SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOMFN : Wednetflay. February 4. 1B74. Teun'a. e. e. time table. Passenger trains leav Mifflin Station aa folio! : BASTWABD. rhiadelphia Express, 1 25 a ra. Vast Una, I 20 i m. Hamaburt; Aecoamo., 11 2H am. Mill. 6 12 pm. Pacific Express, 10 13 am. Cincinnati Express, 8 bO p m. mirwiti. Pittsburg Express, 1 SO a in. Cincinnati Express, 2 2S a m. Pacific, 6 Ol) a m. 'War Passenger, 10 04 a nu Mail, J 38 p m. r ant Line, 6 S3 p m. Mifflin, Not 2, 187$. LOCJL ISTELLIGLKCM.. Countj Bonds are lell'mg. chbu? Reports ard otter matter passed over till next week. The canal presents tolerable ice for ekaiing. The working time of railroad men baa been increased to nino bonrs. The penalty Tor setting fire to a building in California is death. Legislative petitions are circulating h this county for the repeal of the Local Option. GO AND SEE The Original Bliti, at Graj bill's Hall, Saturday Afternoon and Evening. Licking Creek ice baa been shipped j the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to Ilarriaburg and A 1 toon a. A most encouraging revival season Las been vouchsafed to the i'errjsville Presbyterian Church this winter. A Ere last week destroyed the depot at 1221, Philadelphia, where the Mif flin market car men shipped to and from. Eleven persons joined Rev. Mr. Blackwelder'a church last Sunday, eight by confirmation, and three by certificate. BLITZ' MATINEE, Saturday Afternoon. Admission 25 i.d 15 cents. The llirhenbach farm one-half mile east of Mexico has been sold for eleven thousand dollars, to David Siebcr, of Fayette township. The population of Tyrone in sex is nearly balanced, there being in the town twelve hundred and sixteen males, asl twelve hundred and seventy-four females. An exchange says : There are 943 Odd Feilows in UeJforJ county, with an unexpended surplus in the treasu ries of the several lodges of $24,375. 95. Kev. Dr. Endtdey, pastor of the M. E. Church in Johnstown, Cambria Co., had a revival in his church, by which 24 pertens have professed a change of heart and j lined the church, and still the good work progresses. THE ORIGINAL CLITZ At Oraybill's Hall Saturday Afternoon and Evening, February 7lh. A strict ly moral entertainment. The Presbyterian aud Methodist ehnrcbes of Tyrone, have enjoyed en couraging seasons of revival this win ,ter. The former thereby have united to it fifty-five persons, and the latter one hundred and two persons. Two young men were arrested on Saturday evetiiog for misconduct in the M. E. Church cn Sunday a week, and bouud over by Justice Kreider for their appearance at court. The case, however, was settled on Monday. The Stauibaueh Store has been closed this -week, in consequence of the expected arrival of the body of Mr. Jacob Stambaugh, who died some 12 days ago, in Lower California. Hi remains will be conveyed from here to Ulocuifieli for interment. ORIGINAL SIGNOR BLITZ At Gray bill's Hall, Satuiday afternoon and evening, February 7 th. Moral en tertainment. Endorsed by the leading clergymen. Philip Rank, of Waller township, on the 24th tilt., attended a sale at Mexico, aud there purchased a house and lot, soon after be was stricken by paralysis, which destroyed the use of an arm and leg. Later information reports his condition somewhat im proved. A Distressing Ceazh causes the friends of the sufferer almost as much pain as the sufferer himself, and should receive immediate attention. Dr. is tars Balsam of Wild Cherry speedily ures coughs, cold, influenza, sore throat, ic. It will always relieve con sumption, and in many well-attested capes it has effected a perfect care. I BEG leave to state to the citizens of Mifflin, Pstterson and vicinity that it is sixteen years since 1 had the plea sure of appearing in your town. At that time I gave an entertainment in the Court House. Since then I have been a permanent