SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIN! OWN; T Wednesday. Pcc'r 23. 1ST t. ; TERMS. - Subscription, $1.10 per annum. Transient advertisements inserted at 50 cents per inch fur each insertion. . . Transient business notices in local col nmn, 10 cents per line lor each insertion. Deductions will be male to th .sc desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter vear. -- PENN'A-. & SJ'IME TABLE. Passenger trains leave Mifflin Station as follows: EASTWARD. Philadelphia Express, Harrisbiirg Acc.timuo., Pacific Express, Mnil, Atlantic Express, WESTWARD. Pittsburg Express Cincinnati Express, Pacific, Way Passenger, Mail, Vast Line, Mixed,, Nov. 15, 174. 12 43 a m. S4iiu. 10 20 a n. 6 st.j p ni. , 5 lo p in. 12 58 a m. 2 05 a in. 6 08 a m. 10 10 a m. 3 33 p ni. 6 45 p hi. 8 15 p iu. Laws delating to Newspaper Subscrip tlomr and Arrearages. In response to a request, we give the law' ns it stands relating to newspapers and sub scribers : 1. Subscribers who do not five express no- tice to the contrarv, are considered wish- ing to continue their subscription. II suiMcnoers oriler tlie an-.-..ntniT-iiice of their periodicals, the pubii-dtwrs may continue to send theiu Until all arriir sgns are paid. II subscritw-rs neglect or refuse to take their periodicals Iron, the omce t. which thev aie directed, thev arc held rcsiou - sible until thev have settled tueir bills, and ordered them discnnlinned. 4. It sulwribcrs move otlier places nilhout in'orniii:; tHe publiiers, and the p:i-rs are sent to the f ormer direc tion, they are held reipcnsibl". 6. The fourts have decided that "refusing to take eriiHlieals trom the otlice, or re moving and leaving tli. in unrailed for, is pnma facia evidence of iutenliuiial Iraud." 6. Any perron who r;-ceivcs a newspif r, I and makes use of it, uheilu r he ha-a or dered it or not, is held in U to bs a subseritier. It subseritK-rs nsv in advance, th.-v are ; tmiind to rive notice to tne p'l'-iisrer, at ! the end l their time, if tin y do not ' wish to continue t.kine it; otherwise I a..d iho si.bscribrs will be revr-.nMl'le 1 w" li,ere- lou m.U!it tuI;u ,,"s, lc'; in. til an ex j ress notice, with payment of j er ; leave no oue living see it for God's ail arrearages, is sent to the publisher. sake, ad it Would betray us. I am LOC.iL IX TKLLIGE. CK. Evcryb'idy who has a turnout, sleighs. iow has stopped fishing in the canal. A merry Christinas and a hxppy Year. j.-ow 1 I me Silk llats at Todd s store, at city j 1 rices. I The snow st" jied the work on the rew j railroad. Tl.ere is to be a hop in G ab''l's Hall next TnurnXv night. The attendance of teachers during the sitting of the Institute was large. 1 he !.ice lo get bargains is at ToJd's Emporium. Farmers rejoice becine of the snow-fill. It is a protection to winter ahoat. If you want to hire a good horse and sleigh, go to Todd's Livery in Patterson. Wheat ill Philadelphia was quoted on Mon-.Iay, Penna. red, $1.2 lal 25. Cora 80 toMir. Oats 6';C7. Tha high wind lat thursdiy night flout--d the torner cwning at Stainbai:girs store :nio a window of that place, and broke glass th:tl will require $J'J to replace. The cheajK-st Ilorsu Rlankets an.l Lap Holies ever in the county at Todd's More. The crazy traiup, who was lodged in jail on the information of a citizen of VTalker townshir, was last week tiken by SheritT Knonse to the Insane Asylum at Harrisburg. The T nnsylvaoia Kailroad Company com menced to issue excursion tickets to-d.iy, which will be coi'tinued until January 1, lt75, and good lor return until January e, If-73. The liii.lgc Company have doubled the plank on the river bridge. The clatter that um.i1 to characterize travel across it will be heard uo n.ore. The sound produced now is that ol a dull ruiuble. The light seen laid Thursday evening abo'it C o'clock, south ot Tuscarora moun tain, was caused by ti:e burning of Samuel McKee's luiu in Perry county. Loss. $1, 000; iusurauce, Sl.tslU. I). A. liar man, Principal of Free Schools in this liorough, has lost his health to such a degree that absttneuce Irom teaching has become necessary. His school is closed, and will remain closed for the period ot two weeks at least. Within the past week there has been a deep