f I MIFFLIXTOWX : Weduettdajr. August . ista. TERMS. Subscription, $1.50 per annum. Transient advertisements inserted at 0 cents per inch lr each insertion. Transient brsiness notices in local col umn, 10 cents per line lor earn insertion. Deductions will lie male to th so desiring t advertise by the year, half or quarter vear. PEKK'A. K. ILTIME TABLE. Passenger trains leave Miflliu Station a follows: C AST W A Kb. Philadelphia Express, 1? 48 a m. Fas! Line, 1 15 a ni. Pacific Express, 10 (Jl a ru. Itamsburg Accomroo., 11 US a m. lay Express, 1 42 p m. Mail, 6 12 p m. Cincinnati Express, 8 fcO p m. mnio. Pittsburg Express, 1 20 a in. Cincinnati Express, 2 14 a la. Pacinc, 6 5s a m. Way Passenger, 10 M a ui. Mail, S Si p in. r"at Line, 6 4 j p in. Mifflin, Jur.e 21, 174. LOC.1L INTELLIGENCE. Editorials sacrificed to news tins week. Temperance people are about to start a piper at AHtx. ua. The law require? vetoes to be registered CO days before the election. The Lycoming Insurance Company lost about $:0,000 by the Ute lira in Chicago. There is said to be an organization ol horse thieves in Fulton county. J uxors aud road viewers now get $2 per day, aud mileage at 10 cents i.er mile. A temperauce meeting was held at Port Royal last Saturday eveuiug. Samuel Strayer is enlarging and improv ing his house and store-room in Patterson. Cambria county agricultural tair will be held at Johnstown, lour days, Cwmtccucitig on tne 2IHh day of September. The Indiana county agricultural fair will ; t.aid decedent j in Spruce Hill township, open ou the 6th day of October, and last at 10 o'clock A. M., on Saturday, Au threedays. gust 15, 1874, one horse, one mare, A United Brethren camp meeting : will be two gboau, thrisg u.aehine, reaper, rieu near uununeuon, commencing ah- .. . " 0 s " Parlor Organs. See advertisement of the Golden Tongue Parior Organ in another column. Camp meeting will opvn at Newton Ham ilton on Tuesday, Aug. 2-3, and continue ten days. A baby was left on the porch of a citlz-n o( Altoona a few days sjro. It is believed to have come from Piiiburg. F. F. Rohm, in Patterson, has a fine fur niture room stocked to fullness with an as surtruent cf the finest furniturt. Railroad men at this place r.-jil p'ay l!ar risburg railroad men a nutch game of base ball, iu the park, on Friday afternoon. The Altoosa TWAaar says th-re are a ( iimnher of foul-mouthed corner loafers in that town that ought to be cremaud. Yocr.g men from the rural districts played a match game of base lull with Mi::i:n young men, on Saturday. The Miliiin boys won the game. The Terry county Republican Convention on Monday unanimously declared in favor of Jeremiah Lyons, of this place, for Con-gress- The Agricultural Fair at EiversMe Pari; will open September -1J, ami continue three days. Premium List will be publish ed neit week. Where the heart is, whether in cabin or palace, on land or on sea, that is home, sa aaid Theodore Ti'.tou. Where is Tuton's Lome I J.me. A.Thompson, of Port Royal, h,d his ptir-e lightened last Fridav'to tlie cx tent ot J 4. by a thief who tound acce-ss to his room at his boardi:-; p'aer. George HiTis and John Pa'tner ran a foot race at Lcwito n, on Monday evening ol last we. k. The starting iiut was the cen tre -f the Piatnoad. II. M. Xorth, F.sq-, a citizen now of C lnrob.a, but a rative of Fayette township, Jhis ro.t: ;e, i. -j ken of by the P. imictats as acaid;d..:s for the oBice of Lieutenant Govern. r. A game of bise bali ws playe-d at the Park oi Th::rd.v aSternn between the Iudeje'eknt cli.b ol Lewistoau and the Ju i.atacli.bof M.l!i:u. The Miaiin boys were 1 ictorious.