SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIX1WN: W ednexdaj , Xov'r 25, 174. terms. Subscription, $1.50 per annnra. Transient advertisements inserted at 60 cent jht inch for each insertion. Transient business notices in local col umn, 10 cent per line for each insertion. Deductions will beThale to th e desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. PENN'A. R. 1VTIME TABLE. Passenger train leave Mifflin Station as follows: EASTWARD. Philadelphia Kxprccs, 12 43 a in. Harrisbura; Accoiuuto., U 44 a m. i'acitic Lxpre, 10 !K a n Wail, G &." p m. Atlantic Express, 9 li p ni. WESTWARD. Tittsburg Express, 2 63 a m. Cincinnati Express, 2 05 a m. Pacific, 6 M a ra. Way Passenger, 10 10 a in. Mail, 3 g.i p in. Fast Line, 6 45 p in. Mixed, 8 15 p m. JJilllin, Nov. I V 1874. Laws Ilt-lating to Xewspaper Subscrip tions ud Arrearages. In response to a request, we give the law as it stands relating to newspapers and sub scribers : 1. Subscribers who do not sire express no tice to the contrary, arecousideicd winn ing to continue their subset iiitioo. 2. I: ubsribrrs order the discontinuance of their periodicals, th - pubiishvr may continue to send theiu until all arrear ages are paid. 3. ll fcubscrilx'rs neglect or refuse to take their jteriodicals trom Iheotlice to which they are directed, they are held respon sible until they have settled their bills, and ordered theiu discontinued. 4. It subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the pajn'rs are sent to the former direc tion, they are held respcusihln. 6. The Courts have decided'that "refusing to take peric-dir-als troni the office, or re moving and leaving them nncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional liaud." 6. Any perron who receives a newspaper, and mses use of it, whether be has or dered it or not, is held in Uw to be a Kiibsrriber. 7. If guhsorilxTs T"v in advance, they are bound to give notice to tni" publisher, at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it; otherwise the publisher is authorized to send it on. ard the subscribers will be rcsponMblc until an exjress notice, with pi men: ol all arrearages, is sent to the publisher. LOCAL ISTELLIGESCE. Thi pround was fruzea on Saturday morning. Stufl'cd Kooster, lrom Tiioinpsontown. came in too late for this issue. A new Oran at a reduced price, (or sale. For particulars call at this olliee. 1 lie Lew istowu sounds the slogan fur Kuekalew lor L'uited States Senator. Christian G. Shelley h.ts bought the Da rid Kurtz I arm in Walker township, fur Hi. i;v. Mr. I'iackweluer lias a protracted meeting iu progress in his Licking Creek Church. S. C. Slerrett offers at private sJo hi valuable tauuery, situated iu Spruce Hill township. The Teacher' Ia;mto w ill be hold in the lecture room of the M. E church at this place. The first snow of the season put in its a; pcarauce on l'riday morning, and deep ened to two inches. j Philadelphia uiaifcet quotations on Mon- tav, , -:i. Win at, amber, $1.20tuI.M ; corn fiutulijc ; cats C2toti4c. The reason there are so many strangers j in 1'atterson every day Going to Todd's Cheap Store lor Bargains. General Heath was a prominent temper ance man. How he was supported by the temperance people, see vote. A New Improved American Se.g Ma chine can be bought of J. B. M. Toad fi r $15. Huy of hiiu aud save uioaey. A rush at Todd's Store for Overcoats. Why t Because you can bay better at one third less price tliau you can anywhere else. Sir. David Smith, of Delaware township, bought the farm of Christian G. Shelley, at Cross Koads, between palem aud Tboiiip Boiitow u, for $'J,XK. Robert l'annebaker was tumbled out of a wagon last Thursday at the intersection of Third and Washington streets. A few bruises and a good scare was the sum of the ii.jury to the boy. By Miiientish prophecy, last Friday the world should have reached its end in tire. The snow, which the Good Being allowed to fall, "ilt have interfered w ilh their cal culation. "While Dr. A. Harshbarger, or Milroy, was ridinsr on horseback, a