Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 05, 1875, Image 3

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'iO v.v.-
ucripuon. Sl.50 p-raniiitai.
. Transient advertisements inserted at 50
cents p-r inch for each insertion.
transient business notices in local rol-
ea-n, 1 eeats per lias lor eaott insertion.
Deductions will baiua4etotb .se desiring
t sivertise bv the rear, ball or fluartcr
. .
Passengnr triin. leave Mifflin Station
I'hilad-ilrihia Express, 12 4J a m.
?l;uTi'biirfr Aecomino., 9 4K a m.
iaf!tie Exiress, . H 2 a m.
Mail, ; p m.
-Untie Exprt-, 'J 1 C p tu.
rittslmrf; Expresa, 12 58 a ra.
CinciHiati Kxje, , I 40 a in
Pacific, 5 AH a m.
ffiv passenger, 10 1I a m.
Mai!. 3 33 p ra.
Vast I. ins, 6 45 p mt
Aiixrd. 8 11 p ru.
Mifliin. Nne IS, 1874.
People pronounce the season Ulree weeks
The new aisngemct make the Fonndry
Honor the dead citizen .oldiers on De.ro- !
ration Div.
Eat S-.Iem has a flourishing Literary
Saxton, ITiintiiigdon county, is to have a
:okc furnace.
A trot) to take place at an early day in
the Park, is talked of.
A 3'K) pound bear was killed in Bedford
rrouty, on thj 14th lilt.
The Olierholtzer brothers are putting Cpa
iou.-i' in lliHr vineyard.
i hey have milk-drinking saloons in Read
in? A drink costs three cents.
Vegetation is Snu kward it needs Uie en
couragement of sunshine and rain;
The buildings in the Park that were
tnrUict by auow, aie being repairel.
liuiitingdou brickmakors s':II brick at $o
ier thonsand. So the Journal reports.
Tile wife ol the editor of the Williaras
pert Dautitr lias tiled a petition lor divorce.
Boabmno. Boarding and lodging will be
rurniohed to a few people atC. Powell's, ou
Third street.
r ive tounorial artists in Altoon got fait
ii I lie UH-shes ol lis law lata w eek for
(.having on Suuday.
An ailjoumed session of Huntingdon
Tresbi tery will bs held at Acaddmt i on the
kecond Tnevlay in June.
Wheat in Philadelphia on Mondny was
guoti-d at red $1.40, amber $1.4Jal.4U.
I rn 90a31c. Oats 7ol477c.
If you catch bl-k hiss outside ol the
Hn.it of law, yon may be lined t-5 and
costs. Better fish for "catties.''
It is said Allegheny "julchcrs kill horst.-s
and M.-11 iheir lb sit iu market. They uiut
lie French' out there.
The agitation of the rebuilding of the
county river bringc at Lewistown i. a vex
atious iie&tion in Mitllin county.
An exchange says : " It matter, not how
manv nea p4Hrs a man taks, his list iwin
voui4lete without hii- liomu aper."
The Lewitown bm-ugh authority is out
in a proclamation against corner loaang,
a'l and marble playing on (he street."
'lurborrow, of the Huntingdon Journal,
lias had a charge of lilu-1 prelerrcd against
uim by a Broad Top r lilrool train conduc
tor. IJum snntin has badaMarliia Wahingtou
fiy Partv, which ntfited $"8.o0. It was
'oiiductcd by the Udios of the M. E. cou-'
g regal ion. j
Mr. William Banks, of Feiuianah town-1
liij., shipped a lo: ol his tiuesieers to Phil- j
adelhia Ut Friday. Lovers of tiue stock
were full ol praise over them. - j
Yaw, d?y make great fu yust now about t
lot demjierance, but 1 drinks mine lager
yuotde same, uul buys mills clothing, hit
and boots from Samuel Strayer. j
An exchanire says : Warts on the skin
may be removed by lived a liaament com
lKetl of ojual psrts of tincture of iodine j
and glycerine, applied with a lurd bruli.
The Lcwisiown ScnJintl sa; s : Some one
entered J. English West's stable in MoVey
tonu, and cut his liariiesa (o pieces, as well
as the top and sides of his buggy, l ist week.
All the people in Perry county, and many
lople in other counties, are curious to
know who is at the bottom of the People's
Freight Railway r.ow being worked on in
Ferry county.
John Mathers, a son of Hon. James '
Mathers, deceased, who was favi.raMy
known to the pc'jle of this county, died
at Sydney, Ohio, uu the 23th ult, of con
sumption. The School Ii-ectors of this county met
in convention yesterday, and by a vote of
9 for (liruin and a vote of SI for Kobi
on, declared that the former shall be
County Superintendent. By a vole of 7
to 31 the old salsry of $800 was continued.
It is presumed that hop tosds, snakes,
and the reptile kingdom native to this cli
mate and latitude were vital iied by the
thuiderof last Thursday evening. Snake
stories are in order now.
Lost A pair of good buckskin gloves,
somewhere lietwecn Stambvugh's More and
the Jail. The finder will lie suitably re
warded by leaving them at this ollice, or at
Stambaugh's store.
Pe Icit woo deals mit em Samuel Straycr
in K later line kon mir alia dag s ina rouse
eiin store kuiuina mit ein bun lei. Ehr
iuus cin rechter man si im rechter platz,
aunst daU d leit net so iu ihm sticks.