- There was a Urge attendance of stock holders at the Juni-ia Valley Bank oa Mon day tor the election of odici-rs and other business. Everything' was highly r.s:ac torr, and the old otik ers wereaii rei tel. The Ke-union Evrcises of Airy View Academy, Thursday, II A. Auc 13, J8T4, will take place in the grounds of the Afrricultural Society at Perrysville. Stue rules observed at gates as are enforced du ring agricultural exhibitions. An exchange says : The following is a verbatim report ol a recent marriage cere mony in Fontanel!, Iowa: "Join your right hands. I you waat on another f" Both answer, "Yes." " Well, then, have one another." They both ha we. "lou're loan and wife." The following ibMn is from a Lewistosm T-aperof last wet k: We w ould suggest to Mrs. , No. , street, not to stand between the lamp and the window curtain when she sportively shakes her tlst under tier husband's Dose. The " shadow jn!. mimes," plainly visible from the op.ite aide of the way, give occasion to wicked neighbors to talk. The editor of the Lewistown Gazettt obeys the fish law, as may bs learned from the following: "We caught a monster cat fish in Jack's Creek the other day, but lelt it in its native element, in obedience to the law prohibiting taking them during the tipawning season. Didn't have cur yard stick along to see bow much it nasured between the eyes " Mr. William Zeigler, a son of Charles Zeiglcr, of this place, is one of the suffer ers by the rituburg fiood. Uis stre was wept away. There is not a stone left to mark the spot where the building in which it was located stood. Mr. Zigler and faui ily were at church when the disaster over took their property. His loss is aooui $9,000. Some days ago some six or eight meu indulged iu a Tight on the road .eadig Irom llcCoysville to Tuscarora creek. It was a brisk rough and tumble affair, and was brought to aa end by oue of the party get ting severely cut in Jhe side by an antago nist taking an axe from him. The axe was not brought into the wiWe as a weapon, but was in possession of its owner, who was on his war to cut wood, when the belligerents met. It inflicted an ugly wound, but atipped the fighting. citizen ;f Spruce Iliii township, in cleaning out a spring exposed himself loo much to cold water. Some time during the fore part of the following night Lis lioibs were sieted upon by rheumatism. Mrs. Howell went to the attio to get certain herbs to make tea for Mr. Howell. The tea was wade aud drank, and both Mr. and Mrs. Howell passed into a sleep, from which thej were eaddenly aron-ed by a neigh bor shouting that their house was on fire. The ueigl-.bor lived away about half a mile, and war aroused by Lis horses iu a pasture field ruutiing and enortiug with fright at tie burning house. Some of the contents of the dwelling were g .t out. The building was entirely destroyed. It was insured in the lork at $Uo0. The furniture was insured at between $200 and $300. TaoTTiso at RiTtatinc Pan There w ill be two race on Saturday altcrooon, August 8th, 1S74, at 2 o'clock. Kac wilt be' held for the purpose of testing the track and having it in readiueas for Agricul tnial Inhibition this fall. The first race will he for a parse of f 0. T. J. Hiddah entered sorrel mare, Juniata Maid. barley Shields entered black horse Blind Tom. II. T. Suloufl' entered sorrel horse, Holiest Bob. The second race will be for a purse of $ I". T. J. Middagh entered H. S., St. Lawrence. John Hays entered S. SI., Bell. D. P. Su-!t-ulf entered B. St., no name. Fiue afternoon amusement. Fun for all. Large crowd ei pectew. Admission tree. The pleasure boat Crusader" w ill row from hJ w haif below the canal bridge at I J, 2 and 24 o'clock for the Park, makiug three trips, aud will return froin the Park al ter tile races are over. Fare, S cents. l'CBUC Sale. The Administrators of James S. Patton, decM, will soil at public sale, at the late residence of '11. 1 j 1 hay raki, wagons, plows aud other tanning cteneil. Also, a hi use and lot of four aures in Raid township. Wasted Capable men and women, to canva-3 in their own neighborhood for the Chromotype Picture, an entirely new process of copying and tclirgirg small Pictures, Mich as Photographs, Auibrotypes, &c. For full particulars address LORENZ'I AVEKIIX, 2t Jew i;i.nim!lui l, I'ciry Co, Pa. Poverty bai, bat the worst kind ( f poverty U poverty of th i;lo d this make? a u;aa 'po..r iQ'ifc'i," fr it t:ltrs Jtf iijs Mr,.cg.i,, Ci.urce and energy : but niriuh the blood with its vital cleCjetit, Iro:i, by taktti the Peru j vian Syrup (a protoxide of iron), and jou wiil feel rich and "as good a auy body." The schools rf .Mid utown boroiit'h wiil comui-iicc Monday, August 31st, 1 1874 Thi following teacheis have j I..