Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 21, 1874, Image 2

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Hcdaetdaj. October 31, 1874.
ihitoi d raoraiiToa.
fl PRtMB JCIKil,
Duocannon, l'erry couuty.
rora township.
ette township.
Bella township.
LiRcr. J. L. BARTON", of Sprnce
Hill township.
Republican County Committee.
CnataiiasG.vV'. Smith, Patterson P.O.
Secsltart Richard Doyle, Walnut P.O.
Hiflliujown II. A. f-tamluiigh, J.S.Martiu.
Fermanagh Isaac Sielicr, J. M. Hower.
Walker W. II. Kurtz, W. II. Lukcns.
Fayette Jesse Grnbb, T. T. Davis.
Monroe II. G. Shellenhergcr, Jacob Baso-ji
Gp-enwood V. Woodwad, II. Xlinuiuiu.
Ci.uiii1i.nn C: Inderove H - I.olltf.
Delaware I. M. Stutts. D. Fiukenl.i-ider.
Thonq.seutown J. (i. Haldeman, N. Ketly
Patterson II. K. Given, 1). F. Stevens.
Milfnrd Wm. McCahan, A. J. Ilertiler.
Beale J. F. Leach, Richard Puyle.
Port Koval D. K. P. fcealor, James A.
Tnrbett J. ; Hertzler. Ina'uh Berkey.
Spruce Uil! Thos Katuser, Mcwart Vhar-
Tircaro-! A. II Stewart. Thus. Morrow.
I,aek Wm M.rrw. Tyson Stump.
B:ic' Log H Mclutyre, A. ft. Ojiple.
I.oii E. Atkinson Ueiuber of Krpub'i
cai State Ceuirjl Couimittee tor Juuiata
The Early Elections.
Tl.e Pituhurg Gazette, b-.-ing qnito near
'.j the easttrn honler of tha HeM of tne re-
rrr.t electioua ia the iVet, writes of them .
.s follows :
The O :!obrr elections, hehl Tuesday, the
I3:h, wiil exert little influence on the gco
.ral canvass, the result being the svue as
'st year. That is, Ohio generally went
Democratic, electing, however, th three
lr j
deemed j
!eoutlicaii Congressmen that are
:.i 'st imsortant, while Imliaua, Iowa, e
b isha and Dakota have elected tlie Repul
I :m ticket more or less fully. Arkansas,
of course, is conservative. Tbe Tetnr
sice faith entered into tne issue in several
States, notably iuto Ohio, Indiana and
Ivebraika. A very noticeable fact stands.....! ,i. develnniiient of its wealth, it
illustrated in the result. In Ohio the Pro-
bibition phase of temperance was urged
and defeat is the result. In Iowa and Xe-
l.raska the moderate view, temperance !
merely, with such legislative proscription !
ot jquor soling as will control it, hut not j
go beyond the demands of public sentiment, j
was adopted, and the result has been an j
increased relative majority for the Kepub'i-
can party ahich adopted Ihe temperance 1
plan. The distinctively tcmperanco caudi-i
dates ran ahead of tlkrir ticket. These are '
the showings of the returns, and they carry
their can lessons.
Tbe lesson is, that Republican States of
last year, are Republican this year. There
is, of course, independent voting, and an
alysis of this, in all the States exefpt Ohio,
show that the K -publican have generally
uued more than the Democracy. Iu Ohio
tbe Democrats g. lined quite largely, chielly,
we think, because the extreme Prohibition
phase ot" temperance was put forward.
There is, therefore, no discouragement de
rivable from tii: rcturus, on the contrary,
there is much eucouragemeat. They show
tint h ire there is no attraction aide froia
that which the Democracy offers, there is
no tendency to leave tho party. There are,
e admit, in this Slate eleiucuts of dissat
isfaction, but it turns swiely ou minor mat
ters, and is not against the party as such.
.f cr the true issues of Ihe canvass fully
developed, on the sttttiip and through the
press, we believe that a epch!icaa major
ity, fully equal to the average, considei ing
.1.. -. I .,tl...l .... I
this Slate. B: t it is not :se to overlook
Ihe fact that the Democrats are working
lt!i frantic energy, aud this must be met
a vigor on tbe side ot Bepublicaus.
m mi - -
Vi'i Warn that ou Saturday last the State
Tre.-surer completed a purchase of bonds
for '.!. .s Ccuinionwcalth which brings up the
t-. tal amount of bonds redeemed by hiiu,
since December 1. 1173, to over one mil
)icm collars; and as the Commissioners of
tke Si.. king Fiitd have given notice of their
rta-l.r.ess to rtdcen. lonHs aiiMtui.tiLig to
1 2 :ii .'.''.s.l mere, the interest on which will
r.;w November I, the total amount re
. ci. " ,il during the Usca! )ear will ba $1,-,!.-(:,
u.akii g iu all $13,(x,0u0 of the
Mc; ieit jvaij olf by the Uepuolican ad
miristraliooa of the State from lt-Cl to
li'i inclusive, an average of nearly a mil
iiuc i...d a halt yearly. Iu fact, whenever
the PsJaoirjIs have beeu out of ower in
:L- CcuiU-onaeallh economy aud debt rv
ir.ciivU Lave been the established rule, and
r-LT that partv was in power cxtrava--.T.c-
and drbKieatiou have reigned tri
vj j hat. The Republicans put statesmen
, r. porcr who understood finance and rev
enue rvstciEs, aud who have always han
.!:ed tLeaS'airsof the State with toe skill
and ex4-rience of men famili;tr w ith such
a u'tj.-cts and detcruiiued to lilt the burdens
Jri in the shoulders of the jicopic. Xorlh
There are wore Irish people in New
Yoik city than in aoy one city in Ire
land. In tbir'y years that eountiy bae
iv-imed from eight to fire tbiliioD id
-oj uiation.
The trial of Kullinan, the would-be
a3bssin of Bismarck, ia set down for
ta ISW lost.-
Addresa of the RcptiMIca;
Mate Committee.
To the Repuhlica of Pennsylvania :
Ton are called upon once more" to
make a stand in defense of your princi
ple?. The party which, by its politi
cal heresies, plunged this country into
a bloody war, atand arrayed against
yon on precisely tbe grounds which it
occupied in 100, and proposes to ro
upen all tbe old controveisies which it
was thought Lad been settted by the
war, and it therefore become necessary
to sustain at the polls the government
al policy which has prevailed under a
Republican adioinistration.
"An undefined and restored Consti
tution," which is equivalent to the
Southern demand for the Constitution
as it was," is what the Democracy of
Pennsylvania asks for in the recently
isaued aJdress of its State Committee.
It wants to ignore or ruU c ut the thir
teenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amend
ments to tbe t onsritulion, and restore
tbe Constitution as it stood before the
war. It sets up a pretence that those
amendments are nuil and voidand if it
ahr.utd return to power we may natural
ly look for an attempt to enforce a' re
lapse to the condition of things that
existed prior to the Rebellion.
The recent armed uprisings in the
South, accompanied by numerous mur
ders, outrages inpuiu.-rable, open rebel
lion, and the establishment ot a reign
cf terror to intimidate tbe unarmed
and peaceful citix-Mis, had the full
sanction and sympathy of the Northern
Democracy, and were plainly but a part
of a general plan to re-establish the
old order of things.
The part of the Northern Democra
cy is to lull the people iuto a false se
curity, and steal back into place upon
false pretences, if possib'e- The part
of the Southern Democracy is to set up
a reign of violence, ami by such an in
tiimdatioti of the weak ns k.ep
tbeui from the polls, to mtal them
selves into offices to which they could
not otherwise attain. The two work
together in perfect l.srmonv, and their
joint triumph would utterly annihilate
a!! the benehcial results ot the war.
It is the part of the Republicans of
Pennsylvania to crush this Conspiracy
by thoroughly defeating tboe engaged
in it, and they can do this only by rally
ing heartily to the fpjpori of their
State ticket, and by cordially support-
ine their local nominations, so as
; secure the ejection of a large tnajmity
of lite Congressmen and a decisive uia-
jority in the legislature.
