Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 14, 1875, Image 2

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Mifflin rows.
Wednesday. April 14, 1973.
tbit'tk Al raoir.Toa.
fall of the SiaU (dmsalttec. J
The Republicans or tt SWte of l'ffln-
srlvsnia are heieby raquestisJ to a.sseu.Ue i
by llieif delegates in tate Convention at;
noon on Wednesday, the Mth day of Mir, j
175, in ihe Pultun Opera House, at tlu-cit: i
of Lam astir, tor the purpose of nouiina- ;
tmg candidat.-s for Governor and State
TrntirT. Each K-pr?enUtke and Sen
atorial District will be entitled tu the same '
repro-ntatioii as it baa nndrr tli present
apportiftiumiit for Senators and Keprescn-i
tattves ia tha I.-jUlatU'-e.
A. IViuo N itKn, Ihiinmu.
Sw:reiary. (
Ox the 24ih of last March this edi- ;
torial item appeared in tbe StNTTXEt.
Compulsory education people iu Maine j
advocate tiic enactment ot a school law th.it ,
pruiitlcs f..r the clothing ot destitute coil- (
ilra n as Wi-ll as for tha educating of them. '
V by not dsiare f.ir an Emperor, I dyoaty j
at once ? '
In the Democrat and Rrgisler of the j
7th of this month a writer who sign !
himself "A i'oor Man," which if tt were ;
true that he is, but which U not true, j
belongs to the very kind of pcctilo that 1
the proposed compulsory laws will in a ,
few generations reduce to the eondi- '
tion of serfs publishes a coiuuiuuica- j
jou as if in answer to our abort edito- i
rial. Tha anwr, indeed, answers
nothing. Instead of addresaiug hiui- :
self to the question of Compulsory Ed-:
ueation and stating how its compulsory :
aod arbitrary features are to be shaped .
o at to harmonize or agree with the I
theory, ideas, principles and practice j
of American government American I
liberty he abandons the question en
tirely, after stating it just as we stated
it, aud fipeus a personal article against
us. - We felt humiliated when we real
tied by the perusal of his article that
the championing of Compulsory Edu
cation in this county bad fallen to the
lot of an individual wbose mental ca
pacity U of that quality that he cannot
consider the question on its merit, and
cannot rise higher in coosideting it than j
personal attack on its opponents. We
ielt humiliated to realize that in his
tuind we rtood higher than the ques
tion of Couibulsorv Education, and
that tustead of leveling blows at our '
position he directs them at us. He j
says we have no feeling, aud need heart j
culture, for intimating in the above ,
quoted editorial item from our columns,
that when a Slate assumes to take peo-1 :
pie irom lueir uouies ana cioiue inem
without the exitunco of the greatest
danger such as in times of war, in
wLich the existence of the State is in
unmistakable danger is on the high
way, running at a rapid rate to despot
ism, lie taiks in a clap trip way about
t .t , . j i .i .i
poor people, just if we were advoca-!
ting something against their interest, j
Any aud every infringement oa the ;
rights aod freedom of the individual, j
except for the preservation of order, is
a step in the direction of despotism. I
All who fight against the encroachment '
of despotism fight the battles of the
poor, for despotism, dynasty or family j
rule have always in time out of date
been the greatest enemies to the poor, '
aod if a depotism anj a strong gov- j
ernment is to settle gradually over us
through the slow but sure approaches
of such laws as have been proposed in
Maine it were better to end the strife
at once, and set op a atrong govern
ment. Strong governments are not in
the interest of poor people. Compul
sory Education is but the entering
wedge to the splitting asunder of our
system of government by adopting sys
tems of compulsory laws instead of
laws of restraint to compel people to
respect the rights of their fellowmen.
Compulsory laws all tend to string
goverameu! ; all tend to the subver
sion of individual rights, iudividual
freedom, and tend to despotism. Des
potism is in the interest of the few, and
that few are not the poor. It does not
matter bow it comes, whether by the
military, through the M pomp and cir
cumstances of war' or clothed in the
garb of religion, with the church by its
Hide, or robed in the grace and sophis
try of intellectual acquirement, it is
despotism sti'.i, and will always become
despotic when it is joined to the power
of the State. The people of this coun
try should not allow Education and
State to become united, no more than
they allow Church and State or Busi
ness and State to become united.
A MCMber of people living iu the
riotous coal regun have been to see
Governor Hartranft, and represented
that tbe violence of the strike is not of
the dangerous character attributed to
it, and asked hint to withdraw the
troops. Tbe substance of the Gover
nor's answer is, tLat sheriffs of the re
spective couuties are instructed to order
a withdrawal of troops just so soon as
the violence of strikers abate so
that lives of citizens are safe, and that
tbey are secure in the possession of
their property. It is apparent that
Governor Hartranft is a grtat respec
ter of "State Ilights," He bas been
exceedingly particular in every instance
to make tbe sheriff the mediums
through which the military is to oper
ate in the respective counties. Yet
while he U one of the closest appli
cants of the doctrine of Sute Rights
that ever governed this Commonwealth,
Le is equally positive that the central
power of tbe Commonwealth as vested
iu him, shall not be ignored iu any
count; or tvwuship in tbe Stale.
Senator LXm bavir.g been charged I
in aa aidant, purprtirg to be signed !
by rae John S. U beatify, with ht.ing
at the beginning of the civil war re
cruited a body of ban in Williamson
county, III., for the confederate aimy,
taken them across the Ohio liver into
Kentucky and there deserted them, be ;
replies in a card denying it entirely.
He say that the ouly man named
Wheatley he ever heard of in Illinois,
was in a poer buuse in that State, atd !
is said to have been iuduced to sign this
iffidavit for a consideration, bat after
wards dmied it. In support of his
statement Senator Logan produces a
letter to him from Colonel Thorndike
Urook. a Maryland man who reeided
io Williamson county, III., when the!
war brcke out, and there raised the i
only ldy of men ever taken from that '
county to the confederate army, and
which he biuistlf commanded duriug '
the war. He is now a well-known mer
chant in laltiiuore, and he sav that
this pretended affidavit "is a lie through
out that the wan tt beatley wis j
never in Illinois before the war,!
and that L"gan had nothing to do with
the confederate troops raised there.
