S'EXTIXEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIXTOWN : Wednesday, Jane IT. 1ST4. TERMS. Subscription, $1.50 per unnm. Transient advertisement inserted at 50 cents per inch for each insertion. Transient rmsmesa notices in local col umn, 10 cents per line tor each insertion. Deductions will be made to th.e desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. - PESTA. E. EJIME TABLE. Passenger trains leave Mifflin Station ax follows: EASTWAKD. Fast Line, 2 54 a ni. I'seiflc Express, lOllaiu. Harristrnrg Accoramo., II 28 am. luv Express, 1 42 p in. Mill, 6 12 pm. Cincinnati Express, 8 60 p m. WFSTWABD. Pittsburg Express, 1 20 a m. Cincinnati Express, 2 14 a tn. Facilic, 5 6S a m. Wav Passenger, 10 04 a m. Mail, 33 pin. Fas! Line, 6 45 p m. Mifflin, Jur.e 8, 1874. LOCAL ISTELLIGESCE. Editorials crowded out, as is also a parcel of contributed matter. Mr. Emanuel Mover, ia Fermanagh town skip, has already housed new hay. Heavy mi-is west of Ibis place on Satur dav raised and muddied the nver. Constable VCil.-an had a cow that died Ut Friday. Disease not defined. A nuailirr of people went to Lewistown or. business on Saturday, and saw the show. The wife ot a Port Royal man gave birth to triplets last Saturday, two boys and one girl. Mr. John Uartzel, of Newport, received the contract for grading Cherry street, lor The Select School at Centreville will give T, A CT fs n r. . ... wUUU, anernoon aooui three o'clock, afire broke out in 'a stable owned bj Mr. John Wright, in this ooroogu. Ia quite a short time the fire extended itself through the adjoin ing stable of Captain MoClellan and Mil. Oswald. northward was here cut off by a va cancy between the last tamed stable and one owned by Mr. Robert Parker and a vigorous application of water on Mr. Parker's stable. Mr. Wright's stable was joined to his residence on Main street by a series of outbuildings. To extinguish the fire in the outbuild ings, through which it was insinuating itself rapidly toward the dwelling house, required vigorous and sUady work. To hold the position at the cis tern pumps in the back yards of Mr. Wright, Captain McClellan and Mr. leakly who occupies Mrs. Oswald's Louse and pass water therefrom to the roofs of the bouses of the citizens just named was an ordeal of a tryisg nature. The citizens, however, were equal to it. They seemed lo think that those posi tions Wire the keys that beid secure against, or opened the way clear to an other terrific conflagration. A line of men and women was alsj formed to the basin, from which water was passed and poured on the roofs of the bouses named. The old engine was brought into nse, out of repair as it was, and did good service in extinguishing the fire in the out house that stood nearest to Mr. Wright's dwelling house, and in keeping the side of Mr. Parker's stable nearest the fire A HCMBEft of distinguished citizens. in the "full flush and vigor" of mature manhood have determined to inaugu rate a course of leetures. Two well known gentlemen have already aigni fied their willingness to open the course gratuitously, which will be a great help unaucitiiy epeaking, for it will be a start without money. To start without money is cue of the hardest things to do in these days of " Mammon. The first lecture will be most appropriate to the start, and, if it may be guessed at, :i i ..it, . win leu eloquently all about bow to keep the thing agoing after it has been started. The lecture will be styled, 'Political Economy lor the Benefit of the Heathen." The kind lecturer has written, or ij about to write to Mr. Jones, President Grant's right band gold and silver man, for the purpose of obtaining bis views on the subjee Once they have been obtained the time for opening the lecture season will be announced over the names of the gen tlctueu who constitute the association. The second is to be a comprehensive lecture on Education, past, preseut, and compulsory. It is in a stats of rest, also. Its near or distant delivery de pends npon the response to certain ques. tions that the lecturer says be has pro pounded to distinguished State educators. etemies and all old cioakcr. who op pose public enterprise aud cry down improvements, would take advantage of it and use it detrimental to our inter ests. - As regards the completion