Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 04, 1874, Image 2

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TTetSneiday. March 4. 1974.
IDITO a raopariToa
Tbe TrtnMn'i Moiemect-Jio
tin Knons How Long- It
THH Last.
Wiseacre are telling the country
that the wcmen's movement against the
liquor business will be of an ephemeral
oharaetrr ; that in a few months at most
it will hare psed awij. Such a de
clsralton orjst be taken at its faie
value. Ii is a guess.
Io a practical sense, if it happens to
come true as a preJioion, it will do as
well as if thos who made it bad vol
limes of precedenu to sustain them in
their declarations. As a ue, it maj
or may not "bit."
There are no precedents from whic'j to
start sich dec'aratioos. Tbe history of
the past f refnts do movements of a
mxilar olisractcr. The books contain
do record to console them in their
guess-wrk. If the past presented
koine precedent, or land mark, from
which to reckon a3 to the perseverance
the ladies will bnr.g to bear in the
movement', ao excuse for the conceited
declaration that it cannot last, might
be conjured up. The movements of
our own sei have been so varied that
when a new one is ventured on, we look
to the past to 8f e how our fathers" snted,
and on their recorded actions base our
opinion a to how we may succeed.
Womankind, in the past, Las bad no
voice, excepting tlriUph the private
chambers of her husband, io shaping the
public mind. Siie bas never had the
opportunity to organize. Tbe strong
counsel she has given, as represented
in individual cases, in which she ba
risen above the so-called natural weak
ness of ber sex, are no more exceptions
than are the works of the power ul and
brilliant men of our sex exceptions.
Womanhood bas always held an in
ferior position. We go to the Easterr.
countries (o End the status in which she
bas beea held. Her conditiou there is
as near akin to slavery a it well cin
be. Even there individual cases rise
above tbe bsrem, and the a'ject ser
vant by her superior tact and judgment
makes herself felt. Tbe reading pub
lic know the coudition of the "squaw"
of the North American Indian. In
these brief and basty illustrations may
be read the pist condition of woman
kind. She is just emerging from her
state cf bondage to a ondition of true
and equal companionship, in which her
comfort ac J well-being are to be con
sidered as well is those of tbe opposite
sex. The spasmodic caresses and
gaudy decorations that men as often
bestowed cn their d'gs or borscs as
they did on their women, is to give way
to a kind and just consideration for
their comfort, which will result in the
formation cf pleasanter society and
happier homes.
Womankind bas held such a eondi
tioo in society that she could never as
srrt and express herself in an organixed
way against the frivolities and vices of
husbands and sons. She bas been com
pelled to witness the meanest debauch
cry, and been dragged through the
deepest recesses of private distress and
destitution without once daring to lift
ber voice io protest.. Our present civ
ilization ia giving her aa opportunity to
assert herself and express Ler disap
probation of the vices of our sex. In
the new movement she advocates njth
iiig but that which is for aur good,
fan not car sex rise above its arbitrary
rale, and treat her as a companion
whose comfort anl well-being is to be
considered as well as our own !
No one knows bow long the women's
temperance movement will last. Il
man doea not exercise tbe rule of the
despot ; if he be civilized enough to
allow woman a voice on the questions
that affect tbe family, its happiness and
prosperity, it will be of the most endu
ring character.
Reunion of Members or the
l.egftiiature Tret lout to lVtO
A Iteminisrcncc ui John
C uoiuiitigtt of Juniata toun
tj. There was a Legislative Re-union at
Harntibnrg cn the afternoon of the 26th
nit., ia tbe ba)i of .be lower housj,
cf surviving members of the State
Legislatures previous to the year 1S50.
