Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 01, 1874, Image 2

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    SETCim & REftTJlMCAN
VTertacwda?. Jntj i, if.
F. SClIWfilElt,
suitor ash raoraiEToa.
Tlie Ktxt?TtMy with Canada.
The ner treaty with Canada, present
ed lo the United State Seoate for rati
fication a few days before the adjou.-n-tuent
of that bodj, wa laid over till
next session. There is a general out
burnt agemst it. Before the Senator
return next session they will baTe been
impressed with the fact that the country
is largely against the treaty.
The Philadelphia lnquirert in writ
ing oB tie treaty, aaa : " Are we not
now down low enough Are we in al
ditiou to our present depressed condi
tion ta be bauded over to competition
with Canadian cheap labor, cheap agri
cultural products and light taxation,
while we are carrying an immense load
nf national, State and uiuuicipal taxa
tion !
The fact is the attempt to negotiate
this treaty is an usurpation of power,
and if a subservient Senate ratifies it
the Senate will be a party to this usur
pation. WLile the Constitution of the
United State expressly provides that
All bills for raisitg revenue shall j
originate in the House of Kepresenta-
live," this treaty cuts off tbe House,
vithout its concurrence, from raising
revenue for tweuty-oue years from im
ports from Canada,
Now, if tie State Department and ;
tbs Senate are competent to do this.
what is to prevent them from negotia
ting similar treatiea with all the world, 1
and thus providing frr the free adiuis- !
stun of all foreign merchandise of every
description f .r twenty-oue, fifty or one
Lundrei years to come ! Nothing, j
whatsoever, not even the will of the
neoole. f jr the? are not consulted by
this modern system.
Iu such a case, and it is well now to
contemplate the consequences, tbe
House of Kepresentativea would be en
abled to levy only internal taxes, and
we should, ic addition to crust ed and
ruined industries, Lave restored the in
ternal taxes of tbe war. Then it would
remain for the people to determiue
whether they would submit to foreigners
rn"in rii'hts i their own country i
e e - - ,
which they did not tbir.sc!ves posse,
or whether they would oblige t'ougress j
to abrogate these treatiea aud ruu tlie ; eft the room, feariugan accident which
risk of war with Great Britain and ' ua(j Deerj predicted by many, Tbe so
other countries for a iolation of them. I ci Jeut was caused by the giving way of
We call upon the people now to rise A jj8t whicb supported the floor. The
np and protect themselves against this ' j018t ran from both sides 'of tbe room
dangerous entering wedge of ufurpa- . serosa a stringer, the middle of which
tioo before it becomes too late, aud ; W1S supported by iron rods from the
while they can da it in a peaceful man-, rK,f. Jhe stringer gave way pulling
Der. Let tbem not place auy reliance ; ti;e ceiling and roof over upon tbe peo
in tbe magnauimity of Great Britain in ! pe am precipitating them into tbe
releasing tbem, but bear in mind that ton, below. The scene within tbe
when France was almost ruined she j building was terrible in its details acd
was given to understand by that Power j lU4t without the edifice heartrending ;
that she need not ask to be released : fathers and mothers searching for their
from acy of ber ticaty obligations be- j children, husbands lookiug for their
cau-e ut requests could uot aud would ; irivet, wives inquiring for their bus-
nut be gritiU-d.
Independent of the ruin to our inter-
eats, agricultural niiniug aud manufac
turmg ; independent of tho usurpation
of personal and Senatorial power now
threatened them, we demand the rjec
tion of this treaty on the ground that
no present Executive, Senate or even
Douse of Representatives has the right
by trtaty to deprive a future Execu
tive and Congress of the power to levy
such taxes as the onstitution of the
Uuited States permits them to levy on i
either foreign or domestic products.
It is not only the entering wedge for
free trade between Great Britain and
this country, but it is free trade itself,
absolute and unrestricted. V ben the
last Reciprocity Treaty with Canada
was abrogated there was utiiversal sat
isfaction expressei by the country, and
yet that treaty was in every single par
ticular more favorable to our industries
than tho ooa now beforo the Senate.
This one mean ruin lor the manufac
turers of our State, and it should there
fore be so vigorously contested as to
make its ratification impossible.
U K fear there is more tban we im
agined in this third term sgitation.
The Washington Republican is out in
n article, boldly advocating it. Among
other things it ssys : 4 Frequent
changes iu the Executive have a ten
dency to make the policy of the coun
try, both foreign aud domestic, fluctu
ating and uustable. The magnitude of
tbe interests now depeudeut cn the con
duct of the Government makes con
stancy to a settled policy of the great
tct iajorliucc." All this n.ay be ti ue.
It is also clear that tfcere is nothing iu
tbo written law ot the country prohib
iting it. But we are very certaiu that
there must be a vat,l deal of corrup
tion employed to induce the people to
accept any person for a third term.
