Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 11, 1874, Image 2

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vTedacdajr. Xov'r 11, IM4.
emtob asd raopaiETOB.
At the hcur of going to press last
wetk despatches were of sueli a char
acter as to warrant the belief tl.at
the Itet'Ublican State ticket had parsed Cilouize along one of the northwestern
through the stcrni of election da) vie-j lakes.
torijustv. Since then, however, it lias . J5r ate despatches Olmsted is de
become clear that everything at liar fCil,ej by about 4,000, Heath by about
risburg has been wpl awaj but Gov- j 710, ,J Allen somewhere between
eroor Ilartranft. j ,ue 4 aad 7 thousand.
cuuiu varuuna i u-'i Aeiooti i, - i
rori..--;t. in lipr Slate aJmin'stration
.... - - t . 1 1- . . .1. :
Illinois is Republican: so, also, is
... . ' ,
Coem. It is not necessary to enutuer
tte ?!.,selv as to the number of Slates :
thai clisnped front. The hIe count
will be in by and by, to a vole. If the
case stood in doubt it were well to be
anxious and count closely, but as there
is no .'oiibt about ft, and a it is nearly
all on one ide, It is not worth while to 1
bother with it. While there is little
concern to lin.k up the details, there IS
great concern to knew what the Dem- j
vicratie party is going to do with affjtrs
that are soon to pass in'O their manage
ment. Thy uo lunger staud as mis
chievous clitics, railing out against
evfTy act of government by Republi
cans. The responsibility is about to
be changed to their shoulders.
The Legislature of this Slate has
been elected fr two years, and wili
convene jaie soon. If it docs not im
mediately take bold of the questions
that were cowtplaiiied f in the canvass
nr.J reined v the abuses luat the Dem-
. .. 1 .,.:.., .... i! . i .1 .. it vifl
' , '
fad of fi! hip the expectation centered!
in it. The Lower House cannot exou
erate itself by saying sht the Senate 1
. e 1
is Republican and will not pass reform t
' , 1 ...
measures, or that the Governor will
veto reform measures. The fact that
there is a Republican Governor in the
executive chamber and a Republican
.iii. in th. Star. Hnuse. rentiers
.. . ......1- .1..:.
,f!e.rr..s,.,o ,a..ulJ r ,, . ,Wj
party : lor .y propoMng .rue .cmeo.es
of reform, which they have talked so j
much about, the Senate and Governor
would be bound to acquiesce iu them,
nii....i..: :i .1.- i 11
or .. .uriuer er ... a I'-"
rarty, dv lasiiig uie respousiuiinj o.
. . . '
defeating reforms proposed. 1 tie talK
about a Republican Governor and Re
rubliean Senate L.oderiog ti.e
ratic House from reforming matters in j
the fctate is one of the ways that they,
propose to shift away from the position
of responsibility. Jliey uave abused
without stint all people who were
nnt witii lhm fnr tidt. ailtniii'S-
tering the affairs
of the Slate'
. i
, 'of luiin eratt'.ii from burcpe
hand at the work. 1 hey must point; . ... , ,
out the way to better times ; they must
tell of a better state or system of
finance ; they must reduce taxation,
and give us examples iu economy ; all
. .. . I I
these things they hive promised, let
tbem make their promises good
Tbey do not come into power in Con
gress quite as soon as in the State, but
they will reach the Natinual councils
but a few months later. By next
March the new Congress will be induct
ed into place. By that time its mem
bers should be full of matured plans
for remedying all that the Democracy
Lave Complained of. The euuing five
months wilt be almost as closely scru
tiuised as the five mouths preceding
(he the inauguration of President Lin
coln in 1 SGI.
Eighteen bundled and twenty-seven,
1837, 1847 and 1857 were years of
financial panics in tins country, and
according to the rule 1807 hould have
been a year of crash. Republican rule
averted that business calamity. The
country is six years past that date,
and is now in the midst of a business
aud financial stringency which is severe
enough, but is not to be compared to
the decades designated above. The
present hard limes is credited to Re
publican rule. Now that the Demo
crat have c.-uie into power, how soon
are times t.- get better 1
The manufacturers of tbe British
provinces havj arranged to hold a con
vention about the first of January to
cul ler what action to take iu refer
en.-- to the Canada f.ee-trade treaty,
that lies in the table of the I'nitcd
Slates Senate.
BoTII houses of the Legislature be
ing Democratic, a Democratic t'nited
States Senator will be elected to suc
ceed Jjhn Scott. The question is al
ready exercising the minds of the erring
brethren. Tbe factions of Wallace j
and Buckaleat are already at work.
Seventy citizens of Louisiana peti
tioned Presideut Gra-it, on behalf of a
large number of feilow-citiztis to
withdraw the military from the State,
as the ati'.hority had uuiuistakabty
rasscd i to the coutrcl of the conserv
ative element.
Ir the Democracy, since they have
come into power, do not knock thiugs
bigber than a ktte, as one of Beecher's !
rublishers said about his Life of i
Christ," it will be history refusing to !
repeat itself.
Sot'TBEBV men in England are or
ganizing Labor Unions, by which they
expect to induce several huudred thou
sand Engliah and Irish farm bauds to
emigrate to the Southern States.
Till New York World interprets tbe
reeeat political somersault to luesu
desire for "bard money, free trade, and
kOMS.xule That's tbs first feeler,
Gladstone, the chief governmental I posed to be tnortal'j wounded. Jeal
officer of the British government, has oasj instigated Powell to commit the
; taken issue with the Pope of K uue on j
the question of the Pope's in allibilitv. j
As a consequence political and tell-
ginas circle of Eurcpe are greatly
j exercised.
Victoria YVoodiiull and Tennie
ClxSin are lecturing iu the V est and
(realizing a company of free 1-jvers, to
MR. IIDEX, Uovernor eiect ol ew
iaork, has already made a speech in
j -
i which be favors a speedy rcturu to
TllE Heecher aud Tilton scandal
tr.uble appears in eouit in New Yu;k
this week.
