Iff ' 0 IK III I - - - B. F. SCHWEIER, " " " THE COXSTITCTIOS-THE U5I0X-AXD THE ENFORCEMENT OF TnE LAWS Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXVIIL MIFFLIXTWN, JUXI ATA COUNTY, PEXNA., MARCH 111874. NO. 10. Poetry. Acne. BT AEaAAET J. raESTO. Sarely there heapa A dimmer thine Over the sky tbAa A month Ago; - And it eeetnt tome thte eonhIu2 pine rise tears la iu vo;c4 It is sobbing to ! Trader A lone'y robia weavee WawlA heart-breaks iaUi hi plaiullre a eel; " Aae esse the scarlet la ie leaves FaII with a sigh abont at feet ; And tbe Indian sninm-r bale droop win, j4y.'jj fosrc.' . II. T'.cr la tb reason : Oat of the eke, Parpled and paled with dream y ml -t, 6 takaa froai breeiy wafta tint Ua Calmed 1a tkelr Ula of amethyrt OargllAg from every bird that croona. Hoard la tba leaf-fall, beard la tr-e rata. Under tbe a ghte aad ander tba moone. Ever tbara aoaada tbe aad refrain, TitrobMng aad ebbing over aad on, Ajnex ha' yoie . Ill Ah, for tba ?e( who bear to mlsa Oat of their Uvea thla Ufa boar rare ' Tender, to tender'. aa angel'a kiss Hallowed It daily unaware; Gracious aa aanshine sweet at dew Shut la a lily's (olden core, Fragrant with goodness tbroagb aad throng-h. Para aa tba apikeaard llary bora, . Pen-ire a twilight calm aa dawa Agna. baa gona. IV. 4. lose by tba aide of onr 11 ?ro lay, (Said aba Bot so?) tbe darling down ; Clone, that tba ahadowinga of tba bay Jointly her rating-place may erowa ; Hae aba not bom ber woman's part, Bitterness, exile, lo-s as ht Pillow ma then oa the rural heart, baachter arUb father Lea wltb L e -Sootbed, that xm Kim, tbovgh from u withdraw, Agnes hns aJae. Sflf-Krlinnrr. T Lara A thokstov Oh ' eager heart, oh t earnest mind, That travel oa tba crowded way. How recklessly yes Larry on, . Impatient of aa boor's delay 1 Ton faint beneath tba blinding beat, Tba vista at retches bare and long ; Ob, wheref jr blindly follow that Tbe cooim-w road, the commoa throng Expressing stLl yoar eager steps To formal stages, dull and alow ; Though fretting at tba forced restraint, And eager far abend to go. oh, cat aside tbe base restraint, "or let tbe world yoar tbongbts control ; Aad ia Its place take ye for gvide Tbe earnest heart, the lofty soul. - go shall ye tread life's higher paths ; So shall yoar ewnls ifrow flrm nnd strong ; For God w 11 give to those who seek Will gcldi to right, protect fnm wrong. JnV:-o7, rebranrr, lsT4. 3 1 i s oe 1 1 . 1 1 j-. Tfar Adoration of IVoiuan. That adoration winch a young man gives to a woman whom be feels to lie greater and letter than himself, is hurdly distinguishable from a religions feeling. What tleep ami worthy love is not bo ? whether ol woman or child, or art or mnsic ? 0;ir caresses, onr tender words, onr still rapture nnder the iuflu euee of Antumn sunsets, or pillared vistas, or calm, majestic statues, or Beethoven symphonies, all bring sith them the consciousness that they are were waves and ripples in an unfathom able ocean of love and beauty ; our emotions in its keenest moment passes from expression into silence ; onr love tit its highest flood rushes beyond its object, and loses itself in the sense of divine mystery. Is it any weakness, pray, to be wrought on by exquisite music? to feel its wondrons harmonies searching the sublest windings of your eoul, the delicate fibres of life where no memory can penetrate, and binding to gether your whole being, past and Iresent, in one unspeakable vibration, melting you iu one moment with all the tenderness, all the love that has been scattered throngh the toilsome years, concentrating in one emotion of heroic courage or resignation all the Lard learned lessons of self-renouncing sym pathy, blending yonr present joy with past sorrow, and your present sorrow with all your past joy ? If not, then neither is it a weakness to be so wrought upon by the exquisite curves on a woman's cheek and neck and arms, by the liquid depths of her beseeching eyes or the sweet childish pout of her hps. For the beauty of a lovely woman is like music, what can one say more? Beauty has an expression beyond and far above woman's soul, that it clothes, as the words of genius have a wider meaning than thethonght that prompted them ; it is more than woman's love that moves as in a woman's eyes it seems to be a fur -off mighty love that has come near to us, and mode speech for itself there ; the rounded neck, the dimpled arm, move us by something more than their prettiness by their rlose kinskip with all we have known of tenderness and peace. The expres sion in beauty tit is needless to say that there are gentlemen with whiskers dyed and nndyed who see none of it whatever) and for this reason the noblest nature is often the most blinded to the char acter of the woman's soul, that the beauty clothes. Whence, I fear, the tragedy of human life is likely to con tinue for a long time to come, in spite of mental philosophers, who are ready with the best receipts for avoiding all mistakes of the kind. Ovorge JCliot. A Lrnte on a Mountain Top. A New England journal relates the following: A body of water, said to cover an area of two acres or more, has just been discovered on the top of one of the mountains in Glatenbnry. Some of the oldest inhabitants say that many years ago it was known to le there and was called the "Lost l'ond," and that one dat Stephen Pratt, then of Benning ton, VL, and two other gentlemen were roaming about in the then seemingly interminable forests. Happening to have hooks and lines in their pockets, they determined to see if there wasn't some trout in the small brook which they came across. After getting every thing in readiness they threw their hooks into the little brook, and to their amazement, as they afterward expressed it themselves, "it was filled with trout!" They fished along np the stream a few rods, and to their utter astonishment came to the pond above mentioned. There they said the trout "took hold too fast for sport I" They caught more than they could bring home through the woods, and were consequently obliged to leave some, but with a determination that they would visit the pond tbe next day. After a long march, tbey finally reached the road to town, where they had left their team, bnt greatly fatigued. They traveled all the next day, bnt could not find the pond, and it has not been discovered until now. in irrKT srncEK. I'Every one has a lucky number," aid the old