And il the impression gets out that it
is being sought, by the friends of Pres
ident Grant, in his bihalf, there will be
trouble. Pittsburg Gazette.
One of tbe iucidents of the Old
Abolitionists' reunion, in Chicago, was
tie tory related of Jonathan Walker,
r Tba Man with the Branded Hand,'
bow livit'g in Muskegom, Ohio, at tbe
advanced a?e of 77 years, aud in such
straitened urcumstauce that be could
not afford to be with tbem in person as
be was ia spirit. W alker was branded
in his right hand with the lettsrs'S. S .
meaning slave-etealer, in 1643, by ordei
of tbe United States marshal for the
district of Florida, for aiding slaves to
escape from btndsge. His story
oM ib tbe convention, and a goodly
amount of money subscribed and sent
fn biin."
Summary of Hews.
WeI'!E4IAT, JlSE 24.
There is a comet visible near tbe
polar star on clear mornings about one
The Sangerfest at Cleveland, Ohio,
is largely attended.
Brazil acd Portugal are rejoicing over
telrgrapbie connnuni:ation by bottom
of the Atlantic.
Tbe party for tbe prohibition of the
manufacture and sale of liquor for bev
erage purpose ia in convention at Au
burn, X. Y. Twcoty-fite counties are
represented. A State ticket baa been
Tbr Democratic party of Maine are
holding their State convention. Four
hundred and twenty-two delegates are
present. Hon. Ja. A Titcomb has
been nominated by acclamation for Gov
ernor. Tbe resolutions dealers in favor
of a speedy resumption of specie pay
ment, free-trade, and a sweeping de
nunciation of everybody but the Dem
ocratic party. It is
Me and aiy wife,
51? son. Joe, and his wife,
We lour, and do more, for God's sake."
The Congressional joint committee
reported just previous to adjournment
that two M ashington detectives were
implicated iu setting up tbe blowing up
of tbe safe in tbe office of tbe District
0f Columbia, for self-aggrandizement,
Qr tae jp.
ii"grce of a prominent citi
zen whom they did not like.
A great catastrophe bas overtaken
tbe people of Syracuse, N. Y. Tbe
floor j the liaptiat church gave way,
killing twenty person, and injuring
about two hundred others. A straw-
berry festival was being held in the
parlor of the Central Baptist Church,
wuen without any warning the floor
gave way, precipitating a roomful into
the story below. The parlor was on
the secoud floor and tbe room under
neatb was also full of people. Soon
ten thousand people were there and tre
mendous excitement prevailed. Thou
sands are gathered here asking after
friends, waiting for the dead, or attend
ing to tbe injured. The entire police
force and fire department of the city
was called out and took charge of the
work of recovering the dead and
wounded. The wails of tie bridge did
not fall in, but are seriously damaged.
Th church is conii-arativelv a new one
- ,
A lew minutes before the floor gave
waj. jt trembled so that many persons
bands, brothers for sisters and childreu
for tiejr parents, of whose fate all were
uuccrtain and in dread. Quietly but
rapidly tbe work of extricating the
people was carried on by the ai.l of
IauterijS, while some busied themselves
by siioviug np the slanting sections of
the floor. Many others were aiding
men, women aud children ti free them
selves, and as fast as tbe living aud
dead were rescued they were passed out
through windows and doors, where
ready bauds assisted to convey the dan
gerously injured and dead to physicians'
offices aud neighboring bouses. The
work was vigorously but slowly prose
cuted, and before midnight tbe last of
the living and tbe dead bad been taken
out. 'J he floor which fell was supnort
ed by iron rods from a wooden buttress
under the roof; these rods went through
the lower but not through the upper
chord of the truss. - Tbe lower chord
had been spliced wrong side up, and at
that point was first to give way. The
floor, having no props beneath it, sunk
in the form i f a lctur V. Most of the
deaths were caused by the falling tim
bers ot tbe truss. Some victims, how
ever, were smothered by the plastering.
The floors of the church were support
ed crigiually by mm pillars. A fihnit
time ag'i the church building commit
tee, with the consent, they say, of the
arch.tect, removed the iron pillars.
The result wa this terrible calamity.
Tbe truss was not only imperfectly con
structed, but the most prominent build
ers iu the city declare it was rotten.
It wss put in green aud ha the dry
Bridge No. 60, on the Eric railroad,
eleven miles east of Eluiita, was burn
ed. A spark from a locomotive fired it.
Tbe Womeu's ftate Temperance l on
vention met at Pittsburg, with a larpe
attendance. Mrs. A. W. Black was
chosen permanent President.
