKB is talk of an effott to be I made next winter to secure the neces sary legislation to construct a coal oil pipe line from Pittsburg to Chester on ! tbe Delaware rive, a distance of about two hundred miles, air line. It has been estimated that one million of dol lars will be sufficient to construct a line of pipes sufficient to conduct all the oil that finds an cutlet through Pittsburg. It is thought a wonderful thing that Oregon is going to send Cr beards a n""l fe long aud twelve feet wido l the CVottuuiai Exhibition. ; News Items. A encumber 49 inches long was grown in I'otteviile. . Two months and twelve days were consumed in the erection cf tbe new bridga at Danville, and an average of twenty ben were employed. The bridge ia 1,350 feet long and tha road way is eighteen feet wide, with aide walk on either aid five feat wide. LoaU Gonisr, wbo tried to commit a rape opon a child nine years qld in Fhilipsbarg, Centre county, in June last, was found guilty am! sentenced to seven years in tbe Western Peniten tiary. Dr Sidney D. Grant, a well known physician of Baltimore, formerly of Hartford, Conn., was arreated on Sat urday a week, aud taken to Connecti cut, on a requisition from the Governor of that State, charging tiiin with per jury. In Waoo, Texas, a duel was fought on Sunday uight a week in tbe dark, distance lour feet, weapons sis shooters. . M. Turner. Three shots were fired. Tur- uer was killed. A trivial quarrel was the cause. Goldsmith Maid trotted a mile heat at ( Larter Oak Park, Hartford, last Thursday, in 2.161, for $2,000. Seventy two gold watches, thirty three silver ones and diamonds and jewelry Valued at $7000, were stolen from the safe of a pawnbroker in Pitts burg on Tuesday night, 31st tilt. The Islaud of St. Thoruaa was shaken by au earthquake on the 3d of August. On the 1st of this month an attempt was made to pass a forged draft on the j Merchants and Mechanics' Bank of j Scranton for 3700, The draft pur ported to be from the First National Bank of Camden, N. J., to tbe Fourth National Bauk of New York. The party was not captured. The Treasurer of New Jersey has abandoned bis office with upwards of $50,000. A dairyman and merchant of Buffalo has suspended liabilities, $9,000. Tbe Bank of California paid over its counters before it suspended, gold and silver coin that amounted in weight to forty-two tons. Such is tha report. B. F. Butler's name appears on the tax list in Lowell, Mass., as a non resident. Moodey and Sankey propose to meet iu Washington early in October. A peculiar disease is causing the deaths of many horses in Kansas. . A St. Louis physician has offered a reward of $1000 for an authenticated case of death from eating tipe water melon. Ex-President Johnson,- it seems, really was buried in a winding-sbeet consisting of the flag of the Union. Isaao Fancher, of Sandy Hill, pre dicts that tha world will be destroyed July -1, 1876. This will spoil tbe Cen tennial. He buses his cheerful view on Isaiah ixv -. 17 44 For the child shall dio a hundred ytars old." The "child" he considers to be Uncle Sam, and when be dies the rest of tha world will give it up so and step out also. Mr. Fan cher is patriotic. Outrages in the coal regions are again in order. Tbe boss of the Haven Run Colliery, worked by Heaten & Co., was called from his residence before working hours on tbe morning of the 1st inst., by three men, who fired tec shots at him, killing him instantly. The murderers fled toward Ringtown, aud were pursued by parties in the vicinity and fired at, but without effect. A Ilarrisburg doctor has been con victed of attempted malpractice. The price of a glass of whisky at Saratoga is twenty five cents. Mr. Muinpass, & Tennessee farmer, was8tmckby lightning one day last week, while ploughing. A cloud com pletely encompassed bim, and it was dark as midnight- Then a light above the brightness of the sun, the thunder pealed and he became unconscious. On returning to consciousness be found that his horse was gone, the plough