-,. . t L A. !lar;mn. Principal. Miss Lillie Harniati, Sehoid No. 2. O H. 1'isiiig. r, f -h.d No 3. Miss 1 lara V. i'augherty, School No. 4. Those of our readers who are suf- f'og from a severe attack of Rheu uatimn, Neuralgia, or at:y pain, sh -old at once aply Paiu Cure Oil. It is a sure cure. SM wholesale and retail by Bank L Ham lin, Mif.lioUi. . Literary Entsrtainnunt at Eeed's Gap. Mr. Editor : Some short lime sgo I w it anuounccd that the Reed's Gap Literary Society would give an entertainment on the eveuicg of July iltt'h. .Bring a lover of fun aud stage perfirmanres, I made my way to Read's G 'p fichool bouse. When I got there the hone was crowded. However, I managed to get room in the bouse iu an oprtght position. Almost the first J person that met my view was that well kmwo successful teacher, Thomas Creij-hton, who appeared to have the management of the whoie affair, and who, in years goue by, was secoim to none in training the youth preparatory to the speaker's aland. The introductory was spoken by W- J. Campbell, "Duties of American Cit izens' who did il in a masterly manner, with do lack of oratory. The third piece ws spoken by VV. U. Barclay, " 'orruption ot Moral Nature," whose style of oratory merited much com mendation. luring tb eveuiug V. S. i oodwsrd delivered the address "Kantaukerous Billy Earthquake," and D. A. Cror.e delivered the address The Yankee in Love :" both of whom did exoeeding'y well, creating tuueh mirth and loud laug'iter. Towards the chse of the perform ance the modern drama, styled 'That Rascal, Pat," was a?ted, by T. M. Dobbs representing Pat Me.Noi'gTty, representing Msj .r Pufij icket, J. M. Magill repreS'-iitii.g Charles Living stone, Miss Aume McMeeu represent ing Laura, and Miss Ellen Lawsou rep resenting Nancy all of whom pcr fotiued their parts with much credit. There are many others of whom 1 should speak, but for want of time I shall forbear. Iudeed the whole was a grand affair ; everything from first to last was done in a masterly maimer, and listened to by a house crowded to over flowing. The instrumental tuusio was conducted by II. L. McMeeu, Emanuel Wise, John Mabood and J. M Craw ford. The house was decorated with much taste, which reflects great credit on the lady members of the society. TrSCAROHA. Two prise fighters fought twenty-two rounds at Wilkesbarre yesterday a week. The battle was declared a drsw. xuii ricture, 'Aunt, tju need not adrisa ma. I Henld not civc a pennv for vnur adviei. M 0 , j - -j , , - - aid pretty Harper one iurnhr. A 'he time is apj-oaching for nomina- ,, ' r !,;.-..; v 1. ... . 1 i. . .1 13 . IW, I am .war. you do not ' " ;W care be told the right. Hut cm.o ! pub lc"' :lv ,h" a1 ur v,,, :" . 1,1 n,ln(t nominalion r-u,uirea annomiro- into the parlor, and I Will tell J. U !,,;, to ui.d.-at least lour .e.-ksb f .re story you long to hear " j the Omiei lion. a.i 1 one of the uiot im - "Wonder if aunt i g-ing to tell n.e ! l--rt,.,t oifi. to be tiil.d is that of Con- e . her heart's history ! 1 d.in't caie ; I:?""-1 wml.1, therelor.-, recuiaiueoJ to Will not feel d ff. r. niK low.rd II ,m anv WiV J ilatry, as !,e called l.im, was a t.l haudnoiue Icll.iw, with black hair, blue J man of untiring ical, and a thinoih Ke eyes that lo( k J at you through loi 11 l"ibi: an. ai d if uccei!;il in maiir.j the hlak lashe.-, a firm set mouth filled j '"'"'inatH.i), woif.d sf4re no efforts , .1 . . , , j ti m ike his election, and I believe would wuh teeth that chone I ke pearls . , , ' , . 1 : h.; eh etc 1. inrougli Ins blaek beard. 1 ha uioru tng our story begins he hai ddelsred to ! himself that he would not act with that mins any more, but Would kuow his I Permit me to suggest the name of Janus fat that CTening. lrwtn,of Tuvarora township, u a suitable Puss followed Aunt Kate into the c,!"'"'i'e '"r Congrta in ihisdistrict. Mr. o . . i Irwin is and alwava was a steadfast K. pub parlor. Rearing theinseles by the!,. ... r . J : l.cun. lie is a youn j man of flue business aiudow, Auut Kate drew from her .n.i i,.K:h-.,uj", imminent, and if elect- pocket a fine velvet rase. Opening if, Jhe said, "What do you think of that face !" '0h, Aant! what a beauty! How pretty! Looks o much like Harry, only better; and such a sad look. Do tell me his story ; I know it will do me g.Hd." Well, said Aunt Kate, "this young man (or old ma-j, as he would now be, if living) fell iu lore with a gin some- ,1 - . ci 1 a 1 11 thing like yon. She bad louir golden 0 r curls like yoors, eyes like volets, and a face that none could mitoh in the city. Sue was told by her friends she was a 'beauty ; her glass told her the same. Why should she not believe it ! She did believe it, to her own fate. She lived to repret she ever knew her own ! 