Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 04, 1874, Image 1
ffiv) lift i) lfi MffiW ill ftlTWD B. F. SCHWEIER, THE COXSTITCTIOX THE C5I0X AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS. Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXVIII. ' MIFFLIXTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENNA., MARCH 4, 1874. SO. 9. ' i ; " i i i " Poetry J ark Frost. Sd-My e:ek tte eilcket Jack Frost CUM dvwa last nirtt, II- to the earth on a suuteam, keen, and spark llnic ani bright, i-c sju$hl In the fras fvT the crkket- with dellcat icy spear. ;u ,hary and toe at J fatal, and be .tahlied them far and near ; v!y a few sl..at ftlloaa, thawed by the mjrnlnj a an, CLtnup a cwnraful echo . by-fona frolic and fuft But yesterday sncU a rifi'lla cboras ran all over th land. Orr the htiin and the valleya, down to the irrey sea an 4 ; Mi'Iltini of merrv b.tiltr.lsa, skipping; and daneiag in f-e. rtik-l and loeut and grai-boprvr, happy a happy c.'n'd be, sc-..j-;tig rich caves la ripe appli and feeding ta b ..aey and spice, I'ruak with the raeilow siin-tl.ine, o-r dreaming of .pears of ice ; VT.s it nt ea-m;h that the crickets roar weapoa of power thcnld pit-rce ? ry what have yn done to the a jwer-r Jack Frt yoa are crael and flcree, HtL never a ai-h or a whimper yea to cbed theza and lot they exhale Tieir beautifal lives, ttiy are drooping, their awaet colwr tbb., they are pale, lu'-y fade and they die ' see the paniiee yet striving so Lari to acf '.d Ifc-ir carments cf f elvety epleLdir, ail Tyriaa pur ple and go d ' E-t b)W we-'ry they l.-A, and hw withered like b and -otce court daine, wl.o all night ii.r'- danced at the ball till tanri-e ttrnck chill to tht lr hearts with iu :lht. Ventre hides the wrd a-t.-r? She vanished as snow wreatha dissolve in the ana Tne moment yoa t mched br. Look Tonder, wbera sober and grey a a nan 1'ne i.:aple tres suad that at snoset was blushing as red as the ky : At v.f foet, rl-w!flg -eirlet as fire, its robes of anaa:- n.Cce .c lie. Lc-j-u:ier? etr p; in- the w ld as joa -tr.p the sblv erinc tree i'f clor ani s.ju.d and p riiii.e-.cjrinf the bird the bee, Tarnicg b-aoty tti ashe- on to Aa the rWtfl swal lows and fly F.t awy rtot of Mr-ht of y.iir mi-chief! 1 give ya CO welcome, cot I ! 3IirSOllnil' Ks-ligtoui Kailh of Acaiiiz. I cannut close this hasty and inaJe qnat e, yrt fTTCijt and iiearty tribute, without recalling to yonr memory the revt-reut spirit in which he pursued Lis Bcit-iititic labors. Xearly forty years atro, in his first great work on fossil fishes, in developing Lis principle of classification, he wrote : '"An invisible thread in all ages runs through this im mense diversity, exhibiting as a general result the fact that there is a continual progress in development, ending in man. The fonr classes of vertebrates j.re&vnt the intermediate steps, and in vertebrate are a constant accessory ac companiment. Have we not Lere an immense mind, as powerful as prolific, the acts of an intelligence as sublime as provident, the marks of a goodness as iufiuite as wise, the most palpable de monstration of the existence of a per sonal (.rod, the author of all things, ruler of the universe and dispenser of ail good ? ' This, at least, is what I read in the works of creation." But it is what he ever read, and read with pro found awe and admiration. To this exalted faith he was invincibly lov,L Xo laws of nature were to Lim as the eternal word erf God. "His repugnance to Darwinism grew ia a great part from his apprehension of its atheistical ten dency an apprehension which, at best, I cannot share, for I forget not that those theories now in the ascendant are adopted by not a few determined Christian men, and while they seem to me not only unproved but unprovable. I could deem them truth without part ing with one iota of my faith in God and Christ Yet I can best sympathize most heartily with him in the spirit wita-which he resisted what seemed to Lim to lessen the majesty of the Master and supporter of the Universe, Nor was Lis a mere theoretical faith. His whole life, in its pervading spirit of service, in its fidelity to arduous duties, in its simplicity and truthfulness, be spoke one who was sincerely fulfilling a mission from Gad to Lis fellow-men. Dr. Ptalody's Memorial Sermon. Etiquette of (he Flower Garden. There are comparatively few, who, either from instinct or education, regard that delicate courtesy which should be observed by all who enter the charmed precincts of garden. A few sugges tions to those who thoughtlessly vio late the etiquette of the garden will prevent much mortification and un pleasantness. If the walks are narrow, a little care will avoid sweeping one's skirts over the beds, to the injury of the flowers and the nerves of the owners as welL Do not pick unbidden a blossom, or even a leaf it oay be the very one its possessor valued most. Nothing is more presumptuous than to return from a ramble in a friend's garden with a bouquet of your own selection, unless requested in an unequivocal manner to help yourself, and even then it requires rare discretion to make a choice satis factory to all parties. Handle or pinch nothing whatever ; even a touch injures some vegetation, and feeling of rose and other buds is almost sure to blast them. The beauty of scented leaved plants is often ruined from having their foliage pinched by odor loving friends ; better pick the leaf off entirely for a visitor than to have half a dozen to be mutilated by the pressure of fingers, which are teldom satisfied with trying only one, A tender-hearted young man received a rebuke from a lady that almost brought the tears to her eyes ; as she moved her hand towards an un usually fine rose geranium, the pride ! and pet of its possessor, in sharp alarm ! its owner exclaimed, "lon t pinch it ! The joung lady's mortified feelings were only soothed by explaining to her that her friend was probably constantly tor mented by the ruinous admiration of acquaintances, and her nerves were too irritated for a gentle remonstrance. Every cultivator of flowers can tinder stand the annoyance of seeing a favorite flower in such danger. When an enthusiast in floriculture triumphantly shows some elegant foli ageplant.so gorgeously dyed and painted that it is always in blossom, do not ask whether it has flower. A conspicuous bloom on a plant so lavishly endowed with beauty would be a superfluity which nature is too wise to bestow. It is a luxury to have some persons visit a garden to have the very gems of one's collection singled out immedi ately by an appreciative eye to watch