JIIFFLINTO'.VN. MMotidar, April S, 114. B. F. SCinTEIEll, KblTUC AND FSOPKIKTbK. itusslan tnaker or Meniion-' Itfes; It is believed that Congress will ast wisely and grant to Russian Quakers or Menuonites, the special land grant prayed f r. An ent of thes: worthy nle is now in tbi country, and was iu Philadelphia a Tew days a0, wbcre lie was intei viewed by a reporter f Forney's Frtxs, who wile of the in terview as follows' Wc learned some interesting facts regarding this people, j who are so little kiowu with. us. It Feeois when Catharine II., of Russia, found the immense prairies of South ern Rassia cjuli be niaJe fertile and productive, she looked to the farmers t,f tj eruiany to uo it. Hearing of the j on the West side ef Wain street from -er.ecuted acd monarchy -ridden 5! en- Red Frank's "shebang" north, inclu nouites, she offered them perpetual I sivc of the Cutler County .Bank and freedom from bearing arms, the tights United pipe lines office, the Express of self government in fact, everything I office, Millerstown having Hank aod tbey wanted to carry oat their religious . Westeiuian's grocery, up to Scheider's ideas or principle., if they would take I billiard room. Oo Slippery Rock bcr lauds and farm them, which law, street, North side, frcm Frederick's now that they want to 811 out, bears j boot and isboc- store west to Uarubart's very hard oa tlu'ra. Th?y hopa to j grocery store, and from Hook's dwell Lave it changed. Ever s-ces C'atha- iug, cu the south side of Slippery Kock rine's (hue they hav been migrating ' street, east to Puff's laundry, including from Germany into Russia until tbey ' s:xly-niue building, were burned iu all. now have seven separate lire colouies J More persons are thought to have and one buudred or more small ones, i been burned but not yet discovered. They do not live in communes or un-1 Loss, as far as ascertained, is $-34,-natural families, but each father owns j 800 ; insurance $54,450. , Ins own proper!, and by bis own ex- t ' ' . ii . i r....;i. ! .wiB..pur..gBu..,J..-.t)....J1 Ol VOI1UICU, UUfc lUCtl iUl. w .J v. living, their high standing of edacation and their excellent German experience, Las made them very bold and succes sful farmers. Talking of 2,000 acres under cultivation in a farm, or 25 to 3J.O00 sheep, does not iu any way alarm them. Nombers of them have theje, besides j silk-worms and the necessary mulberry trees, as well as aprisot orchards, hard shelled almonds, Eoglisk walnuts, wild olives, and good grapes. The Black Sea being so near keeps them from Laving such excessive cold or beat. In laying out their grouud they tried to portion it fairly, and in eue case a vil lage of say fifty houses was formed by cutting up a plot hi to' long, narrow farms, fifteen times as long as they were wide, and crossing them by one road, made one row of houses the Tillage, while every farm had the beueCtof part of a bill, meadow, and high land. Mr. Jauzen, in an interview, teemed very desirous that the false report' that they desired to settle in out colony might be done away entirely. They had no such intention. The wheat-growers wiil go to Dakota, the sheep-growers to Indian Territory or Texas ; and so, whilst they will keep together enough to be able to support good schools sud churches, they will aud desire to liseuiinate iuto various parts cf our favored laud. They have been shipping ten million bushels of wheat per anuuui to Europe, and in the Loudon or Liverpool market their whrtt brings ten cents per bushel more than , b , ' , ... . almost any other. it will be very I profitable to our country if we can, by taking in these fifty thousand people, ! load five hundred more vessels for Eu-1 rope and add twenty millions of cold to' ' i, i t our teasurcs every year. Aow, all they i ' ' . . . ' ; desire cf the United States is that they, the Metinonites, may send out commis sioners wb j may select lands or por tion of !aud, and giving the name of the person who will homestead on them or pre-empt them, then have the Secre tary of the Interior withhold those lauds for two years, so that the person agreeing to take them may have tiae enough to sell Lis property at home acd ttitike bis long journey to his new coun f.-.. i ;ill ITT. 1 ury Will ifUTiuc vititcua wmi J J ... i country a thine they could i ... Russia, as the Bible is not J - uot uo in translated into ttiat language, and 11 they forgot German they would not be able to read the Bible, and cf course there wiil be no such trouble here. The Canadian government are doing all they can to get these settlers to go there. But, Laving tried two king doms, they are anxious to have the rights that American citiieus enjoy, and say that we who have always lived uuder our own rule Lave do idea of the despotism of Europe. Cremation or Hiirnlngr oT (he Dead. The question of burning the bodies t f dead people and preserving the ashes f the confined bodies in urns is being earnestly discusseJ now in every city of the land. Its advocates argue that by ueh a process the hody is dissolved into its original element iimr iTipr.lilv than be hi rroeess of i . -."-.! " il i .t.