SmiSEL'Jc REPUBLICAN MlFFLIXlOX:. "Tednesdajr. Xov'r 4. 1ST 4. TEll.MS. - Subscription, SI..VI per annum. Transient advertisements inserted at 50 eonts per inch for each insertion. Transient busings notice in local col umn, 111 cents per line lor each insertion. Deductions Kill be ma le to tb sc desiring to advertise by tlie year, halt or quarter PENN'A. S. &TIME TABLE. Passenger trains leave Mifflin Station as follow: . . Philadelphia Express, Kant Line. Paeitic r.xress, - -ll.rnhnrg Acconimo., I lav Express, Mail, Ourioniiti Express, Mlng, Pittsburg Express, Cim-imiati Express, Pacific, Way Passenger, 12 4 a m. I 16 I IN. ll Ol a m. 1 1 2H a m. 1 42 p in. 6 12 tn. 8 iu ji ni. 1 20 a m. 2 14a iu. 6 S3 m. H' 04 a m. t S3 p iu. 0 4 " J. m. hail, Kas! Line, Mifflin. Jui.e '., 1H74. LOCAL ISTF. I. LIGES CE. The summer-like weather of last week generated fly in growing heat. There are not fiiimjh potatoes in Juniata rnutkiy u supply houui coiisump.iou Showers It S are creeling extensive improvements ta their dwell'in:; house. The Nibi vt the tiees lint fringe Court l!o;itr m( Lave be.- taken ofl". - -1 17 . . I - .i . . . I . i iv t-iici nas i;ie cou'raci iori.ivn;r I rch The audience room of llie M. K. church "ill be dedicated or. Sutidav. November ;!. Levi and George Uvnolds hive ih cou- trc for building tile hriJgn at Slct'lure'a i j-orj ; . . . - - . S'.rayer'n opening in the new store room isKorlliy of v our attention il vou aed ; clothing. r.ev. .Mr. i enepacuer uas an interesting protracien meeting going on in ui cnurcu j rtr thick oU ,or ninre (hln ,,)ltv yoar,f at t!i; j s that, b.-lore eri:ij the b.Mit., gjve The pavements on tho South side or ( the bottoms a good coaling of t..l!;wr and Clieiry stre.t have been put down to their cos) tar. and dry it in; then oil the "iij Ioaes' level, or grade. j pt-r" ith c.istor oil. about .ne tude- Uev. T. J. Siierrar l wi:l preach in Union ' l'oou-iil to each boot; then oil tlu-iu ti.-e School House iu Fayette towu-.hip, at three , 'ei cas!..r "t't hvn one table- u'clock next Salit.aili. 1 'loonl'.I will bj MilH -i'-nt. II the weather Fob Sale A licat tv &. Tlotts Golden ' Torgne Organ, new, at a greatly r-lucL-J . - i- .- . n . -" Irice. I or ar call at tins odu-e. The Couit House looks like a stranger; its stvle "f architecture is so did'oreut Iroui that to which we h ive been accuslonied to. Last Fri lay ev -nir.g ab-.ut 7 o'clock a fre broke out in the veutral .t of Selins- grove, and i! had spi-ht its lury lour a juares ol the towu were entirely destroyed. A OOOD lion-lioM trta4iire i one ol Mes-rs. (attv it I'lolts' 0,t.,. Ti-ngup Parlor Orpans, or lluir Lure ks l'ian. See a lvertis.Miient. , , , , . ., ., . . The force of h in ts al -ng the rai roid in the counti.-s ot Perry, Juniata and JiilTiin was conideallv r.-!nced last faturd.iv. The service, of between forty and a Bun- dred men were nu loncir fi-quired. 1 Ti e set mitriiious eel di.-t, enjoyed l.y so many of the in! ubitants along the m et at this season of the year, is misse l this ta'I. liy and Jby, tint is in future -j'ea-, we'll eat baas and sahnon iusteal. 1 Mrs. Swisshelm said at - the TTomen's l ongress that it the women would only sit j don by the sids of the men they uii-ht j even sit on their knees and ak for their 1 rights, they would be likely to get them, i Kev Joseph Mathvr. and Ids brother. . .. .- . . ... , John Mathers, Es.. h ive arranged to go to Florida, and remain therj during tiie win- trr, with :h liojie that Ihe health of the lat er may be improved iu that land of per petual b oo n. The long inter evenings, so well cal. u- j latwd tor reading, bei ig here, il is just tin time t j sub c ibe for tTie Sestiel and Lk prsiJC AX. You will wat.t to know, too, what the Ieiu icrats are doing with theiu selves since their i -tory. Market quotations in rhiladelphi o" Ullj bunj ef ,er iiibiiil, tu liulu il be Konday. heat WeMeiu red. $1.1S, , iUuona Irlbiut. amrwr$l .il.' torn 7M.c. tKats6t..C3. Beet cattle otorj . ; the were Texas ca'll. Cows tresh, $Vto,.l; springers. $1 lr-,'). .gs 8'..iv. i ,ld il-Joil