SENTINEL k REPL'BLTCAN MIFFLINTOWN. tVednecdsT. April 1, ISt-l. B.--.F. SCII tt'EIEK, l-s-m.! v .I,n f..t.i!ir with the army bof ratals in Virginia dsring thejP!,c the ehMreu in lber BcLol9 war wilt remember '-Mother Birker j "-ougLout tbc State, far removed dyke," m f tha moat idiMi and ef- j froul 8he ruuori uJ ficient of .1 patriotic women whose r'jUnd ,bem " ! ' " . . IT . . woiV tf mercy followed our troops j After ti;c war it a; pears ste cnJertook j some l.uiiiifig -pr'ijn in Kansas f..i j tbe bt-iicut t( n.!cin' orptai.a, and j thereby became involve I in pecuniary ! UifScuIties, which, il is feared, bave he- paired ber rea-'to. At all events the j came cst in li'O wrote to ber tous , from Clifton Springs, New York, on tbc i Mr. Warfol presented tbe minority i Council of Administration, l. A. R-, Jiolh of September if tbat year; and 1 report as follows : j at 9 A. M. Meeting of National En- tboogh she has sicee beeuseeuiu Brook- J The, one of the ; , causpmeut, ii. A. R., at 11 A. M. Ban Ivn and in tbe neigbbtrlood of liostot., j cou.n.ittee to whom was referred tbe , quel (Oraud Army of tbs Republie) at :., L.r. 1.,... l.i.t nf communication f the Superintendent ; 10 P. M. J e Ler.andare in Jxtreine aajlety as to ; Lr fj'tlj. At tLe desire of ber sotssu;;y ut Geueri! .SLeriuan Las caused iu; airies ; to be instituted bjt so far without re. ! , ,, ,- i . .l 1 ault. If the presm tbroufuuut the. r fc . country viA gcuerally direct attention j to tbe matter, it inay be tbe nieaus of reoriiiir to borne aud friend a wotLaa : as just claims upon the patriotic : ,de of iben.tioD.-.arf4.frf. : who bai cratitudt on. Bcport of tbe S.S-KIS1HI It C'oinm litre on Ike C'aastlllo . . ttihool Staadsal Scuator Auderson, cbairuiao f f thf j joint Committee .o Education, made the followiug report to the Senate, viz: , Tbe joint :ommHtee on Education to i . r a .1 .- ! whom ess referred the communtcaltoa of tbe Supetiutendeut of Common ' fcchools iu relatiou to the charges ataiust A. L. Outs, late Principal of I , 1, -i ! tbe 01 tbatis school at t assrtlle, with ' directions to inquire into tbe same, beg leave to report : t Tbat your committee, the dis- j t .t- a i 1 . i- : cuarge 01 iuis out,, caamu.eo. . .a,6e , . , . . , of witnesses, visited the :hfH , ' ! e the accused and accusers all j , - 1 .1 i 1 . uuriiber of witneis n sited thea-ihoH , aud gave tbe time required, and the utmost lati-. in.t. in il. ......m.imi. nf ii.0cu.a ti 1 . t ' . . 1. ....... . ,t,. : , j.i 11 ... . c . truth. nd to lav all tbe facte before: your honorable bodiee, so that no in- j justice niay be done tbe accused, tbe ' 1.. I .;.i..., if .... h- ...a ""6. 7J. " " by members aud those only inter eted therein. As the iurisJtction of th-; lgislatnrc only extends to tue rcioo- 1 ..I ,.f t', M.o.,I iLc tint.on of Mr. 1 Oust' guilt or iuaoccBce has not tiecea- sarilv tu be ped upou. If the con- j of this enhoo! is unwise or in-! .ited.ent, specially if its ttsefulucs ! i i - ; is uesiroyeu anu us cou.n.uaucc .o- . jurisg tbe system, it eaould be prompt- 1 ystem Your como.ittee liii'J the rumors .t ..1 i , ' generally cnirent iu tne senooi an.i , throucbout the cuuty, and th.t ,bev ; are beiietd J many. Tbe children in fbe seboor are familiar with these scan- ; dalous ttories and make tbem the sub- j ieet of daiiv conversation. The effect of thit it to corrupt tbeir minds, and so! orphan children of the department. I further fact that these vile atone, have , j p-rpondicular tr.easurtr.ent, 37 inches. I po'-m which is entiUrd, "We k.sse.1 each ' to-- eaeii plate, li agjestde,.resarbai.;e. it. ib,- accent i . u. Mi-y, aumin- J "V' m ,ejv, pr.w,i,fr kiJi Much of the testimony takeu is gross- j "d ""'y The Uicssurmeut around the wrist is ! f " " W'11' uf il '" ! " he siaal LU iijL' i ltlosU o. : erc-tioa of a new School and ,7i Smi.bfieM St.. Pitl.-.r,. Pa. I. ;1.M, ,d . fir rnblicatmn ' w,,h bitter l.tlcal partiean.hip will, in ' .nd .hove the elbow 16. I mrnaiist ;" the seaside is j when, presto, bis plate disappears aud an-, v , ,w itvatt, , A!,.XMier Wallace ..' "i-thniMi".. .r the re.idea.-e of J. P. j!,,,,.,;, ..,., C,;,... 51.. io f.. ly indecent and unfit for publication. . mJ, prabmbiJityi krep ,hcw bi.fl)re ,Le 104 inches, and above the elbow fta ; no,.r rwr SIlch pr9J-ticeS thao any- other I -tl.r nsa. These mechanical tables ren- au miuutrato. u Jl, S. Alo. row, dee'd. Kelly; iu said towt.-op, ,,U SAl I R- r).l,!.I.-Sl.-i Co.. w :o fi:,. Sinn i our committee, therefore, recommend : public, and thus largely add to their J inches. , The leg around rbe calf gives lot.iUt . n I der the presence of sonants tn;to super-! li. The aco.n.t of Abel Suirit a:J J.e- I" V . MAY 2nd, 1, at . . .... k, I . M , j ; !t) s . fo s.(1 ? ,,, Ktt. il to be not rublishtd in any shape or '. demoralizing ii.fiueuce. a cireumfcreuce of 17 iucbes, aud the " .. . . rnuntv tn tl.ious. . I'1' Shirk, a-uiiuUnatoi. !' John Shwk, j " JV" iL. L..!!! ." ' 'Y;- " Gm 1 . , i a I , . ' The special election in Wa ne county, to , ilateot the borough ol Thoiut snutown, du-, " said p'op sa.s. rian a ut spe ti a-1 sra-,.rlil M.-bin Tv kie. JLc Lant rfn- uianner. but fiitd amonc the records of ; for these reasons tbe undersigned , iUle, the enormous lentrth around of en ....... ,.r w. ti n;..,mirb ii..n.n. ' One of the most curious lilunicrs made i f lion-to be at the resilcnce ol the ,,-..,-,,,., ,,,, , r, .,..,,- U 1 1- .i . i .....:r....i i..r.. i.. ...... . . ward uioven.ent. uiat. te. awae irom oer ' . ihn in tils toKl for 'f;eu-a! titiu-e" l oiuier. orpuau. ""-'"' present, ad .Mr. Anderson moved to ; . .. deulv taken ill and almost ima:ediatvlv es- . ,. . .,....., , , committee, if the rn.uor. concerning i st ne Indefillite The mo,ion t0 j mlo .pace, it means that .be is mar- J 1Io WM ta thB rw of h ' Peof fi... were renerallr eutrent iu i ;., a. ... -:.t..u.