few days ago, his horse frightened at a dog fight, ran off and threw the ridtr, breaking three of his ribs and cutting an ugly gash iu his head." " Ft! st wedding anniversary, iron; 81th anniversary, wooden ; tenth, tin; flMecnth, chrystol ; tweuticth, china ; twenty fifth, silver; thirtieth, cotton ; thirty -filth, linen ; fortieth, woolen; forty-firth, silk; fiftieth, golden; seveuty-fiilh, diamond." The recent defeat of Republicans at the polls has awakened them somewhat to their interests where elections are now held. Chattanooga, Tenn., held an election on the 13th, lor Mayor. The gain lor the Repub lican party was 1 .rge, and their Mayor was elected. The newly erected Evangelical Mission Church in Fatterson will Providence per iuttt:ng he dedicated to the Triune God n Sabbath, the loth day of December, Jf74. Several numstirs lrom abroad will Iks in attendauce. The ministers and peo ple ol Mifflintown and surrounding charges arc cordially invited to attend. There will be services in the church on Saturday even ing previous. A Convocation of Old Fllws will be l.eld in G raj bill's Hall, Mifflintown, on Thursday evening, December 3, 1874. The Orders throughout the county are cordially invited and requested to be present. Some ,.1 the Grand lodge officers are expected to be present, and a good time is anticipa ted D. B. McTVilliamb, D. D. G. M. K thief visited the turkey roost of Mr. John T. Metlir., Register and Recorder of this county, a few nights ago, and stoic three turkeva. On the same night tmeves four turkert from the roost of Mr Ephraiin Lauver, in Milford township; but as thieve are not coufiued to eimer lati tude or longitude, it is not aurprising to bear that they have been operating out riirkev roosts on this side of the nvcr The loss of five fine tu.k-jn from the roost f Mr. John Stoner, of t eruianagu town ship, attest the fact. Last Fiida the Mifflin count y Na tional Bank received a telegram pur porting to come from William Willis, dated Middleburg, calling upon iu cashier to send him $500 by express at once to Selinsgrove. Mr. Robeson, being aware that Colonel W. was in that county, sent the money as directed. On the arrival of the package at Selins grove a man appeared and claimed it as b's. The agent refused to deliver it until he could identify the stranger as Mr. Willis. The man then had the temerity to name a prominent citizen of the place, hoping that jhis would satisfy the agent. It was "no go' fortunate ly, and the cvnSdenco operator con cluded to decamp. The same night a Cue horse was missing, and the iufer etice is that the would-be money-thief changed his-tactics and turned horse thief. Mr. Willis did not learn of the free use of his name until Lis return to Lewistown, when .-Mr. Robeson inci dentally remarked, " Why, Willis, you must have been investing at Middle burg." This observation led to ex planations and mutual surprises. The Money was ordered back to Lewistown, to the satisfaction of all parties but the thief. Lewistown Sentinel. For Sale. A Valuable Shoe Store belonging to tha estate of Cornelius Laxtley, deceased. For particulars call or address SARAU R. BARTLEY, JOSEPH R0TI1R0CK, Administrators of Cornelius Bartley,dec'd. Ma. Jacob Ml'jima, an old resident of Licking Creek township, Fulton county, IV, and his son David had started for an extended trip westward on last Wednesday morning, and bad reached Chicago on Friday, in time to get on one of the western bound trains. After adjusting themselves tor a night ride aud sleeping a short time, Mr D. Mumma discovered that his father was not in hie scat, and on inquiry was tol J that he had gone out on the platform. Not finding him there the tram was stepped, aud run back about one and a half miles, and there on the other track, crushed and mangled so as to be scarcely recognizable, lay the remains of Jacob Mumma. It is supposed that he mistook the entrance door for that of the closet and fell off aud a passing train on the other track killed him. t The accident occurred only some 40 or 50 miles