1 s,"u,,,e n1"iatc fur t,,e lS . .... , ; Mr. Cavenv is a well known cit;s?n of uu- bcauty. Admirers she ha I loentv, and 1 . . ,, . . . . . . . , , ' 3 unreachable character M.d ui doubted abi!- cuose noDe. Her glory - to see men bow to ber aud eou'ess their love. Sue in auswer would smile and sty, I do not kuow love ; my des-ire is wealth,; and that 1 have ; why should I marry V At last there came a doctor '.o the city. He had wealth, talent, and was haud- 6ome, as you see by the picture. Every one thought he surely would get the pride of their city belles. Hhe eoufd ; not resist his smile any more than l.e j in , 1. 1 i ' could tier . It seemed for a while r , , . 1 afer thy wer aroriitititcd raat thev I ' : were suited wi'h each otl.er. lie curt ! ed her without a bli.i'i, and s.ie seemed j to Care ouiy for him- He bad we&i'h ! ajid she btaulv, whteli lo I.er was : -1 , ,- , , , , . , , ! idoi. r.e r loolioh girl ; had sue only i seon her btU'iib'.itig block. Sue deter iiaiuej in her 011 mind to refue hiiu if he off'-rej himji'if to ber. Si.e would do it j'ist t r Inn ; she would s:,ow her friends that the oue tiiey selected for her iie would re'or. He. of course. ... , , , ,1 would uo as others, ask her a.-ain. aiid theu she would receive hiui. "The proposal came oue evening at a puty. Hi) told her Q'lietiy of his loye, Mini u-t-i l...r if m!o wiiuld u.arrv l.iin. i It" she would, be would strive to make her a happy Lome; that his wealth wou'd be at her command, and if she gave him her I ,ve, that would be all he cared for; without that he did not want her. 'Yon caui:ot have my love, was the answer, 'add 1 do not want yours. I do not care for love ; all I care lor is wealth.' 'And are you so so Shallow as that 1 I a 01 glad I have fvund it out ; I would uot want you, with your pretty face and shallow heart. The woui.ii I marry mu't be woman at heart, such as a true w man ought .. u. 1 t 1 l. :n . oe. a .o.eu ,,., ou! .... uov ..u-1 tinue to 00 so, as you are not wortuy 01 1 the love I can give. Saying this, Lc left hr. How different from what she expected. She never had a man taik so before. He was gone, and gone for good. Site would not have another chance to refu-e him ; she knew that by Lis look. She never knew bow long she sat there, but she knew she went borne a wiser and better girl. "Years Lave passed, but she never had an opportunity to talk with him, except as a very distant friend. Six months later he married a noble girl, not handsome, but such a woman as every man wauts. S'ie married him for Uvc, and he married ber for tint love aud for her good qualities. And I, for t was me, am an oid maid, sitting silently worshipping (be picture of tue only man that ever awoke a feeling of love iu mv heart. "This, Puss, is tie story of my heart. Io not, I beseech you, if you love his son, do not trifle with hiiu " Aunt Kate left the room, and ah she closed the d'Wr Puss opened her heart to the knowledge of the iru'h that she d:d Jare lor th son. Dr York was a happy man tlar u'gii' to har a wiii-pered an-wer thai uo one else could hear. Oi.l.lE KoLAXD. Acn lsi, Pa., Aug. 1, 174. ATTKMIOS! JfMATA SCCIITS ! You are lurrbv ordered to parade, in Mexico, on Saturday, the S:h of Au gust, at 10 o'clock a M Bv order t J. K. KOIilSOX. Captain. Matthew Roqebs, O. S. TCRMP St-tD. G'ol Turnip Seed, of the Bed Top Strap laf Tanety, f.-r , sale, .t 50 rents per pound ; 60 cents I by mall. Call oil or address Maurice Leoxakd. tf Oakland Mills, I'a. 1 Big (hanee for Agents of lither Hex. WANTED, Aftents and Peddlers for our FKESS AND STRAINER Presses and strains jams, Jellies, herbs, veg etables, lard, tallow, meats, cheese, kc Over C0,0i sold in a lew localities. Sells quick. Every family wants it. Is one of the pleasantest, most useful, successful and profitable utensils erer sold by agents. Weighs six pounds. Price, $3 IK). Exclu sive territory given. Circulars free. LIT TLEFIELl) . DAME, 102 Washington St., Boston, Maws. . Bisyf-Pw ..