Governor Hartbanft has issued a
proclamation fixing the 6th inst. as a
day of Thanksgiving-.
The Southern Pacific Railroad will
Lave a big job in tbe nezt Congress.
WnERE are the Grangers ? Who
were they with in the late eleotions !
News Iteics.
The coal niiuers of Clay county, In
diana, have struck.
Newport, Kentucky, Las been devas
tated by a great fire.
A fire iu Montgomery, Alabama, de.
stroked a great deal of pinperty.
The Brotherhood of raiiroad con-
duetors held a convention in Baltimore, j
The smoke on the Ohio river baa
been so d'tnse that steamboat navigv
... ... .
I tion has becu rendered almost iuipossi-
1 T'h. ...r.if tl.o Tf.unr, It . .
. vivi..! 1 ui .u a . ' j n -
, , . ,
issued a circular calling for creater
: economy in telegraphing on department ! m home companies.
: business. All telegrtms sent or re-1 A policeman named Thomas Evors,
' ceived by officerj in their own personal j hile putsaing an escaped prisoner, at
i interest t:ust be paid for by those send- tempted to jump 00 tbe frout platform
mg or receiving mcia.
,.t(tr frjul IIilvaua cf tbe date '
mysterious appearauce of three men off
1 that coast in a Finall boat, ai.d of the
cinture of two of thetu after land-
v.-.. "
u Xo Amer;caQ
fislicraien from Key West
They :
- ;
uication allowed with them. Nothing
. ... , . '
c. - 1 v
Rriinswick and Nova bcotta are ctn-
.fc . .
tor the consideration ot a united scueme .
A moulding and frame manufactory
i iu Cincinnati was damaged by fire to the
j extent of $20,000.
! fu ti.il ! i mt Siafrintw M ir1i.nan cnr
, 6 , c,.
destroyed by fire. Loss 3G,000.
The i leVelnml, Ohio, Democrats
fired 300 guns iu jubilation of Tues
day's election.
A darinp attempt was made to rob
the Bank of British North America, at
Paris, Ontario, early on the morning of
the Gib iust. Four masked burglars
ecteied Manager Carnigle's residence,
obta.ned tbe keys of tbe bank, and
bound all the family but one, who man
aged to give the alarm, when the bur-
! glars fled without accomplishing any
thing. Three men have beeu arrested
on su-picion.
An officer sent by General Old to
visit the grasshopper region of Ne
braska reports that though there are no
cases of actual starvation the suffering
is very great, aud unless aid be ex
tended many will starve before the
winter is over. The present aid is but
drop in the bucket, aud unless the
government aids them the altereative is
fearful to contemplate.
The fire departments of the towns of
Suneook and Nashua were called out
Friday to save the towns from forest
that were driven into town by a north
west wind.
Intense exckcuieut is said toexi.st iu
Allen county, Indiana, over the abduc
tion of three children of John Marlin,
a few weeks since. The children are
aged 10, 13 and 15 years, and bive
been traced to Illinois, since which
time all signs have been lost.
The Pope while receiving a deputa
tion on Thursday, fainted, llis illucss
is reported by "cable" as not serious.
Darnel Nahn, a negro desperado, out
raged a respectable white woman near
Osceola, Arkansas, on Thursday. He
was captured, ad on his way to jail,
ri(,d , escape .and was shot to death
by tbe angry crowd.
The Democrats of Allentnwn held a
grand jubilee meeting or. Saturday
Oue huudred guns were fired.
The grave of Thomas Paine, near
New Roche.Ie, N. Y., was entirely ub
literated on Saturday, by Simeon Lister,
upon whose farm it was.
The trotting stallion Manhattan ran
away at Newberg, New York , on Fri-
alli severed the tendons of both
bind legs. He was valued at $20,000?
Saturday right O. C. Hawley'a liv-
ery stable, at Peoria, III., with seventy
horses and a lire number of vehicles
were destroyed by fire. The loss is
seveuty thousand dollars.
On Friday evening a husband pushed
his wife from i he roof of a bouse . iu
New York into tbe street. The wife
was killed. The husband was arrested.
They were druuk.
At Little Rock, Arkansas, on Friday
afternoon Archie Powell shot bis wife,
'sad then shot l:me!f. Both art (up
murder and suicide.
Peter ISowen, of Napsnne, Canada,
who was sentenced to receive forty-
lashes for committing an outrage on his
own daughter, received twenty lashes
on Saturday, bring tbe first instalment
of tLe sentence. During the i.peration
I he screamed and cried bitterly, beg
I ging for Diercy. Hi back was very
iuuuIi lacerated, and blood oozed from
the wounds made by the lash. He will
receive trcntj aore lashes at the ex
iration of two months.
A singular accident, resulting fatal
ly, occurred in Bridgeport) Ct.,00 Sat-
. . . .
)".' 6u- ...; -g-, -
d.ire, while attempting to reach his
sleeping-room without a light, Hutu
bled on reaching the top landing and
was precipitated to the bottom, a dis
tance of twenty feet, and almost in
stantly killed. Deseased was 31 year
of age, and a strictly temperate man.
Thnuias Hancock, of Kingston, N.
Y., lost a leg by jumping from a train
while in motion at Ottsville on Friday
L? Hancock lost a hand by jumping
from k train at IMiddletown, IS". Y., on
Friday night.
The Mormons began their half year
ly conference in London, Kngiand, on
Sunday. Over 1,100 delegates wero
On Saturday morning a three story
brick duelling, a two story brick slaugh
ter house, with an ice bouse and stable,!
on Garrison's Lane, Baltimore, Md.,
owned by George Kohr, were de-
s'royed by Ere. The fluues extended
to a three-atoiy brick dwelling, slaugh-
er house, smoke Iwujc, and ice house
adjoining, anJ owned by Mrs. Walpert,
which were also burned. The total
loss on the buildings, furniture, ic,
is estimated at $15,000 ; fully covered
ty insurance, including $fj,090 in tbe
J 1 f - I
lc , ,, , .. ., , ,
; Scottish I ouimercial dtfice, the balauce
of a Broadway, New York, street car.
on Sunday, fell under the wheels and
. , . . . . .
the car was arrested.