This slauder appears to have been dead j
and buried in Illinois when tbe New j
York Wurld exhumed it aud put it on
parade agtiu. It will be observed lliat j
it was an electioneering dodgo delibcr-
ately forged, aud a uiau in the poor- I
house bad tu put bis same to it Thisj
is a fair specimen of the deliberate
lying resorted to agvnst every con-j
spicuous L' ii ion soldier now in public I
position iu the civil service of the na- j
(ion. The next editor who publishes ',
the slander ought to be treated to a dose '
of Icg-il justice for it. 'oith Jlmtri- j
" Ma. J.ime8 Llotd Grelne, the!
defeated candidate for Governor of!
Connecticut, has sent this address to ;
the editors of the Republican press of!
his State: " tir.NTT.EMEM : Permit me !
to offer my heartiest thatiks for the geu- j
erous and loyal support you gave to j
Republican principles during the cam- j
paign, and also for tbe courteous treat- j
ment accorded men. Tbe next best i
thing to victory is the consciousness of;
haviug male a good fight iu a jut
cause. I hope aud f ray that you will!
continue to fight under the banner of!
universal freedom, nuiversal citizen
ship, and universal education, until life, '
property, and freedom of speech are as
safe in every Southern State as they
are to-day iu Connecticut. Bclieviug
in the ultiuiite establishment of these
principles op. in a sure foundation as
firmly as I believe in tbe existence of a
God, and because 1 believe in the ex
istence of a God whose attributes are
justice and mercy."
Ttje day may be designated in his
tory when the Pope f Rome could
cuthrona or dethrone Kings. The po
litical state of cations of Europe has j
changed siuce then. The bonds of
Church and State are loosecing. The'
Pope is no longer tbe inter of tem
poral affairs. Tbe present occupants
of thrones he otico governed are
now teliirg or dictating what His Holi
ness shall do. A despatch from Eu
rope, on the 7th, cn this point, says:
It is stated on high authority that tbe
object of the interview between the
Emperor of Austria and Victor Eman
uel at Venice, is to get Italy to joiu
Austria, Russia and Germany in pre
venting lbs election of an infallibi!ist j
Last week Prof. F. W. Walker, of
Brooklyn, who has during the past two
years been afflicted with muscular con
traction of the face, procured at a drug
store a quantity of "extract of coniuui,
or hemlock," tbe fame drug that was
given to take the life of Socrates. Af
ter obtaining it be went borne, took the
poison, called bis wife and requested
her to note on paper the experience of
his feeling as be expressed them. She
did so. II icpeated the dose several
times, aud all the while kept ber writing '
tbe beats of Lis pu!?c and feeling, un
til finally he died, unexpectedly to his
wife and it is believed also to himself.
The last noted puliation was CO.
The Connect cat Legislature has!
been reconstructed by the election to :
stand this way : The Senate will stand ,
15 Democrats to G Republicans. The
House is 109 Republicans to 133 Dem
ocrata and 1 Independent. Last year
the Senate stood 1? Democrats to 4
Republicans, and the House 09 Repub
licans and 142 Democrats.
Rhode Island held an election last
Wednesday fr State officers. The
Republican Secretary of State was'
elected by about 12,000 majority, the j
largest majority, with one exception,
ever given in that State.
Of the Senatorial party that started ,
with such a blowiug of trumpets a few
days ago for Mexico all backed out
when New Orleans was reached, ex
cepting Tom tcott, tbe railway king,
aod 13 Perley Poor, a newspaper man. j
m m
It is believed by men who profess to
have acquaintance vith circles that
know, that the Pope will within a few
years come to the United States and
set op the Holy See in this country.
Governor Tildex, of York State,
has thrown bis people into state of j
exciteuieut by pardoning logersoll, one
of Boss Tweed's lieutenants. Tbe j
country awai's an explanation. !
A few days ago Germany believed j
that Charley Ross had been found in !
that conotry. It was some other boy. !
Statikik-iaxs assert that colored.
pc"jle seldom commit suicide. '
"The Boston School Committee have
mda tbe fallowing formal older: In-,
strwation shall be given ia sewing to
the fourth, fifth and sixth classes of
girls h fie grammar schools ; and the
several district committees may extend
Such instruction into the othfir classes
of girls in their respective grammar
schools, if tbey deem It sdvUable so to
do. Tbe District Committee of each
school in which such instruction is given
shall nominate to the Itoard, ' fur con
firmation, some qualified person as
teacher of sewing, who shall give to
each of the classes in which sewing is
required two lessons a week of one
hour each on different days or sessions
of the school ; and shall give, also,
such lessons to the other classes, not
exceeding tbe above in length and fre
quency, as said committee may require."
The percentage of deaths in the Dis
trict of Columbia this spring is stated
by Washington paper., among the
white people to be 23.16 per eentaic,
and 65 per centum among tbe colored
i . '
Kew3 Items.
Six oonvicU escaped from the New
Jersey State prison, at Trenton, early
on tbe morning of the 5th inst. '. ,
The body of an unknown man was
found near Newport,' Perry cbuotyj on
Suuday a week, who is supposed to
have been murdered. He had on his
person a ticket from New York to St.
Louis, dated February 1,1 875, a state
ment of the account of James Glynn
for work done at $2.75 per day, and
825 in money. Another theory is that
he died from injuries received iu jump
ing from a train while in motion. . '
The health officer at Key West, Fla.,
reported four oases of yellow fever on
the 2nd iust.
Two more men have arrived at Yank
ton, Dakota, from tbe Black Hills coun
try, and the specimens of gold they
have brought aud the stories they tell
caused much excitement.
The Senatorial excursion parly to
Mexico has been abandoned in conse
quence of lears of yellow fever and the
sickness of Mrs. Morton.
Levi L. Miller, employed in a saw
mill at Middleport, Sohuylkill county,
was caught iu tbe fly wheel on tba 7tb
inst., and crushed to death. j
A regiment of Philadelphia troops
were ordered to Uazleton to look to the
turbulent miners.