gentleman.. ''Mine is twenty-one. Twenty-nine might have been, would have "been, an unlucky number for me. Yet I didn't know it ; both were painted in black letters on a white ovaL Twenty-one twenty-nine. Not much difference, you see 21, 29 very like indeed ; and yet because I chose the number without a flourish and a long leg, I am here to-day, and have had a loug and happy life, I should have been the occupant of a suicide's grave ever so many years ago had I chosen twenty-nine." "I really can't understand," said L "Was it a lottery or a draft, a conscrip tion, or what ? Was it a game was it?" "It was the number on a door," said the old gentleman. "Wait a minute: I'll tell you all about it" "I was very much in love ; everybody is at some time in his life. At twenty five I was desperate. Talk about Romeo! fie was nothing compared with me. "I'm not ashamed of it. tthe was a worthy object. Not only because she was beautiful, but she was good and amiable, and such a singer. She sing soprano in the church choir. And I've heard strangers whisper to each other, "is there really an angel np there ?" When she sang her part alone, clear and sweet, and d ite-like her voice was. I've never heard its equal." "Well, I loved her, and, thought she liked me ; but I wasn't snre. I courted her a good while, Lut she was as shy as any bird, and I couldn't satisfy myself as to her leelinrrs. no 1 made np my mind to a?k and know for certain. Some old p-jct says : " He either fesrs his f-tetoo much, 9 Or his dee ts are stuall ; Vt h fr. to put- it t th- tonch. And win or lose tt all." . "I agreed with him ; and one evening as I walked home from a little party where we had met, with her on my arm, I stopped under a great willow tree, and tojk her hand in mine, an! said: "Jestie, I love you better than my life will yon marry me?" "1 waited for an answer. "She gave none. "Jessie," I said, "won't you speak to me?" "Then she did speak: "Xo oh, dear, no!" "I offered her my arm nguin, and took her home without a word. She did not speak either. She had told me before that she should start with the dawn to visit an aunt in New York ; but I did not even pay good-bye at the door. 1 bowed ; that was alL Then when she was out of sight, and I stood alone in the village street, I felt desperate enough to kill myself." "What had I done to nave so cold a refusal ? Wh v should she scorn me so ? Oh, dear, no ! I grew furious as I re peated these words. "Yet, it stung me all the same. I tossed from side to Ride of my bed all night, anil thnnght I could endure it no longer. But I would not paiu and dis grace my respectable relatives by com mitting suicide in the place wherein they dwelt and were well known and thought of. I would go to Xew York even then a very large city and, seeking some hotel, register an assumed name, and, retiring at night with a bottle of laudanum and a brace of pis tols, awake no more, and so le rid of my misery. I arranged my affairs to the best of my ability, and received an imaginary letter from a friend in Xew York, requesting my presence on a mat ter of busiuess. I burdened myself with no unnecessary lnggage. What did an 'unknown suicide' want of another coat and a change of linen ? "I kissed my mother and sister, and startled my grandmother by an embrace, and started upon what I mentally called my last journey, with a determined spirit. "There was a certain hotel to which many of the people of our village were in the habit of going. This I avoided. 1 Another, chosen at a hazard, seemed to be better. Thither I walked, deter mined to leave no trace of my destina tion t J those who knew me no clew to my identity to tliO!9 who shall find me dead." "I hail no mark upon my clothing, no card, paper or letter with me. I had torn the hatter's mark from my beaver. As I ascended the hotel steps I felt, so to speak, like one going to his own funeral. "A grinning waiter bowed before me. A pert clerk lifted up his head and stared. I was an ordinary traveler to them that was evident. "It was late in the evening. The place wore an air of repose. Laughter and a faint chink of glasses in an inner apartment, told of some conviviality. One old man read his newspaper before the fire. Nothing else was astir. "I asked for a room. The clerk nodded. "Do yon care what floor?" he asked. "I shook my head. "Xumber twenty-nine is empty," he said, and tossed a key to the waiter, whom I followed at once. "We reached the room by two flights of stairs. At : the door the waiter paused. "Though he said twenty-nine, he muttered, "the key is twenty-one." "Then open twenty-one with it," I said. "I don't care for the number of the room." "So sir to be snre, sir, said the waiter, and passed aloDg few Bteps further. "Twenty-one," he said, and, unlock ing a door, pushed it open. "Shall I bring you anything, sir?" he Raid. "I answered 'So,' and he left me, having put the candle on my bnreau. "Tli hour had oome. As I shut the door, a heavy sigh escaped me. Alas ! that life had become so woeful a thing to me that I should desire to be rid of 'Hii. ,i.a ,i,m lirht of my one candle, I paced the floor, and thought bitterly of the girl I loved so dearly. "It was in the days ot curtained leils. The bed in this room was hung with dark chintr,; so were the windows. Over the bureau was a looking glass, with a portrait of a lady in puffod sleeves and high comb, at the top, by way of ornament. Tbete were four stuffed chairs, and a brass shovel and tongs stood guard beside the grate. 1 fancied mvsell l.viug aeau on mi,Ut all" these beloneings, and felt sorry for myself. Then I took my pis- tola from my portmanteau, "-'-"o a. An,- unlocked, for why should 1 put the landlord to the trouble of break ing it open, I lay down on the bed, drew the curtains, took a pistol in each hand, and, as true as I now speak to you. had the muzzle of each to a temple, fhA ilonr. and wnen some uud k--"- T "There, now. Jessie." said a voice, 1 told yon you didn't lock it." -"I did," said another voice, "and sent the key to the omce rjy me cuaui-ber-maid." , , , "I laid the pistols down and peeped through the curtains. There were two ladies in the room. One an old lady in a brown front of false curls, the other my cruel lady-love, Jessie Grey. For moment I fancied I must be dream ing. "Sure it's the right number? asked Jessie. "Twenty -one yes," said the other. "And here's my band -box. Oil, dear! I'm sleepy." "I am not," said Jessie. "I wish I was, aunt." "You didn't sleep a wink last night," said the aunt. "Nor you haven't eaten your meals to day. "You'll go into a decline if you go on that way. I'll see Dr. Black about yon to morrow." "1 don't want Dr. Black to be called, sighed Jessie. "I'd rather die," "What's the matter ?" cried the old lady. 