- i decomposition m the earth, ana that a tnat in by I . , j ice, oy the it jurious effects upon the iiviu, the decomposition of dead bodi cxbalatiou aud impurity in water would thereby be temoved ; and that rt would fee pleasauter to Lave the ashes of the bodies of dead dear ones in urns ia ocr dwelling places than Lave them grad ually decay and pass away in the cold grave. It sounds better to call it cre mation. InniMi. A !netin in the interest Of cremation was held in New York on fhe 3rd. letter were read in favor of (o j., buU5e ,nd .jg the deor antlin opposition to the proposed scheme. Jccsji PIK.uej it, Uil oa the floor saw the Resolutions wete adopted advising the body of Mrs Eckstein cut to pieces, her ... . t bead snlit, and at her feet lay her two littie fitrmaticn of an associaUoc Tcr tLe pro- Firlfc hct$t nar)y ewd rom their motion of cremation and securing its , iwuiea, and near tberti the bodies i of Eck . , , . i i .i . -ein and wung Koriou, rrappltd as it in practical application, aud tuat the so- t t,.Ugge. Ecksi;in held a large cictv shall be founded ou a broad basis bowie knife covered iih blood in bis right . J ,- - j .r baud. Norton bad a dragoon Jjistol wilh Without distinct i to creed, prcjes- fvm cnau-bcjs .li-bargH. Ttttro is no sit u t r uath isa!':V i li" "' S witnv ot rtif terrib! affair. A despatch from Millrrstown, But ler ccauty; F"., under date of the 1st, says r A fire broke out here at half-past one o'clock this morning, in the Centra! Hotel, from gas used in the building, as is believed. Seven persons were buined to death. There uames are a follows : Norah Carty, PleasantriUe ; George I'eet, German ; Captain Oliver, oil operator, and Martin Phillips and Sanfurd Acert, distil era. The other one is uukuown. Nellie McCarty jutrped from the third story window ol the Central House and was badly injured. Slie in; ! still alive. I All the buildings on the east side of j Maiu street, from Fredrick's grocery and hardware store, includicg the Cen tral and Ilandlon Houses, the Opera House, Deed k lurraut's hardware store and Zink's hotel, and two other tuildmgs were destroyed. Also south , " I I.rwisTfiu-v ha m woman's move h liquor traffic. The movement has not been one that com prehended street singing and praying, but it took form and organization iu petitioning the Legislature not to repeal the Local Option law. Nine hundred and fifty women signed the petitiou. The following is a copy of their peti- don To the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the t'ouiiuotiweaitb of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met. The undersigned, women, residents of Lewistown, Miffliu county, and vi cinity, learning that active efforts aid being made to obtain the repeal of what is known as the "Local Option" law, earnestly and seriously remonstrate agamst such action by your honorable bodies. This couHty, by a majority ex ceeding 800, enacted aud approved that measure. There is no authority of law, and no lecal licence for 8ellir. spirit uous or malt liquors here, and although they are sold, aud the law openly aud , wantonly violated, ret we see no artu ! meat m t'.iis sad state of affairs for set- ting aside the deliberate aud solemn j veidict cf the pcoplo receutly express- j ed. The traffic Iu liquors is the curse: of the laud, aud should not be shielded ' or protected by statttte. Condemned as it Las been so conspicuously by the people of this county, dj not yield io the appeals of those who ask its pro tection by law. It is outlawed now, and co let it remain. Do Rot sanction a trade that is ruining souls and bodies by restoring it to respectability through the enaction of License Law. It is under the ban of public opinion, and so let it remain. Time wiil enforce the authority of prohibition if the liquor lTi.3 is left without the protection of kpl tuthority. We entreat you to let this law stand, and KEEP under ban t BcUli(lUi trade that 90Wg otly te,rg aud sorrow, aud produces only crime and misery. And we will ever pray, Ac. A shocking accident occurred on . . ... , . v. . J'aturdar night a week, at liuena ista .. " . . , . . m , 4, resulting in the death of a boy and th ista, ng in the death ot a Doy ana lue injury of other persons. The wife of Mr. A. W. Ilabinscn had been engaged boiling maple sap at a gas stove. Be coming tired, she laid down to sleep a few minutes, a six-weks-old baby biing wilb her, aud a seven-year old boy in another room. During her sleep the ceiling caught fire from the stove pipe, and being awakened by the crack- I I:nz of the flames, she left the children and went to the door to call her bus- - """ , . . . , band, who was iu the engine house. Receiving , , . , Receiving no answer, she went to htm he matter. He rau to the bouse, fouud the interior in flames, and with difficulty saved the baby. He was badly scorched on the face and bands btuiself. He made several desperate attempts to rave the boy, without suc cess, and was forced to stand and listen to his death screams. The bouse and contents were entirely destroyed. Med ical ail was quickly furnished, and everything possible was done to relieve the sufferers- The boy's body was burned to a crisp, the bead and lower limbs parted from the body. A DESPATCH from San Francisco, uuder date of the 5tb, snys; Baibicr's balloon made an ascension yesterday afternoon from Woodward's Garden. When nearly over the town of San Leondro, six hundred feet in