i "Iheiirwi.t eret. l l.w: gelical Kis--ion Cl.uu h in Patterson will, Iro.i lence r nntting, hi dedicated to the friune Go I. on Sabbath, the IC'.h day ot .Jccuu.ber, I7. Several mi jisters Irom abroad wdi bo in at tendance. The ministers and people ol Sliiliin and suiro-mding charges are cordi ally luvited to attend. There will be ssr victs in the church on Saturday evening previous. Tte majority of Democrats who hai e j tB talked to as to what kind ol rcgiou j the Salt liiver country is, tell most do.o- j rous tales ab-iut it. It will be something new to Kepiih'icaus to go up there, and as thev do not intend to stay more than one season, it may not set no hard on lliem. Dr. Ciawlord says it will be a t.i-e ride lor the liepubiicatih. El. 1 aiker wants llieiu j dies liiat are ood. bu' in all i ur cxp.T to be up awhile, an! if they ever get back j ieu. e this has proved to be l far Ihe they may hold an esperieuee meeting an I tell themselves how they felt. Mr. Doty baa not expressed himself. Suz Paiker says it is a good thing on the Uepu'ohcaiis. Eonsall and Jackinan have bi?en so used to Salt Ktver navigation that they have not yet realized, they say, thai they are not to go along, and Spcddy wants to be ma-sier ol ceremony in preparing things, and most likely he'll have the impudence to publish a programme of the voyager. Josi.pii Long ACHE, residing slong tie turnpike, iu I' nwiisbip, about oue mile west of Tliouipsonfown, met with quite a ser ous sccideut yes terday uioiuing a week. Early on the morning of that day be bitched two taiules to a wagon with bay ladders on, that stood on a floor of hi barr, and then went up ou tbe mow for some pur pose. On bis return to ti e wag. u be missed a step snd fell forward against the tipper cross piece that held the front cud of the ladders leather. Tbe ns that held tbe cro piece broke, ad be fell forward betweeu the mules, and so frightened theui that they ran out of the brn, dragging biui along for uniue distance. The entanglement that Leld i.iiu was broken . The wsgoti passed over biiu, and got op afd went to" the Ik omj. rbtaiciaus were rnninioiied. His left shoulder was Irae tured. and be ws severely burt otlier wiie. The mules ran iuto a clump tf willows, where they became so eiUi gird that they stopped. i ' ; i ! : - A MAJT tu around in the town last week selling to housekeepers a material which be represented oold be used to 'U. t silver finish on any smooth sur facej iice of metal. lVwter, brass, kc., might be made to look like silver. II.. list-keepers got out a..jed forks, ktitrea, stair rods and other things that needed repolishiuf, and ibe fellow showed them bow to put a silver finish on theui that would last ten J ears, and as a matter of coarse tben sold the good ladies a parcel of the plendid material. Some invested 25 cents, and stioie as much as $1.00. It was money thrown awa, for iu a day the silver finish fades. The ftllow promised to return with another installment of bit finish williiu ibe coming mouth. How the victimised bouttkeepcra will re ceive him if be comet, remains to be een. Possibly an entertaiuuient at tbe jail awaits him. EEPOUT OF PATTERSON SCHOOL. No. 2. For the mouth ending Oct. 2S, 1874. Whole No. in atten lance daring month, males SI. females l total... 50 Average attendance, males 28, females if total 4-V. 45 1 er cent, ol" attendance (tin i ig uioiith. MiaKs 9 .', females 9 total 94 Nora Zeliner, Jennie Powell, Annie Con. ner, liable Sarartz, Alice Wright, Jessie Cramer, Grace Johnson, Blanche Komi, Alice Crassinycr, Lillio Oosben, H. N. Shelley, J. A. Cramer, Jjsie llodgers, Mor ris W. Garuian, Julia O. Divtrick, Frank ' - i. i... .. ., i . -. t uimtfiv, Mwm imams, iaviu Goshen and I.eoua Letuon were present at n .ii - 'ever) - roll-call. Itoti or Honor. W.IHc Raw, Frink Fjs. r.ivid Gosbin. Leolia L.-uou. Nora Z.