'You are not yourself. You don't eat or sleep, and cry perpetually. What ails you ?" "I'm miserable," said Jessie. "Why?" cried her aunt. "Oh, aunt," said Jessie, "it's all your fault. You told me over and over again, that a girl must never jump at an offer ; that a man must be refused at least once, or he'd not value a girL And I liked him so ! Aud, oh ; he liked me ! And when he asked me I felt so glad ! But I remembered what you said, and oh, how could I do it? I said, 'Oh, dear, no !' and he left me without a word. And I'm so sorry ! oh. so sorry ! because I loved him, aunty." "You little goose !" cried the old lady. "As for me, you can fancy how I felt. I bad no thought of suicide now. My desire was to live and ask that question of mine over again. I pocketed my pistols and crept down on the other side of the bed. I stepped toward the bu reau and blew out the candle. The faint red light of the fire was still in the room. As I dashed out at the door, I heard two female screams, but I escaped in safety. '1 met tbe waiter on the stairs. "Found out the mistake, sir;" he said. "Just coming to rectify it." "Don't mention it," I said. "Im very glad that is, it don't matter. Here ia something for your trouble,' and I gave him a five dollar bilL "He said, 'I thank ye, sir," but I saw that he thought me crazy. He was con firmed in Lis opinion when, as I passed to tbe door of my own room, I cried : "Heaven bless tenty-oue! It's a lucky number !" . . "But I never was saner than I was then, and never half so happy "Of course, 1 propised to Jessie the very next day. and I need not tell you that her answer was not 'Oh, dear, no ;' I and that s whv 1 call twenty-one my lucky nnmljer.'' .4 MolliPr'M Tacl. The mother was sewing, and Josie sitting on the carpet beside her, and provided with dnll, round scissors and some oil magazines, was just as busy cutting ont pictures. . "It would litter the enrpet so," said Aunt Maltha, who had come in for a cosy chat. Mamma Knew this, bnt she knew, too, that a few minutes work would make all right again, and Josie was happy. All went well till the little boy found he had cnt off a leg of his horse which he had considered a marvel of lieanty. It was a real disappointment and grief to the little one. "Mamma, see 1" and half crriug he held it np. "I'lay he's holding np one foot," his mother said quickly. "Do real horses, mamma?" "Ob, yes sometimes." "I will ;" and sunshine chased away the cloud that iu another minute would have rained down. It was a little thing, the mother's an swer, but the quick sympathy, and ready tact, made all right. The boy's heart was comforted, aud he went on with his play ; while the mother sewed quietly, with no jar of nerves, and anntie's call lost none of its pleasantness. "I'm tired of cutting pies' mamma,", said Josie after awhile. "Well, get your horse-wagon, and play those bite of paper are wood, aud you are going to bring me a load. Draw it over to tbe corner by tbe fire, and put them into the kindling box ; play that's the wood house." Pleased and proud, the little teamster drew load after, load, till the papers were all picked np, without ever think ing he was doing anything bnt play. "Well, I declare," said Aunt Martha, "old as I am I've learned to-day, and I wish Emily would come in and take les sons, I do." Mrs. Wade looked np iu surprise. "What do you mean, auntie?" "Well, I spent yesterday afternoon over there," (the old lady had weak ness for visiting, and was "auntie" to people generally) "and things were in a snarl and high delow all the time starting with less than Josie's given you a dozen times since I've sat here. I've had a good talk with yor, and you've given me pleasant thoughts for a week to come ; over there we could not hear ourselves speak. It was 'don't do that,' and . "you naughty child ;" spill and scratch, and break and tumble, and slap, half the time, Emily means well ; she loves her children, and never spares herself sewing for them, or nursing them when they are sick. She has a world of patience some ways, but she don't seem to have the faculty for managing them. Well, well, I'll send her over here, only I won't let on why ;" and the old lady rolled up her knitting as tbe bell rang for tea. A little tact springing from thought ful love how good it is ! An Eccentric PernTlan riant. In speaking of the wonderful fertility of the soil in i'eru, I have never spoken of a little plant, or leaf, they have here, which I never met with in any other place or country. I do not know the botanical name, and I hope that some botanist or savant can give me the name and species. The natives take simple pale-green leaf, something like a fern, and pin it to the wall with a common pin stuck through it just pin it on to the plain adobe wall. Sometimes they fasten it np with a tack. The leaf itself is not so large as a geranium leaf. In credible as it may seem, from this leaf will spread out tiny tendrils and shoots, and delicate leaves will form, and will spread, and run, and cover the whole walL I had one in my own sideyard, or corral, that covered the entire side of the wall, and it grew from one small leaf, pinned on to the adobe to hold it in place. II becomes a thrifty running vine. I would not believe it possible, bnt that I have seen it repeatedly and successfully tried. Corn of Chicago Tribune. In England, street railroads are com monly known aa tramways. The word "tram" is said to be an abbreviation of "Ootram," the father of Sir James Out ram, renowned for his military exploits in India, having been the inventor of trams and tramways. The Blackbird and Crow. Once npon a time a crow and a black bird stood on a fence-rail conversing. The blackbird looked jrratef ully up to the large relation who spoke to him so kindly ; the crow, who wears Sunday clothes all the week, and couldn't be more dignified, even with spectacles, spoke as follows : "You blackbirds are doubtless aware that we look upon yon with tender ad miration ; in fact, some have gone so far as to consider the blackbird heaven's