shivered into atoms, and bitnself weak and powerless. His left shoulder was bruised and paralyzed, and left btp bleeding, and the sole of bis left foot shorn of its flesh, and tbe foot itself a perfect wreck. Last Friday six men were banged in Arkansas, wbo bad been sentenced for murder. On tbe last day of AugUBt, Green M. Cautrell and Williamson Bailey, two Franklin county (Illinois) Ku-Klux, who were engaged in the fight at Mad dox lane on the lGth of August, were examined before tbe United States Commissioner at Centralia, Illinois. The Commissioner held them in $1, 600 bail, which was fumtsbed. Six uiort of tbe outlaws were arrested on the 20th and taken to Centralia for trial. The testimony shows that tbe organisa tion numbers 400 ia franklin aud 600 in Williamson eounty. An Allontown lawyer named George D. Scball, committed suicide by put, ting a revolver bullet through his bead a few days ago. There are to be fifteen new life boat i sikiious aiong ioo snores ot avaxes Michigan, Erie and Ontario nine on the first, four on tha second, and two on the third. Aa iuventor has discovered a process to render bank note paper water-proof. Rich ladies in New York and Phila delphia can buy good looking bonnet now fur two hundred dollars. There is a talk of hoops coming into fashion soon. A new shoe factory, 100x40, four stories bigb, ia building at Abingtos, Mass.. A sad esse of the shootiogof a youth by his father is despatched from Indi anapolis, as follows : Some days ago a man named Peterson, residing in this place, enticed away front ber borne the daughter of a farmer earned Trusty, and brought ber to this city. Tbe father of the girl learning ber where abouts on Monday last, induced her to return Lome with him. Peterson fol lowed then, making threats of violence against the old man, and last night Le approached Trusty's houM. Mr. Trus ty, enraged at the persistency of the fellow in his attempts to accomplish the ruiu of the irl, .took down bis shot gun, intending to shoot him on sight. Trusty's son, aged 18 years, learning of bis father's design, ran up to dis suade bim, and Trusty mistaking him for Peterson, fired, killing him instantly. It i seldom that a duel ia fongbt in this State. One was fought at Tajlor viile, near Scranton, on tbe nigbtof the 1st inst. It is true tbe niee'ing was not -by special appointment, but after one of tbe parties notified tbe other to look out, that be intended to shoot and did shoot tbe other party de liberately drew a weapon pistol and returned the fire with such effect that tbe party who fired the first shot was mortally wouuded. it was about a woman. Men bare been known to kill their wives by kicks and blows, but it is a rare thing for a woman to kill a man by a kick. Such a Case is reported from Washington. It was Michael Kuhu, who told bis wife tbat she was unfaith ful to bim, tbat she was on too intimate terms with other men secretly, where upon the insulted woman kicked ber husband in tbe abdomen with sub force tbat he doubled dp, sickened and died. . The trouble in this case is that Mts. kicked too bard. Leo N. Lew, the only Jewish student at the Universjfy of Virginia, reoently won tbe gold medal in an oratorical contest by eight 'students selected to represent tbe whole college. Mr. Blanton Duncan gives tbe fol lowing interesting account of tbe de prcciat.on of the Confederate currency : He says tbe total issue never reached $355,000,000, aud its depeciation was less than is popularly believed. - He says the paper dollar was worth 85 cents in gold in November, 1861; 60 cents in May, 1862 ; 45 or 50 cents in November, 1862; 16 cents in July, 1863; 8 cents in November, 1863, 5 cents in May, 1864, from which period to tbe termination of the war it fluctu ated, going np at once to G cents, and only failing entirely as a medium in tbe last two mouths prior to the cap itn lations when every one saw that defeat was inevitable. On the 1st of this month, at Dayton, Ohio, William Dawson, ex-Colonel of an Indiana