Rev. Miitop E. Hysore, of the Me j
thodist Epfecopal church, Washington j
City fff in llis puIp;t on SonliVt n(1
died soon after of cot jestioa of the '
j uraiu.
A de.patch from San-Francisco, un
der date of the 9th, says, advice by
frow Ch jn. , Uiher
stated that a typhoon of nnprecden ted j
-.violence raged at U.ug Kong, lasting!
tw days. A ot a single nlnp e-eaped
...,,l..,..0,l Ti.. ,..,u.Im. ,...1 I..;.
,,, , , ,. . ,
ot lite exceeuea anytning ever Dciore
'placed on record. After the storm
.. . . ., .
j Hong rvong tooKea use a nestegea
town, the less at Hong Kong and
Macao is estimated at 8,000 lives.
The general damage to property ex
ceeds $5,000,000.
When the typhoon was raging the
pirates fired the city iu six places for j
Some reports say that ten thousand
persons perished in Macao alone.
The Governor apprehending a pes
tilence, cremated four thousand eirpses,
first covering them with Ur. Large
numbers of Europeans perished. The
whole uumber of killed may reach
twenty thousand, native and European.
An eartbquak) shock accompanied the
typhoon. When the Alaska ran ashore
she sunk scores of junks, with bun
dreds of Chinamen aboard. She then
struck the rocks with terrific force, but
was not much damaged.
Tbe Lancaster Express of the 9th
inst., says : On last Frieay evening,
about 8 o'clock, three men called at
the farm house of Mis Hoover, near
Donegal Spring', and asked permission
to sleep in the tarn. It was granted,
and just while tbe family, which con
sisted of Miss Hoover, an old man
named Bishop, a boy about 18 years
eld, and a a girl of the same age, were
j preparing to retire for the night, the
men returned to the bouse and de
manded something to eat. Suspicion
was at once aroused iu tbe tuiuds of
the occupants of the house that all was
not right. Mr. Bishop passed the food
out through a window, when one of the
men all of whom were now masked
knocked the dish from Lis bands, and
leaped through the window into the
house, fallowed by the others. Here a
struggle began. In the light MUs
Hoover was knocked down ly a blow
from one of the ruffians, which sent her
reeling under a table. She soon re
covered, however, and tore the mask
from the face of one of tuetn. Mr.
Bishop was knocked down twice, but
being a very stout man, fought man
fully, dealing heavy blows un their
heads with a smoothing iron. While
the fight was going on the girl ran up
stairs, locked herself in a room, and
blew a born from a wndow. This
brought the neighbors, but before tbe
assistance came tbe scoundrels had
made their escape. The boy is severe
ly cut about the eyes and bead. Miss
Hoover is an old lady, and is supposed
to have a large amount of money.
Bishop, being a brave man, prevented
her being robbed aud perhaps murder
ed. The kitchen and dining room were
literally covered with blood from tbe
Secretary Fish had a long interview
with the Presideut on the 9th inst.,
concerning our relations with Spain.
As is well kuown tbe Spanish govern
ment has already seatled with Great
Britain tbe indemnity demanded by
that government fcr tbe execution of
British subjects wbo were found on
board tbe Virginias. X. Mtrlment
has yet been made with the United
States, although it was promised at the
same time, an J the President has eome
to the determination that it is about
time that letter writing on tbe subject
should, and it is understood that letter
writing on the subject should cease,
and it is understood that be will in
strnct Secretary Fish to demand im
mediate settlement.
Last Monday there was quite a seri
ous slfooting affra at Fannettsburg Pa.,
in which Dr. Alexander was seriously
wounded by post master Typer.
Dr. A hearing that Typer bad some
ill feelings toward biin, went to the P.
O , for the pnrpose of talking to him.
Just ss be entered the door Typer dis
charged a revolver, the ball taking
effect in the breast. Dr. A., knowing
his ouly chance of lite was to run,
started for Weinman A. Bros.' Store.
Typer followed him, Suing two shots at
him on the way and still following him
into the store, fired two more shots,
one ball striking Mr. Henry Weinman
on the shoulder but not injuring him.
The other ball struck Dr. Alexander in
tbe head entering just back of the ear
and passing along the skull bone, corn
ing out just over tbe eye, making a
very dangerous wound. Typer was ar
rested n-1 taken to jil. Domestic
troubles are alleged as the cause of ;
Typer's attack upon the doctor. The
matter will be fully sifted by tbe eourt.
The doctor is recovering slowly, but is :
not yet considered out cf danger.
As nearly as can be ascertained at
this writMig the Pennsylvania Legisla
ture stands as follows :
Dist. Rep. Dem.
