SENTINEL & 11EPUBUCAX - . -V 5IIFFLIXT0WN. Wednesday. April 2, 1874. ,'B. SCn WE I Eli. ' kiitoa kfQ raorairroa. Certain parts of the State of Ten nessee were visited bj heavy rain tortus last week'. Ilivers overflowed Ifasir basks to a degree unknown since 1347- .Oil Titer have Lad a case of real ere- niation in Philadelphia. Tbe body of ,a!so of th)J Uon A WasbbHnijof Cal Ueorge Opeldjke was burned to asbes ifornia, who was formerly minister to at bis father's residince, No. 194 North I Iar,gulJ. ,nd mlso of (jenerB Cad Fuurth street last Friday, tbe 17th. wa-(jer C. Washburn, of Wisconsin, Tbe ashes of the n were derosited jong , membeT of Congress and Gov inanurw, on tbe aides of which tbejertKirof tilat State. He was born at data of birtb and tbe time of the deatb WinchenJon, Maw., in 1820, and grad f the young man were inscribed. uate(, ,t yaIe Co51ege in l844. ghort- All of Governor Ilaitranr.' p- ly alter leaving college he engaged in poiutwenta unjer tbe new judicial bill j the manufacturing business, with which were rejected eicepting that of Mr. j bo"'11 remains connected, and he has Orvis. He beinz a Demociat, that ! ' "DT Jears been president of party in the Senate voted for Liui. The Republican nominees they v..ted gainst. The Republicans do not have a two-third vote tu tbe Senate. A two third vote in that body is necessary under the new Constitution to coufirm a nomination. Tnc social evil question bas become a tLeuic fur discussion generally, through the instrumentality of a bill offered by a member of the Legislature, proposing to license bouses of prostitution. Such a proposition is too liceatims to dis cuss. It is the duty of ail who regard the parity of themselves, their families and friends, to frown down any and every attempt at the institution of such a system of prostitution. Tub remaiukof Dr. Livingstone have been received in England. The great est of public respect is cianifcsted for tbe deceased explorer and traveler. The fears at one time entertained that a statement of his late discoveries bad never been forwarded to his country men are di'Delled by a letter from 6'an lej, stating tint when he retnrned fiotn Africa be bore with him ta Miss Liv ingstone, tbo Doeipra eldest daughter, a sealed account of bis explorations and discoveries. So, in all probability, tbe reading world will soon have li.'id before them the wunders of Dr. Lifingsrone's long researches. Tue State of Arkausas bas been la boring tiirough a great excitement, oc casioned by two men, named respect ively Baxter and Brooks, trying to act as Governor, and each trying to Mjuelcb the other. These men had bceu candi dates fur tbe position of Governor at tbe late election. Baiter was inaugu rated. Brooks declared that he bad been elected through fraud, and com menced a contest fur the place. The case was in the courts. . Last Wednes day, by a piece of 'sharp practice" on the art of counsel for lirouks, a "judgment of ouster" was obtained, and Governor Baiter vas forcibly led out of the Executive Chamber. Brooks took bis place and proceeded to arm his adherents at once. Baxter established Lib headquarters in a hotel not far re piovcd from the Car-itol, and from thence issues orders as Governor of the State. He also bas been arming bis friends. Bulb parties have a?ked aid from the General Government. Tbe Attorney General of the L'nited States Geo. H. Williams has despatched that the United States authorities cannot, under tbe circumstances, interfere ; that the contestants should settle the dispute, but that tbe Uuited States troops at Little llcck should see that LlooJabed does not follow. In consequence of recent statements that certain bounty laws hare recently been passed by Congress, the Second Auditor's i-fliee is flooded by letters of inquiry and n qm-Mi for pner blanks lor applicants Up to the pn-scnt tune no bounty law has been passed by the ptescnt Congress. The above is taken from the Press of the 17th inst., and is the true state of the facts, notwithstanding claim agents in different parts of the country arc sending out circulars to soldiers all over the State and requesting them to send in their discbarge papers to them at once, in order to secure bounties and pensions. Soldiers would do well to pay no attention to tbese oircnlars, and if they have claims to collect, place them in tbe bands of some one with whom they are acquainted. No law, as yet, bas been passed at this session of Congress, granting additional bounties or pensions, and those who solicit busi ness of this kind before tbe passage of any law authorizing payment of such claims, are not generally the most reli able persons tu entrust with business of that kind. No women are hereafter, as hereto fore, to be permitted to preach, pray, or exhort" in public meetings of the "resbyterian eburcbe in Brooklyn, the Prcibytery of that eitj bavin so re solved in re-affirmation of a "deliver ance" of the denomination adopted io 132. The case which bas evoked this oWision is the famous one of Misn Smiley, who made an address some time go in Dr C'y ler's church. Tbe result of the controversy, which is of long standing, and bas attracted mach at tention, will be a disappointment to a very large class of people. Clearly, if women hare no right to preach, pray, or exhort and a teach the word of God, they bare do right to be present where audi things are done. Prest. Three hundred families of MeDncn ites are expected to arrive at St. James, Minn., about tbe middle of next awotb, and to settle between St. Jsserand Mountain Lake. Last Friday tbe legislature of Maa eacbnscUa elected a Uuited States Sen ator. Governor Win. B.