snow-tall reported Iroui many parts of this country ; so general has il been that it did not contiue itself to America. Ei.gland and France received a snare. o wonder then, we had so much of it here on Sun day hist. Horningtown Sabbath School have deco rated, or rather have prepared a Christinas tiee, which will be a iominent feature on the occasion of an entertainment to be given by the school ou the evening of the 24th inst., in Horningtown school house. The Teachers' institute, held in this place last week under the management of I). E. Kobison, County SujKriutsudent, was a most satisfactory Institute to all who at tended. The manner in which Mr. Robison has administered the affairs of Free Schools in this county has won for him an enviable reputation. The way of the transgressor is hard." If you are a criminal there is no escajie. For recent illustrative argnment, as pruof, look at the case of Goes and Udderzook, and Itonglass and Mosher. A thousand pages cl arguments could not impress the truth so forcibly. Retribution will come sooner or later. The Presbyterian ministerial charge over which Rev. Mi. Sherrard presides, is com posed of two congregations, each having 'a church building one at Mifrtintown, one at McAlistervillc, about eight miles apart Last Saturday, in resj-onse to a call issued by a hhmber ct memb-.TS reading at Mif tlintown, a meeting, iu which the McAlis terville part of the charge took no part, was held in the Presbyterian church at Mif flintown. Resolutions were passed, the turn of which is, t!at the charge should be divided, and that Prtsbyteriau people of MitHin'own and vkinily should constitute a charge by itself, and that the question of reparation or division be carried np to Pres bytery at iU next regular meeting. Fob Sale Eight hundred to a thousand Chestnut Rails, made of young timber. Address A. McKIXLEY, Ms Coysville, Juniata Co.. Pa. inc new church in Patterson; , W toogittg to the Evangelical Association, was dedicated oo SuDdaj-Dec. 13th. The cervices were impressive, and were conducted by the pastor, Rev; W. S. Seibert, assisted by the Presiding El der, Bev. A. S. Eeeser, and ReT. Zech ariab Hornberger. The dedicatory sermon was preached by tbe last named gentleman, and was thorough and able. The subject was " Leaven, aud was bandied so masterly as to leave nothing ntisaid. The collection amounted to four hundred and fifteen dollars. "The building- committee performed their work in a very Mtisfaotory man ner. Mr. Seibert Is entitled to great crjdit le t bis activity and determina tion in this enterprise. Eat for him the village would be without plaee where in, to worship. The contract. for the foundation was made May 22, 1874, and the church dedicated as stated above. Mr. Joseph liriudlo was tbe eon tractor, slid bis work was well and j thoroughly done. I; shows skill, neat ness and workmanship. Tbe buifding cost but twenty two hundred dollars, though said to be worth' three thousand. The citisens of l'irtetsoo 'and tcis ity have long desired a church iu their ' midst, aud are tOw to be congratulated i . . uPon rU:, possession On the uight rf the tilth u'.t. the spring liouse of Samuel l. Kepner, ic j Turbett township, was robbed. The 1 . . ' I neIt coming the following letter was fonnd in the tpring house. The name affixed to the letter aud the name of the person to whom the letter was ad dressed, we do not publish : ' Nov. 18, T4. Dear : I now let you know j the reason 1 did not come the time I Hjtid 1 would. The snow I thought would betray us. I could cot walk so far, : anJ it was too bard and cold to leave mJ ",u"; out ,n u,e wooas " nieht ; Lut I am coming down en the '2irh of this month, then we will go tor ,he lltt,.r we ,a!ko(i of t,,e other ,jIU0 ' coming down with the wagon, then 1 can take the rest of that corn yoa said I you Mole f.T inc. 1 will give yon twenty five cents per bushel for all you can get for me. The next time I come 1 want you 10 sera ::.e. gins to anoiner I bed, so that we can have a better chance i. ,.i v l ' Let no one see this for any sake. REPORT ( F MEXICO SC HOOL. For month ending l:c. 11th. Whole No. in attendance during month, CI Average aite.idance -0 Percent, ol attendance 8 Tillie Writh!, Cl ira Smith, Xora Wright, Floca Wright, Annie Kniselr, Lizzie Me Eiirney, Andrew McBiirnev, Hazzie Funk, Tummy Knisely, Winnie Hack, James Mil ler, Lednnni Miiler, James McBurney, Je rome Thompson, Chartio Dill and Willie Viller were prelut everyday during the month. The following n.