I I hilade'pliia 1
I'hiiadeli'hi 1
it I'hiUuelf hi t
i lJtil .oYlpVia 1
a iliil.id-i,hia 1
It f hiU le!i!ill 1
7 I'liilad ,lbi 1
t I'l.il vk-lj.ti.i 1
0 Vjax iri a:nl L'hift.T 1
10 Knots t
11 Kerks 1
Pi Moiiigficirry I
1.1 I.auc;iter I
14 Lancaster.... 1
l;tRhi,l 1
Ifi t.cli.):b 1
II l.ebmou . I
l.-t N.itth.imptui
19 Chester 1
2' Luzerne 1
SI Luzerne 1
J2 I'ike, Munroe and CarlMin .. .. 1
15rj.lt. rl fcu.l Wyoming.... .. 1
24 Ly:uuiinjr 1
J.j Tioga, Poller and McKean.. 1
2 i S:isiiK-li:oin and Wayne... 1
'27 I'uiun. Snyder ami North-
uiiihw-ilatitl .. 1
2". Turk .. t
2J Sehuvlkill I
Wl SebuylKill 1
SI Perry, Jlifflin and Juni.ita.. .. 1
32 Cuiiiherl.uid ..
K;i Kratikliu and Huntingdon.. .. 1
34 Clinton, Centre and Clcar-
lield 1
31 B!air 1
36 Somerset, Hedlord ati.l pul
tun.... I
C" JeH'ersoii and ImlUtia 1
38 Cameron, Elk, etc 1
S3 W est more! md I
HI ( ix-etic and Payette . . 1
41 Butler and Armstrong 1
42 Allej!henv 1
43 Allegheuv 1
44 Allegheny 1
4i Allegheny 1
4 Beaver aud Washington ... 1
47 Lawrence and Mercer 1
45 Warren and Venango 1
4.1 Erie 1
60 Crawford 1
Total SO 20
Rep. Dem Rep. Dem
Adams...... 2 Juniata I
Armstrong... 2 L.tnrater ... ft
Allegheny. .. 3 1 i Lawrence .. . 2
Beaver 1 1 Lelmnn ... 2
Bedi'unl SLebigh 3
Berks ti Luzerne. .... t 7
Blair 1 1 Lycoming .. . S
Bradlord.... 2 I McKean. ... 1
Bucks 1 3 Mifflin 1
Butler 1 1 Mercer 3
C'luibiu..... 2 Monroe . ... lj
Cameron.... 1 Montgomery. 6
Carlton 2 Montour .... 1 j
Centre 1 Northampton 3;
Chester 4 North matiar'd 1 1 i
Clarion 2 Perrr 1 j
ClearMeld .... 1 Philadelphia, 27 11
CMnton. .... 1 Pike 1
Coluuihia.... 2 Potter 1
Crawford.... 1 3 Sehuvlkill... 4 2
Cumberland . 2 uy.ter 1
llaiihiu .... 3 Somerset... 2
lleluware.... 2 Sullivan 1
Klk. ......... 1 Su-squehaanj 2
K-k- 3 1 Tioga 2
Fayelie 2 Union ..... 1
Franklin.... 1 2 Venatigt 1 2
Fulton 1 Warren . . . . . 1
Forest I tVasnington . 2 1
tJreenc 1 Wayne 2
i Huntingdon . 2 West more! M, 3
Indiana . . ... 2 Wyoming . I
Jellersol 1 Vork. ....... 4
Total bS 112
Lnzenie elects one ptohibitionist.
$ttt. Home. Total
Democrats L-0 112 132
Uoptibiican 3d b-S lis
Prohibition 1
Democratic jlnrality on joint ballot, 14
Democratic majority on joint Outlet, 13
Tbe .tleunonlte.
from the Topeka Commonwealth.
One of the largest bona Ode. land
sales ever made in Kansas, perhaps in
America, has just been concluded by
the Atchison, Topeka aud Santa Fe
Railroad Company with a community of
Russian Mecnoiiitcs, who landed in
New York during the month of Sep
tembor from the steamers Cambria,
Teutonia, and City of Richmond, and
most of whom have spent the last thirty
days and a good many of their roubles
in this city.
The Mennonite immigration into Kan
sas began shortly after tbe return to
Russia of the first delegation that bad
been sent to tbe United States and
Canada on an exploring tour about a
year ago. A few single families of
considciable wealth followed the ad
vice of their delegates, who bad exam
ined tbe entire W,st, and selected sev
eral sections of land in the vicinity of
Marion Centre, where they made sub
stantial improvements at once. Tbe
initial step was followed about tbe
close of last year by the purchase front
the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe
Railroad Company of & 3,000 teres of
laud in Barry acd MePbersno emuo-
ties on tht part of members of the
Mennonite community at SummerGeld,
St. Clair couuty, LI., who also took a
controling interest in tbe town of Hal
stead, which will no doubt become tbe
trade centre of the Meunonite colonies
in Kansvi. Parties of from Eve to
forty families have since arrived from
Russia, mo-fly from the Crimean pen
insula, some coming first to Kansas,
but most of tbem uot until tbey had
examined other States. All tbe mam
moth communities in this country are
becoming interested in this country are
becoming interested iu tbe settlement
of this prople in Kansas, and the
movement is rapidly gaining in magni
tude. Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Indi
ana, Pennsylvania and Canada have
already furnished large numbers of land
purchasers and settlers. The party
which has armed iu Topeka in the last
thirty days, and who have now left for
their future homes, numbers about '2o0
families, tbe majority of whom have
belonged to the celebrated Mo'otschnoi
(Milk river) colony in the government
district of Tauiida, of whieb. the Cri
mea is a part. The colony comprises
sixty-five villages, and is considered
the wealthiest of the German settle
ments of South Russia. Emigration
from that place has but jest set in, and
as fast as the people e.ia obtain tbeir
pnsjports from tbe government, s fast
will tbey leive that country for Amer
ici. Next summer will show wonder
ful changes in the region between the
Cottonwood and Little Arkansas rivers,
till now almost devoid of habitations.
Even now the busy hum has begun.
Long lines of lumber, household goods,
and farm implements are passing out
from the railroad stations. Tue car
penters are busy putting up tbe first
temporary shelter. The Atchison, To
peka and Santa Fe Raiiroad is erecting
five immense emigrant houses at con
venient places for the reception of new
comers, 'i he mowers thfct have been
laid by for the seasou are brought into
requisition agniu to cut the wivicg
grass for the thousands of work horses,
oxen, and milch corvs, to subsist en
during the short winter season ; car
after car-load of breaking p'ows and
other implements are sent down the
road, and it seems as if the working
sexsou for the farmer had but just
Indisputable Ki Idence.
.St. ti.o. III.. July 8, 1871.