the air, th balloon collapsed, sank and struck the grouud with great force, the car coatainiric four men and two ladies, " t ... ' 'rf 6'8 about three hundred yards. Fortunately no lives were lost. All .... .... were, however, injured more or lets, but none seriously. The party, except ing UatMer, returned to this city last Dlght. . m A dispatch Iroin Austin, Nevada, gives the particulars of borriabla tragedy in Smoky Valley- Charles K. Eckstein had been f- a long time jealous of hi wife on account of attentions jaid ber by a young - Kon- d !e 're!uet!vqu.r- SHORT ITEMS. - - There are 2o,000 Spiritualists in Iowa Galvevton is the only towu iu Texas which has yet ordered postal cards. A man calling himself J. Anderson has absconded from Cincinnati after getting $100,000 worth of goods. Georgetown, Mass., has been scandal ized by the marriage of a consolate wid ower the day after his first funeral. The Decatur county, Iowa, court bouse was entirely destroyed by fire en Tuesday morning a week. All the records were de. strayed. The recent loss of Mohamedon pilgrin.s on the Mediterranean steamet was much exaggerated. It appears that only twenty were lokt. Judge McCormic, of Franklin, was fined by the Mayor of that town for hitching his hore to a shade tree. lie paid it without oeing ofiemled. It ia proposed now to coin silver twenty cent pieces. A bill providing for tliii has been favorably reported train the Senate Fi nance Committee. In a Florida- colored school the boys are tanght to sing this Terse: I am a little Kaitical I glory in the name ; I would not be a Democrat, because it is a shame!" Snow is twenty feet deep in Onion Val ley, Cal , while Meadow Lake City, in the same State, has snow thirty feet in depth with which to encourage a spring fre9lit. A fire broke out in Lingnqn's Uotel, in the village of Rosedale, nine miles from Kingston, X. Y , on the night of the 1st and half of the place is said to be burned. Tho coal miners at Hocking Valley have struck for three cents a bushel and ask pay lor nut coal. The operators concede the price per bushel, but desire to keep out nut coal. a Texas gentleman fonr years ago bou-ht a sow and fonr pigs for branded them, and turned thorn loose. lie now enjoys the proud distinction of being the "Hog King" of Texas. Illinois bis extended to married women every right but that of suffrage. Tbey can keep their own earnings, and transact busi ness with their husbands the same as with strangers. The notorious Sam McGehan, in whose defence on a charge of murder, C. L. Val laudighain lost his life, was shot in a drun ken brawl at Hamilton, Ohio, on Monday night the SOth u!t. Millord, Delaware, claims to hare a min ister who oens the church, swefps it out, rings his own bell, plays the organ, leads the singing, preaches his own sermons, and takes up the collection himself. Tho Scieaiic Jmrriean predicts that the time will soon come when ice will be manu factured iu all our great cities at a dollar a ton. Manufactured ice at Z a ton bas for some time been in the market of "ew Or-' leans. In Brooklyn, X. Y., lately the wind took an undertaker's sign from its fastenings and laid it down in front of a grog shop, where it informed pxssers-by that "caskets and colliris were iuruished at the shortest noticu" willan. j The Brookly "Eagle" publishes a state ment that iKO cows are packed togetcher in filthy stables just outside the limits of that city, and fed on hot swill, and gives the names of the dealers who sell the milk as "Orange county." A portion ol the German press are now advocating the introduction of Iogal provi sions to make voting in I'arlimentary elec tions compulsory. They propose, that is to say, to attach a penalty to abstention from voting. i "Og-MitS,'" tho palatial residence of Amer ica's last king swindlers, Jay Cooke, in Chiltenbam tOuship, Montgomery connty, j is for sale, and a proposition is on foot to buy it far a summer resort for wealthy fam ilies. Two smart Detroit damsels have been ar rested for taking possession of a locomo tive, cpening tho throttie-valve, and start- J ing the machine. They jumped off, leading the locomotive to rnn into a freight train, and do $700 worth of smash. The JefTersonville, Indiana Common Council have pissed ordiance requiring liquor dealers to pay $-j00 tor licence. The passage vf this ordiance and the movement iu the cause of temperance will, it is said, drive some of the citizens to Louisville. M. Saiulras has communicated to the French Academy of Science a method of making infants suck directly from the teats of a cow. He ha tried it successfully, aud thinks its employment would dimiuUh the mortality among children deprived of moth er's milk. A Nevada judge, after the jury had been enipannelled aud counsel ready to proceed, pulled out a revolver and judiciously re marked, "If auy man goes frolicking aronnd the court-room during the trial of this case I shall interrupt him in bis career." The strictest decorum prevailed. A lady in Lake City, Florida, has grow ing in her garder a genuine cork tree thirty feet high, the bark on which is sufficieatly thu-k to make bottle corks. There is also iu the samt garden a genuiue black pfpper bush, which yields regularly a lull crop of the berries. A citizens' mass meeting m as