Two carloads of Australian animais
aud birds, for the Zoological Gardens in
Philadelphia, left Omaha. There are
170 birds auu 30 auiinals.
The ice-house aud stables of tbe
Knickerbocker Ice Company, at the
foot or East 123th street, Harlem,
were burned. Fonr wagons and sixty
borses, together with a large amount of
other property, were destroyed. The
loss will exceed $100,000.
The Lumbermen's Convention, in
session at illiaiusport, adopted a res
olution condemning tbe reciprocity
treaty witb Canada, as injurious to the
bnsiaefs interests of the whole country,
snd rceotntnend that it should not be
"The immense atone grist mill at
'The Branch," a village fifteen miles
;from Mt. Sinai, L. I., and which for
come time was considered very unsafe,
was blown down in a heavy gile of
wind. ' Tbe roof was first carried away
and fell upon a horse and Wagon, twen
ty feet distant, with a trenxudou
crash. Eleven men were at work in
tbe mill at the time tbe disaster 03
enrred. Immediately after the roof
wit swept away the massive stone walls
caved in, burying five of the unhappy
millers, who were' probably killed oat
right Four men almost miraculously
escaped, and two are badly bruised."
Thlrsdat, June 25.
Post Master General Creswell re
signed. Hon. Eugene Hail, of Maine,
bas been tendered tbe position by de
spatch at Altooua, this State, where be
had stopped on bis way west. Demo
cratic papers of the Harrisburg FafriU
Lp effect to believe that the Fresi
dent confers tbe appointment on Mr.
Hail as a reward for tbe return to specie
payment resolutions that the Maine
State Convention passed a few days ago,
and further that 2? Is tbe first step in
tbe direction of a third term nomina
tion for President U?ut. If the pro
phetic abili'y of Democratic leaders
equaled their pretensions, the reputa
tions of the " prophets of old" would
be eclipsed.
Boys are no longer emplnyc'd to
catch unmuzzled dog ia New York.
The law has been amended so as to
allow men only on the catching force.
Prof. Greist, of Berlin, Prussia, ia
coming to this country to collect mite
rial for a history of tbe Uuited States.
Tbe French government bas issued
an order prohibiting the distribution in
France of tbe pnoiograph of the Prince
Imperial Napoleon's eon.
Tbe Tilton and Beecber scandal
threatens to break out anew. Mr. Til
ten declares that be will not bear ths
slurs of Mr. Beecber and friends and
at the same time shield Beecher's char
acter, which be was induced to do by
silence, by ah apology for Mr. Beecher.
Sam Purdy, a trotting horse, was
sold at San Francisco, at auction for
The Universalis! Convention, assem
bled at Calais, Me , have resolved that
women may pfeach.
A despatch says, two weeks ago M:s.
Cook, i t Blount, Ala., missed her three
children, the eldest aged six years.
Search was maile and it was found
drowued iu the well. Mrs. Look weot
crazy, and two or thtee days after es
caped ber attendants and drowned ber
self iu tbe same well.
Telegraphic communication bas been
established between the United States
anu Brazil.
One hundred and forty two dogs were
suffocated iu New York. Stianglini;
iu tbe tank was kept np 32 minutes by
the superintendent's watch.
American Puilman cars have been
put on the lines of railroads in Upper
Tbe General Assembly of Rhode
Island adjourned without electing a
United States Senator.
"Governor Moes, t.f South Caiolina,
bas pardoned the county commis
sioners, of Barnwell, lately convic.ed
of corruption aud thieving, and sen
tenced respectively to three, nine, and
ten yeirs in tbe penitentiary. Tbe
convicted officers on their way to jail
boasted that Moses would not dare to
allow tbeui to remain in jail one
Severe rain and wind storais, that
have done great damage to crops are
reported from particular sections iu
Ohio and Indiana:
President Grant is on a visit to Vir
ginia. Seven thousand five hundred scholars
of the public schools of Cleveland,
Ohio, sang at one time at the Scuger
lert in that city.
"A very serious accident occurred at
lisden, Beaver county. Pa., at a tarn
raising, on tt; premises of Mr. John
laiuck. Some twenty nice were at
work on a scaffolding, at the top of tbe
frame. Suddenly the timber support
ing the scaffolding gave way, precipita
ting the whole number to the ground, a
distance of fully thirty feet. Mr. Silas
Mct'ticrsnn was so seriously injured
that death ensued in a very phort time j
after the accident occurred. Seven
men were injured there John Beckert
and John Sti ubie, seriously, and Hen
ry Marr, John Smiley, Cbas. Herst and
John Beckert, Jr., slightly. Several
parties were carried down with tbe
wreck but escaped without the slightest
injury. Mr. Strable's injuries are eon
sidered dangerous. It is supposed the
timber used in building the scaffolding
was nnsouuJ." "
Bathurst, N B., was visited by a
violent hail storm, which did a great
deil of damage.