- ! ried and you must not hope. The eon-1 :l,.K.,A. ,! --------- - - I "rk. ir'T ...v.-....t.j , rrm ..... , asi-.u.iil,..,...,-....... s;oME Oonthssince, Justus U.Acuir, ""'l"',','-,or . , ! tbe gohool aud tu the Ci-udnuuily, and. nd White's ructiou defeated, aad the i ,rarJ m,,Teweo I,1W"J' 'r0ln f,c ,rt Gardner, Se.. the other day, by ihe ' f h-r 14 . . ii u. . ..,i . a .l. . nnwever. mis tuner movement is niaue naa a ereai aenre io anon mm a :.--. o j - . o - v.ei.i.nh.r!i. notions 14 7 l long as they retoaiu there they will bi , ,,e 5 n Analytical I aper on the j VV ith one leaf open, "inendohip ; two uhjected to this influence. If tbe ru-; Causta of Vice and Crime, with tome , open leaves, "sympathy ;" three, "love mors are all false tbe effect it the same. ! practical hints toward their ren-edy ; j and pasaion." A "talking fan" should 1 he fact tbat Mr. Guss owns the prop- ; A Sketch of the em nent Authoress, j be comfosed of seven leave., tn corret erty, is publisher of a newspaper, is a Madame Schwartx, and a fine Portrait ; j pond with tbe seven dayt of tbe week, politician, aud has bitter and uurelent- j Heads, Hats and Character, bits t.ffj The hour you are eipected at a rendei ing euemies, is sufficient teasou to be- j ,oui of ,b PeoPle e meets botB ln U T0U ig ifTimaited by so many taps being I.eve that to kue as tbe school remains ,elt u"1 il!u.-tratiou -, in Pbvsiolcgy of j uiade on tho leaf, which represent tbe there these scandalous rumors will be kept afloat. v. ben Prof. Gusa became a candidate for political honors, he ibou!J bave reliuqui.hed Lit control of lb school, or it should bave been rc- lCT(ds This it a correct priuciple in ail cases; especially was it important jn bit esse, as be ran for office in a conn- ty split into factions and demoralized by strife and bat.. It was tb.s that gave such currency to thee reports : aud their spread over the Slate has done incalculable injury to tbe ecbools and to public morals tls. Your committee are of opiuiou the school eh.tuld have ; been removed long ago, and that would have avoided the necceetsity of an ex- aminatior, which should never have taken place. The Inspectors of the Orphans' School Pepaitmcnt, in the judguieut of your committee, failed i tbe discharge of their duty. Uoing to iusject tchcois of this character when aueb visits were expected, and at the guests of thepriucipa!,it cot a proper discharge of duty. Had the Inspeo 3 . . . .- . i r a .- . i .. tort aischarga tbeir duties properly, ihe Superinteudent would doubtless bug :ucc bave removed the school, there fceing strong rcasout for it removal, in- d&nrn&trit of tLf? pui:t or innocH?e of' C . m H ww.i ..r .I... ! a,TA I . J U."?. UilC UiUlU HI laJVi t;eir ; ... . I . . 1 1 . v wtmn niuiiiuirii il. . ..nut i . .: UU VB gouiiiuitn'it, cuistu : . . . 5ra.J ..i... e,.he,l, vistif r t p rn, :"!UrU- M- D,v"' I--nnte.Hlent ot aioed .UiuicaLbcdtojaMifyUiecom ,the AwI:iIf at Harr:(!VjI.jt W(!C Colonel ittee iu tclirrmg that the conduct of. juhn y. Thompson, deceased. General uiai mit A. L. Gues, principal, was of au ini- j . i '. ' . . . T'. ' l . I proper character. But at fctbc reputa-1 tion of Prof. Gust it not or. It involved, but t!ta tha rej.ntition of scores of. aoldicrs' orphan the aueation cf bi. nilt cr innoceno i remitted to the j ' courts for investigation. Tha evideaee it eo contradictory tbat j it wrold rcjnire reptitioo ; and your f- H important for mo ic morals tbat it should be concealed tuber than ex posed in b public report. Your committee, therefore, recom mend thst (be Superintendent of Sol dieM Orphans be directed to remove ",e ' assvuie, ar once, .no. tlie sck i i .. , i Ulll. II. .131IEKRU.SI, JAMCS 8. UfTA!, Frank 1. CVlu.ns, ThGJIAS ' UALFANT, " Snele Committee. M. W. Olivck, A. B. Y'.a.vo, 11 M Joses, House Committee. ;ofSldira' Orphans relative to tne KlltHi, ,t (..,tf 1; e ou:d respect-!., abm.t tbe following report : I Tbat your comiuutre tu the discbarae 01 l,',r uulJ ""'e 10 est the utmost latitude in the eubpoe- . . uainjr and eiauiioation of witnesses, atjd diJ n in thelT eT ,0 trrite ,t a 'just aud proper conclusion iu relation I t" 7 to ti.e uiattsr. Much of tbe testinuny j uken ' of mcii character that itsjKnipe; Artillery corps, Capt. George ub!i,it'. u W. lrll; Cavalry carps, Col. H. 8. and u-iut work injury. Me therefore ; YboI14S if. tl.A r.ei.ii.mli.l tmn that it Ka : "ot printed, bu filed amone tbe records 1 i -,i Ol IbC i'ri!.IIBIUIC VNtlC WUO 1 ptcperiy iiiter.s'ed can have au oppor I ..( IUU... Ul CA.Ul'U.Ug It. t ,ie UinlerigneJ i. of tbe opinion i flat tbe coaimittee were only ealled'of a huge lufant, named 1'ero Ed wad P0U ,0 euusider the propriety of the hc!. be therefore dechoea to eiress ar.y ,, ,M Uklu.r i,;i, ..i.i iv rt.iuiou UDon uiatter whiob could only 1 be properly determined is a coutt of ' justice. j The Soperinlendent cf tbe Soldiers' i Orphans' ?cboolt stated before tbe com- -r ., . , , , 1 ua.ttee that if the rumors and scandal Cl)UCeruilla Cas.vilk school were cur reut in the commnuity, whether true cr j false, tbe effect would be to greatly ! riamsre the eflieiener of that sshor.l and ' : - , also mrare the system. In this opinion ! , jr.. , the undersigned fully convura, and aa ,n ei0Ili f ti,e trossest aud most ! mimo mijr mc vifw. iu iiiib uiiuiuu . . ,J, , scandalous iuiuioialitiea were currut in i the school and tbroui'hont tha eountv. . .. j .1 ...i: - f i it auu "fio iuc tui.iixi tr.'riii . f .. ....... . . . ... . . tmirmi aua ur... ti i , , , ... .... ... '..iweishe lz rounds; tbe mother is 0,Lerwie than degrading to all who j became familiar with tho recital. 