held at the Keystone Opera Hons, in Heading, on the night of the 2nd iust., to secure the general enforcement of the Sunday law, and a com mittee was appointed to confer with the Mayor and ask him to employ the police force for that purpose. A fire broke ou( last Wednesday night, about 6i30 o'clock, in the stables at Laurel hill Slope, Pa., owned by A. Pardee k. Co., consuming the stables and twenty-three mules. The tire company was promptly on band, but failed to control the flames. The origin of the Are is unknswn. A young woman named Anne Seahury, ho recently arrived io .New York from Philadelphia with three other girls, was tumid dead in a deserted house in Brooklyn on Tuesday. The girl had died of small pox, aud it is supposed the other girls fear ing to catch the disease, bad deserted the unfortunate creature to die alone. A young man from Belfast, Me , stopped at the Kearsage House in Portsmouth, on Monday night, and blew ont the gaslight in the room instead of turning it off. As a result be came near losing his life, being found in an insensible condition by a por ter. He bad never " burnt any of Ihera kind of candles before." Ou last Wednesday night, at Middletown, Wisconsin, while exercises were being held in a school-house, a lamp exploded, setting fire to the building. - About 800 persons were present, and a panic ensued. In the rush for the doors some forty were injured, four seriously. The fire was extinguished in bait aa hour by two pluiky women, who smMhcrril it with rwcoats snd carpets. The Eldora, (la.,) Ltdtr, of this week says : Mr. Smith, mail carrier between Grundy Centre aud Union, brings tidings of a fatal cart of pantshmeut by a school teacher. His story is that on Wednesday Of last week a school mistress in Fairfield township undertook to chastise one of ber pupils, a boy about 15 years of age. The boy made a fieree resistance, and the tide of conflict began to set in against the female disciplinarian. Gathering a heavy chair which was near, she lifted it high over her bead, and with a sweeping "master stroke'' brought it down upon tho devoted head of the recalcitrant student, settling bis resistance and his earthly exis tence at a single blow. Thomas F. Collins, held at Providence, R. I , under a requisition from the Gover nor of Illinois, on a chaage of conspiracy, escaped from Jail en the evening of the 2d iust., while an officer was hiking him to the warden's tabic for tea, the warden's atten tion being in the luetntime diveited by the prisoner's wife. He was pursued but a carriage was waiting for him, and be es caped. The wife was held in 91,500 to an swer a charge of aiding his escape. yew Advertisements. Diwelutloa of CPrterhin. THE co-partnvrship heretofore existing between the undersigned . trading un der tlie firm name of Tilten k. Espeuschade, in Mitfiiutown, is this d.iy (April 1, 1874) dissolved by mutual consent. The books of said firm are in the Lands of Frederick Espeuschade. All persons indebted to said firm will pleasecall and settle their accounts E. T I I.TEX. F. E6FEXSCUADE. April 1, 1874. Executor's Sot lee. Etlale cf Wiiliam Currau dtetatrd. "ITrilEKEAS letters Testamentary on f T the estate of William Curran, late of Vanwert, Walker township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hiving claims will please present them projieriy authenticated for settlement H. LAT1MEK WILSOX, Executor. April 8, lb74. AINT1NG AND PAPER HANGING. The undersigned, having nine vear's ex perience iu the PAIXTIXti BUSINESS, in the employ of the Pennsylvania Itailroad Company, offers his services to the public. HOUSE PAINTING, FAPEK IIANGI.NO, AND CALSOMING, in all the various branches, will be prompt ly attended to, and satisfaction given. Charges moderate. JAMES W. HAMILTON. Miftlintown, April U, 1874-tf NEW OPENING AT PERRYSl'ILLE. CI S. MILLS takes this method of re X turning thanks to citizens of Perrys ville and surrounding country for past fa vors, and, having lortnt-d the firm of U. S. MILLS . SON, they hope to merit a con tinuance of patronage. They can now bet ter serve the public, having just opened out a regular business of Merchandising in all Goods usuallv kept in a countrv store, such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QVEE.YSir.1RE, .OTI0.S, II ATS, HOOTS A SHOES, Also, a lull line of Shoemakers' Findings, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Morocco, American and French Calf Skins, all t which we will sell at the lowest prices for cash aud country produce. Also, a tuil line ot Ki.AU Y-MADE CLOTHING. Also., a Merchant Tailoring Department in the store, stocked with CLOTHS and CASSIMEKES, which we will muke up to ! order or sell by the yard to customers. 