R. V. Pierce, il. D-, Uuffalo, X. Y.
I wi?b to add my testimony to the
wouderful curative properties of your
Alt. Kxt , or tjolden Medical Discov
ery. 1 have taken great interest in this
medicine since 1 first used it. 1 was
badly afflicted wit it dyspepsia, liver
deranged aud an almost perfect pros
tratiou of the nervous system. So
rapid and cmi.pleto did tin.- Discovery
effect a per fit t cure that it see in el
more like tnsgic aed a perfect wonder
to myself, and since that time we have
never been without a bottle of the Dis
covery and Purgative Pellets in tbe
house. Tbey are a solid, sound family
physician iu the bouse and leady at all
times to fly to the relief of sickness
without charge. We have never had a
doctor in the house since we first begau
the use of your Pellets and Discovery.
1 have recommended tbe u.e of these
medicines in several severe and coin
plicated cases arising from, as 1 sup
posed, an impure state of the blood,
aud in no one case have they 'ailed to
more than accomplish all they claimed
to do. 1 will ot.ly mention oue as re
markable, (though 1 could g've you
dozen-). Henry Koett r, furniture deal
er, of this place, who was one of the
most pitiful ol jects ever seen, bis face
swolleu nut of shape, scales and erup
tions wiiheut end, extending to his
body, which was completely covered
with blotches and scales. Nothing that
be took seemed to effect it a particle.
I finally induced biin to try a few bot
tles of the Golden Medical Discovery,
witb daily use of the Pellets, assuring
him it would surety cure him. He
commenced its use some six weeks
since, taking two Pellets each uight for
a week, then one each nijr'it, and the
Discovery a directed. The result is,
to day bis skin is perfectly smooth, and
the scaly eruptions arc gone. He has
taken some seven or eiirht bottles in all,
and cooFiilers himself cured. This case
had baffled the fk'll of our best physi
cians. Messrs. Dunsford & Co., drug
gists, of this place, are selling largely
of your medicines and the detcand
steadily increases, and they give per
fect satisfaction in every case.
Agt. Am. Kxp. Co.
Xew Aitiirrlinemeut.
BY virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa., is
sued out of the Court I Common
Pleas ot Juniata ctititv and to mc Mirm-lol,
will be excised to public sale, at th Court
House, in the borough of Mti1tin.own, at I
o'clock P.M., on FK1DAY, DECEMBER
4th, 1S74. the following real estate, viz :
A tract of land situate in Monroe town
ship. Juniata county, adjoining laols of
Henry Keeslin, Thomas Watts and others
on the n.irtli, Enoch S wait un tho east,
Priscii'.a Yarrisoti and J. D. Grajs) on thu
south, and on the wctl by J. I. Gr ikj and
Thomas Watts, c-outaiiiiiig h'i Acresl.
more or less, hat ing thereon erect-.-d a Lo
House and Log ll.un. bi tz-d, laUea in
exivution and to bo sold as the property of
Luck-u Grape.
SlteriB's Otliee, Mtfllititown, )
Nov. 10, !fc74.
AduilnlttrutorK Notice.
Estate rf John Smoker, deceased.
LETTERS of Administration on ihe es
tate ol John Siuokei, late of rpriice
Hill township, dec 'd, having U en granted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims or
de'uauds ag .inst Ihe samf will please pre
sent llietil without delav, to
Xov. 1 1, 1874. jtdiHiMtlralor.
AdmlBistrator's Notice.
Estate of Mickatl A' A irk, dictated.
LETTERS of Administration on the es
tate of Michael Shirk, late or Fayette
township, deceased, having been granted
to the uudersigned, ill persona indebted to
said estate sr.. reiuested to make immedi
ate payment, and those baring claims will
please present tbem properly authenticated
tor settlement to
2Xew Advertisement-
the lion. Bksj. P. Jt vus, President
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for
the Vth Judicial District, composed of the
counties of Jnniata, perry and Cumber
land, and the llouorables Jonathan Weiser
and John Koons, Judges of the said
Court of Common Pleas of Jnuiata county,
hava issued their precept to me directed,
beaHni date the Hit h day or SEPT., 1H74,
for holding Court of Oyer aud Terminer
and Genera! Jail Delivery, and Uenvntl
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, al MIK
DKCKMBEK, 1874, being tbe 7th day ol
the month.
Norica is Heresy Gtvav, to the Cor
oner, J ustices of the Peace and ConstaMea
of the County of Juni.ita, that they be then
and therein their proper persons, at one
oclock on the afternoon of said day, w'th
their records, inquisitions, examinations
and oyer remembrances, to do those thing's
that to their offices respectively appertain,
and those that are bound by recofrnixance to
prosecute apiiist the prisoners that lire or
then may be in the Jail of said county,
be theu and there ta prosecuticn against
them as shall be just.
By un Act of Assembly, pissed the tb
day of May, A. I)., lf-4, it is made the
duty of the Justice's of tho Peace, of the
several counties of this Coiwnuuweallht lo
return to tlw Clerk of this Court offjrartor
Sessions of the respective onnties. all the
rect-jrnix.Hices eitterrf into before them by
any person or persons charged with the
couuuision of any crime, evcept such cases
as nay be ended botcre a Justice of lb
Peace, under existing laws, at least ten days
twloru the commenceiiieiit of the session
of the Court to which they are made re
turnable respectively, aud in all cases where
any r-jcognuunce are entered into leis
then ten days before the commencement
of the session to whieb they ara made re
turnable, the said Justices are t-j return
tbe iw in the same manner as If said act
had not been passed.
baled at .WiRTmtorra, the 10th day of
Sept., in the year of oar Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and suventv-four.
WM. II. KNOCSK, Sheriff.
SberifTs Ooiee, Mifilmon, )
November 4, 1874.
Register's notice.