Friday, June 12G.
The officers of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company issued an order to the
effect that nntil further notice five days
will constiiutt a week's work in their
shops at Altooua, consequently there
will be uo work done in the shops on
Satcrday of each week.
The Ueolngical Board of Pennsylva
nia met in ilarrisbnrg.
Tbe Women's Temperance Conven
tion, assembled at Pittsburg, adjonrned.
Tbs International Convention of tbe
Young Men's Christian Association, at
Dayton, Ohio, endorsed by resolution
the women's temperance movement.
Two Helena, Arkansas, editors had
a fight with pistols. A balr dosen shots
were fired. They are better at writing
than shooting. No one bnrt.
" J. B. Koch, ex-county treasurer of
Wayne county, Ohio, convicted of tbe
embezzlement of $20,000 of tbe coun
ty fund, has reo sentenced to an tm-
priscamcnt of one ye'ir and a fine dou
ble the amount of the defalcation."
Sattbdat, J tits 27.
Mr. Hale bas formally accepted the
appointment of Post Master General,
and will at once enter upon the duties
of bis new office.
f be Democratic Legislature of Con
necticut is turning out Republican
office holders.
A Boston Walker named Hugh Don
ahue, completed a one thousand luile
walk in one thousand hours.
"J. B. Underwood, formerly Mayor
of Waverly, Ohio, indicted last fall iu
tbe United States District Com t in that
city for forging endorsements on two
county warrants aggregating $800, and
drawing tbe money on the same, was
apprehended yesterday evening nar
Oxford, Ohio. The officers gave him
permission to go into an adjoining room
to change his clothing, aud while in the
room shot himself, dying this morning." j
Moses Jordan, seventy years of age,
a rich citizen of West ( bester, jumped
out of a second-story of a hotel in that
place with the olject of committing
suicide. He was low spirited. His
estate is estimated to be worth some
two hundred thousand dollars.
The Republicans of Fulton county
send J . Z. Over to the State Conven
frcm, as delegate, witb instructions to
support Htatb for Secretary of Inter
nal Affairs,- Csnif bcll for Lieutenant
Governor, Hall for Supreme Jndge, and
Allen for Auditor General.
Tbe Czar of llus.?1a bas punished his
nephew for the theft of his mother's
diamonds, by banishing him to the Cau
casus for life, and depriving hiui of the
Cross of St. George, which wss be
stowed on him for his achievements iu
the Khiva campaign.
The German bauking bouse of Los
sing, Weiss & Ca., N. Y., suspended.
The members of tbo firm are missing.
No assets.
Rev. Mr. Harris was run over and
instantly killed by a train of cars atj
A tool, Mass.
J. II. SI oss, Congressman from the
Tnscutnbia, Ala., district, shot a man
named George F. Long, for scandalous
talk concerning himself and daughter.
Tbe Supreme Court of Massachu
setts has deciled that school boards ara
the sole judge of the qualification of
their members. Tbe decision grew out
of a case ofcefusal to admit women to
a seat in a board.
A Louisville Presbyterian clergy
man bas resigned his charge because
one of his elders persisted in holding
the position of book keeper in a liquor
store after the protest of bis pastor.
Tbe house of the Collector of Cus
toms at San Diego, t alifornia, was en-
tered by two men who bound and gag
ged the I ollector, took the keys of i Presses and ;rsins jams, jellies, herbs, veg
, , . , ' etables, lard, tallow, meats, cheese, lie.
the safe that be tiad cn bis pernn and j ,h.. w, ,Hsi sold in a lew localities. Sells
opened the safe and took therefrom j i"iek. Every family wants it. Is one of
f fir n I ",? p'easantesi, most useful, snreesslul and
,Uv(J, f j M' S-i--ti il- ever sold by agents.
A ftin a banking houe in Boton j VVcr:iwR ponnds. Price, :.00. Exciu
, , , ; sive territory giveh. Circulars tree. LI f-
shot biaJughter six jears old, and j XI.EFIELH k D.DIE, lv Washington St.,
then shot himself. The death of his J Boston, Mass. iuaj2J-8w
wile several months ago, it is supposed, ' r
deranged bis mind. !
A Jewish town in Kussia took fire JJQQJ JJ SHOE STORE.
Twelve hundred houses were burned.
Thousands of people are homeless. j 0
A Terrible Thirty-Minute' History.
Mr. Kyle was at a near neighbor's hoaac
raising, and Mrs. Kyle, with the smaller1?!'
her two children, went to a spriug near by
to do her washing. Alter bdug engaged
some time she heard a scream from her
little girl whom she had left at the bouse,
and, hastening to the scene, it was ber hor
ror to behold a huge rattlesnake lying there,
with its fangs lasteued in the child's arm.