of the road, there is no difficulty about that, as we have ten miles graded and sufficient money subscribed to pay for the balance of the gradation, masonry, and engineering expenses. Mr. Lorenz stated to me on Friday, stories then in circulation, and all seemed to be believed. I yet recol lect a ease that ooeurreJ near Mifflin, on the main road from Mifflio to Thomp son town. Near the Cedar Springs a pnblie road leads of for Mexico. At the foot of the little bill tbere on the west side of said road stood an old log house, which was occupied by an old 300 different kinds of Ladies Neck ties and Silk Scarfs of all shades aud description, Si III Ribbons of all shades, Ruches and Ruffles of all the newest I -ii l : , e m ' . f ;i, ., u . i m ie, auu an ainus oi i riuiinincs 10 wet with water. et carpet was also . . b spread on the houses nearest the bura ing stables, to facilitate the extinguish ment of sparks that from time to time ! Knit (K. on.onn . n 1 elpl. . .. ,1. est io the market, you may always find a public entertainment on the evening of , came down on them. The three houses I mentioned nearest the stables took fire on the 2Jih iut. Snow in Michigan a Saturday caused their roofs a number of times, but was as often extinguished. Men were station ed on tbet ps of the houses of Messrs. Goshen, Bmsall, Howe, and Col. Bell, on the west side of Main street, and as people lirre on Sunday morning to make fires in their stoves. Mr. William Allison is having his house rrjaiuted both inside and outside. Colyer and auiead are the painters. Selinsgrove was awfully excited last week over an elopement case. A man named Eiiis liariiuan ran oflT with the w ife of Hen ry Wilier. A number of boys were arrested for playing cards in a vacant lot in Altoona, last Wednesday. They mere relieved on tLe payment of costs. The vacation ot the Soldier' Orphans: at Cheap John's Store. Tiiompsontown, June 1G, 1875. EJdor Sruiinet : It seems to me that among the "flowers born to blush unseen," Tbompsontown is one. Not that it is devoid of attractions, for Euch is not the case. For a long time we have eagerly read the Sentinel, but that we wnul'i fin. no difficulty in plac-' lady and her son Stephen George and ing the loan upon onr road, established J wife, and tbey had a hired girl. One as it is upon a found basis and be was day wnen a, girl WM sr;tin;Dfi., the ' w-i. x . o. i eiersou Cfc u. agree to take it, and will go over the line in about to weeks, accompanied by Iron men and Philadelphia capital ists, and if my statements firore cor rect we cannot fail. I hive yet to find the railroad man who has any knowl edge of railroading or business, bat agrees with me that it is one of the best investments in the Stste. As I wrote you before, I beg pardon for publishing extracts from your let ters without permission. 1 wish you would let roe know what time the bridge will be built, ts it would aid us very much by having i. put np this summer. Very Respuctfully, W. A. Meeker, Pre.. Selinsgrove, Juno 3, 1371. .Mi$eellaneota. Iron in the Blood fire fell on their bouses it was speedily poor little T does not send news, put out. The roof f the Basin bridge ' and therefore is missing. Now what I took fire from a spark, but was put out before it had progressed to consider able damage. The furniture and household goods of Mr. Wright, Capt. McClellan and ! Mr. Yeakly were hurried out in such a ? i - want to impress upon you is that we "still live." Well, now, for cur attractions : First, but not less numerous, come the famous potato bug, which has an unceasing warfare waged upon it, although it pur- Scbools will commence July 21th, and con- manner that considerable damage was ' sues its vocation regardless of all 3 .i vf n.i i ..i . . l ir . . . tmue till Sei.teiulH.