Gay und sauen aw. Vhr di aled fur.
About 6 o'clock last Thursday evening a
liorse driven in a cart by Charles Huzxard
while passing south ard on Third street
frightened, became unmanageable and so
jostled the cart that Mr. Huzzard was thrown
eft" and severely hurt. Mr. Gerge Dough
man, who lives opposite where the accident
happened, assisted Charles to a lounge in
his house, w here he lay about an hour, a hen
lie bad sufficiently recovered to o to his
The act of April 24, 1874, make, it the
duty of the auditors of the several town
siiio. and boro-Jgh to Licet annually on the
first Monday of June, and nettle the accounts
of the supervisors, road commissioner,
school, borough and township treasurers.
These aettlciucntis nwt be published by
rint'd or written handbills, posted in at
leasftivc public places in the borough or
or township, within ten day. alter .ettlc
snent. The auditors must also B!ecopits of
rhe same witlt tbe township clerk and also
with the clerk of the court of quarter ses
sions. Neglect or refusal to discbarge
those duties subject the auditor to a pen
ally of fOO.
Oil Ii
j " Th- A "ni r b'.-.n-un-r bouse at Ac.de- j
j mil w.n d?rnvd br fire l.rt Werirtcsclov j
: mzhi h-twHj-. ih- honr of midiirrht aai 2 I
o'clock. It Taj s !ar;e birck (miHing; rts
lci:g.!i was SO feet, its breadth 40 feet, jM
:.v .ur curies niga. rrot.fctvne. Pna-
j cipsl ot tiia Academy, occupied a portion
iof it as a residence. Soma tatm, .h..r,W
rtr midnight both he aei Mra. Stone were
awakened by a sliding odor or stnoke.-
p, 1 I , a T
1 Pa,,tnK,n house bh d Dear by.
iber thought it was on fire. Mr. Stone
j hastened oat of his chamber. When he
t reacted the hall he realized that the Are
j was in his own building, but jt where be
could net tell. Dense voluiurs of smoke
j rolled thriiijr,h the halls and rendired their
paassp: diHirult. Aa alarm was given as
j kpeet'.ilr as pn ible by ringing the beii on
' the hor.se, V.it the fin had such a start taat
j alien neighbors arrived it was impossible to
slay its prugress. It wa a must fortunate
thicg that the building was not filled with
JatnJjnU, as is uruslly the ase during the
sessions. It wai vacation time, and the
tew yoilng men tudeuts-who were pass
ing Tt there, had that evening gone to Tns
carora creek tu fish, and thereby escaped
the fire. They were returning Irom the
creek v. hew the fire broke ont, bat were not
near enough to save their effect from the
flames. Amidst the Confusion sxd rspid
spread of the fire, everything in Hie build
iiis; was burned. The loss ot Mr. Stone's
personal projKTty is about $00. The loss
" t,lc house is ','XH) to $8,000
There is
j an Insurance of about $1,000 ou it. It
bcliuved that the fire was started by an io-
eendi.tr? in a room in the. basement where
a rcel of furniture had been stowed.-
The school will not be affected by the burn
ing of the building."
The force of example on children is most
strikingly illustrated in the foliowing caset
Some day. ago Mr. Brice Horning, a citizen
of Fermsnsgh township, gathered the dried
weeds and grass about his property, and by
a match fired and burned tbs pile. Stewart
Horning, his ix-yiar-old son, stood by and
was an earnest spectator. fie was ideated
with the burning. Last Saturday morning
Stewart, having by some means obtained a
pincc of S-rrn candlu and some matches,
started about 6 o'clock, with his four-year-old
sister, lo the stable to kindle a fin;. The
children climbed np to the liay-mow, and
thers the boy lit his candle, and then the
hay. Of course all was soon ablaze. The
littie girl says her brother tried to put the
fire out, w hih she went down the ladder.
After straggling amidst the Dinning hay for
a time the b? tell through an aperture in
the fioor of the mow to the stable bo-low,
and thence ran out of the building with his
clothes all on tire. A Mr. Jones, a neigh
bor, cahte Upon the scene just as the bor
emerged from the stable. He laid hold of
the child to onten the dames on bis cloth
ing. Mrs. Horning also ran to the child at
this juncture and throw her apron over the
boy's iead, outening the fire in his hair,
and at once pulled the burning clothing otf
his tmly . The child was fngMf uily burnrd,
b-.'side having his left shoulder broken and
dislocated, and his left leg severely bruised.
It was almost a miraculous escape for the
child The loss of the stable and contents
will amount to about :iOu.OO.
On a charge of uuliatvlly entering a
neighbor's house, a young bi.n named
Wright, residing in Patterson, wa put to
jail last Thursday evening. On the even
ing of the following day, about the time
luat egress to the jail yard from the jail is
closed it was fonnd that the young man bail
escaped by climbing over the ard wall. On
Saturdry moriiing search was made tor him
in Patterson, wi hout the desired result,
Sheriff Kuouse then off-red (en dollars to
whomsoever would return Wright to his 1
custody. Some time during the day !
pirties in Patterson learned that the ?onug
man had U-eu seen at a house in Millord
township, a couple uf miles Irom town.
Throe young men went out to get him.