the play of expression intense enjoy ment of your treasure gives to the mo bile features ; and, last, to share every thing 4hat can be divided with them, and read on a beaming face that yoa are fully thanked even before the lips move in words. JIISTAXGS. Farmer Billy Newcome, who holds in fee simple, and without any mortgage attachment, one of the best farms in Western Maryland, determined to enter field of speculations, which though new to him, promised to yield large dividends. His lands were fertile and well tilled, and Lia crops, generally speaking, yielded well ; and the Old Mill, which stood down by the Creek, and of which he was the firstly proud owner, ground out as good flour, as was capable of being produced by the good wheat grown in all that section of coun try. Farmer Newcome waa popular, the country over, and by his thrifty management was growing rich. And yet even he was tempted to try his hand in an enterprise, of which Le knew but little about 1 Posted np in the principal hotel in the town of H Mr. Newcome noticed, one day, a large, flaming band bill, setting forth the fact, that a cer tain time in the distant future, there would be exposed for sale on the public square, a lot of fine Mexican Mustang Ponies, which a dealer was then bring ing to that market. A full description of these points followed, their beauty, toughness, docility, and all that were carefully, if not truthfully, stated, and then came the clinching affirmation. and thousands of dollars could be made j Ktr one nna liajl eliA tnnaiis anil shift ! disposition to deal in Mustangs. Mr. Newcome read the bill carefully, thought the matter over for a few min utes, and came to this conclusion : "I know that farming, as I conduct it, pays and pays well ; but the process of mak ing money in that way is rather slow ; I have several thousand dollars in cash laid up for a rainy day, and 1 can readily obtain several thousands more, for my credit is good wherever I am known. But here is the point ; here is a chance to make money and to make it in a short time, and I think I will make the venture. I will deal in Mustangs as tonish my neighbors get rich in a short time, and rent out my farm and Mill, and rfelire to private life yes, I thiuk I'll make the venture !" He went home much elated over his prospective gains, and he at once en tered on a course of study of natural history. The Mustang, although a wild horse of the prairie, was easily subdued, soon became gentle, was easily sub sisted, and there was money in him. The , former he learned from a treatise on j "wild horses ;" the latter that there was money in him he learned from the ! I 11, .11 ;n H..ol Ua 1 USUULlll, 11U DCS 1U SUC II ' 'I 1 , U 11 t , faith of the good farmer was strong in ' both. j The day of sale came, and Mr. New- j come and many of his friends and neighbors, were at the appointed place. ! Their eyes opened largely, when they I saw that it required the combined strength of four men to hold each pony, j as the complaisant auctioneer called for , bids and proceeded to knock the Mus- i tangs off to the highest bidder. When the sale was over, and the matter j summed np, Mr. Newcome fonnd that he was the owner of twenty-three wild . horses, for which Le paid at the rate of seventy dollars each, amounting in the , aggregate to the handsome sum of six teen hundred and ten dollars ! But, as ! he then thought, he would realize, say, ' twenty-five dollars on each one, he paid j for the ponies cheerfully, and hired a I force of men and boys to escort his purchase to bis pastures, some six miles ! from town. Thus far Le was satisfid. j He soon made this important discovery : ! No fence on his farm would restrain ! those wild Mustangs. Ordinary fences j were leaped with astonishing ease, and j those too high to jump, were broken j . a s i : ' tnrougn or inrown aown, uu uie pomes roamed at will over the farm. Two of his colored men, in attempting to catch the fugitive animals, had been severely kicked, and were in the doctor's Lands, and things began to look stormy all over that once quiet place 1 But farmer Newcome was equal to the emergency. At an expense of one hundred and fifty dollars, Le placed about a five acre lot a tremendously bigh and strong fence, and by the aid of his neighbors succeeded in corraling the nnrnly ponies in the inclosure, and all things being now safe and quiet, he went back to his books on natural his tory, and to the work of counting np his gains, that were to be made in the speculation. So possessed of this mat ter did he become, that good Mrs. Newcome declared that her husband dreamed of lassoiug Wild Mustangs on the prairies, night after night, and that bis shrieks and hallowing, not only broke in on the midnight Lour, and disturbed the slumbers of the inmates of the farm house, but of the entire community as well I Things were com iEg to a crisis ! Sometime after this, the fame of the wild ponies having spread for many miles over the country, farmer from a distance called on Mr. Newcome, with a view of making a purchase. The con versation ran this : "I hear, Mr. Newcome, that yon have some choice Mustangs for sale !" "Yes, sir, the best lot this side of Texas." "Do yon think they can be made of service on the farm ?" "I hav'ut a doubt of it," replied Newcome. 'Will they work in harness are they easily handled ?" "Well, yes, I reckon they are." "Ilave yon tried them ?" Well no not exactly, but I know they will work almost anywhere." "Suppose we have one put in harness now ; 1 would much like to see it done." Mr. Newcome's reply came slowly "Don't yon think, neighbor, that it is late now to harness a Mustang, and prove him? Why it is almost sundown 1 Wait till to-morrow morning, and then I promise yon drive behind one of the finest ponies in the State." The gentleman concluded to wait till the morrow, and was shown to the par lor. Mr. Newcome excused himself, and went out hastily to arrange for the coming equestrian feat. "Brother Bitner," said Le to a young stalwart horseman whom he met near the milL "I want yonr assihtanee early in the morning." "Certainly, sir," replied that worthy. "You won't fail me. Brother Bitner?" "Fail you! Have lever failed yon? yon can count on me for any emergency, from hiving bees to 6kiiiniDg a wild cat. "YonTl do : Meet me at the Mustang Corrall early to-morrow morning ; and, do you hear me ? bring the colored men withyou for there is warm work ahead." "Have the Al U tangs Droaen out ui the fold again ?" . j "No, not exactly but the truth is j Brother Bitner, there a man nere wno wants to make s purchase