The people of Pennsylvania do not
want to return to "a restored Constitu
tion," or "the ' onstitution as it was.'
They do a.)t want to come back again 1
under the insolent rule of the Southern
oligarchy, or to ; ut their varied and
grand industrial interests at the mercy
of the free trade demaiiorues who con-
i trol the Democratic party.
Iut, strong as are their convictions
upon t'jia sulject, they can enforce
thnu only in ue way, and that is at
the polls. Thev must elect men in
harmony wt:h their well knowu views
and interests ; and this can be done
oul by securing a thorough defeat 0.'
the Democratic party.
The last Democratic State Conven
tion did not dare to open its niouth in
favor of piotection to American indus
try, or against the ratification of the
Reciprocity Treaty, which is free trade
jn jj,.cUise J( ,aj , ,le courage to
take sides with the party iu other States
011 those questions, and was equally
Cowardly ic declining to take the other
side. On the two great questions
which involve the material interests of
the State, the prospetitv of its people,
I - - - . -
a as silent
crave. .vo one
doubts that its sympathies are with the
enemies' of our material i rorrress. and
tie rue is 3 good in this ca-e as iu
every other "lie that is not for us is
against us."
If, therefore, the people of PVtmsyl-
vania Want to defend and promote the
growt'i and prosperity of their State,
they will not entrust it. destinies to
the hauds of a Pr,V that dire not open
1'S lips in their favcr. Tht Demo
cratic party of the nstion ts f r free
trade, and the oiitiken part of it is
in favor of repudiation : and it is ti r
the people of IVnnst Ivatna to deeide
whether they will again perintt su?L a
party to control, and by coiiitoiiitig to
rnin, their future prospects.
The Republican party of the State
has had possession ot the Government
since 1801, and has proved in that time
its claim lo continued public on&denee.
It has administered the gorerumeut
honestly, faithfully, economically, and
justly. The State has grown with rapid
strides under its fosteriog care ; the
laws aie everywhere judiciously en
forced ; and it nerds hut the uiainte
cauce of the rroieotive policy ou the
part of the National (jovernmeiit, to
secure our advance, at an early day,
into the front ranks of all the States.
When tho Republicans assumed ihe
reins of the State Government iu 1801
they found a State debt of over $ 10,
000,000, aud the breaking out of the
Rebellion entailed ati immediate addi
tion to that debt of $3,500 000 for
aruiiug (he people and defending the
State, so that they began their admin
istration with the burden of over $13,
000,000 of debt. That d-ht has no
been reduced to $24,000,01 K). a reduc
tion in round numbers of $19,000,000
in thirteen years, or $1,500,000 yearly.
This reduetiou has been accomplished
by economy and honesty in the admin
istration of the finances, and not by
taxation. The State tax on teal es'ate
was iepealed iu 180U, and that on per
sonal estate in 1873, so that while the
State is free from direct taxation it is
still rspidly and steadily extinguishing
its debt.
This is Landsoinc record to present
and is a complete answer to ail the
ridiculous charrca that have been
trumped up of corruptness and rxtrava
gance. The State has never been bet
ter or more honestly managed nnder
any administration, and we point to this
record with pride in the contrast it pre
cents to the policy wiiicti. auring the
rule of the Democrats, inflicted upon
the State a debt of $40,000,000, ae
compamed with a heavy burden of di
rect taxation.
M e desire to remind onr Republican
friends that the Legislature to be
chosrD this fall will bare in us hands
the election of a United States Sena
tor for six years. It is of tbe ntinnst
importance, therefore, that, ignoring all
causes of local distraction, they should
unite actively, Emily, and harmoniously
in behalf of tbeir local candidate for
the Legislature throughout the State.
Every Democrat elected to Ihe Legis
lators in Republican counties on a local
will to Is oaly for t Psaocrit for
United States Senator, and no true Re
publican will, bv bis tote, render such
a result possible.
We also entreat our frletds to pay no
beed to the attempt to delude them
into tbe belief that the It publican
party is opposed to the new Constitu
tion. It was a Republican State Con
vection which first demanded a revision
bf the old Constitution so as to secure
tbe suppression of special legislation ;
it was a Republican Legislature which
called the Constitutional Convention
the Constitutional Convention was it
self Republican ; it was tbe Republi
can vote of tbe Slate which secured the
adoption of the new Constitn ion ; and
it was a Republican Legislature which
framed the legislation necessary to carry
its provisions into effect. The party
record is too clean upon all these points
to he questioned or doubted.
The business depression1 which has
fallen upon the country in the past vesr
has been blamed Upon tbe Government
and as the effect of Republican policy j
but as the same depression was preva
lent throughout Europe, it is clear that
it must be due to other causes. The
country is already rapidly recovering
from its effects, a result Wh eh, when
pactcs occurrej heretofore, required
several years to accomplish : aud as
the only remedy which Democracy offers
is free trade and a return to the de
structive policy which produced the
ruinous revulsion of 1837 and 1857,
the people will find it
saw to
trust to the policy under which the
country is now iecup-rati(g than to rall
hack upon the eiphnled tntv tl ft pre
vailed under I'etmicra'ie rule.
e earnestly ure upon our friend
throughout the Commonwealth to wake
up to the real ion-or'a-ire of tie pend
ing election, aud bv energetic wik to
render certain a R ubiican vtctorr.
Su;b a victory is not to he won by u
pineness, and folding the lian.U in care
less neglect of the great iisut at stake.
Victory, if won, miil be sought, and
not waid for. Actire, energetic, un
flagsing effort is essential to assured
success. It is not in the powr of the
Dciiiocraey to carry this Stare of them
selves, hut eareli-ssiiess and neglect on
our part may aid them.
Ortfanixation, work, and the cultiva
tion of a spirit of conciliation and hr-
tuotiy where local differences have pre
vailed, will accomplish much ; and we
appeal to tbe Republicans of the State,
as they love their cherished principles,
as they are devoted to the promotion of
the material interests of the Common
wealth, as tbey value the preservation
of the peace of the Union aud its per
petuity, as they desire the permanent
establishment of the protectee poltcv,
as they value honesty, integrity, and
ndelity 10 the public servants, to put
on a fresh seal for their sacred and
righteous canse, to renew tbeir hearty
devotion to their principles and the
welfare of the country, aod by a strong
and determined rally at tbe polls, to
crush out at once the hopes of those
who would light again the fires of re
bellion at the South, and the purpose
to co operate with them which animates
their cuiocratic coadjutors at lbs
I5y o.'Jer of Republican State Com
mittee. ' Rcfsell Errett, Chairman.
News Summary.
The court house at Way Cross, in
Ware oouuty, Ja., with the cuouty
records, Las beeu burned
A fire in the village of Ovid, Seue.-a,
county, New Yoik, destroyed thirty
buildiLgs, embracing nearly the enure
busiuess part ot t'.e village. Loss es
timated at $50 ,000.
Governor liartrauft, after a careful
examination oi the cavi of L ddert M k,
finds it his duty to issue the death
warrant. He will be banged Novem
ber l-l'h.
The Turkish town of Akbiolga, con
taiuiog five thou snd people, aud situ
ated on the gulf of liiiigU-s iu the
B:uck Set, has beeu tota.ly destroyed
by Ore.
The trial of the Rev. John S. Ui- u
deiibing is goiug on before the presby
tery in Jersey ity. 1 he charges pre
s. n'ed against tne accused aie tor
breach of promise witli Mary C I'ome
rov, seduction, bastardy, ibi ili"g.
J he Georgia ftate r
ai .-v.iatiia. .itire entries nave need j
made llian ever before. Exhibitm s '
and visitors are eouiiug in from W.st
eru and Northern S'ate.. A tVanire i
a grand di-play f ine military and tire
foii panies i f li e Slate.
The notori.-us nmutcrfeiter, Uallard,
tnS tils f' loale a.'eo.ii;.iiees were eo.u
luitted to jiil at Buffalo iu default of
15.((.0 bail each.