1 he i 'jl i ue recommendation that the!.,,,. .,. . . .,, aa :,' oMn-rs' orphan, be removed from Cars- ' , , j 0hf .! free from ! .e corru,, mff influence which no. sur- rounds that locolity. JottN B. WaRFIL. Mai r ii i ri ihe following, which ws read R'tolred. That the majority and mi- j nority report-, be referred to the Super-, tHteudeut of holdiers orphans schools. if hlg ()ffi(.ia, clioa ;Q ,ceordauee with oxiftiuj; laws. it. ii-i... 3.. . . e.l. x.. ...... r...... . j ; ' ...iail-iox looked, so I called on sick ldy ! luisiiblv eri-Jenee of insanity, w"aJ ta- ' c Kartlo. thoy .ieaier It ...'Lifb lM.rsTRATED.-For the faithful np.-.cnnt.liim of old an J new trn tl.s in a i ...... pleas.nt torm, we must commend tins veteran moott.iy. l ne April riuuioer bloswu.s with an attractive variety W uve ' Portrait and Sketch of '' Cleveland Abbe, of the Signal Bu rea' n'v'"y kuown t ' Probabili - i tb S. writer ,k''t Mr- Spencer tiuk some narrow views of " the ( i" Koglaiiders will be pleamd j doubtleet, to read something abont ,u'ir fori?e rtilroad man, Mr. James I Parker ; besides, we bave something J Lumorous, in My Iinpresaior.tof Names, and Stolen Glimp.t, aud much that it agreeably instruct iu Our Evergreen i TreM Tress Notices; Anybody can j do nd "'uc,, ltt "'rybody tbouid j re"d in VVS L 1orD So ' Vitality and ! temistry. Commercial Obstructions, ! Agricultural Hints, etc. Terms $3. a : J,r- 3i fen'" oumler- Address IS. R. WKI.LS. New York. j A sew religion has spiung up io j ierj,( and s eo d;ff.reut frou; the old : itlom fln ,UlU it j, cr(.a,;llg coni,j ,raUc ,xoiteluentt especially as the ; Grj.D j Viz;,r wt,o has great iufluence 1 over the Shah, is iu favor of it. and ; ieT,rl 0f the savane aud noblemen ' bave ld(I)tej if. It ;s ID0Wn lbv : .-Zurdani ." Its followers donot believe ; ,.. t:rt,pb..t. Ther ..ulv worxhip the i 1I,;-i1iv Ther are no religions wr.- Aiiutguiy. i uere are no religious cere- I ; motlW, .til uU,tj fjr tUe new relioioo. Xhe principle doctrines are praise of . - ; lb. Supreme Heing, tratb and virtue j x u regarded with great disfavor by .k. r.n a. r .ak ! aJC IVUUTIITII VI IUC V IV. IAJ IsiltBa. - - Governor Hartranft ha. appointed Gen - Piven comuauJed the lir.t brigade ol Gov- ; u .. ....... .1.. i.. . I .r.,..r M.rlrSnli-. .iirUion .l.irii.o- ll.e l.t.. or riranit s uivision u.irn.g me lau war for the Cnion. Victor Hugo rarely makes use of the pen. . ZZZ. ..- , Ue works with tbe brain and not with the .... . i nana. vv nen composing ma worsav ue : .I.. rt.:. a:...:.. ... . ( l-an-vj 1443 I.WI VI UIB ivuiu. uivaiiHK m ! . . ... , ! secreiary sitlinr at a aess. iw ora Wikt....... n, ajcUtCT very slowly, sentence by ten - tenee. r r Grand Array ReaaloB. I'll. f.-IInvi'iif thA nrnnriium a r- j r-"B . ranged by the Committee lor tbe meeting of tn different anny ao eietreson the lltb, 12tb and 13tb of May in Harrisburg, Pa. ' Monday, May 11 Reunion of tbe 9tb Army Corps at 3 P. M- Reouion of Hartraoft'a division at b r. Jr. Baa qut (9th corps), at 9 P. M. Tuesday, May lit Rennion of Gib Army Corps at 0 A. M. Reunion of Cavalry Corps at 10 A.'X.' Reunion of Military Order of Loyal Legion at 10 a. m. Rennion of the Soeiety' of tbe j Army of the . Potomac ot 1 1 A. M. i Governor's reception at 8 P. M. Ban quel (Society of tbe Army of tbe Po tomac), at 10 r. m. Wednesday, May 13 Meeting of 1' . f I 'f- Utn UDe" " oe"ue ' "a corPs :. oeBDingi ; oa corps, tot. uiay ton Mactuichael ; 5th corps, Gen. Wui. McCandless; Clb corps, Gen. James W.Latta; 9th corps, Geo. John 1. Curtin; 11th corps, Gen. Adolpb Bush- I. . .-.. . . r. tea ; lin corps, uen. Joaepn r. Mj'r A- W"J NoARtt, rhaitman. Major Lae S. Habt, Secretary. A Juvenile Monster. A Ken- tucky paper gives the following account j Chambers, and born two year, and a ! Lalf ago, io Barred county, tbat State : I 6 ' :4 -W beu about three months old be be-: gan to flesben, aud soon attracted the serious atteutton ol bis parents and immediate friends, flie accutuu! r..t. .a 1 of fat bas been nainterrupted, and . - aDi now exhibits an obesity of buge aldermanic proportion. We visited biui and made careful examination and uieasurnieut, .1 ; 1.1:. .0 u. mo uW ... , . . . ; Hi parenta are tbe reverse of their in- ! r j futile representative, w far a, pbyti-; .... . a. ; IIu parutt are tha revers of tbeif ! cal proportion is concerned. Tbefatbei.; ss..-.tfti V. ! a dAliiAla nnr ' . .1 ,1 .. ,.f i.t n...i - ", lelieaely builf, and weighs 144 pounds. Hero the yonng giant, stand! --'"- " , " "f UPe t0 cireuit ,,,eir hugeness. Around the Eirtb of 42 iuchei. Avoir- dupois puiu down tue aca.e. eaaa, a, I I Ml r.ntllirli! I hft sslillil ly filtlfA in. ' "fc""e " ! locomotion than hie ponderous, un-' fprm wou!d indicate, : s d health." J J 3 bud CQ run riirtatlon. U'beu a lady uses ber fan in an out Lean, she is a widow; if in an upward ! H irer-tinn. th.t .he has never been mar- 1 ned. A closed iu, ..eld upright, meaut "do as yon li lie. aP'" it, means silence." ... j i. ... k..;..... resting on tbe breast, A closed fan, presented to you horiioo- tally, means "an iuvitation :" prestnt- i ed by the smai! end, " indifjurence." j ; day. A closed fan placed on the lips meant "don't tell." A circular move meut of the fan meant " we are watched." The following story of a young man wbo until recently lived in Lawrence, Miil. I a r.t. ass., is told by the American of tbat ,, ' . , i city : "He was engaged to be married j to a young lady of ltwrenoe, and in the ardor of bit affection made number of presenta. Two or three weeks since ' tbe young lady died, after a few days! illness, and the gntf of tbc tadly stricken suitor wtt very aaj to contem plate. Everything tbat belonged to ber waa very dear to him, rendered doubly to by her untimely taking off. lie prized tbe few tributes be bad given ber to such a degree that he couldn't tbiuk for a moment of leaving them' with