The chamber was crowded. It was not
large enough to bold all wbo sought
admittance. It was a most pleasant
meeting for the ex-members. Young
men live in their prospects and antici
pations of the future. Old men live in
tbe past; retrosj ective views are their
eticf delight. Consequently the old
gentlemen were in their chief delight
when relating their experience, of the
past. Aa old gentleman Mr. Oli
pbant now a resident of Washington,
D. C, but long ago a member of
tbe Pennsylvania Legislature, made a
speech, iu which be brought prominent
ly to view the straggle that tne inhabi
tants of M:f3m conty that lived south
cf Shade Mountain and between it and
the Tuscarora Momtain, eomprtheni
tcg the limits ot onr county, passod
through in bat body, for tbe formation
cf this Juniatj county. He spoke
cf the pcor facilities for travel then,
and of tbe great improvements io that
direction sinee that day. The cbief
plea, he ai.i, that the people of this
eoooty put in for a separatum from Mif
flin eoouty was the difficulty of going
to Lewistown to court, or to attend to
other legal business, at tbat time theie
being erriy one way through the L. ng
Narrows, anj tbat dreadfully roogb
and dangcrow is Batuul declivities
and obstacles, and oftqn infested by
robbers. The champion of separation
in the Legislature was John Cummings,
f Tuscarora Valley, lie wotked in aud
oat of season for a division. Mr. Cura
mings had importuned bim to cast his"
vote for Juniata, when tbe bill for the di
vision of the county should come before
the House. He, however,did not commit
liitrself. Ilia indefinite reply caused
Cummings to class bim among those
who were opposed to tbe bill. Wbeo
tbe bill was put on its" passage be voted
for it. The tetrad of bis uva" brongnt
Cummings to his feet, who approached
him hastily and threw bis arms around
bim aud embraced bim, saying God
bless ye; I'll oiver forgit ye for that
vote." Tbe bill passed, and wad signed
by tbe Governor and Cummings was
happy. And thus tbe old men talked
aud re'ated remiuiss'eoees, but that was
tbe only one relative to Juniata rela
ted while w, by chance, happened to
stand at the chamber door of the ro
tunda. Ut thought it tbe happiest
meeting of men we looked on for many
days. It was not business, it was so
cial. The Temperance Movement
by the Ladies In I'lilladel
fhla. In the afternoon of last Friday a
praver-meeting in Philadelphia was
held in tbe Baptist Chapel, Seventh
street and Susquehanna avenue, in the
extreme northern section of the city.
At the opening about two hundred- la
dies were present, Mrs. Dr. French, a
a well-known female presiding. Prior
to the opening exercises, tbe reporters
were requested to withdraw, and the
proceedings were conducted secretly.
The number of ladies largely increased,
and by four o'clock nearly one thou
sand bad congregate 1 in and around
the chapel. The ladies, after a Ion?
discussion, decided to commence a cru
sade against liquor dealers at occe, and
for that purpose they delegated twenty
of their number, who proceeded to
three saloons io the vicinity, around
which they sang and prayed. The pro
prietors bad heard that something of
that kind was in progress in that vicin
ity, and when tbey saw the ladies ap
proaching they closed their doors.
Tbe Erst sa!-Mn visited was that of
Charles Uageulochens, Susquebaoua
avenue and Fiftli street. 1 bey met the
proprietor, and tbe following convcrsa
tion ensued :
"Can we hold prayer ?"
"Certainly not ; I have no room in
which to hold prayer.''
'Can we pray in a bed room !"
"No, it would disturb the boarders."
"Do you sell drink V
"1 do not to druukarJs. I pay my
license and a-Ji protected by law."
They th?n essg and prayed around
the establishment and left. Tbe sa
loons of A. Kramer and Jobn Ober
holtzer in the vicinity were then visited.
Here two doers were closed. At the
latter place they sang and prayed at a
side door. A number of roughs gath
ered, who ridiculed the proceedings ao
much that one of tbe ladies wept. The
proprietor called the police, but they
refused to interfere.
After leaving the saloons, the dele
gation returned to the chapel, where
tbe meeting was anxiously awaiting
them. Whea Mrs. Dr. French, who
led tbe delegation, ectered the door she
stretched out both hand and cried :
"The victory is ours we have won !"
After sibging and prajing, the meeting
adjourned. A number of prominent
saloons on Chestnut street to-day re
ceived written notices which stated that
tbe ladies in a body would soon call on
THE ItEPrBUC, for February, is be
fore us, preset. ling a table of contents
which should commend it to every per
son desirous of a thorough kooa ledge
of the principles and practices of this
great Government of and for the peo
ple. Among tbe more important arti
cles are: "The Work of t ongress," a
brief but uiott comprehensive sketch :
a graphic summary of the views of the
Country press on the pending 'Finan
cial and Economic Questions," a very
valuable and thoughtful article entitled
"Capital, Labor, and Wages ;" j Tbe
Functions of the Treasury Department;'
a comprehensive view of the " Mission
of True StatosuianVhip," as affecting
the prosperity of the people, and tend
ing to :he solution of tbe problem of
cheap travel and transportation; 'The
Question of the Annexation of the Ca
nadian Provinces," and the "Finances"
are also ably discussed.
Tbe appendix contains the able
speeches of Senators Chandler, and Lo
gan, and Representatives 11.5. Bundy
on the Finance, and R. II. Cain, on
i ivil Right.
The Republic is a monthly magazine,
and is published at W ashington, D. C,
at $2 per year. It is a work which
every man should read.