About the tiu.e Hit y got fairly about (he
house, Wright cam? out of (he collar door -
and ran awav. Pursuit was given. He was
rallen on to stop, and told that ir he would
uul he would be shot. He ran on. Henry
(,ien, ou; of ;he pursuing party, drew a
revolver and discharged several shots, one
oi ahich took ifioct on the fugitive, in the
thick Me.-h below the hip joint in the left
Irg. The catastniphy ended in his re
lodgment in jail. The wound was probad
with the object of finding the ball, by Dr.
Craatord and Dr. Elder, but it was not
found. Henry Given was arrested for the
shooting, and entered bail for his appear
ance at court to auswer the chaigo.
List Thursday afternoon Joseph Christy
aid Darwin Hamilton wanted sawdust, and
drove to fish's saw mill ill Fermanagh
tuuunhip, and obtained the lull of the bed
of a one-horse spring agon. All w ent well
enough Until they reached a point on the
pike just aouth of Dai id Louder', house,
nor.h of town, where they turned out as far
as they could on their side of the road to
allow the two-horse Cuba mill wagon to pass.
A young lady, at that moment, was driving
the team, and lor soioj cause or other drove
near enough to the wagon of Der and Jov
to bring about a collision, In which the
young men's wagon became the sufferer.
Four spokes were knocked oi.t of one ot
the frout wheels, a hind wheel was serious
dished, the single-tree was snapped in two,
and the shalts were broken, aud to add to
the consternation, the horse walked away
frora the wagon. Our young friends, how
ever, were equal to the emergency, and
caught the excited beast before other serious
damage wa. done. Another wagon was
obtained and the sawdust was delivered
here they wished to use it.
S. B. Cavext, Dentist, would respect
fully inform the citieens of Patterson, Mif
flin and vicinity that he has located in the
borongh of Patterson, on Tnscsrora street,
a few doors cast of J. C. Doyle, store,
where be will be pleased to meet all wish
ing bis services, and where he will be pre
pared to perform all oeration. in hi. jto
fession, in the most scientific and work
manlike manner. Teeth inserted upon all
(he various Bases now in use. Persons de
sirous ol having teeth extracted and im
pressions taken at their place, of residence,
will be promptly attended to by leaving
their address at hi. office, or informing him
by mail at his home office ia Patterson.
Some time ago are made note of the
arrest of Daniel Meilot and wife in Ful
ton county, who were charged with set
ting fire to their borne, and tbe burn-
' ing to death of three of their children.
They were acquitted of the charge, but
at once left MoCooncllsbuTg, fearing
rough usage at tbe bands of those who
were in attendance at court. Huning-
dsit Journal.
Wss-rior's Mark township, Huntingdon
county, has a horse disease that bs. caused
fbe dat" of wnite a number cf hftrec. "
-Court Proceedings, .j
(iiuiga Winters vs. yauel jlurt by. j
j ThU waa a auit.b? plaintia for lUe recover?
I he recover? I,
!.- Tue de-l
! balance on hqurH- bill- Tue de-
! 'emiaci prwceu a receipt 01 payment
j f ,n-' claim by the plaintiff.
William Cox vs. Jobu Dietrkk, to recover
j tb proceed, of a Sheriff's sole. alleged tu
i fo, defe.M
f -defendant.
camuel Alexander vs. Joseph Bell and
i J"hn ShtnelofT. A suit to recover on note,
,'le Iri,,c'l,' "d interest oj which anionat.
i " to $100. (JU'sets p odnced that reduced
the claim. Verdict for plaintitr Icr 912.80.
Richard Johnson va. DavM Smith. Ac-
tinn to recover damage, dorte by eatlle get-
Una into plaintifTs grain ScM through a
fence that ptaintitt-allege, defendant should
i have kept np. This fcMe bad been belore
the Conrt in September, 1873. when a ver
dict for $420 was rendered for plaintltT.---The
case went up to the Supreme Coart,
ahich I e versed Ibo judgment of the lower
court. Verdict for plaintiff for $110.
James Hi Graham vs. John Wright and
Jane Gallaher. Action to recover $ j00,
balance as Attorney's fee. Verdict for
plaintiff for $ 100. The community believe
one thousand dollars was a monstrous fee.
Daniel CotTman vs. Alfred Such. Action
against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
for obstructing the lower Crossing in Pat
terson. Verdict for defendant.
Robert A, Patterson vs. David Snyder.
Action to recover amount of note given by
defendant to plaintiff for a horse, which de-
j fndant alleges turned out to be worthless.
Verdict for plaintiff for $124.02.
Eiisha I'. Hudson ahd Martha J. Hudson
vs. David Shuman. Action to rccavrr a
house and lot in the borongh of Thomp
sontown, claimed as entailed property by
the grandfather of the defendant. Verdict
for the defendant.
George W. Gordon vs. Samuel Hoffman.
Action for cioctinert of defendant from
lands claimed in Black Log by plaintiff.
Opinion rscrved by the Judge.
Ueorge W. UorJon Vs. Jamt-s E. Buchan
an. Action for ejectment of defendant
from lands iu Black Log, claimed by ,lain
tiff. Verdict for plaintiff.
Dr. J. P. Sterrett vs. Pennsylvania Rail
road Company. Action to recover dam- j
ages to person and property by horse of i
plaintiff frightening at, and runuing away
from a locomotive, at the lower crossing in
Patterson, which the plaintiff was signaled
to cross by the watchman stationed there.
Verdict for plain tiff for $1-190.