At Springfield, Mass., David Kea
veny, a lad ag6d 15, was arrested on
the 7th ins!., for killing his father, Mi
chael Keaveny, at Petersham, on East
er Sunday, by striking him with a flat
A carpenter, aged 50 years, stabbed
himself to the heart with a pen-knife,
iu Baltimore, on the 6tb inst., because
be was cut of work.
General Pope bas an Iudian war on
band, among the Cheyenne Indian.
Two children in Philadelphia were
poisoned the other day by eating ar
senic which they found in the cellar of
the home of one of them aud mistook
for sBger, spreading it on bread and
eating it.
Six hundred people were killed and
some three thousand wounded during
the recent storm in Georgia and South
A ease of feminine Siamese twins is
reported at Staunton, Indiana.
The New Eugland cotton manufac
turers are getting plenty of new hands,
in place of the strikers, with no con
cession of prices.
A pleasant snow storm graced New
York State last Wednesday.
Lewis Kimble, in taking a guuout of
a buggy, at a point about 13 miles
from Baltimore, to hunt, last Wednes
day, accidentally discharged the piece,
the contents entering his body, from
the effects of which be died.
At Brownsville, Tenn., on the night
of the 7th iust, Robert Midley, Coun
ty Clerk, was shot aud killed in his
office by two brothers named Henry
and Kit Bond. Disagreement in regard
to the Clerk's fees was the cause. Tbe
Bonds surrendered themselves.
By confession H. S. Carson, a clerk
in the employ of tbe Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad Company, is a de
faulter to tbe amount of $50,000. He
says two others are implicated with
The situation in '.be coat region Las
beconte serious. Many of the mines
are flooded with water, and the miners
not ouly refuse to pump them out, but
drive off the men who volunteer to do
so. It is stated that it will take at
least four months to pump the water
from tbe Luzerne mines, and this must
be done before any coal can be mined
Six thieves were captured in an at
tempt to rob a train on the Indianap
olis and St. Louis Railroad, cn the Cth
inst. The conductor locked tbem in
the car aud carried them,to St. Louis,
where be handed them over to the
police. Some others were discovered
but escaped.
it is said that proo.'s Lave been ob
tained to show that fcur or five clerks
in the Post office Department at Wash
ington Lave beeu engaged with persons
outside in procuring through fraud a
number of contracts for mail service ia
the southwestern States. Tbe con
tracts will be annulled and the clerks
Tbe flour, grain, and commission
bonse of Howard Uiuchmau & Son,
in Philadelphia, tailed on the 8th inst.
their liabilities being placed at one
hundred thousand dollars. .
A whirlwind about 100 feet wide
truck the Platte river bridge at Schuy
ler, Neb., the Si'a inst., aod lifted
four spans with roof from their places
and dropped them into' f fie river, hiav-
ing nothing bat tbe pier. . Several
bonses on tbe south side were blowa j
down. Utter, estiuated at ti0.000.
down, iiitiisge estiuated at S2l,lrJU.
Cn the 8th inst.. a fearful tornado
swept through the town of Edinburg,
Illinois, about H o'clock in the after
noon. - The Christian Chtlrch, in which
sotiie thirty or forty youfig ladies aod
gentlemen were reheafsihg; was de-
stfoyed. About! fifteen of h. pafty j England and Frauoe. . . it (' i j
had been Uken out at last aeeownta. TU joung woataa ia Liverpool dia
Miss Porter was dead j Dick Green ! guised for months as a cabman, was at
wood bad both legs broken : J. B. Ea-
ton was seriously injured ; Mis San-'
dors bad both legs and cue arm broken ;
Mr. Kemmerer bad a jaw and shoulder
broken. . Several others, whose names
have not been ascertained, were also
injures. life uweiiiuga cm
blowa down, .ni an elevator was badly
damaged.' ' ' '
Little Uock, Arkansas, was visited
bv a storm on the 8th iust.. about ' 3
o'clock in the afternoon. The tornado
npiooted trees aud unroofed houses.
A Mrs. Jones was killed aod her two
daughters seriously injured. Seven
houses were destroyed.
. Sirs'. 0ald Ottendorftr,' of New
erk, baa donated. $100,000 . for tbe
establishment nf a Home for Aged or?bv prozy. A woman
rm Persons of the Evangelical Lulh-1
ran denomination. It is intended to'buuga neigbbjr aud a uiau already
start the iojlitution in New Tork, but married. . The atlthjrities are discus-
ciciiiu.iir, iuuis ib iu buiu, uoj.i,w.c .
Ini. 15 fi ti, .tlBi fiKftf'.a nrnlitKlf ia'
Astoria, Long Island, where Mrs. Ot-j
tendorter owns some Hue plats ol ground.
wuere a uauu?ouie uuiiuiu, auapieu tu
the puipose, will be erected.
Thomas Carlylc is one of the ' most
cynical of men. When at home be
shuts himself in garret-room, where
everything is " confusion worse con
founded." lie dialikes company, and
his customary afternoon walks are taken
aloue, aod he stalks forward with the
bloomiest possible viaage.
Annie Miller, aged Id, of New Ypik
-i i j l . 'i r.. i . . i . '
Mate, owned a large inheritance, in i
spite of ber mother's remonstrances
she married an Irishman, named Burns,
who could, not read or write his own
. On the 9th inst., io New York, Gen.
W. J. Marcks, ' who commanded tbe
Ninth Indiana lwgiment during tbe
late wai, and who was recently held by
1 S. Commissioner Shields for dealing
in counterfeit money, was indicted for
tbal offence by the Grand Jury. -A
Dew action in the courts of New
York bas been brought against Boss
Tweed ; it is for the recovery of $3,-
Of the one hundred and thirty col-
. . 1.11. - e t. .t
lieries worked last vear in the Schuyl
kill, Columbia and Northumberland
districts, the Philadelphia and Reading
Coal and Iron Company only worked
thirty-eight ; all the others are worked
by individuals, except probably eight
or ten worked by other companies.
All is quiet in tbe coal region. The
.!..: :.!,
..i.i, ie gu.Hu.ug loo .U.u .u ,uc
inity ot Uazleton, and as there is
much popular indignation at the jircs -
euee of troops the Governor bas prom -
istd to withdraw them if tbe Shenff of
Luzerne couutv so advises.