- .... CON oUEjS. ' Mr. r'J-'nr 1 IB UL, JuniaU county, I Jeremi ih Ly-ta, f.-i-, a SMiti Mc camli- j dtr, to he .ted f-.r at the Pri-nanr llec- ' ,cr c..ni;res. Il ; wetl .iiuliHej. U PATTERSON. COXGKEiS. ; tu th. ;.v... f J. u.v ed wi.ul 1 rejiresent our district witn hoanr to himself and r nit it to his constituents. If nominal .d he will h11 a larger vote in Jtiniaia county than any other one who has been a caudiiiate lor tli.a othca for many yeara. SPRITE HILL. COXGRESS. Jfr. EJitor 1 The time appioaeh-s when the announcement of camlulates, accord : ing to the usages ol our lorty, must be ! ''"" d. Permit me to announce the name j 01 1r- J- P- S'errett, as the choice of this County for CiK.gresS. Tho Pi'trriet is a new . . ? . . . . I one, and with Ilia selection of a stronj can- jdjJl,e it u,iy b(J llr bon;,r , kt?tlut llltf 1 c.ngreMtioual uomtnariou. j FATKTTE. 1 LLG13LATL RE. j Editor $rtiel s Permit n to eame Reuben Caveny, Esq , of Fayette township, ! jljcfc Uv h., ltlg lwB Be f ,0e cV,B st observers ol political ad'airs, aud would make an intelligent and useful member. Ho resil', too, l:i the strongest R'-piihiicau district of tti) county, and wuoll command a large vote. Many liepnblicans unite in urging his tominatiua. DELAWARE. LEGISLATURE. EJitor Juniala enlintl amJ Rtyubiica 1 Permit .ite to prent tlie name of George M- --"r, ol l ucarora townsinp, as a s"l '-fo-e can.i aatc it ijev-.staiure. sr. 6 Smelker !s one of our b st R-!i ublK-ans, . . . .. . , ... . xiii mri'ii'a at the head ol Our ,K.., M ,,, , jj t,miiuud at 0111 primary Kixtion, all er b st citizens would aiipsft him, and elect Iniu to that honoral.le positioti, wtiieli lu-w oma mi wica rr -dit to himelf a id honor to the cilis-as JII1TLIXT0WX. LL0I-LATIRK. EJilcr ScntUel ar.J Rcpttblu n : Tleasc annonnce the Lame of ba'nuel L. Ilerr, of Port Uoyai, as a candidate lor the Legisla ture, air Heir : a 1 eld cititen of Juniata count r, ar.d has long been favorably known ". .... , . . . as an honest, careful and prudent business mao, (the q iaiitieations so mu.-b needed In our public councils,) and tho people of tho county can satily inti-ust their interests iu his hands. VILPOliD. COMMISSIUXER. Rrptb'ican Yo'tri of Juniata County: Permit ens of your "rank and file" to pre sent Christian the!lcnberger, of Fayette township, as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner. Mr. Shellcnberger's fealty has always been at par, and the suc cessful management of his individm.! ailairs :s a sure itidjx of the msnagemcnt lie will bring to bear in the Boar 1 of County Com missioners. As he has no competitor for the primary election, let ns all prepare to give him a "roosing" election in Kovem ,er. FEKMAVAGH. . t'OMMl'KCJ VL.. MiFFLINTO'WX MAUKETS. Cunvvtvd weekly by J. t II. A. Stambiugh !Iu :usiiwjr, Aug. 5, 1874. Butter Kgrs i t l.anl 12 Dried Appl-s 10 Ml kherrics 1 Kapb.-rries. 0 Potatoes 9 Ham 12 Siwuller 10 i(in C'3 Washci Wool 40 Ground Alum Sr.it. f-'f sack .... 2 10 J1IFFI.IXTOWX GKAIN" MARKET. Corrected weetly by D. P. StiloulT beat, 1 ltol IS Oats, 6otoj0 Corn, 70 Barley o Clov.rseed 4 li Tiruoihysecu 2 51 t'laxseeil 1 75 FORWARD A C0fl4lSSI0!l 31ERCII AlT, DEALER I.f GRAIN, LUMBER, COAL, I'LASTEK, SALT C V: M E T, !CALfJIITED PLASTEE 1 Administrator' Sot ice. Estate of Pettr Brtauithollz, Hereattd. LETTERS of Administration on the es tate 01 Peter Bnrunislioltz, late of the borough of l'crrysrille, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to the aaid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same to make them known without delav to A. J. PATTERSON, F. S. BRENX1SHOLTZ, Mmiautratort, July I, 1674-6t fOB PRINTING OF EVERY KIND ' done at this ofVs. Y) ALLEN, M. I, . H i commenced tfce practice f U. di.-inc and Snrc-ry and all their collateral branches. , iu J.husto-n, Scale juU Ii. 174 - - r M. CRAWFUKD, M. D., ; " j " resnm.-.i actively the pnetxe of ' Mi-d:rine and nrerv a- d their coli.it.-r.il j )ra,K.,es. ,,rtke at the old c.aer ol ThirJ ,t O.