regiment, while attending a wedding patty at Barlow's Hill, having refused admUsion to six roughs, was stabbed by one of them, named James Murphy, in the abdomen, from the effects of which be died in a few min utes. There is a probability that J udge Lynch wiil settle the case some of these days. This case of bank robbery was re ported from Louisville, Ky., on the 2d inst. : About daybreak Louis Rehm, tbe teller of the Planter's National Bank, was discovered near the bank on his way to the police station. He i could hardly speak at first, but after a while informed the detectives that three men bad taken htm from bed during tbe night, proceeded to tbe bank, and forced bim to deliver the keys, with which they opened the safe and ab stracted money. . Rehm alleged that he was chloroformed and stabbed in tbe side, where there is a slight wound. Tbe preceding story was related to De tective Bligb, who regarded it as very weak, and had Rebm locked np at a hotel. The directors of the bank met, and after consultation came to the con clusion that Rehm's story was a fraud and be the robber. Being told that all regarded him as the robber, be asked for an hour's sleep, and retired for that time, and on awakening confessed to the detectives that be had robbed tbe safe tbe preceding night before 12 o'clock, carrying its contents home and burying tbem nuder bis bouse. An ex Imioitioo by the detectives revealed all the money tied in a small sheet under a gymnasium in the rear of Rehm's resi dence He was arrested and is now in jail. He says tbat he doesn't know why he took the money, 4nd now realizes the improbability of being taken from bed as stated. Tbe bauk wiil resume business to-morrow. The money stolen by Rebm, the teller, has all been re covered. ' At Laosford, Pa., on the morning of the 3rd, John P. Jones, inside foreman of Summit Hill mine, No. 6, was shot while oh bis way down to the company's office, before be went into the tutces as be was coming down tbe path he was followed by two men, who came np to him and shot at bim three times, when he was seen to reel. Men wbo beard the shots went to his resoue. One man went to him and asked bim if be knew who it was. He said no. Evidently they were strangers. As soon as they bad done their work they turned and went back the way tbey came. Tbe bos was held in great esteem. He spoke bt a few words, did not appear to ruffer gfeat pain, and in five minutes be was dead. ' Tbo news of the morder was dispatched through tbe eoal regions immediately, and on tbe same day, tbe 3rd, tbe following from Pottaviile was sent over the wires relative to the mur derous : Tbe two meo wbo killed Joba P. Jonee af Lanstbrd were arrestee) is tbe woods near Tamaqua. Tbey - have been fully identified. Tbey give their ducm as Michael J. Doyle and Edward Kelley, and say they are from Mount Loffb, Schnykill county. Tbe following shooting' in mistake took place noar Pottsville on &6 3rd : Two young meo named Young and Kir by, while driving near Lanigan'a Patcb, were accosted by two special policemen. . Thinking tLey Lad fallen into the bands of some of the outlaws who now infest the uiiniog region,' one of them drew 'a revolver and fired, wounding one of tbe policemen. The other officer returned the fire, killing Young mstantly. Kirby fled to tbe woods and escaped. Great excitement exists throughtout the Schuylkill region in Consequence of the prevalence of crime, and in several localities vigilance committees are being organized. Grasshoppers are destroying tbe crops in farts of Colorado. A volcano in Iceland baa rendered one-third of that country too hot for habitation. A despatch from tbe late Cincinnati fair tells bow skillful a Miss Luck is in getting np of a meal. All the beaux are inquiring particularly for Miss Luck. Hero is tbe dispatch : In thirty minutes Mit-s Luck cooked, and cooked well, potatoes, chicken, porter house steak, tomatoes and eorn, and made coffee, tea, pie and biscuit, and set tbe table in the neatest style. Prussia will send