Last Tuesday evening a week, while
Mr. William Wilson was engaged in
packing hay in his mow in Paris, ash-
ington county, a loose board gave way.
precipitating him into the apartment
elow. He fell across a manger, re
eeiving severe injuries to bia spine,
which t.roved fatal, and after consider
able suffering be died. This family
seems to be peculiarly unfortunate of
late. About two months ago, while
one of Mr. Wilsou'a sons was cutting
wood with an axe in a saw mill, a mov
ing belt eangbt tie axe handle and
turned it with such force as to nearly
sever tne loot oi tne man woo was
handling it. Mr. ilsoc'a youngest
daughter, engaged in teaching school at
Burgettstown, ia lying ill of a fever,
i aud is noaUle to go borne at preeeat
(Continued from last week.)
Judge of Election Jobn Copeland.
Inspectors Jobn Kelley, Wm Given.
Cbief Burgess D K Sutouff. Town
Council D A DoughmaD, G W Wilson,
John T Bratton. ScLool Directors
Joseph Rogers, Win Conner. Over
seers of Poor J B M Todd, William
Hartman. Assessor Robert McDon
ald. Auditor E J Neogte. Consta
ble Daniel Notrstine.
Ju'lge of Election Ephraira Lau
ver. Inspectors C'loyd Horning, Wil
liam Guss. Supervisors O P Harris,
Abraham Partner. Overseers Divid
Par'ner, Arnold Varnes. School Di
rectors W N Sterrett, Alex Meloy.
Assessor J R Jenkins. Auditor B
F BuichGeld.
Judf e of Election Samnel Min
nichan. Inspectors I'P P Bealor,
Alfred Moyer. Justice of the Peace
John P W harton. Constable OW
Hamlin. Chief Burgess Col ler Wix.
Town Council 11 M BrennUholtz. D G
Alttr, Samuel Buck, David Koons.
School Directors Charles Emerson.
W illiam Rutherford. Assessor Mil
ton Dewees. Auditor Samuel Cooper.
Overseers James Sboaff, Heury Cross.
Justice of the Peace Jsmes Mc
Laughlin. Judge W m McCachreo.
Inspectors John Weimer, William
Landis. Overseers Jacob Rothrock,
Henry Kepner. Assessn; William
Robison. Supervisor Berj. Jacobs,
Ja:ol Kenetv. School Directors W
S Weimer, David Hertsler. Town
ship ( lerk Wm Hench. Auditor
John Hertxler. Treasurer Philip
Kilmer. Constable Isaiah Berkey.
Judge John Iloffmao. Inspectors
Jes Williams, II W Davis. Justice
of the Peace Theodore Meminger.
Constable John A McLanghlin. Su
pervisors Thomas Ramsey. Overseeis
James DufEeld, Wm Telfer. School
Directors Yost Yoder, Robert Patter
son. Auditor Samuel Wharton.
Treasurer David Hertzler. Clerk
T Meminger. Assessor Wm Cook.
Judge J M Brazee. Inspectors
J F Leach, Jese Nichols. School Dl
rector:! A P McDouald, B F Crozier.
Assessor William C'aik. Overseers
Samuel McLaughlin, W nj Leach. Au
ditor John P Kelley. Constable
Thos J Conner, t lerk Robert Ster
rett. Treasurer W W Read. Super
visors James Boon, Richard Doyle.
Judee J P Milihouse. Inspectors
G S "onn, A Noss, Sr. Constable
James Knox. School Directors 11 L
McMeen, R 11 Neely. Supervisors
F Snyder, Geo Woodward. Overseers
Jobu Woodward, C C Sarvis. As
sessor James D Barton. Auditor
John Sarvis. Clerk John Woodward.
Justices of the Peace Henry Titz
ell, John Patterson. Constable R T
Fish. Judge Thos Murphy. Inspec
tors M D Daugheity, Robt Hurrell.
supervisors t in ewsrner, ADsaiom
Rice. Overseers Epbraiui Robison,
Daniel Thatcher. School Directors
Samuel S Clark, J B Thatcher. Asses
sor J II Campbell. Auditor Saiu'i
Woodsides. Clerk Wm Henry.
Justice of tbe Peace John Patter
son. Constable Robt Pollock- Over
seer D Thatcher. Supervisor John
hon Kennedy. School Dircitors J.
Thatcher, Irwin B Clark. Judge
William Bilger. Inspectors William
Uucbanan, George Smith.
Thb Scuool Book Qcesiiojj. A
movement has beeu made in Ohio, as
well as in the Illinois Legislature, to
wards breaking up the existing school
book monopolies, by means of a bill to
place the compilation or preparation of
text books f t tbe Schools in the h.iuds
of a State Board of Commissioners.
Tje result of such a measure might be
beneficial, provide.! the commissioners
properly understood and did their duty,
and were placed under judicious re
strictions in the exercise ot their duty ;
but the chances are that ihe monopoly
would simply be transferred from one
set of speculating publishers to another,
without any mattiial advantage to the
State. It is encouraging, however, to
find the agitation in progress. It is a
suhjct upon which the general public
bas remained too lwng inactive and
asleep, while vast fortunes bavo been
aiade at their unsuspecting expeuse. A
reform is urgently needed, and experi
ments to that end deserve encourage
ment. E.