-arre streets, JtuCiLloWn, Pa. Nov. 1 i, o13-iiB THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D., Pkjsician and Surgeon, XitFLtXTOirx, 1 j. OlHce hoar from 9 a. . to S r. .. (!' lie.; i:i his lather's residence, at the south eud of Water street. .jet22-:f A LFHEl) J. PATTERSON'. ATTORNEY-AT-LA77, MIFFLIXTOW.V, JUNIATA CO., PA. 7" All business promptly attended to. Orrica la the room formerly occupied by Attorney Allison. JOUIS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MIFfLIXTOWN, PA. CCorecting and Conveyancing prompt ly aten1vt to. t'rrn fc On Fringe street, opposite the Court House Sqnare. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Bridge Street, XtuTintawB, Pa. JOSEPH HESS would respectfully invite all who want GOOD PiloTOGkAPl'.S of themselves or their friends to give him a call, and be couTinced that this is the place to get GOOD PICT lr RES. Having prepan?d himself ith the BEST l.Nil'KCiiLM. in the market, and all tho L.1TFST IMPROVEMENTS that constitute a First -Class Photograph Gallery, he invites all his friends and the iiiblic gen erally ta favor him wi"h their patronage, and they will be accommodated with any thing in the line ol Photography. Pictures taken from Card to Life fiw?, and Painted, tf desired, iu Oil or Water Colors. Small rictnres copied and enlarged. Old Auibrotypes or Daguerre.ty-s also cvpi.il and enlarged, and painted if d sired. A goud selection of FUAXK3 kept on hand at all times, and cli ap.r than ever. Solid Walnut Frames, (i ilt Frames, Imitation Walnut Frames, Im tati"n Rosewood Frames, Hu-lic Frames, Cabinet IiUier'J Frames, Pictuie Xails. Screw-eyes, Cord and Tas scL fcu. JOSEPH HESS. Viiflirttown, Jan. 7, 1S71. mitt IUMBE3, THE undersigned, havinir completed Lis new Warehouse in I'eirysville, won'd respect! lilly invite the attention of th' farmers of the county to the ftct that he i at all times PAYING TilE HIGHEST PKICES FOR ALL KINDS OF a !I A SEKDS, ati C, & C. Having introduced new facilities for hoist ing. weihinaT, Itc., we aro now pn.'pared to unload with the least povsihle trouble. Bark, lUilroad Tie3, Lccusi Posts, and all Saleable Country Produce will be bought at all times, e'ther for CASH OX IX EXCHANGE FOR MEU- UIANDIiE. II AVE FOK SALE COAL, LUMBZE. FISH, SALT, TLASTEU, GCOUXD OR Ll'XF, which will be sold to suit purchasers, cither WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, and at the lowest rates ruling. At niy Store in Tnrbett township may be tound as complete an assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ISTOTIOaNTS, Queecsware, Hardware, &c, all of which will be sold as low, if not a little lower than elsewhere- NOAII lltKTZLEr.. Dec. 10, 1873-u 177G. 1876. 0: AMERICAN CENTENNIAL JEROME IIETRICK, AT THE CANAL STOKE, MEXICO, Keep constantly on hand aud for sale at a small profit, a well e.v'-d assortment ol DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, FLSI1, SALT, PLASTER. Also, FLOUR and all kinds ol PR0VIS ION and MILL FEED. TOP PRICES paid for Conntry Produce and all kinds of GKAIN" , particularly for choice lots of wheat. Mexico, Pa., May 6, 1873-tr Assignee' Ifotlce. "VJ OTICE is hereby given that S. 1 . Shel XI L'V has maile au assignment of his es tate to the uudersigucd tr the benefit ol his creditors. All persons indebted to tho said S. V. Shelley, will make payment, and those having claims against the same will preseut them without del iy to LEWIS Bl'KCIiriELD, 5. A. LUKENS, June 17, 1874-6t The mercantile business will be conduct ed at the present stand till further notice is given Tho patronage of tho public is earnestly solicited aa in thu past. Large stock of Heady-made ('lotbingfor sale by jlARLEY t CO. PirBel and Epnhrlesa $!. a yi Iron in the Blood HAKES TIE mi STEGfiS. ; Th9rcntvianSvrup,arrftert- til Solution cf t.'tc 2'rviojci.le of ' Jron, is $0 combined as to :ui3 j tht character of an aliment, at asi!j tlijefteil and aashnil'tteil t with the Hood a the iinplrt I food. It increases the quantity of Suture's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the Hood, aivl cures thousand ills," simply b)j Toning up, Invigorating and 1 Yituliziuy the System. The cn- riched and vitalized Mood per- tneates every jiart of the bwiy, ! repairing uatuayes ana tvasie, searching out morbi l secre tions, and leaving nothing for tiiseasc to feed vpox. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dygpcpsda, Liver Com plaint. Dropsy, Chronic Dhir rhcea, Dolls, Xervous AlTectlons, CIulLs and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tho KKlncjs and DLitldcr, Female) Complaints, and all diseases originating in a wii state of the btootl, or ac comjHtnied by debility or a loio state of the system. ii ing free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fal lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and neuf life into all jutrts of the system, and building tip un Jro.i Con stitution. Thousands hare been changed by the use of thi remedy, front weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, arul happy men and women; end inrulids cannot reasonably he tiate to give it a trial. See that each lotllo ha. PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in tltc C:a. Pamphlets Free. SETH W. FO'A'LE & SONS, Proprietors, K. 1 Milton Place, Roston. Bold it Cbvccists uixxsallt. NEW OPENING AT PERRYSVILLE. O ! Ct. t u S. KILLS t ikes this method of re- . jmin th inks to citizens of IVrrvs- ; viile and surrounding country for past la- ' Tors, nnd, having for.ned the firm of t. S. ' MILLS Jt SON, they hejie to merit a con- , tinnanee of p-itmnae. They can now liet- j ter serve the public, having just openeo out a repilar business of .Men tiandisin? 1:1 all (ioods usually kept in a country slop', such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Q UEE.S IV.1RE, 0 TIO.VS, HATS, BOOTS A siioi:s, A:soJalnl!lii.eoftho.-n.akers-Fi:.din(;s, Oak and Hm11l.sk S.le Leaiher, Morocco, i American and French CM Skius, all of which we will sell at the lowest prices. for; price cash and counlry pro-luce. Also, a lull line ot READY-MA bi; j CLOTHING. Also, a j Merchant Tailoring Department in the store, storked with CLOTHS and I L'Ar!SllhllIv, which we will nuke lip to order or sell by the yard to customers. E" All woolen goods cut to order. Call and see us. We mean to please our custoiui rs, preferring the nimble aix-pence t the slow shillinp. Store opposite .ilellanigie's hotel, in the Sicvcasou propertv. j. S. MILLS Jt HON. Perrv sritle, S'arch 13, 1?74. TKW FLKMTUKE STOIU The understirned woutd ir.f.irrc the pihlie that he h is Ofeueil a FtKMTl'RE STOEE In the ooroiigh ol I'attersou, where he has for sale KLLtOUKN & GATES' BEDROOM SETS, Walnut Dedroora Sets, ALL STYLES OF BEDSTEAD:?, Sofas, Lounges, Extension Table?, MARBLE TOR KUREAIS, HiRSLE TOP STA.ID, Sofa, Canc-seat anJ Common Chair?, Wash Stand., AI30, a Large Lot of Carpets. As I run a car to Philadelphia weekly I aro prepared to CI! all orders for furnture. carpets, 1.C, in person. F. F. EOHM. Oct 22, lera-tf JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. Pomeroy. Patterson, Jacobs & Co. j I7f LI5T0W, JISIAT4 coistt, ra. CAPITAL, fSO.OHO. JOSEPH POVEROY, Presid-ct. T. VAX IRV1N, Cashier. Joseph Pomeroy, I John Ealsoarti, Jerome . 1 liompson, it. :i. lieclilei, John J. Patterson, I J. V. FraLU. (Jeorge Jacobs, United Stal't Stiurititf, BnU, c., .;"xehanCed for ...r. at marke- rates. L'nitrrd SlaWs couids Iait- I J e-.a k.s.ssawtr, hi.rKo.' StaB Vepotti rectttts. ntitchont ade, drufi nm ls nriHi-inti Clif . am A at 9rfL hl-L tiff WIH ftr if-iijiii 1 iv ii x - . ' Jrwasactoi. u . ..l ..tl.. . .ln .M. mrwr. r-.-iv,-e) on tpecial deposit. juneftJ-tf g U. LOUDOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, in room in rear of Crystal Palace Building, on Water Street, IiIiSiEtowa, Pa., FASHIONABLE GOODS always oa hand. CL'STOH WORK DONE on the shortest notice. (iOODS 3 OLD by the yard or pattern PERSONS baying goods can have them :H . tf-awaw r awk... BITTEJUCITS PJTTER.SS also for sale. ALL WORK WARRANTED. PRICES L0Wo Oct 22, 1873-tf A 6ne assortment of cloths, cassimercs, vesliDLM, iltc- alwrrs on hand nod for Sale br t. B. LOUDON. HEAD QUARTKKS! Bridge A M Lib fci A si B Drills1 ;nt nny other j)5ac; Kisrrcm'LLV Y'UKs, .to., ' ElHLt SCIIOTT. am mm If a 0. BART. 1- "p -" TV f- - J J 1 III' U J i 1 1J VJ iJ NEW CASH STOKE LOCUST GHOYE, riLEOIlD TWI, One and a half ni'les routh-vtt of I'iittorsnn. i fllllE snhscrnVr wonll most resptttully inform the public