-.iuel pupils received the best marks for behavior: Lizzie McBurney, Lizzie Smith, Clara Smith, Netty Kicken hiugli, Emma Dill, Maggie Kmely, Louisa Lyons, Ella Wilson, iMary KalHy, Katie Hatlsy, Win llctri.k, Jerome Feruer, John Ferner, Jerome Uurris, Charlie Dill and Henry Kauflman. Jons 11. Caesey, Teacher. REPOKT OF HAPPY H 'LLOW SCIKKL. For the month ending Dec. 9, IS-74. Whole No. of pupils enrolled, males 20, tcinales Ifi tolal 45 Average attendance, males 21, females 1 ; tolal 34 Per cent, of attendance, m iles on, le nities bH total f 3 Tiie following pupils were present every day : Ad.ui F. Sielier, t-ainuel J. toiler, Kurtz Ki Stouer, William 11. Batiks, James A. Banks, Andrew fiauks, OtisZook, iliram Befhore, David B. Beshore, Adel Leister, Mnllie C. Stoner, Jennie J!ook, Matilda Zook, J -nuie Beshore, Anni'i Beshore, Han nah M. Zook, Sarah Uarmau. Jons &TOSEC, Teacher. Apk your druggist for Pain Cure Oil. 1. euros alt pain, coMs but a trifle to get it, and when once used you will never be without it. Sold wholesale and retail by Bank9 A Ham lin, Milhiuton. Eoll of Members of the Juniata County Institute, held in Mif fiintown, Pa.. Bee. 14, 1874. RKALE TOWSSHIP. B F BurchHeld, David Eh, J P Stewart, Misses Harriet Hazlett, Annie F. Shurlough, M B Martin. PELAWABK TOWSSHIP. H S Basotu, W X Rohrer, I C Lintz, W A Smith, J S Harley, Misses Maggie Kin zer, Sadie J Jacolis, H uldah E Mover. FATkTTE TOWSSHIP. J M Ganuan, W E Auman, J A Shelley, W W Strayer, Pror. J II Smilh, T T Da vis, Misses Mary J Hunt, P M Garinan, Hamuli Byer, Sue 3choll. PEBM A3C AOS TOWSSHIP. George W Dysinger, John Stouer. J F Allen, I) W Uarner, Misses K E Mover, Mary Balentine. cbeenwoob TOWSSHIP. Adam Wilt, C B Fry, J T Wagner, Miss Tillie MoElwee. LACK TOWNSHIP. W J Short, W J Wise, W U Daugherty, Hugh Clark, Misses Mollie B Lauver, Nan nie Gilford, Belle Patterson, Mary J Wise, Manic B Marshall, Sarah Ramsey, Beile Short. lrFLI.VTOWS. D A Ilarman, Holmes Dysinger, Misses Lizzie t Ilarman, Clan V Daugherty. M ILFOBD TOWSSHIP. E S Landis, W H Groninger, David Cun ningham, Misses A BShurtx, jallie A Plett, Sadie E Mover, Kate E Keistcr. ONEOE TOWSSHIP. John McConnell, T J Nichols, J H Willis, Bayard Juelds, Miss Mary Harley. PATTEBSOS. W I Uibbs, T D Garman, MissC J Ragan. FORT mOTAL. ' " s. J c Gable, J T Turbett. - ' srsQriHASsa towsship. S G Dressier, Nicholas Fry, J L Bitting, Adam Troutman. .sracca bill township. 11 P Stewart, M S Kli, G II Martin, Misses Lina Shearer, M A Laird, Emm M Trfgo. VIBBETT TOWNSHIP. R E KcMcen, J A VcMeen, A T McAfee, J A Rolor, O L Uench. . TfSCAEOEA TOWXSUIP. . S H Trego, T F Drolsbaugh, Abner Drolabaugb. J M Mogul, J Laird, G W Rheinhard', aliases M H Co if man, Eila J McColIough', 11 J Sherlock, Emma Fulton, Sirs. Lucy Morrow. TBoarsoxTowx. D E Land, Miss Ella Clair. WALEEB TOWSSUIP. J H Carner, D E Spicher, L II Ailman, Jl D Adman. G M Diven. W H Lukens. J L ! oj'le, Isaac Miller, J II Smith, Misses Ida J J Patton, Sylvia Kurtt. OTIIEB TEACH EES. D D Stone, Ph.D., D Wilson, A.M , Aus tin Dysinger, Wellington Smitb, J V Plett, Misses Mtry Woodwarl, Lizzie McMillan, Annie E. Wickerebatn, M E Fry. Those nu-k.-d thus () were not in at tendance. FUN KKO LL JI A N On theTTtb inX, by Kev. D. M. Blackwelder, Mr. II. D. runk and Miss Sal lie J. Kollnuu, both of Patter son, tnis county. , COM3IEnc4Ii. ;" f j M1FFWNT0W.V MAKKETS. Correcttd weekly by J. t II. A. Stambaugh. JIirru.NTowx, Dec. 23, 1874. Butter 30 KT' I.ard j; 1'otatoes 85 llIr"Fl.KTVX GKA1.V MARKET. Corrected weetly by D. P. Suloiilf Wheat, 1 00 Oats, M Ooro, 7", Professional Carilt. J) L. ALLEN, M. D , Has commenced the practice of Medicine and Surgery and all their collateral branches. Oflice in Johnstown, Scale township. July lj, 1874 THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D. Physician acd Surgeon, MIFFLIXTOWX, r.1. Olliee hours from 9 a. a. to 3 r. .. Of. lice in his father's residence, at the south end of Water street. oct22-tf 1 " OflS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MIKFLLXTOWN, PA. Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. OrricE On Bridge street, opposite the Court House Square. LFtiED J. PATTERSON, ATT02KEY-AT-LAW, MIFFLIXTOWX, JU.MATA CO., PA. All business promptly attended to. OrrirE (in Britlue street, opposite the1 r...... tr..... .' - 1.U1111 ..iibtt ..ijuaie. AdminUtrator'tt .otlce. Estate of William Kiujfmmij dictated. j UEKEAS Letters of Administration 11 on the estate of William Kauri man, late of Fayette township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all er sous indebted to said estate are requested to m:ike immediate payment, ap.l those having claims will please present them without delav to 1EIEK SUELLEXBElMiER, De. 9, lh74. JJnuuutralor. GREAT REDUCTION IX THE PKIw laS OP TKETII! Full I'ppcr or Lower Setts as Low as t5 No teeth allowed to leave the oflioc un ites the patient is satisfied. Teeth remodeled and repaired. Teeth fiile.l to last for life. T.vth extracted without pain, bv the use ol Nitrous Oxide Gas, always on hind. Owing to the hard tunes, 1 will insert full single sets teeth, of tbe very bust kind, tor tlo.'K'. Teuqiorary sets $5.00 extra. Toothnche stopped in five minutes w ith out extracline the tooth, at the Dental Of lieeof i. L. Olhil established iu .Mitlliu- town in lUO. G. L. DEK'.l, Jan 24, 1373. Practical Deutist. CHAIR M.VNUFACTORY. T'JE undersigned, at his shop, on Water street, Milllintown, has now on hand aud fr sale cheap, a general assortment of CHAIRS. ill? also hss a large lot of COFFINS on hand, and, having purchased a new Hearse, is now prepared t attend funerals at the shortest notice and ou the most 'ib eral terms. He has mule a great reduction iu the pi ice of Cuthus. C7 Ki pairing promptly attended lo. july29:t O. P. KOBISON. jEW R-: STORE. BANKS & HAMLIN, (Beltord Building,) Main Street, .Mltaintoirn, Pa. DEALERS IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS', DYE STIFF. PAINTS OILS,VAKNlSUES,ULASS,PL'TTr, COAL OIL, LAMPS, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, TOO lH BRUSHES, PER FUMERY, COMBS, AIR OIL, TOBAC CO, CIGARS, N (I I 1 O N S STATIONERY LARGE VARIETY OF TATE.NT MEDICINES, Selected with great care, and warranted rom high authority. C-Purest of WINES AND LIQUORS for medical purposes. C-PRESCRIPTIONS cmpeunded with great care. June 22-tl. IIUEY & CHRIST7 fiUCCESSOBS TO KETDLR & CO. To those interested in the purchase of a strictly PURE RYE WHISKY, for medical purposes we ofler BAILEY'S PURE RYE, Price ti to 6 pet gallon, and will ship in packages to suit purchasers. We also handle largely a COPPER-DISTILLED WHISKY, Price from $1.50 to $1.73. 1 ' We import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIX, and also manufacture DR. STIVER'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send for Price List. IIUEY k. CHRIST, l-l North Third Street. Thilad. Miscefanrovs. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the uioit effectual reme dies ever dicov ered fiir riean-5-in; the svsieiu ami punfv iujr the Wood. "It 1..U ftixl the test oi' years, with a con stantly trrowin-' reputation. bed on its intrinir Tirt'ics, and snstaincd by its remtirlt.-ihle t-nre.' So mild as to be fafe and lienpfiial to chilJiVn. and Vet so scan hir. as to etTectual'r pure cut the corrup tions of the blood. sttcU its the scrof ulous and svphilitu; contamination. Impurities or d'irrascs that hive Inrked In the system for years roon yield to thjs fiowerful antidote, and diappear. Ilenee its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of St-rtiAtlit, and all scrofulous diseases. I kwrt, I'mptinn. and ernptive disorders of the skin. Tumors, KIutvheK, Iloiis l'imides. Pnstnir!. Soros, St. Antliony's Fire, ICose or I'rv liiltolas. Tetter. Sait Kliriiut, 8'al(i He:tl. ltinsvoriri. and in ternal Ulcerations of the l"t-rtt Stoiiiat'li. nnil Liver. It ai.