-WasLburt was elected to fill tbe vacancy occa sioned bj the deatb of Charles Sumner. Tbe Hon. William B. Washburn, whose election to tbe United States Senate terminates the long struggle il,. X.n.fnr Snn.nor'a mi belongs to ths family whose members have figured so coC'pictousIy in tbe recent history of lbs country. He is a brother of the Hon. E. B. Waahbiua, of Illinois, now minister to France ; the Greenfield Bank. He has served in both branches of tbe Legislature, with credit to himself and satisfaction to bis constituents. In 1862 be was a Representative in Congress, and was re-elected at every election until 1872, when lie became Governor of Massachusetts. 11 is chief service in Congress was as chairman of the (louse Committee on Clattrs, a difficult and laborious position, which be .filled with strict integrity, great capacity, and unfailing conscientiousness, lie had tbe entire confidence of bis associ ate in Congress, and invariably won the regard and respect cf all upright per sou s with whom be came in contact. In 1371 be was nominated for Gover nor by the Republicans, after a strug gle against Gen. IS. F. Butler, which was one of the most famous in oar po litical history, being renominated and re-elected in the two succeeding years. He is regarded as a man of the highest personal put it y, not specially gifted with oratorical powers, but cipable of making a plain and straightforward speech, addressed to tbe calm judg ment and moral conscience of bis bearers. New York is exercised over the following attempt to defraud a life insurance company. The ease is stated thus in tbe papers : On March 23th, the Board of Health issued a permit for the burial of the body ef Louisa Germs, aged 23 years, wbo bad died that day at the house of I)r. Uhling, No. 160 Elridge street, and on whose certificate of the caase of death the burial permit was granted The funeral nd lunal followed, but it,, y Md we, gQ dQcjng M ,h was eoon rumored that Lblingand Miss' w. Answer soon. was eoon rumored ma c unogauu .jis- Germs had been afhanced, and tbat I' h ling bad taken oat a joint policy of ten thousand dollars in the Merchants' Life Insurance Company, which policy was to revert to him in cae ol ber death. Suspicions followed teat her death was the result of malpractice and an affidavit to this effect was mad? acd submitted to the coroner, lie sent for L'hling, who expressed a great sorrow for her death, and insisted that she had died i natcral death. The Insurance Company was not satisfied, and the cor oner ordered tbe body to be exhumed, and issued a warrant for the arrest of Ubling, be to await the lesult of tbe inveet'gation. Tbe disinterment took place, and the coffin was taken to the morgue and opened, when instead of the body were fonnd only nine bricks, wrapped in paper and kept in place by laths. Charles Fink, undertaker, was arrested. -The Doctor wis arrested at 220 East Twenty-fifth street, where he was fouud secreted under bis bed. In his residence IGO Elridge street, the police arretted a woman G5 yeats of age, who gave the name of Marie De Uagnicki, and a young man named Aa rel De Ivanyi, who claims to be ber nrpbew. Search among effects, which were being packed up, cards and plates were fonnd proving tbat Ubling's real name was Ernest De ISagnicki, and the woman was his wife. Bagnicki appears to be a member of a noble Hungarian family, and bas lived in New York city since 1854. He has been in several bad scrape;, and was tried twice before for swiudiiug, but escaped. Max Shot. A colored man named Eli Barker, shot another named Bassi! Bell, of this place, on Saturday night. It appears that the "gay and festive" Bassi! had been in tbe habit of visiting the domicile of Eli during bis absence, and bigan to be a little too familiar with the lady thereof, and on Saturday night Eli met bim on the street, and wanted to know whether be intended to stop bis visits, when Basil got a little excited and said some things that raised de ambition" of Eli, ho pulled out a revolver and shot at bim, tbe ball striking bim in the hand, inflicting an ngly wound. On Sunday morning Eli was arrested and lodged in jail. un ingdon Globe. It is a singular fact that when tbe funfral of tbe late Senator Sumner was passing through the streets of Boston, some obstruction in the way compelled the to remain standing for about ten minutes directly in front of the resi dence of the lady wbo had once been tbe dead man's wife. The latt Edwin Forrest and his wife were legaly separated twenty-five years ago.' lie died a short time since, wealthy and childless. Recently bis divorced wife, who survives bim, ef fected a settlement with bis executors who agree to give her $93,000k provi ded she relinquishes all farther claims to tbe estate. SHORT ITEMS. ' . ". " Hasting, Minnesota, bast sasfc, door and bliud factor; run bj a wind mill. Forepaugh's lioness nearlj scalped a boy iii Baltimore wbo fooled ' around rjj Z-'' . . It d that Cambria has a female I constable and that no man objects to I being arrested. Near Atlanta two women were split ting wood. The ax flew oiT tie handle and killed one of them - - A Missouri nan has eered to live orty days without food, if any ruie will give bim$.W0 for doing it. No offers. 