first best gift to the crow." "First best gift how pretty I" said the blackbird ; and be straightway made it into a little song. "That's right," said tbe crow; "I am pleased with yon ; we don't siug our selves because be-caw caw" here he set his head on one side and stopped to ponder. "Becanse you can't," suggested the blackbird, respectfully. "Not at all, said the crow ; it's be caw in fact, it's a question of spheres. Our sphere, you observe, is the world ; for instance, we see to the weather, and preside over corn-plantings, and hold conventions, and continually prepare new theorems concerning that still un fathomed mystery; bnt why oppress with these ponderous themes a little, simple songstress ?" "Bnt you would, perhaps, explain," said the blackbird, with deference. "I refer to the question the question of ajres preceding this why men, when they have prepared ns a field of corn, and by stretching unmeaning lines across it, and even erect strange beings, with spreading arms, in the midst. These things do not help us ; on tbe contrary, they are unpleasantly bewil dering. Why, then ? 1 never shall rest until I find out why." "That comes of your logical mind," said tbe blackbird. "1 am pleased with you," said the crow, and, getting down from the fence, he stepped about on the ground in a highly snperior manner. "How distinguished !" thought the blackbird. "And we, sir?" "You? Oh-haw. Wo do all these things, and yon sing to us while we are doing tbein. You've no idea how in spiring it is to ns, when we are engaged iu these important matters, to know tbnt you are sympathizing at a distance suiting yonr nice little tunes to all our changes, and setting, so to speak, our lives to music Haw !" "Oh, how sweet I" said the blackbird, beginning at ouce to whistle it, "But suppose," ho suggested, "just suppose, you know, that some of ns didn't like singing, or wished to try those other ways of living?" "That wouldn't do at all," said the crow, coming back. "You must be fond of singing. A crow without a blackbird to ameliorate him? It might subvert tbe unities. Haw 1" "Still, if we should," said the black bird, with timid persistence. . "Then," said the crow, severely, "you would lose your influence ;" and again he got down from the fence, and stepped abont. "Dear, dear," said the little one trem bling. "I'll never do it. I'lease, sir, what is influence?"' "Influence, my child, is that bcanti ful bawl that indescribable caw I In short, it means that, if yon only take pains to find ont what we like to do, you can almost always I othe us into iloing it. But, whatever you may think of our doings, always remember that onr high-toned natures cannot brook censure, and that tbe ouly way to pre serve your influence i3 to meet ns with a song." 'I'll try to remember," the blackbird said, and they parted. The next day. Jack and Jenny Black bird were happy, feediog their very first brood. "There's shonldpr for yon," said Jenny. "Sweet, sweet, spread out yonr wings. I think they'll fly by to-morrow." "I consider this a really remarkably moutb," said Jacky, dropping worm into it. "I don't see why. with our so cial advantages, we couldn't train them to be almost equal to crows. I'm sure our cousin will visit us. And he says if we want to keep on good terms, we must always meet him with a song, and be constantly careful not to lose our in fluence." "What's that ?" said Jenny. "Do see how he balances ! He'll certainly fly by to-morrow." "I don't know exactly ; but we keep it by letting them have their own way, and especially by singing ; and if we lose it, they'll be sure to despise ns." "You don't say so !" said Jenny. "That we couldn't endure. Ah, heaven above, what's this ?" For something suddenly swooped down into the nest, aud carried off the fledgling in his talons. "Oh, cousin," cried Jacky, "you've made a mistake you've got our eldest child V "Yes, I'm quite fond of them," said tbe large cousin, affably. "What a nice little pair you are ! But why don't you sing? As I told you, we always expect to be met with a song." "But you've got our child," screamed Jenny. "Oh, you're hurting him." "I won't hurt him more than I must," said the crow, considerately. "Bat, par don me if I notice haw I an absence of that serene cheerfulness which ought to be a distinguished blackbird trait. What 1 still no music? Then I begin to suspect " ".Let us try our influence," gasped Jacky; "perhaps it may soften him." And they began to sing a wavering song. "How improving that is I" said the crow, with a claw suspended. "Keallj there was one instant when I felt so ex alted that I was on the point of putting the morsel back in the nest, if it hadn't been so juicy. However, may be I won't come back for more." "Still, let us sing," said the parents ; "if we lose our influence he will eat them alL" And while he was picking the little bones, they sang until their voices failed with anguish. Soon their large cousin left, but next day he returned. "I regret," he remarked, "lhat you fail to bring me more fully under your influence. A little more would have done it. But I feel assured that the sight of so much patience and humility will have an indirectly exalting effect on my nature." And he clawed out an other birdling. "Ob, cousin, don't!" cried the parents, no longer singing. "Don't take our children ! don't make us so nnhappy 1" "There is something quite amiss here," said the crow, with displeasure. "Blackbirds waiting and expostulating proclaiming themselves unhappy in their relations with ns ? Why, that is as much to say that we do wrong I And how impolitic in them to scream away the sweetness of that voice which is their only charm ! I declare they look so dowdy with their wings all drooping, that I feel no compunction at all in in conveniencing such creatures." And he tweakel the second head with added gusto. "Cruel, cruel 1" cried Jacky. "Wretch and robber I " screamed Jenny, and they flew to and fro, and pecked him with their beaks. "Oh, very well 1" said the crow, re tiring with his dinner. "If you step from your sphere, and attempt to fight your own battles, you may take the con sequences. Look for me to-morrow." But between that day and the morrow another thing happened. The parent birds, grown reckIess,abandoned music, and took to holding conventions. Far and near were heard the flutter of wings, and the sound of blackbirds' voices, not practising