-r 1st. The examination , U-Ju lucul- i.ey .aiors eaccpi nine, n ju . of the school at McAlistervilte will com- cently opened a lumber yard on a lot see a lively foot-race, just sprinkle a rue :ice July I'.th, A. M. directly on the east side of the alley ; little lime upon them M. Henry W. Brubiker, formerly of this from the burning stables, and had ac eonnty, a;;d brother to Samuel Brubiker, of cumulated quite a quantity of all kinds Fermanagh township, was drowned on the of bul! jine material there. Consider- r, 1st of Slav, in Waterloo counly, Canada' , ,. '. . ,. , -' , ' , ! able diSeulty was experienced in keep- West, while bathing in the nver. A by . . ' . was ith h. at the time, but was un.hle to ' 'g out of the p.Ies of lumber, rei.der assistance. Mr. B. was aged 27 . It was kept out by hard work. Mr. years, and leaves a wife to monrn his death. J Wright had hay and such articles as Sheriff Loudon's tailoring establishment ' are most frequently found in a rich was robbed on Friday night of about $10) j,n's stable stowed in the Stable- His worth ol ready made clothing. The thieves oat.nouses corjtained stone coal, wheat, entered bv the frout door. They pried the ' , - . .. , corn and other articles or goods. Loss, that held the socket for the lock i $1200 ; no insurance. l aptain Mc-, everything. twit broke. This is the second time the ! Clellan's stable was occupied by X. E. I Friday, June 19:h, by giviug an enter- We have politicians, schools and lit erary societies. Last, but not least, I drummers without number. These last named are very business-like, and al tcoy tuccrssful. A grocery man the other day sold one small keg of the slimmest herring, and departed rejoic ing. Talk about lightning rod aud sewing machine men. Tbey are angels to the average drummer, who will e!l you anything, and sell, if they can. in Normal school closes on Littlefield as a tin shop, and contained ; tainment iu the school house at 7 P.M. tin sheeting, tin manufactured intoj Our frie id Garmau I J. M.) has again j household utensils, aud tin prepared for : been "presented" by the Bealetown Hierifl' has bc-en robbed w ithin six months. His loss by both robberies foots about $:;W. Years aro bla-k bass were put in the river at Huntingdon. 1 ersona are " j rotlfing Robert Parker', new business i school. On Thursday last be received permitted to catch them. The largest cumber of cook a beautiful Bible, bound in morocco, caught this season, per report, was 1 inches ... , . 1 -,. . i. i . e . u. . lon, 5 inches wide, and weighed 2 pounds, stoves. A few boxes of t.a aud a po- j gilt edges. People at first thought it a The editor of the Huntingdon JWoaior says tion of the tools that pertain to the j laudable effort of the Home Mission- that this time of the year is just the trade of a tiuner were got out. Los, ' aiy Societies, but were pleased to see midst of the spawning season, and asks ' tiiat the law be changed so as to cause the fishing season to open later than the first of $1500; no insurance. The stable be longed to Capt. McClellan, valued at $JU0 ; bo insurance. Mrs. O.-wald's stable contained straw and bay that be longed to Mr. Yeakley, which burned therefrom (wo pair of boots. They entered i with the stable. Ihe harness and other by the f ront duor. Some months ago Mr. cffect8 were saved. The stable was North's place was entered and the 'e I Tued at S 150 : insured for $225. The furniture and household effects Jane. On Friday night burglars entered John Xorth's shoe store on Slain street, and took number of boots taken. It is quite rem un able, too, that last Friday night both his and Sheriff Loudon's places were robbed almost precisely as roblied a number of months before. Tramps are credited wiih the robbery, justly or unjustly. Axotiier arrival of Human Hair Switches and other new fixings for the hair, at Tbeap John's. who Att.-tios. Farmers. Farmers want to buy a first-class Reaper and Mower will do well to call on the undersigned who his for sale the Hubbard Heai er aud Mow t r and ihe Meadow Lark Mower. The ....,. .r, ..,.! I gearing oi oom iurc u-u. , ( sa(Ce Ume enclosed not a CO- orsprmg ueiag ui side. I sold thirteen of these machines last year, and they all gave entire satisfac tion. I also have for sale the Taylor Hay Eake, the Mechanicsburg Rake, and the genuine Columbia Rake. Orders addressed to MiCiin P. O. will receive prompt atten tion. DANIEL AlKER. May 27-11 ai of Mr. Wright, Capt. McClellan and Mr. Yeakly were hurried out of the houses in such a manner that consider able loss was sustained, which is not enomerated in the above figures. The furniture was insured. Mr. Parker's stable alo was considerably damaged. There are numerous conjectures as to the origin of the fire. Some state that a party of boys smoked in the