A Washington correspondent of tbe
Cincinnati Gazette says that a lady (?)
and ber husband in tbat ci'y have
largely snpported themselves by attend
ing the receptions of Government offi
cials, and living on the viands there
provided. Breakfasting no mush and
milk at their lodgings iu a fashionable
part of the city, they saved enough by
these foraging expeditions to secure a
handsome visitiug outfit, cards and
gloves. But their trick were at last
found out, and the peripatetic pair bad
to flee ignoiiiiuionsly. This story re
minds ns of one told by an eccentric
character io "Russell's Memoirs ol Tom
Moore," who, on being pressed as to
bow be got bis living, made this frank
avowal : 0n Sunday I always dine
with an old friend of niiue, where I eat
enough to last me nntil Wednesday.
Tbeu I bay tome tiipe, which 1 bate
like tbe ery , and that makes me
fo tick tbat I can't tat anythiog until
Sunday again."
Chester, Pa., baa elected one lady school
There are forty Protestant places of wor
ship in Rome.
D:pthcria is prevalent ia man township
in Venango county.
The potato rot ia now ascribed to a deS
riency of lime and magnesia in the soil.
Ebenaburg baa twenty-three voters named
Jones, twenty named Kvana and eighteen
named Davia.
The lower house o! the Maine Legislature
b&ve refused to pass the bill' abolishing the
death penalty.
The government has" recovered $194,000
in the suits against distillers' bjnda at
Springfield, Illinois.
Postal cards bearing notice of quit saloon-keeping
or prepare to be prayed at,"
are Common now.
It is proposed a an alternative, out west,
if women's prayers do not atop the liquor
traffic, to try women' vote.
The re-biiion of tbe Tenth Pennsylvania
Reserves will be held at Merctx on Tues
day, the 1'Jih of may next.
A mule has died of lock jaw in Chester
county, tbe other day, caused by an awk
ward blacksmith driving a nail into ita foot.
Seventy years ago the Rev. Dr. Lyman
Beech er, father of Henry Ward Beecber,
was paid a sal.u-y of MOO and his firewood.
An act has just taken eflect ia Illinois
giving the dead bodies of anclaimed pau
pers and crirniuals iu Chicago for dissec
tion. A Brooklyn jury have justified the shoot
ing ot a negro chieken-thief by a police
mau, and commended him for a faithful
piTformance of bis duty.
The newest idea is that Of a Wisconsin
legislator, who demands that travelers by
rail shall be weigiied aud made to pay so
rui:ch per pound by wnight of fare.
Thirty-two persons were befjre the court
of WeituKTcl-ind county at the Feb. term
lor selling liquor without license, selling
liquor to minors, and selling liquir ou the
High jinks. There was a negro wedding
in Columbus, Miss., last week, which boast
ed cards, nine roa.-U:d pigs and a hundred
cakes, and tapered off with three reception
"Owing to John Robiason's circus be
ing in town, tho regular Thrusday evening
prayine-meeting has been postponed," said
a recent number of the Enttrpriie, of Dal
las, Texas.
It is an honor to womanhooJ that not a
dollar has ever been missing Irom the De
partment of the Controller of Currency,
where women exclus'nely are employed as
Mr. Saurtoris, the future husband of Miss
Xellie Grant, ia a son and only child of a
member of the British Parliament, and af
ter the marriage will of course take his
bride to England and reside there.
A Georgia psper tells of an attempt by a
powerful eagle to carry off a girl fourteen
years old. It says tbe bird lil ted her from
the ground several times and carried her
some distance. She was severely wounded
bv its beak and talons, her sides being ter
ribly lacerated.
Mrs. Morris, of Maryville, Iowa, planned
an elopement with a traveling photographer
narred Hamilton. Her husband learned of
the fact. He at once hitched up his horse,
got into the wagon wilh h sfrighlenid wile,
drove five miles to the trystring place, and
delivered her to Hamilton.
The women's movement has broken out
in the city of TVilliamiport, the ladies hav
ing nisrnified their intention of visiting not
only the pi ices where liquor is sold, but
also the Mayor's oifice, the Court House
and the residence of the President Judge,
fir the purpose of engaging in prayer for
the suppression of the unholy traffic.
"If you don't see what you want, ask for
It," is posted up in a conspicuous place in
a Logansport grocery. A native stepped
into the establishment lost week. He saw
the card aud rt marked, " I want a ten-dollar
Ml! and I don't see it." "Neither do
I," was the laconic reply. The native look
ed further, but he advised the grocer to
"take down that sigTi."