a fifty. five ton can non to tbe Centeuuial Exhibition. Tbe preliminary examination of Theodore W. Brown, charged with be ing implicated in tbe robbery of $47, 000 from tbe Treasury Was commenced at Washington last Friday. It is said that tbe new stylo of pant. aloons to be worn this fall will be large enough to tie baok. Also, thtt a mod est man can't climb a ladder with a pair of 'em on. Tbe eotton mill at Ilarrisburg resum ed operations last Monday. It is said tbat tbe sun will rise eclips. ed on the 26lh of this month. It is said that well executed counter Set notes of tbe denomination of $10 in the First National Bank of Philadel phia, are io circulation. A writer in the Examiner and Chron id", claims tbat the first camp meetiags in America were held in 1767 by two Baptist ministers, the Rev. Samuel Harris and tbe cv. James Read, who preached in tbat part of Virginia lying between the Rappahannock and James rivers. The War Dpartmnt bas issued a generat order to the effect tbat hereaf ter no picnic parties will be allowed in any national eetnettry nor on any ad- joiuing ground within tbe control of tbe L'uited States. Visitors will not be allowed in tbe national cemeteries be. fore sunrise or after sunset. No re freshments will be taken in these ceme. teries. In national cemetries where driving is premitted the speed must be confined to a walk. A rope 3200 feet long and weighing a ton and a half was recently shipped by a Bedford manufacturer to a Titus ville oil firm. Two women bave been traveling through Iowa selling corsets at an. usually low prices. Indeed their anx iety to give ladies a perfect fit, and the insiguificant reward they asked for their services exoited suspicion. Now not a lady in Iowa will admit tbat she has Loiight Corsets in six months, while the two peddlers have resumed their male attire and occupy dismal cell io jail. ; At Jefferson, Ind., some days ago, a woman shot man, named "Lawtber. An Indiana paper cotes it as follows : Henry J. Lawther, wbo says he was born near Harrisville, Richey connty, West Virginia, was shot and mortally WOU&ded on the night of tbe 27th ult., by Nancy McKee, bis paramour, on a flat boat lying at the city wbarf. The charge of tbe gun entered tbe abdaml nal cavity and tbe lower end of his breastbone. James 11. Mulfit, a plas terer of Huntingdon, Pa., and Jas. B. Houston, a painter of Cincinnati, wbo were traveling with Lawtber, are believ ed to be accessories to tbe shooting, and were arrested with Mrs. McKee and locked up. Mrs. McKee saya she met Lawther at Gallipolis, where be promised to marry her, but never did, and she was bound to have bim. Law ther is not expected to live. Last Friday evening a young man named MoCormick bad an arm crushed while coupling cars at Altoona. Tbe vote for Governor ia California as far as beard from stand for Phelps, Republican, 25,000 ; Irwin, Democrat, 43,000 ; Bidwell, Independent, 18000 ; Tbe majority of other officers is largely in favor of tbe Democracy. At Pottsville on Monday considera ble excitement was manifested over tbe eentence of tbe - Commissioners of Schuylkill county - Patrick Conroy, Valentine Benner and Moses Uine convicted of neglect and corruption in the discharge of their official duties, aod for frauds and overcharges in tbe construction of the new county build ings ereeted last year the county be ing charged for the building $25,000. and by liberal estimates, made by com petent and responsible builders and constructors, tbey should wot (rave cost over $18,000. The sentence for each was two years' imprisonment, one thou sand dollars fine and the embexzled funds to be returned to the eounty. Tbey were tof mediately taken from the court room to the prison. Benner's term . f office Bating expired last Jan nary, Lewis C. Doagberty and Miobael Beard were appointed by the court to serve in the plaee of tbe eoavfcted men, Hint and Conroy. Aew Adverlitment. MORTON, BLISS & CO, BANKERS, 8 BROAD ST., N. T.; , Issue Circnlar Jfotes and Letters of Credit for Travelers; also Commercial Credits available in all parts ot tbe world, nego tiate Leans, ASD DBAW SXCHJkSOK 09 MORTON, ROSE. CO., - - LONtTOK. HOTTING UEU fc CO , - - - PAR13 HOPBfctO., - - - AMSTERDAM. 