that he has just opened : 1 .1 S?ire at the a!ve place, where h- is picpared to supply all who ni.ty l.ivoi- hioi w iilr i their patro::ae wilh the latest and mot select assortment "I !iuv Gxrs, ocoTEittEs;. oi een .wake, n-or ad iv:i.i.oif wale, oil CLOTHS, litlS it SHi ES. Als.., with a lull supply of nOME-MADE GOODS, YA11NS, &C, All of which he otfers to si ll or en-halite foroointr r pindnce at TITIS VERY X.OAV1ZST PUICI-H M'Jeh lower, in fact, than jco mIs hsTe l'en soM within the county f.r many year". He wi. I pay the highest market j rice lor Locust Fosts, Railroad Ties and Wood, either in ca- h or goodi. A.J. IIEIl-TZLEK. L.Krust Grove, Aiwf. , lT:?-tf. D. W. Harley & Co.'s Is the place whero joa can buy TIIK KI'.ST AM) Tin: ciikapiist LIENS' YOUTHS' & ?OYS' CLOTHING JUTS, C.1PS, BOOIS, SHOES, .1.XD il R.X 1111 ; COODS. MTE are prepared to exhibit one of the niot choice ar.d s; hvt sl..eks cvet ctferel i:i this a.a:ket, and at .ISl O.XISill.XtiL Y LOW PRICES t Also, measures taken for suits aud arts of suits, winch will be made to order !i.irt rii. v:rv p.inti ilit I:,.ulODlbor lhe" pUcet iB u..-; Water s'reets, iliEFLlN TU'-VN, I'A. vmj to vmz m koiv to v:m it :U: Jut st-pmlo SAMl'EL "?T!:AYEKS PLOTIIING STOKE. Br:.! street, I'attersou Pa., and he will tell you all about it. flavinr I-ist retnmed from Philadelphia and New Tcrk, he can n;.uly you wuh th Latest and 1'hr.ictst Styles tf C L 0 T II I X G OF 1 I t'o.i!, rants. Vet, Hats, Tips, Boots and j m-liivg (ii'ods in endless varie'y, Crv-ts, C-o chea; e,r, lor tl.c s.ame .-ualitr ol go.H.ls. iletisiuvs Taken unl Pjt;prvn, Mrtr 1G, 1M - X - j ' j Manhood: EowLost-EcTffLestored 1 C? J" ?;"bdshed, a new editi.oi of 4 - I Dr. . nlverwr.1 s Cel-'br-it-d f.s.sy . y I'll inr rir..E' tart fi.lj('ril llie'.l-i cioe of StTnijtrrh'f r S inlnal weak- j nes, Involuntarr S-minal l.nssrs. Impo-' tency, MenLil and i'hysir.il ncajtaeitr, loi- jteooieiii :f ai.uviwae, eic ; a.a. v.in- .:. .. rr. : i fr . : . i ... Mi 10 I'll.:, r. oei.. uii'i r., inunee-i n. Bell-irfdii'-reiK-e or sesnal eTrrav-iirance. Ml C7i'rice, in a sealed eoTth.pe, only six ccnt. " The ce.et.nted author, in this adruir.ble .v:,., ihs C-pper Clramber, miiich never E.-sav, clearly rteri-asirates. from a thirty iri, k'j ,.r it.-..-.,, nd outlat any other, ye.ins' siicce-stul pra;-tiee, that tho alarm- fcr sale bv le.il. rs and tho Trade gener ins consequences of self-j'ms. miy h-: rad- ' a;v. In i lire tor Blatel.l - 's Pi:m:. and if j i-ii!y cured withor.t the riar-ffi rons nsa of I internal medicine or the application ot the f j kniie j pointing out a mode of euro at once j sini4e, certain, and effectual, by means off j whirh every sufferer, no untter what hu j 1 iAru1 itd.M tn: V Kaa . m I. n1..tf ihd'itu I ' JI.fTlv,- r-i'"l'l- . . t , of evrrT youth and every nian in the laJ. Sent under S'al, in a 'pUin C3Triirpe, to any address, foil-p tU. on tho receipt of six cents or two pest stamps. Addresa tie ruolijbeM. ; - CHAS. J.C.KLINE 4. CO. 17 Bowery, New York, . Post-OCce Bax 4 jti. Nt. 10, le7-!y. Street. l i - li. 5 J a A al.4 - A tjk J A 4 Snmnier in town. s m d .y iv Q ftj J 1 T "1 ? XI I I St 4 I O I 11 lj IJ 1. J y,.w BuiUi..?, corner of BrM n.i may N, l'7J-tl A L L KINDS, Shoes. W a'ehes m.l Jewelry, Notions. Fi.r Floor il (.loth. Knrnit.ire. lie , elieii r thin Call in and be convinc-d. Suits Jlatl to Order. SaMTEL S7RTR. - - - It I. ATI II LEY'S Z Improved C IT I'M BE;' i ffUOU I-1 MP, Tasteless, " I'urable, Efficient k. Cheap. T 1 .1 .L. 1 . . i no ie-si t iinip lor ine ias( fr& money. Attention s es.t. "s;J ially invited to Liatelilev's jri ii I'atei.t Improvi-d Bi K'Kel it S New Drop Check Valve, h"kh can tie withdraw -i z wi;hoiit removing th.r mnp c- t.r di.-furbinj the joint. . w - ?1m aa' trAv m2tS ui;t for sile in your town, sn I direct to 'HAS . I!. BLATCIILE V, , x ri Ria, got) Commerce St., PhiLwlelphia. Pa. S id "lsit Minim an.t latterson ever Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday uiomii.jK j ai'd will furnih tho citizens ol these hvr , oughs wit i the best of KPFS- reit. viTTfiv pnrtr v . ! ' ' ! at tha very lowest prices. He respecti'ii;! ' solicits the patronage of tho pu'olie.- April , Ito, y. LEY, A a 1