to-morrow, and we must break in one of the Mus tangs far Lim ; yon understand what I mean" . Bitner tamed pale, and trembled in every limb. He was no coward, but he had an idea of what was coming on the morrow. He answered hesitatingly through his chattering teeth "I-I-IT1 try an-and be-be-the-there ! At the early dawn. Farmer Newcome. Brother Bitner, and some half dozen colored men were at the corrall, armed with ropes, lines, harness, &&, and after a terrible straggle they succeeded in capturing the least wild of the ponies. put the harness on him, and attached him to a heavy two-wheeled vehicle, which in country was called a two-seated sulkey. The men led the harnessed Mustang several times around the in closure, and at last the farmer and Bitner ventured to seat themselves in the vehicle, and drive slowly for short distance. The arrangements being re garded complete, Mr. Newcome went to the bonse for the gentleman who de sired to make the purchase. The two soon appeared on the scene. "Step into the sulkey," said farmer Newcome, "and be convinced of the safety and docility of these animals." "I much prefer yon to make the first drive, this morning." Said the gentle man. . "O, get in, there is no danger !" "No, I had rather not" 'Come, Brother Bitner, we mast show this gentleman how to manage a Mnstang " and the two seated them selves in the sulkey. "Open the gate, and give ns room," ahouten Newcome, as he drew np the reins ! In the twinkling of an eye, the vehicle was in rapid motion. Tfeey passed through the gate-way with the velocity of a cannon-shot. Bitner was pale, and Newcome had his blood np 1 On went the Mustang like a fury ! A wicked kick strayed out behind, and the dash board went flying through the air then Brother Bitner'a hat followed it I The bark was peeled from the trees, and the growing corn was tramped into the soft earth, and still that Mus tang went madly forward. They were nearing the mill-dam, and the bank was precipitous. "Good Lord deliver ns !" groaned Bitner. "Amen I" came from him who held the reins! i On the bank overhanging the mill-dam stood a large tree, and the fiery Mus tang was making directly for it. In a moment the shock came. The sulkey was completely wrecked, and the pony becoming disengaged from it, plnnged headlong into the water, followed by the two men who bad ventured on the daring ride ! The Mustang; entangled in the harness was drowned ; the colored men fished the two Jthtts ont of the water! Both were in a dilapidated condition. And then all of the colored men said to the half-drowned farmer. "Boss Newcome, dat gemman who came-here to buy Mustangs ax me to tell yon, dat he don't 'tink yonr bosses will suit him no how." "Where is he ?" "O, he's gwine away, he is ; 'taint no use to try to sell to him sah ; be leaves Lis compliments, and be leaves hisself sartain too !" When farmer Newcome Lad time to reckon up profit and loss, Le concluded that the Mustang business wouldn't pay, and he retired from it. He is still in the regular farming business and seems to prosper. His wife still affirms, that her husband dreams of wild hor ses, and occasionally jumps out of bed, in his sleep, thinking that he has fallen into a mill-dam. Brother Bitner has quit the pony business too. Journal of Agriculture, " I.oie and Nelfislinesi. Selfishness is death. Think of one who has no throb outside of himself ; is he not entombed in a grave more dark than that of earth ? The moment one begins to love, if only a dog, he begins to live. To love something that is different from one's self a flower, a star, a human soul what power is in it, what stir of all the faculties ! O, the manifold life of love! How it flows and streams away on every side, in love of father and mother, brother and sis ter, husband and wife, and friend, and little children, of the tiniest speck and grandest orb. We rejoice in all things. Every sound is a delight. The very worm beneath onr feet thrills ns. We are alive all over. There's not a throb, a thonirht. a aen-c But opeoa iuto ued'a maitninoepce. We cannot know this life until we experience it. How sweet and deep it is, to what heights it leads, to what amplitudes conducts, to what knowl edge, purer vision, beauty and ecstacy ! Feed the body with a thousand plea sures and it is the same dead thing always. Only the spirit is capable of a multiplied life, and to the loving spirit the very stocks and stones open into avenues of glory. Love is the magi cian's wand that shows the secret riches of the most barren spot. It is Aladin's lamp that compels the finest ministries. How weak we are when we are selfish ! How strong when we are loving, how varied, how manifold ! It is, indeed, more blessed to give than to receive ; for giving is the most receptive of all acts. We give from the finite, bat we receive from the Infinite. Love is crea tive. It is continually producing, un folding, enlarging, sweeping into new forms of beauty and power. Selfish ness withers, compresses, annihilates. It is the grave. Love is resurgent, triumphant, immortal, unbounded. It comprehends all, assimilates all, achieves all ; in a word, it is life. Aa Icelandic Festival. The Cologne Gazette says : "Iceland has in contemplation this year to cele brate the thousandth year since the set tlement of the island (874). As early as 660 a Dane named Gardar was drifted from Scotland in stormy weather north ward to an unknown coast. He wintered in the country, and called it Gardars holm. Shortly thereafter a Norwegian, Nadod, was also drifted there. In 868 the island was visited by another Nor wegian, Floke, who remained for a year there, and called it Island. Ingolf, driven into exile on account of cruelties perpetrated by the Norwegian King Hagar Haarsager, proceeded in 874 with his foster-brother to Iceland, and there founded the earliest settlements. These were near the place where Keikjavik, the capital of the island, now stands. Others followed the two brothers, and the island was soon inhabited. From Iceland, Greenland, as is known, was discovered, and from it hardy Norse seamen, about the year 1000, reached that part of the coast of the American continent now forming Massachusetts. It is, consequently, not without eome historical justification that the celebra ted Norwegian violinist, Ole Bull, has been collecting subscriptions at con-Aoi-ta amnnv his countrymen to erect monument to the -Norwegian, Lief Erikson, the first discoverer of America, as the latter touched American ground from 400 to 500 years before Columbus, and there are indications that the Ge noese waa not only acquainted with