resident of Philadel phia. Any person or persons appear ing before you since that time etsnming toy name, was deceiving the public. At the earnest solicitations ef nu tnerons frknda I have concluded to pay yon another visit. Any person not satisfied that tbey have seen the origi nal lihtx, cau have tbeir money re funded at the close of the entertain tnent. Hoping to Bee all my old friends and many new ones, I remain ' Very respectfully, SIGNOR BLITZ. LITTLE BOBBY And tie Learned Canaries, At Graybill's Hall, Saturday Afternoen and Evening, February 7th. -m PtBue Salks. Joseph Carvell will sell at bis resi dence in Delaware township, near Cross Roads, on Wednesday, February llth, 1874, four horses, lot of cattle, four hogs, wagons andjsrming utensils, cidei press, 5000 feet of oak lumber, plank and boards, chestnut, pine and poplar boaids, ash p?aok, 1000 new chestuut rails and 200 good cbeatnet posts. Sale at i0 o'clock. S. W. Kauffman will sell at his resi dence in Walker township, two miles southeast ot Oakland Mills, on Tburs day, February 12th, 1874, two mares, 3 bay horse cold three years old, 1 twa year old colt, 1 yearling eolt, 1 cow, 1 fat steer, 3 beef steers, or stock cattle, 1 four-horse wagon and bed, 1 cook stove. - Also, at the same time aud place, at privale sale, 2 colts one year old. Sale at 11 o'clock. Ephraim Flannels will sell at public sale, at his residence in Fayette town ship, 1 mileast of McAlisterville, on February ICth, one extra fine family horse one good read mule, 3 durham calves, 8 Leicester and Southdown bheep, 2 sows with pigs, and farming implements. Sale at 10 o'clock. S. TJ. Meyers will offer at public sale at his residence in Fayette township, one mile west of McAlisterville, on Feb. ISth, two horses, one mare with foal, 2 extra fine colts 3 years old, 3 good colts 2 years old, 1 full blood durhatu -tnH calf 14 months old, 2 dur cows S blood, 1 dnrham cow t blood, 2 durham heifers i blood, with calf; 2 dnrham he.fers 1 blood, 2 calves, 6 ebeep, bay by the ton, wagons, thresh ing machine and other farming utensils. Sale at 10 o'clock. Mr. Meyers will also sell household property on the 4th day of March. Jacob C. Weaver will offer at public sale, at bis residence in Walker twp., 1 mile west of Mexico, on Feb. 19th, three Worses, 1 good driving mare, one mare with foal, 1 good 3-year old colt, 1 cow, 1 heifer, 1 bull, 3 young cattle, 4 sheep. 2 wigons, sled, fanning mill, mower, and other farming implements. Sale at 10 o'clock. The Administrators of the estate of Ja cob Thomas, Sr., deceased, will sell at the late residence ol said deceased, in Fer managh township, on Thursday, February 19, lc?4, three held of bones, 1 colt, 2 first class moles 2 years old, 4 cows, 2 f-esb, 9 brad young cattle. 4 shoats, 4 wagons, one buggy, reaper and many other farming ulen mIs; also household furniture. Sale at 10 o'clock. Jacob f-bellenberger will sell at hi residence in Walker township, 2i miles east of Mexico, on Friday, February 20th, 1 874, two snares with foal, one horse, 1 three year old colt, 1 two year old colt, 1 one year old colt, 3 cows, 1 ealf, 2 shoats, 1 gram reaper, 1 bngcy. 1 wagon, farming implements, 1 set of limeburner's tools, also, a fine lot of China and Brahma poultry. Sale at 10 o'clock. Joseph Auker and Benjamin Moore will sell at the residence of the former in Walker township, one mile north of Mexico, on Feb. 23rd, 3 or 4 horses, 2 cows, 4 young cattle, and a large lot of farming utensils. Sale at 10 o'clock. Michael Cold re n will sell at his residence at Tan Wert, Walker township, on Feoru ary 24, 18T4, three horses, 1 irare with foal, 2 yearling colu, 2 cows, 3 head young rat tle, 1 two-year old bull, 1 thresher and sep arator, reaper, wagons, and other farmiej utensils. Sale at 10 o'clock. Jonathan Riser will sell on the farm of Abraham Lukens, in Delaware town