ber family. lie came with a box before tbe funeral occurred, collected them very carefully, nailed tbem up, and forwarded tbem by express to bit U.... Th .i.ter f il. d....uil ... d..;,. ,h.t .l,.il,.h. . i i a. t. : lowed to retain aome tmall wtrwntr, . ..i di.naoU.a Wr ...u.,.d C!S that perhaps the would like a muff. If so, be was ready to sell it. He woulu't j be infvin if rnt hitn mil hiiii I . . . ! it was ber, the mtght have it for $10. "I i it. a lat ibe produced tbe money, took the mil . . , c , f . and the lover after the funeral ceremony ! aeparted-doubtlete Io bestow the j preienlf Le bld rfgaioed.. . Jbe mmhuTS jt.,-,,, glvM tl.e fol - lowing sad case : On Monday a little dautrh- j terol Kichard Miller, of Saftdy Ridge, fell ie,i ki,.h,.rd VilW f S.nde pa, f-ll ; toui u.e ion oi a siaoie receiving iaiai in - . ..a k... .k. ..... ..t t... J"'.' . - " .. - - v. uuuvU : deih w. ronvered to an elder sier. a . 1 jiL, k. .t.- Tt-i- 1 waa so shocked and alloc ted with grief that Janaawooned and ezpirnd in a abort time, SII0RT ITEMS. ' Maine puts' cp 5,lKK,0uO cans of corn a year. Tork county boasts ot a sheep weighing four hundred ponuds.' The smallest circular saws are those used in nakiiig gold pens. The Dunkards talk of establishing a sem inary, either at Mjrtin.-bur or Ber!in. The Tythians of KU.-nmon't bare resoirej to buiM a t'Tthun Uniple, to oat J-!0,i00. . "The battle .against tk bottle" is tbe war a westttra exchange styles tbe cr'isade. A sewing school is son te be opened in Scrantoa ciidrr tbe otrooage of tbe Y. X. C. A. A life year old bey in Pittsfirld get hld of the family bottle of whiky unseen, and drank so much tUt he died. The small pox is on tbe increase in Man- treal, Canada, deaths being reported daily. It is estimated there are over HO1) cases at present. A very touchy husband told his wifd they could sot Agree, and niustdivide tbe house. "Very well," said she, you can take the outside." Kev. Meili, a Catholic priest of Crvstlne, . . .v. : .. v.- J - ... .: : i j . : clare.1 his intention of uniting with the! Presbvterian Church. ! The low. Senate, b, a m.joritv of one I ' 1 J . vol., has refused to prohibit the sale ot wme and beer in that state. Stronief drinks' j "n tnuraaay a wee, near Beecn Lreea, . ,.,...r ,j.....0 - - "" nanica nnpen, out mscaicu.aieti me ais- tance, and Rupert, barring the fright, was noue the worse for it. The insane game was played on Frank Dodge, ol Krie, by bis wife. He claim to be as sane as anybody, and says be has been incarcerated ou account of jealousy. The jailor says he is not crasy. An English genius has lnveuted a 1 be used as . Bre-aianu in private hou New Yorker, experimentiag the otli ..t !. , ,. fuse to houses. A mer aay with tlili protective fuse, burued his house "V Chignons are reallv of service to the wearers in Virginia. It was only the other day that an;. eagle pounced down upon a J-"un 14-,r ,he lri " lons in her iirawi. ah 111c nvuic uini kwi "iw ii.tii. Twei.ty.onc years ago, llosea Fletcher, of Milfred, Jlass left town with a yoke of,11011- . ,nd hvl w.- hMrd r nntj, 1 Wa,t. mken h w kind eoousrh to write from Kansas, and inquire about his family. A mother and three children were burned iii ilith t ll:tven. V. Y on Tuesdav . .. . . ..... i j . . ..... n lent a week, in a ore w nicn aesiroeii io 1. . . . .1 -. l lenemrnt nocses. j ne lainerescij-ni iin .... ror. " j A Yale student writes a twelve-verse , s I .;- ...... .r'sr,, anthorw. th.t ,.rte be IWtvr. j the LeRislat,.re, has resulted in the election ' " 1 anm 1 P- .: .. I. -- t .. T. ....,:. r,.m r.a j ,Urk Rejlr t. ' i Hall a-et.M5, I strrisUtuz, im neai in ine . arnii ol her duiiiitr ou i hiirstUv eTfitlliE ,weck while in the performance of her , , ..... . .. i i bonsehol dutie !. . ... . ... 1.1 Ollliei. -T lew scars aK'i iter husband met tos ueatn su.taotuy. On Friday morning a week, while Wm. Hartniar, of Franklin township, York co:in- ty, was delivering a prayer, during the x- '" "- it before coaxing to the.kpnto Kirkbride" Asyinm.ii West, An E o-'hmin aueawts that the ocean j ,. . . Dn)yiM ilh!" " , . . ' braache. at intervals, the end of eaoh branch being brought to the surface nd I k.M il.M kr . kror. Hv means of these held there by a buoy. By means of these floating stations ships in distress wear the line of the cable could communicate with the shore. The Kaicigh (S. C.) Daily Xevt has r-'-! ccived the following despatch from its re- h "7lh ; "News ponvr at aiarioti, u..ct .i.h n .u . - , ha just reacb.-d here that the shocks on Stone Mountain were more violent last night that at any time since tbe commence ment of the volcanic disturbance." A Maryland lady, Mrs. B. II. Conway, of FreJerira county, who has established a reputation as a contractor for 'nils'' and "Ciita," has filled several contracts ln Penn sylvania. She has been awarded a $100, 00U job on tbe Western Maryland Railroad, and now takes the work of excavating a j ! tract in Baltimore for building sites. One day last week a man by the name ef 1 ... . c-.1: ill- .11.:.. :. Iirown, living .l aui.c.ii.e, a . drunken fit, CHt, with a raaor, pieces of ml, of ,be ,, rf bis mck lon , 1(;ed ibout flltcel) tn The 11 had boeo sick for some time, and sores came on hb bck from being contlncd to bis bed. Tb " ,,e ouId cut tho Proud fl"h' and cut he did Dr. Keid, the celebrated medical writer, was requested by a lady ol literary emi nence to call at her housu. " Be sure you recollect the address," said she, as she auitted tbe rowtu " No. 1 Chesterfield street." "Madam," said tbe doctor, '! am too great an admirer of politeness not to remember Chesterfield, and, I fear, too sel fish ever to forgot number one." The Boston Airerliier says the most no table feature in tbe March elections is the election of women to places on school