stable. Some have it that a party of young men played cards and smoked in it at and many believe that it w& intentionally act on fire. Tht it was a "token of our sincere esteem which he tron by his thoroughness in teaching and ki ducss in discipline." For the present we close. " Pictta " A TreatiBS on Witchss. I have lately read in a Philadelphia newspaper, that somewhere in the Mex ican dominion that a certain man and bis wife were burnt with fire, they hav ing been accused and convicted of witchcraft. It seems barely possible tl at in this age of the world such an act can be justified. Surely it could not in these United States, because the people here are endowed v ith light and knowledge, and have more charity toward their neighbor than to first sus pect, and in their ignorant credulity to arrest, try, aud convict, and that per haps because of their great prejudices against their neighbor, aud even lack ing ample proof. But this is in exact accord with the human mind, that man loves a lie better than the truth ; the fulfillment ef a proverb that a "lie will travel a thousand miles while truth is getting his boots on," thus verifying the fact thit man cannot retain forever that image of God in his heart which is divine ; but in his lack of faith and natural in&rmity and weakness of mind he can be persuaded through the arts and facinations of the evil one to be lieve ihe lie first. Yet I admit that I am cne of those who firmly believe that there was a time when witches did exist, and I have Biblical authority for my faith. I offer you a few texts, thus : Exodus 22 : IS ; Deut. 18 : 10 ; Sam. 15 : 23 ; 2 Chron. 33 : 6 ; 2 Kings 9 : 22 ; Micah 5 : 12 ; Neh. 3 : 4. These aro a few of the txts on witches. Then comes wizards, supposed to mean the masculine, who was a conjurer or enchanter, or deceiv er by his arts and devices, while they of the feminine were regarded as the witch actual. Then there was the necromancer, who would converse with the ghosts of the dead, a conjurer, io., as having familiar spirits, &c. All of these are forbidden. I supposo the Spititualists of the present day ar closely allied to some of these, and ought not to be tolerated in an enlight ened country. But 1 will now bring this subject down to more modern times, as for in stance, in our own New England States, or rather colonies. I have something to say from my memory, part of which was written and part oral. The latter I gathered from those who lived during the latter part of the last century. In those days there was a well-established faith in witches and witchcraft. When a small boy, , seme neighbors would come and spend the forepart of the nicht in social conversation, which bards came off the wheel, and with all the power of her and the family fi several days, tbey could not keep the bands on tae wheel. It was decided that witches were about. Uno day a lump of clay ficw across the room and struck the wall and fell on the floor, frightening the family, and then more clay of the daubbing of ' the cracks would pass with great force and strike the partition or wail aud raise a dust and dirty the floor. The next thins the doors would fly open or shut with violence, and many other things occur red. The whole country went there bv day and by night, and in their midst siringe fcouudi would be' heard, and the doors moving suddenly when no wind blew. Things in their cupboard were disturbed aud broken. Kev. John Hutchinson came and held worship there ; but ihe family had to move out. They blamed their hired girl for being a witch. Now, who knew whether she was or was not. The house was torn down, but they found not the evil spirit ; il had fled. From one and a half to two centuries ago the people of the New England States had to earn their bread by the sweat of their faces, and they only knew that manner of gettiug along. As for newspapers, none were printed, and if there had ben, there were no mails to carry them, and books were few. People, illiterate and credulous, would believe anything they heard a good deal like they do here yet.. Tbey believed iu witches aud wizards and all their craft. When the people bad fully concluded as to who the witch was, tbey would meet and take her to deep water and tumble ber in. If she drowned it was a pity, for they believed