TVOTICE is hereby given that the f..l
11 following rilled per"ns b we tt ed
their Adminltrators, Executors, and Guar
dian arc on nts in the Register's Otlice of
Juniata county, an I the same wi'd be pre
sented tor romirmation and allowance at
th Court I.use in Mitlli.itoirn. oo WED
NESDAY, DKCrvBc.lt D574:
The acrotint of Samuel Leonard, Execu
tor of John Ilimei, late cf Per:uan.i;h
townhip, decease!.
The aceoent of I D. Wal'is, Executor of
Jemitni J. Liikens, Utfe of tUe borough of
i h"!!ip-onowii, u.vetsed.
Th fl'i.d aceojint of Sustn Cleek. Ad-p.ini-tr
I:IX of Jacob 'i. C'l.-cfe, late of
filkcr township, d biased.
Thj ciMit ot H-nry S. Hart. Adminis
trator of ll-nry II. .rf, Mc ot Juniata coun
ty, l..ie.-ied.
J. T. 5IETLIN, Refhttr.
Recisteb's Office, (
Mifliinlowu, Nov. 'J, lis74. j
Aduiia!tratri riot Ice.
Eilatr of C'ura'.'iut Bariley, dictated.
LETTERS r.f Admitiistrvi in on tl.e e.t- j
tale ot Cornelius Hartley, late of llie i
borough of Miiflinlown dee'd, haTing been
erauted to- the un.lTsiirned, all persons in- i
debted to tho sai I estate are re-pieted to j
make iiuiuetlMto piwneiit, and those having ,
claims or dciu itnls against the ame to !
uuke them known without di liv r.
.i imittislruliTt,
Nov 4, 1S74. I
ot Jimiila county. February term,
1 "73, No. IS. In divorce.
Fr.i:irica B. fiodshol, bj Iht next friend,
r,. Jacob tdshol
To Jitcob Go-lihol. Repon.lent :
Please tatte notice that the Court
has printed a rule mi run to show c:iuse
why a divorce rnm!o irotrir.toiit should
not be decreed in the shove c ise
hetnrnanle on Mond.iy, Dcoembci 7, 1S74.
personal notice having failed on account
of your absence.
.itlorRey f,.r Libelant.
Executor's) Xctlee.
Estate cf Jjstpi Pomrrjy, Heceasei.
A T.rIlEKE S Le'ters Testami ntary on
V v the estate of Joseph Pomroy, lae
o Beale twp., Juniata Co., Fa., dec M, have
b .i-D granted to the undersigneil, all pi-rsons
indebted to the said estate are requested lo
make immediate payment, and those hiving
claims will please present them properly
authenticated tor settlement
J. NEV1X POUEROY, xrcur,
Acadouiia, Juniata Co., I'a.
Sept. 30.1S74.
Executrw' .Iwtlre.
Estate of Mjrj H'arvuk, deceased.
LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of j
.Mary Warwick, late of Spruce Hill
township, deceasiHt, having been granted i
to the uiMtersizneal, all iiersons inriebteil to ;
said estate are requested to ntake payment,
and thos having claims or demands arc re
inested to make k.iown Ihe ain willKmt
delay, t HIGH W. DAVIS,
Sruce liiii,
Jf illlii.town,
Oct. 7, "74 Executors of aaid deceased.
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
1YTOTH.E is hereby given that the co-
X partnership hcretotoreexis'iug lietwtcn .
the wider-igncd, under the tirm name of
J. (i. Halileiuati i Co., dealers In general I
merchandise at Thompsoutoun. Pa., w is
dissolve.! by mutual consi-nt on the ttd day I
of October, 1874. The hook, notes, fcc,
are in the hands of J. G. Haldeman for col- i
Oct. 7, 1874.
The thanks of J. ti. IlaMeman are also
here!- tendered to tho public for their
hearty snpjiort of the firm, coupled with
tho rcipiet that tiiev liiaiutaia Iheir busi-RO.-.S
reiatiotts w ith him now that he Con
tinues the busiacs at the old stand, where
he w ill te glad to see th.-ui at all times.
In the Orphant' Court of Jnvita County,
in proceedings for the appraisement of the
Real Estate of Jumet Knser, dtctasei.
To Barton L. Hall and Nancy Jane il dl,
his wile, John W. lsenb:rgand Sarah Ell n
lsenberg, his wife, and Zeua James Reiser:
Pursuant to an order ot said Conrt made
at September term, you are hereby notified
that I, W. II Knouse, bberitf if Juniata
county, will hold an impiest and aps-aise-merit
utKiti the real esttto of sud James
Keiser, deceastd, on Frnlay, ttie :10th day of i
IKt..lM.r. li).4, at 1 o'clock P. M., on the
premises, in Tuscarora towuslup, when and
where you can attend if von oe iroper.
W. U. KNOL'SE, Sheriff.
Oct. 7, 1874.
Fall Upper or Lower Setts as Low as $
No teeth allowed to leave the office un
less the patient is satisfied.
Tteth remodeled and repaired.
Teeth filled to last for life.
Teeth extracted wi'hout pain, by the nse
of Nitrons Oxide Gas, always on hand.
Ovrinjr to the hard times, I will insert
full single sets teeth, of the very best kind,
for Slo.llU. Temporary sets $".0 extra.
Toothache stopped in five mi'imes with
out extracting loe tix.tti, nt the Dental Of
fice of j. L. Dk.rh, established in Milllin
lown in ltHK).
6. L. DERR.
Jan 24. 1373. Practical Dentist.
L. ALLEN, M. D ,
Has commenced the practice of Medicine
and S urgery and all their col lateral branches.
OtEce ta Joaustowo, Beale townskip.
yuty lft, 1974
yew Advertisement.
i.- -7-- r -
THE Beatty & Plotts c. lebrated tioHcn
ToiijMe P.irlc.r Orz.i'i. tile best parlor
organ now in use. herald
St Claib. Ta., Dec. 6, 1S73.