from Chicago. His son David bad the sad duty of awaiting the de- cision of an inquest, and then Laving the corpse put in a coffin, he started on his Lomeuard journey. He arrived here on Monday morniug where his friends met him and took biin and his dead father to the home they Lad left ooly a few days ago in pleasant antici pations of having a pleasant time among near kin Jied and friends in thi far west. EcertH l'rcss. No. 8 Cook Stoves, complete, .sold at $10..j0, at i J. C. WEIGHT'S Stov3 Emporium, Bridge Street, Mitltintown, Pa. Farm ers are annoyed beyond en durance by trespassers of all kinds. Gunners aud fox hunters are especial jrievauces, as they break down fences, trample down young pUuts and tiees, and otherwise destroy property. Gun ners are very careless, too, shooting in dangerous proximity to dwellings and farm buildings. Wc have known in stances in which larnicrs possessing broods of pigeons are much annoyed by gunners, who will shoot recklessly around the barn and yard, endangering the lives of the stock, while the burn ing wads from their guns drop among the straw of the yard, and which the slichtest breeie may fan into a flame. The law agaiust trespassers is strict, and ihoulJ be enforced. We append the sectiou relating to the matter, and which, though an old one, is still in full force : The a:t of April, 1790, provides that if any persou shall pre sume to Lunt or carry a gun on any en closed or improved lands of any inhab itant of this State, without permission of the owner, or shall thereof be con victed, before any J ustice of the Peace, he shall for every such effence, forfeit the sum of forty shillings. llest Ches ter Republican. All kinds oi STOVES sold AT COST, and delivered to any part of the county free, at JOHN C. WEIGHT'S Stove Emporium, Miltliutown, Pa. Mr. Tobias Ash, of Lilly's Station, ; .ofTuri'iiiT from a fractured lee. lie ,0 OUUK. ... w was eneaced in hauling logs from a clearing on the Ciesson grounds and walking close to one of the horses, when a trace chain snapped and the single tree flew back with great force, owing t r.tmin m.on it at the time. The end came in contact with one of Mr. Ashs lees, breakirg the bone below the knee. The fracture was properly adjusted, and the sufferer removed to his home. Jllfoonn Irtbune. Worth Knowing:. The oldest, largest, safest and best accident insur ance company is The Travelers' Insur ance Company, of Hartford, Conn. It has cash asseU of over $3,000,000, has written over 330,000 accident poLes; and bas paid over 21,000 claims. It has paid over $2,000,UW m direct Den efiU to its policy holders. Daicey, the defaulting rhillipsbnr post master, has been sentenced to titteen years in the penitentiary; A con en tiou of elders of Hunting don Presbytery will meet in the Tyrone Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, De cember 8 1874. The following order of business and programe of subjects had been agreed upon by the Executive Committee. The Convention shall meet at 10 o' clock A.M.. and be opened with devo tional exercises, lasting one half Lour, afterwLich Jthe Convention bhall be called to order by the chairman of the ExecutiveCotntuittee, and the roll' ol Elders in attendance made out, and the organization effected. The report of the taeasurer shall then be made. SUBJECTS FOB KISCCsSlO.V. First subject "Should the Elders lead the weekly prayer meettncs" Opened by Prof. L. Gricr, liirming ham; Alternate; G.W. Reynolds Spruce Creek. Second subject "Should promise meetings and praise meetings be en couraged iu the congregations !" Open ed uy 15. t. Custer, Altooua; alter nate, A. T. Fiudiey, Altoona. Third subject "I j it a sufficient ex cue for the absence of an Elder from a meeting of the Session, that his sec ular business required his attention, or that it was inconvenient for him to be present?" Opened by Prof. D. D. Stone, Academia ; alternate, Dr. Craw ford Irwin, liollidaysburg. Fourth subject "Is it not the im perative duty of Church Sessions and parents of Presbyterian families to