This is the year in which the late Sister
Anna Maria Taiga, of Rome, predicted the j
death of the Pope, with attendant convnl-
sions of nature. "For three davs and three
niahts the said .-Cimmerian darkness wilt
rest over the earth, hiding every object in
the world from view ; The people who look
out of the windows for the purpose of de
scribing what is goir.g on in the firmament,
wi',1 be immediately struck down dead."
L A despatch from Fort Sul'y to Sioux City
sa s that the Unrpspaa made a raid on the
herders near Graul river agency on Feliru
iry 22nd, killing private Collins of the 7th
Infantry and stealing seven! horses. They
were followed by a pirty of soiJit-rs in the
directiion of Standing Rock, but their trail
was lost. The same despatch says that the
Indians intend concentrating at ths foot of
the Black Hills by April 1, prepiratorj to a
general war on tho wnites during the sum
mer. Kincston, K. Y., was startled recently by
a singular discovery msda bv some work
men. They were repairing a building known
as the iVoolsey House, situated in the lower
part of the town, and in taking down ihe
chimney a skeleton was discovered wedged
in tbe due. It was pronounced by the phy
sicians who examined it to be the skeleton
of a woman, apparently aoout eighteen
years of age, and it had probably been in
the place there it was discovered about a
Lone Wolf, tne war chief of the Eiowas,
was comparatively civilized until he lately
heard of the death of his son. He had an
ambr.laneo and a pair of mules, and said he
was trying to live like a white man. The
son was killed while raiding in Texas. Lone
Wolf drew his levolver, shot his mules,
broke up his wagon, piled it and his lodge
on tbe top of tbe mules, and burned the
pile. He shaved one side of bis head,
stuck the black feather behind his ear, and
started his followers on tbe war-pa'b.
In I8T0 Elizabeth Smith, of Chicago,
made up her mind to get rid of her drunk
en husband John. She went to a secret
working divorce lawyer and paid him $10
to secure her f-eedom. John heard of the
matter, and so convincingly promised re
form that Mrs. Smith paid tbe lawyer $10
more and told bim to drop the proceedings.
The husband thereafter behaved himself,
and the pair lived happily. Lately he sold
a house, and in tbe transfer of the title a
record was found of a divorce granted in
lfc'70 between Elizabeth and John Smith.
The lawyer had already got the decree
when the lady changed ber mind, but did
not tell her so. So they had been living
over three years together unmarried. They
went at once to a minister and ware ajar
rted ever agala.
This being tbe season n't which colds
are most prevalent and most difficult to
get rid of, it may be interesting to re
call the substance of some remarks con
tributed to nature some four yeara ago
by a correspondent. He stated tbat.
by simply abstaining from' drink and
liquid (ood of any kind for as long a
period as possible, tbe internal conges
tion, which is in fact the condition gen
erally koowu as "a celd," becomes re
duced. Tbe eause ot congestion is tbe
overcharged membranes, and this is re
moved when tbe general bulk of tbe
blood has been diminished by withhold
ing tbe usual supply of fluid. By keep
ing tbe supply of drink for a day or
two down to a point at which some de
gree of thirst is yet experienced a com
plete enre tray be effected.
Joh.t Maxwell, a Pole, made a
desperate attempt to kill bis wife on
Friday a week, at Spring Brook, Lu
zerne county. Tbese parties board
with a Mrs. Ore, and it is said tbat tbey
did not live bappilj on account of tbe
jealous disposition of tbe husband, who
imagined all aorts ot things if be saw
his wife talking with a man. He ac
cused ber of an improper intioiacy ex
isting between ber aud a certain team
ster in tbe neighborhood, which was
flatly denied by bis wife. Ou tbe morn
ing above stated, wben his wife was
seated at the breakfast table, Maxwell i
s!ipped up behind her and cut her throat!
r r I
from ear to eir with a raxor. Although I
the wound is an ukIv one, it will not
krova fatal? Maxwell was arrested aud
is uow in the Wilk?sbarre jail
A Rochester despatch ot the 2Gtb
ult., says : This foienoon a fire was
started by some unknnwn man under
the second story stairs in public school
house, No. 12. The flames were dis
covered io time to permit of their sup
pression before much damage was done,
and before there was any panic. Three j
hundred children ia the upper rooms
would have been cnt off from escape,
except by windows, if tbe flames bad
progressed far. No. 5 publio school
houe was set on fire on TuesJay, but
no damages was done.
A despatch from Philadelphia, u .der
date of the 26th ult., says : The Ro
man Catholic Total Abstinence Union
of this city had a grand demonstration
at the Acidemy of Music this evening.