Messrs. Beatty Plotts, tients : I htive
received the organ as sent by yoirr flrm to
me, and I have bad it examined, and it irtves
ahipte satisfaction. Jons Sis it.
MantsoT Citt, Pa , Oct. 1, lt74.
The Beatty fc Plotts celebrated Golden
Tonjrie Parlor Orzxn is by l.u- the best
pirlor organ in use. I have caretully ex
amined it, and find Its tone, w..rknmnship
and durability to be tho b--st I ever saw,
and I can with pleasure reconinic.id il lo
any one in any one in want ol a tii sttrlass
parlor organ. Por. (L II. I'sstca.
Messrs. Beatty &. Plotts. Oents: llavinjt
had one of your Oolden Tonsue I'arl .r Oi--jrans
f.r iv months past. 1 thongllt before
rcroiiiniriiding it to irivc it a fair trial, a:id
am happy t testily that it surpasses ail that
has bevu Mid or advertised about it. 1 have
bad piolersors of music ami eelrbrtttd or
fanists come and try it, and one and ail s.iv
that it is one of the sweetest s.d best toned
in.it.-mnenfs in the market it fra taken
(he shine out of ail the othe'S itroilint here.
I aiii perfectly salisfl.sl with ft, and if 1
cnuld not Jtcl mother of the .same kind,
n.m-y could not etitice me to part with it.
You may publish this if you see tit. as my
oryaii can be tried by any one wb-Imfi to do
so, in prool of whjt I say.
A. S. U. Rieiis,
Late editor of the Tamaipa L'our.rf, now at
Bethlehem, Pa.
Messrs. Beatty & Plotts, of a.shint n,
N. J., are rentleHrh of enterprise and
whose presence w..u M bo a credit to anv
coinruiinilv. Ilatkellttutcu (.V. J.) Herald,
Wahinfton, N. J., is a b-.u'titul village
t nc irly A (Si u.luiliitants, 71 mil. from
New Yurk, an 1 I 'i miles from Easton Pa.,
on the line of the D. L. t W K. K. Don't
fx:l to a:,d examine the Batty 11 Plolt
(iolilen Tonsils Parlor Orpan. hetore buy
itijt e'u here, or send lr a w illustrated
p.ice list just out lor 1.S74 Ad.lress
Wahiii;ton, N.J.
April i-ly
Will give to every subscriber, whether sin
gle or in e ',, who piys iti adrance lor
IHTo. and remits ilir.s-t li this rfl:ce, a copv
of THE It ESC'l'E," th : h.uidsomet
chrouio everotl. reil by a pnbli.her.
Terms $-1 jer annum. For circular cn-t-iimm;
terms tor clubs, etc., address L. .
liODEY, Phdadeli hu, Pa.
aok Af;r.Tt TTAvrrn
new book Tin H. H mthirimm.m It
:Mftrm; th iwwt hi," wmdrrw. nvrrla, my
.rr. eerrt eTmOR, etc., ol ti C n pita I. an a atW
OrioUe H'mmtm t.'m." It is the raost. ini.w
wt, aitsi rsrat Hew haiuk Oat, CttUUl WriAoW.v,
tthptT rwlaiMi. humor, Brntbuak and food
ItinvlaraU. A rent 4 tV4 ortterw mom
or affieeVw. It oorwrllal ail ot-krr kmki. araweat
SttWMi of ver .Mrup.ealresrly. It ia tiendidlr
latmtcd : nprrblj auwtHi. Wa waat m-- troafy
fMia mem mr vomMt-aiirl we will aaatl ati flf
Is rsrw tm tJvwa atw wilt navaak KwHer ! 4 torn tut la
Biaka lamia ? TTm artr fnr mnr lartv pampKiatw, wtih
fmll partienhr. ntrslmRa, tir.- tKe will tell 70a hov 19
4 ti. thmj u t'-ftomtL ftt4 farlhvm. AfUrvaa.
V O WQBimufxoa Co-. Uattfgr CMa
FEEE 10 BuOK AUi'rf,
51 N'C B00K lor the best and ehea;st
Family Bible ever published, i I b sent
of chsrz to any booK. agent. It contains
Over TOO tine Scripture Illustrations,
and aireuls anr meeting wilh unprecedented
sureess. A.ldress, oMi in etc periei.ee , ete..
and we will show v. hi uh it our aynt, are
Pl.itadelphia, I'a., Chicago, ill., or St.
Louis, Mo.
Terras Of Advertising are oifOred for Mewa
papers in the State vl
Send for list of pipers and schedule of rates.
Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Advertiz ng
Agents. Xo. 41 Tark UuWf Scir 1 ort.
1 aCi.u--i.xj.' i
iaWZrcX " "ltT :. t.li.l;L.r.n.
tfiC AOn per day at home. Terms f.ee.
$U c- :Ll Addres Gto. Stissos 4t Co.,
Portland, Me.
dt77 A WEf-K ritaraoteel to Male and Fe
4l I male A cents, in Iheir loeaiitv. Costs
.NOTHING to try it. Parlieulars
Free. P. O. TICKEKY t CO., Augusta,
To those interested in the purchase of a
I or uieil ical purposes we offer
Price i'2 to $0 pe; gaiiou, and will ship in
paukagbS to suit purchasers.
We a'so handle largely a
Price from $1.50 to $1.75.
We import
aud also manufacture
' Send for Price List.
121 North Third Street, Phitadi.
Executwr .Xotlc.
Ettatt of John Himet. deceastd.
NOTICE i hereby given that Letters
1" Testauientary on Ihe estate ot J.1.
llimes, laie of Fayette township, d-xeaxed,
hava been granted to- the undersigned. Ail
persons indebted are requested to make
immediate payment, and those bar nig claiuia
will please present then: without itrUr lo
S AMI EL LlONAkD, EitcuJor.
Oct. 21, 1074.