in struct the children and members of the church in the doctrines of the Shorter Catechism !" Opened by John Ful ton, Saxton ; alternate, Dr. A. M. Hills, Clearfield. Fifth subject "What is the best method of teaching the Shorter Cate chism V Opened by Prof. David Wil son, Perrysville; alternate, John A. Crawford, Sinking Valley Sixth subject What is the proper relation of the Elders of tho Presbyte riau Church to the V. M. 0. A., and other voluntary organizations for reli gious purposes J" Opeued by (J. V. McCully, Buclah; alternate, Dr. Row an, Clark, Kelt's Rills. Seventh subject "How ein a church be made most efficient in working for t Lr'ut?" Opeued by Can. Win. Cell, MiHHotown ; alternate, Win. 11. Swao sey, McVeytown. Eighth subject "How; can Elders who live a great distance from a Sabbath-school best promote the Sabbath school work !" Opened by James Mc Elroy, Alexandria; alternate, J. M. Wilson, Buffalo Run. Ninth subject "Are street mectiegs for religious meetings proper, aud should they be encouraged !" Opened by " m. P. Ac-hell, Jiedford : alternate, Gen. T. r. McCoy, Lewistown. Tenth subject "lha relation of the Elders to the social meetings of the bureh." Opened by Dr. Sydney Thompson, Lower Spruce Creek ; tlter nate, J. Harris Lynn, Milcsburg. Eleventh subject "How can we best promote a greater interest iu the work f our Jioard of Home Missions? Opened by S. T. Brown, Huntingdon ; alternate, Dr. D. O. Crouch, Curwens- !le. Twelfth subject "Is it prudent for officers and members of the Presbyte rian (.'hurch to attend the camp meet ings of other denominations, tenting with them on the gr)nnd and taking art la the religious services"' Open d by Joseph Campbell, JJelleville : alternate, Jas. Roller, Williamsburg. - KErORT OK Mr. PLEASANT SCHOOL, Tor month euJing Nov. 17, 1871. Whole No. in attendance during month, males li, females 21 total 3b Average aittiuijiiee, males 1-, lcuialcs l'J total 31 Per cent, of attemlaiice during month. males 9J, females 'Jl total........ . Uo Tillie Van Ormer, Lizzie Van Ormer, Mary Vn Ormer, Kinnia Van Ormer, Nan cy Van Ormer, Mollis Van Ormer, Annie M.ihlin, Willie Warner, Johnnie Vanh-mcr and Corbet Mahlin weic present at every roll-call. W. W. Stkai eb, Teacher. o On Sunday nightweek, as the Wine- lircnarian congregation were about leaving their audience room at Bridgeport, near Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland county, the fl:ior gave way, precipitating ail to uie lower floor, a distance of twelve feet. Notwith standing stoves, benches, lum, women aud chihlren were thrown pell-mell together, no body was sericuslr hurt. Jllooua RaJical. A FRIEND remarked recently that ho would not be without Pain Cure Oil for fifty lollars. Two bottles bad cured him of a severe attack of Rheumatism, and he is now well and happy. It costs but 50 cents per bottle. Bold wholesale and retail by Banks & dni in, Mitlliiitowo. ri'BLic Sale. Joseph Cayman, ad ministrator of Michael Shirk, deceased, will sell at public sale, at the late resi dence of said decedent, in Fayette township, at 10 o'clock A. M.. on Thurs day, Nov. 20, 1874, two cows, 1 year ling bull, spring wagon, plows, harrow, and tbe entire household furniture, -9- A Map or tum United States Gives Awat. If you want a beautiful colored m.ip, 16x31) inches, of the United States, svnd yeiir name and pst-office address to G. L. Harrison, 5 State street, Boston, Mass.; to L. F. Booth, 229 Broadway, Jiew York Citv : or to W. H. Stennett, General Passenger Agent C. & . W. Kailway, Chi dgo, 111., and a copy will be sent you free. I'tblic Sale. Wo. S. Rice, of Spruce II ill township, will offer at pub lic sale, at 10 o'clock A. M., on Satur day, Dec. 5, 1874, four horses, 1 colt, 4 head horn cattle, and Ins entire stock of farming implements. AttettIos, Ji-xiata Scorrs! You are hereby notified to attend Irill and tion oa Saturday, December 5, 18 i, at iu nVlock a. m.. at McAlisterville. By ofder of J. K. EOBISON, Captain Commanding, Matthew Kocebsj O. S. DIED: BF.KKTMAN On the 