-llner, Amite Cornier, Alice Wright, JiVsie Cramer, Alice Ura- N tines are placed nn this roll for good vw:il wid arititwiit T. D. Gakiias, Teacher. A rABllEt ho had b-cn acciistom!t to should le rainy, or on are coinielle-l to work iu water du i the d iv, vili voui- , e .". j booti clean at ni-ht, biid tut ill In' t!.e fire until iii:e warn and oil tii -lu whiUt wvt, ,. ... , . ,, . iiDl Vun w;il h.v- e no trouble lO ml vour ' , ' ... , , , , . , . ".. . b mts prlliM hard and hnnking up so that ) , ., .. . , I on ram. 1. 1 g.-t Ihrin on. Il the leaihe. ! ,boi,ld Iwiumi rl, five a coat ol ordinary j 5,m.., .tll,g c oi inj. The t-ffi-t ol ' CA,t, UH is tl, ttj i tbe leaTh ;r, wliil.? il tills the (lores and prevents the water Irom entering. 1 have stood iu mud a id orate I wo r three inches de-p, for u-n hnirs a ; day for a week, with Mit leeli ir a:iy dvnp- j ikss or having a iy d Ihruliy in getting m 1 bjota oi or oil'. Farnnr. i All kinds ol STOVES soil y fJOST. and tleiiVere-1 tO .IllV uic ci'umv "W, ill JOEN C. WEIGHT'S Stove Emporium, Aiii.iiuiowii, Pa. I Sep'ember list Gv. IIi tra;ift pih- ''" notice stating that a certain person i South Carolina had in his possession a ring, with the initials T. II. M. Hib'!it, of t one hundred and ninety-Unit regiment. 1 .i .1 olui.teers, ana tint tlie o. I- giual oaruer was s:i posed to have enlisted t.oin Ilnuiiiigdon county. This ring was taken by a ronlcderaie soldier from llie linger ol a dead L'nioii so'ul.e., and recent ly ihe former brought it to a jeweUr at Atul.-rKtin ir.nirt lliiime. South Carolina, to jt il, and thoiightlull sent word to Governor llartrault, who advertised the fact, as stated. Last we-k Mrs. Susan J. Uight, of Cass ville, Huntingdon county, received this rinc. as also the particulars of the death Axsivkksast. The Crescent Lyceum w ill hold its .Second Anniversary on Friday evening, ovemoer la, jji.i, in eu uuck Schod House. The programme consists nl Oration.., Lssays, Readings, Debate and Mu sic. The question whether dancing at so cial i.arti-a should be'encoureged, will be diacussoH. The music will be lumilieil by ihe Voting Nightingale" of Ued Kockaud the '-tilee Cluo" ol the same A gen eral imitation is extended to its old mem bers and all Irieudsol literary culture. At this season of the vetr, when so uiant' of our people are MiSering Irom cllj,j K ci attention to A er's Ciier- ry JVotoral as a ure cure not only lor coughs and colds, but ail alt Ctiolis id ule ju "it ai.d lliloat. Having used II lu ur laniilv lor many ear, we can speak Irom ;-rsiial ktuwledyc of rs t-ffi-ieiicv. There uiav be other rem. lu-st. Its nualities) are unitoriu ai.d wholly rel-aide. Il i leasanl to lake, and fin u Id be kepi at command h every latnily, a a profectioii against a class of coinpliin's winch see n barm, les in the o. :-.iiw, but b.-c nn at flirting and dangerous f neglected. .V. 11 ItegUer. No. S' Cook Stoves, complete, sold at St 9.50, Pt J. 0. WEIGHT'S StD?e Emporium, Bridge Street .Mill.intowii, Pa. MIFFLINTOVN MAKKETS. Corrected weekly by J.t II. A. Stambangh. Mirruxrowx, Nov. 4, 1874. Btitter 3? polaloes ....... Il.irley CloVf rseeil 12 i ... W .. 4 75 MIFFLIN TO A" N GKAIN MAUK.K V. Corrected weekly by D. P. Sulouff Wheat Oats, Corn, Dried Aj-ples Blwk!rries m HasplK-rnes. Ham Shoulder Sides Washed W ool .... Ground Alnm Salt, per sack ... .1 00 .. 0 75 .. 1" .. 10 .. 2-1 .. 12 .. 10 .. 08 - 40 2 no Large stock of Ready-made Clothing for . . HaVRLEY 4 CO. List of JtRORg, Die. T. 1874 GkaXDaraoaa. Arbnckle Thomas, 1 acarori. BtihgawILD.Lii-.. LaierT. It., Mil.ord. Dean Lewi, rav.tie. Deea Dai l, Uilt'o d. Hockeubraiib i;eige, Monr Kaull'nian Kurts. FermaAlga. Kepmir John il , ItilloM. K L-y Wiiliaiu C.. Ilea e. Lemon Jac-b, Uillofd. UcAlister U.i.h T., Fayettj. Ncely John, Tuscarora. Okeson J. B., Spruce Hill. Patton Junes, mm P.odgers Alcxmder, Fermanagh. Uuuibcrger Thomas, GreetiwooJ. Shcileultrrger C , Mon.oe. Snyder Francis, Fayette. Ihompson J antes A., port Koyal. U'eible tieo-ge, Pallet son. H alls IV. D., Itk. Waits Jacob. Monroe. Weiser Jacob. Susiilianna. Webster William, Delaware. rtTir Jcsoas. App R. If., Susquehanna. BarUey S. Lack. Barton J. P., Bergy William. Fetminagh. 