tunes,, but joining in eager discussion and lamentation. "Strange," said the crow, "that these creatures will make themselves so nn pleasing to us I If there's anything in this world I find offensive to all my finer feelings, it's a blackbird conven tion. When blackbirds so far forget themselves, they must expect that crows will give them trouble;" and he started to get his third dinner. - But, lo and behold ! the nest was al ready snrronnded by friends and rela tions, who swarmed abont him, and with untnneful cries and ungentle beaks convinced him of his error. "I knew what wonld happen," said the crow, as he sailed away dishevelled and dinnerle6s ; "you have disgusted me ; now you have lost your influence forever." Moral. Bat tbey saved their other three children. Mirhclct. It is not often that a man wins emi nence in two distinct fields of litera ture. Sir Walter Scott, who became the first of novelists long after he had been recognized as one of the first of poe'R, is the most prominent instance in English literature of an author who gained a "double first ;" and the late Jules Michelet, the historian and social essayist, affords the only instance among recent French authors of a par allel success. Michelet for the first fifty years of his life was wholly devoted to the study of history. His lectures were alike distinguished for their learning aud brilliancy, and his historical works have gained a permanent place in French literatnre. But when at the age of fifty three the Government forbade him to lecture, he abandoned history and made for himself a new reputation by the cu rious essays, half scientilic, half roman tic, by which he is best known iu this country. The publication of "L'Amonr" was greeted with as much surprise as thongh it hail been the first work of a new author. There was nothing in common lietween it and the previous works of Michelet. The grave dignity and calm marshalling of facts which had been tbe leading characteristics of the author of "The History of France" were here succeeded by a keen analysis" of emotion and a poetic bcanfy of style that no professional romance writer has surpassed. 'L'Amonr' aud 'La Femme' were not books which an Englishman would have ventnred to write, bnt, in spite of their fearless handling of deli cate topics, they were eminently pure and wholesome. Women the world over owe Michelet a debt of gratitude for his efforts to secure for them the true re spect and appreciation of the other sex. Tbe charm of the author's style would alone have made his Inter writings pop ular, bnt tbey also gained tbe admira tion aud gratitude of all noble natures by the loftiness and pnrity of their aim. The great author had reached the age of seventy-six at the time of his death. During ttiat lopg aud busy life there is no act of the man or seutence of the author which needs apology. He was always tbo friend of liberty, morality, and truth ; and there have been few Frenchmen of the present century whose death has been sr great a loss to literature as that of Michelet, tbe his torian and the essayist. TUe Law or Courtship. We clip from an old paper the follow ing account of a trial for breach of promise of marriage, in which the judge laid down a new doctrine, which we should not be sorry to see adopted : A case was recently tried in Rutland, Vermont, in which a Miss Mnnson re-1 covered Sl,4i of a Mr. Hastings for a breach of marriage contract. The curi osity of tbe thing is this : the Vermont judge charged the jury that no explicit promise was necessary to bind the par ties to a marriage contract, bnt that long continued attentions or intimacy with a female was as good evidence of intended matrimony as a special con tract. The principle of the case un doubtedly is, that if Hastings did not j fromise, be onght to have done so the aw holds him responsible for the non-! performance of his duty. A most ex- j cellent decision ; a most righteous I judge, compared with whom Daniel wonld appear but a common squire ! We have no idea of young fellows dang ling abont after girls for a year or two, and then going off, leaving their sweet hearts half courted ; we hate this ever-1 lasting nibble and never a bite, this : beating the bush and never starting the ' game ; it is one ol the crying sins ol tne age. There is not one girl in twenty can tell whether she is courted or not. So wonder that when Betty Simper's cousin asked if Billy Doubtful courted her, she replied, "I don't know exactly he's a sorter courtin' and a sorter not courtin'." We have no doubt that this Hastings is one of these "sorter not courtin' " felloe's, and most heartily do we rejoice that the judge has bronght him to book with a $1,123 verdict. The judge says that long-continued atten tions or intimacy is just as good as a regular promise. Now. we do not know what would pass for intimacy accord ing to the laws of Vermont, but sup posing attentions to consist of visiting a girl twice a week, an 1 estimating the time wasted by Miss Munson at each visit to be worth a dollar (which is too cheap) Mr. Hastings has been making a fool of himself fourteen years and some odd weeks. This decision makes a new era in tbe law of love, aad we make no doubt will tend to tbe promo tion of matrimony and morality. A Beanty of the Land of Flower. "Silver spring," according to a Flo rida correspondent, is the most unique spot near that most unique of rivers, the Oclawaha. One marvels over the clear transparent water. Your boat seems to float in the air, and objects can be seen eighty feet down at the bot tom fish, too, are plainly seen. The bottom is silver sand, vaned with pale emeralds, hnge colored rock, strange formations of lime crystals and white coral The spring throws out thousands of gallons of water minute, but there is scarcely discernible a ripple on its surface. Drop in a coin and you can follow it with your eyes to the sand at the bottom as it zigzags downward. The Iowa Senate is heavy body, the average weight of each member being over 170 pounds. A Woman Wh Rated. Mrs. Westmoreland, in a letter to the Atlanta Lwitttlution, says : "Through Dr. Deems I learned that the celebrated Mrs. E iton, who did the honors of the White Honse during General Jackson's Administration, still lived was in this city, and was one of his congregation. Naturally I felt an interest in and some curiosity to see a person who had played so conspicuous