27" All woolen goods cut to order. Call and see us. We mean to please our customers, preferring the nimble six-pence to the slow shilling. Store opposite McManiglc's hotel, in the Srevenson property. j G. S. MILLS A SON. j Perrrsville, March 13, 174. j NOTICE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE SPECIAL TAXES Mat 1, 1874, to Ar-ait 80, 1875. The Law of December 24, 1872, requires every person engaged in any business, avo ration, or emplovment which renders him liable toa SPECIAL TAX, TO PROCURE JISD PLACE CO.XSPJCLOLSLY IS HIS ESTABLISH. VEST UR PLACE OF BUSMESS a STAMP denoting the pay meut of said SPECIAL TAX for the Special Tax year, beginning May 1, 1S74, before commencing or continuing business after April 30, lh74. The Taxes embraced within the provisions of tha Law above quoted are the following, viz : Rectifiers $200 00 Dea.eis, retail liquor 25 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor 100 00 Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale.. 60 00 Dealers in mall liquors, retail 20 00 Dealers in leaf tobacco 25 00 And on sale of over (1,0K), fifty cents for every dollar in excess of (1,000. dealers in manufactured tobacco... 6 00 Manufacturers ol stills 50 00 And for each still manufactured.. 20 00 And for each worm manufactured 20 00 Manufacturers of tobacco......... 10 00 Manufacturers of cigars 10 00 Peddlers of tobabbo, first class (more than two horses) 50 CO Peddlers of tobacco, second class, (two horses) 25 00 Peddlers ol tobacco, third class, (one horse) 15 CO Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class, (on foot or public conveyance)... 10 00 Brewers of less than 600 barrels... iO 00 Brewers of 500 barrels .- more.... 100 00 Any person, so liable, who shall fail to conqJy with the foregoing requirements will be subject to severe penalties. Persons or firms liable to pay any of the Special Taxes named above must apply to C. J. BarsEa, Collector of Internal Reve nue at S U.VbL'KV, Pa., and pay for and procure the Special Tax Stamp or Stamps ihey need, prior to Mav 1, 1874, and WITHOUT FCRTHER NOTICE. J. W. DOUGLASS, ' Committioner of Internal Reveuut. Orrirc or Istekxal Revihce, ) Washi xotok, D. C, Feb. 16, ,1674. J TUSCARORA ACADEMY, AND JUNIATA NORMAL INSTITUTE. FOR BOTH SEXES.) THE Summer Session, (20 weeks.) will begin UAT 4th. There will bo lec tures ou the theory and pact ice of teach ing. Spet ial arrangements for young ladies. Lessons given on the Piano, Urgan and Vi olin. Teachers will find many advantages. Terms, low. Addreits D. D. STON E, Pb. D., Principal, . Acadcmia, Juuiata Co., Pa. marll-tf formal School. THE County Normal School will re-open at Thotnpsontown, Pa., Aran, a, 1874. There will be Spring and Fall Sessions. Special attention will lie paid to the prep aration of Teachers. Terms reasonable. For particulars call on r address T. D. s. 1. M- UAKXAi, jJn21 - Sra Patterson, Fa Iew , Advertisements. 1?ROCL43IATIOM. W H E RE AS, the Hon. Hr.sj. F. Jiskix, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the bth Judicial Distrlrt, composed of the counties of Juniata, Perry and Cumber land, and the Ilonorables Jonathan Weiser and John Koons, Judges of the said Court of Common Pleas of Juniata county, have issued their precept to me directed, bearing date the "th day of February, 1H74, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, and Gtneril Quarter Sessions of the Pere, at MIF FLIN TOWN, on the FOURTH MONDAY OF APRIL, 1874, being the 27th day ot the month. Notice is IIerebt Gives, to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Con-tables of the County of Juniata, that they be then and there in their proper rersons: at one o'clock on the afternoon of said dav, with; ineir records, inquisitions, examinations and oyer remembrances, to do those things that to their o luces respectively appertain, and those that are bound by recognizance to prosecute again st the prUoncri that are or then may be in the Jail of said county, bo then and there to prosecutien against them as shall be just. By an Act of Assembly, passed the 8th day of May, A. L., 1Nj4, it is made the duty of the Justices of the Peace, of the several counties of this Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of this Court of yrarfor Suasions of the respective counties, all the recognizances entered into before them bv any person or persona charged with the coiuiutsion ol any crime, except such cases I as may De ended before a Justice of th Peactt under existing laws, at least ten days before the commencement of the session of the Court to which they are made re turnable respectively, and 111 all cases where any reeogmiances aie entered iuto leis then ten days before the commencemunt of the session to which the)' are made re turuable, the said Justices are to return the same in the same manner as if said act had nut been passed. Dated at Mittliutown, the 7th day of February, in the year of oar Lord " one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, and the ninety -seventh of American" Inde pendence! WM. H. KNOUSE, Sheriff. ShcrilTs Office, Mittlintowu, t March 18, 1874. 9iezlter'9 Notice. TOTICE is hereby given that that the It following named persons have fi ed their Adiniuixtrators, Kiecutors, and Guar dian accounts in the Register's Office of Juniata county, and the same wiil be pre sented tor continuation and allowance on WEDNESDAY, Al'KlL ail, 1874 1. The account of Daniel CoSman. ad-! micintrator ol Thomas berry nuui, hite oft Tuscarora township, deceased. 2. The account of Joseph B. aud An drew 1'. McDonald, administrators of Jo- seph McDonald, late of Ceale township, deceased. 5. The account of Lucien VT. Doty, ad ministrator of John Robison, late ot Fay ette township, deceased. 4. The account of Kichard Doyle, ad ministrator of Martha Woodward, late ol Milford township, deviated. 