Coin. vs. John Single Indictment
larceny. Verdict, not gtiilfj.
Com. vs. Jacob Zeigler. Indictment
assault and battery with intent to
rape. Mrs. Toplcy, prosecutrix. Ver
dict, not guilty, aud the county to pay
the costs.
Com. vs. Addison Siebcr. Indict
ment fornication and bastary. I'eckie
Tyson, prjsecutrix. After jary was
empaucled aud sworn, defendant with
drew the plea of not guilty aud entered
tbe plea of 'A'olo Cenfeiuurt" upon
which the Court sentenced tbe defend
ant to pay the sum of $25, lying-in ex
penses, $20 iuaintenar.ee, aud the sum
of 1 per week for the period of six
yoars aud Uu months, to be paid quar
terly, and to give security to tbe over
seers of tbe poor for the compliance of
tbe same.
Com. ts. ilenry ilduian. Indict
ment desertion. Desertion try able as
a surety of the peace. John Hostler,
prosecutor. On the bearing of tbe
kr,, ,i.- J J.. -ontmmwl
to May 11 111, next.
Com. vs. John Kiser. Indictment
false pretence. George C. l'alm, pros-
ecutor. True bill.
i... c,i. T
false pretence. D. V. Ilarley, pros
ecutor. True bill.
As to the jail the Grand Jnry say :
The lock of the iron door needs repair
ing. Tbe lock of tbe outside door is
insufficient, and should be replaced with
a new one. Tbe lock of the room now
occupied by prisoners is detective. The
cells all need white washing.
As to the new building on the north
enst corner of the Court House lot,
which was erected about a year ago for
the use of the county offices while the
Court House wa. being built, and which
is now occupied as a dwelling house,
the Jury are unanimously of tbe opin
ion that, as tbe purpose of tbe erection
of said building bas been served and
the same is no longer needed, the said
building is a nuisance, and tbey earn
estly recommend that the t'oinmission
ers proceed to remove the same.
The Jury examined the beaters iu
tbe ourt House, and report that they
are entirely insufficient ; at any rate,
they do not furnish sufficient heat to
make the court room and jury rooms
Tbe Jury desire to express their en
tire satisfaction with the general ap
pearance and arrangement of the Court
House, and that tbey regard it as a
credit to tbe county of Juniata, and a
source of proper pride to our citizens
and tax-payers.
Pennsylvania Archives. The
Secretary of the omniot wealth has
issued tbe following circular to the
county treasurers, in regard toeubscrip
tions for tbe second seriej of the Ar
chives :
Sir : Tbe 1st Volume of tbe 2d
Series of Pennsylvania Archives is now
ready for distribution.
Tbe act of tbe 13th of May, 1S74,
P. L. 1874, page 138, authorises a dis
posal of a balance of the copies therein
Darned by subscription opened at -the
offices of the several county treasurers.
You will please take single subscrip
tions only, and send with the remit
tance a list of tbe names uf the sub
scribers ; the price is $1 00 per vol
ume. A specimen copy will be sent
you by express, with which you will by
charged, and may band it over to a
subscriber, retain or return if no'
Respectfully,- .
M. S. Qcat,
VriaV-y of th Commonwealtb.-
Spelling Eoe-Uj. 1.
r TT BoTlVM.iV 1, ln75.
f Ja. r-JtUOK : Frid ay evening last
j Apr; jOtj.i foanr , Lutheran church
0f tbia place pretty well
fillcd with
peop.e, eager ... witness .n - ope.ung
i - . . ... en:
Wee," tie subject of which had been ou
the end of every tongue for the last
ge4(s were arran j cn Mch ,lde of
the church for the spellers. The ampin-,
Rev: Stewart and Marshall, and
J. i. Hcrtzlcr, Esq., were promptly on
i baud and took seats immediately in!
fri)Ilt cf ,he pupit. r The ela&S first met
m ,he biu)eujent f ,e buildi where
I , , a ,
!,,,e Thoaipon and bojder,
! picked Iheir spellers, after which the
repaired. to the places assigned them.
The pastor. Iter. II. C. Shindle. called
tl.e meeting to order and stated, that to
- , t , - . , ,
inspire confidence obe lound of blank
cartridges should be fired, or, in other
words, that the first round should not
rule a speller out in case tbe word
given was misspelled. That being done,
the teacher for tbe evening, Mr. S. M.
Shelley, informed all that Lusioesr
would new begin iu earnest. All went
" merry as a marriage bell," until Mr.
Rutherford tiled lo repose on a " mat
tress," (with but one "" :n tbe last
sellable) which came very near being!
burned by the "fagot" which Wallace
burled at it, with an "e" in place of an
o." The "ECHO" of the last word
bad not died away, when Bcidler fell
mortally wounded. .Mrs. K. evidently
had a thorn iu her patb in the shape of
a "briei" with an "a" in it. Car tain
Snyder symbolized the occasion with a
"symbol" with "ble" for the last syl
lable, aud good naturedly took a tack
seat. Miss V. put an "o" in the sec
ond syllable of "malady," and followed
those who had gone before. Kbberta
persisted in having four "s's" in "gas
eous." Lud wig's effort was on a "par
allel," with too much at the latter end.