Tbe building was crowded. A large
number of clergymen and laymen, to
gether with many Protestants, appear
ed on tbe stage. The exercises con
sisted of addresses, music, aud the
reading of encouraging litters from
Bishops throughout the country.
Th i: Phbksologicjl Joi-ekal for March
contains rich reading on self-knowledge,
opening wi;h Chief-Justice Waile, ith por
trait j Pre-Xatal Influences; Immortality,
considered Physiologically; Taste and
Temper, ments, a reason for denominations ;
The Mound Builders, Ancient Americans,
with illustrations; Conversations About ur
Faces; M'rediUry Character; An Elective
or Appointive Judiciary; Alfred Dockery,
M. C, of Sou'h Carolina; Domestic IK-ip ;
Women at the South and at the West; A
Royal Pair, with portraits; Vanpires and
Vampirism ; The Siamese Twins, with illus
trations, Knowing them at twenty-five, and
at sixty years of age ; Obliquities of Char
acter; Do Your Cn Thinking; Timber
and Ornamtntal Trees; Agricultural Hints,
etc. Only 30 cents, or $3.03 a year. Ad
dress S. K. Wells, Publisher, 389 Broad
way, New York.
yew n dverlxsements.
"jVTOTTCE is hereny given that application
1 1 Kill be made to the present Senate and
House of Representatiies of this Cotnmon-
Yfdlrh itr A nfrit Sft ilthnririntr lhrt
chiof Burg-s and Town Conncii of the
borough of Patterson to lay and collect a
tax on taxable property within said bor-
""'! m "I""'""" '"5 K'. ra
I chasing hose, as a protecti-m in caso of
lire, by ordjr ot the j own Council.
W. S. SOUTH. CAi Burgut,
fatterson, Feb. 21, 1U71-31
I"Y virtue of a writ of Vnd. Exponas, is
) sued out of the Court ot Common
Pleas of Juniata countv and to me directed,
will be exposed to public ile, at th Court
House, in th? borough of Mitl!inwn, at 2
o'clock P. M., on SATURDAY, MARCH
28, lh74. the following real estate, viz:
A Tract of Land silu tte in Milford twn
sliip. J.miati c iiintv, b .undid oi tha north
t.v lands of W. W. Wilson and John P.
Keily, on the east by K 'inert Robinson, on
tiie south by Ohr r Hairis and ea the west
by Christopher Brant, containing
Seventy-Eight Acres,
more or les, having lliereon erected TWO
outbuildings. Seized, lr.k"n in eweutioti
and to be sold as the jiropi-ty of John Pry
ti al, heirs at law ot John Prv. deceased.
WM. II. KXOL'SE, SlienJ.
StienlT's timce, MitlliiUon,
March 3, !H74.
Dissolution of CorartncrsUiu.
jVTOTICE is ht-reby given that the Co
J. i partnendiip heretlrr existing between
Solomon Becner ami Christian Benner,
trading under the tirm name cf Solomon
llenner ft, Co., in the nunuiactu.0 of b i
gies and carriages, waa this day dissolved
by mutual consent. All persons Euowiag
themselves indebted to said tirm, and those
having claims against the same, will please
call and settle their account with Chris
tian Benner, who will still carry on the
above business at the old stand in McAlia
Jan. 24, 1?74.
Administrators' .otlce.
Estate of John Ktrlin, dectottd.
V17I1EREAS Letters of Administration
V on the estate of John Kerlin, Ite of
the borough of Patterson, dieased, hav
ing been granted to the undersitmed, a'l
persons indebted to said estate are reques
ted to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will please present them
properly authenticated for settlement
K. L. (il'oS, Aim'r.
Feb. 4, 1S74.
THE partnership heretofore exi'tlng be
tween W. C. Laird and William Bell,
trading under th Brtn name of Laird ft.
Bll, is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. AU persons indebted to the said Arm
will please call and sett I their account be
fore the first day of March, 1874, at which
time all account remaining unsettltd will
be placed in tbe bands ot a collector for
collection. vtr c. LAI ED.
Wit. BELL.
February 2, 1874.
X floe assortment of cloths, casnmere,
vesting, Ac, alwryi oa hand and rur sale
ly h. B. LOUDON.
yew Adecrtittrtnent-
A DemoOatis Weekly. EatiWished 1850.
It npoort H"a Suprmacy, political and
sociall Terms. 1 per year. To clubs,
nine eopie lor $. Spjeimen copies free.
Addres DAY-BOOK, Sew York City.
The Best Dollar Voiitbiy.
aj m a dav made br can-
tO 9 va'ing for this
magazine now in its 14th volume with
1 1x20 inebea. in 17 Oil Color.
Magasine, one year, with Mounted
Magazine, one year, with Unmounted
thromo, - W
Magazine, alone, one year, O"
Examine our Clubbing and Premium Lists.