coni- j uiittees in a Isrje number of towns in cen tral aud western Massachusetts. The recent discussion iu Boston excited a very general interest, and many towna have taken this ,, , k . ,,.. :. , . ni.lhnn of .tu.viti. thetr nnitimn on the method of snowing their opinion on the subject. Woman's rights has made two forward steps. Tbe word "male" has been stricken out of tne elective franchise article iu th. "nsiitut.on M President U.I -, - ............. ! Grant bss appointed and the Senate con. ff.i. .... c ... firmed M, Ada C. S-eel . of C..,c.go, as ' o ! iim , vi(.e BIakely miviti. '; Y, Sweet is said tobe eutirely capable for I her posiUon. I -l-"" . "f'"'i hu iuc. areuiaucre- 1 mail carrier between a settlement called j turnabie, the said Justices are to return i Lat- Two Wood. Dakota, aud the Win- :i i .a Msou line twelve miles away. Lcttersandi 1 papers are placid in a sack ana tied about , ,. l. :. . n . i me aog s neca , ue i. toui io gu, .in aerer 1 r.;u K .;. rf.-,in..i..n im,:.. 1 aeaisai v iiwch - ...... .-. .... , ...t um. o .cru.u.n., ure unsm. j is treated to a good dinner, ai.4 started oa i but remrn trip. tfanihal Biiin-, in his saclusion " at SaHite Varirserlte, only goes out for two boars in tbc &y, jlking iu tile court be longing to his prison, under tue survei arice of two keepers. His meals are furnished by the boatman of the islaud, who is, at the sanio time, sutler of the troops. His guard is composed of ninety soldiers of the line and five jailers. Tbe characteristic tic story of Pareps o, rarri... an as Crl , is told that once, wben"ak csine to marry stieh a little man wiio, prooairy ro iurcsraii icsrinz on th ...l.i... . n. h fc i... .1. . . ..r ., . iiinim:!! " MH.I1 UlUClCHLiriu D.llflUlf. Madanx, with an arch smile and twinkling eye, demurely aaitt - Jiow, would you j really like to know f -Yr," wai. the rs'- ply, "Why, b.-eanse ho asked me !" lia re- : P Klla merrJ Win- 1 Mrs. Worth, ef Westfleld, .M!s., has j sneezed her face awry. It happened at a ! party, and she vainly tried to repress it, thinking that smeiing w s un!adlike But it broke out In spite of her, and at once -.he .leer sensation in one cheek. That i. t j, . .... her face swelled rapidly, drawing felt a side ot ber up the corner of her mouth and coiuolef. lv closing one ee. The physician sav tbat 1 trouble is a kind of nrilvi. ruvl . .. . . . ner eflort to avoid sneeiing. and tbat her . . " a i , ;l t.rm ISTt J"de Bro"' of B!"rof"0 ''7 Adam Ar,id for nse of George K. J W;" "? Irfr. v.- P.!er Eby. He. 12, Aprilterm, of interest to thousands of poor eirls wbo.lb4. 1 pay for their Darhioes in'snull instalments ' j A M iss Barker had psid for h'.-r tnaehin fof ,. iasUlmtata. . u . n j w . j r . A M iss Barker had psid for h'.-r maeh ine j excepting th last instalment of $", when j ,,e became ill and delayed payewot. The . company suet out a writ of replevin, but a Just;ce of the peace decided for the de - j tendant. Judsa Brown now miim .v , .man accoun:s in ine r.rzisier-s u;ncr o. decision, and rules thai the combanv is en-1 . 1.1. - i . "-"" 1 Juniata rountv. and the same wul he pre- titled the machine and all money paid;s, ntra fr e'nrr.mion and allowancw on uim 11. This seems grossly unjust f b'ltit is law. , . ,. , . .... ., a . .eg, u,ru nn oeen nea;.y am- ; putaieu Dy a iK:ouKtive at Newark, sr. J., j on Monday a week, was carried by tbe en- gine to Bristol, Pa. (abont 100 miles), and ... 1 - orp .uc engineer aiscoverentne limb oa the cowcatcher he kindly inrpiired bv WW- .jrrar.o ail aion? ine tins wnetBir anvesMtv i hd missed a leg Niwsrk answered "yes." I sud the Kg was promptly returned. It was too U!e, however, i be of any w,ice, for j Tor the former owner was dead. But, the., i .i.uuu vi wt.s.iin'x itiin;r - ) "e'S on mo pan ol tua eagiLcur who. to.k A novel diiiing table is new in use in each ' BC,,""C,U l'eWr Brown, guar- of the palaces of the Empvroi of Kussia. The table is circular, And is placed on a weiphbsl platform. At tbe touch of a sig- 1 .t... ...u ... .1 1... . . .... .u ... u. aaiua . ...op, uo-li . fees ih tabid thrui.jrh lh. df.or liul a m.a , - 1 - - rr ri.H in h. ..i ... , ,,n J hmuiv .10 ir-'si. uiiaB .an . . : 1 .it 1 ! plate sua Is on a weighted disk, tbe table- cioin Deng cut witt circular opeun.jcs, one " ,. ' .l , beu material for hi. " .run j : " " " " at due i!if.rTsis tNsts Ml iti. stitli th. letters '(. P. O." upon them. Ovfa.i.y . - . l i . ' n - :'mn "'r reserve w : ; came the tourist's note-book. a ubich a! ' a.lrt..! L-. ........ lJf Tll Mill : meruorau'lum WM at once iottci i!o.u ol" . I the curious statement. In the tlrst e.iition I ,h r, -t . i,.l .,..,f .. ; ... i- .' j eil, but il was slippre-snd in ail i issues, owing to the tardy discovery tnit West lliibdelphia. Ff 3 has remained .:,. .,;... ,iu. a .j .t... CODjPM1oJ , car, demonstrations that Compeilod a ful guard over hitu. Ot Thursday, mi b" vwrt ...iu. . j with twelve or fifteen other Woatics, he , , , . . was sent ont in the yard for fresh air and excrrise. He had u jt been out , long before be began squarnng of in ! ,he attitude of a boxer. Uis eornpan- ions responded promptly to the invita tton thrown ont, and commenced beat- ing him in a most cruel and inhuman manner. He was knocked down, bis lace anu ciuer pkrts oi oouy rerrioiy bruised and disfigured, the encounter terminating in tbe poor mati'a death. He was removed to his bom. in Mont - gomery county on Saturday a week. rr Aitpertturment. IROCLiHATlO. W H ERE AS. the ll.,n. bsj. K. Jrssis, President Judjre of tU-i Court of Common pleas fur the Cih Jii(5icl.;l I)Utr'k t, composed of the counties of Juniata, Perry and Cumb-.T- laud, and the tlonoral.les Jonathan Weis. r ana ji.nn noons, jwiee. or tne said Court of Common Pleas of Juniata county, have issued their