a witch would not diown. If she es caped to shore, they would burn her. thev beins sure that she was a witch whea she would not drown. Much more could be written on this subject of witches and their craft. Tacitcs That Iron is valuable as a Medicine bas long been koown, but it is only since its preparation in the particular form of Peruvian Syrup that its full power over disease has been brought to light. Its effect in cases of dyspepsia J wou!J rua on feats performed by ccr and debility is most salutary. i tain ones in the late war of the Revolu tion and its many singular incidents, lie. aud of the late reputed witch craft of our own neighborhood. You must bear in mind that there were com paratively few neighbors then, and they Now for the Shawls ! Cheap John bas bought the prettiest line of! Spring and Summer Shawls ever before brought to town, so that ladies in need of a Shawl cannot help but buy one of bim, after ciao-iuiog them and inquir ing the price. Tnis is Mr. Meeker's letter that came too late for last week's issue : DC'O Parasols and Summer Shades at Cheap John's. Did you ever bear of so many Parasols in one store in Juni ata county ! But they won't last long with h:.m, because he eells them at a miall profit, and sells so many of them. That is the way he does business Ladies will save money by buying par asols at Cheap John's Store. Despatches fiom the uorth of Eng land tn this boroueh say thai the hairs and Lounges offered by U. F. Snyder, Main street, Mifflintown, cannot be excelled either for low price or good quality, in this country or in England and Wales. Remember the name and place. The largest, finest, beet and nicest stock of Goods was brought to thw town by Cheap John, from New York and Philadelphia, that bas come here fur a long time, and at such low prices that it astonishes every person how be can stand it ; but the way he doea is, he buys bis Goods from the manufac turers and importers, and buys every thing for cash, and thus saves from 25 to 50 per cent., which enables him to !! fJnnt os in 50 er cent, lower than any other person. Therefore any budv that needs anything whatever in his line will save money by buying it it Cheap John's Store. same uncertainty that envelopes the ;Yt)Ur favor of the 2Ctb origin of the other fires that oevastated reoeive(1 paced in the bauds of the this place surrounds the fire of last printer. In the first place you say that Sundav It would be a relief to feel I a published statement, priuled by our lhat all of the destination that bis been wupao, .go , . . ,! pose that your company were interested canned here has tot been the work ot , r ... ,.,.,., ,,m in our roau. xuc vuij your letters refer to the buildiog of the bridge, and the market for the ores and back loads of coaL The following are caused bore bas cot incendiaries. As exehaBee savs : There has been some diversity of opinion as to the best , the quotation : time to cut wheat, judging from the com- It is onr intention to rebuild the bridge time to cut wiieai.j e s ; Jt port Treverton n,d our road from that moo practice of farmers. It is generally castWilrJ u a ,,uUic highway, over cut wheo dead ripe, or at lea.t when the i which yoi.r company can at all times have CUl wneo ueau ripe, transported promptly and on grain has become bard. This is no doubt JJ; nn nf more importance .,i rnn anereed. as it seems you are 4UC..U.,- . ' !.-. , than many suppose. It should De remem bered that wheat is composed of gluten, starch and bran. Gluten is the nourish- inir ouality of crn, makes the Hour stick together in the hands ot the baker, and gives weight to the grain and there is the greatest quantity of gluten in the likely to do, yon can always depend npon having a good market la our regions tor your ores and in getting back loads of coal." There is not one single point in the printed statement that is capable of the construction you gave it. tlad I in tended to have made any miwepresen t.finna. or atteuiDts to deceive the peo ple aud nse your credit, would I have ... Y . 