Jacobs put a "pick" for a "pique," and
Miss U. gave him a "receipt," in full,
without a "p." Swartzel now coui
niecced to "whinny," but got an "e"
between the last "n" and "y," and dug
out for another seat. This left but
fire spellers on the floor, and each felt
sure of securing a prize. The content
waxed hotter and hotter, until Dealer,
Jr , proved conclusively that l.e did
not belong to any cf the species of
plants in which some people deal, and
spelled "vegetable" with an "a" in
second Syllable, and accepted tbe glass
ware. Miss R. said (he waj not Uied
to being sold, and put it "stationary"
instead of "ery" in the ending. The
result was a beautiful cbronio. Miss 3.
hashed her hen fruit aud made "ome
let" without an "e" in second syllable,
and took home another clirouio. Pat- j
tcrson now drew his "broad-sword"! toj,rok tu first keJ uich hcJ ,ried.
ii . m . . t i t
slay Thompson, aud might have sue
ceeded, but he accidentally slipped tbe
letter "a" into the latter part of the
word, which broke tbe force of the
blow, and ve him the Bible Diction
ary, and entitled Capt. J. Ii. Thomp
son to the first prize, viz : Webster's
Unabridged ; but he was determined
to earn what he was to get, and worked
away faithfully until be spilled "lasses"
over the whole class, in place of a sin
gle "lassie."
Taken altogether the 'B" was a suc
cess, although the class was small.
Everybody there was amused, and at
times smiled pretty loud.
Next Friday, May 7th, Dee No. 2
will be held at the same place. The
prizes will be the same. Many more
competitors are entered. Fifty names
are already enrolled, aud many more
will find a hearty welcome. If conve
nient come and see us. Doors open at
7 o'clock P. M. Spelling coiiitut'ECes
at 8 P. M., sharp.
Yours respectfully.
One or Them.
About ten o'clock last night a brake
man named William McCulIrugb was
almost instantly killed in the railroad
company's yard, opposite the passenger
depot, Altooua. There are several
theories as to the manner of the acci
dent, all of which differ considerably.
One person states that he was standing
with bis face to some cars stationary in
tbe yard, adjusting the coupling link,
when an engine backed a car against
bim,driving tbe coupliug link through his
body, about tbe small of his back. We
We do not give this as a correct theory
of tbe affair, at all, tor it seems almost
impossible to obtain the actual facts.
He lived about ten minutes after be
was removed from tbe tracks to tbe
dead bouse. Subsequently his remains
were removed to the residence of his
father, Mr. Francis McCuIIough. three
doors above Fifth avenue, on Eleventh
street. Tbe deceased was aged twenty-three
years aud about four months.
Mr. McCuliougb was by tiade a moul
der, but during tbe suspension last fall
be was a victim, and during tbe entire
winter remained idle, only obtaining
the position of br.keman three week,
ago. He is said to have been a very
worthy youug man. Altoont .Virror,
29M vlt.
Last week a man named Joseph
Kines was arrested at Millersburg, Dau
ph n county, Pa., charged with steal
ing check and plow liues, a double
bitted axe, ic , from Mr. Isaac Miller,
of Centre township. Tbe axe was
found in the possession of Kines at the
ime of his arrest, and also a saddle
which hid been stolen from Mr. George
Kochenderfer, of Millerstown. Kines
is the same man who stole a coffee mill
from a sleigh in Newport, a month or
two ago. He was lodged in jail on
Tuesday of last wck to await bis trial
at tbe ctxt court. Terry County .M-vonlle.
A Sew ni Imscrtant Eoc
fiightt of a Cii-t uf U Lm'iJ Stain
Air to utr-ziu aid hum i pruerct tktm ;
Tbi3 work is the most important that
baa ever bern issued from the pen ofj
this distinguished author, both because ,
it contaius tbe result ox bis lire lung
labor and study, and because .it is writ
ten for tbe great nass of American cit
izens, giriog clear, plain and authorita
tive information with regard to those
rights and duties upon which their suc
cess ad prosperity depend.
The work eiubraoes a popular eom
nientarv ou the constitution . of the
United S'ates, section by section, ex
plaining its principles, pui poses, and
the rights and powers it confers, aud I
also a lull and complete compendium of
the laws and rules which pertain to tbe I
1 management of property and tbe trar.s-
i c,io, of ki,,d ' busiue?. The j
; book ia a marvel of completeness, and
, . r .
of its aeeuranv f h name of the antbor i
is the best possible cutrarttv. His lan
-- - j -
guage is simple litobglioUr, and the j
subjects treated are brought within tbe I
. - r . . . J !
easy compreueusion oi loose uuiearuea
in tbe law.
.This volume j most highly recom-
mended. It is a book of which every
. . - . ... , , .,
intelligent roan will feel the need as
soon as he has examined it. 1 he amount
of blundering and litigation that wou!d
be avoided bv a general knowledge of
Us contents cannot well be overesiiroa -
It shonld be in the hands of ever;
j man who has any desire to understand
bis right., or any care to conduct biSj
business safely and without expensive ,
legal helps. It Will undoubtedly meet
with a er larce sale. It will be sold
only by subscription, and any one de-
- ii i . .i
siring an agency should apply to the
JJIRISG lac epidemic ol luternut
tents in the West this season, the whole
immense stock of Ayer's Ague Cure
became exhausted, aud the producing
power of bis Laboratory was found in
adequate td roet the demand. Many
who knew its extraordinary virtues for
the cure of Chills and Fever, paid ex-
orbitant prices fur it to those who were j
fortunate enoush to have a supply on!