The miners
of the . Lackawanna section bave re
solved not to strike, and it is believed
that this will bave good effect on the
disaffected region.
W ilmington, Delaware, ecbscribed
$5,000 for the purchase of Centennial
stock. .,''.-
Live grasshoppers bave already been
gathered in the wheat fields of Brad
ford county.
Paul Hoyuton started across the Eng
lish Channel at 4:30 A M., on Satur
day, in his life safety ores. The dis-
tanca is twenty-seven miles. A steam-; City, was sentenced to one year's con
er accompanied him. At 7 o'clock hejfinement io the Penitontiary, and to pay
was fourteen miles out, in good spirits i Bne of three hundred dollars,
and smoking. ' , ! The strike at llaielton still contin-
A despatch from London ou Sunday
says : Paul Boyntcn did uot make the
entire distance to' B.olonge by swim
ming, lie was taken on board the
press steamer shortly after dusk yes
terday evening against his own wish
withiu eight miles of the coast. Tbe
weather had become boisterous, night
was closing in, and the pitct declined
the responsibility of guiding him after
dark. The sea was so rough that near
ly all on board the steamer were sick.
The success of the life saving inven
tion is conclusively established.
- The wife of Louia Bahret, of Fough
keepsie, committed suicide some time
before daylight on the moruiog of the
8th inst., by jumping into the Hudson
river, while temporarily insane.
Tbe Delaware and Hudson canal
opened for navigation on Monday.
Colonel John M. Powell, one of tbe
wealthiest planters and slave owners in
Mississippi before tbe war, committed
suicide in Brooklyn on the 9th inst., by
taking roorphiue. Colonel Powell's
grandfather was. a cousin of George
Charles Bendix, formerly vice presi
dent of tbe Tentecia National Bank at
New Orleans, committed suicide on tbe
9th inst., by taking poison. Cause,
poverty. " ' ' .
In a recent boar bunt in France one
wild boar , disabled twenty dogs, and
was only coniiuered by a bullet.
Corn is so scarce tn mountain coun
ties of Kentucky that hogs are dying
from starvation.
Tbe President will atteud the Cen
tennial Celebration of tba Battle of
Lexington on tie If th inst., in Massa
chusetts. General V. J. M sucks bas been in
dicted by the Grand Jury of the United
States Circuit Court in New York for
dealing ia counterfeit uuifley.
- The town clerk 6f South Chicago I
refuse to sign the' certificates mi the )
candidates dccUfeJ elected sit tbe re-
cent efectioo,- 6n the groiad that great
rV.nt. etmbUM. aadKaska tha
frauds were committed. andska tbe
court to set Ure erection aside for these
j reasons.
A Baltimore beggar bas retired from
tusiuess with a fortune of $26,000.
S'even years is the' time counted for
tbe construction of the tunnel between
Mast detected by ber unvarying civility,
proper language, and Refusal to take ot
j k more than tbe legal fares.
j The epizootic baS again appeared in
j Picton county, Nova Scotia, and
i ,
j number ot valuable uorsea Lave laiien ,
' r iii i r it..
: . . . . ... i
; --
, Une mUlion ao.l.rs in silver woco
j we received last week at tbe l otted
ciaies Assay omces m .ew aora, irom
I California. Each block is worth $250.
. ....... . -
Broom corn was introduced into our
country by Dr. Franklin. While ex-
ii.,- . j, -i. .
aming a whitk (imported) i.e accident
ally fosnd a
sincle seed, Which he
planted in bis garden
J the corn was propaga
I la Switzerland there
ried to man in America,' the prosy
smg woeiucr. in ia uiucu-uar.icu uiau
I . .. !u.J i. ... .. .
Under the new law iu Wisconsin
J every woman of the age of 21 and np-
..H. ri.lin. in ditr.t within
-- --- -- ------
hich the duties of the office are to be
performed, is elic.ble to the followins
ri iuiiucu, nb iv ""'"""i
offices :
Director, collector and clerk of
achool district ; director and secretary
of town boards, nuder tbe township
system of school government ; member
J e '
of a board of education in cities, aud
county superintendent of schools.. -
A case came, tip before a Crawford
eounty (Ga.) iuatico of the peace one
... i-1J-
day last week, winch was deeided in a,
novel way. It seems that two negroes
j claimed tbe same calf, and to- decide
who was the rightful owner it waa to
be turned into the pen with a cow, and
if the cow recogniied.it the decision
was to be Gnd. Tbe Calf Was put into
tbe lot, aud the cow fondled and ca
I. ,i. .
rested It, proving that it was hei calf,
The other negro threw tip the sponge
and abided by the' decisiorf- : In this
Case tne COW was jury.
Ti. rv.nr....k Iln. . r r.
which eost forty-thousand dollars when
it was built, has been offered for a bar -
Iln.,l. I " k :. n.A.n
I rel ot "tanele foot," by its present pro -
prictor, whih reminds us that this once
lamous city coutains nueen famines
now, or ' fifteen thousand iuhabitaiu
-: '
less than when the Danforth lloute
was in blast.' " ' ' .'
''. '.''' .
A regular and extensive baud 01
robbers, who have committed numer-
ons depredations fur some time pist, in
i. ,.r rtnn .i .......
n...... .
. u 1 1 I .J J . VMIWW, ..1 fV.I.JI., W
urouen up on i nursaay nigtil oy a party
0f citizens, who were waitin" for the
for tbe
1 scamp. Two of
the robbers were
j killed by being filed upon. X third
drowned while
sltfnr.tinfr to ...
; sane. nd two were imprisoued. Nu -
merous persons who were connected
with the gang have fled from their
. , uic ooj-oiigu iii rant-rs'Hi.
aouies. , Petition ol Sauiuel Kimibii'.gh, for a li-
Mchleczie, a farmer, was murdered cense aa Innkeeper in Monroe township.
iu hi bouse near Greenville, Illinois, j rrs.tl.onoti' 0?! r""0'"
on the liighl of the 8th inst..; His body town, March 81. ia7i.
was dragged to the stable and . thrown ' SHCRIFF'S StfLFS
under tbe feet of a pair of mules. His Y virtue of a writ of Pea l. x, ii-
wife and son were arrested on suspi
cion of being the murderers.