6. The partial account ot Jacob Will, ad ministrator ol" W. V. Davis, late of Mil Uintown, deceased. 6. The account of David B. Cox, admin istrator of i'aul Cox, late of Greenwood township, deceased. 7. The account of Peter Brown, guar dian Ol illiam 11. Cr.Uer, minor child of Lewis Crater, late of Monroe twp. dee'd. 8. The acioUnt of Peter Brown, Guardi an of Sarah Crater, Itiiuor child ol Lew is Crater, deceased. 9. The account of Jacob BeiJler, admin istrator of Francis Sabine, late of the bor ough of Perry svilie, deceased. 10. The account of Darid IbTtzler. cuar- dian ot Lizzie Longaoaugh, formerly Lizzie ' Iiertzler, minor daughter ot Daniel and Mary llertzler, deceased. 11 Tli. ,.n' 11 ll'ln.r .1.,;.. istrator of Reuben Land is, late ot Dela-I ware township. PJ. The account of Alexander Wallace, admiuistrator of John S. Morrow, dec'tl. U. The account of Abel Shirk and Jo seph Shirk, administrators of John Shirk, late ol the borough of Thompsontoon, de ceased. 14. The second partial acconnt of Jos. Kothrock, executor of li. C. CalUher, late ot Fermauagh township, deceased. 1j. The account of Tbonrts Ramsey, ex ecutor of thtj last wiil and te-t uncut of Hugh G. Hughes, of Spruce Ilii! township, deceased. J. T. METLIN, Renter. RtciTra's Orrtcr. ( Miftlintown, April 1, lt74. j SHERIFF'S KALES. BY virtue of a writ of Vend. Exponas, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas ol Ji'uiata county aud tome directed, will be exposed to public sile, at th.- Coirrt House, in the borough of Mitlin.own. at 1 o'clock P.M., on SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1874. the follow ing reil est.ite, viz: A lot of ground sit 'nit in the Borough of Thompsonton, Pa., bounded on the n rth by a public road, on the east by an alley, on tho south by Ehhu Bonner and on the aud on the west by Michael Musser, con taining tine Acre, and having thereon erec ted a Frame House. Seized, taken in exe cution and to bx sold as the property of Samuel Hostetiler. V A tract of land situate in Susquehanna towiu-hip, bounded on the north by An drew Shettorly's heirs, on the east by Abel Shaffer, on the south by Peter Goodling and others, east by William and Jeremiah Haines, containing Two Hundred Acres, more or less, having thereon erected a Log lluse, Log Barn, and other out-buildings. Seized, tiken in execution and to be sold as the property ef Jon Haiues. - Note Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paidjWbcu stricken doao on day of sale. WM. II. KNOl'SE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, MiiHintown, , April 1, 1874. i Trial List for April Term, 1371. 1. B G. Powell vs. Simon B. Albright, So. 82, September term, 1872. 2. B. F. Croiise vs. John McManlgal, Mo. 49, February terra, 1874. S. Daniel Westlall, Hugh T. McAlister, Samuel Watts, D. M. Jamison and Samuel j Leonard, Trustees of the Lost Creek Val ley Academy, vs. George McFarlaud, .No. 2. September term. 1S7S. . 4. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the suggestion of Daniel CoSiuau vs. Alfred Suteh and Shively, So. M, Sep tember term, 1873. 5. E. P. Hudson aud Martha, his wife, vs. David S human, No. 4i, Feb. tenn, 1874. 6. J. B. M-,TolJ vs. Jacob Zeigler, No. 3, April term, 1874. 7. Adam Arnold, for use of George K. Leister, vs. Peter Ebv, No. 12, April term, 1874. jlRVIN D. WALLIS, Prothg. PioTHusioTAar's Orricx, i Miftlintown, Mar. 25, 1874. . Administrator's Xotlce. Ettatt of James S. Pmtlon. deceased. "JV"0TICE is hereby given that Letters of i. V Administration on the estate of James S. Patton, late of Spruce Hill township, deceased, h ive been granted to the under signed. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims will please present them duly authenticated for settle ment. THOMAS S. PATTON, WM. A. PATTON, J. HARVEY PATTON, Mar. 13-6w Administrators. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. NOTICE is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned in the mercantile buoiness, in the borough of Perrrsville, trading un der the firm name of Kaley A Snyder, was dissolved by mutual consent on Monday, March 9, 1H74. AH persons knowing them selves indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle their accounts on vr before April 20, 11)74, and thereby save costs. The books and accounts will be left al the Ex press Olhce io Perrysville tor collection. ABRAM KALEY. Marl-4w A. W.SNVDEK. A fine assoitment of cloths, cassimercs, Testings, ic, alwrys on band aud for sale by B. LOt'DON. yew Advertisement. J 1ST OF DEALERS AND VENDERS a of Foreign and Dorresti': Merchandise iu the county of Juniata; for tho year 1874, as apt roved and classified by the Mercan tile Appraiser .- .Vifflinlown. CLASS. . 14 . 14 aT. $7 Ot) T 00 7 00 7 0O 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 20 00 I.". 00 7 00 10 00 1 00 7 oo 7 oo 7 00 7 OO 7 00 7 00 H D Welter, shoe dealer J W Kirk, merchant Sol Books, confectioner at jew eler 14 Banks II Hamlin, druggists... 14 S Y Sbblley, merchant........ 14 ' E Kichetibjck, notions........ 14 C Bartlev, shoe dealer 14 li L Re)nohls,eoufectioner.... 14 B F Kepner . Son, druggists, 14 J at 11 A Stauitnugh, merchants II Eiuil Schott. notion. ......... 14 liutupfc. Beildick, clothing.... It Frauciscus' hardware co...... 1') D P Sulouff A Co., grain VI I) W Harlcy A Co., clothing... 