9 CIMHTP FDFP nd V PT to m:,,e OO UililiXliij I Mill and female every where. Address THE UNION PUB. Newark, N. J. CO. OI.EASANT AND PROFITABLE EM I I'LOYHKNT "Beautiful !" "Charm ing!" "Oh, how lovely f "What are they worth f Jlc. Such are exclamations by those wbo see the large elegant New ChrouMM produced by the European and American Chrouio Publishing Co. They are all perfect Ocms of Art. No ene can resist tbe temptation to buy when seeing tbe Chromos. Canvassers. Agents, and ladies and gentlemen out of employment, will find this tbe beat opening ever offered to make money. For full partknlarsv send stamp for conHdeutial circnlar. Address P. GLEASON tt CO., 738 Washington Sti, Boston, Mass. 50 TO 10,000 Has been invested in Stock Privileges aud paid ff PER PROFIT. CENT. "How to Do It," a Book on Wall street, sent free. TUMBRIDUL ft, CO., Banker and Brokers, 2 Wall street, N. Y. 4)77 A WEEK guaranteed to Male and Fc pi I male Agents, in their localitv. Costs NOTHING to try it. Particulars Free. P. O. VICKEBY & CO., Augusta, Maine. nrpiO The choicest in tho world. Iiu lllJlu porters' prices Largest company in America staple article pleases everybody Trade continually increasing Agents wanted every where best induce ments don't wast- time send for Circn lar tt Robert Wells, 43 Vosey strict, N. y P. O. Box 1287. NKVKIi-FAILING a;i j; Cuke. Price SI. Sold by Druggists. iH) Reward f it FaiU to Cure. DR: C. B. HOWE, Seme Falls, N. Y. MOST EITHAOEDINARY Terms of Advertising are offered for News papers in the State of PENNSYLVANIA! Send fur lint uf papers and schedule of rates Address Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Advertizing Ke, 41 Park Bow, Sew Terk. ASSIGNEES SALE 1 THE undersigned, Assignee of C. B. Banloy, will sell at public sale, at tbe LUMBER YARD of said C. B. Bartlsy, in the borough of Mifllintown, at 1 o'clock P. M , on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1875, The entire stock of Lumber, Sash, Doors, and Blinds on hand, consisting of 2,000 Feet of Hemlock Joists and Scantling; 2,000 Feet 1 1 incb Pine Boards, 10,000 Feet Pine Boards, 3.000 Feet Pine Flooring, 1.000 Feet Hemlock Boards, 30,000 Plastering Lath, and a lot of Sash, Shutters and Blind.-), also A LUMBER HOUSE AND CARPENTER SHOP. Also, at tbe same time and place, will be offered for sale, a Two-Story Frame Building, brick case, situate On Bridge street, Mittiin town, built for a Store Room, and bow oc cupied by Emil Schott, having a front of 18 feet on Bridge street and M feet in depth. The above building is in the best buxi ness portion of the town, rents for S26O.00 per apnum, and wi no doubt afford a line opportunity for profjubte investment, aa it must be sod. TERMS. Fifteen per cent, of purchase money to be paid down ; thirly-ttv per cent, on tbe first day of January, 1S76, aud the balance April 1. lt7t. JEREMIAIT LYONS, Assignee ol C. B. Bartlev. Sept. 1, 1875. VALUABLE FARM AT . PRIVATE SALE ! ON account of age and declining health, the undersigned offers, at private sale, his farm situated in Walker township, Juni ata county, three m-les west of Thoaipson town, four mflej ttortbeast of Mexico, and one mile south of Vanwert, adjoining Lmds of J N Thompson, J S Lnkens, David Air man aid others, containing OJE IICXDRED ACRES, Ninety acres of which arc cleared aod under good fences, and in a good state of cultiva tion, having all been well limed within tbe last five years ; the balance is well set with good timber, such as locust, chestnut, oak and hickory. There are Two Good Dwelling Houses on the premises, a good FRAME BANK BARN with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached, and all other necessary outbuild ings all in good condition. There is a never-failing Spring ot good water conve nient to both houses, and never-.'ailing Springs of Water in every fh;Id except two. There are two gdod APPLE ORCHARDS, one in good bearing condition. th other just beginning to bear; also aa abundance ot other fruits, such as Pears, Peaches, Plum, Quinces and Cherries. This property is pleasantly located, con venient to Churches, schools and mills; nd will be sold on easy terms. Call on Cf ad dress JOHN TtT SARTAIN. If the above property ia not sold private ly before the FoUKTU DAY OF NOVEM BER, 1875, it will be offered on that day at public sale. 