On the 8lh inst. George Reynolds, a
3Iormon, of Utah, who was recently
convicted of polygamy, at Salt . Lake
j nes,
n... . loru'i ......
There are about 1200 troops in
that region, to preserve order.
At Scraoton on tbe 9th inst., vote
by ballot was taken in several mines of
the Delaware and Lackawanna and
Western railroid company, to decide
the question of a strike, and resulted
."- ,or ou lJ guM worn, aue others COIlUinillg 300 AC re, more or
result has given the most unbounded less, having thereon erected a Log House,
. r .- ii j r u f .li Lot Hrn, Spring House and other out-
satisfaction. . , Hydo Tark, where the k,, ' SWd. taken in execution and
vote was taken, rules the Lackawanna
region, and for Ihe present there will
be no strike in that vicinity.
- In the vicinity of Hateltoa on the
morning of tbe 9th hist., a party of
Jeddo miners fired into Company I, of
the First Regiment, doing gn&rd duty
at that point. Fire was returned, and a
member of th company was wounded,
but not seriously. This skirmish is the
first brush between the military and
the strikers. '
yew Atlvertmemetitg.
Rertnter'w Itotlce.
TVOTICF. is hereby givsm that tbe fol
J.1 following named persons bave filed
their Administrators, Execntor,and Guar
dian accounts in the Register's Otlice of
J uniata county, aud the same wiil tie pre
sented for confirmation and allowance at
the Court n.jiisc iu Jliflli.ifown, on Tues
day, May 11, 1873:
1 . The account of Samuel F. Sieber, Ad
ministrator "f Rmannel S pic ber, Ute ol
Walker township, deceased.
2. The account of J. W. Milliken, Ad
ministrator of baiuuc-1 Milliken, deceased,
late of Tuscarora township.
. Tbe account of Aiwa Miller, Admin
istrator of John Haines, deceased, Ute of
Susquehanna towuship.
4. Final account ot TT. II. Lnkens, Ad
ministrator ol Martha S. Lukeas, deceased,
Ute of Walker towuship.
5. Final account of Amanda Patton, Ad
ministratrix of Unstin b. Patton, deceased,
late of Walker township.
6. Third partial account of Joseph Roth
rock, Executor of Robert C. GaRaher, de
ceased, Uleof Fermanagh township.
' - - J. T. MET LIN, Rtptttr.
Ruiarik Orricw, - (
Miliintown, Apr. 1,1876. j . . '
Hone at this efnee. i ...
JV'eW A drertiem ent-
j j L pHoas iadebtod to the estate of
j A Oetaelfna Hartley,- deceased, om Boo
4ooy:rW'5! Tf!
r ... .i. Arm.. 1875. Af-
- ter that dt sit ui.ptfcf accounts win be
Dlxcrd in tbe bands of a proper officer for
April It, 1875.
Xwtlce r Election.
-arnTirr ki .irm tn Ibe etock-
. .J o;.;.i- P:.rk and
Aciiculmra Association or Juniata ionwy
tbal an elccuuu for uthcer to aexv lor tf
ensniuff vear. trill be Held on tne secon
Thurxlav (biiaa; tbe Wlb d.ir) ot Mv,
15, between Ibe hours of 2 o'clock P. 31.
. i l. l i -. .1 .ttL.M ..r U.hrt
inu u-uwfc r, mv vub
, jjcMeen, on Bridge sirwrt, in the borough
j Miluiutow5AME3 McKN IUHT. P rW.
' Bl jciui!t,'ste. AprH M.
l-r , . . tj -u,j
uuuui icuuoriimuii
TVTOTICE i herebv riven to the atocK-
x nolocra ol Ul Luwpauy iui -
. rf No"oXl
W)lkhingt)n HtnvU m tbe city ol KesdUiC,
j x is o , --"-'J. .1 . J
ir n i im'E a . .
j . i,;"r.1 v.uit nd twelve
April H. 1875-Jt .
i ,
m . ,nnia .
ausuaiui. axuauj. i
i J in the
and Drawing. Spxia!Iy i good accviuniO'
neigblHjrliood may be secured ,
lj Tidies.'' per terms, AC,'
j by a few young lidii
PlaJ O.j Principal,'
Academia, Pa.
: .iru i, irto.
. '
Administrator'.) Xotlce.
Estate of JUxrj R. Graybill, iectaitJ.
I ' '
T ETTEJts ot Administration on tne .
"V - )" -y
' J-J tate ol Henry K
a : I I.. a- f
: Aterv.uo, ueceaaeu, Having oeea gra u-
vl to the underaizucd, all
- ' , . . iTl"
f make immediate payuicnt, and those having
i .... . . - . i ...
j claim will please prent them wilhiMit du
? jSrlor.
j Este, r,",ac r"-
rilliE undersigned berrbv gives notice
j JL that laaac Pile has made a general
assignment '''" f"r "f
I creditor. All person indebted to tbe
.,,1 1bjc Pile are requested to make piy-
i nt tUn hv"S claim to rreept
1 the iwnie without delav to the office of
i ou-14 k. Atkinson, in Mifflintown.
April 7, 1875.
I.lcenne 1'etltlon.
--fllTrPK im tiirt!v ffivn In nil intrpted
j JA that tbe following applications tor Li-
ceine have been tiled in tbe Protlionotary's
Otlice, aud siil be presented to the Court
at April Seamons, lain :
Petition of Jacob it. Mover, for a license
as innKeeiier in lite uoniugn oi ninnaiown.
j vf SamaKl &otnMt for ,
i llccn-e to keen aa Inn in the borough ol
1'a.,,,e,r!?"-' , '. - . ,' . ,- ,
Petition of Thomas Cos, for a license to
keep an Inn or Tavern in Ureoawood town
ship. - '
1 Petition of John C. Moser, for license to
j sell spirituous, vinous, malt and brewed
! !i'i"or" :,B 't,'".,,,i,.e!.,,",. "T than '" qurt'
in ine wrouirn i .nnnimcwn.
w. .... . 1 .. II I , r .