-o cures other complaints, to which it wooid ni.t se-jm especially adapted, su. h as OroiJ 8V, I)ysoMa, Fu.s, Netirnlsjin, Heart liseasc. Female Weak ness, Debility, end Lettforrlira, When thev p.rc nanif'cstjtious 01 the. scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent reshlrer of hea'ili and strength in the Spriiifr. By renew ing the appetite and vlor of the diges tive orsans. it dissipates the drptvsi;a and listless languor of the season. Even where no disorder appears. li-el better, and live h'nser. freleanin r the blood. The system moves 011 v.'ith renewed vigor and a new lease of i.e. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical ana Anatytical Chrmislm. SOLD BT ALL LtRL'GGTSTS KVl:cl WIIFEK. K E A R XY 7 "s" FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is tue OSliksowx beuldt ros. BRIGIIT'S DISEASE, AND A POSITIVE EEBEDT FOB GOUT. CRAVEL, LTRlCTUkES, DIA- P.ETES, DVstPKrsiA. NERVOUS DEBILITY, DROPSY, FEMALE COM TLA IN TS, Non Rc'terition or Incontinence of Urine, Irritation, Inftamiuatiou,or Ulcera tion of the Bladder and Kidneys, SH.iniatorrh(pa, Lencorrhira or Whites, Irregular cr Painful Menses, Bearing Down, Chlorosis, Sterility aud .111 Chmplainti Incident lo Feririfch KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU For Stone in the Bladder, Calcului Gravel or BricRdnst Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges. and Diseases .of the Prostate Gland. KE.lRErS EXT. BUCHU C'rrt ):"jfflif Jrhir.g Jrom Impru hncei, llalitt of l)iisifatwa, Etc., iu all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure It causes a frequent desire, and gives strcmrtil to Urinate, thereby removing Ob structions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflam mation, and expelling all poisonous matter. ! Used by persens in the decline or change of lite; alter confinement or labor pains, bvd-wctting in children, etc. Prof. Steele says : One b'dtle of Kear ney's Extract Ituchu is worth luore thau all other Buchus combined." KEABNEY'S EXT. BUCEtf ' Permanently cures all affections of the Bladder, kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings existing in Men, Women aud Children, no matter what the age. Ask for Kearney's. Take no other. Price One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Blllet far Eire Vvllart. Depot, 104 Dcane St., New York. A Physician in attendance to answer cor respondence and give advice gratis. Send stamp for Pamphlets free. For Sale by PrugirisU Everywhere. AVOID QUACKS & IMPOSTOES. .Vo Charge fur Jdbice and Coutultuiion. Da. J. U. Dvorr, graduate of Jt person JUrMical College, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, Cuu be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs (utile u be lias made an c-pccial study) either in male or female, no matter from what cause originating or of how long standing. A prartiee of GO years enables liim to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the Guide to Health. t rice IU cents. J. B. DYOTT, SI. D-, Fhvsician and Surgeon, augl!' 104 Duane Street, New York. FORWARD AND C0H31SSI03 MERCHANT, DEALER I! GRAIN, - LI! Ml! KK. COAL, PLASTEK, SALT CEMEN T, CALCINED PLASTER gOLO.HO.v SEIBER, Will visit Mifflin and Patterson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings and will furnish the citizens of these bor oughs with the best of BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, .PORK, Ac. at the very lowest prices. He respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. April 3. 1x721 y. 3'ew sirlrrriiHcrttrritui r1-;- -1-, BE ATT Y & PLOTTS' GOLDEN TONGUE PARLOR ORGAj!), flinE Beatty ft Plotts ce!etrate.l fJolden J. i ongue rarior i Tgnn, tue best parlor organ now in use. Herald St Claib. Pa., Dec 6, 1?7S. Messrs. Beatty a. l'I..:ts. (ients : I h-ve received the organ as ent by your firm to me, and I have had it examined, an I it gives ample satisfaction. Jous SiNi T. Mab vnot Citt, Pa , Oct. 1S7S. Tlte Beatty ft Flotts celebrated Golden Tongne Parlor Org in is bv tar the beat parlor organ in use. I have cvetully ex amined !t. and find its tone, workmanship ana auratmily to he tbe best I ever saw. : and I can with pleasure recommend it to any one in any one in want of a nrat-class parlor organ. Paor. O. H. l.inu. Messrs. Beatty ft flotts. Gents- Having had one of vonr troldcn Tngie Parlor t)r- gans for six months past, I thought before recommending it to give it a lair trial, ami am happy to testily that it surpasses ad that has been said oraitverfed about it. 1 have had piolessors of