a part in the affairs of the nation at one time, and, learning that she was fond of company and would consider it no intrusion, I called. In doing so I was more forcibly re minded than ever before of what slaves we are to the caprices of fortune what victims to the vicissitudes of life, over which we have no control. Here was a woman who once held the destinies of a nation in her hand. To win her ap proval augured success tii aronse her anger meant defeat. Healtb, luxury, flattery, honors everything this world could give was laid at her feet. Now an old, feeble, and jaded woman, de serted by friends, forgotten by tbe world, she ekes ont a bare existence in a retired boarding-house, which over looks Washington square. Although in the seventy-sixth year, the still bears the traces of having been a beautiful woman, and thongh miserably dressed, she received ns with the grace and elegance of a queen. We found her very accessible ; the conversation nat urally Hrned npon events of tbe past, and we were surprised to find every incident connected with her eventful life as fresh in her memory as if they had only just occurred. Her story varies somewhat from the facts laid down in history, and perhaps who knows she j may be right and the historian wrong, j Such things have happened (?), for of all people who profess to be entirely unprejudiced, we think the generality ol historians are more prejudiced than any other class of writers. She spoke of Mrs. lUndolnh and the Dnchess de Fensendeck as her only children, and, in the midst of many changes and heavy losses, she said she considered herself blessed in being surrounded by her grandchildren, who are very devoted to her, and console and comfort her in ber old age. Mrs. Randolph has been dead many years, and it is this family of children she has reared, and who now care for her, tbe youngest son making it his duty and pleasure to provide for his grandmother, whom he seems to love with a devotion bordering on ro mance. She mentioned in conversation that her son-in-law, the Duke, had two titles, the other one being the Duke de Sampayo, and that their only child, a daughter, was married to one of tbe Rothschilds, the son of the elder Crassns. She said her daughter had become thoroughly foreignized and hated Amer ica so that she would not allow her hus band to accept a position to this country which was offered him two years ago. I asked her if she 'ever visited Washing ton now ?' She said, 'No ; my recollec tions of Washington are so painful that I do not like to go there any more,' then added, 'I very foolishly married a third time, althongh this marriage lost all of my property ; and it is not pleasant to go back and see other people enjoy ing what rightfully lielongs to me. He married me for my money, and it took him ten years aud seven months to get it iuto his osei8ion. Then when he gt it airhe left me, taking some woman uom he fancied, and left tbe country. was in complete ignorance of his move ments until a letter reached me which he had written from the steamer, saying he returned to me my honored name, and left the country because he was not worthy to be associated with me and my family, confessed himself a vidian and an adventurer, aud assured me he would never trouble me again.' The name of this magnificent scoundrel was Antonio Buchiguaui, aud, Mrs. Eaton says, a very handsome and elegant man a man who had served as librarian at Wash ington, although he was aa Italian ad venturer of whom nothing was known. Of course, she at once resumed the name which bad been so generously re stored to her, and for the distinguished honor of playing the short role of Ma dame Buchiguaui she paid the princely sum of nineteen houses and six Lqnare blocks of real estate in Washington City. A few more years and the muds of life will cease to flow for this wo nun, whose career is without a parallel." Another Freak or Xalnre. The Brooklyn Eagle states that there were once female rivals to the Siamese twins in Biddington, Essex, England. "They were joined at the shoulder and hips. They were somewhat noted for their comely looks, and were the happy possessors of a large circle of acquaint ances. They were connected with a family of culture and considerable property, and lived to about the prime of life. " So far as is now known, they were born about the year 1831 or 1832. They were of that refinement of nature which precluded their putting them selves on pnblio exhibition, and there fore remained quietly at home superin tending their domestic affairs. The arch little God of Love never planted an arrow in either of their hearts, and they lived their comparatively few years wholly devoted to each other and their mutual friends. Their property, at the time of their death, which occurred some fifteen years since, was consider able. They owned a large tract of land in Biddington, and by their wills, opened after tbeii death, the interest on it was left for the benefit of the poor. The provision of the wills was to tbe effect that on a certain day of the year a sermon was to be preached in one of the churches of Biddington, the expense of which was defnyed ont of the interest fund. The following day the fnll amount of the interest on their property after the settlement of charges for preaching and church opening was divided in equal shai-s among the poor of Biddington. A provision of the will whioh waa religiously observed was that the maidens of the village of Bidding ton should once every year decorate the graves of tbe sisters with choice flowers, and npon this occasion small pamphlets containing an historical account of their lives and death were gratuitously dis tributed. These twin sisters, who had lived joined together dnring thirty years died within two hours of each other." The Good and Bad in Humanity. You make out humanity worse than it is. I have seen many countries, studied many men, mingled in many public transactions, and the result of my observation is not what you sup pose. Men in general are neither very good nor very bad ; they are simply mediocre. I have never closely exam ined even the best without discovering faults and frailtries invisible at first. I have always in tbe end found among the worst certain elements arul holding points of honesty. There are two men in every man ; it is childish to see only one : it is sad and nrrjust to look only at the other. De Tocqrtevilte. 