Two Finl-class Periodica! for the price
of one. Wo olicit Experienced Canvas
sers and others to send at once for terai
and Specimen M.igJiine. Address
S. K. St'L'TES. Puoliiher,
41 Park Row, N. Y. City, or Newbursrh,".Y.
ind Insect Powder,
For Rats. Mice, Roacbis, Ajits, BeB-buos,
Moths, &c.
Sole Agents.
Write to F. E. Skti 4. Co., Atlantic
Mills. Brooklyn, N. Y.. manufacturer of
it.- rrmiivil Whlla Wheat, for
ior their janiihlet (sent tree) on Foods,
''h im.rtant exracts fioiu I.kbio. Joan-
om anil other vnenimts. Ketd it and aave
yol:r health and money.
$230,000 FOa $30,
Fourth Grand Gift Concert
On March 31st, nest.
60 000 TICKETS. 12,000 GIFTS
One Orand Cash Oilt S2W.0OO
Jne Grand (.ash Gilt
iiuc uniuu vau vui
One Grand C uJi Gilt
One Grand Cash Gitt
10 Cash Gills $IV,iKjw each ...
8001) Gill 6.000 each...
60 Cash Gilts 1,000 each...
0 Cash Gifts 60 each . . .
100 Cash Gift 4'tOea. h...
150 Cash Gilts COO tai-h...
250 Cash Gilts 200 each...
3'-') Cash Gifts 100 each...
ll,0UUCaaGUU 60 each...
Total, 12.000 Gifts, all Cash,
amounting to $!,500,0r0
tt The concert and distribution of gift
will fHHitirtly and unrqnivscaUj takt plan
on the day nutc jUtd. whether all the tickets
are sold or not, aud the 12Og fu all paid
iu proportion to Ihe number of tick-.ts sold.
Whole tickets. $ VJ ; Halves, $25 ; Tenths,
or each coupon, $; Eleven whole tickets
lor t'- i-end tor circular. -
1 he lime for the drawing is near at hand,
and persons intend irg to urchaae tickets
have no time to lose.
THOS. r. It It . 4. JI LETT E,
Agent Public Library Ky.. and Manager Gift
Concert, Public Library buildiug, I.ouia
vilie, Ky., or
Eastern Agents,
609 Broadway Sun Yoke.
85 to S20 P" ' AKe,,t wanted !
All classes of working people,
of either sex, young or old, make mora
money at work lor us in thur spar mo
ments, or a-'l the time, than at anything
else. Particulars free. Address G. Sns
sos &. Co., Portland, Maine.
Cures without pain or inconvenience to
business. It ia a tonic alterative and ner
vous sedative. It restore tha broken
down nervous system ; gives energy and
strength ; cures without pain or suffering to
the patieut.
Send tor paper on Opium-eating. P. O.
Box 475. i'R. D. k. L. MEE&ER, La
porte, Indiana.
1 ING." How either ex may fasci
nate and gain the love and affections of any
persons ihey choose, instantly. This im
pie mental acquirement all may possess,
tree, by mail, tor 25 cents; together with a
Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dream,
flints to Ladies A queer boot. 100,000
Sold. Address T. WILLIAM ft. CO.. Pub
lishers, Philadelphia.
for agents. Large income guaranteed. En
close stamp for circular. K. ALLISO.V,
113 Chamber St., X. Y.
Q S to $100 in Wall Street often
?JJ.MwJr Ira-Is to a fortune. No riai.
32-page pamphlet for stamp.
VatrxTiNE TrMsaiEGt ft Co., Bankers and
EroKera, Wail-st., .V. Y.
13 HEREBY GIVEN, That, In order to
raise money to aid in the construction of a
new Court House in Mitfiintown, the under
signed, Commissioner of the county of
Juniata, have isaued and a-e aow prepared
to a-. ii, at tneir oin.ee in Jftittnntown,
Th8 Bonds of tha County,
of such denominations ai may be desired
not less than Fifty Dollars with coupon
attached, at the ratx of six per centum in
terest, to Do put annually, sail Bond to
be payable in one, two, or more yeara, not
exceeding eight.
1 hese bonds are issued under the provi
sion or the Act of Assembly of the Kth of
April, lbo, and will be a aate and desira
ble investment, exempt from taxation for all
locai aud municipal purposes.
Jams Dim, Clerk.
Comm s-ioners' Office, MifEin-
town, Nov. 7, 1373.
To The Public.