, . ,. ' .. ;
hand, borne of our neighbors paid ten j
dollars for a bottle, while tbe regular i
price is but one, and assure us it was
on the whole ths cheapest remedy they
could buy, even at that figure. They
praise it for two qualities : first, that it
curds, and last that it leaves tbe health
unimpaired. Iowa Standard.
An unsuccessful effort was made a .
fcw days ago by some of the prisoners
now confined in our lail to escape. i
They made two keys out of pewter,
with which they hoped to be able tu
open tbe heavy iron doors that confine
them within the prison walls. Their i
ff. , r i wi- 1 VJuri House souarv.
orts, however, were a failure. Ihei
material used in making their keys T M. RRAEE, M. 1).,
j 1 .? ... . ..ia.
provea entirely 100 sou to turn iuc
heavy locks, ahd the result was they
leaving a pari ci it last in tue iocs.
When the Sheriff endeavored to unlock
the door, the next tnorn'ng, he discov
ered the pirt of the broken key in the
lock. Huntingdon .Monitor.
A woman who evidently believes in
Woman's Rights, and who does not live
far from Chester county, has hired her
husband out to a neighboring farmer, I
. a,o .t a ii . i . uce in nia miners resilience, ai me souiii
at $13 per month, and collects bisienJ o Waterstreet. ioct22-tf
w.ges. 1 his is a new departure, but
about as fair as where tbe wife sews
day and night for a small stipend,
which is used to support a vagabond
husband. We are glad to see the boot
ou the other foot occasionally ; it is a
good sign. We know of several hus
bands, whose wivee if tbey could only
manage to hire them at $13 per month,
and keep them at work, wculd be doing
a service for which the communities in
which they live would be profoundly
grateful. Wed Chester Republican.
On Saturday evening, 24th ult., a
fiendish attempt was made to throw the
mail train, which leaves this city at
7.40 p. m., off the track, a short dis
tance this side of Wilisore, Cambria
country. Some villains bad piled ties
and rails across tbe tracks and tbe
train would certainly bave been wrecked
bad it not been that the barricade was
discovered and the train flagged by a
gentleman who resides in that vicinity.
Plunder is supposed to have been the
object, but wholesale murder would
have been the re.'ult. The scoundrels
should be promptly arrested and pun
ished, if clutches can be laid on them.
Altoont Tribune.
The proprietors of Pain Cure Oil
say it will cure Fever Sores, and offer
to give $100 for a case (Ley cannot
cure if the Oil is used as directed.
Sold holesale and retail by Ba'.ks i. ITani
lin, Mrmintown.
The ladies ol the Presbyterian Chnrch of
Chambcrsbnrg he'd a Martha Washington
Tea Party, and appropriated the proceed, to
the purchase of an organ for the Sabbath
The Overseer, of Spruce Hill townsmp
have a number of persons, ranging from li
to 20 years of age, who they wish to put
ont to work. For information address
J. F. G. I oxn,
Port Cya, Juniata Co.. Pa.
Pcblic Sale. John E. Jamison,
assignee of Amos Graybill, will offer
at public sale, at tbe residence of said
Amos Graybill, one-fourth mile north
of McAlisterville, on Saturday, May
8th, 1875, Two oue-year old colts, and
a large lot of farming implements and
household effects, also the one-half in
terest cf 40 acres of grain in the
ground. Sale at 1 o'clock. D. D. Mc
Wtlliams, auctioneer.
For Sale A comforable boose and
a fertile lot, located near tbe borough
school house. Terms easy say five
years to pay it in. For particulars call
at this office.
Sale Bills of all kinds printed on short '
Mtice at this office. I
iiti;'i KT -LAIRD At the returnee!
.if Uid i's fher in JTi:Coy.i!W, on tlie ;
; -j uy g. S. Walker, Mr. T.S.I
i and Miss Msn;ie S. Laird) of Mrl'ovjville. (
i ' I
COM 31 E It C 41.
Corrected weekly by J. A II. A. Stanibaugb.
MirruxTow, May 5, 1875.
Butter 21
Eg 12
1-ard 13
Bacon n
Potatoes I 00
Onions. ................. . .... 150
j Conecled wet h -by Buyers Sl Kennedy.
1,'i.otations roa To-ntr.
Wednesday, May 5, IH71.
Clovciwmil $" -10
Wheal, prinu $1 Oil 12
Corn, Ii1a70
Oats. - il-Vi'lO
Sjiecial .Yuiices.
.The adv?rtier, having been permanently ;
, cuml of tlM drM,, dilw:lK. Consumption, j
j by a sim)4e remedy, is anxious lo nuke ,
kwn lo his lellow suflVrrs the means ol j
cu'- ' f w!iu Jir,; u-1,0 "
copv or tl"e prescript loti used, (tree ol i
. che, ,ith Ai.ti, UT ,,.vr,.I.wilf
,u asing the s arm, hi.'t ihey m ill find a i
; sitre Cure for ronsun-ption, Asth:u.i, Bron- j
j cliitis, ftc. Parties wishing the rruacnp-j
1 1 .... v . ..-iichv !
ioi ivnn St.. Williamslih. New York...
, jni."-om j
ERROMM til-' TOL'Ttl.