1 Mven D.vid, Walker. Duncan Fphraim, Tuscarora. Kvius J. H.. Evans John W., Elder Noah A.. Mi'Pintown. !liimphrey K. M.. D -laware. Harm til D. A., Mi'tlintown. lietrick William, Walker. Iiosietler Joseph, 0 daware. Ilaldeiam Isau-. Monroe. IL-ndersun S. W., Fermanagh. Kidd James, Tnsc irora. Kerchner Benj inin. Walker. Kellv J. K, aiillonl. LomI s John. Tarbett Lane J. II., Lack. Iieister Abraham. Faretta. Longacre Klias, Favette. Logon Kob.-rt, Port Royal. Lamer Baltzer, Millord. Mclntire Jvnes, Lsek. Mnrphey Lemuel, Tuscarora. MeUahey S. S., Myers Levi, Thnmpsontown. Neely T. M., Lara. Notestine Daniel, Patterson. Pattersou Kelly, Sjirsce Hill. Kobison liobert, Milfonl. Smith E. A., Walker. . St-vens D.niel, Patterson, tharon Wilhan. Fayette. SLe'leuherger Simon, Greenwood. Sloner Vichtel, I "rmvnagli. bhellenli.'rger A. tt., Monroe. Stewart Wli'ivin, Turb-tt. 1 hompson Jofni. Wa ker. Whirion John P.. Port Kryal. Wallace llarrv, Ltck. Wertz David.' Walker. Wo lard Wm., TttsC iror.t. Wooiward Mil -t, GreeuwuoJi Will A. I!.. lili;.Bto-vii. Wilson 11. II., Wns.m V. U, " lSK I'aiti ''ure Oil! Use I'ain' ure Oil ! l. the popular phrase of ever body that meets a suiF-rin fr'eod. Trv it and yoii won't regret it. l'rice, 5'J cent!' per Ion lie. Sold w h i!--ilc and retail by Satiks it Ham lin, Mi;l i:itowr. aMifHia County News. PER l.tlVISTKWS PM'KRS. A d'-sp.-t'cli In Mr-. J. II- Yeaget, of Lewiatowti, on Saturday last, an - iioiiuced the probable murder of ber broiher, K ias lsher, a Wi-ll know n ciiizei: of TiaekVille, Schuylkill coumy, on the niolit of the Oct. 'M. Ills team was found 2ar!y Urn morniiig bitched to a tree three miles out in the moun tains. A blood v hatchet and revolver wer; found near the team. Tlie citi-z-tis turned out to seaich f.T llie body, lleceiiily be ifT-cted an msnraiice tif $-VJ0U mi bis life, and paid a premium on bis policy iu Pottsville t".ie day be fore be was missing. The last Seen of lii tis was at St. Clair in the ereuirg, where be borrowed a revolver, remark 'iig that Le bad forgotten bis, and bad more money with biiu than usual. John Niefuss was arrested at Maliatioy l'lain on Monday fo'lowiiig, charred with the u'jrder, and was lodged in the county prison at I'ot'sville. A reward id $'.000 is offered by Mrs Lesher for tiie body. U'lnie a little son and daughter of Jos. Limes, who attends the two locks," at Granville, were at play on Wednesday last, the sister fell into the upper lock. Her brother's screams brought the niu'her to the scene, but b: was powerless tn rescue tbe iittle one. Tbe father was absent, but souii arrived, and succeeded iu recovering tbe body, which was interred in the M. E. cemetery of Lewistown ou Fri day. The lliestand farm was sold for six thousand two bnndied dollars. Constable Hughes arrested 0. C Urei n, of tbe Mi roy House, at Milroy, on Friday last, for selling iirpior tu vio lation of law, and J. C ltusslrr was also arrested on a similar charge. A team ilrivtu by a boy oti llie farm of S Clay Urowti ran away tear Mil rov on Mouday, and Ins foot was caught between the wagon and a feme and nearly torn i 0" The stove as a place lo keep powder safely is not a success around Newlon Hamilton. Two J' Uiig l"t dr vers, who at pet red In b' out tin a liainp, re eeniiy put up lor ihe mght in an old house ou the premises -i Capt. James I)v-art, and as they beran lo shiver be tote in roiiig. thought lo an old stove in ii. ot ion" which Hood iuvitingh iu tht ro.Mii they HScuplel. T' e blsze badii'l no re than lairiy f t wlir.i the lime bad cone to calculate how luauv pieces five U'id of rock jMiwdn c uld in .ke oat of a Move of tl.a size. The old house, fortunately enough, did u it take fire, aud tbe iraiuua got i unharmed. Johu Roger, son of Daniel Rodger. f liratton township, was thrown from a carl on Monday week, oue wheel passing over bis bead, nearly severing Ins ear and luuising bis face. Kalie Miller, near Maua)unk, raised fourteen bushels f sweet Mdais iu ber gardeu rhis teas' n, one of abich weighed four pounds and a half. Alexander Chriswell's barn, near Paiuterville, was burned oo tbe night of October 16, with all its contents, consisting of bsy, straw, feed, and