ship, oppokite Thompson's Station, on Wednesday, February 25th, 1S74, two mares, 2 three year old colts, 1 year iicg eolt, 1 cows, 1 Urge fat bull, two fat steers, 1 Alderney bull, 1 heifer, hay, cornfodder and straw, reaper, f rain drill, com planter, wagons and farming ntensils. Sale at 10 o clock. George Heikes will sell at public sale, at his residence in Milford town ship, on Feb. 25tb, six hones, 1 colt, six young cattle, 3 calves, 3 wagons threshing machine and other farming implements. Sale at 10 o'clock. Daniel Rickenbacb will offer at pub lie sale, at his residence in W alker twp., one half mile east of Mexico, on Thursday, Feb. 2Cih, two hcrses, two mares, t colts, 1 thorough-bred Uur bam bull, 24 years o'd , 1 York State Durham heifer, 2 years old ; 1 white Durham bull, straight borns, 2 years old ; 1 Durham calf, 6 months old ; 2 freb cows, 4 cows all coming iuto prof it between this date and harvest ; four head of young cattle, 11 bead of sheep, 2 sows, each 7 pig, 8 shoats, 1 Excel sior combined reaper and mower, ar ranged for three horse ; etraw by the ton, cornfodder by the sheaf, 170 chest nut rails, 40 locust posts, 100 chickens, and a large lot of farming ntensils. Sale atv10 o'clock. J. S. Witmer will sell at public sale, at bis residence in Fayette township, on Feb. 6tb, two mares, one with foal, 1 horse, 4 colts, 5 milk cows, 6 young cattle, lot of shoats, 1 sow with pigs, 1 reaper, threshiug rracbtne, wagons, and other farming utensils ; also house hold furniture. Sale at 10 o'clock. Henry H. Brubaker will sell at pub lic sale, at bis residence in Fayette twp., one-balf mile east of MeAlister ville, on Feb. 27th, one horse, 1 mare with foal, 1 driving niaro, 1 bay brood mare, 1 colt, 3 cows, two being fresh, 1 durham cow with calf at ber side, 1 (otswold tnck, 1 Leicester buck, 28 bead of sheep, three wagons and other farming implements. Sale at 10 o'clock. Stephen Reno will sell at his resi dence Ju Fermanagh tcwnshinoaTu day, Marob 3rd, 1874,-bis live stock and farming implements. Jnde Tyson will sell at public sale, at bis residence on the Shaman proper ty, one tntle northwest of Mexico, on March 6th, five horses, 1 mare with foal, 2 colts, 8 cows, 10 bead of young cattle, 2 York State bulls, 2 York State heifers, 1 blood cow, 6 shoats, wagons, reaper and other farming implements. Sale at 10 o'clock. 3. L. Moore will sell on the Black Rock Farm, one-balf mile south of Centre church, la Walker township, on Tuesday, March 10, 1874, Two or three horses, fire bead of Durham and Alderney cattle, 1 top boggy, 1 Eagle Separator and power, 1 grain drill. 1 rock and stamp puller, and other farming implements, potatoes, bacon, and other ar ticles. Sale at 10 o'clock. Altoooa and Hollidaysburg sports ge to the mountain to have "rooster or cock fights." They'd make good citi zens ot Spain or Mexico. BLITZ AT GRAYBILL'S HALL- GIUSD MJTINEE For Ladies and Children, Saturday Afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Ad mission 5 and 15 cents to all parts of the Hall. News from Mifflin County. Bt LSWISTOWN PAPKKS. The Chiei Burgess offer a reward of $10 for information that will convict the person who threw a atone into a window of the "Town Hall." Bub Akera is not at large as was re ported bome time ago. The Africau Methodist are building a new church on Juniata street, in the west end of town. The present pas tor, Elder Uudkins, is a white man, and seems to be popular amongst the brethren. Tbe protracted meeting at Logan, under charge of Rev. J. R. Akers, has so far resulted in the conversion of sixty-six souls, and the interest is still in creasing. Tramps are becoming a nuisance. Some may be dxserving of kiudness aud food, but too many are bold, reckless and insulting, epe:ially wheu they fiud no men about. A boy named Win. Quay broke through the ice near the bridge on Tuesday of last week, aud g t a cool bath which ought t keep him off weak ice is the future. J acob Bottorff, an employee at Manns' axe factory, while n.oving a grindstone with a crane on Friday. 