'id Public Examinations. THE Public Examinations of T Metiers will be held in the different districts of the county at the following times and places : Miffiintown and Fermanagh, at Mifflin town school house, August itUlh. Patterson and Milford, at Patterson school house, August 81st. Eeale, at Johnstown school house, Sept. 1. Spruce Hill, at Spruce Hill school house Sept. 2nd. Port Koyal and Turbett, at Port Royal scr-ool bouse, Sept. 3rd. Walker, at Jlexico School house, Sept. 6th Fayette, at McAlisterville school bouse, September 7th. Monroe, at Richfield school house, Sept 8. Susquehanna, at Prosperity school house, September 9lh. Greenwood, at Wilt's School house, Sep tember 10th. Thoropsontown and Delaware, at Thomp sontown school house, September 3th. Tnscarora, at McCulluCh'a Mills school honse, September 15th. Lack, at Lick school honse, Sept. 16th. Special examinations will be held at Mif fiintown September 18th and 25tb, and Uc tobtr 2nd. Applicants must be examined la the dis tricts where they expect to teach, and in tbe several branches required by Uv. Classes will be i.rginiitd at iisi o'clock. JOHN M. GAKMAN, ng Cbaary Superintendent. The ScsTisat a Bar-rBUCAs has bo anrjerior aa an mdvp-rtiminv nMiinm in h. county, and as a journal of varied news uu rowing u is not surpassed oj any weekly paper ia Central PeaaayhraBia. Drags fc medicines at Casks a Hsmlio.s Xeie Adt ertitetHtmt. Executors' Iiwllee. Ettatt of Tktwtat MtcUulh. itxtaud. LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Thomaa McCully, late of Fayetu township, deceased, having twen g ranted to th undersigned, all persoua indebted tt said vtatr are requested to make payment, and those having cla'.asS or demands are re novated to make k.iown the same witnout delay to WM. U. McALlSTEB, Sept. 1, 1S75. Executor. AOmInlitratwr'9 notice. Estate cf Joseph S. Laird, ituatei. 1 HEKEA3 Letter of Adminwlretinn V on the estate of Joseph S: Lahrt. of TasoarOM township, d.-ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, ail per sons iudcbUMt tri said eV-ate are requested lo make immediate payment, and those having cJaltn will please present them without delay to S. B. CRAWFORD, Aug. 11,1875. Jdmiaistrator. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Juniata county to make distribution of tfte balance in the bands of James B Thompson, Administra tor of John M Thompson, late of the oor ou'h or Port Royal, deceased, hereby gives notice that he wUl meet all parties interest ed for the purpose of hia appointment at bis ortice in the boron ?h of MifHtntown, on Monday. September 27, 18ia, between Ihw hours of 10 o'clock a. at, and 4 o'clock r. a, of said diy, wben and where all persons rlfiim airain.t aaid Mtafe Will tl(W- sent them, or bo foreer debarred, to JEHKXIAU .1U.J. Ang23-4t Jailor. THE HEW AMERICA SEWING-MACHINE. simple, Seir-Tkreadlnff. and Durable: I SHALL take pleasure in hnwing this nonular Machine to ant ' o ih io buy a fiisl-cias article. It has Wcto its way to tbe front ranks. Call and see If; !r let me know wbo yon are and where you live. Addrma W. II. AIKEN'S. Agent, ang-3ni ' ' ' Miminhiwn. Pa. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Bridge Street, Mifflinlown, Pa. JOSEPH HESS wouU reapectfullv invite all who want GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS of themselves or their friends to give him a call, and be convinced that this is tb place to get GOOD PICTURES. Having prepared himself with the BEST INSTRUMENTS in the market, and all the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS that constitute a First -Class Photograph Gallery, he invites ell his friends and the public gen erally to favor him wi'h their patronage, and they will be accommodated with any thing in the line of Photography. Pictures taken ffOin Card to Life Size, and Painted, if desired, in Oil or Water Colors. Small Pictures copied and enlarged. Old Ambrotvpes or Dacuerreotypca also copied and enlarged, find painted if nVsirmi. A good selection of FRAMES knpt on hand at all time, and cheaper than ever. solid walnut t rarnes, Gilt Frames, Imitation W alnut Frames, Imitation Rosewood Frames, Rustic Frames, Cabinet Imperial Frames. Pictme Naiis. Screw-eves. Cord and Taa. set, M. JOSEPH I1ES3. Miflliutown, Jan. 7, 1874. Professional Cards. JJJUIS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MIFFLLNTOWN, PA. " Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orriea On Bridge street, opposite the Court House Square. JOBERT McMEEX, Attorney and Counselor -at-Law Prompt attention given to tho securing and collecting of cUiuis, and all lea-al busi ness. Orrict on oridgc street, flrt dotfr wast ot the Belford building. April 14, l75-tf LFHED J. PAttERSO.V, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, MIFl'LINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. CjT All boHiness promptly attended to. OrriPK On Bridge street, opposite the Court Honse square. M. BRAZEE, 31. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUBGE0N, Academia, Juniala Co , Pa. Orriea formerly occupied by Dr. S trrrett. Professional business promptly attended to at all honrs. April 7, 1872-tf THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, mrrusTowy, r. Office hours from 9 A. a. to 3 r. at.. Of. fice iu hia father's residence, at tlw south end of Water street. ocl22-U ) L. ALLEN, M. D., Has commenced the practice of Medicine and urgery and all their collateral branc hes. OtEce ' Aeademia, at the resideoce of Capt, i. J. Patterson. - - ' jul 15, 1874. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. MITFLINTOWir, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN'A. GEORGE JACOBS, President. T. TAJt IRYIN, CeaKer. lasere George Jacobs, H.H. Bechtel, John Balsbacn, J. W. Frank. Amos G. Bonsall, Jerome X. Thompson, Jrseph Rothrock, August 4, 1875-tf Bare IndncementA I Q Ofin ACRES OP LAND FOR 0JffJ SALE Said lands are si t- uaiea on ana soar im lairo r alios Rail, road, in Randolph Co., Arkansas, and will raise from fli ty la sixty bushel of corn or one Boie ef cotton to the acre, and will ba sold at prices ranging froia oee to twenty - I w van improTV. menu on sam. Tsaxj. Oue-lourth cash, and balance in' one, two, three aad few yeare. , - LE71 EICHT 4 BROTHER, Pocahontas, Ajxaaaea. Sebeertwe for tkeSewtmsr at BepwMieaa. XeJical. Ayer's Sarsaparilla fc wifidv InowS a-'oneot'ihemo effectual rente, dies ever disco. , ercd for cleans. jing the system aud Durifvinv tlu S? "4. "It 'La, K stood tlie test uf rawr stoutly growui reputation, ba.ed on its intrinsic virtue, and sustained by its remarkable curve, So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as 14 (effectually pwfe out tbe great comitv tioas of the blond, snch aa the scrot u)oua and syphilitic contamination: Impurities er diseases that have lurked in the system for years soon yield td this powerful antidote, and disappear. Hence ItS wonderful cures, tuanr cf which are publicly known, of Scroftiln; and all scrofttlbtis diseases. Ulcew, Eruption, ami eruptive disorders of the skin. Tumors, IMotrhe. Bolls, Pimples. Pntrtl3. Sores. St. Anthony's Flrc liose or Ery. ieiA. Tettr; Snlt lilietitn, Scahl Head. Kiiifftvorrii, and In fernal Ulcerations of the I' torn; Stohincli. and Liver. It al.o cures other cdmplainfs, to which it wtmM nrjt srsm epcWllv adapted, frs-h as PrI st. Dysirci&ia. Fits, XenrAlfrin Heart lMseiwe, Female Weak ness, lebility, arid Lencorrlirrn. when they are manifestations of the scrofulous poiwi. It is an excellent retorer of health and strength in the 5?prir-i. By rrne inj the appetite and vigor of the diges tive oryin. it dissipates the drpreioa nd listless languor of the season. Even where no disorder appear, people feel better, and live longer, lor cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and X new lease of 1&. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mais., PrmetUxsl mnd Auatytlcat Chrntiot: ibxs bt au hbcooistS tttirvnttt E. F. Zunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron Has never been known to fell in the core of weakness, attended with symptoms, In disposition to exertion, Ion of memory, dirHcQltv f breathing, general weakness j horror of disease, weak, nervous trembiin?. dread I ul horror ot uealb, night swea's. cold tee i, weakness, dimness of vision, lanzuorj universal la-ssilaoe of the muscular tystnu; enormous appetite, with dyspeptic symp toms, hot hands, flushing oi the body, dry ness of tha skin, pallid countenance and eruptions on the lace, pain in tbe back; heaviness of tho eyelids, frequent black spots nyiea; before the eye with tempora ry suffusion and loss of sigbt ; want of at tention, etc. Tbew symptoms all ari from a weakness, and to remedy that am E. Y. Kuukel's bitter Wine of iron. It never tails. Thousands aro now enjoying he-tlth wbo have used iu (let the geuiiie. Uniy s Id to 91 bottles. and otlice, North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Ask fur Kuukel's, and take no other. Soki by ait druggists. This trulr valuable tonic has been so thor oughly tefted oy all classes of the commu nity that it is bow deemed indispenuble as a Tonic medicine. It costs L-tit tittle, puri fies the Mood, and gives tone tone to th stouisclf, renovate' the sy.-ite n and prolongs lite: Everybody shonll have it. I onlv ak a trial of this valuabln tonic ? Price $ t per bottle. E. F. Kl'NKEL, S olo Proprietor, Philadelphia, Pn. Ak your druggist tor Kunkel'a Bitter Wine of Iron, aud lake no other make. Sold only in $1 bottles. A 11 others aru counterfeit, ao be- are of them. 259 Tape Worm Removed A lire SSV Head and all complete in two hours. No fee till head passes. Seat, f?n and Steui ach Worms removed br Vr. Kinkhl. 2V North Ninth stret'; Philadelphia. Mend for circular, or ate yonr drurgKt for a bot tle of KHkkl's Ifuta Statp. It never fails. Prico, SI. EH DBl'ti STORE. JJANKS & HAMLIN, (Belford Building, Main Street, .tlllClutoTTu, I'm. UEALEKa IN DRl'GS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICAL.-, IVF. STUFF. PAINTS OILS, VARNISHED. GLASS, Pf TT V, tVALOll,. LAMPS. BURNERS; CiU US EYS. B K I' S II R .-; HAlit KHC8HE3.TOOI tf : UKtJ.SIIES, PER t'L'.VRY,COMRt:, SOAP.S.H.UK OIL, TOBAC CO, CIGARS. NOTIONS. STATIONERY liKCl' VARIETY OP 1TLNT. MEDICINE, Selected with great carx. nJ warraMcil jrom liurb antliontr; r7Piirest of WiES AND MUCOUS for medical purposes. OT'PRESUIPTIONS cmpnuudrd witti great care. fJun22-tt. NEW AXI ATTRACTIVE LIISTE OIP GOODS rr aiteirVicA aftiht Patterson drug store. Among tba many nice goods may be fouad - tan lorrewrog : Two Doa frsB PocztT Butts, Laaos Lot or PHorooaAra Auras, Baac tint. AtTuuBArw Auras, Ex ta Tiftf Ksivis ten. Lamas, Fisa Pocaxr itooas, Eio5;t to Serraw T Cocstt. A Va- ; alETT or Fisr Ln- t, TtAi Parra ask Esvcioris, Fix Bbistol Boa id Casus, Blaucs, Iisaoa Lot or Btase Boor, Frit. Bo cm Day-Books, . A' AU OTHKa Kl.1Da AD SlZtt. Ha Baron ic as, Extba Qcalttt AccoBoaosa ad Viouxs, Fins Haib Bbcshes axd Combs, Cicab Cabbs, beat Tubac co PoiCHSa, PBTuoa, Cutss Boabm, Domi . sots, CHECKCsa asb C a a e a a b B 6 a a d s, , Photo ' ' e a a r Fbajss, Bass Balis. S fictaclics' sun Eb GiAssra, Brsr AssoBTaresT i ius CorTT. Th Pcxic abb frvrtzo to Call jty& ExAwmi rns Ooods. Rratw era rwa Pacx. Pattsbsou Caen SroaeV P. C. RUN CIO. . PatJersSn, Jlay 13, 1874-tf VALUABLE FARM AT PmVATESALEw The faro in Mil font township, recently belonging to CoL John J Patterson, will be sold at a bargain. Apply at the ' ' ' . Jaakte Ifalhj Banlv ' (i A I O M t2? I