18th inst., !n Pat terson, George Berry man, aged about 23 years. T-IIRST-CL-fSS PICTl-RES takn at J; Hess' Photograph Gallery, Bridge st Mifflintown. a it., oaartmciit of cloths, cassimcrcs vesting &C, alwry. n hd and for mIc Huntingdon County News. AS PER HUNTINGDON PAPERS. Huntingdon county has 7 Granges. There will be a shooting match fur a cow on Thanksgiving day in Hunting don. The marksmen of Blair, Juniata, Mifflin and Huntingdon counties are re spectfully invited to attead. Last Thursday evening Mr. C. went into the attic of the Court House to ring the bell to call court. His light went out, and be wandered about in tbe darkness for a long time, when finally Mr. H went up to see why the bell did not ring. Finding his com rade lost, he did not take time to go for a light, but proceeded at tnce to ring the bell in the dirkness. Court as sembled but neither C. nor H. put in an appearance. No one knew what bad become of these important func tionaries. After an bour court ad journed, and about an hour later a passer-by was hailed by a voice from an attic window begging for a light to find tbe door they had wandered two hours among the posts aud rafters, but could not fiud the bole the carpenters had left. Huntingdon has moro than her share of scandal mongers. Charles M. Africa, who was convict ed at the recent sessions of our court, on the third count, of an indictment, charging him with shooting with felon ious iutent at a colored man of our town, was on Monday last sentenced by the Court, to pay a fine of $'20, and to nedcrgo an imprisonment in the county jail for a term of nine nijLths. Several citizens of our town, who plead guilty to indictments charging them repectively with the selling of in toxicating liquors without license, were sentenced by the Court oa Mouday last, to pay respectively the costs of prose cution, and also a fine of $100. The Ladies' Relief Society met on Mouday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Council House, for the purpose of or ganizing for the winter. This is rigLt. There will be much distress and we are glad to know that the ladies are antici pating it. J!1FFLI'T0WX MAKKETS. Corrected weekly by J. i. II. A. Stamliangh. MirrusTowx, Nov. '!', 1S74. Butter 80 Kggs 25 Lard 12 Potatoes r5 :irt;y Ml Clovtrseed .......... 4 75 MIFFLINTOWN GKA1X MARKET. Corrected weekly by D. P. SuloufT Wheat, 1 00 Oats, M 'orn, 75 Dried Apples 10 Blackberries 10 " Raspberries 20 Ham 12 Shoulder. 10 Sides 08 Washed Wool 40 Ground Alum Silt, per sack .... I 75 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Longs, aueh as Coughs, Colds, Whoopuig CouKh, bronchitis. Asthma, and Consumption. Amonjr the great SiBf'-wra'of more rtai valua Ig-'sj to mankind thaa Cfi'this effectual rcm SeJv for all diseases of'tlie Throat and Lungs. A vast tri al of its virtues, throughout this ana other countries, has shown that it does surelv and cflectnallv control tliem. The tes timniiv of our best citiicrw. of all classes, es tablishes tlie fact, that Chebiiv I rrroVL will and d's relieve and cure the altlicmn disorders of the 1 linwt and Lun beyond any ether me.licine. The mixt dnnperom auc tions of the l'ulmororr Orpins yield to its power; and cx-ies of Consumption, curei bv this preparation, re publicly known, so remarkable as hardly to bo believed, were thev not proven bevond di-pute. As a rem t iv" it is adequate, on which the pul.Iie miy re'V for full protection. Bv curing Coocn the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of tillering not to ha compiueii. cuiuici.r, trial, and convinces the most sceniicai. -ul, mi l erv fami Every family should keen it on nana as a apiinst the eariv anu unpenro ittnk. nf f'lilmoiiarr Affection. hich ara eailr met at first, but which become incura Lle, and too often HitiJ, if neglected. Tender lungs need this defence: nnJ it is nnwi.e to be without it. As a ?eguard to children, mid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat aud Chest of childhood, Chebbt I'ectubai. is invaluable; for, by its timely