231 olt-, miss ed his hold on the crank, which flying back, hit him in the face, breaking his nose and upper jaw, and knsckiug out most of his teeth. During the cold spell of two weeks apo, Sadie Furgnsnn, a sc'jolar in J. T. Roop's school at Reedsville, before school hours stood too closs by the stove, and the front of her clothes in a moment was in a blaze. Fortunately Mr. Roop was preseut, and hastened to her rescue. Though he burnt his bands severely, he speedily extinguished the flames, aud thus saved the little girl's life. - MA 11 HI ED; KEIGL.E LAUVEK Jan. 25, 1874, by EUas Land is, Mr. Frederick Reigle. of Sny der, ot Snider county, and Miss Catharine I auver. of this countv. DIED: BEALE At Ten.tla. III., Jan. 9, 1874, of diptheria, Mary Beale. aped 9 years, and on Jan. lntb, Juniata Beale, ajred 7 years, daughters of William and Elizabeth Be,Ja, formerly of Beulo township, this county, grandchildren of David Beale, Sr., dee'd. XIFFLIX AM) r-ATTEKSON MARKETS Corrected weekly by the Milfiiu and Patter son Board of Commerce. MirrLiHTOw. Feb. 4, 1874. nimcrrtxe Putter, prime rll. ...... ...... 30 Iard. ...,... 8 Tallo 8 . Kpgs, per doz SO Vinegar, per qt.. 10 roaa. Hams, lb 12 Shoulders Sides 7 vaxiiTins. Lake Herring . ; 4 50 Unions 00 Beeswax, per ib...... ..' 25 . Soap, dry. ......... .......... 8 Candles ' ' 12 Wool, washed 65 Rags S SSTAILKD ABTtCLSS. Oal Oil, r-r gall 40 Salt per sack 225 . OR 4 IK WD SEKDS. Corrected weealy . by D. P. Sulonff Co Wheat, Fnltz and Lancaster Red $1 58 " Red . 155' Corn, old......... . 60 new ..;..Vr.. 65 Oats..............: 40 Barley " Cloverseed.. 4 75. Timothy seed 2 611 Maxseed 1 75 Potatoes 60 J. & II- A- MamhaHsrn's Prices Current, Corrected Wet-Llv, Feb. 4, Prime Roll Putter an.r pound......' 80 . Eggs, per dozen. ............... . SO - Dried Apples per pound 6 Tallow " 8 tard, . J ." 8 Chickens, live -' 8 Bacon, ' " .. Shoulder, " 10 Ham, " J B. LOU DO .V, MERCHANT TAILOR, in room in rear of Crystal Palace Building, on Water Street, Mifflintown, Pa., FASHIONABLE GOODS always on band. CUSTOM WORK DOXK on the shortest notice. GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern. PERSONS buying goods can hue them ent in garments free of charge. BVTTERICVS PJTTERSS also for sale. ' ' ALL WORK WARR15TED. PRICES LOW. Oct 22, 187S-tf - A fine assortment of cloths, cassimerea, resting, &c alwrrs on hand and for sale hy O. J. LAJVWIX. Ji'EW .1DYER HEAD in Bridge THIRD ARRIVAL Of New Goods this Season ! GREAT REDUCTION" I.Y PRICES! 10 PER CENT. CHEAP FR TH.1JV EVER ? Water Proof Cloth at 88 cte per yard. Velveteen at Gc, 90c, and $1.00 per yard. o Colored Blankets at $1.33 end $1.75 a piect. While Blanket at $2.25 an TxVIiLE LISTEjST As Low as SCe per yard. IMITATION BUCK GLOVES! AT SIXTY CENTS. RfSrECTFCLLY YoCKS, &C, EJ1IL SCHOTT. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. We have opened out ia Jacob Thomas' parlor, one door north of the J uniata Hotel, the largest and best stock of BOOTS MD SH0E8, LADIES', MISSES' AND CniLDRENS GAITERS, ever brought to the county. We buy our stock from Manufacturers and in large lots. Wt pay tatk and expect to aell for mi, which will enable ns to offer GOODS At Prices far Below the Average. TTORK Mine TO ORDER. This branch of the business will be su perintended by A. B. FASICK, one of the best practical mechanics in the county. AU kinds of repairing done. JILL TVORK WJRRJSTED. CORNELIUS UARTLEY. July 2, 1873-tf P. SCLOUFF & CO, FORWARD AJiD C0XMISSI03 MERCHANTS, DEALERS IX GRAIN, LUMBER, .. COAL, . PLASTER, ' ! ' ! . . ' i ' S SALT ; C E 1 E K T, CALCINED PLASTEB RESUMPTION. JOHN DIEITL hereby announces to his .old customers and the public generally, that be baa