near ly all bis farm implements. Hi stock was in tbe fields and all escaped. Tbe fire is supposed to bave been tbe work of an inieuditry. f AKGE stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, I i Oueenaware. Notions, Hats, Boots and i Shoes, Leather, tut-, tot sale at tbe store of Q. w . Nllls ax son, l errys'uj". ilAURIED: KERCIIXEa-FOWLtS-Xov. 2nd, at the Presbrteriin Paraonage, Miftiintown, be the Uer. T. J. Shemrd, Mr. Setb Kerchner and Miss Keziab Fowles, both of Walker tow uh p, Juni iu county DIED: u-ittii-ti tin the 2sth ult in this place, Mr. Cornelius BartleF, aged about 40 years. HEFPLEFLNGEK On the 28tb ult., in this borough, Mrs. Mollif, wife of J. P. IleUleHnger, aged 28 years and 19 days. SHIRK On the 1st inst., in Fayette township. Michael Shirk, in the SD-.n yea ol bis age. TatBiTK or Kkspect. GRAY At Keed'a Gap, P.., Oct. 19;h, 1874, Miss Ellen Gray, daughter of John G. Gray, aged 2i yearn and 10 months. At a special meetimr ot the Keen's Gap Literarv Society, held -on the evening of October 2tt, ts74, a c.iiiiinitt. e was appiint ed t. Uralt resolutions, rxjiressive of Ihe leelings or the Svci ty tv itive to the death ol Miss Ellei Gray. Th. comnntteo re pecl!iitl aiibmit ihe bdlowiug i Whkbkas, Ii has pleased Alniiehtv God. the sean-her wl' ail hearts, by a wi.a dispell- ! sati-.m of his I notdeuce, to enter by death i our association, and take from us una ot our w ell-beloied mcndier. Miss EI.en (irav, whose name stands first ou the roll of eiubi-rsliip, and was respected by all ber acquaintance. IVuKKEts, We, a Literary Society feel our loss in a sptcid maimer inasumeli as her u md helped to form o a id as a tribute of respect to the d.wea-e-l, Ih.-r. fri littered. That it is only a just tri mte lo the ruviuory ol tbadepo-ted to s.. toat iu regrelnng ber removal irom onr, we iiioum tor one who ws in ever) way worn. y of our n pect and r.-girt. Iletotrtd. lhal we coiidol with the fnii- ily tt Ihe deceased ia the di-p 'ligation writ ' hu b it has hmsitd Divine t'rui leiiea to '. atli ict theui, and commend lht-.o to.- ons.r llaiion tn Hun who or I era all lh:na; lor tlu ,b st, and whose chas;i.eiaents are in is-n-y. Rey!tt4, Th it we liiin bly bow to the in rmtable will of all-wise Providenee, and in vrw ul the uncertainty ot death, we should br n.oseil to a sense ot our liU condition, anl be rendy at ail timet to give an ac count to Ihe Most llih. Snolttl, That as a mirk of our re-pect to ik; men ory of the deceased sisler we wer a bidge of luourning lor the spice ot tli i -iv days. itfiorrd. That in testi ewny of the re spect we ow lo he( mr'imrv, this prea a.b e an I ri-oli.iolik be publishel in one or in -re j lb.- couniv p;p.-rs, and be placed on thej Journal ol tht Society. a:.d th it copy be py seut Ui Ihe tain v of the J. M. M.Viill.l., ) w. j. :ai;pi;kll, s. i;. bvi.ion, S Com. Tsibi te or KrsrEcr. DACoTIEIiTV Iu the borongh of I'hou.pjiiiitoiTii, Oct. 31, D74, Joseph II Daugherty, aged 10 years, D ui mtlis and 17 days. At a vid ni-ting of Ihu Del iw ire Literary Society, Th lu.pointowii. Pa , N'u vt nil) er 2. IS7 1, the. folio .vi ig resolutions were pasM-l : Inastiiiic i as Ihe Divine Mister has cal!e I Irom ns oar you i frietl I and fellow me.ii- , h r. Jo-ira !1. I) i oui arr, e, in s.-i.ty f aasciiiMe.l. reolve I hat in h:s re.noval wrtss-eniz sn Over- ; ruling Proihleoce, and ba iu submission to Ins w I. That be h death we h ive fist one of oar most e.r.iest, active a. id promising uieiu b ts. 1 hat we attend his funeral in a b dy, and Wear a bvlge of m oimiug. That we ev.eud to tbe b.-reavc i family our heaitlelt n uiMthies, a i l that a copy ot tuese resoliitiviis bi turnished them. Thai these resolutions be spread upon the uiimiies of tl.c Soc.rty, aud that lliey be pub.ishei u Ihe pipers. DAVID A. II. KM AN, ) JIMH Si'lCHKK, Cum. DAVID E. LlMZ, . Profttiional Cards. Y) h. ALLKX, M. D , Has commenced the practice of Medicine and Surgery and alitlielr Collateral branches. OlUce iu Johnstusn, Bcale tow nship. July l-. 