Heavy frosts thrnunnout Kei.luky
and Tennessee are said to have desi rov
ed front one-half to two thirds of the
entire tobscc.o crop of that region.
MrEnery, of Lonisi ina, iti an address re-
views the proposition made by hiiu to Gov
ernor Kellogg in July, 187:1, to submit the
election returns of lt-72 to a canvass. Gov
ernor Kellogg, in reply, says he made the
same proTositiou to Governor Wartnoth, I
which was declined, b it he is now willing
' "
to submit the returns to a canvass of three
or live disinterested ersons appointed by
the President of the United States, and it
the result shows that he was not elected he
will resign. "
A. L. Biitcnih, son of a wealthy Russian
banker of Moscow, committed suicide at
San Francisco. Business reverses are sai.l
to have induced the act.
A company of cavalry, in crossing tbe
plains a few days ago, found the mutilated
bodies of live buffalo hunters. Fonr were
identified as Gritfen, Kemp, Boles and
Dasher, who left the setth-iu-uts six weeks
ago. AH were slain by Indians.
Kicbard Wolf waa wavlaid and murdered
by Thomas While and - Kelson Wheeler
about two miles from Toronto,' Canada.
Tuu murderers have been arrested.
yew Aflrertlttemetits.
Admiolttrator's Notice.
t'ttatt of John Himt: decerned.
"T ETTEllS of Administration on tbe es-
-aa late ol Jolin tl lines, late of Fayette
township, deceased, hiving been granted to
the undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate arc requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims or
demands ag inst the sani will please pre
sent incro w union d.-lav, to
Oct 21, 1S74.
gTt AMK to the resi.l-nee of the subscriber
V in lav el te township, Juniata county,
on of about the 1 th day of May. Is74.'a
Steer, about lo months o.d, with white
oack. red sides and white lejts. Tbe owner
Is reouested to com forward, prove pruis-
erty, jwyrha'g ea.and tako him away, other
wise he will be disposed of as the Uw di
rects. JOUJi BEASOB.
Oct. H, 1WH
yew Advertisements.
Account of Tost D. Yoaxa, Supervisor
of IVriuiuagh township, for 1873 :
To arnofrflt of Duplicate.. $1056 2
" exonerations 1 17
By amt. of work doue, ax.
M3 22
M3 22
BaTanee due Township...! 211 86
Account or Siwott Mi am. Supervisor ol
Fermanagh township fur 187 J :
Tosrpliiht of Duplicate.. $721 12
order of fjeo. ginger. M 13
" error in Duplicate
" cash received Ir.m i.
D Yoder
By exonerations
" aiut. of work 1 cue Jlc.
73 00
IT 13
131)-, 4.'
I !32jCH
oTC 27
Towhship in debt
.$ 44o 33
Jobs S fossa. Clerk.
Oct. S, 1874.
AlDITOllS' REPOatl'.
Account of Jasuca Fori iss.aira, Over
seer of poor lor Fermanagh township for
; To balance from 172 $.'2 )4H
I amount r Duplicate... 6it 4'J
i Bv caa paid
tor krpug
poor, 4tc
("I 71
4 nil ; i
Oil 71
Balanced ie Tuahip.. $ :J7 UA
Account of Caoacs H. Howia, Otct
seer ul Pour for Fermanagh towuahiy for
To amount of Duka'a ..kt'il CO
cash receivei trom J.
PolTetiDeriier 67 CO
By csuoeratiocs
cab pa.rt tor ksepinf
poor, Ave ......
440 80
$5 1H CO (44V :
449 111
balance 4ae TowDs';ip....$ 69 36
Jsss Siuaia. CltrJb.
July IP, 1874.
Fall Meeting at Riverside Fark,
Saturday, October 24..1374,
at half-past one o'clock iu ths attertioon
Biif Tnt of the Senton.
Large L'rowd
PIIISES, 9913.
PCK3E NO. 1. $!00.$; to 1st j $10 to
nd; (10 10 3iJ.
T. J. Mid I ig'a, Pat' -rson, sutors s. 3C.,
Juni ita ll.ii'l.
John I lavs, Pattersol, vutera Bl'k G..
Sho Fly.
Isaac Sitber, MifHin, enters B. SI., Coun
try Girl.
D. P. Sulouft, 'iitrlin, enters B. G.,
Jan.es Crozier, Mexico, enter B. O.,
Pl'KSE NO. ?, $7 $-, to 1st ; $20 to 2nd;
$10 to 3rd.
Thomas Kirk, Mexico, enters Black G.,
Blind Tom.
Samuel Straver, Patterson, enters Black
G-. Black Harry.
T. J. Uiddagh, I'tt;ison, enters S. K.,
Bell Jacksmi.
J P. 1 bioiipsoo, Uexkre, enters B. (J ,
Brown Harry.
P. P. Sul oin". wirflin. rntsrs K. M Gypsy
Cjrcs Mebcr, j.iister Uie, enters i.ti.
Sorri Juhu.
PL'KSE NO. 3. $'.. $ ;0 to 1st ;' $13 to
2ud ; to Srd.
Jerome Sieber, Miffiin, snt.trs B. SI.,
Kentucky Girl.
U. W ." North, Patterson, enters B. G.,
D. P. Sitlouft", itifflin, eutsrs B. w , Gen
tle Auuie.
l'avid ieltt, a Iff. in, enti rs K. ., Dolly.
Ownrr, M.3 in, enters It. G., Splendor.
Oauer. a It.i.i, enters Bl'k -, Dnah.
T. J. ill ttah, PalKrson, enl ra U. G.,
I All the a'love races ill b- mile heals, to
b ir.l. s, b -t t'oree in Ihe, and trotlei u i
I d-.-r rules ol itiotial AssKialiou.
Tht-rn w iii l. l.all Il IT IMfl'
r a p.;re ol
I his will be the last trotting this siison
a! Ki.ersi.le p.u-k, a.i l wuhout doubt lh
Buest, as all the horses are well matched,
and ad the nets will be clos -lv contitsted.
Admission to ihe Park only 15 cents.
The boat Crusnfer wi i run from canal
brHlgv to ilia fa k, unking the first trip at
12:4- in liie alte ..oou.
Dissolution of t'o-Parturrshlp.
1T'JI1E is herebv given that the co-
X V partli. rsl.ip h. n-folorei xis'iiij
a between
the iiiider-igned. under the cnu name ot
J. G. Ilahieiiiaii Jc Co dealers in general
i.ieicl.ax.lise at I hoiLpsoutonn, Pa., was
dissoUe-i by mutual consent ou Ihe 3d day
of October, lh7l. lliebo. ks. notes. 4ic..
rv in ths hands of J. Ct. il.ililoruan for col-
Oct. 7,
The thanks of J. G. Haldenian are aM
hereb. Ieudere.1 to the public lor their
"""T ",e or," coupieu wiih
the request ibat they maintain their bui-
uea r. laio.t.s wiih him ihat h Con
linues the busim-s. at the old stand, where
he will be glad to see Ilium at all limes.
In the Orphan)' Court of Juniata County,
ia prurrr;iag for the a'pratsrmrut of Ike
heal httate of Jttmet Keuer, dei tared
To Barton L. Hall and Nancy Jano ll ill,
his Wife. Johu W. lseiilb-rvar..! Sai-ah Kll n
Isenlbtrg, his wife, and Zeuas James Keisen I
Pursuant to an order ot said Court made
at September term, vou are hereby notified
that 1, W. II Kuuuse, Sheriff i f Jnuiata
csui.ly, will hold an inquest and appraise
ment upon the real est.tc of and James
Kciser, deceased, oti Friday, IheoUtii dav of
October. IST4, at 1 o'clock P. il, on the
premises, in Tuscarora township, when and
where you can attend if vou see j.roper.
W. U. KNOUSE, Sheriff.
Oct. 7, 1S74.
g B.L0UD0.V,
in room on second story of K. . Parker's
new buihling, on
Main Street, Mifflin town, Fa.
fashionable goods always on
CUSTOM VfOKK DONE on tho shortest
GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern. .