1 . .. fi..c grain just when the straw is yellow two ; Bent JOU and jir. Loienx the very first or three joints from the ground, the head j copy of the printed statement! No, . L . i x. ,i.v. in m uneecbes. turns downward, and you can mash a I sir, A.nt person in need of Counterpanes will cave money by buying thcoi at Cheap John's Store. He sells a splcn did counterpane for $1.25. The Ladies' Hose sold at Cheap John's for 121 cts. are better than Lave ever been sold in this county at that price. MIFFLINTOWN' MARKETS. Corrected weekly by J. Sl II. A. Stambaugh, MirrtiNTOws, June 17, 1874. Butter 1 K 15 Dried Apples 10 Blackberries 10 Raspberries 20 Potatoes Ham 12 Shoulder. 10 Side. '8 Washed Wool 40 Ground Alum Salt, per sack .... 2 0 MIFFLINTOWN GRAIN MARKET. Corrected weeitly by D. P. Suloutf Wheat, 1 Seal 30 Oat 60 Corn, 0 Barley 6ll Cloverseed 75 Timothy seed.. 2 ot Haxseed ..................... .. 1 7-5 P. sI?LOl'FI't F0KWAKD AM 10MMISSI03 MERCHANT, far from each other, and, ob, how glad ly would they meet and take their so cial drink of whisky, which was then more common iu eery family than sweet milk is now. And here there were horses and cows bewitched every year, and the people believed it ; and sometimes even children were bewitched or at least the people said so, and believed it. So it don't matter at all whether a thing be true or false, if only it is believed, it answers the purpose with those who originated it. If coun terfeit money passes, it answers the purpose for which it was made. So if people will believe in witches and witchcraft, 1 ask, by what means can they be dissuaded from that belief! 1 have seen horses' n.anes in one night's lime so completely and com pactly in Vr woven and platted and mat ted that it could not be unraveled. If a man would try duriog a whole day, he could not unravel that hair. A cow supposed to be witch-shot ence died. I saw ber opened and skinned. Inside ber body was found a ball of hair, which appeared as hard as a green ap ple. It appeared of red cow hair, and one hair could not be pulled out of lhat DEALER 151 GRAIN, LUMBER, COAL, PLASTER, MISCELL.1.EOUS .1DrERTlSE.VE.Y1S. 10,000 YARDS CALICO .A.T IO CKs TS PER YARD, jVT J. & H. A. StAMBAUGH'S, MAKES THE WEAK STBOrlS. The Peruvian Sjrrtro, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Oicn Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures thousand ills,' simply b Toning up,Invigorating and I Ualizing the System. The en richcil and vitalized blowl per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and tcaste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com' plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhora, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, IiOss of Constitutional Vlor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating ti a bad slate of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a lou state of the s'fstetn. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and neio life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands hare been changed by the use oftlus remedy, front weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women t and invalids cannot reasonably lies itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle tuts PERU VIAN SYRUP Mown in tlus glass Pamphlets Free. SETH W. F0VLE L SONS, Proprietors, Xo. 1 Slilton Place, BmUa. Bold bv DiteoiiTi cttiuitf. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. We have opened out in Hie New Build ing on tlie Xci in lot, on Bridge street, tbe largest and best tdocii of BOOTS AKD SHOES, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S ever brought to ths county. We buy our stock from Manufacturers and in largo lots. W pay cask and expect to sell for ra.A, which will enable us to offer GOODS At Prices far Below the Average. Cor. of iila:.! and Bridge Sts. MIFFLINTOWN, PA.- DHY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEEXSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WAUE, CA&rETS, Floor, Stair and Table IL. CIAT2S BOOTS, SHOES, EATS, CAPS, &C. &G. -o:- 7-GIVE US .-A- CALL AND I1EAR OCR' TRICES. 