the voyages of the old Nona sailors to America, but that they were not with out influence on his plan and its execution. The Lui or the House of Era-tania. Those who walk down the beautiful Calle del Tajo, in Lisbon, at two o'clock in the afternoon, will almost invariably meet, at that time, at the book-store of Xegra & Co., a small, delicate gentle man, of thirty-five or forty, closely shaved, with a round, dusky face, and close-cropped black hair. He is gene rally accompanied by a shriveled-up old man of seventy, with large, gold-rimmed spectacles, the very embodiment of a book-worm. Everybody treats these two gentlemen with extreme deference, and piles of new books and periodicals are placed before the younger of the two gentlemen without Lis asking for them. He glances at them through his binocle, and selects a number of them, which he shows to the elder gentleman. The latter nods his approval, or shakes his head ; the books thus sanctioned are laid aside, and the two, reveren tially greeted by the clerks and proprie tors, leave the store. The younger of them is the King of Portugal, the elder his old teacher and governor, Dom Tamisio Nunar. The king, still a young man, with any thing but an intellectual lace, is tne last male scion of the European branch of the celebrated house of Braganza, and, strange to say, Lis tastes and habits are so unlike those of his predecessors, for centuries past, that the people of Lis bon call him "O Novo" (The New One, or the Eccentric One. ) Although mar ried to an ambitious and restless wife. Dona Maria Pia, the favorite daughter ofTictor Emmanuel, and, notwithstand ing the extraordinary chances for ag grandizement which lie had, especially since the dethronement of Isabella IL of Spain, the present King of Portugal, with the blood ol At aria da Ulona and Dom Miguel in his veins, has led an almost pastoral life, devoting almost his whole time to the study ot literature and. whenever he has to decide a politi cal question, invariably solves it in a liberal sense. His principal source of delight ia his private library. To its enlargement he devotes most of Lis in come. Familiar with all the Latin lan guages, he has collected, within the past fifteen years, some thirty thousand volumes, embracing the choicest works of Spanish, Italian, French, and Portu guese authors. In 1S69 he visited the French Academy in Paris, and had a regular debate there with Messrs. De Sacy, Barante, and other tavants emi nent in their knowledge. To their as tonishment, they found that the king knew far more about the subject dis onssed than they who had devoted their life and studies to it ; and, to cap the climax, his majesty completely per plexed them by submitting four knotty passages from "Los Lusiates," which they were nnable to interpret correctly. The qneen has different tastes. She lives apart from her husband, at the country-seat of La Tarta. The king has j hardly any companions but his above-1 mentioned old tutor. Dom Dr. Nunar is the first living scholar in Portugal. He lives, like his king, for the latter's library. He has published a valuable work on Latin bibliography entitled j "The Treasures of Lusitanian Litera ture," a great portion of which was written by his pupil, the king. J Once or twice a week the King of Por- tngal makes the rounds of the lyceums of Lisbon. The professors receive him I in a respectful ' but simple manner, j knowing, as they do, that his majesty ' dislikes nothing so much as needless J ceremonies. The king on those occa-' sions visits all classes, and takes delight in putting questions to the pupils. Once a French professor, during such an ex tempore examination, in his enthusiasm complimented the royal examiner by exclaiming, "Sire, what a pity it is that you are not a teacher yourself !" It is, perhaps, result of this royal solicitude for the educational establish ments of Lisbon, that the high-schools in that city rank among the best in the world. This change has been brought about, through the present king's influ ence, since 1858. Previous to that time Lisbon had but two lyceums, with an aggregate of four hundred pupils. jkevue Hcpublicaine, Early Marriage. There are hundreds of yonng men that should be married who are not married. To marry early is discreet and wise. And when men and women are of a marriageable age, I think it to be. in general, true, that it is whole some for them to be married. It is not necessary that they should remain sin gle because they stand in poverty ; for two can live cheaper than one, if they live with discretion, if they live with co-operative zeal, if they live as they ought to live. If the yonng man is willing to seem poor when he is poor ; if the yonng woman, being poor, is will ing to live poorly ; if they are willing to plant their lives together like two seeds and wait for their growth, and look for their abundance by and by, when they have fairly earned it, then it is good thing for them to come early into this partnership. For characters adapt themselves to each other in the early periods of life far more easily than they do afterwards. They who marry early are like vines growing together, and twining round and round each other ; whereas, multitudes of those who marry late in life stand side by side like two iron columns, which, being separated at the beginning, never come any nearer to each other. There is no school which God ever opened, or permitted to be opened, which yonng people can so ill afford to avoid as the school of care and responsibility and labor in the house hold, and a young man and young woman marrying, no matter from what source they came together, no matter how high their fathers have stood, one of the most wholesome things that they io, having married for love, and with discretion, is to be willing to begin at the bottom, and bear the burdens of household life so that they shall have its educations I tell you, there are pleasures which many yonng married people miss. I would not give up the first two years of my married life for all I have now. I live in a big house, with brown stone front, and very fairly furnished ; but; after all, among the choicest experiences of my life were those which I passed through in Indi ana, when I hired two chambers up stairs ; when all my furniture was given to me, and was second-hand at that ; and when the very clothes which I had on my back had been worn by Judge Birney before me. We were not able to hire a servant. We had to serve ourselves. It was a study every day how to get long with our small means and it was a atudy never to be for gotten. I owe