PEKSONS tuv ing goods can nave them
cut in girmenhi free of charge.
Oct 22, 1373-tf
ttoas at tbto offioav
Kew AtteerttatiHenfs-
"VsWTJEREAS, In and by an Act of Gen
v v eral Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act to reg
ulate the General Electioua within thia Com
mon eath," it is enjoined upon me to give
public notice of said elections and to enu
merate in taid notice what officers am tone
elected, I. WILLIAM H. KNOUSE, High
Sheiitf of tbe County of Juniata, do bore
by make known and give notice to the elec
tors of the countv ol Juniata, that . Gen
eral Election will be hull in said countv, on
Third Day of November, 1874,
(the same being th Tuesday next follow
ing the Unit Monday of Noven.b-r.)
The aaid elections will b.- h.-ij through
obt the c.tnnfv a. fulltivfa:
Aih., School llumie ii the borough of
Miffiintowa, for the drouth of MuHin-
A tbe School House in the borough cf
aliBlintowB, forthetowuahip ot Ferruanagh.
At the bcbool iiouae iu Moxico, tor tho
toantbipot Walker.
At Smi;b'a vbuol IIous, for the towa
abip ot Uelawara.
. At the School HtiiM ia Thompsoctowo,
for tlic borwngb of Thoiupsoniuwu.
At tho Pubhc ilouac ol Thomas Cox, for
tbe Ivwiithip ot tirrnwood.
At the School Houae in Hich.lvld, fur
l!te towushlp of JfO'iroe.
At Frysuoycr'i Hotel, for the township
of S'iaui'ba"iia.
At tha St bool Mouse ta HcAIiaterville,
for Uie township uf Fayette.
At the flchjol Hons in Pattsnon, for
tbe borough ut Paltcraoa.
At the school House ja Port Coyal, tor
the borough of Purl Royal.
At the Locuat (iruva School Heuaw, for
tbe toahrp ol Mill'ord.
At Spruce Hill .Vbool Iloiue, for lh
towuahip ot Spruce lill!.
At the School Hous at; Acaden.!a, fur
the township of Bcale.
At the School Houae near McCuUoch'a
Miiia, tot Tiucarore township, except that
portion of it lyii'g north-westward, of the
summit of the Shld Moautaia.
At the Lick School Uonss, tcr Lack
township, except thit portiou of it lving
I north-westward of the summit ol tho Shade
At the Centra Schixd Housa, forse aanch
of the towuships of Jick aud Tuscarora as
lie north-west of the siiuiu.it of lbs Shade
Moti tain.
At tbe Church Hill School House, for
tht township I Titrbett.
At whkh time and place the juli3cu
votars wilt elect by ballot :
Too persons lor ths otAce of Judge of
tht Supreme Court of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
person lor the otdce of Lieutenant
u over nor
norol the CommouweaHh ot Peun-
Oue person for the office of Auditor Gen
eral uf the Commonwealth ol Pennsylva
nia. One person for the office of Secretary of
Internal A tl'iii lor the Commonwealth of
Oue peiron in cor junction with the coun
ties of Franklin, Fulton, fliintingilon, P Try'
and Unyder, lor the otlice of Hepresontattve
ia the Congress of tbe United States.
One person for the onice of Member of
the House of l,eireseiitativcs iu the Coui
umriwealth of Penusi lva ila.
Oue person fur Ihj office of County Com
misiouer of aaid county.
One person for the olSce of Couuty Sur
veyor ol said county.
One pcrsun lor the oilice f County Au
ditor ot said county,
sons or votiso.
The una!; lied electors will talte nctice of
the following act of Assembly, approved
l he 1:1th i!a. ol lf .,eiilitleU "All Ai t n "ti-
.... .......n. ,,..,.,s n, on --
lious in the several counties el this Com -
m.inweallli :"
Srcrios I. Be it enacteil by the Senate
Slid House of representatives of the Coin,
nioiiwcaltlrof t'cnnsv Ivania in General As
semhly met, and it is her.-by en:K-ted by the
authority of the same. That the qualified
voteis ol tha seferal coiinnrs of this C'oin-
. , . , , , . . .
oioLweilin. at all ffelieral t.iwn.vhtri. Iv.r
, - --
uui.a aim rE.ecmi eos-iioiin, are uereov nere.
a:ter aulln .- J. il abd required lo vote by
ticket, printed r w ritten, or partly printed
and ptrtly written, scverailv class uk-d as
luiloaa : thieticket shall embrace the a uit-s
of ail Judge ot Courts voted tor. and to be
lalrelixl outsida "Juil'n iarv ;" one ticket
shall embrace ill the names of Slate olhcers
voted lor, and be label. -d State-" o le
tti'ket shall cmtiraca the names ol ad countv
erJic.-rs voted lor, iuciu-ling oilice ol Sena-
tor, M.-mber and incml-ers ol A-svinblv, il
votid l.r, an.l member of Congress, 11 to- j
-d lor, and laln-kj countv :" ono t cket
shad e.nbirfe Ihe name, ol all t .wi.ship of- j
Iiceis voted for, and be lalieled lowuhip;"
one ticket sha.l euibrace the name, ol ti
tH.roih flici-ia votd lor, and bo lain led
-b iroi.gh ;" and each class shail te depos
ited in st aratn b . lot box?.
.-ic. 2 I hat it shall h.- the duty of the
Sh. nils in ihe scverai counties in ihisCom
uioi. wealth, to insert in th.tir election proc
lamation hcieafii-r issued the first sec i ion of
t!ii act.
Speaker of the House ol Kepreseutatives.
Speaker ol the Senate.
AresovrD The 1 i.h dav of March, a B.
one thousand cik'ht hundred and sixty-six.
A. G. CL'KI IN, Governor,
srrcni ATxr-STto-t
is hereby directed to the 8th Article ol the
New Constitution.
Sectiom 1. hverv nia e citizen twenty-one
years 01 age, Nissessing tue touuwing qtial-1
incauons, suaii j eniuica 10 voio ai an;
'irf lie shall hav e been a cililcn of Ihe
L'nited States at least one month.
Zeiomd llu shall have reside.1 iii the
Stale one year, (or It having previously
b-.-en a qualified elector or native born citi
zn of the Stale, be shall have removed
iherelroiu aud returned, then six months,)
iuiincdiatclv preceding tho election.
Third He shall have resided in fhe efec-
nou uisirici w in re ue sikiu oner 10 vote at
least two months ituniediufcly preceding
the electron.
Fourth If twetily-two ye-irs of age or
upwards, heshall have pud wfhin two years
a State or county tax, w hich shall have been
assessed at least two mouths and paid at
least oue month belore lh election.
iS c. 4. All elections bv the citizens shall
oe ny oanot. tverv iuiit votea Mian oe j
a. Isaa ass ll... a.a-.l..a I. awlsi.-la t .....ll la.. I
l.titaava-,. s.u ... v"- - iv as a. " " I
rrceived. anU tli number rworUod by
,IVtl"H UU1I.I.I vS VII tllli Slssj v ' VIVI - - 1
"e lu Dime 01 tue nccior wuu prescu s
tne oaiiui. .vn elector uuy write uis name
upou his ticket, or cause the same to Oe
written thcreou and attested by acitiz-n ol
the district. 1 be elrcliou olhcers shall b
snuru or allirnn-d not to disciuso how any
elector shail have votisl unless required !
do so as witnesses in a judicial proceeding.
Slc. o. Electors shall in all cases except
ticasun, Icioiiy and breach or surety ol tile
jieace, be privileged iro-u arrest doting tHeir
attendance on e lec tions and in gvii g to aud
returning tlrerelroiu.
fix. 6. Whenever any of the qualified
electors of t.iis Commonwealth shall bj in
actual military service, under a requisition
Irom the Pieaident ol the I nited Mates or
by Ihe aurhority ol this Cummonweallh,
such el.-c tors may exercise Ibe right ol suf
frage in all elections by tbe cilizeus, uuder
such regulations as are or aha. I be pre
scribed by law, as lully as il they were
present at their usual places of electiou.