3 FISn & SALT ALWAYS OX HAND. IF YOU WANT A IV T II I Ti ii illXT CAN UC ITKCiiASED AT A BOOT & SHOE STORE AND THAT CAN RE HAD At the Lowest Prices TO INSURE A Good Article, Call at tbe BOOT arid SHOE STORE of J. V. DEAN, Bridge Street, Patteirati, lim'ii. hi: riiuuKFLLiiYir ixtitjis ixsri?crrio3r. WORK MADE TO ORDER. This branch of tho business will bo sn perii.ten.led by A. B. FASICK, onC of the best prarticat mechanics in the county. All kiiida of repairing done. ALL W ORK WARhASTEO. SALT .i.hout nroduoine any milk. It may therefore beset down an indisputed truth that every day the wheat stands after this stage ofripenesj the gluten decreas es in quality nd tbe bran increases thiekness. We give the facta in time that the farmers can take advantage of the present season. Red and day Table Clo'-bs, White Panus Towls nd Towling, Handker chiefs, Summer Skirts, Summer Gloves, and every thing in that line, you will save money by buying at Cheap John' ! Store. turua . j , - other gta,eiI1ent 1 made, 11 nail wuuoui ureamog u, . ..eu..j grain between your thumb and noger , , ed Q de, fairljr ,nd honor-j were they sodden together. The ball 1 Tf mftir I a J ' ...... mi KI with all. and have never niaue any statements only npon authority. As regards the iron ores, Mr. Loren reit erated his statement on Friday last, that thev were very fine. lie further said that your company would build the bridge at Port Treverton, to enable us to connect with your road, and be thought that under the circumstances it was very liberal on your part, as it would cost ever a quarter of a million dollars, and that tbey would not build it only to afford us a connection, for wlich we certainly feel very thankful. The only objection I had to the pub lication of your letter, as was stated before in Philadelphia, was that all our was about two inches in diameter. Tbe CEMEN T. CALCINED PLASTER Manhood: HowLost How Restored Ju$t Published, ia a Stale d Emcehpt. i'rut Six Cmtt. Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Raoic.il Cnre ol' permatnrrhoa, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gen erally; .NervouMiess, Consumpti-tn, (epi lepsy and Fit; Mental and I'hy.ical Im a paeitv, resulting Irom Self-Abuse, etc. By hOb'fcKT J. ITLVEKWELL, M- I.. Au thor ol the 'G.-een Book," 4-c. The world-renowned author, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that Ihe awtul consequen ces ol Sell-Abuse may be effectually remov ed without medicines, and without dat.rcr ons surgical operation!!, bougies, instru- July IL c CORNELIUS BARTLEY. 1873-tf O R T II HEALER IX PIANOS, ORGANS, All kinds of Musical Iustrnni'.'iits, Strings, SHEET MUSIC. Artists and Wax Flower Materials and Fancy Articles. LIBERAL DISCOtTXTS OX ORGAX3 TO CASH BUYERS. 310 51 ARRET STREET. IlARnisECita, Pexx'a. Varll, 171. p.INTlNG AND PAPER HANGING. The undersigned, hiving nine year', ex perience in the FAIXTlNti BL'SIN rJSS, iu the employ of the fennst Ivauia Kailroad Company, otlvra his service to the public. t HOUSE PA 1NTIXG, VAFEll HAXGISU. AND CALSOMIXG, in all the various branches, will be prompt ly attended to, and satilactioo given Charges moderate. J A V K.S W . HAM la. I U. . Mifflintown, April 8, 1874-tf Repairing Promptly li 7 ended to, LOCUST GROVE, MILFOKD TWP., One ami a Lalf miles south-west of Fatterson. THE :ibcriber would mot respectfully inform the pnhlie lhat lie lias just opened . Store at the above plnce, where he is prepared to supply all who m iv lai-jr hiiu with their patronage Willi the latest aim most seu-ct awrtnl-'lil ol DRY GOODS, ttliOCKMES. Qt'F.EX 5WAKE, Woor AST) WILLOW WAKE, OIL CLOTHS, BOOTS . SI1 'ES. Af., with a full supply of HOME-MADE GOODS, YARNS, &C, All of which he oiler to sell or exchange for eonntrr pmd'.tce at THE VERY T.CTVVEST 1'RICES. Much loWcq In fact, thin goods have Uxn Sold within the county for mine rear.. He will pay the highest market price tor Locust 1'ost, Kailroat Tie and Wood; either in cash or rood. , A.J. HERTZ LEI . I.ocnst Grove, Ang. 8, ISTJ-tf. D.W.Harley&Go.'s I the place whore yea can bnj TIIK BEST A:SI THE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOIS, SHOES, ASD FCRS1SH1SG GOODS. WF. are prcpan-d to exhibit one of the most choice and nrlect stock, ever offered irt this martet, and at ASTOlSIUULV LOW PRICES ! Al.n, measures taken for suits and parti of suits, which will be tu'-Je to order at short notice, very r.