6 Tbe divorced wife of tbe late Sena- o L i ... uuu.-ic, - . torn? ber maiden name, Alice Mason. W alker Dawson, of South Carolina, undergoing imprisonment for Knklu'x crimes, bas been pardoned by tbe Pres ident. John McGinley was nearly killed at an oil refinery near Freeport, last week by a:i oil barrel dropping on his bead from an upper story. Black-leg is "creating considerable havoc among tbe cattle in Calhoun eo., Iowa. A pieco of saltpeter the size of a walnut given to each animal is a rem edy. Bobbs complains that bis wife is an inflationist. She blows him np every day, and makes him circulate until be actually feels that be is beyond re demption. The champion forgiver lives in Terre Haute, Ind. He baa taken bis wife back after five elopements with as many different men. But be bas confiden tially suggested tbat the thing ia be coming slightly stale. Tbe French Assembly ia considering a provision that every new born child shall have its name and the date of ita birth tatooed on its arm. The object I is to facilitate identification. j Mrs. Twitchell, wife of Twitcbell,! who murder his mother-iu-law in Phil- j abclphia, says his mother carried $15, ! 000 in notes, in two bags, in ber bo-' som, tbe morning of tbe day she was murdered. Tbe money was never found. A Troy cremationist asis, wouldn't it be pleasant to receive a dispatch something like this some day: Dear Mother William died at noon to day. Ashes by mail. Tours, in sorrow i Joax Smith. An Indianapolis girl closes a love letter with : The ring is round, the dish is square. and we'll be married the next State r : ni . k i - . iutr. xne ceu tnau rioe, me arnm e wa? An alleged lunatio was consigned (o an asylunin by his wifo and frieuds. A gentleman Paid to a lady wbo doubt ed the victim's insanity, "What do you think, madam, of his I ting on bis back in the barnyard and permiting bens to feed off bis body?" "Why, nothing more," responded the lady, "than tbat like many other married men, be was hen- pecked." Llow'stLLs! They've been telling ns all along that men could get work and that women couldn't. Says an ex change. Ilenry Wallace, of Brooklyn, bad been working in a Little Falls knitting mill as a girl, under the name of Bertha Rollins. When be announ ced bis intention of leaving, seven young Ken smitten with his charmes grew melancholy. Bertha went to Ot sego, where the sex was discovered. Wallace stated that be bad been em ployed as a waiter girl in a New York saloon. lie says he assumed tbe dress of a girl, because be could obtain em ployment, and in male attire he could nut. Shot bt a Constable. Sunday a week (5th inst.,) an affair took place at Broad Top City, this county, whicb may result in the death of John Welch, a miner by occupation. It anneara that affairs in Welch fam- rr ilj were not as sinoothlj running as they should, in fact, were in such a condition that Esq. Canty, upon the complaint of Mrs. Welch, issued a war rant for his (We) arrest, and placed it in the hands of Constable William Car rigan, wbo summoned two deputies, named Chilcote and Flick, and on the day above named proceeded to arrest Welch. . Carrigan, of course, served the warrant, when he (W.) became abusive, declaring be would not go, whereupon a souffle ensued. Welch succeeJed in freeing himself from the Constable and was making off, when Carrigan informed him escape was im possible and be must go, whereupon Welch threw his hand back toward a hip pocket in which he usually carried a revolver, when Carrigan drawing a revolver, fired at bim. Welch then took off h s coat and said he would die like a man," when Carrigan again fired, aud Welsh fell. Doe of the balls took effect is tbe shoulder and the othtr in tbe back. Welsh was taken to an adjoining bouse and surgical assistance summon ed. A day or two afterward Esq. Canty went to Welch, took bis deposi tion in the premises and placed a war rant for the arrest of Carngan and Chilcote, in Constable Edward Datum's hands. Mr..D. arrested the parties on Wednesday, and lauded thera in Fort Houck, on Thursday, where tbey await their trial. . Welch's condition is pro nounced dangerous. Andrew Flick, the ether depnty, was arrested and brought to 11 un ting Jon on Saturday. . . Welsh' condition was better yester- ( day morning. Htinlingn'o Monitor. yew Advertisement. Administrator notice. Estate of Umax Haven, deceased. LETTERS of Administration on the es tate of Isaac Hawn, lata of the Ik ough of Perrysville, deceased, having becri granted to tbe undersigned, all persona in debted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same to make them known without deluv to : : . . SAMUEL BUCK, apr22 Administrator, Administrator's notice." i Estate of Emanuel Spicher. dictated. NOTICE Is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Eman- nel Spicher, late of naiker township, de- ceased, have been gr&itctf to the under- ! A" 7n'' ind,b.ted tu. d i Ute are requested to make immediate pay- t ment, and lhosr having claims will please i present them duly antbentkated for ttlc- ' menl SAMUEL F.SIEBER, - t. Administrator. Notice to Contractors. - SEALED PROPOSALS will be weired at ita (tore at C. Bartlev, in Siittlin town, up to T I' ESI) AT, MAf 12, at li o'clock nouo, at which place plans and speculations can bo seen fur building a Church in thr borough of Patterson, tbe building committee reserving tbe right to reject any or all bid. Rkv. A. L. REEFER, Rev. S. W. S