nmic and celebrated or ganists come and try it, aud one and ali s iy tliat it is one of the sweetest and best toned instruments i.i the market, it baa tikeu the shine out of ail the others aroumt here. I a 1,1 perfectly satisfied with it, and if 1 rould not get another of the Mine kind, money could not entice me ft part with it Yoa may publish this If yon see lit, as my organ can be tried by any one w ishing to do so, in proof of what I say. A. S. R. Richabds, Late editor of the Tamalua C'er,cr, now at Bethlehem, Pa. Messrs. Beatty ft Plotts, of a-shiagton, N. J., are gentlemen of enterprise and whose presence would be a c mil it to any community. llacktlttlotr (A. J.) Herald, 1873. Washington, N. J., is a b-MUtiful village of nearly 3001) inhabitants, 71 miles from New York, and 12 miles from Ea-don. Pa., on the line of the D. L. ft W R. R. Don't fail to see and examine the Beatty ft 1'lotti Golden Tongue Parlor Organ, before buy ing else here, or send for a ucw illustrated price list just out for IK74 Address BEATTY ft PLOTTS, Washington, N. J. DANIKL r. BEATTT. EDWAED plotts. April 29-lv NEAV PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Bridge Street, Miffiiutowa, Pa. JOSEPH HESS would respectfnllv invite all who want GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS of themselves or their friends to give hi in a call, and be couriuced that this is the place to get GOOD PICT IRES. Having prepared himself with the BFST INSTRUMENT in the market, and all the L.1TEST IMPROVEMENTS that constitute a First -Class Photograph Gallery, he invites all his friends and the public gen erally to favor him wi'h their patronage, and they will be acramiuodited with any thing in the line ot Photography. Pictures taken Irom Card to Life Sire, and Painted, if desired, iu Oil or Water Colors. Small Pictures copied and enlarged. Old Ambrotypes cr Daguerre.tyjes also copied and enlarged, and painted if desired. A good selection of FRAMES kept on hand at all times, and cheaper than ever. Solid Walnut Frames, Gilt Frames, Imitation Walnut Frame, Imitation Rosewood Frames, Rustic Frames, Cabinet Imperial Frames, Pictme Nails, Screw-eyes, Cord aud Tas sel, ftc JOSEPH HESS. Miffliiitown, Jan. 7, 1871. U AXD ATTR.iCTITfC LITIi: OF GOODS JIST BECEIVED AT TIIE PATTERSON DRUG STORE. Among the many nice goods may be found the following: Two Dozes Fine Poceft Bibles, Laec.e Lot or rtiOTotjBAPH Ainms, Real- TIFI L Al'TORBAPn A LB I MS, Ex- tba Fine Knives n Lakiks, Fixe Pocket Books, Esoron to SrrrLT The Coi ntt. A Gei'at Va- biett Fisr Ini tial Papeb and Envelopes, F i s r Bbistol Board Casus, Blanks, Laeie Lot or Blase Books, Fill Borso Dat-Bmks, ASD ALL OTHEB KlNnS AND S IZKS. Uabmomcas, Extea Qcalitt Aicobueons AND IOLINS, riNK IIaIB KRIHKS AND Cobbs, Cigab Cases, Gi b Tobac co PorcHrs, ftlttllOl, Chiss B.-abps, DuMI- XoES, CUECEAES AND C H E C K E B B O A B PS, PhoIO- o a a r a Fkaxes, Base Balls, Spectacles and ElE Glasses, Bfst ASSOBTBENT IS THE CofSTT. Tbe PrBLic abe Invited to Call and Examine the Goons. RMt:a beb tbe Place. Pattebsos Dbi g Stoce P. C. P.UNDIO. Patterson. May 11, 1871-tf B. LCWDO.V, MERCHANT TAILOR, in room on second story of R. E. Parker's new building, on Mai Street Mifflintown, Pa. FASHIONABLH GOODS always on hand. CUST01I WORK DONE on the shortest notice. GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern. PERSONS buying goods can have them cut in garments free of charge. BUTTERIC1TS PJTTERXS also for sale. ALL. WORK WARRANTED. PRICES LOW. Oct 22. 1873-tf ! Subscribe lor the Sentinel A Republican .Vixctilaneovs. caara.:toMBa, acL THE undersigned, having completed bis new V-'srrhonsc in l'eirysvi.le, would respectfully invite the attention thu farmers of the county to the lacl that he is at all times PAYING TIIE DiGUEST. TRICES FOR ALL KINDS OP GRAirV, Si:i21S, A e., Ac. Mavina; introduced lies facilities fir hoist ing, weighing, ir., e are now .prepared to unload with Ihe least rssible trouble. Bark, Rtilroad Ticg, Locust! Post a, bud all Saleable Country Produce will be bought at all times, eilhtrr fur CASn OR IS EXCHANGE FOIl StR- CUAM1SL. have Ton sale j C0AL LUMBER, FISH, SALT,! PIASTER, GROUND OR f.UXl,' a hich will be sold to suit purchasers, either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, and at the lowest rates ruling. At i-.iv Store in Tnr'.iett township mav be louud as complete an Aso.'tiiieM of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, Qaecnsware, Eard'S'ire, &c., i all of ibh h will lie sold as low, if nut a little lower than elsewhere- XOAI! IIERTZLKR. rcc. lt, 1873-tf .TOTIIE PUBLIC. i 1 have just opened out, in mv store-room on Main street, in the borough vf Patter-! son, a new st.ick ot Men's aiidlEcys' Ololhicg, OtircMls, Shirts, Drawers, IVamusa, Huts, Caps, Cloves, Sloctliit-r, A 31 GUI C'A WATCH E AT ClTT TRICES, JEWELRY. 