many of the pleasures which have run through my life to being willing to begin where I had to begin, and to fight poverty with love, and to overcome it, and to leam how to live in service and helpfulness, and in all the thousand ingenuities which love sweetens and makes more and more delightful. Beeeher. Teaching; Tailors. "The tailor stays thy leisure." He can a tale unfold, and hereby hangs our tale. Tailors, or clothiers, may be allowed to claim an older professional pedigree than any other craft, for the primal pair in f aradise labncated and invested themselves with a certain kind of clothinsr, although we admit it was nothing to boast about. Costume of any kind, indeed, seems not to have been much in demand among the an cients while they dwelt in the tropics ; but, when they wandered into colder climes, they found that clothing was very convenient ; hence in process of time, and in civilized society, the tailor became a necessity. Costume may be said to have a con trolling influence over conduct and character. Dress a person well, and, other things being equal, he will be the more inclined to act well. Self-respect is fostered and fed by cleanliness and good clothing. Dress has undoubtedly a moral effect upon the conduct ; negli gence of dress begets negligence of address. Tailors, therefore, are among those who conserve good habits and manners. We all know the importance of outward appearances ; and, since so much of our success iu life is often covered up in broadcloth, it is politic for ns to keep on good terms with our tailor. "A tailor make a man? Ay, sir, a tailor !" Titian on one occasion was passing through a street in Milan in his working-gark, all unnoticed by the Txmulace. He returned home. and. arrayed in his courtly costume of pur- j pie velvet, reappeared in public, when everybody did him homage. Ot returning to his studio he took off his long velvet cloak, and, throwing it upon the gronnd, exclaimed : "Thou then, art Titian so much for drapery I" It was this same Titian, who one dav droDniurz his brush, Charles V., who was in hisj studio, picked it up, and, presenting it to the astonished artist, said, "It be comes Cffijar to serve Titian !" If Titian was nothing to the common people without his robe, we see how very un wise it would be for any one else to disparage his tailor. He it is, we mast remember, who helps as to cut a good figure in society ; and it would be suicidal for us to cut him ! By-the-way, the term tailor, being derived from taillcr, to cut, is very significant and suggestive of the fact that, by the cutting of our clothes, the tailor virtually determines onr destiny. He forms onr habits, and these form our characters, and character is destiny. It is of prime importance, therefore, that our tailor's habits prove suitable and proper, as well as profitable, before we adopt tuem. tor mere is not a metamorphosis in all Ovid so wonderful as that which the great magician of the shears and thimble is capable of effect ing. The tailor, therefore, it is evident, makes the man, as Ben Jonson said ; and, as many a brainless member of the beau monde has proved, Praxiteles himself could scarcely do more than the tailor. The business of draping the human form in the earliest or patriarchal ages appears to have devolved principally upon the daughters of Eve, the princi pal article of dress being an ample woolen garment a cloak by day and a couch by night serving, as it seems, the double purpose, like Goldsmith's stocking, which at night he drew from his foot to place on his head. The Saxons carried their own fashions with them into England, and one of these yet prevails there the smock-frock, which is the Saxon tunic without the belt. The Saxons tenaciously held for centuries to a fixed fashion. The Danes" introduced fashions that sadly per plexed the simple tailors of old Anglia. The former, in the days of their pagan ism, wore black garments ; when they came to England, they even surpassed the Anglo-Saxons in the gayety of their appareL The Normans, to a great ex tent, adopted the smock-frock of the Saxons, modifying it somewhat, and lining it with fur for winter wear ; so that the modern blouse, or wide-awake, may be considered its legitimate de scendant. In spite of the mutations of Time, some of the distinctive liveries of re mote periods still continue in vogue in Old England. For example, the Thames watermen wear the style of dress of the reign of Elizabeth ; the royal "beef eaters" buffetiers) wear that of the private soldiers of the time of Henry VIL ; the "blue-coat" boy that of Ed ward VL ; and the London charity children that of Queen Anne. The costume of students of Oxford and Cambridge dates back, we believe, to the days of Mary the Paptist ; while the military red-coat is traceable as far back as the Lacedaemonians. We must not touch upon, the cariosi ties of costame, however, although the topic is a tempting one. With some of the butterfly votaries and fops of Fashion, to be out of the mode is a dire calamity; yet the gallant Sir Walter Kaleigh is reported to have once said, in repudiating the use of excessively gay garments, "No man is esteemed for his tine attire but by fools and women." Whatever may justly be charged against the eccentricities of dress and iu ex travagance in times when sumptuary laws were demanded for their correc tion, we must not ignore the lavish expenditure, unpicturesquenees, and absurdity, of much of our modern ap pareL It is hardly fair, therefore, to make fun of the figures of our fore fathers when we ourselves cannot be cited as models either of taste or economy. Much has been justly claimed for the representatives of the sartorial art ; and manifold are the notable names that have shed lustre upon their annals. On the other hand, it is to be conceded that much absurd raillery has been in flicted upon both them and the imple ments of their handicraft. Let us first glance at some of the sarcasms referred to. Bat what is there, forsooth, in the insignia of their trade that any unpre judiced mind should take exception to ? Why should thimble, thread and needle, shears, and goose, be made the theme of ridicule ? Or why should the indi viduals who represent the aforesaid articles share in the general sarcasm ? Is any one prepared to affirm that their wit is not as sharp-edged as their shears, or that their penchant for a certain species of poultry is to be deprecated, or that their ambition is to be deemed a low one becanse it is not above but tons ? Fickle Fortune and false friends may forsake ns ; the doctor may poison ns with his doses and