1 Petition of John K. Hollobaneh. for
,i,'cn!,e P Restaurant and Eating
i House in Ihe borongh of Slilttintown.
i Petition of John Hays, for a license as
' Innkeeper in th boronjli of Patterson.
I Pelilion of Caleb Parker, tor the keeping
of an Inn In the bonn):h d Patterson,
j Petition of Jacob Will, for a licvnsw as
I Innkeeper in tlu boroiiRh of M'.'tliiitown.
Petition of Cynis Sieber, tor a license as
i InnkecpiT m McAlistenille.
Petition ot Charles Phillips, for a license
as lunkeeier in Monro.
Petjlion of K. E. Parker, Inr license as
I , . . - '
iniiKeeprr in inr oorouzn oi Ji'irmiovrii
ictitin of Mrs. Mary A. Snyder, for
' li'-enso as Innkeeper in the borough
i In-ense as Innkeerier in the borough ol
petition of liobcrt ShielJs ,f..r licens as
; Innkeeper in the borough of Port R.rral.
I . ... . '
leflifwn Al Jsenh .Up. fi... lirn.a .
! iniiKeerxT in n-winenan--a towns no.
' Petition of Joh-i Mc.Manigle. for license
as Innkeeper in the borough of Port Royal.
' Petition of Clovd M. Parker, for license
! to keep a Restaurant and Eating IIou.su in
XJ sued out of : the Court i.f Common
' Pleas ol Juniata eouuly and to me ilirei-.tcd,
Will be cxpoM-d to public sale, at tu (,ourt
House, in tiie borough of Mi'Uin-wn, at 2
o'clock P. M., on FRIDAY, APRIL 2.
tlie lollott'iug n-al estate, via ;
A tract of land situate in Susquehanna
township. Juniata county, bonndH.l on the
north by Unds of Jacob Dres.ster"s heirs, mi
the east by lands of John Haiiies, dec'.!,
on the south by lamia of Sarah Dressier,
and on the west by lands of Jacob ii. Dress
ier, containing Forty-two Acre,
I more or less, lutviug inoreon ereciea a uog-
Uo ' Bod
buildings. Seised, tuken ia execution and
to be sold as the property vf Amos Miller.
A tract of land situate in Greenwood town
ship, Juniata county, bounded and de
scribed as follows :' on the west bv lands of
Shelley, on the east by lands of Henry
Porifiti- rin lhf onnth In-' T):.vM Orfivtiill I
and others, and on the west by Benner aud
to be sold iu the property of John M. Hibbs
A tract of land situate in Fayette town
ship, Juniata county, bounded ou the north
by lands of Washington McAIUter, ou the
east by lauds of John Alexander, ou the
south by lands ol" Ainoa Buutley and J.
Smith, aud on tha west by Lewis Marrney,
containing 13( Acre, more or less,
haviug thereon erected a Frame Dwelling
House. Bank Barn, Wagou Shed, aud other
outDuildiuga. Soiled, taken in execution
and to be sold aa the property of Joseph
WM. H. KXOUSE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Mifliintown, ) .
March 2d, !76.
Pomeroy, Pattersrm, Jacobs & Co.
mrrLrsTow, jrniar i comrv, ra.
. CAPITAL, $80,000,
T. VAX IRVI.V, Cashier.
, Diar.CTOH :
Jerome N.Thompson, I John Balsbacn,
John J. Patterson, I II . II. Bcchtel,
George Jacobs,
j J. W. Frank.
Amos G. Bonsall,
Vnitrd Statrt
bought aud aolL
Stinrititt, Bind, ifC.
Guld sail SUrer bought at higbestt rates.
. Vtpotit Ttctxtti, eolUttion made, droftn
n the prncipal cititt, aaa a general banking
Smaiaen transacted. .
Bonds and other valuable paper received
oo special deposit. .. juoe8T4-tf
Tbe Sentinel and Rtrmbltran otlice ia the
place to get job work done. Try it. It will
. st you if you need anything ia that line.
, and from which. J i!l bvgin Ma 4tb, 1875 Three lull ,.MnU Fl-OMii. awrchawlisr. 11 !
ted. " " , I courses ol' study: Normal, Business, Col- i jj4U11B. v,travif , clothier H i
I l..lrt.n A .......Ii.ii tr iktl'.irilifil to t- i : ia 7
wss a marriage ..,i.r.. Intrut:i.jn .. .. ..... i.i ia .
there was Uitr- civen uiion the Plauo, Organ, m 1 aiutiuff ; i.a Woliuan. Oour Atcrocer. H
,A yew jfLrz
XjJ Foreign .ml PnuHt Merch.
as approved and claasod by tne aercaouw
Appraiser: J
: .
Clot. In'
tL II. A. Stmb.u(cn, mer- jjjj
cbanu... -
Eniil Seffoft, fancy store 1
James H Sintoos, saddler..... 11
John Scbafler, qiieenswarei . . IJ
J Yeaklev tc Son, merchants I
I John Etka. confectioner...
cana & imu, -e- - t OC
a T uZZL-.. la U V
K l Farmer, sbnodeaier ...
J S Thomas, grocenea I I
Solomon Soa, confectioner I
John W Kirk, Rroceriea J
Elvssea Tilit-n, mere bant.... I
1W Harley Jt Co.,dlhier.. U
Kraociscwa' llardw re Co
W Snrder, lomiture....... I
J lloUobamibi billiards
Bver Kennedy, grain fc eoal 1 1
,., uuUman. teaelcr..... 1
' Ja, Sor.b S, Son. grain dealers It
! Ernest tt Ulem, axorket car aud
I ;
i n n. vl nierchint 1
Isaac M Gvaheu, HuofSnd leed U
J t...l.?.f.fU
j Mrs. ? Ileinomau, luercbaut.. lj
; Nicholas WileoX, coufacli.MKrr 1
u- U Wilcox, contio.K.r ... It
!(J M Parker, conlecUoncr U
7 oo :
no :
oo '
OO i
C iaurd, market car
7 OO ;
Pour Kov.tt.
! Noah IIM-fr.Ior, coal, lumber &
f coal
7 t
7 oo j
7 I JO '
Robert I.ogali, cintecti-inr .. . It
t S M Gibun, merchandise .. 14
S T. Ard, merchandise 14
A S (Hesi.n, uiercuanuise..
i i:,,.rir Ilfrr. arocer.. 1
Samuel Buck, merchandise... IS
t j r iUlk. contuctionei....