Sec. 7. All laws r. giiUni g the holding
of elections by the cu.x ns or lor the reg
istration of electors shall be i.nitonu
throughout the .-tale, bur no elector shal
be deprived of the pn.ih ge ol voting by
reasou of his name not being registered.
Stc. 8. Any person who shjil give, or
promise or offer to give, In an elector, any
money, reward or other valnable considera
tion lor hia vole at an election, or lor wiih
holding Ihe same, or who shall give or
4-ounso tu give such consideration to any
other person or party lor such elector's
vote or l..r the wiihiioMing thereof, and any
eitcior w bo shall reueiv, o agree to re-
ceive, lor himself or lor another, anv moo-
es, rwward or otfasvr vatoaMs) eowstdei tsu-
yew Advertisements-
for his vote at an election, or lor withhold
ing the same shall thereby forfeit tbe rght
to. vote at such election) and any elector
wboae riftht to vote shall be challenged lor
such cause before the election officers, shall
be required to swear or affirm that the mat
ter of the Challenge is notrue before his
vote shall be received.
Sec. f. Any person who shall, while a
candidate tor office, be guilty of teibery,
fraud, or wilful violation of any election
law, ahull be forever disqualified from hold
ing an office ol trust or profit in this Com
mooweaitn; any person convicted of wilful
violation of the election lawaabili, in addi
tion to any penalties provided by law, be
deprived of the right of suffrage absolutely
lor a terra ot tour years.
Sic. 13. For the purpose of Totinjr no
residence by reason of hi prc-nce, or lout
it hv raa.fsHia 1. 1 htrsa aKsurtare h:l ffliiiiint'Sil
in the aerviee, either civit or military, ot
this SUte or the United states, nof wfiile
rUfiHl In the navirafion of watera uf this
Mate or the L, uited Mates, or ?n toe met
I seas, nor while a stm'cftt. i'f aiiy insiitution
' h'' in P",,r
house or other asylum l pnolic e.tpene,
Dor while con fir. ed in pub.ic prison
Sic. 14. Distrkt election boards shall
consist of a jude aud two inspecLsrs, who
shall be ch'Mien nhhally by the cit:zens.
K-ich elector shall have th- r'ght to rote l
tbe judgi aol one incct'r. and each in
apector shall aptint on clerk. The first
election board for any new district shall bv
aelccted, and vacancies in election boards
tilted, a sha'l bo j n.vi.leil by law. Elec
tion otti- era shall be privileged from arrest
upon da., s ot election, nni whileengagtsl in
making up and transmitting returns, except
upon mart ant of a court ol record or Judj,e
thereof tor an election fraud, tor fehoiv, or
tor wanton breach of the peace. In cities
they may claim exemption from jury duty
during their terms ol sen ice.
Sso. lit. o person shall be qnalifled to
serve as aa election officer who h dl hold,
or shall within two iionths htve held auy
of ice, or appointment or eirplovinent in or
nuder the ;:o?ervineut of Ihe L nit.1 States j nude and acted on by the election board,
or of this State, or of any city, or county, I aud the vote admitted or tvj.-ctrd, accord -or
of any municipal board, commission or I ing to the evidence. Every person clairu-
trust in aay city save only justices of the
pear aad aulernien, notaries public and
puwons in tbe militia service of tbe State;
nor shall arty election election officer be elli
Ue to aoy civil oLice to be filled at an elec
tion at w hich be t hall serve, . save only 10
such subordinate municipal or local olliccs,
below the grade ol city or county ollicirs
as shall be designated by general law.
And also to the iolluwing act of Assem
bly now iu fi.rce in this State, viz :
Act of Januray 3-1, li74 Sic. o. At all
elections hereaiter held under tne laws ol
bis Comntonweahb, the pollsshall be open
ed at seven o'clock a. and closed at
seven o'clock p. m.
Sac. 7. Whenever there shall be a vacan
cy ia an election board on the ina nlng ol
an eleciioa, said vacancy shall be Ailed in
conformity with existing Ivaa.
The said act of Js.seu.b v entitled j
I act relatini to h cieetions of tnis Coo.'
! monwea ih,' passed July i, 1S10
, provides
as follows, viz :
4iThat ths inspectors and jmlges sh lil
meet at the respective places appointed lor
holding the electioa m the district at which
they respectively belong, belnre 7 o'clock
in Ihe morning of 1 Uesdav, November 3d,
and each said in?icctiir shall apisiint one
ciera, woo snail o: a iiiiiitiett voter ol sucu
"In case the person who shall have re-
reived tho second highest number ot Votes
lor iuspitor shall not attend on the day ot
auy election, tneu tlio s-rsn wtio shall : person s.i oIteinliu! sn u.m cou icl.on,
have received the setond highest number ot J be guilty ol a misdeiin-am r. an I sin;' h
votcs tor judge at the next ".-.-eiiiiig el.-c- semened. !.r .cry s'to ort'oiice. t. p .v i
lion shall ait as inspector m ois place. Ai.il line not eXi ecdii.g nve luiuitred .1... a a, ..r
in case the person who sh ill ha. e received Iu oml.-rgo a i i.nprisoiiii e..l hoi mure th n.
the hikhest lillii.tx-r ol voles lor tiiiect..r ; one war, or both, at ihe discretion ol ihe
ih ill not attend, the person eiiCi.-l judge , court.
shall appoint an insp., I..r in his pile- ; aud ; S t.c. IS. As soon as the polls shall i-I-.-se,
in case the ps-rsou eies-ted judge shall not . the i.llu crs ..I" . I- el,..:i sn ill "pi-utccd to
atleuil, then ihe inspector who rteiv,l the count all ihe votes c as; i.,r ck-U ca.i -i l...
highest nmulKT ol votes snail a; p..li.t a ' vt,-.t ir, and unK ; a full r.-lum :i. -
judge in his place; and it anv vacmcy , same in riplicaJe, ita a setura si...- t i ii
suau coniiune in .tie o .aru n.r me spute ol
one nour alter tr.e lime nxoil bv law lor llf
1 i, ;,, r the eie.-ti.in tin-M.i.iiiri.ii . .,i..
! the tovvnshlD. wan I or dtnlru-t liir wliu-h
such otlieer shall have bven ulcetcl, prcseiil
at the place of eh-clion, stiall elect one ol
their number to fill such vacancv.
The Act of Jan. 30lh, lt74, further pro
vides, viz :
t. . r. u . .v.. A : ..e .i ' .. ,,
--... t?. at in- oi,-iiiiik iii iiiv iMitia at ail
t ....(.r
ions it shad lt the duty ot the j'l lgrs
ol election tor their n-sp-ctive J.stricls to
designate one ot the ui-pe'tors, whose
duty it tli.tli tie to have in custslv the reg-
istry uf voters, and tu make Ihe entries
therein required by law ; aud it shall Is- the
duty of the other of sai.l it..-p.-cior.s to re
ceive and tmmber tho ballots presented at
said election.
Sue. 'J. All elections by the citizens shall
be b" b.lhit ; every biiiot vote.: shall be
nu.t.L' -icd in the order in winch it shail b
reeei- vd. and the iiHiitcr recorded K." the
c.e ks tin the list ol voters oi-osite fhe
""- o1 ,hv ch-ctor l.oiu who ,, ree.-ived.
And any voter voting two or n.ore tickets.
the several tickets so voted shall each be
numbered wnh the number corresponding
w ith the nut iiber to the name ot the Voter.
Any elector may write his name upon his
ticket, or cause tho siiue to b- written
thereon, and attested by a citizen ol the
itislrict In addition to Ih-, oatb now pre
scrilasl by law to be takeii and siibscnbvd
by election otiicers, they shall severally be
sworn or aliirmed not to disclose bow any
elector shall have voted, unless requi-ed to
do So as witnesses in a judicial proceeding.