74 THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, mulistows, r.i. Ollice hours from 9 i. k. to 3 r. M.. tf. lice in his father's restleuce, at the Month end ot Watei street. e;i!-tt JOUIS E. ATKJXSOX, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, MlFFUNTOWX, PA. CCol'ccting and Cor.tryancing prompt ly attended to. ' Orrnre On Bridge street, opposite tbe Court House Square. AJ'FUED J. l'ATTKRSON, ATT0SKEY-AT-L1W, MIFFLIN TOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. All business promptly attended to. Orricr On l'rhl,:e street, opposite the Court House square. .Visctllantmit. TO THE PUBLIC. I have just out, tn my sio-e-rooin on Main street, in the borough of Patter son, a new stock ot Men's and Boy3f Clothing, Ovfrcouls, Sbirfs. Drnwrrs. Wnmusei, lluls, Cojn, Gluvrs, Stockings, A 51 IJKICA V ATCIIIaS AT CI TV PK1CES, JEUELHY. kc. Tbe best lot of BOOTS & SIIOIS ever hronzlit to this comity : Men's Boots $ : li lo $1 ill. Lest Ii til lap sole war ranted; (Juni lioois, bs SI HO, men's $1 ; also lull hue ot Indies' and I hiliirii' (.inns; ljulies' Slices $1 ot to il bU best morocco. I am selling Goods 21 ircnt. less than Ihe credit prieea. I aid se.linp for cash, roiiutrr produce, or note at 31 to 60 days' discouut. I have lost in eight years' business over $'),!! I) Ii. keeping books and credit, and n'aile money tMesidi-s; and now I am deter mined that those who pay shall notbecoiu l:leMu ly such prices ihat the loss sus tained in coiiseipu-nce ol those who fall to pay nuy lie Coverwl; and consequently 1 rail sell 2U per cent, less than goods in my line have ever been so'd for iu the county. Call aud see lor yourselves. WANTED 5H bushels pond potatoes, 10H bushels onions, also, t vo Ions of dry wheat straw. Tor whkh 1 will pay $10 per toil, delivered. J. B. JI. TODD. Patterson, Oct. 7, 1874. r-vRY GOODS. Grocerie. Qucensware, I J wo,l and willow ware, oil cloths, boots aud shoes, home-made goods, yarns, fcc., at ihe very lowest pricew, for cash or conn try produce, at llertller'i store. Locust Orora, onw ana iwn bubs irom t n'm MISCELL.1 V t0 US AND A LARGE L cooking, mm, Over Fifly DiCcront Kinds nntl Styles to Select from, Including the Oil TORONTO, EXCELSIOR, (SOV. PE-N'N, SUPERIOR, REGULATOR, and fcUiQUEHAXNA COOKS. Also, the Celebrated Stoves anl Heaters, ARGAND, 3I0RNLNG LIGHT, AND TWILIGHT. JOIIX C. WRIGILT. MUTIntown, S -ptcn br 9, lP74-!f 3 m FOE 0A We are selling Stoves nf rrtrt We will piiaranier all onr prires to h .i...- ... .'...i, ...a , purchase tu examine our stuck aud Irani -Ti J resncettiillr invite the attention l the farmers of the county to the lacl 1'iat he is at all limes PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES FOil ALL KINDS OF ; rai., si:kd, c, av. i Havinj intrndticcd new facilities forlioist.j in, weii:hiiir, &.C., we are now prepared to j unload with the least possible trouble. Bark, R-ilroad Tie?, Locust! Posts, and all Saleable Country Produce will be bought at all times, either for CASH OU IN EXCHANGE FOB MER UlANLllaK. HAVE FOU SALE iiraiieiscus, CEYSTAL PALACE, Kiaintoro, Pa. WAIW, tUMBHR, aG.!Dsp-slLOl'rr' i :o: i FOKWARl) A'D C0.H.1IISSI0M i rpilE nndcrs-pned, having completed his ! -a T" -my fi tt a ,t fry X new Warehouse in Pe.rvsviile, would ; aJX l a I L 1 XI -fV 1 1 COAL, LUMBER. FISH, BALT,!cAL0IirE1) PLASTR TLASTEU, GROUND OR LUMP, which wlil be sold to suit purchasers, cither WHOLESALE OR HETA1L, and at the lowest rates ruling. At my Store in Tu-hett t..wns!iip may hr loillid a C1.u4.iele an ass.ii-t:t:elit .'! DRY GOODS, GUOCE HIES, 1NOTIONS, Queensware, Hardware, inc., all of which will lie sold as low, if not a little lower than els.. where- NOAH IIEKTZLER. Tec. It', 1873-if JUXIATA VALLEY "u.VNKL Fcacroy, Pattorson, Jacobs L Co. mrrLi.NTow.x, jiMiATt coimtt, ra. CAPITAL, 580,000. GEORUE JACOBS, President. T. VAN IRVIN, Cashier. PIRKCTOSS I Jerome X. Thompson, I John Bilshach, John J. Patterson, II. II. Itechtel, Gcrge Jacobs, j J. W. Frank. LiUd SUttt Snuriltti, Condi, c., Ikii lit and s.ld Jrrra-.'nric exclnned for Fnt-tctn!ift at market rates. United Slates coupons lid. Uuld and Siirrr bonsht at highestt rates Drpuaiti rtcrirtd. rollrcltOHt -mdr, draft Otuntf transacted. ... ... 