. 14
, ., s , d megistm.
i . - - ...... - - -
J P Shindel, notioua.
Marv M Wharton, ataiionary.. 14
J . , Ti,nm. ieweler - It
L U Sicber, market car 1
P M Krpuvr, grain and coal .. 14
Lyiiia laenbers;, millinery .... 14
By era Kennedy, grain A. coal 14
L & J B Wi'sou, merchant... 11
S It B Beaver, men-bants .... 12
W W Sharon, cnntoclioner .. . 14
1 T Mc A lister k Co, iwn-h.oia IS
W II MrAIister . fo - 14
Brown Son, 13
C A Ilttrer, iROrcbanl 14
Khiue i tiraybill, merchants.. 12
E Shelienbcrger, merch.uit ... 14
Kuper 4. Snyder. uiercU.nLs.., Id
I T IHinm Ji Bro , merchant?. 14
' Si-so.dcua.ixa. ( '
Amos Miller, merchant , II
U K Freynioycr, mcrchauts .. 14
Jacob Wciaer, merchant ...... 14
A J Ilertxler,merchandie.... 14
F F Kobm, grain.'. 14
Wiucy k. Ccater, murcltaodiae, 13
. THoarsoxrowa.
Kecley tt Smith, mmvhandise, 13
Klita James, eun!ccthner. . . . 14
Benner fc Smith, grain. ..... 13
1 U Ilaitemao, inurch mdiso : . i
W n Kurti, rocrchandUa ..... 14
N I) Wui)vk, im-rcliaudwe.. II .
J N Hiehetibangh, uerclumt.. 11
U.tzr . Thompson, " 14
V A Thompson, coal dealer... 11
Safuiicl Heir, grain dealer.... 1 1
Jerome Uctrick, iu.rcli.aiil ... 11
ilarid S Kwinr. merekandiite. 13
Hobbs, Brother & Co.,
A J I urgus4n.
Mornou tt Willhide,
Win Van bweriugeu,
Francis nvr, .
Meniiuger k M.iiig'-r, '
R It Pa'.'Crsoii. mcrchaodhc.
Camj bell & Kobiiiua,
ia i
logo' '
. Bt ALZ. , I
John Banlell, grocer ........ It
J Nevin Pomeroy, merchant. s 1-
Al:xader Woodward, " I.f
Kate M Young, notions ...... 14
J P Kelley, merchant U
Sraric Hitu j
J h Barton, merchandise..... U ' 10 OO:
Danivl Conn, U 10 00
J A Rice, confeetioner. ...... It 7 00
X A Hornier, merchandise.., li 10 00
The license uirctioned in the above list
will be due and pa) able to the County Trea
surer on aud atter tbe 1st day nf May, H75.
Au Appeal will be held at the Commis
sioners' ottkc, in the borough of Milhiii
lown, on Wednesday, liMli day of April,
lSTi, when and where all perstHia leel
ing thvmsvlves aggrieved can attend if tbey
think proper.
McTcanti U .ippraifrf.
April I, 1875.
Improved Ct'CUM
is tbe acknowledged
market, by lopular
erdict, tbe best pump for the least
noney. Attention is invited to
Blalch'ey's Improved Bracket, the
1 13 '
Drop Check Valve, which can be
swiiuarawn wuaons nisuiroing ine
seiJ joints, and tbe copper chamber
which never cracks, scales or rusts and will
last a lite time. For sale by Dealers and
the trade generally. In order to be sure
that yoa get Blatchlcy'a pump, be careful
and see that it has my trade-mark aa above.
If yon do not know when, to buy, descrip
tive circulars, together with tbe 'name and
address ol tbe agent nearest you, will be
promptly furnished by addressing, with
60 Commerce St., Philadelphia. Pa.
in room on second story of R. E. Parker's
new building, on
Main Street, Mifi3intown, Pa,
CUSTOM WORK DONE on the shortest
notice. '
GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern.
PERSONS baying goods can hate them
cut m garments free of charge.
Oct 22, 1878-tf
THE undersigned, at his shop, on Water
street, MilUintoWD, has now on band
and for sale cheap, a general assortment of
He also has a Urge lot of
on hand, and, having purchased a new
Hearse, is now prepared to attend funerals
at the shortest notice and ou the most 'ib
eral terms. He has made a great reduction
in the price of Cotfioa.
Zf Repairing prompt! attended to.
julrSOti , o. r.-ROBlSOK.
yew A itertimtA .
1'ures Neura'eia. Face Ache, Rheumatism
I iinni t'HMtiii Feet. Chilblain. Sore 1 hn,.i
i Erysipelas, Bruises and Wounds ot every
i nature in man or animal. The remarkable
! core this remedy has elfjcted cla it M
w u".e of tne iot imporfim ana valuable
remedies ir me cure nrun pain.
.. i i- ... .
. i, ". k. . l,.t
7 Mmni UW. of Jn
"A patient of mine mineral wun sciatica;
i reson I trw-i
Ammonia, which
icnrrd bim." I.SVV13 II. BO.NE, 31. U .
; im: U. Ittth atrret. New Tork.
I z.
lm H.VUR1S . Eivist;.
7 00 I vT boiesale Agents, 44 1 Libwty Street,
12 & j Pittsburgh, Pa.
' V" ! Pepol 4I Sixth Avenne, X. T.
12 00 j For sale bv Bai.ks 4. Uamlin, Druggists,
J w ; Mitttin.own.r.
SJiiaTS. WbtffeNow? 1878.
' 1 To MICHIGAN, one of ihe forwumt,
lummhimg aud boalthy flutes
What Tor?
TubuvaFAlUl vutof tbj
of Sue Jurrwltis; ianda lor sale by Ike
rlntif aoils. HeaS Osarketa. Sure crf.;a.
1;UP1 " S " " -
tre of crant. bottletueiita all kug. Ail
kinds ol products raised. Plenty ot ater,
tiuibrr. and buiidiug materUU. Price trum
$1 to $10 p-r aerej one-lourth down, tul
ain on lime.