again resumed business at his old stand, oa ' - ' . TTatcr Street, IHltTHntovrn, Where he will manufacture in a satisfactory a.auner, i Harness, Light and Heavy, to . Suit All Jlorst Collar, Riding Saddle, Wagon Saddles, Brtdlet of all Atnua, Plow Line, in fact everything . . ta Hi Line. REPAIRING neatly and expeditiously executed. Call and inquire before going elsewhere. JOHN DIEHL, On Water Street, a few doors .North of the Crvstal Palace Building. ' " Nov 12, lf7S-6m ' EW TAILOR SUOP. The undersigned would respectfully in fo rui tbe puJic that he has opened a TAILOR SHOP at bis residence, on Bridge street, in the Parker Mansion, and is now prepared to do CUSTOM WORK at short notice and ia tbe moat durable and r.shionjble manner. II. intends ta nnt ont none bnt rood work and uks a share of the public patronage. WILLIAM WISE, TlSEMd.YTS. QUARTERS Street. GOODS SOLD AT PANIC PRICES! (BARGAINS fur EVERYBODY CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! IS TUE CRT ! P BICES TO SUIT T EE TIMES MOTTO : (" Quick Sales and Small Profits !" LARGE SINGLE SHAWLS Sold as low as $1.50. Shawls of Every Description Sold at a Sacrifice. Four Border Handkerchiefs FOR 25 VESTS. Buving my Goods fur Cash enable me to make these Great Redactions. GB&INt LUMBER, &C. THE undersigned, having completed his new Warehouse in Perrysville, would respectfully invito tbe attention f the farmers of " the county to the fact that he is at all times PAYING THE IIIGIIEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF CiliAIX, SliEDS, Ac, A Having introduced new facilities for hoist ing, weighing, 4c., we are now prepared to unload with the least possible trouble. Bark, Bailroai Ties, Locust Posts, ani all Saleable Country Produce will be bought at all times, either for CASH OK IX EXCHANGE FOR SIER CUAMJlsE. HAVE FOR SALE COAL, LTJMBEE, FISH, SALT, which will be sold to suit purchasers, either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, and at tbe lowest rates ruling. At my Store in Tnrbctt township may be found aa complete an assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, Queensware, Hardware, &o., all of which will be sold as low, if uot a little lower than elsewhere- NOAH IIERTZLER. r-ec. 10, 1873-tf CLAttE WRIGHT'S TINWARE AND SIIEET IRON STORE. Main Street, Patterson. Here, compete assortment of TIN ASD SHEET IRON WAHE may constant'; be found to suit customers, and are oflered at a BARGAIN. C7"KEPAIRING neatly and expeditious ly executed. ' Itoolliiig' and Sponting of the BEST MATERIAL, made to order on short notice. THE PUBLIC Are also hereby informed that I regularly. eery week, run a ear to and Irnm Phila delphia, fuf to the city on Tuesday and reluntins; to Patterson on Thursday. Per sons purchasing roots in I'hiUdelbia. e-n have them broupbi promptly here by order ing tbem to l2t Market lOreet, in care of Cuuk Wrurht's Market Car. 1 also inite ihe attention of those who skip produce to tbe eat, to the labilities oifered, and earn estly solicit their patronage. CLAuK WRWHT. Dec. 21, 1873. aF NIATA VALLEY BANK. Pomeroy, Patterson, Jacobs & Co. wirrLTSTows, juhiata oocstt, ra. CAPITAL, $110, OOO. JO?EPH POMEROY, President. T. VAX 1RVIX, Cashier. Bra koto as : Joseph Pomeror, - 1 John Balshaeh, Jerome X- Thompson, H. H. Beehtel, John J. Patterson, - I S. Frank Eagle. George Jacobs, L'ntttd Stair Stauitut, Bonds, ' $e., bought and sld Sevrn-thirtui exchanged for Ftvt-twtnlitt at market rates. United States coupons paid. : Gold ersrf Sibtr boncht at highestt rates Dtpotit reetirtJ, colUctiont made, draft o the frneipal cititt, and a gtntral banking ewhuat trantaettd. I Bonds and otbwr valuable papers received j oa special aepostk poea-7-n MISCELLANEOUS . SEEilO J. & II. A. STAMBAUGH HAVE BEM0VED THEIR IMMENSE STOCK OF MERCHANDISE TO THE NEW ROOMS OF D. P. SULOUFF ifc CO. and C. B. BAUTLEY. OXBRIDGE street. GREAT