She succeeded in killing the snake, and
then, thinking ot ht-r child which she had
left at tne sjaring, she hastened there, only
to And that this one had climbed up to tlw
tub of water, fallen iu, aud was drowsed
This nearly crazed her, and she ran witb all
ber might to tno neighbor's where tbe
honse-raising was, and, screaming with ex
citement, called to er husband, who at the
time was upon the building, and lie, through
excitement, in trying to gA down, pulled a
piece of timber orf upon him and fell, kill
ing hinisell instantly. Then friends went
back to where the child ant snake were,
o.oy to mid each dead lying on the Uoor.
This all happened w ithiu thirty minutes
East Wayne County Teun.) Citizen.
Last Sunday a week the wife of Thomas
Mast, of West Bradford township, Chester
county, while seated on the porch ill front
of her house, beard quite a commotion
among her turkeys in a field across the road.
She stcpied over and there discovered a
large-sired snake I) Inj upon the lower rail
of the fence '-charming" the turkeys. She
procured a hoe and made an attack upon
the viper. The first cut she made, she
missed the mark, when the sn ike .started
toa:ds her, and in stepping backwards to
g' t out of its reach her foot struck a stone
and she fell down. Sha then called to her
husband, who picked up a shovel and hur
ried to her assistance, but before he reach
ed th-! spot Mrs. Mast h id regained ber feet,
and with a few well-directed blows witb the
hoe, cut tbe reptile into that many pieci-s.
The snake was nearly three leet in length,
of a dirty brown color, aud when angry his
mouth ami bead appeared to swell out as
broad as a man's band. x.
A Jcar in Trnckee, Cat., had been ont
four hours when the Judge sent the Sheriff
to learn whether they were going to agree.
The Sheriff put an eye and then an ear to
the key hole of the room in which they
were located for deliberation. Then he
brought the Judge, and together they open
ed the door. On the tabli In the centra of
the room stood a big bottle of whisky, and
around it the drunken twelve were hilari
ously marching single file. The foreman
carried on bis bark a bass drum, upon
which the man bebiud him was poMndii'g.
Next came a juror playing a snare drum,
then a shrill whistle imitating life, and
the rest were singing. "tTe couldn't agree
on a verdict nohow," said ihe tipsy fore
man, in reply to ihe Judge's reproof, "and
we didn't think, 'twas any hurt fur to have
a social tiroo, slong's we was a congeu'l
Tub Phrenological JocSsal for July
contains a list of topics, wtich it would be
difficult to improve, for tbe entertainment
and instruction of its' many readers. The
matter is at once fresh, reasonable, crisp,
and earnest. Witness the following : Y.
V. Hayden, the Geologist, with a line por
trait ; Tbe Dean of Chester, England, witb
portrait ; Vice and Crime a clear cousider
atioo of man's negligence of the natural
laws The Primeval Race Double-Seaed
a curious essay, yet founded on some not
unsoond premise ; Eye: their Differences
and Significations an a la borate and fasci
nating paper thirty illustrations Agnes
Worth, a story which ladies will appreciate;
A Summer's Vacation, which tell bow a
party of thirty enioyed themselves in the
Kocky Mountain, and givi i numerous off
hand iortraits ; The Real Lady a good
pot trait of a noble character ; How toOov-
ern and Train Children Shall We Whip 1
valuable suggestions to parents ; Prof. Da
vid Swing, with portrait shows up that
Chicago divine ; Portrait and Sketch of J.
Edgar Thompson. A humorous cartoon,
hilling a certain fashion, closes the unmber
pleasantly- Price 30 cents; i a year.
Address S. K. Wells, 389 Broadway, New
"1 tell yon," said a Potter county man to
a neighbor next day after bu-ying his mife,
"when I came to get in bed and lay thar,
and not bear Lncinda jawing around for an
hour and a half, it just mli me feel aa if
I'd moved into a strange country
A despatch says that Gov. Moses, of
Sontli Carolina, haa informed a ners-ap r
correspondent with ill-concealed exultation
that he is certain of re-election because his
constituents are unable to read.
Sew Advertisements.
AdmlnlMtrats)!-' Notice.
Estate of Peter Brennitkoltz, deceased.
LETTERS of Ailmiimtntion on the es
tate or IVu-r BretinilioItz, late of the
borough of Perryn'ille, dee'd, having been
ranted to the undersigned, all perxons in
debted to the said estate are requested to
malic immediate payment, ami those having
claims or demands against tbo arm tu
make them known witltout dctv to
Jnly 1, 187l-fit
Bridge Letting-.