his drugs ; while the lawyer may drive us mad with his dog-Latin and delay ; but onr faithful friend the tailor, if we only pay his bill, will never leave us unprotected or ex posed to the chills of winter or heats of summer in a word, will never leave as nonsuited. The lovely Southern female swindler, who has owed much of her success to her knack of transforming herself from a brunette into a blonde, has at last found that it won't "wash" not even "auriferous." An Intelligent Bird. The Cardinal Grosbeak, commonly known as the red-bird, is quite a favor ite in those localities which he makes his home. The plumage is beaRtiful and the tones clear and varied. Being birds of song they are much sought after for the cage. But it is not our present intention to conuense well known facts from the ample page of natural History, we simply desire to tell a little story. Last Summer a lady wandering among the cedars of Cardome discovered the nest of a grosbeak, and in the nest was a fledgling which she made captive. It was a wee thing and had to be reared with care. She trans ferred the nest with the bird in it to a cage, and then hung the cage to the limb of a pear tree. All day long the mother of the youngster hovered in the vicinity of the cage. You could not irignten ner away, in the morning and likewise in the evening she would gather insect food and carry it to her yonng, tenderly feeding it through the bars of the cage. At night she made her perch upon the limb beneath which swung the cage. As the fledgling grew larger and stronger, the mother became more attentive to it. For an honr at a time she would flutter around the cage and cluck to it, and it was evident from her actions that she was trying to en courage it to use its little wings as much as possible in ita narrow prison space. It was slow work, bnt the lessons were not wasted ; the young bird persevered and at last was able to fly or hop with confidence and certainty from perch to perch and from bar to bar. All this time a defective bar of the cage Lad been confined to its place by a little cord or string. The old bird may Lave studied the condition of affairs, but she did not molest the cord. She did not seek to arouse suspicion before her tender offspring bad the strength and courage to nse its wings. But as soon as the young bird was able to fly, :he watched her opportunity, and, when unobserved, went to work at the knot. She pecked away at the cord nntil the knot was untied, then poshed against the loose wire and displaced it so as to admit of a passage from prison to lib erty. It was a bold stroke, and there was a touch of genius in the whole per formance. When men pursue such tactics aa this bird pursued, we call the work generalship and - applaud the authors of it as heroes. Shall we not then admit that this scheming mother bird, in taking care of her captive yonng as she did, in teaching it to fly, and then in rescuing it from prison, waa guided by a higher, clearer and more intelligent light than that which comes under the head of blind, illogical instinct ? A Lucky Dodge. The Lowell Courier relates the fol lowing remarkable incident, which i declares to be we!l vouched for: "Many years ago Mr. Abram Dodge, of the town of Ipswich, owned a beautiful horse, which was the pet of the family. He was admired by all who knew his playfulness and good qualifications. In the summer it was Mr. Dodge's habit occasionally to have a frolic with his horse in his barn-yard, then let him out alone and he would go to the river, which was about one-third of a mile distant, where he would bathe, then go to a common and roll on the grass, and then with the freedom of air start for his home. His stable was renovated for bim while he was gone and his breakfast pnt in his crib. If he met his master he would show some coltish pranks, bound for the stable, pall oat the wooden pin that fastened the door with his teeth, and rush to the manger, where he was expected to find his food. One night the horse was stolen from the stable. After the expiration of six teen years Mr. Dodge was at the tavern, when a man drove a horse np to the door. Mr. Dodge at once recognized Lis Lorse, and he told the driver his reason for believing it to be his ; the man told of wIkti he had bought the horse, and said Li had owned him for several years. Mr. Dodge claimed his horse, and it was finally agreed that if the horse would, on being taken to his old stable, go through the hr.bit of bath ing, rolling on the grass, md pulling the pin from the stable door, as above described, that Mr. Dodge should have him. When the horse was let out into his old yard he reviewed the premises for a moment, then started for his old bath-tub, then for his green towel on the common, then to his old stable, pulled the wooden pin, won for himself a good meal, and his old master his favorite horse." Guj Fawkea's Day. Charles Warren Stoddart writes from London to describe Gny Fawkes's Day. He says: "Before we had risen from the table a motley crew of chunky English boys stole in at the street-gate, and ranging themselves under our window, began to repeat in the rapidest possible English some verses about poor Guy and his gunpowder, and all that un happy plot that missed fire. Then came the cheers and 'God bless the Q-ieen,' which last refrain was merely a tag, I fancy, that didn't mean half as much as it implied ; at any rate, the young sters rattled it off with a jovial air, as though they had been saying, 'That lets us ont,' or something in the same vein. Of course we were all at the window by this time ; there we saw a half dozen urchins with their faces painted like theatrical Mod oca, and in their midst they bore an effigy of some thing that was perhaps meant for Guy, but it might have been passed for any thing under the sun ; it was a staffed suit of sorry old clothes, a mask and a cocked hat, and the figure tied into an old chair, which was poshed about in a wheelbarrow. Having completed their entertainment they bowed and scraped as only these English boys can, with a comical and characteristic grace, where upon we threw them a few coppers and they withdrew to the next lodge, where the same performance was repeated and not without profit. Every year these youngsters have great fan, trundling their Gay about and reaping handfols of pennies. They are supposed to ex pend the sum total in a grand bonfire at night, when poor Gay is burned, to the infuriate joy of all young heretics. I saw at least twenty of those dummies, of all descriptions, followed by mobs of children, whose chief delight it was to pipe