14 J Hollobaugh, confectioner. . 7 Tilten A Espensruad, merchants 13 Wm Rollinan, jeweler ........ 14 N E Littletield, stoves 14 John Yeakley A Son, merchants 14 John Etka, confectioner ..... 14 Jacob Bergy, dealer in stock .. 14 Samuel Bergy, dealer in stock . 14 Walker. N D Vandyke, merchant 14 J Kichenbaugh, merchant ..... 14 Wm Kurtz, merchant 14 Jerome Hetrick, merchant.... 14 7 00 7 OO 7 00 7 00 7 0i) 7 00 7 OO Hetrick Thompson, mill .... 14 Samuel Ilerr, grain. .......... 14 D P Kurts A Co., merchants .. 14 Turbttt. 1 A Rice, confectioner 14 Noah llertzler, merchant...... 13 John Herlzler, miii 14 Tuscarora. Joseph S Laird, merchant..... 14 Mauger Muminger, merchants 14 Dobbs, Brother A Co. merchants 14 Clark A Kirk, merchants 14 A J Furguson, merchant ...... 14 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 W 7 00 1 7 001 7 00 7 0ii 7 00 1 7 00 1 Wm. Van SWeringen, merchant 14 Francis Snyder, merchant. 14 Delaware. Winev A Custer, merchants... S O fc'vans, mill P Uarley, dealer in stock and merchant Fayette. La JB Wilson, merchants ... Jacob Smith, boarding Jacob Smith, mill ............ S li. B Beaver, merchants Charles Phillips, confectioner . 10 00 7 00 7 00 12 4 14 It 12 SO 80 00 7 00 10 00 7 t HI GO 14 J T McAlister A Co., men-hauls 13 Vt W Aharon, coutectioner.... 14 Jacob G Wiuey, stoves 14 W U M'Alister A Co., merchants 14 Brown A Son, merchants...... 13 Susquehanna. Amos Miller, merchant 13 Klias Crawrofd, merchant 14 11 K Freymoyer, merchant 14 Jacob Weiser, merchant 14 Patterson. Jacob Frank, merchant 13 Samuel Straycr, clothing 13 Dr Rundio, druggist. 14 Mrs F Hanaman, merchant .... 14 F F Rohm, market car 14 Wm Wrghr, confectioner 14 Joseph Butt, confectioner 14 W 11 Egolf, confectioner 14 Joseph Pepuell, merchant 12 C M Parker, confectioner. ..... 14 J C Do le, merchant. ......... 13 A D tioshen, coal and lumber. . It Jitlues North, grain dealer .... 12 Steeus & Guss, hardware .... 14 Perrysville. Geo S Mills, merchant tailor... 14 Philip F IK-licat, clothing 14 J A Thompson, jeweler 14 J C Gibson, confectioner 14 Jacob Beidler, druggist 14 J S M Gibson, merchant ...... 14 Caleb Jones, merchant........ II J BOkeson, merchant... 12 Samuel Buck, merchant ...... 13 Francis Brenisholtz, fancy g'jods 14 Noah llertzler, grain dealer... II D P Suloutf ACo., grain dealers 1 1 .Milford. P II ITawn, Biill 14 A J llertzler, merchant 14 Keely A Snyder, merchants... 13 Stewart McCullough, mill 14 Beale. John B.irdcll, groceries. Ac.... 14 Kate M Young, confectioner .. II Alex Woodward, merchant... 14 J P Sterrett, druggist 14 Joseph Pomerov, merchant ... 14 John P Kelly, merchant 14 Lack. R II Patterson, merchant 14 Campbell A Robison, merchants 14 Spruce Hill. 7i0 7 oo : 7 oo i 10W 10 00 7 1X1 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 50 7 OJ 10 00 I 7 IX) i 12 oO 7 OO 1 10 Oil' 7 no 7 M) 7 7 00 7 00 12 50 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 OU 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 U0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 J I- Barton, merchant D Conn, merchant 14 14 7 00 7 00 Fermanagh. Joseph Musser, mill 14 Thompsonfoicn. Keely A Smith, merchants.... 13 J U ilaltuman Sl Co , merchants 12 Benner, Smith A Co., grain, Ac 12 Israel Tennis, merchaut tailor. 14 Eliza James, confectioner.,... II GretnicooJ. J T Dimm A Brother, merchant 1 1 Monroe. C 11 Lauver, merchant It Isaac Ualteman, merchant..... 13 K Shellcuberger, merchant ... II Rhine A Grav bill, merchants .. 12 7 00 10 00 12 50 12 50 7 t 7 0b 7 00 700 10 Otl 7 oo 12 50 The license mentioned In the above list will be dne and payable to the Connty Treasurer, en and af ter the 1st of Mav, 1874. An appeal will be held at the Commis sioners' Other, in the borough of Mittliu town, on TUESDAY, Al'KlL 28th, 1874, when all persons toel;itg themselves ag grieved, can attend if they think proper. GEORGE KING, April I it Mercantile Appraiser. ORPHAXS' COURT SALE. PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court of Juniata county, the under signed, Administrator of Lemuel R. Beale, deceased, will sell at public aale, on the premises in Beale township, at two o'clock P. M., ou Thursday, April 16, 1S7 1, All the tight, title and interest of said de cedent (being the undivided one-third, sub ject to the life estate of Jane Beale) to and in the following described real estate situ ated in said township, to wit 150 ACRES OF LAID, more or less, adjoining lands of Samuel Pannebaker, Todd's heirs, George Snyder's heirs acd others, with the appurtenances, haviug thereon erected a Good Two-Story Frame House, Large Bank Barn, and other outbuildings. There is an excellent anpply of well water, aud a fine Orchard. TERMS. Twenty-five per cent, wnen the property is struck down to the purchaser, and the balance when the sale is confirmed by the Court. LOUIS E. ATKINSON, Administrator of L. R. Beaie, dee'd. M uch ltt, 1874. B. LOUDON, MERCHANT TAILOR, in room in rear of Crystal Palace Building, on Water Street, Miffiintown, Fa,, FASHIONABLE GOODS always on band. CUSTOM WORK: DONE oo the shortest notice. GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern. PERSONS buying goods can bate then cut in garm-.nts iree of charge. BUTTE RIOTS PJTTESSS ohm fen sale. ALL, WORK WARRANTED. PRICES LOW, Oct , i7-tr .YEW .1DVERTISEMS-YTS. HEAD QUAKTERS ! Bridge THIRD ARRIVAL Of New Goods this Season !j GREAT REDUCTION .V PRICES! 