SKAI-UI) proposals will b received at the
Commissioners OlhVe, Mitllinlowa, Pa.,
uimi 2 Vlock P. SI. of TL ESUA Y, JULY
14th, 174, for erecting a Bridge across
Horniug's run in Fermanagh towu;liip.
I'lails and specifications cn le seen at the
Commissioners' oltfcei By order of the
Board .
Mi(liin(on, June 17, l!-7t.
AHnignee' .lot lee
"V WICE is h.-reby given that S T Shel
11 ley has msde an asij;nnieiit of his es
tate to the nnderxigncd lr Ihe benefit ot
Ilis creditors. All persons indebted to tho
caid S. Y Shelley, wil' mike juy incut, and
I hose having claims against Ihe same will
iceseut them without del.iv to
June 17, 1874-Ct
The mercantile business will be ci.Tlnct
ed at the present stand till further notice is
given The patronage of th? puMrc is
earnestly solicited as in the pa.il.
A Big ( nance for Arcars af Fitb.fr Sex.
WANTED, Agents and Peddlers for
We have opened out in the Xew Build
ing on the Nevin lot, on Bridge street, the
largest and best stock of
ever brought to the county.
We buy our stock from Manufacturers
and in large lots. Wet pay cash and expect
to sell for cash, whicb will enable us to
offer GOODS
At Prices far Below the Average.
This branch of th business will be su
perintended by A. B. FASICK, one of the
best practical mechanics in tbe county. All
kinds of repairing done,
July 2, 1873-tf
Keeps constantly on hand and fur sale at a
small jTofit, a well selected assortment of
Also. FLOUR and all kinds of PROVISION'
TOP PRICES paid for Couhtry Produce
and all kinds c-f GRAIX, particularly for
choice lots of wheat.
Mexico, Pa., May 6, 1873-6ra.
paper hanging.
The undersigned, having nine year's ex
perience in tbe I'AIMINU BUSINESS, in
the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, o tiers bis services to the public.
in all the various branches, will be prompt
ly attended to, and satisfaction given.
Charges moderate.
Miffiinbrwn, April 8, 1874-tf
Spring & Summer
Which arc sold CHEAPER than
at any other place in town
Respectfully Yocrs, 4c,
THE nnderigtied, having completed his
new Warehouse in IVrrvsville, would
respectfully invite the attention if th.
fanners of the county to the I ict that he is '
at all times
Having introduced new facilities for hoist
ing, weighing, Jtc., we are now prepared to
unload with toe lcat possible trouble.
Bark, Railroad Ties, Locttst
Posts, and all Saleable
Country Produce
will be bought at all times, either for
which trill be sold to suit purchasers, eitbi-r
aaCJe lowest rates ruling.
At my Store in Turbctt township may be
found as complete an assortment of
Queensware, Hardware, &c,
all of whicb will be sold as low, if not a
little lower tban elsewhere-
10, 1873-tf
The undersigned would inform the public
that be has opened a
In tho oorough ol Patterson, where h bas
for salo
Walnut Bedroom Sets,
Sofas, Lounges,
Extension' Table.,
Sofa, Cane-seat and Common
Chairs, Wash Stands,
Also, a Large Lot of Carpets.
As I run a car to Philadelphia weekly I
am prepared to fill all orders for furniture,
carpets, fcc., in person.
Improved CUCUMBEi'
SVtlI PUMP, Tasteless,
e Durable, Etucier.t (t (. heap
The uest Pump for the least
monev. Attention s espe- '
oially invited to Blalchiey's
'atent Improved Biac
g New Drop Check Valve,
whk-b can be withdrawn
without removing the limj:
t- or diturbing ihe joints.
Als ihe Copper Chamber, which never
crw ks or scalen, and w ill outlast anr other,
t? i.. i... r...-.i mA ii.m i'..i..
allv. inonire for Blatchh-v's P.imi and if
I,.. ..U in nil, luicn ..11.1 llim-t lu
606 Commerce St., I-biladclphia. Pa.
"!V"OTICE i hereby given that applu-a-J.
1 tion will l made to lb-n. tkiiij F.
Jiinkin. Presi luttt Judge at Chambers, for
the charter of an intended cotporat'.ou to
be called "The Odd Fellows' lull AsMia
tiou of McCoysvillr. Juniata County," the
character and object ol which Is to build a
ball tor the use ol the ImK-pendvut O der of
Odd Fellows at McCoysville. in said coun
ty, as provided by tn- act ot Assembly ap
proved April 29, lbl4, entitled "An act lor
the incorporation aud regulation oi certain
william t. thomas,
samuel macuauguet.
william a. millikkn.
j.mili.ek McDon ald.
- JullN D. MILLIKEN. -
Oct 22, 1873-
I M Ml .awA.