at the top of their lungs and keep up the excitement, while the larger boys went about industriously gathering pennies. It appears, from the report of the Southern Claims Commission, that the gross amount of claims filed is $60,000, 000, and the aggregate amount passed on, $10,000,000, there remaining 17,000 claims, amounting to 850,000,000, to be adjudicated. The amount claimed in the whole number of cases reported is $4,718,891, and the amount allowed in settlement of the 1,093 approved claims is $644,365, an average allowance of $300 to each claimant. Youths Column. The Paestzb axd thb Archtrct A Mongolian Story. A long time ago there lived a khan whose name was Gonisschang. At his death his son, Chamnk Sakikt Khan, succeeded Lim. Under these chiefs lived a painter and an architect, who bore the same name, bat had a great hatred to each other. One day the painter Gun ga approached the khan, and said : "Thy father, who is now in the king dom of Tancrari (the Mongol Paradise). lately appealed to me and said, Come to me.' I accordingly went, and fonnd him in great power and sway. He Las sent this letter to you by me " lie accordinKly handed the khan a letter which contained these words : Thi letter to my ton. Chamut Sa kikt, greeting. ben I quitted life on earth, I was received into Tangari land. Here is everything in abundance. As I wish to erect a magnificent pagoda, and find no workers in wood in the place, you will send me forthwith the architect, Gnnga. The painter, Gnnga. will instruct him how to perform the journey." IhekJian was delicrhted to hear from his father, and ordered the architect to be called. When he appeared, he said to him : My father is dwelling in great state in Tangari land. He can get no worker in wood to raise a pagoda, and so he requires yon to com to him. The painter, Gunga, will give yon direction how to make the journey. Here is the letter." "Ah," said the architect to himself. "this is my namesake's doing : but. perhaps, I may disappoint him." Said he to the painter, "How am I to get to Tangari land ?'' Very easily," said Le. "Heap to gether a pile of dry sticks ; lay your tools on top ; sit upon them and sing the holy hymn. Then set fire to the pile, and in a few minutes vou will find yourself in Tangari." "V ery well, said he : and the khan allowed him a week for preparation. He be iran and scooDad out a Dassafe under gronnd from his house to the field, and over where the outer opening would be he piled the wood, leaving a chimney from the top of the pile down to mat entrance, tie set his tools on the top, and at the appointed time, he sat among them, and sang his hymn. Fire was pot to the pile, and the smoke rose, and the ingenious man slipped down through his stiff clothes and Lis Lead -dress, which still remained in sight when he was down safe in the cool passage. He stopped the entrance as .,i l . v.. .....11 ... i i i. and cinders would do the rest. He staid at home without showing himself to anybody, and wasned his head every day in milk. At the end of a month he presented himself before the khan, with his head and face all white, and a white silk robe round him. "Oh," cned the khau, "have you re turned from Tangari land? Is my father well ?" "He is well," answered the architect. "After I Lad finished my work, he sent me back to earth with this letter." The khan took the letter, and read oat : "This letter to my ton, Cnamuk Sa kikt, greeting. "1 am glad that you are ruling your kingdom well. As the architect. Gangs, has done his work to my satisfaction, he is deserving of a reward. Nothing re mains to the finishing of the building but the painting. You will accordingly send me the painter, Gunga. The bearer wiU instruct him how to come. The khan was rejoiced, and ordered rich presents to be brought to the archi tect. He then sent in all haste for the painter, who could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the architect in his silk dress, and the neb presents hanging about him. Why. he is not dead at all !" said he to himself. "Psead this letter," said the khan. "Your turn comes next." The painter said to himself : "Surely, if he could go, and come back safe, why mightn't I ? I'll go and get the reward." In seven days a great collection of dry sticks was piled np, and the painter took his seat on the top with his paint ing materials and tools, and the pile was lighted. Ah, the poor wretch 1 A great cry was heard, but it was drowned by the drums and trumpets, and no message or messenger ever came again from Tangari land. A BatArnm. Incident. A poor Arab traveling in the desert met with a spring of clear, sweet, sparkling water. Used as he was only to brackish wells, such water as this, appeared to his simple mind worthy of a monarch, and filling his leathern bottle from the spring, Le determined to go and present it to the Caliph himself. The poor man traveled a long way before he reached the presence of his sovereign and laid his humble offering at bis feet. The Caliph did not despise the little gift, brought to him with so much trouble. He ordered some of the water to be poured into a cup, drank it, and thanking the Arab with a smile, or dered him to be presented with a re ward. The courtiers around pressed forward, eager to taste of the wonderful water ; bat, to the surprise of all, the Caliph forbade them to touch a single drop. After the poor Arab had quitted the royal presence with a light and joyful heart, the Caliph turned to his cour tiers, and thus explained his conduct : "During the travels of the Arab," said he, "the water in his leathern bottle became impure and distastefoL But it was an offering of love, and as such 1 have received it with pleasure. But I well knew that had I suffered another to partake of it, he would not have con cealed his disgust ; and therefore I forbade you to touch the draught, lest the heart of the poor man should have been wounded." Chasads. I am a word of five sylla bles; of which my first and second make the nameof a huge serpent, strong enough to crash an. ox to death, and large enough to swallow him whole ; my third and fourth are a cube usually made of ivory ; my fifth is a vowel, and an article much used ; and my whole is the name of a British queen who burnt j London, destroyed seventy thousand of its people, and afterwards poisoned j nerseu oecause tieieaieu in a oatue with her enemies. A ntwer . Boadecia. The following story is related of the late Judge Grier of how he set aside the unjust verdict of a jury against an un popular man, with this remark : "Enter the verdict, Mr. Clerk. Enter also, set aside