4lc. The b-st lit of 1500TS & SHOES evt r Ironght to this county : Men's" Boots $:. HO to t oO, Ih-si h.avy tap sole war ranto! ; Onm Boots, b-iys $5f0, men' $1 VI; al-o full line of Ladies' and I hildren's Gums; Ladies' Slices $1 o' to f2 o'i best morocco. I sm selling Goods 2) rfrVunt."less than the credit prkvs. I am selling for cash, country produce, or note at 30 to CO days' discount. I have lost in eirht vears' business over $ ,ISH) by keeping books and credit, and made money besides ; slid now I am deter mined that those who pay sliull not be com pelled to pay such puces Hie loss siis- laincd in cousequciice ol those who fail to pay mar be covered ; and consequently I call sell 2i I per cent. less than goods in mv hue have ever b-cn sold tor iu tlie county. Call and see lor yourselves. WANTED .VW bushels ptdntoes, PK) busbels otiions, also, ta'o tons of dry wheat straw, lor which 1 will pay $10 per ton, delivered. J. B. M. TODD. Pattersou, Oct. 7, 1874. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. WISTER ARRtSCtMtHT. Decembkb 14th, IS74. Trgim leave Utrrhhurg as folioirs : For New York at 5 2 ), 8 H a. ni , 2 00 and 7 4 p. m. For Philadelphia at 5 2t, 8 10, 9 4 ; a. ni., 2 is and 3 ' p. in. For Kea.1ing a 6 i, 8 10, 9 4. a. iu., 200, 3 30 and 40 p m. For Pottsvilla at 5 2, 8 10 a. m., and C SO p. m. and via Schuyikul Jr. S u.viiei;anna Branch at 2 40 p. in. For Alb-Mown at ii i-l, 8 10 a. m , 2 t, 3 50 and 7 40 p. m. The 5 2, 8 10 a. in , 2 tM and 7 4'l p. m trains have through cars tor New 1 .iri. The 8 P) a. m. and 2 p in. trains have through cars tor i svxo-Ji's. For New Y'ork at a 2t a. m. For Allentown and way stations atGCta. m For Reading, Philadelj hia and way stations at 1 i t p. iu. Trains for lljrri 'srg rare asfilljtre : Leave New York at 0 00 a. l., 12 40, 5 SO and 7 4-5 p. ni. Leave rhilacelphiaat 1' 15 a. til., 3 40 and i 1 p. m. Leave hea.ling at 4 SO, 7 4:, 11 20 a. m., 1 ", u lo aud 10 4 p. m. Leave Poltsville at 5 -, 'J 11 a. m. and 4 oil p. ni., aud via Schuylkill and'-h-iuiia Branch at 8 V a. lo. Leave AilenUiwn at 2 SO, 5 50, 8 50 a. ni., 12 '2', i '0 and 111 p. m. The 2 SO a. in. train Irom Allentown and the 4 30 a. n.. train from Rending do nol run on Mondays- Sl-XOJYS. Leave New Tork at 5 30 p. til. Leave Philadelphia at 7 I V p in. Leave Reading at 4 30. 7 40 a. ni. a.t 10 45 p. ni. Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. slid 'J 10 p nt. Tia Moms and Ruilrond. JOHN E. WMJTTEN, General Superintendent. rL'rifpni?!.1 j it. Jilua. A-iA-A 'a Jntt Pnbtished, m a Sealed Enrelofe. I'nce A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Sperinatorrho-a, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Inijdiiients lo Marriage gen erally;" Nervousness, Consumption, Epi lepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Inca pacity, resulting from Self. Abuse, etc. By ROBERT J.CLLVERWFLI., M. P.. Au thor ot the "Green Book," Ac. The world-renowned nhor, in this ad mirable Lecture, cleaily proves lioin his own experience that the awlul consequen ces of Self-Abuse may be effectually remov ed without medicines, aud without danger ous surgical operations, bougies, instru ments, rines or cord'.als. poinlitiz out a i mode of cure at once certain and ctfectnnl I by which every suflen-r.uo matter whatbis j condition nny be, Ulay cure himself cheaply, want in the CLOTIliNU LINE, Hits. Caps, K,t sod Sbo.-s for t.?f. Women an I privately and railically. I Chi'dren, Furnishing W 11. hes awl J..-ee!rr. fjrrsMs, Floor CNdlis, aud m tn t ZTTka Ltclmr tntf prow m boo. fo !.- i V.'1"" rt'-U- I ' o-'t quot , price, h.