KlliEKT, , - - W. S. CONNER, D. A. DOUOHMAN, apr23 . Committer. notice to Contractors SEALED PKOPOSAL3 will be received bv the School Board of Delaware town ship, up to FKIDAT, MAT 1., 1974, at 12 o'clock noon, foe trie building of a new School Hucse in Hurts Valley, on the prop erty of laid I'iniui, hi Delaware township, Juniata county, Pa. Pliu and specifica tions can be seen by applying to the Secre tarv of the School Board. UKIAII SHUJf AX, See's. AprH 22, 1874. Three School Teachers Wanted iu each county for the Spring and Sum mer, f ISO per montb. Send tor circular giving lull particulars. ZEIGLES fc VcCl KDY Philadelphia, Pa. The Shortest Koote te Fertnne I SISO.OOO GIVEN AWAY! $100 000 FOR O.XLT 92.50 1 GRAXD.LEGAL GIFT C05CERT In aid of a Jnvenil Reform Sckfl at Learentrortk, iuintat. DRAWING APRIL 80, 187. One Prize guaranteed in every package ol 11 tickets. Single tickets, $2.M; o for $12; llforl'-o. But few ticket left , and, as onr sales are rapid, purchasers should order at once. Any money ar riving too Ute wil! be returned. Good, reliable Agents wanted everywhere. For full particulars, address SIMON ABEJ.ES, Leavenworth, Kan. FLOWERS. C. G. A LLE3, offors his surp.ns stock of CHOICE MIXED GLAD10LAS at wholesale for $1 per 100, $20 per 1,000. Sent by ei press upon receipt ot price. Send lor catalogue. Address C. L. ALLEN, Queens, . V. FLORENCE. 7"Ae Aoii-rt)ftri Suit of the FLOBL'M E SEUIMU X.trHKE CO.' against the Singer, Wbeiderit Wilson, !' and (irover Sc. Kaker Companies, in- :J volving over j' 950,000, j It finally dendrd by the K Supreme Court of the I'r itcd States in favor of the FLORENCE, which !' il alone has Broken the Monopoly !j of High Prices. f; '! THE JEW FLORCTfE ', Is the OSLY maet.iut that sews birk- ' vard and forward, or t rig and left, jj '-.! Simplest Cheapest Best. K ; Solo roa Cjsh Oxlv. SraciAi. Teaas ;! voCU BS AsnDtALEKS. 1 1 ril, 171. Elareuce, Mass. rOCR TEKTII can be made pure white, . ami prevented from decay by the nse of "Presertatite." Price 50 cts. Address J. J. fiaaa a. Co., Box 4181, .N. Y. This Stwmr Machine gires the best satis. f'ctiou the user, is pari for most readily, and is the best of all to sell. If there is no "llomtitic'' ocent in you town, apply to VU.V.SHC S. .V. CO., Aip lorlc. EAT Writs to r. K- Surra AO.nti W.1U HimHn. Taafeturi Cor thair hbum 1 1 MOa, wita import attract from nnsmon and otbr irita" laws. B4 it aataaada EXTEP.MIXATORS And Insert Pewder, For Rati. Mice, Roachks, Axts, Bed-bios, Moms. &c. J. . 1IF.XRT, CCRRAN . CO., X. T., Sole Agents. MI1STCHOHANCY, oa SOUL CHARM- M. ING. How either sex may fasci nate and gain the love and afTeetions of any persons they choose, instantly. This sim ple mental acquirement all may possess, tree, by mail, for 2.i cents; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies A queer book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM CO.. Pub lishers, Philadelphia. Llt or Tax Collector for 114 Lack township Oliver P. Barton. Tuscarora township John V. Dnbha. Spruce Iliil township John Wisc-haupt. Bcale township J. Calvin Beale. Millord townhip John K. Jeukins. Turbctt township James Roods. Perrysville borough William Wright. Patterson borough Caleb Parker. Miftlintown borough Amos G. Bonsall. Fermanagh township William Banks. Walker township Benjunin Ken-liner. Kavette township Jamea a. VcMeen. Delaware towns lip Mahliq C. Farra. ThoiupsootoKD bor. W'n. II. Kelson. Greenwood township Joseph Nipple. Monroe township Usniel Amy. Susquehanna township Amos Miller. On TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1874, the above named collectors are requested by the board of County Coaniiasionera to meet at their office in the borough of Mif tlintown, to coiilorni to the conditions of otlice, as prescribed bv law. JAMES DEEN, Clerk. April 13, lb74-2t Administrator's Notice. Estate of D. P. Kurtz, deceased. LETTERS of Administration on the es tate ot D. P. Kurta, late of Mexico, deceased, have been granted to the under signed. All Dersona indebted to the said state are requested to make immediate pa.vnx.tit, and those having claims or de mands sgticst the same to make them known without delay to - JOHN MOTZKR,-fiin'r., ' Mexico, Juniata Co., Pa.' April 15, ;71. BUT J. 4 P. COATS' BLACK THREAD for yonr MACHINE. vroiJVE Uinnia, Jo 1 Miwroaf JVcap Adverttttementa. NEW OPENING AT PERRYSVILLE. (" S. .MILLS takes this method of re T turning thanks to citizens of Perrys ville and surrounding country for past la vors, and, having formed the firm of G. S. MILLS at SOX, they hope to merit a con tinuance of patronage. Tbey can now bet ter serve the public, having just opened out a regular business of Merchandising in all Goods usually kept in country store, such as . DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEE.YSWZRE, JWTIO.YS, n ATM, BOOTS A SHOES, Alo, a lull lino of Shoemakers' F'ndrpgs, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Morocco, American artd French Calf Skins, all of which we will sell al the lowest prices for cash and jountry prddtirci AUo, a full line of &&ADT-XADE CLOTFllNti. Also, a Merchant Tailoring Department in the store, stocked with CLOTHS and CASSIMEliES, which we will make np to order or sell by the yard to customers. Uy All woolen goods cot to order. Call and see us. We mean to please our customers, preferring the nimble six-pence tu the slow shilling. Store opposite McMaiiiglc's hotel, in the Stevenson propertr. 