precept to mo directed, bearii.rdatethe7lbdayorFebruarj,l74, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and tietionil Jail IMiverv, and OeiieTal rt", TrnlT""' VV.vr?4 v hp s p u if iH-a k. "-it . OF APKIL, 1S.4, being the S, ih day ol the montn. None a is Ilr.Kar Ctf.v, to the Cor- oner, Justices ol the Peace and CotistaMes of the County of Juniata, that they be then aud there iu their proper permits, at one o'clock on the atu-rno.m of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and oyer remembrances, to do thoe thitijf. that to their oiheca respectively apjrtain, and those that are bjuud by rcr.e;.iz i:;c to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then may be in the Jail of said county, be then and there to prosccuticn against them as shall bo just. By au Act of Assembly, passed tbe tth day of May, A. I)., lfol, it in made the j dlllv f , he Justice, of tho Peace, of tbe t'CtSl LVIIIUH;.' 't SIII.I V 'lllIIK'tl TJ.AI III, HJ ... ,1.. -i...t r .1.;. . ... .. ivmin ..... vi v' m "i i a ai(( Sessions of the respect Ives counties, all the recognizances entered into beiore tlM-iu by anv person or is-r.-ons char tied with the . tTZ ... . . j may be ended beiore a J ot tha "eace.uuder existing h-ast ten days htt eom.uet.cetueit, of the session . uctorw I UK ITUIUIUCIICCIUVI (f tlle Collrt to wl,ich t turnabie raetively,ud any recuatKea are . hey are made re in all cases win re entered into le-.s I then ten dan before the Coiuiuenremunt I .,ne. M,ue. ,n ,De au,e muier as H said act ! not oeen passe.1. Dated at Miltlintown, the 7th day of j I ebruary, in the year r our Lord one i th. ..,., ..1 .Ki htimlrl .n.l .u.....r...... - - " -- - .....i and th. ninety-eeventb of American Inde- . .-J-- pendence. - , WX. H. K.NOLSE. Skrriif. SberitTa Office, kiittiiutowa, ) I Vtareh 1, 174. yew AflrerH.trnients- LAT aOTItrt:. All Iw!rvnnw- .Miford.' ing tlieo5..-l c indel:el on 'our Boobs . p jawn H,jn 14 arerequos.ed to nuke IniujedUt; ( A i llerttlor , merchant H - ., , D. f. MLOlff itU- 'Keelv Jr Sovder, merchants... 13 Apnl I--w . Stewart McCuliough, miU U , alli I -' Built. . - m .k. .... . ..w.... .Vo of Joh !U. Thompson, dcitastJ. IIHIEUEAS U-t(er. of Administration y on tiie eta of John M. liwtiifwiii, . , , . . h.v.r.g b;-en to the nrfmwl, all ; r- - . , , , ' '-.J '" "k- onio.Iiate pavmeut, anl lh..,e JHiaving, claims will please present them ' T-.ft 1 tJ i-f enflianTtioitiul t.e ' .TlsriL . i --rr- JAMh B. THOMPSON', Mm'r.- il ' : Trial iAl for April Term, t B G. Powell vv Sinion B. Alimght, ' No. M, September term, 1H. 2, H. f. r..nse vs. Me.'f.wiigsl.Xo. W, Febrnst-y tern. I4. i i Daniel" H'rsti.ill, Hugh T. Mc Alister. ! Samuel U art, 1). M. Jarawm and Samuel ' tuon.-ird. Trustees of tbe Lt Creek Val- ! ',' .A?- McParlaud, Ho. i '-. September term, i . j 4 to,ll,lu,t,wit!lh of PennHylvar.ia at Ibe ' suceestiou ol Daniel Coiliua'n s. Alfred ' Sutch and Sbively, 'o. lot, Sep- .in.u..r m teuib'.r term. lSii. i o- t- r. uuas..u ann carina, ms w, , 'David him.iii. No. 3. Keb. teini. 1S74. ! IRVIN P. TVALLW, Pr,lh ,. Pnornr.soTsv's Otrnit. i i ' j. .- iu-. i rtfjlsler's Notice. I Tyr OTICE is herebv aiven tint that the 'll fnlli.wij.g n.m.i A r.erf.ri ttv fl ed ' their Adn.inlsfrato', Eserntors, and Giiar- ' W ESDA Y, Al'KiL T 1874 j 1. The acconnt ! ministrator of T T,, ,, ,, a. The1 acrou drew P. MeDoeaid. V"i Hel""1. Je1" township, i H.n'rAsefl. , The .-o-nt of Lucion W. Dotv Ji j 1 miaistrator o: John fiotM.son, late ot" wnsnip, a-cease. : 4: Tb" account of ,Ji. ' uZlJl. ' i 5. The pr!r.! arciint 01 Jac- b Will. d - ' n.inWt,..tor ot W W. Wvis. lat. ot Mtt- 1 . a rv . a j i5triktr ot paul Cox, late of Ueuwood . - township, d. cea-l. i rt kV iltt aiaa M l!rAlsw. imnur rhiiti taf I j Uwit Crater, lai. of M..nroe iwp. dee d. ! 8. The account of Peter Bruwu, Guanti-1 ! n of farah Crater, u.iuor child ot Lewis .raier, uvcuasci. .-., nf tnh R,iJr. anlm. : i.. l .1 . '.k... niii..rvi ir4inn .'awir, huwi in . iiii'n .,1 rem s lire- u.Tranm. -c. ..- . lo. The actount ot Uavnl Hertsler. roar - u'u . toriuerlv l.iuie 1 ilauiol and i ' .y.iry Ilci-tah-r, deceased ( 14. The second partid accotmt of J.r. I Kothrock, e.ccntor Vt K. C. G,.l .her, Tniansgh townshu.. fl-eeal. I 1. The a c..iinl ol I hmns k'nisev. t ... il... I ..t t-l...t af-l U.i. li. M-ce HiU -.."bits . .',a-iam J. T. MKT LIN, Rifitltr. KcrisTLt i Ouu i:. i I - . MitlliooWo, April 1, li71. , l - - - I i W 1ST H? DKtlXUS A Il YKN'lJKitSI r.. ,. .. . ,. I onrig.i and lwui"klie lUercbaiiiiise ' in the connty of J:mi ita, for tho year l74, I ai api.r..vcd and classified by the Meran - , tle 'vpj.r.iUer : - v.: 7 cM i " L Kcj"BoI".con'cciioncr.... II I R r k.'nr.t-r a ilrii.-crisls. 14 ; J A, II a Stan.banh. we.chai.ts 1 1 J Emit Schotr notions . 14 , Uump A, , cloitang 14 f P Sulouff b tlo., grali 12 vv Hlrk.v c ,Ih:ni5 u j r KoU.auffh. confectioner. . 7 j j, tiouaugn. coniectioiier.. lOOOj Tilten . IisPenichl-, merchants 13 I Wui Koliiuau, jowelrr 14 N E;trilJ. .u.ves 14 j John Y valley ataon. merobauu 14 10 i.o 7 0 7 bt) 7 00 7 W 7 7 0t J.ihn Kika, conlectioner II Jacu dl..llpr in ,.1K.k ,, j .San.u.-1 Bergy, dealer in stock , 11 j ttuittr. ? Y"ty''l mfnly,at-" J Uicheubangb, merchant .. i Win Kurt a, merchant Jerome lletrick. mere bant , Uctnck i Thompjou, null . ? fSI ' Oil . Samuel Ilerr, grain. U P Kurtz 4. Co., nierebants . Turbetl. ! XX,, J A Rice, confectioner. 14 13 II 14 7 00 10 00 7 00 John Hertzler, miil Tuscnrora. Joseph S Laird, merchant. 7 wo Mat.irrr It Mcminzer, merchants 14 7 fill ; lK'bbs, Ists.tlr rst C. merchants 14 ! Clark S, Kirk, merchants 14 A J f'itrr'tison, merchant II ' Wm Van Swerinsen. merchant II Francis Snyder, merchant 14 I Delawire. 