? 1' fmen
' Among ths manv nice goods may be found
i Ilia lolloa ing :
Two Dozrif Fisr Pocket Biblis, Lakoe
Lot or rnoTooBAm Aniu, Bead
Tim AiT-x!rn Aibcs, Ex
TK4 Fi-ss K.HVES roa I.adts,
Fisa Pocckt Boos
L.iocoh to SirrLT
The CorsTT. A
Ctc at Va
st a t T
Fixr Isi
tial Pares aD
Esvelopis, Fur
Pifvti'L Board Cards,
BA.sr, L.tanr Lor or Bull
T.otttr, Fen borno Dat-Books,
IIabmo.mcas, Extbi Ql'ALITT Accobheo.vs
CoBBS, t'lOAB t'ES, til ToBC
Co I'orcuts, PBTL10S,
Cues Boards, Uom-
C n c c tt k k
h A B D ,
o a a t r
Praxes, Basc
Balls, spectacles
a .id Eir Glasses, Bur
Tub Pvbliv abe Isvited t Cam,
ab v tnsxry tbe liw.rs. Ktrr.n
Aek the Place. Patterson Data Store.
Patterson, May 13, 18;t-tf
Pomeroy, fatterscfi, Jaeobs & Co.
CAPITAL., $80,000.
JOSEPn POMEROT, President.
T. VAN 1RVIN, Cashier.
directors :
Joseph Pomeroy, I John Balsbach,
Jerome X. Thompson, II. II. Bcchtel,
John J. Patterson, j J. W. Frank.
George Jacobs,
I'ntted Slates Securities, Bonds, $e..
boii:ht and S"ld
beren-thtrtte exchmged for Five-tKent.es
ai niarKei rales. L mlea stales coupons
Hold and Sitter bonsht at highestt rates
Deposits receired. collections t-aile. drafts
! on the principal cities, and a general banking '
ousiness iramsacte.1.
Bonds and other valuable papers received
on special deposit. juin.-b'Ia-ll
C"S S. MILLS taltes this method of re
T turning thanks ! citizens o Perry s
vilie and surrounding country for part fa
vors, and, having formed ihe firm of U. S.
MILLS 4 SON, t -.: t,ij- to merit a con
tinuance ot p itronage. They cap now bet
ter serve !hn t -iblic, hat i.ig just openeil out
; a regular business of Merchandising in alt
""""'J epi " a country store,
ckettl'" v..vvi.siAj,
Also, a lull l. ieof Shoemakers' I'inAings,
Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Morocco,
Auieric in an-I French Calf Skins, all nf
which we will sell at th- lowest prices for
1 cash. n'1 country produce.
Also, a tU.l Hue Ot
Merchant Tailoring Department
in the store, stocked with CLOTHS and
L'ASSIMERKS, whicb we will make up to
order or sell by the yard to customers.
C7" All woolen goods cut to order.
tail and see us. We ni-an to please our
customers, inferring the nimble six-peace
to the slow shilling.
Store opposite McManiglu's hotel, it) tbe
Stevenson propertv.
Perrysville, March 13, 1874.
01,031051 SCIBCR,
Will visit Midi in and Patterson every
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday mornings
and will furnish the Jilitens of thesr Dor
otiR-hs wit i the best of
st tha very lowest prices. He respectfully
solicits the patronage of ths public. :
April , 173 I y.
t Advertisement.
roh SALE.
Tbe Grand Rap Us and Indiana Ra'hoci
has been tinisheii ; H miles long, and its
entire land grant earned ?
farming 1 amis to Jrtnal Stttltrt, far
iHthndnals or Colonies,
100,000 arrra h-o been sold already.
The Liuls are tiitll timbertd, making the best
kind of farms. Strong soils of (treat pro
ducing iiwer. Easily reached by rail or
water. Good markets. Railroad rani
through the grant. .Michigan Is one of the
ri indebted and most prosperous States in
the W et. Its $cht"h are unequalled. Its
financial st indiiig Xo. 1. 'u dirnculty in
tran.-oortalion. rVave and i.rop.-nty ars
iu its border. Laiota from $4 u fe per
acre. Time sufTu-ieril. Interest i prr ceut.
Land Commissioner.
Grand lUpids, ilich.
f. B. L. PIERCE,
gec'y La:.d Department.
PKICE, $20 below
; VALCt,$ above
tnn o'ker drtt-dast
betting Mjclunt.
i SAVED, $o0 by buying the Flame:
i Every machine tcarrantti.
Speiiat terms lo clubs and dealer.
I Send fur trrculars to the
: Flcreuc S. Ji. Co., Florence, Mjss.,
! or S. M. Cain 4 Co.,
i Ab. 8, Street. Pittsburg, Pa.