10 PER CENT. CHEAP FR TH.1JV E VER ! Watef Proof Cloth at 88 cts. per yard. Velveteen at oOc, 90c, and 1.00 per yard. o$1.38onrf$1.75! Colored Blankets a piere, While Blankets at f 2.25 and I 'pwards. , As Low as 3Ce per jard. IMITATION BOCK GLOVES: AT SIXTY CENTS. Respectfully YorRs, &c, JE.11JL SCIIOTT. ISTEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. We have opened out in the New Build ing on the Nevin lot, on Bridge street, the largest and best stock of BOOTS flkD SHOES, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S GAITERS,- , ever brought to the county. i VTe bnv ocr stock from Jfannfactnrers 1 and in large lots. We pav cash and expect to sell for cash, which will enable us to ir., anon At Prices far Below the Average. ' WORK M ADE TO ORDER. This branch of the business wiil be su perintended by A. B. FASICK, ne of the best practical mechanics in the connty. A II kinds of repairing done. ALL trohti WARR.1STED. CORNELIUS BARTLEY. July 2, 1373-tf p. si Loi rr h. co, FORWARD A?B C0XXISM0X MERCHANTS, DEALERS IX GRAIN, LUMBER. COAL, PLASTER. 8ALT C E M E K T. CALCINED FLASTEB RESUMPTION. TOriN DIEIIL hereby announces to his .ai .... j .u 1,. .. old customer, and the public generally, t he has acain resumed bn iun t hi. that be has again resumed business at bis oia sianu, on Water Street, MimintoTrn, Where he will manufacture in a satisfactory manner, Harness, Light and Heary, to Suit All, Horse Collars, Riding Saddles, Wagon Saddles, Bridles of all Kinds, Plow Lines, in fad tverylhrng in His Line. REPAIRING neatly and cxpedytiousry executed. Call and inquire before going elsewhere. JOHN DISilL, On Water Street, a few doora North of the Crystal Palace Building. Nov 12, 1873-6111 GREAT REDUCTION W THE PRICES OP TEETH! rll rppr or Lawn- Setts as Low as No teeth allowed to leare the office un less the patient is satisfied. Teetb remodeled and repaired. Teeth tilled to last for life. Dental wo'k done lor persons without tberu leaving their homes, if desired. Toothache stopped in five minutes with out extracting the tooth, at the Dental Of fice of O. L. Dirk, established in ilifflm town in 1060. G. L. DERTL Jan 51, n. Practical DentM. Street. GOODS SOLD AT j tf-lNIO PRICES ! BARGAINS for EVERYBODY CHEAP ! CHEAP ! CHEAP! IS THE CRY! 'prices to suit tee times 1 .1 1 MOTTO: j" Quick Sales end Small Profits :" I IPr.F SIYfTT.F SIT I WIS 1.4a. I k V." Li waVa.l V'Ai fcaVaWaV AJ - l Sold as low at $150. Shawls cf Every Description SoIJ at a Sacrifice'. Four Border Handkerchiefs f2t : r0R 25 CEXTS- Buying mjr Goods for Cash enabl me to make these Great Reductions. j rTIHE undersigned, having completed his i I n.w Warehouse in Perrvsvilte. would ! respectfully invite tho attention f thj ! farmers of the county to the fact that he it at all times PAYING THE KIGnEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF j Having introduced new facilities for hoist : ; ing, weighing, Ac, we or" now prepared to ' unload with the least possible trouble, i jBark, Railroad Ties, Locust Posts, and all Saleable Country Produce j ..... , . ... . . ( will be bought al all times, either for i I CASH OK IN FXCHANCB FOR MER- CUANDISE. HAVE FOU SALE COAL, LUMBER. FISH, SALT, which will be sold to suit purchasers, either WHOLESALE OR KtTAlL, snd at the lowest rules ruling. At my Stnre in Tnrbett township may lonnd as complete an str?:ent at DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, iS'OTIOTS, Queensware, Hardware, &c, all of which wilt be sold as low, if not a little lower than elsewhere- NOAH HKRTZLER. Dee. 10, lS73-tf TUNIATA VALLEY BANK. i Fomeroy, Patterson, Jacob3 & Co. I wtrrLMTCws, jisiat coi-ptt, ra. ! CAPITA!., 180,000. JOSEPH POMEROY. President. T. VAN IRVIN, Cashim DiaaCToas i Joseph Pomerov, I John Baisnach, j Jerome ?. Thompson, I II. II. Bcchtol, j John J. Patterson, j J. W. Frank, i George Jacobs, J L'nitii States St'nrities, Bonds, oougni ana sold. Seten-thirties exchanged for Fiee-tirnhe at market ratos. United State coupons paid. Gold and Sitter bonght at highestt rates. 1 I. ,! I fcaiaaw vposus receivers, collections made, draft n ,he principal cities, and eener.U banking , . ' ' " s Deposits received, collections made, drafts business transacted. Bonds and other valuable pnper received on special deposit. junc8'73-tf CL.A11K AVKIUT5v TINWARE AND SHEET IRON STORE. Slalsa street. Patterson. Here a complete assortment of TIN AKD SHEET IEON WAfcE may constantly be found to suit customers, and are ottered at a BARGAIN. E7-nEPAIRING neatly and expedites ly executed. Itoofiiiis and Spoutiu? of the BEST MATERIAL, made to order on short notice. TIIE PUBLIC Are also hereby informed that I regularly", every week, run a ear to and- from Phila delphia, going to the city on Tuesday and returning to Patterson oa Thursday. Per sons purchasing goods in Philadelphia, cn have them brought promptly here by order ing them to 12 Market street", In care of Clark Wright's Market Car. I also itvite the attention of those who ship prodaee to the east, to the facilities offered, and earn-' estly solicit their patronage. CLAKC WRIGHT .r Pec. 21, 173