by the court.' I want it to be un derstood that it takes thirteen men to steal a man's farm in this court." Sacramento shipped $730,000 worth of fruit last year. An old' bell in one of the London churches bears the date 1428. The ex -King of Naples ia living quietly on the outskirts of Paris. No gift of God does or can contradict any other gift, except by misuse or mis direction. A lady clergyman at Kittery, Me., re cently performed the marriage cere mony for her son. A central railway station is to be erec ted in Dublin, at a cost of seven hun dred thousand pounds sterling. Paris proposes to extend the comforts of home to Americans by taxing all visi tors daring their stay in the French metropolis. More marriages are said to take place in Boston on New Year's day and Thanksgiving day than any other dy in tne year. A pennyweight of silver in England is now represented by eight grains Troy. In the middle of the thirteenth century it was twenty-fonr grains Troy. Italy is receiving corn from America to make into whiskey. During October, Boston sent 2,000 barrels of whiskey to Turkey. Number of Bibles sent; 'not stated. As it is a Christian duty to love others it is likewise obligatory on us to use all helps that may make ns lovely, and warm ourselves into the good affections of those around us. The big rhinoceros, the pride of the London Zoological Gardens,is no more. He succumbed to a severe attack of in digestion, and died in the bosom of his family. He leaves a widow and an in fant son to mourn his loss. The late Mr. Van Dyke, of New Hampshire, didn't set much value atwn the tears of his heir. Having left $140,000, he requested that no one should "snufiid and shed crocodile tears at Lis funeral, but cover Lim over and then hurry home to fight over his money." It is related of one of the children of Mr. Sigonrney of Boston, whose family was lost on the Ville da Havre, that, prior to their sailing, though elated with the prospect of a voyage, she per sisted in saying: "But we are all going to be drowned !" Had they reached France in safety, nothing would have been thought of the childish expression but now it is remembered as almost prophetic. Very near where the remains of Eliza beth Barret Browning rest, in the Pro testant graveyard at Florence, lie the remains of Fanny Waugh Hnnt, wife of Holman Hunt, the distinguished English artist. She died here in the first year of her marriage. On the marble above her remains are inscribed the words : "When thou passeth through the waters I will be with thee ; and throogh the " floods, they shall not overthrow thee. Be not afraid. Love is stronger than death. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it." The Siamese twins were excellent farmers, and superintended all the work upon their plantations. They could hoe and plow, and were very dexterous in using the axe. They built several log cabins themselves, and could put up the corner of a t wo-story house as quickly as any other two men. As traders, es pecially in live stock, they won quite a reputation. In making a bargain they would obtain all the points in the case and then withdraw, and under the plea that two heads were better than one, consult with each other as to the best course to pursue. The receipts of tea in Great Britain have steadily fallen off during the last three years, although the consumption has increased. The decrease has been in the trade in tea with the Continent of Europe, whose buyers are now making direct shipments from China. The con sumption in the United Kingdom in 1871 amounted to 123,500,000 pounds ; in 1 872 it increased to 1 27,730,000 pounds, and reached in 1HZI 132,000,000 ponnds. The exports of tea from the United Kingdom were in 1871. 41,000,000 pounds; in 1?2, 38,500,000 ponnds, and in 1873, 32,500,000 ponnds. A beautiful porcelain medallion por trait supposed to represent Sir Walter Raleigh, and which was ploughed up in a field near Stratford, Westmoreland County, Virginia, in 1794, by a colored man, is now in the possession of a gen tleman of Leesburg, Va. The colors are as bright and fresh as if they had been just pnt on, and the whole piece, which is not much larger than a silver half-dollar, will bear the closest scrutiny under a magnifying glass, which indeed only develops ita faultless beauty of execution. The minutest points of de tail are given with photographic fidelity. The peculiarly brilliant and enduring coloring of this medallion belongs to the lost arts. The Library of Congress now contains 238,752 volumes, and about 43,000 pam phlets, but the restricted accommoda tions for the books makes a largo num ber of them useless. Over 12,000 vol umes were added during the year, and the books are now piled up in alcoves and on the floors of the library- Designs have been received for a new Ubrary building, which will be made to accom modate three or four times as many books as those already on hand, besides giving accommodations to the depart ment for the granting of copyrights. One of the interesting series of books to which additions Lave been made during the past year is that of English county histories. All but seven of the forty counties of England are now repre sented in the library, besides many of the town histories and the local histories and genealogies of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. A correspondent writes : "While re porting the proceedings of the Repub lican State Convention at Dallas, Ga., I met a colored preacher who, front a habit he has of commencing his ad dresses with the exclamation thrice re peated, Come to the Rock, has ac quired the name of 'Come-to-the-Rock Ben.' On one occasion, while a member of the Legislature, he advanced to the front of the Speaker's desk, and taking two rocks,' as small stones are called here, he struck them together, exclaim ing, "Come to the rock, and proceeded in a vigorous speech to address the House. His name is Benjamin Williams, and he has deservedly won the high regard of many in the State. His elo quence is ot a very mgn order, lie ia a colored Robert Collyer, having all the earnestness and pathos of the Yorkshire blacksmith, with more natural dramatio talent. Daring a period of temporary confusion in the Convention he gained the floor, and having exclaimed, "Come to the rock the rock of Republicanism and good fellowship, delivered a brief and magnetic speech which restored order and harmony. Some day I hope to hear and to report to you one of hia sermons. He is a man whom kindly circumstances might have made famous, and whose life-work, though quietly done, mast be very fruitful.