1.. .1.1 . . : - ..A tiouas ami Oilier vaiuauic pnjiers n special deposit. juneft'ii-tl g 1J. L0ti0.", 31Lli(JllAAi OlLUli, in isMim on secocd story of R. E. Parker's new building, on Main Street, MiHintowD, Pa. F.VSUIOXADLK GOODS always band CUSTOM WORK. DONE on the shortest noticf. GtX)DS SOLD by the yard or pattern. PERSON'S buying goods can have them cut in garments tn-e of charge. BCTTERlcrs PJTTERXS also for tale. AH. WORK WARRANTED. PRICES LOW. Oct 22, 1873-tf A Cne assoitment of cloth, cassimctcs TesUnjs, Ac '.wry on hand and for saJe r h. r muDox. .ID FER TISEME, 75. VARIETY OF m office stoves, t $ description at tb JoTtst Cnt Price the L-iwvJ. We iavild all deilntig l ...;.. our prices. DEALER I GRAIN, LUMBER. COAL 1M. ASTER, SALT C 12 M E N T. jEW DRl'G STORE. BANKS & HAMLIN, (Bellord Building.) Muln Street, Mirniatorra. Pa. ix LRf.fs a n i j:ki::one.;, t IIEMH AI.?, I-VK Sll rK. PAINTS cil.s. VAlvN ISlil- s.i ;,., SS. ITT T Y. COAL !!.. LA 4 PS. tit i: Ki.S, Clil .LY-. b' It C S II K S, HAH. HI.lMihS. HKl. U bl.LSiiKf, PER. FL.Mi.i;v.coi;-e, SOApS.IIAlU OIL, TOBAC CO, CltiARS. N O T I O N S, S T A T I O X E It Y L A It G K VARIETY OF rATE.Yf MEDICINES, Selected with ptcal cara, and warranted ,noo Inh auluoritv. CTi urrsi .A V. IXES AND LIQUORS lor n.eiiical C7"1'I.KS -IKII'TIOXS cmpoumled will Sreal care. JuneUi-tl iiuey & cTiiiisT, BCCCW-SOIIS TO KKVDI.K A CO. To those interested in the purchase of a strictly PUKE KYE WHISKY, lor tntshcal lurposes we offer BAILKY'S i'URi: RYE, l'rice i J l. $ i jk-. ira'lou, an-i w ill ship in pack iges to s.lil purch isers. We a!so l!e larg. Ir a i COITER-DISTILLED WHISKY, Price from $ 1 .o'i to S 1 .7 i. Wc i:np-rt j nxE WINES, IIKANDIE3 AND GIN, : and also niinitrarture , STffiVER'S I UN lie llLIili BI I 1 LKb. 1 , q - , prl..e I ut IIUEY .t CHRIST, 121 North Third Street, philada. sept 9, is;i-iy GREAT REDUCTION 1. TIIK miCllS OP TKETIl! , fsM 'nprr Of Uwrr Stilt M Low II t". Xo teeth a'.Ioa.'d to h ave the office un less the p.iticnl is Milisii-ed. Teeth rfiiimlelid aiM rep-tired. Teeth filled lo last lor life. j Teetff extracted without pain, by the nse t of Nitri'iis Oxide Gas, always on hind. , . ... v ..j .: :il s... . I i J.. .--.i. h kin.1. the hard times, 1 will in ?ts teeth, of tbe very b:st k "f- - - . - - . . . ItorSl l-'s). risi.j v . - . . . sr w ...t- . 11 v.lrJ, lie sti. iu-d in live iniiin'ra Willi- : .. tv mr i out rxtraitni- tae imi ' G. L. PERU, Jan 24, 1372. Practn al Uentist. Jot wwrk rem shwrf s"Jt st ti .VElf ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PUBLiC! JUST RKCE1VED AT CHEAP 'tiOiin'S STOEt BRJUS STRZET. JlFFLLYIUiV.V, r.i., A LARGE AND COMrLETE STOCK OF Fall and Winter FKOM THE NEW YOBS AND 1 iniwfl atswa m n M awn noons 5211 Gun 11 to 4J re? lent. aEV GOODS ItECEIVEI) EVERY DAY. CTERiT lCRNCt COCCI ALXT IMITLD I'OK IXM'LCTir..''. 0 JtlKVD TiltS: I b;iv my (aools from firt Iiriipjsr, frtsm manufacturers and i:nprtfis o i!y, :m I lur ras!i t!ovn, ;uvl .-el :i 1 niv (JixmIs for i: .-h oniy ; therflttri" i fan i'ii'unl to mil (Jotuls the jer hivUk.Iv t-l;c i advise all ptTeons wi.-hii!j tu tac l"i to 40 cents on a dollar io go to (. Lf ap John s LMare. Thanktul for past patronage, I ri'main, RespcCtfillt YorKs, kc.f E!HL SCSIOTT. THE PEOI'LE'S HARDWARE ST0R R. E. Parktr't .Vrtc ITrjVA- BuiJit . 3IAI. STStlallT, OrPOSITKTIIi: C Ol UT YARD, SlIFFLlMOUXj jfSIATA COUNTY, PA. ' JOIINAV.MUTHERSnAUGII Takes phasiire in cailin ihe attention of Faftoers, Puilders. asms. Saild ers, Miners Carien-ers, Sh.eiii.ift :.s, Ijlacksioiihs, C.-aclnoaLers. Pi iteri-rs. Il'iiisek -ei-eis, aLd all who ;.r 11 w nil ot auxthina iisua'lv k p' in a 1 1 it- r-..LASS 1IAKDWAI.E Srt:;E. to his '.Alt;. E A N I) Fi..