6. S. MILLS 4. SOX. Perrysville, March 13, 1874. NOTICE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE SPCi-A.Ii TAXES Mit 1, 1974, To Aran. 30, i875. The Law of December 21, 157 2v rrqhires every person engaged in any business, avo cation, or employment which renders him liable to a SPECIAL TAX, TO PROCCRK .1XD PLjICK COSSPICUOVSLY IS HIS ESTABLISH 3d EST OR PUCB OP BVSISESS a STAMP denoting tbe pay ment of said SPECIAL TAX for the 9 pecial Tax year, beginning Jlay 1, 1874, commencing or continuing business after April 30. 1374. The Taxesetubraced within the provisions of the Law above quoted are the foLow ing, via: Rectifiers ....S200 no 25 00 .... 100 00 Oca. cis, retail Iwuor ... . Dealers, wholesale liquor Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale. : Dealers in malt liquors, retail..... I-alers in leaf tobacco ' Retail dealers in leaf tobacco 50 09 JO 00' Z 00 500 ff And on sale of over $1,1)00, fitly ! cents for every dollar in excess ' of $l,OU0. k'alera in manufactured tobacco... ' Manufacturers ot stills. .... And for each still manufactured j. And for each worm manufactured ; Manufacturers of tobacco. j Manatoctitrers of eit$trs. I Peddlers tf tobabbo, tirst class 1 (more than two horses) : Peddlers of tobicco, second class, (two horses) I Peddlers ot tobacco, third class, 5 00 SO 00 no 00 20 00 10 oo 10 00 50 CO 25 00 (ene horse).. la m Pid!er of tobacco, fourth class, (on foot or puolic conveyance)... 10 00 Brewers of lea than 500 barrels. . . il) IS) Brewtrs of 600 barrels o.- more. ... 100 00 Any pet son, so liable, who sfcttf fail to comply with the toregoing rwjiirenirnts will be sutject to severe penalties. Persons or Brms lialde to pay any of tho Sp-.-cial Taxes named above mut apply to C. J. Bnr.vta, Collector of Internal Keve nue at bL'NBL'RV, Pa., and pay for and procure the Special Tax Stamp or Stamps Ihev need, prior to Mav 1. 3t)74, and WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. J. W. DOUGLASS, Commissioner of Internal Ricenue. OrricE or Istkcxal Rkvesic, Wasui uton, V. C, Feb. 10, 1S74. J PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Pa. JOSEPH HESS wonl i respec'fuHv incite all who want GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS of themselves or their friend to giTe him a call, and be conviaced that this is the place to get GOOD PICT l-RES. Having prepre1 himself with the BEST IN'STUL'MENTS in the market, and ail the L.1TEST IMPROVEME.S TS that constitute a First -Class Photograph Gallery, he invites all his friends and the public gen erally to favor him wi'h their patronage, and they will be accmmodatPd with any thing in the line ot Photography. Pictures taken from Card to Life Size, and Painted, if desired, in Oil Cr Water L'olors. Small Pictures copied and enlarged. OM Atubrotypes or Daguerreotypes also copied and enlarged, and painted if desired. A good selection of FKAVKS k"ft on band at all times, and cheaper than ever. Solid Walnut Frames, (Jilt Frames, Imitation Walnut frames, Im ution Rosewood Frames, Rustic Franvs, Cabinet I injuria! Frames, Picture Ji ails, Screw-eves, Cord and Tas sel, tc. JOSEPII HESS. - Miltlintown, Jan. 7, 1S74. JEW FURNITURE STORE. The Undersigned Would Inform the public that he has opened a FlRMTtRE STORE In the borough ol Patterson, where ha has for sale K1LB0URN & GATES' BEDROOM SETS, Walnut Bedroom Seta, ALL STYLES OF BEDSTEADS, Sofas, Lounges, Extension Tables, MARBLE TOP BUREAUS, MARBLE TOP STAXDS, Sofa, Cane-seat and Common Chairs, Wash Stands, Also, a Large Lot of Carpets. As I run a car to Philadelphia weekly I am prepared to fill all orders for furniture, carpets, Ate., in person. F. F. BOHM. . Oct 22, 1873-tf 1 AIXT1X0 AND PAPER HANGING. The undersigned, having nine year' ex perience in the PAINTINU BUSINESS, in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, offers his servicea to the public. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGIS, AND CALSOMLNG, in ail the various branches, will be prompt ly attended to, aud satisfaction given. Charge moderate. JAMES W. HAMILTON. MiHJmtown, April 8, 1874-tf LAST MOTICE. AU persons -knowing themselves indebted on our Books are requested to make iininediate payment. D. P. SULOUFF CO. April l-2w yew Advertisement. LIST OF DEALERS AND VENDERS of Foreign and Domeatir alerchandtwt in the county of Juniata, for tho year 174, as approved and classifled by the Mercan tile Aipra!ser ; .Vijjlinlowtl. CLASS. . 14 . 14 H D Weller'i sfloe dealer J W Kirk, merchant.. 97 Oil 7 00 7 00 7 0O 7 00 IV) 7 00 7 00 T on 16 00 7 oo 7 oo iiu GO Sol Book, confectioner k. jew eler m. .m H Banks it Hamlin, druggists..:: 14 S Y Shfelley, mere hint : 14 E Kichcnback, notions. ....... 14 C Bartlev, aho dealer,; 14 II L Reynolds, confectioner.... 14 B F Kepner & Son, dnrcirista. 14 J &. 11 A Stsnibaugb, merchants 1 1 Krail Schott. notions .-; 14 Ouoip At Beildivk. clothing. .a 14 I Franciscus' hardware co. ..... 1 P P Sulouff Jt Co., jrrain...... VZ I) W Ilarley & Co., elottiinjr... 14 J E Hollobaugh, confectioner.. 7 Tilten & Espenschadt, merchants 13 Wn tollman, jeweler ........ 14 N E Littlefleld, stove 14 John Veakley It Son, merchants 14 John Ftka, confectioner ..... 14 Jacob Borgr, dealer in stock .. 14 Samuel Berry, dealer in stock . 14 Walker. X D Vandyke, merchant...... 14 J Kichenbaiigh, merchant ..... 14 Wni Kurti, merchant......... 14 Jerome Hetrick, merchant.... 14 iletrick . Thompson, mill .... 