nse, multitudes are rescued from premature craves, and saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and snrelr gint ordinary colds seenrins sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and painful Bron chitis when they know how easily they can be cured. ... Originallr the product of Ion?, laborious, and successful chemical investication, no cest or toil is spared in making every botile in the utmost possible perfection. It roar be conn dentlv relied upon as possessing ail the vir tues 'it has ever exhibited, and capable ol producing enres as memorable as the greatest it has ever euected. PREPARED BT Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical wad Analytical Chemists. SOLD BV AtX DRrGOISTS EVRRTWTHEBRV J-J P. Sl'LOlTF, FORWARD AND C0BMISSI0S MERCHANT, DEALER I GRAIN, LUMBER. COAL, PLASTER, SALT C E M E N T. CALCINED PLASTEE ,VJF .lDVERtlSEMi:.YTS. AND -:o:- A LARGE VARIETY OF COOKING, -tttUOB. m OfFIGE STOVES, Over Fifty Iiflcrent KintN jiistl Style? to Select frons, Including the Old TORONTO, EXCELSIOR, COY. PENN, .SUPERIOR, REGULATOR, and SUSQUEHANNA COOKS. Also, the Celebrated Stoves and Heaters, ARGAXD, MORNING LIGHT, AND TWILIGHT. JOIIX C. WKIGIIT. Mifl'intown, September 9,T874-tf TO THE PUBLIC. I have just opened ont, in my store-room on Main street, in the borough of Patter son, a new stock ot Ilea's and Boys' Clothing, Overconls, Surts, Drawers, Wamuses, HuU, Caps, Gloves, Slocking, . AM KRICAftYlV ATCII KS AT CITY riUCES, JEWELUY, kc. The best lot of BOOTS & SHOES crer brought to this county : Men's Kiota $.100 tot I 50, best heavy tap sole war raiited ; Uiuu Boots, boys $1 is', men's $! 30 also full line of Ladi' and Childreus Gums; Ladies' Shoes $1 50 to $2 51' best morocco. I am soiling floods 20 pcrjctint. less than the credit prices. I am selling for cash, country ( rod ace, r note at 3U to 00 days' discount. I have lost in tijlit years' business over $ ,(') by keeping books and credit, and made money besides ; and now I am deter mined that those who pay shall not becom--!led to pay such prices that the loss sus tained in consecinence of those who tail K pay may be covered; and consequently I cau sell JO per cent, less than go'jds in my line have ever been sold for iu the county. Call and ace for yourselves. V.'AXTED 500 bushels good potatoes, 100 bushels onions, alto, t o lous f dry wheal tiraw, for which I will pay $10 per ton. delivered. J. B. M. TODD. Tattcrson, Oct. 7, 1874. rUXIATA VALLEY BANK. Pomeroy, Patterson, Jacobs & Co. mrruNTow, jixmta coixit, pa., $SO.OOO. GEOKfiE JACOBS, Fresidunt. T. VAN IUVI.V, Cashier. DIRECTORS : Jemme X. Thompson, John J. Patterson, Georjre Jacobs, John Balshach, 11. If. liechtel, J. V. Frank. Amos t. iionsall, Vniltd Statu Semrilits, Bond; IfC, bought and sold. Hold aud Silver bought at highestt rates. Dtpotitt receittd, colltctiOHS madr, dr:iis oa thi principal cilui, and a gtatral banking fcasineu transacted. Bonds and other valuable papers received on special deposit. juneS'74-tf CLARK WRIGHT'S TINWARE AND S11EET- IRON STORE. Main Street, ratterson. Here a compL-to assortment of TIN AKD SHEET ISON WAKE may constantly be found to suit customers, and arc offered at a BARGAIN. IXT-ilEPAiXING neatly and expeditious ly executed. Rootling ami Spout in? of the BEJJT MATERIAL, made to order on short notice. THE 1TULIC Arc also hereby Informed that I rejrularlr, every trcek, run a car to and lrom 1 nua drlpiiia, going to the city on Tuesday and returning to fatterson on I nnrsnay. i er gons purchasing goMl in Philadelphia, cn have them brought promptly here by order- injr them to VZ1 Market street, in carooi Clark Wright'a Market Car. I also inv.te iho attention ol those who snip pnxiuce 10 the eat, to the facilities otfered, aud earn estly Solicit their patronage. CLAKK HKIiilll. Dec, 24, 1873. HUEY & CHRIST, SUCCESSORS TO K RYDER &. CO. To those interested in the purchase of a strictly PURE HYE WHISKY, for mediaal purposes we ofler BAILEY'S PUKE II YE, Price $2 to $0 per gailon, and will ship in packagts