AH judges, inspectors, clerks, aud overseers
ot any etccliou held under this act, shall,
bctore entering upon their duties, oe duly
sworn or attiriii-d in the presence, ol each
other. The judges shall be sworn by the
minority inspector, it there shall be such
minority inspector, and in exse there u- un
minoiity inspector, then by a justice ol the
peace or aliieriuau, and tho inspectors, ovwr
seers aud clerks shall be sw ot a bv Ihe
judge. lertilicalcs 01 sucli sweaiing or
atbrmiiig shall be duly made out and signed
by the officers so swo. 11, and attested b.
the uliicer who adiuii.btercd the oath. Ii
any judge or miaority iuspe-ctor rei.isesor
tails lo swear the otiicers of elec ion in the
manner n quired by ll ls act, or it any otli
cur of vlociioii shall act without being first
ddlv sworn, or it auy otlieer ol ejection
shall sign Ihe form of oatn without being
duly sworn, or it any judge or minority iu-
spector snail ceniiy Iliac any ottieer was
sworn when he was nof, if shall be deemed
a misdemeanor, and upon cum 11 tn.11 m
olhccr or i-thceis so ottcnd.Pjf shall ov- fined
uot ixeeediitg oue thtusaiid dollars, or i ..
prisued uot exceeding ouo year, or boU..
at the discretion. ol the court.
bfcc. ll. On the day f t lection any per
soti hse bauitf nball hot ai't ntr oti (iu-
uf voters, and who claims th.- ri
. . 1
faj vJltfl stl MIU (L'ltfCUWll, hh.kH r.flHCC Sst
WjM oue uiUirtol voter ol the uisum:; as a
WUUCM lo iluc rrrviU-ict ol Ibe cUuituiit in
the district in w hich he claims to be a voter,
lor the .rlod ol at least two ioclh iiu-mcdi-Ui'ly
1 receding said election whs h
wnucss shad bj swu.n or alik'iged and sub
scr.bj a wiuteu or partly wutun and pu-.lv
pr.u.ed allida.it to tlic l.ltt.i staled b. lilni.
w h.ch ath lavit shall defined cl.- v. lv woe-re
the residence ot the person so cUiming to
ue a voter, ami Ihe person so claiming ihe
rreht to vote shall also take ami s-ibscribj
a written or parliy writu ainl jwrtly p. inl
ed athdavit, stating, to the best 01 his
kuow kslge sset belief, w beu ami w here he
Was born ; that be baa bi-cu a citizeu 01 the
United Siaies lor oue niouth and of the
commonwealth of Penns; Ivania ; that he-
has resid.sl 111 the couiiuonweaitii uue year,
or, if loriuerly a qualified elector or ami ive
born citizen tnereot, aod has reiwovcd there
Iroiu aud returned, that be nas resided
theiein six mon.ha next preceding said
electiou, Ihat hw has resided iu the district
in which he claims In be 4 voter lor the
period of at least two mouths imuicdiatuly
preceding siiid election ; that ho Out nut
u-ove into the district tor the purpose 01
voting tiierein ; tuat he has, if lacaiy-tau
years of age or upwards, paid a suie ur
couuty tax wuhiu two years, whicu waa
sse-sed at least two muulhs and paid at
least one mouth be-fore the election. Ihe
said athdavit shall also slate when and
where tne tax claimed to bo paid b. the al
baiit was assessou, and whau aud wii. re
aud to w hum paid ; and tho tax rcc-ip
l.ierelor shad bj produced tor exatuiuaoon,
j unless H.o s.haut shail slate in his ath-la.it
thai 11 h.s bjen lost or destruyrd, or that
be never .eveivttt any ; and it aualuraiiavd
Jcteusnav, ah aii altw ws wbow sssl waswwtwt
2fetv Advertisements.
bv w'bit f Wirt tW w naturalised, and shall
!;"!... a., e-rfitlcate of naturuhss-
.iu.rtuce bis certificate of. naturalisa
tion for eMifllnatiud. But if the person o
clahiinVlhe right to vote shall take ...1
ubscrite.il atlidavit that ho is a atve
b n citTn ot tha United Sut.-a. rj if
bl! elsewhere, shJII ..ate the tact to M
affidavit, and ah fll prodsiceevidence that he
K.. tw- .tneallz-sl of th.! ne is miuwi iu
citixensbiu b.- reason ot hi lather' natiir
alisation. and shall ta Hi .-r stv.. ir his affi
davit, that he is. at the time -j! rOaku
the atbd ivp, of the age rf twenty -ouj n .-1
under tweuty-two vears 5 that b tas o-ea
acitisenof the United S'ates omi monih,
and has resided in Ihe aiato one yeir r or,
if a native born citizen of the t .." snd
retaoved therefron and returned, that fa
V. J tl.m.in aiv nilkillh liCXl VT3
reding aaid rh-ction, and in t!u ,.1-ciio
Jdiirict iiuiiieUU'ely two inonth .Kcel
i taitt-h t ft oil. he shill bjemiilu l to o
alihoiigh he shall not hive pa.d tate-s. I h j
aaid atSdavits of all persona 111 .ko.i ai.cB ,
! el,i;us. and the affidavits of the i'no.-es j
t-l their residence h til b - preserve.! by the
election b- ml. and at tbe cIihk ol tlw dee
tion thev sh ill bj enclose! ith the !it of
voters, tallv list and oilier papers reqjirt-I
bv law to bv filed b.- the return jmlg j itL
te irothonmary, an1 saul remain 011 hie
n.rwith in toe uroihonotjrv'a ottu-e, aeb-
ject to examination as other election pap-"" I
are. Ii the election otiicers shall find that
the api-lica it pos.wases all ihj lea: q ialirt
taiiou ot voter bo shall be penm.U'd to J
vote, 2nd bis mute shall tie ailed o the!
list of taxable by the tlcctiou officers, ibe
word -Max" being al.iel lTere thd claimant j
chtims to vote oil tax, an I tho wonl -aj;o."
where he ciaiiits to ote on ae; th Miffs ,
word bving added by tho clerk in each
ease, respectively, on the lists ot persons
voting at such election.
Sic. II. It sh.dl be lawful for ay o;iia'i
flod citizen of the district, notwithstanding
the name of the proposed Jvlrr is contained I
on Ihe list of reorient laxables, to cn.il
lenge the v,.te of such person, whereuyu
the same proof or the right ot sullr ijie s
1 is now required by law shall be publicly
ing to be a natuializ -d citizen shsll b-j re-
quired to produce bis naturalizatiou ce-tiri'
ctte at the electiou before voting, except
where he b.is been for fiv years consecu
tively a voter in the district trhere ho offers
to vote ; and on the vote ot such person
being received, the election officers are to j
write or stamp the word voted' on his
certificate with the day, mouth and year
aud il auy election ollioer or oili-:ers sha'l
receive a second vote on the same day, by
virtue ot the aauie curtillcatc ex -ept whtsra
sons are entitled to vote because ol the
naturalization of their father, tbey and tbe
p-rs-n who shall otter sin ti secoud vte
shall be gmltv uf a loivleiiievjor and ou
conviction thereof shall lj rlnej or im-j
prisoned, or both, at the dis trtion of the
court; but the Sa shall uot excaed five
htindted dollars iu each case, nor tha iiu
prisoninctit oue year. The Ilk-' punishment
shall b3 indicted, 00 coutictioo. 011 tbe oU
cers id' ehcli. n who sh-iil neglevt or refuse
to Uiake ur cause to be niailc. the en(orr- 1
meut reui:-c.l as aloresaid oa aaii nalurali-
Zation ecrtiiicate.
Stc. 12. if any election otli.-er shall re
fuse or negi"ct to r.iillre siirh pisnif -.f iu :
riht of siilfrajvt as is prescril-d by law. or
tne laws to a hich this isasiii.pl -uie.il ht
any person otf.-rin to vote wIo.sj ni ue ts
not on the lUl ol Sssesied Voters, or wh.ise
j ri-iit to vote is ch lileiivd by any qu li:i ..
vter present, and sua!" ainel such tersou
to vote' without re-iiir-itu such pno I, eer
i.iiii.,n, in .ul ot wlncii 'In- v. te- -.- I.e.!