14 Samnel Herr, jrrain; 14 D P Kurta Jc Co., merchants .. 14 Turbttt. J A Rice, confectioner 14 Noah Hertaler, merchant. .... 13 John Hertzler, sniil.. ......... 14 Tiorora. Joseph 8 I.i';nl, merchant 14 Mauzer Meminrer, merchants 14 Dbhrs, Brother St Co. merchants 14 Clark tt. Kirk, merchaals...... 14 A J ynrguson, roerchaet ...... 14 Win Van Swcrinpen, nercbaut 14 Francis Snyder, merchant 14 't 00 lfTOO Ao i Jjjj - rn 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 0W 7 00 eo ' .m 00 Delaware. Winev & Custer, merchants.-.: 13 10 00 9 O Kvams mill i 14 7 00 P Harley, dealer in stock and merchant II 700 Fayette. L A J B Wfion, trtcrcbants i.. 12 , Jacob Smith, boarding... . 4 , Jacob Smith, mill 14 : S at B Beaver, merchants :j ! Charles Phillips, confectioner . 14 J T McAlister It Co., merchants 13 j W W Sharon, confectioner. ... 14 I Jacob d Winey, stoves ....... 14 3,J ' IN) io no 7 W 10 00 70 7 OO 7 00 10 00 W II M 'A I Liter A Co., ntorclunts 1 1 Brown & Son, niercbants..... 13 Susquthannt. Amos Miller, merchant Klias Crawford, merchant. ..... 11 K Freynioyer, merchant..... Jacob Weisvr, merchant....... Patttrson. Jacob FrJnfc, merchant..- Sam'Se! Strayrr, clothing Dr Kundio, druggist Mrs F flanaman, nien-haat .... F F Kohm, market car.w...... Wni Wright, confectioner Joseph Butt, confectioner..... W 11 Ezolf, confectioner...... 11 14 14 14 10 00 7 no 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 J on 7 00 7 oo 7 oo 7 00 00 : Joseph Pernell, merchant ..... 12 50 f 00 iooo 7 Oo 12 50 7 00 C X rarker, confectioner, ime J C Doyle, merchant A D Uoxhcn, coal and lumber.. Jatncs North, grain dealer .... Stevens A Guss, hardware .... Perrysnile. Geo S'MHls, merchant tailor... Philip F Uelicat, clothing J A TbuBTs, jeweler...... j J C Gibson, ecwlectioner...... Jacob B'iiller, druggist........ J S M Gibson, merchant 14 12 14 14 14 14 7 00 7 00 7 90 7 l0 7 00 7 Ixl 7 Wl 12 AO 10 00 7 OO 7 00 700 14 14 14 14 1' 13 Caleb Jones, merchant... J B Okeson, nivrchunt... Samuel Buck, merchant . Francis Brenisholu, taucy goods 14 Noah Herrxler, grain dealer... 14 U P Snloutf 4iCo., grain dealers 14 Miford P II Hawn, mill A J Hertzler, merchant Keely k. Snyder, merchants... Stewart UcCullough, mill ..... Beale. John BardeH, groceries, &e . . . . Kate M Young, confectioner .. Alex Woodward, merchant... J P Stcrrett, druggist Joseph Potuerov, merchant ... 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 7 00 7 oo 10 00 7 y 7 iX) 7 Oil 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00' j'.-ibo P Keily, merchant Lack. R H F'tterson, merchant Campbell k. Eobison, merchants 14 Spruce Hill. J L Barton, jiuTchant D Conn, lucre iiaat Fermanagh, Joseph Musser, mill ....... 14 14 14 13 00 Thompsoiiicvcn. Keely k. Smith, merchants..., 13 10 00 J O Ilalteuian &Co, merchants I'i VI Benner. Smith fc Co., grain, tte 1J VI o0 Israel Tennis, merchant tailor. 14 0" Eliza James, confectioner..... 14 7 0) Green wood. J T Dimtn A Brother, merchant 14 7 00 .Monroe. C IT Lativer, merchant. k 14 7 00 IsasC Ha'.teman, merchant 13 1 00 E Shellertbefgcr, merchant ... 14 7 m Khine k Graybill, merchants .. VI 12 -50 The license mentioned in the above list will be due and payable to tbe County Treasurer, en and alter tho 1st of May, 1874. An appeal will be held at the Commis sioners' Office, in the borough ef Mitflin town, on TUESDAY, APRIL 2Sth, 1874, when all persons feel-tig themselves ag grieved, can attend if thev think proper. OEORGE KING, AFril 1-St Mercantile Appraiser. GREAT REDUCTION IS THB PRICES OF TEETH! Foil Tpper er Lower Setts as Low as $1 No teeth allowed to leave the office un less the patient is satisfied. Teeth remodeled and repiiretl. Teeth filled to last for life. Teeth extracted without pain, by the nse of Nitrous 0xi4e GaA, always on band. Denial wok done for persons without them leaving their homes, if drsired. Toothache stopped In five minutes with out extracting tbe tooth, at the Dental Of fice of G. LDerb, established in Jlilllin town in 1800. G. L. DERR, Jan 24. 1872. Practical Dentist. AdmlBlitrator's Notice. Estate of J. B. Smith, deceased, LETTERS of Administration on the es tate of J. B. Smith, deceased, hav ing been granted to the subscriber, all person indebted to tbe same will make payment, and those having claims will make known the same without delav to fD AVID SMITH, Sr Adm'r, Thompsontown, Juniata Co., Pa A pr!l li, 1874. VJ OTICE is hereby given that the Books, it N otes, and Papers ot the firm of Keely at Smith are left iu the hands of Nathan Keely. surviving member of tbe firm of Keely at Smith AU persons indebted to the said firm, and those having claims against the siroe, will call npon the said Nathan Keelv for immediate settlement. DAVID SMITH, Sr., Adm'r, Thompsontown, Juniata Co., Pa. April 15, 1874. formal School. THE County Normal ScLou will ro-open at Thompsontown. Pa.. Ait 5. 