to suit purchasers. We also handle largely a COPPER-DISTILLED WHISKY, Trice from $1J50 to $1.7 j. We import FLXE WIXES, BRANDIES AXD GIX, and also manufacture DR. STOZR'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send for Price Lltt. HUEY i CIIKIST, 121 Xorth Third Street, Fhilada. cpt 9, 187-ly I A RGE stock of Dry Ooods, Groceries, A Oueensware. Notion, H iU, Boots and Slices, Leather, for sale at tho lorc of tJ: W. Miui 4. Son, PerrysvUle. - rTufesiioml Curds. J) L. ALLKN, M. L , Has commenced the practice nf Mi-dic ine and t urgery and all their collateral hr inches. Otlice in Johnstown, B'.-a'e township. july 15, lt71 THOMAS A. ELDER, M. 1)., Physician and Surgeon, Mitt LI STOWS, r.i. OlhVe hours from 9 A. w. to 3 r. .. Of. fiec in his lather's residence, at the south end of Water street. .ctfj-tf JOl'IS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW", JIIKFLINTOWN, PA. CCoIlcctiiig and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. " Orricc On Bridge street, opposite the Court House Sliare. LF.UED J. I'ATTEUSON, ATTCMET-AT-LAW, MIFFMNTOWA", JUKI ATA CO., PA. AH business promp'ly attended to. Officr On Bridge street, opposite the Court House square. GHUK, tUMBEB, THE undersigned, having completed his new Warehouse fn Perrysville, would respectfully invite the sttention of the farmers of the county to the fact that he is at all times PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF GKAIX, Ac, Ac. Having introduced new facilities for hoist ing, weiirhiiig, c, we are now prepjre J to unload with the least posM'.de trouble. Bark, Railroad Tic?, Lccust Posls, and all Saleable Country Produce will be bought at all times, either lor CASH OK IX EXCHANGE M'U MER CHANDISE. HAVE FOR SALE COAL, LUMBEE. FISH, SALT, PLASTER, GROUND OR L'.'MP, which will be sold to suit purchasers, either WHOLESALE Cli KETAIL, aud at the lowest rates rulbg. At my Store in Turbett township may be found as coiiijlto an assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, Quecnsrrarc, Hardware, dec, all of which will be sold as low, if not a liltlu lower than elsewhere- NOAH IIERTZLER. Pec. H", 1873-if a t r'TTTT7, STO YOUw 3IE3i. Just Fublithed, la a Sealtd Euttlopt. t'ric. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radical Cure of SpertiMtorrli'i-a, or Seminal I Weakness, Involuntary .missions, Sexnar Debility, and Impedimenta to Marriage gen erally ; Nervousness, Con sumption. Epi lepsy ami Kits ; and Physical Inca pacity, resnltimr lnm Self- Abuse, etc. Bv KOBEKT J.tL LVEKWELL, M. D., Au thor ol the -lireen Book," ie. The world-renowned nuthor, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves lrom his own ext erieiice that the alul consequen ces of Self-Abuse may beetfecluall) remov. cd w ithout medicines, and without danger ous surgical operations, bougies, inxtru. ments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and cfferiusl by which every suriVrer, no matter what hit condition m iv be, ni.iy cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. E7"T7ii! Ltctnre"viU prort a boon to thou sands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plata envelope, to any aldress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Aldress the I'ublisherii, J. I. KL.1.M. a. 1-1'. l'J7 Bowery, Xew York, I'ost-Othce Box 406 o. Nov. 19, 1873-ly. GREAT DEDUCTION IX THE Pit ICES OF TEETH! Full I'pocr or Lower Stts as Law as (5 2o teeth allowed tn leave thi office un less the patient is salL'tied. Teeth remodeled and rrpaired. Teeth filled to last for life. Teeth extracted without pain, by tho use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, always on hand. Owing to the bard times, I will insert full fcingle aets teeth, of the very best kind, f. r l i.OO. Temporary aets sj.m extra. Toothache stoped in live minutes w ith out extracting the tooth, at the Dental Of fice or U. L.LU.KK, established in Mifllih lowu in 100. G. L. DERH. j Jan 24. 