REDUCTION" BOOTS & SHOES, . IF TOU WANT ANYTHING THAT CAN BE PURCHASED AT A BOOT & SHOE STORE AND THAT CAN L'E HAD At the Lowest Prices TO INSURE A Good Article, Call at the LOOT and SHOE STORE of J. W. DEAN, Bridge Street, Patterson, Penn'a. HE CnEERFUIiliX I.WITES I?iSPECTIO. Repairing Promptly 1 I tended to. NEW CASH STORE . AT LOCUST GROYE, One and a half miles THE subcriber would most respectfully nVorm the public that he has js nrien.a a Store at the above place, where he is preprvred tosupply all who may favor him with their patronage with the Ut&tand most select asortint-nt of DRY GOODS, Vi RVtttIE3. QTTEX WAEK, WOOD A3D WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTiIS, BOOTS SU'.'tS. Aiso, ith a lull supply of HOME-MADE GOODS, YARNS, &C., AU of which Jie offers to sell or exchwe for country pioduce at THIS VERY T.OAVTlST PRICES. Much lower, in fact, than poods have been He will psy the highest market price for either in cash or goods. locust Grore, Aug. 8, 1873-tf. D.W.Hariey&Cos Is tbe place where you can buj THE BEST AM THE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTIHXG IUTS, C.iPS. BOOl'S, SHOES, ASD TCRSISlliyG COOD&. WE are prepand to exhibit one of the most choice and select stocks crer offered is this market, and at JST0X1S1I1.GLY LOW PRICES I Also, measures taken for suits and at short notice, Tery reasonable. Remember the place, in Hoffman's Water s'reets, MIFFLIXTOWX, PA. WflU JU W tM ftWU -n- .t.ta tm a.MM A just atrp into SAMUEL STRATEK'S CLOTHING STOKE. Bridge street, Patterson' i s., aud he will Having jnst returned from Philadelphia and New Tork, he ran supply you with the Latest aud Choicest S ty lea t f CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, Costs, Pants, Vests, TTaU, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Watches and Jewelry, Notions. Fur nishing Goods in endless Tri-ty, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloih, Fnrniture, tie., chesper than the cheapest, tor the same quality ot good. Cali in and be convinced. Measures Taken and Suits .Made to Order. Patterson, May 15, 1873 SaMCEL STRATER. Iiuttines Card. jEiY DRl'tt STORE. BANKS & HAMLIN, (Old Tost-Office Buiiding.) Main btreet. M Ifflintewa, Pa. DEALEK.7 IX DRUGS AXD MEDICIXES. CHEMICALS, lVE STUFF, PAINTS 01LS, AKMSllES.HLASS.rUTTs, COAL OIL, LAMPS, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, B R U S II K S, HA IK BKPSI1E5, TOOl H hKUSHKS, PER- fumerv. combs, soaps. hair oil, tobac co, cigars, XOTIOXS, STATION' EkY LARGE VARIEET OF PATENT MEDICINES, Selerted with great car, and warranted jrom hich authorirv. 117-Puresi of WIXES AXD LIQUORS for medii-al purpses. Cy-PKESJKIPTIOXS cmjjounded with great care. (Juue22-U JOLIS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MIFFLIXTOWX, PA. Uncollecting and Conveyaocing prompt ly attended to. Orricc On Bridge street, opposite the Court House Square. A large assortment of Qtieenaware, China ware. Glassware. Crockery ware, . Cedar- ware, etc, lor sale ehi-ap hv J. AH. A. STAMBAUGFT. La-ge stock of Dry Goods at J. It H. A Etaabfb,'s, Crystal Palace, .1DVERTISEME.V1S. VAL I IN THE PRICES OF HATS & CAPS. MILFORD TWP., south.west of Patterson. sold within tbe eonnty for many years. Locuat Tosts, Baiiroai Ties and Wood, A. J. 1IEUTZJLER. parts of suits, which will be made to order Nc Building, corner of Bridge and may 8, lUli-tl e. mmj .aawAm am. HUW iU WJWW Hw tell jou all about it. Xrw Adrrtisrmmt!. Manhood: HowLostH3W Eestored Just PS'Ls:c, a Setiei Envelope. I'rice Six Cntt. Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Raoieal Cured Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal tveakness, Involinitary Emissions. Fexnal Debuity, and Impidiments to Marriage gn- erjliT; JS -rvUMies. CB.unpll-n. lei. v and riu; Menul and rhtsical Inra pat'ity, resul:ing Irom Sell-Abuse, etc. By KUBhKT J.l tl.VaKWt'U, - 1. Au thor ot the -i.