7 00 7 Of 7 oo 7 00 7 00 10 no 7 Oo ! ln" Cn",r.r' n,rrrnant- ; . tvans, mi. I - ! P Harlrv. dealer in stock and merchant I ' Fiyrtte. k'8 Wilsonmerchants ... S,ulth' bor1'n JlC(jb Sniith , ij t r. ...... ,,..,. 1-1 14 14 00 12 4 14 r: 12 60 so oo 7 00 j cw, philli' coutectioneV . 14 10 ' 0 7 Ofl J T McAlister . Co., merchants H 10 Oj W W Sharon, coniectioner.... 14 Jacob G Winey, stoves 14 V H .M'Alisterat Co., merchants 14 Brown At Sou, merchants lit Susqueftan na. Amos Miller, merchant 1.1 Klias Cr-awlord, merchant 14 II K Frt-ymoyer, merchant 14 Jacob Weiser, merchant.. 14 Puilerson. i 1 7 (Hi 11)00 Jo (Vi ' 00 ' 00 Jacob Frank, merchant . 13 . 1-1 14 .. It . 14 10 (X) l.i ui, 7 00 7 oo ! iV'L.-"i"!' ; . 8 I JM If UaHum..H aawl..U4 I Hanaman, raercluat . F F Kohm, market ear 7 (uj Win Wright, otii'eclioner 14 Josejh bolt, confectioner..... 14 . is. 7 it) 7 Oti 12 SO 7 ixt 10 00 Vt ii l.K'di, coiiiectiwnca...... 14 i W "' aosepi. r .I'Ik-j, u.or. na:ii .... (; M Parker, coi.iecti. r i i, ...c. ,..,,, j i;: 14 14 12 14 7ooj 'if j 7 00 J s.ues North, grain dealer ... Stevens . bi hanlware , Perrysville. l.eo o ..1:1s, mercaatll lai.or... 14 ; 1'hilip FDelicat, eloUimg 14 14 7 00 7 00 ; 7 00. 7 CO 1 J A Thompson, lewelcr...... 14 ; J C Gibson, couiectloner.. j Jacob Beidl'cr druggist. 14 1 i J S .VI Gibson, merchant II ' I I 7 00 , air.. vne, uiercua.... ... . ... . i J B Okeson, mrchant 12 7 0o j 12S: 10 0.1 ; 7 oo ; I - , n . . . oamuel Buck, merchant 11 ! Fr-i. Kr.i.holu fr,.- ..wwt. la j Noah llertxler, graia dealer... 14 . O P SaioniT 4t,C9., grata dears 14 TOO of DaniM Coffman, sd- ' " " " i ,X . n-. u . ,h.. Curt i Tonily Fiptr ReliRion ana lleaiin unite,! homss fcerrymsn, late of I " " Z.uL I ' "1. V r r i!--'""'"' prrmmm to every suoscnuer !.ip, dease.1. J .tVp'V V xi-vU. nothm ,,k." " ,n foun,ry-t' '"" ntofJoseLh B. and An-". 1 IL '..i . ,rl , . I chance. rn-f-ijrt trtt. f. B. Kissill, . adiainistralors of Jo- . ............. .. . . , Pnldishcr, Mosiou, Mas-. Mew Advertisement- 7 00 7 m 10 oo 7 00 -. ! J'Hin Bard -II, groceries, c. 7 Oi) 7 00 TTZ - , "Z. " . " i L- .... t V" .... t t j a trrtt ttrn-rt JuM'ph Pomerof, merchant .i . j r j. merchant , ! Alex Woodwant, mi-rchant ; 7 W . 7 ( 7WJ 700j . . , Lae. . R (r pjtters-m, orrchant. ' 00 ! f'Mnmhoil Jl Rnl.isr.H. merrharits 1-t J . ' 7 0 i 7 y: 7 CO 11 -V , J L Irsrfon, rp-rrb-n; 1 1 D Cono, UK-rr'.u..t . ..... Joseph Vusser, miil ........ 14 'Thompsonlova. ! Vmlfh niTch mN i J j jla'temin & Co , merchants IS ' itennrr. Smith & Cn., grain, ie 1 1 ' Israel Tenw" nerehant tailor. 14 j Eiiza James, ronrtu.ner 14 Greenwood j ureenicooj 7l! 7 00 ; i J T Dimiu . Brother, merchant 14 00 .Monroe. r r mir.-hant. . It 13 14 M .if 'n merchant I'"" 'eman, mtrenani K SeSenherKer, merchant . 7 ( 13 .-1" Ehiee H Gnu bill, merchants The license mentioned in tha above list will be due and psvaWe to the County Treasurer, en and alter tiio 1st of May, li7J. An appeal will bo held at the Commis sioners' OlKce. in tfe' borough of Mlflin town, on TI K-'TIAT. APKff. 2th, I!7f. when ail j-rsons feepng ffcems!vej j grieved, can attend if thrv thir.k pror. i;kor(;e king. April 1-36 il'rr.ntilc Jpprafrr. 9 ME BIFF. S i I.ES. BY virtne or a writ of I'rsJ. Itrfomtil, IS- sued out of tho Court of Imnnton I ThiB,pjOTntowI1 p., b,.nnded on then rth 1 . "... . .. ... .i rhe'b-c ami on the west by !i. hul linvw, con .j.:., . anrt h iring there.m erc- tuinine One Acre, and h tvinir there in erc- j ted a frame Seiict, tjken in ex. - - cution aod io b" suet as tbe property ot ; t.t a frame Housu. Seiict, tA.n in ex. - j cj.tion and io b; soH a, tbe property ot 1 T., -,,,, ,. s-,s.,.u-n.,,r.a tllid on ,he .(1,h by .V.- , urew ?Uvvri a Hrr u tiir v.t't a;'' , c K . v. . - 1 1, ...nth hv '..f -r l..kxli'11'V Sb-itfer, on the south by Peter Goodiiii.t . . Twi) n.m.i,! Acres. havinji thereon erected a Log tioutte. Lok B irn, a: id uther u-it-buil'lin;-. Seixtni. likn in efcution ni to tn tu-lJ as the ir.trty ef Jon fl m-. NiT.-Tin per rent, of the purchase f ' aev to be pa.dwlicn stricki n uoan on ! d.iy ot ?.de. W.H. II. KNOl'&K, Shtr.f. 1 ... .... .M.rritt s I'm. e, M-i ii'.tono, I : " . ", 'J e, Mit'ii'i April I, '..H.4. S police to ontractora. t Secretary, William N. SUrrett, near the lotiouo. ,he mut bu.m.njc. a. i. tiu.i,ii 1 . N n eKirr, .-c j- March i, IH. t. TrsCARORA ACADEMY," Ann I JIM T V .NORMAL IXSTITI'TE I ' , r--i nsTri c f v i- j (iwii uuoi .v..iw. . . , . . ... , VTIUE SumraeT .-cis:o!i, (2' weeks,) will Jl bcr;in.VAY 4ih. There will be l.-e j lures ';n thu theory and p.aetice of toi -h n r. f cial arr.uiren.tnts ivr yo;i:i I plies. . I.e.soiis K'vrn on the Piano, i.-an aa.l ! VIa.. Inn.... wn.inre .Tl'l In m U.m'I.I. ' ..... . i i 3 .:w-- t , !iu. Tea. hirs wili iind m any .-v-ia'.lvci. ?-:Tes-,.l;.w. Arldress l""' I. L. STr, P:i. !.. Principal. lR( I Acade.iii.-t, J.iu'u'J Co., Pa. marll-tf Admlniitrator'si "lullf c. t'.iiatt cf Jcrr.ti S. Pat'.a-t. utrtuci. , "JV")ni'E is hereby given th it Letters o:' ; -L v Adnunistrntion rn the e-r.ite of J.:nies 7 mi ' S. P-itloni late of Sj-ruea Kill township. 1. DM d-reased, hive been gr.inte.1 t; the t'n.ler- 7 it) ! s.tned. Ail pe.scns iclehied to said - 7 I taie are req'iested to make immediate p.iv oo ylt foej.t, and those ba io eLiiins will please 11 fKI I present theiu diiiy aLlhenticalcd tor Ji.-ttle- 7w:menl. HINI.I9 s. r.Miu., M. A. I'.tl m.s. J. ilAKTEY PA 1 TON, Mar. I:!