A ,jK;;T.km aN ho suffered for ynrs
; from Xitvous Debility, P-enntnre Decay,
i and all the effects of yonthlnl iwliss-reli.
j ,ur ,,,B akft r ''d'-"nK hrmmtity.
send free to all who need it, ths recipe und
, Airectlm makiilg thf sml,,e nm ,ly bv
ajhich he was cure.'1.. Sufferers wishing- u
' prolit by the advertiser's experience caif do
so bv addressing in perlect conli.lem e,
janC-Cm 41 Cedar st Mew York.
Professional Cords.
trrt-oHecting ami Conveyancing prompt-
lv attended to.
" orrn E Ou Bridge street, opposite Hie
c"rt House Sunarc.
j Attorney and Counselor -at-Law.
! Prompt attention gi
yen to the securing :
auu voiieviliig ui ikiiiis, aii'i at. Kg.u iiuar
uess. 1
Orrica on Lridge street, first door west .
ol the. Bellbrd building.
..a ...it....:... ..r -l ....1 .11 1....1 1.,..: '
April 1 1, Ift.o-tl
Cy AU business promptly atteuded to.
Or r ice Ou Bridge stree, opposite the ;
.Qcademia, Juniata Co , Pa. j
Orricr; formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrett. .
Professional business promptly attended (o
at all hours. !
April 7, lr-72-tf
Physician and Surgeon,
Ofiiec hours from 9 A. w. to 3 r. ..
i D,
L. ALLEN, M. D ,
lias commenced the practice of Medicine
and surgery and all theircollateral branches, j
Ulnce at Academia, a: me resilience
Capt. J. J. Patterson.
( jnlv 15, 187
Philadelphia & Beading Railroad.
J .1X1 art 17th, 187-1.
7tfui rare UirrUl-trg at o.76- .-
For Xew York at 3 0, S 10 a. m.. 2 l and
7 40 p. in.
For Philadelphia at 5 2", 8 10, if 1? a. ui.,
2 (Nl and 3 -HI p. in.
For Reading a 5 20, 8 10, 0 41 a. m., 2 00,
3 HI and 7 40 p. m.
For PuttsvilW al 5 20, 8 10 a. m., and 3 .10
p. m. and via Schuylkill k. Susquehanna
Brunch at 2 40 p. m.
For Allentown at 5 20, 8 10 a. in., 2 0,
3 30 and 7 40 p. m
The 5 20, 8 10 a. m , 2 0 and 40 p. m
trains have through cars tor New York.
The 8 10 it, in. ami i 00 w. in. (rains have
through cars' lor Philadelphia.
For Xew York at 3 20 a. m.
For Allentown and way station at -1 29a. iu.
For Beading, Philadelphia aiul way . rations
at 1 4-1 p. m.
Train." for Ilarruburg Uatt as follom .-
Leave New Y ork at ai m., 12 4o. .1 M
and " 43 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia at ! 1-1 a. m., 3 40 and
7 00 p. iu.
Leave Healing at 4 30, 7 40, 1 1 21) a.m.,
I 50, 6 13 and 10 15 p. ni.
Leave Pottsville at 5 .15, 9 K) a. m. ami 4 30
p. m., and via Schuylkill and Susque
hanna Branch at 8 05 a. m.
Leave Allentown at 2 30, 5 50, 8 50 a. ni.,
12 21, 4 30 and 8 45 p. m.
The 2 30 a. in. train Iroiu AMeiitoan and
the 4 30 a. ni. train from Beading do not
run on Mondays-
Leave New York at 5 lo p. m.
Lrave Philadelphia at 7 Co p. in.
Leave Beading at 4 30, 7 40 a. ni: and 10
II p. m.
Leave Allentown at 2 30 . ni. snd 8 41 p m
'Ha ilami mnd Eitex Railroad.
General Stpertoitnitut.
. . . . . . ,
To those mtereated in the purchase of a
for nMslieal purposes we ofler
Price $2 to $o pel gallon, and will ship in
packages to .nit purchasers.
We also handle largely a
Price from $1.50 to $1.75.
We import
and also ntsaofacfnre
Send for Price List.
121 North ThiM btrect, I'hilada,
Will CLosi. out tin;
Wall Paper! Wall Paper!
Wall Paper!
All of this Spring's Styles and all new r.ooM s!jck mi Ii:m,
Carefully FelcJetl fur the Ti-n'lff, rm! will ho fvhl cheap, At
In R. E. Parker's .Xew Prick VZuiY.ta?.
Housekeepers' Hardware, Huild
ers' Hardware
I all of first quality, co:i.t;tntIy
(5all and ew me.
MitDiiitawn.. Aug. 21, !s;4-tf
;iD. W. Harley & Co.'s
I. the place where you Can b?y
n.t tt, cips. Boors, shoe, .v.v) rcRxisiii.xt; aoon.
WE are prepared to exhibit o:ie of the most choice and select storks ever o(T. roj i-i
(his market, and at Jsru.MSHIXULY LOW FUICLH '
Also, measures taken for suits and parts of isuit", which will be iiiad to order
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the p'ace, in Hoffman's New Ruildii.f, corner of Pride an.
Watef sfee', SIlFFLIXTOWX, PA. " r may fc. HTi-t!
A New Sprine awl Summer Stock cf
For Men, Boys, Women,
Misses and rhiMroi,. N' .tii.i v.