-ro, but no, ..-ders-ld any one. ...Vi. ., ,m.ii Lome and s.-e no-, and I. e,.nvii:ced ot the truth of v ys -rtK.n. If tvinr rt built mv tantit and Sent, antler seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, ou receipt ot six cents, or two postage stamps. Aidress ilie PubliNhcs, CHAS-J-C. KLINE A CO. 127 Bowery, New York, Poat-OtKce Boi 45SG. Nov. 19, 1873-ly. ARGE stock of Dry Oo.kIs, (Jroceries. A (Jueensware. Notions. 11 its. Boots and lu es. Leather, Ac, for sale at the store ol W. Mi'ls A S"n, I'crrysviile. MtSCELLlA Ep US 1874 CHRISTMAS. 1874 FOR HOLIDAY ANO'CHRISTM AS Bo t iv Ai GOTO J neap j oiiir s Bxor e, WlW(i V!l Villi BSSIV lK)(i Eltiirllt. A L.'irc iul Fwtc ArtiuoiiL are toM very che'.;. IU:AI THIS: I Lay ;i:y (Jotx!. from Srf litintls, ircm ni:uitifactr.fcr ftnd liuportots otiiy, ;:r;ii 'or trtu-h tiowti. ar.d t-t ll a i ii:r (kk1.s lur oah only ; thort- J- rj I ca:i ji'lonl to scil (Jocds cIitMper than aiiyUiJy else. 1 auviM uil ptTons wiiLin tu .'Ue 15 to -t t cent? on a dullr.r lo to t !;o:ip John's .torc. Th:ip.V!n! forj)i?t, I ftniVii, liESPrCIFlLLY Yol'RS. &C, HA ED WARE STORE, 'i R. Pcrkers Aew Erich BuilJing. MllTi ST II Ii KT, Ol'l'OtflTI? TJf K t Ol IJT YARD, MIFFLIXTOWX, JfXIATA rOL'XTY, PA. JOHN W. MUTIIERSHAUGII Takes pi easi-re in calling the attenti'in of Farmers, Builders, Masons, S.vld'crs, M'ner, Carpenters, Shoeuuk.-rs, BU ksmitha. CiKU-hniakers. Plasterers, ll-oi-fkeeprrs, and ail who are in want of anvthinc nsiiailv kept in a FHlST-CI.ASS IIARDWAKR STORE, to his ..VRGE'AMt FKhll si.s k ol Uooils, bought since the great reduction iu pdeev, CONSISTING Of IRON. NAILS. SCREWS, GLASS, OILS. ADZES, SHOVELS, EOlikS, HOES, WALL BRUSHES, HORSE EUt SUES, PAINT BRUSHES, PICKS, COFFEE MILLS, TIS WAKE, AC, AC, TABLE CUTLFRT, AXES. LiCKS. LEATHER, PAINTS, SAWS, AUGERS, BRACES, r-COKES, FELLOES, MASON HAMMERS, GRIND ST: NKS, CLOTH.1! WRINGERS, SAND PAPER, LAMP, AC., AC, WHOLESALE Which he has just ox-ne in the above new store-room. Having bought all his sto. V while goods were at their lowest figures, he is prepared to sell at surh prices as ill nee satislwtion. My goods are all new and fresh from tlie manufacturer, ami I invite the pubtic to call and see them. I also solicit the atronage ot the poWie. .ie me a c.di Mifflmtswn, Aug. 2o, !P74-f FOR OASH! W'e are s:I!me Stoves'of every deS'Tiption at the lowest Cny'i Vrui.. We will guarantee all our prices to it", the Ltirssl. We invite all desiring to pufhss tu evamine our stock anJ learn our prices. D.W.Harlev&Gos Is the place whore 500. can buy Till ia;$T Ail TSUI rillMr'EST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING ILITS. C.I PS. BOOIS, SH ', .1X1) EIRSKUIXG GOODS. WE are prepared to exhibit on of the most choice and seiect slocks ever otT.-red in tiiis market, and at .1sTO.XISUI.XGLY LOW PRICES '. AI, measures taken f-r sails and parts of suits, which will be made to order at short notice, very r asvuable. Kemember Iho place, in lloffieans Xew Building, corner of Itrt J"e and Water sTeets. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. rLluy i, l-i";.?-:t FALL CAMPAIGN NOW OPENED. Every perse n who reals this advertisement Store Room on Bridge street, raticrsou, advantage. 1-j'tenon, Pa., Nov. 1 1, 1H71. Large stryT; "f ready rajde clothing n the Ule't and choicest stvb-s, l,,r men aad I J Uiest aud choicest stvb-s. Ir men aad U,ys h its-c.,-. hoots ..! .ho., potion,. f'l" CBslles. variety lor sai i at S inmel Stray ., tn I attrrson. -j Large sl.H k of Hea.iy -made Clot bine lor sale by 1USU.I to. .1D I'ER tiSEMEM 7.V. ct TV rai rr-1 of Doll iVucs uu li uiJ, whicli E.1HI, SCHOTT. FO''Kf.T CUTLEKY, HATCfir.TS, hi;e. siie t r.riNt;s i i n v. PLANES. 'IIISELn, HIS, 111' bS. SHAFTS. mason;.s, i'rry combs, axe handles, chain rags, CEDAR'iVAKE. AC, AC, AC, AM) UETAlL, JOHN W. MUTHEESBADGH. ranciseus, CRYSTAL -PALACE, Miffliatown. will stvj ni'-nvy and g.-t j'jst hat ll.ev J'x, I ara Vile to show Votf G"His to a bettor SAMUEL STRAYER. A l.f. t. I..." ..f r.. t .... , A ."I- .. ...1". " . 7 "'"" ,,,,,. ,. a. caue-s,a. and ct ,.: , r!i ,;, ., , . .'I",.". a, K.d.m's furniture store iu Palters...,- ?ct;:iciaud Reiul.;,cn I.5ij a ytat 1 t r : X I t , 4 i A' r Si Hi i 'i Hi