4 T a meeting of the Board of County
21 Commissioner, held thn 16th day of
January, lb74, and it being represented to
the Board that t-ars are entertained by the
eitizens of the county that the County Com
missioner may be induced to m'.l County
Bonds at a discount, ftc , tbe following
resolution was unanimously adopted :
Retohnd. That it is not intended by the
Board ot County Commissioner that any
ot the said Bond shall bi sold for a sum
tea than what tbe Bond call for on their
fare, or, in other w.rds, at any discount
County Commissioners.
Jamu Dxis, CUrk.
Jan. 21, 1874-3
Has resumed actively tha practice of
Medicine and Surgery aiid their collateral
branches. Office ai tbe old corner of Taird
and Orange streets, aiiffimtowa, ?j
Hot. ia, 187-6i
Of New-Goods this Season ! PANIC PRICES !
10 PER CENT. 19 TnE CRT 1
Water Proof Cloth at 88 cts.
per yard. W MOTTO:
"Quick Sales and Small Profits!"
Velveteen at 50c, 90c, and .
Colored Blahkeh at $1.33 and.lf Sold as low as $150.
piece. '
7T7, TTToT 7 Shawls of Every Description
fFAne Blankets at $2.25 anl
Upward. Sold at a Sacrifice.
TABLE LITEs Four Border Handkerchiefs
As Low as 3Co per jard. FR 25 CSTS.
I1VIITATI0N BUCK GLOVES Buying my Good for Casli enabtaa
AT SIXTY CESTS. mo to make these Great Reductions.
Respectfully Yocbs, &c,
We have opened out in tha New Build
ing on the Ncvin lot, on Bridge itreet, tha
largeit and beat stock of
ever brought to the county.
We buy our stock from Manufacturers
aud in large lot. We pay tmh and expect
to ell for eaih, which will enable ns to
offer GOODS
At Prices far Below the Average.
This branch of the business will be su
perintended by A. B. FASICK, one of the
best practical mechanic in the county. All
kind of repairing dons.
July 2, 187l-tf
C E E N T,
TOny DIEIIL hen-bv annonnces to h
O old customers and the public c-enerally,
that he ha azain resumed buaineaa at hi
old stand, on
Water Street, Mlffllntown,
Where he will manufacture In a satisfactory
Harness, Light and Heavy, to
Suit All,
Hone Collars, Riding Saddles, Wagon
Saddles, Bridies of all Kinds,
Plow Lines, in fact everything
in His Line.
REPAIRING neatly and expeditiously
Call and inquire) before going etaewhere.
On Water Street, a few doors Horth of
the Crystal Palace Building.
IN'ov 12, l&73-6m
The undersigned would respectfully In
form tha public that he ha opened a
at hi residence, on Bridge street, in tho
Parker Maaaion, and is now prepared to do
at short notice and la tha moat durable and
fashionable manner.
Ha is wud to put out son but good work
aad aaka a share of U public patronage..
Gaaw, lumber, ac.
THE undersigned, having completed his
new Warehouse iu rarrysvillet would
respectfully Invite the attention .rf the
farmer of the county to tha fact that he is
at all time
Having introduced new facilities for hoist
ing, weighing, ftc, we are now prepared to
unload with tbe least posaihls trooble.
Bark, Kulroad Ties, Locust
Posts, and all Saleable
Country Produce
will be bought at all times, either for
&C &C.,
which will be sold to suit purchasers, either
and at tha lowest rata ruling.
At my Store In Torbett township may be
found aa complete aa assortment of
Queenaware, Hardware, &c,
all of which will be sold aa low, if aot a
little lower than elsewhere
Tec. 10. 1873-tf
Pomeroy, Patterson, Jacobs & Co.
but ruxTowy, jc.via.Ta. cotnrrr, a.
CAPITAL., $110,000.
J03F.PH POMEROY, President.
T. VA3 IRVI.V, Cashier.
Biaicroas :
Joseph -Pomeroy, I John Balabacb,
Jerome N. Thompson, I H. H. Bechtel.
John J. Patterson, S. Frank Eagle.
George Jacobs,
t'ii 5af Seiiritiet, Bond, $t.,
bought and (old.
Stvtn-tKirtiti exchanged for Fxte-tatntiet
at market rates. United State coupons
and Silver bought at highestt rates.
DtOOSitM rcrfflDCt- eniZarfui m.mA rmftm
0 the principal citus, and a general banking
ousinett transacted.
Booda and other valuahla
on special deposit. june873-t
In room la rear of Crystal Palace Building,
ou Water Street, Mifflintown, Pa.,
CUSTOM WORK DONE an tha ahorteet
GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern.
PERSON'S buying goods can base them
cut In garments free of charge.
Oct 22, 1873-tf
Fob aaxa T
llilroy, lllfflin County, Pa.
La-g stock f Dry Goods at i. . B. A
Staabeaich'a, Crystal Paiae.
Sea trawl an4 ftepwblteaa S1.I0 a year