1 s.-- is-tnW-sn 1 a If you cannot do as well as yon wish, do as well as you can. Youths Column. Misical Mica. It is well-known fact, that pleasant sounds attract mice from their hiding-places, and cause them to forget all fear. They come in broad daylight into a room where one is playing on a mnsioal instrument. Some people declare that mice walk over the keys of pianos which are left open, to liear the tones, and many stories are related of m!oe learning to sing that is, to utter sounds which resemble the low notes of the canary and other caged birds. Disputes have arisen among learned people about this singing, some declaring it to be only a plaintive utterance ot uanger or distress. whilst others say that mice in their healthiest and gayest moods utter these pleasant sounds. A man whose name I do not remember says, 'Some mice had chosen their habitation behind the woodwork in my kitchen. I allowed them to go on undisturbed. What a charming family they were I A fine singing canary hung iu the kitchen ; and, strange to say, the twittering of the mice became a complete imitation of tbe notes of the canary, at first weak and imperfect, but improving from day to day. Although it did not reach the strength, fullness and richness of the notes of the bird, yet it excelled them in softness and tenderness. I often listened to them with the greatest plea sure in the evening, when the canary, with its head nnder its wing, was fast asleep. More than one kitchen guest looked toward the canary and about the room with astonishment, savinir. "Is that a bird singing, sir V " A lady writes : "When I was a girl, I used to practice my music in an old fashioned parlor, separated from the rest of tbe house by a large halL I think I might have felt lonely, shut np in that room three consecutive hours every day but for a dear little mouse that evi dently appreciated my music more than I did, and often made me a visit, "For more than a month that little creature, or some other, seated itself fearlessly near the instrument every time I began to practice, and often re mained half an hour or more. Some times it would go and come two or three times in the course of the forenoon. It must have come for the music, for no food was ever allowed in that stately old room." Facts Asorr the Flavi:oo. The flamingo is a wader, and, of course, has exceedingly long, thin letrs. Probably the joinU are too long and awkward to be tidily folded up in any pretty nest, and so this is the plan resorted to : The bird builds the "under-pinning" of her nest of sticks and dead weeds, mnch in the shape of the old-fashioned dasher chnrn. It is compact, and symmetrical and high, and on tbe summit the nest is carefully modeled and softly lined. On this the bird actually sits astride, like man on a mile-stone, a long leg touching the ground on either side. Coming npon the flamingo taking his noonday nap, no one would be apt to recognize a bird in tbe snowy ball of features poised above tbe water upon a tall, slender crimson reed ; yet the crimson reed is a leg, and the perfectly round ball conceals the head and neck somehow packed under the wing. In the Garden of Plants, at Paris, there is a flamingo pond, well shaded on one side, and. planted with water weeds, where thee birds may be seen in most flourishing condition. One species has a brilliant streak of ciimson along the whole length of the wing. It was one of this variety that had the misfortune, some years ago, to lose one of its legs. Of course, walking was impossible after that, for it must be quite a feat to preserve equilibrium even on two (nob legs as the flamingo's. In this strait of the poor bird, a kind surgeon of the society tried the experi ment of fitting him a wooden leg. It worked admirably, and, no doubt, he may be seen still hobbling about like an old soldier ; for in the massacre of the animals in tbe Garden of Plants during tbe siege of Paris, we may be sure that French sentiment was careful to spare a bird havingso singular a his tory. Pepper. If you like to season yonr food with pepper, you may venture to ask for it in almost any land and feel pretty sure of being understood. In Latin it is piper ; in Italian prpe ; in French poivre ; in old Saxon prppor ; in Dntch pepcr ; in German pfrffer ; in Danish peber ; in Swedish peppar; and the tongue of Iceland pi par. All wonderfully alike, and all quite peppery in sound ; but it does not seem quite clear how they manufactured tbe name out of capticum, for that is what the botanists call all the pepper family, wherever they grow. They all like a hot climate, as yon might guess from their fiery nature, but are not very par ticular about anything else. Black pepper, as we see it, is the dried berry of a climbing-plant that grows in tbe East Iurlids. White pepper is the same berry, steeped in water until tbe skin comes off, and then dried in the sun. Red pepper grows in Cayenne. Guinea pepper in Africa. Pont and thk Maiu A very severe winter, when the ferry boats on the Tyne were stopped by ice, the mails were carried on horseback. One day when the carrier was fording Whittle Deaa Burn, his horse grew restive, and threw him and the two mailbags into tbe water. The man succeeded in get ting upon the bank, bnt the bags were floating fast down the current. A large and strong Newfoundland dog, belong ing to llev. W. T. Shields, and liviDg close by, plunged into the river of his own accord, and brought one bag to shore. Not waiting to rest, he swam after tbe other, and landed that also in safety. The first letter that was deliv ered "from this mail contained large sum of money. The owner in his grateful feeling gave the dog a hasdsome collar. Children' Hour. Decaptitiox Behead a river in In diana, and leave to confure. Behead a gulf in Africa, and leave a cave. Behead, a river in the United States, and leave a boy's name. Behead a cape in North America, and leave capable. Behead a river in K ., and leave marsh. Behead lake in the United States, and leave correct. The initials of the words beheaded spell a city ia Europe. Solution .- W)ibab; ()len; (R)ed; (Stable; (A)moor; (W).ight; Warsaw. Word Scjcabr. Performed A boy's name. A valley. A girl's name. .rtnru-srr.