-a-sonabie. Remember the r. cp. in Hoffman's New Building, ccract of Bridge and Water reet.s, KIFFLIXTOWX, PA. nay l7J-tt skin or hide was every whit sound, yet j niuJeof cure ,t once certain aud etfectu .1 between two ribs the flesh was torn, ! by which every sufferer, do matter what bis near where the ball lay in the cow when opened. In a certain old log mill in what is now Perry county, after night many cats of all colors would be seen dancing on the floor from the light of tbe lamp, bat the very moment tbe miller would open the mill room door they all vanished through tbe crevices of the chunking and daubbing, which had craked and fallen out. I might tell cf a hundred other etrange witch i Sentinel and Kepublican $1.50 a ycai condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands Sent, under seal, to any address, ini plain envelope, on the receipt of two post age stamps. A ldress the Publishes, tUiS. J. I. KL.lb IAJ. 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Otbce Box 46311. Nov. 19, 1873-ly. A large assortment of Queensware, China ware, Glassware, Crockeryware, Cedar ware, Ac- for sale cheap bv J. LL A. STAMBAUGII. J TMHEB I LCHDCRI WHITE PIXE SHAVED SHINULES, LAP AND JOIXT, S.VWLD SIILNGLKS, PLASTERING LATH, PICKETS AXD DET BOAKDS, Fo SALE BT NEK rilOMPSOX, Uilroy, Mifflin County, Pa. nov2G-Cni WHET TO VEaBAND H0;V TO VEA3 IT Just st. p into SAMUEL STKATEK'S CLCTUIXC STOKE. Lridgc street, 1'atlerson' l a., and he w ill tell yon all alui.t it. Having j ist retunird from Philadelphia at'd Xew York, he ran supply you wrth th Latent and Choicest Styles if CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, Costs, Pants. Vests, Hat., Cap., Boots and Shoes. Watches and Jewelry, Xolions. Ti.r nisiiii.g Goods in endless variety. Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, Furniture, e , cheaper than tho cheapest, tor the same quality ol good. Ca'l in an i be convinced. Measure Taken ami fruits Made to Order. Fatters..n, May 10, 1S73 SAftVth STRAYER. Vuninrti Cards. rruffStionnl Cordj. GREAT iiEDL'CTION IX TtlK PialC'ES OF TEETH! j .ti. CKAWFOKP, M. D , i Has resnm-d actively the practice of ; Medicine and Sirrjri ry a::d their rnll.-tcral , brai.rbe. Uthec al the old earner of Ti.ird Full I'pper or Lower Setts axLew as f- Orai.jje streets, Vitflirtn, Pa. - I ov. 1', lh7i-lni No ttetli al'owd ' lenve the office un-' low the pttienl is witisnVd. , Tf-eih r-inndel-d and reMirel. j Teeth filled to Inst lor life. j Teeth eitrscto l without pain, by the nse , of Nitrous Oxide Gas, always on hand. i l n'al w k done f..r im-t-oi s without them l.-avin their homes, if dt sired. j Tooilinche sip;iel in five minntis with-; !!""e ,,'urs 'roin 9 a. jt. to 3 r. a . Of. ont extractins tiie to ith. at the Dental Of- fice in h' lather's residence, ' ,ne S""" THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, MirFLlSTOXS; TA. See of 6. L. Dlrk, established iu Mill! in town in l-iO. O L. PER!?, Jan 24, 173. Practical beuttst. end of Water street. .-l22-tf LFUED J. PATTERSON. ATTGRNEY-AT-LAW, MIFFLIXTOWX, JUNIATA CO., PA. C7" All business promptly attended to. .Orrici In the room formerly occnpied in room in rear of Crystal Palace Buililinp, , by Attorney Allison. on Water Street, Kiaintown, Pa,, ' t ouis E. ATKINSON, FASHIONABLE GOOD? alwava t,n g B. LOCDOV, MERCHANT TAILOR, AdmlnI(trator9 Xotlce. Ettate of Sarah Garter, dtr'd. LETTERS of Adiuioisiiation rwiw tetla mrmto anntro npon the estate of Sarah Garner, late of Fayette township, deceased. bavinft been grantwt to the andersirneii, all persons indebted to estate of said dece dent are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present tbe same without delav to RCDOLrn AEISHAX, Administrator runt leitamenlo aaacxe. ScAlisterville, Juniata Co., Pa. - ma; 6 ale Bills printed on short notice at We i office f the Srmltt and tt'fnblitan. ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, JIIFFLIXTOWX, PA. FASIIIOXABLE GOODS alwaya on band. j CVSTOJI WORK DONE on the shortest j notice. - ! GOODS SOLD bv the vard or pattern. , KTColIccting and Conveyancing prompt- . . : lv atteudisl to. PERSOTfs. buying goods can bale them " t,,KEtJn Bridge street, opposite the cal in garmenU ffee of charge. I Court Honae Siiare. BCTTERILTS PATTERNS also for sale. ALL WORK WARRANTED. r RICES LOW. Oct 22, 1873-tf Ijtrgw stock of Hmdr-mwle (hhine lor ; snle by "IIAHLEY A CO. I'CTIO.tEER. SHL'SfAX MILLER, of Millcrstown, Perry comity, ttnidera bis services to th puMis ad Auctioneer, ami will attend promptly to the crying of sales at any poi- in the county, o ivc uim a call. Dec 24,l73-2m.