1672 Practical Lea:u.t. MlSCF.LL.lA EO IS ANNOUNCEMENT THE PUBLIC ! TO JUST RECEIVED AT CHEAP JOHN'S STORE, . BRIDGE STREET, M:FFLl.vrOlK P.I., A LARGE AND ( 0MILETE STOCK OF Fall and FEOM THE NEW YOSS AND PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. I Seeds Sell frsa i5 13 40 Per Cent, fer tka at any Ctk ?lace. .NEW GOODS' RECEIVED EVERY DAY. EVERT PER&OX CORDIAL. LV I.lITEO roit ISM'tCTIo'.. IllVD TTTIS : I buy my Gomls from fir.-t hamls, iVom n:iiuf'uttirers and lmjxirtcrs otilv, r.n:l for eah down, :uvl selT .T!1 i'ny (lootls for c;ih only ; tlurcfure I can nfibnl to w.-H (Jntnls t-lio;;THr than! anyboily cle. 1 ndvicc all persons willing to sa- e 10 to 4U cents on ;i dollar to go to Cheap John's Store. TLiuAlal llr p;ist patronage, 1 remaiif, ltrPKCTFlU.Y YycRs, &c, &CUOTT. I'liE l'EOPJ.E'S HARDWARE STORE, In R. E. Parkers .Xew Brick Building, MMTi STKKJ-aT, OPPOSITE TI211 COS RT VA1H. MIITLIXTOWX, JLIATA COtNTV, JOHN W. MUTIIEKS13AUGII Take l. a..ure in calling the attention of Fatmeri, Ruilder-", SaddlrrK, Miner - CariMintera. Shm-iiiiiKerK, Kl.K-ksmitliM, ('iiarliiiiufccra, i'lasti-rer. Ib.u. ke.'';r, and all who nre in want of anvUiin; nuiallv ki pr in a KIIi.-T-L'i. VSS llAKItU'AKE STOKE, to his LARUE AN 1 FKEi of Uoods, bought since the great reduction in jrice, coxsuTiXU or IKON, NAILS, StrKWS. iil.ASS, OILS. AllES. SHOVELS, I'OKKs, III ES, WALL Bltl'SIIKS, lloiivt KKI'SIiKS, I'AIXT 1SKLS11ES, 1'IOKS. Ct'KKEK MILLS, TIX WAKE, TAMLE CL'TLERT. AXES. LOCKS. LEATIIEK, FAIXTS, SAWS, Al'tjKKS, BKACKS, SIOKES, KEI.I.OES, MAStt.V IIAMMKIIS. tii:ll STONES. CI.OTIIXS WKIXGtls, SAND I'AI'El LAMPS, CC, 4tC, WHOLESALE Which he has just op-ned in the above new :store-room. Having Uoiht all hi atocl while goods were at t!ie lowest Bn-en, he is prewired to c-ll at Mich ii. cn :o u ill guar antee natisfartinn. .My gooils are all new and lreh from the inaiiiil usurer, ami ( invite' the public to CjI! a. id see them. I also itolicit tiw (kitroiuie ot tin- public. 0 ive uie a c : 1 1 . MilliinUv.'n,- A;."i- K, IH7J-tf FOB OASH! We are belling Stores of ctrery description al the Lowest Cash Triet. We will guarantee all our prices to be the Imxc-J. We iuvite all deiinug to' purchase to rsaiiiiue our stock and It-am oar prices. D. W. Harley & Oo.'s I the place wberc jou can bd'j TSIE BEST A.M Till: CHEAPEST I MENS YOUTHS' & HATS, CAPS. BOOIS, SHOES, A D tVRSISIII.G GOODS. WE are pretarrd to exhibit otie of tho most choice and wl.'ct st.x-ks ever offered ill this market, ad at JSTOXISHISGLY LOW MICE ! Also, measures taken frit iaits and paru of mjitu, which will bo made to order at abort notice, very reasonable. Kcnicmber th plai-?. in HofFman's New Building, corner of Bridge and Water s'reets, JIIFI LINTOWN, PA. may 8, WA-tt 1 3XEljV FALL CAMPAIGN NOW OPENED. Every ert who re vls this aIvertit-nient will save money an 1 g t just what they want in the ( LOTHINU LIXE, Hats. Caps. B---r and h"-s for M'-n, W'oiu n an 1 Children, Kurnihing Goods V.itch-.-s and jL"re!rr. C.rp- u, Floor Oil CN'ths, an-l iiuny other articles. I will not t)iiot-prices hfrre, bi:t wHl ad l mdersoM by anv one. Come and sew U'e, and b-; coDvincni of tlr trnth cT my assTtior. If ivins rebuilt my Store Kooiu on Bridge street, l'atlerson, I'm,, I am aWe to sfioi yoB f;oxls to a better advantage. Patterson, Pa., Nov. 11, 1H7I. SUH'EL STRATEI. Lanre stock of ready mjle clothing ol the stvles of oedstcails. sofas, lounge,' latest aiwl choicest styles, tur men and extension tiblea, marblu top bureaus boys, hats, cajs, boots and shoes, notions, m:irb!e top sUixia, fa, cane-seal and com t in nUliinr ftoda in endless variety for sale n,n chairs, and a large hit ot carets lor at Samuel Strayer'a, in I'aitrsVn. at Kohm'a furnituri; store iu fat brawn.' Lar-e stock of ClothinJor I sale ly .ID FERTISE.VE.V IS. Winter PtX KF.T rrTLERY. II ATt'HKTS, iiim;ks. Shoe UNPIXUS. I'l'TTV, J'LANKS, i.'i.::ls, BITS, III BS. SHAFTS, MASo TROWELS. CIKIiV COM Its, AXE HAM'I.ES, (iKAIN a.vcs, ItUAKWAkE, a.C. AND RETAIL, JOHN W. HUTHEESEAUGH. Franciscus, CSYSTAL PALACE, MifSintown, Pa; BOYS' CLOTHING B mivYESS. ! Sentinel and UeiubUcan tlM a yeai