- M A D E A B E It DELI E L D A urictles. A life properly seasoned with grace has a uniform flavor. Men deride tbe self-conceit of power, but cringe to its injustice. Hair-ontting is one dollar in Prcscott, Arizona, by licensed barber. Minnesota thinks of annexing the Chippewa Indians, and admitting them to the rights of citizenship. The Legislature of Western Virginia is said to h.ve passed a law "to prevent the owners of hogs from running at large." A Washington paper is horrified at the thoughts of how much influence the fashion magazines will wield when wo men vote. A Kansas clergyman travels through that State with a portable tent, capable of holding 7,000 persons, to accommo date those to whom he may preach. It is stated that tbe Mormons are abont to re establish themselves at Nauvoo, the place from which they wero forcibly ejected by the citizens of Illi nois, about twenty-five years ago. A couple from Staunton. Va.. drove out from that city on Christmas day. and, meeting by appointment, a clergy man at a designated part of tbe road, were married as they But in their buggy. Here is a curious old Gaelic adage concerning longevity : Thrice the aire of a doe; ia that of a horse ; 1 hrKe the aire of a ti. re is that of n man ; Thrice tbe age of a nun ie that of a deer Thrice the aKe of a Oeer w that of an eaaTe ; Thrice the atfe of an eaKl ! Hi .t of an oaa-tree. ATopeka lady sumi np the first three years of her experience in married life as follow: The first year he called me dear, the second year, 'Mrs. A. and the thinl year, "old" sorrel top." A train going at full speed, it is said. was recently stopped in a very curious way. A hen on the track was struck by the locomotive, and portion of the body, by some acciJeut. struck the air brake in snch a way as to set it in action and stop the train." There was a method in the supposed madness of the spiritualist who recently committed suicide. Even in his pre parations for death he was unable to resist the temptation to perpetrate a joke. In a written memoradnm left behind he says: "I have purified my soul twenty five or thirty years. I think I must be a rectiUeJ spirit. Topeka, Kansas, will soon have ex tensive rolling-mills at work. A local paper hails this as a promise of future greatness, and hospitably observes: "We are the busiest city in tbe West, our population is increasing rapidly, and if any sojourner in this bleak world is looking for a place where his life will be happy and pleasant, and where he will be bandy to heaven when he dies, we invite hi in to come to Topeka." A suitor for the hand of Princess Bea trice, the youngest daughter of Queen Victoria, is said to have appeared. He is a young German Prince, a consin of Prince Ijouis of Hesse, and an officer in the German navy. Princess Beatrice was born in April, 1H57, and is conse quently not yet 17 years of age." Her eldest sister, the Princess Royal, was married to the Crown Prince of Russia when only a little over 17 years of age. Five hundred ladies and a like num ber of gentlemen have agreed to form a club in London, where both sexes will have all the privilege's now confined to masculine club members. At least, so says Moncire D. Conway, who further adds that the experiment of a mixed club has already been successfully tried in a small way. It is rather strange that London should be in advance of us in this matter. We have all the ma terials for snch a club here, bnt as yet they have failed to coalesce. Governor Safford of Arizona plainly describes tbe class of people that don't get along in the Weet. He says that "gentlemaulr farmers, who commence without means and have hired all their work done, will undoubtedly be obliged to quit the business : and those who have invested the largest portion of their crops iu poor whiskey at twenty five cents per glass will hardly be able to meet their obligations and inspire sufficient confidence to obtain credit in the future." That style of doing busi ness is equally unsuccessful in the East. A Cape May correspondent writes : A large fiah, measuring twelve feet in length, three in width, and two in thick ness, was captured in the breakers re cently by the crew of the Life Saving Station, No. 32, Peck's Beach. He bad evidently made no calculation for tbe ebbing of the tide, and when first dis covered was making frantio efforts to find deeper soundings. A conple of loads of shot, followed by an attack with boat hooks, soon put him in an unfit condition for future voyages. His back is of a light yellowi-A color, and belly white. He has teeth in the lower jaw, and side fins about one foot in length; his back fin six inches. He weighs about 1,200 pounds. The erew, though composed of seafaring men, are unable to name the fish. A Colorado paper, of recent date, re lates the following story : A gentleman was walking down Virginia Canon the other day. There was no perceptible breeze at the time. Suddenly he was surprised by a roaring noise behind him a noise like that of an express train when crossing a bridge or passing a rocky wall. Stopping a moment to listen, the whirlwind, apparently not more than a jard in diameter, and tra veling no faster than a spirited walk, picked him np, as it were, and waltzed off down the road with him. Its verti cal force was sufficient to invert the tails of his coat above his head, not withstanding the pockets were loaded with specimens of silver ore, and at the same time he was carried along for a hundred feet or more like a feather, with both feet occasionally off the ground, while under him was a noise hke that of an empty car bouncing over a stony street. A writer in Mr. Bergh's paper. The Animal A'ingrltjm, presents some curi ous statistics of tbe connection between crime and cruelty. Ont of 2,000 con victs of whom inquiry waa made, only 12 admitted that they left pets at home. This is in accordance with the experi ence of all visitors among the poor. They will tell as that the flewer-pot in the window, the canary hung in the sun shine, the comfortable cat on the hearth, are sure indications of tbe best house in the district or the quietest room in the tenement. It is going too far per haps to claim that cruelty to animals ia the first step in crime. Crime and cruelty are equally tbe results of a bad disposition and bad training. It is cer tain, however, that tenderness to tho brute creation does mollify and refine the temper, and so it is from no mere sentimental tenderness that we applaud Mr. Bergh's noble efforts, but from a conviction that they are indirectly doing as much good to men as to brutes. X I