-een tJook," Jlc. Tbe workl.renowned author, in this ad miratile Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequen ces ol 6e!f.Abuse may be t-nectuailv rumor ed without inediciue.i, and without daneer ous surkicai tiperatious, bougies, instro menta, rings or cordials, pointing out a nude of cure at once certain aud elleclu .1 by wliii h rSiry autferer, no matter what his comtmon m ty be, may cure himself cheap! v, I rivaiely und radicaiS . 1 his Lecture will prove a tx"n to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, to any nd lress, in a plain envelope, on ihe receipt of two post age stamps. A Idress the PuhlisheiS, CUAS. J. C. K.L1NE . CO. 1U7 Bowery, New York, Post-Oice Box 4688. Jan. 21, 187i-ly. THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D., PhyBician and Surgeon, MltFLlSTOWtf, rj. Office bonrs from 9 a. a. to 8 p. . Of. flee in his lather's residence, at the snnth end of Water street. oct22-ti Large stock of Readr-made Clothing for sale by HARLEY Sc CO. JVisctlloneonv. THE GREAT KKilEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by tho proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Long complaints, and is oflered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a 6peedy cure in the most severo cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, Sec. Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with rno&t preparations, but it loosens and cleanses tho lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. rniriBFD bt EETH W. rOU LE & BOSS, Eostaa, ITaa And asm by DrccisU and Dmwi generally. EV FURNITURE STORE, The undersigned would inform the public" that he has opened a FIRMTURE STORE In the oorough at Pjttersoa, where he has for sale K1LB0URX & GATES' BEDROOM SETS, Walnut Bedroom Sets, ALL STl'LES OF BEDSTEADS, Sofas, Lounges, Extension Table?, MARBLE TOP BUREAUS, HtRHLE TOP ST.4XDS, Sofa, Caue-icat and Common Chairs, Wash Mands, Also, a Large Lot of Carpets. As I run a car to PinaJolphia weekly I am prepared to fill ail orders for furniture, carpets, Jtc, in person. F. F. E0HM. Oct 22, 18T?-tf PJXW BOOK. & SHOE STORE MAIX STREET, MIFFLLXTOWX, X early opposite Doty, Parker It Co.'a Baaic. The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to the public that he baa removed his Boot and Shoe Store to the building oa Main street, nearly opposite Doty, Parker II Co.'s Hank, where hu keeps en hand a large and well selected stock ef KEADT-MADE WORK, for MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. He is also prepared to manufacture, of the best material, all kiais of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS for gents, ladies and children. all woac wataaXTio. Give me a call, for 1 feel confident that I can I urn it h ycu with any kind of work yon mar d-sire. CT'Kepairing done neatly and at reason able ra'.ea. June 8, 187 JOUX NORTH. GREAT REDUCTION IX THE FIIICES OF TKIiTM! Full Upper r Lower Stts as Low as $5 Ko teeth allowed to leave the office un less the patient is satisSed. I eeth ri-morteien and Teeth filled to last for life. Dnal wo-k done Iit persons withoat them leaving tlic.r liomrs, if drsired. Too'hnche stopr-d ra five minutes with out extracting the tooth, at th Rental Of- 6e of ti. L. Dlkb, establ'shed in MitU.n- tiiwa in 160. O. L. DF.RTt, Jan 24. 1S73 Praciical Dentist. H. C. ORTII, S10 MARKET STREET. HAltRXSIirnG, PA., liEALER IN plAX03 . 1ABIXT QRGAXS, And all kind of Vaslcal ImtrniueBts. SHEET ITJSIC. This house buys for cash ; never gave a note, and is, there fore, enabled to offer induce ments to its patron3. Employs no agents, and gives all agents commissions to its customer direct. CIRCULARS SENT FREE. sp 6, 1873-ly. LFHEDJ. PATTERSON, ATTOENEY-AT-LAW, MIFFLIXTOWX. JCXIATA CO., PA. All buiness promptly attended to. Or rice With Jeremiah Lyons, Esq. fOB PRIXTIXG Or EVERT HXD dowe at this oflSce.