1874. There will be Spring and Fall Session. special attention will ba paid to the prep- arauoa oi leacnera. k trots reasonable. For particnlM call o.i ar add res T. D. A J. M. OA KM AN, Jn11-?m ratterson, Pa. yen AdterUement. PROCLAM ATIO.w. W H E REA?. the Hon. Bis. F. Jrnais, President Judge of the Court of Common Plea for the 9th Judicial District, composed of th counties of Jnnlata,'..Perry and Cumber land, and the Honorables Jonathan Weiser and John Koons, Judge of the said Court of Common Pleas of Juniata county, have issued their precept to me directed, bearing date the 7th day of February, 1874, tor holding Cnrt of Cheer and Terminer and General 3ni Delivery, and General (Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at M1F FLLNTOWS, on the FOCRTH MO.VDAY OF APRIL, 1874, being the Tt tn day ot the mtihth. XtiTKi is Hsbkbt Gtva.v, to the Cor oner, Justices' of the Peace and Constables of the County of Juiiiata, that they be then and there in their proper porsoos, at one o'clock on the afternoon of said day, witH Mcnnli. inauUitioD. examinations i nj jyer rcmembraoces, to do those thirgs w I ,-, ft, thplr nllu-p n.MnM-tircIV arMrtain. i and those that are bound by recognizance to I prosecute against the prisoners that axe or i i hen may he In the Jail of said county, lw tIe'' jml ""ere to prosocutien again! el a shall be just Yy an Act of AssemMy. passed the 8th da? of May, A. D.; itSt, it i maia the duty of the Justices of the Peace, of the several counties of this Commonwealth, to return to tbe Clerk of this Court of Qrartor Sessions of the respective conrics, all the retognift'nie entered into before them by any person tfr person charged with the commision of any crime, except such cases as may be endi'd before a Justice of lha Peace, nnder extstmg laws, ai least ten days befor the comimin'ement of the session of the Court to which they are made re turnable respectively, and in all cases whure any recognizances are entered into leia then ten day before th commencement of the session to which tby art made re tnrnable, the said Justice are to return I, t tnc same in lue same maimer aa n saiu act I bait not been passed pj,! Dated at Mitfiintuwn, the 7th day of February, in the year of our Lord one m I thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. ! ana inw nineiy-eveuin oi American in'i pendence. W.M. H. KXOl'SE, Sheriff. SheritTs Office, Miltlintown, J March 18, 1874. Register') Notice. NOTICE is herebv given that that the ' dian accounts in tho Register's Olbce of i !..:,. innntv. nd tH umA will he rjraw snted lor confirmation and allowanco on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2J, 1874: 1. Tbe acconnt of Daniel Coif man, ad ministrator of Thomas Brryman, late of Tuscarora township, deceased. 2. Tho account of Joseph B. and An drew P. McDonald, administrators of Jo seph McDonald, late of Beale township, deceased. S. Tti account of Lucien W. Doty, ad ministrator of John Robison, late of Fay ette township, deceased. 4. The account of Richard Doyle, ad miHtrator of Martha Woodward, lata ot MiHord township, deceased. 5 The parliul account ol Jacob Will, ad ministrator of W. W. Davis, late of Mit Htntowii, deceased. b. The account of David B. Cox, admin istrator of Paul Cox, lata of Greeuwood j township, deceased. 7. The account of Peter Brown, guar dian ot H illiam II. Crater, minor child ol Lewis Crater, late of Monroe twp. dee'd. S. Tis account of Peter Brown, Guardi an of Sarah Crrter, minor child of Lewis Crater, deceased. 9. The account of Jacoc BerrHer, admin istrator of Francis Sabine, late of the bor ough of Perrysville, deceased. 10. Tbe account of David Hertzler, guar dian ot Lizzie Loug iuaui;h, formerly Lizzie Hertzler, minor daughter ol Daniel aud J i'J lrrtler, deceasud. 11. The" account of C. G. VTSiry', arlmin Lstrator of Reuben Laudis, ftrta of Dela ware township. 12. Tbe account of Alexander Wallace, administrator of John S. Morrow, doc'u. I f. Tbo account of Abel Shirk and J sefch Shirk, axbmuistrttors of John Shirk, late of the borough of TLotupsontown, de ceased. 14. Tho secoml partial account of Jo. Roihrock, executor of K. C. Gallalier, Ute ot Fermanagh township, deceased. 15. The account of Thomas Ramsey, ex i color of tSe' Vist will and tmtatiK-nt of Hugh G. Hugh, of Spnc Hill rewuship, deceased. . T. METLIN, Register. RcnisTEB's Orrica, ( Miltlintown, April 1, 1874. SIIERIFr9 SAK.CS. BY virtue of a writ of Vend. Exponas, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas vf Juniata county and to me Circe ted, will be exposed to public sale, at th Court House, in the borongh of Miftlintown, at ! o'clock P.M.. on SATURDAY, APltIL 25, 1874. the following real estate, via : A lot of ground situate in the Porongh of Thompsontown, Pa., bonnded on te n rh by a public road, on the east by an alley, on the south by Buuncr and on the and on the west by Ilk-haul Musser, con taining One Acre, and having thereon erec ted a Frame House. Seized, taken in exe- I Clliiou ami to O'- aoiu as lilv lTOLK.riT Ol i Samnel Hostcttler. A tract of land situate in Susquehanna township, bonuded on the north by An drew Sheltorly's heirs, on the east by Abi-1 Shatter, on the south by Peter and others, east by William and Jeremiah Haines, contaiuing Two Hundred Acres, more or less, having thereon erected a Log House, Log Barn, and other out-building. Seized, token in execution and to b sold as tbe property of Jon Haines. oti. Ten per cent, of the purchase monev to be paidlwhen stricken down on dav of sale. WM. H. KNOUSE, SheritT. Shenfl's Office, Milflintowu, April 1, 1874. S jEW BOOT Jb SHOE STORE, MAIN STREET, MIPFLINTOWN, Nearly opposite Doty, Parker A Co.'s Bank. The Undersigned wonld respectfully an nounce to the public that he bas removed his Boot and Shoe Store to the building on Main street, nearly opposite Doty, Parker li. Co.' Bank, where be koepa on hand a large and well selected stock of KEADY-MADE WORK, for MEN', WOMEN d CHILDREN. tie Is also prepared to