A fine aasoitmmit of r!..th, rsAimerc
Tfidinga, Ac, alwrjaon band aid Uh anle
tr ihBrIXWJDU9r.
Sew Adrertitementn.
asC a rosiTiTC bemidt rut
jfon Retention or Incontinence of L'.-.s,
Irritation, lnrlaiumatiou.or l"lrrr- '
tiou of the
liladtier a ltd Kitln-jM,
Spt intstorrhira. Lexcorrhei o- Arnt,,
l:rejru!ir er Painful Menses, Bcari.. i'...v::
Chlorosis, Sterility and
JU Complaints Incident to Femaltt.
For Stone in the Bladder, Cak-nbn Gre;
or Bricti'lns Deposit and Mucus rr
Milky Discharges, ami Diseases
if the Prostate UUnd.
Cure tkitaUi Jitiu tfifn Itfpi,
Habit f Dialphttoh. "Etc., in t
sLifres, at little expense, little or n cit:
' e
er. (te
Iti itiet. no inconvenience, and nutX'.r-1
It causes a frequent desire, and i;
Mlreli)rth to L'ritmte. thereby removi f
striietions, revenlintr and cn-inz St-t. t
of the Urethra, allaying pun - i ! .:!
niarion. and expi-llinjr ali p,isoi.-w ..; 4
l".sl by perswut i t)re d .-?:ii.- : .
ot lite; atler confinement or ..t r
hv5 arettiiifr in children, etc.
Prof. Steele ns : b-.ttie o: t
nev's Etra-t Ititchu is worth More it.
other Buehiis combined.
i i
Perm anenlly cures all afTi .-rli.vs .'
j hl-MWer. Kidn -. and PrepU-.! .. :-.
e..iti iu Men. Women and i.l -tl:':.. r
mailer wliat tho ace
Ak lov Kiarnej. Take tto '!...
Price One Dol1.tr per C.ttttt. or Six ."- '
1 fnr t'iU Uvllan.
, Pepot, 104 Dt ane St., New Yoi.
I A Ph si. ian in attendance to answer ..
re..pondciice siel ftive advice gratis. 8--sfamp
lor Pamphlets free.
' Fr Sale by IrmiprKN Everbvr.
Ao I'haree fur .IlLue o4 runia.'.'j.'.. -
Dr. J. B. Dtott. (rrwluale of Jift -..
Medical Collect. Philailelphia, auiL .
several valuabl'? works, can beconsu: . .
all diseases of the Sexual or L'rinary t .
(whicW be has made an e-p-fial
either in male r leinate, :.. i. r ;
what cause o 'ii.ithii; r t.i .-
standiij. A jra-tr.-e ! ;lo . . . r-- ;
him lo treat diseases ...-. . i
guarr.eetl. t'h.ir.-j. r a ;- .'.i- .
al a itt-ariee cat. t.trw.ir t tf r i) -s
inptoa.s an I erieIoti .:.!.. ".: .
pi.stare. etid lor the Gatu .c j..
r'riee i) eeuts.
J. B. DTOTT, M. r .
I hMci.in and Si
anlfJ !(4 I uane .Strut-'. N i V- :i
jcst ait'Eivm tr mi
- tuotijt ih-2 i.ia:y ni.-e u-mhIs '.1 1. ,
lh ;.i'o W-g :
- Z: FltK Pot'ET III - i.lKUt
. t or ruon-oiL.sPM Ai.r sc-
TirtL I T' TSPII Al.BI .H-. ' T-
Tk. i'i K si ms roa t.tt'ii's,
liie peair !t),
L.noi'Ch trt Sirrtv
Tu Cut'' A
Gat at Va
ItITT or Fisr Isi
tial Paris asp
EsvtLort:, Tt
Cais-roL Bojian Csars.
rL.sKs, Laant Lot v Iiiv -tt
Books, Flit Borsn Dat-H-'.ks,
Hiiw.mca, Kxr.A Qi'alitt Acc .auios
ASK VloLIS. Pl5K llAia B-:I Vif AND
Cos. CiQAa Cases. Gcm T. bac
ca PorcHKa, PaTLiut
l uxss BoAana, D'Ut
okS, Lksckais a st
ii n c c a a a
b o a a D s.
a a a r n
Fa mis. Bask
Balls, SrPLcrACLrs
a.sp K (;tw. 3kt
sSoarJIl'IT i THE I'm SIT.
!; : i i mic i5v rn. r.- -it
vsr. . -.ail i:l ii:r tti..u. K. -f.w-s.i:
inf. : l-.ce. P.vriaesox iis: r..i,
P. c. hi O.
Patterson. M iv 1J. lf7i-tf
(Beltont Bliil.ling.)
Main Street, Mlffllntofwa, Pa.
CO, CitiAKS.
S T A T I t N K K '
Solerteit with great cnf atH mi: nr. ' '
rotn iiih authoritv.
EtT-Purest or WINES AND Ll''
lof niedieai purMse.
27-PKE6 ;kIPTIONS cmpoundel
prratcare. rJnn.
THE nndersicrned, at kis shop, on '.r
street. Mitt! iutown, has now -.n ;
and tor sale cheap, a general asso .. -f
He also has a largn lot of
on band, and, having purchased 1 new
Heirse. is now prepared ti attend n'ft
at the :bortest notice and on the : : ' b
eril terms. He has rnade a great re
in Ihe priee of Coffins.
C7 K.pairing promptly attended to.
jidyntt O. P. ROBISON".
beef.vealTmittox, &C.-
JOHN H. RUN K EL, having leased the
shop, Jtc., of peter Brennisholts, de
ceased, will furnish the citizens of Perrys
ville, Patterson and vicinity, w$)h tbe best
Fresh Beet; Teal, Xatton, Ac.
Beceiving, as be does, all bis beeves Iron
ti W estern mmrkrtt, fax feels sure ha Ma
salisly all bo mav patronise biiw.
L FerrylrrO! Jnfy ZZ, 1874-.