-Cw ,1am:nislra!urt. Dissolution cf C'o-FarBerhij. JVT'DTICK is hereby itiven that the co i. V partnership heretofore eiistini Wt.en the undersigned in the mercantile business, in the boroiicii ol Pemsvilie. trail:. ir ur,. t der the. firm name of Kalcv Al St.v.ier, was I dissolvcil by mutual consent on Monday, 7 W i March lsTt AH per.ns knowing Iheiu 7 00 selves inili bted to said tirni are rie.t!il to 7 0o J call and bettlc their acconnrs ou or b..N-re 7 Oti j April 1S71, and thereby su e costs. Tho 7 00 j books and accounts will be left at the Ki- press OKice iu Perrvsville tor collection. ABKA.VJ KAf.KY. Mar lf-4w A. W. SN YI'Klt. .Hvrmal School. TUB County Normal School will re-opn at Tboinpsmitown, Pa.. Aratt h, 174. There will be Spring; and Fall .Sessions. Sptvial attention will m p.ti'1 to the prep aration of Teachers. Terms rcastuoile. For ;xit liciiiars call on r address 1. I). Jt. J.JI. OAKM.VN. J.tnJl-3m Patterson, Pa. 0RPHAXS7C01RT SALL 1I"KSCANT to an order of the Orphans' Court of Juniata eountv. lbs ut.der- signed. Administrator of laimuel R. Beale, dccease.1, will sell at public sale, on the premises in Beale township, at two o'clock P. M.,on Tint r-lay, April 10, 1871,! j All the lijcbt, title a:xl interest of said de i cedent (tieiiie the undivided one-third, sub ( lu .it,, ot Jane Ueale) to and o i in 1 tie loliowinK described real estate situ- ', ated in said townslno. to tit .- un if'Sis or t awr more or less, adjoining la mis of Samuel Pannebakt-r, TlCs beirs, G.-orjce Sny.lnr'a j heirs and others, with tho ai urtcnai.ces, 110 j having thereon erected a Good Two-Story Frame House, Large Bank Barn, and otlw-r ontoui'dings. There is an excellent surplv of well Water. j aim a mie ircnam. ! TF.KMS Twenty -6re percent, wnen the . property is tru down to the pnrclias-r. nl the balance when the salo is continued by tbe Court. LOLIS E. ATKINSON, Administrator of L. &. Beale, d.x-'d. JlanS IH, 1H74. BER! LI. Until! WU1TE PINE sa.VVEO SIIINCLE-S, LAP AND JOINT, SAWED SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATH, PICKETS AND DRY BOARDS, Fob sals bt NEK THOMPSON, I Milroy, Mifflin County, Pa. nov2C-m JOB PRINTING OF EVERY KIND done at this office. ' Sewwnel aad Bepwbhesn $t.0 a ysn Aw Ailvertinement. 'j J J ILL. UN" S OP AIRES RICH FAUM1NC XANDS IX NEBRASKA. NOW FOR SALE VERY CUEAP. IE VIAE' CSEl.1T, IXTMEST OSLV 6 TIK ST. Dttcriptict rampUttt. leith Sectional - - srni frit. ., r - TUB PIONEER, A handsome IHtulr-ited Pajn'r? Contunlng tiie ilomctteiH Line, mail free to ail Barla of tne world. Address O. V. IAVr?. ' Land Comnii.sioncr V. P. II. K. J t';i ku.x, "ib. i C?r.ri Arn pliitk, w. r. O TiU'RDiJit i CO , Winrth.ini Co., ft., j oiler a luit assortment, at moderate pi ices. I Twelve assorted jTiits s?nt frcebv mail for '- -"' TT4'" FI-werSeidssentfor$l. The Shortest Route In 1 ortune ! i$po.0do (JiVK.V AWAY! f 100 000 rOR 0ALY fi.oO! GRAND LEGAL iFT tO.NCRT a nuf of a R ftrm Scaoolat Ltsrcntrortfi, hamui. n RAW ING AI'KIL :, 1S74. One Priae guaranteed in every paeksjre ot 11 tickets. Single tickets, SU.."0; 5 fr$!Jj llfor$o. But lew tickets left ; and. as our sales are rajirt, purchasers .h..ul'l erder at once. Any money ar--ivinic too late wi'.f be fetiiri;e.l. Gool, reliable A?ents w.inte.1 everywhere. For mil p;u:ticui-, address SIMON ABE1.KS. Leavenworth, Kan. j ... If'l'YTC " Ir. Cor- A.X1LU Allfi.MO n-iiv ),, - I W , i . powj . For K j Morn ! For Rat. Mick, Soichh, Arr, BaD-erBS. j Morn-. . j s.le wt, " " X'l. s'T w f T t V I 1 Vm ri' X 1 lla,CH 4 W f A W s S mwim A Iemocrati" Weekly. F.stablishod 1S30. It supports H'Mif Suprrmary, political ant social. Terms. per year. To clubs, nine copies lor ?. Sp.'.iui"n copies free. Address DAY-toOK, New York City. Write toJ. H. JOHNSTON, Great Western Gan Works, K VCA-.-se " -r t 1''5L Volvcrs, etc.. bought or trndcil lor. tit! sent l.y exJlres C. V. V. to b-'j-iaiiiiucd be' fore paid tor. W"ri! to F. E. .Sn- X' Attsutie ".fills. Bm.iYlen, N. V .msDurrurersor i OiteJ V hllV hoat, for tbvtr parapakl (jt aa e CKls. wit u tmpon. ilteslrutfia frura X.ts.H.s ;wul otlwr aciea. k savs jucr tiMttb and ar.waft BUT J. 8 P. COATS' BLACK THEEAD for your MACHIHS I liT. S 1 I R 1 1 S AN i Ja 1 ) I ( I I j pe-s:tivc!y cnrr l. Tn worst lon- sf standire, be n-inc J;j. i;Fi;ilKi;"S j CL'KK. A D .t.l.: sent free to all aU.lres- sitig J. T. Pilintka. liUggst. U 'itli Ave j :n.e, N York. MTRIU'P W'i-Truth TriumpL .11 4..ti ent,,,..tanty.:tRs. anI leioulc, naac n...:...-y s:!ir)C or.r Fiench ...J Am-r.osn Jitrtii y. Bookt tud U:ittns tLan at greatest inducements t Ag.anu aud Purchaser's Catalog u. -a, Tar'0. and lull particular wiis free to all. A.!'ir.- P. O. VZlKCKY, AnguaU, Uaia. j-FIVV FL'KNITL'KK S'TOIIK. - Tho nnderaigned would inform the pahlia that he has cpened i FIUMTIRE STOUE Ii the oorousrh ol Patterson, where be has for saie KM.ROURN A GATES' VEDH00M SETS, Walnut leilroom Sta, ALL STYLES OF BEDSTEADS, Sofas, Locnge3, Extension Tables, MARBLE TOP BUREAUS, IllRRLE TOP ST.i.D, txfa, Cunv-scat anil Common Chili r, Wash irtantls, Also, a Largo Lot of Carpets. As I ran a car to Philadelphia weekly I am prepared to fill all orders for furniture, carpets, Jlc, in person. F. F. EOHM. Oct 22, !H73-tf tn. rc iii.r.Y'! a Improved C'.'Cl'MREK ;tt"U(l) 1 I MP, Tast.des., S Dnr.ible. Kilicicnt A. Cheap. Tbe M Pump for the least tnoncv. Atti-ntioo is cspw I All xv i HMJ -i-iliy invited to ItliUhicy'a PSf3 v , f 1 fi-S J.S I'uc.t Improved bracket iu ew Prop Check Valve, which eat. be withdrawn without removing th. pump or disturbing tbe joint. ! r . j A , 1B Cop!K.r Chamm-r, which never era. k or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers and the Trado genor ally. Ijupiirj for Blatehh-y's Pump, and if uot for sale itf voiir town, send dir-s-t f CHAS. (i. BLATCIILEY. .M vsrr viTt sKa, .V Comimrce St., Phi!a.!elpUia. Pa. MERCHANT TAILOR, in room in rear of Crystal Palace Building, oa"tV&t8r Street, MiEintown, Pa., FASniONABI.K GWDS always on hand. CL'STOlt WORK DONE on the shortest notice. GtD3 SOLO by the yard or pattern. PEKaONS buying ixods can bate tbem cut in garments free of charge. BVTTERICICS PATTKRSS also for sale. ALE. WORK WAR HASTED. PRICES LOW. Oct 22, l7a-tf Job wrrk en shnvt novice firs ece.