manufacture, of the best materiali all kinds of BOOTS, SHOE3 AND GAITKR3 for gents, ladies and children. m son waaaTt; Give me a call, for 1 fed confident that I can furnish yon with any kind of work yon may desire. QRepairing done neatly and at reason able rates. June 8, 1873 JOUX KORT H. FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. THE undersigned offers t private sale bis Farm, aitnated in Blark ljm V.l- ley, Lack township, Juniata county, con taining 159 ACRES, about 65 acres of which are cleared, and the balance covered with choice Umber; oavmg inereon erected a TWO-STOSt FRAME HOUSE, LARGE. BANK BARN, also a Two-stow Lo House and Lor Barn Two Springs of never-failing wab-r conve nient tn each house. A large thrifty TOt.lO ORCHARD of choice grafted fruit an the premises. Terras easy. Titlu indisputable, a I have been living on it over thirty year. If not sold very soon the farm will be for rent or to let on the share. For farther partic alars inquire on the premises. ROBERT MCISTTRE. March It, 1874. .liscellaneon$. Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STROKE. The Peruvian Sfrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is to combined e to have the character of an aliment, a canity it i tei and aseintilateel trith the blootl as the simplest food. Tt increases the ejmirUittj cf y at u re's Own Vilalizinef Agent. Iron in the blood, ami cures "athoHsand ills." simply bu Toning up.Invigoratina anU Vitalizing the System. The en riched and vitalised btooel per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and tcastc, searching out tnorbitl secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy it taring Dyspepsia, Liver Com plalnt, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhona, Boils, Nervous Affect ions. Chills and Fevers, Humors, Xoss of Constitutional Yijjor, Diseases of tbe Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating im a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its' energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion; but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, ami net& life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands hare been changel by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly i suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, ami happy men and WO'nten; ami invalids cannot reasonably he- itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass, Pttmplaletav Free. SETH W. FOWLE L SONS, Proprietort, Ka. 1 Mlltaaj Plaea, Baataak Bold bv Dicsciiti omiiiir. Branch Office and Factor j : 5f6 WEST ST., SEW YORK. THE BEST PAINTin the WORLD Any Shade from Pure White to Jet Black. A combination of ths purest paint will, India Rubber, forming a smooth, oi.oT; riHM, Drataxc. hhtC and Czrytu'ti faint, unall'ected by change of trmperature. is perfectly water-proof, and adapted to all clause of work, and is in every way a bet ter paint for either inside or outside paint ing than any other paint in the world Be ing front one-third to one-fourth cheaper and lasting at least three time as long a the best lead and oil paints. Be sure that our TRADE MARK, (a fat simile of u-hxh is cpren atovr,) is en .every package. r rep-wed readv for use and sold bv the gallon only. There has never been a paint tlert-d to the public that has become so popular (iu tbe same time) and given prriect salisfaeimD aa the Kublf-r Faint. marla-lin JJ C. ORTU, 1IALEB m PIANOS', OHtaAaXS AU kinds of Musical Instruments, Strings, SHEET IMXTSIC. Artist' and Wax Flower Material and Fancy Article. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS OS ORGANS TCf CASH BUYERS. 810 MARKET STREET. IiARRISBUBO, PlS.t'av Mar II, 1874. Manhood: EowLost- How Eestored Just Published, mm Sealed Eutslepe. Prte Six i ents. Lecture on tho Nature. Treatment and Radical Cure of S permatorrhcea, or Seminal Weaknes. Involuntary Emissions. Sexual WKaW m . ta . IW . v 1 -1 Al sj. v a w wMBVm Debility, and Impediment to Marriage gen erally ; Nervousness, Consumption, KpU lepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Inca pacity, resulting from Selr. Abuse, etc. By " KOBfcKT J. t'L'LVERWELL, M. D., An-. mor oi me "ureen Booa," tus. The world-renowned author, in this ad m liable Lecture, clearly proves from hie own experience that the awful consequen ces of 6elf.Abnxe may be effectually remov- ea wnnoiii medicines, and without danaer ons surgical operations, bougies instru ments, rings or cordials, pointing oat mode of cure at once certain ami effectual by which every sutferer, no matter whathia conditio my be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Thia Lecture wilt prove a boon to thousands and tNnsand. Sent, under seal, to any urMreas, in a plain enveloj-e, on the receipt of two poet age atamps. A tdress the Purrhers, CUAS. J."C. hi LINK CO. lis Bowery, New York. FoUkc Bos 4oS9. Jan. 21, 1671-lr. BUTCOLET'S Improvad' CUCUMBER "I i Wt HID yCMP. Tasteles. S DnraW-, Ethcient tt Cheap. i ne cesi rump lor me tea money. Attention is espe cially invited tu Blatcblvy'a" Patent Improved Bracket It, New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn withont removing the pomp or disturbing' the joints I pints) Auo. the Copper Chamber, bich never cracks or scales, and will oV.'ant any other. For sale by Lealers nad & Trade gener ally. Inquire for Blatchley'a Pump, and if not for sale in vonr town,- svnd direct to tnAS. O. BhATCHLIY, XawrvaCTTaaw, s5 rommerra Sly Fhiladrtphis, Pa