.v e-.x 'i e;te1H.lte -ha I o.-
I k.'.. . , ... .. ... ... .
and shall b-i si-ntsl by a:! oi .-ai.t . Lli.'-r.
aim certiti.-il tiv veraeer.-, il an-, oi ;i m.
so certified, llu ovorsccis a..d anv . tS.-ci j
if fusing to sign orccrtity, oreitlier ol i:i.-iu.
shail write ti.ou each ot Ihe returns hi: or i
llieir reasons lr not signin;; or c.-r; living
iheiu 'I lit? vole, as soon as counted, sli m ,
at- be I iih.iclv and lull. declared Iroiuih
wiu.iow lo iiioc.'ue is prese-si. a.rl a oit-l i
' siaicnu-nt shov iiig ;h ; mi-, funnel b,
; each caisli-tat..- shall he lual.- an.l sigi.cd b
toe eicciKHi otti- rs a S.MOI its tue vole u j
Counted, an.l llu- .-.iiue shall he iiu.u.-.in;. - j
Iv puslcd up un the door ol the eie. t...n
boUM lor inloruraiion o! l!u pub L-. "he I
iripiicaie relur.is shall b-J tnclosed iu en- i
veiopc and scaled in res-nco oi Iho oiii- j
c.-rs, a:t one cuw lop - wi-a ti... u.i.vju-.! j
return sho. t. gi-eti to ilie j ,og -, w.m b I
shail Contain oue list ot votei.s. t m -p.j-ci , !
and oath ol otl.c. r. and another oi .aid
eiiv't-lopea sh .l. be given to ihe ii.moril. l..- :
s.Miior. Aii ju.tg.'s ii . i ii x wi:hiu iwc.vej
miles ol tho p. oihouotar. "s olLo-, or wubiu ' c ist of uj p trains iritioi-; and Prajitf Lirgi.
tweiily-lotir miles, il their rci-U'ii. e be ia a j I he iindersigi.td are st-le owners el . c-r
town, villa-ie or city upon the line of a rai;- j Pat -nl- ighi for Pe.iu-.v 1. una. and a. e vow
load leading to the couuty seat, sll ui, be- j re-.dy to sell Coi i.lv !C'o.s-s on app.a-i-lore
two o'clock post Oicridiau ol ll.o iay lion A Facfoy being in auccesVui .j.-r-ailcr
the election, and ad oil.tr j-u-s ! a'ion in liethL-b -m, the piocess c..r. be Iii
shall, b lore iwslve u'clwii mo i '.laa oi ih on-hly iiispctel. Adu.ess F. V. Lris
second day alter the election, ticliter said aaca 4w Co., Bethlehem, Pa.
return, logelhor with ret.irii sheet, lo the
I ruu.oiiui.iry ui ine court oi coin uou pioas
ol the county, which said return sh et .-.Uall
be hied, and the day and hour o! Iihtig
marked thereon, and shall be preserveei by
the prolhouoiary for p.ib.io iuap.-cl.oa. At
twelve o'clock on the said second da. fol
lowing any electiou, tbe pcoihonoUry 01
the court of common pl.-ss shall pre-ent
the and return to ibe said court.
hen two or mure Counties are connected
lor the election ol a 1 ottlcer. the Courts 01
such eouutiea shall tach appoint a return
judge to meet at such Iiiuj and place a re
quired by law, to compute aud ceiti y tha
vote ol such distri.-t.
Six. 19. Any ns-.essor, election officiror
person pMiu;ed as au overseer, who shall
neglect or reluse tu perform any duty en
joined by ibis act. without reasonable or
.egal cause, shall be subj-.-et to a penalty ot
one hundred dollars; ai.d it any assesrar
shall know ingly assess any person as a voter
who la nat qualiUed, or shall wiliblly rcinsw
to assess one w ho is qualified, be shall be
guilty ol a uilstloiweauor in office, aud on
cotr. ictiuD sk .il 0-j punished b' a Hue not
cxceetiiug one thousand dull its, or i.np. is
oinuent not exceeding two yauta. rr U.ih,
ai iik- discretiun ot tne court, and also b
si.bj.et to an ai'thiu tor dJai-Zes by tu; ;
p. nv aggrieved ; aud il any p.. -4 .1. shall
iraudu.ci.liy aitcr, add to.de, ac.- or destroy
any list ol voters Uiade out as d.i.cd o-'
u.is act, or tear down r rem iho stiuj'
i.oui l..c place: where it fUci, wntii
lr ;
' - . .o. oi u..-ei:iet.im iu.r;u, or
any tiepruper purjsjae-, th j-ra-jn so urtauJ- I
lag sha.l bv; guilty ol a la.sdemeatiur, an t '
ou convici ion snail be punih-rl by a Cue)
not exceeding ti-. e hui.di-ett dollars, or iiu-I
pris- u-mnt i.trt evcetsliig two jea s, or
bo.n, at the discretion 01 lue court ; and if j
auy person si.art.bv violeis-e or n.l.u.i.1 .-1
Hon, drive, or attempt to dttvw Ir .iu t;u 1
polls, ao pcrsou ur person.-, appointed by j
ihe cowl to act as ovarsjera ol au electso ",
or in any way wululiy p.-ovmt a.i-i ov.r-!
secra Iru.a erforiaii.( Iho d..lic enj-io d '
i ou ih jui by Una a. 1, such persons sual o-t
guilty 01 a misdemvau ,r, an.l upo. -:
viet ion ibereot snail b- pu.dsooi bv a fin i
uol ex ,-e-siing one ihousaiwl do.U-s", or b I
iieprisoninent not exceudiu lar. years. .,' j
buih, at the uiscreuo.i ut tne tu-.. Any j
person w ho shall, ou the dy of a.ty elec- '
tion, visit a polling p.acd iu auy election j
district at which he is not entitle I t , 1
sou snau usei any nnnniuatioa or vi .louc
.1 -1. .11 ; .- .
lor tne purpose rl preventing any otti:.-r 01 I
.ciiou 1 roiit peri or mi: r ine dniK-s re-
? ,ut T,w oi
unfTMiiii:tir lase i.n . ui.ji ... . . .
' ". " suu j
. iivui .v;n:i3iiig uis rq.ni 10 vole, or I
Iroiu exe-eisinir his tii-ht 10 . h.iU.. ... ,.e-1
person uttering to volt, Sla b persons s.tall i
00 secsKii g.ul.y ot a cosdo eali.-r. and
upon cunvi. tion tiicreaf sh.il; B.i piint.ti -1
0. a fine uol exe.ee IMg u.t. tho 1. ,n 1 ,io:.
V.tia. or by imprrsouuht it not excocdi..; ,.
jears, vt Is.ih, at the discretion 1.1 it...
court. Airy clerk, overseer or election oiii
cer, w ho shall ui.se kse how any elector wi. ..I
Bave voted, unleaa r -qnircd l.r uo so as a
witness in juliciat p.-uce4inz. all .Il h..
guilty uf a misdemeanor, aud upsn cjiivi:-
tiuu Ibereol smll tu pmiiahod bv a ii .a uot
ese-e4nvf ) hrntswwd ds.Uara, or bv iaa-
yeir A 'ti erti.rmtnta.
J0 -' l
"h. at :h . d sc
Gives dtIjt r.j
tfi.to rt, thi, -U, , ... '
Ka-f Ur I oth
i dred an I .severt .f- -ur , vj ia ,,. s ;
!', Il.nce ,;
j Cultcd !dt.-.
vrr. n KN.r
SiiFRJ'r's Ojtike, j
Mi!''owa, X-t. 1-t. l?7l. J
Fcr Di-S3ises of tb Threat ind T.c
iaoa aa - -s. v. aovc.L..
l.mal. . . A .......
tn f y fe t
:is Ci.
ill .