Et K. Thompson's' Sweet Worm
arc doing more good than tongue can tell
Or pe write in relieving children and adults
1 of intestinal parasite or worms. Children
! seT-n months old have di-h.irred large
I norm' after a few doses. Not inj'irions in
! tlie least: Pleasunt to take, containing no
calomel. Pul np in glass vials, wub name
of proprietor blown in g ass. Inquire of
von- Dru?eit, and take nothing els ; or
i.iit to E.. THOMPSON 4 CO., Tft-.is-ville.
PS. Hit i:. Price, 2' rents.
TrrrntiiLs. !.., Nov. 8, 171. C. K.
Thompson's DxrF.uoi and .M umiaks
Pi? hye acted like a ch irm in curing
siek he.idarhe, aili in the bones, coll and
constipation of the howrls, and induced a
well regulated action of lh liver.
Charles Knrr.
i PilN sent by mvt on receipt of 2 cents.
Irii Exists and dealers choul.l send tor
! list and prices.
j iu semrtmg nicti.ue fires ine vest idi.j-
faction the user, is pan for most readily,
I aud u the b.st of all to sell If there is na
j "KumrW.r" agent in yon town, applj i to
liOMCH 1'IC S. .V. CO.. Xer iork.
Ladies Send for Elesrant Fashion Book.
).SltlfllllA.Ml, OB MUL tU.An.Jl-
nale and x-'i" ,r,e bve and affections of any
persons i hey t boose, instantly. This sim
ple mental acquirement all n.ay possess,
free, by mail. tr 't cents; together with t
Marriage I'B'do, Egyptian Oracle, Iireains.
Hints to Indies A queer boot. 11H,IH
sold. Address T. WILLIAM & CO.. Put
libbers, Philadelphia.
A DTERTISERH send 25 cents tn
2. Geo V Kow ell & Co., 41 Park Ko.
N . i' ., tor their Eight-page I amphUt, show
ing cost of adverti-in.
Ltron in the Blood
The Peruvian Syrup, a rVoff
I Solution of the Protoxide of
Iron, is to combined as to have
the character of an aliment, as
easiUj digested and assimilated
M-itU the blood as the simplest
food. It increases the quantity
of nature's Own Vitalizing
Agent, Iron in the bloott, etntt
cures "etthouisand ills," simply
bnToniny up,Incigoratinq anu
Vitalizing the System. The en
riched and vitalized blootl per
meates every part of the bodiji
rcjtairiiiy damages and tvaste,
searching out morbid secret
Hons, and leaving nothing for
disease to feed upon.
This is the secret of the tcon
der ful success of this remedy in
wring Dyspepsia Liver Com
plaint, Drops? Chrouio Diar
rhoea, Bolls, 2s crvotH AiTettions,
Chills and Fevers, Humors,
Loss of Constitutional Vigor,
Diseases of the Kulneys aud
Bladder, Female Complaints,
and all disease originating it
a bad state of the blond, or ac
companied by debility or a lour
state of the s'f stem, being f rem
from Alcohol, in any form, its
energizing effects are not fob
lowed by corresponding reac
tion, but are permanent, infu
sing strength, vigor, and neuf
life into all parts of the system
and building up an Iron Con
stitution. Thousands have been changed
by the use of this remedy, from
weak, sickly, suffering crea
tures, to strong, healthy, and
happy men ami women and
invalids can not reasonably hes
itate lo give it a trial.
See that each botilo has PERU
VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass.
Pamphlets Free.
StTH W. FOWLE L SONS, Proprietors,
X. 1 TUltoa Place, Bostoa.
Bold bt Dbcccists oihiiai.il
Manhood: HowLost. How Restored
Just Published, kn a Sealct Envelop. Price
Six Cents.
Lcturs on the Nature. Treatment and
Rao teal CilrCoi Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, fe.tual
Deboity, and Impediments to Marriage gtra
erally; N -rvouness, Conanipti .n, Epi
lepsy and Pits ; Mental and Physical Inra
paritv, resulriog from Self-Abuse, etc. By
tbor ol the "(i.-eeu Book,'' fcc.
The world-.enowned a ithor, in this ad
mirable Lecture, clearly proves from Ins
own experience that Ihe awtul consequen
ces ot Sell-Abuse ma be. ttVctually reiuov.
ed without medicines, and without daiicer
ons surgical operations, bougies, instra.
ments, Tings or coidiais, pointing out a
tnotie ol cure at once certain aud ellectu.l
by which evjty sufferer, no matter what bis
Condirion mi be, may cure himself cheaply,
privately nd radically. This Lect'irc will
prove a boou to thousands and thousand.
Sent, under seal, to any address, toi
plain envelope, on ihe receipt oi two sost
age stamps. A Idress the Publisheis,
127 Bowery, New Ye.
Post4jrBne Bab
Nt. 10, l7JUly.