All at rates, to rnrrc-pomi to the shrin'iare in tarn". Cheap -r tha i tit ri.'e ..
iiH.nl h ago E7 Sl'll'S MADK To O'KDLIS.3
Patterson, J'a., Nov. 11, H7. SAJlfKL ST UAYKB.
Dyspepsia! Dyspepaa! Dyspepsia! Manhood: HowLnst. How Entered
D.v spepsia is the most perplexmg of a!l! S . V1'-";"'- " "'
despondent ikt:m ol Iik- disease tfi-n
fancy lhemsel.es the prey, iu turn, of e. cry
known malady. This is due. in tart, to Un
close sympathy a Inch exists between tiie '
stomach and the brain, and in pirt a'S'i to
the tact that any disturbance -f the diges
tive function n-crsarily disorders ihe iiver.
(lie tM.wels and the nervous syst.-m, and
effects, to some extent, the pi ili'y of l lie
E. F. Knnkr Birter Wine of Iroi is
a sure enr. Tris is not a new propaiation,
to be tried and found nantini;; it has been
prescriDct' daily for matt ycjrs m the prac
tice oteuiiueut pLsie:aits ilh nnpiriH.-'ei!
suceesai it is not rljircle t ' r ii.!. jidnl lo
cure all th.i dis.-.i . ( which the human
family i surtji-c?, Put is wirrantcd to enrr
! Dv-ts-psia in its most obt.naic form. Kun-
t ;., n-inp , , . i V,.. ...
stynitolns of DyslH pda are loss of aj j-titc.
wiml and rising of the f.wsi, dryness of the
mouth, hearthi.rn, disK nii.ii of the stom
ach aud bowels, constipition. h.-:lariie,
dizziness, sleeplessness and low spi. ils. Try
the great remedy and be convinced cf it.,
merits, liet thegetiiiine. Take only Kun-
I kit', win. h is put only in ! bottles. De-'
sl, 2-VJ North Noiilrat.. i'btlaiielptiii. Pa
t It never laiis. For sale t.v ali bruiiists
aud dealers -very where,
Tape ffaim
KenwnrL'd !S a few honrj. No
man ailme-ts. Its symptoms are atosf I IJ I "r- cniverweifs t rl.-i.ral.-d .:.
ein their vjri-tv, and the t...-!.,ni and V-' """ ran.r,, cwt (ir u m-ii-
I until the entire worm, with head, Ls exjsl- r.rt, in Randolph Co.. Arkansas, and will
. led. Medicine h irmlcSi. being purely e2- raise from Ihtv U sixty tmshels of corn or
lelable. lYnsiih.ition tree by Dr. E. F. one bale (' cotton to ihe acre, and will 1
Ki scat, Sn. 259 North Ninth street. Phi'- u,M at prices ringing from one to twentr
j sdj-tphia. Pa. Seat, Pin and Stomach doiinrs p-r acre, ac.-oruing tu tbe improve
j Worms also removed. AdvU:rt'ree. Send meuts on urm. Tlsm Ooc-foiirth cash.-
for circular., (i a to yonr Druggist ami ask and balance in one, two, three and lour
j lor Kcmart's Woaw Svarr. lrice $1 per' rears.
bottle. The Worm Syi up never Jails. I" LEVI ItEfHT & DjliVTiTCR.
- - . ' P.wahoni.is, Ar-iains.-
Job aark n short aitiee at this iKce' : "eft. 2"t. 17I.
-iriE?!T!SE.'E. IS.
i J,
&c, &C,
oi hand
I mvii" the puKUc tY
flo .d-
ciii- of .iM.rni.ilo;rh,i- or Seminal u.'
uess, lovr'nat ry S-nTTial l..-s.es, Iilisi
lem y, M.-ul.ii and physical -.ri iM , Ini-
L-Jiiii.-::ts To Si.trrae, etc as., l'tn-
i:iiptio;i. ti n. i.-v an t I Us, induced bv
sell-irWtllgelH-r or s-Mlal eMrara'ince. Jte.
tL?"l'rice, in a se.il.ni cm.-loj-c, only i
rents. a
The relchr ifisl author, i:i tl.'s a linir.ible
Essay, clearly deinoTisfr itr-s, troin a thirtv
years' snrei stul pr iei;.-(-, ih it rhe alarm
ing ioiissnem s .r s.-11-bnsi- m iv r- rad-i.-n!ly
const aiibont Ihe dann roin nsr i.
ml.rnal nie.li. in- or the afflir ifron of tb
knile; jM.ititiii-r out a mode ut rnrr al om-j
sin. pie, ct-rlain. and c-fP etnnl, bv nii of
winch every suiter, r, no nnUti-r what bis
condition iu.iv !h-, may cure iumseli cheap
ly, (ivate:.e, and Tmhnlla.
0"f bis l.is-lore siioolo b: in ite hands
ol" every v.ni:!i aid e-ry man ii the land.
Sent lllnler seal, i'i a plai:l envelop., lo
my address, j.m i.iii, on the receipt of
i cents or two post sta:;.s. Ad Iross s
Puoti ;oi-r,
127 Bowerv. New York,
Post.()tfi.-e Box l-lhl.
Nor. V. 1K7:?-Iy.
Rare Indnce2ent3 !
Or ntllfl A''"KS Or" .ANf Ff'R
OsJjVlUl SALE. -Said land. are s.t
asked I ju-il oil aiHl n.-ar lb- Cairo Kolfon li