-r!l st-ck ot Ooods, bought since Ihe great redaction in p. ices, co.sstsrso or TABLE CUTLERT, AXKS. I.iiCKS. LEATIIEBj PAINTS, SAWS, Al'fiEKS, Bii ci-;s, M'OKES. FKLl.OES, AlASOX IIAMVEKS t.UI.VIt STk.VES CLOTIIKS WitlNGEP.S, SAND PAPER, LAMPS, IKON. Nails, lil.ASS, OII.N AKZKS, SHOVELS, FOiiKS, HOES, WALL BRUSHES, IK'P.E llii' MlltS, PAIN T BKlSllhe., Picks, cofh.e, TIN WAUL. WHOLESALE AND HETA1L, Whhh he has just op-ncd in the a'Kive new store-room. H.vii. U eeiit s'l his stoifr while gionls were at tl'eia lowest figures, he i p i-pired t V. i. s. i , : i; ,t, ... i' guar antee s.itis a. h"n. My tMts are all new ai d irvsii o t!.e n; mill i . mei's. .mil 1 ,n, ite the puhdc to c ill anl see them. 1 also solirit the pitrn'iaite ot th pnhlic. rue a call. Miffiinlswn, Aug. 20, !87-tf la tbe place where )ou can buy TlIM BEST A.M TIIIJ CIIKAIMIST MENS' YOUTHS' & HOYS' CLOTH ING IUTS, C.1PS. B tots, SHOES, .IS D FURMSUIXU tiOUDS. WE are p-epanti to exhibit one i.l the iiM.:.t rh.ii.-e ai.d lect slocks ever offered id tliis uiaiket, and at .WOXISIUXKLY LOW flill'ES .' Also, treasure tnken fur suits ..d parts of suits, which will b: ftadu !o order at short notice, very reasonable. Iteuiember the place, in IL tTiuau's New lluilding, coriitr of Uridire anj Water sTevts, 1IIFFLLNTO .VX, PA. may t, lrs. J-tl what to man &kd hoi7 to it :0: Just step into SAVI EL STKAYFR'S t Ll.l IIINfi PTOIiE. Bridge street, Pattersou' Pa., ai.d he will tell 1011 all lilionl it. Ilavine jut re'nrned from I'liilailelpliia and Xew Yor!:, he ran inpilv you with (La Latest aud C hoices! s tj. les f CLOTHING OF ALL K 1 N I) , Coats, Pants. VeMs. Hits, Caps, U.ts and ! Wa'eh-'s snd Jew.drv,'. is. Fi.r-M-hins ;h. U in endless v iii -rv, larjvt., FIo-m- 11:1 I.I..1I1. Fnnnt.ire. lc , iheipet tha'if the cheajiest, lor ihe s-tme ipiality ol goods. Call in and be com iuced. Measures Tiikea ami Suits M.ule to Order. Patt-rwn. Vy lo, 5S7.1 SaMUEL .TAYER. 1776. 1S76V 0: A M R I CA X C K X T KX X I A I J" r"";"" " - 1 ' '.0. I A L'-cture on the Nature. Treamrtit and TITl,T!, f T IT' TT . Kailic d f 'uret peiiualt.rt loe or Seminal JI.KU.Urj 1 'Tj I li 1' 1, eaktiess, ni.!iiut:t-y Emissions. Sexual ITTIirnVII CT'lPr MPYWfi 1 ,M" U-v' 1,1 dn...nis ..AIarrijgi gen--i A 1 a. kj c .1 A Alj o i Olit., .'I u.l.tU eraliv ; N.-rvmiite... I .-n .urnpii..ii, Kpi- Keeps constaiillv ou hand arol f..r aile at a : !l i"-v ""' r '"' id riixsieal luea ., . " ., ...-. . I l' Itv, re.illtii c tr.oii S ,l-Abile. tic Bv small profit, a we.l selected artoKnt t , ,.,l)jKu: J. fUi.VEit -VFI.L, il. D.. A.u TilfV I'fiftfisi . th-.r ot Ii. t; -.-en il.i',v;'' fcc. UH1 UlHra, j The ..r!d.-ei:i.r.iie.l a ulior, in thi? ad- GIlO0EUII'S, iinr.hi.- Le .-lure pr.,v.s tioni his ,t iev .i- . f, i"li fri. Tie H, Tt lire a-llll r-oi-e'llfll- VL. rar.l. llil'., ev ..i S :f-Aon-e in it he- ir -rtnallv remove WOOD & .WILLOWWAI: li, ! ""! :-1 ""' t- HvM I 'P HI UTI'!' ' '' ":v -:'"''4- l"iiies. instru. 211, v5.tal, I LA.lLa. r. ..: rin.:... . .nilin out a Also. FLOUR and a!! tindaof PROVIS ION ; , I "d MILL FEED. i;r 1 Kitr.ri pu.; mrcunnrnr 1-r.rfin. and al kit.dsf f fiKAlN, rlirulari.. ... . . . choice lots of wheat. Mvit-o, Pa., ilny 6, 1373-tf OlXJ.IIOeS $ EI OCR, wm TWf mrVm anlf Va er..n e e ik""'i 1 Tnetae, and Satnr ay n..ri.i'..r : " ' M the- i oiiifI: wit i ine ueai ol i ccr ifptl.. VirTTnr. Pni:K. L . - . . ...,..i. 1 solicits the tNironage of the public. j April 3. y. g jlf Bina on hort ntlct t the PHlLAu?dU LI V?.IEr;. a V 11 a iMI ' Liza vri ti 217 ttzzi -u:3. 3, PCf'KF.T CUTLERY, 11 THKTS, illMiK-:, SltoK FIND1NUJ, I I" I TV. PLANKS, lillsKLS, HIVS, Ill'BS. MIAFT.s. MA S. TKOWELeJ, t I'dl.'V COVIH-, A XL IIAMd.ES, t.:; .i :t i;s, I LU.VU'.V A i.L", to., ti;., t: J02N 7. Mttl fl E KSE A UGII. r. , I .-v ' or .i cTuni: T!T YOrs JIU.. 1. . ri al i -.-,-i t .in !,.! rtteetll I 7 -n . r. ! nn't. r w hat his ore himself cheaplyi ' i-; at t, i. ei rviie il! ; ZS" hi' ' met .'.' ;ror a Imi to thu itua.s.iKi 4i... ii. relit. ..i. !c t. .. y' 11 i en .-lojsr, to j .ny ali-. ss. on i i t .. . : ..- tw. I, st .n i s. I - - ' ." i ' a, t lMSiJ. KLINE A CO. 1-." . ev oric. . - H ... . :.,v. ..i ;-7. la i ..1 tiiet .. n a d t.. III! . ...i I..S, ' Tl . .. s-if. .. nw.i at Sau. 4 at ju. e: -lijT-CI-SS i ivJ'i CUTS fakn af j A lie.-s pUoiapk Oailer, i.ik-gJ St.,