IX7Sen1 frr il!iistr.itet paui.hlrt, f:ill .if
fan and tit"",' ,,e ineed. AJ.
dre. W .A. 1K W A K L. Comrn'r,
tirand kapids. MieU.
V. K. f.. PfelHCK. Sec'y Una Urp'i.
HKSDt WATEK. It has resn.rcd
thousands from tlie brink ot the ravr
7 00 ' given health aud strength to ll ow J.ui-d
in yt beyond the reach of all medical io.-ii.-jce,
7 00 ' anil turnetl the path of affliction to oue uf
10 00 ; happiness iu the blessings within its virtues,
7 DO It cures the deadly Bright disease i.
7 O") : Diabetes ; eradKatt'i al! disext- of the
7 00 ' kidney's ; restores th j Urinary organ t-t
7 00 ; strengtb and power in a word, it u a imt-
7 00 nrol rutorerof health, and bus performed
. 7 (SI the most n!erlul m-l niir.M-ulous enres ui'
7 OO any known speciflc ou the gl-j. Address,
7 l , lor circulars, Itc, Capt. Eiukne K. IUs
7 00 liv, Waukesha. Vi "is.
,- w Wanted A Few Good Men
H .')To represeut Foiiul..lu Ilill NurriiK, t)r-
7 (Ml villu, Ohio, iu the sale of Fruit Treca and
0 IH ' General Nrrcrv St-ark. Canvaa l.t b. gi
7 (ni i iu April or Jlav fur ct.ber didiverr. Ouly
U ()o ' those newl apply who Can give security, as
important scms f irtonej unlit be lundlc
' during deliver)-. Applic w's will b; visite.t
7 W) ! j,T ollr trKVeliu; ag'.-ut, and arrangeaients
12 i-0 ' o,m.l'.-tt-I. Aildrrss
' 00 ! J. OA RUN KK SON. Alliance, Ohio.
io no . :
' , Manutacturei of Patent Breech-losliiir
Military, Sporling :m I Crredni.Mir KOIes.
7 00 ; Tb bCst III the world. Winner
' 7 00 ! at Intrrnatiousl and nearly all other pi-iiu-i-'
7 00 j I'l matches at Crcvdiuoor. (See OlEci.il
7 tS) 5po,',i,'i? Ritl--J'. H to 9
- n,. ' Creed iiHMir Kiites, with Elevation
' Wj . ...... . . . . . . .
I lor i.hsi vus.. .... -.r aua
Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
OO '
Aaaoar anuOiiick,
10 y j Dr. C. W. Benson, a Praetii ii'g Physi
' cian, at IM". North Knt iw St., Baltimore,
j M.t., (ho Kaaiiuid much ntt'-ntiun to ner-
7 00 : vou d isea.sei.)Ni iiscovt-rrl ih.it exirvt
7 1.0 : of celery and chamomile roinbitu-d in a..--r-j
(Ml I lain pror-ortion invariably cares hea.tm.-h:-.
7 ia) ' either bilious, dyspepie, nervous or k
7 j headache, neura'.giaand nervuiwnr.vk Tii.
7 ik) I is a triuini h iu medical choiuistry, and sui
7 m I terera all over the country are oidxrmr by
j mail.: He prcparea it ia pills, at 60 cents
I per box. The Doctor niUrgcly knovrn aifl
'O I highly xespect4 iu Baltimore. LtUcuuil
10 00 -- - - -
IOW OTl'TTEttlXt;. V. S Stammering
TOO: O liiktiinte, fllr White.) 417 Funrth A
T 00 j enue, N Y. Ifc-st n termieei.. Xo pay nn-
lu W i tit pritrctly cured. Call or send lor cir-
' ' J rular.
j M"e olfer for sale three hundred improved
T 00 j and unimproved lariua in the luild and a
l i j lulrioaa cliuiale vf Virginia. A!m, tra t
lo 00 1 of Irou. Cu:.l and TiniU-r Luitis. Sen.l
7 0 ! JOL'KN A I. Map or Virginia. V rents.
Kiehiuond, A a.
A WF.EK to Agema r. wll an ar
ff tichj taltubl mt flour. 1'rohrs
imiueuse. Package free. Addresa Bica
cva M'r'o Co., Marvin, Ohio. o
t DVEUTISItU: Cheap: lie
1. iyiltntatie. All jrsii w nu rout
uo i
plate making contracts with new spnjx-rs for
tlie insertion ot auvertisenirnt, shotiM
si-nd n rents to ;. r. K.-n Co ,
41 ParK Row. New York. I'.-r their PAM-PHI.KT-BOOK
(M'a(f-caA tditiou), con
fcimii'B lists ol over aiUMi newsjapers and
esliumles, showing the cost. Advertise
ment taken for hading papera in many
atatea at a treni-ndoits returtion from pub
lishers' rates. Grr tmi book.
t 3 Cr'fl f"f ' home. Terms f.-ee.
$J c. $uU Adiliesa Gao. Srisaos a. Co.,
Portland, Mc
rf'T7 A WEEK guaranteed to Male and I
male Agents, in their localitv. t'osta
NomiXG to try it. Particular
Free. P. O. VICKERY Jt CD., Augnsta,
. . . . - i . I, .
k 1XG." How either sex may fas:i
nate aud gain the love and aneetions of any
persous ihry choose, instantly. This sim
ple mental acquirement all may possess,
tree, by mail, lor 3 cents; together with a
Marriage Uuide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams,
Hints tu. Ladies A ijoeer book. IOO.Oim
sold. Address T. WILLIAM . CO.. Pub
lisher, Philadelphia. .
(Belford Bniiding,)
Main Street, niffllatonn, Par
Large variety or
Selected with great care, and warraulerf
norabgh authority.
for medical purposes.
CP-PRESCRIPTIONS cmpnunded with
great care. (June S2-tt.
Will visit MifSiir and Patterson every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning
and will furnish the citizens of "thesp bor
oughs wit 1 the best of
at the very lowest prices. He respectful!
solicits the patronage of the public.
April 3, loIZ j.
A fine assortment of cloths, cassimerrs
Testings . &c, alwrva on hand and for sals'
by t. B. LOUPON.