'of til
l .rtru tJ
-S v-.-t -r..
!: -iMir -..-:it
r" er fm.i.M. r-t
llil'SU t'.ut it .
sorely an.l vrT?eu.i'V rWf t e n fl il
t :iMt of our risvf. .if ail rla.-f. n.
ti'.!i-f:es ?;ie fae-. ti -.' I liikut Iicm
wil ai!'l I'oes re .-ea::a rure t' e nH t-i -d.-oners
of tlie Tfin- .;.ii I.;:n t--. .;,! L: v
c':er tne-li'i- . I!t i-i-r ihr. rsi. a.rr,.
!,.,is of !h-- i'illlf..i:rv O ctl vi- . t3 .,
f-iurer; atiil cws ol' 4 o.i-scmptiwii, cu ,
V t... pre-.wra'iwi, ate i n i..c v s.:..w:i.
rem .-uricinle as haftly to Le bv.iere.1, nrr?
t':ev unf provci bevoed dilute. A s r.
t V. i it !r jiei'e. rri wiiieli tMe tiii'uic
rw v i'r full riro'i-e' io.i. I'.v run; ; I'oo-
t'it rMs-r.i:i:i-f4 oi tpirre frwin; uw-.,,
anve auri.niliere- liv. and an am.mt U
l::reri7 ot frt Ih cr-Tti4lte I. p cA r.y
t -l:.l, rwl-t C'.'J t.:: fm-st MTr.'ict:
Ev.-v t.iinil;.- s..tei! I Vcri it ifi hatsl as a
r-o'ectio- :.i:;.st ilie esr.r snl u:i:r??i
attacks of r'o ;r -:sr-.- .-.:li"i.-i:i, wr.ic;, j.-,
e tily m-t a r?r'. I.nr :!- V-nnie
bie. and ton olen fiCtd. if rej'.r'trvl. i :'
Inter- e-l tliis .ie;'e:ic; a.-:i ir is cnve to
b sit'. out it. A a H'"-;Tir.nl to rlul.lm.
ami J tha di?eiii !i ae. a-'.,: ;;n
T irnt an I Oieit of r'.:V. ihrns!. I.'i!iur
I'RCroKAI. is irtr.'.hKltix; tor, l.r it ti:r.
asa. ma.t'D-s are rescued t'rsin pTnatx-s
grave, and saved bv tiie lore ami station
cearteti on tiiern. It sets srs-slily nr.ii sr.i,
a?sirtt oraitwry eoM, .e-nriiit; "t'i -i
h.-il.ii-resfri:i? e.er. No oi will n.Ter
Iwi'i'nome luCufuza a-ul re.l: ful Brai.
Chitls. when thy know how eisLj Vhey cv
?e rui-r-l.
Oi-iriual'.y th pnxhirt of Inns, laborious,
ati.i .uc-i-fei cheiriicul inve-rirntmn. rrte-t
or :.! i spare-! i:i m ikin every txyfls ir. r.9
u"mo-t po-t!ii perfection. It m:iv r riKd
le::"lv ra:ed n-iorl ss ptsesini; all t1 s rr
fu it ha ever exlii'.ul. nr.il i-imi. e ot
protuein? cures a tnemoratie v ui greauat
it La evar sifeetwl.
rEKir ct
Df. J. C Aftt!? 1 CO.. l,'J, fzu.,
Pntetwl anil Aoislvtinl l'he:usav.
old i an. D-coisii avrsra-Kiaa.
r-Tl. If O TT I' fl n.
' Winners ,.f T!5?II"i; IM1T:T
nr.nil 5ii.rM
OR at tUnuu '- . : t.-!.,
: H .;. ,HIV ..If. -Ih- I'ltVsr f
; Olti4Si i" Ho- i-mt.r.., .
niw -.ivies w;h i-,-.-.- i t ..- ' ,
! o
n!y txct uir?i ij .. ..-i a ,.
Is.. VI 1. t.f ?...,'
piTi;t.Ts. ti. .. s- . .
Pit it ii.t.i.r. of iiLdiv't.
lo a:n..s a.i, p." :'o- v..- i . t'-.y.
pi--. e:.r $ ).' f ; . ls.
SiliiHtratft! 4':1 u:.-v -.-j .
-. 1 k . .
" f
! . ''' I L
II. -t . 1
' ! . - . '
"t r.i: Y
Ot V-
io.e iii si, ,1 i. o vt-r-.. n o....- .-.-!,. .ri
-li.e: iii ih.-ee d ivs a d a;o-:h -r - i .a
j ....ir.i.i . t'irei-J. us. with Conii leie ;...!t.
' 'r e. I t' -ia' ni - ..ii'.Is a.,.i eirii.si .-l.-r-i
lyrtftJ VJirJ, "' A;i'reas ..tones
Ait:al..LV tl . V.-.
i . b s-,i-rs, 72 .i.itisio.i St. I l.ilsda 1'a.
. 2 i It
Fateiit Laprovsd Butt! r.
O.-e oi il..: ih-.ni la.nat't.r .!i.-co-i-.-i.- u.'
Ihe l..iv. i'.ire l.fitter lii-ul f. iju ilie i.-t-,:i
c.iiii I it 11. .r:i--J C .ill -, wiiieh dyes n. t
Ih-i'oiii... raiathi. and is in ev.-ry rvo v"
rillai lo. aid i.-r cn!i!;ar llrp.
I. oidi:i. y tttitsr. Pro-tes..
' 3 T 5 r
' vJ r- $LU A
udrcs. ii to. St is son A Cj.,
Portland, Me.
trn A W E! K toaranteed to Maleard Fe
V' ma'e Ag' uis. n. Ib. ir locality, t'osts
NoTltl.Mi to t:V it. lart.rularv
P. 0. VICKEKT It. CO., Ai.gt-.is,
S' ING." Hww e-iiher irt may tasci
natu and gain thw lovo an-1 aff-etions of any
persous iln-y eh-aose, instantly. This im
p e mental acquirement ail may t.ses.
tree, by mail, tor 2 cents; together with s
Marriage Ouide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams.
Hints to Indies A qio er b.MiR. l,'.ooy
Sold. Address T. WILLIAM A CO.. 1 ub
liohers. PhiiaJ.-lphia.
Terms of Advertis ue art? off red lor Nws
paje t in thj Stale t
Send for iist ui iip-.'rs and seb-dule ef rU.
p. t T i . , ...
30' U., L&nZ'.:Zl
zif CJli,
Xo. 41 Tsrk i.i'W, ew 1 ur!..
Ett Dt(; .T)1 C,
j. 1
(Bel-01 4 Eu.i ..n. ,
.'I a let Street. 3IlUIiutaivu. r.
DEAI.fcii.- IX
I KleiS AND Ml I'1C1.N.
LlISMICAi, l.Vfc siut. i v
o.;.., vak.n iSi!i:j,ui.i.ss.ri r
tOAl. OH.. i.AdPS. f.fri -I'-i.
n:r--Ni:v ;. h i; v .s n k s.
. -s i.-. i'.-;:.":-:'L.''.
Bio;k!'?:5. p r .
"l'a.'r.i. .ll'.tM .S ,
OIL, T'.'S -.v.
co. :ii;.-.f..i
N 'i i" i '.' N S .
Si A I 1 1.1 E r. V
l a i. ti e variety
O f
t'A'ih.M MKIjH-INKs,
Sele-t -c
1th great carj. and
p-0111 nign anltioriry.
C7-t'ilrest of WINES AX l I-lOIUliS
lor me ii.-i
C7"PKES ;iilPT10NS emponnded itb
! groat ca.e. I June 22-11.
lB fS ca
ar.-v Ho. try. C'
Ml M i er.. r tU
I, Bt. v-secrw
- J eir'a-
t w. irdli a M-Br-r.
f.vtm sat tissjvs mfsrwr t
aiiT v' Km 4A-sU.
? riiiwl "-: r- i-
ttaowsva wawass sswsssa aw.
vvasiS 'Twaii aitsmBi wisjisal
J w